Rainbow Dash wants to know what you accomplished this week. Even the smallest things count if it's progress.Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41876069
>>41942405Nah, haven't lived with my parent for 7 years. Your parentage isn't the only aspect of your life that can be inhibiting...Low wages (over-saturated market), (lack of) job opportunities, lack of friends and/or contemporaries... All of it contributes to a market where you can't move from where-ever you ended up after school.
fuck all
>>41917744I set up an appointment with a therapist for the first time in my life. I have a lot of things to talk to them about.
>>41945298I bet you liked those insertions, but did she?
Hearts and Hooves Day EditionDiscuss and debate your favorite dyke ships or just post mares lezzing out.Previous Thread: >>41833614
>>41942436You started by writing it out. You're already in the swamp.
White Mare Holy Grail !
>>41943206cutest fandom animation ... of any pony
>>41942676>but first I need to BTFO everyone in the waifu dinner threadMission accomplished.>>41944404
>>41940758I take that back, he really did an amazing work for Born To Silly.>>41944867
It's her day
>>41942759This only goes to show color theory is true and OP is good.
>>41942759Love Letters existed years before The Friendship Games came out.
>>41943842Where's her necccccc?
The truest image ever produced on planet Earth. Woe to those who do not heed her warning.
>>41942277Then why am I stuck in this nightmare with bipedal liars and how do I escape it?
>>41939756>againLol. Lmao. Fluttershy is too pure for this world. This post ends here so stop reading.I'm not opposed to meeting a nice gal and giving it a go. But I've calculated the odds, and they're not good. I'd have to find someone who's into me, and I can't imagine someone being into me who isn't a complete loser. This is fair, because I'm a complete loser. So we then assume I get my shit together™ (lmao) and then what? I'm not in my early 20's anymore, so people who aren't hitched are likely single for a reason (like myself being a huge loser) so we're back to square one. The ideal partner for my ideal self, is someone who is also taking steps to not be a complete loser. But even then there's definitely someone more appealing than myself. I just don't see a winning angle. But in my defence, I'm bad at math.Happy Valentines day!
>>41944341You're assuming that you'd have to date used up hags. No. Date younger, idiot. We've been doing it for millions of years. What, do you wanna be alone forever just because the same kind of retarded normalfags who think women under 5'3 shouldn't be allowed to date because it's "pedo-code" might call you "creepy"?Fuck others, go earn what will make you happy.
>>41939911>pic-relatedI'm still pissed that they decided to make ponies look this ugly, it's just awful.
The next gamejam is upon us! And, as promised, the showcase will take place at marecon.You might be telling yourself "But anon, you retard, marecon is two months away. Why are you making a thread right now?". Well, we're doing something special this time around, the theme for this jam won't be based around a singular concept, but instead it'll be about using assets made by your fellow anons! Made by (YOU)What's an asset you ask? Well it's basically anything that goes into a game! Sprites, images, tilesets, sounds music, etc.Here's how this'll work:>ANYONE will be able to submit assets to be used by the devs in the jam>Submissions can be either posted in the thread or sent by the email below>The assets can be either audio or image>The assets have to be freshly made, It can't have been already published on the internet. You can't just go on a booru and grab a bunch of images>The deadline to submit your creations will be on February 14th. The day the Game jam startsDid you get all of that? I'm sure you did! But I'm also sure the devs might have a few questions:>But my game is 3D/in an engine that'll make it impossible to implement any of thisComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
waiting-for-new-thread final (?) bump!
>>41943565>>41826486ALRIGHT! New thread!>New >>41944493New >>41944493>New >>41944493New >>41944493Thank you all so much for keeping this thread bumped. You can now let it die and migrate to the new thread.
Bump for interest
>>41945185You can go here and continue the discussion! >>41944493You can still submit assets over there if you're interested in that part of the project
Since the first general was a success I reckon we make the 2nd general.
>>41941104Really weird how mods allow one creator to spam threads while deleting criticism of that creator.
>>41943029Thats because the mods know that tamers is THE SHIT and it's best content this fandom has gotten in years.
>>41943029You're retarded if you think he needs to advertise his videos on a board with 10 users.
>>41942984Anon, literally every sitcom uses B plots.
>>41941104I really think there are 2 people working on this 1 is into faggot homosexuals the other is into dykes
The difficult truth is, if you don’t let Redheart neuter you, you won’t be as happy in Equestria as you could be. If you don’t let them fix you, you won’t enjoy pleasant dull mare activities like sniffing flowers and baking and lying in the grass with your bare belly exposed to the sun as much as if you had been neutered. It won’t even hurt! You’ll bee asleep the whole time, and when you wake up you won’t be plagued by all the disgusting sexual urges and you will be much more docile and pleasant to be around. It’s true! Mares will feel much more comfortable around a gelded anon, they’ll treat you like one of their own. So what’s it going to be?
Well well, look at the OP and his cuck thread made from his fancy iPhone!
https://www.equestriadaily.com/2025/02/lauren-faust-actually-voiced-fausticorn.htmlCorrect me if I'm wrong, but is this the first time Lauren Faust voiced her alicorn self?
>>41944406>I'll be a mareschizo for the rest of my lifeand once you go to heaven, or hell, or your next life or whatever afterlife you may end up in.I once thought I've left the ride a while back only for 2022 to grab me and now I'm here planning entries for the antithology and supporting /mlp/ at the cup.
>>41944888if I have some previous lives, I wouldn't be surprised if a few were some dudes with an unhealthy obsession to horses that lead to their demises.
>>41942872Beautiful how Lauren doesn't want to fight between each other but rather to unite in the name of friendship.
>>41944406Yeah, even if everything Hasbro did to her and her creation still can't stop her, What hope do we have? See you in 2040 for 30th MLP gen 4 anniversary anon.
>>41942872>poop joke>toilet joke>poopy poopy butt>poop>crap shit poopWhy tamers and tamers fans are so obsessed with poop fetish? Is this because they do this in the ass so poop sticking to their dicks remind them of hot gay sex? This makes sense because tamers is homo himself and every character in his series is gay. I can't think of any other reason to explain it.
Songs of the deep edition.All Dazzling lovers are welcome. It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag, let's all join in one place. Post anything of the Dazzlings: drawings, discussions, stories, fetishes, re-edits, gifs, re-made songs (written or, if you had the guts to, sung), anything you like. Come here and show that you're under their spell!Archives (green, thread, plus downloads): https://dazzlefan.club/Guides for Aspiring Writers:https://ponepaste.org/1661https://ponepaste.org/1659https://ponepaste.org/1658Art Compilation:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2cryg0c1bk3v92s/AABPY1McXUInkwm3xrO5116ca?dl=0Steam group:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
She wanted to share with her friends!Happy Hearts & Hooves day for you all!!!
Sorry for not continuing the siren headcanon-a-thon earlier, I felt like one has to be in 'the flow' to be creative, but I guess you can prepare posts ahead of time.
>>41936856Worth it
>>41940981Beat it up!
Sweet snuggly lovemaking with a cute mare that smells amazing!
>>41943147>not posting the vulva peak versionwell that was a let down
>>41944110Trannitors for some reason are pretty selective about what counts as NSFW with something resembling a bit of marepussy coming into the OP pic. Last time I got b@ for picrel and got my bread nuked, but I've also made a bread with the "vulva peek version" of OP's Rainbowshine pic and they didn't do shit to it nor to my thread.
>>41944209I think it basically just comes down to whether someone notices or not.
>>41944209based anon, i knew it was u. ripepperoni your bread. thank you for your service
>>41943147Like cotton candy
This is a thread dedicated to the one that held G% together and brought G% down with her, the now-freed true Alicorn, rightful ruler of Equestria, the Terror of Creaturequestria, the strongest and most festive mare to walk the earth or even exist: Queen Opaline Arcana!Remember, your queen was not singing just now. You must be hearing things again.
>>41944444You can really see the evil Dorrito.
Hearts and hooves was a busy day for the OTP.
Another victory for House Arcana.
Opaline's court is moving.>>41945175
She's so adorable and lovely even when she cries
>>41942396Hey, I know a guy.
>>41942396>childrenWhat about autists older than 18?
>>41936892This bitch loves ice cream
>>41936892rarity is the worst pony, her episodes are absolute ass.
>>41943597SIKE!that's the wrong number!
>>41935485Derpy told him her weird fetish.
>>41944923Well? What is it?
>>41944941Consensual sexual intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
Oh shit, I'm sorry..
You fucking should be.>didn't you say that last timeYes. And I stand by it.
>>41944788Omg it's sunny!
>>41944788Sorry for what?Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our Dyx, especially since they're such good size and all.