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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

Displaying 1,047 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
37322755omg my tranny gf is so fucking clingy i might just cheat on her[View]
37318382Have you noticed that trans people never behave like a gender that they are pretending to be? FtMs b…[View]
37323644Is it normal for a friend to play with my hair while complimenting it? I'm not very used to thi…[View]
37322492I'm not a tranny but I like to be called a girl during sex and made to never touch my dick[View]
37318324I am going to my tranny selfhelp group tomorrow again? What should I wear? I have a black goth dress…[View]
37319877Most trannies seem good at servicing with their mouths, are you good with your feet too though[View]
37321554i am terrified of passing i am terrified of being perceived as a female[View]
37297696I gave myself trans OCD thoughts through excessive exposure to internet transsexuals Now I have pse…[View]
37323697receding chin is a trans girl super power.[View]
37320863Easy E died from aids, he denied being gay a month before dying from it, did he contract it from hav…[View]
37317683Is it normal to find younger men attractive and wanting to fuck them as you age and become an old ma…[View]
37321487ASIAN FEMBOYS ARE MADE FOR SEX: >As soon as they reached Mamluk land, the Oirats found themselves…[View]
37317137Don't be fooled: after TER'F's come for T, they will definitely go after the LGB as well. They …[View]
37323639how do i cope with being cis[View]
37322218Tell me how to cure AGP NOOOOW!!! >inb4 transition That's not an option…[View]
37323092i think i hate other transgirls that aren't me[View]
37323286Goofy = agp Regular = hsts[View]
37322520I can tell my period is coming up because I've been getting more emotional and I've been f…[View]
37322744being a top sucks because you have to deal with bottoms. i fucking hate bottoms with a passion.[View]
37322801How do I accept that my son is another man's wife?: >Be dad >Have gay son >Caught him…[View]
37311519> is a giga dyke and ftm repper > can never be a cute y2k grunge tiktok aesthetic girlie becau…[View]
37320748what would you do if you came across a boymoder that was like 20, felt like she was falling behind a…[View]
37322559>The moment I transitioned my mother started calling me fat >Never heard a single comment abou…[View]
37322434Simple as[View]
37322929Do boys really not give their gfs cards? My (cis) gf is bullying me over a homemade card I made her …[View]
37321877Breast Growth in 6 months: How much breast growth do you expect on 6 months? I read on reddit some p…[View]
37321375i need a big midwestern boy to forcefem. imagine making a 6'4 cornfed Iowan hunk into your siss…[View]
37321298How do you go from Becky to Stacy: I have gone from the incel to becky. Now, how do I go from Becky …[View]
37307661is it true all bi tops pedophiles?[View]
37320046I didn't feel any mental changes from HRT The mental change I got was more confidence when I st…[View]
37317906>70% straight guys are dominant tops rest are submissive bottoms >30% of gay guys are dominant…[View]
37322418>when you’re parents will never love you ever again because you came out as trans and are too ugl…[View]
37317477My bottom bf's dildo is bigger than my dick[View]
37321891I like feminine boys and traps I don't consider myself gay at all I just have good taste in wo…[View]
37321940Every day could be like this if just joined your local transbian polycule and started living your be…[View]
37322405I know a trans girl at work that i could tell was trans the moment i saw her, but boomers can't…[View]
37320161Is hrt femboy x hrt stone butch the most kino pairing?[View]
37320694>young, impressionable trans people can just detransition with no gatekeeping Does anyone else ha…[View]
37320253oil check edition last >>37316931 dont feed the trolls[View]
37321672is it a red flag for a man to only be friends with girls?: met a cute bi guy last month and we'…[View]
37321387what did british tabloids mean by this[View]
37316102FTM Femboys: I don't really care about how they express themselves or identify but it just make…[View]
37320174thinking of detransing: anons i need some advice i'm 18, mtf (?), been on hormones for like jus…[View]
37322107this is what you trannies obsessed with st4t sound like[View]
37321794Where do I find a cute boyfriend to make my boywife out of[View]
37321356vocaroo: Text: I threw a wish in a well. Don’t ask me I’ll never tell. I looked to you as it fell An…[View]
37322003Question about misgendering: Hello. I am an Indian graduate student in the USA. In class I referred …[View]
37318854Am i a disappointment?: Hey anons, basically i (mtf, 1y2m in hrt) have a bf (cis) for about a month …[View]
37309451Picrew thread: Let's do this again, this style is really cute Post picrews, guess letters and f…[View]
37321731im 25 i trooned out 6 years ago and i often wonder if i made the right choice[View]
37317500what do unshaven neet tranners smell like?[View]
37316819found this in 1970s newspaper kek[View]
37317882What does a manmoder 5+ years on estrogen look like? Are there any known examples?[View]
37318269This is the best looking neovagina I've ever seen https://old.reddit.com/r/Transgender_Surgerie…[View]
37321614>Openly admitting that breastfeeding babies gives them euphoria boners Do hons lack self awarenes…[View]
37321439Conversion Therapy banned in Kentucky: A small win in these crazy times. Hopefully a federal ban soo…[View]
37319690They killed Diana because she was nice to the queers. And the British establishment remains at war w…[View]
37317139'Just transition' is a lie.: For some dysphorics, there is just no way out. We are too masculinized.…[View]
37320699>tfw i'm mostly attracted to biological men but i fucking despise dick…[View]
37317399i sincerely find it difficult and remote to try and imagine myself in any kind of romantic level of …[View]
37319933Transition is immoral: Immorality is subjective and decided upon evolutionary instinct. The simple c…[View]
37318024/mtfg/ male to female general: need tall handsome bf edition last >>37312018 qott i honestly c…[View]
37314972Do you agree with the stances of the LGB alliance?[View]
37319661Why is it that the prettier and more passing a trans woman is, the worse her self esteem is? It seem…[View]
37321239post and discuss operating systems that you don't see very much crux is cute[View]
37321047post nut clarity?: How do you guys deal with the shame of fucking a man? I usually hook up with twin…[View]
37320458licking girlcock: How do I find a shemale with a nice big cock to lick?[View]
37316054>For Mobians, it's the apocalypse. For humans? Nothing has really changed since Robotnik too…[View]
37319487Is it just me or girls don’t know how to communicate properly with guys on dating apps[View]
37317686she won and blaire lost: >has wife >living happy life >not getting mad daily about whatever…[View]
37320124>be 19 >raised by strict religious parents >accept the fact that degeneracy is evil and tha…[View]
37319121If hrt won't make my boobs at least this big, the producer should apologize me[View]
37320142tired of mogging my older 'sister': while me and my older brother were living apart, we both trooned…[View]
37320668stupid faggots and trannies, have you been doing decent? i hope so. just wanted to ask you all what …[View]
37319112/Chasergen/ - Albums Edition: >Qott: Do you listen to full albums of music at a time? What's…[View]
37320131Would you date a cis manly chaser who happens to be into age regression feminization content?[View]
37320537I'm a tranny and I find christian fundie chuds attractive[View]
37320339>anyone over 20 calling themself a boymoder >mid 20s lateshit referring to themself as a trans…[View]
37315359What's your take on theymabs?[View]
37309673Being a fag sucks when do we get a cure[View]
37319436trannies btfo by 1st century philosopher[View]
37319761I just want to groom and gaslight a trans woman, and really just cut her off from her support networ…[View]
37318728When a tranny asks me whether the new thing she's doing helps her pass, and I'm dating her…[View]
37316004MtFs should teach FtMs how to act male socialized and FtMs should teach MtFs how to act female socia…[View]
37320432>atheist tranny you know you have Inanna to thank for the HRT working, right?…[View]
37316473Can gigahons find love? Debate.[View]
37316615Why is this bitch aging like ass and totally melting and why do I see trannies a decade older look t…[View]
37316947i wanna troon out: i wanna take the plunge so bad but i find it so scary that i literally tear up an…[View]
37319621EEn insulin syringe sizes: what size of insulin syringes should i use to draw and inject subq EEn (i…[View]
37319076After being a woman for 3 years I can confidently say I don't relate to trans women, or online …[View]
37314289/ftmg/ BMW M5 edition: qott: Are you into cars? You know it's an insta-pass right? Previous: …[View]
37317592I love trans girls so much I want to be one.[View]
37318631If your answer to this question is anything other than yes you're a fraud: I went to reddit (I …[View]
37320335Is being bisexual akin to being biracial, where white people don't like because you're too…[View]
37319728I want my tranner to get SRS just to claim both virginities[View]
37316468how do i fix myself?: i started hrt at 13. recently i had a dream about the time when i was a boy. i…[View]
37320125>start working out >only got thicker ass and legs instead of turning into a gym stacy wtf...…[View]
37319470tranneis whats ur favourite drugs to self harm with ? mines allcohol but lsd can fuck u up badly[View]
37317304Does this make me gay? Sorry if stupid question: I'm a straight guy or so I thought. I have bee…[View]
37318893attention chasers, remember that even if you do find your ideal tranny to settle down and build a li…[View]
37319898Imagine having a man who loves you and takes care of you[View]
37317452>bottom transbian x top ftm repper girl Is there a more kino pairing?[View]
37317132is this the fate of every ftm repper?[View]
37318567as a mtf repper i need a ftm repper gf to keep me in line[View]
37319035Can you imagine a world without LGBT?[View]
37317653I give a guy a blow job and he acts like I destroyed the world trade centers. This is the second guy…[View]
37319620ngmi: The struggle between wanting to be someones wholesome loving good boy bf, wanting to hold some…[View]
37319261Why are so many young professors and PhD students gay/queer >calc professor gay >compsci prof…[View]
37307736any other tranners wish they could draw? its just too much effort for someone like me[View]
37315423everything changes when you start passing: i made a long ass post but this website said it was too l…[View]
37318055T4T girlies are you okay with a top that has a 3.5” dick ?: So my girldick is now at 3.5 inches afte…[View]
37319743Why have I been a sexual deviant for literally my entire life? By that I mean I was doing gay shit w…[View]
37316908Muscle mass on HRT: I've been on HRT for about three years, now. Considering I never work out, …[View]
37316233it's crazy to me all the trans people online now are completely unaware of Usenet, IRC, and Yah…[View]
37319658Random Tranny Update: >be me >wake up >want gock in my ass >no gock in my ass >cry …[View]
37319627I'm going to build a Rainbow Wall: My positions change every hour or so. But my values are the …[View]
37317944Ywabaw and you will make it and be happy - failure is not an option[View]
37314087What causes this?[View]
37308608how do I get boys to lick my feet (I am wearing pantyhose right now)[View]
37319213theory: can trans-ism be defined as a cultural shock of sorts?: two components come into play in thi…[View]
37316568i'm not actually a real chaser and rather an attention starved incel who comes here to get atte…[View]
37318074>Be me (Lul) >Currently trying to anamax. >Started at 72kgs (183cm), 3 months in I am 62. I…[View]
37319334>be manmoder >go to local free counselling service thing a year ago >get told i can return …[View]
37316931(gaygen) - (men of color edition): (prev) - (https://boards.4chan.org/lgbt/thread/37315165)…[View]
37318946i fucking love larry t. speedanon[View]
37312168When did you realise you would always be a man?[View]
37317055>observe trannies as a cis male >'my transition has been a disaster, i literally want to …[View]
37319286To those of you that have managed to change your appearance, did that fuck you up mentally? Or was i…[View]
37317975Awful trans experiences: I'll start: A normal part of life is bad stuff happening in your exter…[View]
37317164i love ftms like this: you are all handsome[View]
37315112Tranners, what are your parent's jobs and how much do your parents make? I'll go first. I…[View]
37316823Ginger trannies cannot pass. The ginger phenotype is simply too powerful to be altered by hormones o…[View]
37317198Would u have gone to Diddy freak off events[View]
37317714What's the cure for AGP?[View]
37318320I'm a passoid tranny: And people exist to suck my dick. I wish I had people sucking my dick 24/…[View]
37313290what are your strategies for repression? i've decided that i don't think i'll ever tr…[View]
37300460/mmg/ manmoder general: happy family planning edition QOTT: how are you going out?[View]
37309293Finally...the diaper gens have disappeared. The fetishtards are gone, we can finally post in peace.[View]
37318614I think I will finally go clubbing this weekend: what should I expect in clubs as a boymoding trans …[View]
37317334When you really think about it, manmoder x straight cis woman is the most kino pairing. >less tox…[View]
37317898My tranny roommate keeps bringing her 30 something tranny hookups from grindr and has sex with them …[View]
37318524story: third time trying to post this. story from may >be me, 21 repper >talk to 21 autist gir…[View]
37318624Can an ogrehon manmoder also be a degenerate fujo or is that something only reserved for the shut in…[View]
37316701there was sex changes performed in the Soviet Union[View]
37316383How to get gf like this?[View]
37309607This is every trans girl claiming to be straight or bisexual.[View]
37318346is the act of transitioning beautiful?[View]
37318099i need an unemployed faggot of either female or male model that'll watch shitty movies, day dri…[View]
37318293I wuv chaser bf. He's sleeping right next to me and has cute snores[View]
37314945How do I stop falling for every guy that's nice to me?[View]
37318205Looksmaxxers told me to put my tongue at the top of my mouth but that just made it push my teeth out…[View]
37313955be honest would you know that im trans from my voice: https://voca.ro/1h2NiW7RpWZ6 https://voca.ro/1…[View]
37316729Are femboys real? How do I find them?[View]
37316929Being a transbian in latin america is a pain There are absolutely no other attractive transbians her…[View]
37317028*Mic drops*[View]
37317716who here /g0ypilled/: why haven't you taken the g0ypill yet, anon?[View]
37317434what would a pride festival in Gaza be like?[View]
37308448> eat only one meal a day > still weight 76 kg at 180cm its over, im never gonna have a cute t…[View]
37315802Why do bottoms tend towards submission?[View]
37317553Is it true that using makeup often ages your skin prematurely?[View]
37317389can i be a repper if i'm cis[View]
37315165/gaygen/ adult human male edition: males who only like males before: >>37312679 qott: How old …[View]
37316057considering my upbringing, lifestyle and personality, i should have been born a girl, but im not tra…[View]
37317411What do I sound like? What do you picture when you hear me speak? Just wanna get a feel from an outs…[View]
37317618what does a cis boymoder look like[View]
37317710why are all zoomer trans girls such bops[View]
37316994repping: i have been dysphoric my whole life. i suppose i became aware of it when i was about 12, an…[View]
37315105Detransitioning will make your life better.[View]
37317439Its ok to be a terf.[View]
37317324Anyone else afraid of being recorded[View]
37315197/Chasergen/ - Jade’s 27th Birthday Edition: HAPPY 27th BIRTHDAY JADE SLADE qott: Jade just turned 27…[View]
37312559cry of fear: why do so many tiktok pooners like cry of fear? it is the most accurate boymoder simula…[View]
37317495sapphics with a genital preference for penis[View]
37315009What are some minor things that immediately make you feel a lot more feminine? For me it's nail…[View]
37271040/passgen/ #2, Internal Reflections Edition: Previous thread hit limit. >>37254391 Post yoursel…[View]
37312052Is it a good thing if the guys you date have never been with a trans woman before?[View]
37316771There is literally nothing worse than being a short butch dyke. Imagine being a short moid incel but…[View]
37305275i hate being a small boymoder. i have no tits :c everyone treats me like a child. nobody takes me s…[View]
37317044If socialization is the root of gender problems Then why do I, a gynephilic AMAB person who later tu…[View]
37316940why am I a guy and not a girl ?its not fair... E isn't enough I wanna be a girl[View]
37312263What do chasers want?[View]
37313138will a boy ever love me even if i dont have a vagina[View]
373169624chan was right: ive been straight for a couple years after transitioning but in the end It was actu…[View]
37316689i need a trans girlfriend who will let me play with her dick ;-;[View]
37314097Would the proportion of gynephilic to androphilic trans women change if feminism weren't such a…[View]
37313163All the attractive feminine gay males turned into unattractive trannies.[View]
37316875>go on taimi >heterosexual rapefugee >hon >person with a visible disability >femme p…[View]
37316974A high school friend of mine came out as trans and despite me at the time being a giant edgy racist …[View]
37316961Genuine question: Can trans women be agp?[View]
37316132What is about 'man ass' specifically that repels bisexual men so much, while most gay men love it? A…[View]
37316951Fellow chasers, do you and your GF pass?[View]
37315840the final step of transition is realizing all trannies are clocky and the concept of escaping the ci…[View]
37313891Trans women can ONLY be physically female if they have foreskins.[View]
37314556you a gay bttm twink[View]
37315018I got fucked without wearing makeup or lingerie now I feel like a faggot.[View]
37316887Is it true that psyllium husk has high levels of lead or other heavy metals and eating it every day …[View]
37310184I could respect the lgbt community much more if there wasn't so much self-loathing.[View]
37311288Which ones would you fuck/marry/kill? I’m trying to gauge the opinions of /lgbt/.[View]
37316862Shoulderhon: My shoulders are big and ugly and masculine how do I rapidly lose muscle? All I want is…[View]
37313776I daydream about saving tranny hookers from sexual slavery. Like I imagine shootouts in the brothel…[View]
37312018mtfg: mtfg last >>37301773 qott: why did you let thread die[View]
37315104Is the chaser-to-trans pipeline real, or are a lot of “chasers” just eggs?: Okay, so I’ve been trans…[View]
37315414the comedy writes itself[View]
37316636girl music: this is what being a girl sounds like to me idc >t. femboy twink post your feminine m…[View]
37316757thats crazy[View]
37316360i sold my soul: transfem here, dysphoria of body hair has been kicking me ass, along with hrt only g…[View]
37315708Are any other trans girls genuinely going insane? I feel like I am[View]
37316659Are you a male woman?[View]
37316477oh my god i’ll always be a freak even though i pass the mental illness won’t let go[View]
37315917im a skinny white autistic cis guy and i keep being gaydar'd by people because i'm oddly p…[View]
37313544For the longest time I didn't think I was gay at all but then I met a certain person through th…[View]
37314660i hit my max for my health insurance, anything i can get before the end of the year? i don't th…[View]
37314127Why are there so many BPD and Autistic trannies[View]
37302404Why don't more mtfs simply gain weight? With enough fat you can hide a male skeleton. Most of y…[View]
37314983>known im an agp fetishist since i was 12 >no real dysphoria, only sexual emotions >get con…[View]
37315548would you go to the portland transbian picnic, anon?[View]
37316446Trans Woman = HSTS Trans Girl = AGP[View]
37312220Why do gay guys have a certain phenotype? I’ve never seen this with other races but I can clock a ga…[View]
37312402i realized why trannies are all horny bitches. they have a male sex drive. you give that to any girl…[View]
37316193In public I'm just some skinny manlet with long hair. But behind closed doors I'm a total …[View]
37307525mousetrap for mouse boymoder: >no! don't do it! resist the temptation!…[View]
37316358Is there anyone else out there who connects with the HRT femboy label more than 'woman' or even stuf…[View]
37311525new trans girl: im a new trans girl, how do i get a skirt witout my parents knowing???[View]
37308799Does anyone like submissive tops?[View]
37316177MtFs are extremely creepy autogynephilic incels, but FtMs? They are cute and I want to make them pre…[View]
37316410how do I get invited to Hollywood parties?[View]
37315430Was 20 year old James Rolfe a femboy? https://strawpoll.com/eJnvVMpaanv[View]
37315692how do i cope with starting hrt in my 20s when youngshits and midshits exist and will shitmog me for…[View]
37312420I need to be dominated by a trans. All day long I think of being railed by big trans penises... I ha…[View]
37309328why are trans men like this?[View]
37316113/st4tgen/ - new pastebin edition!: /st4tgen/ is the general for all straight MtFs and FtMs intereste…[View]
37303074why do ftms exist? why would you ever want to be the inferior gender?[View]
37310120long-term and heavy repressors who eventually transitioned,: how did you accept femininity? i can’t …[View]
37316065time to impart divine tranny philosophy wisdom: if you're a trans woman you used twitter at ALL…[View]
37315538Do woman really think like this: Can any hrt takers confirm this is what goes on in your head. Might…[View]
37314497i would pass if i was 5'6 or even 5'8 but NO. i just HAVE to be 6 feet tall[View]
37313264i wish he wasn’t a polyfag: i’m a mtf youngshit (like yes even by this boards standards) yet i’d do …[View]
37315666Gender non conforming general: Femboys Tomboys Drag Flamers Enbies Join the discord https://discord.…[View]
37315336Repair bad dosture and dysphoria.: (1y hrt, manmodding) I went from obese to slightly overweight. Du…[View]
37315826do zoomer trannies even know who the beatles are?[View]
37312952I can't feel shit: I took my first dose of E and I don't rlly feel that much its been 2 da…[View]
37315618the difference between being 5 6 and 5 8 is massive and makes me cry[View]
37315643>talking to a chaser >he's cool and we have a lot of the same interests >at some poin…[View]
37315580>gay nigga on fetlife called me a bigot and went on a several paragraph rant because I said I don…[View]
37309862Will repping mentally destroy me?: >30th birthday is coming up and I can't bring myself to t…[View]
37314421transphobic as a cis boy on E: any other males on estrogen for the aesthetics who just like visceral…[View]
37315345>drives white chasers mad with lust[View]
37310828Is my ribcage unironically cucked and rope worthy[View]
37311964the trick for turning someone into a pet is to hit them until they realize that they can't stop…[View]
37313465I want to cuddle with trannies NOW[View]
37311044is there any way to find people on the internet who are into calling me a failed male and wont call …[View]
37312619>be stealthoid >at college party >really charming guy chats me up >maybe it was just t…[View]
37295802What's going on here, /lgbt/?[View]
37314683How do trans girl NEET convince their parents to not kick them out? I'm a trans girl wannabe NE…[View]
37313022Any italian trannies? i'm lonely and i want real life friends[View]
37312530i wanna die before youth (18-24) ends and maybe it should be now because i will never pass or be lov…[View]
37314829ffs consultation soon is it better to ditch boymode/manmode for girlmode to get a better result with…[View]
37311711>tranny >doctors said I was gonna be a girl >be born male >only have sisters Wtf happene…[View]
37312963My face is a womans, my body is a womans, my voice is a womans. If i was 5'5 i would pass 100%.…[View]
37315216no sex: any other trannies asexual /very low libido? It feels like everyone is sex obsessed[View]
37313298How do I stop being asexual?: (Cis male) I've tried everything. I tried watching porn, not watc…[View]
37311697Why don't you take Metamucil every day? Do you not want perfectly clean poops that don't l…[View]
37315074sheeeeeeeeit deeze niggqas gay nd sheeeit: da fuq u wite niggqas r gay nd sheeeit but u takin all da…[View]
37313552dating apps: I have never (ever) used any form of dating app and I feel like I'm living in the …[View]
37313829Its over: How do I get over social anxiety? I just wanna function like a normal person.[View]
37313034Testosterone is a poisonous venom that irreversibly destroys anything it touches. It doesn’t just de…[View]
37313288>transbian with malebrained kinks i don't wanna be a stereotype i'm swearing off sex…[View]
37314098You will never be a woma-[View]
37312679/gaygen/: Why do gays love powerful, strong women so much? Prev >>37310374[View]
37314921Help: I think about African males all the time. An African male in my anus. African male semen in my…[View]
37314509remember to take your hrt so you don't look male[View]
37314653help i forgot my gender[View]
37312529My bottom hit me today Quiet surreal[View]
37314590/nlg/ - Nick La.ng General: KAT SMASH!!!!!!!![View]
37310747What was the term again for when you wanna crack closeted gay guys and excercise power over them?[View]
37312386The trans Danny Devito[View]
37311502/Chasergen/ - beer! edition: qott: how are you feeling today?[View]
37307782can cis girls perform boy removal too or do you need a man and a penis for the procedure? what does …[View]
37313766Riddle me this, /tttt/: What do you call a cis dude, who: >has thoughts about being a woman here …[View]
37310956how many of you are straight cis fujoshis?[View]
37314034Office says 'social contagion': anons, how can we fight aganist subconscious propaganda?[View]
37287619queer literature thread: hopefully we can be a companion thread of /wcg/ please recommend fics so th…[View]
37312936What do amab women with masochistic emasculation fetish want?[View]
37313569The lead singer of indie pop-rock band 'Animal Sun' trooned out and then I guess they sorta stopped …[View]
37314253I’m straight now: I’ve been gay for quite a long time. I also explored every fetish I was interested…[View]
37305283>so, what were the first three years of transitioning like?[View]
37313389I'm a barbie girl in the barbie world life in plastic, it's fantastic you can brush my hai…[View]
37312916Any tranny sister from Montreal?[View]
37301033/ftmg/ G~ edition: Qott: who's the best trip on ftmg and why is it G? >>37290185[View]
37313296You're looking out your window at the full moon with all your fellow anons right now... and mak…[View]
37311646I thought I killed the beast (gender dysphoria), but it came back with vengeance. Maybe the troons w…[View]
37306396how to spot fake hsts: u always see posts on here about a #valid hsts (On 4chan which is already 90%…[View]
37312567How will you avoid the Norwood Reaper?[View]
37310937Hooked up with a femboy. Why are they so much sweeter than actual women?[View]
37305483Did we overplay our hand? Will everyone begin to reverse course?[View]
37313161I feel inadequate in life because I was born white with light brown eyes and I feel like no blue eye…[View]
37313202encourage me to cut off my balls: i've been taking gnrh for 6 years now, and it's so fucki…[View]
37311656What do HSTS want?[View]
37312285He’s one of you isn’t he[View]
37306903Meta attracted amabs, what's it like to have a dick in your ass when you're not attracted …[View]
37309203The sad truth is: I give a flying fuck if you are a gay man who is trying to 'trap' me int…[View]
37313289SKUNKS: Who we're they? Bianca &co.[View]
37312870>drive by ex >she looked absolutely depressed >feel nothing this ever happen to you guys?…[View]
37313105Fuck I'll always be a male brained moid nigger fuck my life I'll never get married and liv…[View]
37312302where do I start with voice training. every where I look it's just 100 videos of incomprehensib…[View]
37311398/chasergen/ - repper edition: would you date a repper[View]
37310486FtMs being shaved and forcibly injected with estrogen so their asses and tits grow fat and heavy. Ft…[View]
37312254how to cope with being a massive stereotype?: >mentally ill attention whore ftm >get diagnosed…[View]
37313072Do bi non-hrt chasers ever date other bi non-hrt chasers as men?[View]
37307749this is how ai describes me :([View]
37312500Women are sadistic man-hating sexual predators who orgasm from destroying the lives of innocent men …[View]
37313002im not gonna let myself be a repressing heighton anymore im gonna try envymaxxing[View]
37311551We must throw rocks at passoids[View]
37312177Meta attracted AGP deserve bfs who treat them like women[View]
37311944Androphilic trans women - would you be more offended if your boyfriend told you he was a closeted ho…[View]
37311558>be me >start transitioning in hs >stop boymoding >flamer in my class instantly starts s…[View]
37311779Why do you still visit this god-forsaken place? Do you hate yourself? I've genuinely been much …[View]
37312408post coming out stories: >be me, 19 >moms driving me home from work (i have a license but am t…[View]
37310078Do husstussies actually enjoy being women? How many husstussies here have autoandrophilic fantasies?[View]
37310550What should I wear to the water park?: My family wants to go to a water park next week. After I said…[View]
37312652>bf has speech problems >I fail to understand something he says three times in a row >he s…[View]
37312206Men with long hair and shaved faces are women[View]
37312808It PAINS me to have to say this, but, homosexual transsexuals are morally superior to autogynephiles…[View]
37311960Thoughts on Disney's current LGBT stance?[View]
37309781are you a pot tranny or an alcohol tranny?[View]
37311753you do realize that most 'passoids' have XY chromosomal misalignment, right?[View]
37310912Anyone else t4c lesbian because 99% of other trans girls trigger your second-hand dysphoria even whe…[View]
37309880what would you do if you came across a group of boymoders that controlled the economy, influenced al…[View]
37310707hi :3: hi boymoders :3[View]
37308819Can a mtf be muscular and still look good and pass? Pic related: giwtwm[View]
37310352my beautiful transbian gf pouring our chaser BVLL a nice refreshing beverage after he's finishe…[View]
37310374/gaygen/ hot serial killers edition: Anyone else hyped for this serie? It drops tonight on netflix …[View]
37309650unmasculine and effeminate men disgust me[View]
37312244>post pic of self >'wow i would pay money to watch someone else have sex with you' why are cha…[View]
37308744my psychologist told me i should try to think about my goals when im like 30 or 40 and already livin…[View]
37311650How the fuck does anyone have sex? It's messy, it's smelly, there's a high likelihood…[View]
37308605This troon was 31 years old when she won. When do you stop hink she started? Youngshit or luckshit? …[View]
37312088Am I a chaser?: >cis male >33 (kill me) >was a virgin until 29. I had extreme depression an…[View]
37311246Why it's so hard to find any decent (even physical) work nowadays? In my region only places tha…[View]
37311215>boyfriend been irritable and in a bad mood the past few weeks while waiting for his dad's c…[View]
37306636hentai made me a bottom chaser[View]
37311345Do trannies have a rape kink?[View]
37311367how do i convince my bf im not agp: >24 yo about halfway between manmoder and boymoder >basica…[View]
37311857Lol the album is entirely pop tunes and contains almost none of the fan favourites people were hopin…[View]
37311320Why does sex with men make me feel bad afterwards ? Is it psychological or is it god[View]
37309796>be me >20 year old boymotor >had a gf literally once when I was a teenager >had sex a h…[View]
37310224>finally got actual underwired bra that actually fits holy shit, this is so comfortable wtf. i a…[View]
37304638>started hrt at 18 >about to turn 33 >never girlmoded once >still haven't started v…[View]
37306837i have once again given myself a uti, but i managed to make my counselor feel insecure and inadequat…[View]
37306205im a straight male who psyoped himself into having pseudo dysphoria through agp mental fuckery i loo…[View]
37300598Post your charts, guess the letters and express the craziest stereotypes about the faggot and tranny…[View]
37311563are there any older women here who would be interested in grooming me and hurting me[View]
37311513gaygen my exes are telling me that someone here is pretending to be me challenge. stop doing that ch…[View]
37305544Anybody else suffer from intense secondhand embarrassment every time you have to use they/them prono…[View]
37308574Can estrogen prevent twink death even if you aren't a tranny?[View]
37307894Cis female frigidity causes cis male situational homosexuality: As it turns out, the vast majority o…[View]
37311438>Take HRT assuming I'd atleast pass as an ugly woman >I still look like a man completely …[View]
37311009I just want to fuck a girl with my strap but they all want cis men.[View]
37311253IM SO LONELY GRAHHHH i miss my friends ;-; i wanna go back to their city but im stuck here until i …[View]
37306529what if im scared im just meta attracted and a transbian do i rope[View]
37310117The more plastic you consume, the more feminine you become.[View]
37308206I am 29 and my face looks like this in terms of skin quality and general vibe. Is it possible to loo…[View]
37299342Gender non confirming general? Gender non conforming general.: Femboys Enbies Tomboys I guess Where…[View]
37309400Why are trannies so fucking gullible: You tell a hon she passes, she believes it You tell a passoid …[View]
37309312What's the end game in straight rep4rep. Do they end up transitioning. Or mutual suicide?[View]
37297128Is there any hope for 30+ trans women?[View]
37305651what is her endgame? has she not noticed that republicans talk about us like rwandan radio host? doe…[View]
37305859Imagine becoming an atheist simply because it made you feel smarter and validated Believing that mu…[View]
37310570I am a fucking idiot. I was talking to this nazi femboy (obviously unloved child) with daddy and mom…[View]
37310629i ALWAYS survive! fuck you, death!: Death will take me when it deserves me. I just came out of a maj…[View]
37309438How can I prevent my own flat chest from being noticeable under a white shirt? Trying to manmode ov…[View]
37304884Twinkhons have the saddest eyes[View]
37308841Transitioned out of fear: Boys bullied me too much in school and I was afraid to fight back. So I st…[View]
37309184>be me >watch video about adhd >relate to it and think I might have this I hate myself for …[View]
37307757Becoming A Girl: My wife says i am ngmi but my daughter is telling me not to listen and to follow my…[View]
37307816What clothes should I buy for wonder as a FAT unpassoid tranny?: Fashion thread ig[View]
37307551going from subconsciously repping to consciously repping was a catastrophe.[View]
37302356i believe that most men have a secret desire to be women. but they are secretly hiding it because it…[View]
37309349what's a good job for a permaboymoder who has massive dysphoira attacks whenever they see a fem…[View]
37309697I need bipedo crushes cock bro[View]
37309425I FUCKING HATE THIS MOID BODY >torso like a brick >fat makes a flood wall on my waist >hair…[View]
37309780>brother invited me to go to the movies with him and told me to wear my girl clothes is this a da…[View]
37308883/gaygen/ - gay general: nerd bf edition prev >>37306489[View]
37309760How come insurance covers body dysmorphia (ffs or hormones) only if it's related to gender dysm…[View]
37306883>anti aging influencer twink >is 35 >no HRT…[View]
37309495what's UK SRS like?[View]
37304124Is a fulfilling life possible for AGP's with dysphoria? There's no way I can just meta-att…[View]
37305428>be me >HRT femboy, level 19 >really fucking weird genetics >twink face >innocent eye…[View]
37305571Can I rep and take HRT at the same time? I think my chances of ever passing as a woman are unlikely,…[View]
37308776idk why i’m so jealous of cis roommate it fills me with rage hearing her laugh talk or god forbid ha…[View]
37307846Makeup: Anyone else not pass without makeup or is it just me?[View]
37309624>that time a tranny tickled me in her bed i'm bringing these memories to the afterlife bros…[View]
37308735Troon in the wild?: Just spotted on the London Underground. It is a troon, right?[View]
37302496>have sex with men >go to hell >pretend to be a woman >go to hell i know that each perso…[View]
37307511Yaaaay!: The republic of Georgia saved their children from perverts! Also no more girlcocks getting…[View]
37309680>Do ye not fear twinkdeath?[View]
37309605Where are all the gay Latinos at?[View]
37309003Evil Satanic plot to trans Russian kids thwarted: On this day Russian legislature passed the bill ba…[View]
37308114is it bad or based to be a transbian because you are a huge chaser do people become transbians becau…[View]
37306621/chasergen/ Lost on Page 11 edition: Previous: >>37303207 Qott: There is no defined qott for t…[View]
37307151why are all the ftfemboys bottom brained?[View]
37307743“Why yes I AM a bottom. How did you know? What do you mean my expressions give me away? Don’t be sil…[View]
37309333>tell coworker im trans >omg really i had no idea?!? >her mom stops by >what’s his name?…[View]
37308804I'm not gonna cry at corpo representation I'm not gonna cry at corpo representation I…[View]
37307181Where do I find a coven of queer witches?[View]
37301773mtfg minecraft to fortnite general: last>>37293133 qott what's your favourite kind of wat…[View]
37309117As simple as this.[View]
37309237is it agp if i call my gf 'little princess'?[View]
37307639Theres a girl I love more than anything and she loves me. The problem she's a mentally ill tran…[View]
37304999Not even passing as trans: So after a period of manmoding I decided to stop giving a fuck and starte…[View]
37308386how do you feel about it?[View]
37307887Trans girls be like 'ugh I'm so insecure about my feet they're so big and gross!' and they…[View]
37308869Me and my trans kilometer long ancient dragon princess gf.[View]
37308616>6'2 mtf what reason do I have to exist[View]
37309112is it possible for a tranny to have medium length hair (ranging from neck to the top of the shoulder…[View]
37308902Hello, how can I prevent people from eating my shit? It's really annoying because of karma reas…[View]
37305035Who would you be in this scenario, the weak little betafag cuckson or the hyperdominant alpha male f…[View]
37302464There are men out there who have never so much as come near a vial of E but all they have to do is p…[View]
37308397Trans women be punks.You punken out for me girl, you my blowhole babe, my chul in you pooch.[View]
37308878I gotta troon out there's no point in this. It's just a torture mechanism.[View]
37302439my bf got me mcnuggies today(the spicy one). Does your bf love you so much he gets you mcnuggies?[View]
37308813Tired of repperhons talking shit: >what is a repperhon? A repper who would 100% be a hon if he tr…[View]
37307573Why do you all take joy in seeing FTMs struggle so much? You act like it's their choice to have…[View]
37307038as a self identified agp cis male on hrt i like baiting people into debates about my gender and gend…[View]
37308143>doesn't the word bisexual imply two gende- ACK![View]
37304743>tfw the ftm asks you to wear I condom hell no, I am a homosexual, and homosexuals don't use…[View]
37303273TNWO: One of my old fantasies is one where all the women are gone, and everyone is forced to take st…[View]
37308648We need delusion therapy for trans girl: When I say delusion therapy, what I mean is like, helping t…[View]
37308657/fbgen/ Femboy General: Fuck Jannies Edition Question of the day: What’s your favorite skincare prod…[View]
37308499japanese mtfs in 1960s[View]
37306170some of you ought to be nicer to yourselves[View]
37308583Girls belong with girls.[View]
37306032Are fujos real? Like, if my bf and I meet some weird weeaboo girl and we all get drunk at our place,…[View]
37307137i dont care if i lived my life as a 'man' for 22 years, i can't understand men. I dont care if …[View]
37306489/gaygen/ - worst korea edition: prev >>37304930[View]
37307753i am straight[View]
37293168Why are mtf tranners so high IQ? The average IQ is between 120-125. Literally brainmogging every oth…[View]
37305755I can't cope with being a bi meta-attracted AGP tranny anymore IT'S OVER[View]
37307205LGBT Group therapy sucks: Just need to vent off to the void here. I went to a group therapy session …[View]
37308324Androphilia is akin to zoophilia[View]
37306009why do you speak like cult leaders?[View]
37308293I I desire to lick the anus of that fine young, shemale beauty that I now see regularly in the super…[View]
37308098How can I tell this is an autogynaphile motivated by sexual reasons and not a trutrans[View]
37306389a question: how do you people lead clueless individuals on and not feel guilty about. i swear, every…[View]
37302156I've seen this image on facebook 3 times in the past 24 hours from 3 different sources[View]
37307600Your childhood best friend wanted to fuck you when you transitioned. Mine stopped talking to me enti…[View]
37306550i want to be short i want to be short i want to be short why do i have to feel so tall[View]
37307135why does every MtF x straight guy couple look like this[View]
37306073do I pass in optimal lighting conditions and good angle? https://unsee cc/album#XNerdfTeBnqo[View]
37303949Ftm agp real?: >be me, pooner girlmoder >acted like a bimbo/autist all childhood >never gre…[View]
37307857anyone else have absolutely no plan? im slowly feminizing myself, doing hrt, switching out my clothe…[View]
37307638what do you know about the Gay Liberation Front? are you clueless, anon?[View]
37307462I have to be agp!: >was very feminine in childhood >came out gay ar puberty >still wanted…[View]
37306402How much can you know about your sexuality if you are a virgin? For example, can you know whether yo…[View]
37306722if I had a horrible PI srs when I go for revisions would it be possible to switch it to a sigmoid or…[View]
37307321I'm not very assertive IRL. I'm mtf, and I wasn't assertive before HRT either, and I …[View]
37307484A question for fellow cis men on this board: do you have any weird memories about gender ? I remembe…[View]
37306912As a repper I wish I just magically grew ovaries so I could take HRT with none of the responsibility…[View]
37298329Yet another terf wins big in the UK courts[View]
37307427the letters should kiss each other[View]
37306540How can I look like this as a 21 year old guy?[View]
37290286/lesgen/ - Lesbian General: /lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discus…[View]
37306532If you believe in Blanchard's ideology, then you CANNOT believe FTMs are real.[View]
37307315My story being a faggot: I think I get why gay people and trannies fetishize straight men so much. I…[View]
37305134help: my boyfriend won’t do missionary with me because he doesn’t wanna see my dick, is this excruci…[View]
37306246women are unironically mentally/emotionally stronger than men if a man is short he will melt down an…[View]
37305253i'm going to die without ever having sex. i will perish alone as a virgin because no man will e…[View]
37305439I like choking out trannies while I pound their butts, ideally until they pass out. I just like remi…[View]
37305837How do you know that those women who put dildos in their panties are cis women and not passing trans…[View]
37306832Years before starting hrt I looked at a sissy voice training post on reddit (was repping at the time…[View]
37306893GF is sexualizing my HRT: She does things like spanking me before administratoring the estrogen dose…[View]
37306249>Florida Was Their Home. Anti-Trans Laws Led Them to Flee I HATE the cishet white male patriarchy…[View]
37306992What do we have to do to normalize the idea of cis gay men who look like this?[View]
37306983as a kid did anyone else think they were secretly born with a vagina?: i was born with hypospadias s…[View]
37306401what would you do if you came across a boymoder that was thinking, forming her own thoughts and opin…[View]
37306046How bad is it if you see m2fs do a double take to look at your face? Were they trying to clock me at…[View]
37304499If Zendaya got bigger boobs, she would be prettier than Hunter[View]
37306875Are fetishists trans? Like If someone gets hard crossdressing and jorks it to either tf porn or siss…[View]
37306748how agp are you: are you based agp or ashamed agp[View]
37306060liberty or tranny: you can't have both[View]
37304836Why did taking hrt make my dog start trying to hump me all the time? I need a real answer from non p…[View]
37305323what if everyone in the world was under a spell that made them genuinely see you as a cute cis woman…[View]
37306212Riddle me this troons If you are a real woman Why do you smell like a man[View]
37305003Why are so many trans girls into incest?[View]
37304277terf is a slur[View]
37303574what makes ftms so breedable?[View]
37305701Something I've noticed: >Most transgenders online and irl are MtF, but >Most transgenders…[View]
37304030What is gender?[View]
37304393Is colonization the sole reason most African countries have deeply homophobic/transphobic laws and c…[View]
37306309I'm putting together a team.[View]
37305888How do I break the curse: How do I get hips god has cursed me with his most clocks hips and I need t…[View]
37305077gays are gross >:(: only straight people can love. anything else is a form of fetish. thats why i…[View]
37305743Get rid of rapehons bring back traditional gender roles push the image of the trans trad wife force …[View]
37306325im done with men so i want to date girls now but most of them are way shorter than me and i have hei…[View]
37304672do any other poons want to be etherealy masculine?: how should we cope about never being able to loo…[View]
37306320>local youngshit says you just need to try harder and stop being such a gross gigahon…[View]
37304641Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene: If somehow she had Hitler-like autocratic control over…[View]
37305328>be girlmoder ftm >get gendered as a girl by strangers >get sad I'm a fucking moron.…[View]
37304930/gaygen/ BDSM edition: prev >>37303343[View]
37305902how to stop being a boymoder neet: I graduated and now have no job nor any future, rotting in my roo…[View]
37303339>moving to a new state soon >have been watching tiktok live streamers in the new state because…[View]
37303691for trannies: how many of you were on SSRIs and other psychopharma drugs before being prescribed hor…[View]
37304754bisexual artists manifesto: what did you think about it?[View]
37305996Is it bad that I want an older gf as an 18 year old trans girl?[View]
37305793is estrogen skin an actual thing? could someone actual tell i take it because of it or does it just …[View]
37305868Anyone who transitioned earlier than me is a privileged psychopath youngshit who doesn't know h…[View]
37305907PROG IS MAKIGN ME SO EMOTIONAL I HATE IT ive been crying so since ive been taking it[View]
37305627Gimmie a 'B'! Gimmie an 'O'! Gimmie a 'Y'![View]
37302751How do you feel about the Las Vegas sphere broadcasting the word 'terf' in front of millions of tour…[View]
37305815Is it true that trans women like experiencing misogyny because it affirms their gender?[View]
37305819Ever since the Russo-Ukraine war started, I vowed to fuck my tranny gf who is Russian Arab until it …[View]
37300816Why the hate against drag queens?: I got kicked from a trans discord server because I said I perform…[View]
37305782I'm feeling really scared about the future of America. Being a sexual minority is hard enough b…[View]
37297649Tomorrow i'm going to ask one of my friends out, she's probably straight but i feel like s…[View]
37304405im a manmoder and feel a lump on one of my testicles and im kinda concerned but scared to see a doct…[View]
37305293Is 6.3 inches length enough to satisfy anyone Asking as a non sex haver about to have sex with gf t…[View]
37305245>Reggaeton star Nicky Jam seems to be rolling back his support for Donald Trump after the Republi…[View]
37304938pls help: my voice is so bad and everyone asks me what my pronouns are and calls me 'they' even with…[View]
37304536were you there?[View]
37304667Do you also send your boymoder sometimes pictures of prettier women and ask them why they can‘t look…[View]
37305178there is no tranny gene: but there is an autism gene which is what most tranners got from one of the…[View]
37304164i can't do face-to-face customer service jobs anymore. its an anti-tranny job. what is the fast…[View]
37300946>be bi m2f >consider myself mostly into women >start HRT >suddenly become a LOT more att…[View]
37297822I am a trans woman and my younger brother is a trans man. Is this common?[View]
37304592>look very feminine and girly >have a completely masculine personality How am I supposed to c…[View]
37304392Friends??: How do you make people interested in you or like, make friends in general I guess. I feel…[View]
37305152I'm totally gonna get a girlfriend next year right? It has to happen, it has to, I've wait…[View]
37297281I got married but I'm sad: I got married last month. We had a small function. I invited my pare…[View]
37300841I love my trans gf: She's cute and adorable. Her milk and her other milk are sweet and deliciou…[View]
37303800>be trans woman >like men exclusively, only want to talk to women as friends >be monogamous…[View]
37301496it makes me so sad that im not a pretty trans girl. all the pretty girlies get attention and complim…[View]
37304414It's so frustrating how everyone denies flaws existence.: MTF spaces are so hugboxxy that one c…[View]
37305102good morning:)[View]
37287708/st4tgen/ - st4t general: /st4tgen/ is the general for st4t (mtf x ftm) discussion and topics QOTT: …[View]
37299935This board taught me that I not actually gay: Thank you all so much, I started to genuinely believe …[View]
37304275Sissy?: This 'sissy' didn't seem to be in to sissy stuff. He is addicted to lesbian porn and se…[View]
37305058None of these words are in the Bible[View]
37303504they should make us bottoms a subscription service where we can pay to have a big strong top tell us…[View]
37299498I had sex with a man and feel like I can never be redeemed anons I feel disgusted with myself Burn…[View]
37301298who else is a monster /tttt/?[View]
37303207/chasergen/ -- moo deng edition: >QOTT: Would you call yourself an individual of discernment?…[View]
37304831I don’t know why trans people are so obsessed with looking like the opposite gender. The other day I…[View]
37303343/gaygen/ - jukebox edition: https://youtube.com/watch?v=NRItL62qexg[View]
37304477LGBT cookery thread: Have you made anything tasty to eat lately?[View]
37304130If the best you can get are creepy chasers and bottom of the barrel men instead of conventionally at…[View]
37302898want to be short: i think being tall is one of my biggest insecurities. i see myself as a giant and …[View]
37304781Spot the flaws.[View]
37302535testosterone RUINED my nose. I will manmode until this is remedied[View]
37296186Why are there so few FtM content creators?[View]
37304429Rabbi poem: Is that trans? https://web.archive.org/web/20190106224258/https://www.cuilpress.com/2017…[View]
37301257give me a reason why i shouldn't walk to the closest bridge right now and jump off it. last tim…[View]
37304681I never met a bottom who didn't cheat, and I know a lot of bottoms[View]
37299658transgirls need strong handsome hairy bfs to keep them warm and safe[View]
37304637I finally convinced my sugar daddy to pay for my nose job im so happy im finally going to feel perfe…[View]
37304711is there a way to KILL body hair growth without hrt or laser?[View]
37304609how to cope being a manmodder with c cups at 5ft7[View]
37299040gender dysphoria is a psyop actually. a few years ago i convinced myself i was ftm and i genuinely f…[View]
37303775Can chasers be cured of their affliction somehow?[View]
37304491Why does HRT switch some peoples sexuality but doesn't for others?[View]
37304583Are leftist white women secretly homophobic?[View]
37302081Has anyone here been a victim of coercive psychiatry? I know a lot of LGBT people have had negative…[View]
37304342If a man loses his penis in a particularly brutal snowmobile accident, does that make him a woman?[View]
37304358kink was always at pride btw[View]
37303228trannie bros been real quite since this dropped[View]
37303914Do straight trans women prefer straight cis men to bi cis men for long term relationships and settli…[View]
37304444I said I loved you, and you told me I loved me too. I believed you, and I'm starting to wish yo…[View]
37303231i want a short boyfriend i want a short boyfriend i want a short boyfriend i want a short boyfriend[View]
37296676I think ftms should be allowed to transition but their doctors should require them to take finasteri…[View]
37302228Trannies should only date men[View]
37303613how do i cope with the fact that no one will ever see me as a woman no matter what i do because i sh…[View]
37303740>us election >look inside >ban youngshits or ban 'assault weapons' can someone please just …[View]
37292943FTM Insta Pass: Why don't trans men pick up male hobbies, like cars? What's the ratio of t…[View]
37301869i have sex with cis women but i like cuddling and hugging and everything else with trans women more.…[View]
37301971A magical fairy offers you a transformation with conditions. You will become a normal cis female in…[View]
37299053ldr toy: has anyone else here used lovense before? i bought a vibe from there recently and it just a…[View]
37304209trannies of /lgbt/, would you rather fuck 1) a child or 2) a nigger ? honest answers only please[View]
37301921I can’t accept that I’m gay.[View]
37304004Lgbt humor thread: Post your funnies[View]
37301768That would be a terrible thing to do, wouldn’t it be, F1NN5TER?[View]
37298614Eat more for fem curves! Mfw my belly looks fatter: I'll never get lower body fat[View]
37302663>10 pm and procrastinating on assignments >gelato shop 15 min walk from my apt is still open …[View]
37300016>tired of being alone >get tired when hanging out with people go back to being alone >want …[View]
37293111Was this whole thing meant to be a forced egg crack?[View]
37302542what to do with life?: >mtf >30s >no money (stimulus 1200 was most i ever had at once) …[View]
37301018Why does this board hugbox bogged hons?[View]
37301886If you like german girls you are gay, they look like men. French girls are the best.[View]
37302822Girls belong with girls.[View]
37300568>start hrt kinda young for 'dysphoria' and boymode but now a lot of time passed and i kind of loo…[View]
37303858Where'd the cute anon who posted herself earlier go?: If you're still here you're rea…[View]
37303878>be me incel >I fucked a mutitaled pooner without tits because troons are men and pooners are…[View]
37298181Summoning ritual for a fat cocked tranny cowmodder[View]
37290608Why haven't you gotten SRS yet, anon?[View]
37303719this is all very bleak[View]
37299634How do you balance the femininity you want to project with the virility of your male sex drive that …[View]
37301369What's the best way to tell my best friend that I want her to have sex with my boyfriend while …[View]
37301924I just realized I've never actually been gay ever and I was just coping because I wasn't o…[View]
37301092>there are transwomen here who claim they transitioned for 'female privilege' or because it turns…[View]
37303600Would you make FtM pregnant?[View]
37294959Why are transbians such rapists?[View]
37303248Have y’all seen the uglies movie on Netflix yet ? Something about a POC transwomen bimbofying the t…[View]
37303386>cis (CIA) male >sniff my own armpit >enthralled by the rich and wet sparkle of savory arom…[View]
37301841>gf insists on staying with me after I transition >start to pass >she gets really excited a…[View]
37302292curious how big my tits would b: what if i take hrt just to feel my noobs[View]
37301529finasteride to spironolactone: ive been taking 1mg finasteride for 5 months to slow down hair loss. …[View]
37291946Is craving sex with large violent alpha males AGP or HSTS?[View]
37301108I want to get cucked.[View]
37300264interesting bias: 'transwoman' vs 'trans woman': mtf here. today i noticed something while playing w…[View]
37303299is there any creature lower than the /chasergen/ tripfag?[View]
37303151if girls are supposed to like boys, then why do I want to have a penis and have sex w/ girls[View]
37241502Leave an anonymous message for the person you love or hate the most, that thing you've always w…[View]
37301403the queen has spoken[View]
37302619is she a psyop?[View]
37302495any other mtfs terrible at sex?: im constantly horny but any time im actually in a sexual encounter …[View]
37301966Trans woman are a mysoginists greatest friend (And romantic partner)[View]
37302980Being a straight trans woman today is like being Jewish in 1939.[View]
37302799>glancing at EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE man constantly thru entire length of lab >he looks at me …[View]
37297374In your opinion, which games/genres are the most fembrained or malebrained[View]
37300605It’s over for kallmannmoders: >gross eunuchoidal skeletal proportions >grows into a fucking gi…[View]
37302145What is it that causes transgender individuals to so harshly over diagnose dysphoria? If you were to…[View]
37302435Pooner affirmations: I am holy I am divine I am everything I am a god I am lord I am death[View]
37301542do i suck at measuring?: the past few times ive measured my body, my underbust has been 37 inches, b…[View]
37301683/ChaserGen/: Qott: Are you single? Q4T: what something you wish most chasers knew Prev: >>372…[View]
37297502Looking at elliot page made me decide not to transition[View]
37302418I drank too much and forgot I was still wearing my frog onesie when I answered the door to get the p…[View]
37301815Is it weird/bad/fraudulent if the only women I relate to are otaku or women who read a lot? I'm…[View]
37301785Is this popular brazilian tiktoker trans?: https://www.tiktok.com/@angelarrochista My boyfriend keep…[View]
37300674I blame this nigga for the pooner hate train.[View]
37301025trannies make me hard why?[View]
37298602im socially awkward and was cursed with stupid thin hair that never looks nice. i dont see the point…[View]
37302083im supposedly bi but every time i see a pretty girl i just feel jealous and envious[View]
37302194Anatomy of a thread: this was a month ago. if you're out there, any update, OP? https://archive…[View]
37301831I want to try dating a passoid >t. cute twink[View]
37288245It seems multiple kink related generals have been banned form the board. Does that mean that kinky t…[View]
37291293The United Kingdom vs. The United States: Would you rather be a middle class trans girl is the US or…[View]
37301860>sm ik lmao rly wt abt u tho yk fr why do trannies talk like this?[View]
37294895>be me >mtf passoid >got implants >got sick >gonna remove them to see if they are the…[View]
37301879Why are gay men obsessed with AI generated images?: I swear, they seem to be the letter who uses AI …[View]
37301786goodnight :)[View]
37296011I'm a femme gay man.: Why can't people accept themselves as being gay and feminine, rather…[View]
37301521Friendly reminder that the easist way to organically strike up convos with strangers is literally pu…[View]
37296583Can schoolboys transition?[View]
37299569Is it possible to pass as male while being 5'1 or should I just become a gayden and shotamaxx?[View]
37297660i used to masturbate like every day but ever since i had my first prostate orgasm coomed so much i d…[View]
37300870>just found out that my classmate(18) was on hrt for 5 years... It's over, even my thirdie s…[View]
37301539college advice.?: im a freshman and i just moved in like 3 weeks ago. i havent made any friends at a…[View]
37301637Born to top forced to bottom thats life[View]
37301431Odd horny question I know, and I'm sorry, but have you guys seen any trans girls wearing leggin…[View]
37301218now that ive had ffs (6 months ago) people look at me more. is that bad[View]
37299388How do I cope with the fact that I am a lonely tranny that haven't got a hug in like 2 years, I…[View]
37297585I don't know how to voice train[View]
37298822I’ve been on mtf hrt for 12 years and I’m getting into a toxic relationship with a 25 year old babyt…[View]
37301107i envy the babytrans: i am in my final year of college, and i have been on hrt for 4 years. I go to …[View]
37301035>21 >6'2 >18 inch shoulders Should I even bother starting HRT…[View]
37293991is this really what transgirls think when they date chasers?[View]
37300872even if i do get gendered female i can tell men are absolutely revolted by me and my more andro or b…[View]
37300221Why is MTF + blue collar worker the most kino pairing?[View]
37297483>be ftm >just want to look like a badass wizard >cursed with twink teenage boy genetics Wha…[View]
37301114why didn't you save him you fucking faggots? why did you let him become a psycho anarcho-primit…[View]
37300135>I am a classy lady not a prostitute, and I expect to be treated like a lady! >As I'm sur…[View]
37300003My pp hurts when I get a girl boner and I kind of like the pain.[View]
37299901Since starting hrt animals and small children seem to like me why?: I don't get it my cat who u…[View]
37300709the fbi comes here with a new magical detector which instantly can tell if you are really trans or j…[View]
37290185FTMG: QOTT1: Beach or forest? GOTT2: Most aesthetic animal? (Post pic) COTT3: Current favorite song …[View]
37299557Do LGBT folks also get sick of the diversity crap in media? Or do you like being normalized?[View]
37301003there should be a pinned thread on this board with picrel and the message below attached: This pla…[View]
37300934This man is in charge of most dating apps.[View]
37298981>be boymoder >lecture hall got moved to a room with a ton of big circular tables >get their…[View]
37295468is it over for them?[View]
37300412do trannies really like men the way cis women do or is it just for an article for them to feel femin…[View]
37299391How do i get on ozempic and stop being a gross big tranny so i can be a gross little one[View]
37300595Should women leave their husbands before they troon out or try and fight dysphoria together?[View]
37299313any ftm repressors online rn? what r u up to[View]
37297423Dypshoria feels idk: What makes you dysphoric /lgbt/? How do you cope with it? Or do you let it cons…[View]
37302718/hdg/ Human Domestication Guide General: 'There an hours old thread with someones dick out, but sure…[View]
37300777I've noticed the recent trend of cutters and larpers on here. How disgraceful.[View]
37300278i want to post the execs from my schools lgbt club and have ppl here identify their letters so bad[View]
37300545It should be illegal for FtMs to be on high doses/too long on t. We want them cute, not mutilated[View]
37299333i'm not making it, i need to study to get a fucking job, to get fucking money to get my fucking…[View]
37299025post good tranny haircuts[View]
37293474comfortable boymoder: how do you feel about a boymoder who is just comfortable and content? she can …[View]
37293959Transitioning is just Peter pan Syndrom, trying to prolong puberty.[View]
37300532was Raiden ftm coded? he has wide hips and a packer with a femme face. was kojima based and on our s…[View]
37300232>some of you are agp men >some of you are too porn addicted >t4t is actually childish …[View]
37300168Depression is at a new low. Therapy doesn't help and meds don't work, I think I'm fuc…[View]
37300359is this gay?: my friend told me that i'm 'pretty like a girl'. is that gay thing to do?[View]
37284208Post your favorite character bingo, post letters: Here's mine. It's a poorly edited piece …[View]
37297574Any other straight top trans guys here? I can't be the only one surely.[View]
37298160/cis gaygen/ - find a hobby edition: All trans discussions and bi matters considered off-topic. Prev…[View]
37300291nearly all political issues related to trans healthcare would be resolved if the age at which you st…[View]
37300301>be cis bi man >fall in love with a transman >we agree to a polyamorus relationship where e…[View]
37300290how can a boymoder get a cumtown bf????[View]
37298973I need a boyfriend to cum inside my butt every night until I get pregnant.[View]
37294673How to date a trans girl as a boomer(32)? As I get older and hotter I'm obviously becoming more…[View]
37299383failure to orgasm: What gives? And how do I fix it? >finally one day decide to finger myself >…[View]
37300038What should you do as a 27 yo trans girl when a 18 yo cis girl is into you and said they want to kis…[View]
37299729Does it suck when you are invalid: Your sexual trauma is invalid, your disability is invalid, your t…[View]
37299015As a 5’6 cis male I earnestly believe all afabs should be denied from transitioning entirely. There …[View]
37298372you guys are fucking retards: you look like a man with gyno estrogen shrinks the prostate, making it…[View]
37293749/hdg/ -> /trash/ Migration Thread: >>>/trash/69198833 Due to issues with mods, future th…[View]
37299889>be brown >almost exclusively attracted to white men (in real life) Why does this seem to be a…[View]
37298811After 2 years hrt my dick started to bend upward how do i fix this[View]
37298168/chasergen/ - the weeeeeeed edition: do u smoke weed old >>37295887[View]
37299482I'm pretty sure the trans community is the only community in existence where there's a NEG…[View]
37299007>all the well paying jobs are mens jobs >finally score one after years of low paying bs >do…[View]
37294523how do I look more feminine[View]
37298105need some good recommendations for starting out with makeup: need something easy and cheap to start …[View]
37298121Being a woman is when you are a VAPID BIMBO WHORE and being a man is when you are a RACIST UNFEELING…[View]
37297447Have any of you ever been in a relationship where you both transitioned in opposite directions?[View]
37295705poly people are weird[View]
37299472>ugly hon that doesn't get misgendered >voice passoid is there a greater hell than this f…[View]
37299076Is it possible for me to pass eventually? Will ffs unfuck my face? I'm boymoding currently, 20 …[View]
37299248i want a cute boyfriend but im scared of going outside[View]
37297306>average ladyboy latin/asian brown enjoyer[View]
37299544I just want to be looked after... I live in an abusive and controlling household so being myself is …[View]
37299104Does your signature pass?[View]
37290931/mmg/ manmoder general: Celebrity lookalikes edition QOTT: what celebrity do you get told you look l…[View]
37293934another day, another episode of wanting to tear my flesh and bones apart[View]
37285024/agpgen/ - Autogynephilia General: Magical Makeover Edition Post your /x/ tier justification for ha…[View]
37296100is it stupid that i as a trans guy am dysphoric about the fact that most of my hobbies and interests…[View]
37297310>browse /lgbt/ >interesting discussion, horny talk i enjoy, people expressing themselves in wa…[View]
37298237>talk to a nice person on discord >fat fuck finger fumble my phone while trying to sleep >a…[View]
37299179Am I the asshole?: Am I 'entailed' for thinking my parents have an obligation to take care of me, as…[View]
37299008i feel really bad and i have nobody[View]
37297132>walk into college class >sit down >attendance sheet being passed around >it gets to me …[View]
37296539>be me 33m >my partner is a 36mtf (this will be relevant later) >went to interview for a jo…[View]
37294485Why are gay men obsessed with armpits and body odor[View]
37297448I don’t think I wanna be a woman: I just wanna look like this guy.[View]
37298118how would dragon ball work if goku was called gocku and he took estrogen until she looked like this?[View]
37298997>since i'm no longer a man i can cope my problems by channeling my self-hatred into misandry…[View]
37297625what do you think about DIY orchiectomy?[View]
37299050Can cis men use she/her pronouns?[View]
37296904My repping strategy: >be 29yo repper >thoughts of wanting to be a woman have persisted since I…[View]
37297861>buy blanchard's encyclopedia of agp >look inside >misogyny…[View]
37298264German Girls get me so fucking stiff and I'm gay[View]
37298581Cringe loser: I want a equally as mentally ill trans gf, so we can enable each others unhealthy habi…[View]
37295508why do people say there are no people who transitioned young and lived to old age? you can literally…[View]
37297074if we forcefem / trans more men....lets say, we fem the most bottomish men. this will mean more gfs …[View]
37295041People always say that eating like shit will turn you into a fat pig, but my bad diet growing up jus…[View]
37292563I went on a date with a cis boy and he took me to McDonald's. I thought it would be bad but it …[View]
37298860Advice on how to spot OCPD people when I’m out and about? I think my life would be complete by havin…[View]
37298541advice to look more feminine?: hoooow tf do i look like a proper female. no acne so i dont need skin…[View]
37297982>transitioned like 4 years ago >had ffs, pass well enough now what do i do now…[View]
37298694>when i'm horny i like having a dick and wish it were physically larger so i could have a ma…[View]
37298488Every month I order takeout of the spiciest food on the menu from my local Thai restaurant. Anyway s…[View]
37297046mtfs: why are you misogynistic?: >women, even if transphobic, won't be violent towards you …[View]
37298210Is this true? You can take estrogen and it probably won't even make you grow breasts? Why didn…[View]
37294317/Seniors Gen/: 25+ year old thread: >QotT What was the last book you read or are currently readin…[View]
37297643We all know about the correlation between being rich and being conservative. But what about the cor…[View]
37286257I love men so much. I want to be a man's plaything and milk his cock until there's no love…[View]
37298368I'm sorry if you hate me, but I have no choice: Look, deep down, in my soul, I know that suicid…[View]
37296804At what point is it safe to say girl moding isn't possible?: Body is too masculine and brick fo…[View]
37296713would you adopt a trans pubbyboy?[View]
37294001does whats in your fridge pass?[View]
37295973>IT'S MA'AM Now that the dust has settled, was it ma'am?…[View]
37294681My roommate made a joke about how my mtf ex gf raped me so I trapped him in the bathroom and said I’…[View]
37298148being a feminized male slut permanently on estrogen beats the hell out of trying to be a man[View]
37295893trannies BTFO by 1st century philosopher[View]
37296632/gaygen/ - bi4gay edition: prev >>37293905[View]
37295845The concept of AGP is so fucking strange. How the hell can you get off to yourself?[View]
37297427I'm 24 and balding. Is it too late to transition?[View]
37297913when did everyone turn into a therian, that's all I see on trans twitter and reddit[View]
37293716What do trannies think of nietzsche?[View]
37295749What is the point of having a beard and still growing your tiddies with estrogen?[View]
37295020Someone please send help. I've been on estrogen for a few months now and Im still a horny slut.…[View]
37297532art gender dysphoria: My oil painted orcs weren't selling, I did a few magical girls and they s…[View]
37296765>early transitioner, started at 15 >exclusively androphillic >androgynous before transition…[View]
37297602Do trans girls have any similar effects on the boys they date?[View]
37295799ancient trannies: https://www.digitaltransgenderarchive.net/files/gq67jr38r[View]
37292283How can trans women even compete?[View]
37290124Do cisfem chasers prefer pre-op or post-op I'm kind of 50/50 on srs[View]
37294387Cross-/ic/ question: Will transitioning (MtF) fuck up my career as an artist if I ever decided to st…[View]
37297210I heard a civil war is coming and I'm scared. I'm not much of a combatant. I don't wa…[View]
37295887/chasergen/ - room edition: qott: what's your setup?? old >>37292506[View]
37296183i don't need transition: you know guys i think i can live normal cishet male life. cool, right?…[View]
37294529Why do so many trans men believe in ghosts, spirits, and things that go bump in the night? My pooner…[View]
37292273tranner left chaser right is the most kino pairing[View]
37293839Punishing boymoders: Should a punishment for prolonged boymoding be locking up the said boymoder in …[View]
37293386cuddling with a trans girl while she calls me good boy would be kinda qt[View]
37288633trans world: A new fantasy I have is one where all the women are gone, and everyone is forced to tak…[View]
37295609why can't men be lesbians but women can be gay? >gay is gender neutral and lesbian isn'…[View]
37294532He's right, you know.[View]
37295153>so anon what do you identify as :)[View]
37295323how do you get past the need for love and learn to accept that trans = unlovable without it being pa…[View]
37293048Tranny porn is just gay porn with extra steps.[View]
37295336transition over 20 doesn't exist. there is only trooning out if you are already a man. repping …[View]
37295801I LOVE GIRLSMELL[View]
37294989Have you noticed that trans people never behave like a gender that they are pretending to be? FtMs b…[View]
37296273is he a repper[View]
37295361How do chasers handle having a gf with dick and balls.[View]
37296791Can I get a breast reduction if I'm mtf with b cups?[View]
37295815I'm a gynophile. I love vaginas a lot, and I think vaginas are just really aesthetic and neat a…[View]
37294517Last Thing You See Before: We all know death comes for us all and, what’s that? The Grim Reaper is h…[View]
37296658I know that gender ideology is a plot by the Jews to destroy the west: But I really liked transition…[View]
37295501Why can't you speak like normal people?[View]
37294402How do you differentiate a real trans woman from a rapehon?[View]
37294611pooners still share and communicate using typical female language, acronyms and media trannies still…[View]
37296611boymoders how would you react if your bf started taking you to the boymoder shelter to put you up fo…[View]
37295752Twinkdeath anons, why exactly aren't you himbomaxxing? >fin+min to maintain hair >skincar…[View]
37296574I'll marry any trans girl who is gassy and willing to sit on my face[View]
37292884/BMG/: Do we still have boymoder generals? I miss them QOTD: What game are you addicted to rn?…[View]
37295304Anyone planning a breakup?: Imminently or in the further future.[View]
37293568Is Iran and other sexually repressed third world countries unironically good sex tourism destination…[View]
37282943how do i force myself to be asexual?: i NEED to rid myself of these feelings, the desire to be touch…[View]
37296158as a genuine midwit & autistic boy i cant stand talking to trannies because most of the time it …[View]
37296222Where’s my hon thread?: Post hons plz[View]
37291628do i need ffs for my browbone?: i know i need ffs in general but im wondering if i need it on my bro…[View]
37295762Trannies and AGPs are intellectually superior to us cis MEF scum... I kneele![View]
37294452i would nuke cities for adore delano, jasmine, marcia marcia marcia, and farrah moan[View]
37293905Gaygen Boyfriend Cosplay Edition: Have you ever dressed up in a costume with your boyfriend? Previou…[View]
37295493The book that explains why you’re a transsexual: But do you really want to know? >This remarkable…[View]
37295834>seven months poondose, one month oral minoxidil >minimal vocal changes >minimal fat redis…[View]
37293677Holy shit why did no one tell me: Just bought some blue and red wigs, fake tits, a fake pussy, panti…[View]
37292506/chasergen/ - no edition: chasers, you're good to your tranners right??[View]
37295755My bf told me before he met me he was a black pilled incel who thought trans women had extremely hig…[View]
37289734Testosterone just objectively makes you uglier and anyone who says otherwise is coping. Ugliness has…[View]
37293369You are a prisoner in repper jail. There are two doors. Enter one and you will escape and become a y…[View]
37295683I don't understand incels in the LGBT community. If you are gay, there is nothing easier than g…[View]
37293025>fucked up my shot cause my hands were shaking from withdrawals >blood all over my clothes …[View]
37295522Remember: Every Hon could have been a beautiful passoid if they trooned early enough There is atleas…[View]
37295436What the fuck did the algo just suggest me, /lgbt/? >drunk in public >autistic >elf ears …[View]
37294063>'i was 5'10 before hrt' >'now I'm 5'7 because of soft tissue loss from hormone…[View]
37291230Everyone loves passoids: >>>/gif/27865783 Passoids, literally I am sore jerking off to pass…[View]
37294907did i give myself ROGD?: >be me, 20 >have no desire to transition at all, almost considered ta…[View]
37294749Looking for someone to practice German with: Yo imma straight tranny with highly conversational Germ…[View]
37295125>parents divorced for 6 months after i trooned out >ever since I transitioned dad and have bee…[View]
37288798Kat, No one thinks you look like a woman in any shape or form. You're shoulders are broader tha…[View]
37295286i want a european rally driver twink bf now now now[View]
37292304Being a bi bottom: Heteros: >You're just a gay bottom Gays: >You're just heterosexua…[View]
37295190I want to look younger then I am because I am a cis male with MEF. It ruins my fantasies to be a res…[View]
37294280Does your gas lighting pass? If you aren’t being passive aggressive and lying in your interactions w…[View]
37294806It’s over. I’ve had to work so hard just for a chance I can save her. It’s not like I’m special, I k…[View]
37293823i sure hope this new psychiatrist will take my tranny issues seriously[View]
37292952Why would you want to be the ugly sex instead of the pretty sex?: You have to have some degree of di…[View]
37158758/wcg/ - Webcomics General: Butte Edition Previous thread >>37051777 Comics we know of, all of …[View]
37292412If you prefer trannies over biological women then you're autogynephilic.[View]
37292911There are basically 2 different kinds of tranny chasers. One is the kind who's a lazy incel thi…[View]
37293468Could a trans girl ever love a caveman?[View]
37294958>can't pretend to be an enby to cope because I'm too malebrained and enbies are fembrai…[View]
37293045What could I do to pass better?[View]
37293393I am a cis man: I am not a tranny. I am a cis man that is on HRT, got FFS, breast implants, hip impl…[View]
37294006You are a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs, but that doesn't…[View]
37294919I hate being an ugly hon lately I've been unable to sleep so now I have giant dark circles unde…[View]
37294911What ever happened to Estradiocese?[View]
37293658Why are 60-80% of trans women ”lesbians” when this holds true for maybe only 5% of cis women? Wouldn…[View]
37294503I go on walks in the middle of the night around my campus almost every day but I haven't been r…[View]
37294562What makes FtMs so breedable? I want to make them pregnant[View]
37294385Friendly reminder that even with HRT and surgery, the likelihood of being able to pass is low unless…[View]
37294150i just found out that my bf’s ex is a gigahon and want to kms. how do you even cope your bf being a …[View]
37288727Where did they go: What happened to femboy general?[View]
37291369furthermore proving blainchard is wrong: >consult the fucking image…[View]
37294431being a straight guy sucks: >tfw have only felt the desire for intimacy or romance with men >m…[View]
37294401You guys definitely the easiest to trigger here. Why so tense buddy? Want me to rub your shoulder a …[View]
37296454/LGBTWN/ General: This is the first edition of LGBTWN: LGBT + White Nationalism. It is for the disc…[View]
37294258to minimize gender based alianation, the gender divide should have more women then men. if it were 6…[View]
37293966I took hrt its been like 2 hours I don't feel shit did I get scammed?[View]
37294320Ogrehons of 4chan, how do you numb the pain?[View]
37294142>>>/trash/69201243 my fellow trans, you're all extremely welcome to join us in /flg/ -…[View]
37294332i just want to be held. i want to be rocked back and forth. i want to be appreciated. but apparently…[View]
37293938It's so over[View]
3729424299% of trans people don't pass and are just autists who thought taking hormones would magically…[View]
37294102is there a trans board or am I just silly: heya Im just a little lost on this website I dunno how it…[View]
37294008>tell people I'm 6'1' pre hrt >tell people I'm 5'8' now I'm 5'10…[View]
37293317Did I get molested?: So I'm taking the ACE(adverse childhood experience) test. Doing pretty wel…[View]
37292231When I was a kid, one day I put a finger into my ass. That day defined the majority of my future: an…[View]
37293725I shot my only chance in the back of the head: >be me, mtf >come out to friend at 13 >fall…[View]
37294035any detroon that wasn't physically forced to do it detroons for a fetish. i'm tired of you…[View]
37294024CRUSH ADVICE PLEASE: i have a friend who has a crush on someone in their school but theyre autistic …[View]
37293280>doctors said I was gonna be a girl >be born male Wtf happened?…[View]
37293881where to find tranners as an equal opportunity chaser near fingoloid yurop[View]
37292047is it normal for younger tranners to like older guys?: I'm a 30 y.o. guy and I matched with a 2…[View]
37291911Do women always prefer cuddly making out/cuddling/touching to actual sex? I'm ftm and I've…[View]
37286166Regretting transition....: It would be way cooler to be a regular man, tall, hairy, and to have a ho…[View]
37292948FEMALE. PENIS.[View]
37290824>shitskins are extremely homophobic and transphobic >supports left wing ideologies Are you guy…[View]
37293482I avoid relationships with men even though im way more into men than women. It has everything to do…[View]
37291319bi/gaygen - a place to share: support each other, we are queer together! previously: >>3728688…[View]
37290489i real determiner of agp is if you played fallout new vegas.[View]
37293556>Piss >Don't flush because it's just piss >I'll piss in this later anyways …[View]
37293637Why are passing white trannies so much more attractive than other races[View]
37293145I always nod at trannies to remind them they still look male[View]
37293402I do believe I have dysphoria, however I do not believe that it's sufficient to transition. The…[View]
37292428Chuds lose once again >Damarean Kaylon Bible, 25, was jailed for 367 months after being convicted…[View]
37293571Has anyone ever been ace or is it just a cope?[View]
37292275what am i supposed to do if my voice is too deep to voice train? could vfs save me?[View]
37290713>hate faggots >is bi >hates trannies >fantasies about dating one Why im i like this…[View]
37292787In 1970 at the Black Panthers' Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention the homose…[View]
37290912chasers are gay[View]
37293212Wish I had boobs and bagina[View]
37293330is it malebrained to punch a hole in your door while arguing with your mom[View]
37293336>trooned out when I was 17 >didn't bother preserving sperm >now 26 >realise how po…[View]
37293166Friendly reminder that only ugly trannies and AGPs call themselves “transfems”[View]
37292460Chud I knew from Highschool got hit with the tranny curse. How does that even happen? Dude wouldn…[View]
37293096If I lost my libido to HRT, will I ever gain it back?[View]
37290934what is it like to be alive?[View]
37290443Why no tranny gf to talk about my interests and how much i hate the world with[View]
37292545Why haven't you gotten a BBL yet, anon?[View]
37290938how are u supposed to stop using your man voice?: i think i have a pretty convincing voice but i hav…[View]
37293131What percent of bottoms hate masculinity?[View]
37292677do boymoders really?[View]
37292947i'm sorry for all the tranners i've hurt, it's not my fault i see u as disposible.[View]
37290017Are you the fourth sex?[View]
37290949Astral Plane meetup: I take dxm and astral project sometimes in this giant cosmic machine spinning m…[View]
37293076I'm honsexual. I am only attracted to non-passing, heavily male-looking trannies who are TRYING…[View]
37292895I'm MtF, two years into HRT and jobless, I don't really have much money into all of the th…[View]
37292148I am a conservative tranny with a lesbian wife Life just works in weird ways[View]
37291059Trans girls and chasers should support each other: Stop hating chasers and we can love each other an…[View]
37292897The percentage of the population that despises trans people is extremely high when compared to the a…[View]
37289297sorry again, but i just wanted to say hello to the portland tranny again. this will probably be my l…[View]
37292950'I wish I was a lesbian :(': This is the first thing that a lot of straight women tell me the moment…[View]
37286946I am a transgender girl and I want to have sexo with a cisgender girl[View]
37292894diaper troons: what causes this fetish? is it pedophilia?[View]
37292522Why are bi people such whiny faggots? They constantly complain about oppression but literally nothin…[View]
37292843Has there ever been a religious preacher who was secretly gay, but preached a lot of homophobic thin…[View]
37292804Stupidest post you'll ever see: >Be me >Make friends at discord >We make a group chat …[View]
37292865>go back to hometown to visit my parents and hope they didn't stage another tranny intervent…[View]
37292836Do you agree?[View]
37292200>be me, cis male >have male friend >pretty normal guy, a bit weird/nerdy but i like weird/n…[View]
37290328do you read old trans or crossdresser books? would they have good tips?[View]
37290413ancient trannies[View]
37278888Bonepill: it's over, isn't it?[View]
37291846He honestly makes some good points.[View]
37247867/repgen/ - the devil wins edition: is this gokuposter/christCuck anon? did satan finally corrupted h…[View]
37291300Facial hair shadow: What causes this and how do you get rid of it? Why does it stay after laser some…[View]
37288069I did research on my coworkers and I have strong reason to believe that a 66-year-old 'man' working …[View]
37292716do they make a cure for AGP: I want out[View]
37291842dear Asian troons, how are you?: >5'5 mtf korean midshit almost 10 months on e did being asi…[View]
37291329Got a taste of the Gock: YES! Finally got a taste of her girl cock. You just have to be persistent a…[View]
37292449I'm doing my first injection today what can I expect?[View]
37291030Have you've seen other trannies in the wild?: I sometimes see them at my job, kinda weird consi…[View]
37292618Tranners, whats your job and how much do you make a year? (Obviously there's going to be a lot…[View]
37287679am i a bad person if...: ...i don't see troons as their 'desired' gender? but i don't real…[View]
37286906how do you guys handle bulges?: i just recently started wearing womens' shorts/panties for the …[View]
37290530I don't see the problem with chasers[View]
37292437rate my pre-hrt swag for a college library in a conservative city: >autism >5'4 >black…[View]
37292573After trying chicks with dicks, fapping to and having sex with chicks without dicks feels strange. I…[View]
37292558How do I build a gyatt at the gym? .t new mtf[View]
37290533Roasties SEETHING over how much better AMAB ag--ACK!!![View]
37292479Going to my woke therapist on October 22nd: What speech should I recite to tell her that I dont want…[View]
37285153how do i make myself rapebait for chasers??[View]
3728771319 is the worst age to transition[View]
37292408why do gaydens always pick short fat guys with semi obvious autism/adhd, i have a gayden addiction a…[View]
37288634Should we call out deep stealthers?: I’m a bitterhon and I hate people who were more fortunate than …[View]
37290085Is it over?: Is it too late to get any skeletal growth from T? I'm 18, but got my period at 9.…[View]
37289562why do people on this board make fun of cis manlets? how do you think that makes your fellow pooners…[View]
37290742Tfw have horrible panic attacks and adderall has made it worse[View]
37290768Biphobia is real but absolutely none of it comes from heterosexuals only from LG. When a bifag is in…[View]
37290070Quit with the delusional rhetoric that all chasers are bottoms and gay It's not true gay peop…[View]
37291500despite more or less passing on a daily basis I've pretty much accepted there's an almost …[View]
37291423I prefer dating trans women to cis women, not because I'm a faggot or a fetishist, but because …[View]
37290561/ChaserGeneral/: Qott: We’re only getting older what are some of your life goals that you wish to ac…[View]
37289943Trans genocide: >make twitter >get this within a month Now what? I literally didn’t do anyth…[View]
37291607Am I 'entailed' for thinking my parents have an obligation to take care of me, as a 19 year old schi…[View]
37286773vocaroo whimpering thread!! ^~^: do your whimpers/moans pass?? rate others and get rate >< htt…[View]
37291120How do I get my feminine benis sucked by a zesty bi chaser? Bonus points if he has extreme political…[View]
37292000Are any of you personally tranny prostitutes in real life, like you actually fuck men for money? How…[View]
37291616Myopia: How do I get myopia? I think glasses would help me pass better, but I don't have myopia…[View]
37272963Problems with Muslims: Do Muslims in the west actually viciously hate us IRL or is that just somethi…[View]
37284683total gayden death: my cis male friend keeps teasing me about being a masochist for some reason and …[View]
37291962My only desire since I was 10 years old has been to become a man and I'll never accomplish it b…[View]
37290936>be bipolar >been posting recently to cope with depressive dysphoria >woke up today feeling…[View]
37281978trans gf is bisexual: my trans gf and I have been together for 7 years now. recently she came to the…[View]
37291945Cute passive bun is looking for a rough brutal with shryaznymi balls. She loves to lick big pieces o…[View]
37285194trans girls who think like cis girls: i noticed a lot of trans girls do not behave or think like cis…[View]
37290757Is Worm Girl (video game analyst on YouTube) trans?: I just speedran Worm Girl's videos on Fear…[View]
37287856/mtfg/ - cinnamoroll halloween edition: qott do you have any plans for halloween? i usually watch a …[View]
37282708Do you keep your room tidy?[View]
37288696What is it called when you want to look somewhat feminine and androgenous but you're not autogy…[View]
37289729I kissed a guy for first time and feel disgusted I wanna burn myself in fire to purify myself Why …[View]
37289270spooked boymoder: what if a boymoder gets spooked by a spider?[View]
37287929Are fem reppresors into dominant straight passoids?[View]
37290584>guy isn't a complete piece of shit to me >fall in love with him sigh, not again.…[View]
37291722I just want to feel needed I promise I'll do it good[View]
37290870all I think about is Hitler and my bipedo faggot crush[View]
37289594I've had ROGD since I was 13 and I am starting to think it might not go away (I am 18 now). Is …[View]
37287490Why should transgenderism be taken seriously?[View]
37290752how do i make irl friends as a severely mentally ill adult tranny who cant hold down a job and lives…[View]
37289648does anyone else have a hard time believing the people into them are genuinely gynephilic?: i curren…[View]
37289949lonely: the guy i like hates me and dosent want to talk rn is anyone here into mord? im rly lonely a…[View]
37290349>cisgender gynephilic women that call themselves gay rather than lesbian…[View]
37289218/ChaserGen/ - ShrimpCat Edition!: Aott: make yur very own shrimpcat, just save a shrimpcat pic of yo…[View]
37289425How do I know if an online store is any good? Is there a reliable resource or are review sites just …[View]
37288598for my whole life my family and the world has thought of me as a monster and now that ive accepted w…[View]
37280003/Seniors Gen/ A Thread for 25+ LGBT/: Comfy Fits and Stylish Quips >QOTT >whats your style lik…[View]
37278569Would there be fewer mtf transitions if male pattern baldness didn't exist?[View]
37283978Anyone else feel like non-op trannies are an entirely different phenomenon from real trannies? >o…[View]
37290420>wake up >remember I have a cock day ruined…[View]
37289470Who else chose the opposite gender version of your deadname?[View]
37291271You LOST.[View]
37290743I consider myself pretty straight I only have had attraction to women before and have only had roman…[View]
37291146Older Brother x MtF Sister: >one chance at life >born as a MtF girl with no older brother How…[View]
37289107>be me >22 audhd bpd mtf >like thing >watch video essay on it and find its way deeper th…[View]
37289865looking pretty for guys: so im not gay or anything but i sometimes like putting on makeup and dressi…[View]
37291060>me, a cis guy >start talking to a guy I met on discord >rehabilitated from the nazi pipeli…[View]
37280522Is this what passoids have to put up with?: >I PRETENDED TO BE A DRUNK GIRL ON THE BEACH AT NIGHT…[View]
37287383why does estrogen make u more gay?: >be me before hrt >eh i like men but i like women too >…[View]
37290583>will never be a woman >body too damaged by testosterone for HRT to be any benefit >60 more…[View]
37289708Is it abnormal to prefer it when men haven't showered for a few days?[View]
37286445How do we refute this red truth?[View]
37290224Cis men are amazing. They are strong and protective and smell nice and I love them![View]
37290457transgender people. thoughts?[View]
37286883/gaygen/: prev >>37283872[View]
37290282Could a relationship work between a chud and a tranny?[View]
37290001Will cis boys judge me if I play with my butt while sniffing his dirty clothes and humping my pillow…[View]
37281342/lesgen/ - Lesbian General: /lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discus…[View]
37290202Where can I find potential partners outside of dating apps if I don't have friends to get to kn…[View]
37287046Remember the troon video from yesterday? Do you think that the rainbow socks might have saved her? I…[View]
37290117Demands presented in 1970 at the Black Panthers' Revolutionary People's Constitutional Con…[View]
37287565i am a perfect bf in all ways except for the fact that i cheat. thoughts?[View]
37284369Women are taking over the world and you people are helping them... how will you cope when men (the o…[View]
37288522>23 >5 years hrt >virgin >never had bf >never kissed anyone >never even held a guy…[View]
37283760Me from about a year ago, guess my assigned gender please.[View]
37288199>the average straight man think all lesbians are 10/10 pornstars Why are they like that?…[View]
37284265Why do 'conservative' tranners exist? Are they all masochists?[View]
37289962Sex is over rated, why base your life around it ? Its all a social construct a fugazi[View]
37289085Trans girls, this is how you get the bf of your dreams: Look, because of the fact that you were born…[View]
37286113I really hate trans women.[View]
37289711I am a shy tall cute twink and I've never had a bf[View]
37289386sexuality change on e is a new fear i never knew i had: femboy terrified for the day my beautiful am…[View]
37289822how do you feel about christian hamburgers?[View]
37286246nasa is gay[View]
37287283i, as a matter of fact, don't love my tranny gf for who she is[View]
37288243Why do moids accuse transwomen of pedophilia?[View]
37287355Being a pooner is the most metal thing imaginable: Imagine being an ugly, dwarf with deformed genita…[View]
37289502I have the Worst Genetic Combination Possible for a MTF: My grandfather on my dad's side is Gre…[View]
37275343/ftmg/ Hobby Lobby Edition: Female to Male General, non-FTMs are typically welcome, most of us don…[View]
37286614Trans girls, do you play as a girl or boy in video games?[View]
37288803Transexualism is Extreme Right—Expression of Cosmic Order in the Darkest Age: Transexualism is the m…[View]
37288231Does your room cleaning pass?[View]
37289536>failed detrooner with gyno, wnbaw, decide I should just embrace being masc gym bro >join tran…[View]
37284383I think part of the reason it’s so hard to get support for gender identity issues in the mainstream …[View]
37287372have you ever trapped a straight guy?[View]
37289274>Be me, 23 y/o midshit twinkhon, sign up for transfem bootcamp for passing advice >Expect it t…[View]
37287635Dictionary: Since many of you oldfags can't understand the alpha tranny slang. >dam Lesbian …[View]
37280988Post ur grindr grid[View]
37288326I'm gay. I'm not trans, I'm not on estrogen, I don't try to be a femboy. I'…[View]
37289310Anyone planning a breakup?: Imminently or in the further future.[View]
37288933do any other girlies subliminal-max?[View]
37287753what's this?: i have noticed that the more i pass the more obsessed about men i become. before …[View]

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