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Marital Problems:
screaming edition.

Previous thread: Antiquity
> Dafuq is this? :
The premise of this thread can cover a multitude of issues. Maybe you and your waifu are fighting over something insignificant that snowballed out of control. Maybe the spark just isn't there anymore, or the trust has decayed. Whatever challenges the marital norms of 'perfect pone land'. Either side is welcome to have issues with the other.

If cu.ckoldry is your thing, this isn't your thread.

New content is welcome and appreciated. Discussion is encouraged.
> Revive from the dead edition.

Pastebin of previous threads and current stories thus far: http://pastebin.com/ARKY1Kny

Featured Stories:
Without_Aname's Twilight's Secret Pt. 2 - http://pastebin.com/qdN0mAxX
MnM's A Lust For Revenge - http://pastebin.com/z0zhWzkL
MnM's Twilight's Return (Neglected Anon sequel) - http://pastebin.com/eUXHT07S
Jeff Mango's Mrs Cake - http://pastebin.com/tgJg0HUJ (back from the dead)
Loki's Prince Anon & Young Celestia - http://pastebin.com/ML51EaaS
Fife's Two Sides of the Same Coin - http://pastebin.com/1hJfr9Qs
Lefty's Pinkie loves more - https://pastebin.com/NW77DG4A
TLA's Tilelover Anon - http://pastebin.com/czSAW2hM

Pastebin for aspiring writers (general concepts and techniques):
>daybreakeranon never continued his momlestia
Lol, I wondered if you guys would ever start these threads back up again. Good luck.
very cool, used to love these stories
will post more in the morning but here's my favorite:
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You can't resurrect every once upon a time general. Loki's never going to finish that, he's been gone big long now.
I wanna kms but it goes against my waifu's beliefs . I love her but I can't keep this up for her it feels like I'm waiting for something that will never happen even if I end up in Equestria
every writefag is gone
this general died 10 years ago, and I'm not even exaggerating
This is brutal. I admire the talent, but I have to wonder why someone would write something like this.
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Watching this thread with great interest.
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>Pastebin of previous threads and current stories thus far: http://pastebin.com/ARKY1Kny
Kinda outdated. Look into the archives, there was an active green 3 years ago.
10/10 made me cry
Here's another good one imo
More fun than the last one.
>10 years of ded thred
use a different op pic, that era of using those pics is over
it's over
and I missed ALL of it :_)
Who says it has to be over though?
The only way it won't be over is if you can find more writefags to write something for the thread.
I'm just saying in the current state of the board is this really what we need to 'bring back'?
Some of you are just gluttons for punishment though so I understand.
You like watching corpses rot?
why are a lot of stories about infidelity?
for the drama.
there are a few stories that go other ways but theyre in the minority.
Why do you guys say you don't like cuckoldry when this thread is basically about just that?
I expected more conventional problems not just cheating (which isnt a real marital problem)
You mentally ill retard, all you can think about is fetishes. People can have interpersonal problems, disagreements, depression, etc. There are many problems a married couple could share and have to work through. Maybe a wife hates a member of her husband's family. Maybe one of them is worried about an illness or chronic ailments that their loved one is dealing with. Maybe they're both stuck in a shitty situation and they only have eachother to keep themselves happy and sane. Open your fucking mind or maybe take a break from shitposting 24/7.
contrary to cuck shit, marital problem stuff is all about tragedy and drama instead of taking perverse pleasure in shit
it's usually portrayed as something that stops when the main character finds out, and always as some massive obstacle that both partners need to work through, not something both parties indulge in for fun
ok then why arent the stories about that? almost all of them are about getting cheated on, a bunch of them follow the same prompt of "anon finds twilight cheats on him for random reason"
Years ago the gen's original name was "Adulterous Twilight" and it first was created from a prompt that was basically "Twilight cheats on you, wat do?" Well people rightly figured out that you could only do so much with that, and started to add other relationship problems to broaden out, hence the name it has now. Thing is, most of the stories that got the gen big was still about twilight cheat, and still ongoing. It also doesn't help that greens that weren't about twilight cheating weren't archived as they were just random one shot, usually made to keep the gen going while we waited for those big greens to update.
Poor answer.

Okay answer. But isn't getting enjoyment out of reading about such kind of misery the same as enjoying seeing a person get cucked? I like to make stories with heartbreak too (and usually a happy end but not always) but they do feel pretty cuck-ish to me. But maybe my mind is conflating the concepts.
I would agree but when 90% of the greens include cheating in some form, some of the stories go into detail about the act and make excuses about it too then it starts to ring some alarms
You can usually tell if it's cuck shit by how much detail they describe the adultery in. If it's like "Anon walks in and everyone freaks out", or "one of Twilight's friends lets slip that she's been seeing someone without Anon's knowledge" and it doesn't go further than that, it's probably fine. If it's like >>41831478
>some of the stories go into detail about the act and make excuses about it too
then yeah it's cuck shit. It's almost always Twilight, too, so I wouldn't be surprised that Twifags gravitate towards cuckoldry the most.
but cheating isn't a marital problem, it's more the consequence of nor dealing with them

that green about twilight being distant for a long time which makes anon think he can look for somepony else is a good example, but some other stories just go straight to the cheating or revolve around it which if it isn't meant to be cuck shit then is just shitty missery porn
>shitty missery porn
that's one draw, another is when they heal things and fix their relationship for good feels
Hey, you know what? I used to be a little thin skinned, too, ok?
I'd be like 'Man, the fuck do I want to read about Anon getting cucked on like that for?'
Then I realized, while, yeah, it sucks, it's not like that'll ever happen to me because it's not like I'll ever have a girlfriend lmao.
>misery porn
Oh so that's what it's called.
i swear to god i've seen this exact interaction word for word in another marital problems thread
also i hate these threads because they make me feel bad i'm gonna go find fics where a mare really likes me and gives me hugs and kisses and calls me her special little sweetheart
>Decided to take a trip down memory lane
>>To just undo everything and start over.
Huh? I didn't silently update this? It's been stuck on this part for years, fucking hell. Well since the gen's on it's life support, might aswell give it something.

>What does it matter at this point.
>Everything you wanted has been ignored and thrown into the abyss anyways.
>With teary eyes, you open the folder.
>You see a standard issue Equestria divorce file.
>You’ve seen some of these before when you handled some divorce cases.
>Not until today did you think you would ever be part of those cases.
>Skinning through the at the moment unimportant details, you reach the bottom.
>Flash had already signed his name at the bottom.
>Meaning that you’re all that is left hanging onto this marriage.
>Signing would mean losing the dream you had so longed for.
>Signing would mean freedom from the nightmare that consumes you.
>Both have their consequences.
>You wipe your eyes and sniffle one last time.
>You gather magic into your horn.
>And as you stare at the paper before you.
>So many thoughts enter your mind.
>How the years leading up to this moment.
>The isolation and sadness.
>The joy and happiness.
>Your spontaneous affair with Anon and your current pregnancy.
>How your dream degraded into a nightmare.
>Your thoughts even drifted to the idea of turning back time.
>Just undo everything and start over.
>To use what you know now and make different choices.
>But deep down, you know you wouldn’t.
>You’ve already resigned to your fate.
>This nightmare was going to be a reality anyways.
>It just happened sooner than you hoped.
>Using your magic gathered in your horn, you pick up the quill.
And I fucked up my format, Woo that's how rusty I am.

>You sign your name before your breaking heart stops you.
>When you finish, all of your energy vanishes, and you drop the quill onto the bed.
>You feel fresh tears collect at the bottom of your eyes.
>You hear Flash sigh, then shuffling across the bed.
>When you feel his forelegs wrap around you, your tears fall anew.

>”I’m so, so sorry for making you go through this for so long.”
>He hugs you closer to him.
>”But this nightmare is finally over.”
>You take no solace in this as your tears continue to fall.
>You wrap your forelegs around him
>Holding on desperately to your husband.
>Before he becomes your ex husband and walks out of your life forever.
>”Goodbye, Twilight.”
“Goodbye, Flash.”
>You wanted to hold him for a little while longer, but Flash had other ideas.
>And when you felt him pull away from you, you didn’t pull him back.
>With one last sorrowful look, he collects the form and folder.
>Once he has gathered everything, he slides off the bed and heads towards the door.
>You don’t dare turn around.
>And all you hear from Flash’s departure is the sounds of his horse shoes and the gentle sounds of an opening and closing door.
>After that, all you can hear is your own heartbeat as you’re left in the silence of your room.
>You slump to your side, physically and mentally exhausted after coming to terms with so many things.
>You rub your bulging stomach.
>Things will soon get worse and questions will have to be answered.
>But when all the hardship is taken care of.
>Things will get better.
>Today is a loud and busy day.
>”They what?”
>”But why?”
>”They had such a good marriage for years.”
>It was impossible to escape the latest news on every pony’s mind.
>Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry have been officially divorced.
>As you walk the streets of Canterlot, you can’t help but to feel sullen.
>The consequences of your affair with Twilight have finally come to bear.
>You’re not sure how it went down, but you know the result.
>”Maybe life wasn’t so good behind doors?”
>”If that was the case wouldn’t they have divorced sooner?”
>You picked a really bad day to take a stroll.
>”Wasn’t Flash away from home often?”
>”You think…”
>Your eyes nervously dart over to the two nobles' conversation.
>”Shut your mouth, before I shut it for you.”
>You start to head home as you’ve had enough for today.
>Once you’re in the sanctity of your house, you sigh loudly as you rub your temple.
>You need something to soothe your headache.
>You don’t get very far as you stop in your living room.
>Your eyes stare at Twilight’s favorite chair.
>A new pain stabs you in the chest.
>You just want to hold her.
>To comfort her in these chaotic times.
>But you can’t right now.
>There are too many eyes around Twilight for you to run wildly to her.
>You sigh again, and head for your kitchen.
>At least she isn’t alone this time with her friends, family and the Princess to shield her from the public.
>You rest for the day in uneventful solitude.
>Until sometime after sunset, you hear a knock at your door.
>Confused by the sudden noise, you answer the door.
>You’re surprised to see Celeistia, but you quickly recover.
“Good evening, Princess.”
>You bow, before you move aside to let her in.
>”Good evening, Anon.”
>She bows her head, both as a gesture and so she can get through your door.
>You’re surprised that Celestia isn’t being followed by a crowd of ponies.
>You don’t linger on that thought as Celestia enters your home, and you close the door.
>Now in the privacy of your home, you don’t know what to do.
>You can assume why Princess Celestia has visited you today.
>If Cadence can figure out your affair with Twilight, then it wouldn’t surprise you if Celestia also knows.
>”It has been several years hasn’t it.”
>Celestia is the first to break the silence.
>She moves into your loft, stopping before Twilight’s chair.
>”Since Twilight and Flash first married.”
>Celestia speaks softly, as she raises her hoof and starts to gently stroke the top of the chair.
>”But that all ends today doesn’t it?”
>With all that has happened thus far, and with how down you feel right now, you just don’t have it in you to play this charade.
“I’ve never wanted this.”
“I mean, not like this, I mean.”
>You struggle to put your emotions into words
“Twilight just looked so sad and lonely after she told what was going on with her life.”
“I just wanted to be there for her, to hold her until everything was all patched up.”
“I didn’t plan on breaking them up.”
“I never thought I could possibly get Twilight pregnant.”
“And I-.”
>You were too distracted to have noticed Celestia leaving Twilight’s chair behind.
>You are startled by the sudden hug, but you regain yourself and hug her back.
>Held in Celestia’s warm embrace you couldn’t hold back your flood of emotions.
>The floodgates burst open, and you sob uncontrollably on to Celestia’s coat.
>Celestia takes it all in stride.
>Letting you use her as an outlet for your repressed emotions.
>”I didn’t come here to judge you, Anon.”
>”I just wanted to make sure you’re doing okay.”
>Celestia gently rubs your back with her forelegs.
>Coaxing the last of your tears out of you.
>After some time you slowly release Celestia, wiping away lingering tears from your eyes.
“Thank you, I… appreciate that.”
>Celestia just smiles softly at you.
>”It is always my pleasure to be there.”
>”No matter who needs me to be.”
There, caught up. Now I'm going to sleep, and I'll finish this damn when I get home from work.
If I write a story where a girl pony is cheated on by her husband and friend and she forces them to fuck in front of her, is that cuck shit or relationship drama?
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Idk champ, never had a gf or been in a relationship.
Would you read it?
Dunno but I'd read it
I didn't mind it ending there, but >>41837753 is nice
>girl pony
Yes. Some would even call it a mare.
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>>”It is always my pleasure to be there.”
>>”No matter who needs me to be.”
ugh, based Tia being the biggest pony in the room
Nice ending to the story, managed to turn things upward slightly.
The source of all the marital problems in Equestria.
We need more bugmom! Too much Twilight! Why is it always Twilight!?
When I married her, I vowed to give her all the love I can forever. I like letting her feed on my love, so I thought it would go well. Well, it turns out the long term consequences of giving so much love are rough. I feel like such a fake person, just going through the motions, with no passion behind it any more. I can tell she isn't satisfied from me any more either, I just have nothing left to give, and can't build it up again because she keeps eating it. I don't know if it's my fault that I can't create more to feed her, or if continuing to love while having it supernaturally drained was always a stupid idea.
>Anon marries bughorse and promises to give her enough love to feed her hive forever
>This, of course, is impossible, as Anon is just one man and there are thousands of changelings.
>Bughorse starts going out and sleeping with other stallions to harvest more love.
>Naturally, she tells Anon that it's only necessary to feed the hive and is perfectly natural for changelings. She reassures him that there are no feelings involved on her part.
>Anon both feels betrayed by this and worries that his love is inadequate for Bughorse, but accepts the rationalization.
>However, Bughorse never replied when he asked her if he was still the most important man in her life.
>Love gathering was already a full time job for Chrysalis, and even after she started sleeping with other stallions, Anon had a hard time keeping up.
>Now, though, Bughorse has been spending more and more time away.
>She tells Anon that she only takes the minimum amount of love she needs from ponies and takes as much as she can from him.
>But Anon is sleeping alone more and more frequently.
>This makes it harder to keep up a love supply for his beloved bughorsewife, and she becomes even more distant without a quick supply of love on hoof.
I thought having her to myself was the most important thing that matters, but I just can't bring myself to care any more. What really matters, is that beautiful smile on her face when she drains my love, and knowing that I'm making her so happy. I just want to see it again. I can't remember when the last time was.
Bughorse marriage shenanigans. Yes please.
To have bug horse marriage problems, we kinda have to justify how she'd marry someone in the first place. She's abusive and manipulative enough to ruin things long before then.
I don't see a problem. She marries because the reasons you listed.
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>Wait a sec, I'm having problems coming up with a prompt for a bughorse marriage...
Because she's already a literal bloodsucking harpy monster like irl women?
But I like happy endings. There is no good way a marriage with Chrysalis ends.
Which story here has a good ending? All are compromises, or one happy one sad partner.
This general died a decade ago. We can start writing happy endings now.
Made me kek
Is it a happy end when they all end up fucking each other eventually?
i dont know, which one is that
that's the easy way out, it would solve 90% of these stories in 2 pages
You could write up how Anon got married to bughorse, or you could just skip it like most green in this thread. Problems can be lighthearted (bughorse tries to cook for Anon, fails spectacularly) or the obvious bughorse is a bitch. Then it's up to the writfag to expand on how either is done.
Why not? Sex fixes everything, doesn't it? Everybody just wants to feel loved.
>Anon is a firm believer in the saying "sex fixes everything"
>However, Twilight disagrees, especially since Anon had moved in with her.
>She can't stand how much of a lazy slob he is.
>Anon never cooks, leaves messes after himself, and just lounges around the house all day.
>He used to at least pretend to care, but now he doesn't even put on the pretence of being a caring partner.
>Recently, he's started just snapping his fingers every time he wants Twilight to change the TV channel.
>Or pick up his dirty underwear.
>Or clean up some of his spilled spaghetti.
>Needless to say, the relationship is quickly becoming intolerable for Twilight.
>However, every time Twilight tries to confront him about any of it, Anon just gives her the look.
>That look that captures her gaze and makes her feel like the prettiest mare in the world.
>Those strong, sharp eyes which not-so-subtly linger over her lips, then pass over her cutie mark further back.
>His hand would gently cup her cheek, guiding her head towards his.
>He'd lean in quickly, shocking her with the press of his lips; and just as she'd processed the surprise, he'd grip her flank with his other hand.
>From there, well, you get the idea.
>It had almost become a daily ritual for her, getting home in the evening after shopping for yet another shamelessly large load of cheese balls and bit-store cola.
>She'd walk inside, fuming, ready to finally give Anon a piece of her mind, when he'd effortlessly melt her away, like ice in the sunlight.
>The evenings blended together, all the same pattern of anger fading into a maelstrom of pleasure and passion, only ending when Twilight awoke in the morning, always cradled in his arms.
>He's just too damn good at that.
>It's time for Twilight to seek help from her friends, and she knows just who to ask...
Wait, where's the problem here?
I know it's probably a joke but Anon has such sheer sexual prowess that Twilight can't reprimand him for his shitty behaviour
Yeah, but isn't that like, how all healthy real life relationshits seem to work?

Girls stay with complete shitheads just because he fucks so nice.
It's actually because most real life relationships are unhealthy. This is the kind of deal most women get into because they can't think critically about men and whine about how "all men are assholes" while getting juggled between the same fuckboys. Women actually do want healthy relationships, but most are unable to override their horny instincts.
this one stars Starlight Glimmer and has more action than usual, but it's sadly unfinished
Yes. I would find it hilarious that Twilight would bring a different friend over to teach Anon a lesson, only for him to sex each and every one of them and not learn a thing.
>Can't beat the dick

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