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/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy

Displaying 20 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
1859898What game has the better designed, the better art, and the most beautiful units?[View]
1872907How do you guys get the latest version of Dwarf Fortress? Don't tell me I gotta use IGG-Games.[View]
1870984who are these 'people' who had given this pile of feces its raving reviews?[View]
1856997Hypercoven RTS Campaign: Hello Anons, I’m still working on the game Hypercoven. https://filmstars.it…[View]
1857944Romance of The Three Kingdoms: How do you get into this franchise? Is it fun?[View]
1870641What do you want to see most from Chapter 4 of CK3? What do you think we will actually see.[View]
1856293EU4: What are your favorite and least favorite mission trees? Favorite: Gotland Least Favorite: Per…[View]
1749417/vst/ makes a CK2/3 total conversion mod: Anons can add like 3 hexes to the map or anything else rea…[View]
1869706I’m in my 30s and I’ve just picked up Starcraft Remastered, having never played it before. Is it too…[View]
1862990D.O.R.F. RTS: Dorfspeed Dorfnificent Dorfchads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYXtmXnHqoI…[View]
1863053Spellforce Conquest of eo: Did the lastest dlc finally fix the game?[View]
1819112X4: Foundations: Now that the dust has settled, what did people think of Timelines overall? How woul…[View]
1866217Hearts of Iron General /HoIG/ - Götterdämmerung Edition: Will organise an OP later, it's better…[View]
1866552TNO thread (real Komi rework hours): Press F for Komi, now officially confirmed to be reworked. We…[View]
1864656/HTG/ - Historical Total War General: Foot Samurai edition Historical mods welcome, Fantasy mods for…[View]
1869223Outpost 2: Did some oldfag ever played this? I got this in the 90 and was beautiful, hard as fuck, b…[View]
1872110this game released in 2017, why does it feel like it released in 2001?[View]
1857050Mid Night, Son: SHOCKER: the game that killed Team XCOM is actually pretty good. Too much 'erm so th…[View]
1859299>literally nothing to do other than spam buildings to watch numbers get higher so you can spam mo…[View]
1869401Please tell me this game doesn't get the same reaction it does on /v/ I really like it. I'…[View]

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