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/adv/ - Advice

Displaying 472 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
31693644Good gf advice: How do I become a good girlfriend? My relationship with my boyfriend is pretty much …[View]
31687155Regret: Title. I had thr opportunity to commission as a pilot in the Navy last year and I turned the…[View]
31693749I need date ideas: Hey guys, i need Date ideas. Never was on a real date. Only idea i have at the mo…[View]
31693051Intuition vs anxiety concerning infidelity: How do you differentiate between a gut-feeling vs. a tra…[View]
31689894Girl advice number 40123451: Matched with a girl on tinder, mid to late June iirc, said she explicit…[View]
31684505Embarrassed about the kinds of women I like?: I am actually embarrassed about the kinds of women I l…[View]
31694161How to get an office job?: Family wants to move near a city and expects me to finish college by the …[View]
31693908I lose interest in a girl after we have sex for the first time. Explain this to me[View]
31687473At what point does a boy become a man? Do you consider yourself a man?[View]
31694099should i wait another year to decide on college? I left at 18, now im 19 and if i dont go now ill ha…[View]
31692863I’m a 21 year old weird autistic nerd man. What I wanted from life like nearly everyone is to be abl…[View]
31692456is life over?: 18m here, turning 19 in a month. girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me 2 years ago. …[View]
31690521Wife cries to manipulate: Last week I got a forehead reduction, Botox, neck and face liposuction, as…[View]
31691173Career: I'm a 21 year old guy living in the US. I was homeschooled through high school, and wou…[View]
31690966Help! Women!: A girl is almost certainly into me and I can't handle it. This really stresses me…[View]
31693204Cleaning piercing: How are you actually meant to clean behind an earlobe piercing? I fold the ear on…[View]
31693785Hidden camera took videos of me: >Continue of >>31652219 >Continuation of >>31666…[View]
31693661any alternatives of going into a trade? I had bad grades[View]
31690470how to cope with the fact that ill never get a boyfriend: i am extremely ugly and im not white. i ha…[View]
31692519How do I convince my gf to talk to me about problems she's having with me/the relationship? My …[View]
31689994Ex back?: My long term ex came to see me after 4 months since she dumped me. We just talked and cudd…[View]
31691481is this really living?: I'm 23, working my ass off in a country whose people are racist to me, …[View]
31689498Progressing a relationship?: How do people actually move a relationship forward? Like I have no idea…[View]
31692527Complicated Feelings: I'm not going to link my other thread but the TLDR is that I was sexually…[View]
31685152How much would building muscle and then cutting to get shredded actually help me get pussy as a 173c…[View]
31692325how do I fix my voice 'just talk more' isn't working[View]
31693351Entitled to my time for friendship long gone: Any other anons with a job in a trade or profession th…[View]
31692887Wtf is wrong with me?: I cashed a cheque that was probably retarded to do, since I never cashed it f…[View]
31692839My fucking cunt of a gf says she doesn't find me attractive (but frequently comments on other p…[View]
31690457cheating wife: Girl I've been banging casual turned out to be married and it's really fuck…[View]
31689085if a girls agrees to visit your home its means she wants to fuck right?[View]
31689163Tardive dyskinesia.: Freaking out. How do you guys function and deal with this? I stopped the medica…[View]
31692338Frustration from impatience: How do I stop being so irritated that all the things I want in life (a …[View]
31684418>be woman >get guts to ask out friend I’ve liked for a while >literal blissful perfection …[View]
31692703my gf often denies me sex i told her that women in the past were literally apologising to me when th…[View]
31693094weird calf tightness/cramp: I woke up with an awful muscle cramp in my calf that lasted for like a m…[View]
31689540How would you feel about your girlfriend making out with another girl? Happened to me last night, wa…[View]
31690188Easy target: Sorry for the wall of text. My mom recently told me she doesn't see me as a man. S…[View]
31692842How do I stop Daquaan from eating my Mac 'n Cheese?: So I am generally very happy with my livin…[View]
31692722I wasn't there for my friends when they needed me, and I couldn't be there for a while aft…[View]
31678175I work in retail. We have an employee app for our phones that we use to clock in for our shifts (wav…[View]
31689996Monk mode: What are the real downsides of becoming a real Christian monk? Let's say you're…[View]
31686954Thoughts on this situation?: Is it immoral, even if it's legal and licensed and not in a third …[View]
31686935Worth it?: Been talking and dating a girl with adhd - some minor adhd I would say - and I’m wonderin…[View]
31686319Which was the best zodiac sign you dated and why?[View]
31692779tips for moving forward?: Hey, long story short - wife of 8 years fell in love to our friend. we got…[View]
31691455Im back: A long time ago I made a thread showing my gross scarred bald head from chemo, and at my la…[View]
31692429>23 f, white latina How do i find a tall masc girl partner, specifically white >pic related h…[View]
31689374Where do I find a gf as a black sperg who drives trucks for a living and makes music in his free tim…[View]
31690376How do I get real friends and a real relationship im a mediocre-bad looking woman good features but …[View]
31690026My GF is super skinny, how do I make her gain weight properly?: She's underweight BMI. I'd…[View]
31690015My best friend: I dont know how to help him or what to do. me and him have been friends for like 7 y…[View]
31686469How do I kill my sex drive?: Title. I’m 25 and I’ve given up on trying to find a girlfriend. Being d…[View]
31689177HOW AVERAGE 18-20 MALES LIFE LOOKS LIKE ???: I'm 19 and have been isolated for four years. I…[View]
31692375how to deal with my mother?: I think my 60 year old mother is destroying my mental health. She'…[View]
31692278I recently consolidated some tip money and counted roughly 2k in cash. That's a lot for me righ…[View]
31692177Paranoia: Person I live with says things to himself about me, or talks on the phone to poeple and br…[View]
31691566/ATOGA/ - Ask the Opposite Gender Anything: Bathtub Episode Last Episode: >>31688824[View]
31689886What gets views nowadays on YouTube: I used to do animations and play games on YouTube, got about 8k…[View]
31691833should i ask out the guy i like?: going to 4chan because I need actual advice based on the knowledge…[View]
31689698Breaking up with GF: My girlfriend and I recently had a fight that resulted in me deciding that we w…[View]
31688654Should I keep my shirt on during sex?: Hello anons. I am slated to have sex with my gf (will be my f…[View]
31690106does anybody know how to get rid of gyno?[View]
31688131How do I stop compulsively ignoring people? It soothes me on some level but I also feel like I'…[View]
31691558>playing online game >main a class whose playerbase is 95% young women >get invited to a gr…[View]
31691552You women disgust me: IVE BEEN REJECTED MY WHOLE LIFE. Since I was 15 to 17 rejected but I understan…[View]
31691640If you can't fall asleep during the time you normally go to sleep and just roll around in the b…[View]
31691530Friend and Ex: 6 months ago I found out that my girlfriend of 3 years has been lying to me about som…[View]
31685186Should I reply to people criticizing my content?: I'm not sure if I should defend myself and ar…[View]
31686621How to cope with balding at 20?: NW5, turning 21 soon. I don't want to post pics, but trust me,…[View]
31686436I miss greatness. What do?[View]
31691175Best way to go about learning how to cook?: I need a hobby thatll help me impress the ladies. I dont…[View]
31690902Me and my girl best friend had a thing for a while, slept together etc. Never went into a relationsh…[View]
31690915>about to graduate from university with decent degree >job lined up next year with good starti…[View]
31688518Why does a considerate amount of women fuck fast a guy they dont like or yhey think has a bad person…[View]
31690166What are psychedelic drugs like?: I've done large amounts of weed and a little Ketamine before,…[View]
31684574adult stuffed animals: Can science explain why I can’t sleep without my cat sleeping next to me/in m…[View]
31689381What's a good hobby that's inexpensive, fun, and allows you to socialize with others? Been…[View]
31691218How do i find my true calling: ???!!!! How does one find there true calling.[View]
31688840Tell me why she blocks me after we have sex? It happens every time. It’s as if she doesn’t care to c…[View]
31691056How do I stop lusting after skanky whores?[View]
31687125Is it possible to be friends after getting rejected?: So I want to ask a gurl I like. Problem is tha…[View]
31686425I'm tired of wasting my money of frivolous things and I'd like to use my money to make mor…[View]
31690707>get all my work done for the month early >end up getting assigned extra work to do and have t…[View]
31689249I don't find anything appealing outside; there's nothing I want to go, see, or do. I don…[View]
31679823How do you make friends, find bros to do stuff with, hang out with, help you with girls, etc? What i…[View]
31686079Can I become outdoorsy?: I'm your stereotypical guy who doesn't leave his room and is chro…[View]
31690552I'm 36 and have been married for 5 years to a woman of the same age. We still dont have childre…[View]
31688565my dad's alcoholic tendencies in our family since i was a kid,made he think its better for ever…[View]
31689820Depressed friend is a bit manipulative: so in my friend group one of my friends is extremely depress…[View]
31684111How do I get my Snapchat account back?: I want to login into my old Snapchat account, but for some r…[View]
31690528How do I stop hating myself for being a weird autist and not normal?[View]
31689093>be me >keep falling into an endless cycle >watch self improvement content >get a consis…[View]
31690214Rent in Central Flawda: Gonna be starting college soon this fall, and my budget is limited. Let…[View]
31687271Going to study in another. Rent is high, but split between me and buddy. I have a title of car techn…[View]
31688572How do I stay calm in stressful situations?[View]
31685930Will going on daily 1 hour walks actually make me lose weight within the next 3 months?[View]
31688109Any more apps/products that will drastically improve your life?: For the first time in my adult life…[View]
31690294Female autist and zero social skills: I’m in my 30s and I struggle with making meaningful friends. I…[View]
31684039Der Schooler makes some decent points: Does anyone else find Schooler’s advice to be somewhat reason…[View]
31690172Tsk. Fogged’ed’aboud. Unreal. So I got this problem with the Law. Crazy broad, ex of mine, making up…[View]
31689914I don't want to die. Even on my worst days, at least I'm still experiencing something. One…[View]
31681671Is this bad?: Im still in contact with my ex - not as friends, but just sending messages sometimes. …[View]
31689846my crazy mom: so yeah, guys my mom is a bitch like she tried to put an electric collar on a dog we w…[View]
31687377is college worth it? I feel I'll regret not going while I'm still relatively young. Any ad…[View]
31688703Is Getting Help Like Therapy Worth It?: First reponder here. Officer. TL;DR I had a rough shift last…[View]
31689833Fuckfuckfuckshit: I finally made it to the talking stage with a girl that seems attracted to me. Bad…[View]
31689447Grudge: How do I fully let go of a grudge? I don’t want to get into details but I rarely even think …[View]
31687272Would cold showers affect my muscle growth after working out?[View]
31688441Good protection against HPV and HSV: So I'm a 27 yo kissless, handholdless virgin. I've gi…[View]
31688211Do doctors that aren’t piece of shit subhumans exist?: I’m going through the list of doctors in my a…[View]
31688100how do i get over her?: I was in a relationship for 6 months with a pretty sweet girl. There were a…[View]
31689011Are people this unreasonable? >be me >try my best to be humble in general >conversation com…[View]
31689962soulseek tshirt lost media: Please tell me if this isn't the right board to post this in! Ther…[View]
31686634I guess I have to use a fuck app, then: I've never done the thing before and now I'm 30. I…[View]
31689922>go on first date with girl >everything goes great >get home and lay in my bed >think, '…[View]
31685562i’m in my first year of college and in one of my classes there was this girl i really had a crush on…[View]
31689762it is i, the great scotthewozfan49. give me youre foolish mortal troubles, anons, and i shall solve …[View]
31679873I watched lolicon when I was a kid, should I rope?: From 9-14 I used to watch lolicon occasionally, …[View]
31687157How do I get a girlfriend? I need as detailed advice as possible. I have never had interest shown in…[View]
31688023How to accept myself?: Some context >male 20yo pushed away the best friend I could ask for >Ru…[View]
31685770Am I being troonfished anons?: Just downloaded a new dating app and pic related liked my profile, bu…[View]
31689454how do i pick a college course in like a week the community college still has places until like augu…[View]
31688816Why do woman low-key enjoy being beat up by their boyfriends? And continue to stay on for years with…[View]
31687789How do i stop watching porn? Its getting too dark for me. I want to stop and be productive but when …[View]
31689072How do i get the LORD to stop tormenting me? I want him to right now without suffering either slay m…[View]
31666156I beat my cousin to a pulp after years of abuse: I beat my female cousin to a pulp today. My parents…[View]
31686983How do I stop myself from becoming a shotacon?[View]
31689151I just want everybody who reads this to know that no matter how far down you are, no matter what you…[View]
31688824ATOGA: Ask the opposite gender anything Last >>31685878[View]
31689038What is the psychology of a man with a small dick? For example, how would he react to a 'bet u have …[View]
31688754Self grooming: How do I trim my pubic hair ? I shaved it a month ago and it itched like a mother fuc…[View]
31684974When I was a kid my family did foster care and two of the girls my family took care of introduced me…[View]
31672583Asian Massage: Does anyone here have any experience with these kinds of places? I've been think…[View]
31686988How do I stop feeding the bitter fledgling monster in me? How do I not mentally break apart? I remem…[View]
31688767How do i cope with the fact no girl is going to love me because of my small dick?: So my dick is 14,…[View]
31683294is betting actually bad or is it just that normal people are too impulsive and tend to lose big beca…[View]
31688290Why can I only get with chicks that I don't respect because I act gruff and then I hate myself …[View]
31688775Does anyone from 4chan not have npd/bpd? The people that I've met here have been nice but very …[View]
31688422Late 20s KHHV no friends: Tried dating apps a while back and got no matches, tried going to the gym …[View]
31687568How do I improve my appearence and personality as a femoid? I really feel like I don't look my …[View]
31688206how do you find what job you want?[View]
31688655Customer from waitressing gig followed me home: It was pretty fucked up and I'm still shook abo…[View]
31688378My gf is into humiliating me: I have a gf and I love her. I love her with all my heart. I turn into …[View]
31686826Can I borrow some money?[View]
31684634Healthily dealing with obsession towards another person (Part 2!): Very quick update anons: Things w…[View]
31685989How the fuck do I get into a girl's pants if I don't give a shit about them on a genuine l…[View]
31686332Best Country for Foreign Students Seeking Work and Quality of Life?: I'm thinking to learn a fo…[View]
31687726Youtube. Was it worth it ?: Do you reckon you would be doing anything productive if not it ? The sam…[View]
31686264Is it over for me? Do I have potential? Can any females weigh in and give me some feedback on how th…[View]
31688061>spent 8 months losing weight >finally achieved <10% bodyfat >face still looks chubby i …[View]
31687173Explain How?: using privacy focused apps foss and other in a non rooted device does even make sense …[View]
31687484Does sex not give one brain fog?: I don't have sex but sex having no brain fog might be the bes…[View]
31683006My girlfriend and I have been on a sort of break for about a month and a half because she needed tim…[View]
31686729>wife doesn't give me sex >if she does then it's once a month and it's not even…[View]
31685268Depression and meditation: Things are pretty shitty for my rn anons. More often than not I feel depr…[View]
31684472What do I do with my sister's bf? I haven't had a whole lot of contact with her for a few …[View]
31686644How do I go from 1 to 5 or at least 4? Internal monologues and overthinking are killing me[View]
31678815What do you do when someone hates you for no reason?: I get on really well with everyone at work but…[View]
31683926hot girls dont even look at me because im so fat and ugly a hot girl walked past me she was wearing …[View]
31687387I've got a coworker in the discord of my friend group. It's been fine, but lately his gimm…[View]
31684434i just raw dogged and licked the pussy of a random girl I found at the club. How likely is it that I…[View]
31678982Am I in the wrong here? What should I do .. My girlfriend is super upset I won’t let her move in. We…[View]
31686032>don’t talk >people think I’m weird, creepy, or that I hate them >talk >people are rude,…[View]
31683609the curse of advice!: I always try to help people by giving them advice and they always misunderstan…[View]
31687883Self Improvement: 18M I have been addicted to internet for past 3 years watching random bullshit on …[View]
31682586Neighbor thinks I'm exposing myself to her children: This is going to be a weird one For some c…[View]
31688078Will spending more time around women and making female friends help me overcome my deep seated misog…[View]
31687399Is there a service to just hire someone to pick up some food for me at a restaurant that doesn’t do …[View]
31684756What kind of corporation can you start overseas to avoid capital gains tax? Thinking of doing this o…[View]
31683870I am trying to get over my ex girlfriend (we broke up ~5 weeks ago now) but I dont really want to da…[View]
31687827How do people hide their location on /bant/ Normally it shows the flag of the user's country bu…[View]
31683899bully: how do I stop being a bully? Pic unrelated[View]
31682542I did bad things in the past. I can't be justified.: In the past, I've done messed up thin…[View]
31684140Ear Crud: Why the FREAK do my ears incessantly produce crud and grime from this spot exclusively? I …[View]
31677036Shut out of society because of one mistake: Years ago I had a drunken rage episode which caused me t…[View]
31686938how do I deal with oneitis? It's been 5 years and I had sex with 40 different girls but I stil…[View]
31686316Fucking help: I have a friend who is full fucking degen in the worst ways. Always looking at and onl…[View]
31687539Does anybody want to be accountability partners? I have a bunch of shit I am absolutely fucking drea…[View]
31678935i left school a bit over three years ago and can't move on. the bullying i went through for bei…[View]
31686345>got laid off last month >basically spent the last month of my life with a mixture of alcohol …[View]
31687420Who thought styling tabs as these retarded floating buttons was a good idea[View]
31686772I'm really upset my art isn't getting more engagement/feedback on social media. Especially…[View]
31686853i think that guys at work who are quiet and usually wear a neutral or negative expression are asshol…[View]
31684114Why do a lot right-leaning people believe that they're owed respect simply because they exist? …[View]
31681795how hard are you supposed to try to find a gf? most guys i know seem to do it without thinking.[View]
31686350How do I cope as a very short man: >kys Mom would be sad >lol go fuck yourself you piece of s…[View]
31687167My best friend has been pissing blood for a week but refuses to go see an urologist because 'th…[View]
31687284Asshole women: There’s a domineering woman at work that has a sharp tongue that talks down to me, an…[View]
31686095How to get rid of cuckqueen fetish: Before this fetish I always fantasized about being raped in a vu…[View]
31685953Getting help for delusions: Went to an ER for a 72 hour hold, got out. Written in all my documentati…[View]
31682798How do you succeed in life?[View]
31687124How to stop disassociation?: For the last 9 months I've been stuck in vary levels of disassocia…[View]
31681912How do I get a small, not well known Youtuber to notice me and fall in love with me? How do I get in…[View]
31681003Is it possible to be a fresh software dev at 23?: I wanna get into software dev but i think i'm…[View]
31683308I am so fucking disillusioned by 'men's mental health' shit.: All it's ever lead to is cir…[View]
31685910I just bought a house for the first time, and I was under the impression that we'd be talking a…[View]
31682961Will smoking carts fuck me up later in life? I don't want any serious health conditions because…[View]
31685427For the past few days, my mom has been complaining about kids playing outside and hitting our fence …[View]
31686288Old vehicles, sheds and machines on plot of land: My step dad bought a huge plot of land in the late…[View]
31684956How to make the tranny thoughts stop?: Asking /adv/ and not /lgbt/ because those guys always say tra…[View]
31686573My little sister tried to sneak in alcohol but I confiscated it from her now I'm drunk asf sipp…[View]
31686359How can I stop the ringing in my head?[View]
31682093What happens now?: So me (INFJ) and my boyfriend (ESTP) had a fight again. We live together and i…[View]
31686533What is the best social media platform these days to grow accounts on using mainly bots and then usi…[View]
31672593GIOYC – Get It Off Your Chest[View]
31682574I've finally filled up my Tinder profile, put on some pictures that make me look presentable, a…[View]
31685878/ATOGA/ - Ask the Opposite Gender Anything: Last: >>31682343[View]
31684253What should I do about my brother?: I love my brother but recently I don't like being around hi…[View]
31685117In love with my best friend: SOS Dear god please help me /adv/. I guess I WAS a straight male but I …[View]
31685323How do I stop thinking about sex?: I had a bit of an awakening where before I didn't care about…[View]
31682083How do you stop masturbating for good?: I have stopped porn easily enough, but I still masturbate. W…[View]
31672766Is it okay to message your ex and tell her you miss her and you want her back in your life because s…[View]
31680202Is this a solid plan for my future?: >25 years old >currently in school to get my EMT certifi…[View]
31682871My girlfriend committed suicide: what am i supposed to feel? what am i supposed to think right now? …[View]
31685665I don’t know how to be a husband: Last week I got a forehead reduction, Botox, neck and face liposuc…[View]
31684893No will to live:: I've been wanting to kill myself for sometime now, I developed a tumor on my …[View]
31682485How do you deal with housekeeping when staying at a hotel?[View]
31680814Why does life feel less worthwhile without a gf/fwb?: >going to movie theaters, for walks at vari…[View]
31683546Hikikomori for 12 years 8 months and 26 days How do I recover? no ropemaxxing[View]
31685591Neetbux: I live in the Uk and am on low rate PIP how do i increase it to high rate?[View]
31683528I can do cold approaches but I end up getting excited and stuttering like a retard, really what are …[View]
31679345How do I negotiate travel between jobs?: I work a pretty comfy job in the aerospace industry as an e…[View]
31685128How do I make friends in a new city? My plan is to go downtown this weekend and talk to random peopl…[View]
31683490Server full of pedophiles, SA, CP and R enthusiasts: The server is full of 15-25 year olds grooming …[View]
31674962Are SNRI's and anti-depressants worth it? do they help? a psychiatrist just prescribed Venlafax…[View]
31683151signs a girl likes you? >walking into walmart >milf walks outside and caught her looking at me…[View]
31685281My friend just recently bought a house. At first, I was genuinely happy for the guy. He's one o…[View]
31682435How do i get the LORD to stop tormenting me? I want him to right now without suffering either slay m…[View]
31681567(As a male) How do I get a more fem body?: been looking everywhere, but every thing i read up on has…[View]
31683663Will sleeping on my back fix my asymmetrical face?[View]
31684468What social medias are necessary to stay in touch with normies?: I'm about to come out of my sh…[View]
31684802Approaching women: I've finally improved my appearance and physique, the only thing remaining i…[View]
31643303How do you talk to people?: I am incredibly autistic and I have always struggled to make friends bes…[View]
31685049Last day of work: I work in a warehouse and am quitting shortly. What should I do on the last day to…[View]
31684869I've never been to a club or party before as a 24 year old man. I grew up in a very religious c…[View]
31684463I can't stand anymore having to clean my glasses everyday. They get dirty every time and I lost…[View]
31682323How do I keep a good man? I always have intrusive thoughts in regards as to how good I am being as a…[View]
31679826Is it weird to reach out to an old friend you haven't spoken to in 5+ years?[View]
31683099Asking girl out: Details: >meet girl out in public >ask for her number because I think she…[View]
31683189After the windows update, Youtube videos look like shit now. Is there a fix?[View]
31681841Seriously, what does that mean?: >You're the type of guy someone could trust their wife in t…[View]
31681643How much does it cost to get castrated?: 27 year old kissless virgin handholdless incel here. I…[View]
31684085>take on student debt >end up with shit job >monthly payments start in two months How do I …[View]
31681915Neighbor harassment what do: There’s this cunt that lives next door that has made it a point to make…[View]
31683041is it possible to learn how to be funny[View]
31681974How do I become more enthusiastic?: I had a job interview and just got an email back that I was unsu…[View]
31682437MDMA assisted couples therapy: I need to find a therapist who does MDMA assisted couples therapy in …[View]
31681064Does heroin show up as morphine on drug tests? I was snorting a shitload of what i thought was keta…[View]
31682071I can get women just not the women I want: Why the fuck do I attract girls that are absolute basket …[View]
31684260Nursing or accounting?: Want a job where I can use my hands/body without it killing me. Nursing seem…[View]
31681057Where can I find really cool pictures of things people may want to use as decor. For anything you co…[View]
31682549Couldn't get hard during sex. Should I troon out?: >plan hookup for a few days >its an ol…[View]
31677176/htgwg/ How to Get Women General #243: >What is /htgwg/? How to Get Women General is by men, for …[View]
31683775why am I like this?: >be me >meds are running out and I have to go to psychiatrist to get more…[View]
31680919opinion on gf situation please: I have been dating a girl for about a year and I noticed she still h…[View]
31684074SAX BUYING GUIDE: What would be a reasonable saxophone to purchase? >For use in jazz combo >$1…[View]
31684024Pooping issue: Every time I’m busting to use the toilet and take a piss, a little poop slithers out.…[View]
31681156Does being fat diminish your chances at getting girls that much? I'm a KHV in my early 20s and …[View]
31682262My company has made us all install Microsoft Intune. How fucked am I?: I know that Microsoft Intune …[View]
31679528Chad here, how do I find a girl that will love me for my personality but not for my good looks and h…[View]
31682517exhausted allthetime: I can't do anything. I can't talk to people/ I can't read or wa…[View]
31681953What are some normie hobbies and interests that might help one relate to them more better? They usua…[View]
31683335I have a lot of free time at work, but I can't bring any big devices such as a phone or laptop …[View]
31682883Help in finding insane bisexual bitches [URGENT]: Hi, everyone So I've been in a relationship o…[View]
31682527Improving my life in 40 days: So i would describe ow i will proceed to better my life in 40 days, an…[View]
31682576Tech help here: How much does it cost to repair a screen of MSI GF63 8RC SERIES[View]
31683650Career motivation?: My job is very comfortable, mostly remote, very little pressure. I make a little…[View]
31683550How do I stop hating femininity?: I don't consider myself a misogynist, a traditionalist yes, b…[View]
31683633So my job has gone WAY down hill in the past year, and I think they are pushing people to quit. They…[View]
31683629glasses: I have been told I am “kinda sorta cute-ish if I squint my eyes and while look at you witho…[View]
31680284Corporations design junk food to literally manipulate your biological system by adding chemicals to …[View]
31676187I proposed to my GF over the weekend and she’s been upset since then saying it didn’t meet her expec…[View]
31671845first time pls help: femanon here i’m 18 and starting first serious relationship with a guy we’ve o…[View]
31683072How to pick up pregnant women?: I'm not a creep about it, but I am kind of attracted to pregnan…[View]
31683116how do i deal with the stress of being a neet 6 months have gone by no job im 19 almost 20 spent my …[View]
31682668Academia man: So I jumped straight into university out of highschool, biology undergraduate. Realize…[View]
31683270What are some ways to make money as an ENTP?[View]
31683369Internship: Hello, not sure if the advice board is good for IT related shit, but might as well post …[View]
31681508Chloroform kids: If it helps making people go to sleep, is it useful to chroloform annoying kids int…[View]
31679246How to get a girl like this?: Gonna sound cringe but I do actually like most of their music genres.…[View]
31675970Texting a girl (trans) I'm interested in tips Is everyday too clingy? Should it be more like 3 …[View]
31682727How to stop being such an affirmation-whore? I believe it stems from an incurable illness and chroni…[View]
31682936I work as a cashier and I am constantly stressed about getting sacked since the economy is shit and …[View]
31682343Ask The Opposite Gender Anything: Previously on ATOGA >>31679261 Hackerman Edition[View]
31682797Any good natural stress relievers/cortisol lowering aids? Been trying 300mg ashwagandha for a week a…[View]
31682870Starting over at 28 in a large city: I lived in a barely medium-sized town ever since I graduated, b…[View]
31682141Where online do I meet proper autistic people to be friends with? People on 4chan and reddit are pro…[View]
31682682How do I get my life started?: >18 >still living with dad, basically a man-child, he thought q…[View]
31682650I have permanent bags/dark circles under my eyes. Basically I look like I never sleep at all. Is it …[View]
31670624in love with transactional girl from tinder with a bf: so basically i've been seeing this girl …[View]
31679782Guilt/Regret: Is there a method to get over guilt of past actions or do I just have to live with thi…[View]
31682544Probably not the right board to ask this, but I had pot brownies last night and it was legitimately …[View]
31682163Advice for (you): It’s not about who you choose to talk to, it’s about who chooses to talk to you. O…[View]
31682494I'm thinking of ending it because life is just tiresome and boring. Not because of a deep depre…[View]
31681645Good weight loss tips for someone who is depressed, has no willpower and wants to lose it because he…[View]
31682170how do I make time go by slower[View]
31682551I have zero ability to self edit and I’m bad with words. How can I fix this?[View]
31678573How do you become a chill person? I've always been shy, neurotic, and never been able to stop o…[View]
31681566i have no background in anything my only good subjects were english french history. I dropped out of…[View]
31681297How do I love myself?: I recently realized that everything I do is for other people. Getting a prope…[View]
31681855Complete loser: Can you guys bully me/shame me into doing right by myself? Nothing motivates me. I n…[View]
31674103how do i get over the fact women are more valued than men?: i'm tired that the law, society, me…[View]
31681657How should I live my life if ever there comes a time where I would find myself in an unfortunate inc…[View]
31681821I keep thinking about cheating on my girlfriend: I've been thinking of having sex with another …[View]
31680273How should I go to this festival?: There's gonna be a festival soon near my town but I'd h…[View]
31682256need help: I cant just find myself, i dont know what i like, i dont know who i am, i dont know mysel…[View]
31682171How to stop gooning with ADHD?: Since the age of 10, I've had a masturbation addiction. I'…[View]
31678222Why can I not stand being on my own anymore? Even a single night in on my own, I just get incredibly…[View]
31682004How can I impress a girl with cooking skills?[View]
31682132can i fuck my own ass?: Its been a long dream of mine to nestle my d inside my boyhole. I'm 6 i…[View]
31680023do I have bi-polar?: for the past four years or so, my mental health has gotten worse and worse. i a…[View]
31680681I'm trying to get into IT but I don't have a tech background: Particularly I don't ha…[View]
31679448How do i find an American wife?: Me: Canadian 28 fairly fit and active (225 bench, 20 min 5k, play …[View]
31675586I'm on medication for many problems. I want to quit taking some because the side effects are ba…[View]
31680417Need advice or answers: Recently, I have been feeling like its over. I have been resorting to extrem…[View]
31682005I don't know what to do with myself: >23 >5'6 >High school dropout at 16 >Asti…[View]
31677416I think i'm getting depressed: I'm a 23 yo guy, i think i'm getting depressed, this y…[View]
31681101girl best friend asked me 'bro what if we were single at the same time ': what could this possibly m…[View]
31680369Confused what language to learn: As a foreign student, which country would be better to work and for…[View]
31671750I think this hot 25 year old Asian prostitute is starting to see me as more than a client. I've…[View]
31678352Never had female friends at 30 y/o. Normal?: I see a lot of my normie friends having female friends …[View]
31675365To the people with girlfriends: How do you act around your girl? Should I just be myself? Sometimes …[View]
31680755I have a question to the fellow christian out here. I have been struggling to discern between what i…[View]
31681119Girl at school looked at me, does this means she likes me? I want to assett dominance, but I'm …[View]
31681047what to study if i failed accounting?: Don't know if I'm capable of much if I couldn'…[View]
31678240How do I become the leader of a country? Two friends of mine ghosted me a while ago. I have no idea …[View]
31678816Why am I at only 21 years old so obsessed with the idea of marrying a woman and making tons of babie…[View]
31656972I'm on a shitton of adderall and stimulants and still nothing. Even when I felt my absolute bes…[View]
31678786how do I fix my mental health without therapy? I have le anxiety and depression and probably others[View]
31679379porn addiction cured by snuff tobacco: I used to be a porn addict. I jerked of daily to porn and som…[View]
31681504Alcohol: What are your thoughts on Alcohol? Man's best friend or liver-hurting juice? Do you dr…[View]
31681263Dump her: Fuck bros, I started dating this girl and it's been a month and I'm just not fee…[View]
31680015Resignation: What do I tell my bosses, HR, and colleagues when they ask me why I quit? I hate this j…[View]
31681139How do I learn to put myself first: I'm a textbook people pleaser and nice guy. I drag on relat…[View]
31681249How do you live by yourself in Australia on the median wage of $55,000 when the median rent is $31,2…[View]
31679625How to cope with being ugly?: >meet girl on bumble >shes definitely a hoe but she’s cute, resp…[View]
31677723My boyfriend walks really slow and it pisses me off. He doesn't have health problems or anythin…[View]
31678634COVID absolutely wrecked my uni years, I'm jobless and feel completely incompetent to get a job…[View]
31681295I was hypnotized by my mother: I was born completely normal. In 1st grade I become retarded. I had o…[View]
31675768Why I don't feel bad being a parasite neet and doing nothing all day? It just when confronted t…[View]
31681060How to rejoin society?: I have been a Neet for more than half a year now and it fucking sucks. You a…[View]
31679931My dog's deer friend: Okay so my dog has this deer friend. Her name is Fiona. Her mother was hi…[View]
31675540When I was a teen I was obsessed with women’s physique (face, ass, tits, body) Now suddenly I’ve rea…[View]
31678259Anyone here tried any alternative mental health treatments like TMS, Esketamine, hypnosis, even ECT …[View]
31678224My women standards are really low and I like every race and skin tone, like I'd date a 300lbs c…[View]
31679793What's the quickest way I can ruin my social life and become a lolcow in my local community? Ho…[View]
31680386Artsy hobbies?: What are some cheapish artsy hobbies?[View]
31677407Regression? Failure to launch?: Any other 23-25 year olds still feel like a child? I’m 24. I went t…[View]
31676994Improve erection: Haven't really used this site before, but honestly I have no idea where to go…[View]
31676284I broke up with my GF today: so we have been dating for two months and today I found out that she li…[View]
31672511Autism Test: Should I get an autism test? I'm 25 and too many people have already said that I…[View]
31680067I got a gf, now what?: I don't really know why or how but the girl I like agreed to date me, on…[View]
31679338Is work as bad as everyone says it is? For the record I'm a neet who's never worked a day …[View]
31677052How do I avoid speaking too 'dry'[View]
31680176I am a Necrophiliac, what can I do to help it?: I know it's fucked up, but I can't stop be…[View]
31679394Apartment fucking caught on fire: My apartment caught on fire and I am paranoid that it is my fault.…[View]
31678268why are people from pennsylvania so weird[View]
31680390creative and effective ways of getting past sniffer dogs at a festival at a music festival: im talki…[View]
31678858Is the guy supposed to go for the upper lip or lower lip when kissing?[View]
31680064Is traffic court worth the hassle?: I got a ticket being stupid and was caught doing 20 over in a 35…[View]
31669944my husband asked me to pee on him for his birthday present?: My husbands birthday is in a month but …[View]
31678662I have very high standards and struggle to find women who fit them: I have realised my standards are…[View]
31679661Advice for somone with debilitatingly low self esteem? I've been haunted by an underlying self …[View]
31679699I'm finishing up college with a law degree I don't like and I'm really bad at the sub…[View]
31678393Is a vagina actually enough?: I am worried that regular sex actually wouldn't be enough for me …[View]
31679381I’m an autist and have severe OCD and develop parasocial relationships for celebs/artists and I get …[View]
31678169Should I get an eyepatch to wear at home and strengthen my weak eye, or is that pseudoscience?[View]
31673046Where is the line between accepting yourself for who you are and knowing you need to change?[View]
31679759I have a feeling someone is talking shit about me and messing with me behind my back but I can'…[View]
31679264>co-worker is a slacker and on a temporary constract >Doesn't pull weight and goes on fre…[View]
31679261/atoga/ Ask the Opposite Gender Anything: Previous thread: >>31676122 Old one hit the image li…[View]
31679260How to make new irl friends as a mid 30s nerdy dude? A lot of my friends have had families and don…[View]
31678643So how do you get a Milf as a teen?: so im 18, and how the fuck do you get milfs? i look like 16 or …[View]
31678329Would it be fucked to get with a girl when I’m only attracted to men?: I’ve been friends with this g…[View]
31678925Should I move out of my mom's house? Context: >only one more year of college >currently c…[View]
31678806Lowered libido after quitting alcohol: Not looking for advice. Just curious if anyone's had a s…[View]
31677014how do i not be scared of wasps? I keep freezing in fear around them. Outside is ok because i can av…[View]
31679109was holding money me and friends pooled for a trip. i foolishly took a payday loan and moved the mon…[View]
31672861Anti-Bullying Thread: Share how you were bullied in this thread. I’ll begin. I’m an Asian American. …[View]
31674507should I start a history degree?: I'm aware of the lack of job prospects but also already tried…[View]
31668304help me cope: >m26 >went to liberal art school around 20-21 >made a body cast of a woman…[View]
31677399Not fucking up the date?: I have a date tomorrow for the first time in many many many years. I am sc…[View]
31678569My exhibition kink is ruining my life: I can’t help but unzip my fly and let my penis hang out of my…[View]
31675385would you still be friends with someone if they told you they have treatment resistant schizophrenia…[View]
31675494is 3d art a good career: it looks like something id enjoy even tho ive never really tried it[View]
31678818How should i build a new life after disappearing from the world due to an illness?: I've been s…[View]
31678741Mental breakdown at work: I worked a 40 hour shift with a four hour nap in-between. And it was a bus…[View]
31678654I'm in love: > Be me 23yo kiss-less virgin > Studying computer science > Not fat, 5/10…[View]
31672732Complex feelings: So i had a crush on this girl for 3years but i never had the guts to say it becaus…[View]
31673501What the fuck do I do with myself.: 24 years here. Finished HS with 17, and have basically wasted th…[View]
31674339I feel like absolute garbage for going through a long pause due to medical issues. Any ideas if goin…[View]
31677980I'm almost 20 and I don't know what to do. I work and drive. No friends and I've neve…[View]
31678381Are my meds working?: So I am taking ADHD meds and I don't notice a difference. My head is stil…[View]
31678297Am I a paypig if I keep helping out this ugly single mother with cash here and there only because sh…[View]
31675759How to get over fear of dogs?: I was going to the store earlier and at the entrance there were two u…[View]
31676778Undead bedrooms: Should I break up? I don't know what to do!! My boyfriend has less interest in…[View]
31672678Rich and want friends: I am 30 make around 450k-500k a year and live pretty well... but I have never…[View]
31672015how to get back lost looks: i started used dating apps college senior year for summer and fall and h…[View]
31667154I don't care enough to talk to people: For years I thought my social awkwardness was caused by …[View]
31670648I turned down my boy best friend. We had slept together in the past before and had a phase but I nev…[View]
31678194revenge: i need to get revenge on my ex girlfriend, she keeps bothering me and talking shit bout me …[View]
31677952how do i manipulatemaxx?: im sick of their shit, i want to use women and then discard them zero fuck…[View]
31668315Realized I have no taste for life anymore: Five years ago I enrolled in a prestigious university (no…[View]
31672840How do you make friends?: I recently turned 25, and basically I have zero friends whatsoever. I only…[View]
31676441Anyone on Vyvanse know how to get it without perscription?: I've been to the pysch and they pre…[View]
31676589How do I learn how to feel again? I have completely shut all down and can't express emotions at…[View]
31672534How do I improve the way I talk, my voice, and add more inflection and emotion? I sound monotone and…[View]
31677956How do I stop being super worried about my freind: I grew up with no freinds outside of this spergy …[View]
31674579How to find a Purpose?: How to find purpose? Hello, guys! I understand that this may not be the perf…[View]
31670998How do i get the LORD to stop tormenting me? I want him to right now without suffering either slay m…[View]
31666087I'm an autistic dude dating a BPD girl, How fucked am i?[View]
31675088How to find women I can have stimulant intellectual discussions with? I know they must exist but the…[View]
31677727How do I overcome other people's opinion about myself?: I'm so tired of trying to meet oth…[View]
31677004is it normal for women to start crying randomly? my gf does this sometimes and idk what that means, …[View]
31676748What's a better place to ask for advice? /adv/ or Reddit?[View]
31671583I was born poor. When I was a kid, I was studious. I kept reading and working hard, I got too seriou…[View]
31672728HOW TO FIX HEADACHES?: I use a Samsung device old btw I feel it gives me headache for no reason my s…[View]
31677557Crazy family: I was watching the news with my family last night and told them 'I kinda like Kamala H…[View]
31671717I had my girlfriend over at my place a few days ago. While she was there I go to take a piss and aft…[View]
31677547I may get pinned. What should I do when this happens?: > Have party > Raise funds > Get ser…[View]
31676986what are some elite groups worth joining?: not any of that mensa/freemason shit. i'm looking fo…[View]
31673227Should I tell my therapist I have sexual thoughts about her? This is a serious question. We're …[View]
31676045I am a hentai addict. how do I stop jerking off every day? every day, I feel horny if I don't h…[View]
31673786does anyone else get suicidal under stress? I don’t know how to cope besides getting drunk. Kek. Cu…[View]
31676291how do I stop being a pervert?: Last week my friend invited some friends and I to her new apartment/…[View]
31672340How to get girlfriend with big boobs: Serious question. Does anyone here have experience dating and …[View]
31677309how do i stop being neet: I have 30k in inheritance Im socially retarded I have no skills[View]
31677091Magic mushrooms: How do I go about purchasing psychedelic mushrooms online, I live in florida at a r…[View]
31675947Anyone feel excluded from society despite being pretty successful? >M27 >Have a good stable j…[View]
31675841Lately my relatives have started to piss me off. Mostly what infuriates me is that they ask a ton of…[View]
31661261This attractive young lady that I used to work with is trying to monkey branch to me I think. I quit…[View]
31676505Handwriting: >Been told in hs my handwriting is crappy by an English teacher >24 and still try…[View]
31677235hii :) I'm that one girl who asked why I can't get a boyfriend then proceeded to ask if I …[View]
31672121I am so fucking bad with women it’s actually unbelievable[View]
31667980Best way to deal with plateau?: Title says it all, I think there is skill issue involved but idk how…[View]
31675379Realistically what reason do I have to live? I’m years behind everyone my age, I’m 22 and still an I…[View]
31676920figuring out my life of like all of u: hii i’m 22, living on my own, i work full time at a papa john…[View]
31676164Wronged somebody: Addressed to people who normally browse here and nobody else. Please do not respon…[View]
31675573I dont understand people at all: Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing wrong I'm trying t…[View]
31673994Coworker badmouthing me: Is there a good way to deal with a coworker that badmouths you to every per…[View]
31675106How much do you need for the following? -Never need to work a job again -Live in tax haven for prima…[View]
31676122Ask The Opposite Gender Anything: Previously on ATOGA >>31673456 Ride Or Die Edition[View]
31676614Sister Blacked: My sister is pregnant with a nigger baby and the dad already left. How do I convince…[View]
31676544So ever since I hit my mid 20's, my skin has been significantly worse. I cleanse and moisturize…[View]
31676556Any autist/incel to normies here? How do you cope with the wasted years?: I was abused as a child an…[View]
31663214I've cut out porn completely but I jack off to my girlfriend's nudes occasionally. This is…[View]
31673301I am absolutely disgusted in myself.: I met a guy who I became close friends with just shy of 2 year…[View]
31671896Wtf do I do?: My family hired a woman who comes to help with chores for a couple of hours. I really …[View]
31676253Life: Hi, I'm a 21 year old male from India. I recently just got graduated. I had a plan to fur…[View]
31672543Am I autistic?: What was the point of those “gifted classes” I was in as a child?[View]
31672733TL:DR Falling in love with a girl I can never have, how do I get my emotions back under control? So …[View]
31675714hopeless: I'm neet and had bad grades I don't want to work in a trade please help[View]
31673355Commented on a girl’s instagram reel where she posted a Strava where she biked 100 miles. I said “10…[View]
31676048How do I stop hiding my interest in women when there are multiple women around? I feel like I need t…[View]
31673357Help me break it off: Tldr I started a LDR with a girl I met for 2 weeks while traveling. We had a g…[View]
31673544I'm a 23 year old white guy and kinda look like this. I'm going to Japan next week for a m…[View]
31674404This is for all the redpillers who think being attractive is about coming up with the right pickup t…[View]
31675286Hey, I'm kind of a stoner so sorry if my post is weird cuz I'm high right now. I like to g…[View]
31674486Starting a Law Degree at 23?: I'm studying a doble degree on International Marketing and Busine…[View]
31672541Muay Thai Hoe: How do I attract a Muay Thai Hoe?[View]
31675795Is it a red flag that my crush unironically watches destiny[View]
31674003Hash i København: Hej, hvor kan jeg finde hash i København, nu når christiania er lukket?.. der er i…[View]
31673744GF has BDSM fetish: I'm in a serious relationship and like my GF very much. But she has a BDSM …[View]
31674158If you have autism and social anxiety and aren’t a giga chad in looks, how can you enter a long term…[View]
31675732How do you ask someone to stop using a nickname they took it upon themselves to give you without sou…[View]
31675395what kind of job can you get if you're anxious and cant talk to people and have asd?[View]
31672356I have a tendency to take everything I read on the internet as gospel.: As in when I read retarded s…[View]
31675240Why is it so hard to play with toys after childhood? I want to play with action figures again. I am …[View]
31675498Reconnecting with friends: I'm moving back to my old country soon. In my current country I am f…[View]
3166541526 and feel like im 80: For the past year and a half ive just been so tired and jaded for no reason.…[View]
31668221Ladies and Gentlemen: Have you ever 'cold call' approached? Have you ever come up to a guy or girl a…[View]

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