Emperor of Mankind Edition>Balance Dataslatehttps://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/chwd2fdd/warhammer-40000-balance-dataslate-deep-strikes-and-ap-in-the-crosshairs/>Community Links:https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/>3rd Party Models Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/Q33bkBUh>Pre 10th Torrent:Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5>10th Edition Rules:https://gofile<dot>io/d/9LvQTLhttps://mega<dot>nz/folder/Em0Rmb7I#4GR-B7y4cu5nCB5QziXM4A>How to make wargames terrainhttps://gofile.io/d/s99zDV>Secret Level animationhttps://gofile.io/d/J7muqs>Previous Thread:>>94806560 >Thread Question:Which character do you think deserves more development or backstory?
Rolled 34 (1d68)>>94810859
>>94810849>tqAnybody in the GSC.
>people whine about starshatter when it gets revealed, claiming it's overpowered as hell and just breaks the game>turns out to be just fine, good in a shootout but bad at scoring>but because people whined, GW now fucking takes the detachment out back and shoots it in the head
>>94810849>TQThe most obvious answer is Yvraine. She's kind of a big nothing for how important to the setting she is. And the fanbase has already lampooned her to a ridiculous degree.
Rolled 54 (1d68)>>94810859rollin!
>>94810901Did they say the balance dataslate is coming out relatively soon? I thought they said they were going to do another one shortly after all the Grotmas Detachments were out or something. Nothing is going to change before LVO though, I would think.
>>94810859>21, 61 and 66 are KriegI smell a bias.
>>94810901Necrons don't deserve shit while Ctan with half damage still exist
What army would suit a power bottom like myself?
>>94810849Post models
>>94810948Slaanesh says Eldars
>>94810947The balance team includes a big competitive Necron player. They will never be less than pretty good for the entire edition.
Rolled 20 (1d68)>>94810859
>>94810849>Which character do you think deserves more development or backstory?/yourdudes/, anon. why have you been neglecting them?
Rolled 58 (1d68)>>94810859Woad warriors WHEN
>>94810999Don’t bring me into this, I annoy people just fine on my own.
>>94810925The only 'development' Yvraine deserves is the development of Guilliman's child in her womb.
>>94811004I should try to paint your scheme just to see
Played a game of horde mode last night. Me and another orkbro at the store teamed up to control the horde that faced off against a team-up of Tau and Guard.Orks started off strong with their spawn rolls and got a Stompa full of meganobz, a Shokk attack gun, a trukk full of Breaka Boyz, and some squighogs.
>>94811013I think it's really funny how the internet has truly destroyed Yvraine as a character. Sure, there wasn't a huge amount there to begin with in gathering storm and then on, but she's basically the designated "she looks like she fucks human men" character of 40k now, and no amount of in-universe characterization (short of her killing guilliman personally or something) will remove the stain.
>>94811024The guard were able to blow up the trukk and the breakas inside, stopping the breakas from getting into melee with their tanks, for now.The Tau actually failed to deal a single wound this turn, despite having a hammerhead primed and ready to go on that stompa. Poor guy wasn't rolling hot tonight.
>>94810977So they're literally "who?" 's then. Other then possibly being a fire based
>>94811004come on sallies anon, you know that >>94810999was bait
>>94811022What more do you want to see exactly? His color choices are uhm unique let's call them
Rolled 6 (1d68)>>94811000>Praetorian Hussars Neat, let's see if I can get a Infantry or tank regiment now.
>>94811040On the Ork turn 2, we drew a misery card that allowed the horde to advance, shoot, and charge. Basically giving us a Waaagh! turn. We spawned in some tankbustas, another trukk of breakas, a trukk full of flash gits, and a mek.The misery card let all the Orks get proppaly stuck in with some good advance+charge rolls. We even got some meganobz out of the stompa to join the fun.
>>94811024>horde modeUnironically based and funpilled
>>94811027It's literally inescapable at this point. GW has even started to lean into the meme. The fanbase just has too much power over how empty blank slate characters are perceived.
>>94811027It's legitimately hard for me to think of any other character who tripped and fumbled quite as hard. GW doesn't even touch her any more, considering to do so is to invite nothing but shipping posts.Her showing up briefly in Lelith's book only for it to essentially say the Ynnari status quo is unchanged feels almost like a joke.
>>94811046Yeah but I’m stupid and a little bored.
>>94811027I blame the Thanksgiving picture and the general horniness of the internet now.
Rolled 56 (1d68)>>94810859
>>94811061I don't even really see a path out of it for either. GW put so much narrative weight on her and then utterly ruined her character and destroyed any possible momentum. The best thing they can do is just memory hole her and move any Eldar plots to other characters like Eldrad and the Phoenix Lords or Lelith.
>>94811058>two kroot hounds right in front of the squighogsDamn, those are some brave dogs.
>>94811068The Guillyvraine posting predates the seasons greeting card.
>>94811071>>94810998Options field you dummies.
>>94811059Genuinely one of the most fun game modes in 40k. I personally like that when I control the horde I don't have to worry about positioning or cover or whatever, because I literally can't. The horde just moves forward, shoots, and charges. No headache.>>94811085Gotta get your throwaway units charged when you're facing off against a mindless AI that charges whatever's closest, lol>>94811058Despite Orks being super close, the Tau were able to have them fight some throwaway trash units instead of the big guns. They got the stompa blown to high hell this turn and had their breachers pump 48 saving rolls into the meganobz, killing them but leaving the warbiss alive. The remaining meganobz in the stompa also suffered some heavy losses. The guard blew up both of the trukks on their side of the field this turn, killing off yet another unit of breakas before they could fight. There were a few warbosses left alive that were getting some proppa fighting in, though.
>>94810925She's not even the most cucked Ynnari character. Everyone adores this model, too.
>>94811078They could lean into it. Make it look like she's trying to butter him up so he can be manipulated to fight "she who thirsts" while she grows in strength. Go shadow empire and try to manipulate other races into it as well.
Rolled 33 (1d68)>>94811110Oof
>>94811093We move into turn 3 and decide that there aren't nearly enough Boyz on the table. We turn every spawn roll into a unit of 20 Boyz or a battlewagon full of Boyz. This is the actual Ork horde Waaagh! turn, so Orks are moving forward at an alarming rate. Luckily for the Tau and Guard they've been able to stop most of the damage from getting into them.However some Orks slip through the hail of gunfire and are able to get into melee. The squigs from turn 1 are miraculously still alive, and some meganobz with a lone warboss mulch some Tau breachers.Boyz and more Boyz in a battlewagon loom in the background for next turn.
>>94811099>They could lean into itWell anon, https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/hwb2kldr/black-library-open-submission-2025-write-your-two-favourite-characters-into-a-scene/Maybe somebody can do it for them.
>>94811138Would be better to post this in /wsg/ in /aco/ since they write alot of romance stuff.
>>94811060>GW has even started to lean into the meme.no, it hasn't
Rolled 47 (1d68)>>94810859Let's have a go
>>94811124Oh and I forgot to mention we spawned another stompa full of meganobz. Because who doesn't love seeing another stompa?The Tau and Guard are running low on numbers, but are able to stay barely alive while the guard attempts to take down the stompa, also suffering losses from the squighog melee and stompa shooting. A pretty uneventful turn for them, which was unfortunate because the next turn for Orks was massive.We get 3 out of 4 spawn rolls with the maximum spawn, and decide that it's time to let the Kult of speed join the party. A weirdboy sends some Boyz into the Tau backline while the stompa pushes forward and deals 20 wounds to a leman russ in melee. Some bikes and koptas get some shooting in while a warboss fights a commander coldstar. Thanks to the stompas big fat ass though the buggies aren't able to get any lines of sight off for shooting.
>>94811138>The scene must take place in one of the following settings: Vigilus, Commorragh, or Armageddon (Warhammer 40,000)Well that's insanely limiting considering the broad scope of the prompt.
>>94811161>Abaddon and Guilliman meet in Commoragh>"Roboute, why the FUCK are we in Commoragh?">THE END
>>94811161Time for all you Vect fags to dust off your writing chaps and get back in saddle
>>94811174>"Roboute, why the FUCK are we in Commoragh?">"We're gonna fuck vect."
The only writefags who post here suck, like sallyfag and his 6th grade writing level. Drookieanon was good tho.
>>94811192carnac is a different guy altogether anon, how many times do I need to tell you?
>>94811024based game haver
>>94811042>So they're literally "who?" 's then. Other then possibly being a fire basedhonestly sounds like they're used for special jobslike maybe an inquisitor keeps a regiment on standby for burning down heretical/xenos materials they uncover
>>94811138>Both characters must have had a miniature made by Games Workshop at some pointTIME TO BRING UP SCOITZ BOYS, WISH ME LUCK
>>94810949Working on a warboss
>want to check out hidden links with stl files of one creator>he only grants access to people who post their own fully painted and based minis first
>>94811156Apologies, had to step away.At this point it was 9pm and the store was closing. The writing was on the wall though. There was no way the remaining 2 leman russes and the 1 hammerhead left on the field were going to take care of the absolute shitload of Orks on the field. I mean, look at this madhouse.We called it after the defending players' turn 4, with neither player having scored their secret mission to win (the Tau had to kill an Ork and a guard tank with the same artillery shell, and the guard had to ensure the Tau were tabled).We ended with a decisive Ork victory.
three threads
>>94811275Three cakes
>>94811264>We ended with a decisive Ork victory.as it should be
>>94811275Two scoops.
>>94811275make a 4th, this thread was made early after all and we can all move to the rightful one made when the previous was on page 8
>>94811231Nice. Who's he meeting with and where?
It's wild how different GW stores can be depending on the manager.In Bremen I got like 3 free minis when I just wanted one by a cool that is very upbeat, chill and passionate. In Essen I practically had to beg the dude to give me one and he was like>Ugh, fine, I don't wanna be like that. Fucking excuse me?
>>94811295No. Well be clogging /tg/ and waste the mods/jannies time.
"Well be clogging /tg/ and waste the mods/jannies time"
Made this last night, can't wait to paint it up!
>>94810849>Which character do you think deserves more development or backstory?The Genestealer PatriarchAs in give us an actual named one already, necromunda already established that genestealer cults can revive people swarmlord style.There are genestealer cults on Terra.Give us the four armed emperor already.Unlike the swarmlord, Patriarchs can actually have villain monologues, scheme and plot.
>>94811326A port-bazaar at the outskirt of commorragh seems the most flexible location, that would call for a dark eldar or corsair interlocutor, but I'm not sure if I can dredge up someone useful, maybe I'll go all in and call into account a zoat just to go all in on the oldschool gambit.Calling in trazyn would be fun, but cheap.
>>94811365>Coms array.Missile launcher or aa stubber. Shield done isn’t even worth considering.
>>94811385Fuck off, tyranid special characters are lame as is and GSC should all be completely expendable.
>>94811342haven't been to my local GW in awhile (because lol paying full price) but last time I went the guy working there was sitting down at the painting station on his phone and didn't even say hi to me when I walked in (I said it to him first), didn't get up to talk about what I was looking for, what I was working on, nothing.
>>94811295>>94811347how about an Epic thread? we haven't had one of those in a while>>94811448>>94811448
Guard player currently looking at the siege regiment.Should I get some explosions markers to use as tokens for the artillery support rules.
>>94811482>Should I get some explosions markers to use as tokens for the artillery support rules.
>>94811482Whatever floats your boat. Just know they'll be gone one day.
>>94811400>Fuck off, tyranid special characters are lame as is and GSC should all be completely expendable.>The people in universe should view themselves as disposable because that's what the meta-narrative dictates.Ah yes... of course.
>>94811161So they just want the foreshadowed Lucius vs. Lelith fight and a throwaway scapegoat for the xenos or chaos fans to seethe at after that? Gotit
>>94811138>Make story set in Commoragh>It's about Jaghatai trying to escape with a band of escaped slaves, fighting through Dark Rldar gangs who are out for his skin all along the way>It's going poorly, until Lhykhis shows up and points him in a right direction>Bedore she even has her model released, Lhykhis is relegated to being a Primarch's girlfriendThink it would work?
>>94811515I play GSC and agree. It's fine to have unique sculpts for individuals as something like a limited model release, I personally am awaiting the revival of the fat patriarch on throne as a store anniversary model or something. But actually named characters with continuing narratives? No, that's fucking stupid, the whole point of GSC is that most of not all of them just die when the Tyranids show up, their entire schtick is being the primer for Tyranid invasion. Consumed, expendable, the character of the faction is in how the cult's subterfuge and anti-imperial creeds develop leading up to their day of ascension and subsequent snuffing.
>>94811547Every human should have a xeno gf
>>94810849Should I try to magnetise tau battlesuits and stuff?
I think we need another thread
>>94811556They don't just spawn in they had lives, and don't want to die, or maybe they do, and they had to hide and fight for X amount of time....but no they are expendable in the meta-narrative so, they can't say their name of demonstrate any characterization that they should have.
>>94811632Obviously, that's the story you're telling as I mentioned. If you give them a named character, you are sticking them into a stasis that saves them from the fate their entire faction is doomed to suffer, in the name of giving them an "engaging narrative" for mouth breathers who can't invest in the struggle of someone whose fate is written in stone.
>>94811657Why does a named character need to be alive to have a model?
>>94811677Ask Yarrick? We're talking about named characters in the fashion that GW uses them, they clearly view it as "people buy these models because they're invested in where their story goes, not where it ended"
>>94811696Except for BA Tycho who was dead for 30 years and featured in every codex and had a model for sale those 30 years
>>94811696>>94811704And Macharius who was introduced dead for the Alexander the Great in space bit he has. Gaunt's Ghosts are presumably dead by the modern 40k era but they still have models too.
>>94811760>>94811696>>94811704these are all from back when it was a wargame setting and not a comic book setting though.
The scion command squad still doesn't know any orders to issue. C'mon gw.
>>94811821it still is a wargame setting you whiny faggot
Guardbros.How many transports do I need to make the mech detachment viable at 2k.I *only* have 4 so probably not quite enough
>>94811865Probably 8
>>94811865minimum 6 tauroxians
>>94811865All of them.
This whole writer submission sham is a trick to get fans to unfuck the setting for them without them having to pay actual writers to do it.
>>94811949So unfuck it.
>>94811949a cretin like you can barely unfuck his soiled underwear, nevermind a billion dollar IP
>>94810859gimme me kino baby
>>94811949They've had writer submissions since the 80s. But nevermind that, whenever GW does or doesn't do something, lazy haters must always let out a little squeal to make themselves feel cool and smart.
>>94811833that's not an argument.players today don't want to be told that their character lived 1000 years ago. they want the current shit with the named characters. they want the setting to progress the storyline. total misunderstanding of what a wargame setting is and what it's for.
>>94812003Players have fun with their own armies, worlds and stories that they built. Most of them are blissfully ignorant that secondaries such as you exist.
Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
>>94810945dinosaur cavalary is the type of stuff 2014 /tg/ would tell you is totally possible and if GW did it they'd act like the idea is now ruined
Rolled 65 (1d68)>>94810859
>>94811027So this is the power of horniness
>>94812076It’s been deleted no need to keep samefagging it.
>>94810849I can’t wait to see the new EC on Friday.
>>94811949You clearly don’t understand how modern writing works. You always have to pitch.
>>94812107Mind your own fucking business, fatass
>>94811704I still need to grab a tycho. Luckily he’s cheaper than most characters of that age.
>>94811534They’re both gladiators. Would be quite the duel.
Rolled 40 (1d68)>>94810859
>>94811250Nice. Yellow orks are the best.
>>94810949can you post a good looking one first? that one fucking sucks
>>94811365I need to get a tank. I only have a walker and it’s not even built.
>>94811498he can just use them to mark destroyed vehicles or battlefield effects
>>94812147>best>get their ass beat for their teefs on the regularLol
>>94812219You post this like it's a bad thing.And maybe it's just me, but I got my ass deffrolla'd a couple of times back in 8th.
>>94812128You seem upset that you can’t samefag it anymore.
>>94810849>tqFulgrim. Won’t have to wait to long though.
>>94812219I don’t get it.
>>94812271Are you tired of samefagging a whole thread?
>>94810934I don’t know who that is. >>94812113Shood be good.
>>94812281>>94812301>>94812311projecting samefagging early throoderonly you have a reason to post here
>>94812325>I don’t know who that is.https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Fyodor_Karamazov
>>94812337It’s weird how you keep coming back then.
>>94812342Oh, I know the name, just not the model I guess. Thanks.
wtf the heart of chernobyl was in SoC
>>94810925I think they’re leaving that storyline alone for a good long while. They need a better hook before they come back into the lore in a meaningful way.
>>94812024Not likely.
>>94812363It would be natural to pick it up again with the EC release.
this gayme is fucking hard
>>94812398Perhaps their codex will have something.
>>94812398Eldar have a codex soon too.
>>94812425You have issues.
>>94811203You’re just schizophrenic.
>>94811138I'm gonna submit my clonegrim vs fulgrim fanfiction and you guys cant stop me hehe boi
>>94812606Neither of those have a model in 40k, past or present.
>>94812606Good luck.
>>94812623I mean it didnt say the model had to be from 40k. Both guys are fulgrim and he has a model