Tldr I got fucked over by the government and I didnt get to go to high school or be a teenager at all. How do I cope with missing out on such an important part of life?
part of life so important it literally didn't exist until 100 years ago? move on, most people that ever lived didn't get to be teenagers or go to high school. focus on the next thing
>>32601774The next thing is spending my whole 20s trying to unfuck the damage done to me during the last thing
>>32601761If you’re a zoomer you didn’t miss out on much. Most zoomer teenagers just scroll TikTok and play video games at home. I was a high schooler in 2018 and I’d view my “popular” classmates story things on Snapchat and most of the pictures they’d upload were pictures of their shoes at school and a picture of a TV screen showing NBA 2K or some shit never anything fun with friends. I’d imagine it’s even worse with current teenagers as we’re all in our mid 20s now.
>>32601795Im 25
>>32601761>>32601787Do not become a bitter person who blames [____] for all their problems. We're all given a shit hand in life in different ways and we all have to figure out a way to make it. Playing the blame game doesn't help. Striving to move forward for yourself is what matters.
>>32601800So around the same age as me. You didn’t miss out on much then. Teenagers having super fun lives and huge friend groups seems to have died off in the 2010s. Most of your peers were probably playing video games and watching YouTube during their teenage years, going out with friends once a month or something. At least my high school that seemed to be all people did. As a child I used to see teenagers walking around town all the time and now I rarely ever see teenagers walking around. They’re all inside watching TikTok.
>>32601821Yeah, I remember seeing huge crowds of scene girls and skaters at the mall in the mid 2000s as a kid. I hope social media gets banned some day. I know myspace existed but you had to sit down at a computer to use it, it wasnt on you at all times