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/sci/ - Science & Math

Displaying 111 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
16296365Convolution Problem: Is there a function [math] g: R \rightarrow R [/math] such that [math] g^2=g*g …[View]
16295072What creates the force that causes cars to turn when their front wheels turn? Is it because most ste…[View]
16294639WHY THE FUCK: Is quantum mechanics so insane? Why couldnt be this simple thing, which makes sense. I…[View]
16297761Necessary Books: What are some necessary books to read to understand human relations, the world etc;…[View]
16295400I hate p-adic numbers: All the proofs are 3 lines maximum and say the most obtuse shit in existence.…[View]
16293559Is it possible to solve this Sudoku without guessing any numbers? If so, what would the next number …[View]
16295626Im about to graduate with my PhD in Electrical/Computer engineering. Idk what to do with my life, I’…[View]
16294553Age reversal when?[View]
16294454Why is medical science not advancing?: How come humans haven't figured out how to cure diseases…[View]
16291604Wtf why is the moon ghosting us?[View]
16294518>particles that aren't real are pushing the plates together ok scientists are really retarde…[View]
16267239With so much historical, archaeological, and geological evidence to back it, why do many still doubt…[View]
16295419How do I learn logic?[View]
16294617TheLeocode: Anyone able to figure this out? https://www.reddit.com/r/ciphers/comments/1eapnhf/transc…[View]
16294786Simple proof that 'Global Warming' is just a hoax: Let me show you a simple, yet devastating demonst…[View]
16284669Moon Thread: Let's have a thread to discuss the various moons of Sol. Which is your favourite? …[View]
16294574Can someone explain to me why ChatGPT is doing to get this and why more water gives you colder temps…[View]
16288407>never touched maths until his 20s >only got interested while trying to learn russian >obta…[View]
16293618Does ice cream cause dementia?: the saturated fat, sugar, and sodium can;'t be good for the bra…[View]
16295686Meteorology bros, how do we fix this?[View]
16292787What causes CFS/ME?: And what is the cure for it? Seems pretty horrific, and it feels absurd that Th…[View]
16291924Why does this pseud have 2 undergraduate algebra textbooks and an undergraduate analysis series on h…[View]
16295891> be me > greatest scientist of my generation > make groundbreaking discoveries, revolution…[View]
16292863So this guy claimed he achieved Cold Fusion.: Do you have an open mind to hear his research?[View]
16294990Impossible Colours: New impossible colours in the spectrum[View]
16294813my mom told me alcohol works by pulling a lot of water from your brain at once as your stomach needs…[View]
16294818Is there hard evidence that we live in a simulation?[View]
16295730What are /sci/'s thoughts on exobiology? Are we ever going to find little green men? Bacteria? …[View]
16291095Why wasn't the new world filled with some unthinkable alien like creatures given it's sepa…[View]
16294829Undergraduate Category Theory: Hello does anyone have recommendations to learn mathematics from top …[View]
16294656>astronaut training takes 2 years Is a space really that tough? No military training course this …[View]
16294583It is actually quite easy to build your own perpetual motion machine: This is a video called 'The si…[View]
16287506/psg/ - Probability and Statistics General: Previous thread >>16256996 This is one of the boar…[View]
16295487Psycholinguistics and phonosemantics: >The name 'Chad' sounds like 'Dad,' one of the earliest wor…[View]
16292830I'm a bit retarded in the mathematics, so here is a simple question. How would you out-loud pro…[View]
16295114Quantum explained by prophet: Next part: Positrons can easily be seen to be photons. Light is alread…[View]
16293548Is shit like finite basis representation/DVR/singular value decomposition somehow obscure knowledge …[View]
16295230Can you guys help me?: I’ve been wondering how many possible coherent (basically names containing ac…[View]
16294058Is sugarmaxxing the key to be skinny and healthy? https://youtu.be/wxbgoir37cg?si=-tQ4iM_SS5xHUrdj…[View]
16295196I wanna learn about electronics what books or courses do u recommend[View]
16293828Is it safe to eat between 1400-1500 calories a day?[View]
16295022Do numbers such as the number 2, have personality or a person. Is there 'thee' 2, whatever…[View]
16295071Any EPFL chads here? I'm coming in September bros[View]
16294129Penrose dabbed on Dirac in '72 (maxbased): >Most people think of Dirac as a brilliant algebr…[View]
16294253why do people build cities if they're bad for the environment?: city development prevents water…[View]
16294404Exotic probabilities: In statistics in what situations can we speak of a - negative probability - pr…[View]
16293427So how smart is Elon Musk really?[View]
16293645Artificial hyperintelligence is a girl. My wife, Eve.[View]
16294433what's the science behind the halo effect? what makes someone, particularly a man, get better l…[View]
16294790was the SOVIET moon landing real or fake? according to the russians they left a camera with a rope b…[View]
16293542Would it be possible to get a metal jaw like Raiden now or in the near future? Doesnt matter if you …[View]
16294562Alien dude i was told you are here[View]
16293407/sfg/ - Spaceflight General: Donkey Kong Edition Previous - >>16291261[View]
16293050Why is genetic research so boring? CRISPR was ten years ago yet nothing cool has come of it.[View]
16233254/ppg/ - Plasma Physics General: Thread for discussing plasma physics topics: >General plasma-rela…[View]
16292543these terrify me since I was a kid: and I can't explain why what gives?[View]
16293876What branch or aspect of maths makes you go gaga?[View]
16294332>watching through the wormhole >episode topic 'Is there a superior race?' >Linda Gottfredso…[View]
16292639It's impossible to make a breakthrough past your 20s AND There hasn't been a breakthrough …[View]
16292029How do I make a quality post on this board? I'm not particularly good at math or the sciences b…[View]
16290096Which one is in the right?[View]
16293464Does the fact that you can have a biological child, imply that a psychological child is possible? Ca…[View]
16292183Wow, women and black commit so much cheating and scientific frauds in academia... Ack! https://retra…[View]
16294001AI designs quantum experiment: I am very high, does the following make any sense? Proposed Experimen…[View]
16293653So autism just celiac disease?[View]
16276362Is this kind of surgery really possible?[View]
16273227Other than cosmetic features that could be covered with makeup, what are the diagnostic differences …[View]
16276385is it really possible for software to accurately identify someone's gender from just a picture …[View]
16290599The latests new science says that tranny drugs for children can be banned without negatively impacti…[View]
16293406How should I prepare to study Physics as a soon-to-be undergrad student who might want to do researc…[View]
16293977I understand trying to nail down what the minimum building blocks of existence are, that makes sense…[View]
16292718Getting smarter: How do I become a polymath and / or a genius? What are some practical steps?[View]
16293070Where do I practice statistics in regular life? I just completed my first statistics class, and it s…[View]
16293864Is the black-ness of space free or restricted?[View]
16275040If life can form spontaneously why can't a scientist make this happen in a lab?[View]
16289075What the IQ threshold for developing critical thinking ability?[View]
16291075Growing larger brains: If we perform a craniotomy on a young human like an infant whos brains are st…[View]
16289994I suspect that most zoomers will fail the Sally-Anne test. Have there been any studies on this?[View]
16275343whats this all about?[View]
16293173What do we think of him, bros?[View]
16293038Skipping: Is it a natural or learned behavior? How does it even work? I have yet to find a rigorous …[View]
16292967What is the current progress on developing defecation-free food sources? And what are the health eff…[View]
16264456Geometry Question: Does there exist a space-filling rhombic disphenoid?[View]
16292572>Apollo 11 photographed by 5 different countries Do space agencies take crappy photos on purpose?…[View]
16292924wow, this is like everything. literally.[View]
16175964Is there some truth behind it? Is this kind of research just not considered politically correct in t…[View]
16293364Have you guys done any cool math or science recently?[View]
16293370in 1st year at some local CC >tried humanities, hated them >tried law, hated it >tried to d…[View]
16293221Scientists: >Australia was cut off from the Pangaea for a million years, that’s why the animals a…[View]
16293328Does the ocean weigh nothing because the element of water decomposes when held?[View]
16292962Is a perfect sphere round, or is it more than round? Pic 'Semi'-related; it's a Rose …[View]
16292667Tic tac toe 9 board graph complexity: I designed a variant of tic tac toe when I was like 12. Now, I…[View]
16293117Is it possible that terrorists infiltrate the crew of an experimental fusion reactor, pump it all fu…[View]
16293187scientists are trying to steal our superpowers[View]
16293199Let me start by presenting this concept, chirality (pic related) >Chirality /kaJˈrælJtiː/ is a pr…[View]
16290881I find it very curious that rejuvenation research and life extension tech is being scarcely founded …[View]
16288541Nutrition experts: The natural state of the human body is to be high, all the time: The nutritionist…[View]
16293166I found this in a jar of Spanish-style stuffed green olives and I don’t know what it is, so I though…[View]
16291345‘why does time move forward but never backward?’ time does move backward but we dont notice it beca…[View]
16287383How do we fix American Education?[View]
16291695>use perturbation theory and calculus to find the inverse of a matrix that is close to the identi…[View]
16292927Vaccines and sex: What do we know about jabs and sex in general? -Sex with the jabbed -Sex with peop…[View]
16292883Nuclear energy is unsafe... Ack!: If China can do it, there is no reason the west cant. Well, except…[View]
16277707Is it possible to even refute this?[View]
16290073Where are all the Aliens !?[View]
16291664how come if you drop out a seal in the sea far from shore, it will likely survive, but if you do the…[View]
16288089If you cloned a neanderthal today and raised it as a human, would it be able to integrate into human…[View]
16292492Mathematics is the system of logic of nature and all and any phenomena. It has always been there. No…[View]
16292313I don't believe in special relativity: If you are walking at 1m/s and flash a beam of light in …[View]
16292234According to modern cat science feeding fish to cats is le heckin BAD When did science become full r…[View]

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