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/sci/ - Science & Math

Displaying 139 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
16265053>be me >troon >acquire scholarship in high school to attend Harvard for neuroscience and ma…[View]
16262948I discovered a proof of the formula for the length of an angle bisector in a triangle using the angl…[View]
16234033Paleontology thread: No paleontology thread? Come on! Image: https://www.sciencealert.com/dinosaur-f…[View]
16257122mifepristone: what are the scientific facts about mifepristone?[View]
16263956If every finite is losing[View]
16263394The 3 horseman science: >The layman who's only purpose is to propagate a distilled version o…[View]
16261341Scientifically speaking, is it possible for a rocky planet similar Mars to be habitable if it had Ea…[View]
16235350/sqt/ - stupid questions thread (aka /qtddtot/): Previous >>16202136 >what is /sqt/ for? Qu…[View]
16263499Science is so retarded it STILL can't explain why 99.9% of people in tech are men/trannies whil…[View]
16262737Standardize the planet names to make them consistent: Helios Mercury Venus Terra Lunar Mars Jupiter …[View]
16263158WEINSTEIN: 'This is How you Learn Physics': The Portal, a podcast hosted by Eric Weinstein, recently…[View]
16263811Iconic photos: Post iconic (/sci/-related) photos.[View]
16263470What is the /sci/ verdict on Tony Seba?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eJKTYc_v-I[View]
16260335Zeno's paradox: If you want to reach out or touch something, there are always a infinite number…[View]
16263420Brain raw power: How to add those numbers quickly in 15 seconds like that person in the show? Univer…[View]
16262490/sfg/ - Spaceflight General: Chinese Excellence Edition Previous - >>16259797[View]
16261223I took calculus and differential equations in college. I got Bs in each. I can not define calculus o…[View]
16262950This book has been published for 337 years: So what’s the % of population that can understand it now…[View]
16262714What operation is this?: Suppose the following: > a = n/4 > r = (n/4 (+4 if n is odd, +8 if n/…[View]
16262060Why is punching not a natural motion? How were humans supposed to fight unarmed?[View]
16263474Why does this make anthropologists seethe so much?[View]
16263137Given the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, is it really possible to create particle/antiparticle pa…[View]
16262733Scientists Stunned by Discovery of Canine-Generated Cosmic Phenomenon - The Doggosphere: In a ground…[View]
16263586If you aren't married to a blonde haired blue eyed goddess your theory of everything is false[View]
16263527Being useful is the sign of not being in the educated bourgeois class pursuing spiritual attainment …[View]
16263000New thunderf00t video just dropped: Photomolecular effect debunked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x…[View]
16262481Even Malay bears have convergently evolved to resemble apes, if the conditions for tree-like plants …[View]
16263364Eric Weinstein VS Terrence Howard: Man I love schizo shit like this, I'm rooting for Terrence H…[View]
16261890Oxygen Meters are fake.: I'm sitting here suffocating and the oxygen meter says my levels are 1…[View]
16262376sun has me confused: I have a room on the north side with windows looking due north and I can see th…[View]
16263272I'm not so slowly becoming an alcoholic. Please describe the stages in the most horrible scient…[View]
16263162Is India under-represented in mathematics?: Is it really true that modern maths is incredibly Euroce…[View]
16262937How do we know death itself is 'lack of' or 'without' life? Firstly, death and l…[View]
16258313What are partial derivatives used for in the real world?[View]
16262912Drawing & animating physics and math: What assortment of tools would you use to draw graphs, sur…[View]
16256892Can someone explain what really happened during the pandemic and why whitout sounding like an NPC or…[View]
16260932Which social science is the most scientific and which one the least?[View]
16261256Black holes: What do you guys think? Is the center of a black hole a singularity? Because (in my und…[View]
16260160Why do we have so many threads on vaccines, climate change, and renewable energy systems?[View]
16262710Any Histology people here?: I have been having a reoccurring tonsil infection so I decided to swab m…[View]
16254141What EXACTLY is gravity?: My friend believes in everything Todd Howard says about gravity not being …[View]
16260836Why was it so popular for scientists to have this 'homeless person' haircut? And why most scientists…[View]
16260718What exactly is mass? I've realized it gets defined in a circular way, like how some people can…[View]
16260986Any thoughts on this for scientific computing / number crunching? Is it better than Matlab?[View]
16256600STOP BEING SO FUCKING HOT: and to think Venus receives twice the amount of sunlight as we do right n…[View]
16261899>believes in imaginary numbers[View]
16262369Could you be born as a cat? Or in another planet?: You are alive now, but you are a human, and you h…[View]
16262586Why doesn’t the ocean just, like, dry up? It’s just a bunch of water sitting there.[View]
16260854Greetings /sci/ Dumbfag here, seeking nerd knowledge regarding genetic inheritance. In respect to SN…[View]
16260639Scientifically speaking, how much of a threat are airborne microplastics from collectibles?[View]
16262053Is anyone truly responsible for their actions?: Based on what I've read about personality disor…[View]
16257061how come the ice age predicted by scientist 50 years ago never materialized?[View]
16262565What are the effects of microplastics entering your body?[View]
16262486So what if racial differences were real?: Let's say tomorrow scientists can prove without a dou…[View]
16262546Phase Change Material In A Mini-Fridge?: Anon-kun, I have a mini fridge with no freezer compartment,…[View]
16262280Was Plato armenoid?[View]
16260091Scientifically, what is the fastest way I can learn math (from elementary algebra to college math) t…[View]
16262423Sci bros... Science is turning against us...[View]
16260963incredible 3D animal plot: there is now 3 different axis: one shows distance from sponges (a sea cr…[View]
16261998I have gained a fascination with Pluto: It's characteristically unlike every other planet in th…[View]
16262037> be me > looking into AGI startup > ask the developer if their AGI is real or just a fancy…[View]
16262203What would happen if I injected the liquid mushroom cultures? Would they grow on my insides? I want …[View]
16240293/med/ - medicine general: surgery based, medicine cringe edition Previous: >>16207752 We discu…[View]
16259665this makes the futurists rage[View]
16259943>microplastics in body >new bacteria and fungus that thrives on plastics What are the odds of …[View]
16262001'Bio-hacking': Are there any generals/resources/communities of people who do this kind of stuff at h…[View]
16261221Mogs all white scientists.: Even with much lesser budget, he sends satellites to space, lands on moo…[View]
16258098How’d he do it?: >be me Elon Musk >I built a successful electric car company when no one else…[View]
16261212I'm tired of doing science[View]
16261029Is dimensionality purer than reality? Is there hidden dimensionality in our reality(such as in a cas…[View]
16261676Which facial features determine whether a man is attractive or unattractive?[View]
16255355if a quantum computer could calculate exactly where a ball will go, why could it not calculate what …[View]
16258943/sci/, let's talk about the 'Clathrate Gun Hypothesis'. For those unfamiliar, it's the ide…[View]
16260923He thinks engineering is much better than physics. I found that pretty controversial opinion, becaus…[View]
16257840Are extra-dimensional places theoretically possible?[View]
16256397Every time I watch this video it makes me cry but I can't explain why: How do you feel about th…[View]
16259797/sfg/ - Spaceflight General: Falcon above red clouds - edition previous >>16257931[View]
16260218What are the best resources for teaching myself the basics of real and complex analysis? I know they…[View]
16261117Mostly because I think it’s ironic that confusion is a legalization issue and not A[View]
16259621Can science explain why I get turned on by 2d and not 3d?[View]
16260943Question?: Is the weaponization of a supervolcano with nuclear bombs enough to create a doomsday dev…[View]
16260956COVID and kikes: Hey biolofaggies. Can you tell me how does supposedly colloidal gold detect if ther…[View]
16236141I've noticed that many teenage girls nowadays have humongous boobs. Also the average cup size o…[View]
16258118How would you be able tell if you died in your sleep but woke up in a different timeline where you d…[View]
16252344I tutor a machine learning course at my university that has seen a boost in enrolments recently. Occ…[View]
16260289How long until we develop space travel and take our rightful place as rulers of the universe?[View]
16259297Why is it considered so impossible to send a manned spacecraft outside of the solar system? Voyager …[View]
16259401Help me out /sci/ because jewgle isn't giving me any conclusive answers. Is there any actual e…[View]
16257392Is intelligence nature or nurture?[View]
16259039Mogged by Terrence Tao: >be terence tao >got bored of doing pure math >switched to applied …[View]
16256408science still can't explain why the candle goes out or why the water level rises[View]
16260349midwit: >Looks at some metric that doesnt indicate that race exists >I have discovered that ra…[View]
16259203>Women select the best providers How did such a mechanism begin to evolve when food was shared an…[View]
16259878Why does heart failure cause fluid retention in the legs particularly? Is it just gravity?[View]
16260102>almost half of the european and american public believe scientists have created simple life in a…[View]
16259236There is an infinite number of reals between 0 and 1. Therefore, the chance of picking any single re…[View]
16260451quantum phase slip in squid proves quantum computers will never be more than approximations of simul…[View]
16257654Frenchman Augustin Mouchot used solar power to produce ice in 1878. We could easily solve global war…[View]
16260592can pharmacy related stuff be self taught?[View]
16260174When you think about it observation is the ground of all science, not matter. Matter is just a theor…[View]
16260181What would happen if I decided to drink up testosterone? Like gulping down the whole lot. This is ge…[View]
16260104evolution be like HONK HONK[View]
16259233What are the physics of humans falling a large distance (1000+ feet) and hitting the ground? What ha…[View]
16258767What are some words or phrases that immediately out someone as a pop-sci imbecile?: >observer Th…[View]
16260182How come flies are attracted to light but they never get killed by touching the surface of the sun?[View]
16259787Where are all the Aliens !?[View]
16258964“Theory” Which Invalidates Itself: http://timeisabsolute.org/1.mp4[View]
16256425Stimulants: I need a substance that will help me concentrate more to get more work done. What should…[View]
16260162Anons, prepare your minds. Recent breakthrough. mathematically proven existence of Maciej Nowicki…[View]
16258257I'm an employed engineer now and it's partly thanks to /sci/.[View]
16258367anyone know anything about string diagrams?[View]
16203453CO2 is good for nature: As Carbon Dioxide Grows More Abundant, Trees Are Growing Bigger, Study Finds…[View]
16257354Fuck trigonometry: Why is this a whole course in math? Why cant this just be geometry? Why the fuck …[View]
16258527/sci/ 4cнan cup suggestion thread: It's that time of year again and /sci/ plays in this summer…[View]
16259387Generalized shortest distance algorithm: I am trying to find an algorithm to take any non-intersecti…[View]
16259908Riemann Hypothesis: Analytic continuations can only be justified by adding more axioms. And this is …[View]
16259774Why are human arms so short if long arms are beneficial for melee and throwing things which were imp…[View]
16256099/sfg/ - Spaceflight Genera: SpaceX edition previous >>16253760[View]
16258580>The question that buck-broke all of /sci/[View]
16259848Desalinization bros are we back?[View]
16259556Can functional analysis replace real analysis and complex analysis? ive asked this on here before bu…[View]
16259515>Just found out Pluto isn't a planet anymore[View]
16257577How do I get good at math?[View]
16259663Animation vs Geometry: You guys don't even watch cartoon https://youtu.be/VEJWE6cpqw0?si=CAFZNd…[View]
16253915wtf? how does the Moon pull the sea on the opposite side of the Earth?[View]
16254405What kind of interesting scientific daydreams that you have?[View]
16259289undergraduate math story time: >in an undergraduate abstract algebra course >second exam >g…[View]
16258271How many stochastic processes are there really? I know there is the Wiener process and Brownian moti…[View]
16253425Ok, so, there are 86 billion neurons in the human brain. To fully simulate a single neuron at the bi…[View]
16258522/psygen/: Psychiatry general[View]
16258168Can /sci/ give me a quick red pill on induction cookers? I have an induction cooker in my kitchen an…[View]
16258199?The great questions which broke /sci/[View]
16257407algebraic sets form a topology: this is very interesting[View]
16258904idk my race[View]
16258219How on earth would you go about solving that integration? I have no idea how to approach it, since i…[View]
16258496Feeling a Weather Front: If you stand in an open field with nothing around you for miles, perfect sc…[View]
16255946Climate deniers.: Why does everyone here like to deny climate and biodiversity loss. The elites are…[View]
16259274Does gravity pull or does it suction?[View]
16256494The state of academia...: >be Smectical Doggometry major >ask Reddit and Stackexchange for tex…[View]

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