This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer. Post pics, greens and discussion.Previous thread:>>41591068
>>41745923Topics discussed:>What do glimfags think of sunburst? The continuation >41591075>some pregglims >41594388>anon has stockholm glimdrome >41595008>anon asks >41597411 and anon delivers >41597416>abandonment is scary>you spin me right round>Crazy she went from this smug, confident, scheming mustache twirling villain into an awkward, unconfident anxious dork. >41615251>gleats>pet the glimmy>Which energy drink is the most Glimmy-like in flavor? >41661882>Luna and Glim >41671232>new glimlore just dropped >41677057>new birthday just dropped >41683021>Starlight and Sunset >41688217>armored glimmies>glimmer sweeps>glimmy? descendent of starswirl? it's more likely than you think! >41714342>glim is a good cosplayer>anon says hi >41745027>Santa Glimmer is coming to town!Videos directed:>glimmer has a message for all tiny men out there (now with video)>>41592897 authored:Untitled glimgreen by Anonymous>Ex-cult leader befriends an alien, gets heavily petted and loves itStarts at >>41628700Continues here >>41638234Greens Updated:"Thotslayer Glimmer" by CrookedIronsights>Starlight lays down the law>>41593260 scribbled:>Cloud Pink the nefarious>>41615344>Starlight almost achieves enleafenment>>41622600>Anon suffers from meat withdrawal>>41682854Legacy archive:
>>41745928Some selected fanfics and greens:"Punkish Pasts" by Glimbrain>Starlight (begrudgingly) takes Anon to see her old bedroom at Sire's Hollow."Taking in a homeless Glim" by CrookedIronsights>(You) take in a Glim with nowhere to go."Double Glimmy" by Glimbrain>Glimmy and Glimmy (from the past) team up to drain Anon's balls."Public? Sexo" by jrudie>Sexo? In a public space?"Can I stay in your house?" by Marehouse>Looking to escape her troubles at home, Starlight seeks refuge at Anon's place."Starry Darling" by Climaclysm>Starlight Glimmer's parents discuss a recent incident she had with another foal in town. Pink In Pinko by HK-47>Anonymous is locked up in Our Town by Starlight Glimmer, who tries and fails to convert him. He converts her by way of dicking the communism out of her. essential fanfics and greens:Collection of shorts from Starlight threads:>It's easy to shake off regrets when you don't know how better it could have turned out. But, what if.."Because I Choose To" by Mercury>A very influential and iconic SPG story. part 1 - 2 -"Glimglam doth Flimflam the Green Man" by Empty_Philosopher>It's a whirlwind of insane goofs between Anonymous and Starlight Glimmer in this one-of-a-kind adventure that uses its green medium expertly.*Bins:Grim's pastebin>Writing with his heart more than with his hand, Grim's short stories radiate warmth, spark joy, evoke nostalgia and cause heart attacks.>Deftly tugging on our heartstrings with his slice of life stories and drawings, this multitalented individual lures out and then intensifies all of our love for shy, sweet Starlight.'s ponepaste>karwler's midnight scribbles are weird, arousing, heart-warming, dark, playful with their medium and often times all of the above at once.>Inspirations stemming from his bittersweet longing for the lavender mare, he reflects the everyday daydreamy state of a glimmera.'s ponepaste>A cuddlebug packed with witty remarks, Glimbrain's sweetly endearing (and devilishly playful) Starlight has made me fall in love all over again.>Clever twists and lively characters are signature skills of this incredibly talented individual. We can only muster a humble 'Thank you!' for all the sweet, sweet glimgreens he has spoiled us with.*Unlisted List>Titles and links of damaged stories or otherwise unfinished works of pony literature.
>>41745923>Ho, ho, ho! Merry Glimmas!
This gif but with Glimmy.
>>41745923I love Glimmy!
>>41746004UNF That's how I want to be woken up everyday.
>>41745923>glimmer finally moved on from halloweenproud of her!
>>41746930She can't help it, she loves cosplaying!
>>41746004I can imagine that as glim, it's close enough
More Glimmy!
>>41748969Yes sir!
What did you get your glimmies for Christmas
>>41750301a shiny female sprigatito[/spoiler{
>>41750322Noice, that was the starter I chose. Pokemon was my favorite thing until I discovered ponies. Going on silly adventures with your cute buddies is just so comfy, I feel FiM strikes a similar appeal. I want to travel Equestria with Glimmy and friends and maybe uncover a grand conspiracy from a shady organization and take down a legendary being along the way.
>>41750599What would Glimmy's pokémon team be?
>>41751195Pre-redemption>Hypno>Gengar>Lucario>Ninetales>Mewtwo>CelebiPost redemption>Egg>Gardevoir>Latias>Indeedee>Lucario>Mewtwo
>>41751230Looking at the pokedex entries and stuff those are really great selections that fit her especially our egg.
>>41752213>Glim ogling your toned human ass
>>41753513I love them!
What would she be the princess of, anons? I'm thinking reformation/redemption.
>>41754740I think Princess of Hope is the perfect title for her. It is a broad category which also contains reformation/redemption. Glimmy is more than just becoming a better pony; she loves helping others, solving problems, and pushing the limits. She is about creating a better future for everypony through friendship and harmony, she represents hope.
More glim
>>41746930She still wants more.
>>41755510More Glimmy!
>>41758538Muslim Glimmy.
>>41759159she eats halal veggies, plants touched by the magic of friendship.
>>41758286thought she was cosplaying as sombra for a second
>>41761578lol I guess I can kinda see it with the robe. Speaking of Sombra, it is my belief the only way he managed to mind control Glimmy is by catching her off-guard and threatening the lives of the students to force her to surrender. By the finale she has a protocol for protecting the students and prevented Chrysalis from harming anyone.
Gonna be on the road for 13hrs... I wish I could have Glim with me, if only to teleport instead of drive.
>>41762704Road trips are comfy af to me. Used to go on them all the time when I was younger and did one recently going to mf2. Have a safe trip, friend!
>>41762704You at least brought your Glushie with you right?
>>41762704Safe travels Glimfren
Happy Hearth's Warming Glimfrens!
>>41767310Happy Hearth's Warming! I don't have anyone around me to celebrate the holidays with but at least I have Glimmy.
Merry Christmas, Starlightbros
>>41769717Light indicates optimal booping location.
>>41767602>ChristmasWhat's that, a holiday creatures celebrate?
I understand how Glimmy felt about Hearth's Warming at first. It's a holiday for spending time with and cherishing your friends, family, and loved ones, but when you grow up alone that connection is lost. And it hurts extra hard if you did get to experience it in childhood but losing those loved ones to celebrate with really makes the holiday feel empty like a shell of what it once was. Then when you see other's holiday cheer it makes you feel even more lonely and bitter, you start to rationalize that it's just a silly story to shield the pain and you lose sight of the point of it all. It took just a small push to get her back to feeling the holiday spirit because it's what she always desired in her heart. Loneliness is our greatest enemy as social creatures, doubly so for ponies in a world where friendship is magic.
>>41771028I love when the little filly in her comes out, it's an adorable contrast to her usual controlled demeanor as a pony driven by emotions. Seeing her blissful happiness opening a present I gave her would make my heart melt.
How do you get over not getting what you wanted for Christmas? Or getting the wrong thing?
>>41774181Having no expectations probably helps. I heard of some people asking for receipts to return items but that's basically telling them to their face their gift sucks ass. I'm guessing you let them know what you wanted or at least hinted at what you wanted and they still got the wrong thing? The lame answer is the intention is what matters and spending time with them is the most important thing. Perhaps the best thing to do is to just buy yourself the best gift you know you want so that everything else pales in comparison, but then that might diminish the joy you receive from their presents. I don't know, tough question.
>>41771028Too cute.
Best Gift Ever would have been so much better with Glimmy and Trixie especially as characters who have little experience giving and receiving holiday gifts with friends.
2024 and still think glimmy have the most dogshit backstory ever
>>41776768Don't you have some dilating to do, Lily? Don't forget all your SSRIs and hormones.
>>41776768Psychopathy is a genetic aberration, age isn't going to magically cure your mental illness. Sorry, anon...
>>41764315Well I'm almost home now, and no I didn't bring my Glushie...because i have none
More Glimmy
>>41778319>glushielessNo...I have an extra glushie still in her packaging sitting around that could use a home.
>>41782461The implication is sweet. But i'm not comfortable giving out my address to strangers on 4chan(nel), no offense to (You), Glimfren.
>>41782792Very understandable, no offense taken, glimfren.
>>41776768Not even the worse one of the that era
>>41783887Starlight Glimmer and Rainbow Dash are the best ones in the show. They're the most grounded and really adds a lot to making them feel genuine.
>>41747036Fastest unicorn! I love her flying ability. I like to imagine her using it casually to speak to me at eye level or to kiss or just to be silly.
I think Glim is cool horse who kill bad guys and doesn't afraid of anypony
>>41785281>Could have run off with Trixie when Chrysalis took over Equestria from behind the scenes>No, she invades the changeling capital anyway WITHOUT MAGIC against all odds to save her friends>Takes on a super-powered Chrysalis SOLO to protect everyone in school>Doesn't even use the school's defenses as a bunker for herself, instead lures the enemy away>Takes on the ENTIRE super-powered Legion of Doom to free her friends and buy them timeShe always steps up to save her friends and is more than willing to put herself in harm's way or sacrifice herself to save Equestria. Glimmy is the most bravest and loyal pony there is. I love this mare so much.
I love how smug she is even when taking on dangerous foes.
When I'm taking a walk at night I like looking up at the stars and thinking about Starlight. Starlight Glimmer is a really fitting name for what it commonly represents. Dreams, hopes, and aspirations; her desire for friendship and a better world that she always strives towards. Starlight also serves as a guiding light which is what she does as a leader, advisor, and good friend helping others with their problems. The stars, the universe, gives a sense of infinite possibilities much like her. And as a shining star she can't help but play an important role in the show and in my own life.
More glimmy
Best pony of the year every year!
>>41789572Can't wait to put up her 2025 picture.
Happy New Year, Glimbros!
>>41791294it’s always glims year
Happy New Year Glimfrens!
>>41792000Upsies for our lovely lilac mare.
>>41794288need glimmy smell
>>41794288Slow down Glimmy! Moderation is key. It takes a whole week of no showers to restock our scents at full potency.
>>41791336>only a fraction of the screentime compared to the mane six>still more depth over everyone other than suelight sparkleWhat a difference being designed with a coherent vision makes. Even with all of Hasbro's meddling cutting short her full potential, Glimmy still turned out great because the writers were more or less on the same page.
>>41788023I forgot to mention the original point that got me thinking about it, silly me. Gazing up at the stars is usually time spent on deep thought or introspection. Glimmy is a thinker; about the past and future, the nature of cutie marks, the world, her ideology, insecurities, guilt, magic, what is best for pony society, how to improve it, and friendship. Even her impulsivity is rooted in logic and reason. It's why she's very creative and empathetic, she can think outside the box, and understand the problems and feelings of others.In those moments she's looking up at the stars I wonder if we may be gazing at each other from afar, our hearts connected through the barriers of time and space.
>>41794632i bet you do haha
Think Glimmy would like fishing? I know it's silly to compare but kites is like reverse aerial fishing where you're friends with the fish, and fishing is.. fishing for a kite and fighting it. They're both a relaxing kind of activity, just chilling around, meditating or talking with friends and stuff. I think she'd enjoy it. She has a bit of a competitive side too so the thrill of catching a fish, especially if it's a tough one, will be fun.
How do glimmerniggas feel about her hairline switching sides constantly
>>41799552Never bothered me, it's a 2d cartoon and others like Rarity's mane also shifts depending on the angle. Maybe growing up seeing flipped sprites ever since the NES numbed me to the phenomenon. But I love the way it makes Glimmy's mane look so voluminous and thick, I want to stuff my face in it and brush it all day.
Why didn't Glimbert get sent away to Celestia's school of magic like Sunburst and then meet him there?
>>41800368Glimmy was a late bloomer, she struggled getting the hang of magic without Sunburst guiding her. By the time she got used to it on her own it was too late. She doesn't really want to see him anyway, she feels unworthy because he abandoned her over her shortcomings.
>>41802355>glimmy's horn lights upThe fun begins!
>>41802355>"Anon, I think you'd look nice in these clothes">your clothes magically disappear"Glimmy, I think you forgot something..">"Perfect">glomps you
I'm going to try and make my PC Glimmy themed in the coming months.
>>41803387Sounds awesome. I just have basic wallpapers, screensavers, colors in her theme, but going the whole mile in getting a case, led lights, and whatnot in her theme would be sweet. I've been meaning to update my pc too someday. I'm still running a 1080gtx, I have like no hard-drive space anymore I constantly have to delete shit, and I think my ram is dying lol.
>>41803681Yeah i'm mostly aiming for getting ARGB peripherals to make them her colors, and maybe getting an in-case LCD panel. Or an AIO with a screen to put Glimmy's butt tatt on. Sounds like you need a new PC, badly, lol. The GTX 1080 is still pretty good though.
>>41803699>The GTX 1080 is still pretty good thoughTrue it's been a champ, still runs 1080p 30-60fps decently, haven't really felt a pressing need for higher resolutions/fps yet.
>>41803681Nice, do share the results
More glimmy?
>>41803681>>41803699Remember to get some vinyl foil in her colors and clad your PC case in it too! Sell the theme, even with the box turned off.
>>41805189Never enough Glim
>>41806723>everyone is down a few cans of bubbly cider and having fun at the bar at this point.>Glimmy is being a silly gal and walking around balancing a can on her snoot.>you seize the opportunity to stack another cider can on her snoot>"Bring it on, Anon!">challenge accepted>you carefully stack more cans using your height advantage>somehow she's keeping up and a crowd begins to form and cheer>"Is that all you got?">she's as adorably smug as ever>16, 17, 18...>you're forced to get on a stool to stack even more>"A few more cans and Starlight will break a new pony record!" AJ announces as all the mares are watching in suspense>the cider tower is barely holding together in a snake-like shape>perhaps her own tipsiness is counter-balancing the tower>you blame cartoon physics and her sheer determination>as you're about to place another can, out of nowhere a loud roar erupts>Glimmy immediately takes on a fighting stance>the cider tower falls, a few of them bonking her head on the way down.>"Is Ponyville under attack? Keep calm everypony, I'll handle it!">Pinkie goes up to her and roars again>"Oh, that was just you" she blushes>the two giggle and everyone joins in on the laughter>Derpy comes over and picks up one of the fallen cans>"Thank goodness we're safe!">she proceeds to open it with a wing letting the cider erupt all over her face
>"Hi, Anon!"
Really feeling the lack of Glimmy in my life as of late.
>>41752337Would she huff it?
>>41808922Oh yeah, especially after you've been working up a sweat. She keeps some of your used undies in a secret drawer to huff when you're not around.
>>41808806Sending you More Glimmy, Glimfren
>"It was only one hayburger, there are hundreds stuffed in the fridge!">Glimmy learns a valuable lesson that Twiggy's burger supply is strictly off-limits
>>41810102>she steals from Anon's brownie stash instead>they're poison joke brownies and she gets high as fuck