For a brief moment, MLP turned into shounen. Why did this anger the fanbase again? Shounen is undoubtedly more respected and endearing as a medium to people than toy commercials for toddIers. Even Sonic went the shounen route with this knowledge.
>>41883076The mlp fanbase is the most mentally ill ever conceived.
>>41883076Shounens are shitty and for boys. Don't push your ugly fat men fingers into little girl cartoons.
>>41883076The fandom hated LOTR inspired fantasy adventure so we got a million “slice-of-life” episode plots. Fandom hated action finales or season openers too.
>>41883076None of that is relevant. The show was good, then it wasn't. It doesn't matter what insecure redditor types want to help assuage their insecurity over liking a certain show.
>>41883076Shounen and toy commercial are different categories that may coexist regardless of eachother. MLP wasn't just "toy commercial", it was the highest thing that any show could aspire to be - moe. And therein lies the issue.
>>41883092spbpbeing made for girls is an essential ingredient of MLP SOVL
>>41883190>/mlp/: Jim is such a bitch what an asshole for saying it's for little girls, it's for us and everyone reeee>also /mlp/:
>>41883190One Piece in a year makes more money than the entire MLP IP has ever seen in its lifetime. >inb4 money doesnt matter
>>41883208Anyone is a valid audience member, but MLP's spirit, the thing that attracted us to the show, is inseparable from the decisions made in designing its content to engage and appeal to the little girl demographic.>>41883217Money can be a useful metric for popularity can be a useful metric for quality and likelihood of enjoying something, but that's from the perspective of an outsider shopping for content to try. From the perspective of the members of the existing fan base, who fell in love with the show /as it is/, MLP would not necessarily become a more desirable IP for us to be fans of just by being changed in ways that earn more money.You asked, "Why did this anger the fanbase again?" It angered them because it changed from something that aligned with their interests to something which did not align with their interests.
>>41883280speak for yourself.
>>41883076MLP would have been infinitely times more popular if it started out as a shounen. The premiere somewhat had that vibe which baited people into watching it at first, but then it switched to slice of life sadly.
>>41883076It's a show for little girls. It doesn't need to pander to a niche audience of lonely autistic men.
>>41883394You have it mixed up, the fanbase started from 4chan. Later seasons pandered more to normies which alienated the lonely autistic men.
I'm in the fortunate position of liking both shounen MLP and SOL MLP. Both can be done well - just depends on the writing
>>41883417>the fanbase st-st-started hereThe show was made without you, /b/troon
>>41883486There wouldn't have been a rabid fanbase pumping out content everyday without our direct influence. You're welcome by the way, we made you.
>>41883085The anime fanbase is far worse.
I feel like what made the show work for a lot of people was the fact that it hybridized a lot of genres. It's a comedic slice of life with magical girl inspiration that also can have some action elements, that's an interesting combo and when you lean too far in only one direction you lose something.
>>41883506Nothing worse than someone huffing their own farts.
>>41883076Because MLP is for little girls
>>41883076is mahou shoujo considered shounen?
>>41883486It did.Go back to Twitter kike
>>41883907>t. Tranny
>>41883929Oh yeah, that's the good stuff right there.
>>41883092tits or gtfo
>has episodes centered around action and “shonen” powerup and fighting moments>also has cutesy slice-of-life moments and balances those with comedy >teaches kids lessons>has little girls protagonists>liked by both girls and boys>also written at various points by Lauren Faust It can work but the talent needs to exist.
>>41883329They didn't have the budget for adventure stuff on the regular, they said.
>>41884485PPG is my second favorite western cartoon under FiM but I never cared for the generic world or its characters on an emotional level, it's a classic shitposty fun cartoon. But I do wish FiM had a better balance of Shounen/SoL since I love the two parters a lot.
>>41884485Only good episodes in that show were the one with the amoeba boys and the one with the boogie man.
>>41883076>Shounen is undoubtedly more respected and endearing as a medium to peopleOnly to retarded zoomers who have taken over the internet in the last decade. Older people usually enjoy stories that emphasize humanity over superfluous violence.
>>41883535You forgot to mention the fantasy setting
>>41883944Are you taller than 6'0 and buff?
>>41885682Dumb retard.