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/tg/ - Traditional Games

Displaying 151 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
93382666What does /tg/ think about glaives as a weapon?: Not the pole weapon. I'm talking something lik…[View]
93427128Campaign Idea: The hero is an NPC: Your party doesn't play as the typical 'protagonist', the he…[View]
93419297/5eg/ - Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition General: Multiverse edition >2024 PHB spoilers https:/…[View]
93438982What would be an optimal decker build for 5th? Qualities, Gear (Cyberdeck!!!), cyberwares and biowar…[View]
93438686Trading Card Game shitpost edits: More like this. Gonna dump some to get started. Any tcg welcome.…[View]
93437626>hmmm today I will try the wargaming hobby >paint all my models, next month look for my first …[View]
93411137How possible is auch a scenario?: Let's say there is a certain rogue chapter of the Raven Guard…[View]
93431357/btg/ BattleTech General: The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/! We are Clan Ghost Bear. This world…[View]
93429785So, do we also do 3x3s here?: All the other boards are doing it. https://www.pubmeeple.com/ranking-…[View]
93373752/bwg/ - Board Wargames General: Empire of the Sun Edition Welcome to /bwg/! This is a general dedica…[View]
93420787I'd argue that armored core is somewhat more grimdark than 40k, since its dystopic aspects are …[View]
93413373Unusual dice systems you like No d20 or 3d6 + modifiers here. Post dice systems you like and why. Fo…[View]
93407209Infinity General: Animated Movie Edition???: Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by C…[View]
93407314What exactly is a functioning exploration system supposed to look like? I've been told to look …[View]
93433480Let's talk about warhammed the old World new lore.: What was changed since the original lore.…[View]
93406831Marvel Multiverse RPG: This is starting to dethrone D&D as my favorite ttrpg[View]
93425166You can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a Paladin, no time to talk Music loud and Oath sworn,…[View]
93373065/twgg/ - TowerGirls CYOA General: Evil Queen Edition Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting…[View]
93428547/mcyoag/ Multiplayer Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://past…[View]
93412964/pgg/ - Paizo Games General: Enforced Estradiol Edition >>IF YOU ARE ASKING A QUESTION, PLEASE…[View]
93393211One True King edition Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three. >B…[View]
93371693/ygo/ - Yu-Gi-Oh General: Yu-Gi-Oh! General #548 New Cards Edition Previous Thread: >>93308056…[View]
93427442Why would someone devote themself philosophically to evil?[View]
93428687Age of Sigmar General /aosg/: SCE should not be poster boys edition >Previously, in the Mortal Re…[View]
93396457/awg/ - Alternative Wargames General: Lethal Protector Edition >Previous thread: >>93353691…[View]
93428779/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General: Previous: >>93424321 >OFFICIAL Commander website, where you…[View]
93372195/wg/ - Writing General (and Storythread): Writing General: 'child characters' edition. Wel…[View]
93420623I think avatar would make for a really cool skirmish game. You got a cool setting, distinct asymmet…[View]
93371123/acgalter/ - Alternative Card Games NA General #1: Previous thread >none lol Post about card gam…[View]
93427470/wfg/ - Warhammer Fantasy General: Dwarven Mountain Holders Edition >The Latest Warhammer The Old…[View]
93427235whats the difference between an ogre and a troll?[View]
93431194/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Space Wizards Edition >Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming https:/…[View]
93420784Games systems for Wealthy Adventurers: Which game systems are conducive to starting playing as wealt…[View]
93412975Goblin bullying needs to stop.[View]
93395713>He is still raising his corpses into zombies when skeletons are better in nearly every metric an…[View]
93393338/bgg/ Board Games General: Stepping up to the plate, it's the Board Games General! Previous thr…[View]
93410271ITT: We expand on the lore of Homebrew Forge World Delta Theta 10: Come up with named characters and…[View]
93406584Will 5.5e have rules for Domain Play?: As all of us who actually play long games know, numbered edit…[View]
93425071Do you clean up the mold lines inbetween the miniatures' legs? Be honest.[View]
93424202>no crunch >no fluff What exactly does the modern 40K experience provide then? It’s not like …[View]
93403776Look how the massacred my boy Who the fuck greenlit this SHIT lmao. At modern GW, about fifty people…[View]
93425854/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wE…[View]
93421379any good TG related discord servers? and no not some shitty card ones or some 'story writer' ones th…[View]
93419133Eowyn had negative chance against Arwen.[View]
93397063The Night Land: What would /tg/ think about a campaign set in the Night Land?[View]
93370654/cpg/ - Cyberpunk General: Anime Cunningham edition >Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED? Cyberpunk …[View]
93420400Pulp Sandbox campaigns?: Most sandbox campaigns and scenarios sold are strictly linear, which kinda …[View]
93428085/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Cute Crossover Edition >Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming https:…[View]
93425221Jumpchain CYOA Thread #6208: Destiny/Leave Morning Edition: >Brutus' Drive http://drive.goog…[View]
93410576If he was dropped in the setting of Cyberpunk do you think he'd be able to make the world a bet…[View]
93367725/3dpg/ - 3d Printing General: This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-…[View]
93420849/btg/ BattleTech General: The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/! House Kurita edition Last Thread: …[View]
93418866I'm getting a laptop so I'll be detailing my glorious 32+ year campaign for you guys. It…[View]
93419219/mtg/ - Magic: the Gathering General: Politically Correct 'FUWARKING FURRIES' Edition ▶Bans https://…[View]
93407775Stats on Dominion: Break it down for me /tg/. How much money did GW actually lose on this heap of sh…[View]
93408802I rewatched this movie a few days ago and found myself weirdly focused on the idea of a Catholic-fun…[View]
93422576TTRPGs with Interesting Martials: So are there any D&D-adjacent games, or medieval fantasy in ge…[View]
93424321/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General: Previous: >>93417559 >OFFICIAL Commander website, where you…[View]
93406915How come there are rarely stories with multiple 'dark lords' operating simultaneously? Am I expected…[View]
93411312Is it ethical to bring children in adventures provided they are absurdly powerful[View]
93424537/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Evil Space Elves Edition >Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming http…[View]
93421553Cards against humanity: What expansions are worth getting? Also post good combinations you have had…[View]
93406288I fixed tic tac toe, my niggas. :)[View]
93418192/mcyoag/ Multiplayer Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://past…[View]
93421343Your first model versus your most recent, how have you progressed? How long have you been painting? …[View]
93423364>Your character gazes upon the shopkeep of the inn that you reside in Ahark adventurer, wouldst t…[View]
93425586FUBAR Edition Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.…[View]
93404520Mini Modeling for Cheap: My 6 year old son has shown an interest in wanting to model and paint his o…[View]
93411175The End Times: Why did they do it? When will it be reversed?[View]
93410458WIP - Work In Progress General: Work in Progress, 'Taco Tuesday' Edition >Full-on /WIP/ OP Links …[View]
93391352Mech wargames: What are your favourite mech wargames? What are your favourite mech models? I really …[View]
93383585What do long lived races see in short lived one that they want to marry them[View]
93412803ITT we post unorthodox phylacteries[View]
93363792Tropes in RPGs that need to die: Bows, especially longbows, should be STR based. They require immens…[View]
93392352/WoDg/&/CofDg/ World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness General: least chromed out Iterator …[View]
93406446/slop/ - AI Art Thread: Bearserker Edition Previously on /slop/: >>93387303 Thread Task: Post …[View]
93417930100 days till Halloween: What are your Halloween related /tg/ plans? Spooky scenario for your campai…[View]
93374883Hydra Thread: Post only the best[View]
93418119Age of Sigmar General - /aosg: Krule boyz still at bottom Edition >Previously, in the Mortal Real…[View]
93410437I know there are still 1e, 2e, and 3.5e players out there, but does anyone still play 4e?[View]
93409299/hhg/ & /atg/ – Horus Heresy General & Adeptus Titanicus General: Costs are wrong edition Pr…[View]
93408202The reason why medieval settings are so common is fairly obvious. Before the medieval period, the pr…[View]
93384638Why are high elves like this?: >Humans? Eww >Dwarves? Eww >Hobbits? Eww >Half elves? Eww…[View]
93418239Squire Race: You're a big boy now and need to choose your squire before you leave to rob and ki…[View]
93417116/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wE…[View]
93408354/wfg/ - Warhammer Fantasy General: Stunty hunta edition >The Latest Warhammer The Old World News …[View]
93410473Mystery board game: Does anyone remember this game, or did I just have a very intricate dream as a c…[View]
93421211/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Big Brained Edition >Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming https://w…[View]
93384560Comfy terrain thread: Printing in progress edition Post terrain, finished or in progress, discuss te…[View]
93361920/GROG/ - GW Retro/Oldhammer General: Busting down doors edition >previous thread >>93290929…[View]
93417728Older Computer 'Boardgames' & Retro Maps: Discuss these retro gems like pic related (you get bon…[View]
93417559/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General: Previous: >>93408243 >OFFICIAL Commander website, where you…[View]
93399580Gaming Furniture: What do you guys typically play on? Your dining table? One of those crazy expensiv…[View]
93361005No joke, why does 40k look like THIS now? Actually think green felt roll and aquarium rock terrain l…[View]
93361191/3.5g/ /3eg/ Dungeons and Dragons Third/3rd Edition General: For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e …[View]
93420846ineffectual magic and rituals: in your setting, are there magic spells and rituals which do less tha…[View]
93362711What exactly is the difference thematically between a Paladin and a Cleric-Fighter dual class?[View]
93418698/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Armageddon Edition >Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming https://ww…[View]
93398853>hear a lot of praise of this guy >look into it >hes just an autist and a redditor's '…[View]
93360395Stars Without Number: Revised: Recently got into a SWN campaign and am now coming up on my third ses…[View]
93372750There has never been a better take on elves: admit it[View]
93398554I bet you guys can't make an RPG in 24 hours.[View]
93374358>YFW your players compliment your worldbuilding after yet another exhilarating plot twist, not kn…[View]
93417131Jumpchain CYOA Thread #6207: Moon Princess Impregnation Edition: >Brutus' Drive http://drive…[View]
93405216How would your party react to a farmer begging them for help? His king had all of the rat catchers i…[View]
93419017Cool character ability ideas: Just post Cool character ability ideas you've had floating in you…[View]
93418288noise shooters: making a trpg setting that uses sonic weaponry. Whats a good system that translates …[View]
93407640Calculating probabilities: I'm creating a game and i'm trying to crunch the numbers at the…[View]
93418093Aside from chess, and GO, what are some board games with little to no RNG, balanced, and have basica…[View]
93357759Previous thread: >>93281030 GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide r…[View]
93357150What are some tips for building a good and memorable villain for my game?[View]
93358196/hsg/ - Horror Settings General: Gaslight Horror Edition Tell us about your horror settings, games, …[View]
93412764/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Too Old For This Shit Edition >Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming…[View]
93401151/5eg/ - Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition General: Cats from the crafting video edition >2024 PH…[View]
93396090Ah yes Warhammer™: Age of Sigmar®, The World's Greatest Fantasy Miniatures Game[View]
93357498/hwg/ ~【Historical Wargames General】: Party Edition >Previous Thread: >>93286410 >Threa…[View]
93411361/btg/ BattleTech General: The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/! Goliath, Scorpion edition Last Thr…[View]
93411023The party gets its hands on a heavily armoured and armed exosuit/golem. What happens next?[View]
93358302Japanese TRPG thread: Looks Weird, Plays differently, is fun. Go on about japan-make TRPGs, be-eth S…[View]
93370297Lewd RPG General: Previous Thread: >>93302201 For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; inclu…[View]
93403888Why do ancient board games have simplicity and elegance, but modern board games have kitchen sink de…[View]
93407648/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wE…[View]
93409574Excuse me. Mystara thread[View]
93402610/mtg/ - Magic: the Gathering General: Stompy Edition ▶Bans https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announc…[View]
93383350Why not just make dwarves and elves the same thing?: Considering their folklore this seems quite obv…[View]
93388214Are we still angry about elves? remember, it's not rape if it's an elf[View]
93408243/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General: Previous: >>93398908 >OFFICIAL Commander website, where you…[View]
93389320I want to play in a game and be a cool and honorable dwarf. I loved Gimli in lord of the rings. I ha…[View]
93410527Age of Sigmar General - /aosg/: Realm Down Unda' Edition >Previously, in the Mortal Realms …[View]
93412701/40kg/ - Warhammer 40,000 General: Still Standing Edition >Agents of The Imperium Codex Coming S…[View]
93373865I need pictures. Pictures of mutant creatures to populate my post-nuclear wasteland hexcrawl map.[View]
93406387What system to use in political intrigue campaign? Dune: Adventures in the Imperium, WEG D6, Kingdom…[View]
93407877/mcyoag/ Multiplayer Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://past…[View]
93409668Alternatives to Hitpoints, Injury, & Death Spirals: I'm designing a game that features the …[View]
93388755Age of Sigmar's Legacy: Given the crippling failure of Skaventide and the explosive success of …[View]
93402700How would your party deal with the dreaded Suicide Pines?[View]
93397167Setting progression: What RPG settings do you believe advanced there meta-plots in the best way, and…[View]
93407595Can your preferred game system do a death-race like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7RY0s_GyP…[View]
93405959Medieval SLOP: Completely tired of pseudo-medieval 0 effort stuff. There are other better time perio…[View]
93351268/40krpg/ - Warhammer 40k RPG & Worldbuilding General: Previous Thread: >>93281446 >RPG …[View]
93412138>a toast! >to us![View]
93407207Demon Hunters, Exorcists, and Spirit Fighters which rpg does it best? what are the best Hunter class…[View]
93386987I understand being true neutral because you don't care, but why would anyone devote themselves …[View]
93409786Warhammer 40,000 General - /40kg/: Justify This Edition >Agents of The Imperium Codex Coming Soon…[View]
93394164Does /tg/ like Primaris Reivers?[View]
93407917Geographic location for my settings: Here is the deal - Resident Evil inspired setting, but with a t…[View]
93366609/exg/ - Exalted general: >What is Exalted? An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god…[View]
93404141Power balance between NPCs and characters: How do you handle introducing characters who are just con…[View]
93402925This is the ideal beholder form: You don't think it be like it is, but it do[View]
93365224Character Art Thread: It's the Character Art Thread! Post all your favorite pictures of cool aw…[View]
93395712Has your character ever hugged a dragon[View]

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