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/sci/ - Science & Math

Displaying 79 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
16381833No more Orion flights to the Moon: Back in May it was confirmed that the shield has an issue that wo…[View]
16377661Who is your science hero?: And why is it Elon Musk?[View]
16364210>mass nanomanufacturing will give us hypercapacitors, multi-junction solar panels, and solve plas…[View]
16382518this whole 'quantum mechanics dont make sense with normal physics' stuff i keep hearing about sounds…[View]
16384550There is no such thng as an 'unfalsafiable theory'...: Only retarded apes in clothes too stupid to d…[View]
16380018>Whether the universe is deterministic, random, or a combination (most likely a combination), the…[View]
16384345paradoxes: It is commmonly said that 'This sentence is false' is a paradox because if it is true, it…[View]
16380094https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtiSCBXbHAg What's sci opinion on cymatics?[View]
16385583I am a spiteful mutant, and I am proud of it: Everyone is just a machine, operating on basic evoluti…[View]
16385026why doesn't he just use a y combinator? is he stupid?[View]
16379182Once we've discovered the graviton, you're gonna see some serious shit[View]
16384662Retarded question, in my CS classes we accessed a database through the school website which looked l…[View]
16385317/sfg/ - Spaceflight General: Clipper Edition Previous - >>16382658[View]
16374418why humans are the only creatures that sweat?[View]
16385603I attempted to ask my neuroscience professor a few questions earlier, although I'm still not su…[View]
16380241scientifically speaking. whats the reason of learning something nowadays if AI knows more and can ge…[View]
16380999You shit on CS but can you solve even one of these fastly? Look the links under Übungsblätter it…[View]
16385469How do I find the height where the peak impact force of a falling object is twice the resting force …[View]
16386388Mandarin is a gigachad language scientifically speaking[View]
16386720Studying math after already having a Career?: When i already have money and a position as an maschin…[View]
16385984Why does frankincense have such a prominent role in spiritual or religious rituals ever since ancien…[View]
16381994Do you think that somewhere out there exist a fix point in space and time that has always existed an…[View]
16373191Who invented calculus?: Its commonly said that Leibnitz and Newton invented calculus simultaneously …[View]
16382237/sci/ resources: I'm quite a novice at STEM, so I was wondering if you people have some good on…[View]
16379251The sound a person hears when they put a finger in their ear is often due to the amplification of in…[View]
16379365Itchiness: Name a worse evolutionary adaptation[View]
16381301Industrial Applications of Wasp Nests: Today, I wanted to get rid of the beginning of a wasp nest, s…[View]
16380075how did humans become intelligent when intelligence is not sexually attractive?[View]
16381977Which alloys bleed metals into food: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG_xaH65ZzQ Seems that, accordi…[View]
16384755Well?: Is it?[View]
16384657>Homo erectus is still alive in Africa[View]
16383905am I retarded?[View]
16383779Why must physicists code?: I'm wrapping up my physics undergrad. I took a liking towards statis…[View]
16381807How do you retain knowledge?: I'm in Bio 2 and realized that I've forgotten almost everyth…[View]
16375001>1 is not a prime because it is inconvenient nigga what about 2π? fucking hypocrite…[View]
16379008Is it theoretically possible that the black hole will evaporate completely through Hawking radiation…[View]
16379722Why does Tao keep shilling the AI slop? Is he being paid for this?[View]
16384664What correlation(s) can be drawn in suicide rates between the sexes?[View]
16383061Autistic men are quite often virgins because of intense introversion (perceived low social value), p…[View]
16379665Why cant USA and other countries adopt the chad Swiss/Brazil socket?[View]
16382486can TOQ explain this?[View]
16379716this is the most soi movie ever made: >'demonstrating' extremely basic concepts about chemistry, …[View]
16383474I was doing a Shapiro Wilk test on temperature measurements for a certain week. The null couldnt be …[View]
16381782What's your method for understanding difficult topics?[View]
16381264will any country ever do anything as cool as the voyager missions? or was voyager the peak of space …[View]
16383516I'm going back to school, trying to figure out whats right for me. STEM is actually way cooler …[View]
16383852Can we envision an economic environment in which it makes sense to produce humanoid shaped companion…[View]
16382223I like to pretend play that I'm working for the government while studying university mathematic…[View]
16382252What would be the motivations of an emotionless creature?[View]
16378519carbon nanotubes: ok so where are all those deus ex cyber-prostheses and space elevators and other s…[View]
16380806Since we evolved from hairy apes towards hairless upright walking and sweating homo, and hair could …[View]
16382080Is there any science that tell us how to get most pleasurable drunkenness? What type of alcohol is b…[View]
16376839James Stewart is a monster[View]
16374524>1 is a singular number >has a specific way to write the object being counted >i.e. 1 tree …[View]
16377808>...and that's how I got my engineering degree! It was tough, but definitely worth it! What…[View]
16383285Why is it like this, psych bros?[View]
16381093was newton a schizo[View]
16380697Is mold toxic before it forms fruiting bodies, when it just starts infecting something but there is …[View]
16381358>Class III caramel colors, also called ‘beer caramels’, are created through the controlled heatin…[View]
16382458Let's say I have a number line which solves for x. I solve an equation and I get a complex solu…[View]
16382023Easy way to improve my teeth with little effort?[View]
16377536From a scientific perspective, would encountering sapient aliens awaken a new primal fear in us? We …[View]
16378259This board has made me sad: I have realized that all of the interesting stuff, the low hanging fruit…[View]
16383435I was rear-ended back in April. I felt mostly fine, but I was concerned my spine might be slightly o…[View]
16380649cymatics effects on water: How do I get some experiment results published in a journal if I am not a…[View]
16382658/sfg/ - Spaceflight General: Splashdown! edition Previous >>16380173[View]
16381859Is it scientifically possible to become more intelligent as an adult, specifically in the domain of …[View]
16378394a second heart: Anatomy niggas: What would the effects of transplanting a second heart into your che…[View]
16373809Can psychedelics cure depression?: I need to get rid of this trouble that can't be named, for g…[View]
16380160Why do the large majority of people believe Mathematics to be strictly computations? If a young pers…[View]
16378985What kind of /sci/ence are you learning today?: I'm gonna start learning physics.[View]
16377547How do sensors actually work?: What do we mean when we say the sensor 'sends a signal'? *H…[View]
16380797Imprinted Brain Theory: what does /sci/ think about this: science or not-science? wikipedia isn…[View]
16378189I don't get it. To me it's playing with the equations till they match the expected result …[View]
16380495Closest to NZT-48 irl?: Any idea what could come close to it irl, tried LOWdose L$D/Shrooms which re…[View]
16344819SCIENTIFIC BLACKPILL: What's some knowledge from a scientific field that is pure blackpill? I w…[View]
16373949Isotope enrichment: https://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/184558/nmr-for-diamagnetic-uranium…[View]

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