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Here on /bug/ we come to terms with the fact that the season of giving and love has come to an end and now its time to get in the pod for bugmom.
We are also accepting applications from other non changeling types of bugs to be honorary members of the swarm, join up today!

>>Some bug writing from last thread:

short green about anon and his bugs

fella linked a chapter to his story posted on /aie/ before the last thread was up

>"The holes in the loop"
an ongoing green with a new set of lines posted every day

green about two bugs going out

>>Some old links:

Old Hive Directory: https://ponepaste.org/4223

Very Old /bug/ Pastebin: https://poneb.in/PjB4LKgd

BuggyCYOA archive: https://ponepaste.org/4086

Previous thread >>41649359

>>Question of teh thread:
>what would a Newyears celebration in the hive look like? would they get the ponies they have out of their pods to celebrate too?
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God I wanna fuck her.
ah, dont we all?.....
So you larp as bugs? Wnat to be bugs? PTFG exists faggots
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I'm just here to post about how much I want to fuck Chrysalis (I also want to genocide her entire species).
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>implying you have to be a bug to get in ze pod
jew vill get in ze pod and jew vill be happy
>(I also want to genocide her entire species).
for why?
super cute dress
makes me wonder if bugs too can have snowpiddy
is their snowpiddy called something different?
guess i should have thought of that in the first place
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feel like bugpitty should be something slightly different than the pony version
cute bug bride
That is seriously cute
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she can be dangerously cute at times
i dont even like anime or watched evangelion but i like the idea of requesting the "get in the robot" meme from the drawthread but with chryssi asking anon to get in the pod
dunno if ill do it though
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Anything that threatens ponies deserves to die. In this case pic related.
>It wasn't anything lofty.
>Just the usual.
>Although Ponyville had kept you well fed up until today - least when you braved it midday - you have given up a significant portion of it to fill out the heart-based love container.
>You left yourself enough as to reach the next city over and try your chances there.
>However, once you were to reach it, you'd likely find yourself occupied with tasks that awaited you.
>Hence, there would be no kicking back and relaxing during the ride for you.
>The memories of the holes in your body - though you lacked them under your disguise - reminded you of a certain adage:
>"The hunger collapses the body, yet it is the same hunger that sharpens the mind".
>In other words, becoming sated was ill-advised, for it was the struggle that changelings faced daily that kept them strong in their purpose.
>You had no intention of ever allowing yourself a full transition to a comfortable laboratory-based lifestyle.
>And neither did your hive.
>There would be no luxury of settling down for you, as changelings are always in peril of losing their homes upon being discovered.
>Same with keeping yourself fed.
>Though you knew the decadent feeling of feeling truly sated, you never allowed yourself to indulge in it for long.
>Such moments were important, as to remind yourself of one of the fundamental goals your colony - as well as that of any other - was striving for.
>Ever changeling fed. Simple as that, yet such a pipe dream.
>The pleasurable moment of fullness was almost inevitably followed by a voice in the back of your head, filling you with guilt by asking:
>"Do you deserve feeling sated now when the rest of the hive could be starving"?
>Even on the days of completing your finest fleshcrafting works you could not ever make a full affirmation.
>Despite feeling exhausted, yet proud of your contributions during such times you couldn't ever fully let go of your conscience.
>You weren't as cold as you would've preferred yourself to be.
>Even if it meant beating yourself up over something you supposedly deserved.
>Just like many other changelings you heard of you could not stomach the feeling of being full and happy when even the queen starved herself every day - if to a degree - for the sake of her hive.
>And the hive always hungered.
New thread came up after I went to sleep yesterday, as per expectations, hence didn't write then. Gonna count today's post as just one day (19). I'll try to do the extra one midday tomorrow to make up for the missing piece. Thread switch should be no excuse to cease consecutive posting of this green of mine, as per the self-imposed challenge.
But yeah, falling asleep involuntarily today already, so
glad youre still at it :)
>long periods of eye contact, not recommended
>in between the cracks
>intruders make their way in
>and are swiftly killed
Hmm... Euphemisms.
up to reader interpretation, yes
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>fluffy, we need to cook
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double kek
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>Thus, the role of a love harvester fell to every changeling as at least a tertiary designation.
>From the simplest of drones to the queen's war council members, everyone had to know how to fend for themselves, if need be.
>This actually included some survival lessons stemming from the harshness of the place your hive was situated in.
>But those were not important now.
>Currently you had a much simpler task in your sights.
>For the sake of that, you covered your bases first.
>You were reasonably convinced that your luggage would not get peeked into once you put it away in the train's dedicated storage compartment.
>Long as you'd collect it before the ride was over, of course.
>A good few hours divided you from your destination.
>It was plenty enough for a hunt.
>Trains were a good place for that.
>There was always someone looking for an adventure.
>A bit of thrills in their life, on the way towards a desired vacation.
>And even those more inwardly-inclined naturally found themselves more open to trying new things from the sheer improvisation-inducing vulnerability of being put into a place of transition that the train stood for.
>You were happy to provide what they were looking for, consciously or not.
>Granted, most trains weren't designed for facilitating a romantic atmosphere.
>Not to mention the limited space did present some challenges.
>However, those were obstacles that could be conquered.
>Changelings who couldn't rise to the challenge in the face of adversity didn't last long.
>You were not one of them.
>Thus, you prepared.
>Eyeing the ones who'd be boarding the train alongside you, you began cataloguing them, based on your experience and the hunches gained from it.
>You were at the hunting grounds.
>And now you were selecting your prey.
Day 20 finish. Guess the keyword was try. Gonna need to push the catching up a bit further. It seems like such a minor thing, to write just one more post to claim that one extra day.
And yet life begs to differ
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youre doing great anon
>green prompt:
>anon has to get chryssy to go to the summer sun celebration with him
that cottoncandy bitch is pure evil...
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what do you think of my personal headcannon that if given the chance to live outside of the queen's rule, bugs would listen to and play a lotta metal?
>Ah, there it was.
>A fine specimen
>Plain-looking, isolated, with a hint of a wistful gaze in the eyes
>Clearly not the first pick among those of the opposite gender
>The less experience they had under their belt the more impressionable they were.
>In turn, making them an easier taget.
>You steered your steps towards the general vicinity of your mark, feigning the casual disinterest.
>And yet, you had your eyes peeled.
>There was a number of subtle hints that could be gleaned both from the appearance, as well as disposition towards others, even before the direct contact was made.
>The bags under the eyes
>The way they weaved through the crowd
>The subtle fiddling with the ticket and the bag
>Gestures, mannerism, reflexes
>Even the way the muscles were shaped provided clues about the lifestyle - occupation and hobbies alike.
>All of that and more
>They painted a picture.
>A priceless tool in the hooves of those wishing to capitalize on it
>Yet a potentially damning one in case the guesses were wrong
>One had to be careful about the estimations.
>Margins of error were to be assumed and taken into account.
>Broad strokes were preferred when painting the canvas, as to avoid a case of tunnel vision.
>One needed to be consicous about, yet withhold the judgement of the first impression.
>Being aware of how society treated a pony looking a certain way provided knowledge regarding what kind of treatment they likely received daily.
>As well as clues on how one should act to subvert their expectations on that front, as to crack the mundane in their eyes and entice them with a touch of something curiously fresh.
>The combination of scrutiny, experience and instinct blossomed within your mind into a finely crafted vector of assault.
>You were akin an ambush predator, eyeing the unwary target from hiding and tensing your muscles before the lunge.
>By the time the train arrived a scant quarter later, you were as ready as you'd ever be.
This is the missing piece. The post owed from the time of the thread switching, as to be able to say one posted each day consecutively. Marked as 21, tho not as the finish of this day, for there will be another coming in a few hours, marked as 22. Hate the confusion, but oh well. Tiz the medium chosen.

And it shall continue to be so. Suppose a day might come where irl circumstances preclude the writing opportunities, but I shall keep the day count and the green anount owed regardless.

The story as of now is still in the stage of what I'd consider the intro. Hence, there will be plenty of opportunities for disappointment later on, as it may yet go in many directions people might not be keen on. Nonetheless, consider me glad that it provides people entertainment so far.

To be honest, I am writing it unlike how I usually do so. As in, I have some ideas, yet only a loose idea of how I'd like to present certain events. The story itself is still in a fairly fluid state. Yet to see how exactly it will go.
>what I'd consider the intro. Hence
understandable, intros and setups are important
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>Once you boarded and put away your cargo in a safe spot, you headed towards the wagon containing the pony you've chosen.
>Knowing which was the right one was but a simple matter of taking a glance at their ticket prior to the departure.
>On your way, you made sure to check the train for potential interruptions, guards or otherwise.
>One could never be too sure.
>Once you reached your target the age-old dance began.
>Though you would be the one steering the steps.
>A seemingly chance encounter
>An innocent breach of the personal bubble
>A choice few opening lines, designed to catch the attention
>Capitalizing on the interest to have your partner step towards you on their own
>Actively engaging the target in an increasingly passionate discussion
>Fanning the flames while making use of said emotions to cross over to the category you aimed for from the start
>Pressing slowly, gently, yet firmly
>Monitoring your charge for how they felt, reacted and what pushes they were yet in need of to coax the burgeoning romantic feelings out of them.
>Under the right conditions even the most withdrawn of creatures found themselves seeking companionship.
>That is how certain species survived, after all.
>What you were doing was finding the right set of pieces to match the puzzle and cut through the process with alacrity.
>Your prey was now chirping about something they enjoyed deeply, while under the assumption that you were into them - both the topic and the person.
>From then it was but a short path towards admitting to having enjoyed the time together and exchanging the vows to meet together, sealed with an abrupt, seemingly heat-of-the-moment, innocent little goodbye cheek kiss.
>Lies, all of them.
>Tomorrow, you'd have a different face.
>And they'd never again see the person they began yearning for.
>Since it never existed in the first place.
Day 22 finish. Stabilizing from this point again, I reckon.

Yeah, some groundwork is definitely needed. Both for the audience and for myself. I felt I needed to accentuate and explore just how dispassionate could the nature of the changelings leave them to be. Barely scratching the surface so far, I think.
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i kinda like that they never actually "reformed" her
thats not to say i really dig what they did with her and the hive in the end
>blue eyes all watched on
>like a goddess, the queen rose
>and their hearts rose too

Also, wish I was that lollipop, man
Why do Changelings even have tongues?
The way absorbing love looked didn't seem like it needed a tongue.
Surely, it was meant for sexual.
>Anon you need to fug ze bug
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>you will fug ze bug and you will be happy
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She stayed true to her believes despite everyling turning their backs on her. Even in the face of death she showed no doubt or fear. I respect her stubborness.

Happy new year /bug/
happy new year bugbro ____<3
need more ignorant noble chryssi art like that kek
Liathe as I amr ti say it I am feeling violent enough tofay (despite nit having drank anything) that shivers makr it hard ti even write so I m gonna have to skeep it off and upsate tomorrown instqd

not a good year staert
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woah dude hope you feel better tomorrow
happy new years to the bugs of teh board
>booms ring out above
>a sky dotted with strange stars
>a bug wonders why
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Man, I remember when I had a giant crush on Chrysalis back when I was 17/18 in 2012. lmao
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First changeling of 2025
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would hug
Shivering sustantially subsided, but the pain is still severe. Not in the condition to continue writing yet, but it doesn't seem like a hospital visit situation kinda deal, thankfully enough.

I honestly don't know what messed with my body this much. It struck me down following a humble movie night with the family, not any kind of crazy party.

It be quaint, but it is what it is.
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Jim Morison would have 100% been a bug if he had a sona
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You've reminded me I wish I could ever find the video this image spawned from, I think it was an MLP animatic with a Littlest Toaster song. Unfortunately I think it was taken down.
>this image
looks and sounds cute
dig through one of the deleted pony video channels on youtube
ya might get lucky
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Nope, couldn't find it anywhere. I think it's truly lost to time.
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i dont imagine you know the artist off the top of your head, right?
(i tried reverse image search and it told me there was a queue lol)
dont lose hope anon!!
its gotta be somewhere
Not a damn clue, though I think it was probably linked from here at some point so maybe archive digging is the next step.
good luck man
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>chryssy wishes to get reformed
>shes changed but it backfires
>all her bugs become the size of bees
>she now has to lead a literal swarm now
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i think bugs are smelly
Sadly everything I could think to search for gives less than a page of results. Some links I did find for other shit led to stuff taken down by copyright claim, I fear that may have been how it went before the archiving projects started.
im sorry anon
Given the development of health circumstances, this might take a while. Apologies, but do your best to forget me in the meantime.
I don't like this pic.
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whys that?
take your time, we'll be here
What do you mean why? Did you even look at it?
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do you not like it because it looks like bad artwork or because hes hurt?
im curious and its a genuine question though.
i think i might actually be autistic because its hard for me to tell which reason you dont like it is, im sorry
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NTA but it's the latter one for me. I don't like seeing those I care about being hurt, who happens to be almost everypony and everyling.
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okay yeah i thought so, its just hard to tell with people sometimes
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As the Anon who posted it, I similarly don't like seeing blood or death in MLP art. But then it's not a picture that's supposed to make anyone feel good.
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What do you do if you believe you’ve contracted bug fever? And is there a cure?
>believe you’ve contracted bug fever
what are your symptoms anon?
Let’s see I opened the thread because it was at the top, read through two greens, had a powerful feeling of dang bugs are cool. Have not been able to stop thinking about them and have The very strong urge to draw one with disregard of my skill level which usual stops me.
So have I been bugged?
>The very strong urge to draw one with disregard of my skill level which usual stops me.
We're gonna need to see the results to determine it for sure.
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Any bugfags here annoyed how a lot of her post-finale fan content has to lump Chrysalis in with the two chucklefucks just because they were defeated together?

Her teaming up with the other villains was a fun novelty but it's ultimately superfluous, it doesn't further her character in any way and she has enough substance to stand out on her own. I like the idea of her getting redeemed and exploring her relationship with the changelings, but I don't care much for the other two so it's annoying when it's a redemption fic and she has to share the spotlight with them all the damn time. Like people just treat her as one of the three heads of the Trio Hydra rather than her own character.
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hmmmmm in my personal experience that does sound like a standard case
you do seem to be bugged but to know for sure we will need a drawing from you like the other anon said
regardless of symptoms i believe everyone in the thread should draw bug at least once
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i generally avoid fics involving chryssi and the other two yeah
pre finale, in the last seasons, i really dont like how they tried to make her feel like more of a joke character when she was carrying around the twilight log
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I return with bug and while it’s not the most creative but I had a BLAST drawing this actually. Something about the bug form once you get it down is exciting. I’m gonna polish this more maybe throw in some background stuff I’ve never don’t a background before but, I did leave myself white a bit of room.
So what’s the verdict on my diagnosis?
>By Anon, age 33
That is a smug ass bug, good job.
As for you, I'm afraid it's terminal. You'll die after a long and eventful life of Changeling loving in about fifty years or so.
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>I’m gonna polish this more maybe throw in some background stuff
it is a nice lookin bug for sure
need updates soon on it
and i did not want to break the news to you earlier but the condition is incurable
the bugs are in your mind and theyre there to say
i would say im sorry but im not
>By Anon, age 33
>ywn bandage bugmom up after the invasion while she plots her next takeover i bed
why live...
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Dang terminal and incurable…Welp guy was I’m stuck here forever then. Anyway have Bug two that I stayed up way too late doing, but, sleeping is irrelevant when it comes to bug!
well at the very least its good that youve come to terms with the facts of your condition
hope to see more bugs from you in the future anon
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>why is the billy so angry, anon?
cute bug to bring in the new year
>*buzzes in an esoteric rhythm*
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Inside our great queen,
we see our own reflections
staring from within.
heh nice
Thank you. Giving it more thought, maybe "staring back at us." would've been better for the last line.
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not every poem needs to be perfect
i liek the way the last line sounded anyway
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This scene doesn't get enough shit from the non-sunfag side.
The whole episode did a poor job at making Chrysalis an actual intelligent subversive mastermind, but this scene they basically just gave up on it entirely. They had what should've been an expert schemer and made her just a retarded brute for some reason. And they did it with a fucking laser battle too. Chrysalis really could've been the most intelligent villain, misdirecting everyone and even being a mystery for the audience to figure out, but they just didn't. Even ignoring how they made her terrible at acting, they had her fight Celestia when she thought she was going to be beaten by Celestia. And it's not like it was some desperate last resort, because they just had her monologue about how she was going to conquer Equestria don't even get me started on that. It's really annoying how some people defend it because they only care about the powerlevel shit, or perhaps even worse just due to pure contrarianism.
As much as the fagbugs get rightly shat on it's not like the show ever did bugs justice. Fuck I wish we could've had the original team behind the changelings rather than the mess we got.
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at the end of the day they needed their big bad to have a spectacle laser battle moment of triumph, character depth has always been secondary to them
but still
>the show ever did bugs justice
would have liked to see what the two parter would have went with different writers
Wow big surprise Seasons 1-3 are a big trash fire AS IF EVERYONE ON /MLP/ DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW THAT
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kek i needed a good laugh, thanks anon
>pictured: chryssy marveling at the endless bait of the catalog
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>get to equestria
>captured by bugs
>theyre actually a billion times scarier than they are in the show
wat do?
would you still love them?
You spend too much time thinking about Chrysalis being something she was never supposed to be. She makes for an effective villain and that's all that mattered for the two-parter.
>spend too much time thinking about Chrysalis
nah i think he dosent spend enough time thinking about bug mom LMAO
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>a billion times scarier than they are in the show
Like, they're actual bugs, or something?

I could probably work with that.
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>that tumm
omg handheld chryssi is so cute
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yeah like actual bugs, but way more sharp fangs
super cute bug pic there though
saved lel
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These two images were originally posted in the /chag/ thread. I've uploaded them to the twibooru, there were some really cute bugs made for that general.
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>as i matched her trot past the countless apartments in the hall she piped up
>"wanna take rusty down?"
>ol' rusty, the buildings' main elevator wasnt any older than the building itself
>this block and the other three like it had been built a couple years ago in response to the influx of displaced lings after the hives collapse
>there was an air to the rust covered lift that made it feel like an older piece of machinery than the rest of the building
>like they imported it from another building in manehatten to install it here as some sort of sentimental gesture by the architects
>in reality the rust was probably because they never painted the bare metal it was made of to begin with
"im down to ride the rust bucket."
>"knew you'd say that, wideflank!"
"you little-"
>but she was off buzzing down the hall with a giggle before i could retaliate
>always hated how fast she was
>sat next to the elevator doors she was hiding a giggle behind a forehoof
>i brought up my magic to hit the button to call rusty to take us down
>pink then goes straight faced and holds up a hoof for me to pause
>i oblige her and sit on my haunches
>with her eyes closed she stands on her hind legs with her back to the call button on the wall behind her
>balancing on one leg she takes in a breath and lets it out
>in one quick motion she springs up to its height and hoofs the call button on the wall with her other hind hoof without looking
>after touching down once more she appraises me with a raised eyebrow above one of her pink lenses
>it was admittedly an admirable display by the mini mare
>even if she attempted it every time we took ol rusty
>i give her a polite golf clap and nod as the magic'd weights in the shaft responded, squealing as rusty moves to his destination
"ya know i think youre getting better at that."
>"heh you dont gotta remind me."
>she said without turning to me while idly polishing a holed hoof on her chest plate
>besides the obvious redundancy of shining chitin on chitin like that, her attempted display of coolness was more cute than anything in the moment
>couldnt help but shake my head and smile at her
>ol rusty rattled into place as he issued a soft
>with his scissor doors opening for us to hop on
>not giving pink another opportunity to show off her acrobatic skills i slid past her and hoofed the first floor button receiving a pouty glare in response
>i only chuckled as ol rusty's pulleys squealed, beginning our rattling decent
>moving down the shaft something i hadnt noticed before piqued my curiosity
>she had her saddlebags on but...
"so you arent wearing any clothes against the weather as some sorta statement, right?"
>i caught a slight flush of embarrassment creep its way over her cheeks
>she stopped herself, instead mumbling obscenities under her breath while the lift rattled its rusty doors open to release us from its metal embrace
>the air in the small entrance lobby was notably colder than the floors above
>was like that 9 times outta 10 with everyling coming and going all the time
>there was a small group of dragons huddled around the lobbies' fireplace,
>the buildings mail boxes were set into the wall on the other side of the room across from them
>wasnt mail day today
>a few of the dragons gave waves that we returned as we made our way out the double doors to the outside
>some lings were like that
>liked to group together and wear strange forms to identify with each other
>one of em once told me it made them feel more comfortable around their friends
>i never bothered past a shift in hue personally
>the chilly air met us all at once as we stepped under the awning in front of the apartment complex
>pink hissed at the sharp change in temp as the cold breeze hit us
>"ill be back in a sec...."
>she mumbled darkly
>heard a hint of her jaw beginning to chatter on her last word as she took to the air and zipped up high out of view to the other side of the building
>got a news letter slipped under my door the other day advising residents that the pegasai just started changing the seasons
>cold weather like this always did a number on changeling bodies
>even if we shifted form we still felt it harder than ponies or other creatures
>something to do with thermodynamics interacting with changeling magic
>science stuff ya know?
>a few lings bustled up and down the row across the street in and out of changeling run businesses
>looking down at my hooves i traced the line between the bricks
>just like the buildings, the roads and sidewalks were laid brick too
>manehattan standard, every building was contracted to be built as such
>dont remember what we actually counted as now that it was on my mind
>a town? a village?
>that was one thing they called it though, lingtown
>bugville was what ponies called it when they wanted to talk shit
>official name for this place was newhive though, had it written on the "town hall" down the street
>besides that were the apartment complexes, an everything shop, a couple restaurants and some other places of business
>most lings didnt need much past housing and enough love to not be hungry in their day to day to keep em happy
>and if they wanted for more, newhive was conveniently a little ways down the tracks from appaloosa
>a short fly, or trot down the dirt road and you were there
>buzzing snapped me half back to reality as i scowled at the sign on the window of the bodega looking shop across the street in front of me
>'best prices around for everybuggy!' it read
>which was horseapples, and the owner knew it too
>pink touched down next to me with a huff as her flanks hit the bricks
>now wearing a cute little fur lined vest and pompom topped beany that both matched to her eyes
>she vigorously rubbed her hooves together in attempt to warm up
"you ready now princess?"
>i asked, cocking an eyebrow high
>"bite me, cracksnout."
>she hissed, baring her little fangs with a shiver
>cracksnout, by the way, is an insult from other hive castes to builder caste lings like me
>our shells are built harder for the job but rocks fall when youre digging headfirst
>means its not rare to see builders with broken noses after getting assigned to dig for the day
>should also go without saying that builders are seen as the lowest group in the hive
>with a snigger i stood up and started my way down the sidewalk, followed by a chattering pink eyed ling soon after
>being in the shade of the buildings' shadow didnt help any with the wind chill either
>she'd make it till we got out in the sun
>a blocks trot down the bricks and in the sun now, the street and buildings ended at the train station allowing us to see appaloosa in the distance down the tracks
>was a short trot down the road to the old west town
>no time at all
>the dirt road underhoof was just wet enough to get your hooves muddy
>pegasai must have scheduled rained earlier
>reminded me of how holed legs werent great for any condition but inside a dry cave
>mainly because you could feel the inside surfaces of your leg holes and they felt gross when they were dirty
>back in the lingtown shop they sold big soft bristle brushes that look like oversized pipe cleaners just for leg cleaning
>dirty leg holes arent really an issue you consider unless youre a changeling
>at least i never had before i was born into being one
>the pink bug spat, breaking my contemplative thought while i scanned thin clouds in the sky above the dampened landscape
"yeah, what?"
>i said still keeping pace down the muddy dirt road
>"im gonna assume you havent read the paper because you stay in your little cave all day buuuuut have. you. heard. the. news!?"
>something in her dubious look told me it was something extraordinary because pink usually didnt give a shit about what they wrote in the paper
"spill it."
>"welllll word is..."
>"....ponies been saying they seen mom again."
>she said with that same dark mischievous look
"ahhhh pink theres no way you actually believe some tabloid horseapple headline like that."
>"no horseapple headline brother, front page of the manehattan times, multiple witness testimonies."
>oh shit
"well... its probably the same as all those daily reports ponies were issuing after the collapse, ya know the ones about seeing her outside their windows at night when they live thousands of miles from the badlands."
>i said waving a dismissive hoof
>"oh brother dearest youll just keep telling yourself that till the day mother DOES come back oh-hohoho!"
>she did that weird high laugh like that sometimes when she wanted to punctuate a posh statement
>had to roll my eyes now
>we slowed our trot when we came up to the junction between the main street and the train station
>appaloosa has pretty much stayed the same since changeling integration
>a notable funny new addition was a dedicated dual salon/chitin shining parlor
>still made me chuckle every time i read the sign
>without a word pink took flight and buzzed down the main road to a produce stand set up between two buildings
>breathing in through my nose i took in the town
>heavily pony populated spots were a treat for our kind
>it was like you could taste the ambient love on the air when this many ponies were together in a community like this
>not enough love to be satisfy a hungry ling but it felt good to breathe in the atmosphere
>stepping up the stairs to the covered boardwalk that connected all the buildings in the row, i sauntered my way to where pink was browsing
>never took the time to go through all the shop windows around here
>an antique shop, a saddle fitting service, a dentist and hoof doctor's office, a table lamp emporium, another antique shop specializing in stained glass lampshades (probably in cahoots with the lamp emporium stallion)
>ponies were strange when it came to the things they spent their bits on
Didn't /bug/ have a discord at some point? I joined it for a bit, but it was full of gays.
>but it was full of gays
>imagine my shock.mp3
So it was a Discord for bug chasers?
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Don't get me wrong; bugs can be pretty darn cute. Just keep in your pants, okay buggo?
Shid I made that so long ago.
>I made that
no shit?
good job if true man, these bugs look cute as fuck
Chagbug! <3
Yay, I was waiting for an update of this, thanks for the green anon, I like it and I hope for more when possible.
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thank you anon :)
im always writing on it but im lazy lol
ill try to do better
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buzz buzz
Thanks a bunch for the cute bugs!
Oh, thanks for the praise. I don't draw enough of the lovebugs.
Have a WIP I'm still tinkering on here and there while my shoulder is all broke 'n shit.
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omfg you draw them so cute
i really really hope you draw moar
>while my shoulder is all broke 'n shit.
also get well soon lol
>rember to hug your bug!! (not too much though)
I'm definitely going to ask Jack to draw his take on the Queen if he's at the next Mare Fair. Just imagine.
>the power to literally shatter a mountain
>everypony just stares at your giant butt
I still find this unreasonably amusing.

Can she absorb love from everyone admiring her oversized booty? Will this make it even bigger? Maybe she should stay out of the public eye before she's immobilized.
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id imagine he would make preg chryssi funny somehow lol
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good night, buggy.
>new girth in strange spots
>having too much, never dreamed
>what to do with it?
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>her normally sunken and skinny frame gets filled out and more sexy as more ponies look at her with their jaws dropped
yeah gives her good reason to stay inside kek
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i wanna hug tha BIG chryssi
you commissioned any bug mom art recently?
if youre that one guy getting all the hyper preg art done
>you commissioned any bug mom art recently?
Yeah. A new piece was finished this morning, and I plan to share it today or tomorrow. While looking for an image to post, I reminded myself I have a new comic from the same guy who made the last, but I haven't written about it yet.

>if youre that one guy getting all the hyper preg art done
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I still don't get it.
wanna grate cheese?
im not getting it too
>A new piece was finished this morning, and I plan to share it today or tomorrow. While looking for an image to post, I reminded myself I have a new comic from the same guy who made the last, but I haven't written about it yet.
fucken sweet, love seeing you around the thread
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>emotions flavors
>dance and swirl through the night air
>making my heart race
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>fucken sweet, love seeing you around the thread
Aw, thanks. Here's my latest cover art, and another haiku:

A new soul slumbers,
struggling to find the right words;
verses forgotten.
>latest cover art,
super cute, thanks for always posting lol
also nice haiku
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i love dork chryssy so fucking much
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gross, mare cooties
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what if she looked like this?
>i saw her again
>all black shell and missing holes
>lurking in my dreams

>wonder if i'll learn her name
>before my heart is taken

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