>ITT: Pure sex images from the show
>>41943821I think it just depends on how much the horse weighs. I've seen horses with round butts and I've seen horses with lean butts. For the show, they probably went a little more womanly just because most animal cartoon characters are anthroI'm just speculating though
>>41943821>>41944344Real horses don't have humanlike butt cheeks like the g4 ponies seems to have in some shots. That's a result of bipedalism.
Welcome friends, ITT:We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ threadAre you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!https://mares.horse/balehttps://ponepaste.org/8268Draw with other /bale/ anons!https://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZGComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
random doodles for practice
>>41943953final day with the last two ponies. finally found out which brushes i liked after playing around with most of them so theres something
>>41944433based wife even though I'm more of a Limestone Pie man myself>>41945212Practice pone new mare?>>41945393Great work in staying concistent anon, hopefully you'll make some more art on here!
>>41945535I'll add more on to Practice Pone as time goes on, she needs hair
We talk about the best chudmare in all of MLP. Post pictures, draw art, post AI voice overs, make websites dedicated to her, make video edits of her, make stories about her, discuss the episodes she appeared in, and pour your heart out for her.Previous Thread:>>41899946
>>41936277Still uppity after all these years, those unicorns.
>>41942614I hope she loved the lolly!
>>41942853Full of candy.
This week's episodes are "Over a Barrel" (Written by Dave Polsky) and "A Bird in the Hoof" (Written by Charlotte Fullerton), originally aired March 25h and April 8th 2011.Find the stream here:https://mlprewatch.stream/Countdown here:https://when.mlprewatch.stream/Once again please post any fan videos relating to these episodes in the thread, ideally before the stream.We're starting to reach the point where the fandom suddenly exploded so the streams from now on will probably be a lot longer.
Forgot how good that episode was
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwffzKAAQEQjust found this
>>41945594One of favourites in Season 1 that's for sure
>>41945618We know, Trixie.
My hero is Bejita and I love the taste of sht in my mouth.
>>41945651Dashiefag btw
I jobbed to Linky's maretooth.
Which cancelled MLP episode were you looking forward to the most?
lmao. i'd say the pressure was getting to her, but, what pressure?
>>41945256Yeah, instead you got an episode where all the lesbos fight for a date with Twilight.
>>41945403She has a haremof fillies
>>41945666Calm down, Satan
>>41940763These all sound like bad fan fiction.
>what?marecon is an online con by and for /mlp/eons, similar to /mlp/ con. A 3 day celebration of mares and what we love about them>when?the date is decided! marecon this year will run from Friday, February 28th to Sunday, March 2nd>where?check out our newly updated website! It will have a link to the cytube once we get closer to the conhttps://www.marecon.live/>why?it's a fun excuse to get together and have fun. If you need a better reason than that, we'll also be holding some fundraisers for Fallen Oak Equine Rescue throughout the weekendhttps://fallenoak.org/>who?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41941824Then let us whiff in the pungent odour of mares
>>41944395stinks good
>>41945048I like farts
>>41945225we know you do braplight, we know
Previous >>41732575ITT: Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.---Completed Stories:Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon- https://pastebin.com/7r8iCJ2U---Ongoing Stories:To Listen (Part 1) by AlexanderGrey- https://pastebin.com/c6D2XDbLGame of Headphones (Part 2) by AlexanderGrey- https://pastebin.com/Sx1M6gnBComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41942904Of all time
>>41940875https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVV-fo1iz-Ehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOUkY_Z9eBkYou decide.
Ubuntu Pony EditionPrevious Thread: >>41124542https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41124542/#41124542Share your pony rices and tech-related projects!We're back! Whats new?-PonyOS 8.0 is out!https://www.ponyos.org/-Rainbow Dash Flash Drives!https://www.sigil.horse/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41944199none in particular really. when it comes to this case my idea was to sell all the pcs across different platforms to try and get as many sales as possible, since ive solely been selling on ebay for the last 2 years and sales tend to speed up and slow down at times.
>>41941331sounds good, i might just fuck around and install an old version of photoshop, or see what gimp has to offer for me>>41941351yea i use krita for drawing, on my drawing tablet>>41943698very comfy, Anon! i'm glad you're liking mint so much! does it preform everything you want it to do, compared to your windows rig?
I have a pretty boring setup, at night, I even change the wallpaper to the default xfce one.
>>41944682yeah it does. my needs list is excruciatingly basic as long has a gui that's vaguely similar to a windows gui and its got a modern web browser and it's fast I'm a happy camper. the only native windows program I run is paint tool sai which generally runs fine with wine and playonlinux but I can run it through virtual box if wine and playonlinux gives me and shit. I do miss the ease of installing programs on windows but its a price I am more than willing to pay for the performance and stability of mint. speaking of which I fucking love how efficient linux is with resources compared to windows it's goddamn magnificent, literally a work of art in comparison.
>>41945104veryyy cute neofetch image fren! did you color it yourself?>void linuxi keep seeing void pop up. is it comfy?how is it compared to say, Arch Linux if you've tried it
Last time on The Good Necromancer:>The group of you head into Sibashikha, looking around at the two as the Radonitsa celebrations begin.>Getting some food first at a local bakery, you also learn that there are a few bookstores and temples in town.>Following that you find some festivities in town and take part in them: playing some ring toss where you win some magical trinkets and go through a Hall of Mirrors which is fun for you and Dawyn.>You reunite with the rest of the group and head off to check out a weapon store. You take interest in a Griffon warhammer called Járnfall, Dawyn grabs a shortsword and shield, and Tanssija grabs a few elemental arrows. Besides that, you're all still looking around a bit.You can also go ahead and catch up here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41102063/#41102063>Lore Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/M0kTrrNc>Inventory Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/aKksRQdc>Spell Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/LuG8YptA>Information Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/egCQWBJA>Crafting Pastebin:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41939634"As Dawyn said, if you have the energy, I wouldn't mind a little love myself."You admit, letting out a husky sigh as your teats get massaged, allowing yourself to fully lean back a little now that your cute buck was done stuffing your marefriend's cheeks. Running a hoof through Dawyn's mane, you leer at both of them with an inviting grin, stretching out provocatively as you lean even further back. The moment you place your hoof down to support yourself though, it slips on your tail where it rests upon a growing puddle of mare lube, sending you onto your back with a wet clap of wobbling teats and a solid glimpse of your swollen marehood.Laying there stunned for a moment, you turn to briefly look at the similarly stunned Griffon in the mirror before looking down across your belly at the Dragon mare whose muzzle is now loosely lodged into your cleavage, which is both comedic and a little hot in some obscene fashion, given the little bits of drool and cum dripping into your mounds. After a second she removes herself and chuckles a little at you."...The only thing hurt is my pride. Though, there is a part of me that is starting to ache~.""Then we should figure out how to solve that then~." She smirks back."How well do you know that Snare spell of yours, Dawyn?""I've used it several times, so I have experience with it." She replies."Hannu, how would you feel about screwing a larger mare from below?""That sounds... a bit interesting. I would be willing to try it," He nods before smiling a little, "And I think your counterpart would enjoy having a bit of control~.""Just give me a moment then. I'm going to need to modify the spell a tiny bit."The magical glow around your teats disappear, but the magic around Dawyn's horns remain. She clasps her claws together and moves them over to you, lifting you up onto your side slightly so that she can touch both of them to your back. Leaving her left claw on your back she starts to move her right claw away, where you begin to see an almost invisible piece of rope form between her palms that grows in length as she brings her right claw out. She brings it to just above Hannu's belly and leaves it there for several moments, her eyes squinting slightly as she concentrates."Hmm... there," She exclaims before glancing at the two of you, "Just warning you that there is going to be a pull."She then suddenly claps her hooves together and-"Gah!"Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41939839Laying there stunned for a moment in surprise at the sudden proximity, our eyes narrow at the buck as our heart flutters. Keeping the intruding buckmeat trapped between our slick teats with a light squeeze of our thighs, we press our snout to Hannu's and greet him huskily."Hello~. And i believe you are right about her."Righting ourself carefully, we help support Hannu's head and neck with a foreleg, our damp tail swishing against his rear as our excitement drips onto his sack, taking a few experimental steps around to get used to the weight. Enjoying the feeling of the warm buck clinging to us, and our bosom shifting around his length with each step, we make our way over to the mare responsible and pull her into a kiss by her horn, keeping our touch firm but gentle as we appreciate how simply handling her natural ivory hoofhold makes her blush and melt a little. The pulse we feel between our legs suggests that Hannu doesn't hate the sight of two mares kissing either."Thank you, Wyn, though I may need a claw in a moment. Of course, I would be delighted if you usedTwirling slowly in front of the mirror with our tail held aside, we briefly inspect the (heart shaped countershaded?) buck's rump sticking out between our hindlegs and the plump teardrop shaped lips above. Reaching back, we squeeze his flank for a moment, feeling just a little bit envious of the claw cupping the reflected flank. Spinning to be face to face with the mirror, we lean down and cast Suggest on Hannu, whispering into his ear as we lock eyes with his owl headed reflection."Look in the mirror and see that she is me and I am her. Whenever we kiss, see, hear, and feel the hen and mare swap places."Running short on time again, otherwise I'd detail stuff within the mirror. Will try to expand on things. Not sure on the spell. Next thought is to ask Dawyn for a claw in aligning Hannu.
>>41940961You lay there stunned at the sudden proximity, though your eyes narrow at the buck as your heart flutters, the buck chuckling a little and blushing in embarrassment. Keeping the intruding buckmeat trapped between your slick teats with a squeeze of your thighs, you press your snout to Hannu's and greet him huskily."Hello~. And I believe you are right about her.""I-I do know a bit around Griffons," He admits, "And hello back."You very carefully right yourself and stand up on four legs, using one to support Hannu's head and neck as you stand, your damp tail swishing against his rear as your excitement drips onto his sack bobbing just below you, taking a few experimental steps around to get used to the weight which doesn't take long. With his hooves wrapped around you now, you enjoy the feeling of a warm buck clinging to you, and your bosom shifting around his length with each step you take. You make your way over to the mare responsible, Hannu swaying a bit underneath you as you move, and pull her into a kiss by her horn, keeping your touch firm but gentle as you watch her blush and her eyes drift close a bit as the simple touch makes her melt once again. The pulsing you feel between your teats is enough to suggest that Hannu doesn't hate the sight of two mares kissing each other."Thank you, Wyn, though I may need a claw in a moment. Of course, I would be delighted if you used magic as well.""Mmm... Mmhmm~." She hums with a nod, barely registering what you said.You let go of her horn and twirl around so that your backside is to the mirror with your tail to the side, allowing you to briefly inspect the heart shaped countershading of Hannu's rump sticking out between your hind legs and the plump teardrop shaped lips above, his balls pressing up against them slightly. You reach back and squeeze his flanks for a moment, feeling just a bit envious of the claw cupping his flank in the mirror. Spinning to be face to face with the mirror, you lean down and cast Suggestion on him, whispering into his ear as you lock eyes with his owl headed reflection."Look in the mirror and see that she is me and I am her. Whenever we kiss, see, hear, and feel the hen and mare swap places."A second later he shakes his head as the magic takes affect. Poking his tongue between his lips he begins to shift under you, trying to move his lower body to his target destination. Your teats rub against him with each movement and he eventually gets his cock out from between your mounds. With a bit more work he gets it between your thighs where it springs up to ram against your dock. Any further attempts to get it to your lower lips just results in him smearing his cock over your rump and puckered hole."I thought... this would be a bit easier." He admits below you.What do you do?
>>41942421"I think you've done quite well, my little king of hearts, since you're not used to being restrained like this. A little more practice and you might manage to get it... with some time."We reassure him with a teasing tone. Trotting on the spot, we swing our rear back around towards the mirror, enjoying the feeling of Hannu swinging underneath us a little too much as we rock between our back hooves, getting rod to bounce from one ass cheek to the other. Between each bounce, his tip rubs against our dock, a little pre stains the base of our tail and calling forth a little spark of pleasure. Looking into the mirror, we inspect the disheveled, cream colored fur we're partially responsible for sullying, taking some small joy in the sight of the flagging tail, as well as the toned thighs of the proud hen pressing on Hannu's sides as she bounces her cock's cock to the same rhythm. Even with our posture being a little less tense than the hen's, we wink in sync with her as we can't resist tracking the curious tool, watching the barbed tip slide tauntingly over her pucker several times, wondering what it will look buried up to its root in her."Looking about as wound up as I feel."Curious to see if we can catch the proud Griffon left it vague if it was our counterpart or Hannu's that we're trying to get back at off guard, we roll our hips back to smack our cunny against the base of Hannu's rod mid swing. The sight of the smaller Griffon humping the hen's cheeks ineffectually with his paws clenched makes us salivate a little, though the feeling of the buck under us doing the same has our legs lock up and biting our lip to quiet a groan."A, a claw, Dawyn?"I missed the unfinished line, was supposed to be an invitation for Dawyn to touch whatever she wants. And Luscinia knows the other Hannu is a buck, so his dick wouldn't be quite where it appears, but the mirror's illusion is fun to toy with.Figure Hannu's first instinct might be to kiss us, then we act as the Griffon for a bit?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyfiT2nHN0gI wish we had more official VAs collaborate in fan projects.
Do we have any other unofficial stuff which involved the official staff members?
>>41944957>MandoAnon...>>41944964Of course they are allowed. It's just that they are mercenaries, they don't work for free.
>>41944957Merry Christmas, fellow Internet Explorer user!
>>41945378Yes, Mando.So what?
>>41945471I was forced to use IE until 2019.
>"Should we rape Anon and make him a father of our foals?"
>>41944298Brilliant! Get them all distracted on a dead end, while Fluttershy awaits in bed for you, with Zecora's special brewed compatibility potion!
>>41944732Fluttershy and I are just friends, but that's cool too I guess.
>>41944286i posted this btw
>>41945654no i posted that
>wake up>"Happy Canadian Flag Day, babe.">"Just lay back, and let me work my magic"Wat do?
whiskey is the only thing leaffags can get right, so i'll keep drinking it until they stop making it
>>41945281why are the ponies celebrating for a country that birthed Lee Goldson?
>>41945281>>41945301Coloratura's nymphomania is beginning to become clear.Sorry Anon, you put a ring on it. So get in the bed and stay there.
>>41945281I would suck the maple syrup from her crotchboobies.
>Daily Mare Rape
"YOU ARE IN NO POSITION TO NEGOTIATE" EditionPost and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!>is selling your products here allowed?Of course! Absolutely allowed.>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.>where can I find the old threads?They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.=== Links Index Pastebin ===Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41943718>patagoniawhere dinosaur
Hi! OP here /)I'm currently updating the pastebin with the sites discussed here lately, and sadly having to remove a few since they've died.Though when I'm done I'll post which ones here, so if you guys happen to know that they actually just changed their site or contact info, you can tell me and I'll correct it!Anyways, I was planning on doing a cytube stream this sunday, with purely pony merch videos and with solely pony merch emotes.Just to try something different, I don't plan on making it a routine thing.It might also serve to add activities for our anniversary! Aaand just have a chill moment watching merch videos, which don't usually get much of a place in pony watchalong streams, and there's still a considerable amount of them being posted these days, see >>41936485You guys are free to request videos to watch together this sunday!It can be interesting/informative content (unboxings, reviews), autistic/funny or just chill/comfy (time-lapse construction/restauration)New and old content is equally welcome! Just don't expect long videos of more than 30 minutes to be added, unless it's something really special but IdkAnd feel free to suggest emotes! Ihave a lot of them made but new ones are always accepted and some essential ones are especially missing like :comfy:, :kek:/:lol: (something about laughter), :bye:, :silly:, :poorfag:/:richfag:, among others.Remember that they have to be only about pony merch, with the exception of drawings about merch.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I've finally unpacked MF2024 pretend sponsor garbage^W gifts, they've made me smile. The selection of items to brand with ponies was good, they seem pretty handy.>>41944377Bump for good OP putting in the effort for a good thread. Also, dubs.
>>41943718We arrived at Aldea Las Pampas, recently named Atilio Viglione!>>41943905Who do you think was taking the pics?
Previous Thread: >>41826661Unplanned Death and Bedhugs EditionTwilight's favourite books:https://ponepaste.org/7844Fanfic Reading:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYetaRLw6_prRRFDntQpW72wZ8lo0INYiTwilight music playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYetaRLw6_prOF6FYfBqoCtdz-D-7uUP9Pastebins:https://pastebin.com/u/NightlyTwilightFicComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41943517Yeah, but you can play along for just one day.