Tiktokers moving to Chinese app xiaohongchu are shocked that foreign chinamen don't believe the same things they do about sexuality and gender
>a chinese guy was homophobic on tiktokyes I'm sure you couldn't find homophobia on literally any other social media app in the world
>>38601359Compared to American leftists the Chinese are all homophobic and transphobic
at least the hate in the west has a basis in religion, atheist commie china should be more open minded you would think
>>38601388Doesn't stop Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins from being transphobic cuz "science says you're male"
>>38601371As a trans person, you're gonna find transphobia almost everywhere. Even in your own home in some cases....
>>38601338>>38601350oh boy I cant wait until they find out how racist chinese people are
>>38601520I think asia has a good middle ground where everyone is very racist and homophobic but they also rarely chimp out and hate crime people
>>38601633I guess it's technically not a crime if it's the state doing it