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/p/ - Photography

Displaying 15 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
43375501366x768: I want to share some pictures I took a while ago, at 1366x768 resolution [EXIF data availa…[View]
4332653filter thread: How the FUCK is this garbage still the 'industry standard' in the year of our lord 20…[View]
4337336Fireworks Thread: since it was independence day in the states recently, let's do a fireworks th…[View]
4337077This shot was so much better[View]
4336260Gen X Soft Club/Heroine Chic Film Look: been really into the davide sorrenti stuff and the general l…[View]
4326949how do i stop being a pussy bitch so i can take photos of random people in public?[View]
433156550mm is a garbage focal length That is all.[View]
4336003Technique behind these pictures?: Hi, I’ve been really into @wrapped.nil’s photos, he uses a lot of …[View]
4328408>Mamiya RZ67 Professional >Mamiya-Sekor Z 90mm >Mamiya RZ67 Pro II Magazine (120) >Extra…[View]
4328176>be me >spends 10k+ on camera gear the past 2 years >turns my end game setup is a Pentax LX…[View]
4335022Name a better bang for the buck lens: I'll wait.[View]
4336360tiny size differences: I don't get how some people will opt for smaller sensors or even inferio…[View]
4336658A CHAD WARDEN PRODUCTION Sup bitches... Sup bitches, it's Chad Warden here... aight, I'm …[View]
4331668I'm brand new to photography and just bought the R8 with a 35mm f1.8 based on /p/'s recomm…[View]
4334342Digital corrections: >New Lens comes out. >Crystal clear photos from edge to edge >NOOOOO I…[View]

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