24156856 | What does /lit/ think about house of leaves? | [View] |
24164837 | I've decided to start memorising some poems and it's surprisingly fun. Once you get one do… | [View] |
24165076 | Patrick Kavanagh: friend o mine said his book 'Tarry Flynn' is miles better than anything Joyce ever… | [View] |
24161977 | >pleasure bad >pain good Are there any other books with similar outlooks?… | [View] |
24155402 | How come lots of people read Jung, and Freud, when they're practically kicked out of clinical p… | [View] |
24161525 | Tolstoy's 'christianity' just boils down to some hypothetical and vague doctrine for worldly li… | [View] |
24161596 | Just don't care anymore: I used to read 100 pages every day from 17 to 24 years old But I'… | [View] |
24162636 | How do female and male interpretations of Lolita differ? | [View] |
24161472 | huh, i guess they meant the other kind of trial: what's the big deal about this guy? what'… | [View] |
24164283 | >and then these huge ants dug the gold out of the sand! >i merely restate the claims presented… | [View] |
24162618 | I just read this book. | [View] |
24158749 | Happiness: I've read a great many books and realized that happiness is the acquisition of a gre… | [View] |
24163692 | is everybody just too polite nowadays to produce good literature? i feel like you have to be annoyin… | [View] |
24162141 | >when a hylic is THAT lost in illusion he believes men came from apes and says atoms exist so you… | [View] |
24160698 | African Literature: Finished Things Fall Apart Any other good books from here? | [View] |
24156380 | Time flies and we are already in the second month of the year. Post all you read in January. | [View] |
24164605 | did he solve sociology? | [View] |
24156224 | Why did Traditionalism fail? | [View] |
24162765 | How to read a book?: >IT is cold at six-forty in the morning of a March day in Paris, and seems e… | [View] |
24164492 | Irony, do we need it?: Can we retvrn to a pre-irony civilization? Is there a Hegelian explanation fo… | [View] |
24164508 | Is he a writer?: Are substack posts literature? Is he right about everything? | [View] |
24160552 | Black History Month: What African-American authors are you readin' this month? | [View] |
24163841 | Saddleback's Illustrated Classics Part XVII: A Christmas Carol https://warosu.org/lit/thread/24… | [View] |
24162114 | Little known facts about the English language: The Bread that has been eaten a long time ago is call… | [View] |
24162573 | Does /lit/ support book bans? Personally I don’t think any book should be banned. | [View] |
24163838 | Based | [View] |
24164224 | Introducing... Storytime Part LVI: Linguistics https://warosu.org/lit/thread/23963282 https://warosu… | [View] |
24162197 | I forgot the name of a book.: A few years ago i read an book but someone steal it, i think to buy it… | [View] |
24162835 | What would they be discussing? | [View] |
24158950 | Stack thread: Stack bread. This week's haul. | [View] |
24160613 | RQTDDTOT - reference questions that don't deserve their own thread: Anons, myself included, wil… | [View] |
24162707 | >Further, supposing now that all were wholly open and candid, and never thrust upon us doubtful o… | [View] |
24163021 | Any ways to make my writing more Dionysian? I find my writing is too Apollonian; dreamy, formalist, … | [View] |
24163775 | >makes wife bath in gladiator blood because of a rumor >somehow this dude is model for ration… | [View] |
24162944 | If LLMs have access to the sum total of human knowledge, shouldn’t they be able to be pitted against… | [View] |
24161663 | Do I read the Idiot or Crime & Punishment first? | [View] |
24162642 | Are there any books in favor of materialism and rebuke the anti-materialism mindset? | [View] |
24161574 | Any other book with 'it's good to be bad' vibes and a protagonist with no morals that do absolu… | [View] |
24162920 | I'm rereading the Republic, and wait a minute, Book 1 has all the answers. Socrates reaches the… | [View] |
24160693 | Willa Cather: What do you all recommend? >O Pioneers >My Antonia >Death Comes For The Arc… | [View] |
24161317 | what's /lit/'s take on heavy traffic, the new alt-lit mag taking the city by storm? accord… | [View] |
24163518 | Saddleback's Illustrated Classics Part XVI: A Christmas Carol https://warosu.org/lit/thread/240… | [View] |
24162776 | When will the first great work of creepypasta / fanfiction / digital literature be written? I'm… | [View] |
24161575 | What's your excuse? | [View] |
24158048 | /wg/ Writing General: 'Mushroom portal' Edition Previous: >>24150649 /wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH … | [View] |
24161201 | Aristotle, Superfluous Predicates, and 'Babbling'?: Where exactly does Aristotle talk about the prob… | [View] |
24162273 | I have no idea what the fuck is going on | [View] |
24161612 | I don't spit pickup lines, or even approach women, but everytime there's a woman working a… | [View] |
24163303 | >isekai character uses modern day american english colloquialisms and is perfectly understood… | [View] |
24160064 | getting into philosophy: I'll be honest, I've always shied away from philosophy because I… | [View] |
24156033 | >i'm a degenerate, disgusting hedonist that looks behaves, and smells like a hobo >read m… | [View] |
24163305 | it has takin me almost a month to finish a 10 page story i have no talent at all i should drop this … | [View] |
24160959 | Unrequited Affection: Will he offer me insights that will compensate for my lack of social skills wi… | [View] |
24161860 | >500 word essay due Friday >haven't even started yet… | [View] |
24158001 | >nothing ever happens: the book | [View] |
24163214 | What kind of hentai does Ivan watch? I'm thinking imouto shit. | [View] |
24161264 | What are the best books about civil disobedience? | [View] |
24159547 | opinions? | [View] |
24160101 | It is supremely ironic that Heidegger loved Schelling over Schopenhauer when it is the latter who un… | [View] |
24163149 | >ask chat gpt: “write a debate between a chud who thinks heidegger saved philosophy and a libtard… | [View] |
24158899 | > incapable of writing poety | [View] |
24158969 | I've just finished reading No Longer Human for the first time, and I can't believe I'… | [View] |
24163084 | Everything I should read before getting into Ulysses for the first time? | [View] |
24160357 | R/E/G: Read, Expected, Got. Show us what you've been reading. | [View] |
24162921 | AI-Generated Slop Is Already In Your Public Library: >Librarians say that taxpayers are already p… | [View] |
24130046 | In mythology and indeed throughout human history, why have females often been portrayed as the harbi… | [View] |
24161415 | Reconciling Autism: I recently published a really shitty book with an even shittier synopsis. Does a… | [View] |
24143300 | /pg/ - Poetry General: Post your poems! | [View] |
24157631 | i'm looking for books about people who lived extremely turbulent lives, fictional or non-fictio… | [View] |
24162553 | Besides Jaynes and McGilchrist, are there any books that detail either a history of mentalities or a… | [View] |
24145706 | why havent you niggas ever written anything kino | [View] |
24160131 | Even though I intellectually understand Schopenhauer's argument against suicide, it is still ha… | [View] |
24162616 | The nature of free will presents an intriguing paradox when we consider it in relation to decision-m… | [View] |
24146280 | Which author attracts the most degenerates? | [View] |
24156611 | So I've been trying to understand the concept of Chinese Xianxia stories and cultivation and al… | [View] |
24159389 | Any books that argue hard work is a scam that has no correlation to success? | [View] |
24161318 | How comes the ending filters so many people?: The whole novel is about how human nature is inherent … | [View] |
24161746 | I remember there being a thread of “I finally get Twilight bc Stephanie Meyer made a version where t… | [View] |
24162353 | Books/scripture on Buddhist concepts like reality being 'mind-made'? The more out-there do… | [View] |
24162569 | >liking women is gay: why am I lowkey convinced? | [View] |
24154332 | >Have been reading for almost my entire life >Know for a fact that my IQ is well into the 140s… | [View] |
24161806 | >Balzac lived with his mom most of his adult life >Lovecraft lived with his mom and aunt most … | [View] |
24160218 | I'm looking for /lit/ that inspires this exact feeling: Thriller/intrigue/conspiracy that leav… | [View] |
24160393 | Idealism vs. Materialism: Which side is the /lit/ side? | [View] |
24157702 | Crime & Punishment: This made me want to read the bible. Sonya only had the new testament, shoul… | [View] |
24159862 | Do we still love it? | [View] |
24162449 | Was it all just a self insert? | [View] |
24162361 | I think I'm really starting to lose touch with reality, all I see are insignificant things comi… | [View] |
24161560 | Life isn't an epic story. Life's pathetic. You and everybody around you is pathetic. Don… | [View] |
24155753 | 2deep4me | [View] |
24156780 | Esoteric Kantianism Thread: It has been some time since I have posted about the ongoing developments… | [View] |
24160956 | is there a reason one should read fiction instead of non-fiction other than for the sake of entertai… | [View] |
24162012 | Sam Harris: Why does he call himself a neuroscientist and tout it? He didn't do anything approa… | [View] |
24160335 | just learned allen ginsberg was an outspoken pedophile wtf... | [View] |
24159429 | Getting back into reading after like 10 years. Are there any books with a setting like Final Fantasy… | [View] |
24157004 | /bookstore/: Good bookstores are rare. Post the best bookstores you have been to and maybe other ano… | [View] |
24157060 | The perennial question: Rodney Merrill's translation still wins, hands down Proof: https://book… | [View] |
24159787 | why is the Catholic Church the first to be in the know of underlying societal currents regardless of… | [View] |
24161205 | What literature and art should I be acquainted with before I begin picrel? What am I in for overall? | [View] |
24160885 | Saddleback's Illustrated Classics Part XIV: A Christmas Carol https://warosu.org/lit/thread/240… | [View] |
24160992 | princess x knight trope: could you guys recommend classic books with this trope please. I want to me… | [View] |
24160501 | Thomism vs Jesuits on Free Will: So basically, (Dominican) Thomism argues that divine motion immedia… | [View] |
24161814 | I am sick of 'universal love' and 'compassion' and other pretenses. My heart yearns for the inflicti… | [View] |
24160286 | Is he that bad? | [View] |
24157756 | why is insecurity considered bad, when it's based on facts and logic™? | [View] |
24161727 | Do you read any true crime books? Do you read multiple books about the same crime if possible, or do… | [View] |
24160913 | >Another thing that I've noticed in the no really actually pattern is that someone will do t… | [View] |
24160061 | >Let's get together and compromise on political issues like ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY! :D Is this… | [View] |
24161378 | Saddleback's Illustrated Classics Part XV: A Christmas Carol https://warosu.org/lit/thread/2403… | [View] |
24161133 | Did he read Marx? Did he have about thoughts on marxism? | [View] |
24161375 | What's his best work? For me, Laughter In The Dark | [View] |
24160568 | This is every male's fantasy: Stephanie Meyer wrote a book that was a remake of Twilight with e… | [View] |
24152390 | What am I in for? | [View] |
24159970 | YouTuber: Writing conscious: What’s your thoughts on this guy? | [View] |
24154316 | Any other 'literally me' books like this? | [View] |
24161202 | Books which appeal to the male fantasy? | [View] |
24160750 | It truly is the War and Peace of Russian literature. | [View] |
24160590 | Isn't this just Kant + evolution and natural selection? Am I missing something? I hope I am bec… | [View] |
24161123 | WHO WINS THE XELEES OR THE CULTURE: Who do you think would win in a fight between the two most power… | [View] |
24157678 | Should I really read a guy that sucked cock? | [View] |
24160616 | Writing: I'd like to get into writing, and I have this idea for a subplot in a Lovecraftian, ps… | [View] |
24160012 | How do I start reading non fiction? I read the book Why nations fail. What do I read now? I want to… | [View] |
24157922 | A Clockwork Orange: Witch of these book covers of Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange is better?… | [View] |
24154364 | I've read journey to the end of the night. How does this compare? Why isn't it talked abou… | [View] |
24160873 | Anyone else read these? I've decided that I'm going to read 2 of these per month in additi… | [View] |
24158491 | Carl Schmitt on Donoso Cortes: According to Donoso Cortes, it was characteristic of bourgeois libera… | [View] |
24160803 | Best books I've read (twice). | [View] |
24159808 | Which would you prefer? The dumbest person in a group of intelligent people. The most intelligent pe… | [View] |
24155476 | In 2023 JULIA was released. A retelling of George Orwell’s 1984 from the perspective of Julia Critic… | [View] |
24156827 | Poetrybros, why did English poetry abandon meter, and is it a bad thing? | [View] |
24160426 | ITT: your favorite quotes by Christian authors I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun … | [View] |
24160595 | AP Literature: What your favorite book you read in AP lit? Mine is pic related | [View] |
24157271 | >Writer's most famous work is his worst book. Any other cases? | [View] |
24160315 | Im gonna make a movie with my friends based on the brothers karamazov | [View] |
24157945 | E-readers: What’s a good e-reader that isn’t a kindle and can fit in your pocket? I’ve been thinking… | [View] |
24159036 | What is the most low brow and at the same time most high brow piece of literature there is? I would … | [View] |
24158949 | this book is fucked up | [View] |
24157619 | Post god-tier book covers | [View] |
24154649 | What are some books to convince my friend that he’s wasting his time & energy caring about polit… | [View] |
24159375 | Horrifying how relevant this is today. | [View] |
24160507 | >Will not stop whining about muh leprosy when he is clearly not sick in Fantasyland. >Rapes a … | [View] |
24157773 | I'm not remotely interested in feminist literature, but I would be happy to consume some kino u… | [View] |
24158954 | >murdered at 29 >one of the most influential writers in the English language Is it over for th… | [View] |
24160437 | what do you guys think about Soren Narnia? | [View] |
24151242 | Music equivalents in literature: What are some music equivalents in literature? I.e. who's 'the… | [View] |
24158932 | What’s your favorite [quantity of the years you’ve been alive] books over the last [quantity of the … | [View] |
24158869 | Best writer of the 21st century? | [View] |
24158866 | Why did he convert to Islam? | [View] |
24156919 | why is proto-romantic 18th century poetry so overlooked?Gray, Smollett, Beattie, Thomson, Chatterton… | [View] |
24155908 | What’s his standing as a great writer? | [View] |
24154865 | Most Degenerate Books recommendations: I want the most sexually degenerate and vile books you know p… | [View] |
24157989 | What is the future of AI in literature? | [View] |
24156284 | About to read this. What will I think? | [View] |
24159184 | >uhmmmm. Actually, sweetie, McCarthy best novel *is* Suttree | [View] |
24159270 | Name 1 (ONE) reason why the Soul doesn't exist. | [View] |
24159689 | I've just got unironically diagnosed with autism at 25. Is it over for my writing career? | [View] |
24161256 | Post an anime Get a book recommendation | [View] |
24161615 | >be me >wake up >jerk off >exist >jerk off >go to sleep >repeat This is why the… | [View] |
24158179 | This has nothing to do with driving cars, or racing. | [View] |
24157386 | *mogs flashman in your path*: >reading memoirs of Casanova >he was originally a priest and pla… | [View] |
24158654 | St. Bernard's theology of the crusades: This is, I say, a new kind of knighthood and one unknow… | [View] |
24159780 | >be me >merchant on way to buy rice shipment >someone else already bought it >fuck it we… | [View] |
24159830 | I understand that philosophy was done differently under the scholastics but this is stuff that shoul… | [View] |
24160077 | Not to be > to be | [View] |
24153587 | Tips for concentration in reading: I tried everything and asked for advice from everyone I know. The… | [View] |
24157811 | Analytical Thomism?: So, I've been diving into St. Thomas’s take on the Trinity and reading abo… | [View] |
24157893 | Sit down and finish the saga, NOW!: No, I don't want to know about Trump, Covid and even less a… | [View] |
24152905 | /sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General: >Recommended reading charts. (Look here before as… | [View] |
24159280 | Publishers are seriously editing old books so 'Black' (as in black people) is spelled with a capital… | [View] |
24159967 | What does /lit/ think of hypertext novels and interactive fiction? Do they classify as literature or… | [View] |
24159940 | Saddleback's Illustrated Classics Part XIII: A Christmas Carol https://warosu.org/lit/thread/24… | [View] |
24159891 | Proust ISOLT thread: I wonder if repetitions in volume 5 are intentional or is it another perk of un… | [View] |
24157713 | I have seen it before, your precious collection will end up sold for pennies by one of your family m… | [View] |
24158181 | the fact that these sell is literally inexplicable according to /lit/ dogma. >you can't blam… | [View] |
24157892 | Are there any books on how to put your shit together? >T. 27, male, no degree or skills, never ha… | [View] |
24156616 | ITT: Books that jumped the shark >Faust >War and Peace >The Bridgerton series >… | [View] |
24159133 | I'm a tranny in the early 2000s: What am I reading? | [View] |
24159713 | Is there anything of significance to 'The Comedy of Errors,' or is it nothing more than light amusem… | [View] |
24159433 | In Defense of Pseudo-Intellectualism: A Thread | [View] |
24158834 | Warhammer Books: What's your favorite Warhammer books? 40k and Fantasy both Welcomed | [View] |
24159699 | Books with themes of incest? | [View] |
24153372 | Post collections and personal stats.: These are just what ive read over the past 5 years since start… | [View] |
24159463 | Tolstoi thread: The only difference between Ivan Ilitch and us is that we all lived our younth as he… | [View] |
24159561 | Wild West Literature: I've been meaning to read something about the old west, both historical a… | [View] |
24155844 | kindly name at least three books of each sort, please. | [View] |
24159108 | Letter to His Father - Franz Kafka: This book is incredible. Share your thoughts on it and if you kn… | [View] |
24142960 | ITT: Post a picture, get a book rec | [View] |
24159540 | When they finally translate this to english (never), your minds are going to be blown so fucking har… | [View] |
24159515 | Discord server dedicated to discussions revolving mainly around philosophy, theology, mysticism, his… | [View] |
24158963 | >If you own books by a problematic author, that means you agree with everything they said/did. Wh… | [View] |
24159586 | Bros maybe life is harsh but we re still ballin | [View] |
24159455 | Has anyone read pic rel? Is it a good starting point to understand the history of the U.S.-Chinese r… | [View] |
24159365 | I just finished my very first (e)-book. Really enjoyed the hobbit and it wasn't as difficult to… | [View] |
24154654 | Video Game Books: Have you ever read a book based on a video game? I read myst when I was a kid (nev… | [View] |
24159517 | We're so back | [View] |
24158747 | These are the books of cabalistic wisdom. In these books, as Esdras unmistakably states, resides the… | [View] |
24156352 | … the fuck did I just read? | [View] |
24158091 | Miaphysite Controversy and the Eastern Orthodox: Any good, in depth books on the Miaphysite relation… | [View] |
24159392 | Loved Iceman and Long Day‘s Journey, what do I move on to now? Ah, Wilderness! is the only other one… | [View] |
24158437 | Tropic of Capricorn: Has anyone here read it? You don't hear Henry Miller to be talked about on… | [View] |
24159372 | Are there any books which develop racially conscious metaphysics which don't regard race and et… | [View] |
24154397 | New Penguin UK cover art for Jane Austen books | [View] |
24149581 | Buddhism and Islam: There are no Buddhist works of apologetics against Islam, despite Muslims histor… | [View] |
24155191 | >35 years old >unpublished Is this the age when you pretty much have to accept that you'r… | [View] |
24159171 | “Pnin had taught himself, during the last ten years, never to remember Mira Belochkin—not because, i… | [View] |
24141465 | Aquinas: De Ente et Essentia: Things finally clicked for me once I learned that Aquinas translated '… | [View] |
24158678 | >AI generated short stories now dominate awards How can we compete with A.I.?… | [View] |
24154211 | Post your: >favourite book >favourite poem >favourite painting >favourite sculpture And… | [View] |
24155004 | Liberal arts graduates, especially English/Literature, how are you holding up? | [View] |
24153544 | CONSTRAINED WRITING CHALLENGE: Machines like picrel can be found everywhere. They can engrave a pet… | [View] |
24157340 | What's the book name that goes hardest? I'll never read this but this has to be the raddes… | [View] |
24158628 | *predicts the future* heh call it hyperstition, coldness be my god | [View] |
24158571 | Saddleback's Illustrated Classics Part XII: A Christmas Carol https://warosu.org/lit/thread/240… | [View] |
24158028 | Was Yeats right about Eliot?: >Eliot has produced his great effect upon his generation because he… | [View] |
24156586 | >we are a small press, we require you to purchase a recent title prior to submission,… | [View] |
24158693 | >character is a dipshit >character claims the entire world is meaningless and full of dipshits… | [View] |
24157783 | >My name Is Severian. I am the Autarch and i remember everything. There are at least two lies in … | [View] |
24156950 | Hi guys I have read the joyful science by nietzsche and i'm really into biology what books shou… | [View] |
24158412 | What are some real working class books. I'm tired of every novel I read being about some rich a… | [View] |
24152138 | >write your book in Word >AI steals it before it's even published… | [View] |
24158409 | My friend just gave me this book to read: I'm too fucking stupid for this. Where should I begin… | [View] |
24158545 | Sapiens: I'm ashamed that I thought this was deep when it first came out. | [View] |
24155749 | better than a lot of 'books for adults' to be honest | [View] |
24158360 | Guys, I made a terrible mistake. A few weeks ago, I bought BAP books for my father; it was a joke be… | [View] |
24138256 | How do visual novels compare to modern literature in terms of quality? | [View] |
24158342 | What's the polar opposite of this book on the subject of persuasion?: This is, by far, the wors… | [View] |
24158083 | Trad general: some men just want to watch the world trad: Resources to begin your trad journey. Post… | [View] |
24157869 | What's the best explanation of Hegel's self-consciousness you've ever read? | [View] |
24158318 | Can you recommend me some spiritual or maybe even religious text that I could read? Can be anything … | [View] |
24156144 | new PTA film confirmed to be a modern-day Vineland adaptation https://thefilmstage.com/paul-thomas-a… | [View] |
24158029 | I dont quite understand.... WHY was Riviera enlisted to help them again? Seems he didnt do anything(… | [View] |
24158378 | lol | [View] |
24157657 | In this thread, characters that are literally you: The Underground Man Holden Caulfield Tyler Durden… | [View] |
24158071 | >Female writer uses 'man', 'mankind', etc. to refer to human species as a whole… | [View] |
24153815 | Just finished my final draft: Now what? Aside from getting some friends to read it, do I just look f… | [View] |
24157224 | >want to enter a short story contest >they have an entry fee >pay it >they read my story… | [View] |
24154328 | is heart of darkness a critic to imperialism? | [View] |
24156675 | Judge Holden is a paragon of moral virtue, a great philosopher: His teachings should be taught in sc… | [View] |
24157824 | HAPPY BLACK HISTORY MONTH: What black books are y'all reading? | [View] |
24157835 | A Poem From The Devil’s Handbook: Values fall somewhere between him and I. Some live life just skimm… | [View] |
24157042 | The Remains of the Day has convinced me. This guy fucks. I'll be reading The Unconsoled. | [View] |
24154537 | >read corporate management books, biographies of great men >Book spends 99% of the time laudin… | [View] |
24156042 | What's difference is there between literary fiction and genre fiction? | [View] |
24145300 | The English Renaissance was truly the greatest period for world literature. >Spenser >Marlowe … | [View] |
24156996 | Best books to read while high? | [View] |
24157840 | What do you usually do if you haven't read a certain book in a while and your trying to get bac… | [View] |
24154902 | university of chicago press sale is on rn. they have some deep discounts on your standard academic s… | [View] |
24155876 | >Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.… | [View] |
24157772 | >back to thinking of the book I should have bought in my stack purchase from August… | [View] |
24156967 | Aroused by words.: Hello /lit/. Have you ever jacked off just to a phrase, word or concept in your m… | [View] |
24152895 | Just crossed page 600 … when does it get good?: Is the allusion to Brothers K intentional? It’s hard… | [View] |
24157747 | Do you mainly read physical or digital, and why? | [View] |
24156448 | how did women managed to mog men in the autism genre? | [View] |