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Last time on The Good Necromancer:
>The group of you head into Sibashikha, looking around at the two as the Radonitsa celebrations begin.
>Getting some food first at a local bakery, you also learn that there are a few bookstores and temples in town.
>Following that you find some festivities in town and take part in them: playing some ring toss where you win some magical trinkets and go through a Hall of Mirrors which is fun for you and Dawyn.
>You reunite with the rest of the group and head off to check out a weapon store. You take interest in a Griffon warhammer called Járnfall, Dawyn grabs a shortsword and shield, and Tanssija grabs a few elemental arrows. Besides that, you're all still looking around a bit.
You can also go ahead and catch up here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41102063/#41102063
>Lore Pastebin:
>Inventory Pastebin:
>Spell Pastebin:
>Information Pastebin:
>Crafting Pastebin:

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"As Dawyn said, if you have the energy, I wouldn't mind a little love myself."
You admit, letting out a husky sigh as your teats get massaged, allowing yourself to fully lean back a little now that your cute buck was done stuffing your marefriend's cheeks. Running a hoof through Dawyn's mane, you leer at both of them with an inviting grin, stretching out provocatively as you lean even further back. The moment you place your hoof down to support yourself though, it slips on your tail where it rests upon a growing puddle of mare lube, sending you onto your back with a wet clap of wobbling teats and a solid glimpse of your swollen marehood.
Laying there stunned for a moment, you turn to briefly look at the similarly stunned Griffon in the mirror before looking down across your belly at the Dragon mare whose muzzle is now loosely lodged into your cleavage, which is both comedic and a little hot in some obscene fashion, given the little bits of drool and cum dripping into your mounds. After a second she removes herself and chuckles a little at you.
"...The only thing hurt is my pride. Though, there is a part of me that is starting to ache~."
"Then we should figure out how to solve that then~." She smirks back.
"How well do you know that Snare spell of yours, Dawyn?"
"I've used it several times, so I have experience with it." She replies.
"Hannu, how would you feel about screwing a larger mare from below?"
"That sounds... a bit interesting. I would be willing to try it," He nods before smiling a little, "And I think your counterpart would enjoy having a bit of control~."
"Just give me a moment then. I'm going to need to modify the spell a tiny bit."
The magical glow around your teats disappear, but the magic around Dawyn's horns remain. She clasps her claws together and moves them over to you, lifting you up onto your side slightly so that she can touch both of them to your back. Leaving her left claw on your back she starts to move her right claw away, where you begin to see an almost invisible piece of rope form between her palms that grows in length as she brings her right claw out. She brings it to just above Hannu's belly and leaves it there for several moments, her eyes squinting slightly as she concentrates.
"Hmm... there," She exclaims before glancing at the two of you, "Just warning you that there is going to be a pull."
She then suddenly claps her hooves together and-

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Laying there stunned for a moment in surprise at the sudden proximity, our eyes narrow at the buck as our heart flutters. Keeping the intruding buckmeat trapped between our slick teats with a light squeeze of our thighs, we press our snout to Hannu's and greet him huskily.
"Hello~. And i believe you are right about her."
Righting ourself carefully, we help support Hannu's head and neck with a foreleg, our damp tail swishing against his rear as our excitement drips onto his sack, taking a few experimental steps around to get used to the weight. Enjoying the feeling of the warm buck clinging to us, and our bosom shifting around his length with each step, we make our way over to the mare responsible and pull her into a kiss by her horn, keeping our touch firm but gentle as we appreciate how simply handling her natural ivory hoofhold makes her blush and melt a little. The pulse we feel between our legs suggests that Hannu doesn't hate the sight of two mares kissing either.
"Thank you, Wyn, though I may need a claw in a moment. Of course, I would be delighted if you used
Twirling slowly in front of the mirror with our tail held aside, we briefly inspect the (heart shaped countershaded?) buck's rump sticking out between our hindlegs and the plump teardrop shaped lips above. Reaching back, we squeeze his flank for a moment, feeling just a little bit envious of the claw cupping the reflected flank. Spinning to be face to face with the mirror, we lean down and cast Suggest on Hannu, whispering into his ear as we lock eyes with his owl headed reflection.
"Look in the mirror and see that she is me and I am her. Whenever we kiss, see, hear, and feel the hen and mare swap places."

Running short on time again, otherwise I'd detail stuff within the mirror. Will try to expand on things. Not sure on the spell. Next thought is to ask Dawyn for a claw in aligning Hannu.
You lay there stunned at the sudden proximity, though your eyes narrow at the buck as your heart flutters, the buck chuckling a little and blushing in embarrassment. Keeping the intruding buckmeat trapped between your slick teats with a squeeze of your thighs, you press your snout to Hannu's and greet him huskily.
"Hello~. And I believe you are right about her."
"I-I do know a bit around Griffons," He admits, "And hello back."
You very carefully right yourself and stand up on four legs, using one to support Hannu's head and neck as you stand, your damp tail swishing against his rear as your excitement drips onto his sack bobbing just below you, taking a few experimental steps around to get used to the weight which doesn't take long. With his hooves wrapped around you now, you enjoy the feeling of a warm buck clinging to you, and your bosom shifting around his length with each step you take. You make your way over to the mare responsible, Hannu swaying a bit underneath you as you move, and pull her into a kiss by her horn, keeping your touch firm but gentle as you watch her blush and her eyes drift close a bit as the simple touch makes her melt once again. The pulsing you feel between your teats is enough to suggest that Hannu doesn't hate the sight of two mares kissing each other.
"Thank you, Wyn, though I may need a claw in a moment. Of course, I would be delighted if you used magic as well."
"Mmm... Mmhmm~." She hums with a nod, barely registering what you said.
You let go of her horn and twirl around so that your backside is to the mirror with your tail to the side, allowing you to briefly inspect the heart shaped countershading of Hannu's rump sticking out between your hind legs and the plump teardrop shaped lips above, his balls pressing up against them slightly. You reach back and squeeze his flanks for a moment, feeling just a bit envious of the claw cupping his flank in the mirror. Spinning to be face to face with the mirror, you lean down and cast Suggestion on him, whispering into his ear as you lock eyes with his owl headed reflection.
"Look in the mirror and see that she is me and I am her. Whenever we kiss, see, hear, and feel the hen and mare swap places."
A second later he shakes his head as the magic takes affect. Poking his tongue between his lips he begins to shift under you, trying to move his lower body to his target destination. Your teats rub against him with each movement and he eventually gets his cock out from between your mounds. With a bit more work he gets it between your thighs where it springs up to ram against your dock. Any further attempts to get it to your lower lips just results in him smearing his cock over your rump and puckered hole.
"I thought... this would be a bit easier." He admits below you.

What do you do?
"I think you've done quite well, my little king of hearts, since you're not used to being restrained like this. A little more practice and you might manage to get it... with some time."
We reassure him with a teasing tone. Trotting on the spot, we swing our rear back around towards the mirror, enjoying the feeling of Hannu swinging underneath us a little too much as we rock between our back hooves, getting rod to bounce from one ass cheek to the other. Between each bounce, his tip rubs against our dock, a little pre stains the base of our tail and calling forth a little spark of pleasure. Looking into the mirror, we inspect the disheveled, cream colored fur we're partially responsible for sullying, taking some small joy in the sight of the flagging tail, as well as the toned thighs of the proud hen pressing on Hannu's sides as she bounces her cock's cock to the same rhythm. Even with our posture being a little less tense than the hen's, we wink in sync with her as we can't resist tracking the curious tool, watching the barbed tip slide tauntingly over her pucker several times, wondering what it will look buried up to its root in her.
"Looking about as wound up as I feel."
Curious to see if we can catch the proud Griffon left it vague if it was our counterpart or Hannu's that we're trying to get back at off guard, we roll our hips back to smack our cunny against the base of Hannu's rod mid swing. The sight of the smaller Griffon humping the hen's cheeks ineffectually with his paws clenched makes us salivate a little, though the feeling of the buck under us doing the same has our legs lock up and biting our lip to quiet a groan.
"A, a claw, Dawyn?"

I missed the unfinished line, was supposed to be an invitation for Dawyn to touch whatever she wants. And Luscinia knows the other Hannu is a buck, so his dick wouldn't be quite where it appears, but the mirror's illusion is fun to toy with.
Figure Hannu's first instinct might be to kiss us, then we act as the Griffon for a bit?

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I wish we had more official VAs collaborate in fan projects.
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Do we have any other unofficial stuff which involved the official staff members?
Of course they are allowed. It's just that they are mercenaries, they don't work for free.
Merry Christmas, fellow Internet Explorer user!
Yes, Mando.
So what?
I was forced to use IE until 2019.

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>wake up
>"Happy Canadian Flag Day, babe."
>"Just lay back, and let me work my magic"

Wat do?
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whiskey is the only thing leaffags can get right, so i'll keep drinking it until they stop making it
why are the ponies celebrating for a country that birthed Lee Goldson?
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Coloratura's nymphomania is beginning to become clear.
Sorry Anon, you put a ring on it. So get in the bed and stay there.
I would suck the maple syrup from her crotchboobies.
>Daily Mare Rape

Previous Thread: >>41789884
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957

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There's no one else I would want to spend my Valentine's with.
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Just like Santa Claus gives gifts to all children around the globe in one night, Shimmy spends Hearts and Hands day with all Shimmerbros.
Will I have a Shimjob for being on the nice list?
That's the plan.

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Whoops, I spilled my paint.
wow that paint looks just like that one MLP character
sex.... with paint??!
Lil cheese thread?

>What is Flutterrape?
Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon, the only human in Equestria. While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon, others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape. There are different versions of Flutterrape, but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants. Just because your story has Anon in it, doesn't mean it fits in this thread. Check other threads (AiE, RGRE etc) about story content before posting.

>It's been 12 years, how is this thread still alive?
A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.

>How do I start writing?
Use your imagination, you nitwit. Additionally, brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.

Writing Guides:
Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories -- https://ponepaste.org/1274
Driverbang's Writing Guide -- https://ponepaste.org/1275
Navarone's Writing Rules -- https://ponepaste.org/1276

For additional information, lurk. You could also check out the T:EM/P/O or /bale/ threads for further writing advice, unless they're dead.

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That’s not a real thing, don’t be silly. Besides, she’s alone in there. Who’s she going to rape?
Not the setup I expected for a count of monte cristo parody but you do you
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late night boop
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>"Good morning!"
>"Oh, Page 8?"
>"Well, I'm sure (You) know what THAT means..."
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>"My, my... Page 8 again!"
>"You're not here for the green text, are you Anon..."
"What was that noise?"
>"Fluttershy seething."

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A thread dedicate to mocking and ridiculing one of the biggest marry sue and poochie in the franchise.
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Misty hate threads never had trouble getting to bump limit on their own, they'll win nothing from extra shitflinging with mistycucks.
Plus it's much funnier to gloat at their pathetic forced attempts at waifu threads.
Hey it might be more fun
LOL! LMAO even! SHITsty haters just don't stop winning!
Misty buys HnH chocolates the next day not because it's cheaper, but because she's going to use them for next year
Boom. Headshot

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I love this nerd so much
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Yeah so do a bunch of other guys.
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Yay, Princess Twilight!
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>no glasses
thats the wrong twi
>no glasses
thats the right twi

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Yes Fluttercord is GOATed but this would have made so much more sense right? Pinkie even liked some of his antics when he was pure villain.

Pinkie's boyfriend is like a one off cuck nobody cared about?
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I always saw it that Discord semi counts as an "animal", and that was why Fluttershy was chosen. She's good with all creatures, including dragons and other assorted beasts.
Pinkie would have been a terrible choice because she would have enabled all of his chaos where Fluttershy has it in her to tell him to stop when he's being a dick

Also cheese sandwich was great
I don't think Pinkie would have let him do anything that makes ponies sad. If anything she would have been better equipped to deal with his bullshit.
Yeah, she is no doubt less of a pushover than Flutters. Plus, it would've been good for her character development, as in S2-S3 Pinkie appeared to be getting a bit more mature (especially in Too Many Pinkie Pie's when she learns about how her fun isn't always everypony else's fun), so having her teach Discord the correct boundaries for goofing around could've worked well
"i can fix him"
>pinkie pie:
i can make him more fun (worse)

it was obvious

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This is a thread dedicated to the one that held G% together and brought G% down with her, the now-freed true Alicorn, rightful ruler of Equestria, the Terror of Creaturequestria, the strongest mare to walk the earth or even exist: Queen Opaline Arcana!
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Crusader kings with Opaline?
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I would love to play as Opaline (or even her vassal) in some sort of MLP total conversion mod.
>War against the tyranny of Princess Twilight
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Tamers said he will insert her in the next G5 episode

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This is the Born to Silly Art Pack Collaboration Thread, Sixth Edition

We’re working together to create a charity art pack in support of Anchor Ridge, a non-profit dedicated to aiding families and children in need across Appalachia. Every contribution helps make a difference!
This thread is our hub for organizing ideas, sharing concepts, discussing themes, and showcasing art. Our focus is on celebrating foalcare, family love, and the joys of giving and preserving life, bringing heartwarming creativity to this meaningful cause.
So, let’s maintain a positive and respectful atmosphere! Every artist, writer, and contributor is generously dedicating their time and talents to this project.
Again, thank you for being part of this effort!

Previous thread : >>41802024

>Summary from SummaryAnon:
Silly Stuffing!

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This is perfect. The iridescent colors give it life.

The way Maud looks at Golly changes everything.
well thanks, I'm gonna post that one to the pack! ps: without you anon no motivation but the ideas <3
also anyone knows a good public streaming thing cause i was on desktop sharing on like, discord, don't think it was live. so idk, testing stuff. going to make something later.

cheers, also keep creating !
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Here's the message I read: Maud adopts a child, not a murder or a tyrant. A child, turned into stone, but she can't turn her back. She's taking Cozy from the villains. Maud also questions the authority of her princesses because she's based.
New headcanon acquired.

You're welcome!

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New Year Edition

Post pictures, write greentexts, and discuss Dash!
Previous thread: >>41730916


mobius !9PEUyNz5zw

Ex Waifu Ex Machina

YouTube playlist:

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Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, /dash/. I love my wife and I love all of (You)!
she's so pretty
The prettiest I've ever seen
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love this horse

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Back from the dead edition

Previous thread: >>40356050

General Pastebin: https://ponepaste.org/541

General Archive: https://ponepaste.org/1318
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Asking again
Not that I know of.
>Mostly just curious if it's been done before.
If you mean because you want to write something, I wouldn't let something being done already stop you.

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Goldie Mops supremacy Edition

Previous: >>41901518

>What is this general?
NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts (or in some cases complete lack thereof) struggle to fit in with the rest of society.

>What sort of stories can you expect to find here?
• Slice of life stuff.
• Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.
• Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.
• A few NEET-recovery stories.
• A lot of smut, if you're into that.
• Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks. Don't like one of them? Give another NEET a try!
• Much, much more!

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Challenge her in Dark Soils.
>Dark Soils
The hardcore gardening simulator where you have to fight and tame every plant you grow.
would play
I swear it was a typo
but now it's a happy accident
Cute neet! I want her to step on my face
she didn't want to step on snek, i mean face.

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"A stallion's place is in the thread" edition

Previous Thread:>>41827624

Fauster's Story Archive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XiJRe1NWl_kIoWsHssZ27BMV7bZAe1jgX59-dWggYkA/
Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives:
Have a broken Pastebin link? Replace pastebin.com with poneb.in

not to save anything of value on Pastebin
ignore all attempts at early new threads
ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
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i come bearing gifts from the /create/ magma
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that's some good green, wholesome with a hint of lewd

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