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/sci/ - Science & Math

Displaying 62 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
16547967Why is it 2+2=4 and not 2+2=5 ?[View]
16547541Is there over the counter drug mkre potent than caffine?: All caffine does to me besides increasing …[View]
16548584Why don't we have Thorium power in current year? >corrosion Meme. I read the Weinberg report…[View]
16547954Given light serves as the constant for the dimension of time, remaining unaffected by time's re…[View]
16543848She's a believer. You would think she would hate theories like this. https://www.youtube.com/wa…[View]
16544323Sunspot 25% of the sun's circumference just opened: https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/ https://w…[View]
16538225Sometimes I wonder how Gauss would've felt about a contemporary like Ramanujan. He loved obscur…[View]
16545912Why bother going into any academic field at all to do research when quantum AI will have it all figu…[View]
16541556Scientifically speaking, How do you cure the depression epidemic?[View]
16541233To anyone who's in the know, in AI development and research, what do people actually understand…[View]
16545819>Solves all of physics in one formula. Okay done, wheres my Noble prize?…[View]
16545834What's left?: >Gravity: can't be seen and had to be discovered, now a fundamental 'thin…[View]
16537952Do psychotic episodes really cause brain damage or is that just shrink cope for poisoning patients w…[View]
16546849LEV Thread: >Longevity Escape Velocity is achieved by 2030 or near 2040 >Everything we know a…[View]
16541557Recycling Plastic: What is it about the chemical/physical makeup of plastics that make recycling it …[View]
16547580Lie Algebruh: How does the classification of semisimple lie algebras actually work? If it's all…[View]
16543087How hard is, really, to get into med school?[View]
16544039What if constants are not really constants? What if they are constantly changing but everything scal…[View]
16540844Please explain the basics of category theory to in terms I can understand(I am a slightly gifted cod…[View]
16541593University of Bonn Mathematics: Is getting a masters in math from University of Bonn worth it?…[View]
16544327What are the deeper theories?: https://www.youtube.com/watch/4G_YF2wzhTs I was watching this short o…[View]
16524397Why do countries care so much about carbon emissions? Carbon tax, carbon credits... The whole idea o…[View]
16541054Objectively correct reading advice from universities.[View]
16543773Could there be actual life here?: The surface is a radioactive wasteland, but could life actually ex…[View]
16547049Is manuka honey a super-food or are new zealanders just good at marketing it?[View]
16542998people act exactly like an animal except, they can talk but still sees themselves superior to animal…[View]
16541935/sci/ vs 4chan tournament thread: Once again /sci/ will be playing in this winter's elite cup. …[View]
16537636>Derivative is the slope of the tangent line What the fuck does that even mean and how does it re…[View]
16539975Damn, I've been out of high school level math for so long, I must have forgotten some basic the…[View]
16543271Vitiligo: Ok so how do you treat this condition? A certain online persona claims that megadoses of v…[View]
16543172top 10 things janny doesn't want you to have[View]
16541611Is string theory a hoax?[View]
16545695/sfg/ Spaceflight General: SCRUBBED.com edition[View]
16531157/scg/ - STEM career general: Boing edition Previous Thread: >>16516484 This thread exists to a…[View]
16546305Who could have known that circular inversion is this much fun.[View]
16543153I've heard that someone said /sci/ taught him more things than college, How true is that?[View]
16542705Can /sci/ explain why does this piece of paper gain mass after being burned?[View]
16540926Would the Qattara Depression Project be feasible? And would the resulting sea make the surrounding l…[View]
16542050Are there any wacky concoctions I can make using a moka pot? I was thinking capsaicin extraction fro…[View]
16533550I couldn't find any specific dimensions on the segments of the Apollo 17 module but the whole t…[View]
16526579If we know *how* we went to the moon for $23B (in today's money), why don't we do it again…[View]
16535678Backwater planet theory: Alien civilizations exist throughout the universe, but we just so happen to…[View]
16544420I like the idea of limits, I like the idea of gaps in a space, I like how limits can exist outside o…[View]
16542343Tesla is easily the most overrated individual in the field of electronics. He stood on the shoulders…[View]
16543091/sfg/ - spaceflight general: soon™ Previous >>16539884[View]
16543416Shower thought: today's quantum computers resemble the light bulb switch computers of the 1960s[View]
16541127>'If you want to learn how to program just build projects' >Go on YouTube and learn how to bui…[View]
16543358What happens if both parents have an autosomal dominant genetic disorder and their child inherits th…[View]
16542616Limerence: Today I learned that most people don't experience falling in love as I know it. Can …[View]
16538440where the fuck are we going???[View]
16536795Can someone please explain to me why DE would necessarily be equal to EB? This is from Galileo Galil…[View]
16540729whats the point of having a skull if your brain is a weak bitch anyway: Is the brain really that fee…[View]
16543035Two phones of roughly the same shape held under a beam of sunlight produce very different reflection…[View]
16536371spherical coordinates: d(V) = d(4*pi*rho^3/3)*d(theta/2/pi)*d((1 - cos(phi))/2) = 4*pi*rho^2*d(rho…[View]
16534239If all math was destroyed tomorrow but you could save one equation, what would it be?[View]
16542433Rational numbers can be written in the following form. Product[p[n]^z[n], {n, 1, Infinity}] Where p…[View]
16541840At precisely what point did it become acceptable to propose and take seriously scientific theories t…[View]
16543060discrete QM thought experiment: I remember finding a book a few years ago that used a thought experi…[View]
16542225What would it take for Godzilla to exist in the real world without collapsing in on himself instantl…[View]
16541245Aldrin cycler thread: Sup /sci/ /tg/ here. I'd like to incorporate an Aldrin cycler in my rpg s…[View]
16542642Is it possible to hate math and still be a competent software engineer?[View]

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