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Previous >>41595895

ITT: Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.

Completed Stories:
Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon
- https://pastebin.com/7r8iCJ2U

Ongoing Stories:
To Listen (Part 1) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/c6D2XDbL
Game of Headphones (Part 2) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/Sx1M6gnB

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The original question was about sisters not cousins
How about a midriff model?
Like a pose showing more of that? That’s be hot.

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Lick it
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If it's squishy, that means the pony is very relaxed and comfortable with you. Normally they keep their hoof stiff for walking and only soften it when picking something up.
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Amazing, this makes me appreciate hoof holding with my waifu all the more
Remember, while they're often stiff, the inner hoof is always sensitive. It'd be wonderful to massage a firm hoof until she melts under the care and attention.
A loving family
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I want to do extremely lewd things to this bat's hooves and hindlegs

Post ponies in regular situations.
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This. Humans suck. Only ponies should be allowed in Equestria.
I knew those were shitty OC's for a reason.
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>not using her front hooves on the back of the couch to make standing more comfortable
Darn shame that the artist doesn't know how to horse. Still cute though.
>tsundere shit

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This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom. Discussion, development suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome here.

Gotta Go FAST Edition

>why alternate boorus?
Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art. So, several new boorus arose to provide alternatives. Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons. Note that this is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.

>why alternate text, fanfiction, and fanfiction archival sites?
Pastebin.com has been deleting greens uploaded to it. FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format. FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be "unacceptable" as late as Jan 22 of 2024.

Overview: altboorus.org (outdated)
>general purpose boorus
ponerpics.org by Lotus [!!WYvH32WjaoR]
ponybooru.org by ZizzyDizzyMC [!DizzyMC4pc]
twibooru.org by Twifag [!twifag.HOY] and Not Twifag/Floorb [!!H3PJaMJmY66]

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Imagine still giving them the benefit of the doubt. baka fr senpai
>They're gryphons, mlp canon species
Might as well upoad the entire furaffinity's griffon collection on derpi then.
I guess this would be a use case for that mlp tag people were complaining about in the previous thread.
But it would be a lot more practical if instead it was a tag for non mlp related stuff.
>Do not use this tag. If an image isn't even barely pony related, report it for rule #3.

Whats their angle here ? Do they want to avoid dealing with the hassle of checking every tagged image ?
I'm pretty sure some derpi poster is actively fighting the urge to do that right now.

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The board gets worse every day. Talk about MLP things you like here, whatever they may be.
I for one, really like ponies.
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I dropped off the show after S3, stayed on the board for some years after that. Last year I went to MF2 on a whim, and I'm back on board. Maybe I never left - this place still feels like home after all this time.
I love these little talking anime donkeys. They make me smile. I also love this community, despite that a good portion of you don't shave, work out, or shower.

>we will never get another G4
You know, I'm still holding out hope. I feel similarly about getting another Fallout game produced by Obsidian - MS bought both Bethesda and Obsidian, so there's a nonzero chance it happens. Maybe we just need some entity to buy up the mlp IP and do some kind of soft reboot.
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Ayo Chuck...
What kinda ponies they got down there in San Antonio
>Sports ball
Holy shit I can smell this post. Go back to plebbit.
thanks derpy

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>when you pour your heart out to Professor Anon and tell him you love him and want him to pIap you…
>but he says hes a devout Christian man and that you’re too young for him
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I was talking about Diamond Dogs, hippoqueer
Furfags go into the underwater volcanic vent
Guess I'll see you there, hippoqueer
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What? I mean, aren't you the least bit curious about what it would taste like? Is it meaty or fishy? Both? Does it's taste change depending on what form it was in when it died?
Come to think of it, I wonder if changelings are the same way... hmm...
Lol stupid knotfag.

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She's stunning
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She is so adorable
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Ay caramba!
Work it

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>cute voice
>looks like a small marshmallow (I really love her mane!)
>will grow into a 10/10 mare
To me, she's the perfect pony
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>obsessed with a slut
A sad reality for many men today.
>t. Diamond Tiara
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Because her mane also look like it's made of marshmallow
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Fillies grow
No one can stop that (unless you're Glimmer)
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I think it has to do with lack of discussion. Swibble threads usually descend into >>41851729

With that what are some good Sweetie Belle fics or greens?

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mare, mare, mare, mmmm are, mmmm mares mare, mare. mare mare mares mare., mare, mare. mare mare mares mare., mare. mare mare mares mare., mare. mare mare mares mare.
the only thing on my mind is

I want to have fun with a mare all day!
guise look what I just found (it's a mare)

yes it is

cute mare, small mare, helpful mare,
property of mare

they melt my heart
the mares

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>bot replies to themselves
>bot replies to others
Wow shocking
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God dogfuckers are pathetic
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What's the value of one Equestrian Bit compared to human currency?
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no, these are bitcoins
that's because purchasing power is a (rough) conversion of the value of human labor over time, not the currency.
How much work does the average man have to do to buy, for example, a loaf of bread now vs when the money was made out of very different materials and had a very different economic purpose?
>rare gems
they're not rare gems if they're not rare anon, and thus they have no extra value due to their rarity.
>the world's gold supply doubles overnight because some unicorn wanted to get rich
>Gold crashes because you can't just double a supply of something and hope demand follows
Dude, that's a fan animation.
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Do you think prostitution exists in Equestria?

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That's mean :(
it's ironic, NASA gets so little money that what they manage to do with it is so insignificant it looks like a waste of money. If their budget was more allowing they wouldn't be stuck with using the pathetic SLS.

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>My daughter wants a human butler to order around and demean. So how much are you worth hmm? 20 bits? I heard Princess Twilight is your official ward so maybe I should ask her, after all she does own a dragon servant.
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You can lie to ponies about that stuff. What're they gonna do, go to McDonalds and read the ingredient list?
No, but, thankfully, I'm very in touch with my inner child.
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Fucking kek
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I love a mare that would commit murder for me haha
I also touch this anon's inner child.

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>feels up highschool girls for a living

>still has the nerve to complain about being rightfully fired for trying to steal someone's cat.

What was his problem?
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Look, she's showing her pussy.
I'm going to pet that pussy while looking Sunset in the eyes.
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I like that comic where he fucks Sunset in the ass.
>what was his problem
he got fired and he can't feel up teenagers anymore?
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This special annoyed me because they don't explain how Sunset is immune to the Time Twirler's magic. Like Postcrush keeps using it to relive the same day over and over to get their concert just right so in theory only they should remember events from previous days, but for some reason Sunset does?

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>I’m so glad you could join me for brunch Anon. Now I can get to the important news I wanted to tell you.
>Last week my friends and I were talking at Sugarcube Corner and the conversation took a very interesting direction.
>We were discussing you and Fluttershy chimed in and said something that caught us all off guard.
>She thought it would be really cute if you were an infant human again, so she could raise a new animal and she could bathe you and take care of you and nurse you with her milk.
>Then Rarity said it would be fun to make little baby outfits and dress you up in them.
>Pinkie Pie said it would be fun to include in her parties and Applejack said she could instill “hardworking values” in you as you grow up.
>I wrote a letter to Princess Celestia about this and even she said it would be fun to dress you up and play with you as a baby and start your development from scratch so you can have homely, Equestrian values and ethics.
>And then the Cutie Mark Crusaders even agreed and so did Cheerilee and Lyra and even Cherry Berry and well…
>You get the point right?
>We all put it to a vote and agreed to regress you back to infancy and raise you as a baby.
>I’m sorry Anon but I didn’t just invite you for another social gathering.
>I’m going to use an Age Spell on you.
>Don’t worry, in twenty years or so when we tell you about this we’ll all have a big laugh about it.
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By the God's mandate, I have a free will and an immortal soul. This means my consciousness is untouchable by your pagan magic.
Twilight is protege to her worlds god. Shes basically the Holy Spirit.
This is a pretty stupid prompt but the opener about joining me for breakfast also makes it nonsensical.
Poor purple burger, always the mascot for stupid threads.
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You cannot change me, Twilight! It matter not how I am raised, or where! Its embedded in my DNA to be an asshole! MUAAHAHAHAH!!
If I lose my memories I don't even mind all that much. And I will be able to fuck the CMC legally when I grow up. This isn't a totally bad offer even without fetish reasons.

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On this day, 10 years ago, Jellyfish ponies were a thing. Anyone remember?
There were so many.
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In popular culture we call that a flash in the pan.
i want to hug her i dont care if i get blisters
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They can also be terrifying in groups!
I dont understand how this artist always makes the ponies hot even though its show accurate. And its always in the context of some bizarre fetish.

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