Boing editionPrevious Thread: >>16516484This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.>Discussion on academia-based career progression>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:> (US)> (Canada)Information resource:>>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:> archive of some of the previous editions of /scg/:
I don't know how to network.
>>16531197Start by visiting your instructors during their office hours.
>>16531197Open a LinkedIn account, link in wit your colleagues, fellow students, relatives etc.
I honestly don't understand why normalfags are up in arms over the H1B thing.Normies accepted the entire premise of le international world order a long time ago. Now they're suddenly mad about it. It's like liberals just expect the smelly brown savages to operate under a modern day system of slave labor forever so they can prop up Westoids' artificially inflated debt-based standard of living.
I have been working as an engineer for a few months. I am not really sure I can handle this for 10-20-30+ more years. There must be some backdoor for smart people like us with PhDs, right?
>>16531780the despair about working a full time job goes away dont worry
Which universities in Europe sort of guarantees a job after masters ? (ECE grad, focus on RF)
How do I project an aura of confidence and success?
>>16531785Posting tits help.
>>16531520Because living standards have dropped despite high immigration numbers and also the flood gates opened and people are emboldened to speak out about these things when before it was considered too socially unacceptable to voice such views publicly.
>>16531520Musk is a mongolian basket weaver and he inorganically pushed the dialectic forward by making the topic front and center.
>>16531833Is it time to bail?
>""doctor"" of philosophy>cannot cure my own depression
>>16531782charite Universitätsmedizin berlinGuarantees a job
>>16531520Do normies even understand how hard it is to get a H1B visa
>>16531782I wish I had been high IQ enough to go into RF, sounds interesting. Had to pivot into power electronics instead
>>16531520I haven't been at work since it dropped, should get a good feeling for it tomorrow, but my company can't hire them because defense products. We have a ton of applications for every level of employee, there are plenty of US citizens that want to work. I think a lot of people finally realize that it's been a scam and we're not bringing in the super specialized best and brightest. >>16531780it takes a while to get into the flow. Eventually I hit a point where I stopped caring to an extent. I still care about improving quality, but if something goes wrong, something breaks, or management makes a retarded decision, I don't get upset nearly as much.
>>16532084By guarantee, I meant some sort of increment in chances of getting in job through college tagThanks, I was looking for some non-german colleged. I already got into RWTH fortunately but do not plan on accepting due to personal reason.How is KU Leuven, KTH, DTU ? I think I will get in, also hoping for ETH but let's see
>a whole new year of /sci/tards getting BTFO
There is no shortage of stem workers. Its a lie designed to keep wages low.
Studying Chemistry because I originally wanted to get into battery research but it seems like the West has already lost the race against China at this point. Where should I pivot to?? I'm lost.
>>16532384>chances of getting in job through college tagNone, lol. You gotta drop this third world mentality really fast. You can have whatever degree you like if you fail the technical interview you have failed the technical interview.
I really really wish I had been smart enough to study RF engineering, I know power is a stable field that will continue to generate jobs everywhere around the world but RF just has that clout for being challenging.... So it's not even a pay thing, I'll forever feel bad about flunking those courses, only ones I've taken twice and flunked twice. It's infuriating really, makes me want to smash something. It made take a full blown IQ test and scored sub 130, 140+ in matrixes but math section was a wash. What's worse is that I'm 99% sure that bunch of RF engies got laid off at the biggest national recently and I'm still jelly and obsessed. Thanks for reading my blog.
>>16531520They want Black and Jewish world order, not Pajeet world order. Pajeets are so disgusting that even normies cannot tolerate them.
>>16532587>le punished normiestoo late, should have listened to us when it mattered. now you will bow down to total jeet domination.
>>16532493Pivot to chemical engineering and take your meme process engineer job at a 100 year old refinery in flyover town
>>16532562>muh RF cloutlmao literally no one cares
>>16532562Grab your RF book and study it till you understand. I don't get it. I've literally never run into something I couldn't understand as long as I put enough time and effort into it.
>>16532587Jeet bureaucrats ran the old British empire. Formerly British territories throughout the world are currently filled with an in many cases completely dominated by jeets. Most of the Caribbean is colonies of India
>>16532562I wish I were good enough for MIT...
Working as a new engineer is brutal.It's like you just go to work and constantly say really dumb shit all day without even realizing it.
>>16532842Someone was discussing why India is so shit the other day and they had the insight that India is not a real country. It's literally an inherited empire. The British created it and then just left. So you have these people in charge of a colonial imperial project that they never could have created by themselves.It would be like if aliens came down, created some kind of governing authority that they used to organize stuff on Earth, and then suddenly just left one day. A lot of the post-colonial "countries" fit this same pattern.
>>16532964>It would be like if aliens came down, created some kind of governing authority that they used to organize stuff on Earth, and then suddenly just left one day. A lot of the post-colonial "countries" fit this same pattern.Thats the story behind Machu Picchu, thats why the newer construction is so shit compared to the earliest construction.
>>16532562Study for a /ham/ license, that covers the basics.>>16532597Tried hiring competent people lately?
>>16533109>Tried hiring competent people lately?Tried paying competent people an adequate salary recently?
>>16533132You don't have a choice, really. I had a boss straight out of Dilbert who tried to cut the salaries of analogue designers. All left, leaving the project in a lurch and the boss in a panic. It turned out he did not hold all the cards.
>>16533162Not him but how bad was the cut?
In terms of subject matter, this may be on the frontier of "career", but this seems to be the closest thread around, and it would be a shame to foul up the board with a new one. >Grants>Scholarships>Assistanceships>Etc. Do we have people on the inside track in terms of the aforementioned means of getting funding, particularly for US higher ed, even more particularly for graduate school? (Deets on area of study and location can be furnished, but I just wanted to get the generals out of the way.) Heck, if you even have a rumor about certain institutions and individuals who may be receptive to begging letters, or giving bread in exchange for working toward their scientific vision, that would be appreciated as well.
Stonetoss did a comic about how H1b visas are being used to make American university graduates unemployable
>>16533364At risk of getting too /pol/ there is "replacement" occuring, but employers wouldn't mind much replacements are androids or Subcontinental. Race and ethnicity (at least in this sense) are subordinate to labor costs. Granted, we do need to raise up an educated American and Canadian citizenry ready for STEM jobs (and/or capable of creating their own), but that's above my pay grade.
>>16533370But training people is hard and workers with options are dangerous for shareholder values
Bros, How can I get a scholarship for a master's degree in mathematics?My university has an agreement with the University of Paris Saclay, but since my country is garbage, they only let me apply for the master's degree in applied mathematics, but I would like to do pure mathematics.I have been searching on different websites for scholarships but the only thing I have been able to find have been scholarships that only include tuition fees. What I'm looking for are scholarships like the Sohpie Germain foundation, ( , which give you money while you study so you can live.
I'm trying to decide whether to go back to school for an engineering degree. I did a few "virtual internships" in engineering on this site called the Forage. Basically it's like a "day in the life" simulation, not a real internship but they give you real tasks. Here were some of the tasks I had to complete for GE Aviation:- Research different fuel types for a new engine. Make an Excel spreadsheet with a bunch of different chemical properties of each fuel type- Research bypass ratio and compression ratio in turbine engines and create a PowerPoint presentation for management about the difference- Create a PowerPoint presentation laying out an electrical distribution system for a plane- Come up with a detailed written plan to test some equipment to determine the source of a failure - Come up with a detailed written plan for how to disassemble an engine to service a broken partIs this really what engineering jobs actually entail? Just a shit ton of Microsoft Office? Holy shit, I had dreams of using science and math to build stuff and make cool designs in CAD. Maybe do some prototypes with 3D printing. Is this really what engineering is?
>>16533452Most engineer don't design shit
>>16532964Not really. This doesn't apply to Japan and Korea. And every other colonial country isn't that bad. Sure Africa maybe a shithole, but if you have ever interacted with a non-American African, they are still mostly normal. Indians are universally disgusting. I think it's all due to their Hindu culture. Even the Muslims and Christians there largely follow the same culture. I have noticed that only normal Indians are certain white looking Indians, who you won't guess are Indians at all. I later came to realise these are Anglo-Indians or Mughal descendants that don't follow this culture.
>>16533452I don't design shit.I just use a suite of software tools and click pre-planned buttons that do all the designing for me. This is why I've said repeatedly that CS chads are the last true engineers.
I was actually living together with two Indian guys for a year in my dorm and they were mostly fine Fuck the racial stereotypesThe food was spicy but they were very careful with hygiene and there was not even a trace of poo Unfortunately they moved out and now I'm living together with two normies whom I don't have any connection with
I unironically cannot stand working as an engineer. How the fuck do I get out?
>>16533839Shill a crypto
>>16533839I'm in the same situation.I only studied engineering for the money.Now I realize I hate engineering, I strongly hate the type of people who are engineers, and the money is average at best and not worth it.
>>16533166I was not told but I heard the designers left pretty much immediately. They needed just one single phoe call to get a new job. The reason I knew the boss got really desperate, was that he tried to get me in to fill in their roles. I was far from qualified and dodged that offer. Of course the project crashed, hard.
>>16533445>applied mathematics, but I would like to do pure mathematicsYou are truly exploring the nuances between unemployability and advanced unemployability. Sure, mathematics can be truly intersting, but why not sprinkle a little something else into this so you get a job? We had a Swede here, counting his days of being unemployed. I am glad he finally got a job but I hope you are not ending up in the same problems.
>>16532562Either RF or Semicon, I'm dabbling in Semicon with an emphasis on novel semiconductor materials. Try your best to read a lot of materials and I suppose you will get a feel for it. After all, intuition is just getting used to stuff and normalizing it. RF is a nice field you can experiment all by yourself in stark contrast to semicon. But just try your best and don't give up that's what matters. Even if you get shit grades and/or your circuits won't work.
What do you guys think about automation and controls engineering? Im studying electrical engineering and we had to decide on a specialization: energy, automation or communication I decided to go into automation because I already worked in a car factory before
>start new job>boss says it’s a feast or famine schedule and it’s okay that I’m not putting in 40 hours for a few weeks>says be ready to burn from both ends here soon>in the meantime, I’m knocking off at noon for the last two weeksAnyone else have a job like this? I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.
>>16533972How exactly do I get into Semicon? I'm interested in research of some kind but I have no idea where to start. I've been reading books (Pierret and Neamen) and trying to simulate stuff on COMSOL but I feel like I'm getting nowhere. What kind of projects are employers looking for?
Is this still possible?
>>16534132Used to.Its like 3 weeks chill, 2 weeks normal, 3 weeks grind.It's not bad at all if you can handle the grind
>>16534163You can always get a foot in the door working in the fab as a tool owner and try to pivot from there. HVM Tool Owner -> PTD Tool Owner -> R&D group. It’s cutthroat as fuck.
>>16533364Foxford did one too
>>16533384Really? You don't learn coding at trade school, but I had no idea the shareholders were forcing whites to go to trade school
>>16534026Controls is pretty hot right now and has been for a minute. It’s a weird amalgamation of programming and hands on field work that filters out pure blue collar engineers and pure white collar programmers.>I graduated from a University with a 4.0 in Computer Science. There were no internships available but I kept trying.>I graduated over a year ago and I cannot find a job in the field. white male privilege
>>16533452no you retard, but you couldn't do all that shit on a website. Most of my day is in CAD, CAM, or the 3D scanner software. Using Office is still a significant portion of the job since that's how we communicate things to different parts of the shop, vendors, and customers. It will vary drastically depending on the industry and company.
>>16533452Yeah, it is boring as fuck. Programming jobs are much better. Even teaching is better if you can stand it.
I deeply regret pursuing a career in STEM. It has taken so much from me, and given so little.
>>16534978What alternatives did you have?
>>16535015Plan S.
>makes wild insane ape noises
My most recent 'tism has been substations and medium voltage installations. How does one actually goes into those fields other than just being a contractor?Not that I'd have a problem with that but who'd even pay me if I've got no experience in it.
Got accepted here: I do it?
>>16535548200k is not bad especially when it's outside new york city.I had no idea Austin could pay 200k
Alright. So I'm 30. Degree in MechE. Work in telecom as an "engineering" manager. But nothing I do requires a degree in engineering. Sorta stuck it out because some life issues happened and I was making good money in crypto, and I've been WFH. But I'm basically 6 years into my career and I'm only making 98k with maybe another 10k in bonuses. It's basically gis grunt work. Anyways, I've sorta gone as far as I can go, but I kinda feel like being too lazy to move has hurt my career prospects something fierce and I don't know what to do about it because when I look up entry level positions in other fields, it's a pay cut. I sorta want out of mechanical anyways. I realized I have more of a passion for what goes on in electrical. What's the best thing to do here now? I was thinking of moving on this year and starting to apply around summer and move somewhere else since hopefully those things that my life has been on hold for are finished. But I was thinking I should just go to grad school and specialize in something more electrical focused since I really like EE but figured it out too late in my studies. >tl;Dr mechE grad took a barely engineering position and worked up to middle manager now feeling pigeon holed out of any real salary increases and not eligible just to slide back into a traditional engineering role. What do
>>16533370>Race and ethnicity (at least in this sense) are subordinate to labor costs.Only to the point that it doesn't degrade product/service quality to the point that you lose your customers.
Got into MIT EECS.
>>16535970I haven't enjoyed a single moment of success in my life once.
I'm very disappointed in my STEM career.
>>16534978>>16536099And what exactly is your STEM career
>>16536105Non-existent, a painful succession of failures and disappointments
>>16536107So what have you studied and where have you worked
>>16536091Yes, me too, which I why I am going to reject their offer.
>>16536120Mathematics, cleaning hotel rooms and in a fucking call center.
>>16536146What about teaching high school?
>>16536167I have moved to a foreign country where I do not speak the language to a high enough level to teach highschool, additionally I would rather kill myself.
>>16536167Why take the pay cut for worse treatment, pay, and hours?
My STEM career is a total failure. I'm honestly ready to just be liquidated by some authoritarian regime or something.
>>16536171It's getting a bit too on the nose now
>>16536171Don't worry, that's coming.>>16536173Don't jive me now. Don't jive me.
>>16536173You're probably some zoomer faggot in his 20s who is still wrapped in a nest of delusions about what his future looks like. I don't want to hear it from the likes of you. I have about as much contempt for anons as I do redditors at this point. You're all cut from the same cloth. You have no idea at what I have suffered.
>>16536171The disappointment I've faced has meant it wouldn't take much for me to join a terrorist organisation or just become violent on public transport. I need to be put down like a wild animal, which would be the first merciful thing society would do to me in my entire life.
>>16536168teaching secondary school is a challenge but it is not that bad
>>16536176I fantasize about being put down by a wild animal. Like I imagine myself covered in dirt with wild disheveled hair just making animal noises on the subway and wildly flapping my arms in the air until some normalfag redditor puts me in a chokehold until as I grunt and twitch until I'm dead. Then when the train arrives at the station all the people just step over me as they look at their phones.
>>16536179Like that is how my STEM journey ends.
>>16536175Guess again. My career started, bombed, I made my peace with it and life is fine. It's not glamorous but it's OK.
Everyone who signs up for a STEM degree should be forced to read The Fantasy Economy.>>16536184There will be no peace for me until I am six feet under I am afraid.
>>16536179I too have dreams like these.
>>16536179Oscar Wilde if he was ABD
>>16536187What could possibly create an unmet demand for linguists in the age of automated translation?
>>16536196Arabic is a very context sensitive language. Also the need to understand low resource languages which aren't as reliably machine translatable.
>>16536201Not to mention you need translators in the field sometimes too
>>16536207Before you regurgitate your next dumbass post proving how very smart you are, I'd like you to reflect on the difference between "unmet demand for linguists" and "you need translators in the field sometimes."
>>16536187Are people unironically scrubbing toilets with Engineering degrees? How did it get this bad?
Is impostor syndrome a meme? Are we really consoling mediocre performers? American academia is not making it to the 22nd century.
>>16531157Hey guys. This probably isn't a very science & math type of question, but I am curious still.Has anyone here worked as a power plant operator or a nuclear power plant operator? Are these careers good to go into? How difficult is it to actually get a job since the minimum requirement is either a high school diploma or an associates? How bad is the career itself?
>>16536187the fantasy economy is only available as a pdf that sucks
>>16536241>>>/adv/ is that way, Homer.
>>16536214Wtf do you think linguist means in this context? Some guy doing context free grammars? Never respond to me again.
>>16536259Actually do respond to me, to apologise. Otherwise you are making an enemy for life, I've memorised your posting style and have a lot of free time on my hand thanks to being an underemployed STEMcel
Just go play fortnite
>>16535847hmm well what do you WANT to do. shit man don't go back to school. you've got a BSME, do not forget this point. I am an EE in industrial automation (PLCs, industrial instrumentation, etc) and it's not a bad gig. with some online training I truly think you could pivot to that possibly without taking a paycut. look up Realpars on Youtube, Udemy has some PLC courses I believe. American manufacturing is still around and we are still gonna need controls engineers. And you do NOT need an EE degree to do this work
Wow looks like my first comment was totally on the money and I'm being persecuted by smarmy STEM-creeps as usual. What is it about pursuing a career in STEM that turns people into intolerable know-it-alls with personality disorders? Someone should apply for a grant and investigate.
>>16535847Consider doing a MBA.
For any /sci/entists who've attempted, or successfully made, the transition from academia to industry - did you find that you underestimated or overestimated your transferrable skills and your overall preparedness for industry work?
>>16534026I'm an EE who does power but I work with a bunch of controls/automation engineers. They seem to enjoy it a lot and there's plenty of places to work in (industrial/petrochemical/amusement parks/etc) and a lot of fields you could specialize in, like safety PLCs, so definitely a good choice. >>16535528>How does one actually goes into those fields other than just being a contractor?Look for engineering firms that specialize in that type of engineering or a utility company. Some jobs that have large industrial sites will have some MV installations (4160 VAC compressors is a common thing) but you're unlikely to do a substation unless it's an old ass facility that's rapidly expanding and they own their substation.
>>16535847Go back for a PhD
>>16536550I transitioned quite recently (insert tranny joke) so the perspective may change a bit with time.I overestimated my experience relevance somewhat. My academic research topics, though very applied and superficially related, ended up not being of any real use. Mainly the general subject knowledge and methodology/instrumentation familiarity are skills that ended up being useful. Even there it really wasn't a one-to-one fit. A specialist engineer would definitely have been a better fit for the role, but I guess they don't grow on trees so a washed-out academia wannabe is the best they could get.However I also overestimated how well my current colleagues know what they're doing. So everyone is fucking stupid but at least I fit in, more or less. Preparedness for industry work wasn't really an issue, some additional hoops and processes to get familiar with but nothing drastic. Mainly the questions is/was compatibility of skills.Obviously it will vary a lot with the role and industry. My job is a technical role at an early-stage company. So there's a lot of emphasis on "hard" and field-specific skills and knowledge. And a clearer contrast between people who do or do not have said skills/knowledge. Whereas a quite a few people from PhD times ended up going to things like consultancy or civil service. There the requirements are usually more ambiguous, and from my understanding it is the soft and generic skills that are transferrable.
>>16536591I should add, a small early-stage technical company still allows for decent flexibility in terms of the skills required and the job itself. Lots of smaller projects that require an assortment of skills, rather than being a hyper specific cog in a massive machine. This felt quite familiar from academic research. And, coming from academia, working with a comparatively small team and short chain of command is a familiar situation.I've never worked for a massive corporation, but I imagine the "culture shock" might be bigger there, and the requirements more specific.
>>16536379>I'm being persecuted by smarmy STEM-creepsWhat?The FAQ recommends going abroad, learning language and culture, which would also fit in with that line of work. In NATO countries, intelligence agencies are now recruiting at a scale I have never seen before.
>>16536550Overestimated, for me at least. I found very little of my experience and skills from research and teaching were transferrable, and it was only two years before I found myself back in academia.But I don't know how typical my experience was. I think it's going to vary a lot from one field to another.
Just to be clear, in an intelligence context 'linguist' doesn't refer to people with literal linguistics degrees per se but people with advanced academic degrees that speak foreign languages at a native-level. With the foreign language part being the actual sought after skill, and yes, according to their own statistics like 95% of those roles go to people that have been speaking that respective language at birth. So no, you won't get a job at the NSA with your shitty Japanese minor or a B1 German cert.
>>16536948Exactly. And yet the world's biggest meanie decided to spew his vituperative bile about me, the world's sweetest STEMcel.There's a lesson in all of this.
>>16536214Completely unnecessarily rude comment, the other guys right, you were totally out of pocket.
>Undergrads just want a dev job without responsibilities and are mad because their job market collapsed>PhD students were hired on ML projects before the GenAI wave, were promised a high flying easy career in research labs and are mad because their academic and industrial job markets collapsed>Government increases number of study places in CS What a time to be alive, I feel genuinely bad for people studying CS right now
>>16533972>RF is a nice field you can experiment all by yourself in stark contrast to you know how expensive rf equipment is? An open/short can cost hundreds to thousands of usd. Sweepers and NAs from the 80s are like 3k used
>>16536550was never in academia, but my boss (EE, RF spec) has said our company has struggled trying to hire college types before - for whatever reason they don't seem to adapt well to real working environments and just end up not doing well at the job. Maybe it's the hands-on portion? idk
>>16537169She's not wrong, she's exactly the kind of sloppy 5 that locks down tech redditohs
>>16537200What do they hire engineers that didn't go to college?
>>16537190Custom doped silicon from a fab can be up to 30k a square cm and an MBE machine for growing your own semiconductors is a couple of million used. RF experiments can at least be designed, fabricated and run by one person in an average research lab. Expensive equipment isn't the point.
>>16537169what a shit thing to say. I pray for her soul and her inner life
>>16537200My guess is that their idea of "real working environments" is people with 10 years of experience giving zero input, guidance or oversight to entry level people and then giving them shit when they take two hours to do something basic because it's more fun to bitch about how college kids don't know where the tools are kept in that company or what the nondescript button in their custom software written 8 years ago actually does.Which, to be honest, is indeed how half the real working environments operate. But if you find yourself having consistent difficulty onboarding a variety of people over time then it's time to look in the mirror.
I want a degree with open university in the name. Any suggestions?
How do I transition from Chemistry into a more engineering-style role? I have already done research interships in electrochemistry and battery testing an worked in the lab of a car manufacturer.Should I get a solidworks cert?
>>16537345Culture is a management problem.
has anyone tried to forklifting after PhD?
>>16537455I signed up for commercial driving school
>>16537392CAD/Drafting is dying in the US. Most companies will keep on one or two old timers with 20+ YOE and that is only to do a QC pass on the dirt cheap work that Jeets, Flips, and Polacks are cranking out. It’s literally cheaper to pay thirdies Pennie’s on the dollar to crank out mediocre models, and then pay one or two Americans to give their work a once over to make corrections.
I got 2 more years of EE undergrad still remaining. I'm demoralised as hell. I wanted to do undergrad research but my uni doesn't have much scope for research in the areas where I'm interested plus I've wasted a lot of time. I always wanted to work as a research scientist, but that requires a PhD and Masters and my field will be automated by AI by the time I finish my bachelors.
>>16537790If it makes you feel better I'm 3 years behind schedule.
>>16537796If it makes you feel any better, even if you graduate at 30, you still have thirty five (35) fucking years of career ahead of you. Spoiler alert, you will never retire unless you get dementia or something. You’ll simply fall back into a part time consulting role because they will offer you stupid amounts of money for very little effort.
>>16537804You keep posting this retarded cope across all these threads and it just isn't true if we are being honest.
>>16534163Depends on what you want to do with semiconductors, If you are into the process, I'd suggest reading , which goes into the how it's manufactured. Along with this Sentaurus TCAD is a nice simulation suite for how processes affect the device.There is almost always a specialist book on any topic where semicon is used too. Think power electroncis for trains (IGBT etc.) or SRAM (Memory) and the list goes on. I'd suggest choosing a topic you are interested in, which has a good market> Power IGBT for Automotive for instancethen you can specialist in that. Power semicon firms (think german, big) look for at least a simulation or small tapeout of a novel concept (make IGBT with a reverse pn or some shit like that) to hire for R&D.>>16537190You can buy a small VNA and strt there, heck you can just use your damn microwave and a hand made waveguide to see results. Your argument is not a problem for the enthusiast whereas semicon needs at least a cleanroom with litho which is comparatively harder to reach.
>>16537796If it makes you feel better I’m eight years behind schedule.
>>16537804>>16538010No it's not true at all.People with degrees and actual experience are stuck waging these days, with no end in sight
I think I was traumatised as a child and have trapped myself in a Jacobs Ladder style hell of my own creation.
>>16537804>>16538102Well, he's right about the bit where I will never retire.
who's right?
>>16536550I didn't have any expectations but didn't have any problems going to industry. I relied on my programming skills and had little hopes of using my PhD skills but it turned out that a background in research was very useful in quality assurance auditing and analysis.
>>16537190>do you know how expensive rf equipment is?Yes. Just look up /ham/ equipment. For experimenting at home you do not need research grade equipment.
>>16537790It will be years before AI can be fully trusted. Meanwhie, AI can be used for boilerplate stuff to assist real humans with degrees. So you have a future. Just make sure you move to management (such as getting a MBA) before AI really starts to bite.
>>16538086I feel for you
>>16532104It's competitive, not hardIndia has over 1.4 billion people dude.
>finally graduate with bs in me>no motivation to apply to jobsdoesn't help that the job market is in the trash
Probably not the best place to ask but here it goes: what are some good chemistry programs for linux? I need to draw molecules and schemes and stuff and something to read and interpret MNR spectra.
I have a nearly 2 year gap in EE. How fucked am I? I was a caretaker for the entire time, save for the last few months when I started applying back in October. I'm surprisingly still getting calls but I'm worried about hitting the 2 year mark in March. Maybe taking the FE will help.
>>16538549Depends on experience, where you are, and what you're going for. If you've got 5, 10, 20 years behind you, and you're just looking for any old eng. job in NA, you're probably fine, esp. if you were taking care of a family emergency or something. If it's a niche or highly competitive field, idk. My understanding is that employers are mostly worried about drug abuse, motivational, or antisocial mental health problems when they see gaps. I had a over 1 year gap between my last and current job, and I was starting to panic for the same reason, and in retrospect I probably didn't need to.
>>16538562>If you've got 5, 10, 20 years behind youHaha, only got 1 YOE so out of luck there. Was just doing end-of-life care up until September. Well, all I can do is apply I suppose.
>neet my 20s>projected to graduate with master's in EE when 29/30~>10 year gap in my resume I kinda feel bad about taking someone's spot and probably doing nothing with it. I'm the definition of unemployable and probably will try my luck in nursing, medschool or pharmacy next. Even fuckups and retards get employed there
>>16538574Well, I only had 3 years before my 1+ year gap, and yeah that's 3x more than you, but it's probably not that much more in the eyes of an employer that might have to re-train you for something different. If you're getting calls they're interested.
>>16538010It’s absolutely true. You’re gonna hit 30 YOE and have contacts that hit you up to put in maaaaybe 20 hours a week sitting on Teams meetings from your house to chime in with “yeah that sounds about right” or “no that’s retarded” once or twice an hour. And they are going to pay you six figs on a contract to do it. You will literally have nothing better to do besides playing golf or dicking around in your garage. The money vs time investment will be so good that you won’t turn it down unless you made some serious fuck you money and a boat/vacation/random boomer toy isnt appealing to you. You will get bored of actual retirement. The only guys I know after being in industry for 25 years, who actually, truly, retire are the guys who are 1) divorced, and 2) made enough money with a side hustle/investments that they can fuck off to some thirdie shit hole and live like emperors banging brown girls half their age. You think you’re gonna retire. I know you truly think that. But when Joe Smith from XYZ corp calls you up and offers you a consulting gig at really damn good terms, you are going to take that shit at the end of the day.
>>16538580No, your resume will just start with your master's. Why the fuck would you try medical when you have an EE degree?
>>16538633Desperation. I've also considered stealing and selling copper
I have a Chem background with some experience in energy tech and want to work in semiconductors. Should I apply for interships in the solar energy space? After all PV is basically semicondutor technology, no?
>>16538544>chemistry programs for linuxDebian has a list, ready to go:
Would it be terrible for my career if I take a year+ off and use that time to study for a master's degree full time? I've been working as an engineer with a bachelor's degree for about two years now and would like to get a master's degree. For a number of reasons, I do not want to spend 3 or so years studying in the afternoon for it. I get that it is not common and is financially difficult, but would doing so make it difficult to return to industry?
>>16538906>All that education would have gone to wasteLooks like 580TC doesn't understand the sunk cost fallacy
>>16538580>pharmacylmao. it's going down the shitter hard and fast. i do not advise anyone to become a pharmacist.>medschoolmeh.>nursingwhere the real quick and easy cash is especially nurse practitioners.
>>16531157whats the point of getting an engineering degree if my wage is going to get stagnated?
>>16538632None of this is true, I'm not going to hit 30 years of employment and people, who can barely stand me moments after meeting me, are not going to be "hitting me up" for anything. Who the fuck do you think you are talking to? Someone who is enjoying success in their career? Nobody has ever wanted anything to do with me. Fuck off.
>>16538906Who the hell signs off their messages with their salary? CStards deserve the employment holocaust.
>>16539056This is being posted on blind where posting salary is the point of the whole thing
boss wants me to learn solidworks. Any recs on learning materials?
>>16538917>difficult to return to industryyes
>>16538953If your wage only stagnates you will be lucky.In real terms engineer wages have gone down over past decades.
>>16539232>In real terms engineer wages have gone down over past decades.So has everyone'sEarly career anons were starting as assistant profs were at $45-50k at most state schools twenty years ago. They're still starting at $45-50k, today, despite inflation cutting the value of the dollar by almost half.Welcome to the new status quo - everyone's salaries stay the same while the money they earn can afford less and less.
>>16538544>draw moleculesVESTA>NMR dataMestrenova>t. computational chemistry postdoc
>>16539111CSWA, CSWP
>>16539283Already going for those, but thanks. Know any good yt series or such? I'm building muh first pliers right now off of the official sw youtube
Is a Master's in Energy Science and Technology a meme degree?
>>16539340Yes, just do MSE
>>16539273>computational chemistry post-docOpinion on the Cheminformatics Master's program at the university of Strasbourg?Opinion on Quantum Computing applications in Computational Chemistry?
none of these degrees are professionalwhy can't we have more professional degrees
>>16539369>professional degreeIs this one of these American bullshit things? Like studying a whole Bachelor's of biology before you study medicine or how studying law gives you a doctoral degree at the end for some reason?
Should I do a PhD in applied Chemistry on the creation of new materials for the creation of more robust Quantum Computing architectures or should I do a PhD in theoretical chemistry on the development of new Quantum Computing algorithms to simulate electrochemical systems?
>>16539369Doctor of business administration Doctor of public health
>>16539432yes I wish we had those.instead only doctors and lawyers get to be professional and have a job guaranteed after
>>16539377it's a meaningless term that basically just means PhD, doctor, or lawyer. it's a short hand way of saying "i spent $300k on school"
>>16539273>VESTAI'm an organic chemist, I need something like chemsketch but actually good. I used to have chemdraw for Win but I ain't got it for linux.>mestrenovaI used to have that for win too, best NMR software. Had a little experience with TopSpin when using the spectrometer but that's inferior for actually interpreting the data...But it's paid software I don't have for linux.>computational chemistry postdocWhat do you work with? Hammering molecular orbital calculations with computational resources to come up with correctional factors to make it fit the data? Around here this is a very popular occupation for computational chemists, that and molecular docking.
Just magically added 3,000 words to my thesis because apparently figure legends DO count towards the word count, swag
>>16539406flip a coin
>>16539694Why are you worried about a word count?
>>16539711I'm not, but I use it to track progress (as well as page count). In my head my thesis should be at least 50,000 words, by comparing it to other comparable theses, so an extra 3,000 is substantial. Also I've just jumped to over 30,000 words total which is a nice milestone.
>>16539377In America, you need a professional degree to be a theologian, but not to be an engineer.
>>16534026Its a great field, and though it is not exactly deep in theory or cutting edge problems, it is VERY deep in skill and "the knack" for having familiarity with many things. I was a controls guy for 6.5 years. First doing BOP (balance of plant), District Energy, Switchgear, remote sensors, Panel design for 4 years, and another 2.5 doing machine design at a german company state side. Machine design is a different beast - but not entirely, and all my skills were transferable. Machine design in my case was in metrology and grinding. Lots of safety circuits and standards, high speed cutting and servos and stuff. The sensors function the same but are a different field/standard like the ones from Balluff and IFM, rather than Rosemount or Yokogawa. In the end we still used Rockwell or Siemens PLCs all the same.I transitioned out of it because I've got a kid now and the travel was too much, but I was in this weird zone where I wasn't getting paid as much as a field engineer, but I'm still doing 25% service calls. At 6 years in I was making about 110k. I was an idiot and said yes to 68k fresh out. Make sure you find a place that has some senior engineers who are sticking around, a service team if you don't want to travel and a large enough team so you aren't doing the work of 2 or 3 people. Say yes to as much as you can, accept you will make mistakes/trip/crash things and do your work with integrity. I am in motor control and power electronics now. Some skills were transferable, but its mostly because im on the controls team in general.
>>16533770i graduated in 2017 and have been designing shit from 2021 to 2025. Not that hard to find. Im an EE for reference.
I graduated in 2017 and have been designing new ways to commit welfare fraud ever since
>>16540190You're my hero. I want to be you when I grow up.
>>16540238Thank you, I do it all for the fans.
My PI kept ripping huge farts in our meeting today.
>>16540190wtf did he mean by this
>>16540276He's trying to humiliate you and literally shit test you. Some PIs bully their lab members by shouting or intimidation but it looks like you got a gasser. You really need to fart back at the fucker next time or he will see you as weak.
>>16540276Braphog PI is my dream
I just dropped out for being too dumb for STEM, what now?
>>16540360Your Business degree is waiting for you. If you are going from Business Intelligence and Data Analytics you might be able to worm yourself back into Stem.
>>16540364I'm probably too big of an neet for stem, my CV is barren
>>16540190atta boy
>>16540360if your too dumb for STEM, it probably means you have great things ahead of you. Im proud of you son
Job market for EEs in nordic ?Focus on RF
>>16540436None. You will eat the bugs and you will be happy
>>16540360Your lifetime earnings just went up half a million at least
>>16540076No one cares.
>>16540537I didnt mean that in a boastful way sorry, just wanted to post before sleeping so I was short. But yea I think ive had better luck joining small companies (25-100 employees) so that I am a wearer of many hats and they typically have a get it done mentality. Its not conducive to success in the long run imo but you do benefit as an engineer in the first third of your career from doing and learning as much as you can. Id target companies like that. What's your field/specialty? I'm actually working with GE Aviation on a joint program currently, they seem very knowledgeable but slow moving, which is why they've got us doing the technical work.
>>16540436nowhere is better for RF than israel or the US. Unless your working for the state wherever you are (or in China).
>>16540436Bump, where should I move to for opportunities in RF ? (Europe, other than germany...)
>>16540547I doubt anyone will offer an international offer in USA for fresh grad in RF
I am an EE in US. 3 years experience. Salary: $60k per year. HR roasties make more than me.I cannot even buy a wife with this salary.It was all for nothing.
What's the point of even studying......
>>16540436Nordic VLSI does RF, mobile tech companies such as Ericsson and Nokia (yes, they still exist), and the defence research establishment in those countries all need EE people.
>>16540711>Nordic VLSISorry, meant Nordic Semiconductor
When did "please have 5 years experience in our hyper specific market segment" become the standard
>>16540679God dam, here I was thinking EE/Mech E would be making at start 90k then there career trajectory would be 300k+. I work a mid level IT position and make 140k$ with my experience. We even have people with 3 years of experience making 100k at my work. How are you surviving. >>16540777Job security fell through the door so you have 100 people apply, 30 are qualified on the old standard but your boss can only hire 2 people so they better have experience in that subject already. What's the point of having a degree if it means you have zero transferable skills?
>>16533452>thinking internships, let alone “virtual internships” are actual engineeringNigger, internships are literally just an exercise in seeing if you can show up and do some simple assigned tasks on time. Real world engineering is nothing like engineering school. Engineering school is nice neat little puzzle box problems that have closed form solutions. Real engineering is entirely open ended and has extra variables like profit/finance/capital/contracting/etc. Engineering school is the bare minimum. It’s the “you must be THIS non retarded to be in the club”. It’s zero guarantee. Do you expect that just because you pay a cover at a bar/club that you are guaranteed to take a girl home that night? Because that’s how you sound.
You fuckers expect to be handed golden handcuffs right out school as engineers. No, faggot, that’s not how it works. Yes, unless you are exceptionally talented, you might have to pay some dues working at some literally who mom n pop company for a few years. Oh, yeah, you dont NEED your PE/PMP/LEED/etc, but if you want to actually get anywhere you do. You have to be ambitious. The attitudes in this thread are plz gib job simply because you did the bare fucking minimum. Engineering degrees are not job coupons, it’s a simple proof of you aren’t completely retarded and are maybe, MAYBE, worthy of something more.
its okay, the h1b will work twice as hard for half the pay
>>16540990Everyone is basing that on the old idea that you could get any job within your career field right out of college. Before that you could get a decent 80k+ entry level job with engineering but now all of those engineering jobs have been outsourced or attrition'd down due to automation, better tools when back in the day you would need 10 times the amount of people and admin to design a new car, circuit board, engine ect. Now all we have left is cope.
>>16540990You didn't even need relevant degrees for half the high-paying technical jobs 40 years ago. My dad walked into a fucking software company in 1981 with a fucking English degree and no experience with computers. They hired him, gave him eight weeks of paid training, and put him to work.Employers don't even train anymore. Onboarding is just thirty minutes of some wrinkly HR cunt lecturing you about insurance plans and sexual harassment policies and then you're thrown into the fucking deep end.
Is there even the slightest chance the US SWE market recovers any time soon?
Is it normal or exceptional that my engineering company has all its engineers do quoting, design, build, install, support, and consultancy?
>>16540865Basically everyone makes more than engineers now. McDonald's managers, HR roasties, redneck tradies, IT Indians, airline stewardess, public school teachers, lesbian fire department chiefs, everyone.Engineering is for stupid people. It's the high effort/low reward career choice. >What's the point of having a degree if it means you have zero transferable skills?Brutal. Getting an engineering degree is almost like a form of self-sabotage at this point.
>>16541045Common in tiny company, which is just a couple of dudes making things work. I once talked to an EE that design the product then drive a truck to haul them to the client and continue his role as sales rep, idk if hebinstalled it himself or not.
>>16540990>yo yiggidy yo, u jez got ta have da grindset dog, sigma male mentality, jez grind, nigga>tik tok logo pops up while ambient rap plays in the background
>>16541044The entire business model of "tech" is based around scamming investors/the government with a bullshit product, and then getting acquired by FAGMAN. Then starting a new company and repeat. It was a market that could only exist in a clownworld economy of free money. The definition of a bubble.
>>16541432Not to mention the amount of work required to accomplish programming tasks is massively inflated by colleges injecting the market to drive down wages the same way they have done for, law, nursing, research, pharmacy and telecommunications. This creates a drastic imbalance where companies cut the cream of the top talent while everyone else flounders with the people that where just there to collect a degree before moving onto another shit career. With this cream they get just enough experience to start another company that goes through the cycle thus creating artificial demand for more top talent that once again overflows and drives down the wages. >>16541388>Getting an engineering degree is almost like a form of self-sabotage at this point.Provided that the education is good and useful(1/4 really is) you could always pivot out. However having your entire industry be watered down and outsourced for 50 years essentially kills all the creative life blood out of talented/educated people like no other. You cant even suck on the tits of coomer whales like artists do before they either create there own company or move in the industry. How transferable is EE towards any other career? All I can think of is Electrican/Power plants and barely IT since are main focuses is fixing shit which makes us far more analogous to mechanics in terms of trades. Half of us fix our own cars which further proves that comparison right.
>>16541044absolutely notjust looks at BLS stats for expected job growth and the number of bachelors awarded in CIS/CS per year
>>16540711But any of these company are doing cutting edge work like ASML ?
>>16541474>How transferable is EE towards any other career?Every EE I've met is a brilliant math autist so that probably helps.
>>16541510The ones that aren't are probably jobless
>>16541474>How transferable is EE towards any other career? All I can think of is Electrican/Power plantsHaving an EE degree would count against you in such environments I fear. The tradies who gatekeep that stuff despise college graduates with a passion. They are boomers who still think college is like the 1980s party movies and they feel like they missed out on 4 wild years of fucking 10/10 after 10/10. They have no idea that it isn't anything like that, but the movies tell them it is, they resent missing out, and then they take it out on you.
>>16541481>BLS statistics....
Any more imput? >>16539406
>>16541487if you want cutting edge work get the fuck out of the nordic countries. There's literally nothing interesting that can only be produced from that comfort-oriented economy.
>>16541397No you fucking retard. The engineering career pipeline is pretty well defined and hasn’t changed much in the last 40 years. You spend 3-4 years working as a bitch boy doing CAD monkey/excel shit, handling the light work of people who know better than you, and then you get a certification or two and move into mid career where you mentor the next gen of bitch boys. Then you either shoot for management or SME technical role. It’s not fucking hard. If you are too autistic to handle people OR too retarded to hone out on some technical niche thing then you shouldn’t go into engineering to begin with.
>>16534455I was thinking about this. I got a 98 in cal 2 and 3 and a solid 100 in ODE gonna do PDE next fall. I enjoy math and seem to be okay at it and made me think GNC might be for me.
>>16541899>GNCOverpriced products but hopefully you get good commissions in this bad economy.
>>16540975I gotta spend 4 years of time and money getting a degree so assholes like you can spit in my face and pay me the salary of a high school graduate 20 years agoI just wanted to be a physicist bro
Is there any hope for me as an industrial engineer
>>16542106Like all engineers you have jobs you can do that don't require your degree but getting a well paying job with your degree as its requirement, well its over.
>>16542127I just wanted to be a manufacturing engineer man
>>16542129I forgot the other name for it but Industrial Maintenance Technician is about as real world experience as you can get right now that is somewhat related to your aspirations.
>>16542067Oh I meant "guidance navigation and control"
>>16542135Well I am a QC tech guy now with a degree but I wanna know what I need to do to become a true manufacturing engineer. It's my dream job to be a mfg manager
>>16542156Sounds like the aerospace problem. You want to design the planes but the only people that do that have Mech E, EE, Chem E ect not really aerospace engineering. In your case if you want to be a manager instead of someone that designs the machines then you need to look into Systems Engineering/MBA as your pipeline. If you want to design the machines then Mech E and EE would help out alot. But then again Industrial and Civil Engineering are small careers so you should dig into there own forums on there for more advice. Beyond all of that its OVER for everyone
>>16542175It's funny, I do work in the aerospace industry and I see this happen a lot. IndE isn't as small a career as people make it out to be, but the other career avenues for it aren't in engineering per-se. Systems engineering and management is kinda what I'm going for, it's just tough to get experience without already being a shoo-in for an introductory role in that particular discipline. I suppose I need to do something on the side to be better qualified?
>>16542181assuming you have your bachelors in IndE already then yeah getting a masters in Systems Engineering or MBA would be a move in the right direction if your goal is to manage the floor/work flow like a game of factorio. Side step experience other than being a wrench monkey would probably be a management job imo.
>>16540360You're free.Go enjoy life.
the interest rates are on the way down so basically the jobs are coming back anytime now
>>16542698Fucking this.SO fucking much this.
>>16542698The Financial Times reports that that big business in the US is simply ecstatic and that private equity funding is finally starting to flow. All this because of the president elect. This is in strong and strange contrast to the end of the world declarations from the intellectual elite.
>>16540360I envy you
>>16542698If there is a God please let this be true. I don't want to be one of the ones who graduate and never find employment.
I'm currently a scientist in a government lab. I thought it might have been cool but it's not, It's awful. The longer I remain here the more unemployable I become. Are any of you guys medical science liaisons? This seems to be a popular career choice among people in my cohort and field in general.
>>16543168Tell me more about how awful it is.
>>16543168>The longer I remain here the more unemployable I becomeI've never thought about it but that's a good point you made.I wanted to work for military r&d but now I'm not sure.
>>16543207It might be different elsewhere or in other fields but for the one I'm at, see below.>>16543207Scientifically and technologically they are beyond behind industry and academia. I'm not asking for or expecting cutting edge, but you can't be struggling with problems that were solved 10 years ago and try and fail to reinvent the wheel to resolve said problems.Most of the workers are equally out of date, they learned their craft in the 80s and have advanced no further since then. This is part of the reason that they can't do new things, because the workers cannot and refuse to learn. Refuse to learn? Well just fire them right? Impossible, you cannot be fired. Not because of incompetence or otherwise. Unbelievable amounts of HR bullshit to do anything, genuinely takes them close to a year to order reagents sometimes. HR type people (i.e. those with no technical knowledge) also play a large role in managing scientific projects which leads to said projects being full of technical issues.Honestly I could go on but you get the picture.
>>16542698he's delusional take him to the infirmary
My supervisor has psychologically raped me, I am the academic equivalent of gay for pay, a fucking cabana boy for his schemes and cruel accomplices.
Dropping out of my PhD program after a year. I can just put it down as 'research assistent experience' yes?
>>16543751Just write PhD researcher or just researcher.
How do I become an online adjunct? Yes, i have PhD. Yes, I have online teaching experience.
I have stopped doing any work in the office. How long until I get fired?
So now, at the end of my masters, I think I should've just learned to code instead...
>>16543762Careful they might promote you.
>>16543762I’ve been doing this for the last 3 years. I don’t do shit. I dress nice, I’m friendly to everyone, I’m good at resolving conflicts, and am trustworthy. It’s called being a personality hire.
unemployment is down and the interest rates are's not that bad out there for programmers right?
>>16541388It's better than getting a chemistry degree. Holy fuck you have to be retarded to do that.>t. retard
>>16543957I am doing a degree in Business Chemistry, everyone in the same program as me is pivoting to Data Science and Analytics or Consulting.
>>16543972what's business chemistry?I have never ever heard of it
>>16544010Basically a chemistry major with a minor in business and economics with some specialized courses at the interface of both.
>>16543762I have not done any work in 3 months and my boss keeps telling me I'm doing a great job. I think our entire economy is fake. Everyone is faking all the way to the CEO.
>>16543957My fellow retard.>t. double retard
>>16544010dealing drugs
>>16543928Worker participation rate is 60% so you should really consider what the unemployment data is using for its metric. >>16543760local community colleges that have online classes.
Should I do a PhD in the industry? I already know the people I'd be working with because of a previous internship, and they are very nice. I like the topic, but I'm not sure I like it enough to painlessly stick to it for 3-4 years. I also feel like I absolutely don't have enough experience to assess wether the topic is a good topic for research or not. I don't want to end up doing a PhD on something entirely different if the topic turns out not to be viable (I know people to whom this happend). I could ask my current professors, but it would still be the opinion of 2-3 people. I would also have to move to a cold place, and being from a warm one this will make me suffer.The alternative would be to just find a normal position. In this case I would have an easier time quitting, but maybe it would be more boring than a PhD.Any advice / experience?
>>16544321Industry phds are probably more viable than random academia phds.
I'm so cooked, I have lost all interest in anything I have spent the last decade of my life on.
>>16545930It all feels pointless now
>>16545932I'm going to practice being increasingly violent, day by day, until something happens.
>>16545930Everone gets to that point now and then. Do something comfy, it helps.
>>16545948Get a job, moran.
>>16546084I wish I could make you my first victim
I'm going to start singing negro spirituals and cooning, since thats what my supervisor thinks I am: a slave. Yes massuh, sho nuff massah, how do these plots look massuh, hyperparameter sweep massah. Thats what I am to him, a beast of burden.If I only had a gun...
>>16546174You are something even lower than the historical negro slave. You're a goy.
>>16546221A goy chud STEMcel rape slave, yep that about sums up my pitiful existence
>>16543928Unemployment is down because a growing number of people are just giving up on finding work.Can’t say I blame them. When you’re filling out a couple dozen applications a week only to get ghosted by all but one or two of them (who only email you back to say you’re not what they’re looking for and no they can’t tell you why or anything that might be useful for improving your applications going forward), it’s incredibly hard to find any motivation to keep trying.
>>16546227with chatgpt you can fill out 100 cover letters per week
I don't actually want to go back to class. I really hate grad school. I really hate this shitty town. I don't even like physics anymore.
>>16546320I am actually starting to like physics. Never studied it much before. I did my degrees in math + cs.
I have: math phd, cs ""major"" (90+ ects). Physics ""minor"" (45 ects). I will try to get into a physics master program in a few years. What are some other courses i should pick up in the meantime?
Job market is wobbly still:>Why ‘Cost Avoidance’ Became an AI Buzzword for Holding Down Headcount>Businesses are starting to link their artificial intelligence initiatives with paring back hiring plans, or so-called cost avoidance, in an effort to justify investing in the technology.>The term also resonates at a time when companies continue to pare back spending—and when there is still broad skepticism AI can generate big returns.Also>Fake Job Postings Are Becoming a Real Problem>Lots of job seekers have a story about the postings that linger online but never seem to get filled. Those so-called ghost jobs—the roles that companies advertise but have no intention of filling—may account for as much as one in five jobs advertised online.>Some staffing agencies also post jobs that don’t really exist so they can go to a company and pitch their services by showing off a great portfolio of talented people who could be hired.
How is IMEC, leuven ? (Digital design engineer - £3000/month after taxI was searching for jobs in Netherlands but unfortunately I may have to stay in Leuven itself. Any reviews ?
>>16545930Welcome to the club.
>>16533569Lol quite opposite as good looking are mostly from upper caste Hindus. Lower castes converted to abrahmic religions
Is working for outlier ai worth it or is it a scam? I am eyeing the epic reddit Digital normal lifestyle.
Anyone here any experience with applying to US Ph.D. programmes with European 3-year (Bologna Process) bachelor's? I want to btfo asap
you only pursue stem/academia if you hate yourselflooks up references, spending hours in the lab, writing reports/dissertations/thesis, using mind boggling software to come up with bullshit charts and do this cause you hate yourselfno one will care about the shit you published, maybe it gets cited for other dweebs but you certainly didn't make a single dollar or add value to the world by doing ityou did it to satisfy your ego that this innocuous, highly specific item you studied makes you smart. No, it doesn't.if you were smart you would realize life is too short to waste time and energy on this stuff, stressing yourself to get grant money/high GPA, etc., then die of a heart attack/cancer sometime in late life after neglecting your body for so longyou would pursue what would maximize your personal utlity, i.e. what's the least amount of work i can do for the most amount of money/free time
>>16540990i'm a complete credential whores and i have all thoses credentials you mentionedhasnt done shit for my careeryour career growth is based on how often you switch jobs and how good you are at making management like/promote you
>finally hear back from one of the hundred or so applications and dozen or so interviews I've done this season>Anon! We really enjoyed your interview and would like to offer you the position. Oh, and by the way, we're actually changing the position, instead of full-time it's part time, you'll get half the hours we initially implied, and you'll need to take a 40% pay cut over your current salary. We're very excited to work with you and hope to hear from you soon about accepting our offer!How the fuck is this shit not illegal?!
>>16546478>you do this cause you hate yourselfNope>no one will care about the shit you published, maybe it gets cited for other dweebs but you certainly didn't make a single dollar or add value to the world by doing itProbably true>you did it to satisfy your egoStill no, for me and everyone I knew at the time, it was about geining more skills and insight, and hopefully get a job also in industry.>that this innocuous, highly specific item you studied makes you smart.I never met anyone who thought a PhD made you smart. You had to be smart to get in and to complete. Smart is not the same as skilled.>>16546524That stinks, probably they are amngling to demonstrate nobody wants the job and then they hire a dozen from India,
so many people in this thread talking about their degrees like they mean only means something for your internship, after that the first job you get is based on that internship even if the work experience has been completely different from your degree. nobody ever looks at your degree again except when they want a reason to reject you
>>16546380I would also like to know, they keep asking me to complete programming experience verification
Is there a good free plagiarism checker?I tried asking /g/ but I didn't get any responsesI'm doing an online masters while working full time.I've seen a lot of students getting accused of plagiarism or using AI for their code.I found a lot of posts on the uni's reddit claiming they didn't cheat but they get interrogated for it anyway.It could be people just pretending to be innocent and they cheated super blatantly, but it would make me feel better if there was a way to make sure automated systems aren't false flagging my shitI tried grammarly but it doesn't seem like it picks up on code I tried pasting off of stack overflow or geeksforgeeks to test it.
>>16546524lol, you too, huh? just heard back about an assistant professor position. finished the interview, got invited for an in-person visit, even had my ticket purchased, then they come back to say 'oh, sorry, the position's actually just an adjunct post now, still interested?'
I'm silently trudging through my own personal, invisible hell.The post-fedoras are right in that God is real, it's the only thing that makes sense. However, whatever God is, it certainly does not love us. That's the part that's the cope.
>>16546622Your fucked honestly. I was getting 60% regardless of what I tweaked and had no idea where they pulled there plagiarism bullshit from.
>>16531197Networking is a lie rich people tell middle class people the reason they aren’t getting tenure, the game was rigged for thier kids before you left jr high. Why do people think people with power/connections need people without it?The lie is belied in the bottom tier advice they give. “Go to conferences and hand your card and name around.” Really think through what that would mean to the people getting the cards for longer than 5 minutes.>>16531520I have an extremely accurate answer to this but it is too off topic to post on this post. Hint look up pre 2007 democrats pro union/anti immigration position and post 2007 pro immigration patfoem.>>16531785Like any proffesion, get your s together. You need to have nice bags and shoes, and be well made up when you get to your public places. How do you do this? By organizing your closet and kitchen and time so it is easy to do. Even if your car breaks down, or it is raining
>>16534132At least they let you knock off during the slow time, 80% of corporate work is over staffed for the one contract or busy season where they make all thier money, and it’s too expense to hire temps for the work for 8 weeks, the point ai am getting at is most of them still want you to pretend to be busy during toe over staff/downntime. Which is its own little sort of hell
>>16546984Link to where I can buy a nice bag. I'm using a 10+ year old back pack.
>>16547108No one gives a shit about a back pack desu everyone has shit bags, shoes, boots and random assortment of clothes and none bats an eye.
My current role as a quality engineer in defense has been a good career start, but I have mixed feelings of staying. They have me scheduled to help lead quality in an upcoming facility this year, which represents both an investment by the company in training me as well as a unique opportunity for growth. However, it also represents a significant increase to responsibility and, when I asked for a raise upon switching, I was rejected because it is considered a lateral move. The promotions we get tend to come with a lower pay raise than other roles, making only 6% per tier more compared to a typical 15% in other departments. So to get from a tier 1 to a tier 3, we are looking at 5 years (3 years + a master's degree) for a 12% raise, which would put me at just under $90k. This is much slower than I'd like to see my wage grow given especially that I've put the time into obtaining an MS degree while working full time. Am I violating company trust by leaving for a pay raise? Would I be abandoning a good growth opportunity in so doing? My boss is selling it to me on growth opportunity but I have a hard time believing it will hurt them that bad for me to leave if they've made it expressly clear that I am not elligible for a raise.
>>16547398>violating company trustLol who gives a fuck?
>>16547438I only really care because I try to respect others regardless and, more importantly, would prefer not to burn a bridge
>>16547398You should stay in defense, you are performing such critical work. You are vital to ensuring we defeat Russia and China and enact end of history global jew domination, which will spawn in the Messiah. Each cluster munition that takes out some 8 year old in Donbass is one step towards every goy bowing down.
>>16547398I used to be a quality auditor in a defence company, and man, management started looking at me weirdly as I unearthed one problem after another. As >>16547443 correctly points out, your work is important. The problem is that it is not fully appreciated. And GAO documents QA breakdowns in F-35 when the radar software suite hits a regression. That is of course a shooting offence but hey, L-M runs the show and tax payers just have to pony up the money.I too prefer not to burn bridges ( Even though I sure had the napalm for it back then) so stay around to get into the new position for at least one year before start searching for a new job. Anything less than a year looks like bunny jumping and less than 2 years you don't really get to learn the field. Your progression will be more solid if you switch when you have some experience, while those that move every 10 months can only get anywhere by superficial reputation and close personal connections, which will come crashing down when actual experience is called for.
>>16547477Okay that's good advice. I'll be at my 2-year mark in June and anticipate I may start at a new company somewhat before that point. I feel like I could certainly have more experience but don't feel an extra year in this role will necessarily make me a better engineer, at least with regards to what I want from my career. If that makes sense.
>new PhD student in our lab has 5 years of industry experience already and is 27 years oldIs this why I barely scraped into a PhD programme by the skin of my teeth?! Because these super-overqualified motherfuckers were my competitors?! FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
>slumming in a course directed by a 4 years younger PhD student Nobody should go into university after they turn 24
I'm at the end of my masters, I have to write my thesis and I hate everything about it. Should I quit and go do something else instead?
>>16547828Just finish your masters bruh, shit could be done in a few weeks if you buckle down
>>16547818And worst part is that there's a 99% chance this is for nothing and I'll be homeless/jobless. I wish I could've been a 150 IQ Chinese immigrant too, he's hustling for faang too
>>16547893Tbh at this point in time I would consider "commitment" to any course of action expecting something to come of it in the future a pretty stupid mentality to have.At this point all you can do is take it day by day, the future is more variable today than it's been at any other point in my lifetime, and "commitment" to anything right now is just asking for failure
>>16547588College and real world experience are 2 different beasts.
There has to be a real way to get a job. Since apparently anything less than 100% guaranteed might as well be 0%, I need a method with a 100% guarantee. Maybe a 99% guarantee at worst. I'm too unlucky to leave anything to chance.Find some way to blackmail? Send arson/death threats? There's a lot of info about people online. The problem with this situation is that you have to reveal your identity to get a job though. Force them to hire everyone within a range of applicants? That's not really feasible either I guess. I suppose, in the case of blackmail, revealing your identity could work if you always keep the upper hand. Whatever you're blackmailing with needs to be worth more than them going to the police. Or giving you a job has to be worth less than the risk of you revealing and the hassle of trying to involve the police. Hmmm well if a solution were that simple I'd have figured something out years ago. I will have to think a while more I guess
>>16548035Join the military if your that desperate enough to get a job.
Computa Kinte. That's my name.
My punk bitch of a supervisor, who wouldn't last 5 seconds in the California pen, did me dirty. It's ok though, because I'm validated, I'm cliqued up with my mob, I keep my shit HOOPED, I'm carrying the keys to the yard and I'm putting in THAT WORK for my people.
Great and I'm right back to being condescended to and treated like a village idiot who just fell off the turnip truck.
>>16548235I really AM the village idiot but my supervisor treats me like I actually know what I'm doing when in reality I need my hand held all the time. I feel like I've been abandoned in the cold to die.
What other career options do I have as a former software engineer with a cs degree. If I don't get out of this warehouse soon I'm gonna rope.
>>16548237Remember, we are shaped by our thoughts, we become what think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.
>>16548251Get a MBA and transition to management.
>>16548264>MBARespectfully this is the opposite of a good idea rn.Even the ivy-league version of people are currently fucked
>>16548283Unless its free but the education of a management degree is trash, god forbid masters level classes.
>>16548035Defense contractor