Ponk kisses editionPrevious thread >>41744510Writers, artists, and critiques are always welcome, so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.Check out our slowly growing ponepaste: https://ponepaste.org/3112||(OP image changed due to jannies)||
>>41931239>is Equestria ruled by an immortal midget-mare?What a disrespectful way to adress the one mare who benevolently remains vertically close to the male side of Equestrian society>>41928778>>41928837>>41930870"Mesa, would you accept to tell me what is bothering you so much when we talked about relationships?""Ah, sorry, but that's just a tad too embarrassing to talk about…" The big zebra looks away for a second. "I feel like I'd die out of embarrassment if I told you."As Mesa left her hoof on the table, you motion to hold it, which at the difference in size between the two of you amounts to you resting you leg on a stripped boulder larger than you are. "I'm not sure how relatable you'll find this, but I've had my own share of insecurities too." You start. "My family expected the first son to take over the company, and I had to do so in a world full of insanely more gifted mares everywhere I looked. More than a couple times, I've felt like I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't cut out for this. I believed that if I made any mistake, ponies around me would think I'm not worthy of my responsibilities, and would hand the company over to a more competent mare that would be many times the pony I am.""Hepto, you're doing an amazing job at your position. From what I've seen, there's nothing that could justify not letting you lead your company for as long as you desire." Mesa reacts, and then chuckles meekly. "In fact, I feel like today you've shown to be more level-headed than I was.""Thank you Mesa. But in the end, I don't think it matters that much how perfectly I can play my part, because I've come to realise Equestria is better than this." You declare. "Even if at times I feel like showing the smallest hint of weakness could be the end of my career, I also remember that ponies everywhere are not here to take me down, but on the contrary, to accept and support each other. So even if I should deviate from their expectations, I trust my collaborators among others would to support me even if I should make some bad calls at times."Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41931583>A: To be perfectly honest, you found their stories really hot. You'd have loved to hear more.>B: You've never really interreacted with a mare in such a way, so it just makes you feel really curious about how experiencing such intimate moments could feel like.>C: That was a bit embarrassing to hear, but the feeling that your collaborators have enough trust and familiarity around you to talk freely about even such topics is very much worth the occasional slightly awkward moment.>D: Shrug. Nothing much. Many mares you're friend or work with share stories like that with you. That was nothing out of the ordinary for a talk over a coffee break as far as you're concerned.
>>41931586A and B
>>41931583>What a disrespectful way to adress the one mare who benevolently remains vertically close to the male side of Equestrian societylmaoHas she had any misgivings or bewilderment as she's watched the mares of equestria inexplicably balloon in size over the centuries? Has the work of the growth clan escaped her notice?>>41931586A and B, yeah
>>41931586C before A and B.Out of curiosity, what's considering physically attractive and erotic to mares by this era? More importantly, what is Mesa's porn history like from what our clan looked into? Could help us seduce and get her easily in the mood, and hopefully be less hesitant in jumping us, especially if it's a strong fetish of hers that she always wanted to fulfill. Could only imagine what she searched with her gift of growing her assets being a strong push and inspiration towards certain things.
Hatchling Edition>/shy/thread Ponepaste (includes the OP, writefag list, writefag request bin, and all current/completed stories)https://ponepaste.org/user/FluttershyThread>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist (request for new content to be added in the thread)https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1pZSbhMdtwnQJZ2vx1OojIw8Ue0o9Uxy>/mushy/ Musical mixtape (request for new content to be added in the thread)https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1pZSbhMdtwlV6Vdoba4EvN7tpXBBZmQ7Previous thread:>>41792488Please refrain from posting Equestria Girls in this thread. Thank you.
take some sketches I did at work
"YOU ARE IN NO POSITION TO NEGOTIATE" EditionPost and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!>is selling your products here allowed?Of course! Absolutely allowed.>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.>where can I find the old threads?They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.=== Links Index Pastebin ===Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41929369As a goddamn furry, I would happily hang with you, though you may regret taking me up on the offer>>41929448Also this, we're all retarded, no need to feel doubt/apprehension about it>>41929806But anon, we won the 3rd star, this is gonna be one for the record books ._.As one who is pushing 50, allow me to suggest it's way too late to try and leave the ride NOW.Picture it, you'll be like "Oh, here you are. we spoke in that one thread" and I'll be like "We did, good to meet you."
I'll be the cow serving serving all the (not a criticism) drunks from 2a-6a
ponk dronk edition
>>41930552Absolutely. It's canon.
>>41921317What would a perfect date with Ponk look like?
Immortal temptationTakes over my mindCondemned
>>41930943>Me after bro makes fun of me
>>41930943>If I could be emperor of earth.My reign would be extremely bloody, and it would be short. No doubt, I would end up killed in some horrific way out of revenge. However, my reign would have left mankind entirely purged of its dead weight.>If I could be emperor of Equestria.I would be a kind, benevolent, and a protective soverign over all the little ponies. Only a very small number of villians would need punishment, and probably most of them could be reformed. That's the difference. The irl human world needs massive purging. Equestria basically needs to be maintained as is. Equestria is what Earth could be if humans were more good than bad.
Kiss mares. Make out with mares. Caress mares. Pet mares. Let mares caress you. Give upsies to mares. Scritch mares' ears. Hold mares' hooves with your hand. Peck mares all over their bodies. Lick mares' pussies. Suck mares' winking clits. Swallow mares' squash soup. Fondle mares' teats. Drink mares' milk. Rub mares' bellies. Put your face in mares' chest fluffs. Inhale mares' pheromones. Put your dick in mares' warm mouths. Get deepthroated by mares. Fill mares' stomachs with your cum. Get your balls kissed by mares. Put your dick in mares' ponuts. Fill mares' ponuts. Put your cock in mares' tight pussies. Feel mares' winking clits against your penis. Breed mares. Thrust yourself into mares. Get ridden and bounced on by mares. Press your head against mares' wombs. Penetrate mares' wombs. Fill mares' with your cum. Get milked and drained by mares. Dominate mares. Submit to mares. Tie mares up and satisfy their submission kinks. Spank mares. Get spanked by mares. Dress mares in sexy lingerie. Get called a mare-loving slut and a good colt by mares. Let mares leave hickeys all over your body. Fingerfuck mares. Get your dick stroked by mares' hooves. Put your cock inbetween mares' teats and get tittyfucked by mares. Put your penis in mares chest fluffs and get fluffjobs from them. Let pegasus, alicorn and bat mares stroke your penis with their wings. Let unicorn, alicorn and kirin mares stimulate your penis with their magic. Get tied up by mares and satisfy their domination kinks. Get gangfucked by mares. Let mares choke you as they ride you.Nibble on mares ears. Get your ears nibbled by mares. Get your hair pulled by mares with their teeth. Make love with with mares in the missionary position. Fuck mares doggy style. Get fucked by mares cowgirl style. Pound mares in full nelson. Rut mares in suspended congress. Get ravaged by mares amazon style. Feel mares' quivering, pulsating, twitching coochies around your cock. Whisper sweet nothings to mares' ears. Get whispered sweet nothings by mares in your ears. Cuddle with mares. Tell mares that you love them. Get told by mares that they love you. Rub mares' pregnant bellies, being full of your offspring. Feel mares' soft fuzzy fur on your skin. Gaze upon mares' big eyes. Rub your nose with mares' snouts. Total Mare Sex.
Top mare!
No love for mares :(
>>41931535Wrong I love my Waifu
I want to cum inside Raindown.
>>41931433i have... no idea what you're talking about.i think you are replying to the wrong post, possibly even the wrong thread
>>41931525Luna - ISTJCelestia - INFJCadence - ESFPDiscord - ENTPShining Armor - ISFJChrissy - ENTJBig McIntosh - ISFJGranny Smith - ENFPCheerilee - ESFJDiamond Tiara - ESTJSilver Spoon - ESTJTrixie - INTJZecora - INTPMaud Pie - INTPComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41931362you know that old joke where it's like>if your car breaks down on the side of the highway down south, you'll get a ton of people stopping by to offer their condolences, but they won't actually lift a finger to help you>if your car breaks down on the side of the highway up north, you'll only get one person who actually stops to help, they'll berate you and grumble about it the whole way through, but your car WILL be fixed by the end of iti'm totally butchering it, but i feel like rarity is the southerner and minera is the northerner. probably has a real thick brooklyn accent instead of a fake put-on midatlantic accent. like marisa tomei in my cousin vinnyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nGQLQF1b6I
>>41931552So...what is with these letters cause I'm all sorts of confused
What's the best way to determine your personality type?
Thread for best teacher mare in Equestria.Here's an edit I made of Anonymous and Cheerilee having a nice stroll
>>41923121then who taught her?
>>41930257she has drinking buddies
>>41930257>>41930623>>41931295relatable teacher pone
Kiss kirins. Marry kirins. Cuddle with a kirin on the couch. Tuck a kirin filly in her bed. Praise firepitiful kirins. Prepare a kirin some lunch. Lift kirins onto your shoulders. Bathe kirins in the tub. Take kirins on a musical theatre date. Rub a kirin's chubby belly. Accompany kirins to their homes. Brush kirins' soft manes. Ask kirins about their day. Give kirins upsies. Impregnate pretty sexy kirins. Save kirins in trouble. Flatter kirins during the Qiqilin/Tanabata Festival. Encounter kirins in your dreams. Hug kirins. Love kirins. Compliment kirins on romantic dinners. Gaze into a kirin's eyes as she gazes into yours. Curl up with kirin on rainy days. Captivate kirins. Mandatory smoochies for kirins. Watch kirin fillies play at the playground. Gift kirins roses and spicy treats. Preen kirins' scaly backs. Help elderly kirins down the stairs. Comfort tearful kirins. Seduce kirins with a song.
>Purpplap plap
The Kirin will rape you daily.
slap kirin beer belly
>>41931047Will that make the beer come out?
The newest member of Wild Manes.
>>41919397Would she think that humans are aliens?
Hi Anon! We're taking orders for another coin. If you want one, you'll need to order by January 31st!>The Mare, The Myth, The LegendThis coin commemorates our daughteru Verity, the winner of Miss /mlp/ 2021. For anyone who doesn't know who she is, her story can be found here: https://files.catbox.moe/ahigsi.png>The DesignBatsy was kind enough to provide a portrait of Verity for the obverse, and the reverse features the iconic Miss /mlp/ 2021 trophy first posted by >>37848529. The trophy is surrounded by an upright-facing horseshoe for good luck, as well as the classic MARES border from the last coin. Pic related is the most recent render from Osborne.>Current StatusThe dies are finished, and prototype coins are on the way to Lunar for approval. After January 31st, orders will be closed, and minting will start immediately.PRE-ORDER HERE:>http://coins.lunar.horsehttp://coins.lunar.horse>http://coins.lunar.horseComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I'd buy an actual gold round, too bad everyone else being fucking POOR ruins any chances of this
>>41930454Sorry Id rather buy a life-size plushie than a $2000 1oz gold round.
>>41930796Just buy both, retardYou can buy an LS right now anyway, why don't you have one yet
>>41930155awesome newsit's heartwarming to see that in [current year] there are still pony projects being successfully completed
>>41930796>a $2000 1oz gold roundUhh, Anon, check the gold price chart again.I think you meant a $3500 1oz gold round by the time the coin is minted.
She's stunning
>>41930675I have total phocomeila in both arms. Would she bully me? [sp]sexually?[sp]
>>41931085>>41931096LOL keep trying
>>41931100Why do they have to change things for no reason?
>>41931106Your first try was the closest. Just type "spoiler" in all lowercase.
>>41931096Also sorry if true, man.
Previous Thread: >>41789884Post pics and love Sunset.Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGreyBG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_RebornGritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/GritsawZharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/ZharkaerTstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231HolytntDiver's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiverHoly's Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/user/HolySunset GreentextsSunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I just love her so much. Why is she the coolest pony by such a massive margin
>>41930226Leopard geckos also eat their shed skin.
>>41931603Yay, free food!
God they made Rarity so hot
>>41916841Nothing oxygen can't fix.
>>41916544Great edit
Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Zoomerboomer pearl clutching immature takes on sex!ITT: Literal shit posting, AO3 is the bad future timeline, we just need something off-topic as always, procrastinating by making origami, Fedlestia busting down your door, topologically Anon is a donut, I would not call those types "people", Celestia fails AND sucks, invading Anon's ass is beyond even Luna's incredible power, Celestia is Princess of Dommy Mommy, peasants getting audiences with royalty, retarded and pretentious fic titles, fearing your new follower, this fic changed their life and caused their wife to give birth to triplets, memorizing story numbers, writing a best man's speech, outsourcing your normie interaction to ChatGPT, accidentally writing fics, and reading clop on your commute!>/fimfic/ Secret Book ClubThe one hundred and fourth and one hundred and fifth books are In Search of the Sun and I Watch the Moon:https://www.fimfiction.net/story/20310/in-search-of-the-sunhttps://www.fimfiction.net/story/224306/i-watch-the-moonIf (You) want to join in the discussion, read all of In Search of the Sun and through the end of chapter 8 of I Watch the Moon by Sunday.>Recommended stories:Tired of authors crossing over a dozen IPs? Fed up with downer shipping? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.pngComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41931098And they have the worst taste of all.
>>41931543>filenameWouldn't that be "boylover", rather?
>>41931460Fics about Luna discovering modern conveniences?
>>41931610https://www.fimfiction.net/story/519551/moonstruckThe industrial revolution and its consequences have been...pretty cool, actually.
>>41931610There's a good amount of that in I Watch the Moon, but it's not really about that and this also exists. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/408766/luna-vs-a-vending-machineI vaguely remember there was one about her and either a toaster or a microwave oven, but didn't find it.