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>"Salutations, Anonymous! Wouldst you care to accompany me to the new planetarium this weekend?"
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Im glad someone saved this
Which is your guys favorite? For me it's the cheerleader one
This legit?
dont speak to me you lame

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This is a thread about cute mare moms. Please post and talk about cute mare moms.

Windy Whistles is best mare mom.
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>Anons talking to each other when they're innaquestria about their pony moms
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>Literally an Amish trad wife
>So pretty
>makes tons of foals
>makes food
>probably also works sometimes

She is the best, no matter what.
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Most underrated milf?
yes, and it's not even close

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This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer. Post pics, greens and discussion.

Previous thread:
Topics discussed:
>new thread new glimmies
>If EQG had continued, do you wish it would've introduced human Starlight? >>40967233
>both had p
>For your wedding with Glimmy, who do you choose to be your best mare/stallion? >>40978289
>Has Starlight's mom ever been mentioned ever, in anything? >>40989517
>How old is glim in your headcanon when you fantasize about her? >>40998167
>enjoying glim's cutie mark (a lot)
>a theoretical different arc for glim >>41002550
>Its GLIMMY! >>41004037
>From 1 to 10, how much do you like Glimmy >>41006873

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I just made it haha. Wanted to make a cute poster that included all forms of Glimmy.
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think you forgot a couple.
ooo crystal Glimmy. I purposely left out no hooves though.
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There's a lot of space with 0 glims.

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>So how exactly are you going to jumpstart my fashion career, Mr Anon?
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You are too young to be worring about that
Hard work begins from the start
any more loli rarity?
I'm sending you to Manehattan for a summer. You will be working in a sweatshop to hone your abilities and develop a proper work ethic.

Can you help me with ideas for black cards?
The ones that have a trigger and must be completed by the white ones.

>who cares if I won't be able to play Cards Against Humanity with ponies?
Don't be silly, there is a place where you can create your decks, find others', and play them online with friends without having to put in money or download anything.

Many Decks is where you can create your own decks or use someone else's.
Just create an account and create yours.

Massive Decks is where you play.
Use the code from your own deck or from another existing one, create a game and invite your FRAAAANCE

>an example of a ponified one?

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Princess Celestia wasn't too thrilled when I wrote about _____ in my latest friendship report
7 out of 10 pegasus choose...
Pegasi have magic wings, unicorns have magic horns, earth ponies have magic _____
G rape
Fluttershy loves the smell of ____ in the morning

Summer edition.

Last Th/ra/d: >>41025350

A bunch of short greens:

Rarity Mixtape:

Spotify Playlist:

Thread Archive:

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Don't like Rarity that much, but holy shit muh dick.
That's wholesome
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would you date a young Ponk?
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yes imagine the kisses
Who in their right mind wouldn't?
but she is already young in the show
Pretty pink!
(he hopped the fence and found a mutant horse)

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Why did they make her so sexy?!
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bimbo supremacy
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Everytime I see this I feel like getting doxxed.
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Also this

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Steel Ranger edition.!

Fallout Equestria, a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical. On one side, you have death, destruction, decay, and misery - on the other, you have ponies. Doesn't sound like it should mix? You'd be surprised. When the world around you is wasteland, all you're left with is hope, and as we all know, ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.

Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.
The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/119190/

These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered "the big 5", alongside the original. They were biggest hitters early in the fandom, be it for having started before many others, their length, or overall quality.

>Project Horizons:

>Pink Eyes:

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>having a full wing of mutiecorns to read stories to
Being this lucky is borderline criminal.
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True. I have well and truly let her down.
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which fic is that?
i like the green one cuz its my favorite color

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Welcome to your /green/text sanctuary.

Our mission: rally the troops, get fingers typing, flood the board with greentexts.

Anchor your stories here, finished or not. Seek feedback and tips on them. Want to resurrect some forgotten favorites, dig up an underrated gem, brainstorm your next big idea? Do it here. We want (You).
Let's keep this cornerstone of /mlp/ culture alive!

▶/mlp/ paste service:


▶Tips and links:

Clever’s Tips on How to Write Short Stories: https://rentry.org/CleverShort
Ezn’s Guide to Writing Fanfiction: http://eznguide.neocities.org/ (Also useful for green and MLP writing in general.)

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While waiting a bit for a tie-breaker, how long do you think the reading period should be? One week seems a lot for a short green, but I'm not sure making it more frequent than a weekly event is a good idea.
One of my Old Reliable greens from some ways back. Probably one of my favorite from the old Casual Sex thread.
Wish it finished.
5 days? Maybe change it around based off its length?
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I should stop writing at midnight, or at least hold off from posting till the next day. Will attempt to fix and add what was pointed out to hopefully give something a lot better thanks for all the corrections.

Glad it was enjoyable to some regard. Thanks for all the spelling corrections autocorrect has failed me.

damn I really messed up bad. Thanks again for going the extra mile though I really needed it.
>Write moar.
will do so
>Also, I gotta ask, are you this Anon >>41191216
Thankfully not. My surgery was for the same thing but less severe from what he describes, and mine was a month before.

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"The Rider" Edition
Post and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.
Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!

>is selling your products here allowed?
Of course! Absolutely allowed.
>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?
Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.
>where can I find the old threads?
They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.
>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?
They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.

=== Links Index Pastebin ===

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I saw this Invicta that pretty much has the colors of the elements of harmony around the bezel (let's just accept white as the element of magic)
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I received a picture of my lifesize G&PT's hat in progress from BlackWater627.

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I don’t really know where to ask this, but is Galacon worth going to? I only live 8 hours away and have the money to go, problem is for some reason they host in a city that has three hotels? And apparently it sells out in the first month of the con announcement. So I don’t want to travel from fucking stuggart to waiblingen.
Can't tell if bot or had a retard moment. Anon, you wanna run the colors through your head again?

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Previous thread: >>40895837

Untimely demise edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.

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CYOA newfag here. What happened to anonpone? Is there any hope of recovering what’s been lost?
anonpone is anongone, all the data still seems to exist in some form

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Coco Pommel thread, Brandon isn't allowed in
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Meh, its pretty easy not to notice a 5 year old meme in this shithole board.
very cute
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i want coco to pommel the head of my penis if ya know what i mean
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Based Suricunt. Coco took Suri's mentorship for granted; she was just preparing her for the reality of the fashion industry.

What was wrong with Magical Mystery Cure? I genuinely don't know you guys, give me a list of flaws.

Also give me your ideas on how would you have fixed it.

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Your mistake is thinking that those autists aren't the majority of the board.

This is /MLP/. It's a major containment board of advanced Autism, for 4chan. You know. The website for autists.
Newfags should get lost. I got the perfect replacement for you. back to >>>/b/reddit
Been here since before /MLP/ was a thing. Try again.
S1&2 > S3 > S4-7 > S8&9
I don't understand how this is the controversial part.
Alicorn = unicorn + pegasis +earth
Rarity was a winged unicorn

how is a winged unicorn NOT almost an alicorn?

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Maud is the bustiest of Pie sisters
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Mauxie? Trud?
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She ain't no chud
she a cute

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