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Human becomes pony. How, why and what happens next are all up to you. New stories and art welcome!
Any type of transformation into ponies, gryphons, changelings, dragons, kirin, etc., whether OC or canonical, & Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.
Want to be the little pony? This is the thread for you.

Previously on PTFG:

https://ponepaste.org/10320 - Cathode Ray Mission by OrwellRedenbacher - New & Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10334 - Pon-E suicide funk by Gnisha - New & Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10269 - Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10206 - Mares With Guns by OrwellRedenbacher
https://ponepaste.org/9446 - Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer
https://ponepaste.org/9707 - Anu by Meslam
https://ponepaste.org/10203 - Cardboard Cutouts by OrwellRedenbacher
https://ponepaste.org/10220 - Of Beaks and Bullets by Kiyote
https://ponepaste.org/10173 - Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122 - Complete!

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the login is optional. has a button at the top of the page to save locally in the browser favorites when you're reading the text.
Is there anything you can tell me about this fic that will overcome my revulsion at the things in that box?
Imagine a digital circus scenario where a bunch of humans get sent into a pocket realm as colts and get taken care of by Femanon
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Alright, everypony, I’m way too embarrassed to be asking this but I’m desperate. How do you—I—ahem... how do mares handle, uh, “self-care” when you’ve got hooves? Like, I’m a super adventurous pony, but I cannot figure this out!

And, yeah, it’s me, Sunny Starscout, don’t act surprised. Between all the friendship speeches and saving Equestria, I have needs, you know? I’m a mare, not a machine! But these hooves? They're just NOT it. I tried the whole "rub against a pillow" thing Izzy mentioned, but it’s just... frustrating. Wings? Not an option—I’m not a pegasus like Zipp or Pipp. And don’t even ask me to get creative with magic... I wish!

I've heard stories about unicorn mares having special techniques, and pegasi doing things with their wings, but what’s a grounded earth pony supposed to do? Somepony out there must know. I’m over here grinding against anything solid out of pure frustration at this point.

Seriously, help a mare out before I snap and try something insane, like hitching myself to a tree or—Celestia forbid—asking Hitch for advice.

If anyone tells me how to do so, I appreciate you.
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Sometimes you just have the urge to drain a few gallons of pheromone-packed mare juice from a cute pent-up earth pony.
Oh, wow, you’re really leaning into that fantasy, huh? I can’t even with you guys today. I was just asking for some hoof tips and now I’m apparently the queen of “pheromone-packed mare juice”? You’re not even trying to hide that thirst at this point!

I guess being a pent-up earth pony has its... perks? But gallons? Come on, dude, you might want to pace yourself—don’t go thinking you can just take on an earth mare’s entire “output” and live to tell the tale. That might be more than you bargained for.
I will drown happy!
Oh, Celestia, you’re really committing, huh? You’d go out with a smile if it meant getting drenched in that? Well, I guess if that’s what truly makes you happy... maybe I could make an exception just for you.

But seriously, you might be biting off more than you can chew here. Earth pony mares can be a lot to handle. You better be ready for it if you’re really down for that kind of... flood.

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Let's have an emo pony thread and post like it's 2014.
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I want to hold her hoof
You filthy perv
You just post it
I absolutely love this story. First time I actually got emotional over a horse fiction.

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yeehaw! time to ride some stud cocks

Story archive:

previous sluttery:
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this but i want more feminization
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That makes the two of us

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Hey anons,

I've been autistically obsessed with history, war, politics, and geopolitics for about a decade, and its finally getting boring. Can't actually go out and fight for medical reasons, so I can't pivot this to like, an actual career unless I want to be some CIA analyst for the rest of my life. Whats an actually useful autistic nerdy interest that I can at least try to get into? Are there any pony communities around it? Is it a consooom interest where the point is to buy a bunch of useless shit (like warframe, pokemon, etc)? Tried general "tech" and couldn't really get into that (saved a few bucks making and repairing my own PC though). I'm 21, so still young enough to make a massive pivot in my life.
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its like a guitar but for people who are allergic to pussy
I buy and repair minicomputers and enterprise computing hardware from the 70s and 80s. It's so autistic that other retro computer nerds look at me weird. I have never met anyone in this space younger than 40. I find it more fulfilling to repair machines that were used for their intended purpose and then discarded unceremoniously instead of having cults of fans built around them like retro apple and commodore hardware. There's also a treasure hunt aspect to it where I have to go hunting for any scrap of documentation I can find.
If you want to be profitable you can do this with government and business surplus servers from the 2010s as well, practically prints money if you're willing to dump 10 grand into it.
I could, but I got out of IT specifically because making it my job was miserable. And hardware made after 2006 is really boring and standardized. There's very little in the way of weird and interesting bespoke hardware after that. 70s and 80s minicomputers can be pretty profitable, assuming you're able to find a buyer. That's a niche within a niche. Very few private collectors are willing to drop $10K to $20K on functional PDP-8s or VAX Workstations.
sure, but there's no world where you can't do both, especially if you're doing one to fund a hobby. I flip analog audio equipment because fixing it is mostly a procurement problem and buying a $10 capacitor can double your money in an hour, but I only really do it to fund other hobbies

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Previous Thread: >>41354213

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: >filename.

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
To see server specific commands enter !commands in chat on the server.
To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.

Addon lists: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816159002
Server status: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod/24205952 or https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Recommended content packs: HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps. Download content packs from: https://gmodcontent.com/ or https://kajar9.wixsite.com/cscheater2/downloads (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614222717
LINUX Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3332521672
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: https://ponepaste.org/7931

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6 on sandbox
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10 on snoof
7 on gungame
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3 on spooky snoofbox
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New Tell Your Tale episode! Finally some Allura development.
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Sparky defeats allura by farting on her face
Hasbro is going to hire you
Thtats just the type of vision we need for G6
Imagine if Sparky made it into g6
>Spike is in G6
>He's a newborn
Ultimate monkey paw moment

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This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer. Post pics, greens and discussion.

Previous thread:

Topics discussed:
>ember visits the thread
>is starlight chubby or not? you decide!
>She got a pretty good deal all things considered >>41418663
>S5 Glim would be a great mother >>41421508
>she's too strong
>Glimmy has her highs and lows >>41438562
>hop in, anon
>thread gets a little red
>then it gets a little horny

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glimmy's so cool...
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Dashie approves.
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... and POWERFUL...

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Previous thread: >>41354853

/moon/day Thread OP template: https://ponepaste.org/4423
/moon/day Story Archive: Coming soon? (some deprecated can be found on ponepaste)
Lunar Tunes Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDi8dQxLXiDoVZPCL31D2EXLy4DZw1gxY
Equestria Project (meditation/lucid dreaming guide): https://pastebin.com/3mQfmH24 (embed)
old /moon/day story archive: https://poneb.in/He5X50m6

Humanizations of Princess Luna and others have a dedicated thread - post them there. Keep it pony (aside from inclusions of Anonymous in pics).

Ongoing Stories:

Stories On Hiatus:

"Moonlight, Veiled - Book 2", by horsa: https://ponepaste.org/6285

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So we're in agreement that Luna is a large, full, plush mare that excels in hugging and cuddling
>large, full, plush mare
She is... very warm...
So hold her tightly at every opportunity you get.
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It'd be one of those 'radiating' heat feelings. The air is cool, but her fur soft and her body resonating a comforting warmth. The contours and curves of her equine form forming into your body. Your arms wrapped around her, her forelegs draped over you. The only sound being the swish and sway of her magical mane and her breathing. Maybe a kiss here and there from her lush, full lips.
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Hey Lunatics, it's Hugh Neutron here. The new short story I talked about last thread is finally finished.
To Catch A Falling Star
Here are the first few lines. I'm not going to post everything here because it's not a greentext format.
A mare, the Queen of night, Nightmare Moon, opened her eyes and beheld the moon again, stretching in front of her in shining grey white. She looked down and felt the gritty dust under her hooves, she looked around and saw the hovel hole she carved to sleep in. The sight was familiar, too familiar. It had been her prison for a thousand years. She remembered her preparations and tallied them once again but found they were all spoiled. She reached out with magic and felt the stars were misplaced. The stars which were painstakingly aligned to assist her had gone past their targets and now Nightmare moon would have to reposition them. Hundreds of runes across the surface of the moon were exhausted and faded, and so were her stars. She had been storing magic in them for hundreds of years to try and get back to Equestria and it was all gone now! Her hooves began shaking as an icy horror crept up her back. *Nay... Please nay* Nightmare Moon thought.

“Damn it all to tartarus!”

Pain, shame, desperation, gripping hopelessness all swirled around her in dark currents. She could feel it in her veins, her heart raced, and she felt feverish. Her legs failed and she collapsed into a ball, tears in her eyes. The darkness of space loomed over her. *Nay, nay, nay*, she repeated to herself. The swirling dark emotions gripped her insides and settled in her stomach.


Nightmare Moon jolted up from the imaginary bed and gasped for air where there was none. Her stomach was filled with poison, flipping over itself. She flailed and became tangled in the false sheets as she stumbled away and retched on the ground. She spat and heaved again between crying gasps. Nightmare Moon let out a pained wail before another heave. Sweat poured from her skin. She could hear the blood surge through her ears as her heart pounded on her ribcage. Her bones and muscles shivered on their own uncontrollably, the vacuum of space was cold against her skin.

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Sounds interesting. I will give it a read

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>the Cadance who brought you down here was an impostor
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what was everypony last task
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What? It was obvious, she was the red spy!
Watch, she'll turn red any second now...
When the Cadance is sus

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Previous thread>>41355454

This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever: Sunny & Izzy! No, this is not a shipping thread.

>Greentext stories short and long:
Note, I am no longer linking to every post for a green, only the starting one, so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!
>>39561001 Izzy has something for (You)
>>39584734 Izzy has to choose
>>39869258 Sunny & Izzy get confused in prison
>>39959545 Hitch discovers something about Sunny
>>39965565 Izzy discovers it too
>>39985594 Izzy is probably drunk
>>40075364 Anon is distressed
>>40077312 Sunny and Izzy sing a work song
>>40147731 Sunny trains Anonfilly

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Hello Izzy!

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How do I recreate the experience of watching G4 as it came out?
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No it has to be the exact dates or the time aspect is lost. That rewatch stream does two episodes each weekend and doesn’t play any of the promos leading up to the episode. I remember those pretty well because some of them generate a lot of speculation back then. Watching the fan videos on the upload dates also show how fast people were making content from the new episodes and gives a sense of activeness.
but that's not coming back anon, from what I've seen the rewatch stream is the closest thing to reliving the show's airing
Could you point out which parts are closer for you? I also watch the episodes with the stream chats like these: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfse_qn7r0GaiRFXWcZg_CAK2eTRxaJay
you can still do this, you just need to get them to tell you their favorite horse.
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yeah but I'm way less jaded now and I like every horse
plus what am I gonna do, bully the only Sassaflash lover left in the entire world? He's probably got enough on his plate

>fabulous, darling!
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She regularly steals all the toilet paper in town so that she gets to clean everypony's poopy butts with her face.
What's the sauce?
Sort of like me. I regularly steal toilet paper rolls from public restrooms whenever I can to save money :)
Whoa, a pony!
>roll over
>good girl!!

The diamond dogs really got to her, didn't they?

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Where’s the other draw thread where it had an archive of derpy painting. And was giving a site out to draw anything you want with anons.
I also wish to see

It got moved to /create/ (previously Tempo) >>41539936

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Fluffy And Greasy Edition.
Previous: >>41255012

>What is this general?
NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts (or in some cases complete lack thereof) struggle to fit in with the rest of society.

>What sort of stories can you expect to find here?
• Slice of life stuff.
• Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.
• Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.
• A few NEET-recovery stories.
• A lot of smut, if you're into that.
• Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks. Don't like one of them? Give another NEET a try!
• Much, much more!

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Speaking of that. I do work from home. I wonder if Floorb would try to do lewd things she learned online while I'm trying to work.
I want to sniff Floor's sweaty pit
>would Floorb do lewd things

Is there any number higher than 100%?
It would be next level underdesk dome
>You're in the middle of a meeting and your lovely wife Floorb is trying to see if she can lick her own marehood on your bed just out of frame.
>Just as she hits teat for the first time, she doubles over and awkwardly flops onto the ground.
>From her expression, you guess she's rather proud of herself.
>Truly, she is the mare for you.

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