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/mlp/ - Pony

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>Be anon
>Have a thing for the cute frozen yogurt girl
>Finally work up the nerve to ask her out before the end of the school year
>She accepts
>Go on a few dates together, having a good time
>School year ends and she goes to visit her family for summer
>Promise to meet up again when she gets back
>The day has come
>You're waiting for her outside of the usual place
>Suddenly hear "Hey anon! Miss me?"
>The voice is completely unrecognizable
>You look around to see some random girl standing there
>"Uhhh, do I know you?"
>"Oh anon, reaaaal funny!"
>Wait a minute
>It's fucking Stella, only she's had her braces removed and must be wearing contacts now
>"Sooo, how do I look?"
>You stare at her metal-less, glassless face for a few seconds
>You finally speak up
>"Yeah, I think we should start seeing other people"
>and the shallowest faggot of the year award goes to....
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>He's got it all!
>The house! The car! The money!
>But this summer, one mans going to find there's a little more to relationships than looks..
>Rob Schneider is Anon in "De Derp De De Tee Dertly Derp!"
>Rated PG-13
Of course anon is always a fag. But a really godfag.
Anon, do you like getting cucked? Or is this a real story?
Now we're talking! Noice!
What? I'd never do or say something as stupid as that.
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>When the nerd has a glow up
>Not even the bimbos can compete now
>And she's still just as pure inside
A heartwarming classic
Nah, downgrade honestly
>>Finally work up the nerve to ask her out before the end of the school year
>>She accepts
pretty but
has more charm
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with glasses
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Interesting. I agree. Wow I guess I like nohooves now!
ice cream
I scream
i just noticed it looking at the op too kek
very subtle
You scream
We all scream for ice cream.
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I believe in Stella supremacy
i want her to slit on my pp while she's talking

>i want her to slit on my pp
What did dubs mean by this?
nice rarity
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Actually hotter for some reason
Well, while Stella's gimmick are her boobs, she shines more when she is modest and casual.
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>watching pictures of naked orthodontic headgears
Sorry if I'm retarded, but what exactly is that circular thing supposed to do? Is it attached to her teeth? Never seen such thing IRL to be honest.

I suppose is one of those exaggerated old time braces. At least that's what I though because I also never saw them.
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Orthodontic headgear like that's primarily used if you have a severe bite misalignment and can help out with overjet, which can cause issues with biting and chewing. It typically isn't used as often as braces or invisalign are today but it still can be recommended if you have a very unfortunately British smile.
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Nice combination
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Anon's head is built like
He's been doing a lot of thinking lately.
Lifting at the library, I see.
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She looks very nice with her hair down.
Good shit
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part-time yogurt shop cutie
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Last Stella pic. She has nice stuff, but everything left is red board material now.
Besides, she shines mainly by the stories some anons made. I guess there wasn't much luck in this thread.
good shit
Kek, conjoined boobs.

Maybe post some of those stories if you happen to have them in handy.
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There was only 1 story wasn't there?
No, there was a couple. Let me see if I can find them.
The trips have blessed me. I found the story that started it all:
A continuation:
A lewd version of the first story:
A random NSFW one:
And a lesbian one With Milky Way
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How come all the cutest girls from EQG were green and none of them have canonical pony forms?
Wallflower and Gloriosa Daisy have pony forms. They appeared in the comics.
And Gloriosa appeared in the show too. When Flurry sneezes and blows up like 5 floors and the roof.
Sci-Twi has a canonical pony form
also EQG Rainbow Dash. you'll be surprised how she looks like as a pony
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What a freak.
What's she reacting to?
A text

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full version?
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good shit
>Made in place
Now that's service!
They don't make em like that anymore
imagine a sales girl who's crazy about you to the point that she uses her breast milk for your yogurts/ice cream/milkshakes
i'd marry her without a second thought
That sounds fun
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Very plapable
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She likes it
They did?
She asked for it
Very cute, need porn of her
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Oh is this her introduction?
Yup. Her first appearance.
i want her to spit on my pp while she's talking
She looks cute without glasses.
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I agree
>She looks cute
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what did the eqg team mean by this?
Her tits are sweet as ice cream
it always bothers me that people give her big boobas and thick curves. as if she isn't already perfect in her averageness
Stella's "joke" was that behind her steel halo and big glasses there's a beautiful and sensual woman.
The curves come from classic horny guys, but she is pretty even at average sizes.
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Sweet nerd trio
Nude movie night?
One brings the snacks, one brings the place, and one brings the movies.
Then the meeting is leaked, and the boys bring the "party"
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The nicest of nerds
I feel the outfits should be swapped
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I think so too. After all, Stella's whole thing is yogurt and other milk related products
I wish I could but it's not mine
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Moondancer my beloved!
shame she wasn't in eqg
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Ask and ye shall receive.
Yay! Accurate outfit Stella and Moondancer!
Lore Accurate Stella
now we're talking!
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She would have made a great Equestria Girl
Surprised to see a koikatsu guy outside your thread, I guess it makes sense. It's not like you lot disappear everytime the thread dies.
Got any sweaters to put Stella in?
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Made for hugs
She fills it up nicely.
Lovely sweater puppies
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big booba
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She definitely is
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too much makeup
She wanted to look pretty for the prom
Reminds me of an old video I saw about a VN game.
Stella looks like one of the picks.
A date with her would be kino
unf indeed
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What are they watching?
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Whatever it is
They're next
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Cute image
Lovely girls
>also EQG Rainbow Dash. you'll be surprised how she looks like as a pony

How does she look as a pony?
You'll be surprised.
Then show it.
I don't want to spoil your surprise.
LOL just watch Spring Breakdown. It's cool. She looks exactly the same.
Ok, who the fuck cares then.
you blew it
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Damn. I was hoping for something unique
But I still recommend watching Spring Breakdown if you haven't yet.
Lovely lady
Well Sci Twi has some glasses on in pony form. So there's that
Too much
Crank that
Need nerd girls
That's the only thing that differentiates her from pony Twilight.
Well, that and the wings.
>*Insert pre S3 Twilight fan rage here*
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why is she still spitting?!?!
Hawk Tuah
>she no longer wears the orthodontic headgear but decides to continue spitting in your face while talking to you
i want to be Stelladommed
She would look nice with a femdom get up
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That doesn't look like proper work wear
Good shit
It's a hot day.
At that point why not go naked?
You're right.
>Naked apron
Good. If they want to see them, they have to pay. No "free samples" here.
Nice butt
>see them
See what?
Her tits are clearly naked in the pic I posted lol
There is no more
Bro we posted all the Stella images we had. No green, no art, no discussion
There must be more. My dick demands it.
i really should make a LoRA for Stella
Let me introduce you to some cool sites!


Here you go, have fun! And be sure to switch filters to "Everything", if you want to see lewds.
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It's Joever
not yet but soon...hopefully
Dew it
mountain dew it
This is back? Nice
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Very good
Next time I'll pick a bigger pic.
If only she wasnt hiding
If this thread dies post it over on the Nerd one
One last push
It's the final countdown!
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The shop can't even handle her right now
In the house tonight
Every body just have a good time
It's over like the game
Not yet

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