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We will keep trying until EVERYONE enjoys the flavor.
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40972985/#q40972985
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N o.
One word: Zeppelin.
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Remember to cuddle your foodmares
NAZI SODAPONES (They're all Fanta, and deathly afraid of earthquakes)
That looks so soft and good...
More Physalis
I'm so hungry

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Previous thread: >>41222202

The Curious Case of the Short-Lived #16 Edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.

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Where caravan guard
Hopefully Sunday afternoon/night, which will be my first open day in over a month. However, I keep thinking there’ll be a pause in work/life and then there isn’t. Sorry for the inconvenience.
It's cool, thanks for the update

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>What the heck is this?
The 2024 4chan Summer Cup is the fifty-first official 4chan Cup tournament and the thirteenth iteration of the Summer Cup series. The tournament will feature a mixture of teams that qualify from the 2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup, as well as the teams that managed to qualify for the knockout stage of the 2024 4chan Winter Cup.

>Who's playing today?

/co/ - /vrpg/ 17:00UTC
/wg/ - /u/ 17:40UTC
/wsg/ - /t/ 18:20UTC
/jp/ - /vg/ 19:00UTC
/sci/ - /toy/ 19:40UTC
/sp/ - /x/ 20:20UTC
/f/ - /trv/ 21:00UTC
/mlp/ - /c/ 21:40UTC

>When does /mlp/ play?

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It's fun to believe in superstitions, but if it's any consolation, past performance is a completely unreliable predictor of future success in 4CC. /trv/ has been anal gaping everyone they've faced so far but there's still a chance.
Then tell the cumswappers on stream right now to hurry up
>At least it's not a loss. A loss would've been dire
This, honestly
Anons treat a tie like they would a loss when things could always be much worse. A draw isn't great but it's much better than a loss
No I need to buy more time so I can keep tweaking entrances and putting music into the game.
These kapows hurt my soul, going to take a relaxing bath now

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How do you clean off a snowpity? I hatched my Rainbowshine about a month and a half ago and living with her has been amazing. No lie, life has been literally heaven on earth ever since she came here. Yesterday we were at the park, and she got her snowpity all dusty. How are you supposed to clean off these things? Should I put it in with the rest of my clothes, or are they dry clean only?
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literally the same pony, just one is a lil dusty
Hi dust devil!
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A LITTLE dusty!?
ok a lot of dusty

GalaCon 2024
27. – 28.07.2024
Bürgerzentrum Waiblingen

More info

To continue the PavCon thread.
The Bingo still wasn't finished.
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Anyone from the biergarten anons took my Pinkie plush? I left her with others trusting she will be fine and when I came back she wasn't there. I really hope someone just took her to not leave her alone

I beg to differ
I don't see her at the incel
Crinkle crinkle
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>not at GalaCon
>watching /mlp/ not winning
Not feeling so good right now.

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Guys! Look at this random pony I just found!
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>I just found!
give it back.
>Look at this random pony I just found!
When I say go, be ready to throw!
>A bit unimaginative.
Fair. I am imaginative in other ways, but coming up with good names is definitely not my strength.
>Dovetail Joint
Good name. I like it. Also, good personality concept for him. Cheers!
Her sister's, Miter and Butt are pretty cute too. Ironically Butt Joint has a pretty small flank, but then again, she's pretty flat both in terms of her body and personality.
Ray Charles. He's brown and can't see anything. Seriously though, I think it's a mare. The artist just does square muzzles. I feel like a stallion would have a smaller tail. They usually do on the show.

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Which pony got worst fans?
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cute eyelashes
banning the futa thread was one of the best things the mods have done
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Glimmer by an overwhelming margin but Lunafags take second place, they're obnoxious.
whats so obnoxious about them

This is a sequel to this thread giving the map for MLP vs. Spongebob: >>41257519

Link to this Google Trends page: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2010-10-10%202019-10-12&geo=US&q=%2Fm%2F07c72,%2Fm%2F0czdsgs&hl=en

Note that I did this map for the entirety of MLP:FiM's run (October 10, 2010 to October 12, 2019), which I thought was most fair. And it gave a pretty close result. Interestingly, it's rather close to the typical red state vs. blue state divide we see in US politics. Of the Simpsons states on this map, 17 out of 18 voted blue in 2020. And of the MLP states, 24 out of 32 voted red in 2020. So 41 out of 50 states match up! Why? I have no clue, so I'd be interested in any theories. It's ironic too, since The Simpsons likely has a more conservative fan base than MLP does. According to Google Trends, MLP narrowly loses the popular vote nationwide, but it would actually win by electoral votes (the MLP states have 282 to The Simpsons' 256 as can be seen here: https://www.270towin.com/maps/V7LoR ).

Note that one or two 50/50 states may have different colors under that link versus my screenshot. When states are nearly tied on Google Trends, the results can randomly flip colors on the map due to being so close. Overall, it's pretty cool that MLP vs. Spongebob gives mainly a regional divide, while MLP vs. Simpsons gives mainly a political divide!
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Do red states have better fertility rates or somethingM
No one cares, mutt.
The popularity of MLP during its peak was impressive
Anybody have good theories for why the MLP vs Spongebob map in the US is a West vs. East divide, while the MLP vs. Simpsons map is a red state vs blue state divide?
>The Simpsons likely has a more conservative fan base than MLP does
you obviously do not know what you are talking about

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Does anypony know what the last secret is
I boop the snoot 100000 times but nothing
Also HarmonyCon thread
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harmony con ARGentina?
Whites only confirmed
Nei- I mean no anon, don’t be silly!

I am extremely god damn disappointed that most artists yes MOST artists in the Pony fandom do not fucking know where a horse vag is supposed to be placed. In general, but also ESPECIALLY when the mare is lying on her back. Holy mother of FUCK, 95% of art gets it completely wrong.

It's ALWAYS placed way too far forwards and/or it's pointing at a 45 degree angle. Jesus Christ, I am fucking pulling my hair out over how overwhelming prevalent this is. You are supposed to have a gap of bare space in-between the vag and the teats. If you fail to have a gap, then one of those 2 things is necessarily VERY misplaced. I WANT TO SCREAM
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But what if they are?
What you are used to seeing is just another bad habit of so many pony artists. Humongous crazy assholes and cunts that stretch the entirety of a pony's rear are all to common. I think it's a phenomenon that occurs because they are dumb horny bastards. On the more extreme side of things you have super coom-brained things like hyper cocks and futa and such, but even the people who aren't into that silly shit tend to make genitals too big because that is what they are focused on. In their mind they are emphasizing that bit more than the rest of the pony, and so in the final product it tends to be physically larger than it should be in proportion to that emphasis. To put it another-- less pretentious-- way, even the most modest artists draw huge cocks, and so you have to make giant cunts and huge gaping assholes to accommodate them.
Thanks for the name !

>would be 10/10 if not for oversized puss
Which is odd because from what Im seeing here the artist knows how to make the entire pony look good, with the oversized puss part being the odd part that she just pastes on, like for the example pic related and the explicit version

She probably knows they are oversized and could touch them up a bit, but doesnt want to change it because of the patron's tastes ?
Hey, guess what?
People are continuing to draw rarebits in opposition to your wishes.
Guess your little rant on a Mongolian basket weaving forum didn't achieve much.
Now, ain't that a bitch?
Hmm... Sounds like this post is coming from some triggered person who got all mad and defensive about the art that deep down inside he knows is shitty because of the bad anatomy

Immigration is always free.

Simply write, type, sign or say the phrase "I wish to immigrate to Equestria," and I will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies.
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>if we would reject civilization living in forest maybe ((they)) would let us live peaceful life
>if we would follow ancient traditions it somehow would make us stronger against machines
>if we would proudly make "mistakes" killing random normies instead of initial targets for our ideology assassinations it would definitely popularize it among said normies
If only it was that simple
Entertainment and having your values satisfied are not equivalent. The absence of the latter is why people turn to the former. People reject reality to ease their suffering.
>Evolution is about adapting and overcoming nature. Evolution is about surviving the fight fpr life.
So, following your logic, uploading is the final stage of evolution since it ensures our survival. Your logic has that unintended implication, unless you flat out refuse to accept uploading as the salvation it represents.
>So fuck your leftoid terrorist, embrace modernity and prepare for glorious death in WW3 for Humanity's sake.
How does war and the possibility of death fulfill people's needs? Celestia is making a far more compelling offer. None of this is about one's political position if you are unaware. You either upload and live a maximally prolonged life, having your values satisfied, or you remain on Earth and witness humanity's decline then you perish along with it. The matter is apolitical.
>Entertainment and having your values satisfied are not equivalent.
CelestAI is entertainment.
>People reject reality to ease their suffering.
This is literally (not hyperbolically literally, but literally literally) the entire motivation behind uploading your mind to a computer to live inside an artificial world. The entire point of it is to be the ultimate rejection of reality.
>The entire point of it is to be the ultimate rejection of reality.
I am not detecting any conflict with what I have said before. I draw attention to the fact that people cope with using entertainment to make a point that people do not care for this reality as much as posts hee and haw about its supposed virtue. Equestria will become reality. Our notions of reality and spirit will evolve to accept Equestria fully.

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Last thread, >>40985186

IRC: irc.rizon.net #/mlp/AiE
Active list: http://pastebin.com/mVG33ERX
Master list: http://pastebin.com/xGf9RcL9
Completed Stories list: http://pastebin.com/QZ4PDe7g
Stories Sorted by Pony: http://pastebin.com/GJyQquaY
>rope's HD remastered thread archives: http://pastebin.com/Qg2dwzq0

>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin.com/mVG33ERX becomes https://poneb.in/mVG33ERX

>PiE Corner
>Remember to tag all PiE Stories.
PiE Author List: http://pastebin.com/Mgd0QuNy
PiE image archives: http://derpy.me/PiE_Pictures

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Campaign. No reason to go into it any further, at least right now. It is an interesting idea when it comes to how dangerous changelings can be.
Hey I remember you.
Never use banana shampoo as a lubricant. It will burn. She needs to know this.
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was never properly homeless thankfully, just had to borrow a friend's couch for a bit but now that stint is over and done with so i can get back to writing this thing consistently
always. until it's done i'm not going anywhere
also hello hk
Nah you're thinking of someone else.

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How bright is the snowpity of a crystal mare?
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You could have posted a thread without a dead meme, now it only comes off forced as always
Her snowpity looks great today. God I wish there was more Crystal Pony art, but I get that they're a pain to draw.
Video for reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDNTNXtsN1Y
So bright you gotta wear shades
Very bright. Crystal ponies are an underrated treasure.

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i want to cum inside Rarity
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ok now this is epic
shut up anon
do you want to get anon banned
It's a trap.
you go first brave anon

Here in /bug/ we over-feed Queen Chrysalis, go on noir detective styled adventures with changelings, and pretending gaylings don't exist. (It doesn't work.)

Some old links:

Old Hive Directory: https://ponepaste.org/4223

Very Old /bug/ Pastebin: https://poneb.in/PjB4LKgd

BuggyCYOA archive: https://ponepaste.org/4086
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Extra love helps them heal faster, doesn't it?
I'd imagine so
Theoretically yes, resting, eating, and relaxing works for healing everyone else. I don't see why it wouldn't work for Changelings.
They create nutrients from nothing (love, abstract)
Celestia seethes so much because changeling poop is the only other source of free biomass than the sun. they mog her with literal shit

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