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What are your thoughts after watching Murakami's latest work?
A little bit underwhelming desu but that's only because I was expecting an ATWT scene. I know the original didn't have one but knowing Murakami I was hoping there would be one.

Well, there is always episode 2 I guess...
Most of us wouldn't know considering that it's still not uploaded anywhere.
Yes but his fans bought the dvds
True, I'm just surprised no one's uploaded it to any hentai sites or made any download links by now. Hell, it seems like there are a lot of releases lately that don't shared until days or even weeks after they get released.
Motherfucker, I can't watch it.
If someone here has watched it though, I'd appreciate some details about it.
Previous thread: >>8258939
Please share.
They will not. The ppl who bought it are authistic as japanese are.
Dont get fooled and trolled.
No one has it and no one will get it unless someone from the studio leaks it because it got cancelled.

I could fake a DVD inkl. cover and take a photo of it in less then 20min if i had a printer
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You're such a dumb faggot it hurts.
You can go buy it yourself if you want.

A certain collection of homosexual weebs from Reddit probably cancelled it because it's le cartoon lolis, but it is most definitely on the market.
Available on Amazon jp too
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>mfw retards got psyopped by a handful of comments on streaming websites and now they think a hentai was "cancelled"
What are ye, dum?
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Do you agree with this sales chart?
I have honestly not been watching hentai at all. I've reached a point where NTR is like vanilla to me, it feels kinda boring kn comparison to more extreme stuff so I can barely recognize this chart
I cant be more agreed with you, most hentai become lame. Only extreme harcore shit can be interesting; but we know thats is a pretty small niche to cover unfortunaly.
I find it amusing how most vanilla hentai is just incest because even true vanilla isn't interesting to anyone anymore
it's over.
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I don't think Shinsei Kourin series is vanilla
delete this.
So does this technically make her a milf now?
it's fucking over, god damnit. somebody is fucking our shit and you kids know it, BUT you're too arrogant to see it..
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It truly is over, pack it up.
You're a faggot
most of December releases are not in any of streaming platform, so I think it's not just because this is a loli hentai
Good to see pinkpineapple mogging Aiue Okaslop and Takedaslop
I decided to search for the Fleur Animation on google and found a good number of spanish/brazilian websites that had it. None of them had Dacryon Runa.
This probably means that unless they release a digital version then no one will upload it.
We need a hero that orders the DVD and rips it for us.
You're a faggot without a hentai.
Can't see it.
Have they blocked hentai outside Japan?
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>hikko was the only bro to do these types of drops even if the download was bad it was still an option
I miss this dude like you wouldn't believe.
Can someone realistically explain why this is happening (or rather why it is not)?
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No digital release/DVD-only and since it's hardcore loli rape not many are willing to buy it overseas.
Japs are corporate bootlickers and too tech-illiterate to rip the ISO and the few people that did get it overseas are all smug assholes.
I'd buy it and upload it if I could find a place that would ship it to the states. I can get onto Amazon.jp through a VPN but it won't let me buy the DVD if I have a US shipping address.
Can you not get it from Getchu?
you need to use a Japanese proxy service that acts as a middleman, picks up your order for you sends it to a warehouse and from there ships it to you.

You can use Neokyo or From Japan as trusted examples
This happened last year. Took around a month or two for someone to upload most of the monthly stuff. I assume the holidays are part of the reason there's been few uploads.
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Thank you sir or madam!!!
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>Girls miraculously win at the end
I fully expected that yet I still feel disappointed, hopefully the next episode fixes that.
No subs??? Nah just kidding you're a fucking legend.
Absolute legend thank you
All that waiting and it's fucking shit
Could someone reupload it? It has been automatically removed
Works on my machine
It's been reuploaded to ATFbooru.
Those rubber rubbing against rubber sounds of the tentacles are unbearable. Tentacle fucking can be done well but not when it's that shit hose-plugged-into-a-pussy stuff. Still pictures/doujins do that too. Tentacles entering pussy only work when it has some meaty weight to it.
The blowjobs are the only thing worth nutting to. Those were pretty hot.
Yeah that suction SFX went insane
Absolute gigachad, thanks brother.
Honestly great hentai.
Its not like it was as good as Murakami's peak, but it got me rock hard, which is not something I can say for his previous work.
What is his peak?
I'm not too familiar with his works.
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NTA but for me it's this + the 4 Taimanin Asagi episodes. Murakami knows (knew?) how to transmit intensity through animations, it's not some lame slow fucking, all the characters fuck hard
I'd say he peaked between 2007 to 2012.
So that would be:
Taimanin Asagi (2007-2008)
Kangoku Senkan (2009-2010)
Imouto Paradise (2011-2012)
Kuro Ai, absolutely. Taimanin is very close second.
What >>8400022 said, Kuro Ai is his peak. Especially for tentacles.
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The way the girls cried after the first rape during both rapes, the relentless creampies, tentacles' liveliness and girls begging not to get creampied~
I don't remember when was the last I was THIS hard.
I'm not into VNs but I might even try them, it was so good I need more.
all that tentacle and creampie but not a single belly inflation
As a huge loli and tentaclefag, I am very happy.
Bless you, anon
Has to be Taimanin Asagi / Kangoku Senkan. I will forever lament that Lilith will never work with him again, because his style is so fucking perfect for their IPs. He's the reason I discovered Lilith's stuff in the first place.
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Murakami just precisely animated the intensity of the original VN game series. You should play them
Kazama Mana and the other NSNs were peak for me. Also TA and KS.
Will this have any loli x human action? Those "orc" blowjobs were insanely good.

Very good but doesn't surpass ImoPara, Kuro Ai or Zettai Junshu yet. I'm looking forward to episode 2 though!
This. Only Taimanin Asagi can compare in both intensity and quality, IMO.
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Now that's a man with great taste
I just wish I could see it in full proper quality. It took us this long to just finally get some hentai in HD.
Kazama Mana should have a upscale which is pretty good but I prefer the torrent version on Nyaa which is DVD rip but it's damn good on my end
Wake me up when the subs are available.
I'm actually thinking of commissioning someone on Fiver to do them instead of just waiting I'll let y'all know
>too bad it's filled with small boobs and tentacles
more homosexual words have never been uttered
>The girls won and are largely untraumatized
This is why you don't leave a soulless tentacle to do the job of a human bastard's cock.
Would Fiver have Japanese Language Proficiency Level N5 willing to do nasty hentai scripts? My buddy used to do hentai scripts and also work for subtitle groups, now he does manuals for like printers and shit, and that killed his drive to translate for fun.

I mean, definitely go for it, maybe we'll find someone like Davie504 found Charles.

Kuro Ai is his overall peak but I think Sakura getting absolutely destroyed by orcs at the beginning of Episode 3 is his peak scene.
Kuro Ai is peak, but it's a real shame most uploads are choppy and grainy as fuck, unless one has a lossless rip from the DVD it can't be fully enjoyed, being a 2005 animation.
I have the dual-audio uncensored DVD release and a decent quality 60 FPS upscale of the same release, the former isn't hard to find
upload it please, I beg! I've looked for a good upload but it turned out as I posted
huge waste
the original or the upscale?
the og is here, not sure if it's the same release i have on my pc

as for the 60 fps upscale i got it from r*ddit literally like what 4-5+ years ago? but i don't have access to my pc right now so you'll have to wait
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anon forgive me once again for being an absolute pleb, but I don't know how to turn that code into a torrent (I'm assuming is a torrent?). It's not a magnet that's for sure
keep in mind it's 480p because uh duh DVD release
oh, it was base64. Forgot that existed, thanks for spoonfeeding. Why do some anons link stuff in base64 tho?
bullshit reason: "liability"
real reason: fake feelings of esotericism
gatekeeping is always good
Low rent animation
Shoestring budget
At least it has some unique frames in-between the traced 3D models of the girls
yeah but b64 is more like a knee high wall
good for cripples
links die a lot faster when they're in the clear
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Have they truly won though?
It has potential l. But I'd like to see it be more degenerate like >>8390673
Soukou Seiki Ysphere was so fucking good. Those girls got thrown in the deep end immediately.
>get raped, ganged and perform a fast pregnancy and birth
>ah what an adventure that was! ending
threw me off
That's why his stuff from around NSN, TA, and KS were the best for me. He was just hardcore with adult female bodies, and his depravity has just felt like he's been phoning it in since.
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Its crazy that Ysphere was originally seen as a big dip in quality for Murakami.
I mean if you see the stuff he did before it, it definitely seemed to be the case. It was when his animation stopped being as smooth, and the cum started looking like whipped cream.
But re-watching it having in mind the quality of his recent works, it's honestly great.
I guess this is proof of how old I am but I do miss in older hentai where the heroines would shake off being raped and just treat it like "Well, I lost today." Allowed for some weird and zany stories.
I just want a bit more story with the intense fucking interspersed in. Maybe I'm just old but my favorite hentai had decent plots, for hentai. Like Angel Blade.
Actually Dacryon have an intricate story in the games but the hentai adaptation just didn't have time to explain them.

The magical girls can weaken and kill monsters just by touching them originally but the mastermind guy in the last shot compromised their transformation tools beforehand to make them weak.
The magical girls were supposed to get their magical energy replenished instantly and get their damaged bodies repaired but they take longer due to the compromise.
The fallen angels don't try to kill the magical girls and instead they fuck them because the fallen angels want the compromised magical wombs to birth new fallen angels.

So the magical girls taking long to fight back and their enemies rushing to impregnate magical girls all make logical sense in the games. Play them
That's so fucking stupid.
Are the dumb cucks going to say the translation has been cancelled too?
Honestly my favorite thing he's done for a while. I love how rough the girls get it.

Ah, another person with good taste. Plot helps because you'll have characters that avoid "trouble" for a while so it makes their scene all the more exciting when it finally happens.
Isn't this just Majuu Purification Girl Utea again?
Ya'll were hyping this shit up for a month and jesus christ it was dogshit. So many reused frames, so much still images that they just pan across the screen to save money. Most amateurs nowadays do a better job than this garbage people paid money for
Can Murakami go back to animating ladies getting brutalized? Just make up some housewife sex cult plot and bam, better than these gloopy lolis.
I like the gloopy lolis, hopefully they'll get a bad end and get traumatized from all the rape.
Anybody know if Sakura Circle is working on the translation
I like the character designs but half the time they were too lazy to actually draw them. And I'm not really a fan of Murakami's directing style in general, but it was even more obnoxious here since there was no cohesion in the editing or the "storytelling." The girls would be getting dp'd by tentacles in one shot, banged by shadow dudes in the next shot, then have cum in their mouths in random shots after that, etc. There was no build-up or payoff, it was like an image set that was sorted at random.
She loves her milkshakes
Wake up babe, subs just dropped
thanks, anon.
OK, this is for murakami fans. Why in Princess69 episode 3, the fiance of the other teacher started to rape the glasses girl because his girl got raped?
Its mind break dude, don't think too deeply into it
>go so insane, you become a BDSM master in 5 minutes
That's why I said not to think to deeply into it
Can you guys provide any link where it possible to check all hentai videos that he landed his hand on or will direct in future?
don't tell me what to do
Any scat?
Yeah, this hentai was pretty shit, alright. Hopefully Murakami's next work is better.
You'll have to wait a year+ for this, buster.
But I'm with you on that, hopefully his next work is close to something like Sei Dorei Gakuen 2
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Lost her damn country to horny pirates.
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Lost her country, respect, sanity and wealth all in basically one night and nearly every man saw her completely exposed, her royal life is finished but atleast she can learn to enjoy her new one with her new pirate buddies.
>Fuck her until she poops herself, I'll pay you
>No, I'd rather fuck her armpits
Hello, based department?
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Easily one of my favorite moments, just shows how passionate these guys are about fucking her, literally smothering every part of her until she's sick to her stomach, hell yeah.

One of the greatest hentai scenes ever and I will never stop talking about it. Dialogue is fantastic and it's always refreshing to see over and over again.
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Surprised Seifuku Shojo doesn't get talked about more
The censorship is atrocious
It would be good .. if 1/3rd of the screen wasn't pixilated
Okay, If you had to pick one of the three nurses, which one would it be: Ren, Mana or Yuu?
Yo what's the name of the hentai that this guy did where they put a teddy bear in a girl's pussy and made her push it out, then they congratulate her on being a mommy?
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I would have to say Ren, particularly because the last gangbang. Compared to the other girls it seems she actually enjoys the sex, Mana is good but I can't help but like the freckled black hair nurse better than her. And while I like how batshit crazy Yuu is, I feel like the plot kind of gets in the way of the run time of the sex scenes. Still though I think all three have something good going for them it's just really personal preference more than anything.
tokubetsu jugyou 3 SLG
Thank dude :3
That hentai has one of the worst bad ends in terms of on a personal level
>Lead girl gets raped by teacher
>Her best friend discovers what happened to her and agreed to take her place so she doesn't suffer but teacher lies and pisses in her mouth
>abuse continues then finds out her mother, years ago, was another fuck hole for this guy. And he dicks her down in front of her.
>For the the grand finale, she, her friend and another teacher get gangbanged. And then as she rides her teacher dick, her mom comes in. Wearing a strap on.
>She then rapes her daughter asshole and tells her, that the teacher that's been fucking her is her father. Mom got pregnant by said teach after he fucked her all those years ago and nine months later, she had said daughter.
>Now the daughter is getting DP'd by her parents with no end to this debauchery in sight.
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Yeah especially Saki gets it ROUGH.
But I can't help but feel for Arisa too. She really thought she was saving her friend by letting herself get raped day after day.
In the end she basically just willingly let herself get captured too without sparing Saki for even a day.
This is exactly why I gave her an honorable mention in a list /h/ had for murakami bad ends.
The green/black haired nurse with the glasses is my top pick. She seems stern, but you know she's totally mindbroken and deep down seriously adores the abuse. Mana is a good nurse and devoted and kind, also a pick for me.
I NEED that list.
Do you have the thread number?
Lets see. The scene where one of the girls is grabbing and pulling on the tentacle should be a required study if you want to draw tentacles. Other than that,needed more ahegao and general enjoyment,too much crying. The scene after the first tentaclebang where they break down crying was a bit too much for my sensibilities. Honestly i don't know what i was else i was expecting from something with Dacryon in its name. Hopefully next ep has some belly expansion/pregnancy with some satisfied faces. Much better than most of Murakami's last few projects in terms of looks,just needs a bit more playfulness. From the discussion in the clubroom i was expecting a bit more lightheartedness.
That was like several years ago. Discussions like it usually pop up any time a new animation is announced
Damn. I'll try looking for it then.
Do you perhaps remember around what Murakami hentai release it was?
I'd tried Desuarchive but nothing is there
I wish we could've gotten more scenes with the dark haired nurse. She was the best part of the OVA imo.
they loved every moment of it, redhead and blonde teacher especially.
People pay for this?????
I don't know, the red head didn't like the piss

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