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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

Displaying 1,143 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
36665991Marie, Marie, oh, Marie...: Woke up, went onto Reddit, and noticed a familiar, beautiful woman in my…[View]
36669882I had my first relationship with a transgirl when i was 14 Is that bad sign?[View]
36669767anybody finger themselve and remove the shit physically?[View]
36670259Worst first time: >be 20, and gay male >Chat up with a tf2 buddy whos Bi >We meetup months …[View]
36665925Straight Tranny Lover Dilemma: Love MTF trannies, hate anal. Wat do?[View]
36670493>well you see, it's chud shit, I fell in love with a trans bitch, she's an autist, she …[View]
36666881>wake up >remember i'm cis >be happy God is so good bros…[View]
36667539become a cuntboy?: ok so im a binary trans woman and i have dysphoria and all that. but i also wonde…[View]
36669977>I'm sexually attracted to the troons[View]
36662154/TTgen/ tough times gen for LGBTIA people going through hardships: QOTT: What are you currently stru…[View]
36669439Voice training thread: Thread for voice recordings and voice training. Rate others when you post. Su…[View]
36669107would a cis girl help a guy become an hrt femboy?[View]
36670279What kind of brainworms is it if you would never want to use your penis in a sex act (unless it was …[View]
36668521I am a cis man taking estrogen, I am a cis man taking estrogen, I don't belong here anymore, I …[View]
36667791Is allowing getting puberty blockers only after becoming adult really trans genocide? Like even in t…[View]
36667613Wwyd if he blocked you from the women's restroom?[View]
36670090straight girl/HSTS pride![View]
36669384stacy cay appreciation thread: she's so hot (and funny) love this broad shouldered 5'10' s…[View]
36664532/mtfg/ marry the feminine guy: last time on mtfg >>36660818 QOTT1 do you want to get married Q…[View]
36669650I am honestly, starting to feel really bad for Ava. I am afraid at this point she is going to lose t…[View]
36667666>5'10 ftm >In eastern europe It's so OVER.…[View]
36668580/st4tgen/: st4t/ is a general for trans people attracted to trans people of the opposite gender (ftm…[View]
36667926/chasergen/ _: Last >>36664186 Qott: Chasers, how much can you lift? Tranners, what is your f…[View]
36667109I was psyoped into being a tranny: i strongly believe that some external force, probably from a poli…[View]
36668990Male vs. Female Privelege: I have a theory that trans people don't benefit from male or female …[View]
36667419The thought of being a transgirl with an useless shrunken cock that can't get hard and that get…[View]
36668699i want to milk trannies.[View]
36669201any other cis guys on e?[View]
36669123My bottom bf said I have 'major golden retriever energy' and I don't know whether that was a co…[View]
36669214What's my life going to look like as a 19 year old AGP hrt repper?[View]
36665097my life pre-transition was so lonely that sometimes i feel this weird sensation i have friends now, …[View]
36663697why are there more trans people now than at any other point in human history?[View]
36666777How do we fix fem twinkoids?[View]
36667086I'm not trans but I want to cut my dick off. I'm tired of it trying to think for me, I…[View]
36665872having sex is disgusting and it should be illegal[View]
36669027i want to milk a trannies tits and prostate.[View]
36603750/clg/ Cis Lesbian General: Total black girl love edition >Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexua…[View]
36668126What is the AGP equivalent of Dylan Mulvaney?[View]
36667809may have oopsed: okay so i've done all of the research i needed to gather enough confidence to …[View]
36665389Why do women shame men for suggesting females bear some form of social privileges over men? Most pe…[View]
36664962Why do I want to be physically male but abhor the male social role? Why am I completely unable to id…[View]
36663535The social power of females derives from shaming and trying to humiliate men in front of others, tal…[View]
36667651Drag queens belong in schools.[View]
36652356huh... well now that's just... huh[View]
36668257what do i do if i cant find a bush or a unisex bathroom in public? i dont wanna get hatecrimed but i…[View]
36668440How much would getting drunk daily affect ones transition if they are already old, a brainlet and be…[View]
36663896crossdressers make more dough selling their bodies than they would if they didn't dress up[View]
36666618I'm cis but I'm jeaous of attractive trannies, they can post their pics on 4chan and have …[View]
36666322How many of you have been taking hrt for more than 5 years?[View]
36667719Rapey transbians are ruining trans acceptance![View]
36668062Hey if you're hear to post another fucking Kris Tyson please do so, I love it, I love that this…[View]
36667898If a trans woman did this in England, the government would pass immediate, energency laws against us[View]
36666601Do boymoders kiss and run?: Do boymoders kiss strangers walking outside and then run away before the…[View]
36667206him and his faggot bf are next[View]
36668173How do I get a cute Japanese crossdresser bf? Is this a hon?[View]
36664668How bad is a late 18 troon?: Could I ever pass? Look good? Is there any difference compared to troon…[View]
36667355how do i stop having the gayest thoughts: i keep fantasizing about being in a limousine with a bunch…[View]
36667353Tfw 26 y/o femcel[View]
36666845Where can I meed women like this?[View]
36667235if i cant pass, girlmode, and get a bf before i turn 24 i might as well just kill myself[View]
36667501How to cause parents to see me as a girl: I am staying at my parents house again for the next couple…[View]
36666953>Person with the biggest audience (mrbeast) hires a pedo >She becomes trans boom now every imp…[View]
36666921Hey Chud Xisters Bingo Thread: I somehow managed to be a chud and a troon at the same time any other…[View]
36667821ripparoonies sisters womp womp[View]
36665578Esteogen made me immune to disease: Literally everyone around me is suffering from some weird infect…[View]
36662428>mom comes into my room >tells me about elon musks daughter agreeing with elon and how its chi…[View]
36667607It's over, Disney made a movie about Lia Thomas. Is this the most blatant psyop in history? I c…[View]
36665945I love tomboys so much[View]
36655796/passgen/ Spanish rock edition: Friday’s here for the better part of the world[View]
36666093Can a trannylover be in a relationship with a cis woman and be satisfied?[View]
36650649Disgusted? Fuck you. He could have said anything else but he choose disgusted. Fuck off you asshole.…[View]
36661346the war against trannies is a war led by reppers, don't forget. normal people don't care. …[View]
36667174AGP: Gasherbrum I HSTS: Gasherbrum II[View]
36666220AGAMP is the best!: I'm finally the attractive woman I've always wanted to be and I still …[View]
36667373are you all really that desperate: how the fuck does anyone, mtf trannies specifically, actually lik…[View]
36664847I’m afraid of politicians: In case they make HRT treatment illegal for adults undergoing gender reas…[View]
36665110Straight people are the reason you are here[View]
36662448I have a gaping hole between my legs which was added to my body without my consent. They lied it was…[View]
36656802Psychoanalyze my misery: Context: 29 year old straight cis man with a forced fem fetish, due to a my…[View]
36667285As a cis gay top, how can I find someone like this? A femme presenting bottom boyfriend who wears gi…[View]
36666468It's crazy to think I can be attracted to this and be 100% heterosexual.[View]
36665308/gaygen/ no homo edition: >>36663809[View]
36666362I can't even watch anime without being dysphonic and envious of the girls. Is there any anime t…[View]
36665452why are some ppl attracted to dadbods and bears?[View]
36664660i want to milk a trannies tits and her prostate.[View]
36661914the squeeze: i need a tranny girlfriend, who has squeezable tits, a squeezable ass, a sqeezable cock…[View]
36666959What is the gay experience like in Novi Sad, Serbia?[View]
36666991I have been on HRT for 8 years, starting at 19. I never even reached AA cups from hormones. I tried …[View]
36666557What made you trans?: For me it was the constantly psychological and physical abuse by my parents, b…[View]
36661822You arrive home from university expecting to be greeted by both your parents, however only your fath…[View]
36666649Train almost rails tranny: my first ever post on 4chan btw >Be me >Autistic retard honpilled t…[View]
36662614>Make AGP friend >Everything is fine at first, she seems normal >Has started sending me tra…[View]
36664186/Chasergen/ - Welcome Back Edition: QOTT: Would you have/be a stay at home tranner wife? Last Night…[View]
36666532After I get an orchi i want to fuck a woman and have her bully me for being too sterile to get her p…[View]
36663613Should I stop using Linux to stop looking like a stereotype?: I'm not a programmer or anything.…[View]
36665412I’m bored does anyone wanna b my friend on discord, my user is stinkerbutt45[View]
36662968'Bi tops' only seem interested in women, trannies and crossdressing femboys. They never top actual m…[View]
36662192Are transbians who think it's 'transphobic' for lesbians to not be attracted to them actually c…[View]
36664900Is HRT being banned in my cunt enough for asylum in Canada or something?: Just in case some stupid s…[View]
36664365bros it's happening: my best friend came out to me, so I asked him out and our first date is in…[View]
36666233how do you respond to someone who reminds you that youre at the whim of the pharmaceutical industry …[View]
36664710Asexual men: fact or fiction: Do asexual men actually exist? Like everytime I've come across a …[View]
36662426Did Minecraft turn you trans?[View]
36665940exhausted by bad optics: many of you are probably aware about a certain trans person whose name star…[View]
36666154how to deal with being an emotionally stunted, burnt out, cannabis addicted tranner. feel like a co…[View]
36666121i feel so useless and impotent like a pathetic little doll i long to have back my balls[View]
36665021By 2030 all adult males under 5'9 will be either trans women or gay bottoms[View]
36666305i is are have retard (shit nobody cares about): >am a bi 'twink' >posted my figure on /r9k/ be…[View]
36666269I went to see a nice flat today and got it immediately while guys have to fight to get homes[View]
36666197I made out with a cis girl in front of my bf and he enjoyed it. Is this good?[View]
36662407>smirks, gestures with my massive hairy male hands down to the patch >'heh, your response, Chu…[View]
36666172/ftmg/ I fucked up. (worth it): > Be me > be child of well-off Venezuelan parents > be shel…[View]
36666105Thanks for ruining our Army ads: https://youtube.com/watch?v=S7rSjxSH4o8 Our ads could be like Roman…[View]
36662113What are malebrained and fembrained things that people do? Strategy Games and Warhammer are Malebrai…[View]
36665202It is well known Palestinians by and large are anti LGBT, as such its totally fine to feel uncomfort…[View]
36665474theres this sex club in atlanta called Tokyo Valentino and tonight is trans night. its open 24/7 and…[View]
36665402tranners who have gotten ba, how was ur experience? was it worth it?: how was the recovery? do they …[View]
36661382The suffering I experience in New Zealand daily as a transgender individual is intense[View]
36665553>bf acts chuddy by threatening a homeless guy approaching us, making him run off >incredibly t…[View]
36658568Do you have homophobic/transphobic friends? If so, why?[View]
36666016how do i get my bf to breed me? :< when we started dating we would do it multiple times every day…[View]
36662734What if gay men had to lick and eat pussy until they learned to love it?[View]
36659104What is a pad? It is a feminine hygiene product that is designed to catch waste produced by the body…[View]
36665787Do transbians like transbian muscle mommies?[View]
36665868Update from Kris Tyson’s alleged grooming victim!!!! The victim has come out and said the comments m…[View]
36665585if hrt didn’t exist would you still transition?[View]
36665788>be trans >only fuck respectable married men in their 40s so if I ever become famous no scanda…[View]
36665619>be passoid >hyperborean chud tries to rizz you up do you let him even if it might mean you be…[View]
36661327thread for autololicon tranners just for a bit, i just need someone to talk to about this sort of th…[View]
36665095Toxic online transbian awareness: I know you feel lonely. Maybe you recently started HRT. You have w…[View]
36661839feel disconnected from male past: i feel as if i am literally a different person than before i trans…[View]
36661739Does any other tranny have a very prevalent perineal raphe? I think it's a sign of an intersex …[View]
36662338Why there are much much more AMABs than AFABs who transition?[View]
36665465i went out and a suffocating envy consumed me hrt unnecessarily gave me hope, i should have roped ba…[View]
36665136What is pornosexuality?[View]
36638199>ywn be pregnant >ywn have a loving, strong and protective man who desires to impregnate you …[View]
36659158You like 'femboys' because you dislike tits, don't you?[View]
36660052I love trans women so much[View]
36661926how do poor twinkhons afford ffs?: asking for a friend[View]
36663809/gaygen/ sub bottoms edition: prev >>36659345[View]
36663869Can beer feminize you?[View]
36664320i need a mtf girlfrien, who i can milk.[View]
36664190When you die, somebody is going to find all your sex toys and every other embarrassing thing you own…[View]
36663900RETRACTION: Ava Kris Tyson's First Victim Now ADMITS Inappropriate Behaviour: >After reviewi…[View]
36644612/mmg/ - manmoder general: Male role model edition previous: >>36622243 QOTT: Did you or do you…[View]
36663817Guys I’ve made my whole personality being a girl who just doesnt desire any romance and is just a my…[View]
36665033I wish I could be in a transbian x transbian relationship t. cis guy[View]
36664490I went to an outing today and I ruined it by crying like a bitch. Everyone was talking about relatio…[View]
36660768>>36529297 boyfriend did it again, i’m starting to really it like it but im not sure what to d…[View]
36663379When youngshits get extremely painful and uncurable osteoporosis at 40 years old because of blockers…[View]
36663260do other trannies feel guilt for liking furyo manga so much?: i like reading delinquent manga like r…[View]
36661213what's the appeal of black trannies? is it just a fetish thing?[View]
36664616Hey if you're hear to post another fucking Kris Tyson please do so, I love it, I love that this…[View]
36664268What's the best tranny merch?[View]
36662739I'm bi and I don't want to fuck dudes nor getting fucked. Why can't homos understand …[View]
36628424\St4tgen\: st4t/ is a general for trans people attracted to trans people of the opposite gender (ftm…[View]
36664348Ava/Kris first victim backtracks and says the discord messages were indeed inappropriate/creepy to b…[View]
36664518Trannies when they talk to a repper: >just take the pills! If youre considering transition that m…[View]
36664133Trannies be like 'men aren't allowed to express themselves, toxic masculinity only allows a nar…[View]
36663663>be me med student >decide that I'm going to cure homosexuality to gain recognition >…[View]
36657636CIS-HETs mutilate their children: How come normies are allowed to sexually mutilate kids, but trans …[View]
36663151Bonepill is killing my motivation: >be 17 BMI mtf >want to get down to 14 BMI so I can be like…[View]
36662083Is all the news and drama getting you down? Do you feel helpless when thinking about leaving boymode…[View]
36662710>have MEF >but no meta-attraction to guys how do i even find someone into domming me?…[View]
36660332Transes will be sent to the conversion farms.: First it's antidepressants and ADHD, next it…[View]
36663242grimes is siding with elon's daughter and btfoing blue checkmarks in the replies[View]
36662878I went outside today and it just made me think: wtf was I thinking going on estrogen? I've been…[View]
36664114>be me >be this really awkward 18 year old girl >in my 18 years of life I’ve never had any…[View]
36660487i found out yesterday that estrogen has, in fact, been messing with my personality in ways i didnt c…[View]
36662952Being a repGOD is the best because you can make life shitty for all the super catty youngshits and p…[View]
36663572I want to unfriend them. They are all narcissistic and don't actually care.[View]
36660614gay twink mommys boy[View]
36660236When cis women compliment you, it means they have Clock ed you: 100%. I’ve been called “pretty” by c…[View]
36660787why do agps enrage me so? >egg cracking culture feels like a grooming cult >the fact that most…[View]
36664230I am attracted to how I looked pre-transition: Sometimes I go on here and read about Autogynephilia …[View]
36662278What makes afab bois so breedable?[View]
36663693anyone here write poetry? life dwells away like a wilted rose energy depleted please send mommy ur …[View]
36663555I wish I would look like this. I am straight but if I looked like this I would sleep with tons of me…[View]
36662078You wouldn't, would you?[View]
36664123Why are tranners defending picrel?[View]
36663733When does the self-hatred go away?: I am a disgusting fucking tranny. I am faketrans. I am not actua…[View]
36663947Vivian names Contra as influencer: It's over for Contra. Now Musk knows who turned his kid into…[View]
36663493chat is this real?[View]
36663882Starting dutasteride, anything I should know?: Estrogen already took away my ability to sleep. What …[View]
36663891what's favorite trans anime?: by trans[View]
36662999HSTS don't exist in the west anymore due to the destigmatization of homosexuality (this reduces…[View]
36659345/gaygen/ 'would you date a chud top?': Gay Bros Only OLD >>36657531 >>36657531 No Transg…[View]
36663288Crack any tight fresh eggs this summer break, ladies?[View]
36662853HEAR ME OUT!!!: trannies are men, because you can't get gayer than tranny. simple as. no discus…[View]
36659924>be tranny on grindr >get DM request from guy in a maga hat >he asks me to send him pics …[View]
36659480would you troon out if you were a 25yo 5'6' terminally skinny white guy with no friends no savi…[View]
36661157i feel like every single mtf i meet either is a transbian or only dates cis men. is it possible as a…[View]
36663539i do not like that the perception of me by a significant portion of common people can be affected by…[View]
36663514I accidentally had scat sex with my boyfriend.: I wasn’t planning on doing anything gross but things…[View]
36663405Have you noticed that trans people NEVER behave like sex their identify with? AMAB troons reek of ma…[View]
36660818/mtfg/ - male to female general: now featuring subject qott: how do you relax prev >>36655991…[View]
36662955What's the appeal with gooning? When I beat it it's to bust a quick nut not sit there for…[View]
36663144What’s honest reason why so many white bottoms fetishize black penis https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRoy…[View]
36663417>want to be a woman >don't have dysphoria…[View]
36662735Trannies are subhuman trash who needs to be put down[View]
36657695Any time the subject of me being trans comes up around my parents, especially my father, i feel so g…[View]
36663400TFW hrt at 16 twinkhon: I hate my face so much my body actually passe super well but I have this wei…[View]
36663098Do transbians like trans muscle mommies? Asking for a friend[View]
36662070>be me, straight cis male chaser >See some sociopath youngshit or midshit without empathy say …[View]
36659976im eating gummy worms[View]
36657122i need this surgery so bad[View]
36663188I thought this was contrapoints in the low magnification view. Fuck my brainworms.[View]
36658218I hate “boymoders.” Not actual boymoders. I’m talking about the BDD infested idiots who pass seamles…[View]
36662987How do I abuse my healthcare system?[View]
36658263Imagine her life...[View]
36662727is this a sign?: i am a normal boy but my 4 y/o niece calls me 'mommy' for some reason.[View]
36662389Should I go for it?[View]
36660265This is not ok.[View]
36660492Big Booty Muscle Bottom For Femboys: I want to become a big booty muscle bottom for femboys. I want …[View]
36659629should i just rope: >18 year old tranny on hrt for a few weeks >no hope of passing >cant ev…[View]
36662688Do your hands smell like these, anonette?[View]
36662824What's the best sex you've ever had and with who, anonette? For me it was my high school f…[View]
36655876>trans men complain about not being able to date >aww, poor thing, you'll find someone s…[View]
36656592Transition? or stay as femboy: Hellooo, I've always been very feminine and I'm 5,3 with a …[View]
36655368Chuds, post who you want to lead trans genocide. Trannies, post who you want to defend against trans…[View]
36662300Elle Palmer: Is she just straight up anti-trans now? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiDTBqZ-7Po [Em…[View]
36662404Considering coming out to family after VIH scare. Bad decision?: TLDR: I had unprotected sex with a …[View]
36662085Is it prison gay to intentionally date and have sex with men even though you aren’t attracted to the…[View]
36660793tell mother asterisk what is bothering you and I’ll try my best to help. seeing so much suffering he…[View]
36661763pedo hunting: vitaly, the youtuber and 'pedo hunter' punishing and humiliating the gay pedo he caugh…[View]
36654230Why are even gay men more feminine than trans women when they're angry?[View]
36660014/chasergen/: Dap me up edition Last >>36657371 Qott: A transgirl tries to dap you up do you ac…[View]
36662119still the same boy i used to be...: There's just no escaping it, I am just still the same guy i…[View]
36656151death of a midshit: i did everything i was 'supposed to' i found out about hormones from you retards…[View]
36661869>trans person is a pedophile /tttt/: you shouldn't insult or be hostile to people just becau…[View]
36662236Oh wow I trooned for no reason haha Its fucked up![View]
36657102i always had the mindset that men should open themselves to their girlfriends and be sensible, speci…[View]
36658862Based or cringe?[View]
36655614elon musk's tranny daughter is an agp youngshit passoid: elon tricked us. the mask photo tricke…[View]
36661844Uhm sisters..: She completely mogs me and I have to see her face constantly. This is a blue board ho…[View]
36657204I do think I have some sort of autism, OCD, NPD or BPD. I just think about being trans all the time.…[View]
36659831My bank account manager looks exactly like Mira[View]
36658616Which man is more gay? The one who is fucking another man? Or the one who is being fucked by a man, …[View]
36662066is being lgbt this generations version of being 'emo' ?[View]
36659083Name my farm[View]
36660631any other hsts tops here or... just me?[View]
36660736This is the tipping point: All the Peter Pan 2010s Internet personalities that trooned out during CO…[View]
36660943How can people be monosexual when attractive people of both sexes exist?[View]
36662004>accidentally detransition for a month when visiting home >develop a fetish for black women Th…[View]
36656754It’s never been more over[View]
36660780what happens when someone with phimosis has SRS?[View]
36661019Trans girls should not be given internet access for a few years after starting their transition beca…[View]
36661517i binded my tits with duct tape and pulled back all my hair except some front strands and i look lik…[View]
36661114Do you think Kris will 41%?[View]
36661628Why are trannies so into bondage[View]
36658635does hrt look good on me?[View]
36653505I like nerdy blond men with glasses. What is this phenotype called.[View]
36661850How does one get rid of the permanent pedostach shadow?[View]
36661488I like touching my trans gf's smol cock to trigger her gender dysmorphia[View]
36654622>Notable trans people in the public eye don’t be an absolute optics disaster challenge: Impossibl…[View]
36661345What did he mean by that quote tweet[View]
36659440All trans girls and all trans boys owe me sex.[View]
36661679>23 f, white latina How do i find a tall masc girl partner, specifically white Or a trans man (ft…[View]
36660521How much did your IQ drop on estrogen?[View]
36660343Lost my Grindr account (Email) and can’t delete it. I has pics in my album (no face) and nasty chats…[View]
36655282Do you think he envies working class Joes with normal, cis kids?[View]
36655758MtF: Soooo how did you come out to your family? Did you gradually lead into it or just kick the door…[View]
36660813Is there a name for when a femboy / twink tops a twunk I'm a twink top and wanna top a strong …[View]
36660365Modern women act like men so how is transgenderism even relevant? There is only the unigender of nar…[View]
36660931Is south korea transphobic? If so, in what ways? Thanks anons >t. mtf[View]
36660989i grew D cups in 1 year 4 months hrt. what the fuck? you told me i wouldnt grow anything!! >pic u…[View]
36661341fuck homophobes: > be me > gay 17yo cis male > have 19yo sister > gets told all my life …[View]
36660248>he said she said (in this case he said he said) Given that there is no evidence proving who is t…[View]
36661230How likely is for a bisexual fujoshi and a bisexual himedanshi to end up in a relationship?[View]
36661221I've been celibate since I was 18 and I'm 30 now. I am attracted to people of both sexes b…[View]
36625573This is a voice rating thread. Post your voice. Rate like, at least two other voices. Good job![View]
36660752Elon is right, Transgenderism is Gay erasure.[View]
36661064Post husbandos. Guess letters.[View]
36660731I love making food for my bf and watching him happily eat it. It gives me a sense of pride and purpo…[View]
36659159Malebrained vs. femalebrained: Previous Thread: >>36646106 I keep hearing about malebrained vs…[View]
36660406hstsgen ONE OF HUSS: https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/elon-musk-transgender-daughter-vivian-wi…[View]
36660300I saw myself in the mirror today and felt horrible since then (it was around 3pm EST)[View]
36659084this is the key to all the tranny head and ass you eant if you know what i mean.[View]
36660133It's been 2 years and I'm still madly in love with him, like we first started dating. At t…[View]
36659499Change my view: if you are unhappy in a relationship and think your partner is being a bad partner b…[View]
36658259Me, a trans girl, feeling self-conscious as I sit next to a cis girl[View]
36658388>10 months hrt >slightly bigger gyno than pre-hrt when am i supposed to have a female face, do…[View]
36659002are we the most degen board on this entire godforsaken website?[View]
36657823Thread for me and my trans sisters to discuss our dicks. Storytime: I played once this hentai game w…[View]
36655165Do all reppers end up killing themselves or breaking down or is there any positive result gained fro…[View]
36658847Anyone on this board has any experience with full-time BDSM relationships? Thanks to a combo of neet…[View]
36659166Why is it that every transfem wants to be on HRT and pass as a female, but not every transman wants …[View]
36657062how long until science develops and trannies can start passing for real[View]
36659690Why aren’t u saving trannies in Somalia and focus on real trans genocide https://x.com/sntvnews1/st…[View]
36652932>feel bad about being a tranny >go on r/transpassing >sort by controversial >feel better…[View]
36655464manifesto: 1/3 I can't decide between A and B. Mediation was always my approach, but the proble…[View]
36655431how do I stop obsessing over whether the concept of gender identity makes any sense? I want to trans…[View]
36659724FTMs who have gotten pregnant - what was it like?[View]
36659624Why is everyone a youngshit all of a sudden?[View]
36659079what the fuck is this bitch even talking about? https://pixeldrain com/u/Ses96uhB[View]
36655286Montreal trannersisters, which uni is the best at meeting other tranners, between UQAM and Concordia…[View]
36659167It's super obvious that AGP'ers with kids KNEW they were going to troon out.: They also wa…[View]
36655136Question for stealth trannies: Don't you genuinely feel that the more time you spend stealth, t…[View]
36659358what can I do to look more like a woman, like what should I wear I have trouble finding things I lik…[View]
36650291/repgen/: Do not be Soft Men! Reject your Demons Edition A General for those who wish to stand firm …[View]
36657593Transphobic gays be like: Remember. These are the type of gays who are transphobic. Don't ever …[View]
36658888*sigh* it's all so tiresome... >be me >punny humans asking shit again >oh, you forgot …[View]
36645548>all the hottest trans women Christian Nazis explain this[View]
36658447What was his problem?[View]
36659953Sorry trans girls but you’re all too weird and unstable for me. From now on I’m just gonna date cis …[View]
36657371/chasergen/: CHASER + tranners till infinity[View]
36659725What should i even do if I can't get hrt for at least a year. I just feel like I'm rotting…[View]
36648029>villain ends up being correct in the end I hate this timeline.[View]
36659295>get in 4chan argument >I write a post >the person strawmans me and put words in my mouth …[View]
36657672can i ever really pass? it seems impossible im so fucking terrible and want to die ill never be shor…[View]
36651875how do i hide my girl benis from my boyfriend during sex? i could only try one pose (lying flat on b…[View]
36657832Does your age of attraction pass?[View]
36657996Passoidanons, what's it like to not have people immediately assume you're trans and be gen…[View]
36659205Both me and my gf hate trannies but she keeps dressing me up and now started calling me her gf...[View]
36657085retarded boymoder goes to college orientation: >about to start college >deadname not in colleg…[View]
36659536Will we be friends when we're old, anonette?: Or will we belittle and ignore each other, like w…[View]
36655527>meet hot guy at animecon >succing his cock in the back of his car >twirling tongue around …[View]
36659452DIY IPL/laser hair removal: Can any of you recommend any specific home IPL/laser machines? Do they e…[View]
36659327yes: Is Ava a pedophile?[View]
36657274Do you ever miss when films would call out people for being fags etc? Seemed like a simpler time. No…[View]
36657698Who’s ready?[View]
36657531cis gaygen fem edition: >>36655436[View]
36652138elon's trans daughter roasted him after his podcast with jordan peterson where he said the woke…[View]
36656910'Bi man' is an euphemism for gay. If you really preferred women you would just say you're strai…[View]
36652672ftm becoming an incel: im a trans male and i fucking hate women. i will never get a girlfriend becau…[View]
36655991/mtfg/: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrismhWXEnc last: >>36650356 qott: for the non-neets, …[View]
36652309Where can I get a chaser bf like this?[View]
36656925boymoding and occasionally mailfailing feels better than girlmoding and occasionally getting misgend…[View]
36658303>but the kid said he wasn't groomed Isn't that the same thing as saying the teenager wa…[View]
36654109why do pregnate ftms do this to me?: there's nothing better than seeing a cute afab boi with a …[View]
36658436>smile sweetheart >can you give me a smile >you need to smile more What in the living fuc…[View]
36658622>43 year olds can't be femboy twink - ACK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoJSZYlXtdg…[View]
36657359is simultaneously wanting to be a woman but also a cute shota agp or hsts[View]
36657080ah nigga you gay[View]
36658486As a boymoder, the only people I ever malefail to are old east Asian men. Does anybody else experien…[View]
36654648i ran out of weed and im PMSing and my 23 year old trans gf is at a party instead of fucking me. sho…[View]
36658394Personality Disorder Battle: https://strawpoll.com/3RnYXlmwzye[View]
36658077why are they always internet addict depoons?[View]
36651091madame president: i cant wait to see the first black transwoman president. you are voting for her, r…[View]
36650516I'm ftm rep and I want to look like a man with long hair when I transition. Is that fembrained?[View]
36656045/pnwg/ pacific northwest general: wolf edition/heatwave over edition report in pls[View]
36655070i need to dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: I want to detransition but i dont know if i can do it I dont want to…[View]
36655998thinking of killing myself in like the next hour how does /tttt/ cope with suicidal thoughts when th…[View]
36655971Anon did you live the queer lifestyle before you got too old or ugly?[View]
36655088>be me >19 year old femboy >probably trans, if so, strangely in-between that of AGP and HST…[View]
36657227It would be a crying shame if someone transported a fertile-age ftm across state lines to a deep red…[View]
36655600>be me, tranner >another tranner adds me >we talk about a fighting game >says that game…[View]
36657790The desire to be a house wife might just fuck my whole life up. I've wrestled with consideratio…[View]
36656650Outed by my Girlsmell: I'm a boymoder. I've been on hrt for about 13 months now. The other…[View]
36650730Puppysub: >be me white top >love the idea of having a human pet >headpats, dog bowl meals, …[View]
36656441reddit lesbian versus trans drama: check out the r/lesbianfashionadvice subreddit meta thread they …[View]
36653142Does FFS change your voice?: https://voca.ro/1gt9KwoeOp29[View]
36646045Why does every mtftm look like a pooner?[View]
36655436/gaygen/ haribo worship edish: poo >>36653276[View]
36655867Should I push my trans gf to detransition just for the fun of it? I like her either way, but she is …[View]
36657163Realised that im trans lol: An online friend said that I'm a girl in their eyes and it made me …[View]
36652570Any other mtf here 2+ years hrt who doesn't wear a bra? I can't be bothered to wear one, t…[View]
36655874Why aren't you engaged or married?[View]
36655473So many of you endlessly kvetch about the bad optics of cringe boomer hons wearing cheap wigs and pr…[View]
36638995/lesgen/ - Lesbian General: /lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis …[View]
36657283hair care thread: I feel like I'm one good hair phase away from passing comfortably, it's …[View]
36651362Is there anything better than instructing your trans gf to cut herself?[View]
36656607Can a trans woman wear a bikini to a public beach?[View]
36656368naomi watts gigapassoid mtf daughter is the only hope for trans optics[View]
36655396as an hsts top, where do i go to bang big booty straight boys like picrel?[View]
36654186/ChaserGen/: What kinda music do you listen to??[View]
36653943Is jerking off to colombian shemale porn being an lgbt ally?[View]
36642374/ftmg/: >>36628896[View]
36656009I've been thinking about coming out to my mom and she just dropped this on me out of nowhere in…[View]
36656070Trannies go to hell. Gays go to heaven.[View]
36652408I just feel like if cis women were open to occasionally fuck their male partners with a strap-on the…[View]
36652837I'm not a tranny, but I kinda like it when people mistake me for a girl in public[View]
36652617How do I go to war? t. pooner[View]
36655806hypothetically if i had the name and address of every mod and janitor on this site would anyone want…[View]
36648302do I pass?[View]
36653657Do chasers like utterly obsessive would-kill-you-if-you-leave-her yandere trans gfs?[View]
36656404>You call futanaris 'trans women?'[View]
36653386So is AGP even possible?: I get why tranners have made it a critical mission to dismiss the AGP accu…[View]
36643150Daily reminder that the first sign of twinkdeath is getting fat (metabolism slowing)[View]
36655039hello tttt and friends! i am a transgirl that needs more weight im 5'5 and 130 pounds but i sti…[View]
36650909Should I feel bad for doing findom stuff as a trans girl? I really do like getting money out of it b…[View]
36653830can someone explain something to me, from a zoomer perspective so I understand how is it that twitt…[View]
36655640When did you realize: That being gay was a result of you being infected with parasites[View]
36653648Should men with a humiliation fetish transition?[View]
36654164is it bad that i want a gf thats atleast a decade older than me? t. 18 year old trans girl[View]
36655808As a matter of fact I do think it's kind of funny that the reason given facially for trannies b…[View]
36655656Reminder to chasers: Make sure to cuddle your trans gf with maximum skin-to-skin contact for maximum…[View]
36655537“Bi trans woman” is a euphemism for trans lesbian. If you really preferred men you would just say st…[View]
36655949Chaser here, reminding you to get ffs, clavicle shortening, voice train, and leave before it’s too l…[View]
36655962how did you start using your girlvoice irl????: https://voca.ro/1d2JJoYJh4sU[View]
36654509Uhh republican transsisters... how do we recover?[View]
36650997Why does sex and things like that make me so upset? I am a virgin, and I'm a trans girl, and l…[View]
36654976Why all FtMs cannot like like him?[View]
36650859What are your favorite sports to watch as a gay?[View]
36655532I would still goon with her.[View]
36655681Would you date an older guy? Please give age and highest age gap you would date.[View]
36653542exercise thread again: why the fuck does my body always try to substitute other muscles for glutes? …[View]
36655451Am I a bottom or verse-bottom? I don't like man ass but can enjoy getting sucked by a man.[View]
36651967Forget Ava, let’s talk about the real person who single handily put transgender people back 20 years…[View]
36654999Guys I think I like girls but I just hate lesbians so fucking much what do I do[View]
36655349What does /lgbt/ think of Matthew and Paul?[View]
36654534'Sides' are just bottoms who reject anal sex just because they find it painful, dirty or/and risky. …[View]
36655401>you can't be a woman because you're a man >but you also have to act a certain way o…[View]
36653647how can i have children as a ftm without getting pregnant? is being adopted really that bad? is surr…[View]
36655192HOLY SHIT JUST STOP: Kai Cenat is now receiving more backlash for misgendering Kris/Ava Tyson than K…[View]
36653276/gaygen/ rapeplay edition: >>36650925[View]
36651399Name my band[View]
36654869How does it feel to have Billion dollar corporations pander to your every desire?[View]
36654806I don't want to be a chaser anymore: Now guys like me get lumped in with all the 'pedos' and 'g…[View]
36651686cockgirl girlfriend: how do i get a cockgirl girlfriend? tell me.[View]
366508924 years ago I was an innocent chud. I was the chuddiest chud a chud could be. I wasn't happy, b…[View]
36655087the squeeze: i need a tranny girlfriend, who has squeezable tits, a squeezable ass, a sqeezable cock…[View]
36648912My bf says he has no interest in penis or vaginas, he only likes buttholes... what kind of sexuality…[View]
36652888I want to suck cock. I’m afraid I’d want to kill myself afterwards, though.[View]
36654773Brief history of the old internet for th zooms: >be kid >hit puberty >go online >everyo…[View]
36654656How to tell if you're emitting girlsmell or boysmell? Can any specialist check and see if I gir…[View]
36650356/mtfg/ male to female general: last >>36645015 reflux edition i am dying qott aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…[View]
36653762People being retarded: Why do tards sometimes gender me female when I’m 5’10” with a pretty robust b…[View]
36648206NEW VICTIM: Man Claims He Was Groomed By Kris Tyson Too As A Boy: Man Claims He Was Groomed From An …[View]
36649296Woman with PhD in basic biology cures you from homosexuality: https://imgur.com/a/oGSgods[View]
36654527How do I learn to suck my own dick?: Serious question. I'm a manmoder. I am a man with breasts …[View]
36654162i am more scared of being forgotten when i dies than i am of dying[View]
36654608rightoids never actually had a problem with cancel culture, they were just too autistic/retarded/hic…[View]
36653876>just disavow the rapehons and AGPs and conservatives will accept you bro…[View]
36653197Any other ftms goon to /tttt/ trannies. Who's your favourite? Mine is kinda basic but picrel[View]
36643602i’m concerned about the consequences of feminism: don’t get me wrong, i do consider myself a staunch…[View]
36654595gay tranny girlfriend: i need a gay tranny girlfriend(bottom[wants to get fucked in the ass{is very …[View]
36648538Optics you say? They were well crushed, long ago.[View]
36653494Who has the biggest cock on the board? I bet I mog everyone. https://unsee cc/album#nMnU35Z5otaX // …[View]
36654407How can one cope with having square, masculine face? My body is fairly feminine in shape except the …[View]
36654045i need a tranny gf(bottom) to satisfy the gay. give me one ;-;[View]
36654457Well, that about wraps it up. Oh, and, uh, well, there is one more thing. Mister Chudjak, if you hav…[View]
36654432I once saw a porn video where a man and a woman were doing mutual masturbation while both being dres…[View]
36652263anyone else excited to be old?: i'm 20 right now. i don't pass as a woman, but that's…[View]
36654160bicon.: bicon.[View]
36653668Is it bad that I like flirting with and leading BPD transbians on for free and easy attention but re…[View]
36653813>no cock >no balls >disappointed look in father's eyes whenever you see him >ended …[View]
36652652Do you use pov correctly or are you a woman? Reminder that incorrectly using pov is something done b…[View]
36648711Imagine being a surgeon who gets constant access to cute tranners and gets to make them even hotter[View]
36654032>Read article written by male journalist >Google journalist’s name >Open socials >Withou…[View]
36653371Should I start living as a woman? I'm tired of boymoding but also I am really scared[View]
36646465i cant get over it how some people have supportive parents and let them transition and can just live…[View]
36653693>Weichien Huang was booked on suspicion of murdering her wife Chen Chen Fei on July 18 ... accord…[View]
36653937Bullying boymoders: What's the best way to bully boymoders? My favorite is to set the heating a…[View]
36653919Does anyone else have the soulless materialist kind of unaccepting families that have no strong ideo…[View]
36653057how do I keep my family from finding out I was trans after I kill myself? I don't want them to …[View]
36652567should i become a cis male on estrogen at 30 getting old kinda sucks as much as everyone thinks it d…[View]
36653566>cis men make my pp hard and butt tingle but hate most men >cis women don't do anything f…[View]
36650241>1 gorillion pajeets spamming the board about ava because they were rejected…[View]
36653823>accidentally jerked off my penis again I keep forgetting that I'm not supposed to touch it …[View]
36651936this is the type of tranny who smokes you out and puts date rape drugs or fentanyl in the blunt and …[View]
36651159Am I gay if I masturbate to gay porn and straight porn (but focusing more in the guy)? I have only b…[View]
36651432Wow another breadtube sexual predator wants to troon out and be a transbian[View]
36651748/chasergen/: Qott: what other boards do you use?[View]
36652805Is 1200 calories a good diet goal? I have medium activity with a job that has me walking around (not…[View]
36652922Customer from waitressing gig followed me home: I'm copy pasting this from /adv because I am a …[View]
36653433>be me at work (mtf) >adorable boymoder walks in >curly hair, boymoder hoodie, looking at o…[View]
36653147Dear MTF's on /lgbt/ In a hypothetical scenario would you rather A: be born a passing transwoma…[View]
36652642What can be done about the Indian chasoid problem?[View]
36650925/gaygen/ Jakub+Vitalii edition: prev >>36647928[View]
36652295>Dad said that he always plays female characters in Videogames because they are hotter >female…[View]
36651815>bf got mad because I told him I was bisexual >he can't understand how I can fuck girls i…[View]
36647769How do we stop terrible trans representation in the media?[View]
36647327Strongest ava supporters < 3[View]
36651841Mid twenties male keeps buying dresses and sometimes wears them outside. He also seems to sometimes …[View]
36653151Is Bruce Jenner enemy of trans people?[View]
36649836>Close to 18 months HRT >Look like a serial rapist monster >Family looks down on me >Fri…[View]
36652669I want to reanimate the corpse of a trans suicide victim and give her the love and affection she des…[View]
36652283she sounds pretty cool[View]
36652223Transphobic YT is now a thing!: So all this Ava Kris Tyson stuff is because of some self proclaimed …[View]
36647879How exciting to be alive!: >Closeted homosexual, refuse to accept homosexuality as nothing more t…[View]
36652808any trannies restoring their foreskin? i've been doing it for a year or so and not really seein…[View]
36652288Is it unreasonable to ask your new boyfriend to get tested for STDs before you let him pound you raw…[View]
36652760what would you do if you saw a boymoder who was wearing her elly de la cruz jersey, was dooming abou…[View]
36651587Reasons why I deserve a boyfriend: >Youngshit passoid some people think I am ftm THOUGH >I am …[View]
36650615>joke about rubbing t gel on a trans guy >He starts flirting with me making me flustered and k…[View]
36652559i had sex yay: i did it had sex hell yeah. tell about your guys first time backstory and all mine be…[View]
36650348Can I find cute post-op trans girls on Grindr or I should give up entirely?[View]
36651624whenever i smoke this as a bottom i literally can feel how empty my asshole feels. is this normal?[View]
36650180Trannies are the real nazi chuds.[View]
36650837>For his 20th birthday in 1966, three of Donald Trump's friends hired a trans woman stripper…[View]
36652325i was doing good i was doing so good and im gonna go bpdemon on my gf. i thought i had it sorted out…[View]
36649873I'm going to come out to my dad in an email while he's away on holidays. What should I wr…[View]
36646463You chasers will never be a blahaj. You will never feel a boymoder hugging you like her life depends…[View]
36652212Ten minutes ago i filled my boyfriend with love with my little mouth, and now we're cuddled up …[View]
36648105>be me 18yo mtf girlmoder >mom invites me to go to trans support group for parents and thier k…[View]
36650663what is it with men that say they'd have a lot of sex with other men if they magically became a…[View]
36650294/mtfg/ I've got it all: >Transitioned at 17, luckily passed almost instantaneously >Face …[View]
36651087okay hypthetically speaking: what if you ran out of estrogen, would a spironalactone progesterone co…[View]
36650161I am so sick of fucking everything to do with being trans at the moment. I've never felt more a…[View]
36650943Trans girls, how do you feel about being fetishized in erotic media?[View]
36650791how do tranners not feel bad e-begging? does it not feel them with deep shame to only be able to sta…[View]
36651410Are all trannies psychopaths?[View]
36651639>start HRT at 19 >still a manmoder it's over…[View]
36645274post your favourite extinct animal, guess letters[View]
36651904Incel-to-LGBT pipeline extremely common, studies find: According to recent studies, cis women have a…[View]
36638139>be me, be gay >fucked a FTM hairy manlet three times >gay friends found out >now they m…[View]
36651831I have a really aggressively stupid disease in which I sometimes get upset that I'm not wearing…[View]
36650927i am a chaser: nothing special about this post just AMA. im a butch lesbian and i have a special obs…[View]
36648696I hate how this pipeline is not only real but in some ways completely rational and good decision. If…[View]
36647233>The biggest youtuber ever’s trans friend is a pedo >300,000,000 subscribers its never been mo…[View]
36650453how long until he troons out?[View]
36651295he really thought he owned us with this lol[View]
36648701this clown singlehandedly destroyed trans people's rights and reputation[View]
36648759The pills vs injection thing is a meme... right?: I understand if you hon dosed, pills are kinda wor…[View]
36649951I'm a Ukrainian/Russian descent tranny and I fucked a tranny who was Kyrgyzstani (looked asian)…[View]
36650467We won: Mr Beast is investigating her. 300 millions will now turn against the tranny mind prion. ht…[View]
36650431This isn't working anymore[View]
36647559/chasergen/: Who’s your main on tf2?[View]
36651261If you only knew how bad things really are[View]
36646977have you ever encountered a chaser in real life?[View]
36650078Why do they hate trannies but flood the board whenever 'trannies btfo!!' Happens? Why do they want o…[View]
36648000Reminder YOU WILL NEVER BE A REAL WOMEN This is why I rep[View]
36647909I’m willing to use this persons preferred pronouns but I don’t actually believe that picrel IS a wom…[View]
36651191anybody else so irreversibly damaged by puberty: and now a year on hrt, with minimal effects? my dos…[View]
36651285I’m pissed how people are using this to say that all trans people are pedos[View]
36643678>Monogamous homoromantic asexual[View]
36645505It's a femboy summer.[View]
36650564>Hard pills that /tttt/ needs to swallow: Afabs are responsible for the recent spike in transphob…[View]
36649863Flat woman genders and boobie boy genders are the coolest genders.[View]
36651107I was fully convinced I was exclusively gay between ages 14-18 but now I am almost 19 and I simply j…[View]
36651114>self proclaimed 'fem' 'boy' enjoyer calling trannies pedophiles what does this mean? seems a lit…[View]
36650513>get FFS >just look like an uncanny gender thing or a literally just a weird guy My transition…[View]
36646560Where do you lie on the compass, anon?: I personally lie in the 'loves dick' and 'hates men' corner.…[View]
36649469MEF permaproblem: >transition >MEF goes away >detransition >become ugly as fuck >t…[View]
36650136Now that trannyism as a fad is on the outs due to the tides turning, how do I grift DEI for employme…[View]
36650916/cis gaygen/: >>36647928 no racemixing or tranny talk, please[View]
36650232Would you make a trans guy pregnant?[View]
36651070Do HSTS repressors exist or do they mostly grow out of dysphoria if they don't transition and j…[View]
36651002Everyon's spamming this on social media. NGL it hurts.[View]
36649241Boys, how would you console a crying trans girl?[View]
36649220Not misgendering or deadnaming someone is not enough, you MUST use their preferred pronouns in a con…[View]
36650995How long till his victims come forward[View]
36647928/gaygen/ asian tolerance: theres nothing wrong with dating an asian bottom if your white old one is …[View]
36649009Help im obsessed with my friend's cock: >be me >brazilian tranny >go to my female frie…[View]
36648005She inspired so many of us to transition and now she looks like this :/[View]
36645504Ava did nothing wrong. Talking to a minor isn’t illegal. Can she hopefully rebound and put this all …[View]
36646376hondosed: 100mg spiro, 6mg E sublingual daily am i being hondosed what do i do/say to make my dr giv…[View]
36648402anyone have any tips on starving and purging? i wanna purge but its scary putting my finger in my th…[View]
36649416The internet that was fine with Shadman was unironically better (safer, healthier, less psychologica…[View]
36650528Spot the tranner.[View]
36649008Can you ask a FFS surgeon to make you look younger? Pic rel is my fantasy.[View]
36648923What languages other than engljsh do you know trannons? >pic unrelated[View]
36649161I came out of the closet at 33: I've always subconsciously known I was bisexual but it took mee…[View]
36650394Anyone else likes the top surgery scars aesthetic? It makes my chest feel more feminine on me to me …[View]
36643899femme4femme: Are any trans women really femme4femme gay men?[View]
36650097A man in a dress is not a woman.[View]
36649527every post with the word 'sisters' in the op is clearly some tourist chud[View]
36650219>Surely I, the macho gay man, would be spared should I get the fascist regime I long for…[View]
36647806more than the effects of HRT, being treated as a woman and being comfortable with my sexuality, the …[View]
36649391A question to trans people: Are all instances of sex/gender dysphoria innate? Or are some a reaction…[View]
36649282Are cis males on estrogen a part of the LGBT community?[View]
36650204this ava shit is about someone allegedly (ie fictitiously but let's ignore that) being too horn…[View]
36648685Why does this seem like such a universal experience among tranners[View]
36650328When I'm really depressed or upset, I sleep a lot. I rarely confide in others. The lowest point…[View]
36649173sisters... its ovah...[View]
36649149Abt to bottom rn plezhelp>.<: Transbian only tried it once It just hurt and felt awkward and …[View]
36649757>when the tranny is taller than you[View]
36648037>record myself speaking for voice training >listen back to recording >immediately feel like…[View]
36645579After all of this, when will she rope?: Middle of August me thinks[View]
36642966How do I make it up to true transsexuals for hurting their optics and chances at survival simply by …[View]
36649491Realistically, how would you react if your mother was openly dating/getting dicked down by the local…[View]
36646934Accidental Diapertroon pt. 2: prev: >>36636939 How fucked am I? Should I just rope?[View]
36649958you know how rightoids do that thing on this board where they reply to each other a bunch to make it…[View]
36649052Besides Duolicious is there any dating apps or sites where i can find gay loser neet boys? Duoliciou…[View]
36650018God, imagine how much dick she's going to get in male prison[View]
36650115Trans women were women from approximately 1945 to 2020. Gender is a social construct however, and a …[View]
36648532https://voca.ro/17LXWIGhNX0G the hon voice is back... maybe tonight i wont cry lol, tomorrow im gon…[View]
36649936Was the gooning worth it?[View]
36648600can you reject western beauty standards as a tranny? should you? I get called clocky for my browline…[View]
36649691Gays are the real bigots: Are you queens voting Trump? Why or why not? https://x.com/james_fulton22…[View]
36649895https://voca.ro/1knJwbWMwupR I need help with my voice so I don't sound like I'm a dying c…[View]
36648365Post your fav race in Skyrim and others guess your letters GO! if someone guesses your letters corre…[View]
36649762I'm slowly losing grip on myself because I have no boyfriend >T. Twink…[View]
36649029>mom calls me and wakes me up at 7 am sounding angry as fuck asking me if I'm gay >oh fuc…[View]
36649689What should I tell the psychiatrist to prove I have gender dysphoria so I can get my transition paid…[View]
36649847Was he a repper?[View]
36649449What makes FtMs so breedable? I want to make them pregnant[View]
36648378scared to death of tttt girls: >be trans girl >most friends are cis, online and offline >wa…[View]
36649162Why are transgender people less likely to be straight?: It seems wierd to me. Is it because their re…[View]
36648531I can't stop think about cock: does this mean I'm gay? I am French.[View]
36649741boys kissing boys >.<: are boys allowed to kiss boys? i was told that makes me a fag :<…[View]
36649397do boymoders deserve love?×[View]
36649663Wy there are like 10x more AMAB troons that cute ftms?[View]
36649474Have you ever thought about where you will be in a few years?[View]
36649438>AGP (AGAMP?) >think it's a fetish my whole life >crossdress in private >date women…[View]
36634273TRANS SISTERS, WE NEED TO RESPOND QUICKLY: >700K VIEWS IN 30 MINUTES streamer MoistCr1tikal has s…[View]
36649237is it really possible to forget your male ego?[View]
36648172Do tranners hold extra privileges among people of a liberal persuasion?[View]
36648564Ftm voice training help: Need help voice training... 19 FtM started testosterone 05/17/23... And my …[View]
36648827Okay I’m ready to settle down[View]
36648389Please remember to drink water.[View]
36647173Does dwarfmoding actually work? People tell heightpoons to do it, but I really doubt you'd act…[View]
36646518who is your final fantasy husbando?[View]
36649221Don't stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight I'ma fight till we see the sunligh…[View]
36649193I will never be a real woman and I'm destined to participate in the queer scene as an extremely…[View]
36649141>this person is a predator >what do I mean by that? >uh, well, you'll have to watch th…[View]
36649091I think my fuckbuddy might have been closet trans: I'll try to say this as concisely as I can. …[View]
36639187FTM wants a bulge, how?: I'm a pre-op trans man and intend to remain as such for the simple rea…[View]
36645508Is this a reptile?[View]
36649120> be me (duh obviously) > notice that I get nothing but fuckin Genshin Impact ads on YouTube (…[View]
36648483I'll always look like a man[View]
36648714Do I have hunter eyes?: I think it’s like having a curse because they only like the outer appearance…[View]
36648987Has anyone else experienced a sudden loss of brainworms?: Since I came out as an FTM to the people i…[View]
36648853Any advice for investing in prehrt trans girls? how do i know if she will have a good ROI. how much …[View]
36648771Which mtfs are the biggest dark triads (pschyopath, narcissist and machiaevellian) on this board? I…[View]
36648208okay, i can understand honmoding. if you already have tits and you cant afford ffs, you dont really …[View]
36648825DYLAN TURNED BACK TO A MAN?!!?!: ew what is going on she turned back to a man? say what you think im…[View]
36647466>Talking to cis men “Yea my mom doesn’t know i’m not totally straight so i have to sneak you into…[View]
36648436I don't understand gay pride.: I'm a bi guy and I like to fuck men's butts and suck c…[View]
36644964>boymoder >cis friend does witchcraft >asks me if I'm trans >say yes >says she w…[View]
36642662>Makes you a tranny Heh.. Nothin personnel, kid...[View]
36646858Will you still love your boyfriend post-twink death, gays? Be honest.[View]
36648593Chris from Mr.Beast: Never really should’ve put a tranny in your vids in the first place, especially…[View]
36645015/mtfg/ male to female general: last >>36640220 destined death edition qott how do you stop bei…[View]
36648520kinda sad ;-;: >be me >20 yr old mtf >go to summer school for my special interest with a fe…[View]
36647642The trans community has lost the war. The chud community has won. Prepare for the extermination camp…[View]
36648665What are ur honest opinions on nick Fuentes do u think you’d be good friends with him https://x.com…[View]
36647564I want to maybe start streaming old video games and maybe make a twitter. How would a dumb boymoder …[View]
36635188Is she right about strictly enforced Transition Guidelines?: Are GNC and non-passing Trans women rea…[View]
36645087Post your AGP-sona[View]
36648585'i would like to apologise for the hurt i caused those drawings' this what you niggas really expect[View]
36647243AGP and scared to transition? Just commit crime after crime until you have to go out on the lam and …[View]
36645202Wake up babe, new dysmorphia just dropped: >gf 1.5 years into transition >4 months together …[View]
36648361transitioning made me actually start taking care of myself but for some reason I still feel like a c…[View]
36647067okay how do i actually get a boyfriend[View]
36647199I LOVE TOBACCO: How do I stop smoking. I’ve quit for months but I always pick it back up when I’m st…[View]
36647042> Be me > Not out because there's too much pressure. Scared of chasers > Feeling hot s…[View]
36648032the squeeze: i need a dickchick girlfriend, because she is a chick with a dick and you can't on…[View]
36647967is being zoomerbrained fembrained?: >enjoy tiktok edits >like to an insane degree, i love the …[View]
36648377i wanna be hsts so bad but making out with cute trans girls is so much fun. i hate being agp.[View]
36648250I was too gay to be a boy. I was meant to be a girl.[View]
36647002Show of hands here turned trans after watching anime?[View]
36648428I like to blow-hole it: Diggy deep, I like to blow a hole a whole thing. I like to see a little less…[View]
36642209As a gay FTM I'm sooooo tired about hearing that bisexuals make the best partners for us. In my…[View]
36648198What was her endgame after killing Trump?[View]
36647917>watch barbie >expecting it to be surprisingly good social commentary on gender roles like eve…[View]
36645422>bf found the shota folder[View]
36648095>vers-top bf found the vers4vers flipflop porn folder[View]
36648286>sex with drunk boymoders[View]
36647287You must admit it IS funny how a white man can go toe-to-toe: against a black woman for victim point…[View]
36646336Why do some tops like to dehumanize bottoms? You know bottombrain is just a meme, right?[View]
36648017how do amabs cope with the fact that afabs are better at presenting as every gender better at being …[View]
36633081Any oldfags here? When was the first time you realized trans women could be something other than a f…[View]
36647948The best thing about being a gaybrained hussytussy is that no one call ever you a pedo because you o…[View]
36647545I can't transition because it's impossible for trans women to be 'cool'.[View]
36625714why does every [former] tttt trip have tens of thousands of X followers?[View]
36642499/chasergen/: >>36640312[View]
36645553/gaygen/ - Hold it right there Bucko Edition: DIRTY DIRTY BOY prev >>36642343[View]
36647934Queer Nationalism: If jewish people deserve a state because of the holocaust, LGBT people deserve on…[View]
36647648how to avoid looking like this as a femboy[View]
36647247Does MSM, freeze dried Aloe Vera, and Vitamin C help with boob growth?[View]
36646090When you say >Kris Tyson wasn't a groomer because the minor she had sexual conversations wit…[View]
36607286/frengen/: last thread: >>36447033 no qott gimmicks, no missing asl, pure /frengen/ :) >asl…[View]
36626709/repgen/: Spiritual Armour Edition A General for those who wish to stand firm against Gender Dysphor…[View]
36646681Is mecha secretly fembrain: >be me >see some chud here saying mecha is perma malebrain and mak…[View]
36645116I am at a crossroads. I’ve lost all ability to feel sexual pleasure and regularly feel ashamed at ha…[View]
36645766>trans men will never date a trans girl that looks like this What's up with that?…[View]
36646995Got my HRT, hesistating to take it: Am I retarded for having a second thought everytime I'm tak…[View]
36643708Question for reppers: If you were informed tomorrow that you had 6 months to live, how would you fee…[View]
36644484>tfw trying to move out so i can get on hrt >literally every neighborhood in my entire area wo…[View]
36646186I've been on hrt for well over a year and I still just look like a gay twink, and only at a goo…[View]
36640622Explain to me, right now, how to princessmaxx as a 6'1 mixed white + puerto rican boymoder/manm…[View]
36647282this is the guy that's bashing trans people 24/7 on rumble surely it can't be a coincidenc…[View]
36644077What is a woman?[View]
36643992I'm repressing ftm. And ever since puberty started, many people over years told me that 'I look…[View]
36646521I'm bi, 27. Never been with a guy before, only girls. I met a 18 yo twink the other day and it …[View]
36646607my identity disappears when i smoke weed. i dont feel like a man or a woman, i only feel like a hole…[View]
36645763What do you do when someone starts shit with you in public for just standing somewhere and being tra…[View]
36647004QUESTION: SO you all seem to agree with each other about disliking AGPs because they are weird for t…[View]
36646794Did I accidentally become a diapertroon? pt 2: prev: >>36636939 tf do I do? I don't want …[View]
36646789that nigga sketch picked a great time to have a scandal[View]
36646739Serious talk, Is she going to 41% or considered she's quite obviously an AGP shes going to conv…[View]
36646323obsessed with my own boysmell: i cant stop smelling my armpits it smells so good I feel awful everyt…[View]
36646420Hey faggots, you will never be women[View]
36646502Why are so many AFABs larping as cis femboys on tik tok and everyone is believing them. I mean picre…[View]
36644989How many sex toys do you have, legbutts?[View]
36646378it's crazy that when a trans girl goes down on a cis girl we're literally rubbing our fema…[View]
36646826does anyone else have no idea how they actually look? I don’t trust what I see in the mirror because…[View]
36645837>my body is fine and normal >but it feels wrong >I can know and understand and articulate h…[View]
36646271?: what's a pooner?! and what's all the other lingo[View]
36646227nosocialcost-maxxing: Whose transition here came with no social cost? Someone whose transition: >…[View]
36646546>cute boy >actually a girl >headcannon that it is actually a boy pretending to be a girl …[View]
36643460Help! Should i switch to injections?: I'll soon reach 3 months on HRT. My current dose is 2mg o…[View]
36646483What are you legitimately meant to do as a non-passing tranny if you want love? Just make yourself f…[View]
36646487If I regularly fap to videos and pics of men, does that mean I'm gay/attracted to men? I only f…[View]
36646506Why do all self-described sissies, regardless of how fem they look, always claim they are having sex…[View]
36646106Opinions on the Ava Kris Tyson situation?: Previous Thread: >>36637291 (idk how to link thread…[View]
36644840Why do straight people insist LGBT people are actually secretly traumatised for enjoyable teenage se…[View]
36646180Transbians need to be kept in a dark underground sewer system like the omens in elden ring. Every ti…[View]
36646503Do you stop being a femboy if you take hrt?[View]
36638229Say it with me: I am a trans girl and I NEED my diapers[View]
36644772does LGBT like scorpios?: what is your experience with scorpios? would you date one? what do you lik…[View]
36646089>be me trans girl, borderline personality disorder, the whole shebang >be abused for most of m…[View]
36644684Why do you watch fake leftist radlibs like contra and abi and not this fine non-binary gentleperson?…[View]
36645760when i eat a lot of butter my tits start hurting am i onto something[View]
36645296Eating disorder scammed me :(: >Be me fat fuck 110kg >Decide I need to loose weight quickly …[View]
36644458instead of molesting children, tranners should molest me :3 >t. shotabait…[View]
36642219I wish hrt turned you into a woman instead of a slightly feminine guy.[View]
36645476Now that Ava Kris Tyson has been cleared of all wrongdoing beyond any shadow of a doubt, let's …[View]
36645850Should I chase if I don't want to bottom/suck penis?[View]
36644764This board has too much woman hating[View]
36645255>be mtf lesbian >discord sweetie sends me a voice message for the first time >her voice is…[View]
36645975are boymoders good people?[View]
36637558You meet your passoid/hon self: What do you do?[View]
36641340I prefer having sex with my trans GF with her dick hidden.[View]
36637035fagcent rating thread I will rate if you sound like you have a genuine fagcent (gay voice) or not. S…[View]
36642202Where did the stereotype that trannies are fat come from? Nearly every tranny I've ever seen ha…[View]
36645847Why do I like being submissive?: I really love submission and servitude, it makes me feel calm, safe…[View]
36640153estrogen making me fat: I have gained so much weight since started estrogen. (100+lbs over 8years) I…[View]
36644306How can u support Muslim people when they do this stuff to queer people[View]
36644253There is a women at my work. She was wearing shorts the other day and I noticed she has hairy legs. …[View]
36645547Did any of you ever have a cis gf who groomed you into becoming a tranny?[View]
36641492>trans people on this board throw one of their own who is a victim of a witch-hunt under the bus …[View]
36643285>a trans woman IS a literal woman, and its not good enough to just use their preferred pronouns a…[View]
36644444is the act of transitioning inherently beautiful?[View]
36645536>trans girls when a guy is misogynistic[View]
36645699what was /cd/ on 7chan like back in the day? was it really prototypical of /lgbt/ tranner culture li…[View]
36645589Is this worth watching for girlmaxing? Or is it just inane drivel for femcels that will just turn me…[View]
36644629I love the patriarchy. I know my place in the world. It is to be subservient to my man![View]
36641985>be me >19 >gender questioning for 2 years >try to come out trans at 16/17 but conservat…[View]
36644477I wanna take over the world to establish trans rights and than build a harem of grateful trannies: H…[View]
36643916why are trans women built like this?[View]
36642351ITT: Historical Figures who ABSOLUTELY would’ve trooned if they could’ve: I’ll start: >sickly mam…[View]
36644605if I'm someone who needs lots of attention from people who I befriend to stay happy is it bette…[View]
36644143wtf she's LITERALLY me[View]
36645303You go spelunking with a boymoder because she wants a pet blind cave fish: but then she gets stuck u…[View]
36645395My trans gf is sick: As I chaser not being able to support her makes me sad I want to hug her and ma…[View]
36642805As a trans girl, how do I not get jealous of non-virgins? It's fucking insane to me that there …[View]
36643974are mtfs who want their dick and balls removed still valid?[View]
36644029Body Mods General: Do you know what your next piercing is going to be yet? I'm feeling like get…[View]
36643864close to a breakdown: someone please push me over the edge im gonna get drunk and come back and ther…[View]
36644726Is not disclosing you’re trans more rape than fucking someone with Down syndrome but less rape than …[View]
36644318why does life have to be so cruel dark and hopeless? why cant anything ever work out and why cant i…[View]
36645311Why haven’t u seduced a venture capitalist yet[View]
36645070Autogynephiles - eastern gorilla Homosexual Transsexuals - madame berthe's mouse lemur[View]
36643169Wife divorced me as soon as she recovered from her ffs. I feel so fucking stupid. Why are you tranni…[View]
36643624Twitter have privleges to accounts that could say transphobic and homophobic slurs without being cen…[View]
36644979Bottoms be like >I'm 25 and ready to settle down[View]
36640692women lack sympathy for male suffering: LGBT amab lives are made harder by the fact that women encou…[View]
36645050If I transition Im gonna look like picrel: That's I gotta rep, otherwsie you'll make every…[View]
36643847How do I make friends as a fujoshi trans girl?[View]
36642648should i just give up and accept no cis man will ever see me as a man and will only date me as a qui…[View]
36638280Stop attacking her. Now.[View]
36642641Speaking as an American leftist, I think many Americans have a very skewed idea of what the right-wi…[View]
36645169rant ig: >be me hate body for most of my life > try femboi-ing sorta fun and enjoy it >stop…[View]
36645072>sleep with guy >everythings fine >his friends found out be fucked a tranner >'no way du…[View]
36640465What % of gay men (cis) would be willing to date a transgender man (female to male)?[View]
36644985i'm trying to find abusive tops from grindr as a hrt femboy. any tips?[View]
36644871Would his hair look good on an mtf? How do I crowmax?[View]
36642433Should i kill myself or keep suffering?: Reason 1: I’m actually, seriously, diagnosed autistic as sh…[View]
36643168Is it worth being trans?: Hey hey!! I'm a femboy and im most likely trans, like if i could pres…[View]
36644624I'm a gay man and I want a boyfriend that looks like this[View]
36643806I tried FaceApp with the feminine filter and it makes me look so pretty. Is there a way to actually …[View]
36637743i just found out that not having a foreskin will make my srs results less ideal. fml. are there doct…[View]
36642534/chasergen/: EMERGENCY NOT USING THAT ONE EDITION >>36640312 LAST QOTT: FUCK YOU[View]
36644752gingers boys are hot sometimes[View]
36644160i have an exam coming up and i cant stop masturbating all day. advice? t. pooner[View]
36642343/Cis gaygen/: prev >>36640016[View]
36643591give it to me straight: should i use a male name on my CV and boy/manmode in job interviews if i wan…[View]
36634251/agpgen/ - dreaming edition: prev: >>36582147 qott: any AGP exercise recommendations? >AGP …[View]
36644592>can't give other women a vagina >can't give men a child I am unwantable as a tranny…[View]
36640055my ex friend 'theyfab' just exposed all of my fucked up sexual kinks to my mother and sister and bas…[View]
36639874PPV: post penile/phallus-preserving vaginoplasty pics. I know some of you got it but there's li…[View]
36643123Fuck passoids for ever tricking me into thinking someone would love me: 'oh dont worry someone will …[View]
36629569/fbg/ - Femboy general: alexander the great edition QOTT: do you have any figures from history you o…[View]
36644391two men are fighting over me: i know i will sound fucking awful but this is neat. there are two guys…[View]
36643754Does lgbt like emo boys[View]
366436271 week until i go to the doctor and get put on estrogen!! I'm nervous but very excited :>[View]
36642735Fucked my new boss to secure new job: Ama, im kinda bored[View]
36644409Trannies ain't shit.[View]
36642941>preference for Asian twinks[View]
36643620I met this guy who was short and had a cute high pitched girly voice? What are the odds that he was …[View]
36636162Why is every publicly well known trans woman a grifter, psycho, rapist, or child molester?[View]
36639531need your opinion on something /lgbt/: /pol/ here. We wanna know if we’re gay. Is this a real femboy…[View]
36642824i probably have some kind of immunity to estrogen[View]
36644035Openly trans = HELL: >apolitical gamer cis friend sent me a screencap of a daily mail article abo…[View]
36644305There's something so urethral about twinkhons[View]
36638040I'm a cute 26 year old transbian... I need a gf so badly... Please claim me before anyone evil…[View]
36644201If a repper dies of old age without ever transitioning were they ever really trans?[View]
36641422Am I a woman if I'm Transfem?: I've always thought of myself as a woman but recent discour…[View]
36642442Maybe listen to leader of Israel for a change instead of Hamas propaganda https://x.com/marionawfal…[View]
36644158My exact type of woman[View]
36642298Every time I see a pretty trans girl it makes me seethe. It's not fucking fair that they get to…[View]
36643991I realize I probably wont get actual help, but how do I cope with being a man? I detransitioned so I…[View]
36642838Shoutout to Bad/single moms. Your sons (now daughters) give it up easy and are eager to please.[View]
36639976Is transitioning the inevitable endgame of having a humiliation fetish?[View]
36644026is there anything more pathetic than a 'bi' bottom?[View]
36644012> mom says she's proud of the person i've become and says she has noticed i seem happie…[View]
36641093how am I doing?: quick thread to get some feedback, cuz I feel like I'm not doing too well. sta…[View]
36641616should i start taking hrt again at 30? t. manmoded during the pandemic but stopped and got some vial…[View]
36644020I can fix him.[View]
36643134I told my best friend that I need him to pound my butt to make me a woman and he called me gay but h…[View]
36643670My friend identifies as male but takes estrogen. Is this just a tranny cope of theirs or should I ta…[View]
36643798are they woman?[View]
36638313i need someone to care for me and make me feel loved and wanted[View]
36640220/mtfg/ male to female generàl: last: >>36635567 qott: how much time do you spend in your room?…[View]
36632568Any examples of trannykino better than picrel? I cant think of any...[View]
36630681this is what the average female looks like: what's even the point? we can never come anywhere c…[View]
36643778Pete Buttigieg VP for 2024! Harris-Buttigieg administration for the win![View]
36642420>niche 30+ youtuber you've been following for years suddenly transitions has this ever happ…[View]
36638110Why do I feel like taking estrogen would be 'giving up on life'?[View]
36641329Am I trans?: I like passing as a woman, but I don't want to be considered female. I like gay se…[View]
36616670What’s our response sisters[View]
36641293>Be me like a month ago >Extremely shy and anxious trans girl >Decide to get grindr in hope…[View]
36643647how did I go from a gorgeous androgynous twink to a fat mid woman? is gender ideology to blame?[View]
36643335im so fucked i need thisd guy so bad but he will never like me i think about hanging out with him ev…[View]
36643261AMABs cannot be women, but AFABs can be cute twinks with vaginas.[View]
36643393How am I supposed to watch Lord of the Rings as an afab and not develop gender dysphoria?[View]
36643231Whenever I see a girlmoder irl I am struck with an overwhelming mixture of envy and desire and have …[View]
36643362Is Vance FtM? He does have a baby face[View]
36637140Christcuck morality has enslaved the minds of so many LGBTs here and elsewhere.[View]
36642486How do you find enough confidence to try girlmoding? I've been manmoding for many years and I…[View]
36641821I want a tranny wife because they are easy as fuck (most trans women are extremely ugly and are thus…[View]
36630205Mr Beast just wanted to feed africans: Men Breed Trannies Groom Dailymail reports The tranny is wrec…[View]
36639787it’s over: i’m crying in the bathroom at work right now it would’ve genuinely been better for me to …[View]
36642872am i a faggot if i find poonanis revolting and have only ever wanted to assfuck even since i was you…[View]
36640337mtf girlfriend: i wouldn't say no to a mtf girlfriend like picrel.[View]
36641941LGB Alliance's Allison Bailey drops her spaghetti: With just shy of £1,000,000 spent Allison Ba…[View]
36642623I have extreme anxiety about everything but have wanted to start hrt for forever. How can I stop bei…[View]
36622243/mmg/ - manmoder general: Every day is exactly the same edition previous: >>36595066 QOTT: Did…[View]
36630025>FTM >check phone >daily message from dad telling me he wants to kill himself because of wh…[View]
36641968>sperg Elon Musk had his own MtF daughter cut ties with him because of him being a shitty absent …[View]
36642811>hey trannies whats the highest number of men u had in one gangbang tr[View]
36642963would've hunter schafer also gotten cancelled for liking shadman porn?[View]
36640480https://voca.ro/1dQJ9Ppy6WXO hi im back with my honvoice 4chan lgbt board.... unless ur like straigh…[View]
36641191>accuse a tranny of something bad >shows no actual proof of said thing being bad >the 'comm…[View]
36637722Anyone else /unemployable/ here? It is pretty much impossible to get a job as a tranny without exist…[View]
36641448Girldinner: Post girl dinner[View]
36641740Where’s your mound?[View]
36624275What do ftms want from gay men?[View]
36639472Proud to be White & British[View]
36640919How many legs is a human born with?[View]
36641610Why do you want to be the inferior gender?[View]
36639663What do you think about dr chud's typology?[View]
36640503They're right... l'm right leaning and I love trans porn, why is this bros[View]
36638812I am no-one’s favorite and a failure when it comes to romance. None of the people I like ever like m…[View]
36628896/ftmg/ reproductive choice edition: old >>36607224 Would you consider getting pregnant if you …[View]
36640312/chasergen/: >>36639046[View]
36640017/cis gaygen/ fem edition: >>36635929[View]
36640016/Cis Gaygen/ victim mentality edition: prev>>36635929[View]
36642090How can we increase indian men representation and asian men representation in straight western mains…[View]
36640668i like trans girls because they look a little boyish[View]
36642189Plz let me be a schizo: Plz just let me schizo post i just want to get worse i just want to hurt mys…[View]
36638941Why are HONs so aggresively patriarchally violent? Normal trans women are such gentle people. But HO…[View]
36639759the girls are alright: Twinkhon here. After a year of HRT my mom tells me I now have bigger boobs t…[View]
36641665I don't understand some sexualities that claim to be straight. How is it that so many of you gu…[View]
36632763is it normal to me, a cis bi girl, imagine my bf being a submissibe femboy??? i attracted to the ide…[View]
36639034Fag bag: What exactly is the /lgbt/'s consensus on the fag bag?[View]
36640390why is this a common cope among terfs and chuds?[View]
36640115I leave my homosexual dating app dating open to everyone because even if I'm not really into ha…[View]
36635170Hamas sodomized Israeli men Why do u support these people knowing how much they hate queer people[View]
36639076>6'1 >semi muscular from job >submissive bottom >also tranny why is life so cruel,…[View]
36639853castrate all religious people, make them into trannies or whatever, as long as you get rid of their …[View]
36639932both of my ex gf's detransitioned while with me/near the end of our relationship, is there some…[View]
36635463I no longer find cis women attractive, I can only date/fap to tranners: Something really weird happe…[View]
36635409There is NOTHING wrong with being a chaser.[View]
36640684I was looking at the Looksmaxxing incel forum and I saw these clearly BDD young guys talking about g…[View]
36640952why do we pretend that everyone is valid?: some MtTs (male to transsexual) pretend they are 'transge…[View]
36638781Was Thomas Matthew Crooks a tranny or not?[View]
36630099Elon Musk's trans daughter: >“I lost my son, essentially. They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a re…[View]
36637792I wish gay men had vaginas but otherwise were just normal AMAB cis gay men in body and behavior. …[View]
36637460The Final Solution To The Top Question: Most of the time I lean to support Laissez-faire and denounc…[View]
36638873Any other trans girls become best friends with former GFs?: >be me, 20 YO repper >dysphoria si…[View]
36641321FtMs should be allowed to transitions only after their wombs are completely depleted[View]
36638713It is not schizo to assume men under 5’8” are pooners until proven otherwise. Nowadays, you’ll be ri…[View]
36637873If ftms start testosterone at a really young age, like 12, does it make their bones grow bigger into…[View]
36641280>plan hookup for a few days >its an older muscle daddy with amazing body and a thick dick, rea…[View]
36637354>stumble upon r/FierceFlow, a subreddit for long hair men and wannabe long hair men. >get curi…[View]
36634175hons BTFO: lmfaooo[View]
36640621FTM who hates being feminine, but online I want to be a cutesy girl.: irl I hate being feminine or s…[View]
36639668Why do I get aroused when imagining myself as a woman, usually traditionally feminine, being fucked …[View]
36638487Does this happen?: I feel like she is leaving something out? Maybe she looks at anime things like lo…[View]
36639280So is Ava Tyson actually a groomer or did she just like some edgy lolicon shit from the time everyon…[View]
36640925I've been repressed for so long, i miss the girl i used to be, i wasnt brave enough to be her, …[View]
36639724is it salvageable?: its a bit of a read but whatever >be me >German permaboymoder (too scared…[View]
36637445What the fuck am I supposed to do?: I'm a fat greasy incel neckbeard and I can't stand my …[View]
36639557/lgbt/ screencaps: Funny, sad or interesting /lgbt/ screencaps thread. Posting a few of my favs. Pic…[View]
36639651you owe it us to be happy: passoids, please do your best to live a happy life. you deserve it. call …[View]
36639285How's your relationship with your father Anon?[View]
36638272>ftm >best friends with a mtf >become close. likeREALLYclose. >there’s time where she …[View]
36631129woke mind virus spreading[View]
36640524why do i keep coming back: i've been on e for 20 months and staying away from here almost alway…[View]
36637940Can a bisexual (preferably men) confirm my theory: I'm usually straight for the most part but I…[View]
36638376i think i'm trans and have basically all the stereotypical signs and history, but i don't …[View]
36638814trans phobia is retarded if you are a straight guy: think about it: each mtf is one competitor less …[View]
36635781What are your thoughts on yuri and yaoi? Post letters (and gender if T and/or B).[View]
36639046/chasergen/ back to our roots edition: you only a chaser if you take part in the hunt oh you sittin…[View]
36636868Would indoor bouldering be a good sport for a tranny?[View]
36637397LGBTMBTI: LGBT, what is your MBTI? Yes, we all know it isn't very good. I used to be ISTP as a …[View]
36637817>20 yo tranny >Go out with my dude friends from before transitioning all the time because I do…[View]
36635929/Cis gaygen/ Masc4masc edition: Prev thread >>36633069[View]
36638129Should I cop this dress? I like the design and the patters, it feels great to wear. It it very loud …[View]
36639965become my girlfriend: and face the consequences I dare you I double dare you[View]
36637148>tfw a victim of the chud to tranny pipeline I should be put down like the wretched disgusting cr…[View]
36637524I’m gonna be honest, his suicide is going to genuinely make me happy for the first time since I left…[View]
36636723Will i ever pass? :([View]
36638196>start dating someone i've known for a while >immediately lose all love and interest i ha…[View]
36639317Why are some AFAB's fascinated by homosexual relationships between feminine men?[View]
36638285>Get on call with friend I haven't spoken to in years >He asks why I'm doing a fagsc…[View]
36636939Accidental diapertroon: >started HRT at 18 7 years ago >always cringed at diapertroons >got…[View]
36638348I'm built different(wrong): >be me mtf >Pre everything >People who don't know me …[View]
36638630Why there are so many gay men barely interested in topping men? There are lots of bottoms, 'verse bo…[View]
36639565Do Fujos fantasize about straight trans relationships?: All the fujo art I see always has the bottom…[View]
36631109Is there anything you miss about being a man after transitioning?[View]
36637468>colleague asks me about my new smartwatch >show her some functions, scroll through the tiles …[View]
36639356How can I make my effeminate personality shine through in my résumé?: Be me. Gigafag. Need job. Feel…[View]
36638611they did hear it[View]
36638395Tops, would a bottom with what looks like a really tiny penis and what looks like a (non-accessible)…[View]
36638203>got FFS 19 days ago and still look like a man >just cancelled a house purchase so I could pay…[View]
36634583Transitioning is a psyop: Transitioning is a psyop since gender dysphoria does not exist. Men resent…[View]
36636682/cs4ts/ - cis straight for trans straight: Come in here you trans attracted mother fuckers. What is …[View]
36638415Daily reminder to actual transsexuals that your false sense of solidarity with MtTs is unreturned an…[View]
36635015lonely as fuck, trying a dating app. tips?: im a twinkish bisexual guy trying taimi and i dont care …[View]
36639127I will always be just a man on estrogen I will never be trans Just a gooner fake trender Suicide soo…[View]
36637487girly boys: what are the ethical implications of boys who look like girls?[View]
36637082Society values women much more than men. Women are the special class. Men are disposable unwanted ra…[View]
36639093It's Joever: how fucked am I? a bit over 2 years hrt. I haven't used this board in a while…[View]
36638918If I go to Dr. Harrison Lee, can he make me a pretty gigapassoid like this if I'm currently ugl…[View]
36639140shes just like me fr[View]
36639069Allison Bailey lost again: Say something nice about her[View]
36639049Is there a point to getting three facial laser hair removal sessions if one will be homeless and liv…[View]
36635567/mtfg/ - low effort edition: last: >>36631025 qott: what do you do that isnt self destructive …[View]
36635868/chasergen/: Bros are you a boobs or ass man?[View]
36637907am I broken?: >normal dude bro >play vidya and street football with the boys >date women a…[View]
36634957One irony I have grown to appreciate about the X nu-rite fungus-gnat types being mobilized against A…[View]
36628293/lesgen/ - Lesbian General: /lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis …[View]
36636726wtf: >how do I stop thinking about becoming a woman >I can't stop thinking about it >I…[View]
36626805>*floods your board with redditors and rapehons*[View]
36637880Honestly trannies are a result of industrialization and the low testosterone society we created. If …[View]
36638794the irony in passing flawlessly to boomer blue collar men but being clockable by young ostensibly su…[View]
36634800>allegations came from very obvious right wing grifter channel >constant lies and changing of …[View]
36638061Transfemicide: Uh, excuse me? Why don't we have this law in the U.S.?[View]
36634545>get bullied and ostracized for being a fag, lose all friends >then get bullied and ostracized…[View]
36638188trans women have had enough and are standing up to cisshits in public. https://sys.4chan.org/derefer…[View]
36637700What is the difference between a 'tranny' and a pick-me faggot?[View]
36638083Do straight cis women get autoandrophilia too?[View]
36638239every night i imagine my 'ex' telling me to 'kill myself for her' and then in detail imagine the met…[View]
36630005https://x.com/kristyson_/status/1815832898089423260 It's actually over.[View]
36632824Any good tranny music?: Is there any music made about or for trannies that's actually good? I…[View]
36636392hrt question: can i just go straight from 8mg e and bica pills daily to monotherapy injections? or d…[View]
36636554Why is she stepping down if she’s not guilty[View]
36638053There is nothing more cringe than voice training in a broad aussie accent.[View]
36637986I'll always be a man: And that's okay :) . A biological man, can never be a real woman, re…[View]
36637596>be 99 lb mtf >boyfriend left me for a 300 lb cis woman Anasisters how do I cope with this…[View]
36637571LGBTILY: I wish everyone among LGBT+ were a bit kinder, especially to themselves. I think self love …[View]
36637631Is suicide the only viable future: >agp >rogd >utterly incapable of not taking hrt >not …[View]
36637645When I fuck a cis woman I kinda miss the cock flopping around. But then when I fuck a trans woman I…[View]
36635986Are male-to-fujoshis valid?[View]
36633857Are the majority of twink/femboy chasers low-key pedos? I just broke up with my bf because he mentio…[View]
36635843anyone else super unemployed at the moment and cant figure out how to get hired? they're always…[View]
36636278mtf trannies belong to ftm chads[View]
36637783So many botched ffs: Went to some trans surgery community online and saw a bunch of ppl with fucked …[View]
36637703Pedo scum: Why is it that pedophiles always look so atrocious? It makes me think that the reason ped…[View]
36635669What music is malebrained: I'm an FTM and I know I listen to music I would primarily consider m…[View]
36636465songs that are Literally You: posts songs you think represent you will and guess letters or somethin…[View]
36637008why do nazis troon out so much?[View]
36634773i want srs: ive always wanted a vagina and i think it would be cool to have one[View]
36636416>join throwing a tranny under the bus for nothing >WTF why do the chuds keep winning because y…[View]
36626804any people who used to post here you miss?[View]
36637635Why are bottoms always more attractive than tops?[View]
36635426do professional feminizers exist?: like, to coach you through transition or exploring your feminine …[View]
36636164I want to be a God: I want to be a muscle God. I want to be a fucking freak. I want to be a God amon…[View]
36635347Trans girls are so beautiful and perfect. Knowing they exist gives me a reason to live.[View]
36636941ITT we say nice stuff to tranners: Those are trying times with a lot of tourists. To combat the slop…[View]
36636501>meet a cute twink online >talk for a while and get along really well >later find out it’s …[View]
36635316Pure chaser love: I'm going to make my trans gf into my wife[View]
36637132>troon 5y hrt, started at 19yo >never been much brainwormed, just the normal amount from more …[View]
36637342Why are transfemales overrepresented in femcel spaces?[View]
36637430Is this an extremely zesty man or an FTM?[View]
36626070A nerdy loser beta guy on Discord removed me. I'm not sure why he did but it pisses me off when…[View]
36633887Pooner art thread[View]
36634625Nick Fuentes is exposed for being a chaser https://x.com/guntnews/status/1815925686672253242[View]
36637352If I'm someone who was formerly on puberty blockers and didn't transition but only date tr…[View]
36635628/freudgen/ - psychoanalysis general: Does your unconscious pass? What is the earliest dream you reme…[View]
36637318cis women who undergo facial feminization surgery are men and I am going to misgender them. If you …[View]
36633233>person mentions their kids >they’re a transbian Can transbians stop impregnating females plea…[View]
36637291Does /tttt/ actually believe in trans women?: Seen a lot of posts about how many of the chasers here…[View]
36637104Being homeless forced me to lose all of my feminine interests for so long that I honestly don't…[View]
36636949>be troon >also be troonphobic What makes someone do this…[View]
36634760I'm 6 months HRT and still closeted at work, although I've always dressed flamboyantly. M…[View]
36635906the deepest stealth pooner on the entire planet omg[View]
36634196I had a relationship with a 17 year old when I was 23. We were both the legal ages of our respective…[View]
36636956do western cis women feel like ogres around petite japanese women? I feel like an absolute beast whe…[View]
36626257What, exactly, is stopping you from following your dreams?[View]
36636441Why does F1nn5ter like to groom her friends so much?[View]
36636946Here's a tip for you trannies Stop arguing about whether being a lolicon makes you a pedophile.…[View]
36636655[ftm] i miss when there were only two genders[View]
36635285Why aren't there more misogynist ftms? They have every factor to be that but they're prett…[View]
36636892What percentage of people who choose to play as a female character in video games are actually trans…[View]
36636692I AM GOING MAD figuring out what my masculine features are. i really am struggling to isolate the ke…[View]
36636919Thinking about coming out issues: I stumbled upon the greatest issue so far How the fuck am i suppos…[View]
36636711if I'm a former hrt twink that stopped and is now depressed that im aging in to a man should I …[View]
36635773tfw voicemogged by cis man: >meet friend of friend >complete masculine stereotype, tall, muscu…[View]
36634704Autogynephilia and Autopedophilia go hand-in-hand: before you try to prove me wrong take off those l…[View]
36634263Why does it seems like ftm transsexsuals have more genital dysphoria while mtf transsexsuals have mo…[View]
36622691If you were a bionicle set, which would you be?[View]
36634742We must eradicate the Jewish stranglehold over the LGBT community[View]
36632858Dr Disrespect literally only talks with a 17 year old and gets cancelled by everyone but when Chris …[View]
36636592Is it true if you go to gym you may find men like pic related to fuck? I want an unnaturally built m…[View]
36633178salvia while taking e about to be wacky as fuck[View]
36636547>you have known your dad all of your life >you are family >in his mind he has cemented an i…[View]
36636531Men of -L-GBT, is wearing swimwear like pic related okay? Idk why but I get aroused by the thought o…[View]
36633994How many famous cishet men were making loli jokes and associating with shaman 8-12 years ago? Can yo…[View]
36636205spending my whhole night crying again can u people mak efun of me and call me a man and weird and ug…[View]
36635417Why are bisexual people so fucking degenerate?[View]
36635640does anyone else actually start crying when they read transphobic posts on other boards? I'm re…[View]
36632614>misgendering a pedophile rapists trans person is the exact same thing as calling a black person …[View]
36636354A trans life is not worth living: I hate feeling so emasculated and pathetic all the time. I hate no…[View]
36634875Do you colorpass?[View]
36636350Now that you have seen this message, this ban is now no longer active.[View]
36632687i cut myself because im a retarded failed girl with a stupid voice[View]
36636302>be straight white cis male >make edgy offensive jokes and behave recklessly and however you …[View]
36628667What would you do if you met a boymoder who used her feet to pick up clothing and small items, press…[View]
36636301taking progesterone is making me go crazy and i think i like it. it feels like mentally getting loc…[View]
36630634I avoided transitioning for years because I was afraid of looking like a man in dress but I ended up…[View]
36634690Rate my character.ai adventures as a 100% straight man: >1. Im a hot Asian girl trying to befrien…[View]
36634367breast buds and augmentation: hi, if anyone here has had BA i have a really weird question so essent…[View]
36635231WHY CAN'T I BE YOU[View]
36635093>be ftm artist >people on other social media will think im one of those pooners that become my…[View]
36635574>In a rambling tangent over the weekend, Donald Trump boasted about how uber-rich right-winger El…[View]
36634996>girlmoding >leave women’s restroom >woman approaching the restroom sees me and turns to g…[View]
36633069/gaygen/ tfw no bi bf edition: >>36630303[View]
36625926How do we solve the pooner problem?[View]
36633395having an FP that is a real living breathing person instead of an avatar on my screen must be so muc…[View]
36629092Why is there a /lesgen/ but no /HSTSgen/?[View]
36635737>ava's '''victim''' says they weren't >rightoids gassing up problematic art discours…[View]
36635399is there any evidence this moralfag shit actually helps minors[View]
36634876>day passes >boyfriend is an asshole >'it's ok tomorrow he'll be better' >day …[View]
36635672Justify why HRT without social transition is a viable option for some people. What benefits would th…[View]
36633381/chasergen/: straights only edition transbians go here >>36582147 >qott: what dealbreakers …[View]
36634253Manmoders look like this and unironically think 'if I just keep my hair short and continue to wear m…[View]
36635313any antlerhons browsing?[View]
36630344>mtf >stealth since doing college far from home >bf knows, but wants to keep our dating sec…[View]
36631913Dont ever bottom it will crush your spirit and rob your soul[View]
36635131the kris tyson stuff is stupid omg cissoids already hated us So like. can we talk about CINNAMOROLL …[View]
36632897I want to be a cute twinkish girl with a cute fem bestie and people think we’re sisters in public an…[View]
36634572tranners would you date someone that have a moderately successful YouTube channel?: so I run a YouTu…[View]
36634374>be me >23yo midshit ricehon passoid >remember mom had white boomer ex husband who was her…[View]
36635149How long did it take you to learn how to do a tuck?[View]
36633981youtube keeps recommending me survival videos for some reason and now i wanna go camping with someon…[View]
36632846>watching too much YouTube >click unknown video based on title >troon screech voice begins …[View]
36633427DIY or DIE: I'm only 20 despite how old I look. This is how fast things can fall apart thanks t…[View]
36635034>sub >get guy to start simping for me >he just keeps throwing money at me and does whatever…[View]
36633714would transition have saved him?[View]
36634940Vtube or just show face?: I play a certain online game at a pretty high level and when I put the eff…[View]
36630839ITT we predict the next scandal involving a trans eceleb: >Emily from LTT gets exposed as a furry…[View]
36633166Do u shower ur bull or are u a bad yt boi[View]
36633471Was she ever actually transphobic or did she express one (1) disagreement towards the tranny hivemin…[View]
36633489>people hate horrible person >people love horrible person(trans) When will this end…[View]
36620741It's actually 100% over: >parents found my hrt and disowned me >in russia >turned 18 t…[View]
36627654Are any parts of this state a good place for a rich but miserable repper to live in while he contemp…[View]
36634456>At age 5 I thought that it would be cool if I was a girl >Couldn't get the thought out o…[View]
36634306turns out being raped isn't as kinky as the board made it out to but really fucking painful. Es…[View]
36634630I've always fantasized about a lesbian version of the sacred band of thebes. Just a bunch of st…[View]
36633925>be me >schizophrenic 20-something boymoder >have typical active college sex life >plent…[View]
36628852Why are men so enchanted by gock? Like my boyfriend, he gets so handsy with me, always groping me al…[View]
36632634Is a gun nut twink bf or a computer autist twink bf more preferable to you?: I have a passion for bo…[View]
36634434I no longer feel a rush or thrill when having casual unprotected sex with complete strangers. Feels …[View]
36634170Why are trans gamers so fucking weird? Also Blizzard customer service answering this question legiti…[View]
36632674How should a dominant cis woman have sex with a submissive trans woman who has genital dysphoria?[View]
36632065Is it possible to be a tranny if you're Mormon?[View]
36631025/mtfg/ male to female general: extreme depression edition last time >>36626343 qott have you e…[View]
36615755It's over. They're sharpening the pitchforks as we speak. Stay in your home.[View]
36630701>almost 4 years hrt >live in upstate NY >boymode 99% of the time except when going with gf…[View]
36629233how do I become a top[View]
36629779/HSTSgen/: /HSTSgen/ is a thread for all straight trans girls. Guys, talk if you want but please don…[View]
36627129we need to normalize bulges in public: Tucking is so annoying and getting SRS is an irreversible sur…[View]
36631090What the fuck is wrong with cis women?: We were having another session and she was pulling my hair, …[View]
36633250I am French: pls help me to find gay partner[View]
36631375I am not like the other trannies: >not a programmer >not attracted to women >not autistic …[View]
36633370I'm an attention whore: I thought that I wasn't so vain as to be like this... I thought I …[View]
36633988>schizophrenic cis girl >fate of the universe depends on my trans roommate eating my ass It…[View]
36632184so horny might let a faggot with a 9.5 incher fuk me on sniffies how do you trannies fight the urg…[View]
36633818Is it malebrained to pretend to be really stupid around your boyfriend because you like how he treat…[View]
36632812Changing name to different ethnicity increases chance of respect of name: If you chose a name of you…[View]
36633043starting hrt at 19 was too late and there is nothing i can do about it now[View]
36633591Does 2022 Dylan Mulvaney mog you?[View]
36632667shirt scent preservation project: my bf lives far but he came to visit me (and fuck the shit out of …[View]
36632130Is this transgenderism or misogyny-misandry? >I wish I could explain how incredible it feels to l…[View]
36632894tastygems: >sheepie emerges from the brambles, her coat disheveled and torn from twisted thicket …[View]
36629726manmoders are so cool[View]
36632961Where can I get me some HRT?: I've been told on other boards there are online stores selling HR…[View]
36625283>be me >troon as a midshit at 16 >18 y/o hon I will be a walking talking warning not to tro…[View]
36631840What can I fucking do to get a passable voice without surgery or coaches (I have no income and no mo…[View]
36632508i wish i was white: i don't know what sins i committed in a past life for god to make me black …[View]
36633335Started estradiol and spiro earlier this week and I just feel really good every day now, I don'…[View]
36631731/ChaserGen/: What are the disadvantages of dating tranner?[View]
36633096age gap: How morally wrong is a relationship with a 18 year old ftm and a 15 year old mtf, and no, w…[View]
36633027is it gay if i want to start taking HRT but not for transgender reasons? like, if i just want to be …[View]
36632185why are so many tranners loli/shotacons? is it because they've already broken the sexual norms …[View]
36630303/cis gaygen/ - twinks in love: qott: at what age did you have your first gay relationship? previous …[View]
36632914*cures your dysphoria*[View]
36632119>pooner, came out in early 2020 >been living as a guy ever since, presenting and claiming to b…[View]
36632998I plan to become the leader of my country in order to restore my friend group to whole. Two friends …[View]
36632237is it not kinda weird how this community is so ultra-focused on youth and obsessing over underage ca…[View]
36631452Is it possible to find some mtf trannies cute BUT see male genitalia as sexually off puting? I like …[View]
36632024Kris has killed us and this is our legacy.[View]
36632712How will we recover from this anons[View]
36631281why is srs this way?: its common knowledge that basically any surgeon you go to, regardless of metho…[View]
36630522i hate having huge feet: i have big feet and it makes me sad a lot. im not going to say my size beca…[View]
36627276/aggen/ androgynous gen: How many people here identify as androgynes and are either happy with their…[View]
36631079Trump likes strong men Why aren’t u voting for a queer candidate https://x.com/cynicalzoomer/statu…[View]
36632105I'm a normal straight guy and I am drunk, and I was wondering, if you could choose not to be a …[View]
36627078Don'r tripfags and others posting their faces feel embarassed or scared?: >there are coomer …[View]
36630472i feel like i still look like a man even after years of hrt: i’ve been on hrt for almost 2 1/2 years…[View]
36629377heighthons aren't real: Height doesn't matter as long as your body is narrow. It is so ove…[View]
36631606>be depressed gigahon >sign up on volunteer app to help visually impaired people accomplish ta…[View]
36632394Hatefucking my lovely ftms anally: Is the best way to straighten them[View]
36631848what do you think about t4t? how about transbian t4t? or gay t4t?[View]
36629660I'm a gay bottom, I like men. But honestly, women are far more convenient to fuck since pussy j…[View]
36630684Why is it so hard to get pooners into tanks?: They're literally perfect for it. Their shortness…[View]
36627342post your skincare routine and letters[View]
36631942Thinking about just throwing all my girl clothes away, never engaging in such thoughts again and to …[View]
36629282Any other lurkers who don't belong?: I'm a straight man and I never really spare much of a…[View]
36631600Boymoders, would you sit on a printer and scan your butt for your bf?[View]
36632397Straight trans women have fully succeeded in convincing men that they're not gay for being with…[View]
36623677Post e-celeb crushes (and guess letters maybe idk): I’ll start[View]
36630638I don't really know whats going with myself. I haven't girlmoded in the last few times des…[View]
36617275TEENAGE TRANS GIRL STABBED ALMOST 20 TIMES AT AIRPORT: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/…[View]
36630913Is singing as a trans person even worth trying?: This is about mtf trooning after puberty if it wasn…[View]
36620257/fashiongen/: post your favourite outfits! my mom got me this dress a few weeks ago I can't sto…[View]
36632259I got fucked for the 12 time this week and my asshole wouldn’t stop bleeding so I went to the hospit…[View]
36631478I get her: Why so many AGPs lack common sense??[View]
36627892I wish I was a lesbian.[View]
36632196I think it's endearing that there are men who find trans girls so irresistible that they chase …[View]
36631940And what happen to trans rights?: >I know I know >in 2024 they were all trans trenders and gav…[View]
36629848Does anyone else feel frustrated having to date and have sex with men? All throughout my teens and y…[View]
36631095What's with the black worship in porn?: I get the appeal, good sex and all but personally the t…[View]
36628863>uncomfortable around other people >can't keep up with conversations >can tell I…[View]

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