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Previous Thread: >>41789884
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957
Burning Sensation (NSFW, Mutant Sunset x Anon) by SUPERKEATON - https://ponepaste.org/3958
Cold by BOLTGREENS - https://ponepaste.org/3959

Sunset EQG Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNXV9Mb7egjHnPs8HxD56ec6qea0A-b7e
Good Vibes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygTvEUnXW8 [Embed] [Embed]
Sunset Shimmer sings - https://clyp.it/q5dz4aqe
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Sorry guys, I should have bumped the previous thread when I finished my TTRPG session.
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No problem, nothing bad happened. Let's just continue.

Unironically sounds like a recipe for happiness.
Just be stupid, bro!
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>[Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
This choice of OP image is bad because you can't tell it's Sunset at all
oldfags know
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Fair but as >>41856710 said, oldfags know.
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This thread better still be here when I wake up in the morning
I'll be awake to look after her, Anon.
Sliderfag did it. I checked and the thread reached page ten WAY sooner than it should have for that time in the morning.
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Then we simply have to be careful about bumping the thread early in the morning.
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On a side note, one of the things I admire Sunset threads for is that they rarely get bumped with repetitive crap just for the sake of bumping. Better let the thread die from time to time (shit happens) than end up as an uninspired bunch of spam like EQG Rainbow Dash nowadays.
Fortunately, I don't think that's a threat to us in this case. Never change, Shimmerfrens!
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Ray is cute as a button, but I wish he had the correct tail shape.
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Maybe he's just supposed to be young?
Also, for some reason I rarely rewatch Summertime Shorts (or whatever they're called), so I constantly forget that he even existed... Too bad he never shows up in other EqG instances.
I just read that first story posted in the previous thread about Sunset turning back into pony. Reposting if anyone's still interested:

Maybe it wasn't sensational or anything, but I found it really cute and comfy. Thanks for sharing it.
An unfortunate side effect of him being created by a side studio, the people at Boulder worked on the shorts he was made for and no one at DHX knew what they'd made... which honestly seems weird to me

If fans can keep up on this sort of stuff how the hell can't the animators/directors?
There’s nothing wrong with image dump threads.
Has Flash fallen for Shimmy or is he putting her on a pedestal?
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Leopard geckos do tend to have thinner tails, though Ray has the coloration of an adult.
I meant to say juvenile leopard geckos.
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Ray is cute, as are all leopard geckos.
I am new. Recommend to me your peakest Shimmerfictions.
You can not handle my peakest Shimmerfictions, traveler.
I hope this doesn’t trigger any spergs but Fractured Sunlight by Oroboro.
This one's probably my favorite
>Fractured Sunlight by Oroboro.
It's a pretty good one.
t. Hates Sciset
Hmm, seems like most of those people just did what they were paid for.

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Speaking of sunset. How did she not feel weird at all during this scene? EQG missed a joke scene of either twilight or sunset seeing actual horse or even better, ponies and just have their jaws hang from their mouth.
You have a point.
On the other hand this horse (resembling a real one) looks far different from Equestrian Ponies (barely resembling actual equines). To them it might be like any other animal.
On the third hand:
Do you have an existential crisis every time you see a chimpanzee?
NTA but yes.
Humans and chimpanzee are an entirely different species. While ponies and horses still belong to the same species and can interbreed as ponies are just midget horse(not recommended by veterinarian).
The closer analogue would be you going to Equestria and seeing applejack herding some 8 foot tall niggers that can't speak.
How did her sexuality works during her first few days in the human world? Did she just immediately seek out human male or did she glance at some stallion from time to time?
Honestly I think she had other things than sex on her mind in her first days.

Also >>41862179
>EQG missed a joke
EQG missed many jokes...
Dang I wish there was much more of this franchise.
Pretty sure Horse and Pony don't have sexual interest.
Definitely First Hoof Account. A long one, but pony Sunset is written so perfectly.
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How's the project going?
Imagine getting to pet Pony Sunset's tummy, I bet it feels like heaven.
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Go comment nice things on this Shimmer. Even if it's a simple "Nice" or "Cool". Give it engagement. Make artists realize that making Shimmy works, and they'll want to make more.

172 confirmed artists and 14 submissions so far.

Once I we reached 100, I started asking people if they'd like me to invite other people, and they just started suggesting and recommending me either people who haven't done pone in years, or I would have thought were dead. And they keep on coming.

I'm not even done yet, I still have like 60 DeviantArt tabs open, a whole group of VK users, all the submissions for the Sunset Shimmer Days, a huge list on Instagram users, and the Chinese artists from Rednote

And I need to be the first one to invite them to set the expectations and goals, because otherwise they just start inviting each other and sending each other the docs and link to the server, and I end up missing count of who is even in the project anymore.

It's literally taking me every single awake moment of my life to keep this project going. Not that I mind, I love it, but it's exhausting. It's mentally draining. And it keeps me away from other stuff, like actually drawing myself, or keeping this thread alive. Which I would've done if it wasn't for that stupid 900 timer.

Ironically enough, the biggest Sunset Shimmer artists haven't answered yet, and I don't know whether they're interested or not. I don't have time to think about them. I have to prepare the accounts and organize the submissions accordingly so it's all ready for April 3rd.
>900 timer
Never understood this.
I still haven't seen one. Maybe I'm just blessed?
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This one always makes me chuckle.
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Ponies are cute.
If the objective was to get people to post less, it works
I have several devices and I use them all for work. I access 4chan on many of them, so they reset.

I'm not waiting five minutes for a post, n oway
So pretty, nice bod!
Go there and tell it to the artist
So he knows he should draw more Shimmers
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>"Against the wall!"
How does she feel that Filthy Rich inauguration?
She voted for him over Opaline since he was the lesser evil.
>Boops her nose.
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that's MY line
I hope to see LiveSmutAnon someday again. I need to thank him for making some of the best early Shimmer lewds at the time.
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>"It's not about the parakeet!"
What was it really about?
Is there a fan fic where Shimmy is voting for mayor ship?
Not that I've seen, but if you want you can write it.
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>That green human is up to something, I just know it...
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I had the nightmare again. You know the one.

The one where I am loved and accepted because someone finally had empathy for me.
It's better than my recurring nightmare where I have to fight off ayys.
you will get to fight off ayys one day
your brain is preparing for you to be earth's defender
name one (1) irl girl that has empathy
and when you realize you can't you'll realize which of us stands in the brighter fire
>Humans are always up to something.
How do you know?
>There's a reason why I came back to Equestria. Humans can't be trusted.
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POV: your date is waiting for you
How would she feel if both Princess Celestia and Princess have come to the Canterlot City unannounced and what would she do?
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>not pictured: my erection. i am throbbing. i am always hard around her. it will not go down. i can't not be erect whenever i'm in her presence. she knows that i am hard and it pleases her that she has such an effect on me. she isn't disgusted or thinks that i only care about her for sex. she recognizes that she makes me genuinely happy and that me getting an erection is a biological function that shows my need to be close to her. she knows that other girls don't have this effect on me. she knows that i'm not going to cheat on her, because i could never do better than her.
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Say, what will YOU do to celebrate Shimmy's ascension into a phoenix form this April 3rd?
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I don't have any plans for it right now. Maybe I'll do something, but shit's been hectic for me recently.
Um... What?
He’s not posting those for them to be answered. He just wants to be annoying.
I know... But this one was exceptionally confusing ecks dee
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Honestly I really like those questions. Very memeworthy.
Sometimes there used to be actual good questions that made me think about Sunset's character in interesting ways. But recently it's like he's completely given up on making them make any sense.
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I think he's asking what would she do if the two sisters showed up unannounced.
Anybody else used to rp back in the day? I wouldn't mind getting back into my old Sunset blog just to flip through all the cringe.
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RPing as anything other than a TTRPG character has always weirded me out. Something about knowing in the back of my mind who the other person is.
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Do you guy have any greens that you made?
I have a couple, why do you ask?
Want to post them?
Here you go:
It's okay, I don't like cucumbers either Sunny.
Pet pony Sunset :)))
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I need more Equestria Girls in real life in my life.
What would have happened if Shimmy didn't see Timber while Flash talking to her?
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Wasn't there a fan art based this premise?
love seeing this two together.
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She's just so cool
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the fucking coolest
I love her so much.
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What song would you sing a duet with Sunset, given the chance?
Hard mode: no love songs.
My choice would be https://youtu.be/Gt3R6oTDt44?si=ALOSVndVlYlftva9
Not a bad choice.
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I'm sure there was.
Very cute
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Is there a fan fic where Shimmy flush Flash into toilet?
Fuck you for making me giggle so loudly at this
I’ll have my guard up next time
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Laughter is the best medicine.
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She's the cutest bartender.
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I'm surprised no one's posted this yet.
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(X) Doubt.
What in the hell did I just watch?
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Did AI made this and why does it me depressed?
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I don't know and I don't know.
Have a Shimmer to cheer you up.
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Eyelashes? More like eyeleashes.
I wonder what would happen if Sunset crossed over from Equestria to Earth mid-estrus. Would she remain in heat? Would it just stop?
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It's a fascinating question, isn't it?
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Sunset riding celestia
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Well assuming the portal changes a pony's internal biology and not just their physical appearance, which seems to be most likely, than if Sunset Shimmer were to cross from Equestria to the human world during estrus cycle it would cease after she transformed into a human
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does that include the ponut?
Only the internal portions, everything external is human.
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If only Hasbro actually loves money to revive Equestria girls in this artstyle. It's like western companies seems to be aversive to pleasing their consumer and making twice the profit at the same time.
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A matter of taste...
They decided that they want the unexpected manchild fanbase and all the stigma it brings to go away.
Good shit only happens when Hasbro isn't watching.
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Honestly I really like EqG designs and wouldn't want them to look any different. They're cute.
Also LOL
Sunset owes me sex
Just wait patiently, she has a lot of Shimmerfrens to please, but she never forgets anyone.
Sunset is the Santa Claus of sex.
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classic pic
Little teaser of what's to come
If you know, don't spoil
If don't know, just you wait...
I love pictures of Celestia acting motherly towards Sunset.
I think you mean (you) owe Sunset sex.
Has someone either ask Rebecca or Nicole about if Shimmy is Celestia daughter?
Not that I know of, but it would probably be better to ask Ishi Rudell or Katrina Hadley.
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They both look so good.
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“Is this the Region, this the Soil, the Clime,”
Said then the lost Arch Angel, “this the seat
That we must change for Heav’n, this mournful gloom
For that celestial light? Be it so, since he
Who now is Sovran can dispose and bid
What shall be right: farthest from him is best
Whom reason hath equall’d, force hath made supreme
Above his equals. Farewell happy Fields
Where Joy for ever dwells: Hail horrors, hail
Infernal world, and thou profoundest Hell
Receive thy new Possessor: One who brings
A mind not to be chang’d by Place or Time.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n.
What matter where, if I be still the same,
And what I should be, all but less than he
Whom Thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; th’Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav’n.
But wherefore let we then our faithful friends,
Th’associates and co-partners of our loss
Live thus astonish on th’oblivious Pool,
And call then not to share with us their part
In this unhappy Mansion, or once more
With rallied arms to try what may be yet
Regain’d in Heav’n, or what more lost in Hell?”
>Katrina Hadley
But she's the one that said Shimmy was bi.
Speaking of sunset and Celestia. I wonder if princess celestia actually knew about principal Celestia. I mean that should explain how sunset, without any document or legal guardian, able to enroll at a high school by herself and principal Celestia being weirdly forgiving to what sunset planned and did to her school. Seriously, no way an actual principal will let their student get away with brainwashing and attempted murder. Princess celestia must have paid her with immortality magic or something.
Sunset's implied relationship with Celestia and theoretical relationship with Cadance are the two most interesting relationships she has imo
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Put Twilight into the mix and I think it gets even better, as now Sunset has mad 'middle child' vibes going on
>Cadance is the oldest, responsible child with the most trust
>Twilight is the youngest, a prodigy and gets the most attention
>Sunset stuck in the middle
I need someone to draw this now
This is actually really cute. The Twilight/Sunset dyad is my favorite thing period. They really compliment each other the same way Luna & Celestia do. Throw in the big sis Cadance and you've got something special
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That and Twilight and Sunset having a LDB and Miraak moment.
>"And so the First Apprentice meets the Last Apprentice at the Summit of Apocrypha."
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Why is she so perfect
Gen 6 but twilight is the bad guy ala nigthmare moon after losing her friends to passage of time and it is revealed that the one actually doing the princess work and helping the new gen ponies from the background is princess sunset. That will be kino as hell.
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She's a girl with boobs, a horse pussy, and has an emotion normally only boys have (empathy)
okay, I buy it. im gonna draw a family photo.
Don't make promises you can't keep, Anon
I like the idea, so its more of a question of when it'll be done than if at all.
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So fly!
based if true
Does anyone know how to contact L4zy Ale? Someone asked me to invite her but she has no way to contact her privately
I know right? Wish she wasn't covered by that redhead.
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You can choose one form for Sunset to be in permanently. All other things remain the same; she'll be able to go out and get a job in either form, and She'll be able to carry your children to term with no complications should you decide to have any (though any children you have with pony Shimmer will be normal humans).
>In pony form, people will notice and comment on it though the government wouldn't do anything because they neither care nor believe that a talking, technicolor pony exists.
>In human form, she'll have a subtle orange tint to her skin and have pony-adjacent dietary requirements (i.e. she'll be a vegetarian, but not a strict one).
Which do you choose?
I'm going with the human Shimmy and her collection of skirts and whatever else cute shit she has worn.
Human will be better for sunset, she is already used living as a human and is canonically a gamer. Forcing her to be a pony on a human world means taking her enjoyment and life.
You heard the lady

Love her ass
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Love her
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"Hey Hasbro, these two characters are the most popular ones from our spin-off, can we make them have a gay date?"

"You're getting cancelled after the next one so yeah do whatever you want"
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It's pretty cold out
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Haber wanted to fuck her so bad he made his own Twilight reskin OC in a vain attempt recapture her glory
I think all of them wanted to fuck her really badly. All it takes are some peeks behind the curtains, she was their beloved OC.

Our beloved OC.
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The only good thing Tamers did was make more people appreciate Sunset. And I will die on that hill.
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Damn, that's cute.
Fucking precious. Damn I love mares
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Absolutely based drawanon delivering
Very cute family of magic horses, will you color too?
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Based draw friend, you can absolutely tell she hates being the middle child
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Damn, Sunset's really hot when she's angry.
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Why all of them have wide hips?
Because it's hot.
Whoa! So there are actually 3 Sunsets?
Almost just like in Futurama!
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>4 sunsets?
>4 ponuts

Why are they all in Scitwi's room?
DieArt has sure come a long way since then...
I'd prefer their 4 horsepussies.
The 4 Horsepussies of the Apocalypse.
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Anybody got tsudashie's new sunset pic?
Top cute. I'd listen to Sunset vent and being the middle child.
Is this satisfying?
Grumpy Shimmy is so fuckin cute
also nice colors
After some digging I found this: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/8m86wxu4.png
That's all I could get though.
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Grump Shim! She's so lovely

Where did you get this? Is it paid content or something?
Link is triggering some bs do you have a cat box or something?
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Did that for you.
yes thank you kind friend.
I'm not your kind friend.
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Oops! She ran over one of Fluttershy's animals.
How's she gonna break it to her?
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Would you let her take your picture for the year book?
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its missing an essential something to finish it all, but I cant see what. ill just post it to get it over with.
Can they see her panties?
Should have writing like class of 997.
The happiest and most magical family in Equestria
fantastic work with this anon you really delivered on this, really love the collective of Celestia with all three of her pupil-daughters and really like how Sunset sitting squarely in the center of all these happy ponies gives off the exact sort of irritable/annoyed middle-child vibe i was thinking of. Expressions all look adorable and the colors really elevate it

If you're looking for one last thing to complete it, there's a bit of space above the group where you could put a banner of some sort that could say something, though what specifically I'm not sure yet. I'm not sure if there's a traditional saying for Family Photos when they're taken but that is what this comes off like is a big Family Photo but I feel like it should be a specific phrase that would contrast with Sunset's grumpy mood compared to the others that would really hit the bullseye.
a good idea, but we need a very specific phrase to make it work
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It's missing particles. Something like a filter, or a bunch of sparkles. Or little doodles of characters and items related to them.

Or maybe you could put this on a frame and twist the picture so it looks like a photograph that's been left to rot, forgotten and ancient.
I was actually thinking of doing a kind of Lilo and Stitch-type edit to it where Luna rips off a portion of it so that she's in the frame as part of the picture. I could also make a small comic of it where a torn and burnt version of the photo was found by Luna after one of the attacks on the castle, and she absconds with it to paste her picture to fill it up. Celestia finds it and arranges the girls + a returned Sunset for a proper pictorial.
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I'd rather have her as a photographer on one of my gigs. I hate being on camera off stage.
...Nah, playing a gig WITH her would be much better.

>Can they see her panties?
This number means trouble.

Cool idea.
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oh and an isolated shimmy
This is seriously the most I've loved some fanart in a while. Outstanding, Anon.
Next time we make a thread, let's make it more obvious that it's a Sunset thread. It's hard as fuck to find it.

How much do I have to pay you to make this a reality. God I live for this kind of storytelling.
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>You may spank it... ONCE
Shimmy using her gyatt as some sort of negotiation tool...

It's fuckin workin.
I could see this being three pages long, assuming I draw on small pages or I rip off will eisner's methodology, because this is something that needs space to breath and not be set against too many other panels. as before, this is a question of 'when' and not 'if', but being paid for it would make me want to finish it much more quickly.
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!!!--TRADE OFFER--!!!

>>>All of your worldly possessions<<<
>>>Your meat dildo whenever I want it<<<

>>>Being seen with me in public<<<
>>>Mandatory kegel training<<<
>>>Mandatory onions lecithin consumption<<<
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>>>Your love, respect, and companionship, in sickness and health, through good times and bad, 'til death do us part<<<
>>>Cuddles every night<<<

>>>My love, respect, and companionship, in sickness and health, through good times and bad, 'til death do us part<<<
>>My meat dildo whenever you want it<<<
Cute work on the pic as a whole but the standalone Sunset really works on its own too for reactions, love it
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>men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
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Sunset's so pretty in a wedding dress.
>kegel training
>onion lecithin
the fuck is this hippy bullshit
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So what games do you think sunset play?
That squirrel game over and over again.
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Boommare horsewife
I'd buy a sticker
What I'd give to marry Sunset Shimmer, see her get old and mean and slowly resent her everyday while still loving her deep down
Imagine marrying Sunset thinking she's in her early 20s, only to find out she has the mind of a 40-year-old boomare
same vibe
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got bored and i did this
Look at her. This is clearly best pony.
You should get bored more often.
>naked aprons
>spoon spanking
you hit three bullseyes anon goddamn
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What happened that she needs the cone?
How much to make them kiss

On my cock
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lil shimmy

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