I was reading a Telegram channel associated with the Rusich group (Russian neo-Nazis). In a recent post, they shared an image that appears to be footage from a 'captured FPV drone.' I am a 100% convinced it's the park I go to on weekends. Tf should I do?
>>32593166go to it this weekend as well
Here are the signs
the mountain ridge
>>32593168will do
>>32593166Why are you in this group?
>>32593188I am not. Just look at it from times to times out of curiosity.
>>32593166I don’t understand what the issue is. Are you concerned for your own safety?
>>32593236No, It's just really bizarre reading telegram and seeing the exact tree you're chilling under. Also I wonder If there's a group of volunteers nearby.
>Tf should I do?Report to proper Law Enforcement.
>>32593257Why? Rusich is in Russia and I guess they won't be able to do much.
>32593215”I swear i had no idea they were terrorists! i was just curious your honor”Retard
>>32593313Didn't even say anything about them not being terroristsNice try at rage bait tho, faggot
>>32593166The image on the bottom left is just the default Betaflight FPV copter OSD setup screen. Everyone in FPV has seen this. They're not flying this park for sure
>>32593166>>32595765delete your shitty thread
how the fuck do people even find themselves in groups like this? they just "stumble" upon known neo nazi telegram links????
>>32593166What the fuck is an fpv?Faggot penetrate vagina?
>>32593246What country are you from? And if it's Russia why aren't you fighting in the war?