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>Log 12.001.1
Initial Project Equestria tests have yielded remarkable results. Utilizing mutagenic compounds derived from Phazon, we have successfully altered the genetic makeup of several test subjects. These subjects, once mundane and insignificant creatures, now exhibit significantly enhanced physical attributes and cognitive capabilities. The most unexpected and intriguing development has been the transformation of these subjects into a form resembling that of equine creatures from an obscure Chozo mythology—ponies.
The modified subjects exhibit extraordinary strength, agility, and resilience, combined with an unexpectedly profound aesthetic appeal. These attributes have prompted the designation of this new bioform as "Ponified Space Pirate Mares."

>Log 12.015.3
Advanced experiments on Project Equestria show promising enhancement in the bioform’s resilience to hostile environments. These Ponified Space Pirate Mares demonstrate a tenfold increase in survivability in extreme conditions compared to baseline Space Pirates. Furthermore, their enhanced physicality is matched by an equally notable increase in cognitive function, resulting in heightened tactical proficiency and problem-solving abilities.
However, an unforeseen consequence has emerged: a significant shift in social dynamics among our ranks. Male Space Pirates exhibit a marked decline in interest towards their female counterparts, drawn instead to the ponified mares. This phenomenon, now termed "Marefieber," is characterized by an overwhelming attraction to the new bioform. Research on the cause of Marefieber has led to the discovery of a cellular tissue unique to the ponified mares. This tissue, referred to as "Snowpity," emits a low-frequency bio-emission that seems to directly influence the neurochemical pathways of Space Pirates.

>Log 12.042.9
Efforts to understand Snowpity have been extensive but inconclusive. The entrancing appeal of the ponified mares seems to stem from an amalgamation of their enhanced physical beauty and an enigmatic, almost ethereal quality that we can only describe as the "loving soul" or "beautiful essence" of a mare pony. This essence appears to be a potent psycho-emotional stimulus, evoking profound admiration and desire.
Studies indicate that Snowpity's effect is not merely superficial. Male Space Pirates under the influence of Snowpity demonstrate heightened loyalty, focus, and morale when assigned to duties involving ponified mares. However, this has led to a decline in traditional mating behaviors, causing concern for long-term reproductive viability.
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Too much chitin, honestly. It would probably not be pleasant unless they shift and become softer by it.
Press "Post" to reset the page count to one.
I'd love to see a pony skin for Super Metroid or so
That would be hard to pull off unless you go for, and pardon me for using the word, anthro. The sprites and the hitboxes are all made for a bipedal player character.

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Faustchan is a carefully curated forum that emphasizes both the quality and interests of its communities, rather than focusing solely on interests.

Consider our elite general board, which combines fanfiction, show discussions, and audiovisual analysis. Contributions to this board must adhere to high standards of quality and follow a specific direction, rejecting the idea that all opinions are equal. Only individuals with a demonstrated above-average level of intelligence are permitted to participate in discussions on /elite/.

I will oversee this General by selectively deleting certain posts and banning specific users through a simulated banhammer, while also refining certain pieces of prose to achieve a more eloquent style. Your posts will receive responses incorporating my modifications. This serves as an experiment and a testing ground for a future project focused on enhancing forum discussions.
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>Ponychan - aims to be a hugbox, but no quality. Barely 20 tripfags discuss the show and they have no idea what they're talking about.
>MLPG - aims to be a namefag center for oldfags, no quality.
>/b/reads - just an IRC with pony pics, no quality.
None of them really discussed the show or anything relating to storytelling and visualaudio analysis.
>The issue lies in the characters not being their original selves and needing to be restored to their true canon.
Why is this an issue?
>It doesn't need to fabricate a problem
That's not a problem unique to any season, s1 is full of that too.
Applebuck Season: AJ is hit with the idiot ball so hard she forgot how big her orchard is and the workflow to farming. She worked on the farm her entire life, she should know her limits already.
Ticket Master: Celestia is hit with the idiot ball so hard she forgot Twilight has 5 friends now. She should know how important it is to keep the elements of harmony in harmony.
These are some serious nitpicks really stretching the term "idiot ball."
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Applejack's friends were also made into retards that couldn't tell something was obviously wrong with her aside from Twilight of course. The writing in S1 is a mixed bag for me. Sometimes it feels like the writers thought of the cute character moments first Then constructed the story around those interactions which unfortunately makes a lot of episodes feel forced or unnatural. Ponies being cute is the most fun part anyway, but still I wish it had been handled more carefully.

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Auditory masterpiece.

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Shouldnt Anon technically be yellow to ponies? Like a Simpsons character?
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the blue-yellow thing isn't literal, horses can see green just fine, they just can't distinguish it from red.
[Ponies] are not actually horses, a horse is a species from earth, [ponies] are not even part of the same tree of life.

In regards to differences in eyes. You can do whatever is interesting. A fun idea is to have pony eyes be vastly different, as in not even light sensitive but rather magic sensitive. What Anon sees is completely different to what ponies see, or maybe there is no light at all in Equestria, Anon has to go around everywhere with a flaming torch to see anything.
>Light cast from the sun, moon and stars is magical in nature and you can't see any of it
Dark (literal) Fantasy Equestria, nice.

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Previous Thread: >>40988005

Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.

Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http://pastebin.com/u/Two_Echo
A collection of Vinyl stories-https://ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit

Individual Vinyl Greens-

Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl)
Fuck You (Anon x Vinyl)
Vinyl gets a ride from Anon

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She needs her glasses to be swag, otherwise she just too cute

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what’re some websites that I can watch MLP off of?
Here’s what I can’t use
>netflix, or any streaming service

I know there’s websites to download episodes, but are there any that actually stream to you so you can watch? I’ve only almost halfway gone through S1 so, think the last episode I was on was either 13 or 14, since winter wrap up is ep 11

Also, thoughts on the intro to each episode? I find it not my thing to be honest.
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>giving hasjew money
OP, you're a fucking retard for being inept to find one of the 1000 sites that stream it
how the fuck can't you find the episodes streaming on any random site? are you underage?
Maybe he's a 68 year old boomer?
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Threads done faggot niggers go home, you wonder why this board is dead as shit.
>all 9
Season 8 and 9 never have one

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NEETmums Edition.
Previous: >>41055732

>What is this general?
NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts (or in some cases complete lack thereof) struggle to fit in with the rest of society.

>What sort of stories can you expect to find here?
• Slice of life stuff.
• Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.
• Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.
• A few NEET-recovery stories.
• A lot of smut, if you're into that.
• Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks. Don't like one of them? Give another NEET a try!
• Much, much more!

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Unf. Lemme eat your ass you worst person on this entire board
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floorborb, if she real
She's having a great time!
forgot the duck's mustache
fixed her mane
Off 9

Quick rundown
>We're making an anthology made up of a compilation of short pony clips.
>No need to be high quality and flashy, but of course if you want to make something more ambitious like an animation please go ahead.
>There is no need to volunteer to do the final editing. I can handle that myself. Thank you.

How do I contribute?
>Make pony related clips! It can be a PMV, YTP, Animation, or whatever.
>Please render them in 1920x1080 resolution, 29.97 OR 23.976 FPS, and using progressive scanning.
>Upload them to your preferred file hosting site and post them here with a title and the sources used or what it is parodying.

June 21st 11:59 PM PST

If you have a high quality submission that you don’t want leaked to the internet early, please email to the address provided below. Submissions through the email will still be added to the spreadsheet.
Email: ZWRpdGFub25tbHBAcHJvdG9uLm1l

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Is this the version with no eqg?
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So, gentlemares. Is this, as they call, "it?"
That's sly
why though
go home
it's over

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For the Forgotten 6 Cutest girls from Equestria Girls movies, specials and more! Back from the dead edition!

Previous Thread: >>37264944
Death Note: Invisible

Slave Equestria Girls (Mostly Sunset and Anon but Wallflower is there kinda)

Special Needs (WIP)

Deceptive Danger
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>Anon! Anon, check this out!
>Pinkie gave me this old scroll that Maud found in a cave! I think it was written by starswirl the bearded!
>It’s not important how I found this out, but it turns out that Starswirl wrote it with a special ink that only appears when it’s exposed to certain hormones contained in the urine of a mare in estrus- gosh, isn’t that clever, anon?
>Anyways, after some careful lab analysis, spike and I figured out that it’s a time capsule spell!!!
>That’s right, anon! As soon as this thread gets bumped off, everything in it will be transported through time eight whole years into the future, to the distant year of 2032!!
>So what are you gonna post in it, anon? What interesting things do you have to share with future /mlp/?

(gonna make a thread about this in 8 years, mark ur calendars)
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>shit scheduling
>website doesn’t even adjust to system timezone
>missed all the panels because sleeping/busy
>niggers get mad at me for trying to get on the stream with a mobile device so I could squeeze some time into watching it
^^^ this anon won the worst post award
Don't stagnate, anon. It's never too late for self improvement. You are a master of your own destiny.

I hope you have a wonderful life and wonderful people to share it with, you braindead niggerfaggot.
>give up your waifu
>date 3dpd instead
>uuugh I'm improooooooving
Wannabe life coaches are the fucking worst.
I'm happy that you've found fulfillment in poni. Blow it out your ass.

It always seems so difficult to find anything good on YouTube anymore. Post what you have that's FiM and good.
How do you call pony music videos which use pony voicelines to voice over music, so to speak?
Here's an example:
plunderphonics but dont let any true music enjoyers see you use that word
I think a true music enjoyer's opinion on the meaning of a music term would be the most accurate Anon

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It's their nose. Auto-correct fucked up a mare skitzo trying to type snoopity.
snoopity dooggity
No, because if the mare realized how to or in whichever case before it, human is still nowhere near the latter nor any other snowpity-ish there. For that matter, when it does come to occur you-know-what always reduces, rendering the snowpity a default.
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>They lose their snowpitty when bad things happen to them
No they dont

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>That green ape said hes marryin’ me!
>Nuh uh he said hes marryin’ me!
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Do ponies still call it a catfight?
But human women aren't cats.
Remember that a horse is close to death when it starts to smell.
Do they have porn?

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>You were right Anon. Turning Starlight to stone with the Elements of Harmony was a much better decision than letting her roam free to cause chaos and misery. Now we just need to decide what to do with it. Should we smash it or toss it at the bottom of the ocean? You can decide.
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>Turns out Starlight is the living vessel of the Mareaddictum
It all makes sense now.
Yeah, please don't.
Discord is canonically more retarded and easily manipulated than the average anon. Also can't seriously do anything to the princesses.
I did.
Cookie eating bitch got what she fucking deserved.
that could be too much of a punishment depending on the type of cookie

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I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
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Unfortunately for you, she is not available. You can cum inside this though. She got no hooves and is kinda smelly, but it should do the trick too.
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I don't

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