Last thread: >>41826479Link to the Game Jam: Gamejam for marecon has started! Just like last year you'll have a 2 week time limit to submit your projectsYou might know already based on how often you scout the catalog, but we'll do something different for the theme of this Jam. This time around the jam will focus on using assets provided to you by your fellow anons! They've given (you) plenty to play around with! And keep an eye on the anchor as more assets will probably be submitted as we approach the deadline!We'll do it via a point system, the more assets you use, the more points you accumulate.And why would you even want to gather points you ask? Two reasons; one: the point system that'll be used for marecon, people that stick with the theme of the jam will get more points to attribute to their mare. And secondly: we'll be doing a small competition! you'll want the points for this...We'll be "competing" against a Russian MLP community! They've made assets of their own that they've shared with us! And they're making their games as we speak!And the prize? Bragging rights! It's just for fun.Now, what counts as using an asset? I'm not expecting you to use the whole thing as they are. You can modify them, recreate them, use only a small part of the main asset, be inspired by them! Anything you tangentially do that is visibly related to an asset will count towards your score! You can also use the whole thing if you feel up for it, it's all the same!Don't be a lil' shid and create a room i your game with all the assets in it, I'm not a robot, I won't count thatHere's the links to the assets, both the mega and the drive have the same content, it's just that mega gives you a little preview of the file, and I think drive has a faster download. Use any or both at your convenienceComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>42002800Oh no, Is there some type of bad history i dont know about
>>42002837yes they had post-vore sex with an alive human woman
Please lord,let the next gamejam theme be shitty horror games
>>42003013I've got a handful of posible themes. I'll make a thread a month before the showcase for visibility and we can decide on the theme before the jam starts
It's been a while since we had a villain and antagonist thread let's fix that.
>>42000019Wasn't eqgtv a thing?
>>42000019Three invisiboo threads?A huge thunderstorm must be approaching
>>42002195Kind of.
>>42002343true... its a shame there arent more threads with wallflower in them what has this board come to
I just learned that all MLP episodes are available on YouTube and they've been up for a couple of years. This is unheard of because even animations from over 30 or 40 years ago get chased down for copyright reasons.Hasbro, I kneel.What is the reason for this though? Did they let go of G4 into public domain because they focused on G5?
>>42002754In rare cases, governments may seize patents or copyrights for public interest (e.g., national security, eminent domain).
I don’t know, but thank God. That was a godsend when I wanted to start watching the show.
>>42002754>someone uploads a g4 episode>hasbro claims the video so any ad that plays lines their pockets>start using those videos to recommend (read:advertise) g5It's probably one of the only smart things Hasbro is doing
>>42002754That's because Hasbro doesn't have its own media platform and they'd have to pay someone to play their shit. So they choose dumping it on youtube for free.
>>42002754Well considering Hasbro itself has them up for free I doubt they give a fuck...then again, maybe that's more reason for them to want other uploadings shut down.
>"What's the matter darling? You're looking a little red."
>>42000358>Fluttershy was later tied up and /u/ed for the whole night
>"Mm! Mm! Oo~!">"Yeah!">"C'mon, Anon, darling!">"Feel the groove!"
>>42000227>You throat begins to close and your coughing gets worse>"What are you talking about darling~? Are you implying that i would do something as malicious as take advantage of your peanut allergy to get back at you?">She laughs fancily "Don't be ridiculous~">As you fall to the ground and your vision goes dark she approaches your ear>"I know you were the cretin that doodled all over my designs, you set my work back by 3 months and now i'm going to take 3 months out of your life expectancy."
I'm planning to print out QR codes with links to simple, random pony sites like, and post them around my university.any good QR code making sites you recommend?any good pony sites?so far I have
>>42001808Bonus code with inverted mask layer for even less (or more, I have no idea how QR code scanners work) scannability
>>42001658Looks cool.Though I tried several online scanners/decoders and only one of them managed to read this to be precise.
>>42001813Thanks for all the info!When I do it and post the QRs I'll be sure to post it here.>>42001654>! silly funny gamethe loudest "book!" is too annoying tho> good, although with my luck it will probably be playing one of the "pony zones" just when the normies open it and someone will makes a fuss about it... sounds like fun, I'm willing to take the risk with this one
>>42001020>IWIFTPyou mean this one? website archive section has nothing
>>42003062YW, might want to check how well your friends' phones can scan the colored QR codes if you decide to go that route before using a bunch of color ink tho
Would you?
>>41999983Cum on her feet while she's sleeping >>42000432Even if you have a small dick she will wake up
>>42000482This is true
>>42000482I'm not a bluehair. YOU'RE a bluehair, bluehair.
>>41999980I would have to.It's tradition.
Season 9 goes from worst season to best season when you disregard the last three episodes and write your own ending to the series.
>>42001407Yeah they committed a string of standard assaults before the attempted murder.
>>42000561How's the job hunt going, Josh?
>>42001511Like Discord and Starlight. Also Tempest.
Season 9 has like 2 good episodes. Frenemies and Going to Seed.
>>42002848Hardly. Maybe you're right with Tempest though.
In this general we are discussing every individual scene from MLP:FIM in chronological order.Today we have season 1, episode 1, scene 14.Previous thread: >>41998934>"Spike? Spi-iiiiike! Spike?"
>>42002297The question must be asked:>"What if Twilight had farted during this scene?"
I wish she spent more time in that tower. It seems cozy.
>>42002676She's that ugly? Yeesh, dodged a bullet not waifuing it.
>>42002735Twilight's Not!College life spin-off when
New epic reaction image discovered?
>"Element of generosity'>Is not generous with anything we get to see on the PG rated baby showPerhaps she is "generously" giving away certain other things we aren't privvy to?
>>41999779I love her so much. She isn't my waifu but man is she just so full of character and drama.
>>42001770LOL their lives suck.Basically if you're a woman you peak before you're even old enough to appreciate what you have (like 19), and if you don't have a husband or kids by 30 your life is basically over and you just have to sit around waiting to die while watching yourself literally rot slowly.And if you're an ugly girl, it's basically over the second you're even conceived. No special money hacks, nothing, and you still have to go through periods and gross stuff like that despite zero chance of ever being truly desired.
>>41999779>"so that's why she's the element of generosity, she's always giving"
>>41999737You sound smitten yourself nonny. If you like her you should go for it, if you think you can handle a person like that. Seriously “the worst she can say is no” it’s true despite the paranoid humiliation fantasies of Xwittards who think a woman will accuse them of rape for talking to them.
>>42002122she knows to a degree and at some point ill probably say it but i dont want to "force shit", i know she loves as friend deeply and she open to maybe something else but she has alot of stuff on her plate and kinda got burned alot from shit, like id be cool with if it turned into a FWB but i genuinly have feelings for her and i dont think she has those type of feelings for me. she is still pining for some dude who basicaly ghosted her and she has alot of shit going on in her life and i dont want to be some jackoff who adds to those problems. also im 33 and she is 41. its not a bad age difference,
Musicfags post your jamsI want to hear (You) play pony melodies on whatever instrument you have at hand; strum some strings, blow some brass or mash some keys, I want to hear it. Any skill level, singing also permitted, upload to Vocaroo.
I'm finally back alive, and I got one question: How many Anons can read sheets?I had almost given up in the notion after so many years, thinking it was an useless thing to look towards, before finally finding another anon who could. So I wonder how many else cared enough to learn be it on their own or through deeper schooling
>>41999269Some of this is pretty decent. How many drugs were involved in it's production?
i made a song about when Luna was trapped on the moon... so cold...... so lonely...... sad......
I don't know what I'd write a song about.
>>42001817Dang, this is great. I especially like when it hits at 1:40. Kinda reminds me of porter robinson a little.
Do you think Pinkie got more obnoxious as the show went on?
>>42000562Pinkie was always annoying. She's too fucking happy and pink, and it pisses me off.
>>42000562like all characters she became less consistently well written as the show went on which meant more episodes where she was just annoying/obnoxious because the hack who was writing didn't know how to write pinkie
Writers who didn't even like the show took over the show. That's all.
>>42000562That's what makes me love her more.
>>42000562In doubt about something getting worse with the show, always blame Haber.
Gender role reversal but both are women. Tomboy wears the girly clothes and girly girl wears the boyish clothes.
>>42002214>wake up>log on >open thread watcher>actual good thread is on 10>refresh thread watcher>it falls off>mfw i refresh the catalog and see this thread is what killed it
>>42002214Okay, this is epic
>>42002214So when did you transition, hon?
>>42002214I see the vision, OP
>>42002214No, this sucks because I don't get teated like a woman myself. Call me when there's a thread that satisfies my shameful fantasies of beig swept of my feet by a beautiful mare
4chan and cytube seemingly imploded back to back, is that just a coincidence or is it indicative of our new future?
>>42002321>he doesn't know
>>42002389yes I do not know the inner struggles of mare fighting against a mere single piece of bread that brings many suffering to mares around equestria
it's back, btw
>>42002398Because it's getting harder everyday
>>42002024Amerika Erwache!
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
>>42002175That's a man.
>>42002175>no hooves
>>42002175That's Spike. And I also want to cum inside Spike.
>>42002175I know it's a ponytail, but I can't unsee a mullet.
>>42002341Wah aint no mare i've ever heard of, they have crotchtits in Wah?
>>42002374I heard they're quite milky
>>41999785WHAT THE FUCK! You cant just SAY THAT!!!!