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/p/ - Photography

Displaying 21 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
4354299Under what circumstance would anyone use Premiere Pro over this? No I am not a fucking shill, I am g…[View]
4355406How to stop a friend for taking soulless photos?: My friend is very talented and has very nice and …[View]
4355844Where does time go?: >be 2005 >8 megapixels >max resolution 3456 x 2304 >no video record…[View]
4356770I'm not sure what happened to me, I just completely lost that spark that drove me to take photo…[View]
4355470>IMMEDIATELY MOGS EVERY OTHER CAMERA Nothing personal.[View]
4348759Darktable: Anyone have any suggestions with this program which appear to be inherently anti-vibrance…[View]
4350411What are the only mirrorless systems with SOVL and why is it picrel?[View]
4355398I post a ton of photography online yet the photo with the highest engagement by far is a nude self p…[View]
4356725annoying client: Why can some clients not just say what they want? I spoke to a potential concert ph…[View]
4356460Why did he quit photography?: I recently went back to his youtube channel and he went full schizo. H…[View]
4356701>reverse your lens >put it to the mount >you now have a macro lens >save hundreds of do…[View]
4347561/rpt/ - Recent Photo Thread: Previous thread >>4344394 Let us start again. [EXIF data availabl…[View]
4356673best gear i have ever used was when i was poor & alone during the pandemic shooting a mamiya rb6…[View]
4353171Took a little mini road trip through Alaska. Here are some of the better pics I took, most of which …[View]
4353439/acg/ Action Camera General: Prolly good to have a thread about these kinds of cameras running. Alth…[View]
4350058/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread: Dedicated to answering general photography questions Last thread: …[View]
4352972Short week in Porto - August 2024: I went on a short trip to Porto about a month ago, I really liked…[View]
4354800Please recommend me a RAW editor. I've been using Rawtherapee for a long time but got fed up wi…[View]
4354574Wildlife photo thread: Do: Post photos wildlife Give constructive feedback [EXIF data available. Cli…[View]
4356141Why won't the clowns at smegma release a Foveon X3 APS-C camera in a L-mount body?[View]
4355555What are colors? [EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.] Camera-Specific Properties:Equipmen…[View]

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