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/lit/ - Literature

Displaying 313 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
23548774I read Crime and Punishment and Brothers Karamazov. Whats the next Dostoievsky I should read?[View]
23545359/wwoym/ - Write What's On Your Mind: Meow meow bitch edition Previous >>23540641[View]
23548768diogenes: another penniless childless wifeless pacifist holier than thou r word who is more than hap…[View]
23536198Are there any books about a loser outsider who become the coolest and are loved by everone?[View]
23547353>Occam’s razor But why?[View]
23547891Marlowe's Faustus: >people read this and think that Marlowe could have been the real Shakesp…[View]
23546473Thoughts on Jared Diamond?[View]
23545819>The year is 2200. >The price of oil just hit $10000 per barrel. >The price of natural gas …[View]
23548428more books like this one?[View]
23548614I'm looking for the best negative reviews of books you've got. Preferably long and really …[View]
23547306Source?: Hello anons, not to encourage any sort of gnostic or antinatalist tendencies by its propaga…[View]
23547793How to wake up from the American dream: If everyone only did work that they “loved and believed in” …[View]
23544848Alcoho/lit/: In this thread, we discuss books wherein alcohol is a theme and authors afflicted with …[View]
23547688What is the greatest poem ever written and why is it the Bhagavad Gita?[View]
23547965Foundation before esotericism: Hello, What are some essentials text to read before getting into eso…[View]
23547560Thoughts on Harlan Ellison?: I enjoyed his work heavily since I'm into horror and sci-fi books.…[View]
23548051Romantic general: Discuss[View]
23548298Never read Schiller, I'd like some recommendations. Anything I should know beforehand?[View]
23546361what's the deal with this man's swag? Any good introductory books to his swag? thanks: all…[View]
23545106Any recommendations for books on the history of Arab poetry? It seems like back then poetry was a l…[View]
23538004Well /lit/?[View]
23513004/pg/ - Poetry General: Non-plagiarism Edition: Post poetry and discuss. If you wish to post others w…[View]
23546962Hi. I want to write a book about incest in a kubrick hidden plot way, with a superficial sopranos mo…[View]
23546995sad books: I'm depressed and lonely. What do I read that captures the absurd yet beautiful trag…[View]
23540169What's the oldest book you own?[View]
23547918What in the fuck is this garbage[View]
23547996Is this Schmittian?[View]
23548032Classics Illustrated Storytime XXXII: Gulliver's Travels, The Last Days of Pompeii https://waro…[View]
23547654if you finish 70% of a book, is that enough to say 'i've read it' ?[View]
23540979>Let's go borrow a book at Internet Archive! >*Borrow Unavailable* Aw dangit! >*Borrow…[View]
23545810I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the …[View]
23543318Recommend me an author or a work of literature with a similar sensibility to the films of Jacques De…[View]
23544309>he reads books written post year 2000[View]
23547881Real 'banned books' aren't sold on Target book shelves.[View]
23544596two years and englishers still haven't been able to read this in their native language[View]
23542351Is 'publishing' poetry by posting it on X and other social media a viable way to find readers?[View]
23547757Post well-written copypastas: >8th, September 1921 >Dear Mr. Edmund Hodgson Smart >I would …[View]
23543375>hey I really like the Shakespeare plays I’ve read and seen, I should look up some nice movie ada…[View]
23547458Dauntless ‐ by Marcus 'The Golden One' Follin: Is this an interesting read? Is it better or worse th…[View]
23546194Opinions in Will Durant?[View]
23525508aside from getting high from the ink fumes, what does a typewriter do better than a laptop/computer?[View]
23547571Seeking help from Polish anons: I am looking for a book/books by a female Polish author. I have read…[View]
23547600What are the most tabloidy tabloids I can read?[View]
23546284You lie: >Everyone lies, and I’m done with you all, now you >Must change this world before me…[View]
23543086*makes you a leftist*[View]
23545200Bookshelf Thread[View]
23547050Books with DJ protagonists.[View]
23544728>Find classic ive been looking to read in a secondhand store >Its the abridged version…[View]
23542087Anyone have advice on a good starting point for Lope de Vega? I've been reading Cervantes and L…[View]
23543965Post a film get a book rec[View]
23546587Nick Land and Mencius Moldbug linked up! Need it or keep it?![View]
23546997I published my first book today. I've sold almost 200 copies in the first 24 hours. My book is …[View]
23544281>'Black Colossus' is one of the original short stories starring the fictional sword and sorcery h…[View]
23546892Does anyone have access to Merriam Webster Unabridged? I want to look up 'Versant' specifically the …[View]
23544224itt: kino self-improvement lit.[View]
23546056Just finished this and I liked it a lot. How do I proceed?[View]
23545396NYRB: Hello anons. A local library is teasing me with cheap prices. I was wondering what are the bes…[View]
23544800>rips off everything for his religion from the Brahmins >gets called wise and deep What are so…[View]
23542813>It is hard to escape the feeling that we are living in the Weimar Republic. >George R. R. Mar…[View]
23542774What is the best translation/version of Death In Venice that I can buy for a reasonable price on ama…[View]
23543356Was he right? >What about Tolkien, for instance? >Well, Tolkien: I have only found him utter b…[View]
23541358WWII HAPPY ENDING: Please recommend any fiction or non-fiction book whose subject is the defeat of t…[View]
23539160EXAM CRAZE PHENOMENON IN ASIA: Are there any good books that dwelve into this subject matter deeply?…[View]
23546869For me, it's Bruegel[View]
23545605Manualist Thomism: Is this a 'trad' thing? I can't believe you memed me into this. I generally …[View]
23541734Who did it better?[View]
23545902Guess which book this is[View]
23536199My honest reaction to recent global events[View]
23544138RIP Ismail Kadare (1936-2024), aged 88: Reminder he didn't win the Nobel because he called out …[View]
23542674Ive been reading too much fiction lately, recommend me some no-fiction books. Can be about anything,…[View]
23545875Books with Psychopath Protagonists who AREN'T villain protags?: I feel like there's probab…[View]
23545855A billion dollars in debt. Who even bought these books anyway?[View]
23546412I absolutely hated the classical walpurgisnacht[View]
23545006Best Gen-X Authors?: squarely landing between 1965 and 1980 who are these masked people? what have t…[View]
23546366The Bloody Shamrock: It’s the 80s. It’s New York City. And life in the Big Apple is one mean and dan…[View]
23545838look how they massacred my boy[View]
23545242Romantic/Gothic/Comfy Novels: What are the essential romantic, gothic and comfy novels for someone w…[View]
23535699Give me your edgiest nihilistic take[View]
23545995Practicing Stoicism: Finally a day that isn't 100*. Step out on the patio to read. >RRRRRRRR…[View]
23544073>“Marilla!” Anne sat down on Marilla’s gingham lap, took Marilla’s lined face between her hands, …[View]
23545992So Leibniz's substance is-- consciousness?[View]
23545778How would you do at Columbia in 1763, when it was called King's College? Students were supposed…[View]
23538254Why are guys like Marx, Sartre, Foucault, Frankfurt school, etc blamed for the state of the modern w…[View]
23545781Anyone here read this? Seems interesting but want to know if it’s worth the 1000 pages.[View]
23542312The quintessential Czech author.[View]
23545651I'm looking for a word, probably not in english: One phenomena I find incredibly weird, is the …[View]
23543282books about collapse of civilizations: what are the good ones?[View]
23541675are you turning your HARD books into EASY books yet?[View]
23545146>Catholicism gets shit for idolatry, or praying to and worshiping some weirdo called 'a saint' …[View]
23545366why do so many of his books include foot tetishism in them? i get the idea of the manipulating woman…[View]
23525497the teachings of Christ: Which branch of Christianity most closely follows the teachings of Christ a…[View]
23545592which eras have the comfiest lit?: Ancient Greek lit imo is the comfiest of them all, I can just kee…[View]
23541830How should I start my philosophy studies?[View]
23540014>he hasn't read The Abolition of Man Still floundering in a sea of subjectivity, I see.…[View]
23539427MOTT Week 11: Chapter 6: THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT DIVINATION This is week 6 of your 'Meditations on …[View]
23541409Writing to get you going: Hello /lit/ today we are going to help motivate each other through writing…[View]
23544277Who the fuck is reading this shit? I mean, is this the norm now? Is it just all porn? Is everything …[View]
23541227What's the best Estonian novel?[View]
23543224The most outstanding national literary and artistic achievements: The United States: >Playwright:…[View]
23545212This might be a bit off-topic but I’ll take the shot and post it. When I was a kid I didn’t have a l…[View]
23544496when did the idea of putting someone out of their misery start to be seen as evil? i feel like throu…[View]
23545125Scored these books today. Any other book recommendations?[View]
23545117books about developing a positive attitude about life: I want to have a positive outlook on life. I…[View]
23543372Harry Potter: When did you stopped being contrarian and realise it was a masterpiece?[View]
23543531hey anon: i dare you to post an entry from your diary. unedited.[View]
23544623Thriller Picture Library Storytime XVII: Westward Ho!, Sabre and Spurs https://warosu.org/lit/thread…[View]
23544853ITT: books about highly underrated subjects[View]
23544644MODERN_CYBERPUNK: Shame the gene is dead af now. Seems ripe to comment on the advanced state of our …[View]
23543245Just finished Leviathan.: What did you think of it?[View]
23544659What are the sequels and prequels?[View]
23544079I love Yeats. Which other English-language poets approach his caliber?[View]
23541544Are writers born or made?[View]
23544337Any recs for a person who wants to get into finance? It all seems too confusing. I've a bit of …[View]
23543752I just got to Chesterton on my reading list and I cant remember why I intended to read him and what …[View]
23531166Books that let you peer into the psychology of a woman? Like how women think when it comes to relati…[View]
23540641Write What's On Your Mind /wwoym/: The red one edition. Previous: >>23538038[View]
23544391>it's raining outside >stop the current book and re-read Dune Feel good that those worm-r…[View]
23544397Classics Illustrated Storytime XXXI: Gulliver's Travels, The Last Days of Pompeii https://waros…[View]
23541932Having set out in search of the secret of Charity, one day I “encountered” trinitarian theology . . …[View]
23541856>mfw i succumbed to the wife's nagging and went on an appliances shopping spree, spending pr…[View]
23542999Rate this short story: http://www.bearparade.com/todaytheskyisblueandwhitewithbrightbluespotsandasma…[View]
23535230What does your reading desk/nook look like? >he doesn't have a dedicated reading space in hi…[View]
23543414How the fuck did Moby-Dick get so renowned? Melville is clearly an OCD autist about whales and it sh…[View]
23542556I saw stoicism on reddit and thought it is gay but real stoicism is real interesting > After all,…[View]
23537962Tell me about Dickens. Whats his writing like? Whats a good novel to get the Dickens experience? Lik…[View]
23541510Was he the first shitlib?[View]
23534268Book recommendations for someone like me? Pic related. Revolt is a bit hard of a read desu so please…[View]
23541365I just read The Manipulated Man, but I still want more. Are there any other books that deal with sim…[View]
23541660Does anyone read on a tablet or e-reader? I'm thinking of buying one but I also don't want…[View]
23543128Who taught women how to read?: Was it the French? Why did they do it?[View]
23540656>Read any religious text >Repeats the same phrases and points over and over and over and over …[View]
23544108Wordsworth Editions: People like to shit on these because of their covers, but they really are just …[View]
23542704I don't get what's so deep about I have no mouth and I must cream >What if five people …[View]
23538070Admit that you loved this book. Admit it right now. I'll start: I loved this book.[View]
23541532Are novels simply the starting point for other more sucesfull mediums like movies, anime and videoga…[View]
23543927When was the last time you read a narrative poem?[View]
23542340What's the most entertaining sci-fi book you've read? I'm looking for a huge story wi…[View]
23543026There's nothing new under the sun, they say. And so every aspect of written work is inspired or…[View]
23542434What piece of literature showcases the indomitable Human spirit at its finest?[View]
23542546Thoughts on Machado de Assis?[View]
23541395What do the “you are gods” verses mean in the Bible? It first appears in Psalms, 81 in the Greek num…[View]
23542281>pop-psych psueds think the Oedipus complex is a mommy-milf fetish and not the natural resentment…[View]
23543324I liked the concept, but halfway through I got bored and dropped it. And I'm not some ADHD zoom…[View]
23543236Social Wasteland: >In any event people rarely see each other again these days, even in cases wher…[View]
23527299I've been doing a reading of the religious texts of each religion as of lately and I can say 10…[View]
23543450Anyone read James Joyce's letters to Nora Barnacle? Worth a read? Saw a comment on a forum I fr…[View]
23543403Literally me[View]
23540616Rate my list.: Most influential and impactful 20th century philosophers (whether you agree with them…[View]
23542325>hot underage babe keeps flirting with middle aged male protag So true, Murakami, so true…[View]
23543274I read your pieces on vocaroo: until I get bored or fall asleep[View]
23536083/wg/ Writing General: 'Summer Heat' edition Previous: >>23531714 /wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICT…[View]
23536322Why is German Idealism so loved on this board?[View]
23539526Was he right?[View]
23540193Lack of Fertility and Finality in Modernity: Hello /lit/ I've become intensely fascinated by th…[View]
23527206ITT: Post a painting, Get a book[View]
23542969Besides Gira's The Consoomer, what are some novels that have the same atmosphere as this album?[View]
23542759I don't get it[View]
23542744is this worth reading[View]
23534125Which scifi book should i start reading, as a beginner[View]
23542703Using fiction to make a statement about society is the lowest form of art.[View]
23542875The King of Elfland's Daughter A Dreamer's Tales The Sword of Welleran The Book of Wonder …[View]
23540980Why is Horror Literature centered around Lovecraft?[View]
23539824Help an anon interpret text: What did Henry David Thoreau mean by this? '(...) When I think of the b…[View]
23540667The Fountainhead: What do you think about this book? I personally like it a lot, Rand's ideas a…[View]
23542737Jerry Spinelli writes the books that Hollubecq wished he lived. If all you incels stopped whining an…[View]
23540780How do I start learning the ins-and-outs of classical music and the people who invented it (such as …[View]
23539784Short stories: Hey guys recommend me short story writers. I recently read Edgar Alan Poe and I was f…[View]
23538888Is it true that she is Charles Dickens for adults that go around reading Harry Potter?[View]
23541497Is there a minimum of pages of a book you should be reading? I'm trying to get back into readin…[View]
23540300A question to ESL /lit/: Have you ever found bizarre translation errors between books you've re…[View]
23542323>'If anyone is to be criticised, it is Lovecraft; whether he agreed with his aunts on the issue o…[View]
23542403is highlighting / note taking while reading a good practice?[View]
235423182024 is officially half over. How many books did you read so far?[View]
23541300Teenage love is Overrated: I don't like picrel book but it's just an example for what i wa…[View]
23542216Where do I start with H. L. Mencken?[View]
23537031Egypt: What are you reading about Egypt lately? Please mods don't make me go to /his/, they…[View]
23542272Isn't Sauron supposed to be the big bad evil of Lord Of The Rings? Yet here it says he was will…[View]
23538555Die Kehre: Explain in simple terms what Heidegger's concept of the Turn means. thanks[View]
23536540Seriously guys I need books about failed artists, poets, composers whatever. But not that they faile…[View]
23540604My Bible[View]
23535917A teenager wrote this. What are your literary achievements till now in comparison?[View]
23541192How do you decide whether to follow Christianity or not?[View]
23537357What is the problem with Samuel Aen Weor from the POV of Guenon: >“In Oriental Tibet BHON MONKS a…[View]
23542022Best history books about WWI?: I'm looking for any kind of history books about WWI, either in g…[View]
23540712What does /lit/ think of Sebald?[View]
23541524Have you ever read a book that caused you to convert religions? This one did it for me. It's no…[View]
23540666I don't get it.[View]
23540350Chat GPT states that 'The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra' is a 'significant work in contempor…[View]
23534852/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General: >Recommended reading charts. (Look here before as…[View]
23541828did jannies remove the thread image limit? why are there 5 live threads with the same OP? >>23…[View]
23541366All I want is to become a light novel writer in japan.[View]
23541435“Booktubers can’t be ba-“: >https://youtu.be/j5gWq3OPBe4?feature=shared…[View]
23535127Morality doesn't exist, just like witches don't exist. It's a fiction. All moral clai…[View]
23536517>Society will condemn a man to death for not mourning his mother. Woah...…[View]
23540087Book recommendations: Can someone give me recommendations for human male x female werewolf from the …[View]
23539781Atheist here, how do I debunk Aquinas' 5 ways? I don't want to believe in god[View]
23537442Have you ever got betrayed by a book?: Tl;dr:catfished by a BL novel >be me >just wandering ar…[View]
23541343Beauty is now only one of our abstract notions, and verily no notion deduced from actual Life, but f…[View]
23541324What is her problem?[View]
23537370Who was in the wrong here?[View]
23541433Anybody read it? opinions?[View]
23540950>supposedly a great detective >lets women, Mormons and the KKK get away with crimes What did d…[View]
23541317More like Rhythm of BLOAT[View]
23536025>a man, a plan, a canal, panama[View]
23541132Now that the dust has settled. What was her fucking problem?[View]
23539856Welp. I'm going to go write a novel now[View]
23539734Is ''In the Hill the Cities'' an allegory for the AIDS epidemic?: I didn't …[View]
23532465Why are people so obsessed with saying this guy is Shakespeare? Does it prove a wider point or is it…[View]
23541037Rene Guenon: Was his conversion to Islam sincere?[View]
23539418Where is the line drawn between philosophy and mysticism? They appear to have been closely intertwin…[View]
23539761Book that blackpilled you the most?: For me, it has to be the German Ideology by Karl Marx and Fried…[View]
23541146What does /lit/ think of Avicenna? What is his essential works that I should read? I think his 'Proo…[View]
23537898What will change in my life if I read them?[View]
23541015How did Dostoevsky examined human soul so well?[View]
23539959Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread: I hate for a thread to die just for my simple question, so …[View]
23540923What skills does one acquire in a Literature Program? like what does one get out of a 3 year or 4 ye…[View]
23538316As someone who was raised Seventh Day Adventist I have to ask what was the worst book Ellen White ev…[View]
23535062>yesterday decide to read a book for an hour >read 15 pages in an hour Am I retarded?…[View]
23537550Are there any good books about these faggots? At bottom I want to understand how they elect their le…[View]
23533243Where does one start with Allen Ginsberg?[View]
23539999What am I in for?: She had sex with her father btw[View]
23539968What's the latest from this feeta pajeeta? Is the 'social media confessional poetess' genre rea…[View]
23539878>you will never read the sequel he wanted to write Why live? I think about this at least once ev…[View]
23537423Well, what would it be?[View]
23540599Italo Calvino: What do you think of Italo Calvino?[View]
23540360My Library of America Wishlist: What should I add? remove? >Washington: Writings >Lincoln: Spe…[View]
23539370FREEDOM: books about people taking courage to do what they want in life books about the search of fr…[View]
23540031Lets post the greatest novels in the major strands of American fiction. I'll start. >Blood …[View]
23536057Stack bread: It’s a stack thread The NYRB books from the sale just came[View]
23540492Finally, an app for /lit/[View]
23537500>pick up a book >read 20 pages >novelty wears off so I drop the book >pick up another bo…[View]
23538038Write What's On Your Mind – /wwoym/: birthday edition previous >>23534753[View]
23537811Is there a better book?[View]
23539138Which is better, reading or watching plays?[View]
23540042Why is this acceptable in academic literature? A few actual lines with most of the page being footno…[View]
23537193epicurus is a retard: the most stupid of all ''philosophers'', a absolute moron, barely worth a foot…[View]
23538562>Taking away another person's freedom to sin is the real sin. (Unless it's taking away …[View]
23540324>Make super effective method of analyzing lit >Miles ahead of formalists monkeys who think fan…[View]
23540198ITT: post a movie and get a book recommendation[View]
23540309hi lit i wrote and read a poem https://voca.ro/17OEkddJ6mWS[View]
23539903Did he really want to execute children?[View]
23538342Any books about characters who wasted a decade and are now getting kicked out of university, and hav…[View]
23540187Lesser known books on rhetoric?[View]
23539733Is this the best analysis of Moby-Dick of all time?: >Ahab is Ishmael. Profound.…[View]
23538701I don't get it.[View]
23536430/clg/ - Classical Languages General: ROMA FOREVER edition >τὸ πρότερον νῆμα· >>23525982 …[View]
23535167Is this homo a plagiarist?: Try to remember when this closeted gay single handedly saved the literar…[View]
23540060Why is it that in secondary schools only basic, new criticism-style literary analysis is taught? Why…[View]
23539818I want to leave my home I want to see the world I want to experience life and not regret shit. Ive …[View]
23539898Is writing Evil?: You ever get drunk on your memories? Writing them down at all seems indulgent. Whe…[View]
23535279Write a story about this image[View]
23535983When James Joyce took his schizophrenic daughter to Carl Jung, Jung said >You are both in the sam…[View]
23538252Best doorstopper books?: I just finished Don Quixote and miss him already :([View]
23539843Journey to the west: I'm almost finished with the first volume and I'm enjoying it so far.…[View]
23531874Which Gurdjieff book says how he would swallow pastries whole to avoid enjoying them?[View]
23537935Everyone is Stupid Except me: i genuinely feel like i'm the smartest dude out here it's al…[View]
23539085Speedrunning Marx. Any advice?: Trying to master Marx, Engels, Adam Smith, and Ricardo in ~2 weeks. …[View]
23539419i have a theory lit;;-;---; thank you: language is a bayesian game of truth. incomplete information …[View]
23539696Is character development purely a change in a character, or showing the traits of said character, an…[View]
23538797The Great American Novel: Pic related[View]
23534708Take the printing pill: Took me many years to accept it, but it's the only way forwards for the…[View]
23539561The Longest Chapters: Are there any authors or works (novels) known for super long chapters? I'…[View]
23539594Thoughts on picrel? What's worth reading from this guy?[View]
23539542Lets pitch /lit/ favorite book to reddit. I'll start: >Blood Meridian Pitch. Blood Meridian …[View]
23539549Which pressing of the Hieroglyphic Monad should I pick up?: https://www.amazon.com/Hieroglyphic-Mona…[View]
23538895is this true /lit/?[View]
23538653Is this a good place to start learning about our monetary and banking system?[View]
23539292What typewriter2buy: anons what is a good typewriter to purchase and where should I purchase? is it …[View]
23539497So this was all bullshit right?: Read it, thought it was kind of silly. I could definitely feel some…[View]
23536288This book makes heavy use of blackface and they used the N word a lot of the times. I can not recomm…[View]
23539395This made boomers piss and shit and cum themselves with laughter over how funny they thought it woul…[View]
23539432Books about psychedelics?[View]
23508198&amp 020: Last I heard &amp 020 was supposed to drop in June. Anyone got any updates on it o…[View]
23533499>The soft overcomes the hard; >the gentle overcomes the rigid. Teeth fall while gums remain.…[View]
235394148 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin My sweet little whorish Nora, I did as you told me, you …[View]
23539254Ender's Game 1-4: Just finished the first 4 ender's Game books. Ender's Game, Speaker…[View]
23537113What books best convey this feel, and in particular, overcoming it?[View]
23539377Happy to be: >Where do people come from, that is the question >No one likes the answers, how …[View]
23539348>Had had[View]
23538937Ancient life: The lifestyle of the ancient eastern mediterranean seems so vibrant and fulfilling, I …[View]
23539156what do you think hes up to[View]
23537752I’m not a /lit/ regular so my apologies if this question is cliché here, but what’s the best Nietzsc…[View]
23538439Is anyone here doing Infinite Summer?: That is, reading Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace during…[View]
23535611Just downloaded Blood Meridian. What am I in for?[View]
23538231'a herb' or 'an herb'?[View]
23539151Just found this for 50 cents a garage sale[View]
23539008These are my favorite books. What should I read next?[View]
23535374Book Recommendation: I'm looking for a book that is similar to Kino's Journey light novels…[View]
23525274What software do the writers of /lit/ use? Do you use Cloud storage?: I am using LaTeX Overleaf howe…[View]
23532288David Foster Wallace thread: What do you think he’d have to say about the world today? I can't …[View]
23536546All of (post-Kantian) western philosophy is just a series of footnotes to Kant and more specifically…[View]
23532318Is it possible to save some of the good elements of his work to critique modern society, without peo…[View]
23537812Damn, medieval philosophy slaps fr[View]
23538878Jerry Spinelli is the greatest living author and I am tired of pretending otherwise, he wrote countl…[View]
23535906Antkind (Charlie Kaufman) - Genius or Gibberish?: What are your thoughts on the 2020 novel 'Antkind'…[View]
23533629Is really is garbage right[View]
23537112The Lake Mystery: In the last chapter, Bookman is pretty certain everything that happened wasn'…[View]
23538429is it worth talking about books?: I'm experiencing a crisis where, when I think about books, I …[View]
23538709are you subscribed to any magazines?[View]
23538268Am I the only one who thinks this book is ridiculously underrated?[View]
23530783Tolstoy thread: In this thread you will post about the life and works of Count Lev Tolstoy[View]
23537676Any tricks to get yourself in the left position when alone? I feel I can up my weight and can defini…[View]
23538302Should writing fiction be enjoyable or should it be a pain in the ass?[View]
23536822Great passages: Nor, perhaps, will it fail to be eventually perceived, that behind those forms and u…[View]
23536440If I log a seldom-read book on my goodreads after finishing a pirated copy will the writers look me …[View]
23535687What are you reading right now?[View]
23537576Now that the dust has settled: What do you think of the Nag Hammadi codexes?[View]
23532431Do people really consider her difficult to read? She writes much more clearly and lucidly than someo…[View]

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