>Buddhist Avar (thinking of becoming Taoist)>gavelkind>currently ruling 3 kingdoms (Avaria, Bulgaria and Denmark), no empire >Bulgaria is main title because doesn't has election>west: catholics>south: orthodoxs>north: reformed asatru (easy peasy) and suomenusko >east: nomads (some buddhists, rest Tengri)
>>1920969go republic like a real chad
>>1921120No, I don't like republic mechanics nor gameplay.Should I stay tribal or go feudal?
Enjoy your crusades.
>>1921328Where should I go first, West or East?
>>1920969>>1920969Get your desired roleplay borders before going East to get into diplo range of the Chinese Protector General. You can ask him to convert your entire realm to Taoist through "request mass conversion" in the religion screen (it's very hard to otherwise convert your provinces as a Taoist). You have to be pagan for that though, so flip to Tengri, make all your vassals like you, or go North Korea mode, then request. As for your government, you should do Chinese Imperial Government (Chinese Pretender Empire) which you can do in DLC vanilla by being Han and Taoist which gives you the decision. You can flip back your culture after that.
>>1920969The Khans aprove!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswuqmgGaWk
>>1922038But if I change culture to Han, I will lose Avaria (it will become Pannonia and for some stupid reason by devs, it can't be reverted) and raiding, also Taoism doesn't has holy wars. In my current state, I don't see any benefits from changing culture nor religion. I still have to defeat byzantines and arabs.Also, if I have to become pagan, I should go Slavic or Tengri? (picrel, 10k grace if I give it to the Chinese Emperor.)Also, how can I farm prestige (8k) fast in my current state?
>>1922336Tengri is better, if you are planning to blob and focus on war, although Slavic should be easier to reform, since you already control two or three holy sites and Novgorod and Rugia are within your reach. I think you only control one Tengri, holy site, one in Hungary.>Also, how can I farm prestige (8k) fast in my current state?Raiding. Sea raiding Italian provinces should be fairly efficient, Venice itself is worth hundreds of gold and prestige points. Creating more titles also works, you can also try spamming county conquests and letting your tribal vassals handle actual fighting, but you need to be pagan first. You should fix your demesne and vassal limit.
>>1922380Thanks, but I have some problems.1. The slavic holy sites that are under my realm belong to Buddhist vassals, and I can't revoke them without civil wars that I will lose, probably.2. The vassal limit is a pain in the ass, but I can't do to much, in the end if I start giving titles, my bolghar vassals (feudal) would become jealous and want to secede, while my norse and slav vassals (tribal) can't stop them.Right now I have no problem with my bolghar vassals because we're all Buddhists and I have some marriages in my family with them, but since my heir is a baby and my character has now 65 yo, I don't want to mess it all.Maybe I tried to become Slavic unce I have enough prestige and I become emperor, so I can give away one of my titles to a relative with enough local power.What would you do?
>>1922336>But if I change culture to Han, I will lose AvariaIf you are changing to Han it would only be for forming a pretender Chinese Empire through decision, which destroys your main title anyways. It gives you a new empire title and the comfiest government type.>also Taoism doesn't has holy wars.You don't play Taoism for minmaxing and expansion, you become Taoist for internal stability (which it is great for) and roleplaying. >In my current state, I don't see any benefits from changing culture nor religion.>I still have to defeat byzantines and arabs.What are you doing, a pseudo world conquest? You'd be better off flipping to Nomad government and raping the world that way if you want to blob even more than you've already blobbed. Are you new to CK2? It's better off to constrain yourself to a geographic area because shit gets tedious when you start conquering multiple continents.>how can I farm prestige (8k) fast in my current state?Conquest wars. You won't get to 8k prestige as a 60yo with 500 prestige unless you win a crusade or become immortal or live for another 20 years. If you inherit as a ~30yo or younger you can become Pagan (I'd recommend Slavic if you have their Tier 5 artifact already, which you do) and join your corresponding warrior lodge/society. Spam out conquest wars, you only get one province at a time, but you get a lot of prestige and they have low truce timers, so you can easily do 10 or more in 5 years, and then do another 10. At that point you've got ~2k prestige just from peace deals alone, not considering all the prestige from winning battles, passive gain, events, etc.If you can win a conquest war every 3 months (very feasible) you can get 8k prestige in less than 20 years.
>>1922400>The vassal limit is a pain in the ass, but I can't do to much, in the end if I start giving titles, my bolghar vassals (feudal) would become jealous and want to secede, while my norse and slav vassals (tribal) can't stop them.Sounds like a fuckfest. Sorry if this is your first time hearing this, but all the "diversity is our strength" stuff IRL is bullshit, it doesn't work IRL or in CK2.In CK2 you want your realm as homogenous as possible. All vassals same culture and religion, and ideally all counties your culture and religion. The only religions that can handle a diverse realm are Taoists, Jainists, and pagans with the Cosmopolitan reform. My advice is to make some great dukes (dukes with 2 duchies) your main vassals, and use "transfer vassalage" to lower the amount of vassals you have. You lose out on tax and manpower since trickle down economics actually work in CK2, but if you don't lower the amount of vassals you have they'll start breaking away. One the plus side, your vassals have to deal with your ex vassals, which burdens your new, bigger vassals and makes things less stressful for you.Ideally you request a mass conversion to Catholic, or Taoist, or Muslim, or whatever, which solves the religion issue since request mass conversion converts all of your vassals with a positive opinion and every county held by you and the vassals who convert with you. Solves religious matters quickly. Also a really good chance of becoming a saint if you become Christian this way.
>>1922336>>1920969How did you get that dynastic coat of arms? Is it limited to B*ddhists? Can’t find anything that cool as a European family.
>>1931480No, this one belongs to Avar royal family, only playable in 769. There's another Avar family with Ouroboros CoA
>>1927609Thanks anon, my realm is buddhist, so religion is not a problem, the administration is the big problem, I will try your advice.