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tag: 3d, futa, score.gte:200
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These all suck cos the dicks are too big
What is a not too big dick to you?
Can't be bigger than mine cause it makes me scared
>futa on female
>looking at viewer

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>What the heck is this?
The 2024 4chan Summer Cup is the fifty-first official 4chan Cup tournament and the thirteenth iteration of the Summer Cup series. The tournament will feature a mixture of teams that qualify from the 2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup, as well as the teams that managed to qualify for the knockout stage of the 2024 4chan Winter Cup.

>Who's playing today?

/co/ - /vrpg/ 17:00UTC
/wg/ - /u/ 17:40UTC
/wsg/ - /t/ 18:20UTC
/jp/ - /vg/ 19:00UTC
/sci/ - /toy/ 19:40UTC
/sp/ - /x/ 20:20UTC
/f/ - /trv/ 21:00UTC
/mlp/ - /c/ 21:40UTC

>When does /mlp/ play?

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>off by one post gets the get
I can appreciate the irony.
Also, checked.
heh thanks megasatan
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>leave to work before /f/-/trv/ second half
>check site to see result of both games after work
>It's a another draw for /mlp/ while /trv/ has betean /f/ by 3
I can't believe /trv/ is going get their second star

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Are you planning anything big or special with your waifu soon?
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Good talk.
I'll jerk off to her yeah
Only a dinner with the whole family
A wedding proposal
>I'll jerk off to her yeah

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Alright boys, I had a really beautiful experience last night, it almost felt religious.
>stoned as a motherfucker
>listening to the MLP ost
>finish up at you'll play your part
>decide to take a break and listen to something else.
>decide on listening to the venom 3 trailer version of Space Oddity for the hell of it, I love me some david bowie.
>the moment it hits the "This is ground control to major tom" part I start just automatically visualizing myself flying across equestria
>it felt so real, I could almost smell the air and feel the wind blowing in my face, and below me I saw Equestria's natural yet surreal beauty.
>Woke up finding myself on my knees sobbing like I just saw Jesus Christ in person for the first time in my life.
It was so beautiful, anons. It was so fucking beautiful. Anyone else have a similar experience like that? Post it here. Yes I'm aware of NDEanon but by all means post the screencap of his posts anyways if you want to for anyone else who isn't aware.
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mate how many more bumps is this thread gonna get? May as well just archive it by now


Why can't you monsters just call them older mares? Why all the designations?
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What about a meek and shy older mare who wishes that she had the confidence to just go right up to a younger guy and have him wrapped around her hoof?
we call this "sexually repressed" ones who want but cant
hag should be a compliment
wouldnt you rather get swooped up by a cougar? youre their prey
That's a good point.

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fillies wearing clothes edition
previous >>41133703
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What's the point if an AI can do all of this automatically and better?
And what's the idea behind transforming a traditional art into something soulless and photorealistic?
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I know this might seem crazy to you, but people like doing things for fun.
>What's the point if an AI can do all of this automatically and better?
The same reason people still write greens for this board. We like to.
i just want cute and well drawn and well written fillies, i don't care where it comes from
What if they come from my ass?

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Looking for ideas for subtle pone related white shirts.
Any ideas welcome, but I have a few specific questions.

Which one looks better, if any?
What's a better font for "Bolt."? Or something else to put there?
Does anyone know where I can find cutie mark outlines like the WB logo here to play around with them also?

>why are you this focused on a shitty t shirt anon?
I swear I'm not, I just have no sense of style so need tips.
guy in the pic is obviously not me, just the default model from the site that I was messing around with.

And yes, it's this faggot again >>41238636
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For fucks sake why do people always use the lightning bolt with either wings or a cloud and think its subtle? Everybody knows Rainbow Dash, she's the most popular
>lightning bolt with either wings
This is literally Soarin's cutie mark.
wow... i just had the "I forgot what my wife looks like" moment. i legit thought this was rainbow dash too. then struggled to remember. how many years has it been?
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I like this one

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Good thing snowpity overdose isn't lethal.
RGRE is the most stupid and contrived take on equestria the board has ever kept alive. Anonstallion stories should just take place in a normal Equestria. You don't need gender role reversal to make a fish out of water story when you have a literal fantasy land of magic and pony kingdoms.
didnt ask
I asked and I agree
Good shit, Anon. Good shit

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Previous thread >>41010688

This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever: Sunny & Izzy! No, this is not a shipping thread.

>Greentext stories short and long:
Note, I am no longer linking to every post for a green, only the starting one, so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!
>>39561001 Izzy has something for (You)
>>39584734 Izzy has to choose
>>39869258 Sunny & Izzy get confused in prison
>>39959545 Hitch discovers something about Sunny
>>39965565 Izzy discovers it too
>>39985594 Izzy is probably drunk
>>40075364 Anon is distressed
>>40077312 Sunny and Izzy sing a work song
>>40147731 Sunny trains Anonfilly

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I just took my pants off, what's the big deal?
Haltie posted a new Izzy animation.

You know what to do, lads.
Peach Fizz? More like Drowned Fizz

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Best thing/pony in G5 MYM however she is deeply flawed (like everything in G5)
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Me too, but then somebody made this one, and now I feel obligated to bump it. For the queen. Also TYT is in such a sorry state that posting Opaline is like thinking of better days.
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She doesn't look into it.
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Yup, I guess Opaline is back

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>We're in this together
Why do I have a feeling that "this" is a hot threesome?
I mean, both cultures support pregnancy, so no pulling out, Anonymous!
Not to bring actually /pol/ here, but when did communist support pregnancy? Sorry if this is a stupid question. The only think that comes to mind when I think communist and pregnancy is China's infamous One-Child Policy.
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It’s funny, I’ve noticed some very unexpected groups of people are actually becoming more receptive to Aryanne’s ideas after these latest historical events, whether they realize it or not. Things really seem to open up when they try to put a face to the name of “capital”.
Well, it wouldn't be "pregnancy support", but mainly "abolished abortion".
In an attempt to rise the "future red generations", many dictators in the USRR abolished abortions with Death Penalty. This made people starting to have way too many kids to be taken cared off by the state.
Many were sold or enslaved. The "lucky ones" died young. In snuff events.

It was a really bad time.

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Show her
>Trixie peeking over the bathroom stall
Quit posting this fags art, you fuckers really don't learn anything.
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I don't know what the fuck a mirtash is.
I see Tix. I save. I see Tix thread. I post.
Love me Tix.
Simple as.
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You may love Trix, but artists like that do not.
They try to get others to believe in their delusions by making art like this and encouraging others to spread it, further justifying their delusions.

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Janitorial Edition

Previous thread: >>41171940

Fauster's Story Archive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XiJRe1NWl_kIoWsHssZ27BMV7bZAe1jgX59-dWggYkA/
Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives:
Have a broken Pastebin link? Replace pastebin.com with poneb.in

not to save anything of value on Pastebin
ignore all attempts at early new threads
ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
keep your thick, colty mare (or mares) perpetually pregnant and give 'em the licc
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The best part of RGRE
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>This is what you have to do to get sent to Equestria
"They were ponies, and I pet them like ponies! And not just the mares, but the stallions and foals, too! I pet all of them! I love them!"
>"Cool motive. Still fiddlin'."
>>Every time he thinks of reloading he's forced to watch himself eat pineapple
>It wouldn't be so bad if the 'reload animation' had the courtesy to skin the pineapple and cut the flesh into slices for him to eat
>No, Anon gets to just take a big ol CHOMP out of (skin and all) it like he's a caveman and the pineapple is a juicy leg of vaguely-avian origin.
>Anon realizes that platonically molesting the local sapient population (no matter the age or gender) is just as socially-acceptable here in Equestria as it would be back on Earth
>Anon cries himself to sleep every night from then on

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"The Rider" Edition
Post and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.
Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!

>is selling your products here allowed?
Of course! Absolutely allowed.
>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?
Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.
>where can I find the old threads?
They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.
>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?
They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.

=== Links Index Pastebin ===

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any updates?
>that spoiler
don't choke today
I got a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number today. So might be happening
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All fillied up
cute tattoos
good frens

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Last time, not a lot happened cause I went on vacation for a bit. Back now though, so if you want to catch back up on the short last thread it's here: https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/41221173/rise-of-paradise-33-cyoa#bottom
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Sorry for disappearing yesterday, I had a very busy day.

'I suppose I put that ring on him a little too late...'
"Getting close, brother? I guess I need to catch up."
You wrap all of your legs around Lupad and thrust harder and faster into her, fast enough for your fluffy sacks to clap against her chitin over and over again. Making an audible clapping noise that fills the carriage.
The two soon break off and when they do you take the opportunity to shoot forward and make out with Ruby. Lupad gets pushed away a bit, but this just lets her horn get caught between your lips in the kiss, giving it some light nibbles and tickling it with your tongue while you push it past her and explore Ruby's mouth, all three of you rapidly approaching your climaxes.
Ruby is the first to go, giving Lupad some powerful and rough thrusts into her abdomen before hilting as deep as he could go, his grip on Lupad tightening substantially. Several seconds later you begin to hear a steady drip from her abdomen as Ruby fills it to capacity. Lupad follows shortly after, a cry of pleasure ripping past her lips while she wiggles underneath the two of you, both of your cocks blasted by her blueberry gel as her fun hole tightens all around you, her horn sparking with magic as the pleasure reaches there and tickles your tongue with fascinating tastes. And shortly after her, you finally climax as well.

What do you do?
Our mouth falls opens to let out a blissful moan, finally able to release the sexual tension we've been carrying all day and from the euphoria of sensations that wash over us. The taste of her magic coating our tongue, the tightening of her fun hole gripping our cock as it fills it with fertile cum, and the drips of overflowing love batter between our wife and brother dripping down on us.
We pump our cock with our own strong thrust to make sure she gets every drop she can handle, which took a while from our extra fertility.
When our own orgasm ended, our grip on Lupad loosens, but still holding her in a hug while our and Ruby's mouth are connected by Lupad's horn. We just lay there panting, starting into his eyes in a half daze as we enjoy the glow.
Forgot to mention I'm going to be busy the rest of the day. I think the other anons are too, so take your time.
The knowledge that we're sharing our wife with our brother for his first time is exciting, but it's Lupad's climax that sets us off, quite handily, realizing we can't hold out almost immediately.
Not that we want to: the anticipation following this morning is almost too much to bear and our body won't be denied any longer. The satisfaction as we add several ropes of seed into the mix is euphoric, driving us to cling to our lovers as stress is forced from our body, eventually dripping onto the floor of the carriage. We pour our love into the big bad bug, more by reflex at this point.
Figuring we may not have this chance for a while, we reach out and swat at Ruby's flank with an audible smack, caressing it before brushing a hoof along his tail.

It seems to be the trend for everyone right now, but glad to know you're okay

The knowledge that you're sharing your wife with your brother for his first time is exciting, but it's Lupad's climax that sets you off, quite handily, realizing you can't hold out almost as soon as it happens.
Not that you want to: the anticipation following this morning is almost too much to bear and your body won't be denied any longer. Your mouth falls open to let out a blissful moan, finally able to release the sexual tension you've been carrying all day. The taste of her magic coating your tongue, the tightening of her fun hole gripping your cock as it fills it with fertile cum, and the drips of overflowing love batter between your wife and brother dripping down on you drives you to cling to your lovers. You pour your love into the big bad bug, more by reflex at this point. You continue to pump your cock with strong thrust inside of her, making sure she gets every drop she can handle.
As you all begin to come down you figure you may not have this chance for a while, reaching out to swat Ruby's flank with an audible smack, caressing it before brushing a hoof along his tail. Your grip on Lupad loosens along with Ruby's, still holding her in a hug while your and Ruby's mouth are connected by Lupad's horn. As Lupad goes limp between the two of you, you just lay there panting, staring into his eyes in a half daze as you enjoy the glow.
"T-That was... amazing~," Ruby pants, looking down at Lupad, "Did you enjoy that as well?"
Lupad is only able to let out a small groan and twitch a bit in response, letting the two of you know that she is still awake.

What do you do?

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