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/lit/ - Literature

Displaying 387 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
23629449Books by down bad niggas?: pic related, John Tolland's Hypatia or the History of a most beautif…[View]
23626884Is she right?[View]
23627564If you can't fluently read Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Coptic, Syriac, Ethiopian, Armenian, …[View]
23627156Bring this back[View]
23629227Any books about the Moon landing?[View]
23629131Thoughts? I utterly dislike Russell but I agree with this one. Protestant work ethic is a poison tha…[View]
23629235My heroes[View]
23629300What cartoons look like literature: Does this look like literature?[View]
23625292Das Kapital: come on down to Das Kapital, we have: >value! >mudpies! >what about art? >w…[View]
23627210Can we please start treating Christianity like the mythology that it is?: Any books with a rational …[View]
23625751I read to escape the sad reality that is my life and once I’m finished with one book, I get depresse…[View]
23629213modern short stories: I'm looking for some examples of single character short stories in a mode…[View]
23629047Which books should I read to understand Keynesian economics other than The General Theory?[View]
23627933I am empirically real, but transcendentally ideal. You are empirically real, but transcendentally id…[View]
23628243Love island from 1830 (And I love it)[View]
23629098This book changed my life. Anybody else had their life changed by a book?[View]
23628305My favorite writers are Frazer, Freud, Jung, Neumann, Vico, Darwin, Nietzsche, and Gurdjieff Who els…[View]
23628916/lit/, when did you put on your big-boy pants, buck the pseuds, and admit to yourself that Bulwer-Ly…[View]
23628394I dislike the verb 'to lie': I think it inadequately represents the action of lying down. …[View]
23628031People who buy physical books just to signify the fact that they read should be lined up againts the…[View]
23620497>26M people >0 contributions to literature how is it even possible?…[View]
23627093Why do people like picrel so much? I'm about to travel nonstop for work over the next two month…[View]
23628737I have a lot of time on hand. Suggest me you top ten or so books.: Serious replies fags. I don'…[View]
23628572What's the difference between plot and story? Which one is 'narrative'?[View]
23626904House of Leaves: Uhh /lit/sisters...? Thoughts?[View]
23628151Post examples of literary chuds: BASED Clavell was btfo'ing and YWNBAW'ing trannies 40 yea…[View]
23627339what do you guys think about the mistborn trilogy by brandon sanderson?[View]
23626506Neil gaiman: What’s your opinion on this fellow?[View]
23628600Man must pursue: 1. beauty 2. justice 3. truth in above order of preference. 'goodness' need not…[View]
23626652A Toast to our Mother Tongue: It is now well observed past the advent of the Large Language Model an…[View]
23627893>biggest cockroach I have ever seen crawls up my back and along my arm >shake him off >loo…[View]
23628525> I was born in the wrong era[View]
23626135>reddit the author[View]
23628509>Makes conservatives seethe >Makes liberals seethe >His books sell millions >Won three P…[View]
23623906Why does pic related make normies seethe so much? He was basically right about everything. Mussolini…[View]
23623902Some people nowadays say Dumbledore is one of their least favourite characters. They say he is an as…[View]
23628536Is it as good as they say?[View]
23628401Time for a new read anon...[View]
23625139Good quotes on masculinity and philosophy: I'm trying to uplift my bro while hes in dire times,…[View]
23628325I am getting so fucking filtered right now.[View]
23618899Any good?[View]
23628658>Try reading Bell Curve >First three chapter is light background on history of IQ and lots of…[View]
23622746/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General: >Recommended reading charts. (Look here before as…[View]
23627141been taking in a some contemporary indie writing these past few days. this shit is booty ass. i see …[View]
23627456Pynchon wishes he wrote this.[View]
23628231books for this feel?[View]
23628223What the fuck was Fraser thinking?[View]
23622900You can read Ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic right?[View]
23625222i hate this piece of shit so fucking much but i cant do anything against him i wont make it out[View]
23627694Has the transcendental aesthetic even been refuted? It seems like contemporary anglos just pretend i…[View]
23621102Are there any literary youtube channels that are like the right and you guys recommend?[View]
23628157Anyone else start seeing the fnords while reading?[View]
23619285I must restart my couplets thread. I thought someone else might handle it, but I woke up to it dead.[View]
23617974Milton was right about rhyming.[View]
23620082I don't get how this works as an allegory for Mussolini[View]
23627809ITT: books you suspect nobody else on /lit/ has read[View]
23628079aristotle can't write: is it worth reading prior analytics if you're already proficient jn…[View]
23624500Best biography of Muhammad? Can be muslim or non-muslim.[View]
23627362>filters /lit/[View]
23628007I am looking for a book on early rabbinic Judaism. i would like something that gives me a first hand…[View]
23627393I'm sittin on some heat, man. Big stuff. Million dollar career launching shit. I don't kno…[View]
23627646This is gonna sound retarded, but I've gotten into books recently. Never thought much of them w…[View]
23623501But what does it mean[View]
23592673What's /lit/ opinion on Japanese literature?[View]
23627117I feel like I've wasted everything up until this point. Suggest something monumental to read.: …[View]
23627461Guenonionism refuted by Guenon: >in order for him to be correct he would have to be a prophet …[View]
23626068Land der Dicther und Denker: You psyop-ed me into studying German at university, their literature is…[View]
23627197Books where the protagonist starts out his life with setbacks and still come out on top.[View]
23626546Current Reads: What are you reading right now, anon? What do you think of it? You ARE reading someth…[View]
23627471>Today abstraction is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror, or the concept. >Sim…[View]
23627189So he was dead the whole time? What did the Undines want?[View]
23627111No more than 400 pages: What is the best books with no more than 400 pages? I just finished three 90…[View]
23627338>A meditation on... >NYRB >X: A New History >A timely reminder >X: A Novel…[View]
23623398Prove you exist.[View]
23626875What am I in for?[View]
23626756Tactical TRVKE Incoming: The Academic Case Against Latin https://www.garynorth.com/public/14405.cfm …[View]
23627397>libgen >internet archive >project gutenberg >ditext >anitlogicalism >google books…[View]
23625128I love Seneca so fucking much bros + questions: As much as I shit on people saying >OMG THIS SONG…[View]
23626109>'There were also vestiges of Arthur's sexual competition with Anthime in this letter. After…[View]
23623623Any books like this?[View]
23627008Have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you'd you would you could you'd do you …[View]
23627114i do not understand philosophy: Out of curiosity I try to follow through and read what people are ta…[View]
23627290Reading time and burnout: Does reading everyday or too much make it more difficult to enjoy or gain …[View]
23626140Guenon: >syncretism is bad >but there is a hidden esoteric core in every religions that is the…[View]
23624128The cringiest shit I've read lately: Why is this glorified eroge considered good by artfags????…[View]
23626898Soiencefags have been really quiet since this dropped[View]
23626376>book is over 300 pages[View]
23625921What the fuck man[View]
23626124Read lol: Ever think that words are somewhat bad for analyzing and you must think in patterns?…[View]
23624245Who was more right?[View]
23626196These were all free on Audible so I decided to listen to them to expand my horizons. I know my ancie…[View]
23626923The pen is mightier than the sword[View]
23626431What did we learn?: Entire book is some French aristocrat praising the American system of government…[View]
23625801Sub Saharan literature: It exists?[View]
23626693ITS UP!: https://youtu.be/ADzuf49zSGY?feature=shared[View]
23624445Gilles Deleuze: Fucking pseud.[View]
23625454Write a poem about this image, show me those hundrends of books you read actually did something[View]
23617966goat: Goat[View]
23623290/wwoym/ - Write What's On Your Mind: Feels edition Previous >>23620870[View]
23626425Is she still the queen of /lit/?[View]
23625588Recommend good fiction.[View]
23625653Philosophers that write about having a personal code?: I'm a neutral good kind of person. I don…[View]
23626163poem thread: post poems you like or original works heres my most recent poem i wrote: Is it worse to…[View]
23626609>a large mass of land in the northwest that submerged long ago Was Doggerland the inspiration for…[View]
23626238>Can't read French, Latin, German fluently This is the BARE minimum. GTFO if you can't…[View]
23626382What genre(s) would you classify your life as?[View]
23621884Philosopher tier-list: This is the ultimate and official tier-ranking for philosophers (if you disag…[View]
23624817'[Meinong] argued, if you say that the golden mountain does not exist, it is obvious that there is s…[View]
23626485How do I get into Chinklit I tried that space invasion novel and it was crap[View]
23624708Is this a good book if I want to read about AI?[View]
23625435Joyce, Gaddis and Pynchon are the only novelists you really need.[View]
23623774fuck :([View]
23626361>reality was solved by a drunken Irish philanderer and the ghosts possessing his wife Really make…[View]
23625329Literature that gives you the same feeling as seeing pic related?[View]
23626414What am I in for, /lit/?[View]
23626134If someone else than Tolkien came up with female dwarfs having beards people would be calling it wok…[View]
23616439Am I crazy or has no one pulled off the 'magical school' concept since Harry Potter? Whenever someth…[View]
23624685Any good books on this?[View]
23626075Literally just found out there is an ancient Greek epic poem that exists called the Dionysiaca that …[View]
23626258What are you reading right now?[View]
23625297everything in this case is everything that is the case in this case jam mince stooge[View]
23622109How do trads deal with the fact that Renaissance Italy, and most of Europe for that matter, was full…[View]
23624079Autodidactic Philosophy: Is learning to understand philosophical literature even possible without a …[View]
23621166What did I think of it?[View]
23618573>mogs your epub reader[View]
23624707am i retarded: I mostly read works of philosophy in english, rather than my mother tongue (serbian),…[View]
23620953/wg/ Writing General: 'Ultra trad' edition Previous: >>23607739 /wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTI…[View]
23626037Alright so i finished this with some effort. Thought it was good but not astounding as some had lead…[View]
23624450>father found the Karl Marx collection and disowned me like the boomer he is…[View]
23614707Books that refute atheism? So far all I got is WLC’s “The Kalam Cosmological Argument” .[View]
23621984WTF: This second book straight up sucked.. All the new characters aren't very interesting. Ther…[View]
23624606What’s your favorite story of his?[View]
23620459Ted Kaczynski and Wilderness Front: Do you guys think that there will be real revolutionary anti-tec…[View]
23625819On the art of reading: Guys Upvote this and read the text later. Trust me. https://www.reddit.com/r/…[View]
23625085Does anyone else see the fnords when reading?[View]
23624740NEW MIEVILLE BOOK: So excited for a new book! Yay! Who's Keanu Reeves?[View]
23622917>Germany's greatest novelist was a gay pedo with three gay kids Seriously?…[View]
23625056Brideshead Revisited: Have you read it? What did you think?[View]
23625737Men will literally write spy novels about their daddy issues instead of going to therapy[View]
23625906>character is sad its raining >character is beaming with joy its sunny >character is longin…[View]
23625818I'm looking for very horny literature: Not just straight porn and suggest ONLY good literature…[View]
23624941Morality does not exist[View]
23625346What is the best 'children's' literature?: I'm very into the naive style of Roald Dahl, We…[View]
23625303How often and how much do you read a day, /lit/ I read every night from 8:30pm - 10:00pm. Usually ge…[View]
23624337Feminization Literature: I see famous homo books like 'Confessions of a Mask', 'Dorian Gray', etc. p…[View]
23571386/wbg/ Worldbuilding General: Gods, other Divinities, and Faiths Edition Welcome to /wbg/, the offici…[View]
23623484reading in uncomfort: I cannot read while others are talking or if my surroundings are not still. An…[View]
23625338The scene in Henry V where Fluellen makes Pistol eat his leek is one of the funniest things I have e…[View]
23625516Appropriate novels for a novel study: Hey /lit/, new teacher here calling out other primary/elementa…[View]
23624689Are there any books on fog? I'm looking for books that focus on venturing into the unknown and …[View]
23625639Why are they censoring him?[View]
23621563On Epics: I'd like to learn about the drive and the thought process that pushes an author towar…[View]
23617352Does the pic related of literature exist?[View]
23617490Hey /lit/izens. This is my script that I'm currently trying to get greenlit. Pull it apart. I…[View]
23622498>I am an animal, a nigger. But I can be saved. You are fake niggers; maniacs, savages, misers, al…[View]
23622598Tartar Steppe: Is there an Italian novelist from that time period who could have created this way of…[View]
23622883is every page of this supposed to be funny? I don't know when to laugh and when to not. It seem…[View]
23624854Mogs your entire collection.[View]
23623210I read 'The Republic' from Plato and would like to read more philosophy, what do I read now?[View]
23608313What do we think of Dakota's BODY of work?[View]
23625567FRAUD EVERYWHERE: https://www.theguardian.com/books/article/2024/jul/23/hugo-awards-fraudulent-votes…[View]
23618435She's so great.[View]
23624045>threw a coffee table at a woman >raped a 17 year old child while on tour >stalked a 5 year…[View]
23621620Best books to pull me out of a crippling existencial crisis?: Doesn't matter if it's self …[View]
23616802>engaging, entertaining, worshiping, pondering, considering, contemplating, or otherwise thinking…[View]
23624981Why are redditors such proud philistines?[View]
23617144>Greeks start philosophy >It's pretty superstitious, naive and objectivists, and uncriti…[View]
23624325Why did this become so popular? The first 70 pages are the only good parts[View]
23623221Imagine not having an entire library in your hands.[View]
23625289>Shirley Jackson and the magazine that published The Lottery recieved thousands of letters from p…[View]
23624139I'm getting filtered hard. What do I do?[View]
23620387Richard Hofstadter: What’s his deal and is he worth reading?[View]
23623782More like this?[View]
23625191Childhood: >(mentally) taoism, Ockham's razor, Plato, Anglo phil (this IS idealistic), econo…[View]
23623378Was Schopenhauer one of us? I just finished reading pic rel and it sounds like an analysis of 4chan …[View]
23624732Is rhetoric literature?[View]
23621473Why are women such good writers?: Jane Austen is one of the few literary novelists who are actually …[View]
23625069“Only describe, don't explain.”: Why are Continentals unable to grasp this?[View]
23624712Why is /lit/ suddenly obsessed with this book?[View]
23610418>goes on an endless offtopic rant about political theory, ontology, epistemology, ethics, pedagog…[View]
23616740Have they produced any literary works of note? No Alice Munro doesn't count since she is a woma…[View]
23624984>Be me >Get borderline obese as a kid >Start to grow a beard when I turned 16 >Not like …[View]
23624715Blades in the Dark: What are some books in the kind of setting of this game? For those who don'…[View]
23622810/gear/ general: What do you use to create your magnum opus?[View]
23624655Infinite Jest is the ultimate midwit litmus test. No I won't expand further.[View]
23624831>'There are people who are destined to taste only the poison in things, for whom any surprise is …[View]
23623516Grammar thread: I don't know where else to post this, but I'm studying, and I could use a …[View]
23624680Penguin's Translation of CPR: Some time ago an anon said that the translation found in the peng…[View]
23624568>NEVER GIVE UP WITHOUT A FIGHT! What novels have this message?[View]
23623652>The world is the totality of facts, not of things[View]
23623667Kondo is a real wholesome family woman with her life in order, Peterson sells that image but is secr…[View]
23624373What is the most beautiful definition of beauty your favourite philosopher came up with?[View]
236244803 paths for rewarding ending?: For a spoiled narcissistic protagonist, who accidentally made a serio…[View]
23623592What do NPCs read?[View]
23624505Holy shit, are young girls really this insecure?[View]
23624338My gf reads schizo new age stuff all day long: She is obsessed with Law of Attraction and MBTI. She …[View]
23624419It is an offence against humanity to place Mr. Dickens among the greatest novelists. He has created …[View]
23622397Books like the first season of True Detective in tone, story, themes etc.?[View]
23615145>Jesus was born of a virgin >Not divine Can any Muslimanons explain this?…[View]
23622826Writing advice thread.: Stephen King has said he doesn't plan his novels, just writes them as h…[View]
23623181What a dreadful fucking experience: >Dude, people die and life is short. >Lost your child to p…[View]
23623718What are some good books on Prussianism? I've just read Spengler's book and really liked i…[View]
23624007Logic precedes every experience—that something is so. It is before the How, not before the What.: …[View]
23623410Best literature on discipline: Not the self-help bullshit. But from real philosophers and monks who …[View]
23621176Post your favourite Psalm: Psalm 51[View]
23623578Otto Whinenigger: >be me >complete retard >never read a book >read sex and character …[View]
23624215Virgil Aeneid: >mediocre poetry :I >mediocre poetry, but ancient man :O Why does this happen?…[View]
23615078>Buddhism: The Ultimate Mindfuck >No self? Then who the fuck is suffering? >Everything…[View]
23624172Any good patrician level detective lit??: I need a well written or researched and grounded detective…[View]
23624028What does 'arguing in bad faith' mean and is it in any way related to Sartre? Are people just blowin…[View]
23615779Why don’t u keep a dream journal?[View]
23623549Rousseau Appreciation Club: I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe. Now that the fa…[View]
23622577Schopenhauer on (((translations))): >This is the reason for the inevitable deficiency of all tran…[View]
23622636This is what you look like when you read anything that isn't the Holy Bible, the Apocrypha, Pil…[View]
23576642/history/: Share your favorite and current history reads[View]
23622512How come Berkeley's immaterialism never caught on? Did he just piss off too many people?[View]
23618501> You do recite homer in ancient greek, right anon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zzal-36eIoY…[View]
23622259Good literature on this Jewish faggot?: Is he even worth reading? Or is it just propaganda for goyim…[View]
23623781No one will ever care about your ideas unless youre somewhat of a handsome man. How do you cops?[View]
23623787It has not been translated in my language. How hard is it in original? >in b4 nazi No he was not …[View]
23623773Holy shit[View]
23623829It had occurred to her early that in her position--that of a young person spending, in framed and wi…[View]
23623750You don't actually give a shit about literature or philosophy. You care about philosopher celeb…[View]
23616090/ptgt/ - Portuguese Language General: Thoughts on this chart? Can't believe I forgot Paulo Coel…[View]
23616993What's the best use of an epigraph you've seen?[View]
23622705I'm going to read all the classic Greek authors contained in the Teubner/Oxford/Loeb editions. …[View]
23622930He's a big guy.[View]
23618027How tf can you faggots insist that he was a Christian?: >has a portrait of Rousseau in his office…[View]
23623460I only read one book this year so far[View]
23616773>christianity bad >stoicism bad >buddhism bad >asceticism bad >gnosticism bad >rel…[View]
23623320>border guards are in celibate for some reason >scholars are also in celibate for some reason…[View]
23620102What are some great fantasy novels?: I would like to start fantasy novels, but I don't wanna re…[View]
23620045*still hasn't been refuted*[View]
23623002I just start to read The Hobbit and it's pretty funny. I don't understand how right wing …[View]
23620896>kisses his gay little dog on the lips >BTFOs Faulkner and all other dudebro lit how can he mo…[View]
23622596>Women can’t wri—[View]
23623042I'm getting filtered by Machiavelli. His ideas seem so simple but for some reason reading this …[View]
23623072Has anyone read this? Do you think maturity in Hegel is a simple list of appeals?[View]
23623202What books are your guilty pleasure: Pic related cause I like qt with girls and vampires[View]
23620870/wwoym/ - Write What's On Your Mind: vip edition prev >>23617272[View]
23621347Scary Spooky Horror: Books that are actually scary or has some spooky feels to them. Whether they…[View]
23617250I'm a man. How do I write about the female gaze in my story? There's a ton of sex, some fr…[View]
23610640How can you still follow Christianity and the Christian 'God' after reading this? How do you justify…[View]
23621175Just gonna look up a word on Merriam-Webster… >OH N-[View]
23612952What am I in for?[View]
23622327Have slavs written anything of note?: Russian authors don't count, as they mixed blood with MON…[View]
23622908What the fuck was his problem?[View]
23622851What do you think of these books?[View]
23618451Dream Library: What's your ultimate fantasy library? What are its core components? What are its…[View]
23621082I can;t visualize that well when I read and I still like reading but poetry more - reading to me is …[View]
23618723What are the implications if moral error theory is correct?[View]
23622029I'm looking for the hegel of fiction: What's the most difficult to read fiction book you…[View]
23622819I want to fucking die because my life is shit Book for this feel?[View]
23622783/omeg/ - Old and Middle English General: comfy meadhall edition Old Norse, Gothic, and other dead Ge…[View]
23622726Horror/comedy book recommendations?[View]
23619115Brave New World: I finally got around to reading this and I was pleasantly surprised. I had heard th…[View]
23622643>still makes reactionary jews seethe to this day how do you cope with the fact hes unironically t…[View]
23622557>Manic Pixie Dream Girl(Russian Edition) Wow what a masterpiece piece. So bold…[View]
23622603Has any man in the history of writing been better at writing women than Robert Jordan?[View]
23620739Other books on the french revolution?[View]
23622374This is so true[View]
23620286Albania: Did they ever write anything of value?[View]
23621266Recommend me books on Andrew Jackson.[View]
23621945Rudolf Carnap - What do you think about him?: Was he based?[View]
23619367How old were you when you realized: A) every book of philosophy is part of an unfinished project B) …[View]
23620939What is the best short story you have ever read?[View]
23622028>roasts your (((nose))) mercilessly[View]
23618201How is the list going anon?[View]
23621942>perfect women don't exi-[View]
23621342This explains everything about him[View]
23620644redpill me on turkish literature[View]
23608811Admit it. Marx is the best.: >makes Hegelianism materialistic >uncovers the secrets of capital…[View]
23603328This kills the KJV onlyist[View]
23619933Good secondaries for Hegel?: Also recommend other philosophers who are relevant to Hegel >just re…[View]
23621736What author/book got you back into reading, /it/?[View]
23621567What are some books that low key have a lot of wisdom?[View]
23618278>uhhhh I cant stop betting uhhhh the human condition[View]
23612103there is something deeply wrong with a society that exalts this as great literature[View]
23616642Is there anything interesting about this guy or are all these books just zoomer tranny bullshit?[View]
23620936>solves ethics >erases the fear of death >refutes nihilism Why aren’t you an open individua…[View]
23619506What's your favourite /lit/ pasta? For me, it's: >be notorious class clown in high scho…[View]
23613733Foucault: An Evaluation: Now that the dust has settled...was he right?[View]
23620975books are too insubstaclectic[View]
23621872If you listen to an audiobook does it count as reading? Can you even say that you've actually r…[View]
23621043What are some good books written by World War II veterans?[View]
23619363>Only God can save us >but wait, God is actually a human >God is Hitler >We need Hitler …[View]
23619039Books about economics: Which would you recommend? Bonus points for answers that aren't Smith or…[View]
23618847A story should primarily be an entertaining story.[View]
23617898It is scary how realistic the metamorphosis is; Like if I suddenly woke up being a massive immobile …[View]
23621722This book should be required reading for every NEET[View]
23618513>REAL Christianity is when you stop blaming jews and instead blame yourself BRAVO, GIRARD!…[View]
23621101th should be its own letter. It doesn't sound like either t or h. Compare it with other common …[View]
23620898Describe what his expression conveys in your finest prose[View]
23621634How do I stop being The Underground Man?: My teeth hurt right now, I refuse to treat them out of spi…[View]
23584755/grrm/ - George R. R. Martin General: a dance with dragons' 13th birthday edition https://awoia…[View]
23621719>original, self-contained fantasy world >Suddenly, a wormhole, teleport or just visions of our…[View]
23619047Uncle Tom's Cabin: Hitler and Muammar Gaddafi's favorite book.[View]
23621685>Long live black dicks Other authors that argue this? Fukuyama not included in the pic…[View]
23621592What are some editions that are worth spending the extra money on[View]
23619171Just finished reading this.: What did I think of it?[View]
236206542024: the year Philosophy finally died as a result of being exposed too much. Had a long run (about …[View]
23621519Pale Fire: I read this recently, and thought it was one of the most brilliant things I have ever exp…[View]
23595648Has anyone read Hillbilly Elegy? What did you think of it? What do you think it reflects on the auth…[View]
23618040blah blahblah: Won a $50 giftcard for a (non-used) bookstore from school & was thinking of getti…[View]
23620575Just finished this. It doesn't take itself so seriously that it deserves all the hate it gets a…[View]
23621520Realism deprecating into pessimism. This is something I sense happens a lot in the genre of realism.…[View]
23621153GRRM spin-off Fire & Blood: Is the book as bad as the adaptation? Captcha: D0G 2PP[View]
23615136What would you do if you saw a girl reading a book you liked?[View]
23619087He was based: Literally one of the most based people who walked on this planet and you still haven…[View]
23619856You could rewrite this book in plain man's English and it would be 150 pages long and none of t…[View]
23620813Have you read it?[View]
23618633What is the archetype of the Eastern Front (WW2): Hard mode: Not the Iliad.[View]
23617583What's the deal with these 'Dark academia' types? Are people like this actually capable of view…[View]
23617435It changed my life. It will change yours.[View]
23620823Your books are all boring I have just finished reading Alice in wonderland and Alice in wonderland t…[View]
23621099A while back I read a short story in an anthology of science fiction, it included stuff by Asimov, P…[View]
23618520books you didn't understand[View]
23615036/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General: >Recommended reading charts. (Look here before as…[View]
23619936I read Dominion by Tom Holland and thoroughly enjoyed it. Where do I go from here? I'm still ve…[View]
23615951is kindle worth ?: I was thinking about buying a Kindle 11th gen. Is it good? and how difficult is t…[View]
23615069What would ancient greco-roman philosophers think of wittgenstein?[View]
23620685Im looking for books / articles that explore the relationship between the use of substances and how …[View]
23617567Writing doesn't seem that hard, poetry or prose I don't read any books really either or k…[View]
23619770I'm coming up with a story...: Any good philosophical or fiction stories that pit the concept o…[View]
23617674>writes an entire book about an autistic man >people find this profound Really, does not make…[View]
23620527>Love won't save us. We have to save love. Uhhh okay?[View]
23620221Substance sisters, our response? >To be a substance (thing-unit) is to function as a thing-unit i…[View]
23620197Baumgarten's metaphysics: How important is it for understanding Kant?[View]
23615289Okay, but is he wrong though?[View]
23607657Post a poem you like: Non-English is fine. Any form/meter. I'll start.[View]
23618523/clgmeta/: Why is there no classical languages here any more?[View]
23620106Victor Pelevin thread: I’ve been dragging this board for a while, and I have never seen Victor Pelev…[View]
23619809Women: Why are they so fucking bad at writing?[View]
23620304What am I in for? If you haven’t read the book you needn’t reply[View]
23620503>One wishes to be edified in the theater, to be aesthetically stimulated in the church. One wishe…[View]
23620322Kant was a mystic and had a direct relation to God without need for mediation by priests. Just becau…[View]
23607739/wg/ Writing General: 'Play it where it lies' edition Previous: >>23598627 /wg/ AUTHORS & …[View]
23620193Is morally wrong to use an AI to help write anime erotica slop?[View]
23613286All anti-Kant propaganda on this board is a psyop by several materialist atheist factions attempting…[View]
23619091Knausgaard: Has anyone read it yet? Thought it was much better than Wolves of Eternity[View]
23618442I've been trying to read Faust for 2 days but I just can't... I feel like I'm missing…[View]
23620097some thoughts on temple of the dawn: I'm almost done reading pic related and wanted to share so…[View]
23617272Write What's On Your Mind /wwoym/: Fags go to hell edition previous >>23613249[View]
23620060my boss sent this to everyone on the team today after we found out the founder of the company finall…[View]
23606713Buddhism ruthlessly dissects reality, stripping away all comfort and leaving only a stark, empty voi…[View]
23617249Books that will help me understand the ancient/medieval worldview?[View]
23617764What is it about Blake which allow people to look past the enormous deficit in technique - in not ju…[View]
23617876Why does Plato mog Aristotle so hard?[View]
23617621>Up to then he had gone forward through the heedless season of early youth—along a road which to …[View]
23620020God is the beginning of existence and the end of life that is what he means (Jesus) when he said I a…[View]
23617747What would he have thought about the MGTOW movement, or alternatively contemporary incel culture?[View]
23618203Aloha mai kākou: Esteemed posters and cherished members of the Native Hawaiian community, I extend m…[View]
23619162Does that mean that no Protestant, no Muslim, no Buddhist or animist will be saved? No, it would be …[View]
23619446Is there anything else like it?[View]
23619283>Lets then start our discussion about [concept] to clarify it. [Concept] is defined by the dictio…[View]
23617047Is it really true that you have to finish your manuscript before you can get a book deal? I've …[View]
23617479What are some stories about the death of a beautiful woman?[View]
23619844i really want 2 read his books but its too hard to read em . my fav book is captain underpants how …[View]
23616732This used to get shilled here more often[View]
23619813ITT: /humanist/ general[View]
23619462Are 4chan and other online communities a modern realization of Stirner's 'union of egoists'?[View]
23618903Trad general: the traddening: Resources to begin your trad journey. Post all you got Jordan Peterson…[View]
23614245What did Watts mean by this? Why is there meaning in just being alive? What's the point?[View]
23613641What's the moral of the story with this book?[View]
23614321Does anyone else get hungry as fuck reading the Iliad? It's like 'something just happened so we…[View]
23618433What are some good books about darkness, nihilism, depression, misery, and just really all the bad t…[View]
23618930Robert Wright - Why Buddhism Is True: I haven’t read this book but it’s on my to-read list, what do …[View]
23609785>want to get into Buddhism >read some articles etc from western buddhist types, presenting Bud…[View]
23618100Are there any books from the canon that you find boring? Not badly written, not with shallow charact…[View]
23617168Keanu Reeves' first novel: The Book of Elsewhere: Oh shit my man Keanu has apparently written a…[View]
23614935>East of Eden Boring >Magic Mountain Boring >Moby Dick Boring >Anything by 19th century …[View]
23619198'New sincerity' is just kitsch by another name.[View]
23618677Why should we believe that the Buddha's teachings (Dhamma) are somehow exempt from the very pri…[View]
23618147After reading all the philosophy slop /lit/ has recommended: Hegel, Kant, Plato, Aristotle, Stirner,…[View]
23618596Are wrongthink books being shoahed in Goodreads?: Just going through my library and noticed this on …[View]
23614837What are the best novelizations of kino movies or vidya? >pic maybe related…[View]
23615160Books that will inspire a fat slob to lose weight?[View]
23617470How do I get started with short stories? With novels there are plenty of charts and conversations ce…[View]
23618015Poetry thread: Ring around the Rosy, or Let me Determine the Exact Curvature of Your Abdomen, Having…[View]
23617235>A stinging attack on American bourgeois society[View]

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