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noone is making new thread so il' make one I guess

Fallout Equestria is a MLP fan fiction that you can read here:
> https://www.fimfiction.net/story/119190/fallout-equestria
talk and share images about it and stories associated with it

one of the more well knows fan stories are:
Project Horizons > https://www.fimfiction.net/story/208056/fallout-equestria-project-horizons
Heroes > https://www.fimfiction.net/story/662/fallout-equestria-heroes
Pink Eyes > https://www.fimfiction.net/story/931/fallout-equestria-pink-eyes
Murky Number Seven > https://www.fimfiction.net/story/47300/fallout-equestria-murky-number-seven
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>What players this team going to have?
Murder Midget (Littlepip)
Queen Whiskey I never asked for this - in shirt (Blackjack)
>Silver candidates
Canterlot filly (Puppy Smiles)
An Hero (Silver Storm/Hired Gun)
Murky Never read Murky N7 in full, can't stand it, but big enough secondary char, if anyone has names to edit this one (Murky N7)

Goddess because >Trixie, definely would want no names besides that (Alicorn VAT)
Slave army (Red Eye)
Glimmerlight Same as Murky, need proper meem (Glimmerlight)

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>Waifu Stealer
That's a bit of a thread meme though. He doesn't steal anyone's waifu in the story.
He steals waifus if you're a Velvetfag
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No such people exist luckily

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Post silly gifs
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they're really good at that!
Stacyl stride
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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Zoomerboomer pearl clutching immature takes on sex!

ITT: Literal shit posting, AO3 is the bad future timeline, we just need something off-topic as always, procrastinating by making origami, Fedlestia busting down your door, topologically Anon is a donut, I would not call those types "people", Celestia fails AND sucks, invading Anon's ass is beyond even Luna's incredible power, Celestia is Princess of Dommy Mommy, peasants getting audiences with royalty, retarded and pretentious fic titles, fearing your new follower, this fic changed their life and caused their wife to give birth to triplets, memorizing story numbers, writing a best man's speech, outsourcing your normie interaction to ChatGPT, accidentally writing fics, and reading clop on your commute!

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The one hundred and fourth and one hundred and fifth books are In Search of the Sun and I Watch the Moon:
If (You) want to join in the discussion, read all of In Search of the Sun and through the end of chapter 8 of I Watch the Moon by Sunday.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors crossing over a dozen IPs? Fed up with downer shipping? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!
New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

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You're free to pursue even the dumbest of headcanons.
That's the—sometimes misplaced—magic of fanfiction!
You think she charges extra if you ask her to moan your name instead of the generic 'darling'?
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Not sure about her, but at some point I'll have to start charging you for editing advice regarding your poor fanfic.
Obviously not, she is Generosity.
So far, we're getting what we paid for.

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Previous thread: >>41920911

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

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At first I was like
>Holy fuck, Scribble is there!
Then I went
>...yeah right.. Lumishy, you won't ruse me once again!
Then I checked and it actually IS Scribble! So I actually got rused this time even with Lumi not involved at all. AAAAA
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Ponyville's gondola ride is just as lovely as last year if you have some time to spare
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I'm still in the process of waking up and for a sec I thought there was a giant Silverflank in the background
This actually made me laugh but I can see it when squinting my eyes a little bit.
I know the feel frens, I had to miss it due to being in the wagie cagie
hope everypony had a good time, though!

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Do over.

Last thread, >>41692812

IRC: irc.rizon.net #/mlp/AiE
Active list: http://pastebin.com/mVG33ERX
Master list: http://pastebin.com/xGf9RcL9
Completed Stories list: http://pastebin.com/QZ4PDe7g
Stories Sorted by Pony: http://pastebin.com/GJyQquaY
>rope's HD remastered thread archives: http://pastebin.com/Qg2dwzq0

>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin.com/mVG33ERXbecomes https://poneb.in/mVG33ERX

>PiE Corner
>Remember to tag all PiE Stories.

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I do not like the implications of this image, don't post it again.
I don't get it- she's just awkwardly doing a suggestive photo shoot?
This guy gets it
Dudes can just be bros anon
Glad ya liked it!
Poners are not for looking self conscious
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finally got a shift change, kicks in monday. finally have my evenings back, which is when i make the most progress on green
more on redemption very soon

Tiny men like to bring up all the countless deaths in alternate timelines that occurred because of Starlight as something to fault her for.
But since their brains are so tiny, they can't make one obvious logical connection: without Starlight, these timelines wouldn't even exist.
And since most of these timelines aren't completely barren, it's safe to assume Starlight actually create MORE life than she destroyed.
So sure, say that Starlight is responsible for mass murder on an unprecedented scale. But that would also mean she's responsible for mass emergence of life on an unprecedented scale. So if you want to get on this level when trying to morally judge her actions, this fact alone more than redeems any damage she might have done. And besides, if she's the one responsible for the creation of all this life, one could argue she gets to decide the fate of this life, and thus is within her right to create any timeline she wants.
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You just proved >>41942745 right.
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How so? I like Twilight.
What if Starlight created a spell similar to FF8's time compression, condensing all farts of every timeline; past, present, and future into a single moment. A multi-dimensional fart singularity if you will. One sniff of that is strong enough to instantly kill even an immortal god such as Discord.
We don't even know that the timelines actually ceased to exist, retard

Previous thread: >>41930049
Archive Link:
- https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41930049

>What is this thread about?
This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.

>Can you elaborate more?
Sure! SPG (Slave Pony General) is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery. It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being, and how most people aren't total cunts.

Are you new and want to write your own story but have no previous experience?
Check out these guides:
https://poneb.in/g4VpEg4f (clop specific)

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Should we merge with SiM? We don't seem to be able to keep the thread alive for AWF. Plus not much discussion is happening.

I know I know the idea to merge was mentioned quite a few times already (years ago) but that was for a different reason.
that'd just mess up the feel of both threads and nobody would be happy

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I can't even get aroused to my very own species' females or anything resembling them anymore, I became too marepilled. I need a mare to get hard. Holy fuck I love mares I love mares I love mares I love mares I love mares I love mares I love mares I love mares I LOVE MARES SO MUCH!!!
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Why are Red heart faggots always like this?
Anon, we all wanna fuck the ponies, but wanting to remove your balls is a (you) thing. Please go back to >>>/lgbt/ they are your people, and can probably recommend a doctor deranged enough to do it for you.
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As OP, I may be a MASSIVE FUCKING FAGGOT, but at least I don't want to get castrated unlike the guy above.
I feel the same way. I can’t find humans attractive at all. We are all gross and awkward flesh bags. I’ve felt this way since a pretty young age as well. Mares are just too perfect and lovely.
This thread is the reason why genocide is good actually.

>Hearts and Hooves Day card exchange
Back from the dead and under new management!

>The fuck is this
Expecting a lonely Valentine's Day? Want to feel closer to your waifu and/or make someone else's day? Just really like writing? Write a Hearts and Hooves letter to an Anon while pretending to be their special somepony and in turn receive such a letter yourself.

>How does it work
Write a nice romantic letter in character as Anon's beloved. Send it off as early as possible to make sure it arrives before February 14th. You can add extra goodies, but it isn't required, the letter is what's important.
More info in the FAQ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WdEPj2W0yxVk9rNAcoYC235WMJSNBm8nfaOEEPDcqV8

>What's the timeline
January 14: Signups open
January 21: Signups close
January 22-24: Assignments go out
January 24-31: Write your letters! That’s a whole week! You can do it!

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>stallions like the kind of picture I included
In all honesty, I don't like it. I love it! ^:)
Every facet of this letter, from the text, to the art, to all the little flourishes, they all come together to form a fantastic facsimile of Fluttershy. And the lewd gives me that most elusive of erections: the heartboner. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you, and I wish you the happiest life with your magical mare. <3
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D'oh. I was sure I got it right. >>41940577
So lovely! All these letters are so lovely! Can't wait to post mine!
up you go
at what point do you declare your letter lost in transit and start work on a new one?

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Did that Gilf Twilight green ever get finished?
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There's a few milf twi arts out there but not really much for Gilf Twi
It's a damn shame
The cycle continues

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This is the ideal Anonpony. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

All Anonstallion/Anoncolt stories and art welcome.

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/10582 (R63 Shining Armor)

https://ponepaste.org/10481 (Rainbow Dash)

https://ponepaste.org/10633 (Celestia, Fluttershy)

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No, this thread is too good for that.
Nah, I like this thread.
Nah. I love the Anonstallion threads, I love the concept and the greens I read that come from here are really great to read. So Anonstallion is eternal and here to stay!
Haha, stallion goes up.

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>What's up Pippsqueaks!
>Okay, it's late at night, and I'm all alone in my house... Sounds like it's time for a 3AM challenge!
>Legend has it, that if you call this number at 3AM, you'll be hunted by a mythical human for three days and nights, and if he catches you...
>Well, obviously your pop princess knows humans aren't real! But let's give it a call and see what happens anyway.
>Alright, here we go...
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>and if he catches you...
He'll rant endlessly about how pony society has fallen, modern ponies are soulless, Celestia was so much better, Twilight fucked everything up, and creatures are the worst.
Dubs of truth
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>"U-umm, Pippsqueaks? I hear noises... I-I think there's something outside!"
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>"The... power went out..."
>anon just falls over

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Since literally nothing happens any more I suggest that we begin discussing every individual scene from MLP:FIM in chronological order starting from S1E1. According to my caclulations it should take us several decades to finish the show at the pace of one thread per day, and if they don't make g6 by then we can start over but frame by frame.
Anyway, here is the first scene of the show, what do you think? I personally am confused by that upside down tree at the background, next to Twilight's horn.
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There are multiple parts to a person's psyche. There is such a thing as internal harmony. Harmony and friendship are not interchangeable.
why does a horse know how to read?
She's been learning at school!
Gee, it's almost like everything in post-Faust seasons is retarded and makes no sense.
This but in Faust seasons.

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Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, /mlp/!
It's time to celebrate your wonderful waifu by enjoying a meal with her! Be sure to share a photo of your dinner together here, but feel free to show your fellow anons other things you and your waifu have been doing to celebrate!

As always, feel free to drop a song suggestion for this year's video. Pony music is a plus, but general love songs work too!
Here's last year's video: https://youtu.be/CrIqIwdzZTk
and a full quality upload of last year's wall: https://files.catbox.moe/vvjwhk.png
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average meal in the UK
Yeah but im american. Also thats japanese curry. God this image sucks. Sadly I cant retake it because Trixie gulped it down so fast and I don't have enough money for more fuck
>that couch
Ashen is that you???

t. East coast
Let me quickly scrap something together FUCK FUCK FUCK

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I love this nerd so much
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you can't gaslight me pal
Please stop being schizophrenic.
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The only people that complain about gatekeeping are the ones on the wrong side of the gate.
This should be /mlp/'s official flag.

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