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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

Displaying 1,127 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
37704326Ego death pooner sex: As an ftm, I'm kind of into this idea of getting bred piv by an incel lik…[View]
37712035I hate that I'm AGP: I'm on estrogen so don't even tell me to troon out. I hate being…[View]
37717424Depressed lonely femboy general: I used to look at straight couples and envy the girl, but lately I…[View]
37714552Writing a research essay on this online community: The essay is about positive vs negative online tr…[View]
37712910How come trans people have such higher IQ?: https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.2…[View]
37714872Why are chasers obsessed with transbians? If you call a chaser out for being a creep they'll in…[View]
37714520https://voca.ro/19bn5pgLLzbN https://voca.ro/1jrg14iqlkbN[View]
37716791Just being awake is pain and nothing interests me any more. Everything is a cope to distract from mi…[View]
37716100Girls are supposed to have penises.[View]
37715697Hypothetically speaking: If I were to cut off my penis with a saw or knife, what would be the best w…[View]
37705745MTF representation in anime >Cute, more feminine than most women >Secretly a boy, longs to be …[View]
37710335THE DREAM: >tfw no hot girlfriend to play dress up with how do you cope???…[View]
37712289/mmg/ - Manmoder general: QOTT - Do you go to therapy? Does it help?[View]
37714413tranners who have gotten BBLs, how did it go?: are you happy w/ the results? were there any complica…[View]
37710122Since the vast majority of the airborne particulate has now descended to the floor of the earth, do …[View]
37716753why do i think 'i'm actually a woman' when i do shrooms or LSD but sober i just feel like a nor…[View]
37715449lgbt self love: Are you comfortable in your body anon?[View]
37714040I can't take trannies who are obsessed with RGB lights, desktop PCs, anime, Japan and Discord s…[View]
37715905i am a trans girl and i try hard to be a good person![View]
37714743I wish there was more porn of trans girls getting strapped. I've only found one video so far bu…[View]
37716117I'm a cis male and I have a crush on my best friend who recently came out to me as MTF even tho…[View]
37716069Would chasers settle for a transgirl who's suffering from gout?[View]
37714049i wish i was enslaved by some girl on here[View]
37716035Transgirls, if Trump promised free FFS would you vote for him?[View]
37714956The single most important social issue facing society today is normalizing the girlbulge. SRS is ant…[View]
37713628MTFs are saying the way OP replied here is transphobic. Are they correct? OP is non-binary btw.[View]
37715007I'm a sexist trans woman any tips on coping with it. just absolutely despise cringe women[View]
37711871/gaygen/ - gay general: pizza hut edition old: >>37708715[View]
37716131Whatever happened to the c4tgen threads on this board? The likelihood of finding a cis girl who…[View]
37713869bras: do y'all wear them? i'm flat so i really don't need to but it makes me feel bet…[View]
37715720Men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.[View]
37714345Drugjak: Any other trannies addicted to drugs here? I love slamming heroin and coke everyday and I’m…[View]
37714417ChaserGen: What would the chaser flag look like? Last: >>37712428[View]
37706546Do straight men really fap thinking about pussy? I won't say I'm disgusted by it like a fa…[View]
37715269I am sure the steadily growing yet ignored fetishization of trans men isn't gonna lead to anyth…[View]
37715870vocaroo: Stacy: My juices are dripping down my thigh! And, I'm thirty minutes late. I am so sor…[View]
37712424Can pooners wear panties?[View]
37713256Have any pooners here ever been in the military?: What was your experience like?[View]
37714432What do chuds mean when they say 'stay away from the kids'? Do they mean stop supporting youth trans…[View]
37714963my boyfriend made me vote for kamala harris[View]
37714633trans women wasting their afternoon drawing lesbian ms paint animals again[View]
37715665I can't stop upgrading: I keep moving up from man to man. I could be head over heals for a guy …[View]
37715426which pizza topping is the most fembrained?[View]
37709242What is the /lgbt/ consensus on the conflict between Romanticism and Enlightenment rationalism?[View]
37715211>srshons be like 'my neovagussy is 99.9% identical to a cis vag!' loving every laugh…[View]
37711739i hate that i like being on estrogen so much its been almost 6 months and even though its not that m…[View]
37713830>JK Rowling[View]
37714243are trans milfs real? >t. chaser[View]
37714146im meta attracted. how do i cure it.[View]
37714054...i'm starting to think that some of you guys don't think very highly of women[View]
37714731i want a hot trans gf with big boobs and a biiiiiiiiiig diiiiiiiiiick >t. chaser…[View]
37712690Prominent transgender influencer Mercury Stardust CANCELED by the radical left for dating someone 3 …[View]
37715174Why aren't you lifting sisters? >Make women swoon >make bottom chasers swoom >beat up…[View]
37714750Enforced Beta Feminization: If you are a sexless male who spends all day on the internet instead of …[View]
37712723how do I find a trans gf with smelly feet and or awful gas?[View]
37712301Pressure to honmode: ;_; wat do? Do chasers get off on being seen with hons in public?[View]
37714272Yeah i admit it: i want a trans gf because i haven't had luck with cis girls. But why does that…[View]
37697758why did she get cancelled? the more time goes by the more stupid it all sounds >lol you and your …[View]
37707740>Ftms want to transition because they're rape victim and they cope with it by turning themse…[View]
37711417Ever notice how passoids tend to be curvy or chubby while hons are always skin and bones?[View]
37713264Fact: the grand majority of 'gay' bottoms would be perfectly fine with being topped by a big butch w…[View]
37684145/frengen/ classic previous: >>37616391 >asl >letter(s) >about me >interests …[View]
37707239Anyone here know this feel?: >That feel when you want to dress up like a woman and let a man use …[View]
37714191i had a best friend for a really long time who was one of the only people who knew i was trans befor…[View]
37714518>guy moves to sit down next to me in genetics class to work on a problem together >smiles …[View]
37706246>localfag recognized me from my hornyposting on /soc/ it's over[View]
37714528I want to suck a trans girls dick really badly, but the issue is I live in Omaha Nebraska and I…[View]
37714340convert to islam, cure depression: > be me, 3 yrs hrt transfemme, atheist > decide to meme mys…[View]
37713734Why can'y I cum from using toys on my butt? Why is it so hard? Is there a way to train because …[View]
37714405this board will be so much better when they add this in. Please mods, this board needs it so dearly[View]
37714360i got a gf and I love her a lot but I still wanna kms, the only difference is I feel more guilty for…[View]
37712345Is this the rep life?: >Tfw made enough money to live on for years >Cashed out and been a NEET…[View]
37714315Sex with Dr. Blanchard Vocaroo: Stacy: My juices are dripping down my thigh! And, I'm thirty mi…[View]
37712065Thoughts on interracial gay couples?[View]
37707398/tttt/ who are your favorite and least favorite posters and or trip fags[View]
37713753Asked out the Starbucks Boymoder. She feinted a shoot worm and I fainted in front of the customers. …[View]
37701136What would Dr. Blanchard make of this?[View]
37713483I will not settle for less than a chaser with a body like this.[View]
37708873How do I get a twinkhon gf? Me on the right[View]
37714007>sister pointed out that my thighs make a clapping sound when I move a certain way >mfw…[View]
37712979I keep destroying people[View]
37707302>gold star gay/bottom/trans for the first 22 years of my life >fuck a pussy at 23 >lose all…[View]
37712149Japan has fallen...[View]
37711963...is it true that mtfs get sexually assaulted very often? how can i prevent it from happening to me…[View]
37713874What’s your opinion on masc gays?[View]
37710785Is it even possible to stop boymoding?[View]
37713557this used to be gays what happened?[View]
37713969fuck you guys for mindbreaking my friend into being a dog, she could have been a happy normal person…[View]
37711870Does this mean, I have autism?: I'm a tranny, I use this board religiously, I'm obsessed w…[View]
37713117>i'm 25 and I'm ready to settle down Why are bottoms like this?…[View]
37713875I've just dated: A trans girl I've met online. I made my catch-phrase like bait threads an…[View]
37709478>be me, a transsexual woman >perform at experimental music concert >more than half of the o…[View]
37712554Why does this keep happening to beautiful trans girls? Is gock supreme over mussy?[View]
37702940is this the place where I can find a tranny gf that will play pokemon soul link nuzlockes with me?[View]
37711091before my transition I used to only make girl characters in games now I only make hot guy characters…[View]
37711990Good morning hons. Just a reminder if I see you walking around the street, I will politely hit you u…[View]
37713295my '''dysphoria''' is just me being sad that i don't get to be a hot guy[View]
37712428/ChaserGen/: Qott: Does it get better? Q4Tranners: What do you think of us(non bottom chasers)? La…[View]
37713499I'm a top, but I don't want to get off my bottom. Like, I don't want to spend 20 minu…[View]
37711924Gay men >I will be miserable and unsatisfied if I'm unable to be in romantic and sexual rel…[View]
37713417The reason why so many trans women are racist is because they obsess over media like anime that neve…[View]
37711733As a lesbian, when a girl tells me she's bi and I imagine her being with men before, I can…[View]
37706452Tops, what do you love from your bottom in bed?[View]
37712840Is it gay to get off to being called a faggot?: Title. Also picrel is ideal wife/husband. Also gener…[View]
37712340Why do I want to be a girl like this so bad?[View]
37712643>every twitter/bluesky trans needs money to escape a 'dangerous living situation' what is the tak…[View]
37709818>be me >bipolar adhd tranny >suicidal >drops out of college >tells my mom and explain…[View]
37708627How do t4t transbians have sex? What parts go where?[View]
37706672/mtfg/ manatee to fangtooth general: Last Thread: >>37698724 QOTT: Have you ever held a frog? …[View]
37713185I am voting Trump, so I can join my sister's in the ethnic cleansing: I found one way I can be …[View]
37711502>when the cute twinkhon is a straightoid[View]
37708868Repping prognosis: I am a bisexual troon and I plan to suppress both my homo desires and trans desir…[View]
37707315last night a cis male friend of mine gave me fashion advice. it was very kind of him but he is 6…[View]
37712642I’m disgusting and I hate myself because I’m so fucking weak nowadays. I used to be strong as anythi…[View]
37712539i dont wanna leave my room anymore[View]
37711203i think im gonna cut myself again[View]
37711908How many months does it take for HRT changes to really compound and for one to start looking more 'f…[View]
37710780>date trans girl >she wants to involve me in gay shit (meetups, parades and stuff like that) …[View]
37707362What is a 'transbian'?[View]
37702801/clg/ Cis Lesban General - TERF edition: Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians)…[View]
37710753when i think about making out with guys 20 years older than me that have greying beards i get really…[View]
37712285The lesbians are in a state of civil war again.[View]
37709780it’s time to give up, should i jump off a building or in front of a train? never gonna pass better t…[View]
37705466FFS: Is it even worth going to a lesser-known cheaper surgeon for FFS? I've been boymoding for …[View]
37702969I just want some honest truth, and I’m tired of being hug box from family, trans friends and therapi…[View]
37709839/gaydengen/ Celibacy Edition: gay/bi ftm thread QOTT 1: ¿Do you date cis men? QOTT 2: ¿Thoughts on c…[View]
37710787they literally harassed me and made comments about my gender: recently i joined a bangladeshi discor…[View]
37708541>be me, tranny >join terf discord because I'm bored and hate myself >the nsfw channels…[View]
37708319I'm a transbian and find most men unattractive. But recently I have developed a crush on Kurt C…[View]
37697621which one of you did this?[View]
37707477struggling with my sexuality: I don't come from a homo-affirming environment, yet experience ho…[View]
37711936There is no suffering greater than that of being a small dicked top[View]
37710490Marriage or a trans person: Is getting married a good idea as a trans person? I live with my boyfrie…[View]
37709525> be me > 7mo hrt, turned from top to complete bottom > getting the lower part of my tummy …[View]
37705093if you're the anon from the bad person thread I'm sorry. My day was shit and the thread di…[View]
37711147Weird behavior: >Spend all day everyday ERPing with random men on discord while pretending to be …[View]
377095121930s Hons: They had rapehons even in the 1930s…damn you hirschfield.[View]
37711824How much pent-up repressed homosexuality exists in the Middle East?[View]
37694830/ita/ - il filo gay: edizione pugliese[View]
37711055If Blaire White were elected US President would the wars in Ukraine and Gaza cease?[View]
37710076Did anyone else watch PLL as a teen? i wanted to be maya so badly when i was 12 https://youtu.be/fLm…[View]
37711447I wish I could look like Picrel ):: I have short hair, for some reason my hair is very thin and hard…[View]
37708715/gaygen/ Buckfast edition.: What unholy creature brought forth this drink to the earth to sample? On…[View]
37707638>have become more conservative as I transition why is this?[View]
37709797Why this board encourages ogrehon reppers to take hrt: 1. They think it’s funny to make more ogrehon…[View]
37709360Why nerds overreprented among trans people?[View]
37707289what do you think of this quote from the TOOB: > I would prefer to centre desire and will when ta…[View]
37711546I come to this board every time I mess up shaping my shit goatee, having to shave it all off and sta…[View]
37708353what is a proper bottom diet?[View]
37707729trans women and cis women were made for each other[View]
37710700reconnected with a super religious high school friend after like a year of not talking and we conver…[View]
37709893/Chasergen/: Qott: would you date a hon? Q4Tranners: Cut or Uncut? Why? Last: >>37707546…[View]
37707036trans girls > sissies/cross dressers > gay men > cis women >>>>>>>>…[View]
37708589>mtf claims to be a cis man on estrogen because it will make him hot: hahaha reppers amirite, she…[View]
37708956its really hard being a touched starved tranny in the 3rd world i just wanna hold hands in public bu…[View]
37702403I'm ftm repressor. I look like a normal woman. And I will get 'AMAB' tattooed above my pussy, a…[View]
37711117How do I measure my face? And what is the average female length?: How do I measure my face? And what…[View]
37710447>get thai food with chaser >tell him to try some noodles and some crispy tofu >he takes a s…[View]
37709576Self Portrait Thread: be realistic[View]
37710056Peter Thiel is a repper?: Be honest, Thiel is some kind of repper, right? The brains behind Trump an…[View]
37710446Is it normal to feel a warm tingling sense of subservience when around men who speak Swedish fluentl…[View]
37703721/mmg/ - manmoder general: bill cipher edition Previous thread: >>37698586 QOTT: keep sucking i…[View]
37707445is buying a reusable auto injector worth it for a severely needlephobic tranny? im not american so t…[View]
37710301>be very bitter and hateful transmed boymoder, strong dislike for hons, gaydens, transbians, and …[View]
37707838since everyone said that i'm a retard for wanting to meme myself into having dysphoria, can i a…[View]
37704652I hired a tranny hooker and learned I'm actually a bottom: >be me >boymoder >7 months…[View]
37710703>faggot friend magically realized he is a trans woman after spending months crying that he stoppe…[View]
37709865Injection Question: This probably is not the best place to ask but i'm not going to start using…[View]
37710659I have finished, something. It could have been longer, but I don't have the patience to stay a…[View]
37710047I feel sm alone as a gay man: I am so alone. I live in the asshole of my country not to far from a b…[View]
37710196I can't stop upgrading: I keep moving up from man to man, never fully committing. I could be he…[View]
37710128whose the top[View]
37709313My boyfriend just plays Chip's Challenge all day every day. He's so cute. ^^[View]
37710529one of my coworkers told me I look like them: i'm going to commit[View]
37709499any point to date before SRS: I'm a lonely 24 year old tranner that can't bottom due to he…[View]
37707064Who is this[View]
37703006how come guys unmatch me on dating apps as soon as they find out that im trans?[View]
37710146Um... hewoo...c-can I get a-a-a-a sexuaw weassignment s-suwgewy p-pwease?[View]
37710414why do neurotypical gay guys act like stereotypical caricatures of black women, and vice versa with …[View]
37707785I enjoy making trannies mad: It always brings a smile on my face to see one of you suffer[View]
37709176Transgirls, if your bf sent you this pic how would you react?[View]
37705153Trannies please make sure to get you mammogram when necessary, 1 in 3 women will get breast cancer i…[View]
37701448Why do trans women always dress like hookers? The middle class ones dress like high end escorts, the…[View]
37710193>virgin >size queen Does big cock hurt? I have no experience with sex, but I want to try a big…[View]
37706914twinky chaser bottoms get what they fucking deserve[View]
37707563What majors do trannies usually fall into? Now I obviously wouldn't change my entire major for …[View]
37701431/wipmftg/ what is preventing me from twinkhonhood general: it's my eyes right? I can cover my f…[View]
37709739if I, a chaser proposed you suck my dick, swallow a load, and then let me put a second load in your …[View]
37709915i only want to be a woman when i'm not horny because when i'm horny i'm a malebrained…[View]
37710031how the fuck do people actually sell nudes. all the omegle clones ban you instantly for trying to hu…[View]
37709249I've been told you can use a 60ml syringe to douche Does that really work? I think I would pref…[View]
37710007it’s really weird seeing the deaging effect work on other trannies while you’re 21 and look 40. you …[View]
37707974How often do you shave your legs?[View]
37709878I don’t know if I’m actually gay or just a porn addict with a very advanced humiliation fetish. I do…[View]
37709867Why there are so MANY amab troons, but so few cut breedable FtMs?[View]
37706832does getting fucked make you more feminine?[View]
37705808For the hons on her only: How did you get hrt? I'm not a trannie just a ugly half breed mex and…[View]
37708678I hate living in the third world, no one will openly date me.[View]
37699219>I don't feel like having sex, anon. Let's just cuddle How would you react if your part…[View]
377079722 month hrt: My 15 year old friend(trans girl), 2 months HRT. What do you think? (Bad photo, but she…[View]
37705051as a cis man, am i a chaser if i dont want a trans girlfriend to mutilate her penis? reddit tells me…[View]
37709467How do I acquire a chuuni-moder gf?[View]
37682708How do I accept I'm a filthy transbian?: I'm ashamed that I still like both cis and trans …[View]
37700073>'Anon, I have a question for you. What is a woman?' How do you respond without sounding silly?…[View]
37709018how do we get more trans girls and femboys into farting?[View]
37708042Cis or trans, we all are clowns living in clownworld.[View]
37706121whose the top[View]
37709549relationship: What if my friend and I are like this hamster with a banana? Friend is banana...…[View]
37709536Ace Chaser: Is it weird to be an asexual chaser? A person who is not asexual but specifically wants …[View]
37708055Why are you, figuratively and literally, like this in video games?[View]
37708888Straight trans female tops/switches who are not sex workers and willingly top using their genitals w…[View]
37707589progesterone horror stories?: been on it almost 5 or 6 months now 200mg boofed every night it’s weir…[View]
37709129Psyllium Husk: IT TASTES SO BAD AND THE TEXTURE IS DISGUSTING I'm starting to take it because I…[View]
37707531What do it be called when you like women, have had sex with men and liked it, had sex with trans wom…[View]
37707573>too ugly and neverpassing to ever live as a woman >too terminally bottom brained to ever live…[View]
37708516Is anal bad for you? Everytime i have it the whole fucking room stinks. Top or bottom it doesnt matt…[View]
37692680/lesgen/ - Lesbian General: /lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discus…[View]
37707546/chasergen/ 2013 edition: QOTT: What were you doing in 2013?[View]
37694187/hornygen/ Bottom edition: I can't stop thinking about being fucked[View]
37706116did transitioning make you a cleaner person?[View]
37708959So... did you do it?[View]
37707921how do I find a smelly, mean trans gf? trans girls when was your last shower and how mean can you be…[View]
37708044what am i supposed to do as a neverpasser? just keep taking hrt until i die knowing it's over b…[View]
37708973Respect your allies!: >>37131367 >Successful mtf trannies can’t be male. Failed males becom…[View]
37708764i transitioned years ago. i got ffs and ba. i pass now. i live a normal life. but i still went thro…[View]
37707616Why are cis women so bad at their eating disorders? Like, you could limit your calories by eating a …[View]
37599265/hrtgen/ #702: Previous: >>37557914 • Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages • HRT related…[View]
37708765epic dragon-riding boymoder: what if there was a boymoder who would ride on her dragon mount? it wo…[View]
37708467i wonder why an entire wing of politics sees trans people as an existential threat to the vulnerable…[View]
37707413Picrew thread: sweet n spooky edition: I come to you with not one but two adorable character makers,…[View]
37707479do trannies fuck with clarice lispector novels???[View]
37705064am i the only non-autistic tranny?: it feels like every single tranny i've met is autistic to a…[View]
37707402EU/UK medical data sharing: today I've read an article about upcoming UK's NHS plans to ad…[View]
37708413>family supported my transition >brother got his truck trashed by his old roommate and when he…[View]
37707100Is it possible for AGPs to get boipregs?[View]
37707439>masculine energy >feminine energy[View]
37706635Proper childhood: How do you feel about not having your childhood in your proper gender while also h…[View]
37704409Is Harry from Disco Elysium a repressing trans woman? >when waking up inland empire and the limbi…[View]
37704695FFS in a month. what do: It's finally happening... I'm flying out to Dr Mardirossian in ju…[View]
37707625what big titty latinas are you guys jerking it to these days?[View]
37703950Why do some people just look gay and give off gay vibes Does a gay face exist[View]
37708474My bf told me that he doesn't feel as attracted to me anymore since I started HRT because I 'sm…[View]
37705936how do I, as a boymoder, find myself a female chaser? I wanna be upfront about being trans or at lea…[View]
37705217LGBT gif/webm thread.: Post if you got em.[View]
37708220Hear me out.: Everyone, I am happy to say that I have had a revelation about the seeking of truth. B…[View]
37707367Can you have BPD without trauma? part 2: reviving the thread cus i fell asleep and forgor to reply t…[View]
37708387If I have to stop taking estrogen for a while how long would it take for that to like actually cause…[View]
37707619Why am I so stupid and when will I be able to be happy?: >be me >20yo CS student manmoder >…[View]
37708257How to become feminine!: I really want to get FFS so I have less of an ugly man face. But that doesn…[View]
37708223Fellow Euro trannies, have any of you gone to the US for FFS? What kinds of things do they ask at im…[View]
37705240/gaygen/ - Sleepover edition: You're invited to my sleepover, Anon! Previous: >>37700547…[View]
37704893I have C cup breasts now but I had to gain so much weight that I'm freaking fat now. Now I can…[View]
37703488bikinis: would it be weird for a boy to wear a bikini top? it is not that i have boobs or anything b…[View]
37705409I don't pass, and I don't care. I'm still happy.[View]
37708016Who tops?[View]
37707979My friend who works at the doctors just told me there's gonna be a new gender coming out soon.[View]
37707975Is androphilia a mental illness?[View]
37704713Anyone else have a weird motivation for transitioning?: Aside from the obvious Blanchard-type explan…[View]
37707808Im a 26 yo disgusting tranny faggot crying in bed at my parents house. i have 0 plans for my life[View]
37706700i wish there was more forcefem artwork of androgynous 'cis guys' being forced to take hrt …[View]
37707830I think discussion on this board would be more open-minded if everyone didn't think that sex *m…[View]
37706836>be 14, realize that i experience gd >didn't transition >be 21 >still not transitio…[View]
37707672Do cougars like ftms? >t. mommy issues ftm[View]
37705178My tranny friend became transphobic after chopping off her dick. Now she says she is a woman and ref…[View]
37707640I'm a trans White nationalist but I still want to contribute to my race. Should I adopt some ki…[View]
37701208how do i get a trans gf who would spit into my mouth?[View]
37706477Spot the flaws.[View]
37707492How can I learn to gaslight wo(men) as a bi dude? Coming out of a long relationship I want to manwho…[View]
37706069any other drug tranners? I love them, I saw a hon today who was pretty rough/street living. I tried …[View]
37707373Escorting/prostitution: How hard is it to start doing this? I'm living in poverty and debt, but…[View]
37707539RAGPgen (repper + AGP general): Has anyone else stopped watching sissy hypno because it was causing …[View]
37706140I had an autistic obsession with the nightmare before christmas as a child and now that my autistic …[View]
37706405why are bdd passoids like this?: > be me, dysphoric hon > bdd passoid dms me for no reason …[View]
37707395Broke up with my gf who is trans broke because she believes she is lesbian. She just zoned out the l…[View]
37706879Stop repping: It's dumb. Everything they say about me is true and I've never been happier.…[View]
37707314afraid of ffs: basically afraid of surgery i sort of semi pass currently where my front view of my f…[View]
37705663Dood, nobody asked you to do this to yourself.[View]
37705367Any trans woman willing to talk to a lonely guy? Two seconds will be fine just anything talk to me![View]
37707163im 18 years old and im an hrt femboy, how long can i keep this up until i have to decide to either b…[View]
37706497Is the futa pr0n to trans gf pipeline real for straight men? Kirsche says it is and that futafag cou…[View]
37700211Halloween season AGP: >be me >haven't had tranny thoughts in a long time. Been happy with…[View]
37705902What makes mentally ill girls (FtMs) so breedable? I want to make them pregnant and force them to gi…[View]
37706398Where'd she go?: How come she doesn't post here anymore[View]
37700065I'm a girlmoding ftm and I feel like a danger to women. I shouldn't be allowed around them…[View]
37706681This is how my ideal chaser husband looks like. Your thoughts?[View]
37705272are trans women closer to cis men or cis women when it comes to political issues?[View]
37707038i literally only post here because it's the only thing that helps me repress, for some reason w…[View]
37707098Lets apply logic here; follow me 1. Trannies are high IQ - this is true. 2. Cutting off your breast…[View]
37706867I put my favorite music on in the car with my BF and he told me it's tranny music...[View]
37706328what the FUCK is her problem?[View]
37702490did you have BPD before you started HRT? do you think the hormones made you unstable? how are you co…[View]
37702277The year is 2044. The US Government has been overthrown in a coup by a pack of wild butch lesbian tr…[View]
3770599326yo troon. 3yrs HRT. FFS. Like, It’s time for me to get implants, right? Like the biggest I can g…[View]
37705643Should I end it?: >be me >possibly troon but more likely retarded >grow up alongside my cou…[View]
37706939short boymoders: what to do with short (5'4 and under) boymoders?[View]
37705046Being 'trans' doesn't exist because I'm not trans and have gender dysphoria[View]
37705429Hey troonies, did you know creampies can cure depression? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12049024/…[View]
37706604My MC got busted, any tranny wanna cheer me up? Do trannies like bikers?[View]
37706830The only reason any man or gay would choose over a real man or woman is better anal. So per se all f…[View]
37704849I'm starting to suspect that monogamous gay men are a myth.[View]
37706744>for the past five years periods of dysphoria have perfectly overlapped my bipolar depressions …[View]
37705231/chasergen/ comfy edition :): qott: how do you like to wind down for the night / wake up in the morn…[View]
37706552I asked my bf to fuck me like a girl but he fucked me like a faggot instead.[View]
37696018Are you a miragirl?[View]
37706617The feature that will clock you the easiest is your height. If you're a tall woman, you will be…[View]
37703314beach boymoder: would boymoders go to the beach more if they could be there alone and just walk bare…[View]
37698217is this our future?[View]
37705037are white supremacist tranners allowed to have interracial sex? youre not procreating anyway after a…[View]
37704818Why is the amount of transbians increasing in this board?: Do people just not have shame anymore?…[View]
37706411Spells?: Any witch trannies here? I need to know if there's a spell to make myself pass. This i…[View]
37706446Can I train legs right after pinning estrogen in my leg? Im at the gym now[View]
37706407i just dont understand pooners man[View]
37706395She’s right. Why do we as a community keep shielding attention seeking people who identify as non-bi…[View]
37706471Cis people owe me reparations for all the suffering ive endured being an autistic adhd tranny[View]
37704188Post in the bant tranny thread Let's make them think that LGBT wants to move to bant. There ar…[View]
37699213Are AGPs simply more creative?[View]
37705826Why did the threat of agonizing death not deter homosexuals from having unprotected sex with strange…[View]
37705938does prog actually work or is it a psyop?: Does progesterone actually work for breast growth? I…[View]
37706267i want to gain weight so my boobs get bigger and i actually see any sort of effects from hrt but im …[View]
37705872is it over for me?: >mtf on hrt for 6 years >eternally a twinkhon >still no titty, barely A…[View]
37706350>be me, hot bisexual cis guy >start dating a trans girl out of highschool >she asks me out …[View]
37705769>transitioned in highschool >fell in love with a guy >married >haven't felt dysphor…[View]
37703113How do I find a predatory gay man who looks like this?[View]
37704868US tranners, is this map accurate?[View]
37705853AAAAAAHHHH: >Trans Girl confesses to me >I confess to her >Knows it won't work because…[View]
37702965Do you guys smoke?[View]
37705898>5'9 >too tall to be a cute woman >too short to be a beautiful ethereal clocky twinkho…[View]
37705667If you’re underweight you will never be feminine If you’re overweight you will never be masculine[View]
37703995I don't believe that porn addiction is real. I've been trying to become a coomer / porn ad…[View]
37706107When does dysphoria go away? Any progress I make doesn't matter, because I don't pass full…[View]
37706014How do I find gay guys who would fuck me when I live in a country like Serbia? I'm kinda new to…[View]
37705088how come chris-chan got a gf despite being the worst most notorious rapehon on earth? you told me th…[View]
37705593femboy larper: idk why i bother. I'm aware im a pooner. downright theyfab. he/she autist. I…[View]
37705437I'm losing it: >be me, 5'11 19 y/o manmoder in uni >11 months on hrt >probably ha…[View]
37705954you ever wipe and get shit on your finger and so u lean in real close like this to make sure its not…[View]
37698735Honsisters, what do we do about the flood of passoid youngshits inundating our board? >picrel me,…[View]
37705634normal to feel horrible about your transition?: i cant help but think its only made my life worse. i…[View]
37705132what am I supposed to do, anons: >be me, mtf twinkhon semipassoid 'boymoder' (5'11 tho) >…[View]
37705170I want to fuck you. Yes, I hate women, yes I hate gays. Yes, I'm voting Trump. And yes I'm…[View]
37704177I wish all chasers who brag here about relations here a very marry death. I wish all tranny who brag…[View]
37701422Homosex should be rough and manly, like two warrior guys wrestling and expressing their masculine pr…[View]
37705621why do i still feel like a man in my dreams? it hurts and i hate it. sometimes i dream that i'm…[View]
37704515a person twice influenced by social contagion and a complex system of (sub)cultural incentives; lose…[View]
37705305zoom bombing with hot gay sex: now just for the record i am not actually gay i just do this for fun…[View]
37700650NEET: >Ugly >Don't pass at all >Crippling Social anxiety >No friends >Isolate …[View]
37701380Why do trans girls love getting womb tattoos?[View]
37705482Do you sleep well How many people here suffer from insomnia or things that related to insomnia[View]
37698724/mtfg/ - malicious tasmanian faggots: hey, my name Jeff and today i am making the bread, idk have a …[View]
37703480Have you taken the bonepill anon?[View]
37705494I've decided I'm gonna be a regular gay guy on estrogen now[View]
37703521have a game tomorrow, it is imperative that we win, how should i prepare? unfortunately there is no …[View]
37705425trans people are the manifestation of the faustian spirit: in the modern age. embrace it and achieve…[View]
37702473what is my sexuality if: I would rather fuck pussy than asshole and prefer cis females (or theyfab o…[View]
37703636come on thundr.tv use tag 'tttt'[View]
37704861>want to be a woman >don't want to date men don't tell me this is you, right?…[View]
37704938I'm socially screwed for constantly alternating between boymodding and grilmodding just because…[View]
37704981Its tragic that people like Rachel Dolezal froze the techtree on the racial and skin color branch of…[View]
37704806Why does the LGBT community glorify prostitution? In an ideal world 'sex work' wouldn't exist. …[View]
37704987my roommate is stupid & ugly & annoying & gay & retarded & i want to swallow his…[View]
37685849I can't believe lesbians really out their boobs in each other's vaginas[View]
37705041my big ribcage and rounded shoulders disqualify me from passing[View]
37703175what if detransition is the real 'social contagion'?[View]
37702711>check tgirl profile >built like a fridge >small tits >matted long hair >no sense of …[View]
37702829>browsing /d/ >go to cuntboy thread >people complaining about trannies co-opting cuntboys …[View]
37700547/gaygen/ - turning straight men gay for pleasure: >>37697617 qott: You ever fucked a straighti…[View]
37698775Is he boning the older one too?[View]
37699961How are plus sized men viewed in the LGBT community?[View]
37704434Civil service as a troon: Hypothetical situation: Your King calls you to serve your realm. Half of A…[View]
37696554cute boys should be diapered by their trans mommies[View]
37698324Can you have bpd without any kind of trauma?: Asking here since like half the board seems to have it…[View]
37703211I'll never be a category theorists :(: I was in college and I decided to major in computer scie…[View]
37704139am i just doomed to be flat forever its so hard to gain weight with depression appetite[View]
37704033I was finally confident enough make a dating app profile today and managed to pull a date with a lad…[View]
37702218Being aroace is boring as fuck. Sometimes I fantasize about taking testosterone just to raise my li…[View]
37703384/chasergen/: In this edition Post tranners you'd marry Qott: do you care about your health or …[View]
37703460Why do men keep trying to pee on me?[View]
37704599What the hell futards: i had this dream of a red haired futa Iady having rough sex with this dude …[View]
37703154How do I acquire a 6 foot 5 inch tall clocky trans gf like picrel?[View]
37703335Anyone else shrink on E?: I just got back from a physical, and I lost height apparently. I started o…[View]
37704223theres a cute boy in the same class as me who always sits in the back and never talks to anyone he a…[View]
37704392Estrogen has ruined a generation of nerdy men. They were just shy and awkward. Back in the 80's…[View]
37704493>6'2 >born male >ultra submissive and only feel at home on my knees or bent over for o…[View]
37704527>be straight guy with agp >let a faggot fuck me while I'm dressed like a girl >acciden…[View]
37704552Do you think there are trans aliens out there? I bet transes get treated very well in alien civiliza…[View]
37703810is it possible to ever be happy im so tired of the misery and the dysphoria all the time and being n…[View]
37703892Nothing like a good self facial to end the day[View]
37701998I just dont want to be in my body anymore I want to leave it I feel great pain seeing what other peo…[View]
37704370why are neet women the best thing to ever exist pic unrelated but i love my blahaj[View]
37699929why is it so easy to get ass from trannies with this plant? none of them know i grow it but each one…[View]
37702002i tried my moms panties on when i was 13 and i liked how my ass looked was i raped or something? why…[View]
37703379Optics: why doesnt anyone stop them? it makes the rest of us look so much worse in return. Enough is…[View]
37703598'Kamala's for they/them, not you': Deranged hons in an official campaign ad, what's happen…[View]
37703624Grindr, cams+meet are degenerate: I just became bi-curious and started trying to explore it online. …[View]
37703445How is the lgbt culture in your area?[View]
37703830How do some guys last so much longer?: I'm a gay bottom and only started getting with guys this…[View]
37701529how do i stop hating passoids for my own sake? i was doing good but then started using 4chan again a…[View]
37703503What will you do when Trump takes offense again?: At this point, the election has already been decid…[View]
37703680I am abandoning this board to start posting on r9k instead: I've been using this board, to cry …[View]
37702840How are you even meant to voice train? I’ve looked at tutorials but it always assumes you just under…[View]
37703229This board is too malebrained. Where are actual fembrained spaces where I can improve my female soci…[View]
37703752Why live?: >You will never be a Japanese lesbian schoolgirl that confessed her feelings for her c…[View]
37703924Transmaxxers are valid (if they're cute)[View]
37701935when you were a child did you pretend your blanket, towel or curtains were a dress?[View]
37695497can i meme myself into having dysphoria? having a combination of >small >babyface >sensitiv…[View]
37697398is this attractive to the gay mind[View]
37702060A cis girl I know once told me that if you don't have a witchcraft phase that you're not a…[View]
37701354If CAIS are women, why is this bitch's skull so huge and his voice so damn clocky? Am I just su…[View]
37703334why are so many of you into computer science[View]
37702189this character has changed the direction of my life in irreparable ways[View]
37700136>4chan users think i'm beautiful, ethereal, elven, pass, want to have sex with me &c …[View]
37702100>notice that i have an adult hairline now guess i should start hitting the gym and bracing myself…[View]
37698415Whenever im horny im bisexual then I coom and I'm straight again[View]
37703487rimming random tgirls should be considered a sport[View]
37702392Why?: Why doesn't seem like everybody on here is malebrained, like a hetero guy, talks like a m…[View]
37699026Tree Typology: Are you a trutrans pixie/witch or a manly male martian?[View]
37700758I'm not cis right?: (1/2) Im perceived as an awkward man in a transwoman's body and its ma…[View]
37701742So liberals say we should listen to the science but not when it comes to deciding what a woman is? G…[View]
37688243I want to be MTF: I'm a cis woman but I wish I was a trans woman, specifically a cute twinkhon.…[View]
37701642How would your mother respond to your chaser saying this?[View]
37702595how do i get an asexual trans gf?[View]
37697027/tt4cgen/ - Transbian Tops 4 Cis Girls General: Trans Girls who like bonin' pussy, post up here…[View]
37699585How do we psy-op her into trooning out so she can influence trump to be nice to trannies? We need to…[View]
37701462i was meant to be on estrogen: yeah yeah call me a schizo for this, whatever. but the more i think a…[View]
37698910Is she right? Is gender dysphoria just sorta made up to validate trans people?[View]
37702200is this real?[View]
37695314I love trannies: if you are as cute as this not racist not 6'2 or more not offended by being ca…[View]
37696132sisters what do i do: I transitioned a year after graduating high school, and i basically stop talki…[View]
37702823dogisaga is a trans man??? who was at some point a mentally ill korean woman living in australia who…[View]
37702856how gay are you really?[View]
37702993im such a lonely tranny that its making me want to kill myself: my life is to fucking shit to make a…[View]
37701318I'm a trans women, but I love to look like this![View]
37680192hi i made a glegle booru and a boymoder booru, pls upload glegles and boymoders if you have any! htt…[View]
37702665>best written trans character in fiction How did Fujimoto do it?[View]
37659948/clg/ - Cis Lesbian General: Middle east edition Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (l…[View]
37699811Ray Blanchard is a homosexual transsexual.[View]
37702690I'm trans but I follow everything about this guy and his life lol and read Bible Why is this[View]
37687300WEIRD trans girls have got everything to be a market-dominant minority (high IQ, very into computers…[View]
37702409>cis friends put their head in their hands and start growing exhasperated whenever i bring up sex…[View]
37699440How come only oldmen and women hit on me?[View]
37701652i'm a short and ugly trans guy who hates myself and the only shreds of enjoyment in my life com…[View]
37700325nothing makes me feel good anymore i dont know how much longer i can do it[View]
37698363Define this word: Define chaser. Is a man that could date a trans girl but isn't interested in …[View]
37690899ugh i hate having a male body[View]
37701328Why aren't more trannies writers?: >usually somewhat intelligent >lived experience of int…[View]
37698872#Pooner: >Need a hole? Tag a pooner in this post >Need 3 holes? Tag a pooner in this post …[View]
37699332im scared to talk about my insecurities with people[View]
37700285vocaroo special request: There's a fine, fine line, in the horny mind I crossed mine, in the lo…[View]
37701919I love rubbing my bfs belly. It's so hairy and soft and warm and cute. Does anyone else like do…[View]
37700148Every somatic cell in your body is XY.[View]
37697508Any Middle Eastern MTFs?: How are you girls holding up? How do you deal with facial hair? How well d…[View]
37701632I want to suck off a large group of men.[View]
37701005Can you still be bisexual just by being attracted to both?: I never had a bf but I'm attracted …[View]
37698586/mmg/ - Manmoder general: It's picture day in mmg! All manmoders are required to post their cut…[View]
37696833I told to one of my friends that I'm bisexual and he replied with 'nah, you're gay'. I was…[View]
37702068Thinking abt how when I was 15 I was legitimately considering lighting my own face on fire bcuz of d…[View]
37693547How can I find another mtf chudette to date? Should I redpill a trans girl or pink pill a chud?[View]
37697735Trans girls do your boyfriends suck your gocks? If he doesn’t would you want him to? Or are you happ…[View]
37699759/Chasergen/ Charlie Edition: Qott: who was your childhood crush? Qott2: Do you like receiving or gif…[View]
37702052who else got nerfed: >be me >128lb >5'7 >skinny, good silhouette >chest a little…[View]
37695422asexual trans women are god's gift to the world[View]
37701583>be me >watched horror movie with my boymoder gf last week >she got scared and clung to me …[View]
37701663Does /lgbt/ like /sp/orts? What's your favorite sport? And would you become a sport practicing …[View]
37701824how am i supposed to be a man when my waist is 24 inches :([View]
37697765holy shit dude just looked at some pics i took of myself when i was 15-16 and i looked so good, like…[View]
37698018is she invited to the polycule?[View]
37696407puppygirl threads: what happened to the great puppygirl threads? there used to be a lot of them. i w…[View]
37696894>Got drunk with some cis friends at a club >called bf for a ride home >bf started complaini…[View]
37701516i fell for the progesterone meme except it worked too well. this shit is annoying to carry around an…[View]
37700358A message to all trannies: I have grown annoyed with my Sisters. While I am, as always, quite fond o…[View]
37692302where the hell does one have to go to meet someone of the same genre of queer. theres so many attra…[View]
37698307https://www.loveshack.org/forums/topic/125606-unrequited-love-best-friend/ This is the ultimate litm…[View]
37701616Spinal feminization surgery: What are the likely ways we can address the spine in a transgender cont…[View]
37699179I think I am just bitter and jealous of that literal med student and psy student twinkhon couple at …[View]
37701173>tfw no weird, manipulative femboy bf Why even live?[View]
37693572Seriously: What the fuck was her problem?[View]
37701180el secreto del rio: anybody else watch this show on netflix? trans focused show set in a mexican vil…[View]
37701492should I talk to a moid so I can get his nudes and catfish a straight woman?[View]
37701337I look like this except with gigantic gorilla arms[View]
37700138is crossdressing + makeup + wig enough to make men wanna fuck me? I dont care about being a woman, i…[View]
37697991This board is just /r9k/ now lmao[View]
37701269detransition thread: people who have detrans - preferably real people who have actually left it all …[View]
37699209Is hrt femboy merely an aesthetic phase?: Sure, if you're in your 20s, you can call yourself a …[View]
37685090HON THREAD: post em[View]
37701311How does a 40+ cis male find an 18 year old trans gf? I am willing to become trans myself. If that i…[View]
37698326hi /lgbt/, im a 21 year old mtf presenting as a feminine-ish gay twink while on hrt. im an autistic …[View]
37701330puppysmile puppysmile !: im kinda sad that the only ways i have left to relax and feel some happines…[View]
37696878To protect against rising persecution, why don't trans girls just seize territory and make our …[View]
37700184Should I troon out or is it over?: I'm 5'6, my bmi is 21,9 I'm 24 years old and I nev…[View]
37697906Is it over if i've been on hrt for 5 years and yet allegedly have male fat distribution?[View]
37701171I want a tall cute guy to increasingly, and aggressively, insist that I'm going to take his dic…[View]
37693506Realistically, trans women owe me sex. I am a 5'6 Incel and no cis women want me, even after pu…[View]
37697456What kind of man would enjoy jerking off to tranny porn?[View]
37701074MY PROBLEM IS,: I hate a big fat ass. Can I look like a woman with real small hips and a little tiny…[View]
37692517/agpGen/: still here >QOTT ... >AGP questions and answers >Thoughts and feelings / emotions…[View]
37701039does anyone have the image of the anime girl on her computer browsing twitter with the account name …[View]
37700423>complete cishon >no girls want me because i'm a girl >transition because dysphoria …[View]
37698052I have decided I want to marry a trans girl: Just you know, though I am 40 I am well groomed, fit an…[View]
37689758Look what you did[View]
37700576my wife is soft n i like her :3[View]
37699915>contact with a nice cute feminine sexy trans girl >also same interests >things go perfect …[View]
37697672am i trans?: am i trans if it makes me kinda irrationally happy when i get mistaken for a girl irl?…[View]
37698322post transition goals: here's mine t. ftm[View]
37697789>the grindr 'tranny' is just a crossdresser, the 'tits' are just fake plastic 'ones' and body/voi…[View]
37700223I strongly resisted EVERY psyop. I am the ubertroon. Anyone else?[View]
37698822Hey folks Any thoughts on gender fluidity? A lot of trannies were trying to convince me that i am tr…[View]
37700011Sexy trans girls thread: Post hot tgirls you'd like to see BLACKED.[View]
37697197im afraid i will call my surgeon the n-word while under anesthesia[View]
37699416Is he gay/bisexual?[View]
37676708Do you consider yourself a bad person?: Just curious personally i do. i tend to just get pissed off …[View]
37697617/cisgaygen/ - confessions edition: Have you confessed your love today? P.s. did you go to church on …[View]
37698974i really wanna rub a trans girls tip...[View]
37700210Does your gendering of celestial bodies pass? Otherwise you’re a MALE BRAINED FAILED MALE https://x…[View]
37690114how do I find a ciswoman chaser? I've had a her profile but no bites so far, and I don't g…[View]
37689310>boymoder >fall asleep on the couch at cis f friends place >wake up too tired and hangover …[View]
37697083Am I just a retard?: I heard many trannies are like this as well but no matter how much i want to do…[View]
37698098If a transgirl uses :3 in online spaces or way too early in DMs, she has BPD You're welcome[View]
37690287There's no better feeling in the world: than getting plowed in the neopussy by the man you love…[View]
37698305>this is a 10/10 to lesbians[View]
37699892moar girlmoder: boymoder-chan and girlmoder-kun got stuck in a box together! what will happen next? …[View]
37698692Chaser Fantasies: One of my fantasies is to get locked up in prison with a beta male. I would turn h…[View]
37692201is it just better to rep if you haven't started hrt by 20?[View]
37695978What do gay femboys think of women? Can a cis girl ever change a femboy with cute budding titties in…[View]
37699697i want to see lesbian sex irl[View]
37686922Is this a gay man or a straight trans woman?[View]
37699636I’m at that boytime of the boymonth[View]
37693022I don't really expect any response, but I feel like getting this off my chest: I feel kind of i…[View]
37698358M to CYBORG: I don't want to transition anymore... The weakness of my flesh disgusts me. Every …[View]
37699473how does /lgbt/ feel about fratbros?: went to my first frat party last night >noticeable hickey o…[View]
37695810picrel is a 35 yo married crossdresser and theres porn where he gets pegged by domme in the pic. str…[View]
37699284Can cis guys paint their nails: Title says it all, can cis males paint their nails? Is paint a gende…[View]
37696938What makes FtMs so breeedable? I want to make them pregnant.[View]
37699111Who is your celeb transition goal?[View]
37699146>If I take hrt I stop being a chaser and my desire to get gocked down anally goes from OMG AWFUL …[View]
37698801Lesbians, at what point does a butch woman become too masculine to still be attractive to you? Gay m…[View]
37697085how to get over having manribs?: i can’t sh anymore as it’s honestly not really helping me cope at a…[View]
37693722>desperately lonely and touch starved >nobody ever approaches me in public, don't have th…[View]
37688425mermaid boymoder: you notice a mermaid boymoder basking on a rock by the ocean. what would you do? …[View]
37693465Come see if AI clocks you: Pass-ability determined by AI, somewhat accurate Seems to be able to cloc…[View]
37695628wanna kms[View]
37697567What’s your type, /lgbt/?[View]
376952341 dommy mommy AGP gf who gaslights me into becoming an hrt twink and her personal pet pls[View]
37692802i wonder why an entire wing of politics sees trans people as an existential threat to the vulnerable…[View]
37698410Hello Can you guys redpill me on femboys ? What are their bad secrets ? Are they really racist pe…[View]
37698482Should I hide my power level around other trans people?[View]
37694867finally figured out how to cure my dysphoria and bdd just develop real actual major problems in your…[View]
37693090An extremely embellished humblebrag on how I snared a baddie: >Be me >Born in rural Georgia …[View]
37698481>chaser says I'm better wife material than 99% of cis girls[View]
37690395/mmg/ - Manmoder general: QOTT - Which Mystery Inc. member do you relate to the most? Previous- >…[View]
37696611Since I'll never pass and I barely go out, should I just crossdress at home? It seems more heal…[View]
37697056why are transfems so racist?: is it the hormones?[View]
37695632I suffer as a trans person in the United Kingdom.[View]
37678756/passgen/ west coast edition: qott: have you seen the pacific?[View]
37694114Is it okay to be chubby? Regardless of gender? Why do people care if someone is overweight it doesn…[View]
37698243She's voting for Vance. why aren't (you)?[View]
376953226'4': >6'4' Absolute unit.[View]
37697749why is it considered socially acceptable to dehumanize trans people?: i've seen people calling …[View]
37693810how do I cope with the fact I'll never ever pass or be remotely a female? Should I detrans inst…[View]
37697426name thread: what name did you choose and how did you choose it? do you still like it? i haven'…[View]
37681344LGBT with the i: I'm such a whore for my ftm big brother I need to climb into his lap during mo…[View]
37697924Nut up or shut up. All ur problems can be solve by this one simple phrase? Put it to the test in the…[View]
37695090Chasergen: You niggas let the other thread die ong you niggas have L rizz, negative aura, plus no bi…[View]
37696901Locktober: How's it going for all the faggies and trannies?[View]
37697114i dont think this place is good for me[View]
37696004cutting encouragement?: Do trannys like it when they're cutting and they get encouraged to do m…[View]
37695482is my mom agp?: she is practically forcing me to be more feminine. she gets angry if i don't 'b…[View]
37695784>afab repressor >stop taking meds by mistake >feel less emotional more in control >quit …[View]
37689385The fact that none of y'all dress like this illustrates an extreme lack of self awareness: Why …[View]
37683135what /lgbt/ moment has got you like this[View]
37696873Beard Baby/Girlfriend/Wife thread: Lets discuss experiences with bearding and pretending to be strai…[View]
37697565Keeping these folds and flaps fresh and clean takes a lot of time. It is truly exhausting![View]
37697219I want a cis male on estrogen BF. Is this weird?[View]
37689210ana/thinspo thread: you are skipping dinner tonight, right /tttt/?[View]
37695698/gaygen/ 11 days until Halloween: >>37694131[View]
37697173Asking here because you seem to know about body modifications: >have braces as a kid >result i…[View]
37696002Tranny Boot Camp: > Be me, 23 y/o midshit twinkhon, sign up for transfem bootcamp for passing adv…[View]
37695285>laying with trans gf >brain rot scrolling >random big dick femboy post >she grabs phone…[View]
37691015i hate voice hugboxers: https://voca.ro/1cvbMpmLYtks[View]
37693146Pixie cut trannies are CUTE and i think pass better and look better than trannies with long ratty un…[View]
37694361How do I get a trans girlfriend in real life?: Tell me! I'm from Europe by the way.[View]
37697103this thing is cute. did a tran make it[View]
37696049i hate that i didn't start hrt and boymode as a teen, i look like a hon now and have no friends[View]
37693083the minimum age to post on this board should be 25, i'm so fucking sick of youngshit retards co…[View]
37697000Why are trannies always painted as serial killers in Hollywood?[View]
37696781I'm a trans girl and I'm voting for JD Vance (Advance with Vance). AMA[View]
37694368what streamers do u guys watch?[View]
37695779I don’t know what to do or where to go with this. I’m 22. I studied four years for a useless degree …[View]
37696892are ftm the worst drivers? you're taking the spatial awareness of an afab and adding the aggres…[View]
37696659/mastgen/ - Misandrist Trans Women General: this is a thread for trans women who hate all men! and r…[View]
37696840Do aromantics deserve to die and be dismembered because God made us to fall in love?[View]
37696727MtFs, where do you find your fap material?[View]
37694614how do i cope with having late onset gender dysphoria[View]
37694645I keep forgetting to inject my estrogen in a timely manner and only do my EV mono every 8-10 days. I…[View]
37696071I love being masculine: Anyone like this? Estrogen cannot stand against my masculinity.[View]
37692257tranny in the UK: I need adderall but I'm stuck on an infinity waiting list for ADHD and ASD di…[View]
37689595Would you live in the Matrix for the rest of your life if you could have the body of your choice?[View]
37696128This is the kind of woman chaser bottoms want[View]
37695233Am Im un - dateable So, now, as always, I will perish. I thought girls liked masculine , I don…[View]
37694227I am a Russian cis-imperial super straight male and I have a question: Is it true that there is tota…[View]
37696674I have been posting on /lgbt/ since 2018 and I have never cared or noticed tripfags on this board. I…[View]
37696558i'm going to the big huge flea market tomorrow: what kind of clothes are good to look out for f…[View]
37696453I cant believe I've been on this tranny shit for like 5 years now: and barely anyone even knows…[View]
37695087what surgery can I get to reduce my chin? it isn’t giant but its slightly too long for my face[View]
37695845Cause of you trannies, anime is called tranime these days. I can't watch anime without people a…[View]
37696426why the fuck is being a tranny so expensive: >need to save like £15k for FFS >need to save fuc…[View]
37695617ex-reppers: how do you deal with the sins of the past? i feel so guilty for “trying to be a man” eve…[View]
37696422why can't some parents take responsibility for their kids transitioning? elon keeps blaming com…[View]
37694450Do cisgendered gay men enjoy eating out sex, tall, muscular, masculine bonus hole boys with hairy ma…[View]
37694098why do trans people make such ugly art? like specifically transmascs have this obsession with drawin…[View]
37689250Estrogen can't change your bone structure, but testosterone does: Isn't it incredible how …[View]
37695588why do they keep showing me ads with trannies[View]
37696288As a trans girl, what's so bad about pumping and dumping? It's okay to use guys for sex; I…[View]
37694019I found a trans girl on discord and we've decided to be each other's practice gf/bf. I…[View]
37696275real and true: big oil knew that greater oil production would lead to more trans people via micropla…[View]
37693206i have almost half a meter wide shoulders and im taller than 95% of women. it never even started for…[View]
37694820horny thread: Write me home wrecker green texts, incest, cuck stuff, boyremoval, bbc, whatever you l…[View]
37696096I just feel like im a broken person, im mentally ill (I dont have a diagnosis, but it is clear, beca…[View]
37696079the limbo sucks: that sort of space in between where i'm not a woman but i'm also not a ma…[View]
37694214What are the most defining traits, personality quirks, and behaviors of the homosexual transsexual g…[View]
37695591>too self aware to be a skirt go spinny reddithon >too ugly for anyone on here to have any adv…[View]
37693259/mtfg/ 4th dimension edition: Qott: what do you think about the 4th dimension? Previous: >>376…[View]
37693924>be me ftm >Have a few beers and pass out >Wake up with a need to piss so strong I feel l…[View]
37694274Who /pharmahoe/ here? >K2 >D3 >C >Fish oil >Multi >Vyvanse >Dutasteride >L…[View]
37694644>be me, tranny in the big city >drunk tourists want to live out their tranny fantasies in the …[View]
37695778Are heels AGP?[View]
37695598being a zoomer and a boymoder is p cool bc i can just do the mewing shush thing with my fingers and …[View]
37695704as a cis man I'm incredibly jealous of FTMs: I cant go out in sweat pants or I always have my p…[View]
37694131/gaygen/ - sunday edition: old >>37689402[View]
37695684My life will never get better without money but dysphoria has made me too miserable and dysfunctiona…[View]
37685506What is a cis man on estrogen?[View]
37695658You transitioned because womb microplastics tricked your brain into thinking you're a girl. I t…[View]
37695229i think many transphobes can't comprehend trans men existing because they view transness as a s…[View]
37687786Would you date a chud from /pol/[View]
37695444Mental feminization: I fapped imagining this is my new musical taste: https://youtube.com/watch?v=bB…[View]
37694055Letting go and learning to love yourself might be mentally healthy but it makes society uglier.[View]
37691239I have so many feelings right now: >be me arguing with someone >I say 'I'm willing to tak…[View]
37695150i'm going to abandon intimacy and friendship. it's all just a waste of time anyways. since…[View]
37687505is it agp to wear panties: https://litter.catbox.moe/94le6s.mov[View]
37694117I'm just a flaming faggot. I'm not a trans woman. I'm cis.[View]
37695277how do i tell her: i have a trans friend who does really fucking cool eye makeup but it also is givi…[View]
37694582Do you guys drink?[View]
37695188Can roosters lay eggs?[View]
37682004when will there be a drug/pill that can cure agp and turn me into nice demure hsts girl? i've b…[View]
37695004I wll do the reach around and make her: crygasm. And she'll never leave me. The game is mental.…[View]
37694973being socially pressured into getting a haircut: i'm a manmoder and my parents and family in ge…[View]
37694041I don't really care if ftms want to larp as anime boys or vampires or Guts from Berserk. They…[View]
37689824I suddenly don't like my BFF: My bff has an OF and she asked me if I can help her with it. I…[View]
37694886My ex, who broke up with me (cis, male): for a woman because I made her gay. Her words. Out of the b…[View]
37692407The horrors of poop dick: are hughly exaggerated. Just keep going and finish fast and have a shower …[View]
37694514So they let trans people into the military but not the mentally ill? Got it[View]
37694734help I'm growing tits and my nipples are starting to poke through shirts but I'm just a bo…[View]
37684469Do FTMs really?[View]
37694567I, of sound mind, not as bait fr fr no cap, scouts' honor for realizes, certify that I want to …[View]
37688366Do you still dress as a woman after the age of 40?[View]
37693875I miss my bf. I regret ghosting him[View]
37694438This is how my ideal chaser husband looks like. Your thoughts?[View]
37693162Would you make a boi with a vagina (FtM) pregnant?[View]
37694142My pooner bf broke up with me because I have an impregnation fetish. He says real men don't get…[View]
37687960is this normal?: the more i pass, the sluttier i get. the sudden increase in male attention has been…[View]
37694304Why there are smth like 10x more AMAB than AFAB troons? I want a cute bonus hole boi, not some creep…[View]
37691534does it get easier to stop estrogen if i give it another year or two? i feel so shit every time i st…[View]
37693699>chad liking a tranny Euphoria is Hollywood bullshit we all know that only porno addict incels su…[View]
37690955Where can I find a tranny like this?[View]
37689909Most guys that aren't white or asian smell bad. How do you tolerate their bad smell?[View]
37683371/androspec/ - androgyny specific: Not a general, of course, specific, tailor-made, precision, strati…[View]
37694168What should I look for when deciding where to get laser? I finally got a job and started earning my …[View]
37692053transphobia just doesn't seem like a real social issue in the same way as racism, sexism, or ev…[View]
37688950i caught my cis chaser gf sniffing my panties, what does that mean?[View]
37691203Why do FTMs always end up going bald? I haven’t seen a single pooner who is 10+ years on T who doesn…[View]
37694077bottoming for cis women: what is this boards opinion/experience on bottoming for cis women? I'm…[View]
37692114Clicker and puppy girl thread I hope you all have fun[View]
37691074When did 'boymoding' basically become a sissy fetish for zoomers? >'omg i'm such a failed ma…[View]
37689546Trans, femboys are a fetish: I think that most of the cis gendered men that seek out mtf, femboys, s…[View]
37694010do men with boobs post here? (not boymoders)[View]
37693959Umm... Is it normal to start literally shaking from waves of pleasure running through my body when I…[View]
37693956Gay kissing in public! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HWYLcbugSDc[View]
37689402my gaygen, my dune!: hard truths edition[View]
37693639how should trannies take selfies?[View]
37693869I am so jealous of cis men that it gives me a headache.[View]
37693713Fml: >Girl likes me >I like her >Flirt with each other, calling each other cute and constan…[View]
37693872i'm going to the flea market tomorrow: what kind of clothes should a gigalateshit AGP manmoder …[View]
37693111>tranny posts on /r9k/ >she asks why we aren't getting trans gfs >gets a bunch of hate…[View]
37693492is pyrocynical AGP?[View]
37693653Mania will end soon, and then I am going to crash hard: I seriously don't' understand why …[View]
37692918what comes after trannies?: it was regular gays in the 2000's and now its trannies in the 2020…[View]
37693352How gross is anal without a condom?: I asked my bf if he wants to enter me without a condom and he s…[View]
37690705what's the 'best' voice training resource ? t. retard[View]
37693671I have transcended gender: I identify as nothing yet everything.[View]
37692620I'm genuinely curious: As a drunk straight guy, are there any mental trannies here that feels l…[View]
37690688When I was a teenager I was the practice girlfriend for my friend group. I used to give them blowjob…[View]
37690219need help. lost in my mid 20s: i'm 26 and i wasted the past 10 - 15 years on the computer and i…[View]
37692705The gay/tranny vote: So election season is starting in the US. I have two Questions for /tttt/: >…[View]
37693554meaning of dreams: i am a boy but i had a dream where i was sent to an all-girls finishing school. w…[View]
37693217Clear something up for me. I've heard the term 'transbian' described two (or perhaps three) dif…[View]
37693503how do you go about boyremoving your dorky housemate she is very avoidant but I think she would be s…[View]
37690743how do I suck cock better? I feel like effort isn't enough, I wanna make them cum[View]
37686580Whenever any woman does anything impressive in a nerdy field (programming, tech, gaming etc.) I just…[View]
37690723the torture: the closer i get to passing, my brainworms begin to lessen, but instead of using the fr…[View]
37693370Hot FtMs Thread: Post breedable vagina bois![View]
37693279ftms just want to be hons: what is it with bearded and balding ftms wearing makeup and skirts and st…[View]
37692976now that i'm on t i genuinely can't wait to age and grow into being just some average guy,…[View]
37685944is jill stein /ourgirl/? greens seem to have the best takes on trans issues[View]
37691296would a trans woman really give a footjob to a cis man?[View]
37684066I thought trannies loved chasers. What am I doing wrong? Do they just like the idea of a chaser and …[View]
37692994How can I get this femboy I'm seeing for sex to start taking estrogen? He wants to date me, I w…[View]
37692100>have solid relationship for almost 3 years with an average guy who isnt exactly my type but he m…[View]
37692889My boyfriend pounded me so hard I came multiple times and moaned nonstop. Now I'm a happy littl…[View]
37690990>19 y.o tranner >told my cis friends that I went out on a date with a single father and we hit…[View]
37692371it sounds fucking stupid but im actually going to kms because i dont have a vagina >iwn have piv …[View]
37691179FTMs tits belong to chasers! Trans guys should not cut off their tits, they don't belong to the…[View]
37691430cis woman moment: every ftm group I join is just uggo women with their tits out. as a trans person I…[View]
37689542Train your voice.[View]
37692740Should I adopt a kid to fulfill the urge to be a mother?[View]
37684789>be me >neet boymoder >finally get a job >go out with coworkers after work last night be…[View]
37692036>coming up to 4 years hrt, havent voicetrained, dont girlmode its over[View]
37692816What do you do if you want a bf of a different nationality? I want a british bf as an amerimutt.[View]
37692279How do we solve the trans people in sports issue?[View]
37680668Spot the flaws.[View]
37688012diy castration: can ballbusting make me infertile? I'm trying to become a eunuch. discuss.…[View]
37689715I like it when a cis boys balls are slapping against my balls.[View]
37689078I’m not gay. I’m not fucking gay.[View]
37692462Anyone else feel like they are trying too hard? I put on makeup, I cook, I know how to sew and make …[View]
37690019would you rather date a top or a bottom[View]
37673352/lesgen/ - Lesbian General: /lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discus…[View]
37689278>father >brother >mother these are the people who will be upset if i kill myself. how can i…[View]
37691119/chasergen/: Qott: do you enjoy brainrot content? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMUWTgZDDJc Last: …[View]
37691797why does my boyfriend tell me he'll buy me food if it means i don't starve, and then never…[View]
37692411Bailey boobers[View]
37686710When did you realize you were attracted to trannies?[View]
37681061this is how a fujo imagines a ideal trans x chaser relationship[View]
37683745Period't Nobody's saying all trans women are predatory. But enough of you are that it…[View]
37691636Why am I not a girl[View]
37687084>this person stops you to tell you about magical estrogen herbs >what do…[View]
37690894Josh Block aka worldoftshirts says 'trans rights': Is this a major turning point in the culture war?…[View]
37692047I'm a boymoder and my boobs are a bit too big so my bf said I should hide them in his mouth. Is…[View]
37691823how do i find a broken bird syndrome chaser bf? preferably middle aged and can pretend to be my dad[View]
37659180/ftmg/ - apocalypse now!: qott: what will your role on the /ftmg/ post-apocalyptic commune be? qott2…[View]
37691153if you vote trump in 2024 i should be allowed to misgender you you are the same as john 40 claiming …[View]
37691932Where are the straight men?[View]
37692004I saw I cis girl who was taller than me wearing a cute dress and she looked honestly so beautiful I …[View]
37691802I will post hot girls to make twinks not gay anymore[View]
37691894im too shy to ask girls out irl, does any non crazy girl here in the area wanna go out for lunch or …[View]
37691487where does a stupid NEET tranner like me get a bf without using grindr? i hate aids haver chasers.[View]
37685220depressed about friendship: Hey faggots, ive been feeling a pretty specific kind of misery the last …[View]
37685950Thank you cis women and men who consider me to be a woman, I don’t deserve your kindness.[View]
37690323>sexually attracted to guys >romantically attracted to women >want biological kids what th…[View]
37688164let's say, hypothetically, that you were showing your boymoder gf your gun you're letting …[View]
37689458came out to my mom (again) today: yeah, again. i first came out to my parents as trans when i was 14…[View]
37690565I found the Most Special Theyfabs: I say this as a trans man who passes and enjoys being feminine: w…[View]
37685828Why cant she close her mouth?[View]
37691274My jealousy of cis women has reached critical mass. Why do I have to be a lateshit heightshit manmod…[View]
37687550I’m conducting a study of the preferences of the gay community. Gays, how would you rank the followi…[View]
37690478>always play strength based, plate wielding sword and shield warrior (not paladin, no magic) that…[View]
37691200>thought I was attracted to women >smelled some women in real life >got the ick immediately…[View]
37686847i'm posing whorishly in my bed & my roommate won't even LOOK at my ass it is OVER[View]
37685495/mtfg/ making thread friends general: Last Thread: >>37681669 QOTT: Do you got any lil guys? A…[View]
37669864Do cis girl chasers actually exist or are they merely a pipe dream fantasy created by lonely transbi…[View]
37688878i dont feel real right now can someone hold me until i feel better[View]
37680492This is the fate of all trans girls who refuse to date chasers. You want a non chaser bf? Well good …[View]
37690295Why are so many trans girls working as gas station cashiers?[View]
37687780Transwomen, what would you do if the government assigned YOU a pet pooner?[View]
37689209Homosexuality in non-human primates occurs in the context of violence and hierarchy. Males only pres…[View]
37690833Is padel a fembrained sport or am I faketrans? Will it mold my body into a masculine abomination lik…[View]
37690573Is it possible?: To be gay, bisexual, whatever because you had a bad breakup with a woman? I left my…[View]
37684478https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JZmnX4ZuBQ She's living the dream all because of luck while I …[View]
37689314Do I have potential ?: I’m 6 ft 5 white man Purple belt in karate Work full time Am I boyfriend m…[View]
37687366femcel blogpost: am i wrong for hating polyamory? i feel like all trans ppl AND chasers are poly and…[View]
37688380Hello ftms. I know many of you have low self esteem so I'm here to say that your perception of …[View]
37688294The insane ropefuel when me and this girl has been on hrt for the same amount of time.[View]
37684399asexual trans women are kino[View]
37689305I am a 27 year old neet hon. My parents just disowned me and I had to quit my job due to harassment.…[View]
37687564There are no inclusive workplaces: >work in liberal college kitchen for 2 years and then transiti…[View]
37685201how do i get rid of a hickey[View]
37690025is it justified for me to be upset with my former best friend because she compared me to her rapist …[View]
37684663i am going to go crazy if a man does not come date me soon. i am SO tired of being alone & SO ti…[View]
37685951if it's ok for trans women to lie about being trans to score a straight chud bf, then it should…[View]
37689664/bodygen/ mbs edition: how well are you passing mind >body spirit Like passgen but post body and …[View]
37687833Why do FtMs always fantasize about being hulking berzerkers and fighters, when they could be dashing…[View]
37690447If men are willing to kiss you in public: Does that mean you're at least not an ogrehon? Or are…[View]
37668972>ftms want to be men because they want to be soft gay bois! >uhm akshually ftms want to be mas…[View]
37690015trans men i love you i hope you have a wonderful day. ftm reppers this does not include you gtfo.[View]
37686102No matter what happens my friends love me and see me as a man and that's all that matters.[View]
37689521Reminder that we all fight our own battles and this woman suffers in life just as much (if not more)…[View]
37690171vocaroo special request: read this, all of this: What in the world is that fucking thing? Do you nee…[View]
37687859/chasergen/ hungry edition: Qott: What is your favorite dish of all time? Qott2: Favorite fast food?…[View]
37690038She is quite literally me[View]
37684793What is a valid reason to not get SRS: Thinking about SRS My main hangup is that my parente have tol…[View]
37689927What is the final solution to the transgender problem?[View]
37689880So..I’m a cis male and I’m very confused on my sexuality I like the idea of doing it with both men a…[View]
37689713this life is fucking awful as a tranny, give me one reason why you're still alive.[View]
37689273Why do some guys look like picrel while i look like a fridge its not fair ):[View]
37689631I'm a cis straight male honosexual. I see trans women as women. Their dick is a gigaclit, and…[View]
37689846LGBTQ Movies: Do people actually come out after seeing one of those LGBTQ Movies or is that right wi…[View]
37689798this super sexy trans girl is my roommate and she's not doing her essay she just lays around ho…[View]
37688276Would you rather date a bottom chaser who was repressing being gay, or a bottom chaser who was repre…[View]
37682183You are a biologically normal (except for the autism) male playing make believe because you aren’t l…[View]
37689649Would you top joker?[View]
37689252People on 4chan tell me im cute but on dating apps I get nothing I think it's cause normies are…[View]
37689532Meta thread idk?: Why is the vibe on this board so sus? Ive literally never met a tranny faggot or d…[View]
37689343What is it like being part of a boymoder cuddle puddle?[View]
37684835no one cares about us huh: >companies be openly homophobic for years >no leftist gives a fuck …[View]
37686241>got catcalled in feminine >got called señora (it's like mrs. in english but works as a n…[View]
37687965i'm not a chaser: but just prison bi and am now considering mtfs and ftms since i can't ge…[View]
37687791Chaser BF came out as a troon and is calling me a hypocrite for leaving him for being a troon Am I a…[View]
37688737Help: I need help I used to have a mommy/milf kink Now I keep thinking about being a mother myself, …[View]
37687875>addicted to cock >vein phobia >dicks irl arent smooth and veinless like in hentai >extr…[View]
3768883337/Male/London: any mtf in London.. Lets meet have a drink and see how it goes? If up to it.. Send …[View]
37681309/mmg/ - manmoder general: Gun (2006) edition QOTT: What if You Had a Gun?[View]
37688386There is no reason to keep trying as a 30yo virgin troon. I have never even been complimented or hit…[View]
37686711i wish i didnt want a ****: im rly envious of trans ppl who are happy with what they have. for some …[View]
37689015Finally some good /lgbt/ representation in video games.: Also steam next fest thread, tell me what y…[View]
37688660What do you think about the current sociological consensus on the trans and lgbtq community. Do you …[View]
37688741Do you have to believe in gendered souls to believe in trannyism?[View]
37684777I think I should probably stop being so dysphoric for a moment and go have sex with random people be…[View]
37687896Weird ideas of ftms: I've met lots of gross people and haven't liked it (even though I am …[View]
37688894>boyfriend is spending a lot of money throwing a party for me and invited all my friends I don…[View]
37686552Someone's been trying to scare the newshit pre-T FTMs about bottom growth. I don't get it…[View]
37688669why do queer zoomers dress like this?[View]
37688476The vast majority of mtfs are hons: Most mtfs literally look a metalhead shaved his legs and put on …[View]
37687087Trans people mentioned in Financial Times cover story about 'weaponized autism': https://archive.md/…[View]
37686213/gaygen/ - gay general: lalo edition prev >>37683626[View]
37686416Why do trannies hate her?[View]
37686877Does your smile pass?[View]
37685502i don't know if i should whore it up or wait til i find a nice man to have sex maybe by whoring…[View]
37687506why are incel transmaxxers hated but HSTS loved: in blanchard typology HSTS is a guy who becomes a t…[View]
37682698Why are 'tgirl tops' like this?[View]
37683115she pass?[View]
37688291Trannies aren't male or female socialized, they are freak of nature socialized (e.g autism and …[View]
37688359I love feeling his hairy chaser belly and his hairy chaser legs. resting my face on his belly is so …[View]
37686736If you truly looked and acted female, you wouldn’t be on 4chan trying to justify that to others.[View]
37687704how do i stop giving people the impression that i'm smart? i want them to think i'm a help…[View]
37688154i thought about some youngshits from this board when i saw the reviews (havent watched yet)[View]
37687673he is literally me[View]
37684524i had a gyro and something about the meat tasted musky, like the chef handled the meat with his swea…[View]
37687587>be me, puppygirl >start peeing in the backyard because that's what dogs do >family st…[View]
37686583How much will it cost to save my ugly face: Just accepted I have dysphoria. The way I look right now…[View]
37687972Attention whore: Hi everybody, I need advice, and since there's a lot of attention-whores here …[View]
37687807If trans women singlehandedly and successfully managed to violently overthrow the US government, and…[View]
37682976Why there are sooooooooo many AMAB troons, but so few cute bois with vaginas?[View]
37678061dating a trans girl is making me transphobic: Been living with my trans gf for a few years now and I…[View]
37687597Would you trans women sodomize this fem presenting afab trans man?[View]
37687163how do i find people who will put up with me? :/: >aging mtf bpdemon >impatient, anxious, rage…[View]
37685510I’m starting to think chasers like girly men wearing makeup more than actual women.[View]
37686095>arguing with a pedo about pedos >wind up on a wiki page for paraphilias >ha, there’s an en…[View]
37683295This is the life that every transbian wants[View]
37660981Aight I'm a cis male and I hate the whole 'egg culture' shit but my friend is so obviously a fu…[View]
37685420Injecting estrogen as a cis male is so hot hehe[View]
37685300do moids really?[View]
37672983/cipg/ - could I pass general: 492483Want passing tips but too obviously not giving a shit/not passi…[View]
37682436SRS in England is either a 40 year wait, or £23,000 upfront. The maximum i can save is £6000. I…[View]
37687245I still use the men's bathroom despite getting weird looks from guys because I don't want …[View]
37687101How do I get a tranny bitchboi girlfriend who will let me stretch out its ass?[View]
37685578How do I tell?: If the cute trans girl at work likes me, or is just trolling me? She's said …[View]
37687411I need a femcel in my life: I know I already have girlfriend but I keep thinking about having a 2/10…[View]
37684554My boyfriend pounded me so hard I came multiple times and moaned nonstop. Now I'm a happy littl…[View]
37686539Plastics and endocrines risimg is beautiful: Men continue to get, more and more, feminine, and, estr…[View]
37687407I had a dream that I got outed by accident at work where I’ve been stealth for years, and everyone’s…[View]
37685545Does your humor pass? If your reaction to this isn’t a snort of laughter then you’re a FEMALE BRAIN…[View]
37683897Who was in the wrong here?[View]
37686995Advice: How do trannies actually make friends, am I just a terrible person. I've tried frengen …[View]
37683771Doesnt literally everyone do this?[View]
37682368FTMs write like this and still think they are 'one of the manly ones'[View]
37686585every trans woman should have her own emotional support twink[View]
37687202Hearing girls talk to each other make me sad: Knowing that I'm fully excluded from ever being a…[View]
37685393Are chonky trans girls desirable? My height is 1,73cm and I weight 108kg (fatty). I want to do laser…[View]
37686363This is the Sinaloa cartel: This is the Sinaloa Cartel we run 4 Tran from now on, fuck the Aryan Nat…[View]
37685793Is this how a repper x repper couple looks like?[View]
37682801To all Androphilic / HSTS transwomen: If you really love your boyfriend / husband, you should leaves…[View]
37681332As chaser I support tranners getting SRS. It makes them more of a cocksleeve[View]
37678394/AGPgen/ - AGP Gen: No it will not die. >QOTT ... >AGP questions and answers >Thoughts and …[View]
37687041Foids aren't Bi, they're Ace: Just doing the usual, reading the incel wiki and stumbled on…[View]
37686704what would you do if you came home and a boymoder had gotten into your house and started to make you…[View]
37685255This is what my ideal trans girlfriend looks like. Your thoughts? >t. AGP repper…[View]
37683006Remember that life could always be worse. You could be a pooner.[View]
37675780I fucking hate how everyone in the south aggressively mams or sirs people it’s retarded and I can’t …[View]
37684637Do cisoids really?[View]
37686311I’m probably just going to have to go back to being trans. I don’t really want to be trans anymore, …[View]
37684846can i wear heeled boot as a 5'9 tranny or will that push me into uberhon territory the heels ar…[View]
37684515/chasergen/ rude meme edition: qott: are you american or euro?[View]
37685868I ate McDonald's with my bf[View]
37685811im on my period[View]
37685591Is it just me or has this board got a lot more nasty over the past week or so >it was always nast…[View]
37682904filterfrauding/anglefrauding thread[View]
37683626/cisgaygen/ Wizards and Celibates edition: Lets honour the homosexuals that have consecrated their v…[View]
37684848Bi men and AGPs should be friends because they're both disgusted by masculinity and look down o…[View]
37685840how to hide being on hrt: how do i hide being on hrt if i cant leave my country for 4-6 more years d…[View]
37685529question for transbians: do you or your gf pass better than the other (if you think neither it'…[View]
37680372Are you a normal tranny?: >not attracted to women >not attracted to dogs >don't preten…[View]
37686018i dont wanna wash my boymoder hoodie, i like the smell it's comforting[View]
37685623As a youngshit passoid i feel unsafe about sharing bathroom with an cishon The government should ena…[View]
37683051/tv/ is lusting over Liev's daughter again.[View]
37685724Gay lesbians are good Straight lesbians are good Asexual lesbians are good[View]
37685834does your chaser bf help you move boxes?[View]
37685371I want to be an innocent naive chud again, shitposting on /pol/, I wish I never talked to the tranny…[View]
37682509tall and kind cis boys belong to twinkhon tranners as reparations for transphobia from society[View]
37684443How do I get a trans girlfriend in real life?: Tell me![View]
37673626caterpillar boymoder: what if there was a caterpillar boymoder crawling on branches and munching on …[View]
37685674What is the /lgbt/ consensus on the conflict between hamiltonian and jeffersonian conceptions of dem…[View]
37685403will nipple biting ruin breast growth?: is it safe to have my nipples bitten while my breasts are gr…[View]
37685165Where can I find a cute girl to recreate picrel with >t. ftm[View]
37685003wow you wanna date men? roll a d6 what kind of boyfriend did you get 1 - repper 2 - 30iq guy 5…[View]
37685476hypothetically what happens if you never stop taking your little estrogen pills? (basically you neve…[View]
37680499DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS: I think I may have deep vein thrombosis. I sure hope not!![View]
37684445I'm a normal man that posts on FTM forums pretending to be trans. I get showered in compliments…[View]
37685360I can't say this to my boyfriend: When I'm riding you and if I cum, Please don't stop…[View]
37684896Would you date a chaser who was a self-aware narcissist?[View]
37683419If transmen are men and they can get pregnant, then abortion is not a woman's right. It's …[View]
37685425>gf (trans) is YET AGAIN asking retarded questions >obviously trying to deduce if I'm gay…[View]
37685104The one who got away: Have you ever had this happen to you? I dated this guy around a year ago, but …[View]
37683341Where do I find a trans girl gf? I like girls that are cute and sweet but are incredibly vindictive …[View]
37685183ROWLING DEFIANT: Harry Potter Creator Tells Trans Women She Doesn't Give a Fuck: https://x.com/…[View]
37681025Why is being an early transition straight pooner so shit?: >straight women don't want me bec…[View]
37684987Do straight FtMs actually get pussy?: I doubt many straight women want to date a FtM. I don’t think …[View]
37685051The ideal male form.[View]
37683662i hate straight people so much: why are they so mean and horrible? why do they get off on being crue…[View]
37685092This is how my ideal chaser husband looks like. Your thoughts?[View]
37683753orange ally is ok with youngshits?: im voting for the transphobe.[View]
37684195I have AGP. I want to be a woman. Does that mean I have gender dysphoria or...?[View]
37684984I am actually high IQ for repressing: If you don't understand what I'm saying, wait 17 day…[View]
37683375is it possible for two tops to be in a monogamous relationship together? we love each other but I…[View]
37683586Is being a cis lesbian a choice based on institutionalized heterosexuality?[View]
37684354>be me, white man >not a fatherless biped >not a woman on T >not ugly (5-7/10) >6…[View]
37684055When I was 16 I used to be very homophobic. Now at the age 22 I am still homophobic but I am startin…[View]
37682907Explain to a cis guy why AGP is a bad thing: >t. Cis male Anytime I see a thread of someone who h…[View]
37683021being a transbian way cooler than a cis man if you pass you can have a 3 inch penis and still have g…[View]
37683747>met a teoon from on discord >'she' opened up to me about her fucked up shit >been blackpil…[View]
37678460When I get horny I want to transition...: When I'm turned on all I can think about is wanting t…[View]
37683023how do you cope with knowing you're not actually a woman?: >be me >always thought I was g…[View]
37684212Would a MtF detransitioning technically be a FtM (female to male)? And would a FtM detransitioning t…[View]
37680629The Queen TERF has gone full Nazi now. The new Harry Potter TV-show cast has to be traditional, (Whi…[View]
37682954this image is GOLD: POV you say something so HSTS at the AGP club they hit you with the 1000 yard tr…[View]
37684544What do you think about bottom surgery?: Don't come here often, maybe a few times a year. But w…[View]
37678278I have never met a passoid who actually contributes meaningfully to society in any way. Most of the …[View]
37682846Can we just appreciate how trans women: give us cis men easy access to straight butt sex?[View]
37682168In Norwegian one makes a distinction between 'homofil' (someone who is romantically attracted to the…[View]
37683398I feel bad for MTFs because they can't physically do white voice singing and end up having a br…[View]
37681024How many of you guys have your driving licence ? asking for a friend[View]
37682453why do trans girls tease me for being 170cm tall?[View]
37683902German Discord Server: Are there any trans servers for Germans left? no john50 incubators please, ca…[View]
37676744chasers literally only want on thing and it's fucking adorable[View]
37683162FFS is too expensive ):[View]
37684177>have sex with a zoomer chaser >after he cums he mutters 'that was kino' can you guy…[View]
37683166i have been a bad chaser and need to be disciplined[View]
37684172Told my bi repping troon friend im Bi and not gay today and xhe started getting really touchy and bu…[View]
37669713voice passgen[View]
37681879is it worth getting a magic wand if I feel dysphoric touching my penis? what's a good brand?[View]
37681088hello. i designed a girlmoder/ftm mascot based on myself and every other white ftm i know - glasses,…[View]
37682941I wanna see Contra review the movie: It would be so fucking hilarious. She should be nagged about it…[View]
37684335Now that I'm married, name change?: I chose this name because Jordan Peterson got called incel …[View]
37681669/mtfg/ mongols take finland general: Last Thread: >>37678004 QOTT: Which jawline do you want f…[View]
37679573Western trannies are so degenerate now. They dress like whores. They can't cook. They all want …[View]
37683032why am i like this?: i am a cis straight guy.[View]
37682566I can accept trans people. After reading a bit, it makes sense. Their brains simply doesn't ali…[View]
37683594It's over: Got on hrt at 18 'detransd' at 23 in October 2022 went full gymbro got on roids trie…[View]
37683945Got dumped today so he could be with his cis best friend[View]
37681009How to cope with being ugly?: My name is Franz. I’m 21 years old, live in Vienna, and I have always …[View]
37680501Goth puppygirl Halloween: Goth puppygirl Halloween thread. Discuss your plans with Lilith and Morrig…[View]
37683421Have you ever cried because of something someone told you on the internet? More specifically over 4c…[View]
37683929Can you tell if someone is gay from how they dress?[View]
37683632why is it that mtfs here seem to view not passing as a personal moral failing? i've heard of th…[View]
37682647If you're an FFS manmoder and you get stared at for like 5 seconds while someone is passing by …[View]
37680211I was lied to by you, you fucks. It's not hot being anal penetrated, it just hurts, but when it…[View]
37683488i feel sad and i dont know what to do[View]
37676788/gaygen/ bounce by the ounce edition: old >>37673325[View]
37672386>”oh sorry you dont feel good about your transition” >complaining about it is a moral failing…[View]
37683522Where is my trans girlfriend?[View]
37682753You'll never meet an asexual tranny. This is because transitioning is an inherently fetishistic…[View]
37673320one of my bigger fantasies would be to dress up like picrel and get womanhandled >t. wink…[View]
37681363How do I find a trans gf who I can make hold her pee until she wets herself?[View]
37683171Autism, gender 'dysphoria' and 99% of 'mental illness' were made up by useless holes with meme degre…[View]
37679648/chasergen/ weed edition 2.0: Qott: why is weed so good? >>37676793[View]
37683307Holy fucking SHIT. Some good news from England for once. https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/10/18/open…[View]
37682039As a chaser, I want to find a trans girl that feels independent and confident in being a woman, stri…[View]
37679170Aus/NZ tranny thread: I suffer immensely as a transgender individual in new zealand edition Qott how…[View]
37681627Why are straightoids like this?[View]
37669589New banger from Blanchie: He explains why troons like to dress up as girls rather than women. It is …[View]
37683113mtf reaction to male chasers: >you sick pervert how dare you like that i have male genitals mtf r…[View]
37682728so im watching this vidya about like a trans girl dating this femboy right and tell me why the fembo…[View]
37670313I've noticed that a lot of people shitting on AI on the internet are trannies. Why do you trann…[View]
37682596I wish I was a cis man so a trans girl could love me.[View]
37683090>if it was normal, it wouldn't have to be normalized[View]
37674482hahahahahhahah *breathes in* OOOOH HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DOOOOOOOD OH NO NO NO[View]
37683108None of you actually believe everything that's written on this board right? it always amazes me…[View]
37672579>man starts crossdressing >develops a female identity and personality over time I like this tr…[View]
37678751my bf's cock is bigger than mine and he teases me about it[View]
37683011I hate it when normies call us ''tHe TraNs CoMmUnItY''. I think that a community…[View]
37682908Chudbros will actually spend hours here every single day, and even more time than that thinking abou…[View]
37680792gaah I fucckiinn love BOYS gaaaaaah need need need need I need one RIGHT now holding me in his lap I…[View]
37667674You're trans and want open borders? I don't think poor third world muslims and africans ar…[View]
37682502Please stop posting abusive or domineering things towards trans women it makes my head spin and my c…[View]
37682746I just found out that Christina Hendricks isn't trans What the fuck[View]
37679837Where do i find a bf who will lovingly molest me: Just the idea of cuddling with my bf before bed, w…[View]
37681444gold-digging: as we all know a woman’s worth is based on how expensive the gifts she receives from m…[View]
37678928>Just had sex with this trans escort > My 1st time with a trans girl >she started transitio…[View]
37680251I just found out that Taylor Swift isn't trans What the fuck[View]
37680281male-brained HSTS?: Can you be a stupidly male-brained HSTS? Like I’m exclusively into men and have …[View]
37677354An entire clinic for transgenders![View]
37681171Passoids and youngshits complaining about how hard they have it is like someone on a six figure sala…[View]
37679782I'm an autistic agp male and I've finally accepted it what best I do? I don't wanna f…[View]
37681208I’m straight as a horse but I just can’t stop fantasizing about gay sex it turns me on so much.[View]
37680181What makes vagina bois so breedable? I want to make them pregnant.[View]
37682525'My transgender wife shrunk.': https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vBUfn0aEJXk[View]
37678947there's no point to transition at all because I can't figure out how to voice train[View]
37679993Trump's Funded by Israel: So in light of the fact that Trump's biggest funder is an Israel…[View]
37682303Why I know trans women are women?: Because, if you are on of the 10% guys, tall, rich, hot, you can …[View]
37680992>Saturday night >no pretty nonop trans gf to cuddle How do I find one?…[View]
37681853I had no idea chasers can be this sweet and loving: I have a chaser boyfriend. He adores me and dote…[View]
37680356i'm starting to get annoyed by the fact that most trans people i know seem to view every single…[View]
37672319ITT cis people that inspire you and make you think 'God I wish that were me'[View]
37677291i'm just a cis man that wants to take recreational estrogen why does this have to be so hard[View]
37681230This is how my ideal chaser husband looks like. Your thoughts?[View]
37680416A concern: If as a MtF you are dysphoric to the point of suffering when you get a boner, never want …[View]
37681989Need advice about pursuing bdsm type stuff please: Okay, so recently i have felt a consuming need to…[View]
37681217Would you date an openly gay chaser male who wears tshirts on public with a rainbow design stating “…[View]
376725121st ever openly transgender Victoria's Secret runway model Alex Consani: Move over there's…[View]
37674660guide for Autogynephilia bingo - tttt edition: a key for filling out autogynephilia bingo /tttt/ edi…[View]
37678911What college degree has the highest chances to contain trans woman. Asking for a friend btw he is go…[View]
37679440Testosterone truly is evil: Testosterone maimed my body so horrifically that I can never be a normal…[View]
37681604I tried my new thrusting dildo today and was literally shaking out of pleasure after orgasming for l…[View]
37681356This is what the hairline of a typical Eastern European girl looks like. What causes this? Genes, di…[View]
37678942Is anyone else kinda offput by how trans people create social groups?: Yeah im aware people are just…[View]
37676493hi twinks, do you have a good relationship with ur mother??[View]
37681381Only one right answer.: What's better, to be born a woman or to become one through great effort…[View]
37680238Hot FtMs Thread: Post your hottest AFAB bois! No fat, 'masculine' or black pooners allowed.[View]
37679833This is the ideal male form. FtMs take notes.[View]
37681202Trans Rights are human rights. I can’t see any move against them as anything but disgusting and arbi…[View]
376716962 part vocaroo to read: Cindy: Dr. Blanchard, why are they having a sexologist conference in Tahiti?…[View]
37680215/depgen/ Depressoid general hopeless edition: QOTT: 10 reasons not to kms?[View]
37681278Chaser Thoughts: I'm a chaser. Why does this make my brain melt with how hot it is? I just want…[View]
37681528I want to ask this cute boy out and fuck him (he’s a total bottom) but he’s like 3-4 inches taller t…[View]
37675317Would you date a chaser with a pozzing fetish?[View]
37671113I am a chaser and I don't ever want to do anything with a trans girl's penis[View]
37676831/cisgaygen/ - Cultured edition: QOTT: What do you think of Ancient greece? Secondly do you like achi…[View]
37679720>Be me >Normal straight dude >Favorite game used to be Fallout New Vegas before it became a…[View]
37676006hi ftms i love you and you're cool >picrel me and my future ftm bf…[View]
37673017when people say that trans women invade woman spaces and just impersonate them do you find that kind…[View]
37671949why are baby trannies so amusing: t. 6 years hrt[View]
37680045How to Find Hot Twink Femboys: How do I find a hot twink femboy like Jaybaesun? I would honestly pay…[View]
37681039Terminally masochist-brained: I have the most violent fantasies where I am basically abused and then…[View]
37681001sometimes i think about the hsts childhood i could’ve had if my family (mom in particular) didn’t at…[View]
37678040hey mfs just wanted to let you know you are entirely safe lmao im listening to these people speak rn…[View]
37679278just bought a google pixel instead of an iphone, does this make me malebrained? do i not pass anymor…[View]
37680940what would happen if a top entered the bottom locking room? would he be sent to jail?[View]
37674929>in his late 50s >femboy posting mana sama really is a god…[View]
37675341Hair loss: What would you do if you lost your hair? Detrans? Use wigs? Rope?[View]
37673424Do you wear skirt in public?[View]
37663940>21yo anorexic sweaty NEET aspie troon >barely goes outside >masturbates a lot >no exerc…[View]
37680488Trans girl at prom: In high school a guy came out as trans. For prom, dates were found by having the…[View]
37673559>submissive with girls >dominant with guys what causes this retardation…[View]
37678574>be bi tranner >date men exclusively because i dont like being dominant and i just want to sub…[View]
37677422Is the boymoder wife dream actually a meme?: >21 >Been on hrt for five years now >Previousl…[View]
37680749Do your standards pass? If you don’t exclusively date unicorn founders you are a MALE BRAINED FAILE…[View]
37680002i am agp trans man[View]
37680576Luckshits are the ONLY trutrans i believe this un-ironically.[View]
37679942>>37678971 >Zero days and zero nights post unsee we can figure this out wha how,, are you …[View]
37680478>come out as trans (straight ftm) >try make trans friends >don't relate to the drug-fu…[View]
37674521A modest assimilationist proposal: The answer to the tranny question is very clear, there is a solut…[View]
37680136Poonchads, do you like to talk about your past life doing girly girl things or do you view it as ema…[View]
37675626why do lesbians prefer intelligent women so much?[View]
37678004/mtfg/ monkey to funky general: Last Thread: >>37673893 QOTT: What was your best Halloween out…[View]
37667894clicker training: Did you know it's very easy to clicker train trans girls into obedient puppy …[View]
37678851help I'm retarded: how do I meaningfully manage dysphoria while not transitioning? I am just a …[View]
37680086>bpd tranny obsessed with me >give her attention back >she gets cold >I get bored >sh…[View]
37679827I detest that chasers and transbians induce advertisers to run ads like this here. Can you please ac…[View]
37677680I envy you all. I wish I was born trans. I'll never be special, I'll never know what it fe…[View]
37680130This beautiful trans woman is getting hatred from Liam Payne (One Direction) fans because they can…[View]
37678580I have a mental feminization fetish but I am an average dude that would slice your throat for a bag …[View]
37670930What kind of chasers do trans women with bodies like this date?[View]
37675702>father refused to rape me >brothers refused to rape me >strangers at the community pool re…[View]
37672909>a genie appears as you're trying to change a light bulb >you ask him to look young and f…[View]
37663438Texas is suing a doctor for providing cross-sex hormones to minors >Evidence obtained by the Offi…[View]
37679011I fucked up: >Take estrogen for almost a decade >Undergo FFS >Suddenly stop feeling like a …[View]
37660245This is what British people think of JK Rowling being made a peer to the House of Lords https://www.…[View]
37677730i look like an obese alien thing[View]
37679907Whats with the politics recently and why does all of it feel artificial. This is /lgbt/ not /pol/ I …[View]
37677675/mmg/ - manmoder general: axe armor edition previous >>37674062 QOTT: Favorite Castlevania/Iga…[View]
37663135What's your opinion on arab passoids?[View]
37678677i only transitioned for friends: i only really transitioned for friends/social group and i feel like…[View]
37677719>i never had a good relationship with my parents, and never will, but it's ok because i don…[View]
37678659my video game preferences dont pass[View]
37676404>>37664527 >start my workweek like usual, but now I get good morning texts every day >s…[View]
37679285can you really not smoke cigs on hrt? please tell me this is a myth and reddit trannies are exaggera…[View]
37679608Uhhhhgggg I hate being horny all the time. it makes me feel so gross.[View]
37679518Is the queer: My therapist said I was probably queer after describing my sexual preferences. Im bi s…[View]
37679546I've finally decided repping is actually better than this and I was happier and I will put all …[View]
37678347Why is it getting more and more common for a cis male to transition after dating a transwoman???? Wh…[View]
37676784i want my roommate to fuck me so god damn bad[View]
37668985Are there any examples of fit or muscular trans women that don't look awful[View]
37679249would you be willing to transfer your consciousness to an artificial body that had your preferred se…[View]
37679090what does it mean if I masturbate to kpop women (choa, son gain, snsd), but only desire getting topp…[View]
37675889Are there femboy strip clubs?: I’ve always wondered if femboys ever work at the gentlemen’s clubs so…[View]
37676805I (cis female) have a crush my transfem friend and i don’t know what to do i’ve never experienced th…[View]
37679410>be born as male >have lived experience of how dystopic gender relations have become from a ma…[View]
37670797Should i ask my general practitioner it he will order me hormone blood tests ? T.?boymoder on diy Wh…[View]
37676598Do tgirls like guys with comfy & loud 70s v8 luxury land yachts[View]
37670720Ok so let me get this straight >Most of trans women hate afabs >Most of trans women transiti…[View]
37677775Who else is a complete sellout and still call themselves a femboy/twink/normal guy while on hrt to a…[View]
37678034does your snoring pass?[View]
37678557/Femgen/ RX-78-2 edition Question of the day: what is Octoberfest anyways? >FAQ >What is a fe…[View]
37658732female privilege thread: called these two poons females which they are and I saw on facebook how the…[View]
37676569Where do I steal estrogen/hrt: I have no money, how can I rob it[View]
37669988/passgen/: kiss edition[View]
37674742Getting started with HRT as MTF: Was thinking of buying some AstroVials to begin my transition, the …[View]
37676793/chasergen/ high on weed edition last TOKE : https://cdn3.vectorstock.com/i/1000x1000/83/22/happy-ma…[View]
37678160Why are trannies like this?[View]
37678591My bottom STILL refuses to apologize for my dad losing millions in the enron scandal.[View]
37675930i just took a bunch of pregabalin & progesterone now i'm gonna sit around & want to suc…[View]
37678510What's going on: I spent all day jacking off. I've always fantasize about getting rid of m…[View]
37676750Being a self aware hon: >is such a cruel fate Been crying all night. Think I'll not eat for …[View]
37677875Would you top spotemgottem?[View]
37678469Is it malebrained to write erotic stories about getting seduced by your dad and having a forbidden r…[View]
37674476>pre-transition >was completely asexual >had no interest in sex whatsoever and never mastur…[View]
37676678People have no barometer for what a non-white woman looks like on here and will always call you cloc…[View]
37677827how old is too old to transition? (mtf)[View]
37676785Did eating not enough food and being underweight growing up benefit me to look more fem? Or is this …[View]
37677607Legbutt LOL thread.[View]

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