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Discuss all forms of femdom themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games,

pic is from [Uba Yoshiyuki] Harem Cult side CULT
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It was just the one scene, but last year on /a/ the OP of a thread posted a webm of some villainness, who has a dude under mind control licking her feet. Meanwhile some other chick (who presumably has a crush on the dude) watches in shock. I think the evil chick had purple hair but I'm not sure. Does this sound like any 2023 anime? It wasn't hentai btw but should be right up this alley.
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Since the thread got purged from what happened a few days ago, here it is again. There was a livestream on twitch a few hours ago where they revealed the names (under pseudonyms) of the VAs for Suzuna, Tomomi, Sayaka and ail. Their main page also updated with samples of some of the voice work. Their second crowdfunding campaign is still ongoing.
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The VAs in the original game were never credited, so the only way to know is to listen to the audio and do a direct comparison.
Any updates? Did they reach another milestone?
Not yet, they’re about 400k away from the next stretch goal. I figured this would happen so close to the end of the previous campaign, they hit the first goal and then just stalled for a couple weeks. With only about 2 weeks to go I don’t think they’ll hit all their goals.
Could be, maybe they should've waited a time before launching another CF

Street Chika edition

>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX 21
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R11
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

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not today satan
>tfw not Anna's boy character
how do I add a nice sweaty looking effect to butts? I'm talking slightly shiny to give that dewy look.
Clarrise's mom
That one laggen card that sucks dick.
Any blonde woman from bubba
Julia's daughter in front of Julia
Shiz's mom in front of Shiz.
Brook harper
>wasnt on the list again

Thread to discuss upscales, mainly with ESRGAN as that is the best tool for the job.
All my upscales can be found here:
(Currently down), use Telegram for now: https://t.me/HentaiUpscales
It shows everything that I've upscaled, whether it contains subs, how many episodes, links to download from, image previews, upscale status and changelog.
All preview images are just run through mozjpeg at quality 90 which is nearly identical to original. The original PNG preview images are on telegram.

Torrent version:
(Currently down)
Keep in mind that torrent is an afterthought, downloading is easier with Telegram.

ESRGAN can either be used through my setup which makes it insanely easy for the average user:
(Currently down)
Or it can be downloaded from the official github:
Though using the github version means you'll have to mess with CMD and manually process each episode.

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it's interpolation in the mathematical sense, adding new data points in between existing data points
I didn't read your post correctly, fuck you for making it confusing, flipping the words lol.
I thought you were saying interpolating is upscaling.
Yeah, upscaling can technically be interpolation, but interpolation can't be upscaling.
But it would be idiotic to call upscaling for interpolation.
Not sure if you can please include Bubble de House de Marumarumaru in time with this batch since it was so great. Thanks for all the hard work.
If SakuraCircle translates it before I finish everything, sure, I'll include it.
Though SakuraCircle has been slacking as of late.
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New batch and fixed/upgraded versions of older stuff is now being uploaded to Telegram. Hopefully won't take too long.
Sorry for the long wait with this batch.

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Images preferably of the butthole, rimming/licking/eaten all acceptable.
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The skin is the same as on the lips
pussies are complex organs and men often struggle to even find the vagina when it's their first time
the asshole is just right there, a nice and simple hole, as if you were meant to go for it
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There's a thread for this on /e/ >>>/e/2894728
fucking a girl's ass takes time, preparation, and often willingness to endure discomfort on her part. it can be about power but for me it's about trust. i think it's really hot that a girl could be so into you as to let you do that.

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Let's fucking goo boys! The most Peak eak doujin finally here! Imma post my fave page as I read this
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Literally the best doujin artist out there, no competition
>had lewd fantasies of him when he was a shota
Not only is that insanely hot(and was kind of hinted), but makes me imagine a time travel setting where both go back to that time´s bodies and decide to go at it during that change
Queen Bee you mean?
Is the OP a Chink? There are only Chinks posting in the comment section of this mediocre artist and over 50 of them posted within the first two minutes of the latest upload. And who else besides Chinks is fucked enough in the head to post every page instead of copy pasting the URL to Exhentai.
queen bee is the second best option after lunesoft studios

Fuck your God (and her friends)!
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Haruhi is so adorable ;3
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Links to him
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Man, I gotta start looking at more of this guy's stuff. He's got some wild looking sex scenes, just how I like 'em
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any other artists out there that are similar to this dude? Either in art style or more specifically in this taboo type of work

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Who draws the best MILFs and why is it Maron Maron?
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Dude still tweets and shit so it's not like he's dead or something. Probably just burned out and on hiatus for a while.
He got big into Netorare for a period which was disappointing. He was a go-to for incest stories for a while
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Yokkora was at one point my favorite artist, but it seems like they've more or less retired from porn. Last things I saw from them were some fairly tame Idolmaster art, then nothing.

But got damn, I think he put me onto Venus-type milfs.
These days I'd say Announ's another one I'm quiet fond of, and TawaraH was doing great things too. Then they started drawing NTR and "Slut world" stories and now I'm pretty apathetic towards them.
Did he? From what I recall, the only netorare angle were the fathers/husbands the women had out of the picture, such as the protag's faceless uncle in Sweet Days, and that's why it technically got the tag. Did he start doing actual cuck POV stuff?
where to find artists? I guess pixiv and nhentai right?

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Previous Thread: >>8167383

Discuss all forms of NTR themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc.

Guide & definitions: https://0.0g.gg/?bedca3ad8a4a1172#A5z1AGQ2oXhT7mqYPJw7WzSjRGTsqz9AQM6a3iDrY3St
OVA recommendations: https://0.0g.gg/?446cfca32ab56eb4#GQE5Hak9CNfDMYuEbDvVZc69jSADoNso5pgt6kSxa3bP
Smut recommendations: https://0.0g.gg/?c309281c91d381b8#3zBp9sCFVKunFVdznViTmBhddWqmiWcBDs9QU1uvtWov
RPG Games List: https://0.0g.gg/?ad1c22e289965ec9#stkeZnFja8tTsPpKtNR7U8m8dRY9CR879NJinrjYdVn
Translated Visual Novels List: https://0.0g.gg/?75a3e0947ee7b1c4#JyQQrYuexGkvW8ffLLJqTSLBktXDW48JquFNUuTEQ8r
Untranslated Visual Novels List: https://0.0g.gg/?4e51920cbbe437c4#8VZG1MwUf7mWbC5QQsE6gpVT1EmXyLi4R4pzDesm8m94
Game Devs List: https://0.0g.gg/?f7796007c13bf01e#HsyXuCEemKX2ah1iePzKubTaHTdKQnmMBDgGuxCCQP9t
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I don't remember exactly but I think the revelation is when the wife calls her daughter's real daddy while the husband is busy fucking the girl next door.
>One day, Mizuki happened to stop by a massage parlor that turned out to be a shady one that used aphrodisiacs.
>After being given an aphrodisiac and receiving an oil massage, she was caressed so much that she squirted violently.
>She returned home that day, but was unable to forget the pleasure she felt and returned to the massage parlor again.
>Mizuki, who instinctively sought a massage, crossed the line and became mired in the swamp of massage...
>Are there translators who take commissions?
Probably. But you're also asking someone to devote about an entire year of their life to TL something, and that is going to cost a lot. That's not even factoring in that those sorts of things expose people to C&Ds, unlike the old fashioned "TL'd for free out of their own time and passion for something" method.

Only way I could see the game getting TL'd by another source is if it was done by someone who managed to buy up the script from the TL of the first game and then published that, and then worked on the sequel script and released that as well.
>Matsuki and Kaho (the heroine) are an innocent couple who are busy studying for the entrance exams to enter the same university.
>Matsuki had planned to go to the same cram school, but Kaho's family financial situation led her to ask a university student (Kuga) who is an acquaintance of her father to be her tutor.
>Despite the low wages, Kuga gives gentle and careful lessons, and Kaho's grades improve steadily. However, on the condition that he will continue to tutor her, Kaho is asked to have a physical relationship.
>Kuga, who really wants to make Kaho his woman, dotes on her passionately but gently. Unlike the innocent sexual encounters with her boyfriend, Kaho is immersed in the sweet and intense sex of an adult..
>Protagonist gets NTR'd while another girl is beside him and teasing him about it.

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Mikussy Edition

Previous Thread: >>8194294


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge


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ahh ahh sexy mistress
How is 4th tail good again exactly? This the most finicky and inconsistent checkpoint i've tried. Am I just using it wrong?
Skill issue
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I want to create my own hentai/pornwha series, and would like an easy to use AI that I can use to make consistent characters and do panels.

I am a fan of harems with FFM threesomes and find that it is criminally undeserved or mistagged on most sites or loaded with horrible crap I don't want in there like FUTA or SHOTA.

Is there a program where I can build unique characters, pose them, etc?
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Spent all day in novelAI. Made some decent stuff. I could make something with one "character" with a decent amount of consistency but adding a 2nd one in is where it got unmanageable. Even within one image, delineating which characteristics go to each character seemed impossible. Followed the tutorials but they seemed to be bullshit.
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So I started looking into it more, and the solutions I was excited for all came with major drawbacks.
>Either it was great for 3D modeling but insane to learn and no character creator
>Has a character creator but no nudity
>Has character creator with nudity but no options for male characters.
>Is stable defusion and unrestricted but can't produce consistent characters and only allows Text prompts that aren't specific.
>Has cool features but requires high threshold of draw skill.
>has 3D models and will let me pose with nudity but swlection is stupid limited.

It really feels like it's a missed opportunity to not have a program that let's you 3D model what you want with a character creator, take a 2D pic, run filters and effects over it, then allow you to arrange panels for a page.
Make charge money for the 18+ asset pack to solve the "think of the children" faggots.

Closest I found is a nonexistent scam AI called KuruKuru that is now shortbreadAI that seems to have been a scam from day 1 anyways and didn't allow hentai anyways.
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AI is absolutely nowhere near being able to effectively render 3 (or more) characters, an environment around them, and the exact sexual positions you want exactly as you envision them, let alone do it consistently enough for it to even look like the same characters in the same place each time. It'll be decades, if ever, before it could possibly be able to replicate a doujin like you posted. You could probably just learn to draw yourself sooner than AI will reach the point you're asking for, if you actually worked hard at it.

But hey I don't want to just shit on your dreams, so how about a suggestion. Instead of looking for a way to automate the art, why don't you just skip the art altogether? Have you ever actually tried writing some erotic literature? The very doujin you posted has been remade as a light novel you know. Maybe you should try just getting the basics of writing down first, and if you enjoy it and think other people would enjoy it too, then move forward from there.
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Actually I agree.
The hype of AI is overblown, and the only thing is does well is surveillance/Scanning for information via sophisticated sorting algorithms, single use memes, and basic tasks.

The conclusion I've come to is that I will need some to use 3D models, Screen cap, then filters to get a desired result that is what I am aiming for.
Seems like a major missed opportunity that a company hasn't made some sort of software that can do this then allow easy paneling and editing and not try and censor what people create, but maybe it's harder than I think it is.

There was a manga creator on steam that was $2 I'll give a try, uses 3D models but nudity doesn't seem to be allowed and it is unstable.
I'm thinking it's worth playing with and seeing if I can export stuff out into other programs.

What ever work around I do now I've come to terms with it having to be cross program to get the desired results
Just tried KumaKuma Manda editor.
It frustrates me because it's one of those "so close, but so far" type deals.
>Has the general idea of what is wanted right
>But it is absolute dog shit
>Mandatory tutorial that breaks half way in
>Doesn't function how it claims
I'd put up with all this if the character creation was on point and unrestricted. However this is not the case.
>No nudity options
>Very limited character creation. Only 4 character types (woman, girl, male, and elder)
>Each character only has 4 editable fields and you can only choose between 6 haircuts, less than 20 outfits and rather than letting you adjust the colors they make many of the color variations of an outfits a full on selection.
Posing was rough, however it was in the general direction of what I wanted and I blame it more on me for not applying myself.

I wouldn't reccomend it for anything other than a kid using it as a hobbiest toy for creating fan fic.

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Previous >>8143439
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tight ass
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artist: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/26119693
Dude dropped this set like a larp on a new account, little cringe but i hope he does more
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