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/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy

Displaying 22 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
1720654Anbennar EU4: Post your Birzartansens->Phoenix Empire runs in the hit mod Anbennar, released in 2…[View]
1730558Project Caesar: Sliders[View]
1732360What do we think of sidescroller Xcom?[View]
1727928>Why yes, I am the best Dawn of War game, how could you tell?[View]
1736144Someone please tell me what game this is.[View]
1735590SRPG Studio: Is it even worth buying as I know it is currently on sale. From what I have heard it is…[View]
1656284Patrician III: Anything[View]
1643689Star Wars: Empire at War: A toast, gentlemen! To the Empire! In this thread we discuss the game Empi…[View]
1728780ICBM?: Anyone play(ed) it? Is it any good? I’ve never been much of an APM guy…[View]
1734933Emperor of the Fading Suns - Enhanced Edition: Devs have now made available a 20-turn limit demo you…[View]
1722599What strategy game is this?[View]
1724841Do zachtronics games count as strategy game?[View]
1729778homeworld thread: I finally got this old faggot game working. Heres a complete guide for any fellow …[View]
1723104Have there been any classic style RTS released recently? Meaning it has workers, resource collection…[View]
1691072Song of Syx thread since last one is on page 8. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1162750 It's a l…[View]
1400975ms paint unit design thread: Pull out your paint or other drawing tools and make your own rts unit. …[View]
1699967Rimworld DLC Teased: >It will awaken... What'll it be this time, anons? Will it be as dogshi…[View]
1699449OpenXcom/XPiratez/Files thread: Ogres are the true path. Rush ogres in all circumstances. Let the wo…[View]
1595098Civ V: >start as Russia >spawn on an island >can't move outside of the island before R…[View]
1729645How do I download this dogshit trial to my computer?: Haven't even played it yet, but I intrins…[View]
1732567Strangereal: What kind of strategy game would best fit the world of Ace Combat? Pitch it[View]
1722884There is literally NOTHING wrong with 1UPT.[View]

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