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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

Displaying 1,091 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
36375706I'm gonna be forced to girlmode in public in a few days: I'm scared I'll hate it. I…[View]
36378236goddammit I thought this Naomi person was a passoid. What a ghoulish, disgusting body. Never be fool…[View]
36378826How do I find a smelly, mean trans gf?[View]
36373737When I fap every day or two, I am a bisexual top, but when I abstain from fapping for longer, i turn…[View]
36378481help: >am a bi twink >tried talking to masc dudes, they're all meatheads who don't s…[View]
36379105I'm a gay chaser and I want to suck tranny penis all day long and into the night, rest for 5-6 …[View]
36378568Is everyone tempted by homosexual thoughts at one point in another in their lives?[View]
36375864Why are homophobes so cute >_<[View]
36378491What's with all the fights breaking out during pride parades?[View]
36374443hahaha ha hahahaha hahaha stopp it!!! haha ha ha, hahahaha: Why are so many trannies into tickle fet…[View]
36378937>drowning out the cricket chirping with sissy hypno while trying to write an essay xD…[View]
36378831how do I achieve this look?[View]
36376285Went to a gay bar during the saturday night and 3 different men asked me if I was bisexual. What doe…[View]
36373884PSYCHIATRIST - '...And I believe we've ran out of time for today. We seem to be making good pro…[View]
36374992/mtfg/ male to female general: last >>36368367 qott how do u deal with sex pests[View]
36377417I love my top but they are very bad at sex and have an unattractive penis. How do we save our sex li…[View]
36377920Women without penises are a waste of air. All women should have penises by 2040.[View]
36377457I'm a cis male who doesn't want to be a woman or tranny or anything but does want to be a …[View]
36378071im 18, turning 19 in 4 months and people tell me I still look 16. Will I still look like a cute twi…[View]
36375651/gaygen/: One of your girls edition prev >>36371268[View]
36376692What is mtf vagina like? How does it differ from cis fem vagina?[View]
36376977.: Do men like femboys with darker skin?[View]
36372494Twinkhons, hons, passoids - save it! Post your CHAMPIONS[View]
36375594What kind of person jerks off to tranny porn?[View]
36378252what would you do if you came across a boymoder that needed validation from men, had a phone gallery…[View]
36373818Grindr is full of shit. I can't find a cute feminine trans girl who loves sucking my dick. It…[View]
36376505Is this a lesbian couple or gay male couple?[View]
36371191has estrogen ever made someone more aggressive: >friends going on about some homophobic shit >…[View]
36375661/clg/ - Cis Lesbian General (stop being a space invading hypocrite edition): IDK what to put here, b…[View]
36377935Turns out homosexuality is just a question of hygiene. A flaw in our evolutionary design that will l…[View]
36370246i need a twinkhon puppy girl transbian so badly, progesterone makes me wanna rail easy to overstimul…[View]
36376229>transition >still depressed Well that was a waste of time and money…[View]
36374562what kind of music are you listening to today?[View]
36371488Is okay to take HRT as a gay man? I don't wanna fully transition and say I'm a girl. I jus…[View]
36372831Why do trans women frequently deride chasers as gay or faggots? What do they hope to gain by doing s…[View]
36376467Did Midsommar trigger feelings for any other tranners here? There were so many scenes where I was li…[View]
36377890is it more respectful to manmode at a funeral[View]
36376982does anyone else come here just to larp that they have a boyfriend?[View]
36368923>chasergen >the 'men' call a trans woman's butthole a bussy Chasers are faggots…[View]
36371773/lesgen/ - Lesbian General: /lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis …[View]
36375268What are you gonna do when the muslims eventually take over your country and impose sharia law? Do y…[View]
36375956Overeducated and Underemployed: >Been looking for an IT job for last 3 months. >Every intervie…[View]
36376624I want to support the LGBT community so what are some lesbian onlyfans I could sub to? (cis only)[View]
36374346how do i detransition i just want to go back to normal[View]
36372976Estrogen replaced my XY chromosomes with XX chromosomes. I'm a woman now through and through.[View]
36376508What makes Bri'ish tranners like this?[View]
36376997This happened like a few weeks ago but it's kinda been on my mind and still confused >at wo…[View]
36374420Bingo: This bingo card makes me want to kill myself. Guess what: it originated on blebbit![View]
36374642>be me ftm >Chest hurts from vaping too much >Penis hurts from masturbating too much …[View]
36375340It is really funny when you enter a close knitted community ifctrannies from your area: At first the…[View]
36374208>be me ftm >Banned from most local queer events because I have a reputation for sexually haras…[View]
36372115https://x.com/desiitos/status/1807510373278368077 Did u go to a pride march[View]
36374953Why is going out in girlmode so hard? Stepping out of the door is way more scary than actually walki…[View]
36374977In my humble opinion, trans women should only use iPhones. If you use Android, you're not payin…[View]
36376417My favorite hobby is going on twitter and laughing at hons[View]
36376700/pnwgen/ - little bully edition: Previous thread: >>36370445 QOTT: who is picrel woman and wha…[View]
36375775I want to see lesbian sex irl[View]
36375686I want to forcemasc cis women: Especially when they say how men are privileged or how hard it is to …[View]
36374345How do I, as a straight man, find trans girls? You ladies are beautiful, but sadly are so rare. It…[View]
36376424This is what you diaper transgirls look like[View]
36376360Chasers and gay bros! I need ur help: Guys I need ur help pretty bad! I am (23 yo mtf) dating this g…[View]
36376258>life starts to look up for me >i become more social, even doing dnd >sleep schedule goes f…[View]
36375797Guns are kinda hot I think I am attracted to them: Everytime I watch Bruce Labruce raspberry reich t…[View]
36373154Daily reminder: reppers are traitors, cowards, spineless cucks supporting those who brainwashed them…[View]
36374172Tranny asses >>> women asses[View]
36376171why do i talk to so many youngshits on discord i fucking hate them[View]
36374258If you pass with dogs, you pass. If a dog hates men and loves you it's confirmed your validity,…[View]
36376218Is it true that asian femboy famous in west country??[View]
36376209#QueersForPalestine meet their folx: https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/middle-eastern-men-beat-lesbian-cele…[View]
36373547Transition to become a fictional character? I mean like 24hr cosplay, but not exactly pretending to …[View]
36375103left to right: >actual repressor >peterpanfag manchild >just some fuckin guy lol…[View]
36375496why didn't my parents do this to me[View]
36371330Hypothetically for a fictional story I’m writing what site would a tranny use to stream herself 41%i…[View]
36375788Who is the wealthiest tranner to ever post on this board?[View]
36371298The Quest: note: this isnt smut (sorry) just something that happened to me that i want to whine abou…[View]
36375749what would you do if you were a bisexual ADHD nerd with AGP in a relationship with a cis woman?[View]
36376076So tired of looking: Look im just a pathetic bottom chaser I've been looking online for a trans…[View]
36373775Many of you guys are so pathetic and helpless, I wish I could fix your lives. No matter who I meet f…[View]
36369749Be honest, what percentage of trans women transitioned solely to avoid the crushing reality of being…[View]
36371988Did your parents already know?: >be me >be somewhat closet fag >have only told friends but …[View]
36374770i passed as a foid in boymode again today but that won't stop me from carving YWNBAW into my sk…[View]
36374126watching casablanca made me want to detrans because I'll never have something as pure as what r…[View]
36375584>Saves lgbt rights and America Madame President.[View]
36375228Transbians are required to be tops, I don't make the rules[View]
36375237i dont want to be a woman but: literally all i want is for a man to think i'm attractive and pl…[View]
36374342I'm not gay: But he is sexy[View]
36375567easiest ways to tell someone is early transition outside of physical: I'll start >socialist …[View]
36373973>write out a thoughtful argument with compelling points >you call me retarded >I ask you to…[View]
36375279Maybe I am not trans at all but just BPD? It would explain the shifting identity and feeling of bein…[View]
36373938Honestly boymoders are soooo CUTE!! What is your favorite thing about boymoders? For me it's th…[View]
36374755i have ffs in 14 days im starting to get gendered fem more in boymode my family is supportive i have…[View]
36375628is there a point where you rip this band aid: i’ve been manmoding on hrt for 18 months as of yesterd…[View]
36371268/gaygen/: prev: >>36369077[View]
36375552My name is Alice I’m a-taking my pills Please ignore my phallus I wish it wasn’t real Come sit next …[View]
36373927Why is Dr Will Powers so hated?[View]
36374073>cis girlfriend's favorite movie is ace ventura[View]
36368738Omfg what have I done: I've ruined my body 1.5years hrt to 4.5years 75kg to 115kg 165lb to 250l…[View]
36374876do FTMs use grindr? pic unrelated[View]
36373686If the trans girl I'm seeing is a real woman then how come she isn't pregnant yet? I'…[View]
36370545boymoder's no-bully spell: a boymoder shaman has casted a no-bully spell. now it is impossible …[View]
36374979question for polyfags: what do you do if you hate a partner of someone you're dating[View]
36373850how does my pee sound: Sorry for bad quality but I recorded the sound of my peeing would you guess a…[View]
36366420This. So much this![View]
36374714We need him back to save lgbt.[View]
36370628i took hrt because i thought it would make other gay guys like me now i've just irreparably dam…[View]
36374404How I got over reverse dysphoria: I’m 1yr HRT, and around maybe 1-2 months in I started getting terr…[View]
36375025dysphoria as a buzzword: Anyone else who spent time in trans spaces got into the habit of saying eve…[View]
36372022Not trans but: What's the point in living if I can't look like this?[View]
36371996>asian tranny automatic pass sistaaa lmao[View]
36369521I have a cis gf but fantasize about having a trans gf. What is wrong with me?[View]
36372981>38 male waist >38 female waist >38 underbust Holy brick! I want to kill myself! How much i…[View]
36373997i think i might have to kill myself soon if i dont transition[View]
36373877I hate mtfs for turning me straight: I was very happy being gay thinking I was free of lust for wome…[View]
36372808my only goal in life is to make a boy very happy so he can look past the fact that i was born male[View]
36370888He knows[View]
36374866>midshit twinkhon >want to be a pretty girl >realize it isn't possible >want to be …[View]
36374674we are so fucked. i don't even know how to put my hair into a ponytail. a fucking ponytail! cis…[View]
36374292>A homosexual transsexual (HSTS) is an effeminate gay man who has seemingly imprinted on female s…[View]
36372987is chatgpt gaslighting me re: fat redistribution?[View]
36374010reminder that you’re not a real woman unless you enjoy smutty romance drivel and insist it’s somehow…[View]
36373158If you are a woman, then why do you have a penis?[View]
36372925trannies that went through puberty should get reparations[View]
36373987Being a 30yo virgin is equal in pain to surviving a tetanus infection.[View]
36373556Why are lesbians never attractive?[View]
36374576Have you ever thought about it this way?: You, as a gender blob, are tumblr and tumblr must lose. T…[View]
36369899/chasergen/: Qott: when was the last time you cried, and what made you cry? >>36366259[View]
36374482I hear your fart yeet to the feet of the cum Oh what a shame that you came here in my bum[View]
36374594Which one of you was this?[View]
36374577>be chaser >notice all the trannies are saving up for their dream of getting Final Fantasy Sev…[View]
36374325Now that the dust has settled: Was he in the wrong?[View]
36336399/AGPgen/ autogynephilia general: blazing heat edition >QOTT: Are you a sissy/masochistic emascula…[View]
36367769Try to defend this, /lgbt/. I'll wait.[View]
36370609>Trans girl with Avoidant Personality Disorder >tell my boyfriend that I can only talk to him …[View]
36368401Anyone else absolutely hate being called a 'transfem'?[View]
36371276>starved myself all week >took laxatives the day before my grindr hookup >my stomach and in…[View]
36373075>been into girls my whole life >suddenly been having cravings of being a feminine fucktoy for …[View]
36374366I am thinking of going to sleep.: *Why is sentience privileged as an experience? Is not unity equal …[View]
36372433I only want to transition so I can have big tits. Is this a good enough reason or should I keep repr…[View]
36372271I have never seen Evangelion: it never even started[View]
36374069I'm an ftm and I need a handsome cis man to punish me by spanking me for thinking I could ever …[View]
36374199intersex brain????????: When I lust after girls I feel like a man When I lust after guys I feel like…[View]
36369550If someone were to start a virgin/incel parade would you support it?: I was thinking maybe if abunch…[View]
36374061>you're not ugly >You're not not-passable You're just fat. Welcome to life as a…[View]
36373481>all I want is for a boy to be attracted to me >no not like that! When will transgirls get ove…[View]
36372228feel better inc.: ITT LGBTanons share what made them feel better about themselves. Growing out my ha…[View]
36374005My attraction to men has this weird voyeuristic quality because I’m too afraid to do anything with m…[View]
36373926I thought we had gotten rid of Trump 4 years ago. How is he still a threat?[View]
36370285I fell in love with a straight guy again[View]
36373797gay bible question: The famous verse of Leviticus, 20:13, that is usually translated to mean men who…[View]
36373793How do reppers look like?[View]
36370892ancient diaper trans (2002)[View]
36372454What are some good female role models for trans girls? I found myself slipping into 'what if I was t…[View]
36368367/mtfg/ - mex-tex food general: prev: >>36361994 qott: are you good with kids? do you think you…[View]
36373683I’m only attracted to women if they’re kind of ugly and mannish. I’m basically gay otherwise.[View]
36372614twinkhons are the only trutrans[View]
36368949any other trans femcels here?[View]
36373826>see woman taller than me >instantly think shes a tranny…[View]
36373634What is the skimpiest thing you ever wore?[View]
36362763THE TRUTH: The overwhelming majority of internet MTFs are actually incels who never got laid, and ha…[View]
36373750Do I tell him?: My boyfriend thinks hes a transwoman. Hes always been paranoid i dont see him as a w…[View]
36373340i was a fem4fem gay guy who took estrogen and now i'm a trans woman who only really likes other…[View]
36372047tranny bangs: tomorrow i have a haircut scheduled and i want to ask for tranny bangs is it possible …[View]
36372846is a chud ever redeemable or is it impossible and ill always be a bad person? i feel like when i try…[View]
36372952What are your thoughts on or experiences with grey asexuality?[View]
36372904This is how a successful transition looks like.[View]
36371426being a boygirl failure isnt fun anymore[View]
36373306I love my bf and I love making him happy. Giving him hugs, telling him sweet things, and cooking him…[View]
36370948Anybody else got a thing for tails?[View]
36371317Has anyone else been getting clocked and stared at way more since the start of pride month? I went f…[View]
36372930Am I Baked?: MtF, 18 , 3 months hrt My face is horribly lopsided and weird am I horrendously ugly? A…[View]
36370307Is it over for me: Are my shoulders too wide? Been thinking of getting shoulder augmentation but I’m…[View]
36373109>be pooner >assume no one but straight chasers will ever want me >go on dating apps regardl…[View]
36368904As a millennial tranner, I have a moral obligation to mommydom & milk as many gen z men as possi…[View]
36373310After discovering this board I realize that my life is not that bad and my problems are ok to deal w…[View]
36371147At what point did chasers stop getting shooed off the board for being losers? I stopped browsing bac…[View]
36368616>tfw she didn't transition as a teen fake trans[View]
36373152The only people who seem to like my disgustingly hairy body are old hags, trans women and gaylords A…[View]
36371374Did Yuri/Yaoi fucked Up my perception of love?: I used to be a bordeline hikkikomori once, barely so…[View]
36369006The asexual illuminati: Something I've wondered for a long time is what effect asexuals had on …[View]
36373035>I WILL jerk off to traps >I WILL jerk off to femboys >I WILL jerk off to crossdressers …[View]
36370445/pnwg/ pnw general: qott: what is the greater seattle transbian polycule and what is their drama?…[View]
36368583why are trans women like this?[View]
36371525Only men can commit rape under UK law.[View]
36372960will Biden be Cincinnatus or Chamberlain? woe to trannies.[View]
36372384The reduced testosterone from me mutilating my testicles is affecting my appearance enough that peop…[View]
36372924Does it make me gay to like Femboys? >I don't like boys >I like their Feminine side >I…[View]
36371527I have a simple, 100% effective test for whether you trutrans or not. Doesn't matter your sexua…[View]
36369996Would you date a Latinks person or are they too spicy for you?[View]
36372787If you needed a sign anon, here it is. If you don't need the sign please don't deter those…[View]
36372248>walk past a group of drunk men drinking outside a bar >they all start laughing :(…[View]
36370488I've always tried to convince myself I'm bisexual, but every time I fap to a man, I immedi…[View]
36369084Am I gay if I find this image sexually arousing but no other man at all? Just this image and other B…[View]
36370342As much as I hate women they sure are great at dunking[View]
36371571my sister told me she's 'not cis' and i asked her if she was trans and she said no and that she…[View]
36372548Why are detransitioners so damn cringe? The OP above is a detrans MtFtM. The one below is a detrans…[View]
36366608Why are most trans so freaking tall? Can anyone explain plz?[View]
36371238>brothers bday is coming up >get him thoughtful gifts that ik he will like and put them togeth…[View]
36368192I thought I was a bi top but finally fucked a masc man in the ass and I loved that so much that now …[View]
36372522is this bdd or a lying bf?: my bf keeps insisting that it's easy to tell that i have breasts th…[View]
36372505I need my qt trans gf's comforting loving cuddles every day[View]
36371722Serious Question:: Can I still be a straight man even if I finger my asshole while moaning like a gi…[View]
36362634How do I cope with being a trans khhv.[View]
36372172Do any 'real' trans people think there are fake trans people? or are you all 'valid…[View]
36355418Dating advice and opinions: Heya! I went on a date yesterday with a guy I have been talking to and p…[View]
36370060You are now hearing in your head Foregone Destruction. Your welcome.[View]
36371563Where to find other asexual people: It sucks not being able to date bc of the simple fact you just c…[View]
36371968Well?: Should trans people with misgender kink kill themselves?[View]
36371192Transitioning for fetish reasons makes you Fake Trans and your whole existence serves to support the…[View]
36371726Why you queer people should support Palestine Islam has historically been one of most queer friendl…[View]
36372020Underground trash tranny: I don't think that Billy would go back into the trash cans if I'…[View]
36369516Why are there so many troons that support Islamist terrorist organizations Do you know what they wo…[View]
36370945The BBC have listed what each political party will do to protect women... by destroying trans people…[View]
36369984Closeted or not?: Need a second opinion on this… >be me >21m uk >closeted bi, quite straigh…[View]
36371798Is there a method to perma-repping? I could cope with being a hon but the next election is going to …[View]
36370232there is truly no end to the aching loneliness, may prostitution be legalized soon so i can at least…[View]
36371936>be mtf, out to parents, been transitioning for almost 6 years now >mom told me about a dream …[View]
36371819I wasted too much time hating myself, now I'm transitioning at 25 and have no value as a 'human…[View]
36369609does a lateshit have bigger natural booba than you?[View]
36369262Trans names: Whats the most retarded trans name youve ever heard of?[View]
36370951is chasing ethical?[View]
36359554say for the sake of argument i pass what the fuck do i do now[View]
36371701I know this is wrong, but it looks kind of fun. I wouldn't go all the way in, just a little bit…[View]
36366889>be me 18 mtf (pre hrt) >horny >talk with hot dude on Grindr >300m away >go to his h…[View]
36369932David Duchovny as Denise Bryson is one of the only actually good instances of 'cissoid man plays as …[View]
36365912Do you have nervous ticks?[View]
36368137why are so many trans girl built for abuse? it seems like almost every one of them are flinchy, weak…[View]
36370912I wanna hear about your day. How are you feeling?: I’d like to hear about your day. You can vent if …[View]
36371617I want to become trans only if it's possible to look like mature super pawg like pic related. W…[View]
36358357/lesgen/ - Lesbian General: /lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis …[View]
36371110help please i am trying to get big but the problem is my hands and wrists are really3 small and it h…[View]
36371246should i rep?: is it over for me? should i even start estrogen at 22 when i look like this? is this …[View]
36367925I want to cheat on my cis gf with a transwoman who wears her clothing and insults her while we fuck.[View]
36371002Why transition into ftm?: You could just ask your bf to do it in the ass.[View]
36365607Flags should exist on here year-round, similar to /pol/. It started off in 2022 as a joke, but it…[View]
36366525>open front page of /lgbt/ >everything is either a general thread, bait/LARP posts, shit about…[View]
36369668Earlier today an anon made a tierlist maker for the /tttt/ tripfags. This tierlist maker was subsequ…[View]
36369748boymoder gaming: what a game about boymoders should be like?[View]
36370046Chaser here. MEF trannies give me the creeps. They are like a more extreme version of skinwalkers. M…[View]
36370066I would still be a poony loser because I'm a lazy, fembrained coward, but its crazy how much ha…[View]
36368118>I have a mental disorder that causes me to feel like I was born in an incorrectly sexed body and…[View]
36370525If you arent a white supremacist you dont deserve LGBT rights[View]
36369107if you weren't dysphoric enough to start transitioning as a teenager, you probably weren't…[View]
36369077/gaygen/: twink4twink is the purest form of love edition prev >>36366205[View]
36369357>tfw gay[View]
36369654>be me, cis male >despite being a boy, look very feminine, sound feminine, and 5ft tall >du…[View]
36361212Why am I obsessed with lives of trannies I'll never meet?[View]
36369943What does this mean?: Hi /lgbt/ I've never posted here before but I think you all might have so…[View]
36368750Is going to a trans support group bad? I am at the very beginning of transition/questioning and have…[View]
36370364If a trans man binds his tiddies at the airport, a compression detector will go off and the security…[View]
36370908How many poor children became transgender after watching this?[View]
36370809why are poonies SO FEMBRAINED?[View]
36370641pooners: i have a coworker of mine and his friend who are both cute and i want to fuck the life out …[View]
36368699I'm not trans because I only do hrt ironically.[View]
36370661i was going to vent out something heartfelt about my own self and my own sexuality and alienation. b…[View]
36370576just had gay sex with my transbian gf ama[View]
36369069Real women don't say the gamer word. I noticed that the women that would never say the gamer wo…[View]
36370655Cis women are creeped out by trannies because the female mind ontologically rests on the surface, wh…[View]
36369196Why do you think that so many more people are secretly or openly enticed by the idea of a woman with…[View]
36368149>tfw will never meet a boymoder and help her girlmode and marry her and love her forever why liv…[View]
36370238>be me >look cute in the middle >decide to go for a walk >nearly kill someone >people…[View]
36369111Curious: Are trans man chasers only into pre/early t trans men? (and is that mainly because they see…[View]
36369963Boysmell guide: Whats boysmell and how to I cultivate more of it? When I dont wash my cock and balls…[View]
36368739How do I salvage my build? Advice needed: I'm a 6'2 manmoder and I don't expect a mir…[View]
36368481i need a dominant gf i hate being a femcel[View]
36363715You can sissify them all you want, but you can't take the man out of a man. A man brain is math…[View]
36369807i took the bait and i bought the estrogen and androcur. If i don’t pass in a year i rope.[View]
36368223Whats the worst trans head canon you have ever seen for a fictional character[View]
36369269What's it like to get your foid card?[View]
36368298How do I get a cute boymoder gf with IBS who's constantly on the verge of shitting herself?[View]
36369930An Israeli has been black mailing Muslim boys on Twitter to send nudes and spread pro lgbtq psyops i…[View]
36369802Trans loneliness: It sucks bad! I yearn for the touch of another human and the joy and fun that come…[View]
36369686>finally work up the courage to schedule an electrolysis appointment >not accepting new patien…[View]
36368200>tfw no one wants to braindance with me[View]
36368247Am I asexual?: I am a very horny person and love masturbating. It's very easy for me to have an…[View]
36365810boymoder keeps talking to me when im trying to play games what do i do[View]
36366851Opinion: Trans People Deserve Clarity From NYT, Biden Over Anti-Trans Surgery Statement: https://www…[View]
36368589>be me >'''boymoder''' (for lack of better term) >archetypal personality thereof (sheepish,…[View]
36369289i found the ultimate schizo brainwormed repper retard none of you dumb bimbo boymoder bitches could …[View]
36367592i want to sleep in a girl’s arms and cry all night[View]
36369417What is the best way to cope with knowing you should have been a woman but being resigned to embraci…[View]
36369173Is there a way to express myself while repressing without either >transitioning >being perceiv…[View]
36369374Crossdressing Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VvJDSzty78 I know trans is not the same thing a…[View]
36368371mtfg: magical transsexual femcel general last episode >>36361994[View]
36355776/hrtgen/ #677: Previous Thread: >>No.36306392 • Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages • H…[View]
36357509/mmg/ - man fookin mooder gen'ral: shits fucked QOTT : WHat if a gay guy was Chinese?[View]
36367847The difference between passing and not passing is millimetres and lightyears[View]
36368248All I want is a cuntboy bf but all the trans men I meet irl are either green-haired balls of lard or…[View]
36368403>dad apologized for my childhood >he threatened to ship me off to military schools and smacke…[View]
36367244I just dressed up as a cat girl with a shrot skirt, wig and make up and i actually look pretty cute …[View]
36369156'Gender Affirming Care': we will affirm you so much you are so heckin valid minority tranner 'Trans…[View]
36367662All AGP should get SRS.[View]
36367697how borderline are you?: post letters too https://psychcentral.com/quizzes/borderline-test (i'm…[View]
36350530MtF tomboy thread: Holy shit this board has turned to absolute shit. MtF tomboy thread. Allowed in: …[View]
36368679Anyone else's gender dysphoria just go away?: I was your typical case, started having dysphoria…[View]
36368842Tips for passing!: ITT: tips for MTF passing like makeup tips,feminine social etiquette etc I don’t…[View]
36366205/gaygen/ - Gay General: Right-Winger Edition. Previous thread: >>36363277[View]
36367164if i was murdered my chud friends would laugh: im a stealth tranny who is friends with a lot of chud…[View]
36367762i think cute little trans girls standing with their cute little pps hard is very hot[View]
36363941Tranons.... You get to be an attractive cis woman with a functioning vagina, womb, etc but you have …[View]
36362130Are you anons in US scared of rising political alt right[View]
36367034How do I stop leaking so much? For example if a guy calls me a good girl my panties will get very we…[View]
36328883What percentage of trannies are tops or willing to top?[View]
36366259/chasergen/ pikmin edition: QOTT chasers what was the best date you ever had? tranners what was the …[View]
36367395If you're not a virgin you CAN NOT be wife material You might be husband material, but definite…[View]
36365169You magically become a beautiful bio-girl who passes: But the downside is, you have to submit your v…[View]
36366956daily MEF thread: What are some ways to be emasculated IRL? I was thinking of joining make up art cl…[View]
36365603I really hate how every guy I've hooked up with has been so gentle and nice. It feels like they…[View]
36367958Non passing trans people should not go out: Orgehons continue to make every single trans person look…[View]
36365599how do i accept that im useless: I tried to apply to some jobs and stuff but i literally cant find a…[View]
36368705Abusing ftms is fun: >convince her its manly to only do anal >cherish and love her 24/7, than …[View]
36367587MTFs come here: how do you cope with the fact that you will hit the wall relatively soon and it won…[View]
36368161>0 chance of alleviating dysphoria >0 chance of finding happiness in this life >only chance…[View]
36368361a classic: boyfriend broke up with me, felt shit about my transition and stopped. Went to transtimel…[View]
36368443ftms should try being fucked in the ass: at least once before transitioning[View]
36368487Why do you never see trans men going in IT'S MA'AM type freakouts? Is it because of their …[View]
36360011/ftmg/ Be a man edition: Last: >>36340763 OP isn't an ftm and encourages other non ftms t…[View]
36368040Femboy Superiority: I started dressing like a femboy and immediately the two autistic nonpassing tra…[View]
36368448i think gigahons should be allowed to legally kill one passoid each year.[View]
36368235all I want is to be sexualized like a real woman. I post in passgen hoping people say they wanna rap…[View]
36368064The wall is so fucking scary. >When you're at the edge of the wall between being socially a…[View]
36361452Do your effeminate mannerisms clock you?[View]
36365488The gays make fun of me as a bisexual male when I tell them I don't like fucking dudes nor bein…[View]
36363438this is what you retards sound like btw[View]
36363169Does my hand pass?: What the subject says basically[View]
36367123Boymoder is its own gender distinct from male, female and enby[View]
36362501tranners whats your favorite part about being a girl[View]
36365386we NEED to start teaching transgirls how to twerk. it is a valuable part of the overall transition a…[View]
36368185When's the last time you gave your father a kiss?[View]
36365875i'm being told i just need to keep wearing women's clothes even though i feel awful doing …[View]
36367977im a boy with very sensitive nipples, what do i do?[View]
36367261What get this idea into the head of AFABs? 9/10 FtMs I see on dating apps are just fat ugly women[View]
36367811my boymoder gf twerked for a second as a joke... but it clapped...[View]
36366923>want to be woman >only attracted to women >find female genitalia offputting and prefer me …[View]
36352397tips for how to find a man who will genuinely love me even though im a tranny? im kinda clocky but a…[View]
36362489einhorn is finkle finkle is einhorn einhorn is a MAN *everyone starts wretching*[View]
36367843>male socialized this, female socialized that Who else completely unsocialized zero friends modin…[View]
36367100>get called gay because I like masc women >get called straight because I like fem men To be bi…[View]
36367884Pro-Palestinian protesters block Pride Parade in Toronto: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/thousands…[View]
36365347is it possible to live close to a genuine catholic faith as a transgender woman?[View]
36361827I don't understand women at all and that's ok: >be mtf >got rlly bad male socializat…[View]
36367580isn't hrt supposed to kill your sex drive? why are you all such fucking pervs?[View]
36363948Why would you want to fuck an ugly manly ass when nice tits and warm self-lubricated pussies exist?[View]
36367511Late transitioners, where did you start?: So I just started injecting E at 24(lmao) but I'm kin…[View]
36359897boymoder bakery: would you buy bread or pastries from a boymoder?[View]
36367707Do you serve...?: Trannies, FTM and MTF, do you know how to serve bunt?[View]
36356716why are t girls so awkward? i just got back from another t-girls house and we played games for a bit…[View]
36367553lets fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[View]
36361167Why does everything about the male gender suck so much? Aside from physical strength, I can't t…[View]
36367372Need hot ftm bf to torture and love me everyday... WHYYYYYYYYYYYY GOD WHYYYY!!! Give me hot man mus…[View]
36367566been off hrt for about 2 years: how over is it and should i even restart? i've fully detransit…[View]
36361912Do you think things will ever go back to when only husstusses transitioned and agps just quietly rep…[View]
36361936Post honest, challenging Souls bosses.[View]
36367291How would a wlw/sapphic relationship last if one or both of the women are bisexual? In my opinion, t…[View]
36362882>when she's a 'cunty HSTS doll'[View]
36367275Do chad straight men like it when fruity faggy man aggressive sexually pursue them?[View]
36361591Based trans youth take over NHS building: A bunch of trans kids have climbed on top of the NHS Engla…[View]
36367042Marketplace: is it easier to be a bottom or a top? I have the impression that tops are more rare bec…[View]
36367109Does 'she' produce eggs? https://youtu.be/4odiY3vNLOA?[View]
36366894You are a man if you had an activated SRY gene in the womb. You are a woman if you had an inactivate…[View]
36364173What is your ideal fetish form?[View]
36359338>cashier said i had 'dark, elf daddy vibes' >elf daddy vibes >daddy perceived as attractive…[View]
36366747Do you feel valid?: I am feeling oddly valid right now and it makes me relaxed and happy. Do you fee…[View]
36366931i am an epic 4chan gamer[View]
36365230Detranition goals: I've started to stop taking my meds. 4 years its just so cringe. im acting a…[View]
36365779What are the chances HRT gives me tits like this?[View]
36362969Bottom chasers are gay: >>>/r/19403898 There is no way you can want this and not be gay. If…[View]
36365248my boyfriend is a fujo?: > be me, bissexual tranny > dating a tboy > hates when i talk abou…[View]
36366907be honest: have you ever successfully catfished, i.e. gotten all the way to physically meeting irl? …[View]
36365485Mixed gender?: I want my face to look like a woman but I want my body to look like a muscle man.…[View]
36366812What genitals do you think this person has? I'm leaning towards AFAB cause of the height.[View]
36363070safe: is it safe to meet randos from this board irl? are there known serial killers/kidnappers etc h…[View]
36365452Why aren't we pushing more t4t couples?: We need to breeding camps to impregnate poons en masse…[View]
36360578do you actually feel any changes when your estrogen's at peak levels vs trough levels? i feel l…[View]
36366632how would a boy react if i called him dude while he's fucking me?[View]
36366743I realized my sexuality is completely dependent on my self-esteem.: at High Self-esteem: >Damn I…[View]
36363010Does wearing a hijab make You pass , I wanna wear one in solidarity with Palestine Any sisters here…[View]
36364348didn't the taliban win though?[View]
36361879i just bottomed for the first time: and feel like absolute shit. the post-nut clarity hit me harder …[View]
36366481How do I accept that as a non-passing tranny I will never find love?[View]
36366709Italy is a shithole: Elly Schlein recently went to a pride in Milan. here look at the comment https:…[View]
36358160>be 5'7 white incel >roomates with a 5'10 latina tranny >every few days she gets…[View]
36361994/mtfg/ male to female general: lastvious >>36359362 qott would you want a boyfriend who is sma…[View]
36362313>coming out >as 'queer' are people really too afraid to say gay/lesbian anymore?…[View]
36362724How do I cope with wanting to be male but not actually being masculine or having a male gender ident…[View]
36365639bad awful gay retarded: >playing a fighting game >lose a match to my most hated character >…[View]
36355028>imagine passing in mugshots >imagine not needing FFS IWN…[View]
36365279Would transitioning have saved her?[View]
36365337how do chasers keep getting women beyond their league[View]
36365974>femboy literally destroys and mind controls everyone spreading death everywhere in order to fulf…[View]
36354465Why do FtMs give up tutorial mode?: >never have to work (can always just marry a man with a job) …[View]
36363474maybe its not over: >puberty not over yet >round face not too masculine but not really feminin…[View]
36364222/chasergen/ Red Scorpion edition: QOTT: What do you work with? Do you enjoy your job? Are you a NEET…[View]
36362066how do you find motivation to do the things you want. I always boy mode. haven't voice trained.…[View]
36365892>want to be woman >too self conscious to even let my hair down (which i get a lot of complimen…[View]
36363277/gaygen/: happily never ever edition previous >>36358940[View]
36364297There is no way that this is true right? Just reeks of copium to me but i might be wrong[View]
36363845Why do many of the MtFs on this board hate maleness so much? I’m FtM and I don’t hate femaleness in …[View]
36365263Why are (ugly) cis women so cruel towards beautiful transsexuals?: There is an instagram trans girl …[View]
36364452>get gender envy from femboys >detransing for the 2nd time >look at AGPesque hentai (gende…[View]
36364074Why is there so much hate for masc bottoms on this board? I love them, I love feeling the firm, sque…[View]
36358187Argentina's Gender Law: >[The Gender Identity Law] allows transgender people to be treated a…[View]
36365186Telling people you were an athlete in school is a really good way to get them to pay no mind to your…[View]
36363601what would you do if you saw a boymoder who was wearing her red cap backwards, kept on rolling, brok…[View]
36362404Is he closeted or just straight?: Need a second opinion on this… >be me >21m uk >closeted …[View]
36363872If TERFs just want mtfs and ftms to 'gender nonconform' how come they still get mad when we do just …[View]
36365193A teenager called me a faggot and showed me the middle finger. (Boymoder)[View]
36360459This is a 30yo japanese cis man.[View]
36365166Girls belong with girls.[View]
36365014I like cis women and Aubrey Kate. Only her, I don't like other trannies.[View]
36359383Puppygirl/boy breeds: For the puppypilled, what type of dog are you? Do you see yourself as a specif…[View]
36364992if i go out in public with my hair down smelling like weed will i get a cute stoner bf?[View]
36364549Any recommendations for mtf trans gender bender movie/tv show where the main character isn't a …[View]
36359826Trannies that aren't boymoders actually exist. This unironically distresses me. I HATE boymodi…[View]
36364026>Find out about hrt at 13 >Decide that i'll rep for a while and see if it gets better …[View]
36362507If we allow people to change their gender to whatever they feel like, what will society be like?[View]
36350589puppygirls!!!: what made u take the puppypill, anon?[View]
36364600do people seriously get their asshole lasered i would really like to be smooth for once but there is…[View]
36354084>Look like this >Call themselves a man Why are FtMs like this?…[View]
36361522I found a way to nuke T production in my body, I made a thread about this a month ago and It basical…[View]
36364575This is how I react when I catch a whiff of the scent underneath the unwashed foreskin of a throbbin…[View]
36363248*makes zero attempt to voice train in your path[View]
36364000I took estrogen to kill my libido but it turned me gay instead. Now I'm a gay incel instead of …[View]
36364134So what are ramifications on lgbtq with the chevron case[View]
36364236Things getting heated at the New York pride event! https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/18075819676445373…[View]
36364095All gay men secretly wish they were women, a husstuss is simply a gay man with enough autism not to …[View]
36364211How many genders are there?[View]
36360108Why do trannies find it so hard to believe that they don't have to pass for us to find them att…[View]
36348905/pnwgen/ pnw general: where the pnw trannies at? hows summer treating you?[View]
36363836Why wasn't he investigated sooner?[View]
36364022Imagine if estrogen would change voice, most trannies would not be questioned if all of them had cis…[View]
36362019LGBT Refuge in Canada: Anyone here currently in refuge in Canada? Whats it like? Was it easy or hard…[View]
36364165Fellas am I gay if this made me bust???[View]
36357235I think I wanna fuck ftm twinks desu[View]
36363988I cured my gender dysphoria with antipsychotics: >be me, iraqi >the only straight poonah >s…[View]
36358747Now that the dust has settled, was he right?[View]
36360401What do you think about sex researcher Rod Fleming? Is moving to Thailand and starting a blog photog…[View]
36362716/chaserge/ - Favorites Edition: Prev: >>36356553 QOTT for Chasers: Who's your favorite tr…[View]
36356680Genuine question: I heard that ftms are supposed to be ugly and stuff so why is it that as an ftm I…[View]
36363542why do people here assume if u live with ur parents ur underage? most people live with their parents…[View]
36359359age related discomfort among LGBTs?: I hit puberty at 5. I dont remember my body from before. I was …[View]
36354008How do I cope knowing that actual troons outperform me sexually with women? Like even though they’re…[View]
36361160Gay men seriously need an app for ourselves again.: I'm tired of the MtF, crossdressers, and dr…[View]
36363814It is necessary to protect the values of the society so that it can flourish against the desires tha…[View]
36362574If someone was to start HRT in their late 16s or in their 17s, is passing in the future like almost …[View]
36363810I'm a wizard trapped in an AGP body[View]
36361113write about your straight t4t experience[View]
36362670So if I can only cum if I think of myself as some hot girl and also like huge cocks but IRL I prefer…[View]
36361121Want to know why the US is so anti queer? anti-LGBTQIA+ sentiment is being created by Iranian and Ru…[View]
36362386I am a manmoder who is attracted exclusively to men: Had signs at childhood. Trooning out was illega…[View]
36361464Am I still a homosexual if I'm only attracted to beautiful men? Someone told me once that if yo…[View]
36361950bitterhon threads summed up into one image[View]
36361588need advice on work as a transwoman: here's some back story: >got ffs in mid-april (chin/jaw…[View]
36359914The only way to get trans rights in the UK is to fight for a proportional voting system that puts th…[View]
36355984Gaydens outbreed Troons: Was thinking about it, every category of lgbt is kind of fucked breeding wi…[View]
36360679Thoughts of gays for Trump?[View]
36363292This is my transition goal.[View]
36355147>'Gee, why does everyone hate us?'[View]
36361574>be mtf >pooner cousin desists >now parents expect the same from me…[View]
36361866>fucking ftm from the back >starts moaning like a girl when I start deep stroking em Mmm I lov…[View]
36358940/gaygen/ happily ever fems edition: Previous: >>36355001[View]
36362532How to tell if i am just meta attracted: Pre HRT i was around 50/50 on women and men, but now I am o…[View]
36361651>having sex with a tranny >might have said some cringy stuff about putting a baby in her >c…[View]
36361355Arabs on Twitter are bewildered after finding an anal plug on street They're in the comments t…[View]
36361171Dear chuds: Why do you come here to brigade this board this is a space for lgbtq people we spend our…[View]
36361947benefits of repping >keep male privilege >won't turn into an ugly hon >better socia…[View]
36361699The only women that approach me are hippies, Goths/metalheads and trans girls. Why is it like that?[View]
36362802help: i outed myself to my mom and apparently my dad is a failed tranny who took estrogen for a whil…[View]
36362832is fempov porn gay?[View]
36362120How come that I never, in my entire life never saw an mtf not acting malebrained and weirdly sexist …[View]
36361426what should i do if i am a small introverted boymoder and i think my boihole should be molested all …[View]
36350299trans women, here's the test for how transphobic you'd be if you were a cis woman. your vi…[View]
36360330I think I wanna be knocked Up...: Like I have a craving for someone to cum in me and make me pregnan…[View]
36354240zoomers are going to kill us[View]
36354917i’m not owed affection but i NEED it[View]
36353356orgasming on estrogen is infinitely better than orgasming on testosterone[View]
36360632I look like this. Ask me anything.[View]
36362108>be me fully transitioned prostitute >meet with sugar daddies reguarly >full stealth >mo…[View]
36362101Plumbers came and just treated me like a male. You know? I give in. OK, call me a male, a man, a bro…[View]
36361590>i will never be able to experience pregnancy and the joy of raising a child with a husband…[View]
36362428I am once again reminding you that i should have been born a grill. and that i should be sucking big…[View]
36356271Officer stop browsing /tttt/ there is a troonjak hanging from the tree[View]
36362078Why do governments around the world want to kill off youngshits like picrel?[View]
36361423do any other trans gals use their stuffies when doing lewd stuff? ^~^ i really like how the texture …[View]
36362423I need a BPDemon FTM bf so bad bros[View]
36361724do you agree with this Trans allegory movie's message that its never too late to transition?[View]
36361849i saw a fag couple with a black baby today[View]
36360897My friends seems to want to fuck me: >Be me, closeted bi guy >Start acting a little more faggy…[View]
36359742why do you people wear the dog mask[View]
36359607take the surgery pill skullhons: A - get lucky B - get lucky/orbital rim shaving c - get lucky/chee…[View]
36361022Its fucking stupid to stop repping at 20 and I will never do it. I'd rather kill myself at 50 t…[View]
36356553/chasergen/: Qott: where would you like to go for a nice relaxing vacation? >>36351282[View]
36337337/passgen/ v2 - Lobsterisation Edition: Old thread hit bump limit >>36325407 Post yourselves, r…[View]
36360151you guys are legit taking jobs away from cis women lmao[View]
36361777i love anal but i'm just a virgin with some toys. is it worth it trying to find someone?[View]
36360322How can we get rid of the 1% of LGBT people that make the entire community look so bad? I'd say…[View]
36361628Is the higher amount of MTFs compared to FTMs proof that life is just better and easier as a woman?[View]
36361241A group of people sharing similar interests and victimizing themselves through it will always be pro…[View]
36361673>parents take my phone to the apple shop to get the battery changed >they have the chance to l…[View]
36361234Im so tired, this board is too depressing and id rather post on /r9k/ or something since at least th…[View]
36361448Beyond the happy pride, this board shows ud what LGBT is really like. Gay people are fake posers and…[View]
36360819:): did my first e shot couple minutes ago :)[View]
36359549erectile dysfunction: So over the last two years, i've been dealing with ED.. I chalked it up t…[View]
36360247>Elected a senile pedophile president >Surprised when people don't like them Why is LGBT…[View]
36361340I love you for who you are[View]
36359009what are your thoughts on pride parades? I think you gotta be really privileged to feel any pride in…[View]
36359655>i now remember that time i tried to overheat my testicles to make them stop producing testostero…[View]
36360069i just got back on vyvanse after almost 3 years and i'm wired and haven't eaten in 8 hours…[View]
36361317PSA: the new updated standards of trans women: Hello, I am the representative of the trans women dat…[View]
36360683>TW: transamorophobic slurs Ch*ser is an offensive slur used by trannies against trans-amorous* f…[View]
36360046Pharmacy house: hrtgen isn't up so I'll just ask, has anyone bought from here? specificall…[View]
36359985I drank a bunch of my gf's piss, will I get exogenous estrogen from this?: Basically I drank a …[View]
36355063Moral dilemma: Okay this is gonna be weird, but bear with me. Umm so I'm not trans, but I'…[View]
36360919How do I convince youtube I'm a girl now?[View]
36360608For every day that /lgbt/ doesn't bring back flags, I will execute a boymoder. I'm about t…[View]
36358524how do mtf standards for men compare to cis girl standards for men[View]
36361005Why do some people insist other people's sexuality is something it isn't? Is it sexism or …[View]
36360925>be incel >think im a tranny chaser >lose virginity to a passing tranny >get new job in …[View]
36359131Would you be part of a bi4bi4bi relationship?[View]
36349211/repgen/ - dead eyes edition: QOTT: Looking back, at what age did you first develop the repper eyes …[View]
36358297stray puppy boys belong with loving trans gfs: it is animal cruelty to say otherwise[View]
36358002I am going to do the impossible: What is a woman? An adult human whose dominant sex hormone is estro…[View]
36360191Some people here joke I am a cis mtf but I spent my teenage years wishing I looked like a proper gir…[View]
36360914does anyone else get cranky when you haven't gotten your ass filled in more than a few days?[View]
36360736newfag here, how the fuck do I be less of a pooner? (image related)[View]
36359362mtfg: major total fuckup general last episode >>36351524 qott: what's the worst you'…[View]
36360613This will be my final post here, as the flags exposed people who actually openly refer to themselves…[View]
36359920Le Pen won the first round in france: Say goodbye to your rights tranny fags!![View]
36359576can you pass at 5ft11[View]
36356222>make Tiktok account so I can consume more brainrot >immediadly get bombarded with trans Slide…[View]
36358689Men on dating apps: >be me, single mtf >see guy on dating app, 6'5 conservative >he w…[View]
36360584Disgusting: I just jerked off on cam with a man twice my age on grindr. I'm genuinely disgusted…[View]
36357791>'sexual' 'reassignment' 'surgery'[View]
36358587gay media is literally made for women we have no real representation[View]
36360557please let us keep the flags: please let us keep the flags please let us keep the flags please let u…[View]
36359241>tried so hard to basically be at the forefront of transitioning >very obviously isn't ha…[View]
36358527Ive never felt more validating in my identity as a woman than when I have had sex with men. There is…[View]
36357072where are all the other drunk boymoders[View]
36360088Hey, I'm a straight male and I just made pretty good friends with a Lesbo Girl. Is there anythi…[View]
36356095the midshit in my class is starting to mog me[View]
36356299/fbg/ - Femboy General: Word travel edition Question of the day: Do you like to travel? Where have y…[View]
36360008it's over before it even started. i live in texas and if i act even the slightest bit feminine …[View]
36359839Mtf trans love me. I also get pretty cis women from time to time but on trans dating apps im a fucki…[View]
36360027Why can I never find any gay guys who like punk rock?[View]
36359819ttans women are jahil creatures[View]
36359999Why are trans woman so sex obsessed: Everyone of them I met irl was a sex pest who had horny as a ma…[View]
36359885In your country, am I still a cuck if I have an mmf threesome with my girlfriend where the other guy…[View]
36357776Hello subhumans: What do twinks like I have a date with one on Tuesday[View]
36359803Daily reminder that it's just:: >OCD >Trauma >A fetish >An escapist fantasy >A p…[View]
36359775prophet muhammad was most likely gay or bi: not even kidding i genuinely believe he was most likely …[View]
36354391Did u know homophobia in Middle East was caused by European colonizers[View]
36359728Right Wing Bromancic poetry: It's not about money It doesn't fill the void. The Communists…[View]
36355941had to start wearing panty liners because im starting to pee a little whenever i sneeze[View]
36359540you dont need gender dysphoria to be trans[View]
36357380I wanna pretend to be a transbian because I find the idea of a guy fucking me so good that I fall in…[View]
36359150What's going on with Gen Z?: I thought they were going to be more liberal than the millennials.…[View]
36356351Palestinian protesters cancel Pride Parade in Toronto: give me one good reason why I should support …[View]
36359402As a chaser who transitioned, I really don't get the problem. I hope I can troon a chaser out o…[View]
36359368I hope you guys get to find the happiness you're looking for in life: Im too tired to keep look…[View]
36359450It's so over bros they put gays in Star Wars.[View]
36353796are there any other chadmoders here: i genuinely cant stand being harrassed by women and it drives m…[View]
36357968>went to Kpop concert last week because of MEF >the thesis was that attending that would cemen…[View]
36359250>be me, orgasming >somehow voice training kicks in >unintentionally moan like a girly fag i…[View]
36356337How does PIV sex feel with a neovag? Is it nice for the woman? Better than anal?[View]
36357622question for mtfs: since ftms worry about their cis male partners seeing them as a tomboy/woman, do …[View]
36358221Wtf do i do: Im hoping to go to college in another state eventually to pursue more opportunities but…[View]
36343886St4tgen-meta: >qott: Can you be hsts and st4t? /st4t/ is a general for trans people attracted to…[View]
36359317How useful is this for you?[View]
36359264How does HRT affect your breasts if you're fat and they're already larger than the average…[View]
36354246ftms: whats wrong with these lil poonas, i feel like most transwomen are trans even if theyre like b…[View]
36357728Y’all just mad my pussy is pink, wet and stays poppin. You could never. That’s literally all you hav…[View]
36358835i just want a trans gf to cuddle and spend our daily life together and be supportive of each other[View]
36354471my body is so fucking masculine genuinely and i look horrible in a dress i wanna vomit everytime i s…[View]
36353989There is no market for post-op trans women: What the title says. When I was pre-op, I had hoards of …[View]
36359142undesirable needs hrt: where do i find someone to buy my estrogen just turned 18 and have no money p…[View]
36359203Say goodbye to your flag: Goodbye, AGP flag. I really love you[View]
36359060I’ve been transitioned for 3 years and I pass well, haven’t been misgendered since 6 months HRT. I r…[View]
36359166Did I get clocked?: So the other day, I was in Paris, and a man came up to me and asked if I had a l…[View]
36357824I only have gender dysphoria because of severe childhood sexual abuse and an absent father. I hate t…[View]
36359127Why do most gay people not respect monogamy and the idea of saving yourself for a special someone ra…[View]
36356544>gayden pooner ftm >turned on by futa what the fuck is going on…[View]
36358445what do I call the act of NOT using my girlvoice while having sex?: > be today > used my boyvo…[View]
36358973Why are lesbians like this? I just saw this tweet, and then this fanart and it showed me how true th…[View]
36356530Is 25 too late for HRT? I'm not fully transitioning, but I'm already low T and feminine so…[View]
36358453Do we get to keep the flags?[View]
36357869Love my President[View]
36348264>hooked up with FTM >suck his clit so hard he faints >try again tonight >he jerks me off…[View]
36347173/hornygen/: /hornygen/ QOTT: have any of you messed around on omegle when it was still kicking? I mi…[View]
36358951It's over sisters: Where will you hide for the next 11 months? Have you stocked up your hiberna…[View]
36357289How do you cope with the fact you'll never pass[View]
36358810Going To A Clothing Optional Beach: I have some friends that have invited me to an outing to a nude …[View]
36357375>actually gets euphoria boners I should genuinely die for all our sakes. I can never even transit…[View]
36358497does anyone wanna be my friend? im a normie guy[View]
36356534why is it that every girl i got with while repressing eventually started treating me like a girl why…[View]
36358001How the fuck: how the fuck are you supposed to do literally anything when you have a full time + ot …[View]
36340763/ftmg/ - female to male general: touhou edition qott: who is your touhou best girl prev: >>363…[View]
36357770Is there ever an easy way to solve the dilemma of not knowing whether you’re a straight tranny or a …[View]
36356008How to help MtF gf orgasm: I've been in a long distance relationship with an MtF girl for a bit…[View]
36355090Margot Lewis appreciation thread, the passoid queen of /tttt/ deserves our admiration and love. The …[View]
36358271>>be me >>5'11 >>158 lb >>angular jawline >>overall masc physique is t…[View]
36356106I'll never ever look like a woman: Wtf was I thinking starting hrt at 25, how could I be so dum…[View]
36357703How to deal with meta-attraction?: I don't think I'm attracted to men but the thought of b…[View]
36353503wwyd: if ur transbian friend messed her diaper... but was too much of a dumb baby to change it by he…[View]
36347262What is the likelihood I get a cute st4t tranny gf by hitting on them during tf2 matches?[View]
36358503if a very large, fat, ugly, balding man decided he was a woman, put on a dress and makeup, and walke…[View]
36004729Pride Month: Yep, this one sure did sneak up on me. It's Pride sticky time! I won't bore y…[View]
36358172acceptance contingent on passing?: When I first came out, my mom wanted nothing to do with me. No ca…[View]
36357577Is there anything more telling of someone being a predatory transbian than watching CGDCT. Pretty mu…[View]
36357267I don’t have a good gag reflex (probably why I’m gay), does anyone have any advice on forcing yourse…[View]
36346051i could've been a youngshit...: >be me >realized i wanna be a girl around 8yo >researc…[View]
36349395/lesgen/ affection edition: /lesgen/ is an inclusive general for all sapphics - cis or trans - to di…[View]
36352599so im trying to accept that passing in public is not ALWAYS pity passing, and that at least some of …[View]
36355756why don't you just be gay boy instead of a tranny?[View]
36355251troon femcels is it really worth it to get HRT or is it just time passing by and it gets better? lik…[View]
36357362How big should my tits be before I buy my first bra? Also how do I buy my first bra without interact…[View]
36357501Is this achievable on hormones?[View]
36350561what are your thoughts on cis women who look like trannies?[View]
36356309what happens when u touch a tgirls butt[View]
36355001/cis gaygen/ Ape edition: Thoughts on apes? This post was made by blu old: >>36351591[View]
36351939TFW M to Girl Failiure: >Troon out youngish 16 but with late puberty >Pass >Still fail at …[View]
36358003What can a MTF rep do to attract the attention of chasers?[View]
36357251Why does almost all otaku fiction portray MtFs as straight trans women/homosexual transsexuals? Most…[View]
36357986Cis women annoy me because they have what I covet (a womb) and the opportunity to be a good wife and…[View]
36356807this will be my last pride month as a repressing loser. by june next next year, i will be on hrt, an…[View]
36351524mtfg: marvelous terrific fantastic girls edition last episode >>36347136[View]
36357621>older brother's penis is normal and large >my penis is really tiny why is this?…[View]
36352569This is a man and I want him. No homo[View]
36357319I love snuggling my cute adorable trans gf as a chaser. She's the most amazing girl in the worl…[View]
36355796i am too retarded to diy t. afraid the cops are gonna raid my house if i order anything[View]
36357485What is the actual opposition to being transgender?: One of my buddies is FtM, great guy. We were ju…[View]
36354769pro choice but anti puberty blockers?: normies: >noooo trans teens can't have puberty blocke…[View]
36356955I'm a boymoder 3 weeks into HRT. My nipples have gotten larger and very sore, and my chest is g…[View]
36357325Is this part of why the board is so shit now?[View]
36352495Is this the natural conclusion of the twink fucker? Are they just pedos that are going after the clo…[View]
36347401/picrewgen/ - lillycrew edition: (This is my first time ever making a general thread btw) ─── ・ 。゚:…[View]
36355349can some voice training girlies help a bitch out: https://voca.ro/16n3L0FC0yys https://voca.ro/1dt5k…[View]
36352994estrostealing: Just how common is it that the bf starts using the girl cream because he 'mistak…[View]
36356813Why is the right wing so fragile?[View]
36357082so THIS is who is behind all the behead all chasers & anti-srs posts on this board?!?[View]
36354981aging as trans: im 24 mtf and worried about aging. next year i will be 25, my youth is over. i start…[View]
36355534Convince me to repress: Manmoder of many years. Had a recent therapy session where the outcome was …[View]
36354515>girls can take multiple medications to grow their boobs >guys cant take anything to grow thei…[View]
36353871>its fucking sunday >wake my lazy ass up and throw on some clothes >go to church with famil…[View]
36349061Since Trump looks like he will be president again how do you think this will affect you as a tranny?[View]
36355659what would you do if you came across a boymoder, that was party rocking in the house tonight, that w…[View]
36346672music nerds of /tttt/, pls help: TL;DR - how does Ayesha Erotica get a such feminine singing voice? …[View]
36355976being an Asian man is a curse in the west the only race where being a man is worse[View]
36354527everytime i fart, my prostate gets tickled and it feels really good then I also get crazy schizo tho…[View]
36344164/mmg/ - manmoder general: lol so random xD edition QOTT: what do you need in life?[View]
36356675How do you deal with the hate?: It's really fucking hard to enjoy instagram or youtube everywhe…[View]
36350035it's the Lord's day once again! alleluia! remember that if all the seas were ink and the a…[View]
36356545What can a MTF rep do to attract the attention of ftm reppers?[View]
36356481Will estrogen make me more submissive? Or is it may may>[View]
36356270>be me >gigamanmoder >go to uni for compsci at a half decent university >use academic su…[View]
36353379Im a fat piggy tranny and I cant lose weight. My body unironically defies the laws of thermodynamics…[View]
36354461time to start stockpiling DIY i guess[View]
36351282/chasergen/ - Shitposting Edition: Last thread: >>36343871 QOTT: Do you shitpost on here? What…[View]
36349663Why do trans women call themselves dolls?[View]
36347635you are all terrible: im sick of this place. its infested with chasers, reppers, and perverts. there…[View]
36354167tf: >questioning if I'm trans, not sure of anything yet >Bored, stumble upon a MrBeast vi…[View]
36351865Transwomen who still partake in male dominated hobbies such as computers and video games aren’t wome…[View]
36356152Why are trans women who want to date other women always so much attractive than trans women who date…[View]
36355137>Look like this >Call themselves a woman Why are MtFs like this?…[View]
36350252This kills the tranny[View]
36354604my pp used to be like 8 inches before i took hrt now its more like 5-5.5 thoughts?[View]
36355946chasers: what do mtf trannies smell like? do they have the musky smell that guys have, or does their…[View]
36356086Why are you not Makimamaxxing?: >sadistic >cunning >cruel >stoic You may not like it but…[View]
36355629Ftms get manlier By exposing their mucous membrane to male ejaculate: It happens, because their part…[View]
36355260>be pooner >be stealthing in an incel discord >they don't know the difference and it…[View]
36354828Typical white woman 2024[View]
36352830how do you preserve scent on a pillow: she visited this weekend and she's not going to be able …[View]
36356022What if youre a twink not on hrt and you take progesterone? Will that give some feminizing effects?[View]
36354208Why is being a troon so sexually satisfying? Wearing short skirts, halter tops, sexy hosiery. Being …[View]
36354796I think I might be too clingy. My boyfriend and I were holding each other in bed the other day and h…[View]
36353194How do you bi guys pull girls > go on tinder > match some girls > talk with some for weeks…[View]
36355957Looking to talk I guess: So...I'm something feminine. Woman, Femboy, Femleaning enby, honestly …[View]
36355421psot bedroom guess letter :D[View]
36353413So I would like to be a girl because I think about it 24/7, can't cum without imagining myself …[View]
36355300i dont wanna think any more why couldnt i be a normal boy and not a depressed retard moid[View]
36353629ive always wanted to have a vagina hope i can someday soon[View]
36354570I genuinely dont get how someone can be attracted to female genitals, female bodies, female voices a…[View]
36355701Is it worth manmoding on HRT if your only hope for a better life is the literal invention of AGI and…[View]
36355229Why was I cursed like this?: >The average shoe size for males in the 5'10 to 6'2 height…[View]
36352005sundresses in summer: >/tttt/ tells me sundresses are agp >go to museum >half of all women …[View]
36355256Are you a high- or low-functioning LGBT?[View]
36354357Voice training is a meme: Show me a shred of evidence that someone with an average male voice could …[View]
36354222I think a guy is into me? How to be sure without embarrassing myself?: Apologies if my flag's w…[View]
36355126FORCING FTMS TO GIRLMODE SHOULD BE ILLEGAL: >have hot ftm bf with beard >his parents are comin…[View]
36353862I have a confession to make: I always wanted to be a girl but it was more of a preference but after …[View]
36354641Is there any thing that trannies have that femboys don't?[View]
36355088>mfw I'm a chaser in Norway and I didn't meet a single trans woman while studying at a …[View]
36352831I am a transgender woman and I need to have sexual intercourse with cisgender women[View]
36354719I just want to be a normal woman and have a boyfriend and live a normal life why do I have to exist …[View]
36353600space boymoder: a boymoder put a fish bowl on her head and flew to space on her little space rocket.…[View]
36355207Do you have more in common with a gay Chinese person or a straight republican American In conclusio…[View]
36354962>dad said that I had a really nice jawline while I was shaving Damn, rep fuel...…[View]
36352669why are many mtfs so disrespectful towards cis people? we want love too ;-;[View]
36353973anyone have any audios or videos of a father figure accepting his trans daughter. i need to project …[View]
36353532injections tutorial???: my first ever order of EV arrived today, is there any general tutorial on wh…[View]
36354915my history: Hello, my name is Ezequiel and for some time I have been exploring my sexuality in this …[View]
36351566what are your plans to deal with trump being president for the next 4 years? >im in a blue state…[View]
36351591/cis gaygen/ 'gay voice' edition: Are you afflicted with gayvoice? old >>36347461[View]
36353264how do i get a mtf girlfriend irl?[View]
36354632/lgbt/ Isis has captured astolfo You need to save him , you only have one minute to somehow convinc…[View]
36353288i'm assuming, since you're here, that you're queer and a 4chan user, meaning you are …[View]
36354387finnish people: what causes this behavior?[View]
36354325>dads only child >turn out to be tranny eunuch >mom already had a shit ton of kids who in t…[View]
36352486Who will it be Uk tranny? Cuck Keir Starmer or Chad Davey[View]
36354578Does your quads pass?[View]
36352952If I cannot be radiantly beautiful so that it strikes terror in the hearts of all who defile me with…[View]
36352158How can I tell if a trans woman is trans because of porn addiction or if they really have a woman…[View]
36354224>are slash for tran finally opened up again >scrolling thru and seeing how many of my larp gre…[View]
36353220Why are you like this?[View]
36354257If i am transphobic then why do i have s trans girlfriend?[View]
36351978Why do some giga passoids keep their dicks functional and even use them on men? Are they just fetish…[View]
36354061This is my preferred type of man. How do I acquire one as a bf?[View]
36351743gay man murders lesbians: Well this doesn't happen often: https://kutv.com/news/local/grand-cou…[View]
36351492What was the point of this dumbass advertisement? Everyone is roasting the trans woman and saying ci…[View]
36353971emotional depence: I am a trans girl, partially outed to some people, not passing, as I don't h…[View]
36351001How fembrained are Scorpio Moons?[View]
36351025Why does EVERYONE get JK Rowling wrong?: This started because she was speaking about female reproduc…[View]
36349334is 32C a reasonable size after almost four years on hrt?[View]
36349630Trannies know your place: Theres a strict hierachy of what trannies are datable. You should know how…[View]
36351440everytime I walk past the women beauty section in stores I feel very weird 'n fuzzy... why is t…[View]
36351490is this a fairly common experience: ive heard of quite a few trans women who have false allegations …[View]
36353579'Am I valid?' thread: I am XX, I am cis, I never had any dysphoria. I live as a cis gay man. I dont …[View]
36353960Noticeable mood/emotional swings during HRT: I started HRT about 4 months ago. Been experiencing a f…[View]
36353539Another day, another anti-trans article[View]
36353947men are a wonder: Seeing men in itself makes me happy. Seeing their male forearms, male necks and so…[View]
36353602I think finally I get it now...: Troons hate repressors so soooo SOOOOOOO goddamn much (in a way tha…[View]
36288926/frengen/: last thread: >>36184407 >asl >letters >interests >looking for >not …[View]
36350315>Ma'am, I'm afraid your chromosome test came back XY. I diagnose you with YWNBAWitis, t…[View]
36353822You little gay internet people are my only friends[View]
36351956a 10/10 cis dommy mommy just fell into my lap and now im in my first lesbian relationship i’m actual…[View]
36350309digital escapism: i like to reinstall/configure linux and take adderall to make me forget about the …[View]
36350240Can I Get Hip Growth If I Started At Risser 1?: I read a study saying you had to be early puberty to…[View]
36353274Incel-to-LGBT pipeline is real, studies confirm: According to recent studies, cis women have a compl…[View]
36351487Why are willies so nice to look at and suck bros? Honestly I'm not gay or anything, I prefer wo…[View]
36352793All ftms deserve a dick: As a body part or in their ass - but they deserve it[View]
36353457> Realize you're gay > 'I'm excited to have hot gay sex haha' > Overwhelming desp…[View]
36351210There is nothing on earth more pure than the love of a straight man for his straight trans girlfrien…[View]
36340714i cant stand the groupthink and cult mentality some of you have[View]
36350533Our identity will be stolen soon, but I want everyone to remember, we are the good kind of trans wom…[View]
36351755i want an agp mtf girlfriend, encourage her agp and satisfy her sexual fantasies. how do i archieve …[View]
36350739i hate this so much. i had great hair and i was hot for like three days after getting it cut. then i…[View]
36352257I unironically cured my gender dysphoria, I don't know how i did it[View]
36349894My bf keeps flipping my blahaj onto his back while yelling 'get rotated idiot!!!' I asked him why he…[View]
36350156Is this realistic to make an ftm harem: And than pimp them out on onlyfans in helltaker cosplay?…[View]
36352701Do you want to be my gay best friend? My little handbag homo? My social justice keychain?[View]
36353185i dont want to lose my fear of socially transitioning, my fears are there to protect me. if i wasnt …[View]
36352714I trooned out as a teenager over 10 years ago. I'm stealth, have great friends, am married to a…[View]
36350020How can you tell if HRT will actually do anything to you? What factors make it more likely for you t…[View]
36353223grab life by the boypussy fagbros. we can all do it.[View]
36350231Who is lgbt voting for? Is there any lgbt besides gay men who actually vote republican? Any lesbians…[View]
36350837I love you for who you are[View]
36351677unpopular opinion: hugboxxes at least don't kill people. trans people need them.[View]
36353117Is this a pooner?[View]
36352337is there any place on the internet for trans people that isnt as much of a hugbox as reddit and isnt…[View]
36352756Do trans women transition to hook, or do they hook to transition?[View]
36351824What is your most degenerate sexual experience?: >Went for massage not realising it was a brothel…[View]
36352224What are your thoughts on pitbull representation at Pride?[View]
36295848/clg/ Cis Lesbian General: Yuri Day Edition QOTT: Do you like yuri? If so, what is your favorite yur…[View]
36338254I hate the toxic positivity in tranny spaces so much: 'Trans is beautiful' No, It just brings you pa…[View]
36350911What do you think about semi-famous detransitioner (afab) Chloe Cole?[View]
36350426baby goes through penis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudo-penis The mammalian pseudo-penis appea…[View]
36352957>ENPORIO ONNA HORUMON!!!![View]
36350652anyone can help me?: I fantasise so often about being a cute slutty girl and being used by a strong …[View]
36349475I will continue invading male spaces and will never stop. Your bathrooms are mine. Grindr? I'll…[View]
36352375might actually have a foot fetish. it may be over. t. ranny[View]
36351300Why are we like this?[View]
36350727Why are detrannies always so irrationally angry? Is it the lingering testosterone in their bodies?[View]
36347754Are you part of the 'gender taliban', anon?[View]
36350321Don't bury your head in the sand, a Trump presidency will kill you: >Pornography, manifested…[View]
36351079I'm confused, guys. If 'trans' is short for 'transitioning' or 'transitioned', then why is 'tra…[View]
36348594what brought such a huge rise in this kind of fetish in the TTTT community?[View]
36351618runescape thread: all my runescape trannies fish your shrimps with net[View]
36352324FTM here. If one tit is disproportionately larger than the other, how fucked is my top surgery? Here…[View]
36352190iT'S TIME: diy estrogen is arriving in the mail in a couple of days from brazil and i will fina…[View]
36351297there's no shortage of stories by mtf trannies who were into girls but found themselves attract…[View]
36352592HSTS: clownfish AGP: sea anemone[View]
36352415Can a man ever be truly beautiful or does he have to become a woman to achieve that?[View]
36352539What’s the point of this board?: /pw/ is way more gay than you fags will ever be anyway.[View]
36352295Good morning Krusty Crew!: GOod morning homosexuals transsexuals and the like! today the sky's …[View]
36350160I'm an HSTS hon: There, I said it. I used to be a gay guy before I transitioned now I am suppos…[View]
36321546/cipg/ - could i pass general: i think it's time for another comfy cipg always give good feedba…[View]
36351702“HRT gave me C cups” haha that’s so crazy, wanna see something cool? Picrel is male anthropological …[View]
36350745I am very sensitive to stimuli when I am tired. Sounds, sensations, everything is uncomfortable. Whe…[View]
36347115What are you supposed to do if your adrenal glands don’t produce many androgens? I’m on pill monothe…[View]
36351244How do I give a subtle hint in public that shows that I`am gay and ready to suck cock without wearin…[View]
36351886Certified woman moment[View]
36351936twinkhons are the most oppressed people in society and no one can tell me otherwise[View]
36340304>FTM >want to have a good time on 4chins >open up /tttt/ >transmascphobia from seething…[View]
36349986in all the men i can get and all the cute guys that already expressed that they like me irl of cours…[View]
36351369My gametes bring all the boys to the yard and they're like your gametes are large damn right, m…[View]
36351996Did you ever pray to God to take away the gay?[View]
36346991You are an alpha male that's voting for President Trump right?[View]
36346789me at work every day[View]
36351123vir/gen/ - jealousy edition: vir/gen/ is a general for queer virgins to talk about their struggles w…[View]
36350507this is a cis man x ftm ship[View]
36342716post ur desktop/homescreen and guess letters: this could be fun xD[View]
36349005Do you believe troons who say that they are bisexual? It seems like they are all lesbians not wantin…[View]
36349824Most annoying flag of 2022: boymoder. Most annoying flag of 2023: chaser. Most annoying flag of 20…[View]
36351533I have to shave my gf's butthole[View]
36347461/CIS gaygen/ highly effeminate but still completely cis edition: I love being cis. old >>3634…[View]
36351509Here's your new cisfem chaser gf bro[View]
36351212if there is such a thing as a cis trans girl, it is Grimes: And Elon is basically a chaser[View]
36350087Do trans women make viable long-term partners for straight (mostly straight) men? I suspect that one…[View]
36351397ITT:People it's okay to deadname >given a couple hundred thousand dollars by wealthy parents…[View]
36350132Let's get this straight: Hon/pooner = Ugly Passoid = Cute It has NOTHING to do with whether you…[View]
36350289Through Christ, all can be saved!: I am a God-fearing heterosexual Christian man. Jesus is lord and …[View]
36348508Are straight trans women seen as predatory in the eyes of others?[View]
36347834>bottom has micropenis[View]
36348935loved and appreciated boymoder: in your own opinion, do you think boymoders should be loved and appr…[View]
36350835What are the chances that I lose my HSTS girlfriend if I come out to her as a potentially genderflui…[View]
36349605big butt?!?: am i the only one who has had a weird growth spurt in my butt anf waist? i feels super …[View]
36348782Saya no Uta is fembrained. Read it[View]
36350751>straight cis man playing game online >someone asks me what my pronouns are >respond that i…[View]
36349420What would your reaction be if your long term partner attempted suicide completely out of nowhere …[View]
36350392I met this roided out butch lady at Walmart: who shared some diet tips with me and mentioned she…[View]
36347915big dick chaser bottoms are the best part of life[View]
36349012TERFS: >you’re a disgusting man! >you’re not a lesbian at all! >no woman would want you! Ci…[View]
36349722>be nerdy longhaired Boy that wears womens clothes into nerdy longhaired boys who wear womens clo…[View]
36347713desire to have a vagina: ive always wanted to have a vagina...[View]
36350085Trans women are weirdly sexual and open about talking about sex so much so that I can even clock tra…[View]
36344490Would you let him fuck you in the ass?[View]
36350618How do I clicker train my dumb trans puppygirl???[View]
36347757You people act like there's no danger in being a theyfab, but what if the guy you were sleeping…[View]
36350743Toxic looney toons: How toxic are you feeling today, clowns; that be creeping, waiting for the next …[View]
36348425Why does having tits make me feel good? It's not even sexual, I'm not even playing with th…[View]
36348111SRS is barbaric[View]
36348376Why do passoids tolerate hons?[View]
36348873Are there any tricks to flawless passing?[View]
36350225transition after puberty should be banned[View]
36349430Your gender dysphoria is going to kill you. It's a well build person who has its hands around y…[View]
36348910Why do terfs have this autistic aura about them? It is the same retarded posture you see from troons…[View]
36341218/fbg/ - Femboy General: Country boi edition Question of the day: What would your superpower be? >…[View]
36347991Are Sardinians a valid sexuality: Pic related[View]
36347759>watch 2000s comedy >tranny joke[View]
36343871/chasergen/ - Cuddles edition: Prev: >>36335523 QOTT: Whats your favorite way to cuddle and wh…[View]
36350366Is there a surgery where they disconnect the balls and stop them from producing testosterone instead…[View]
36350356peak /lgbt/[View]
36349840is monotherapy/AA's a joke: I read a post saying that you need to get physically castrated and …[View]
36346147should i just rope: 19mtf 5'10' 130lbs, been on hrt for half a year, and i'm considering r…[View]
36349081how much did electrosis cost you for people who dont really have beards, like mine where its just li…[View]
36348582is EEn monotherapy a meme? should you take bica with it?[View]
36348352Do you think there are more trans lesbians or cis lesbians in the world? What is the ratio?[View]
36344505how many of you play league of legends[View]
36348165Another year has passed. It's my brithday today: I am sorry for blogposting, but I am totally c…[View]
36349702Trans women will be like 'we have to hook because otherwise we'd be homeless' and then go work …[View]
36349746HRT Breast development: Does nipple puffiness ever go away?? Does progesterone actually make boobs b…[View]
36346606crushing the darkness together: thread: gays, les, and trans, PLEASE tell me about a good thing you …[View]
36349928My father has discovered my female hormones twice (once when I was 18 and once when I was 20) What …[View]
36349914I need an experienced lesbian to play with my clitty.[View]
36344260Why are transbians inclined towards polyamory more than any other LGBT subtype?[View]
36347136mtfg: most terrible fearsome girl edition last episode >>36338379[View]
36347868Thoughts on tastefully colored hair?[View]
36344712help me with this fags from /fit/: What muscles do twinks look at the most? no boywife no work…[View]
36349497Is there even a way for a white male who got socialised in western gynocentric societies in the last…[View]
36347664Why does anything about trannies cause 4chan chuds to go into a Seething rage? Baiting with trans st…[View]
36349837depoon them: we should depoon all pooners and turn them into baby factories for little chuddies.…[View]
36349833TTTT queen and king nomations: The anonette who goes into ftm threads and speaks of mtfs getting fem…[View]
36349501>be me >shy dorky boy >not really feminine and not really gender nonconforming >kind of …[View]
36348919LGBskeleTon: I think I have the biggest ribcage to height ratio on this entire board yet some people…[View]
36348272what to make of this sort of relationship[View]
36347801How do I tell my FFS surgeon I do not want to looked 'bogged' at all? Should I bring this picture as…[View]
36333382/30+/ - first edition: 30+ is a general for all queer people 30 or over qott: what was the least exp…[View]
36344908Question about neovagina please answer honestly: I spoke to a trans woman who is non-op and used to …[View]
36348387I want to do anti aging but here i am posting on 4chan at 4am. 105 IQ not even once.[View]
36348763In a nightmare I am falling from the ceiling into bed beside you You're asleep I'm screami…[View]
36347888im done with women nigga how do I become gay[View]
36344959Why are men so amazing and perfect in every way?[View]
36346640i dont think therapy will help me[View]
36346561do hrtitties disappear if you stop taking estrogen ? i want to detrans but these malformed breasts h…[View]
36348700My bf calls himself unattractive and is very insecure about his looks even though to me he is 10/10 …[View]
36346969>chud friend says he's gay for me and really likes me how do i put him down gently without m…[View]
36348821>be me >have amazing bf for last 5mo >literally my dream guy, could not ask for better >…[View]
36348861I'm getting FFS with Lachiver in a few days, am I going to regret it?[View]
36341021you can't fool him: trannies are just religious homosexuals who think they can trick god by pre…[View]
36348997How many cis gays were raped through deception by ftms?[View]
36348497>as i start to pass and girlmode more and more everyday cis women are now regularly complimenting…[View]
36349192My spanish friend said he's 'breadsexual'. What did he mean by that?[View]
36349304I'm an MtF tranner and I've tried having sex (with men) but I haven't been able to cu…[View]
36349108Fucked a black trans woman for the first time as a cis male, she kinda just rammed her dick in my as…[View]
36347692>hrt mad me fucking retarded! i have ZERO depth perception im ALWAYS bumping into things i cant e…[View]
36348813>can only cum if I imagine myself as a girl getting fucked >no arousal when I wear womens clot…[View]
36349178Cafe Hon: >watching an episode on Cafe Hon >everyone shamelessly says hon >refers to someon…[View]
36346776Dear trannies,: Why can't you all look like this?[View]
36348966I found out that my soon to be ex bf is only in a relationship with me because he's upset about…[View]
36347924>trans lesbian asked to hold hands and kiss I'm getting very mixed signals here, is it norma…[View]
36331913/lesgen/ - Lesbian General: /lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis …[View]
36344863STI stuff for lgbt: Cis virgin here. Probably gonna get intimate with a polyamorous theyfab (AFAB, n…[View]
36348193agp girlfriend: i need a passing agp mtf girlfriend to be happy. how do i get one?[View]
36346623Moobs are natural and sexy[View]
36348683I want to thank all the trannies here for helping me starve myself. I've lost 20 pounds in 2 mo…[View]
36347574Gender identity is stored in the chromosomes.[View]
36345819Hons make me sick to my stomach and I could never befriend one t. mtf[View]
36342833I'm a trans woman and I want to fuck a cis gay man in the asshole. I want to assert my dominanc…[View]
36346487We LGB people stand with Rowling lol[View]
36342646>ftms like dick DURRRR >ftms wanna be plapped DURRRR >ftms are all gonna repopulate europa …[View]
36347349Is the reason trannies are stereotyped to wear glasses Is because they're typically shyer in ch…[View]
36348506my mom says she realized I wanted to be a girl when I was four. She has tormented me over my dypshor…[View]
36348358How do I stop gooning? I've been on hrt for 16 months, my masturbation addiction slowed a bit a…[View]
36347653Women should be kept in barns and milked.[View]
36346406Wtf is going on with /TTTT/? There isn’t even one good thread today[View]
36348547>befriend a guy >hang out with him a lot >one day asks me if I'm trans >tell him I…[View]
36344176What do cis women REALLY think of trans women. No hugboxxing, only the cold hard truth[View]
36348418i love cis femboys :): they're so cute truly the rarest form of beauty[View]
36348658A trans woman won a beauty contest in greece https://www.lifo.gr/lifoland/its-viral/my-style-rocks-…[View]
36346180Who makes these posts?: I don't understand why people make posts like these. I am a transbian s…[View]
36344376'Lonely' /lgbt/ anons, which is it?: >1) insane standards >2) had/has a bf/gf >3) doesn…[View]
36342666Election - UK: Is he just the lesser evil at this point for us? or do I just spoil my ballot?[View]
36314173mtf on mtf violence: a tranny crashed her car and she was carrying the body of a trans woman with he…[View]
36347597How do I, as a 31 y/o tranny, meet another tranny who will let me be her leech neet gf?[View]
36337391gossip of /lgbt/: what is the gossip around you, anon? any local or regional drama you gotta spill? …[View]
36347021I want to get BLACKED.[View]
36347614I have reccuring dreams of pregnancy: And when the whole thing is about to end I wake up. I just wan…[View]
36348222I call my Daddy Daddy. What are some other sweet names I could call by imaginary boyfriend?[View]
36342236I DESERVE A TRANS GIRLFRIEND!! I bought a house, car, I'm a dog owner, reached 6 bank digits I …[View]
36347069t, if you still browse here, i want u to know i finally went to a sheetz! it was really awesome. i g…[View]
36346397should I ask him to tie me up: >be me >19 mtf >dad gets back from work trip >we smoke w…[View]
36346454Are you trying to get into professional drama club?: I know you are a theatre dork! Lmfao[View]
36345765How do I change the type of person I'm attracted to?: >be me, 18 y/o manmoder >had a gf d…[View]
36345915I'm bi or pan mtf, i like both kinds of tran and cis, but, it's so weird, with transguys i…[View]
36347268>tfw coping with feeling like shit by having a repper power fantasy of getting rich and lobbying …[View]
36341392So why does god let trannies exist? If he doesnt see the trannies, he can't be omniscient. If h…[View]
36342952any big boob placebo rituals in the board: I will get my hrt back from a doctor soon and I have been…[View]
36341403All tiktok ftms must find an incel bf: its the only way to save their kind[View]
36340328First time in a gay relationship and feeling uncomfortable: Looking for advice. I'm bi and have…[View]
36345411I went outside today. It was warm. I saw a lot of cis women wearing tight shorts and mini dresses. T…[View]
36347371My tits are aching. Herbal HRT works.[View]
36344999necessary srs questions: after i get srs, will i be able to get fisted? can i put objects up there, …[View]
36347506it would be so nice if i was a passoid[View]
36347473How do I accept my sexuality or absolutely change it to not be this degenerate creature anymore.: Th…[View]
36347988=== Trans girlfriend ===: ---------------------------------------------------- Can I have a trans gi…[View]
36346943You rub it off as if it had weak affect, but you know it's true. Your autistic, inept genes kno…[View]
36346881is this an accurate representation of you boymoders? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKiD1HTxYK8…[View]
36344509why didn’t you start early?: Im in the women’s restroom right now, and no one knows I’m trans lol. W…[View]
36346278should i get a fuck machine? i can’t find a boyfriend and need a substitute. i could record myself a…[View]
36346499i will go to hell for being a tranny[View]
36346271i’m a manmoder and i just had a good date. he was really sweet and we made out and cuddled for a bit…[View]
36343588Anyone went to pride today in Santiago Chile?: Saw a trans girl wearing a boy hoodie, with a trans f…[View]
36347687/MtCg/: Manlet to Chad general. Good evening fellow incels, how are we coping today? Bad I’m guessin…[View]
36347137Any cis men here with a harem of trannies? What's it like[View]
36339497They made an all women discord server but wouldn't let trans women join. Is this acceptable beh…[View]
36347719>be me >be dating transfem cutie >she cheats on me >break up >she ends up accusing of…[View]
36345529Why isn't traditional Islam equated to fascism?: Trannies will always call mild conservatives '…[View]
36347038ftm femboy: does that make sense. i just want a dick to peg cute boys with[View]
36347601Hons be like “do i pass?”: And “she” is in the women’s locker room butt ass naked, cock swinging lmf…[View]
36346634am i really a tranner like the pinkpillers say if i find this pic incredibly horrifying? do other me…[View]
36347320Parasitic mfs: I'm so tired of seeing all you brain rot ttttrs spreading to normal platforms li…[View]
36345159This is the ultimate litmus test to determine whether you're AGP or HSTS. Without exception, yo…[View]
36347029drunk tranny ramblings: i hate being a heighthon so much no one will ever love me if i transition, e…[View]
36347065/tttt/ convince me not to eat friend chicken and soda for late nite dinner[View]
36343594/gaygen/ - boxers or briefs edition: which one do you prefer on other men anons?[View]
36346897walgreens FLAVORx: do you think i can get my HRT in sour apple flavor???[View]
36345985how do i stop fearing cis people: i feel like all cis people even my bf and friends and family all s…[View]
36342255do trans women like cbt?[View]
36339282/G/ENERAL - Pooner KING of /tttt/: Now that Boris detransed, Terje is dead, and Joe is too busy gril…[View]
36343542men only want trannys for sex im gonna be alone forever when all my cis friends are getting married …[View]
36346961i havent had a male orgasm in weeks and it makes me feel like a sissy[View]
36347227this is a cis man x trans man ship. the gayden fantasy[View]
36346880ive been doing a lot of praying to god about me transitioning and i havent received an answer. i pra…[View]
36345347I believe in HSTS supremacy. Transbians seethe over us being real women.[View]
36345823I’m a straight mtf but whenever I go to gay clubs all I get is lesbians hitting on me. I’m a pussy a…[View]
36341205what is meta attraction REALLY?: how do i know if i'm meta attracted? why are cis men and women…[View]
36345942Feels bad: > be me 22 > unattractive and hates myself. > overhears friend talking to someon…[View]
36346942idek what to say, I have a super hot tranny girlfriend and I want to brag She's super hot[View]
36346835>want to get back on hrt even though it made my bpd worse i was a giant piece of shit during 2021…[View]
36343717boymoder's taco truck: a boymoder has finally achieved her life long dream and got herself a ta…[View]
36343139I wish I passed like Hunter[View]
36345845gghhhhhhhhghh: tonight's my 7 month anniversary with my gf, and all i've been able to thin…[View]
36344088you mean to tell me there's an os called puppy linux, and i'm not hearing about this const…[View]
36340742Public toilet in the UK.[View]
36346195Help with voice pls pls pls why is vtgen always archived: So like basically I'm stupid and just…[View]
36346790why do anal orgasms make me pee? is there a way to stop doing it?[View]
36346361absolute killstreak australium hales-own glistening diamond a24 indie kino slowburn from the heights…[View]
36345192What's the recommended swimwear for a boymoder? My trans gf is going soon with my whole family.[View]
36339470What are your thoughts on fagmoding?[View]
36345705WATCHING THIS TO COMPLETION WILL TURN YOU INTO A TRANNY. And if it doesn’t turn you into a tranny, i…[View]
36344709I hate this stupid fucking cat face I want to do insane things to it I fucking HATE it and I HATE wh…[View]
36345260FFS makes you more of a real woman, SRS just makes you a fucking pooner. Posties will deny this.[View]
36346216>can get half hard at ftms, like pussy but hairy body is turn off >can get hard at hot passing…[View]
36338889is it even chasing: when i focus on dating trans girls for the buttstuff? i dont care that much abou…[View]
36340928Do fujoshis and cis gay men get along well?[View]
36343876time to get back on my circumcision: i saw in my state's legal code that it is explicitly a cri…[View]
36341011>”well at least I’m actually a woman” How do you respond without sounding like you’re seething an…[View]
36344941How male do you look without make-up?[View]
36343017I'm a 6'2 cis man with a 7'5 inch dick: Ftms, ask your questions.[View]
36345890Hopefuel: >friend looks at me >he's shocked >'holy shit I thought you were a woman' Ma…[View]
36344818Every chaser I've dated has had multiple personality disorders: My one partner is a felon who h…[View]
36346204How different do trannies feel compare to cis women? Or ones with HRT Vs. ones that don't. How …[View]
36341079>tfw no chocolate femboyfriend[View]
36345797Biphobia is hell: The other day I saw someone on reddit talk about their experience as a 'lesbian' s…[View]
36311252/repgen/: Previous: >>36284218 QOTT: Have you ever worn makeup before?[View]
36345131im happy that HRT made me able to cry[View]
36346054How fembrained is drinking wine and laughing at other Hons/troons/boymoders on here?[View]
36344435Posted this to my close friends story on Snapchat, am I cooked? Did I word shit wrong? Should I rope…[View]
36344764Im going to cheat the system to win at life: >want a trans gf but having kids is very important t…[View]
36345237Does this make me a slut?: Is it wrong to enjoy it when a man firmly grasps your neck during sex? My…[View]
36345366I'm taking a flight to see my bf next week. We are gonna be so cute together[View]
36345312Poonfidence crushed: >FTM >last year probably fall >pre hrt insane poonfidence >decides …[View]
363396932 years, it has been two years since I first visited this doctor to ask for my diagnosis. This week …[View]
36344589What's MTF Art like?: We have plenty examples of FTM art but few of MTF art. So MTF artists pos…[View]
36338379/mtfg/ - tom and jerry edition: prev: >>36332166 qott: idk, do you like tom and jerry? what ca…[View]
36344727im probably the stinkiest most male brained tranny on this board. also im a hon. but i think that go…[View]
36344663Caught my dad staring at my tits again.[View]
36344865Welcome to Pride 2024[View]
36338169Gay zoomer beats the shit out of homophobic boomer: Who was in the wrong here?[View]
36345142discovered i am an egg, or cracked, and have this horrible feeling of impending doom unlike anything…[View]
36345634I miss having an inner voice and being able to rotate things in my imagination. T. Hrtwink[View]
36345602how do you feel about about the name liv versus olivia idk which i should introduce myself as[View]
36344675anyone else stockpiling hrt now before we eventually have it taken away in 2025?[View]
36345527I'm a transbian top and I need to suck and fuck tranny ass and cock NOW!!![View]
36344375virgins deserve no sympathy: it's so easy to get sex and dates regardless of everything else if…[View]
36335932Gay men should be enslaved, rendered tame, and offered, indentured, to deserving fujoshi women.[View]
36339935what is your ideal partner?[View]
36345295why are there more trannies willing to top than there are gays[View]
36341760you’ll get there too lil pooner: I’m a 5’4 mid autist pooner and I finally found someone who genuine…[View]
36344613What's odd here?: Tell me something odd about this map. What do you notice?[View]
36343659how do we know we're right? how com so many people are talking about redpills and maxirsm and '…[View]
36344501>give money to a homeless lady >'thank you sir'…[View]
36345070Why aren't you a Chad or a Brad or any other kind of positively viewed man? What do you lack th…[View]
36343166The most popular fetishes amongst women: '50 cis women were asked about what sexual fetishes they ha…[View]
36344868I saw a clip of this movie and heard about the subject matter and it just kinda shook me to my core …[View]
36344968who wants to go on a road trip[View]
36344858Tribe make Two-Spirit. White man identify as two spirit. White man steal the gender like they steal …[View]
36345029Why are transbains the worst: Cis queer chaser here Being a chaser with a fetish doesn't make y…[View]
36344148How long is your hair?[View]
36345042Serious question: why do so many trans women identify with communism and other far left ideologies? …[View]
36341672>be terminally submissive tranny who thinks exclusively in horny greentexts >meet this dude at…[View]
36340761Cis vaginas are far from perfect: Stop putting cis women on the pedestal. My friend has a new clien…[View]
36343578>complain to a friend of mine about how a random guy was trying to get into my pants >my frien…[View]
36339205How do I make myself smaller Hands smaller Feet smaller Arms shorter Chest smaller Head smaller How …[View]
36344606Transgender and passing: What if there's a law saying that you had a pass well before you trans…[View]
36344782my tits hurt my hips hurt its way too fucking hot theres bugs crawling all over me i just want to di…[View]
36329253Why is this hag trying to exterminate us?[View]
36342499Ftms have 2 emotions: >want to have a dick >want to have a dick in the ass…[View]
36343035Proof that most trannies are AGP: We are led to believe that trannies have female/male brains in wro…[View]
36332619Does your camera pass? A /p/ - /lgbt/ collaboration: what cameras are hsts and which are agp? after …[View]
36343476How come trannies on reddit tend to immediately block you when you respond to them? >I reply to a…[View]
36340074vir/gen/ - khhv edition: vir/gen/ is a general for queer virgins to talk about their struggles with …[View]
36343238Sometimes I'm mean to my trans girlfriend because she's cute when she gets emotional and/o…[View]
36340465>95% of Cis women look like goddesses with the right makeup on >5% of Trannies look like women…[View]
36344467Aliens Can Talk To Your Phone Keyboard Thumbs!!: I Caused Aliens To Make Telekinetic Psychic Contact…[View]
36344272Question for anti trans bigots who want to restrict child access under the guise of parental rights:…[View]
36344271domesticated by isolation: keep that muzzle of yours shut, puppy. nobody wants to see that hideous m…[View]
36342713Why aren't you drinking to deal with your crippling dysphoria anon?[View]
36344265/YWNBAFG/ - You Will Never Be A Feminist: This is your mind on kolpraphilia. For those of you who wa…[View]
36344132its over: im on 1mg estrogen after 2.5 years hrt... i just found out youre supposed to start at 2mg.…[View]
36343029how is NJ as a troon: t. lives in the NYC area but rent is pricing me out[View]
36342396do you enjoy casual sex with strangers?[View]
36343836I accidentally impregnated my gf and now she wants me to detrans and be a father to the kid[View]
36344103>be born >one chance at life >literally born in a place called 'troon' It never even consid…[View]
36344118> be me > a tranny > I am not really pretty, but I pass most of the time and even then my v…[View]
36344038>hello, SIR[View]
36342463why did hrt make me start liking public sex[View]
36343981my life is fucking miserable: >be me >manmoder >look pretty attractive as a man >when i …[View]
36342842this has to be a prank: you guys are gonna say this is a larp or something but a man, as in a human …[View]
36344007i got a haircut for the first time since i started transitioning about three and a half years ago ! …[View]
36343246>start E at 13 >liberal parents >never went through male puberty >hetero boy kisser Do I…[View]
36343750Is Fate/Stay Night malebrained?[View]
36342015growing up all my friends were either men or bi/lesbian women and i was also a dyke at the time so i…[View]
36339096She doesn't even refer to us as trans women anymore. Just biological males: She's at it ag…[View]
36342940How do you cope with having negative eye tilt?[View]
36339354Top, bottom, vers?: Gay/bi guys... Curious to know if you consider yourself a top, bottom or versati…[View]
36342633are trans girls inherently magical?[View]
36341837If you are not on cross-sex HRT, you can not be non-binary.[View]
36341611is this normal?: I'm stealth irl and love being a woman BUT I really want to date an FTM and fu…[View]
36340050I have fat fucking tits what the hell?: I can't boymode anymore my parents are going to kick me…[View]
36340496This is how I imagine future of every FtM[View]
36342782This is based, actually[View]
36338963Is being fat part of being lgbt?: I noticed that it's like a sexual identity that isn't ci…[View]
36341818theres always a cuter passoid..... always a younger shit[View]
36342607There are so many amazing men out there but none of them would date a tranny, im never gonna be in a…[View]

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