>What are you fools doing? Puzzles! >Why? It's fun! >When? It's happening now! Check the thread for the most recent puzzles! If all puzzles are completed, upload your own! >How? https://jiggie.fun/?new
big fuckoff tapestry, sfw, 4680 pcshttps://jiggie.fun/wBjBUn
>>41847398Nooooooo don't let puzzle thread die again!1036 pieces, SFWhttps://jiggie.fun/7KFMaE
>>41847931could always post progress screenshots of the BIG puzzle
>>41847401still in progress
https://jiggie.fun/_JkhhM943 pieces, SFW, rotation on, animatedEvil, Flurry Heart, or Evil Flurry Heart, take your pick.
>>41845561https://jiggie.fun/MthonS4p4Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 4, episodes 21 to 26, 2500 pieces total
glub glub
Less big puzzles, please.
https://jiggie.fun/P_prI0rainbow dashie, 432, sfw
https://jiggie.fun/BasedyN1486 pieces, SFW, rot onIn the style of "Phoebe and Her Unicorn"
>>41851148where is it?
>>41849732Oky doky!https://jiggie.fun/KwKQ5S494 pcs, sfw, evil rose
hey luna, you wanna hear a fuckin joke?420, sfwhttps://jiggie.fun/xVuCDH
https://jiggie.fun/iBfyqZ494p, explicit, Starlight working the towel
https://jiggie.fun/OaE3jK252, safe, fake edges
https://jiggie.fun/foEe1oPrincess Celestia, 11 mixed sets, 4000pcs total, safe
>>41851159Must've self destructed before anyone started on it. Here, let's try again:https://jiggie.fun/UOUry1
https://jiggie.fun/x_iyqf720 pieces, SFW, rot on, animatedFunniest jump scare in the show
https://jiggie.fun/IO2kOH725 pieces, Suggestive, rot onFluttershy gets a job.
https://jiggie.fun/_1scgiyour favorite mailpony, 405pc, animated, sfw
https://jiggie.fun/gvyaRs450p sfw filler
>>41849322https://jiggie.fun/MthonS5p1Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 5, episodes 1 to 7, 2500 pieces total
https://jiggie.fun/dh21a3rainbow and scoots, sfw, 432
https://jiggie.fun/0Jxuyc405p, safe, EqG, AJ having nice hips
https://jiggie.fun/Dkt149675 pieces, SFW, rot onFlim and Flam and seasonally appropriate.
https://jiggie.fun/rD6Gi2happy trixie, animated, 437, sfw
https://jiggie.fun/DERpAadespite the url, its starlight and trixie. 450 sfw
https://jiggie.fun/QidHzZ6 pzzls, 1800 pcs, sfw, cupcakes
https://jiggie.fun/C4dHYC250p, sfw, Flowers For My Love
>>41855807https://jiggie.fun/MthonS5p2Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 5, episodes 8 to 13, 2000 pieces totalI decided to lower the number of pieces because it's been taking too long to finish lately.
https://jiggie.fun/4_BPTI442p, suggestive, EqG Applejack
>>41859513600p sfw cute bappushttps://jiggie.fun/CvOYEW
https://jiggie.fun/6Qsis3988pcs, sfw, reflections
Damnit, at least post a puzzle to bump it.https://jiggie.fun/7zec1m289p with rotation, EqG
>>41859513https://jiggie.fun/MthonS5p3Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 5, episodes 14 to 19, 2000 pieces total
https://jiggie.fun/Q4JzJY450, sfw, luna
https://jiggie.fun/BpTtwh729pcs, sfw, trix
>>41864064Oops I didn't realize of this pzzl when I made >>41864069 apologies
https://jiggie.fun/DC6rxy294p, explicit, EqG, Shimmy and Twi showing their peach fuzz
>>41862344https://jiggie.fun/MthonS5p4Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 5, episodes 20 to 26, 2000 pieces total
https://jiggie.fun/xiwfdSEqG Fluttershy400 pieces, safe but sexy
https://jiggie.fun/Tq4T1fEqG Rainbow Dash299 pieces, animated
>>41865555https://jiggie.fun/fIVEqCmore - with Sunset this time299 pieces, animated
https://jiggie.fun/qxRXL8250, nsfw, tastes like chicken
https://jiggie.fun/RXzmTua sleeping anonfilly is accosted in the park by a stranger. sfw though! 420pc
https://jiggie.fun/oazZEK2x200, nsfw, Chicken examination
https://jiggie.fun/ISuM32630pcs, SFW, Dash
https://jiggie.fun/aCe7fC475p, explicit, locked slitI thought I posted this before, but I checked older threads and couldn't find it.
https://jiggie.fun/l6gqRRMy ROFLkirin goes soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi299 pieces, animated
https://jiggie.fun/alcohol300 SFW
https://jiggie.fun/FetalAlcoholSyndrome400p, sfw, puzzler torture
>>41865053https://jiggie.fun/MthonS6p1Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 6, episodes 1 to 6, 2000 pieces total
https://jiggie.fun/tlDulk252 nsfw
https://jiggie.fun/GOn7eC250, nsfw, Flutterride ride
https://jiggie.fun/feast300 sfw
https://jiggie.fun/o9OmZbnsfw aj
https://jiggie.fun/xCmVlr390, nsfw, AJ rides (you) animated
https://jiggie.fun/aBOIsb2400p, 12 pics, NSFW, ponies dressed up
https://jiggie.fun/GG5UFA696p, anon gets his dick burnt by kirin! SFW
https://jiggie.fun/qCaTEJ300 sfw twi
https://jiggie.fun/Tu5uwm300 sfw mane 6
https://jiggie.fun/e6IU_Pluna 300 nsfw
https://jiggie.fun/n0SOL8250 nsfw animated
>>41867531https://jiggie.fun/MthonS6p2Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 6, episodes 7 to 13, 2000 pieces total
https://jiggie.fun/toomanypinkiepies464 sfw, puzzler torture but no rotation or fake edges this time
few more torture pics I found:https://derpibooru.org/images/3415024https://derpibooru.org/images/3311343
https://jiggie.fun/chiselled432p, suggestive, chiselled Anon
https://jiggie.fun/g45Ns9720p, SFW, animatedSpike vs. the Thagomizer
https://jiggie.fun/XLsE51825pcs, sfw, ponk
https://jiggie.fun/o2YOLvWallflower Blush375 pieces, safe
https://jiggie.fun/Bbgdq1200, nsfw(ish), Apple jacked.
https://jiggie.fun/vTDv1S250, sfw, Scootaworld!
https://jiggie.fun/mVRSJa250, sfw, pony on a beach
https://jiggie.fun/hhmTj4EqG car wash299 pieces, safe
>>41869674https://jiggie.fun/MthonS6p3Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 6, episodes 14 to 20, 2500 pieces total
https://jiggie.fun/W55P0k714, sfw, funny changeling baby
https://jiggie.fun/9x5rRM720 pieces, SFW, partially animatedStarlight Glimmer and Sunburst
https://jiggie.fun/OAqEpf736, starlight and trixie, sfw
Sorry heres an actual onehttps://jiggie.fun/g5hMEF450, sfw, loona
>>41873013https://jiggie.fun/MthonS6p4Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 6, episodes 21 to 26, 2500 pieces total
https://jiggie.fun/zcaIJG200 twily schlicking is magic
https://jiggie.fun/2D4DsVpuzzlol of the cute floot
https://jiggie.fun/rf_eDB700p sfw daybreaker ciggy
https://jiggie.fun/u3Eika300 ai yuri
https://jiggie.fun/uN8UIX700p sfw lazy day
>>41876047https://jiggie.fun/MthonS7p1Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 7, episodes 1 to 6, 2500 pieces total
https://jiggie.fun/Hn2HqhHappy Applejack, AIslop (but cute)320 pieces, safe
>>41880538https://jiggie.fun/4sHnYmSame, but in winter.
https://jiggie.fun/eBtsVZ720 pieces, SFWCMCs, imminent death and destruction
http://jiggie.fun/nK1KvCmane 6 playing dnd 300 sfw
https://jiggie.fun/Sml3rrEqG Rarity and Spike300 pieces, animated
https://jiggie.fun/GMP5jcSunset and Sci-Twi300 pieces, animated
https://jiggie.fun/lfcxqzEqG mane 6299 pieces, safe
https://jiggie.fun/LnbqTc400p sfw animated screencap
450 glimglamshttps://jiggie.fun/h3OJMA
>>41880245https://jiggie.fun/MthonS7p2Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 7, episodes 7 to 12, 2500 pieces total
>>41882859>expected 450 glimglams>there is only oneWhat a letdown.
https://jiggie.fun/1DGmBR725 pcs, sfw, sleepy bookhorse
https://jiggie.fun/L7nfCn500 some very extravagant showoff pony
https://jiggie.fun/appO_K400 cotton candy
Safety up
https://jiggie.fun/Eiy13abirbs 400
https://jiggie.fun/H7u2Pq300 twily & spike
https://jiggie.fun/ZKeNPe300 twily
>>41882967And the final one!https://jiggie.fun/MthonS7p3Mare-a-thon, explicit, Season 7, episode 13, The Perfect Pear, 1500 pieces totalDESU I'm sort of surprised/disappointed he made this one without any incest.
the mane 6, sfw, 950https://jiggie.fun/zjk2Vf
https://jiggie.fun/Tn6HoW930pcs, sfw, sunset
https://jiggie.fun/gCzSsz300 rumps
https://jiggie.fun/DaZxFL1200 4 sets
https://jiggie.fun/LHTnIS300 safe
>half of the room leaves as soon as "Anal was made for me" starts playing
https://jiggie.fun/Ybu8fy300 luna scream
https://jiggie.fun/OAjAV53270 ponk and applejock
>>41888482>only 270p instead of 3270>contains Roseluck and a pegasus in the background, not just pp and aj
Is there a way to check which pics have been used as puzzles already?
>>41888544Get a good memory
>>41888544years ago there was an Anon who collected all the pics and put it up in some cloud drivebut I don't think that's been updated recently, it was when we still used aggie io puzzle
https://jiggie.fun/rxz_s3cmc kigu set, 1000pc total, sfw
https://jiggie.fun/djVX6gSFW 1k
https://jiggie.fun/4tkGQOstarlight and trixie ipad adventure, 450, sfw
https://jiggie.fun/MRU3tr1k sfw
https://jiggie.fun/PonyButts1452p, explicit, 3 AIslop pictures of pony butts
https://jiggie.fun/axSGwm250 nsfw aislop spreading
https://jiggie.fun/87Eitp247p, safe, human Rarity in a big dress
https://jiggie.fun/PYOmkL280p, explicit, tied up Golly
https://jiggie.fun/L4CCSA306p, questionable, anon toy
https://jiggie.fun/aW4VMw1824 pieces, SFW, rot on, animatedPoniesThis ought to keep you all occupied for a while.
https://jiggie.fun/eF5Wfs250p, sfw ish, Scotaloo's pov
https://jiggie.fun/Yk6PXg300p, safe, Ponk screencap
Trixie being cool as fuck and the bestest greatest ever, 704pc, sfwhttps://jiggie.fun/cB__X2
https://jiggie.fun/PObM6K500p sfw ja0822ck chrysalis
https://jiggie.fun/FLKRzlg5 mares, sfw, 450
https://jiggie.fun/JNWAXt806pcs, nsfw, ember
https://jiggie.fun/AgEXNn304p, questionable, sexy Glimmy
https://jiggie.fun/w4rY97300p, nsfw, Dislestia
https://jiggie.fun/btg9H7400p sfw
https://jiggie.fun/2qtUxk250p nsfw wingjob result
https://jiggie.fun/ei9mFg300p questionable Smolder
https://jiggie.fun/MA8r4k396p, questionable, Lingerierarity
https://jiggie.fun/iwVbR4252p, nsfw, animated, rotations, Raributt
https://jiggie.fun/aVp_vothree tained princesses, 1365 total, sfw
>>41898571*Stained. Like glass
https://jiggie.fun/wF9TZj384 pieces, nsfw, non-con, free use Dash
https://jiggie.fun/tyJitM750p, sfw, puzzler torture (no rotation or fake edges, just Twilights)
https://jiggie.fun/HeNsqVour lord and savior, 250, squares, rot on. Trying something new hehe
https://jiggie.fun/II7sZ4starlight but also trixie, squares but also no rotation this time, and its 680 pieces
https://jiggie.fun/nhNKxiluna dotes on her sister, 1k, sfw
https://jiggie.fun/6CC7IB384p, explicit, kirin beer factory>>41879992>>41899809Huh.
https://jiggie.fun/IuS1mv361p, explicit, plugged AI-slop Rarity
https://jiggie.fun/d5KuIb396p, safe, Meadowbrook
https://jiggie.fun/5Q7s3_3x250p, nsfw ai gen human on pony action, Rarity and Luna
https://jiggie.fun/OpI_lt810 pcs, grimdark, pinkamena
https://jiggie.fun/03RfKc400p, fluttershy in a dress, sfw
some of you have too much energy
https://jiggie.fun/BDePdVits no joke! sfw, 400pc, rot on
https://jiggie.fun/5wkIc8374p, explicit, Rarity being unladylikeYeah, I'm not brave enough to make THAT public.
https://jiggie.fun/cuPkN4Mrs CakeSFW252
https://jiggie.fun/IVqcE61200 sfw 4 setstrrixe
https://jiggie.fun/_bHU5i900 4 sets nsfw
https://jiggie.fun/VWjX0e350 pieces, nsfw, equestria girls, non-con, Adagio
>>41905588Animated as well
https://jiggie.fun/mLBTtD425p, explicit, flashing Golly cunny
https://jiggie.fun/HcF_zG693, cozy glow, sfw (repost bc i left rotation on)
https://jiggie.fun/arSVVx675 pcs, sfw, Rainbow Dash
https://jiggie.fun/9uIHil432, sfw, rainbow shine, >squares
https://jiggie.fun/pdfgLv324p, safe, EqG Glimmy
https://jiggie.fun/AFEvZqSFW 1344 rotation
https://jiggie.fun/8ya1mMEqG Applejack nude edit390 pieces, NSFWNO rotation, also fucking 900 seconds
https://jiggie.fun/YBBFMsfestival day in canterlot, 450, sfw
https://jiggie.fun/QuUMkzstrawberry sunrise x applejack, 750, sfw
https://jiggie.fun/DVtMwl4 puzzl, 600pcs, sfw, princess
https://jiggie.fun/GS0tRJ700p, explicit, 2 pics, AI slop Celestia and Cadance
Welp, thread's on page 9 so I guess I gotta post weird shit again.https://jiggie.fun/wV1Oga1500p, 6 pics, explicit, AI slop Mane6I kinda didn't want to only post porn for these, but turns out they're just that much easier to find. Who knew.
https://jiggie.fun/nbnn_Abunch of pinkie pies, not AI this time, 510, sfw
https://jiggie.fun/1FVXG9braeburn being secxy af, 441, sfw
>>41912330we have done this a week ago: >>41869879
https://jiggie.fun/Svjgou500p sfw ja0822ck mom's holes
https://jiggie.fun/7M9_YQ350p sfw ja0822ck wake up sheeple