Faustian EditionPrevious Thread: >>41346249 (Dead)Fauster's Story Archive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XiJRe1NWl_kIoWsHssZ27BMV7bZAe1jgX59-dWggYkA/Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives:https://ponepaste.org/1046Have a broken Pastebin link? Replace pastebin.com with poneb.inRemember:not to save anything of value on Pastebinignore all attempts at early new threadsignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
We've all joked around with the "haha, stallions get dumber and more irrational the longer they go without having their balls drained in cute sexist mare snatch", but what if it were real and Caramel is very concerned for you? Not real to the extent of the old prompt about ponies going too long without hugs exploding due to magic destabilization, but real nonetheless.
>>41433966DESU I could see it. Imagine if they start to get dumber, and revert to old horsier mentality. They start to forget the "proper order" of things, and suddenly any hole is a goal? Turns out the Stallionist whimsy is a bred in trait by the ancestors, pre-sisters, to try and keep the males from being absolutely barbaric?
>>41433966It is the natural state of the stallion to chase after their foals with powerful long legs.
>>41434087That's pretty accurate. In real life it isn't uncommon for wild stallions to form all male herds and go around being absolute maniacs until one of them finds a real herd. Heck, these stallions will literally kill a foal in order to mate with the mother.
>>41433803Another devastating W for the>RGRE is a fantasy about using infinity social leverage to be a potty mouth at authority with impunityExplanation. I just want to read a story written by somebody who would take to being special with dignity and grace.
Enclave edition.! (post board nuke edition)previous thread https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41337595/Fallout Equestria, a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical. On one side, you have death, destruction, decay, and misery - on the other, you have ponies. Doesn't sound like it should mix? You'd be surprised. When the world around you is wasteland, all you're left with is hope, and as we all know, ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/119190/These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered "the big 5", alongside the original. They were biggest hitters early in the fandom, be it for having started before many others, their length, or overall quality.>Project Horizons:https://www.fimfiction.net/story/208056/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41433479>the most disgusting thing I have seenFirst day on the internet? That's entry level.
>>41433492To clarify, its the most disgusting thing I have seen in a FOE OC, nothing is really gonna match Blackjack having to eat Rampages heart and how the taste and texture were described, I gagged a little bit when listening to that part.
>>41433827>Blackjack having to eat Rampages heartThis would be prime material for a Valentine's Day card.
Class is in session!
>>41430420cheerilee urinating on the ground because she is in heat is hawt ..
>>41428592i miss cheerilee
Cheerilee isn't hot in-universe, shes plain and thats why nobody wants her.
>>41434183Who gives a fuck? Every mare is hot to human men.
Stepped on the wrong house edition Previous thread(s)>>41354257>>41287362 (got nuked)Writers, artists, and critiques are always welcome, so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.Check out our slowly growing ponepaste: https://ponepaste.org/3112
>horde of mini anons dressed up like ladybugs
>>41430405Anon, we want bigpoes to do things to us, both lewd...
>>41434910...and comfy things
Welcome friends, ITT:We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ threadAre you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!https://mares.horse/balehttps://ponepaste.org/8268Draw with other /bale/ anons!https://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZGComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Hadn't drawn Roseluck before, decided to give her some love>>41433697haha great comic bro I love that last panel
>>41434403>Beginner and low effort art thread>You post this absolute perfect pictureWhy? Not saying I'm mad at you or something but I don't get it.
>>41434545Where are the Intermediate and average effort, or Advanced and high effort art threads?
Previous thread>>41355454This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever: Sunny & Izzy! No, this is not a shipping thread.>Greentext stories short and long: Note, I am no longer linking to every post for a green, only the starting one, so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!>>39561001 Izzy has something for (You)>>39584734 Izzy has to choose>>39869258 Sunny & Izzy get confused in prison>>39959545 Hitch discovers something about Sunny>>39965565 Izzy discovers it too>>39985594 Izzy is probably drunk>>40075364 Anon is distressed>>40077312 Sunny and Izzy sing a work song>>40147731 Sunny trains AnonfillyComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41433564You're welcome....
>>41432397She became Pipp-sized
I'm not liking this trend of pairing Sunny with Hitch now. Too little, too late.
>>41420587Why is Izzy looking so sleep deprived?
Go do something that makes your waifu proud - anything! She's worth it. Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.Oh no, your waifu found out you have a crush on her a bit too soon! How would you wriggle out? Or you wouldnt even?>What is a waifu? What defines a waifu?Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life, until death do you part. Possibly beyond that, even. Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.>How do you know if you have a waifu?When you meet your waifu, you will know. The world around you will become colorful. You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time. Her existence provides context and meaning to yours, a perfect complement, a perfect comfort, a perfect love. There may be low periods, periods of doubt, but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu, for that love is eternal.Last Wednesday's thread: >>41281326Long-running discussion, latecomers, and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged, but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.
If seriously, i wish you all nice Mare Fair
>>41431869>How did you arrive at a point where you can confidently say you understand the character of the pony you like, beyond simply feeling something like a magic tug towards her?I'm not sure I'm at that point. I really like Twilight's character but I actually don't think too deeply about it.>What makes (You) think your waifu would like (You)? Which of your traits, skills, talents or anything would be liked or respected by her?I think we could bond over shared/similar interests and the whole nerdy introvert thing. I imagine being dependable and persevering would also endear me to her but the reality is I don't have much in the way of skills or talents so I hope she'd like me for how I act in Equestria.
>>41433465People need to know this is the kind of "artists" they endorse, I don't like it either but the people gotta know. I'll spoiler it this time to save your eyes.>>41432057There's cute art and there's "cute art" which is what you're posting. They typically give the characters over exaggerated features and shit like the "owo" mouth, see Sugar Morning.
>>41433490You can just say you don't like this kind of style instead of making claims about the artist's passion that you can't actually support to obscure the fact you simply don't like the style.
Previous thread: >>41415296>What is Open Pony?A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:https://www.equestriadaily.com/2022/05/a-showcase-of-amazing-and-completely.html>Just give me a MAREIdiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/viewA noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.pnghttps://smutty.mare.stream/mjmqtlwwntf.mp4>Join the /mlp/ SL groupsecondlife:///app/group/da37f318-781a-fd7e-e8e9-1a5bbf2ebc34/aboutComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41434824She's got a hell of a hit.
>>41434827pretty sure that little creature is a neutron star on legs
>>41434471Damn can't believe I'm a stallion now.
>>41434898time to grow a penis you dick
>>41434471Huzzah, not forgotten. Nice list
Previous Thread: >>41354517Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.Story List:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ULNJHBve57uSyYDyiUEoR2QYSFllBIoUe7GaPpW2KLg/edit?usp=sharing--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)Grey:https://ponepaste.org/2937 (Luna)https://ponepaste.org/9978 (Celestia)https://ponepaste.org/9088 (Cadance)https://ponepaste.org/3518 (Various)https://ponepaste.org/7826 (Fluttershy)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41434292>You scrub yourself clean, thoroughly shampoo and condition your hair, and presto, you’re clean.>The hickeys remain on your skin, but those are fairly easily hidden.>It pains you to shut off the water, but you propel yourself forward with thoughts of your own shower and bathtub at home.>Rarity set out a towel for everyone to use after they shower, and there’s one last dry towel for you.>One deep scrubbing later, you’re good and dry once more.>The end of the sleepover draws near.>All that’s left for you to do is get dressed and go home.>You get dressed in your long pants and sweater, hopefully the residual heat will make the journey home easier.>Zipping up your duffle bag is a little more difficult with Rarity’s gift to you from last night, but it still zips up.>You open the door back into the hallway with your bag in hand to find Pinkie standing right in front of you.>”Heya, Nonny! How’re ya feeling?”>Your heart skips a beat in surprise, but you laugh a little at her eagerness.“I feel great, I really needed that shower.”>”That’s super! You ready for your little surprise?”Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Guys, you're never gonna believe this, but the final update ended up being longer than I thought it would be.Everything's all written, the final FINAL update will be posted tomorrow
>>41434297Nice, can’t wait.
Hey, Grey? You ready with the titfuck story yet?>>41354710
It's over, bros. The last episode of TYT will release on October 17, 2024 according to a Hasbro employee, there's likely at least 3 episodes remaining. The leaks were real.S2 was cut in half a la Hanazuki, and the remaining specials will seemingly not see release.Hasbro is now planning for G6 in 2026.https://x.com/MLPonyFacts/status/1836510507026587702?t=8wXsomqT73ZkO6JYyu9clw&s=19
>>41434605At least ill be free from this fucked up world, let thy hands take me
>>41434626I feel like that’s the least of their problems, but what do I know?
>>41430275QRD on the Marian's thing?
>>41434822*Larians goddamn auro correct
>>41434495>>41434588>We buy it for public domain!Won't happen, only corpos are considered during bankruptcy auctions, not individuals with cash or unorganised groups of people.Best think anyone can hope for is thought & prayers it ends up in competent hands
“Good fillies get extra filling” edition
>>41418688if you see full image you will understand
>>41418729wish he drew more filly luna
>>41418688>subtle motion lines to his side
>>41418688His eyes have copyright
Fluffy EditionPost pictures, write greentexts, and discuss Dash!Previous thread: >>41354611Writefags:mobius !9PEUyNz5zwhttps://ponepaste.org/user/Mobiushttps://www.fimfiction.net/user/294280/mobius_Ex Waifu Ex Machinahttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Mnu1Cwn5Gaa375EoHe13-0s4wzEOdSG/viewYouTube playlist:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41433320I am the bread bros
>>41433320I want to bread Dashie
all this bread posting made her hungry
/bfed/ - Banned from Equestria (Daily) - You really like it, hu? edition (202409)Discussion regarding Banned from Equestria (Daily) by Pokehidden, aswell as the community efforts surrounding the game and concept.Banned from Equestria (Daily) is a point-and-click clop game where the objective is to get with as many mares (and stallions) as you can in the span of three days.BFED Player (Ruffle) - https://bfed.ga/Translation Repository - https://notabug.org/BlackCat/BFED-TranslationFirst Translation Effort - https://explore.transifex.com/testt57y56h56u/bfed2/Previous efforts included engine re-writes aswell as original stories made in the style of BFED.Feel free to post drawings, animations, tips for the original game, ideas of new games, or whatever BFED related.The goal of this is to be some kind of monthly threads. Like, post as you please, but don't bump endlessly.I will try to make a thread at the begining of each month to share progress about the projects and give a place to talk about this game.Check anchor post for resources related to BFED, and remember, have fun!
>>41433675good to hear anon. Its just something I work on in my small amounts of free time. here is some cg
>>41431353sure why not>>41433693that's really cute
>>41433693It's cute as hay!any chance you share it when it's done?
surprised this game hasn't had more mods developed for it yet
>>41434558It's hard because:If it's a graphical mod, the number of image to modify is hugeIf it's game logic, good luck, it's a messIf it's text, you have to realign everything yourself, it's a painSo, really, bfed was developed to work in it's usecase, everything else, and you have to riddle everywhere to make it work.See the translation effort for example.
Welcome to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!youtu.be/730zGRwbQuEThe Pony Preservation Project is a collaborative effort by /mlp/ to build and curate pony datasets for as many applications in AI as possible.Technology has progressed such that a trained neural network can generate convincing voice clips, drawings and text for any person or character using existing audio recordings, artwork and fanfics as a reference. As you can surely imagine, AI pony voices, drawings and text have endless applications for pony content creation.AI is incredibly versatile, basically anything that can be boiled down to a simple dataset can be used for training to create more of it. AI-generated images, fanfics, wAIfu chatbots and even animation are possible, and are being worked on here.Any anon is free to join, and there are many active tasks that would suit any level of technical expertise. If you’re interested in helping out, take a look at the quick start guide linked below and ask in the thread for any further detail you need.EQG and G5 are not welcome.>Quick start guide:docs.google.com/document/d/1PDkSrKKiHzzpUTKzBldZeKngvjeBUjyTtGCOv2GWwa0/editComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41434543Do you mean the tokens with nothing but '{metaspace}'? I think that's the correct behavior. Some words like 'he' in the sentence aren't common enough as word beginning to warrant their own '{metaspace}he' token.Cleaned up g2p tokenizer:https://huggingface.co/synthbot/vul_g2pen_tokenizer_clean/tree/mainAnd I updated the parlertts tokenizer to use n=240k instead of 120k:https://huggingface.co/synthbot/parlertts_tokenizer_clean
>>41434543>>41434574Nevermind, I see what you mean. I'll see if I can fix it on my side.
>>41434543They should both be fixed now. I had to copy over the normalizer, post_processor, and decoder.
Dunno if this matters to anyone but some lesser known dude who made some fandom music back in the day recently unlisted his videos. They're still available via a playlist, for however long that lasts.https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6ZZW44lVoeh1CAX93IoZjaZsl1tVmBOx
>>41434933Woops, sorry lads. Meant to post this in the archival thread. >404Nevermind.
The fact that the fandom not only thinks its funny but blindly accepts the perfect, infallible, god-princess ruler being useless in a fight is unacceptable. Because it would be like Jesus Christ suddenly tripping on a banana peel or being beaten up by brown thugs.
The mentally mature realize that having the alicorn princess that moves the sun become an absolute jobber, is a lazy writing tool to put Twilight on a pedestal.
>>41434879>even if you're making shit upWhy are people so inclined to doubt me when it comes to these matters? Yes, I adore Princess Celestia THAT much. I'm even decently open about it in actual life, not only on the internet.
>>41434891But Cadence, I didn't make fun of your aunt. I would never do something like that...still, if it'll help her feel better, then could you at least tell Princess Luna I'm sorry on behalf of all the anons who made fun of her? Thanks.