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Old Thread: >>8289949

Fap Hero is hentai and rhythm based masturbation game that can be played for fun and challenge.

[How to play]
1: Watch a fap hero video
2: Stroke your dick one time each time a beat passes by on the beat bar
3: Do no pause the video, look away from the screen, or skip any beats
4: If you cum before the video says you can, you lose

Fap Hero videos can be found on most big porn sites, or downloaded from online communities (like this thread)
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I see Meliodas has posted something after his November break and he's supposed to release a new Paizuri Bliss before the end of the year. Does he say something about that or is he being a fraud again?
If you are open to requests, then me and a few anons in past threads have been drooling for something with more than just one cum round or cum point
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>on the first day of xmas anon gave to me~
Godspeed anon, hope you had a great year.
For now I'm just going to upload the rounds I have finished as they are, but I will take it into consideration if I start compiling them into full Heros.

You too anon.
Sorry for delayed response, was on holiday and I got sick.

>video names
Yes. The game looks for that name.
Based on your questions I suggest you do not use the 0 second files I provided to skip anything until you have a better understanding of how video game files work. Not trying to be rude, but modding any game without knowing what you are doing can break the game and I do not believe you know how to use them correctly when you don't even know which file opens the game. Speaking of...

>File that runs the game
The .EXE file. Might even be titled Game.EXE or FapLand.exe. I am not at my PC to confirm the actual name. You also need the program 7zip to extract the game first.

The actual game is here
My files are just documentation and a mod to skip whatever round you want.

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Intercrural, sumata, etc.
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Post butt. The bigger the better.
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thicc asses desu
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Men Hard. Women Soft.
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I look like this.

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keep it clean so the jannies don't ban it.
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Tall Trees cut down 2.
As men we have an instinct to cut down these tall trees. They think they can just cancel just stand tall over us and shove their tits in our faces?(that actually doesn't sound too bad) Well they're wrong

Tall girls getting Dominated by guys shorter than themselves
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Has Miyamoto Issa Heart mark 3 been translated yet?
It also goes by "Lotsa Hearts 3" right?
I think it is tranlated
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Lotsa Hearts 3 by Miyamoto Issa

(1 & 2 are solo of the girls with the guy)
Nice, I guess i suck at looking for things.

<~~ [Aoi Tiduru] Gasshuku Violation! | Training Camp Violation!
I think it was just because it was a licensed translation, that's why you couldn't find it.

Anyone else here like some chunky bitches? Not talking about fat land whales that look like they can't even walk around the block. Just enough belly fat to compliment her tits and ass and make you want to play with it.
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fat bitch

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Post any kind of hentai related to mihoyo gacha games such as Genshin, HSR, ZZZ etc etc. Keep it within the rules and DONT post any kind of edits.
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This. Giving them different bodies makes them look like cosplayers.
>small-ish penis
>average male body
>not sph
Finally some good fucking food

Post your favorite toned tummies or tummy focused works.
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Not enough belly focused hentai imo
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Personal Favorite

Thread to discuss upscales, mainly with ESRGAN as that is the best tool for the job.
All my upscales can be found here:
(Currently down), use Telegram for now: https://t.me/HentaiUpscales
It shows everything that I've upscaled, whether it contains subs, how many episodes, links to download from, image previews, upscale status and changelog.
All preview images are just run through mozjpeg at quality 90 which is nearly identical to original. The original PNG preview images are on telegram.

Torrent version:
(Currently down)
Keep in mind that torrent is an afterthought, downloading is easier with Telegram.

ESRGAN can either be used through my setup which makes it insanely easy for the average user:
(Currently down)
Or it can be downloaded from the official github:
Though using the github version means you'll have to mess with CMD and manually process each episode.

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I don't like av1
Do you mean you don't like the AnimeJaNai model?
AV1 is just the video codec.
Am I supposed to know who this is?
Guy who's claiming to make the next best hentai upscaler, but then compared his current results to the ancient AnimeVideoV2 rather than V3 which is 10x better lol.
They tend to post a lot of good releases on nyaa.
some of these are pretty good upscales desu

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Looks like SANDWICHWORKS's website's news page is about to get updated, since it's broken at the moment! Can we expect news about Part 3 of Summer Treasure Hunt soon?

creator of Summer Treasure Hunt part 1 and 2.

Looks like the news section on their site is working again, and no update yet, so maybe it was a fluke!
I grown out of shotashit years ago to even care about this anymore

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Reminding /h/ of the time it made it's own hentai.

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thanks, me too.

Its a redrawn of an old Nichijou doujin I did a long time ago, its about the main character prostitute themselves, although I have never finished the redrawn or the continuations I was planning to make.

Just reuploading the file:
expires in 3 days from now. upload it to a permanent one.
I have personal projects of other subjects. I have trouble staying on topic when I couldn't get people interested in it...

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Lesbian didn't like men but got groped on a train a became addicted to sex. Started to behave like a slut. Her girlfriend tried to "save" her but it turned out that it was her brother who was fucking her.

I saw this doujin only once and lost it. Searching by tags "slut", "cheating" didn't give any results. But I distinctly remember that "cheating" was one of the tags. Help to find it!
FYI picture unrelated. But the art style is somewhat in this direction
Could be this one?
Watashi wa Onnanoko ga Suki datta Hazu nanoni from Doumou?

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We all love them, post your favorite pages where the big, bouncy titties finally pop/drop out.
Some Mangas do a great job of building up tension before the big reveal, and I feel that these pages are always the ones I look forward to the most, especially if it’s a character I’ve connected to.

I’ll share some of my favorite titty-drop moments here, please feel free to join.

(Sauce for pic: https://nhentai.net/g/421222/ )
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[Miyano Kintarou] Hentai Yamamoto-san
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Mika from Resort Boin. One of the girls who awoke my tomboy and tanline fetish.
like a Christmas surprise desu

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I'm testing out to see if other people want this and stay on.
Same rules from the other drawt/h/read apply here.

NTR Drawt/h/read: >>8167794
Edit Thread: >>8215739
Draw/h/read >>8290201
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I love it!
You saying?
The previous OC drawthreads were all but dead. It took eleven months for the last one to hit autosage.
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heres a drawing

if im the only drawfriend here i dont think the thread is gonna last long lol
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Requesting my harpy bard Sonata roofied and used by one or more customers after a performance at the tavern

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