What's the career advice you'd give to an early career professional in a pretty standard, non-coding, big city white collar job (data/market analysis) given that AGI will be here soon? My head tells me to quit and try to move into something else as early as possible.Has anyone here already made a huge pivot in their career in preparation for the coming total extinction of white collar jobs?
Ever thought about going to law school? That's what I did when I was unhappy in my civil service job, and I've not regretted it. I work for a big firm now and make over $200k 1 year out of school. Very high paying and prestigious, and having a license also puts you in a position to generate capital by starting your own firm. Any AI that will significantly distrupt the legal field is way off. No one is going to trust a computer to handle high stakes litigation.
>>32592262get good at your job. AI will only replace the mediocre employees and help with good ones get better.>>32592274how old are you and how much debt do you have?
>>3259236536, no debtGot my BA at 29, started law school at 32. Law school cost me about $80k total including living expenses for 3 years. Went in with a $20k scholarship, got that increased both years because I had good grades. So I only took out $15k of student loans and paid it back within the first 3 months of working. I saved on expenses by going to lawschool in my hometown and moving back in with my parents to save on rent, food, and transportation. Paid for the rest of tuition using savings, and after my 2nd year of law school I worked as a summer intern at the firm I currently work at, and they paid me a little over $35k for the 2 month internship.
>>32592262>the coming total extinction of white collar jobs?Absolute meme
>>32594815it's already a greased chute outside of maybe healthcare, which I could never do. in 2035 or whenever AGI comes around they're gone for sure
>>32595575>2 more decades!