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Why are chuds so irresistible to mares?
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Mares know they're impotent so no risk of unwanted pregnancy.
Because mares are a fantasy and so is this thread.
I don't know why someone ants to fantasize about bodybuilder Ronald Reagan fucking background ponies but I'm not here to judge.
>using the word chud
Do people really unitonically use this word?

Jannie hate him and Mares love him
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Chuds are to mares what "bad boys" are to real women. It's the whole "I can fix him" thing.
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Fuck you cunt. Don't shit on my man Big Lez with these gay forced memes.
They're the underdog, puniching up against the system, speaking truth to power and calling out privileged classes.
>Bad boys to ponies are guys who can't into friendship
At last I truly see
Gross. The chud meme is really unattractive.
They love our horse-pilled monkey pheromones
>blacked shit out of nowhere
He's right though. HMD is the same as BBC cuckshit.
>Oh but not when I am a stallionkingchad
Oh, so it's the same tf-fag obsessed retard again.
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Stallion cock...unf...
>Coming from someone who immediately associates human on mare with blacked
Reminder that wanting mares to lust after you based on you being special and unique is far less satisfying a narrative arc than mares being uncomfortable around you and your special somepony slowly coming to appreciate you for who you are and loving you fully despite her previous discomfort.
This. Human supremacy is alicorn OC-tier unwarranted self importance.
Stallions with mares is natural based as Faust intended
Humanoids is an unnatural and cringe race-superiority fetish
Simple as.
You guys have convinced me
I hate humans now I only self insert as a stallion now guys
*I only insert myself into stallion guys
>Humanoids is an unnatural and cringe race-superiority fetish
I don't want ponies to see me as better than them, that's weird. You can't truly love or be loved by someone in a relationship that unequal.
>You can't truly love or be loved by someone in a relationship that unequal.
Checked and absolutely retarded take, do parents love their children?
You do you bro
Romantic love and parental love are separate things, as everyone agrees.
My bossman looks like that except he's bald.
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That's just Beauty and the Beast though.
>the Beast was an incel the whole time, and Gaston and his Bimbettes are actually the Chads and Stacies.
Yeah and that's a great story.
Jfc you faggots are cultureless swine. B&B wasn't just inceldom, but she fell for his hidden depths.
Bumping this truth
I'm starting to think that there's an anon who just really likes it when people argue about stupid bullshit and will keep dogshit threads going on for as long as possible.
Better than the anon desprrately trying to slide threads that are not his fetish

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