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>so i raped a dragon
>And he gave me hiv
>And im like
>"How tf a 10yr old got hiv?"
>My lil bro hanging with the wrong crowd fr
edgy jokes stopped being funny years before the show started.
Edgy jokes are still funny. This one just wasn't.

rary is perfect
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I could watch her eat all day
i really want to kiss her
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Previous thread: >>41415296

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

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Bitwise = Stinky
Just my two cents.
its a good stink. unf
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some ponies and a deer
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Had a dumb thought I needed to make a shitty edit of
kek no way this is so good

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Rainbow Dash is the cutest pony.
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>does this look like the face of mercy to you?
She is very cute, but Twilight is more
you wanna know the cutest pony? heh. take a look in the mirror
I knew it! It was me all along! I am the cutest pony! Always have been, always will be!

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Nightmare Night is approaching soon, and everypony is getting their costumes ready! However, some of them are still deciding on what to wear. But fear not, for I have a solution!
Using this pony mannequin in pic related, I want you - yes, (You)! - to design a spooky Nightmare Night costume that is sure to win 1st prize at the annual Ponyville Nightmare Night costume contest.
Be creative, get spooky, and most importantly: post your results in this thread!


If this goes all the way to page 10 again without any other submissions, I will fucking cry and Rarity will be pissed.
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double boop
Mare mare spotted

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Post Pinkie Pie.
Love Pinkie Pie.
Cherish Pinkie Pie.
Forfeit all mortal possessions to Pinkie Pie.
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Get up, pink one
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Rise and shine!
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It's early in the morning? Time to ponk!
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liked it
only if it was a cover where she sang every part

Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses. Plus late night pink antics.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."

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I don’t think that was up for debate.
Or he just filed her away in DommyMommy because she looks like she’s into femdom and she biiiigggg
Little did he know she gets real tired of that ruling shit in the bedroom, like Sombra

>Sooo... What categorization of attractiveness would my voice fall under?



"Wait, are you actually talking to me?"

>That's how dialogue works, yes.

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~I do not!~

>Say that again a little lower and with a country accent.

~Ah’ do not-oh dear god.~

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found the wannabe racist comgirl. that's actually so embarrassing. lurk moar
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everyone's talking about artstyle and design and i'm wondering why Dash is the only one wwaring socks
So she can slide around on hardwood floors, duh.
>It's just cringe. The difference doesn't need to be so exaggerated
Ah, so you prefer EqG then? All the same height AND no dreaded brown skintones

This is the part where you also rage over Dougs and confirm you don't know what you want, you're just a seething fag
I didn't even notice that

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Post the best fanfics you've ever read here.I don't care what they are about, just post them
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Redhearts War:
Learning to Live Again:
The Sunset of a Frozen Princess has been one of my favorite reads in recent years. I can totally see it being the canon future post-S9. Shame the author hasn't updated in over 2 years.
>he feel for the incomplete fic meme
Oldest trick in the book
looks like a sequel is happening
you can write your own ending for practice

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Human becomes pony. How, why and what happens next are all up to you. New stories and art welcome!
Any type of transformation into ponies, gryphons, changelings, dragons, kirin, etc., whether OC or canonical, & Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.
Want to be the little pony? This is the thread for you.

Previously on PTFG:

https://ponepaste.org/10269 - Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10206 - Mares With Guns by OrwellRedenbacher
https://ponepaste.org/9446 - Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer
https://ponepaste.org/9707 - Anu by Meslam
https://ponepaste.org/10203 - Cardboard Cutouts by OrwellRedenbacher
https://ponepaste.org/10220 - Of Beaks and Bullets by Kiyote
https://ponepaste.org/10173 - Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122 - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10081 - Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9985 - Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer - Complete!

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So close yet so far
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Become thicc mare. I will help you be happy.
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(formerly known as /tempo/, or T:EM/P/O)
A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone. If you're working on something, be it musicfagging, writefagging, drawfagging, poetfagging, craftfagging, or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own. If you want to start content creating why not start today?

This thread is intended for ALL SKILL LEVELS, from complete beginner to seasoned expert. Don't get intimidated. We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.

Active Community Projects:
Mare Fair >>41354221 (September 27th - 29th)

Resource Bin:
https://ponepaste.org/9401 (really needs updated, bug me about this later)

Tempo Music Archive:

Drawing Room:

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>From cloppers and weird feteshists to actual pedos (those who clop on children/underage/teenage characters)
All me btw
cute, i like the heart
meant for >>41426586
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I'm in between projects right now and I feel more stressed deciding what to do, than when I had something hanging over my head. How odd. There might be more to it though, with marefair soon and stuff.
Cleared the /misc/ (overflow) canvas athttps://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZG

Previous canvas: >>41331311

What are some fun facts and trivia about Hippogriffs?
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They have great buttholes.
Silverstreams butt hole is just on a whole different level.
From its appearance, to how it feels, and how it smells: all in a different ballpark completely to any pony, or creature in Equestria
If a grade A butt hole could be described as perfect, then Silverstream's would be SSS+ tier.
Pretty good pussy
I bet the farts are scrumptious coming out of it.
they are probably one of the weakest creatures
>less magical than ponies or bugs
>weaker than griphons, probably less violent
>slower than pegasus and griphons
>only interesting talent is turning into fishes, bugs can already transform into many different aquatic beasts

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Rebooting The Simulation Edition

For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.

>/shy/thread Ponepaste (includes the OP, writefag list, writefag request bin, and all current/completed stories)

>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist (request for new content to be added in the thread)

>/mushy/ Musical mixtape (request for new content to be added in the thread)

Previous thread: >>41246671
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Don't try to pass off your shit taste as enlightenment. And hey you posted pony in the pony thread good on you.
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Fluttershy from FiM and Dougershy are canonically separate entities, troon. At least watch the optional pedophiliac spinoff before shilling it.
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He always comes here and makes this retarded argument.
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>try to talk about AJ (or rainbow dash) anywhere
Why are people like this?
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It's instagram though
4chan won't live to 2030, don't worry.
Tell them AJ is bi, and that way we can both have our rape fantasies. I'm sure they'll be happy then :p

But for real it can't all be like that. You just ran into some idiots who can't hide their power level, which is typical for the doomscrollers on social media. Now let's all get drunk and play pingpong.
Just get better taste in mares tbdesu
Why do you think Faust hates lesbians? She's a feminist.

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Though I May Die A Thousand Times And Then A Thousand More, The Eternal Quest For Monkey Dick I Never Shall Deplore Edition

>What is Flutterrape?
Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon, the only human in Equestria. While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon, others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape. There are different versions of Flutterrape, but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants. Just because your story has Anon in it, doesn't mean it fits in this thread. Check other threads (AiE, RGRE etc) about story content before posting.

>It's been 12 years, how is this thread still alive?
A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.

>How do I start writing?
Use your imagination, you nitwit. Additionally, brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.

Writing Guides:
Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories -- https://ponepaste.org/1274
Driverbang's Writing Guide -- https://ponepaste.org/1275
Navarone's Writing Rules -- https://ponepaste.org/1276

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Poor bear.
Never had a chance

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