when they die
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filial_pietyYou mfs need Confucius.
>>32598824usually the conversation reaches a natural conclusion and you pick up later
>>32598838I'm not chinese, I live in a neoliberal capitalist western country.
>>32598850t. Achmed
>>32598852achmed lives with his parents dumbass
>>32598833my dad died 5 years ago and I still talk to him most days
if your parents are decent? never. if they are trash/toxic? two choices. one, you just stop speaking to them and ignore their calls and texts no explanation just drop em and move on. two, confront them and give them a chance to be better if not, see above. this comes at a steep price though as it means no longer going to anything they are attending such as family gatherings/parties
>>32598824There are a few situations, but they're not hard rules. A friend of mine told her dad she was abused by his dad, her grandfather, and he tried to get her to forgive him because of religion. She stop going to church and cut contact because of that. I think it was completely justified.
>>32598824When they die
>>32598824If they have been genuinely neglectful, abusive and/or just leech like - I don't think you need to keep them in your life.I don't think there is a moral right that one should be there for their parents.Its more of commitment to loving those who loved you. If you were not loved, that commitment seed never bore roots.Love is a conditional thing - it must be reciprocated from both parties or there is not much of a point - even if you are related by blood.I feel like cutting off parents for reasons like political differences to be silly.This is all coming from someone whose seed did bare roots so take it how you will.I do think that you should have boundaries as a person.
>>32598883wholesomeI have both my parents alive but I think I'll do the same when they go, both are amazing parents
>>32598824just lower contact. one phone call a month once you're out of the basement. go to christmas or thanksgiving. make sure to ease into having your own family and let them slink away.
>>32601169>once you're out of the basementdon't project onto me loser faggot I haven't lived at home in years
>>32598895>>32600631yeah that's pretty much the best advice since they are pretty awful parents>>32598833retard>>32600835retard>>32600846retard Okay faggots listen up. Obviously my parents aren't great parents if I'm asking this. I'm sorry you have no ability to put yourself into the mindset of someone else, probably because you're brown and have no internal monologue. But I'm not an NPC, I have object permanence because my brain fully maturated, obviously I have a problem with my parents toxicity and don't live with them in a house with three other families like your brown asses do. Retards.
When you don't feel like it. If you have reasons for not liking it, hell, even if you don't, just stop contacting them.You're an adult person, you don't have to behave like a good child, you don't have to do shit. You don't owe them anything. You are your own person.
>>32598824cut off is for nepobabies and upper middle class pussiesyou establish boundaries and distance yourself if they're toxicotherwise you support them and respect them even when they're retarded
>>32603317To keep it white, which I fully support - family shit is complicated. If they make you feel like shit and you can evaluate your relationship with them honestly, and come to the conclusion that you would be better off with less contact, then devise a strategy to put some distance in between yourself and them. Its unrealistic to think you would just cut them off, only spinster, high body count, 2nd marriage Beckys do that kind of shit, usually for attention or dick. Like I said, look at the relationship as a whole and if it is hurting you more than helping you, AKA toxic, then put some distance and try to derive familial closeness from people who respect you for who you are and want to be.