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The thief, Night Charger. Lone wolf with an athletic body. Aloof, but unafraid to speak her mind, or stand her ground.
The gang leader, Bad Lotion. Petite body, big attitude. Ex-prostitute, resident cheeky bitch. Alternates between bored indifference and making fun of people.
The mafia boss, Madam Venom. Elegant predator. Speaks politely, but acts like everyone else is either pawn, prey, or toy. Has diva tendencies.

Three villains incarcerated in the Asylum, the rehabilitation center for criminals with dangerous powers.
They're sharing the same fate, but they're not buddies. Bad Lotion and Madam Venom have met, and butted heads before. The lady would have preferred that they ignore each other, given that she isn't too proud of her current situation, but Bad Lotion had to rub her downfall all over her face, so the war is on. Night Charger doesn't care about the other two, but she gets dragged into the dispute when Madam Venom recognizes her. Turns out that the young woman had been stealing in mafia territory for a while, and given that she burgled Bad Lotion's brothels too, the mafia boss and the gang leader have beef with her.

Bad Lotion's way of starting shit up is upfront and aggressive, contrary to Madam Venom's, who snipes with precision guided comments or stealthy roundabout insults. None of those ever fly under Bad Lotion's radar because, despite being vulgar and uneducated, the ex-prostitute is actually really far from being stupid. Hence, retaliation ensues with a deluge of insults and threats. Night Charger usually keeps to herself, so if nobody has pulled her in first, she stays out of fights. Unless the noise gets too annoying for her, if that ever happens, she jumps into the fray.

Even though they bicker all the time, those three villainesses won't hesitate to set their problems aside as soon as they see a good opportunity to take revenge on the director of the Asylum.



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Post the non-loli samples here, if you want to. I don't have a DMM account, so i can't access that specific fanza page.

1/ Because we don't know for sure.
2/ Some anons like vanilla.
3/ Butcha's art is art.
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Butcha's been playing The First Descendant and he's liking the girls/costumes. Should we expect some works based on it?
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Probably a pic and nothing more. Butcha liked Stellar Blade and Baldur's Gate 3 too, but ...
I'd say we have a better chance of getting more stuff in the future due to it being an online service, while Stellar Blade was a single player game you did once. Dude apparently bought the $50-$100 USD skin pack just to see Bunny's ass, based on what he says in a tweet.
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In the future maybe, but probably not. When Butcha is piggybacking of game franchises, he chooses those with old legacies. Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Metroid, Soul Calibur, Danganronpa. Aside from the last, most of them goes back to the nineties. Our guy isn't that much of a novelty Andy.

>Dude apparently bought the $50-$100 USD skin pack just to see Bunny's ass, based on what he says in a tweet.
Yea, he would do that, lmao.

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Kade killed WWA
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Shows every weekend, a show tonight, a PWE this weekend... how have I killed something that's alive and thriving?
And try and make your response amusing.
Titty bump
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Who are these girls?

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I would like another dedicated Asuka thread.
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Yes, you can check this artist's works. Also, she's a dirty little brat with daddy issues. She looks hot when she's fucked hard by thugs (black or not). I like seeing her being a failure and a living as a single mother like here >>8083323. Whoring herself out, trying to make a living off her pussy, ass and mouth.
I wanna be Shinji!

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So in the end, did (using pig latin to hide spoilers) ethay utecay ittlelay irlgay assedpay awayay? Asway ethay eamdray aay emonitionpray? Oray ustjay epresentingray ishay eightenedhay eelingsfay?

I was legit SHOOK, I just stared at the page and breathed heavily for a while.
She also had a dream about him leaving, so I think it was just to show how close they became/ fear of losing each other

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Previous iM@S Thread: >>7656785
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Hapiba Kanade
Ume's perfect body.
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>teleporting anus
This one is too good. Wonderful sense of intoxicating danger. Wish the sequels had English translations

Last one finished, time for the next one
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there's a patreon link in the corner
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I'm aware. But it's blurred to anyone who isn't a patron and their other socials are exclusively sfw. I'm going to guess it's either a leak or the anon commissioned that themselves.
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Why are they all tiny?
It's aesthetical.

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DLsite knelt down to credit card companies and now they are removing 3DCG works
DLsite also chose to delete works to preserve credit card channels, and all mainstream hentai websites in Japan were spared.
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Fantia just banned EU lol
The world needs an independent payment system that is powerful enough to hold their own strength and be ideologically opposed to the current elite one.
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How is Fakku evading this when they sell the same shit?

Is Daiz giving them free blowjobs?
I should have known LA or San Francisco would be involved.
I swear almost every terrible man made thing in the world has ties to those two cities.
and we're back

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A normalized harem is better when the girls are okay with their role. I understand that there is very little such content.
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That actually looks kinda nice and comfy; not just hot girls to enjoy, but good, chill company.
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Kyonyuu Fantasy is a pretty good harem VN. The first one branches out to multiple sequels featuring the aftermath of his rise to power and chronicles the way in which the MC interacts with his wives and concubines within his kingdom and his wives from other nations.
It's so fucking peak. Wonder when we'll get a second season
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In a perfect world we'd already have an S2 and the mango would update faster. Alas.

So I've been thinking of creating a hrpg game in near future.
But for now I wanna ask what are some things you will love to have in your dream hrpg game?
For me, it's the detailed pregnancy system of Violated Heroine game. That feature alone makes it a must play for me. So I would love to have that feature in my hgame.
So what are some things that will make a h-game must play for you?
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if i wasnt a retard and could figure out how to download, i would try the game out
something about not being able to post it on any website due to loli stuff just seems odd to me when the outside, looks like its not loli at all
A mercenary simulator where you save girls and can either sell them off to work in your mercenary watering hole, sleep with them to boost morale and stats or hand them over in hopes of getting to schmooze with the elites in each kingdom who has access to certain resources you need to win over local legends

Threats includes orcs, goblins, fishfolks, tentacle monsters, beastmen and the countless of creeps who had their fun with the women and now it's time to bring hell and fury to the creeps and either be a merc who lives in the moment or the classic hero of the kingdom who has his own harem
Hopefully you can figure out how to torrent, at least.
i am a retard but thankfully my friend isnt and told me a quick one
thank you anyways
This game is literally a waiting simulator with how little shit there is to do besides making number go up faster.
Even calling it the skeleton of a game is being generous with it.

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Looking for good quality doggystyle content.
Straight only, solo okay as long as doggy pos.
Bent over, pronebone also okay.
Kind of ass general as well.

A tier and up, I'll dump some favs
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artist: kurumaya / クルマヤ公道
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Fuck I love this

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Rules of the Thread, Please READ Them
1. Post art sample when "taking x requests".
2. Requests must satisfy general /h/ rules.
3. Be nice. If you want to critique art go to /ic/.
4. Only make requests for OCs you own.
5. Don't request characters that will result in a DMCA takedown.
6. Feel free to drop your blog/site/commission/etc info after delivering.
7. Don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
8. Ignore the shit posters.

Previous Thread: >>7430201

NTR Drawt/h/read: >>7555729
General Drawt/h/read: >>7563538
Edit Thread: >>7539861
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this is really great I love it!
I'm gonna work on something for you. Cute character and I love enf!

If you want an idea of what I can do (in terms of quality) my pixiv is Pet_of_Lilith
pretty cute

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I used garbro and got a pile of .dat files
Idk what to do now
>Idk what to do now
Throw it here too, maybe someone will take mantle
Any update? Please share the text file here if you can
Interesting art style.
I am a big fan of Cachamaru, I love how meaty and plump he draws his bitches, plus he has a huge focus on just doing mature women.

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Who remembers this nostalgia fap?
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>moved to 3DPD

What a shame.
On the one hand, good on them for getting to take on a profession with the skills they obviously had.

On the other hand, so long, rare animations.
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Not loading for me, servers issues again?
Clearly invite her to go with you to a fancy dinner hoping to convince her into mutually consensual hand holding afterwards. I fail to see any possible other reasonable implication.

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Anytime specific measurements are mentioned. Cup size, bust size, ass size, cock size, etc.

I'm not talking about adjectives like "big", "huge", "small", or "long". Cup letters, centimeters, inches.

Starting off with Koukou/Pure by Tanishi
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Paizuri ni 10-pun Taetara 100-man Yen!! by tenkomori
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Kill Hime no Iru Paizuri Fuuzoku by Bazooka Cat
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Pla・Pura by Tokiwa Midori
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12-gatsu Rakugaki Okiba by Terasu MC
"impressive" 17 centimeter penis. "above average", sure. "Impressive"? That's pushing it.
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Chichizuri by Atahuta

Lamy isn't an N-cup, she's an H last I heard. SO if you care about official sizes, steer clear of this artist, he likes to boost his girls.

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