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Previous Thread: >>41697673

Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.

Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http://pastebin.com/u/Two_Echo
A collection of Vinyl stories-https://ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit

Individual Vinyl Greens-

Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl)
Fuck You (Anon x Vinyl)
Vinyl gets a ride from Anon
Vinyl and Anon date
Stuttering Vinyl
Vinyl and Anon at CHS
Teenage Vinyl makes a deal
The Other Side (Anon x Scratch)
Twisting the Vinyl
Canterlot Rape Wars
Daughter Vinyl
Coming down by Manly Man
Vinyl kidnaps Anon
Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights
Vinyl Takes Anon
Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch
Vinyl's Gangbang Bus
Binyl Scratch: Raping anon to perfection
Vinyl archive: Binyl Scratch: "Do you even lift the bass?"
CyberScratchCYOA(Name pending)

Mega for many more pone stories.
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Here comes Tavi Claus
Here comes Tavi Claus
Right down Donkwife Laaane
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she's getting RAYP for xmas
Vinyl x Octavia is a stupid ship.
"Wow this music pony. Wow that music pony. They both music pony! They lesbian!"
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Yes, but have you considered: one of them is crass and rude and the other one is classy and prude?
"Opposides attract" is a Hollywood meme.
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>Are already wubbed.
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It doesn't need to be realistic. It just needs to be fun, silly.
Yeah honestly I think the two aren’t compatible either, they’re from two completely different worlds.
One’s a successful cello player who plays expensive high class orchestras and recitals, with a penchant for the finer things.
And the other is a loud, obnoxious DJ addict who plays clubs and only has hedonistic thoughts on her mind at all times.
Which makes it even more impressive that Vinyl pulled the classy Octavia, the cellist unable to help herself when Vinyl crudely flashed her massive wubdong at her out in the street.
Vinyl was just teasing a fine piece of ass she saw but didn’t expect Octavia to beeline straight to her and get to work.
Now the two live under one roof and can’t stand each other from a personal or professional standpoint, but damn if Octavia doesn’t love that fat DJ marecock more than she hates her music.
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>You're right guys, this DJ-Cellist odd couple thing is alright...
Good..good /vst/
>-..Because now Donktavia always has 24/7 access to that wubdong!
Look I was just teasing the anti scratchtavia Anons and found a way to explain why they were living with each other in sol despite being complete opposites.
And I settled on Tavi being a cock hungry size queen who’d normally eschew everything Vinyl was about, but instead dives right into a potentially dysfunctional relationship just for a taste of Vinyl’s massive throbbing mare meat.
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>tfw she only loves you for your gigantic cunt stretching, broodmare making, life ruining, bass boosting, mind shattering, bitch breaking wubdong
Octy doesn’t want the truth out
they aren't homo. I hate when fans make characters homo by default for no reason.
They're not necessarily making them homosex, some are just oversexualizing them... like we do here.
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Yeah, they're totally not homo, just prepping each other for their shared human coltfriend
>Anon interviewed by VICE Equestria
>Think they're going to get an earful of how wanton and depraved things are in the household
>"..Yeah, see? They do this before everything."
>"If we're about to make a Me-sandwhich? They both glare at each other and shout 'No homo!'.."
>"When we get in the car to go shopping, it's 'Shotgun!..No homo!'"
>Vinyl and Octavia are walking with Anon and glance at each other, accidentally locking eyes.
>"N-No homo."
>Anon's out of the house, and the two are finishing 69ing, wiping each other's cum from their mouths.
>Dead silent.
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Good friends
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you expect me to believe that, miss Scratch?
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>Ehh, my wives are so gay.
>It can't be helped I suppose...
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You fuck young colts, Octavia?
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>"Come be gay with us Anon, or you're a faggot."
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Girl on girl isn't gay because it is hot.
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No! I'll fuck Vinyl alone, like God intended!
That's Octavia.
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Fuck! How does she keep sneaking into my Vinyl folder?
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Vinyl does it, she puts her marefriend in her folder so that you’ll notice her.
Also the two make out in there.
It would be more fitting if Octavia lived in canterlot. A noble high-class mare like her doesn't belong in ponyville
The same can't be said for Vinyl
>Octavia keeping Vinyl from slutting out.
Is she going to take all the dicks in her stead ?
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I've always imagined Canterlot as a "two-faced" city, with inner sections where the nobility lived and outer sections where the "lower classes" lived. Octavia fits into the former, Vinyl fits into the latter, and they meet at the intersections of the two worlds.
And neither fit into Ponyville, but they're just shoehorned in there, for the sake of familiarity.
You people are overthinking this too much just to insert a DJ into a fancy place.
Just give Vinyl a side gig as an escort.
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Guess DJing alone doesn’t pay enough to live there. Good thing she’s a white unicorn with a rockin bod.
Octavia picked her as her arm candy to distract from the fact she’s an earthpony, the two helping each other get higher profile gigs.
And then of course the hot sloppy sex afterward.
>Octavia picked her as her arm candy to distract from the fact she’s an earthpony
I really dig these sexual preferences born out complexes.
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>Despite being the breadwinner and more talented of the two, even Octavia thinks Vinyl is far superior to her.
>The racism she endured is so deeply embedded that she sometimes doesn't even notice it, even when she does it herself.
>Octavia feels inferior to Vinyl's pale fur and horn, along with not feeling anywhere nearly as attractive.
>This of course seeps into the bedroom as well in the form of intense raceplay.
Meanwhile Vinyl is basically a little goober while Octavia struggles with her tortured artist vibe and inferiority complex.
>Vinyl's pale fur and horn
>Has the hots for her whenever she's dressed and acting in an elegant and somewhat smug manner

I get the feeling that Tavi developed a type out of this as well.
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>Octavia is usually critical of Vinyl and the way she acts, her usual carefree attitude needing refinement in her eyes.
>But as soon as Vinyl gets snippy and irritated with her, Octavia folds like a house of cards, her tail hiking up and pussy winking as she submissively apologizes.
>Octavia raises her tail on instinct whenever she sees a white unicorn.
Seems like they’re pretty much all higher class ponies.
She probably does that whenever she sees Tavi admiring how long some other unicorn's horn is.
>Octavia is a hornslut size queen
Of course she is
Vinyl is at least average!
Those snooty canterlot whorses probably just have extensions anyway.
>These are the most normal posts now
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well what did you want to talk about then Anon?
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Uh..I never thought I'd get this far.
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>Oh hey! Didn't see you there..
>You know, following one of the many tantric sex sessions I hold with my husband and pet/sister wife..a mare still has that ol' itch, you know?
>That's why after every one of my 20 hour post-sex naps, I kick my rear back into gear with some Wubitol MAX!
>That's right! Now with MORE illegal stuff and knock off magic! And it's easy to ingest in any form!
>Crush it up into food! Break it up into lines! Or just shoot it with your favorite barbituates for a slingshot ride back into the world of the living!
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>Drugs? Whatever they are, I'll take them!
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She should make Tavi focus only on her with some under the table magic molesting.
the only drugs you'll be taking are your meds, you lil schizo, you.
You already know that drives Octavia wild, even if she looks annoyed she can’t hide the flood her pussy makes when magic touches her.
I was thinking more of the assertive aspect of it. Like making Tavi pay attention to her instead of the other unicorn tramp while magically pinching her teats or pulling her tail.
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>Vinyl isn't totally sold on the whole raceplay thing Octavia is going for.
>But when she sees her oogle other pony's horns it makes her possessive and feel the need to remind Octavia who she belongs to.
Boobie attack!
She should make Tavi wear something magic related to show she's already taken by another unicorn.
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Not quite sure who I envy more here.
This looks like a hypothetical collab with Infected Mushroom
Looks like Octavia is inferior in the wooba department on top of being an earthpony.
Needs to be smothered to help remind her of her place.
What if she talked Tavi into wearing an engagement piercing that is sensitive to magic ?
I do like this one, it’s very possessive
Literally keeping her pussy shut for anyone except Vinyl
>Lips closed, clit free
I actually had the opposite idea in mind, lips free and a clit shield that would block the best part of her pleasure to anything but the caressing touch of her marefriend's magic, and only her magic to really emphasize the sense of belonging.

The full blocking could be something for the final stage where she would give in completely, for the beginning this would help stew those feelings.
Anon uses his anti magic cock to break the spell and sends Octavia to heaven.
The cage would still be there blocking any touch, all it does is filter in allowed magic to make her feel anything there.
If anything, anon actually needs a magic cock, enchanted by Vinyl of course.
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you mfs need wubjesus
some depraved ass ish in here, on god, family
Agree, I just want my wholesome futa anthro cyberpunck DJ mare, not all this weird stuff.
Is that too much to ask?
Speaking of, I NEED more CyberScratch, I miss the cyoa.
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>sends Octavia to heaven
Holy shit the dick so good he killed her
Damn she got dicked down so good, her corpse is smiling
you ever see art that you can just tell was made by a tranny?
I dunno, cause people say that about my art and I'm not a tranny.
It's been 2 and a half days, surely you've come up with something.
made sum loli Vinyl that you might enjoy
She’s one of those girls who takes advantage of older men.
She was only let into the club because she’s hot, letting her prowl around for drugs and a good time.
The correct course of action is to pat her head and send her on her way, hopefully she doesn’t identify you as a weak target.
Show art.
You draw wooba?
>loli predator Vinyl
that's hot, ngl
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Yeah. How GAY you are.
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Very sexy.
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>"What is this, Parker?! What is this filth you're printing in my Bugle?!"
>"Masked Mares Make Pride Week A Little More Proud?"?!
>"Spider-Wub and Doc-Tavia are sworn enemies! Not your 'canon' dykeshittery lesbo carpet lickers!"
>"You get this schlock out of my paper on the double or by my good Christian Celestia you're gonna go in the oven with those pizza's you deliver!"
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I like that it's the faggotry that you focused on when the thread has started talking about sexy DJ lolis.
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I have /jdb/ for that. I'm very much about keeping my peanut butter and chocolate separate.
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I missed you
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Here you go.
>Traditional wooba, boota, and snoota
Glorious, even some tasty tummies too.
You’re a real /vst/ gigachad, every time you post your art it’s a banger.
I like how the big titty hag squints at me
"you're a zigger, you're a fuckin' zigger!"
your lewd stuff is pretty good, I’d like more of it in both pony and human flavors
thanks bae
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It is wubsday my dudes
Blessed be
Toll Tavi the type of girl to wear suits at casual events and absolutely nothing at home.
A-as a pony?
Pony, human, anthro, doesn’t matter what version.
The tits are out and that snooter cooter is free. Clothing can feel restrictive if all you wear are suits and bow ties.
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Ah yes. Wub, and such.
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All of my wub
All of my wub
All of my wub to you
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>Wubs, Chief...
>Got them big ol' eyes...like a DJ's
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Tsundere Tavi will never get old
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What, uh, what's going on with those shades?
Holy shit her shades are her eyes
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You know what? You're probably right.
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Love your art, brother!
Time for one of Octavia’s patented afterschool hugs
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Geez, Anon, what are you, some kind of idea machine?
Well walking around in the buff can be a little cold sometimes, especially since the toll loli is a little thin.
So sharing some body heat with the chubby space heater hag is a good idea.
Especially if there’s no clothing in the way for optimal warmth transfer.
Smooth as fucking butter
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>Octy's gangly limbs wrapping around Vinyl's thiccness for warmth
fund it
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She’s scratching each individual groove into that record, she hoofmakes every one she sells.
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It is
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POV: Getting your fucking world rocked
What she does best, little sex fiend.
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Yeah but I want to fuck both of them.
Vinyl with your ass so white
Wont you guide my sleigh tonight
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Guys, I have a confession to make. I prefer the donkey dick to the wubdong.
I want Vinyl to guide my "sleigh" all night long
Interesting, explain your reasoning.
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What do you mean explain my reasoning? Cocktavia just makes my dick harder. How am I supposed to know why?
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Do you enjoy the juxtaposition of a classy mare with a fat cock more than a wild DJ with a huge shlong?
Is it the color difference? Fluorescent purple vs electric blue?
The way Octavia would probably be more embarrassed about it than Vinyl would?
Earthpony cock vs Unicorn dong?
The lingerie Octavia would wear to accentuate it vs Vinyl's slutwear to show hers off?

If all you can come up with is "Cocktavia just makes my dick harder." I'm afraid I can't take you seriously.
Give it some thought.

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