Thoughts on a tamers fan band?
>>42003490cope. Apple Slice will have a beautiful snowpity
>>42000493What's the band's singing style going to be? Scat?
>>42003660It's songs about sexy mares farting. The lyrics go in depth about the smells and sounds. I heard they're going a 4D angle even and every time a mare on the screen farts they'll spray liquid ass in the air.
>>42003490This. Soarin definitely has Something like snowpity but idk what it is.
Make love not war editionOLD THREAD: >>41952735Pony maps, sprays, and micspam!Reskinned vanilla maps (with mares) by our very own anons!Come relive the heyday of pony TF2 with your friends from /mlp/!Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser: you'd like a custom icon on the scoreboard, post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.>Server infoServer IP: OR check filenameSteam group: downloads (extract the .bz2 file, then place the .bsp file in /tf/download/maps): too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>42003867has any weapon balance changes on this server actually been made in the last 3 years?
>>42003873>erm i thought nobody was the problem XDDD GOT U!!you are the problem
>>42003874good post any one of us.
>>42003867>a handful of shitpostslol lmao even.I was here before you chucklefucks and I'll be here when the server eventually reaches a breaking point. You will not force me from this community, and you cannot silence me. If you don't like my complaining, feel free to take your own advice and fuck off.
>>42003875if you don't stand by what you post why put so much effort into posting here
Welcome to Chatbot AI General #114, the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.▶ MLP Botshttps://mlpchag.neocities.orgSpreadsheet (CAI bots + Old repository): website extension: of Character Cards (Descriptions/No Greetings): bots converted to Tavern: packs:!!!GALLERY!!!:▶ How do I start?1) Select a FrontendComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>42003324Oh, you're right, thanks! Tried! I love 1206 for summarizing, but OR version just doesn't feels right somehow. Like if it's dumber and more filtered or something. Strange
>chary gonna to dieWelp, I guess my experience with AI end with this. I liked how easy was to deal with this thing when I got a free key but I guess nothing is forever
>>42003849Even with credits still on the OR account I've been only using R1 for awhile now and I tried the new 3.7 and found it lacking.Use this preset: this authors note at position 4 as user role:<Reminder>A quick reminder:-Ponies are about 3 feet tall.-Always use species specific anatomy,-Make sure to always stick to My Little Pony Friendship is Magic canon.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>42003858What you find lacking about 3.7? Shit has me acting like its the first time I found /chag/ dropping 250+ message sessions. Shits awesome.
>>42003870It was pretty boring. Especially for the world spanning epics I like (in the style of bad mondays /) Nothing comes close to R1's creativeness and ability to invent new but canonically fitting locations / characters / events / items... 3.7 is like 3.5, far too samey after using it for years.
It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance./Sun/day Story Archive: Music Playlist a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.Broken Pastebin URL? Replace with variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>42002939I think she turns some gnome into a statue
>>42003505>There's a powerful mage trolling the Alicorn sisters by forcing a solar eclipse a few times a year.
>>41999845>Alas, whatever shall I->WAIT A MINUTE! WHERE ARE THE GAMES?!i’ll work on a better tripcode later, lol
>>41999845Hmm...Well, I'm fine with it. Wasn't using it any way.
>>41999845that's nice, how much did you get for it?
>>42003876>not playing Bloodborne on pc
A new ponycon dropped about a month ago in Asia.The scale looks very small than what you'd expect but in Asia (apart from China) there being more is a blessing enough.
>>42003090nice pics. now I wonder: is there a korean dub and if so do people prefer the original version?
>>42003121Former seasons were aired in 2014, last season in 2022. I've joined fandom very late and don't know which is most preferred in old days, but still could know everyone liked generally about the dub until season 2
>>42001830Glad to see there's still love for pony around the world. Wonder if there's any 2025 ponycons in russia/belarus where it used to be big
Last time on Rise:>You rise back from Esa-Neria on your carriage with Ruby and Lupad helping to pass the time for the long trip back.>Returning to the palace you immediately check on Lula and the fawns, finding both are doing fine and Lula has been watching them for a while.>You help Lula to her room and after confirming that the date is happening with her tomorrow. You return to the fawns briefly to find that Orchid has woken up and take her to Lula so the two of you can sleep with her.>You then have a dream about you camping with your fawns who are all grown up, getting to speak with all of them before the thread is suddenly deleted.You can also catch back up here:
>>42000989Not that anon, but first of all, fix your punctuation, or at least make some actual attempt in it. It hurts trying to understand what you're even trying to say here. Second, intention matters very little here when the meaning everyone is getting from your post is that we're calling our daughter a third wheel, which makes the most logical sense when you say such a sentence in this context. It's very likely Lula will interpret the same and become very uncomfortable for referring our daughter as that.
You look into her eyes, her blushing face and soft smile both cute and serene to you, filling you with happiness seeing her at peace."Good morning, Lula. Sleep well?" You whisper, wanting to avoid waking Orchid."...Yeah," She whispers back after a moment, "What about you?""I find company helps me sleep better, so yes I slept well. Don't suppose I could interest you in joining me for breakfast again? I get it if you need some time to yourself, but figured I'd leave it as an open invitation.""If it's alright then I would love to," She replies, sitting up very slightly, "Is Orchid still sleeping right now?"Apparently 4chan thinks this is spam for some reason?
>>42003822We look down at our daughter, our smile not wavering."She is. Quite soundly, but she is quite the sleeper. As soon as she hatched, she went right back to sleep. Even the day after, she woke up to eat, then back to sleep."Ugh! I've been through that before. I had to rewrite the same line in five different variations before it finally got accepted.
>>42003822We lay back for a moment so that the doe can get a better look at Orchid."Yes, animatedly so. Thought it best to wake you gently first, in case she accidentally woke you less politely."Sitting up a little as well, we adjust our pillow with our magic to better support our back.Probably stumbled across a word or some combination there of that the site wasn't happy with? I know it's done that to me before.
>What is Flutterrape?Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon, the only human in Equestria. While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon, others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape. There are different versions of Flutterrape, but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants. Just because your story has Anon in it, doesn't mean it fits in this thread. Check other threads (AiE, RGRE etc) about story content before posting.>It's been 12 years, how is this thread still alive?A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.>How do I start writing?Use your imagination, you nitwit. Additionally, brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.Writing Guides:Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories --'s Writing Guide --'s Writing Rules -- additional information, lurk. You could also check out the T:EM/P/O or /bale/ threads for further writing advice, unless they're dead.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
You would, don’t deny it
>>42003584You could've at least posted a sexy mare like Maud
I want to fuck Rarity's marshmallow horsepussy like there's no fucking tomorrow god dammit I want to empty every last fucking drop inside her.
>>42003584I mean, if she was into it, yeah.
Human becomes pony. How, why and what happens next are all up to you. New stories and art welcome!Any type of transformation into ponies, gryphons, changelings, dragons, kirin, etc., whether OC or canonical, & Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.Want to be the little pony? This is the thread for you.Previously on PTFG: - Misadventures of Orwell Redenbacher by OrwellRedenbacher - Friendly Files by ReMastering - Turned Out by definitelynotapurplehorse - Turning Myself Into a Half-Ton Cybernetic Princess Luna In An Abandoned Woolworths To Prank My Friend at 3AM Challenge (Gone Wrong) (Gone Sexual) by Nightprincessluna - Complete! - Moth on the bulb by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!>>40293205 - Beach Walk - Last moments by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete! - Cathode Ray Mission by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete! - Pon-E suicide funk by Gnisha - Complete!Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>42001989>disappear and live in the woodseasier as a pony, no? can eat grass, bark, flowers and have a coat to keep you warm. but i digress
"The Filly Van" EditionPost and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!>is selling your products here allowed?Of course! Absolutely allowed.>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.>where can I find the old threads?They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.=== Links Index Pastebin ===Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>42003670I'm trying to help him not get booth denials at conventions. Cope harder.
how do we feel about these?
>>420037209/10it looks like there are some peg holes for some of the directionsWould be 10/10 with no peg holes
>>42003720>>42003727actually those could be 3d stickers so maybe its fine
>>42003658grab top of head and bottom of head and smoosh
Party horse editionPrevious thread: >>41805077
>>42002317This fits what you're looking for. I think you'll enjoy it: Pinkie Pie take on an older concept: remember not enjoying this one, but you might get a kick out of it: cried both times I read this fic. It resonates with my own experiences with loss, and it could end up touching you too.
>tfw complaints are you're "annoying" but you know you've got a rubber chicken to hit them with
What is her deeper lore? What is her home life like? What is her day to day like? What does her hair smell like? I need answers, and I need them NOW.
>>42002039I guess that just like ponies, barbies get additional eyebrows when needed.Dang, I need to pay attention to it some time. I don't think I ever did.
>>42002039Trixie has extra eyebrows so she can be extra smug
>>42002375The grrreat and powerful eyebrrrrrows!
>>42002375Smug, you say?>>42000688True, but the Dazzlings camp out across the river on the other side of the underpass
Remember to fuel up for your fighting gamesPrevious thread: >>41870893/ourlobby/: Leaf (rip)Console release is here! (Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S) Events =========Velvet Doe-down this Saturday, Feb. 22, at 4pm EST>Steam page: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>42003294Indeed they did
>>42003293It would take EVO 2020 not being cancelled to revive TFH and even then that's uncertain since the majority of the FGC are immature faggots
>>42003293way more people have shown up than i expected honestly, they've nearly filled 3 lobbiessure 80% of them will never come back but still
>>42003574I want to slap her butt like bongos
>>42003679She probably wouldn't mind that
"A stallion's place is in the thread" editionPrevious Thread:>>41827624Fauster's Story Archive:'s Prompt Archives: a broken Pastebin link? Replace with poneb.inRemember:not to save anything of value on Pastebinignore all attempts at early new threadsignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
Your waifu is into a hobby that really contrasts with her personality, like RD is into stamp collecting. Do you support her hobby, or tease her for it?
>>42003451Both, duh.
>>42003451Those aren't mutually exclusive
>>42002980GRRR BRATTY 20 YEAR OLD MAN!!! needs correction...
>You know whats the best part about being a unicorn? >I could end your entire life with a thought. >Thats right, just a single spell or bolt of magic and everything you’ve ever known, all your hopes and fears come to a sudden end. >I could turn you into a turnip or stop the synapses in your brain from working properly. >Or just zap your entire head and see it melt like a hot stick of butter. >Remember that next time you feel like calling me “Poochie” or insulting my weight or saying I have anger problems. >No witty comebacks huh?
>>42003060>picture doesnt contain life advice like "BRUSHING YOUR TEETH POORLT IS BETTER THAN NOT AT ALL"
>>42003033Damn that's hot!
>>42003033Still wanna saddle her up and stick spurs into her sides, causing her to rear up and take of galloping into the sunset.If she's having none of it, then bronc riding her would be fun as well.If her horn's a threat, then safest place to be is on her hack (until she's broken).
>>42003033Unicorns are the 2A of Equestria
>>42003033Awww somebody is horny and lonely.