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Are you planning anything big or special with your waifu soon?
Good talk.
I'll jerk off to her yeah
Only a dinner with the whole family
A wedding proposal

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Well it's the 3rd of the month, lets keep going for a bit

Get the game here:

Horse Women Central EQG Koikatsu Pack (recently updated?):
Their discord for additional cards:

Cards posted in previous threads:


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I need that meme of the guy pushing the fat kid back down to stare at the hottie, cause all I want to see is more Silver Spoon instead of DT.
are these shorts or underwear?
Thanks, that's pretty nice.

why did you let it die edition
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The beach episode!
Let's see your penwork then.
I made this some years ago
i'm still around. been busy with things
I my opinion kinda sucks since I frequently have to tab out of watching it to inject something like Transformers or DOOM into my eyeballs so the other half of my brain can watch a girl show.
I think everyone said the first movie had a retarded villain (like as in intellectually inferior) but the movie treats sunset like she's actually dangerous despite multiple easy ways of preventing her bullshit or her accomplishing her goals. The but rest of it is pretty fun! I like how Sunset grows over RR and Friendship Games, Sci-light being paranoid of her powers, Flash getting cocked blocked, Trixie in both RR and Forgotten Friendship, I could go on but I think you'll enjoy it.

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>"I don't know, anon, that story is a bit ridiculous, I think I could have convinced those eagles to take that ring to the volcano."
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Those eagles would have been corrupted by the ring
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Sauron had Nazgûl wyverns patrolling the skies around Mount Doom. Flying into Mordor would've been suicide.
passionate sex with fluttershy, immediately.
Not to mention an army full of archers and who knows what else, plus the little factor of fucking Sauron himself still being around and easily being able to spot them. The eagle thing is completely retarded.
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Human becomes pony. How, why and what happens next are all up to you. New stories and art welcome!
Any type of transformation into ponies, gryphons, changelings, dragons, kirin, etc., whether OC or canonical, & Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.
Want to be the little pony? This is the thread for you.

Previously on PTFG:

https://ponepaste.org/10220 - Of Beaks and Bullets by Kiyote - New!
https://ponepaste.org/10203 - Cardboard Cutouts by OrwellRedenbacher - New & Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10104 - Coming Out of Your Shell by pogoman122 - New & Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10173 - Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122 - New & Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10081 - Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9707 - Anu by Meslam
https://ponepaste.org/9446 - Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer
https://ponepaste.org/9985 - Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10012 - A Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer - Complete!

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There was this mlp themed minecraft server, maybe it was hosted here idk, but it was like a faction survival on a custom-made map and you could pick what creature class you wanted. Each class had a kit of powers and passives. i remember it being pretty fun

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>Once Upon a Time, The Gem Homeworld was ruled-
>wrong book..
>Once Upon a Time, The Gem Homeworld was ruled by two brothers: Soijack and Troonjack.
>Celestia (white)
>Celestia (yellow)
Wait, but that would mean Cadance...

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tag: 3d, futa, score.gte:200
tag: op is a faggot
it is my greatest guilty pleasure, and although I should be ashamed of it, I'm really not. I just don't favorite a whole lot of it on my profile to keep up appearances.
Why is like 80% of 3D picks futa? I hate it.
Furry subfandom. The 3d anthro futa ratio is the same when you take out the ponies.
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>tags: celestia, futa, solo

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>"Stars, look at me. All wet, and frazzled and so cold..."
>"You wouldn't pass a chance to brush and cuddle a mare, would you Anon?"
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Milk bath
>she sees so much tremendous potential in
In what? IN WHAT?
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So that's what Applejack's cows are for.

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Fancy Dinner edition.

Last Th/ra/d: >>41126186

A bunch of short greens:

Rarity Mixtape:

Spotify Playlist:

Thread Archive:

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she's just like me
my room
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Previous Thread: >>41133433

Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.

Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http://pastebin.com/u/Two_Echo
A collection of Vinyl stories-https://ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit

Individual Vinyl Greens-

Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl)
Fuck You (Anon x Vinyl)
Vinyl gets a ride from Anon

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I love having non-consensual sex with my wife!
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>"Ugh, I feel so fat today, I shoulda listened to Tavi about having a second piece of cake. Ngh, pants are really digging into my hips-"

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Where are the artfags to draw anon massaging oil into bat gf's wings
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You go live in the attic and try to not get filthy.
All bat ponies are SLUTS.
You see a bat pony OC? That OC has porn. Every time.
All bat ponies SUCK COCK.
Every single bat pony stallion has either appeared in gay porn or will do so within a month.

Prove me wrong. You can't.
>Create a bat pony oc
>Never post her online
>Never make porn of her
Would pegasaliva do like in >>41246317?
Do cyborg bats needlessly cover their cyberwings in machine oil to feel alive again?

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>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.

>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify ̶A̶l̶l̶ ̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶F̶g̶t̶ Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing

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She's hoping they form a plausibly deniable militia and finally deal with the yak problem once and for all.
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filly stair
oh my god they are making ai horses now
my money is on the ligger

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This week's episodes are "Campfire Tales" (Written by Barry Safchik & Michael Platt) and "To Change a Changeling" (Written by Kevin Lappin), originally aired August 26th and September 2nd 2017
Find the stream here:
Countdown here:
As always post any fan video/emote suggestions ITT.
Season 7 can't end soon enough
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>Rewatch G4
Just when I thought you fags couldn't get anymore pathetic.
Get a job, Haber.
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You're drunk, Faust. Here's a glass of water.

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A fresh start Edition
Last time on Incest Ball GT: >>41129873
>List of greens so far
https://ponepaste.org/8941 (Sweaty Sunset Sister.)
https://ponepaste.org/8950 (Sister Sunset Stormy Silver Screen)
https://ponepaste.org/9062 (Sister Sunset’s Secret Scandalous Salacity)
https://ponepaste.org/9166 (Kindred Kissing Carnal Cousins)
https://ponepaste.org/9189 (Milky Motherly Morning)
https://ponepaste.org/9416 (Vinyl and Sunset Sisters, unfinished/abandoned)
https://ponepaste.org/9463 (Family Friendly Fun, ongoing)
https://ponepaste.org/9764 (Dawn of Incest)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40464433/#40470159 (Various greens that never made it to ponepaste)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39941314/#q39969050 (The beginning of Scribblekek’s downfall)
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>lilsis as soon as July ends
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>Every girl during September
I’d prone bone her sunny buns while burying my face in her hair.
How do the girls react when they realize that Anon gets more turned on than usual when they turn into cunnies?
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Remember to kiss your NEETster daily

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>"Um actually Anon..."
>"Pulling out isn't an effective contraceptive method, there is still a significant risk of pregnancy. You are better off using protection to avoid it."
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Oh sand dunes!
Catholic moment
He's a good player though

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