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/mlp/ - Pony

Displaying 109 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
41261318Nothings better than a country girl https://youtu.be/-k7CnpZ9KFg?si=rOTiK0sxzkRVKxjQ[View]
41263063Pony Artist Recommendations: Who is the best artist in the fandom if you are a newfag?[View]
41263014Been jerking it to ponies since I was 13, I'm 18 now and actually want to start watching to sho…[View]
41262977Ships /thread/ Sappy & angst: Hey anons, what isnyour favorite ship in mlp? Why is it your favor…[View]
41150451Princess Applejack: Howdy, partner! What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories wi…[View]
41261219Would you a marshmallow landnarwhal?[View]
41263058This is the perfect height for an alicorn. They should be taller than a human, but not so tall that …[View]
41257519MLP:FiM VS. SPONGEBOB (MLP DOMINATES WESTERN STATES): Ever since MLP:FiM premiered, it has consisten…[View]
41262494Oh no! Twilight has invited you to a poetry reading and you're next on stage to read a poem! Be…[View]
41263399>Everyone's reaction to Equestria Girls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5rGhVhQaLk…[View]
41220217Trotcon 2024 Is anyone here going this year? They finally dropped all their covid BS[View]
41179085/Sun/day: Silly Celly Edition: It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle ra…[View]
41258483Ponies coming to marefair: Hello! I just wanted to share some work that I'll be bringing with m…[View]
41263047Here we, here we, here we go again! So they're finally back, it's been a long time They…[View]
41262842I’m not a fan of puppeteers.[View]
41262405/mlp/ watches The Last Unicorn in HD: /mlp/ watches The Last Unicorn in HD. What did you guys think …[View]
41262692This gave me a boner[View]
41261762Almost 14 years and it's STILL the best ship.[View]
41262667G5 inspired me to be an animator and toy creator to do better than this piece of shit and do justice…[View]
41262216I don't wanna live in this world anymore bros, I just want to go to Equestria, it seems so much…[View]
41262845GONNA BE[View]
41263265Do you think Golly's EQG variation would be more or less dangerous?[View]
41249791/opg/ Open Pony General #421 - The Beach Episode Edition: Previous thread: >>41242080 >What…[View]
41261055>when anon calls you a cute silly pony and refuses to go on a date with you because you’re far to…[View]
41257135I wish I was a cute mare.[View]
41104427/aj/ - Applejack Thread: Cool Glasses edition Previous thread: >>41006507 Thread links: Voice …[View]
41261098Euphoria Equestria: You know why you came for the show. You know damn well why you keep wanting an i…[View]
41262355Lesson Zero Season 2 was fine, it was just different: >Pic related CE MORTII MATII AI SPUS FA CUR…[View]
41262115The eyes of a child, so innocent and pure A child's heart is full of song Take their tiny hoove…[View]
41262540I wish I was a cute stallion.[View]
41259887Secret Evil Celestia: We were robbed of Secret Evil Celestia. The Mentor being the Final Boss and mo…[View]
41258585The spectral mare is frightened and cannot be summoned…[View]
41256481newfag here which general do i join?[View]
41262309Well THAT'S a SIGHT for SORE EYES!! SOMBRA & Co.!! WHA-!??! You are ALL going to TAKE TURNS…[View]
41226519Daisy comes to visit you![View]
41261218Why we never got a proper introduction to the Golden Oak Library and Twilight's accommodation t…[View]
41261210we always post about our waifu's, how about this time we do the opposite? post your least favor…[View]
41258256Who were the best and worst of these guys?[View]
41262251>I’ll only let you go if you agree to be my loyal husband, eat whatever I cook and never question…[View]
41261916>I really like it when you do gross, sweaty, human stuff Anon. Do you think you could toss a spea…[View]
41250649Which will it be, Anon?: Will you dine on Trixie's homemade lasagna that she made with her moth…[View]
41224601Tell Your Tale: Hall-o-Marers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEv2ss_9N-k Previous: >>4118807…[View]
41141935Submission is Mandatory #125: Previous Thread (#124) >>41006415 https://desuarchive.org/mlp/th…[View]
41257752humans were made for tight, winking, pony pussy[View]
41261184>'Care to join us, dear?'[View]
41253328Oh shit, I'm sorry.[View]
41259434Should ponies have little hearts on the bottom of their hooves?[View]
41260785>Looking back it only S1 & S2 // Seasons 1 & 2 are the true canon & good seasons. S1*…[View]
41260361Welp it finally happened. After a year of being locked up in a psych ward I have become rainbow dash…[View]
41261226Post bad oc designs: Can be your own or someone else’s, if it’s your own I’ll provide help on how to…[View]
41254348Rarity, my beloved![View]
41260484How do you feel about quibble pants?: I like him but I never see people talk about him[View]
41097495Pregnancy General: Nestbuilding: This is the Pregnancy General, not stillborn and ready to be borne …[View]
41260078Garlic Pone: Hi mares, get ready for the Midweek Gartic Phone stream! The game will begin on Wednesd…[View]
41261096Post goth ponies.[View]
41261005Early Galacon tread: How many of you anons coming to Galacon this year? And when yall planing to ari…[View]
41260049mares could kick your ass![View]
41260433'Is someone there?'[View]
41257746Apologize to her and her family for calling them incestuous inbreds.[View]
41253851>Watch this Anon. I’m gonna eat this baby bird right in front of you. I’m gonna enjoy it too. The…[View]
41253386Why is there so much human posing in this show?[View]
41257415If you used a shapeshifting spell on a changeling to turn them into, say, an Earth pony or a griffon…[View]
41256020I want to come inside Rainbow Dash.[View]
41253046/mlpu/ - MLP Yuri/Lesbian General: Beauty and the Bug Edition Discuss and debate your favorite dyke …[View]
41259738AI voiced episode reviews AI voiced episode reviews!!!!!!!! Are we too late? too late by 13 years to…[View]
41260319I really really really like this image[View]
41260260I want Dash Rainbeau to cum inside me.[View]
41259821>Trixie is trans >Rarity is a whore Why are the most patrician waifus the most aggressively sl…[View]
41252432HarmonyCon 2025 Thread: https://x.com/HarmonyPonyCon/status/1815186843731644875 Official HarmonyCon …[View]
41260240would you a birdhorse[View]
41256749Enough of these high-quality OC threads, have you ever made a self-insert donutsteel?[View]
41260152BRIAN LOOK OUT[View]
41260172Will the I Wani Hug That Gator! devs ever work on a mlp-inspired novel?[View]
41259342I love this horse[View]
41259335Would you eat Trixie's nuts?[View]
41256580Post comfy pony[View]
41256912What episode is this from?: I clipped this from a meme video, it's Rarity saying 'cancelled' bu…[View]
41253533If you pull her tongue, would she die?[View]
41259269DO YOU SUCK DICKS?[View]
41257408Flash Sentry: Why no love for Brad? I say he should have his own thread![View]
41255983Harmony is not the opposite of Chaos. Order is. Not only are they not opposites, but a certain degre…[View]
41256164IT'S REAL ZIGGA HOURS!!![View]
41258745Ever since I made that Flim Flam brothers thread 4 days ago, I have had their damn cider squeezy son…[View]
41256185What's a villain or villains you'd want to see the mane six go up against?[View]
41183558My Massive Pony: (Escape from the Party cave edition) Previous thread >>40950565 Writers, arti…[View]
41256930Do ponies sometimes feel depressed for no reason?[View]
41257116>Chef…the purples in the restaurant again. She wants another 10 hayburgers.…[View]
41256225Does anyone else have a fascination with loners in this show? There aren't many of them, I can…[View]
41254965Remember to eat an apple[View]
41227749>Watching 1st WM episode because some faggs overrated >Same g5 cashgrab level…[View]
41254302EQG Rainbow Dash Thread: Post blue spandex shorts girl. Previous Thread:>>41252493[View]
41255340ARE THESE CHARTS CORRECT?! VOTE!: poll: https://strawpoll.com/PbZqbRVmeyN What are your views on the…[View]
41199555/mlp/ con 2024 Thread #8 - Post-con wind down: The con's over, there's still some post con…[View]
41257007The question is...: Tags: Episode discussion reviewfags With the advent of ElevenLabs AI (and really…[View]
41256816This Egyptian pony doesn’t seem very popular[View]
41253554Fluttershy kills millions...[View]
41253356Princess of Sex[View]
41257049This explains everything.[View]
41255223She did nothing wrong[View]

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