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/lit/ - Literature

Displaying 221 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
24236317Introducing... Storytime Part LXXIV: Linguistics https://warosu.org/lit/thread/23963282 https://waro…[View]
24237445>the oldest work of literature in the world is homo grim[View]
24230648Children's literature: What are some books that I should have my daughter read? I'd prefer…[View]
24236597The Shipyard: 20 pages in and the prose is absolutely terrible. Have any of you finished this book? …[View]
24236882>killed himself because tv was too ironic I don't understand[View]
24234694opinions? have you guys read it?[View]
24237510I'm going to go to the park to read this afternoon. It's sunny and I'm going to bring…[View]
24235549Are there certain categories of fictional writing that are illegal to consume/produce in some countr…[View]
24232604Shut down the board: This roastie wants /lit/ chud dick[View]
24234656Just finished picrel. Undoubtedly one of the best pieces of scifi literature of all time. Felt so fr…[View]
24235739Hated this shit: >Being good is good because it's natural to be good and nature made you to …[View]
24231037Where is the line between plagiarism and homage? How about between ripoff and inspiration?[View]
24237349do any of you still have studies for reading? or is everybody simply too poor?[View]
24232345>Camus unironically made the 'if babies go to christian heaven then why not kill the babies so th…[View]
24228843Tolkien is Shit: >When people dis fantasy—mainstream readers and SF readers alike—they are almost…[View]
24231017The Stuffed Owl: An Anthology of Bad Verse Anyone read this?[View]
24237376Who is the Frank Lloyd Wright of Literature?[View]
24226324/grrm/ - George R. R. Martin General #52: bros fighting edition ASOIAF wiki: https://awoiaf.westeros…[View]
24234803Stephen king: So I keep hearing rumors on here that he’s actually a pedo is it the fact that he wrot…[View]
24237198I'm writing a book and on one hand its really fucking bad but i can't help but feel it has…[View]
24234945What the fuck was his problem?[View]
24234397>translator's note >2nd paragraph explains the entire ending of the novel…[View]
24233017>Life leaves us in a perpetual state of longing and dissatisfaction >the joyous memories of t…[View]
24236996Books like this[View]
24221954David Bentley Hart: DBH is the only relevant theologian active today[View]
24229876What is the cause of this[View]
24236466Why is it always said all you need is Plato and Lao Tzu?[View]
24233291Are there any works that explore gaslighting tactics?[View]
24225243Explain his philosophy: What is his ideal? What does he want? Is he just a watered down Nietzsche?…[View]
24237034jap lit: ITT good japanese literature. just finished reading picrel and it had some of the most sati…[View]
24231485What author has delivered the highest number of high quality novels? Pic is the first that sprung t…[View]
24236061The Great American Novel is about to be published: So glad that WTV is still writing and now his mas…[View]
24228209>Gurdjieff claimed that most humans live in a state of 'waking sleep,' going through life without…[View]
24232423Worth Reading? Asimov Foundation’s Edge: I’m balls-deep in the first foundation and find it good eno…[View]
24234663>there are people paying £25 for an audiobook >they don't even own it because of DRM >…[View]
24232626Arguably one of the most influential texts that no one knows about. Once you read this you will neve…[View]
24236569What's a good AI that has literary knowledge?[View]
24230901The prettiest writer[View]
24233243Is this book as good as they say it is? I heard it's awesome voice of a generation kind of stuf…[View]
24233738A Key to understanding Hegel: >the proposition in the form of a judgment is not suited to express…[View]
24235095Everyone knows about Francis Fukuyama's The End of History, but what are some other books whose…[View]
24236872In a purely synaptic context, what are the best books on the metaphysicality of disarmingness?[View]
24236248What can I read to absorb a deep spirit of benevolent misogyny.[View]
24227887/wg/ Writing General: 'Civic Noir' edition Previous: >>24219636 /wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTI…[View]
24234350What's the best non-self-help book about hard work, grinding, self-discipline?: Classic books i…[View]
24235874>The internet is le bad because... My academic friends and I are incapable of reading books and w…[View]
24236396Stephen King: Stephen King general. Have been re-reading the Dark Tower series, about to finish The …[View]
24230376daaaad, who wroted the worst book of all times ever?[View]
24235658I smoked weed and listened to Gospel of John audiobook. 10/10 would recommend.[View]
24236717Why does he still not have a uniform, canon series of reprints for his short stories? Yeah you have …[View]
24235747>me refreshing my emails every day to see if my short story submission has been accepted yet…[View]
24232811The Saga continues...: Esoteric Kantian Samuel Taylor Coleridge >The writings of the illustrious …[View]
24226332/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General: >Recommended reading charts. (Look here before as…[View]
24232553Favorite opening sentence?: >Call me Butter, cause Im on a roll[View]
24236487how do i convince a publisher that my work doesn’t need to be changed? after lots of ignored emails …[View]
24234313>INTERVIEWER >What were the kinds of work you were doing to earn that “little money now and th…[View]
24236400thoughts on Doctor Faustus?[View]
24235745when did you get disillusioned about being well-read?[View]
24236178I genuinely need some books, stories, essays, whatever on how to stop being a people pleaser and bet…[View]
24235675POST A PASSAGE FROM THE BOOK YOU ARE READING: this scrote's skin melted off lmao what a nerd…[View]
24233536Why is /x much more creative at writing than lit? I thought reading lots of books would make me crea…[View]
24234695/his/ is for retards, so help me /lit/.: What are the best readings for someone interested in the id…[View]
24235271What’s the best book on him?: I know about My Life, but I’m wondering what else there is on him that…[View]
24229504So do I put the Bible in the fiction or nonfiction section of my home library?[View]
24200459What are the best and/or most famous examples of each of these?[View]
24228502are bookshelves shelves of vanities and for vain show-offs?: I’ve recently entered for the first tim…[View]
24234125It's the most over it's ever been[View]
24234868>gives explicitly distinct definitions to “substance” and “essence” at the outset of his work in …[View]
24234283>get up early >work 7-9 hours >commute home >spend time making food and performing mund…[View]
24235113An objection can be issued against an argument retroactively from the point of reference of that arg…[View]
24235511Marvel Illustrated Storytime Part XVIII: Moby Dick https://warosu.org/lit/thread/24187191 The Jungle…[View]
24233336Hello I would very much like to read a book about ships or lighthouses or coaling stations or someth…[View]
24230865My current reading goal is to read the Mahabharata. I'm reading the abridged version because I…[View]
24231513How do I get started with the Greeks?[View]
24235442I wanna get into more stories/books similar to: >The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820) >The Tell-…[View]
24235090I'm writing and illustrating a childrens picture book. I cannot decide if I should make the sto…[View]
24235512Quote: “I stopped caring about everything, and all my problems disappeared.” -Fyodor Dostoevsky…[View]
24231105Platonic metaphysics are FUCKING AWESOME. The Forms are absolutely real and the Form of the Good sho…[View]
24235411The Snow Ghost & Other Tales: Post ghost stories, particularly Japanese ghost stories like kaida…[View]
24235213Do you have any recommendations for short horror stories? Nothing too complex like a Stephen King bo…[View]
24232843Sup /Lit/ light novel idea: 16 year-old, male, high school student w/o a father abandoned by mom, wh…[View]
24234144Reminder: >Theravada is the original buddhist school >Mahayana is a counterfeit Dhamma >Mah…[View]
24234120book recs to rewire my brain: i want to solidify my perception of me, i find that i care way too muc…[View]
24235306Do women really?[View]
24232317>and this is a dystopian world because... there are no colored people ok?…[View]
24232710Are there any good primary sources from the Middle Ages? If not, what are some good secondary source…[View]
24228578Is intelligence dysgenic? Why do the stupidest, most misogynistic himbos find no difficulty in findi…[View]
24235205What are some books in favor of protectionism?[View]
24216449books to prepare for death: Hey anons. I recently found out that I will likely die in the next 2-3 y…[View]
24232009Has a book you read ever had a profound impact on you/improved or even just changed your life in an …[View]
24233131Well, I'm at a loss. I've been really buying into the Bible, but the second I start naviga…[View]
24230227It’s a common argument within literature discussion (especially on Reddit) that conservatives are in…[View]
24231123>I'd believe you if you had actual criticisms to make. Plenty of very interesting thinkers m…[View]
24231260A couple weeks ago, an articulate effortposter spoke at length on Aristotle and Kant here: >>2…[View]
24231106Books like this?[View]
24235023A dance with duality, a short story: 1: the western monad named jesus this conception says god took …[View]
24229718What's the best e-reader: I like/prefer books and I like annotating in the margins but I am a b…[View]
24234962>substance is that which is conceived through itself >btw, substance is conceived through its …[View]
24234948>just got rejected after having paid entirely for three dates >books for this feel Holy shit. …[View]
24234484>if society is inundated with something eventually people will get sick of it and want something …[View]
24234040Nothing beats the freedom of not being afraid to write cringe because you know nobody will read what…[View]
24230836What's their book club reading?[View]
24234767I wish /lit/ to give me a lesson about aristotelian metaphysics.[View]
24234842What year, roughly, for analytic philosophy but not science, is the end of 'we know what we're …[View]
24232890It's just a cultivation story with a 'Transdimensional Overseers' modifier.[View]
24234777>brutally mogs every other translation in both faithfulness to style and scholarly translation A…[View]
24232421'When around one everything has become silent, solemn as a clear, starlit night, when the soul comes…[View]
24234007Books about the Jewish people?[View]
24231995Why does the 21st century literary establishment consider just rambling for thousands of pages geniu…[View]
24231015The Koran: This is my favorite book. What is your favorite book? Do you read the Koran?[View]
24230000ITT we practice argumentation with LSAT questions[View]
24229165Other than Weber and Hegel, who else had the balls to defend bureaucracy?[View]
24233143There are no novels that prominently feature hyenas.[View]
24234625Books about giving into the darkness?[View]
24233814Waiting For the Paperback? Good Luck.: U.S. publishers are increasingly abandoning paperback edition…[View]
24193459/clg/ - Classical Languages General: Adversus cochleas editio >τὸ πρότερον νῆμα· >>24145576…[View]
24232584Hegelbros, is the Science of Logic Hegel's Organon? Should I be tackling it first? I've go…[View]
24234467Is ZUN the tolkien of japan? I dont think there's a single worldbuilder bigger than him in his …[View]
24233064Cornwell has never recovered from this. That one thing genuinely ruined the Sharpe series for me.[View]
24233747Those who attempt to refute Marx by pointing out the inequality of human abilities fail to consider …[View]
24232411The Redditfication of Dick Lit AKA 'Brodernism': You could have stopped this, you know.…[View]
24234256So I'm trying to understand something. Is the Dionysian-Apollonian a western condition or somet…[View]
24234284More books for this feel?: >You will always be orphaned by those teenage loves you have not known…[View]
24234097Is her prose good?: I haven't read genre fiction in years so I looked up the Hugo winners and t…[View]
24233458/pulp/ general: Loved this[View]
24231304Describe taking a dump on this toilet in your most purple, ornate, burdensome prose[View]
24232311Don Quixote's Relevance Today: About 15% in, and it feels like large swaths of the book/ironies…[View]
24231340Neoplatonism Refuted: 211 KB JPG The One, Limited by Identity 1. The One is unity unqualified, and …[View]
24231971Best lectures on Plato's dialogues ?: I'm going through the dialogues at the moment. Strau…[View]
24232093How do you learn 'logic'?: I have a problem, anons. I'm slowly working through a philosophical …[View]
24233939First Draft Done!: Well, after 2 weeks, the first draft of my screenplay is done. I hope you anons a…[View]
24233160/lit/ refuted in one simple question: where do you get ideas from?[View]
24231762Any good books about Diogenes?[View]
24233908What's his best?[View]
24229445Was Medea the original BPDemon?[View]
24231083This book is hitting me hard in the feels with nostalgia. Does this America still exist out there an…[View]
24233854Stephenson and Weir have saved my interest in scifi books[View]
24229665what are the best american novels: published in the 2020s[View]
24233702Novels to help with understanding modern women more: Some classic Novels or model Novels or even ess…[View]
24231852So I finally put on my big boy pants and started reading Infinite Jest last Friday and I'm 300 …[View]
24227055Which is more /lit/, smoking or drinking?[View]
24231898Are fairy tales and myths, entirelly 100% made up shit, or are they real events, that the original d…[View]
24221453/tradCath/ general: >St. Martin edition Welcome to Traditional Catholic General. Post favourite C…[View]
24232999Holy Bible: What is THE definitive version and why is it the KJV?[View]
24232696Would you ever copy yourself into a computer?[View]
24211532Honor Levy 100% shares the tastes and principles of this board, yet /lit/ still hates her. Why?[View]
24232128Can we have a thread where we share good, long, interesting articles from newspapers, magazines etc?…[View]
24231164I read /lit/'s darlings so you don't have to.: FYI, save your time and money.[View]
24233425Launched in June 1850, Harpers is the oldest continuously published monthly magazine in the United S…[View]
24232971In order to write about life, first you must live it.[View]
24233315Do you ever read stuff when your sleep deprived?: I usually don't bother cause I think I'l…[View]
24233185...I kind of feel bad[View]
24231031>have a short story >submit it to the New Yorker >get rejected >but they send a note bac…[View]
24229017Books to help me understand the end point for every ism? How might a socialist state differ from an …[View]
24232669>I assess the power of a will by how much resistance, pain, torture it endures and knows how to t…[View]
24228015Is this good writing? >The panes were strewn with drops that as if by amoebic decision would abru…[View]
24233250are you supposed to read shakespeare in your head using the original pronunciation or modern pronunc…[View]
24229863>'Over 90 percent of books sell fewer than 1,000 copies; 50 percent of books sell fewer than 12 c…[View]
24233213Where can I find books on linguistic relativity, critical discourse theory, and bicameral thinking t…[View]
24231917This killed Literature: Now everybody writes in English as a result. We could've had a multilin…[View]
24232392>majority of /lit/ hasn’t read Auerbach, Frye, and Gass No wonder the state of the board…[View]
24233148>be me >wannabe literary fiction writer >spend days hunched over laptop, chain-smoking cigs…[View]
24233130Is there a Robert Thurman of Theravada Buddhism?[View]
24231001This is the greatest book of all time, admit it.: Few books take us on a journey like the book Ready…[View]
24232299Is writing ability largely decided by talent? Why can’t every graduate of English literature produce…[View]
24231150Books on meditation?: To date I have read two books: Mindfulness in Plain English and The Mind Illum…[View]
24232612Been two days enjoying fairy tales.: Starting watching fairy tales stories. And I think what's …[View]
24228386Why do people want full on anarcho-capitalism? Wouldn't it just devolve into waring child abuse…[View]
24232243King in yellow: Is this any good or just poor man's Lovecraft?[View]
24232919Brontë thread: What makes their books so kino?[View]
24231204Apparently the latest tactic of corporate scum to fuck with archive.org is to have bots 'borrow' ent…[View]
24229047feet fetishism in literature: i need more feet fetishist in literature,post your best example. pic r…[View]
24232690The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County: This short story is a 4chan shitpost in the vein of…[View]
24230886William Blake looks like an alien[View]
24232815How to wake up from the American dream:: If everyone only did work that they “loved and believed in”…[View]
24232162What the FUCK was Hyacinth's problem?: >Hyacinth finally gets out of Viron, total warzone, l…[View]
24225405Richard Brautigan: thoughts? also what's your favorite by him?[View]
24231857Literature is for Pseudointellectuals: >books are for pseuds[View]
24228789How long before AI renders human writers redundant?[View]
24232549Why does everyone talk about Camu's The Stranger but rarely about The Rebel?[View]
24232011/dg/ diary general: >I went out alone with her on Lake Orta >became filled with desire >we …[View]
24232496How’s it going /lit/. For reasons which are unimportant, I’d like to know what the most accurate spe…[View]
24229500I haven't read a book in probably 15 years, but I want to start again. This is going to be the …[View]
24232440this nigga got pussywhipped LMAO[View]
24230932>Start keeping disciplined notes and writing regular non-fiction on substack and promoting myself…[View]
24232454MOTT Week 43: Chapter 22: THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT DIVINATION This is week 43 of your 'Meditations o…[View]
24210249Demonata Book Club - Dark Calling I: Dark Calling is the 9th in The Demonata series and was publishe…[View]
24231882What reason could he possibly have to remain in the closet? He constantly panders to mainstream sens…[View]
24221444>I guess when I was around 12 or 15…I had an existential crisis, and I was reading various books …[View]
24232310One of these…: >last book >current book >next book Elaborate on them…[View]
24232103What the fuck women were a mistake[View]
24227784Who will be the next Dante? Who will write the next fanfic with literary value? Can you even do that…[View]
24230918Swashbuckler novel recommendations: I have an itch for 1600s time-period, Swords and pistols histori…[View]
24232253Free Public Domain BitTorrent Library: >propagate.info This has all sorts of /lit/ books, you can…[View]
24231452How do you sort/mange books?: /g/ here. What software/website/method do you guys use to sort/manage …[View]
24228800>beats a thesaurus to death for 8000 words to describe set dressing that isn't plot relevant…[View]
24224088I will read ONE (1) pick-up/red pill book. Which should I read?[View]
24227166I cried: Solenoid - Mircea Cărtărescu[View]
24228610Does 2ch (Japanese equivalent of 4chan) have a /lit/ equivalent? And if so, what are their meme book…[View]
24228071Organon -> Physics -> De Anima -> Nicomachean Ethics -> Metaphysics Would this be a good…[View]
24228485any really good books on plato's laws? I'm going through the dialogues at the moment, and …[View]
24232089Anyone else here read this? I now understand why communism was so appealing to the people of china.[View]
24224164I have to write a literary thesis (specifically about poetry) for an undergrad and I am positively f…[View]
24229171>give me one reason why this publishing house should print even a single page of your manuscript …[View]
24228109Do you guys think the Cyberpunk genre is the most accurate vision of the future thought of by Sci-Fi…[View]
24231614Language: Do we, who cannot go outside of language or say anything without it, have any right to say…[View]
24229743Where were you when you learned that most translations of classics are terrible For me it was the r…[View]
24231915I have 11 credits on audible. Please help me spend them on choice literatures.: My library is alread…[View]
24231837what are 3 essential books? like nibba if you haven't read them you're missing the basics[View]
24231835Books on Conversation, Speaking: I am looking for works on conversation. What people talk about, why…[View]
24230999What are some books that will help with the fact america is being ran by an utter buffoon while the …[View]
24229133What is your favorite NPC book?[View]
24229169What are the essential books of Buddhism: I want to learn more about it but unsure of where to start…[View]
24231625Marvel Illustrated Storytime Part XVII: Moby Dick https://warosu.org/lit/thread/24187191 The Jungle …[View]
24231381Marvel Illustrated Storytime Part XVI: Moby Dick https://warosu.org/lit/thread/24187191 The Jungle B…[View]
24231197Marquis de Sade: So I'm on the introduction of 120 days of Sodom and jesus, this guy is evil???…[View]
24229562I love and understand modern art. However I loathe and do not understand modernism in literature. Wo…[View]
24231203How do materialists cope with the existence of terminal lucidity and near-death experiences? How can…[View]
24225353it took me a decade to see literature is not about ideas, facts, insights but the poetry, imagery, b…[View]
24226886The Book of Elsewhere: >A mind-blowing epic from Keanu Reeves and China Miéville, unlike anything…[View]

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