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/tg/ - Traditional Games

Displaying 122 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
93210605Western Fantasy tied to Tolkien?: I dont think western fantasy is as tied to tolkien as people may t…[View]
932103275e - Third Party Book Advice -EdgeLord Ed.: Okay, so I'm a 3.5/PF1e boyo, and I've been av…[View]
93158349Character Art Thread: Post art! Art of characters! Characters for cool fantasy and sci-fi games! You…[View]
93186802When did you realize that the hobby was dying, and we have our own success to blame?[View]
93156330/ygo/ - Yu-Gi-Oh General: Yu-Gi-Oh! General #545 Turtle Mini Edition Previous Thread: >>930825…[View]
93219351/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Big Bug Edition >SoB detachment preview https://www.warhammer-…[View]
93195964The changes for all the classes are fantastic, except the Paladin. /tg/ will be forced to eat their …[View]
93200280/bgg/ Board Games General: New players edition: Previously: >>93165604 Pastebin: https://past…[View]
93174072Is there a cyberpunk setting that depicts having cybernetics as a bad thing? Like the crippled get t…[View]
93190186People are angry again edition >Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED? Cyberpunk 2020 is the second e…[View]
93181078Was Horus right to overthrow The Emperor and establish a dictatorship where he would be the regent?[View]
93214727Gyatt damn, konnie Curzina truly is the finest femarch[View]
93213333/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General: Previously: >>93204992 >OFFICIAL Commander website, where y…[View]
93217021what are the coolest historical war games?[View]
93187222/2eg/ - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition General: Welcome to AD&D 2e General Thread! …[View]
93206672You're not meant to search 'the correct' answer online. You're meant to decide the meaning…[View]
93216009/aosg/ - Age of Sigmar General: Pestilance edition >Previously in the Mortal Realms: >>9320…[View]
93209858New game system: So I was thinking about making a new RPG for my friends and I want /tg/ to look at …[View]
93173584what are some settings or games that don't follow the crappy 'traditional fantasy' slop? stuff …[View]
93185165What are some good systems for solo play? As in I am both the DM and the player. All me.[View]
93192871Planes and Mercs?: Was sitting and flipping through some WFRP PDFs when a stray neutrino struck and …[View]
93204832Criminal Scum!: My D&D players recently looted a small bunker where bounty hunters gathered. I h…[View]
93195775Character art thread: Has anyone played a modern rpg campaign? I'm about to join one that'…[View]
93213976/mtg/ - Magic: the Gathering General: Foundations Edition ▶Bans https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/an…[View]
93168330/awg/ ~【Alternative Wargames General】: AARs edition >Previous thread: >>93123543 >What …[View]
93196068>necromancer subclass was shit and inferior to druid necromancer in all possible ways >Let…[View]
93196641/slop/ - AI Art Thread: Caturday Edition Previously on /slop/: >>93183178 ▶ Thread Task: Post …[View]
93155112/GROG/ - GW Retro/Oldhammer General: Lead Tasting Event edition >/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pasteb…[View]
93154742/wg/ - Writing General (and Storythread): Writing General: 'nature' edition. Welcome to /w…[View]
93175748Hong Kong adventure: What's your favourite Hong Kong themed adventure? Time and setting doesn…[View]
93212257Does anyone actually do the 'act out social checks' shit or is it just made up for clout?: I've…[View]
93207316Just ordered this. What will I think of it?[View]
93178784Would god/gods being unmistakeably present in a world make people more or less religious, relative t…[View]
93213259/yourdudes/ in non Warhammer wargames: Trying to find other table top games that aren’t bending the …[View]
93201984/cyoag/ - choose your own adventure general: Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wE…[View]
93181371PDF Share Thread: It's Da PDF Share Thread! Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay h…[View]
93215384Warhammer 40,000 General - /40kg/: Have You Tried Restarting It Edition >Balance Dataslate: https…[View]
93202604/WoDg/&/CofDg/ World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness General: Mirrors Edition >Previou…[View]
93215395Jumpchain CYOA Thread #6188: A Vexing Conundrum Edition: >Brutus' Drive http://drive.google.…[View]
93211469I haven't actually played a tabletop game in over 5 years. I just like talking about them.[View]
93196555/acg/ - Alternative Card Games General #518: Baker is Missing, Sow Chaos Edition Here is a thread to…[View]
93212487/btg/ BattleTech General: The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/! من النهر إلى البحر edition Last Th…[View]
93196479>Originally, there were level caps based on race for each class, so elves couldn’t get above leve…[View]
93165823My wife notoriously HATES board games and D&D. In the past, she's had bad experiences with …[View]
93211731/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Terminators Edition >SoB detachment preview https://www.warham…[View]
93147147/40krpg/ - Warhammer 40k RPG General: Previous Thread: >>93080016 >RPG Rulebooks https://re…[View]
93147037/mechm/ - Mecha Monday: Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games…[View]
93148509/3dpg/ - 3d Printing General: This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-…[View]
93196195WIP - Work In Progress General: Work in Progress, Brutalis Edition >Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pasteb…[View]
93205173/mcyoag/ Multiplayer Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://past…[View]
93187986Traditional, Open D&D discussion: Welcome to TODD! This thread is for OPEN discussion of TSR-era…[View]
93204992/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General: Previously: >>93194046 >OFFICIAL Commander website, where y…[View]
93194584/wfg/ - Warhammer Fantasy General: Beasties >The Latest Warhammer The Old World News https://www.…[View]
93192105Mystery Campaign: I am running a short campaign that is all centered around a single main mystery. I…[View]
93146883/STG/ - Star Trek General: Season 2 Soon Edition Previous Thread: >>92971465 A thread for disc…[View]
93208289/mtg/ - Magic: the Gathering General: win rates edition ▶Bans https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/ann…[View]
93208381/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Boyz Edition >SoB detachment preview https://www.warhammer-com…[View]
93169397Game Masters, Referees, etc. I want to know where do you go for inspiration in your campaigns? I wil…[View]
93185602just wrapped up a campaign, so let's have a villain thread post and discuss those campaign-driv…[View]
93202821Age of Sigmar General - /aosg/: Realmgate mishap edition >Previously in the Mortal Realms: >…[View]
93205588Have you heard the good news about our eternal savior, Lord Kroak? >Also, general 'favorite huma…[View]
93203868/5eg/ - Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition General: Impending Assassination Edition >NEW UA https…[View]
93146514/chess/ - Chess General: queen's gambit edition >Chess websites, tools, videos and books: ht…[View]
93180867/swg/ - Star Wars General: Darth Sidious Blood Rage Edition A thread for discussing the Star Wars f…[View]
93165672The Antipaladin: The Blackguard, the death knight, the dark knight How to make them interesting as a…[View]
93198631/btg/ BattleTech General: The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/! Free Worlds edition Last Thread: …[View]
93188045So why do people act like pic related couldn't work in the modern day because of smartphones an…[View]
93200882Kingdoms of Kassia General: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CprYUY9RQ_0&ab_channel=LiberaOfficia…[View]
93142524/eadsttcoteg/ EXPEDITION: AGARTHA DESCENT: Scramble to the Center of the Earth General: Saur Edition…[View]
93201183Were fell beasts meant to be dinosaurs? Pterosaurs? Did tyrannosaurus rex once stalk the hills and d…[View]
93204856Warhammer 40,000 General - /40kg/: Relax Edition >Balance Dataslate: https://www.warhammer-commun…[View]
93194663>Dwarves use tanks because they're short and sturdy, like them >Harpies use planes becaus…[View]
93184694What do you think of Don’t Look Back: Got rules. Seem cool! Painting minis. Thoughts of those who’ve…[View]
93141877/hwg/ ~ Historical Wargames General: Last Thread: >>93060013 Marching on to the next thread ed…[View]
93202104/mtg/ - Magic: the Gathering General: birds edition ▶Bans https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announce…[View]
93174440Using Eldritch Madness as a corruptive element: *outside Call of Cthulhu So like a lot of people i…[View]
93204653Jumpchain CYOA Thread #6187: Thunder Cross Split Edition: >Brutus' Drive http://drive.google…[View]
93185906>5e >PbtA What completes the unholy trinity of garbage shovelware?…[View]
93193710Do pale maidens ride dark centaurs in your setting?[View]
93161278What future holds for pathfinder?[View]
93190199Biodungeons/Bioships: How do YOU run Biodungeons? Are they Massive organisms spannint huge Labrynths…[View]
93195462I am going to make a new tabletop RPG that's basically just a ripoff of 5th Edition DnD but wit…[View]
93198707daddy didnt ass kiss me i need to rebeeeeeel: why is peter such a butthurt faggot ? Also perturabo f…[View]
93200273Oh boy I can't wait to get back into standard after rotation this year! >Bloomburrow release…[View]
93193136Arkhosia invades the Warhammer World: Arkhosia is a D&D empire made up of dragons, dragonborn an…[View]
93166217/gurpsgen/ - GURPS General: Previous thread: >>93095712 GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, …[View]
93195955How do you pick what to play?: >get new table Neat, I think I'll go with something standard …[View]
93141309Which Shadowrun: Guys, I played Shadowrun 2nd edition back in the day, and I'm thinking about g…[View]
93145148Would you be willing to pay more money for sourcebooks and splats that had higher-quality art from m…[View]
93200074Tell me about the last time you drew up a play for your party.[View]
93161589/tg/, whats the best sci-fi rpg system to play? The subgenre doesn't matter (space opera, apoca…[View]
93184734He just wanted to commercialize wargames and roleplaying games, driving independent games out of the…[View]
93141547Fuck it...this is peak DnD for me.[View]
93201395/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Seeing Further Edition >SoB detachment preview https://www.war…[View]
93146090Kobold thread: Discuss everything kobold-related here. Races of the Dragon is still one of my favor…[View]
93180323Demographics and Adventurers: We all know the stereotypes of adventurers. Heck, we all know history …[View]
93194046/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General: Previously >>93185315 >OFFICIAL Commander website, where yo…[View]
93195591/mcyoag/ Multiplayer Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://past…[View]
93148162Holmes Basic D&D General: The thread dedicated to the original introductory Dungeons & Drago…[View]
93137481/ccg/ - Custom Card General: Bolt edition >To make cards, download MSE for free from here: http:/…[View]
93171088What kind of DM would he be?[View]
93178731Is there a Grand Theft Auto Role Playing Game?: Now that Shadowrun has sort of run its course, and c…[View]
93138452>Age of Sigmar 4th edition comes out next week >No hype not even a hate thread for it The gam…[View]
93194381/5eg/ - Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition General: Druid Edition >NEW UA https://media.dndbeyo…[View]
93199147/mtg/ - Magic: the Gathering General: MH4 will fix this edition ▶Bans https://magic.wizards.com/en/n…[View]
93190194/hhg/ & /atg/ – Horus Heresy General & Adeptus Titanicus General: Metroid Prime 4 edition Pr…[View]
93137275Rifts: Rifts threads gain no traction here. We're starting a new game tonight, pro-Coalition. T…[View]
93193873What should I include in a 1970s fantasy setting? >non-serious tone involving aliens and talking …[View]
93198118/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Emperor's Children Edition >SoB detachment preview https:…[View]
93191559As someone who doesn't usually play magic-users, regardless of system, I've been wondering…[View]
93195527Age of Sigmar General - /aosg/: Skaventide Incoming Edition >Previously, in the Mortal Realms …[View]
93188055/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wE…[View]
93135868Tourist here What makes Warhammer 40k so 'bad' to play that everyone seethes about it? I mean the ac…[View]
93192902Best online board games?: What are your favorite online board games and where do you play them?…[View]
93183758Airpower in your settings: Does your setting feature airborne combatants? Are they used in armies, a…[View]
93135703>The party is too late to stop the cultists and prevent the ritual >Now from the deeps of time…[View]
93133633/hsg/ - Horror Settings General: Who Goes There Edition Tell us about your horror settings, games, e…[View]
93194355/mtg/ - Magic: the Gathering General: Eternal Standard edition ▶Bans https://magic.wizards.com/en/ne…[View]
93170995/OwOdg/&/CofDg/ World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness General: The Good Old Days 2 Editio…[View]
93193111/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Death Company Edition >SoB detachment preview https://www.warh…[View]
93188339/btg/ BattleTech General: The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/! Long live the Aurigan people! edit…[View]

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