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Previous Thread: >>41720130

Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.

Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http://pastebin.com/u/Two_Echo
A collection of Vinyl stories-https://ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit

Individual Vinyl Greens-

Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl)
Fuck You (Anon x Vinyl)
Vinyl gets a ride from Anon
Vinyl and Anon date
Stuttering Vinyl
Vinyl and Anon at CHS
Teenage Vinyl makes a deal
The Other Side (Anon x Scratch)
Twisting the Vinyl
Canterlot Rape Wars
Daughter Vinyl
Coming down by Manly Man
Vinyl kidnaps Anon
Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights
Vinyl Takes Anon
Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch
Vinyl's Gangbang Bus
Binyl Scratch: Raping anon to perfection
Vinyl archive: Binyl Scratch: "Do you even lift the bass?"
CyberScratchCYOA(Name pending)

Mega for many more pone stories.
Vinyl please wub me hard, I need it to live
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She accepts payments in headpats and ear scritches. Also drugs.
I’ll give this mare so many headpats, scritches, and drugs that she’ll have no choice but to give me every last wub she has.
It’ll be a race to see who overdoses first.
How does she administer the wubs?
>Locked wubdong
Hot, but her syringe is now too small to inject medicine. Can she feel her magic one?
Of course she can feel both of them, what is the point otherwise?
>Vinyl gets into too much trouble with her wubdong, making Octavia lock it up
>Vinyl just makes a magic one
Imagine stroking her tingly sparkly length while her real one twitches and leaks in its cage.
Then her magic tip flares wide and she cums, her cage squirting all over the floor.
Octavia didn’t quite stop Vinyl, but at least it’ll stop her from impregnating so many mares.
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You Vinylfags are way too obsessed with your waifu having a mare-dong. Based.
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The only Vinyl better than wubdonged one is wubber Vinyl with a pussy to wub her DJ seat - that is, my face - all night long.
I like that full pic a lot
Aw fuck I didn't even know it was cropped. For the love of god post the whole thing!
Vinyl loves watching Octy run
She gets her own cardio in right after, but she uses Tavi instead of the treadmill.
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Grotesque. You don't like Octavia or Vinyl if you like them being that distended.
That guy’s anatomy is a bit off, but I’m not going to pretend I don’t love a thicc bimbo DJ and donk
Yes, that's my point, you don't love the characters, you love "thicc bimbos" that look like two watermelons on top of two chicken thighs. They could be any other character and you would masturbate to them just as hard.
I’m offended you think I’m so shallow and easily swayed by mere proportions.
I love Tavi and Vinyl in any shape, I just like big titty, big ass, and big dong the most.
Given the choice of any other pony with bimbo proportions or Vinyl and Tavi, I’d choose the music mares every time no matter the form.
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Page nine!
Not fine!
Page six!
DJ & Donk Dicks!
Unf... Wonder what it tastes like.
You’re going to fight Tavi to find out, she’s grown a taste for it.
In fact, you’ll probably have to fight Vinyl too, she loves getting high on her own supply.
>Octavia used to be a normal mare with a little something extra who loved playing her cello
>Then one day she met Vinyl and didn’t see the harm in spending a night with the annoying but admittedly very sexy DJ
>Now she’s completely addicted to Vinyl, the hedonistic slut happy to keep Octavia satisfied several times a day
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not finishing this just bugged me. here you guys go.
Oh, I thought that curve in the cello was a bulge.
>the magic cock version
those versions are gay, give me the genuine mccoy wubdong
its amazing, thank you drawfren
Kek, it’s great. Annoying Tavi is Vinyl’s favorite pastime
Good job
Sometimes Vinyl needs to be put on a timeout, she’d literally fuck and cum herself to death otherwise.
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I'm so glad cursive is dying, I need a fucking advil after trying to read that.
>Illiterate Anon
Another proud representative member of /vst/
Thanks for drawing for us tards, we appreciate it.
We definitely wouldn’t say no to another pic if you get the inspiration.
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Fuck I want to get spitroasted by them. I imagine Vinyl would have a more vibrant taste, making it more enjoyable to take her orally, but she'd have more fun with the ass.
I fucking hate this retarded fetish. Mainly because it's just annoying searching for pics and finding a bunch of "new" pics that are actually just these dumb edits clogging up the results.
You’re braver than me, I love the futa music mares but I’d be too afraid to take something that size besides a little oral.
I’d give them great handies and reach arounds though, love to feel their heavy balls and how their cocks twitch and leak while I fuck their wet pussies and prostates.
And yeah I get where you’re coming from, but I also think the edits are cute. You can probably filter them.
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I normally like classy mares, so what is it about Vinyl that intrigues me so?
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A nice robust wine is always delightful, especially when paired well with a good steak or fish.
But sometimes a shot of everclear and a can of rockstar with some greasy fast food is the only thing that makes you feel alive.
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Nose magic
Can’t keep a mare down
I wonder if this person lurks here.
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>Freaky Friday
Like it, not bad so far, probably doesn’t lurk here or we would’ve heard about it
Wonder if they’ll fug like that, but it doesn’t look like that kind of fic

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