How's that job hunting, Boy/Girlfriend hunting, Moving out plans, working out plans, and over all passing going???
>>38598641>job huntinghaven’t started yet>boyfriend huntinghaven’t started yet>moving out plansalready did that>working out plansprolly soon(tm)>and over all passinggreat had ffs half a year ago
>>38598641>How's that job hunting, lol>Boy/Girlfriend hunting,lol>Moving out plans,lol>working out plansi walk regularly>over all passing goinglol
>>38598641im not doing allthat :c
>>38598649Oh no....
>>38598641My body is falling apart, but I'm cruising
>>38598641>job huntingi have a job but it sucks>bf huntingprobably not gonna happen>moving outi have my own place>working outoops :3>passing50/50 depends on the day
>>38599413>oops :3mmmmmmmm chubby~~~~~
>>38598641>How's that job huntingpoorly>Boy/Girlfriend huntingpoorly>Moving out planspoorly>working out plansi walk daily>passingpoorly
>>38598641>job hunting, have a job i like>Boy/Girlfriend hunting, badly because I'm ugly and get hella anxiety using dating apps because of it>Moving out plans, have my own house>working out plans, getting procrastinated, but i'll take this as reminder and do it now>over all passingoh right, sorry I'm not trans, I have a weirdly big hip to waist ratio for a guy so maybe I'd do ok
>>38598641I pass really well.. and uhm.. that’s it. That’s everything.
>>38598641fucking SUCKSwhat is picrel looks cool
>>38598641I'm already moved out, have a long term partner, and am working out well (could stand to do more though). I haven't had a job in three years, though, and I have no idea how to bullshit my way through such a large gap and am socially awkward so its hard for me to succeed at interviews. Do any of you have any advice for my stupid ass?
>>38600154>>job hunting,i have a job but my hours are slowly being drained as my store becomes dead>>Boy/Girlfriend hunting,terrible, although a cute girl did talk to me at work for an extended period but she was probably being friendly, maybe she will show up again.>>Moving out plans,no, unless crypto skyrockets but i got liquidated huge so its over >>working out plans,really good, lost 20 pounds last two months and gaining big>>over all passingim not trans but people call me sir all the time so thats good i guess i like my beard stubble
>>38598641>job huntingI have a job but only part time:( looking into a second one though>bf/gfputting it off but i feel too ugly>moving outsaving up but its expensive>working outstarted up again, hopefully i can stay consistent this time>passingyes but i feel as though i look like a poorly drawn caricature posted here