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Reverse Rape (female-to-male rape)
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>she keeps your head hard pressed against her pussy
>you want it to be done
>you can only hope she releases you once she’s soon settled
>she releases you finally
>you gasp for air again
>breathing heavily
>she caresses your head
>”Oh my sweet sweet boy”
>”You did sooooooo good”
>”Oh I'm so glad I finally showed you how I feel. Now we can just be together in peace”
>she was projecting how she felt onto you
>you hated her now but there is nothing you can do
>you’re so afraid she’ll slap you again or hurt you worse

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This is so damm good, please keep these up. Loving it so far Banter
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android 18 has her way with trunks because he is gay and in love with goten!
Its always good when women take charge in hentai. Rare, but good.
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Hell yeah more would be great!

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A normalized harem is better when the girls are okay with their role. I understand that there is very little such content.
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Whats happening there
did you not see the uncropped pic below
its nighttime in the pic, theyre just exhausted from a long day of catching pokemon
That's a lot

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DLsite knelt down to credit card companies and now they are removing 3DCG works
DLsite also chose to delete works to preserve credit card channels, and all mainstream hentai websites in Japan were spared.
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Hindsight is always 20/20, this sort of shit has never happened before.
Credit card, banking, etc. companies had simply been looking for any possible way to get more customers, to make more money.
Not to lose customers and dent their reliability for the sake of some insane agenda.

And what's the end-user gonna do? I don't even need a credit card but it's impossible to live without a bank account and a debit card. In my country there haven't been any options besides visa in the last ~40 years.

It's not christians, it's feminists. Feminism is the root of all evil.
obvious deflection without any proof is obvious bullshit
Christians always wanting to return us to medieval theocracies and conquer and censor everything that displeases them.
And they call ISLAM a religion of murder.
Gottum again

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How much H hoarding is too much?
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It's not a problem for me, I can stop any time I want to.

And on most days, I even stop multiple times
Appreciate it. Anything with more recent titles? I'm more trying to stay up to date than anything else.
I remember an anon had separate USB drives of exclusively just hentai
There's no such thing as too much when it comes to hentai
yeeeeeeah.. that might be a bit much

And other form of non penetrative act that involve rubbing genitals (with or without clothes).
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Looking for good quality doggystyle content.
Straight only, solo okay as long as doggy pos.
Bent over, pronebone also okay.
Kind of ass general as well.

A tier and up, I'll dump some favs
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ironic that it debut on July instead of October
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Lilith over Morgan

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Wouldn't it be funny if this thread lasted a year?

Here you go. 3 MILFs and a daughter.
Ok, the way he teases her with his leg is hot as fuck and now I need more doujin where that happens.
Why is it so hard to find hentai that has adult women sounding like adult women and enjoying it?
Let me rephrase. Why can't I find an animation that was similar to hitozuma ep 6?

There was some intimacy, the feeling of taboo, and an adult woman moaning in pleasure. So why isn't there more of that!?
My only guess is that what is out on the internet is actually not the good stuff he could be getting.
One of the best milfs ever.

Post and Discuss all things Yoko Taro characters. Pictures involving sex prioritized, sexy and/or artistic pictures to a much lesser degree.
A wise man once said: “Due to the 2B butt controversy, many outrageous drawings are being made. Collecting them to share individually is a pain. It would be great if we can group them together to make it easier to distribute them every week.” -Yoko Taro
Lets make that compilation brothers and sisters.
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need 2B ass wobbling in my face
I volunteer
It might be too much anon

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Looks like Liquid is making Sei Dorei Gakuen 3, as well as rereleasing Sei Dorei Gakuen 2, with additional content.

Sei Dorei Gakuen 3: http://liquid.nexton-net.jp/liq42/
Sei Dorei Gakuen 2: Complete Training Edition: http://liquid.nexton-net.jp/liq43/
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Honestly the only way it could go darker is if it involves forced incest and/or violence. Like a normal schoolboy forced to train his own family, and/or the girls going under extreme bondage training. Things like scat, electric shock, being branded with hot iron.
There should be whores that get returned broken and busted from being used and you have to rehabilitate them to get them back on the market
Or something like that

I dunno, they already did a plot where they had to give up their baby. That's about as dark as human trafficking gets unless. I'm assuming you don't want the sex scenes to go full Tinkerbell or something with the torture.

I guess you could also just do full on gaslighting and bullying in order to break them. Like the real drama kind, not the erotic kind. That's pretty dark but that's not really related to the human trafficking aspect.
I hope they give birth and then you do the same thing to their daughters 17 years later
Honestly, grooming a girl from cradle to the graduation would make for an interesting game. Start when she is a loli and end with her first oyakodon.

Nagatoro hentai
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Doujin artists almost never actually read manga or make adaptations of manga-only content. It sucks
Post best girl Yoshi.
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Its just that is infuriating the missed potential of this scene for anything, not just doujin but mere drawings (There are barely any of these, and some are just NSFW edits)
774 is one of the OG modern master in the H-doujin space. My theory has always been that, because all of the more popular H-doujin artist know and look up to him, they didn't want to pervert his non-H work.

A few years ago i lost my job and decided to fully commit to drawing degenerate porn online.

I have enough talent to gain a decent following and even made more than minimum wage at some point but after having to switch platforms i now make pretty much half of what i used to and feel like im stuck drawing for gooners when i'm having no fun.

How did other artist rekindled their passion for this or switched careers? (Art on the post ain't mine)
take a break
if you keep pushing you'll burn out completely

do something else for work for a bit and if you have the passion again you can return
sir, this is strictly a consoomer board
Try to find other hobbies, take a break if you can sometimes. Then if you feel like it go back to drawing again. Burning out is just normal anyways when you do stuff repeteadly.
As someone who makes degenerate stuff as well, the other anons are spot on. Burn out is super fucking real, take breaks, dedicate a certain amount of time to your craft and the other relaxing and doing something else. It slows down your production, but good god does it keep you sane.

Also if you prioritize Dat Azz your art is sure to do wonders.

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Tall women get dominated by guys shorter than them

Pic is
My First Friend by Etuzan Jakusui
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No, I do not want to see boy cutting shrubs, I want to see real Men, going full lumberjack and cut down the tallest trees there is.
And yes, you can count Astolfo and Venti as men
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Soto de Shiyou! Futari no Himitsu (Live!)

I'm surprised no one's posted any Jairou yet.
shota porn is not allowed here sir
He's not a shota, he's a 1000 year old dragon boy.

==For years, these were though to be lost media.==
A little story:
>In the uncensored version of the anime, all the sexual scenes involving the little ninja guy, Nin-nin, were deleted for some retarded reason, (apparently back then censors thought that any short character could be considered underage) and people thought for years that these scene were lost forever.
>Alongside these, there's also a bonus scene that wasn't even present in the original Japanese version, where Miko Mido gets teleported to a classroom where a bunch of punks molest her, right before teleported to the S&M club for the dominatrix scene.
It would be cool if someone with the right skills could put these forgotten scenes back in and make an uncut version of the hentai anime.
Unfortunately, the classroom scene is lower in resolution, only 320x240, so if someone has the right AI upscale software, it would be better to first upscale this one to 640x480 to match the rest of the anime before putting it back in.
Also, all these scenes, since they never left Japan, are sadly still censored, i have no idea if a drawfag with the right skills could also edit the censored frames so that the final release could be uncut AND uncensored.

There you go:
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Could someone give a nutshel sized translation of this pic?
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And this concerning the blue haired Milf and the grey skinned deman and what's their relation to Miko Mido?
>the blue haired Milf and the grey skinned demon
>what's their relation to Miko Mido?
They are Miko's parents.
Her human mother and demon father.
It's understandable why she'd memory-hole her own father.

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