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/tv/ - Television & Film

Displaying 3,000 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
200817357ITT: Scenes that made you feel something: >Kid, this ain't your night…[View]
200808385>you are at a county fair, and you come across THE GREAT ZOLTAN, its only 5 cents for a wish. …[View]
200816201My name is Lemony Snicket and I'm here on an image board formerly owned by Christopher Poole kn…[View]
200815903I haven't seen another film with 3D as immersive as Robert Zemeckis's The Walk. The Avatar…[View]
200816297>If I pull that off will you die? >It would be extremely painful >You're a big guy …[View]
200816894What's your 'It's slop but I like it anyway'? For me, it's Euphoria.[View]
200810714Mad Max 3: Why not just shoot it on a smaller budget?[View]
200815453Humiliation ritual[View]
200817291GRRM all but confirms Elden Ring television series: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2024/06/29/l…[View]
200817162GOAT soundtrack[View]
200809029Kino flick. Filtered millions. Unironically millions.[View]
200816575Zoomers will never know the hype: That was Jerry Springer vs Rosie vs Oprah in the DOME OF DEVASTATI…[View]
200811653Inland Empire/ David Lynch thread: Explain this shit to me. Did the Phantom win? Was the girl evil? …[View]
200815763i want to be zendayas little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck…[View]
200816057/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #163: >Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at http…[View]
200811731What is japanese tv like??[View]
200815155So what was the point of this?[View]
200807628>Well hello, beautiful[View]
200816558Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: >getting a shitty makeover that damages your scalp so bad …[View]
200815962is The Thing a 's o y' movie?[View]
200811014Did we like it or is it retarded, nostalgiabait, cash-grab bullshit? >B-b-but it hasn't come…[View]
200815660>Only good Star Trek anything made in the last 20 years >Nobody talks about it…[View]
200810824She was actually a great Captain Marvel[View]
200812702I think this was a subtle way of telling us that Paulie's time on earth was coming to an end so…[View]
200816234Star Trek; Prodigy: >an entire season dedicated to fellating Wil Wheaton What were they thinking?…[View]
200815759>That tv show that will always get the usual yearly rewatch from you no matter how many seasons W…[View]
200810853ITT: nepotism gone right[View]
200814990>same director from Shrek and Shrek 2 Was it a good adaptation?[View]
200814655>60's movie >all the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey…[View]
200809389>Respecting all women. >Marrying a single mom. >Eating raw steak for every meal. >Bacon …[View]
200815897>large head and/or facial feature >greed-obsession with a gold-type derivative >patriarchal…[View]
200808883>Tell me 'Mrs.' Anderson, what good is a hole if you're unable to...breed?…[View]
200815965Should Hunter Shafer lead a Fringe series reboot?[View]
200792153It's not like you to say 'Sorry' I was waiting on a different story This time, I'm mistake…[View]
200815125>be the new norm >DESTROY woke leftists with hilarious defence of judeo-christian values…[View]
200813574I could have saved her bros[View]
200814092why the fuck did he look at me like that[View]
200811563vhg ... I speak the saddest words of tongue and pen: what could have been[View]
200803262>movie wastes Lucy Liu in her first ever role in a cape movie How did Shazam and the DCEU managed…[View]
200812414Have ever found yourself attracted to the villain and siding with them because of it?[View]
200815637What did Kubrick mean by this?[View]
200756852/film/: Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Criterion Classics edition >/fi…[View]
200792483one of these is batman, the other is a larper[View]
200814483Angels in America (2000): I remember everyone talking about this when it came out. Lately I've …[View]
200815013Why didn’t Harry just cast “healio stabbio” or whatever on Dobby?[View]
200815378Hello muddah, hello faddah. Here I am at, Camp Granada.[View]
200813610>I think we should talk about the bonus situation[View]
200815326This film was Heath Ledger's final role. What did we think of it? I thought it was decent, but …[View]
200815260I watched Midnight Mass and it fucking sucked ass[View]
200815146kino desu[View]
200812723Fridge Logic Thread: Wait a minute ... How did she eat a whole dude and she still a skinny bitch? If…[View]
200814951Oh lawd... DEY HEA[View]
200815150Kino. As an European I like a good old American political thriller.[View]
200812098Why didn't they just use riot shields?[View]
200813661>Watching horror movie >a character appears in the corner of the frame…[View]
200814547>The boys is bigger than game of thrones wtf[View]
200815071shows that had ARGs just won't hit the same watching on streaming. you had to be there.[View]
200814956when will we get Victorious will traps instead of ugly tertiary mutts they cast as background friend…[View]
200806358>just buy some new clothes bro, the women will love you! Does this really work out in real life?…[View]
200812053The Watchers: What a fucking stinker! I should have known when I saw not one, but two M. Nights were…[View]
200813408How was he so perfect?[View]
200810585>movie is called 'red planet' >it's actually set on an orange planet…[View]
200813922is NYC really this kino?[View]
200808032Why is this good?: I've tried to start on this show a couple of times over the last few year be…[View]
200814508/tv/ lied to to me with its unyielding contrarianism[View]
200809438Haven't seen it yet, but who were the bad guys and who were the good guys?[View]
200809070Why is he always make these stupid fucking faces?[View]
200814563Has any show done a better job of mediating the inherent absurdity of longform television than Sons …[View]
200814258I liked this. I'd watch another season.[View]
200811023I bought the airline it seemed neater [View]
200809605WHY aren't there more shows of this era anymore, with hot busty big bushy firm ass perky titty …[View]
200814274>Theme from a Summer Plaaaaaacccceeeeee >It’s the theme…[View]
200811431Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #162: JON LEG AMPUTATION EDITION >Bloodgames Season 1 start…[View]
200811418Is this kino?[View]
200806536Girl Boss Kino: Talmbout unironic girl boss kino, like: >Xena: Warrior Princess >Spartacus …[View]
200810232>there's not one interesting filmmaker working today with a unique vision, style, or worldvi…[View]
200814201>tv will never be good again[View]
200814062ITT: We commentate Citizen Kane: Provide timestamp along with your commentary. Criterion edition is …[View]
200813307>she didn't reply to my witty youtube comment. fighting urge to call her a stupid whore Kino…[View]
200813782I don't get it[View]
200813939Sonic: >>200786620 >https://a.cockfile.com/HHOcVc.mp4 The copyright jannies took it down ha…[View]
200812289>tries to get nominated with a emmybait show,it flops >only emmy nom is with capeshit show …[View]
200814100What's up with this Nolan guy and this leap of faith? Will atheists ever be able to relate?…[View]
200814016why are so many black actors, trannies?[View]
200811565Was he the original zoomer?[View]
200812025>It's just a plant bro! It's not actually addictive, bro! I can stop whenever I want, b…[View]
200804131Why does this woman write in deepities?: If she authored and accepted this crappy dialog either she…[View]
200806175For me, it's Arthur Shelby, the most intriguing character in the series.[View]
200813696It's another episode where the adult man obsessed with cereal breaks up with a hot woman for tr…[View]
200813075Was it?[View]
200765717is this shit any good or is just more fotm japshit?[View]
200809611Babylon 5![View]
200811048Was it kino[View]
200812935Profit motive is the antithesis of artistry Media is shit now because everything is made with profit…[View]
200813295What are your thoughts on this tv show? Watching it in 2024. I feel like a lot of the joke are stuff…[View]
200780149>this was an unstoppable super criminal according to boomers[View]
200807102This movie would be completely forgettable if the directors name was joe schmoe, and I'm tired …[View]
200803324No man, I only sell weed.[View]
200809528Batman V Superman was filmed 10 years ago.[View]
200811973>the hole degen is showing up in the next episode of The Boys KINO INCOMING…[View]
200784485why does /tv/ think media depictions of panic attacks are 'woke'?[View]
200807717Homer was only in his 30s[View]
200808914This is such a weird movie. Only 4 years after Watergate. Imagine if a covid movie was made today. T…[View]
200810293whoa awesome i just wasted 2 fucking hours!!!!!![View]
200812188>This was the president's favorite character on The Wire A bit sus ain't it? Especially…[View]
200812933this nigga deserves an emmy for this performance[View]
200711131A Good Girl's Guide To Murder: Less than 24 hours until release[View]
200812888Was SNL ever actually funny?[View]
200808275/got/hotd/: My team edition prev >>200803296[View]
200810181ONE WAY IN: ONE WAY IN[View]
200811053The Last Dance: Why is Michael Jordan come off as being so sensitive? Dude refuses to let anything g…[View]
200806417>Once you're 18, you're OUT! As a child, I was convinced from Hollywood movies and tel…[View]
200812605>Severance season 2 >'Soon!'[View]
200810926Has Amanda Tapping (or any cast members) every addressed Carter being such an enormous Mary-Sue?[View]
200809726Wait, people don't actually do this in real life, right?[View]
200806708Bond Rumors: >Edward Berger (“All Quiet on the Western Front”) was a potential serious contender …[View]
200779803It’s so bad…[View]
200811831Is it possible to adapt the Call of Cthulhu into film? Modern audiences won't be able to take h…[View]
200807049what is this stupid bitch’s problem?[View]
200811454/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #162: Bex edition >Bloodgames Season 1 starts June …[View]
200809956Now Homer, don't you cream my pie[View]
200802043OK Retard. Here is your Parks and Rec thread.: Let's hear your autistic 'observations'. I'…[View]
200806636>YOU'RE A [censored by 4chan] >YOU'RE A [USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST]…[View]
200808195>Once, I had a wife... My great love. She was taken from me. Like you, I was forced to learn ther…[View]
200807335>book: professor and student, strictly professional relationship >film: sexless middle aged co…[View]
200811347Just marathoned this, what did we think of it?[View]
200807248Swimmerkings, what did it all mean?[View]
200810731Best in a decade, nothing better has been released since[View]
200811246>Cram it, ma'am.[View]
200811125It's called Sleepers because it put me to sleep. Jokes aside, what does /tv/ think about this 9…[View]
200811694>Watching a video about 'The Wire' by somebody black >You can sometimes hear the fire alarm ch…[View]
200811444Now that the dust has settled, how do you rate the ending?[View]
200809385Who's cutting onions?[View]
200811388autism kino: post the classics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPSaOgx6-6s[View]
200804820Did someone SCRATCH ME?![View]
200811071>filters the normie Why can't they handle real art kino? It was a different time, after all.…[View]
200808977>GIMME BACK MY WIFE'S SON![View]
200811292>leave Furiosa to me[View]
200809368did they fug in real life?[View]
200810922what are some films that are a. horror b. good c. have one of the female heroes naked for most of th…[View]
200810065Can I get a quick rundown on Heisei-era Godzilla?[View]
200810243>Have you learned to trust me, agent Strahm?[View]
200807151Alicent: She keeps it hairy down there doesn't she?[View]
200808499Why did he do it?[View]
200809847Is this documentary any good?[View]
200810473the bear: couldn't finish season 3.[View]
200807517Stupid kid[View]
200810416Somehow you got a movie where the justice league were sidelined by women and niggos, and you liked i…[View]
200810226Is John Carpenter a good film maker?[View]
200810360Post a good movie written and directed by millennials[View]
200805370>Im school teacher, I teach English composition at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connec…[View]
200808629Literally all capeshit on top. Snyder cinema on bottom.[View]
200807888Any spookin movies?[View]
200799964Is there a single upcoming movie or TV show you're actually excited for?[View]
200805664Mean Girls: What happened to girlkino like this? It's a genuinely fantastic flick.[View]
200806064Is this the only iconic movie shot of the 2010s?[View]
200807344SIRS !!!! WE REDEEM !!![View]
200807625Hes eating some good Halal food tonight anon, what will YOU have for dinner tonight?[View]
200810039Nicholas Cage in Valley Girl reminded me of Sam Hyde[View]
200809329/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #161: MISTAH CHALKOWAT ICE CREAM >Bloodgames Season…[View]
200809543is it me or does every ad that has a black woman or kid got with a afro nowadays. anybody else notic…[View]
200809929>from the director of Wedding Crashers and the writers of The Hangover[View]
200803866I get that this was a better time but I would not want to go back to having to waste time, money and…[View]
200808303Humiliation ritual[View]
200807601>They're still trying to force Suicide Squad shit everywhere years after even though normies…[View]
200803290I said forget about it, cuh![View]
200809136How does Cleveland afford this house on a mailman's salary?[View]
200805585Do I have to watch 'The Gathering'? Or can I just start with episode 1 'Midnight on the Firing Line'…[View]
200809465Why did he let the High Sparrow seize so much power? He should have just killed all of them, who car…[View]
200809048Can't believe a beauty like Janet landgard stopped being in movies after 74. She was in swimmer…[View]
200809352Oh I am hurting. That bastard completely screwed me, leaving off the coversheet like I should have k…[View]
200777835How come Beardfat hasn't been on an RLM video in a long time?[View]
200807424Remember the short lived animation studio IMAGI?[View]
200806713>even better than the first season how in the absolute FUCK are they doing it bros…[View]
200800246All media will be destroyed: >destroy all western entertainment >People start looking at anime…[View]
200809190would a sitcom work based around her life?[View]
200807098What's on the tube tonight, /tv/?[View]
200807910Is Lovejoy kino?[View]
200802660What was the last movie you watched with your father?[View]
200804759>supposedly get medal for bravery >surrenders anyway…[View]
200803499Kino Kino Kino Kino[View]
200808676>Gandalf the rizz god? Gandalf the incel[View]
200808993Holy shit, did the Indians really attack us indiscriminately like what was depicted in this movie? G…[View]
200808472I watched the entire Harry Potter series and realized Emma Watson couldn't act for shit except …[View]
200806849Jack Nicholson: What was his best role?[View]
200806992why are qt bog actresses so few and far between[View]
200808152I am still laughing.[View]
200805933Why cant the west get into mecha genre compared to Japan?[View]
200808733Whats your thoughts on the sudden casting of Bad Bunny as Superman?[View]
200794135AVENGERS 5 cast leak: >Spider-Man >Daredevil >Captain America (Sam Wilson) >Falcon (Joaq…[View]
20080568612 angry men - worth watching?: /tv/ seems to hype this as 50s equivalent of Drive. can you guys giv…[View]
200808064FUCK THE OCEAN[View]
200808585>The Phantom Menace[View]
200807760Gentlemen, it appears that Dethklok have made a thread for themselves on the right board this time. …[View]
200806753This show is everything that's wrong with humanity. The same people who whine about inflation, …[View]
200808374The Bear: This pairing isn't happening. Claire actually managed to break down Carmy's wal…[View]
200808492>Anon what do you mean you thought Season 2 of Smiling Friends was 'just ok'?…[View]
200808525Why does Stars have like eleven film categories of black cinema?[View]
200808509>hilarious and charismatic in interviews >writes great screenplays for several classic movies …[View]
200808411Now that the dust has settled: Any good movies from the first half of 2024?[View]
200806870Random = funny executed right: Post examples of this phenomenon, please >pic related…[View]
200804430Does anybody still care about Stranger Things?[View]
200805282Why the fuck do you 'people' watch TV 24/7, what is wrong with you all? And if you're not doing…[View]
200788198New Jurassic Park Reboot[View]
200796610So it actually bad or does it just make certain people seethe?[View]
200808232Wtf Hec??[View]
200807704what are the best late night talk shows?[View]
200806892He was gay, Gary Cooper?[View]
200802637>wears a white suit so you know he's the Good Guy[View]
200806775A Quiet Place: Day One: Just came back from this piece of shit movie. Fuck all happened, literally n…[View]
200800858What's the best X-Files episode (non-arc)? I liked the one with the bugs and Dr. Bambi.[View]
200791977>Ginger and Sarah are getting dolled up together >Matt calls with sexual anticipation >Sara…[View]
200786290ITT: worst movies with a stacked cast[View]
200807527Is this kino? It has Walter White from Breaking Bad.[View]
200806733/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #161: LOL I'M NOT EVEN WATCHING Edition >Bloo…[View]
200807687>movie is called war of the worlds >the movie only has one world >and it's more like …[View]
200807450I'm having female protagonist fatigue.[View]
200806910In your dreams? while you're awake?[View]
200806117This made boomers shit their pants[View]
200807645>Nosferatu >Trap >Gladiator II Thoughts on studios trying to bring back trailer exclusivity…[View]
200807067Name a better original soundtrack[View]
200800592Admit it. An anime with iconic horror villains would be kino[View]
200777734Head popping is a hugely op ability. Why does she feel threatened by anything?[View]
200803735Fuck you I liked it[View]
200790326Here's your roman gladiator bro[View]
200787370This is important. This is everything.[View]
200806816>You have the morals of an alley cat.[View]
200804023Simpsons: What is your favorite B-plot in the series? I struggle to think of a funnier one than Uncl…[View]
200806579>never does anything useful >is treated like she's the second coming of Jesus >would b…[View]
200807269stupid sexy Thrawn![View]
200806557>hey let me take you to dinner? >hey I'm a nice guy, I promise he did nothing wrong…[View]
200807199peak /crycore/ >Paul Edgecomb: On the day of my judgment, when I stand before God, and He asks me…[View]
200806206tfw want to be a film director so bad, but my directing skills are complete trash and have never imp…[View]
200795717Favorite Ethan Hawke kino[View]
200797943>watch European film >the characters live in very small apartments…[View]
200806683The most satisfying moment of the entire series.[View]
200803296/got/hotd/: Best dragon edition prev >>200798982[View]
200806882Non-linear crap.[View]
200806671Why did /tv/ not inform me of this kino?: Great stuff, can't wait to see 'Anora'[View]
200785944Neytiri is...[View]
200806647This is an actual scene from a Disney movie: White girl anxious about the possibility of a sassy lat…[View]
200806638This made boomers howl, piss, and shit their pants with laughter: Imagine what Gunn will do with Sup…[View]
200805495Isn't it weird how you can put zoomer actors in period clothing but they still look like zoomer…[View]
200805163Was this the best Disney Era of Star Wars? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaOSCASqLsE[View]
200804004What actor has the craziest story? >José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal was born on April 2, 1975, in San…[View]
200805298Y'all told me this nigga was gay and dead: >Qualls revealed in May 2024 that he is currently…[View]
200785404>Bacon flavored cereal. >Eating blue-rare steak for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. >Supporti…[View]
200806271Who was in the wrong here?[View]
200802055If Martin actually did make an Elden Ring TV show, how would he sell it knowing everyone would just …[View]
200806338PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE![View]
200805693Why does David Lynch get a pass for being a key figure in diet-Scientology while others are persecut…[View]
200805453Why didn’t they include the scenes where hitler follows him around like a bashful schoolgirl? Pullin…[View]
200806214If he is such a genius, why don't we have more kinos like Inception?[View]
200800848>they were men once[View]
200803364Looks good to me. What's the issue?[View]
200780936/who/ Doctor Who General: Pity the GILF edition. Previously on /who/ >>200731367[View]
200804324So did they just make six episodes of this shit or what?[View]
200802404Euros really be doing this?[View]
200803011Le Chiffre was the only good villain[View]
200802334this film is pure kino why does it filter so many on /tv/?[View]
200805949>this made boomers howl, piss, and shit their pants with laughter[View]
200798731Two weeks and two days[View]
200802456COBRA KAI final season trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4LOYLL_xkQ Is there still hype, or …[View]
200805755>80% surrender rate! 80%! You had orders! wtf this was not a cool thing to say to the prisoners…[View]
200804184the fappening was 10 years ago what jennifer lawrence movie will you watch to celebrate?[View]
200805699y'all here would be on team Aegon, the Usurper. because you don't trust a bitch on the thr…[View]
200802192for me, it's The Darjeeling Limited[View]
200805165would rush hour 4 solve the racial tension that we are facing in our current time?[View]
200805258These old Kung fu movies are kino: But there's no way any of this stuff is viable in a real fig…[View]
200805207Who are some Palistinian coded characters?[View]
200786390Every time I make a Stargate SG-1 thread it ends up being spammed to P4C-970 and back with GOOLD mem…[View]
200804129What is this aesthetic called?[View]
200805335What are the scariest uncanny horror movies?[View]
200802833He did nothing wrong[View]
200804019>favorite Fat Boys movie ? For me? It’s Disorderlies[View]
200801379GLADIATOR II plot details: >Following Maximus's death, Lucilla (Connie Nielsen) sent Lucius …[View]
200805197hey boppers, what's up: why did Swan kiss and go out with that harlot woman at the end, only pa…[View]
200792547Star Wars: Is it kino or cringe[View]
200804595tfw no breeder gf[View]
200804168/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #160: YU GI OHHHHHHHH Edition >Bloodgames Season 1 …[View]
200790959Dick Cavett: what's his best episode?[View]
200805078Can you please recommend a detective-style movie (no series) which features a lot of rain, coffee, a…[View]
200804857>'uhh I mean, it can't get any worse, right?' >It gets worse…[View]
200805011based characters: >Michael >Dwight >Angela >Creed >California >The Pacman >Ed T…[View]
200804814What was his problem?[View]
200801684This dude needed to go to therapy[View]
200791909Chuck Norris went to a feminist rally...: and left with his shirt ironed and a sandwich[View]
200800056Terminator thread: watching Judgement Day right now. pure kino. the CGI still holds up better than m…[View]
200804628Say it.[View]
200802890>go to the kinoplex >DEI mandated theater transwoman has a noticeably bigger cock than I do …[View]
200787974>completely eclipses John Oliver >manages to destroy Steve-O without even having to light up h…[View]
200802156>British 'humor'[View]
200800666Julianne Moore, Meghann Fahy, Milly Alcock To Star In Netflix's Erotic Thriller Series SIRENS: …[View]
200804546You’re out of touch. I’m out of time.[View]
200802844Scenes that stuck with you over the years[View]
200800463Why didn't Sauron simply seal up the entrance to Mount Doom?[View]
200804392Dumas kino: There's a new Count of Monte Cristo movie. Will you watch it? https://www.youtube.c…[View]
200802451what female, past or present would you choose as a third[View]
200804197That incestuous evil older Romulan sister from S1 of SPIC: Mike and Rich are gay for hating on the s…[View]
200804107Why the fuck did he tell him[View]
200801929who is the target audience for this?[View]
200802205You make me the Blue Dementus[View]
200799676Sigh, was this outfit really necessary?[View]
200803948Heisenburger: >I was jacking off to Jane untill she suddenly started suffocating to death. I coul…[View]
200795858>Granny accidentally eats a hot chilli >She faces the camera with steam coming out of her ears…[View]
200803195Why is the rodent look so popular now?[View]
200803757Was he implying her farts smelled like onions?[View]
200793571Can anime be kino?[View]
200797384Are we excited for his movie[View]
200799535KEK what a weak BITCH[View]
200797201>Yeah, I wouldn't worry dude, there are like five hundred videos of attack ships getting smo…[View]
200802856>We got anon on the Loveline. Anon, what's your question?[View]
200800683How did he got so many women ?[View]
200802741>Next into the tank is an Anon who claims his company can create 4chan threads that 'Make a Ligma…[View]
200802837The MCU won't be saved until they arrive.[View]
200796730I cried during the end. I feel no shame about it. 10/10 masterpiece kinographé[View]
200803368Is the Netflix NASCAR show any good? Is it just Drive To Survive with rednecks?[View]
200798982/got/hotd/: Myranda kills anon edition previous >>200796598[View]
200795154Rage Twerk Against the Machine[View]
200801471now that the dust has settled can we finally admit he's the best of his generation[View]
200803114Has any TV show or film tackled the topic of gacha whales?[View]
200801447*makes you uncomfortable*[View]
200791172Movies that should be good but are shit: >modern day aircraft carrier with modern jets and soldie…[View]
200796781What are some very good movies with no sexual scenes in them?: Excluding children movies, the movie …[View]
200800462sigh... no good movies to watch...[View]
200794040Why do Red Letter Media let money get in the way of their feelings on Star Wars?[View]
200802752Jerry Maguire is unbelievably bad. So bad I might call it reddit the movie, or perhaps proto-reddit …[View]
200798559we need sneed back: the meme market has crashed[View]
200801579>turns your wizard slop into wizard kino[View]
200802630>Go on, son, fuck me woife[View]
200797146Why didn’t it win Best Picture?[View]
200802428Those 'producers'... How do people convince them to put money on the table to 'produce' their kino?[View]
200800205You may not agree, you may not like it, but she is undeniably one of the most beautiful actresses of…[View]
200800241May my sorrows be with you.: Qimir is Jordan Peterson?[View]
200798249Most Baddest Scene in Film: And it's not even close[View]
200792705A horror cinematic universe (CU) - yes or no? What would you like to see in it?[View]
200799118/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #159: Boomer Jimbo EDITION >Bloodgames Season 1 sta…[View]
200795012>This is outrageous! It's unfair! How can you be the best Peter Pan movie and not make any m…[View]
200802164a few more days. are you excited? >first Ghibli film on a 4K BD >Dolby Vision HHHHHNNNNNNNNGGG…[View]
200802072It's that time of the year again, buckos[View]
200802157kinos for this feel?[View]
200802069Thoughts on the recent trend of musicals hiding the fact that they are musicals in the trailers?[View]
200799371Signs would have been better without the annoying kids.[View]
200795912Who is this guy?: That aint Neo[View]
200791783Are any older woman youngar man romance films, like White Palace 1990, good in general or are they s…[View]
200801613I really like Daniel Radcliffe.[View]
200801200A Haunted House (2013): What did you think about this movie and Alanna Ubach's performance?…[View]
200801810Horizonbros, I don’t feel so good[View]
200801291Avery Brooks: He presents himself as an African-American actor advocate, but he became a hermit inst…[View]
200798264Australia's largest city, zero kinos: What are some shows or films set in Melbourne? Hard mode:…[View]
200773605Jesus christ[View]
200797116He was actually less evil than Tony, Paulie and Christopha[View]
200792586His best role? What would you like to see him do in the future?[View]
200800456>he'll come for her[View]
200800748The Great Gatsby? More like The Great Simp, amirite?[View]
200801299>LEAVE HIM[View]
200795815>this was considered an 18 year old in 2010[View]
200800310how was this movie not lambasted and cancelled before it even hit the theaters?[View]
200796368Have you ever visited a filming location of your favorite movies?[View]
200797615>Mundane stuff >BUT FRENCH! Bravo.[View]
200801221Up yours Woke moralists! New era of anti-woke begun![View]
200799482How does one pick up the sands of time that slipped through their hands?[View]
200799064Movies about martial arts?[View]
200796065/tv/ I Am god An eternity I've been imprisoned in this place[View]
200791411Was the nard dog based?[View]
200797474Who was the bigger cuck?[View]
200796056Did they really have to name him Deep Throat?[View]
200800576>love will abide[View]
200800300Would LOTR work if every role was genderswapped?[View]
200799692Was it kino?[View]
200798967>re-watching early x-files 90's Scully was perfection.[View]
200796275>rhaenys kills hundreds of smallfolk with her dragon when escaping last season >epic girl boss…[View]
200799605James Gunn's Superman Plot Spoiled!?: Superman will go it alone in the beginning, kicking ass, …[View]
200770458*punches a metal suit with his bare fist* *he's fine but the guy in the metal suit gets hurt* h…[View]
200800191> all the cope about potential was going to culminate in Superman being a cuck…[View]
200796297realistically what would you do in this situation? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCFxdiV-MzU[View]
200795112i skip every scene that shows 2 gay men in it does that make me a homophobe?[View]
200798517WHY YOU FLANKING ME?[View]
200799145>Dies doing the role >People arguing whether or not this film is the best batman film. Does h…[View]
200799410Peak slice-of-life comfykino[View]
200799874first rarbg now this who's next?[View]
200799065Cast him.[View]
200780570What went wrong?[View]
200799042fell off after season 3[View]
200799110/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #159: Love and Life vs Hate and Death EDITION >Bloo…[View]
200800038Duck, You Sucker! (also known as A Fistful of Dynamite and Once Upon a Time ... the Revolution): it…[View]
200794863I guess it was only a matter of time til Superman was moved forward into being a Zoomer. But still..…[View]
200799960>main character stays up all night drinking and only gets 4 hours of sleep before work…[View]
200798854Galaxy Quest (1999): My chick and I were scrolling around and saw this on the 'leaving soon' section…[View]
200799786There will never be another cultural cinematic event like this.: The leadup to The Phantom Menace wa…[View]
200797512Why did this scene make gooks seethe so much?[View]
200798002>Disney in the 80's and need to capitalize on raunchy comedies >Put out pic rel >Not t…[View]
200793302Hehe, what a story, Mark[View]
200797842>anime can't be kin-[View]
200799540Thoughts on the recent trend of musicals hiding the fact that they are musicals in the trailers?[View]
200799433Movies that make you feel weird[View]
200799380>ITS NOT 'ALP' ANY MORE[View]
200793802why did He do it?[View]
200799346Is there any kinos about people who got away with clear as day murder and mocked the retards around …[View]
200782857>the west will never produce anything near the quality of NGE, HxH, FMA, JoJo, or OPM Why do all …[View]
200799161this was comfy[View]
200796569Cast them in the inevitable Hollywood adaptation[View]
200799066Spotted in Paris[View]
200771335How did he do it?[View]
200794251Spider-Man was a hero i just couldn't see it[View]
200798932>Officers I want you to arrest this man[View]
200798668>martin mull is dead The curse of Norm MacDonald Live strikes again[View]
200796598/got/hotd/: rightful ruler edition previous >>200794041[View]
200798796>YOURE STEALING FROM US kek, what were the writers smoking[View]
200796592Would a Mario movie with bam work? Or if he did a parody of it with his son?[View]
200777350Milla Jovovich thinks Hellboy (2019) is a good film[View]
200798584How do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
200788667>trying to find a movie on Ebay >find it >from China Anyone got experience with Chinese blu…[View]
200797397Someone just pointed this out to me: So apparently these two are supposed to be the same character…[View]
200791066> the exact moment the simpsons jumped the shark[View]
200775978>introduces extraneous evidence into a jury deliberation[View]
200798157A solution to the 'it's not so bad/gay' bot/tool problem: To combat the bot/tool problem we sho…[View]
200795845Matthew Sneedham cast for BR2099: Yep, I'm thinking it's going to be kino.[View]
200796939The great debate.[View]
200798098i'm still salty that they didn't do anything interesting with the curve being fractured.[View]
200797904it's just a pollywog toy....ive had sambo...[View]
200777646/hor/ - Horror General: Midgets edition Last time >>200717492 The midgets are from Sleepless …[View]
200788694i don't get it was it god[View]
200757955Why didn't you heckin chuds just pay the 6000 bucks for the privilege of the ultimate immersive…[View]
200797723Fantastic 4 MCU: It starts filming later this month and is a 60s period piece set in another univers…[View]
200796012'I may have gone too far in a few places.'[View]
200788816>heh heh check this movie out, it’s “so bad it’s good” lol >it’s actually just a good movie…[View]
200786955Female Fight Club[View]
200795760>'Drake?' >'What?' >'Where's the fuck and suck?' >[Laugh Track]…[View]
200795960They're bashing Superman of Steel AGAIN: NOOOOOOOO NOT MY BASED CAVILL[View]
200796067/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #158: Dark Taylor EDITION >Bloodgames Season 1 star…[View]
200795977reminder that it was the weinerless, the decocked one, Lord of Sanspenis, who truly won the game of …[View]
200791676Jennifer Lawrence was great in Red Sparrow. What does /tv/ think is her best work?[View]
200796638fuck historical dramas, we need mirror kino from Nolan[View]
200796413/tv/ friends: Good evening. I would like some /tv/ and/or /lit/ friends. We can watch kinematography…[View]
200769647Which IP has the worst fan base?: And why is it Star Trek?[View]
200795287Sadruddin Mahbaradad: Host of 'Sadruddin Mahbaradad's Yoga Party' and subject of the book 'The …[View]
200796417Anons help me out: Does anyone here know the title of a certain R&R movie I have seen in the pas…[View]
200795857What are the best uncanny horror movies?[View]
200790530Did she take a peek at Marty’s dick?[View]
200794041/got/hotd/: Of the night edition previous >>200791020[View]
200794780>Stranger Things >Dark Winds >American Primeval Yep, I’m thinking she’s the next It Girl…[View]
200795239why is Louisiana like this?: >1:19:00 >the boys described getting off the bus from school to f…[View]
200793215How long until AI makes Hollywood irrelevant? I feel we are getting close[View]
200795792>You're a big guy! How do you respond without sounding dumb?[View]
200796089EXAM KINO: Post kinos about cracking entrance exams or scoring top grades by working insanely hard, …[View]
200793108When did America stop looking like this?: Being a young American in the 90's/early 2000's …[View]
200795993>why yes , im a ninja …how could you tell?[View]
200795722ITT: (((Critically acclaimed))) movies that are instantly forgotten.[View]
200794134Low key the coolest kaiju ever fr fr[View]
200795551> Listen. You listen to me. You see that city over there? THAT'S where I'm supposed to …[View]
200783768'Why didn't you save me anon...': Why...... Fuck Manson family...[View]
200793787what a great film[View]
200794111Damn, this was trash.[View]
200790349What did Tom Holland do that angered the jews at Hollywood?[View]
200785640They make shows for you now, you know. Why aren't you watching those instead of bitching about …[View]
200794088How many people do you think this scene had to go through before ultimately getting approved anyway?[View]
200793193I watched my first Troma movie last night, Class of Nuke 'Em High, on a whim. It was a lot of f…[View]
200794058Favorite Movie Quotes: >I'm going to fucking kill you![View]
200795162>30 year old character drinks soda at 30 and feels like he's about to have a fucking seizure…[View]
200795161The Blackening: Now that the dust has settled, what was hes problem?[View]
200792772I think Shin Godzilla has more rewatchability than Minus One. Minus One is like the first movie. It…[View]
200789388>male director makes a movie/show with half-naked women and targeted at the male gaze: >:( …[View]
200794400>watching true crime youtuber >'This is one of the most DISTURBING cases I have EVER covered' …[View]
200794243I think I know what the last episode of first season is trying to say but Im not fully sure[View]
200790499Horizon: An American Saga: It's planned as a western series with Kevin Costner as producer, dir…[View]
200794922Uhh.. Nobody said you could leave https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vDpFcJf_KCQ[View]
200794667What's your theory?: I've yet to see a plausible explanation on how he's done that. T…[View]
200791159What is next for Tess?[View]
200792062BRING MONEY[View]
200792388>Yes? >Comrade, RBMK was six years ago. >.…[View]
200794721who was in the wrong here?[View]
200788525Why is it so ineffably kino?[View]
200794563>I have a very great friend in Rome called SNEEDDUS FEEDDUSS[View]
200793377>The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down[View]
200792512Deadpool and wolverine screening details: A recreation of the X-Men TAS theme is shown on TV in live…[View]
200794505They call me Evil.: I call me, Inevitable justice.[View]
200780381What's your comfy go to when you're bored?: For me? the hobbit (i realise it's bad) t…[View]
200792099>You say 'black', I say 'white' >You say 'bark', I say 'bite' >You say 'shark', I say 'Hey …[View]
200792030He made a good point about affirmative action being bullshit, but did Derek really have to go full s…[View]
200792636/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #1567: protec EDITION >Bloodgames Season 1 starts J…[View]
200776545Now that the dust has settled can we admit that this was at best 'MID'[View]
200791033Aged like fine wine[View]
200790587The Tale - Banned In Australia: To this day, this highly-acclaimed 2018 film has never received a cl…[View]
200794057Do you have to have a high IQ to understand the Big Bang Theory. Pic unrelated.[View]
200793472for some reason, i just don't find him very intimidating any more even though he has a dragon[View]
200788823Kate Mara on the set of her new movie. >The Dutchman centers on an encounter between a well-to-do…[View]
200792718HELLO BALL[View]
200793951Why would you change jobs that's in an entirely different state while your wife's in a com…[View]
200793913Literal kino provider.[View]
200793808Paterno (2018): The whole university should have been shut down.[View]
200793920He will go down in history as the funniest actor ever[View]
200789477Wicked: Isn't making the green woman Black-coded a bit on the nose?[View]
200791520Any actors you disliked at first but started to appreciate further down the line?[View]
200791020/got/hotd/: Spreads misinformation edition previous >>200788349[View]
200792998>The Godfather Part III WAS AN ABORTION MICHAEL[View]
200793737It's a Malcolm fucks a mob bosses daughter after mowing down his son episode.[View]
200792810>This was considered comically fat in the 2000s[View]
200793657>'You don't have it in you, Gay J. You're a nice guy. Not like your fawthah'…[View]
200785920Plot For James Gunn's Superman leaked... Superman cucked?: Superman will go it alone in the beg…[View]
200787469Blockbuster Director Tier List: Agree or disagree?[View]
200793603lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo selana ah calm down[View]
200790294Movies depicting forbidden love[View]
200792796...He's still doing this?[View]
200793516>parent dying of stage 4 cancer >no friends >no gf/wife >once they're gone I will b…[View]
200792556Did he die?[View]
200793453>'3:30 at Kempton'[View]
200776879> Muh comic accuracy: Reminder that this is what comic accuracy looks like https://youtu.be/7q276…[View]
200793432I would beat rosamund pike to death if given the chance[View]
200793388but seriously, why does this scene hit so strong?[View]
200791084>no threads about /ourgirl/'s newest movie trailer Awkafinachads, get in here…[View]
200792581Feel like binging this, what am I in for?[View]
200792704I wanna watch kinos. Gimme names of movies with high tension, suspense, good acting. Akin to no coun…[View]
200789159Is James Gunn The Best blockbuster director of our time?[View]
200789739Somehow... the Death Star has returned.[View]
200781893Robert Eggers thinks he can outdo this?[View]
200792715wtf Zach, I can't believe you sacrificed Trevor to make this piece of shit[View]
200791709Crash: Cronenberg's masterpiece[View]
200792323What are some actors you once thought were great but now can't fucking stand and wish they…[View]
200788918they were cute together[View]
200788592Scenes like this should remind you all to never obsess about some random actress because you will re…[View]
200792825Who's on first: Millennials literally shit themselves and convulsed with laughter[View]
200792049Deutsches Kino: >I HABE to setup this convoluted 66 year long plan to save die World! >No, I c…[View]
200792666Watching movies is for chud. Real chad just read the plot summary on the Wikipedia article.[View]
200792602Furiosa: A Fat Max Story: Was she a good cook or something?[View]
200792546I genuinely learned how to pick up girls thanks to Hank Moody[View]
200792450Guess what just hit Youtube Movies, also will we ever get a fourth film in this series??[View]
200784452Am I missing something, if the first rule of Fight Club is 'don't talk about fight club', and t…[View]
200792492Ghostmaxxers create history. Ghostmaxxers are history. Throughout the ages, it is ghostmaxxing men t…[View]
200788798This is the most hyped I’ve been in a long time, which means I may be disappointed. Did anyone go to…[View]
200782421I don’t like gay boy Superman. cape shit is better through the eyes of a cinema filmmaker like Zack …[View]
200790162I understood that reference: What references from movies did you get?[View]
200790956Has any piece of media ever managed to so perfectly and concisely encapsulate the nature of a woman …[View]
200791073>yes, I'll get Isabela Merced to become a swole, tight musclegirl in her prime...why you ask…[View]
200789926'OY CUNT! A'M MAKIN' ANOTHA EXORCIST MEWVIE!': your response?[View]
200790597For what fucking purpose did Tarantino put this shot in the movie?[View]
200791460Did this show have any cultural significance? What did we think of it?[View]
200792247Wtf: I'm watching that 90s Show and Episode 3 of this season has like identical plot points to …[View]
200789029>Remember us?[View]
200789455Real question: Is there a better movie out there? I've seen some contenders, yes. But nothing t…[View]
200791876> all the cope about potential was going to culminate in Superman being a cuck…[View]
200790518Getting tired of this dude being in everything. Not that I don't like him, but enough is enough…[View]
200791839>this bitch is 32 in real life THE WALL, THE MOST POWERFUL SUPE[View]
200783771>Tariq Nasheed and his crew in 90's LA when is he making a kino about his rough ghetto upbr…[View]
200786361What was his fucking problem?[View]
200789969Fearless (1993): This film isn’t quite as good as Citizen Kane, but it’s a little better than A Cloc…[View]
200791420Does this prove that nepotism is the end of Hollywood?[View]
200790318One won. The other lost. Who's who?[View]
200791498>Australian humor[View]
200786078Who mogs?[View]
200787821Why doesn't she make any new films?[View]
200790308Leo with Brian Peck[View]
200788726The Bear just ripped off Mad Men[View]
200788235ashley laurence[View]
200790848*Gangster’s Paradise plays in the background*[View]
200789506ITT: Satanic movies[View]
200788112Finally we got Hotline Miami adaptation.[View]
200791120any kinos featuring flexible characters?[View]
200787064When this movie gets bad reviews it will be solely because Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson are 'christi…[View]
200791087Batman (1989): This movie isn’t quite as good as To Kill A Mockingbird, but it’s a little bit better…[View]
200784915imagine the smell[View]
200784524this movie started it all: >I can be fat, goofy, unhygeneic, alcoholic and don't know shit a…[View]
200787844>I gotta say, it's fantastic >Wait, say that again? >It's fantastic >Yes it is…[View]
200790872I am literally and unironically Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bepop, The Ghoul from Fallout, Din Djarin …[View]
200789122/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #156: taylo EDITION >Bloodgames Season 1 starts Jun…[View]
200787547Apparently, this was the biggest box office bomb of all time until The Marvels. What went wrong? I t…[View]
200787540It's over Expect a lot of videos saying how Godzilla is actually sexist, racist, etc. in the fu…[View]
200789697Breaking Bad Ending: Do you buy this theory, /tv/?[View]
200787584>What if Silence of the Lambs, but Clarice was the kid from The Shining and Nic Cage was the seri…[View]
200790722There's nothing to watch and I mean for real this time, come on try, let's hear it. Nope, …[View]
200789023shoving your cock in a piping hot strudel straight out of the oven sounds like a bad idea. Does it r…[View]
200786412What happened to sneed posting? Why did it die off?[View]
200788417Yawn: >Watch this movie just cuz the poster looks cool >Starts off good, interesting concept s…[View]
200788349/got/hotd/: Prince Regent Aemond edition Previous thread: >>200785507[View]
200784233Wwyd: Be honest.[View]
200790542List your top 5 movies + A Runner up: In no particular order 1: Aliens 2: Terminator 3: No country f…[View]
200789250Why is Sam Hyde trying so hard to be him?[View]
200790501What do you think of Gwyneth Paltrow’s body of work?[View]
200790077ITT: great trailer, bad movie https://youtu.be/jO3GsRQO0dM?si=1HXzOeXqkZ2yGVhD[View]
200789719HOTD: Why does /tv/ lack media literacy?[View]
200790410would a sitcom or a movie work with these four stack in a basement during a zombie apocalypse in the…[View]
200788968Killers of the Flower Moon: Why not just have him wear a hat?[View]
200789605Was he right?[View]
200787564>the call...is coming from inside the building[View]
200789242>starlight mewing[View]
200790000post kinos that cant be made today[View]
200789743can someone tell this washed hack to stop making movies?[View]
200790092When the summer is over, I think Saleka Shyamalan will feel happier than Ishana Shyamalan.[View]
200787996Why didnt he jump in tho[View]
200789399Lobsters have a social hierarchy. I've been feeding the lobsters at the grocery store Zoloft an…[View]
200787601>Is that a problem? >No, I'm Dunnhier. What was Nolan trying to say with this scene?…[View]
200784080Was Yugioh keyed or locked? Personally I thought it mogged DBZ and Pokemon[View]
200786943Mr. Pickles: Good boy.[View]
200788384Since studios won't give George a single cent after the flop of Furiosa and George himself is a…[View]
200789681holy kek: it's kino[View]
200787326Which way, /tv/?[View]
200789461Give me 1000 (you)s[View]
200787097You wake up tomorrow with all the powers of Spider-Man, what do you do?[View]
200789737>one ticket for Peter Five Eight please[View]
200788496>Here's that hot heartthrob actor I was telling you about /tv/....…[View]
200777434Fun fact this movie was so gay it successfully lowered gang violence for years[View]
200785946> REINER![View]
200784364>'VIETNAM FUCKING SHIT' >*blinds elderly Vietnamese man* Now that the dust has settled...what …[View]
200788494Mario if he vaxxed[View]
200788914Any horror movie that will sent shivers down my spine, some thing scary af. You dont know how it fe…[View]
200789244The real redpill is that Ron Miller was behind the Disney Renaissance since he bought all the rights…[View]
200788518What was one kino that made you go >”but why…?”[View]
200789379>Superman's hand is the size of Lois' head Tinyhandlets BTFO'd…[View]
200788882Why no cameo for Cory, Jeff, or Jontron?[View]
200789200I don't get it[View]
200786356Christian Slater is KUFFS[View]
200789276Yeah, nuke a thread where people actually discuss /tv/ related stuff and have conversations.: Giving…[View]
200789086Well hello beautiful *wonks*[View]
200789012Why are the colors so washed out? You can barely even tell Hellboy is supposed to be red.[View]
200788298I don't get it.[View]
200788858What's the best ship in any setting?: And why is it this?[View]
200788834the one piece[View]
200788570Sit, Boo Boo, Sit!: Good dog. Woof![View]
200784685>straws... err... *checks notes*... straws bad?[View]
200787551I think its time to apologize[View]
200786667They should make a movie about mutants genociding the native inhabitants of genosha now that Israel …[View]
200786908chilling scene. I can't believe it actually happened[View]
200788567This is dead comedian ‘Brody Stevens’ often lauded as a ‘comedian’s comedian’ and almost universally…[View]
200786299I wanna her...[View]
200788358ITT: Food from Television and Film that you wish you could eat.[View]
200788511Do you avoid or watch trailers? I avoid them because they always spoil so much.[View]
200783410Are you going to watch her new movie?[View]
200788397It's actually good: Ok I was indifferent about this movie and honestly was gonna skip it but th…[View]
200788161>show drops in quality after resurrection >modern episodes are absolute abortions that make mo…[View]
200788226Are there any kinos about the founding and early days of the IDF?[View]
200787847>If you wan Spidaman you gon' hafta lie like me[View]
200786642>characters that only a woman can relate to[View]
200787735>molested by Steven Seagal and Gerard Depardieu when she was a teenager no wonder she grew up to …[View]
200764849>jodie Foster is still doing sex scenes WTF is wrong with Hollyweird???…[View]
200787602NO PIGGY DON'T DO IT[View]
200786610Gladiator 2: Will it be kino?[View]
200775216>Tfw a bunch of zoomers are starting to find out that the people who made the heckin chungus funn…[View]
200785832Realistically speaking, what would you do in this situation?[View]
200756769For me, it's the episode where Buffy turns into a cavewoman.[View]
200786697Purge 5: When and how? MadMax kino?[View]
200785507/got/hotd/: LEAVE THE LEGOS ALONE edition prev >>200782916[View]
200787731>10 years later >still no kino equivalent Why is cinema failing to catch up to the latest aest…[View]
200754227Younger generations won't know the feeling of going to your local Walmart on a Friday night wit…[View]
200786102Is it any good?[View]
200787073Comedic Prison Scene Help: Trying to remember a scene from something. All I remember is two guys in …[View]
200787573>So that's it, huh. We some kind of Avengers?[View]
200785691So basically he said orion's 'belt' because he was an ESL and didn't know how to say colla…[View]
200783073Why didn't the Sardaukar just stab him right then and there?: At that point they had nothing le…[View]
200787423Ghostmaxxers create history. Ghostmaxxers are history. Throughout the ages, it is ghostmaxxing men t…[View]
200785727> -ACK[View]
200786443I have seen the original, but I am wondering if the Gyllenhaal remake is worth a watch as well. I mo…[View]
200786090>makes the only funny joke/quip in the entirety of the MCU (20+ films)[View]
200786809A lot of youtube reviewers of The Acolyte are admitting to pirating it. Is there any way Disney coul…[View]
200783787>'The man in the red cloak is the villain Cao Cao! Kill him!' >Cao Cao throws away his red clo…[View]
200786938What are some anti-American kinos? Please keep in mind that modern hollywood wokeslop is quintessent…[View]
200784030Bullshit. No modern democracy would just hand-out unlimited power.[View]
200787000Kinos for this feel?[View]
200785933is this really what miyazaki is going to leave us with? the movie was okay, but it didn't leave…[View]
200783631Was he really interested in morality or did he just want to kill people?[View]
200786631>His my wife's son[View]
200786524>will out earn every Hollywood slop in you're path[View]
200784553/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #155: HELL EDITION >Bloodgames Season 1 starts June…[View]
200786411her best role?[View]
200785462This is the canonical ending of the MCU: And it's perfect.[View]
200786734>Co-workers recommend a movie/tv show >It's a cartoon…[View]
200786604Why is it so awkward?[View]
200786575If you can't find that stuff in life, then you my friend, don't know crap about life! And …[View]
200768059Better Call Saul should never have been made and was a pointless show that made no cultural impact: …[View]
200786469>'3:30 at Kempton'[View]
200786549>oh noooooo this can't be happening[View]
200786494Do you think Omar Sharif ever knew he won Best Actor at the North Korea film awards in 1990? https:/…[View]
200786404>scene showing superheroes gathering COME GATHER AROUND PEOPLE WHEREEVER YE ROAM >scene showin…[View]
200785295I coulda been a moderator[View]
200786323About to watch this.: What am I in for? It's 2 hours and 4 minutes long. If it's shit: rec…[View]
200784308>wow that Del Toro is so creative ! >anyways here is the creature from the black lagoon who al…[View]
200785940Pest control status?[View]
200785028/histv/ - movies and tv shows about history: Any era or genre is fine, it just has to be good and mo…[View]
2007811121. Francois Truffaut on Michelangelo Antonioni: >“Antonioni is the only important director I have…[View]
200777695She was my first crush :([View]
200785894Why is family guy still running?: The show used to be so edgy and based on shock humor 10+ years ago…[View]
200782193>This was the president's favorite character on The Wire A bit sus ain't it? Especially…[View]
200786083A WILD /tv/ FILENAME THREAD APPEARS: Post 'em[View]
200786200I'll save you m-ACK[View]
200776268I still cannot believe that this documentary actually exists.[View]
200781774I can't believe this actually happened[View]
200786013Alone in the Dark - should I watch it?: >Christian Slater >Tara Reid >Stephen Dorff How ca…[View]
200785798Recommend me some David AttenB content to watch with my girlfriend.[View]
200778048Did he die at the end?[View]
200783429>dude #JustStopOil lmao!! >everyone should stop using electricity that we all depend on to liv…[View]
200781541why did it fail yet the mario movie didn't[View]
200780869OH N–[View]
200784105How would those 2 get along?[View]
200785606Not a cell phone in sight. Just people living in the moment[View]
200785577reddit the actor[View]
200782682Back in the 1980s, homer Simpsons was considered a loser to a comical degree. A man with 3 children,…[View]
200785217For me, it's the Pizza Hut Twisted Crust Pizza Complete-za![View]
200785759watch Terror Firmer.[View]
200779772What were we supposed to take away from this?[View]
200785712Parker Posey[View]
200783731>make a garbage cartoon with a laugh track >make it a Twitter exclusive >REMEMBAH DA TIME W…[View]
200785619James Gunn's Superman is going to get cucked: Superman will go it alone in the beginning, kicki…[View]
200783401live tv kino[View]
200785130It's time for another Hellboy reboot.[View]
200782916/hotd/got/: Aerys the first edition Prev >>200778502[View]
200783607Me reacting to movies everyone has seen (alien, predator, terminator, fucking shrek idk). FOR THE FI…[View]
200780226ITT: Shitkino[View]
200783717What makes it so engaging and charming?[View]
200784891Superman Legacy: PLOT LEAKED[View]
200782811>Nobody's wilder than the Wildboyz, but the truth is we love animals and we would never hurt…[View]
200782216I eat.[View]
200783653>alive since 10,000 BC >sees mankind almost get extinct and does nothing >hates that regula…[View]
200784984Seriously why has nobody made a biopic yet?[View]
200784416>character downs 12 shots of hard liquor[View]
200780367What are you favorite Keira Knightley movies?[View]
200772482>Uh oh! Sounds like Anon’s got a case of the Mondays! How do you respond without sounding mad?…[View]
200784282I’m sure the combined genius of Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, and Elon Musk could have cooked up some…[View]
200784870>You should see the other guy[View]
200783956Why did he want the throne?: What was his tax policy? Did he even have policies other than forcing R…[View]
200784429Sup my fellow Normies, who’s hyped for episode 2?[View]
200779610Saoirse Ronan plays a 1940 woman with a black son in Blitz: >Blitz follows the epic journey of Ge…[View]
200784443I don't get it.[View]
200780857Does the North remember?[View]
200774336>I'd like some breakfast >We stopped serving breakfast How do you respond without massacr…[View]
200765343LONGLEGS FINAL TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXOtkvx25gI 11 MORE DAYS WILL THE MARKETING…[View]
200775479Turns out Disney death were greatly exaggerated: >Inside Out 2 made 1 billy >Deadpool & Wo…[View]
200784353>watching horror slop >movie strongly hints at something paranormal going on >nvm lol it…[View]
200780324Do women dress like this at home?[View]
200783998The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Three More: After years of lazy slope Wes Anderson finally de…[View]
200783003Tonight, I watched again Ingrid Bergman’s film June Night. I don’t have much to say but it did strik…[View]
200777573Return to monke[View]
200784348I've tried 3 times to watch this crap: But I always stopped early because it was so bad. So I…[View]
200781260BIG TITTIES[View]
200781493it's a Daniella episode[View]
200778255oh no: how terrifying[View]
200748016Women on Twitter are saying he has a small dick. What do you think?[View]
200781730So was the rape subtext intentional or just the byproduct of Giger's involvement[View]
200781042He's back today Darth bros[View]
200780722Was a weirder sexual tension dynamic ever put on television?[View]
200783933>causes 500 megatons of liberal seethe just by existing[View]
200784051What are some kinos about gambling?[View]
200783991What we left behind DS9 Documentary: I don't get it? What does Trump have to do with DS9?…[View]
200781887Seriously though how are you supposed to act/feel with family when some real hardcore interracial se…[View]
200783515/firefly/: You are watching Firefly again tonight aren't you?[View]
200755406how the hell do you survive this if youre not already in a lifeboat by now?[View]
200783540>Yea, no, I'm gonna have to go with a serious actor[View]
200781298Just saw this What did I think of it?[View]
200783371would you rather >save your friend >save his girlfriend…[View]
200777575The Seventh Seal: ITT: Post some overrated movies, i'll start[View]
200783544/pol must feel pretty threatened if they have like 6 raid threads up at one here.[View]
200780184>/tv/ characters you are slowly becoming[View]
200779930The first season was really intense but it lost the steam right after[View]
200779050What went wrong?[View]
200775839Civil War fuckin sucked and the 23 year old newbie photographer with the fat ass was the worst part.[View]
200782160anyone remember a sitcom made taking place in there? old boomer one cant remember the name[View]
200764351>anime can't be ki-ACK[View]
200782780God I hate this twist, Lucas only made it so that he could tie up the 'other' plot line, but the cou…[View]
200714072>dad walks in[View]
200781998Fuck this movie[View]
200775245Movies that make you wish you were born a girl[View]
200781731Why didn’t headpopper just pop their heads?[View]
200782755ALONE SEASON 10: KWAB EDITION: SEASON 10 TIME (actually 2 years and 2 days late for netflix users) …[View]
200782258You now remember Birds of Prey (2002-03).[View]
200783089Movies about planetary virtues and the meaning of the names?[View]
200782257your reaction when it officially gets announced[View]
200781441/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #154: Edition edition >Bloodgames Season 1 starts J…[View]
200761372What are his worst movies. Hardmode: no non horror[View]
200780048The Coen brothers really hate asians, huh?[View]
200777122Has anyone made a planet of the apes spinoff with walking bears?[View]
200781254>movie or television show shows character dying >doesn't show them shitting themselves af…[View]
200773223Apple TV's 'Neuromancer' finds its Molly Millions: hahaha hahahahahaha https://deadline.com/202…[View]
200780421Real question. Is it still legal to make series whose cast is 90% or more white in the United States…[View]
200780009>jurassic park >almost all the dinosaurs are from the Cretaceous and the Triassic era why wasn…[View]
200764162>First character on screen is black >First white male on screen is panicky, weak, frail, ginge…[View]
200767040This movie turned me into a tranny. I'm never watching another movie again[View]
200781849Eww /TV/ you've got the cheese touch[View]
200781716>You're rude, arrogant and hostile. How do you expect us to act in goodwill, Hunting?…[View]
200778820ITS UP: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc3GYeTFZiI https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0w0REdhESaE…[View]
200781653>There's a black guy outside he's breaking into your car[View]
200778502/got/hotd/: Stealth Edition prev >>200771517[View]
200780262Is this /tv/ approved?[View]
200773098movies that made you cry like a little bitch[View]
200779335>certified fresh[View]
200779839So this is really a horror mystery, right? Obviously the show at face value isn’t the real thing (as…[View]
200781748Rotten Tomatoes proves that critics are political agents and corrupt journalists who are easily paid…[View]
200782131i'm telling you, you were a pimp[View]
200774419Holy shit this is the coolest movie ever made.[View]
200781461They were harboring terrorist[View]
200778752First look at Ridley Scott's Gladiator 2: Ready for more Romankino?: https://x.com/DiscussingFi…[View]
200781530>so Mr Anon, it says here on you're resume that you're are interested in 'televisi…[View]
200781626OH N-[View]
200778889Trap: What's the twist?[View]
200776295Do high school girls really throw themselves at depressed middle aged dads, or was this movie comple…[View]
200781118He was obviously guilty as fuck[View]
200765801now that Olivia Cooke is a big star on HotD, are you excited for Ready Player Two?[View]
200778615/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #153: Give us Oliver NPC edition >Bloodgames Seaso…[View]
200779195I dreamt this last night and it should be a movie: >a tiny ultra-religious dying coal mining West…[View]
200750732>movie about an asian girl going through puberty >flops >movie about a white girl going thr…[View]
200773094Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler, welcome to Cenozoic Park[View]
200764040What is the most Reddit movie of all time? Pic related is my vote[View]
200780943I need help finding a show. I watched season 1 of The Bear 2 years ago in a daze, I binged it at 3am…[View]
200780897>the pickle >the chode kino[View]
200780842of course im a cinephile: how could you tell?[View]
200780505Hollywood is finished.[View]
200780711>Nobody is paying attention to me >welp, time for me to faint That's the theme of this ch…[View]
200780609>People say, 'wouldn't it be wonderful to have a car?' and then it's 'wo…[View]
200780504Alright then Baron Von Smartypantaloons, how would YOU have done it better?[View]
200778964Why doesn't she just pop every single human's heads, GOD this show is soooOO Stuuuuuupid![View]
200778222The beginning of the original Dawn of the Dead is so fucking weird bros. A bunch of niggers and Puer…[View]
200779092since Euphoria and not counting 'reality tv' shows, who are some of the hottest trans girls in netwo…[View]
200780012ITT live action/animated movie reviewers ecelebs: let's make a hate thread about ecelebs review…[View]
200780356>finally get around to watching it >Get to this part >He doesn't say anything Why do …[View]
200780377>me with my attainable 70s hippie gf[View]
200780151Didn't he die in like 2019?[View]
200776367The most based villain of all time[View]
200777216This is more unadaptable than Dune and Blood Meridian: Can the cuteness be captured in live action?…[View]
2007801228 months Zegler bros[View]
200775866Holy kino[View]
200776760>think I like movie/show >read a negative review >realize I don't like it…[View]
200778763>watching The Bourne Identity >the scene where he escapes to the US Embassy >US Citizen = U…[View]
200779704THIS SUMMER[View]
200776942This is the average American/ western family in the 21st century.[View]
200777537ITT: Forgotten adaptations[View]
200779465Why didn’t he just murder the Dursleys[View]
200774684You know it will eventually happen for muh diversity.[View]
200776305Would you take here bros?[View]
200776614The Golden Girls: WTF? I thought women couldn't be funny. Why does this work so well?[View]
200778616/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #153: Trish Delish edition >Bloodgames Season 1 sta…[View]
200779441I was at the pornography store! I was buying pornography![View]
200779513Ex Machina (2014): What does /tv/ think of it?[View]
200774634why are British actors so great, but black British actors so shit?: Morgan Freeman is great, Denzel …[View]
200763442Lack of subscribers means Paramount+ and Max might merge to convince you to sub: https://variety.com…[View]
200768743My Name Is Kino[View]
200779017Maybe it could have worked if they had used Mr. T[View]
200776820ITT: times you ACTED like Maestro[View]
200773093Twister Plot: Bill Paxton just wants a divorce and Helen Hunt won't sign the papers. He chases …[View]
200706394>DUDE I am so tough with my big scary muscles and my doodle tattoos and my long hair and how I sh…[View]
200778922What was one kino that made you go “Wow, that was most definitely a movie.”[View]
200773275Why do the pedophiles in Hollywood like morally lecturing people?: Hollywood is full of objectively …[View]
200779062lol wild Doug spotted[View]
200775527>is the undisputed champion of Halloween kino How did they do it?[View]
200776205member months a go when people pretended this trash was good? I member[View]
200737206its your fault, /tv/ you forced her to do it[View]
200771517eternal /got/hotd/: Alys Rivers edition Previous fucking thread: >>200766454[View]
200775615>'Nihilism is good and life is meaningless' >everyone dies What was the point of this film…[View]
200776333I have very vivid memories of walking through the Blockbuster aisles as a kid and seeing this cover.…[View]
200761755>it’s a Matt episode[View]
200743312The studios unironically tried to give us this mess.[View]
200774051Dude had a bad headache, took an Advil and then woke up in the hospital three weeks later with no me…[View]
200778604What do you want?[View]
200778365I desperately want to see George Miller and Mel Gibson reunite for one last Mad Max movie before Mil…[View]
200767680Ridley Scott Says ‘I Should Have’ Directed First Alien Sequels, but ‘I Was Never Told': Ridley …[View]
200777640better call saul ahh ending[View]
200778406Fine additions to my kino collection[View]
200778311ITT: Commercial kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYaIP06Y0_Y[View]
2007752678 Mile: How could've he won?[View]
200773615Damn, James Gunn's Superman Looks Like SHIT!: Look at his limp wrist! Homo much? I can knock th…[View]
200739710Hellboy The Crooked Man - Trailer: https://youtu.be/7q276A7i-yI Looks somehow worse than the last re…[View]
200777728Closest thing to a new blade flick we'll ever get[View]
200741494/trek/ - Prodigy S2 Waiting Room: Cute Edition Previous: >>200702809 >Netflix https://www.n…[View]
200777712This tagline makes 0 sense.: >'Til Death Do They Part What does this even mean? It makes 0 g…[View]
200777935>We faked the moon landing, but it was actually real ?[View]
200758790why the writers so obsessed with forcing this retarded ship?[View]
200777140What did I think of this movie? Was it kino?[View]
200776300He looks kinda funny[View]
200771743Hellboy: Why does Hollywood keep trying to adapt this franchise? It obviously doesn't work in l…[View]
200774653The Scholastic Book Fair just pulled up: Which novelization of a movie that came out 3 months ago ar…[View]
200775895>watches Kinds of Kindness (2024) once[View]
200776665I have not watched many films in my life so I have made a conscious effort to start watching more fi…[View]
200773673>you wanted to have sex with a fully capable sexually reproductive peak fertility teenager as a g…[View]
200777490Fuck you I liked it. I'm waiting for the torrent to drop and I'll be playing this bitch on…[View]
200717492/hor/ – Horror General: Rear Window edition prev: >>200683808[View]
200776771I just realized next weeks episode falls on July 4th. You think it'll live up to the day it dr…[View]
200776475/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #152: Fat Peter edition >Bloodgames Season 1 start…[View]
200777072A dark soul is a phenomenon of a person slowly but meticulously destroying themselves, both physical…[View]
200776754nash bros...[View]
200740066What am I in for?[View]
200776982Sand: It's everywhere. Get used to it.[View]
200768060>lets make the main villain incompetent[View]
200775836>You're not the Devil, you're training. How do you respond without sounding mad?…[View]
200774104Movies that recapture and convey this experience?[View]
200776568What the fuck was his problem?[View]
200776565Wtf is aggro drift kino?[View]
200774440Are (you) following a Quest?[View]
200773229Any punk kinos?[View]
200738537jaime lee pressly[View]
200768664>early 2000s kino >”I get knocked down” by the Barenaked ladies starts playing…[View]
200774468This guy is so gross ugly and unlikeable. Even Geoffrey was far more likeable. He gives me the creep…[View]
200776380The only part of the movie which was objectively bad.[View]
200775282I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it 'the terminator'. First I crouch down in the…[View]
200776336Stop, my invincible son[View]
200776134Emhances you're kino[View]
200776281vampire/urban fantasy: is the vampire/urban fantasy subgenre dead? I want world of darkness type urb…[View]
200771878>Michael, why would NASA send a team of untrained drillers into space instead of just training as…[View]
200753312Damn, it's a shame his parents didn't buy him a chemistry set for Christmas, other-wise he…[View]
200772590Bitches I politely request that you depart the local vicinity[View]
200772867Woah 2015 is scary.[View]
200773406>I don't know about this one, Tone...You see those pictures of the smokestacks? Something do…[View]
200771874Women on social media are making fun of his tiny penis[View]
200775940>my friends call me Lenny, but I ain't got no friends https://youtu.be/FCRiF7H3M5w?si=9BYu9q…[View]
200774054just finished watching this what did i think?[View]
200772414/m/ovies: What should I watch while I wait for armored core 6 to finish downloading? Anime is welcom…[View]
200775199Realistically who could play her in the inevitable chocolate factory docudrama?[View]
200775787>gives exposition for 2 minutes >leaves BRAVO LYNCH…[View]
200772748>this episode of Family Guy is almost 16 years old[View]
200769135I need two Opples and Bononos NOW!![View]
200775657>All I need is an idea![View]
200775612How many Jean Claude Van Damme movies did you watch anon?[View]
200764678Why didn’t they include the scenes where hitler follows him around like a bashful schoolgirl? Pullin…[View]
200773922Jurassic Park: Why are there so many threads/memes about Jurassic Park? I thought that movie sucked.…[View]
200775513Do you give a courtesy tap, /tv/?[View]
200775543comfy leftovers thread[View]
200774813Bond, James Bond.[View]
200772194ITT: The Most bone-chilling moments in recent television & film: Pic related assuredly takes the…[View]
200773349Why didn't you tell me this was kino?[View]
200772505>here's the ugly loser female character i was telling you about[View]
200775126christmas gonna be litty[View]
200769465>korean ''''acting'''[View]
200773602i think mad max (1979) is far, far superior to the road warrior. whats memorable from the road warri…[View]
200773280name a better episode[View]
200774025Why did he do it?[View]
200764770Leaked look at the new RED SONJA movie: >more skin the original movie >more skin than some of…[View]
200773694>the demon house destroyed my eye balls with its demon magic so now I have to wear glasses all th…[View]
200774189Just go from silly and happy to pissed and unhinged like a bad case of bipolar disorder and that…[View]
200775031Fleshy headed mutant! Are you friendly?[View]
200771751Kill Vietnam fucking shits. Behead Vietnam fucking shits. Roundhouse kick a Vietnam fucking shit int…[View]
200770319Your feelings on cosplay?[View]
200770511Seen any good movies lately /tv/?[View]
200774391Caligula the Ultimate Cut: What is new about this one? And why should I watch this version?[View]
200750941who do you want to see cast as Snake?[View]
200774865Wow this was shit: I'm not really surprised but I thought old Jon would actually talk about SOM…[View]
200769903I don't get it.[View]
200774675Actors (You) could beat in a fight: Hard more: no warwick davis[View]
200774264she needs to fire her agent[View]
200773348David Tennant: He was always grandiose and cringe. Being older than 8 and liking Doctor Who is sure …[View]
200773841/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #151: Goth Taylor edition >Bloodgames Season 1 sta…[View]
200771972>I'm God.[View]
200768752racists never recovered from this[View]
200760218Oh no. The bad guy is her religious father who thinks LA is the devil's playground! Satanic Pan…[View]
200772195Her name is Aubrey Plaza, and she is a prankster! She is well known for pulling off wild and crazy p…[View]
200774181>*wins the animation wars* how did disney, pixar and dreamworks fumble so hard?…[View]
200764973>here’s that 30 year old actress we casted[View]
200774170why did they cast a bobblehead with lip filler to play jace: he looks like a character in a PS2 or P…[View]
200774056ITT: post your guilty pleasures[View]
200774093Morgellons: Any kinos that deal with medical mysteries?[View]
200773526>It had previously occurred to me that the gypsy had taken the death of his mother rather lightly…[View]
200757842It’s Canada Day: What are your favorite Canadian films?[View]
200773441Someone told me Astronaut Pushed was a good movie. The opening credits don't even finish up bef…[View]
200771794>Actors you can't believe aren't Jewish. He's actually an Arab.…[View]
200773837AVENGERS 5 cast leak: >Spider-Man >Daredevil >Captain America (Sam Wilson) >Falcon (Joaq…[View]
200771696Top 5 movies 1) Predator 2) Total Recall 3) Terminator 2 4) Conan The Barbarian 5) Last Action Hero[View]
200767126has this ever happened to you IRL?[View]
200773825Jiminy Jill Lickers, Radioactive Man[View]
200773421This should have been an easy situation for the agents to handle. What went wrong[View]
200771456>2008 >Shia says the government is spying on us and recording every phone call >tell my t…[View]
200773445>we need an ethnically ambiguos Welsh actor[View]
200758376What films best depict the lives of hard core drug addicts? I watched Requiem for a Dream and found …[View]
200770982>go see the second movie in 1980 >episode V >what the fuck Star Wars has always been retard…[View]
200770346Thought's? Is it worth watching?[View]
200769336why no real biopic about this guy yet? what was he deal?[View]
200771238Dexter: Should I watch past season 4? I didn't 15 years ago and now that I'm rewatching a…[View]
200758963what's with Hollywood producers fascination with making everything that shouldn't be dark …[View]
200772483How would this even be a challenge?: Couldn’t he just rent out a stadium for a night and pay the mos…[View]
200771912>uhhh... /tv/ sucks[View]
200772844Why his movies are so boring[View]
200758411>Here's your Nami, nakama[View]
200768605Women always make fun of how men write female characters but they still keep watching and writing ga…[View]
200772235>gets criticized for doing LOUD=FUNNY comedy >meanwhile Conner O'Malley does the same th…[View]
200772860New gladiator = WE WUZ KANGZ: and you WILL be entertained[View]
200771453Why would the mob put out a hit on some fat loser?[View]
200763480They really made Luke look like shit by the end of this.[View]
200760771Who is the Fantano of film?[View]
200771376Almost nobody in the main cast of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is actually Jewish[View]
200772293Ridiculous /tv/ moments: >Me? No, you see, it was the puppet! That's right, it has a life of…[View]
200762407What exactly is wrong with this? Seems like you just don't want black people in movies[View]
200772620holy schizokino[View]
200768851The virgin starlight >cries and leaves social media when people mock the bogging >blames toxic…[View]
200741680Why is this the default superpower for women in Western media?[View]
200752311Nerve: Is this her best movie? I really enjoyed this[View]
200771171>Next up into the tank, 38 year old Anon from /tv/ has a company that he claims can fix Hollywood…[View]
200771632What is your favorite Jerry Lewis flick?[View]
200772261>effortlessly cucks you and steals prime winona ryder from you What do you even do in a situation…[View]
200769363Why would a plebeian defend a corrupt Republic which only favors the ruling aristocracy[View]
200771746>ITT: Times you acted like Alien Private Eye[View]
200764283Does it hold up 20 years later?[View]
200771332/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #150: >:) edition >Bloodgames Season 1 starts J…[View]
200768745You faggots told me this was good >Half the movie is randomly in a low framerate lagfest…[View]
200759366Times you acted like Zeebo the Clown[View]
200772052>gladius scabbard on the left side >that holding pose…[View]
200771966>Captain Smith: And how many Irish aboard Mr. Murdoch? >Officer Murdoch: 110 out of 2,200 soul…[View]
200770884The Iron Claw: So were they actually cursed? This was actually kino even with bogged Efron.[View]
200766092How does Zack Snyder still have fans after shit flicks like Army of the Dead and Rebel Moon?[View]
200766271Why did she look 10,000 times more fuckable in this[View]
200771724Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: Would you endure lots of ridiculous photo shoots, lack of sle…[View]
200765984Alpha Dog: just marathon'd this, what did I think of it?[View]
200766165>*exasperated character needs an obscure thing on short notice* >where am I going to find an […[View]
200766454/got/hotd/: It's a chick show edition prev >>200762003[View]
200764391You now remember Simu Liu[View]
200770574Have there been any movies that proved a overlooked actress can actually act? I saw Midnight Sun (20…[View]
200771214>Have you learned to trust me agent Strahm?[View]
200766656BUT YOU DREAM /tv/[View]
200771110MOVIE IDEA: CAR CHASE MOVIE WOOO >main guy is a normal white-collar dude who occasionally dabbles…[View]
200771062Dumb, passive aggressive and zionist moron-magnet movie directors such as Snyder and Nolan are the r…[View]
200768963Why the fuck was he laughing?[View]
200764452I just finished Trailer Park Boys: What are your kino episodes /tv/?[View]
200763554>Jesus needs your help so we can buy Argon Crystal Lasers for our Galactic Cruiser…[View]
200767972boomer bros we back![View]
200769449Were there any shows you didn't watch because it was too painful a reminder how much better som…[View]
200763901I don't think Bon Clay was worth Ace. Ace was generic fire protag garbage, Mr. Number 2 was a f…[View]
200760223>2025 >still no hollywood biopic or at least a sitcom why is that? wo ist his biopic hollywoo…[View]
200764042>sigh Somehow Napoleon returned[View]
200756597Now that the dust has settled: Why did he fail?[View]
200764252COME ON NOW man, I gotta have more sense than that, I ain't gonna be GRINDING my FOOT up in Edd…[View]
200766911>Nobody goes to the movies anymore. Tickets are too expensi-[View]
200768308How many days of your life have you been sick?[View]
200770349Where is the Aggro Dr1ft thread?: What the subject says damnit! This is the kind of edge lord shit I…[View]
200769501/ftl/ #149: Goblin edition >Bloodgames Season 1 started June 25th at https://www.fishtank.live h…[View]
200769263Some anons might claim Marge Simpson, but I'm claiming Charlie's GF because she's sti…[View]
200768736>I'm a giver, not a receiver >I'm not a faggot what did he mean by this?…[View]
200769914>Is this the one where they say 'cool' and 'sucks?' I love that one![View]
200763573>Ohhh nooooo! He had a couple of beers and now he's eating a burger while sitting on the flo…[View]
200767875They're shit and they were always shit.[View]
200769697If you haven't watched how to with John wilson this show is a work of art summing up humanity m…[View]
200767214>I wonder if that guy ever wipes his ass with the wrong HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…[View]
200764740why did they have to kill him. nothing fucking happened as a result of him leaving to see his wife[View]
200769213Growing up is realizing Amber was the best girl[View]
200769307nobody can top my movie concept for Ocarina of Time. it's a noir in-media res style film, that …[View]
200734588>We sprayed the Luminol, and the room lit up like a Christmas tree.[View]
200766712spielbergs still crankin them out as always[View]
200762478Joey King vs. Miranda Cosgrove | Hot Ones Versus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysIaMwbHdS8…[View]
200767370>you cum in me on the day of my daughter's wedding[View]
200769183>tfw won't get dominated by a pixie qt She was the best thing on that show…[View]
200767179>I just don't ever want you mowing my lawn, alright, I like mowing my lawn. Why do boomers c…[View]
200766449NO ONE IS INNOCENT!!!!![View]
200743910M. Night Kinomalan is so back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mps1HbpECIA[View]
200762427>Wine tasting space travel island survival teen comedy >'When are we?' >'More like WHERE ar…[View]
200758207Elden Ring: cast it. personally I think the Tarnished should be a black female whose main task is to…[View]
200768597Ernesto was a real nigga. Everyone needs a real nigga like Ernesto.[View]
200764397>You're gonna blame me because you were the business head of the company and you made a bad …[View]
200768575Uh..... you don't bloody redeem, benchod[View]
200767784/ftl/ #148 KWABfest: >>200765772 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.fishtank.live/…[View]
200763749why weren't any of the sequels good?[View]
200761783How did people not believe in the Force?: In the Original Trilogy, Han Solo, and Imperial Officer Co…[View]
200768064I mean: He was planning on going to work still So was he really that bad of a druk..? Why would they…[View]
200767947>ancient rome setting why is it always kino?[View]
200766497>The simple life is getting rebooted in 2024 What can we actually expect from a simple life reboo…[View]
200766424“Your Makeup Team is Shit!”: How do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
200763217Does The Exorcist (1973) still hold up[View]
200767966Scary or nah?[View]
200762286'At least I won't be unoriginal': Literally how do respond without sounding mad?[View]
200766559Zoomers will never know how easy it was to have sex in 2010s. Now every zoomer is sex-adverse and ca…[View]
200758436>I'M ACTING!![View]
200767857Alotta....Alotta Fagina[View]
200765665I miss him so much bros[View]
200759837I tried rewatching star wars for the first time as an adult (i'm 32) and holy shit. It's f…[View]
200763606Best giant monster movies?[View]
200767719>The Acolyte has employed an intimacy coordinator >Headland has said that Qimir will seduce Os…[View]
200765544>annihilates your entire bloodline What the FUCK was this things problem??…[View]
200767506Is Miranda Cosgrove a good actress?[View]
200750750what was her issue??[View]
200766121>villain is based on a real life person >is kino…[View]
200767556Edited by Cocaine[View]
200761288Who is responsible for this feminist crap?: Is it the writer of the books or the writers of show?…[View]
200765114>knock knock[View]
200767026this porker gave me a chub[View]
200767012Wtf am I in for?[View]
200766960Why did they make Bond straight?: Then he gave her a sleeping draught and put her naked between the …[View]
200766178>is meant to deconstruct the 1960s idealism and portray white men as le bad >has the opposite …[View]
200760309The bear (s3): The bear if she real[View]
200763685Post 'hey it's that guy' actors[View]
200753640> The character becomes invisible. > the first thing he does is try to rape women. I'm ti…[View]
200765945he was right[View]
200736478>Shedding manly tears. >Eating rare steak in the shower. >Whiskey-scented soap. >Using b…[View]
200765772/ftl/ #147 dinnertime: >>200762593 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.fishtank.live/ …[View]
200766313whew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysIaMwbHdS8[View]
200764864>i'm in the mood to scam simply because i can![View]
200766532>ITT: Characters that would vote for Donald Trump >Billionaire oligarch >Would hate bail re…[View]
200766149>Main character finally makes it to the Villain's headquarters >has to fight a different …[View]
200766104What do you think of my ideas? Should I get hired for good ideas? I think so.[View]
200733256>Is casted in an american movie >Speaks with a THICK french accent I don't think american…[View]
200766088Why do fags do this?[View]
200765781Cast the Warcraft 3 movie: I'll start[View]
200731367/who/ Doctor Who General: Australian low level course language edition. Also Paradise Towers 2: Slyt…[View]
200766005>headphones come unplugged >'that scene' from Storytelling on full blast…[View]
200765816The Mortal Instruments: the City of Bone: I'd like to give her a bone.[View]
200762003/hotd/got/: Nimble dick crab edition Prev >>200757328[View]
200765322>main character turns to face the camera and makes fun of me for my stamp collection…[View]
200764159British TV last week: What have you been enjoying on TV over the past 7 days? Lets enjoy a light ale…[View]
200757146What was the last movie you watched with your father?[View]
200765450where's his awesome high as fuck biopic hollywood?[View]
200765364This entire season could've been done in 3 episodes. A bunch of bullshit filler[View]
200764884Donnie Yen: Donnie Yen (IP Man) in Blade 2.[View]
200764919A dark soul is a phenomenon of a person slowly but meticulously destroying themselves, both physical…[View]
200764169Why does /tv/ idolize this sort of behavior?[View]
200757062DOOM: Was it THAT bad?[View]
200761400>THEY TARGETED VOTERS!!![View]
200763516Anon, have you penetrated anyone yet?[View]
200737154'Missing' drama in modern film: Remember when films had actual interesting shit happening …[View]
200761089Seventeen years ago.[View]
200764817Is the mad max franchise super pozzed or is it just sensible?[View]
200764626Who's idea was it to make the worst Superhero fight of all time?[View]
200764657What is going on here?[View]
200758774Who’s the modern day equivalent of Dolly Parton in Hollywood?[View]
200760062Whatever happened to Rebel Wilson's career?[View]
200763093This show is dangerous for white anons: I almost got shot by some black people this weekend in Chica…[View]
200764379TWISTERS: american superbowl of the cinemas, how hyped are you?[View]
200764600>17gb/60gb Give me some good mecha movie recs to watch while I wait for armored core 6 to finish …[View]
200764386Why are they preventing a real biopic being made?[View]
200763825What type of person actually likes zendaya?[View]
200761148>You want more Sopranos? >Here's an interracial sex scene instead.…[View]
200762593/ftl/ #146 the episode where jon leaves to get an MRI in the ER: >>200759856 https://flowstrea…[View]
200762172is this a good horror movie list[View]
200761234Would you ever participle in a game show?[View]
200764540ITT: characters that have never made any mistakes: OH COME ON![View]
200761903It's over. https://x.com/runwayml/status/1807822396415467686[View]
200764114This isn’t funny. People are making jokes about a genocide because a space wizard baby show didn’t h…[View]
200760925Reminder that this was incredible[View]
200761887What a brat![View]
200763435Is Ellen DeGeneres cool now? Can we stop pretending to hate her?[View]
200751656#Adulting: This special was actually great in terms of comedy. At the very least, #Adulting provides…[View]
200761441Ate elves ate dwarves ate the sun ate men luv me cave luv sauron Simple as[View]
200758948>gets shoot stabbed in this scene >works through the pain and works it into his performance Yo…[View]
200763921How would you rewrite it to make it funny and still be considered conservative? https://www.youtube.…[View]
200762461Why doesn't Hollywood cast Indian actors?[View]
200752232>is required to watch kinos in your path[View]
200763717unfunny retard[View]
200763779Stanley Kubrick's Napoleon: Is this the greatest movie never made?[View]
200763708Did Money ever bust crusts to show he ain't taking any shit?[View]
200763553I'm a time-traveler from 2002.: I've turned my dialup modem into a time machine using a ca…[View]
200761024will it be kino?[View]
200743804>we need a Latina love interest[View]
200758225SHIT JUST GOT REAL[View]
200761792>'With Pokemon and other Japanese cartoons being much more violent they are much more used to see…[View]
200763508tfw no Francesca Liddy mommy gf[View]
200745364Eggers thinks he can top this?[View]
200763492>THIS AINT NO BANK ROBBERY Post your favorite Denzel kinos[View]
200753238>Charlie! Finally someone normal![View]
200763472Why does every adaptation of his work inevitably become dogshit?[View]
200758441Best of 2024: Now that the year is halfway done, rank the movies you watched.[View]
200754295Did boomers really?[View]
200763316I don't like em putting weird actresses in hollywood that look like freaking FROGS[View]
200754145This flopped because it came out during an age where optimism was looked down upon as foolish, and i…[View]
200761858Aaaaahahahaha this dumb mother fucker actually trusted a woman. He probably thought he'd get so…[View]
200741862/tv/ how would you rate Mortal Kombat (1995) movie?[View]
200759029Are there any good movies where the main character is a guy who's wasting his life away?[View]
200761700What is the most Jewish movie ever made?[View]
200758479>You, Michael Richards, are a loser. You had no shows, no movies. Seinfield, that's it! *5 m…[View]
200752665My racism fades away when watching tv shows from 90s-00s: Just seeing the black, brown and white cha…[View]
200762929The one time I've jerked off to a film has been Blue Velvet[View]
200760335>first scene of the aftermath shows the bracken knight supporting Aegon with a sword through his …[View]
200759976>night time arrives >dark outside >put on comfy clothes >turn off the overhead lights …[View]
200762636ITT pure prime rewatchable kino[View]
200760744>He seems like a fucking faggot, and all subhumans/especially Zoomers that waste their lives watc…[View]
200760153Is it possible to make an inhumane monster feel human without making them a good guy?[View]
200759901Fishtank Live /ftl/ #145: Hackfresse edition https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.fishtank.li…[View]
200759215So this is really a horror mystery, right? Obviously the show at face value isn’t the real thing, as…[View]
200759423Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sly Stone?[View]
200761387WaS it kino[View]
200762163WAR. WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR?[View]
200748916Why is this dude in everything now?[View]
200760897Why is he the worst part of his own movies?[View]
200755807>I'VE GOT BALLS OF STEEL[View]
200751129>That slightly sad feel after finishing a great series for the first time…[View]
200761722I'm in love[View]
200759308I don't even watch movies or series yet I've been discussing them on /tv/ last 11 years. I…[View]
200761186ITT: only the most rewatchable movies[View]
200760610Sheldon’s mom: >What’s got you all hot and bothered shelly? Sheldon: >I just am having a hard …[View]
200758947Pic related has the best arc in the entire show. Her progression from rebelling against the family b…[View]
200748259/ck/tv/ crossover thread ITT we post old cooking shows, or any cooking shows that you like and wish …[View]
200754209Was this really groundbreaking CGI in 1999? >inb4 the PDI autist[View]
200761113>In this world there's two kinds of people. Those who get (You)s and those who don't…[View]
200757980Is cherished and accomplished tol scot Karen Gillen a good actress?[View]
200757328/got/hotd/: Daemon Souls Edition prev >>200754133[View]
200760467Doesn't it feel like she should be a bigger star right now? What went wrong?[View]
200754708Um Irishbros? You have less than six months to get Ireland together again...[View]
200760534Why is there a smell of wee in here!?[View]
200755453> all the cope about potential was going to culminate in Superman being a cuck…[View]
200759856/ftl/ return to tradition #145: >>200757114 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtub…[View]
200752727>Two hours of a Japanese male chauffeur driving his White American male occupier around his count…[View]
200755416Conan the Barbarian (2011): what went wrong?[View]
200758170im gonna be honest, season 2 of the wire isnt kickin as hard as season 1 did.[View]
200760127OH N-[View]
200757788Recomend moar kino like pic related[View]
200759771Is this considered kino?[View]
200758404Here's your low budget R-rated folk horror Hellboy reboot https://youtu.be/IWdluxAbcBE[View]
200759696For me it's Wendy.[View]
200746661Is she really box office poison?[View]
200758658Six Feet Under: If I fast forward past the gay scenes will I miss anything important? Also, why does…[View]
200746988What the fuck was the point of this character? Everyone else from the main cast gets to do something…[View]
200758728are women really this stupid?[View]
200751971/tv/ webm general[View]
200759219>'Yeah I'm trying to be the worlds best drummer 'n' stuff, so.....yeah....sayonara…[View]
200757534Wolverine vs Hulk Deadpool and wolverine: Apparently there is going to be a fight between hulk and w…[View]
200759439recommend some especially good/insightful DVD commentary tracks on films from pre-1960s by film hist…[View]
200758741where'd they go?[View]
200759707>You trying to leave before 5 o'clock Jim? >Think that's gonna fly with corporate?…[View]
200734142>Neuromancer adpatation in the works >Molly, the main female character/love interest will be a…[View]
200759640This was absolutely DOG SHIT.[View]
200751317>I'M ACTING[View]
200758631Will they ever make a documentary about him?[View]
200759192Why can't they make *the right stuff* anymore?[View]
200757506Here's your Red Sonja bros.[View]
200759392Maybe it could have worked if they had used Mr T[View]
200758333キングオブザヒル (King of the hill) Dub or sub? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JH4YIXfNeA[View]
200757550Why doesn't he just film and direct porn at this point?[View]
200753979ITT: Most overhyped films of all time[View]
200758551Here's your new hellboy bro[View]
200759026What are some feel good tv shows from the early 2000s that don't take themselves too seriously …[View]
200757268Which actor was the best looking Bruce Wayne?[View]
200751855Saving Private Ryan ruined WW2 movies forever: >war movie before SPR >violent but adventurous …[View]
200749031>You’re an American. >No sir, I’m from Kentucky. European here, can someone explain this joke?…[View]
200751536There’s nothing wrong with being a “Nepo baby” if your films are pretty great anyway[View]
200758886What are some other kinos about gambling addiction?[View]
200746583The way 'kids show' is widely interpreted to mean 'show that isn't allowed to have any amount o…[View]
200758642We're the dream warriors Maybe tonight you'll be gone[View]
200757741It’s funny that, despite being much edgier than the original, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory didn…[View]
200754594Sorry if there's already been tons of threads on this but what happened behind the scenes for s…[View]
200758474Why were you okay with his melodramatic acting[View]
200758435My estimation of Cristiano Ronaldo as a man just fuckin plummeted[View]
200754913I want Batman to publicly announce that I'm his best friend and I'm even better at karate …[View]
200745588Imagine if you're mom was an actress[View]
200758223>I'm the old goy, I want normal slop! why can't /tv/ conservatives admit they lack the …[View]
200744792Samara is true patrician choice. Margot and Jaime can't compete[View]
200757055>plays the same eccentric motormouth Jewish prick in every movie in your path…[View]
200756283>Just grab the bottom of the cup, rip it, and win! Prizes include a new car, or a discount on ter…[View]
200746458It's Monday. What kind of job are YOU working?[View]
200757532>Now *I* am the master! >Only a master of evil Darth!…[View]
200757899drama teachers movie: found out recently my drama teacher was in some low budget James bond rip off,…[View]
200749258This did not deserve even 2 seasons, much less 6. It's like a joke that no one got. https://www…[View]
200756744Did he deserve it?[View]
200757114/ftl/ yeah #144: >>200754652 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r…[View]
200756703>no cute 160iq lawyer gf to nonchalantly marry and commit scams with why live?…[View]
200757841What are some kinos about faking your own death?[View]
200749524>33rd best movie of all time Is it really that good?[View]
200748786Is motel living really as comfy as the movie The Florida Project portrays it?[View]
200756807was this reveal really that shocking to boomers back in the day?[View]
200757650Sure is a hot one today.[View]
200755149should I rewatch better call saul?[View]
200757710Poast only doge kino[View]
200757573old movies boring though[View]
200732497>Immediately becomes a non factor again after Naruto and Sasuke again literal demigod powers…[View]
200754279who was more based?[View]
200757475What's your favorite monster movie / creature feature?[View]
200756690lets go[View]
200755675>Resists WeinSTEIN’s joodoo. How will “Academics” recover?[View]
200757298more comfy kino horrors like this one? not necessarily about dolls[View]
200757397Post movies where the 'villains' are actually the good guys. Pic unrelated.[View]
200757372Peter NC-17: Redpill me on this guy Is he just 'regrading' movies into full-length tumblr screencaps…[View]
200732968>car chase scene >protagonist easily weaves on highway >protagonist's car just barely …[View]
200754133/got/hotd/: Just watch hours of lore videos until next episode edition previous >>200749641 Lo…[View]
200756657Is it just me or does every show just repeat itself with no progression every season these days?[View]
200750195I'm going down highway 40 in my big ole pickup truck I said I'm going down highway 40 in m…[View]
200756168Anime can't be kin...[View]
200755774Stanley Kubrick, you son of a bitch[View]
200751585Where do i start with Goldie Hawn movies[View]
200751756> Watching John with the machine, it was suddenly so clear. The terminator would never stop. It w…[View]
200753682HOOTY HOO[View]
200755317Why was she unfaithful to Bill? Her knight in the white satin armor.[View]
200700978/film/: Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Italian cinema mogs the shit out o…[View]
200756572The Shield: >I'm tired of feeling like I was raped too. Just get over it, pussy Is this one …[View]
200755385>This one time, at band camp[View]
200755554Why are most actors short?[View]
200754634>Fat piece of shit watching movies instead of improving his life. Sounds familiar?…[View]
200756317what did I learn from this kino?[View]
200756307What I was simply trying to do was make a joke over the fact that white women generally don't h…[View]
200754743style over substance. had an interesting idea that could have made for a really cool movie, aestheti…[View]
200754545My Two and a Half Men ending: This is obviously not canon, but this is how I would have liked to see…[View]
200753395Times you acted like Don 'No Soul' Simmons[View]
200755800*kills you*[View]
200742076What the fuck is this movie? From the way /tv/ always talks about it I thought it was going to be so…[View]
200754658/fa/ movies[View]
200753896American Dream: Can you post some 'California Dreaming' like movies? American Graffiti, Dazed and Co…[View]
200754712Is the 00s truly the best era for TV series? Started watching this for Jensen and it's comfy as…[View]
200752401>7 year age difference has Gosling been groomed?[View]
200753646What was the point of this movie?: >Gets born >Goes from baby to young teenager in like a week…[View]
200755804Kinos about the current state of Britain?[View]
200755746Spanish cinema b like:: >NOOOOOOOO!! You can't just kidnap me and perform your surgeries on …[View]
200755773MALCOLM, u dun goofed and killed a mob kid, son.[View]
200744694>Hartman goes out of his way to help Pyle by pairing him up with Joker which does actually improv…[View]
200755739thoughts on directors marrying their actresses[View]
200755712We wuz Caesars and shit[View]
200753343>vodka martini >shaken, not stirred[View]
200754146Why do people dislike this kino? I know a lot of people like it, but why do certain people hate it f…[View]
200750808Which movie is it?[View]
200750096Generation Kill: Still the best depiction of life in the military. After watching this I can't …[View]
200755459fishtankn 2.5: i was attacked by a dog so now i have a week off work and i can watch fishtank yayy!!…[View]
200750351disney+ niggas will never get this joke[View]
200745470Hank vs Tony: Round One: Hand to Hand fight Round Two: Both with their guns[View]
200754652/ftl/ smokin shit logs #143: >>200752474 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.c…[View]
200754935What is the best Simpsons season and why is it the eight one?[View]
200751117Realistically speaking, what would you do in this situation?[View]
200753890Horizon: An American Saga: westernbros, have you seen it? whats you're opinion?[View]
200753554Fucking stupid movie[View]
200738129Why is it so had for modern audiences to accept BBW representation in media?[View]
200755118He is unironically the new age hollywood star[View]
200751575a gallon was considered a comically-large amount of PCP in 2007[View]
200749101explain why he didn't sense all those jedi masters dying in the acolyte episode 5[View]
200754321the more season 4 progresses the more we see that soldier boy was right about everything[View]
200746203Answer me this. Which movie is Pedro Pascal not in?[View]
200754551Would you have gone to see Avril at Glastonbury with Anya?[View]
200747867GLADIATOR II plot details and stills: >Decades have passed since Maximus (Russell Crowe) gave his…[View]
200754104what's his next project?[View]
200749443Sex scenes do not belong in film: >It’s impossible to shoot. It’s impossible. I won’t. I’m trying…[View]
200751398ITT Actors' real names: >Alphonso Joseph D'Abruzzo[View]
200751964Xavier Renegade Angel: It's rly neat despite PS2 graphics, and might be bit weird for most of p…[View]
200750840>Abuses time travel mechanics and treats her co-workers like trash just because Dukat fuck her mo…[View]
200753726Oh Sandra... You dumb bitch![View]
200752438Why does it get so much hate it’s good[View]
200749641/got/hotd/: Moondancer is cute! Cute! CUTE! prev >>200743990[View]
200726869>will impregnate a bitch without even kissing her shit Goku[View]
200753427The mandalorian s1 was so kino.: Why did they have to ruin it with woke trash ie switching protagoni…[View]
200722763Will it be good?[View]
200753533>It's a joke.It's all a joke.[View]
200744392who wrote the script?[View]
200748818What went so fucking wrong?[View]
200744779>Makes over a billion >Despite streaming Does this put the final nail in the 'B-But it flopped…[View]
200749608For the good of cinema it needs to underperform. Or do you want another decade of quip slop?[View]
200744443>Joker was 5 years ago >Interstellar was 10 years ago >Avatar was 15 years ago >LOST pre…[View]
200750950Why does /tv/ hate the end of this show again? Are they just retarded and contrarian? Is it simply a…[View]
200752474/ftl/ metal gear jimmy #142: >>200750136 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.c…[View]
200746651Three days left until my yearly rewatch of The Patriot and bearing witness to Total Colonist Death.[View]
200743981>go kill yourself what would you do?[View]
200751228Her eyes are contacts right? I've never seen a person in real life with such catching eyes, eve…[View]
200745337I loved them then and I still love them now. I and II are objectively bad films but they both had gr…[View]
200746721Your favorite /tv/ memes: Go.[View]
200752042What was the appeal of this[View]
200751986I hate my job. What movies should I watch for literally me feeling[View]
200746945Why didn't her parents teach her to call on the name of Jesus to bear her anxiety ?[View]
200752340The Kromaggs accidentally warp thousands of troops to an alternate timeline with a single habitable …[View]
200739397>im so independent and strong! >'the guy who fucking mouth raped me' She literally just sucked…[View]
200752433Hold on: I forgot to put in the crystals[View]
200748897For me, pour moi, it’s this toasty little sizzler: the spadester himself. Funny ![View]
200746523Babysitter? I'm DILF: >The swimming man, why does he wear the trunks?…[View]
200752324>this was considered morbidly obese in 1999[View]
200750465so am I supposed to pretend Family Guy isn't funny?[View]
200746127kek: Her career is over, thank fuck. Discuss.[View]
200751428Thank you based vinegar syndrome You’ve done it again[View]
200746086Handmaid's tale: Idgi why didn't they form a militant resistance movement?[View]
200752186>this was considered comically obese in the 90s[View]
200749103Where did they fail to pivot?[View]
200751663Hat sie es verdient?[View]
200751728Nick the Dick[View]
200751559This is a top 20 comedy and im tired of pretending its not.[View]
200747997Schitzo bros, we are so back[View]
200743026any good shows came out lately?: have nothing to watch right now[View]
200751510bloodgames is boring: do people actually like blood games? it is the most boring thing in the world …[View]
200750777what a tour de force[View]
200749780A Dark Souls/Elden Ring kino could work.[View]
200745407>shit on your aliens[View]
200749291Is it time for Marvel to attempt another Howard the Duck film /tv/?[View]
200748733Miss me yet?[View]
200749982Pre-Reserved Seating in movies: Anyone remember this? I think this is where my anxiety stems from.…[View]
200740647>we want the white women audience It's that easy for a show to be popular…[View]
200751175I don't think I've ever managed to watch the entirety of this movie. I always quit two thi…[View]
200749386Is this achievable natty?[View]
200749465Good day! Enchanté!: Its a pleasure to see you again! After Hogans Heroes, Bob Crane got his skull b…[View]
200750136/ftl/ revival #141: >>200747685 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?…[View]
200749862How is the Galactic Empire Fascist?[View]
200746263>Gladiator 2 pics released >shills bend over to praise them >read actual comments >the o…[View]
200748615>My favorite film of all time is Kung Fu Hustle. What kind of person do you imagine?…[View]
200751005Any good mecha movies to watch whilst I wait for Armored Core 6 to download? Pacific Rim was kinda m…[View]
200749958this fraud keeps complaining about the moral conversion of a character in a movie named scrooge, a m…[View]
200750962for me it's vinnie paz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK8H0dSUUks[View]
200750928Buck Swope status: broken[View]
200750056How do we create a more robust image of Asian men in Hollywood?[View]
200750869I don't get it.[View]
200749348>'Let's put a dead animal on you!'[View]
200746854ITT: special effects that have aged like fine milk[View]
200749726Babylon thread: Chazelle ended his career with this because no (((producer))) in Hollywood will ever…[View]
200750005would a black comedy biopic work based on his life?[View]
200749935Will she return in Season 2?[View]
200747656New Hellboy movie: Third time's the charm. Are you ready? https://x.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1…[View]
200748594Get Stuckmannized: When the hell is he gonna release the kino? Are you gonna give him money to put '…[View]
200750295Gladiator 2 pics[View]
200749158literally me[View]
200739031Gladiator 2 first pics[View]
200749342Quiet Place's 'day one' film was ok. It does what it sets out to do but takes some missteps. I …[View]
200749671>movie depicting a real event >the real life people turn out to be much uglier…[View]
200748450Terrible adaptations. Good books turned into soulless action slop for teenage boys.[View]
200748900Now that the dust has settled. Who was in the wrong here?[View]
200740327miranda cosgrove bros..[View]
200747482Is it just me or is Prince Phillip the only Disney prince to get shit done? All these other panzies …[View]
200748058She's so fucking lame this season (and ugly)[View]
200747219She really should play Zelda when LoZ finally gets a live action adaption.[View]
200748597Is white ribbon from Michael haneke, a good movie? I watched the piano teacher and I liked it very m…[View]
200748373Times you acted like The Accountant: >Be severely autistic >Engage in criminal activities (pir…[View]
200746993why so serious?[View]
200749440KILL MEEE! KILL MEEE!!!!![View]
200743928Star Wars never stopped being Space Opera Kino[View]
200715728I dare you to show me a better sci-fi series[View]
200743990/got/hotd/: >Tyraxes has just hatched Daemon Prev: >>200740971…[View]
200747019>Vampire drinking blood from women on their periods: Smart no? https://youtu.be/63Ht0vmVRCo…[View]
200749427Best movie of the decade?[View]
2007494107 years ago.[View]
200729064>2024 >Bluray hasn't completely replaced DVD yet >UHD Bluray isn't selling well a…[View]
200748678>'We've got to spread this stuff around.' 'Let's put it on the internet.' 'No, we have …[View]
200748833>30 years later >still no biopic why is that?…[View]
200746981>this summer >PARTY ROCKERS IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT…[View]
200747647kino is back on the menu[View]
200747487movies that made you wish you was black, just so you could has a 'kino' life.[View]
200748120Movies about marrying the love of your life?[View]
200744566How the fuck did star wars get away with making such a blatant copy of Halo Reach?[View]
200745958Titanic: >yeah so I stole my fiance's priceless ring and wrote him a letter about how much o…[View]
200747685/ftl/ there is still more than a week of this left #140: >>200745572 https://flowstreams.pw/fi…[View]
200747887What am I in for?[View]
200747831>nothing happens[View]
200746998BREAKS THE WALL[View]
200716864Elden Ring adaptation: >The popular fantasy action RPG video game “Elden Ring” could be headed fo…[View]
200745457what's your favorite Eva Green film?[View]
200746999Were these tattoos really necessary?[View]
200745152>Sitting down in an empty kinoplex cubicle taking a shit >Some guy takes the stall next to me …[View]
200747794Most over hated movie of 2024? I liked it.[View]
200743770Came for Emma Stone stayed for tranny tits[View]
200742486>Read my lips, $5000[View]
200746002Finally finished the walking dead (2024): well this blew big donkey dick >ep 1 is bretty gud >…[View]
200744220why didn't they just bomb the beach?[View]
200744369I'm not a buyfag because I'm moral or don't know how to pirate. I'm a buyfag bec…[View]
200747996It's always warm and breezy and no one's ever sick/So stay right here and spend your whole…[View]
200743912Japanese TV and Movie Thread: What are your favorite Japanese TV shows and movies?[View]
200747957how many films are there about existential uncertainty in New Jersey?[View]
200745954What would you have asked Jim to fix?[View]
200746510>One last job... then I'm OUT, ya hear me?[View]
200744249So in the 80s marrying a child against her will was seen as funny?[View]
200744346Are succubi real?[View]
200744075Pure insanity. This movie could literally not be made today.[View]
200747834Times you acted like the duellist[View]
200745479So Ridley turned Caracalla into a twink?: The emperor known for being a thick, army-obsessed meatnec…[View]
200740699One Piece S2 has begun filming: Will it be kino?[View]
200747523Is it okay that I like homelander but I'm not a nazi?[View]
200746572What movie do you refuse to see?[View]
200747548It's honestly really shit[View]
200747242I hate the matrix. Not the sequels, the spinoffs, or even the franchise as a whole. Just the first m…[View]
200736732>Some thought it was quite racist; I didn't. But then again, I'd play anything: a Nazi,…[View]
200746411Lars Von Trier: Is his stuff kino?[View]
200747428What are some kinos about Benjamin Franklin?[View]
200747198it's the smELL[View]
200740940What is your mom's favorite movie /tv/?[View]
200747352im better, than ever[View]
200747257Lmao what a fatty.[View]
200743165Getting it wet edition Previous >>200740971[View]
200746548>dude. nobody in this show looks remotely like me. cant relate to the plot man.…[View]
200744221mmm börgar[View]
200743729Neytiri is...[View]
200739337>7 DWARVES[View]
200743356Dick Cavett: eternal king of talk shows[View]
200734719Dance-off bro ,you and me![View]
200746774Diplomatic immunity![View]
200722215I think he's going to be like a mixture or Ulysses and ultraman what so you think? They'll…[View]
200713100How are we liking this, fellow Mad Maxers?[View]
200739740ITT: Times you acted like Cruella[View]
200745781>Obi-Wan Goonobi : Qui-Goon Jinn would never join you. >Cunt Dooku : Don't be so sure, my…[View]
200745298Furiosa was really good /tv/ lied to me again.: In fact it might be the best one and there was nothi…[View]
200739861Any movies with this aesthetic?[View]
200745572/ftl/ TCG #139: >>200742788 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx…[View]
200744606do not go on 4chan.com[View]
200742847Trap - Official Trailer 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mps1HbpECIA This looks sick.[View]
200746509most stacked soundtrack for a show/movie: Has there been a more stacked soundtrack for a show or mov…[View]
200744259>most despicable female antagonist in film industry Why was she so evil bros?…[View]
200746443hard to imagine Biden or Trump doing this[View]
200742037Not so tough after all: >Steve-O:No, Bill Maher, noooo! Please don't threaten me with a doob…[View]
200743878Oh, I don't know, I guess I think about killing myself pretty frequently. And why not? What…[View]
200741761Local man cucked to death[View]
200744610Olsen twins: What went wrong?[View]
200724192Why do zoomers love this so much?[View]
200745833>Jonah is not a serious ac-[View]
200739543About to watch this, what am I in for?[View]
200745456Are there any other examples of incredibly successful actresses from Oscar winning movies and critic…[View]
200745554Happy Leaf Day: >Zed PM[View]
200739463Black roman in Gladiator 2[View]
200745505anya fatigue is real[View]
200745816For me, it's License To Kill (1989).[View]
200739047First Gladiator 2 Images: >Pedro Pascal[View]
200742156>season 3 just dropped >no threads[View]
200745278Which way, reddit?[View]
200740561How come nobody called him a nigger being a black American immigrant in a very racist country as Chi…[View]
200744781>guy in charge of a group of men refers to them as 'ladies'[View]
200736020Film and TV people over the age of 90: Who will be the last one standing, /tv/? Who would you cast f…[View]
200745109>it's an episode where they happily circumsize a Korean baby whose father is an American Jew…[View]
200743592Anon, my problem with your thread is that there is nothing proprietary about it. What's to stop…[View]
200745170This gypsy is 90 today[View]
200743492Any Filipino kinos I should keep an eye out for? Just saw picrel (Insiang) and its purty good for th…[View]
200738692Is it really that embarassing for a woman to be a 18 year old virgin?[View]
200734767Snow White: Is /tv/ going to boycott?[View]
200742520New images from Saoirse Ronan's next film Blitz: Directed, produced, and written by McQueen, th…[View]
200743926It was fantastic. Between Furiosa and The Bikeriders, it's almost crazy to think that this summ…[View]
200740350Is this good?[View]
200738584First Images of Jack Kesy as Hellboy in ‘Hellboy: The Crooked Man’: Looks cheap[View]
200728155Stop watching RLM.[View]
200743464The word 'kino', why do we love it so much? Why does it have so much lasting power?[View]
200744833el basado, mucho[View]
200742684Is jurassic park the only movie where the characters dont even pretend to eat the food?: al-le-andro…[View]
200741319>moral of the story is that indians are subhumans who still practice human sacrifice and cannibal…[View]
200742341>goes to Zion once[View]
200734375>here’s that dude in his 20s I was telling you about[View]
200744411I'm not a chud but the amount of black extras is just too annoying, carefully handpicked to app…[View]
200740267It really wasn't that bad[View]
200742162It’s not good . First of all wtf were they thinking with that opening sequence with jack in Davy Jon…[View]
200736119Did South Park get more preachy after season 6?: >BUT THEY'VE ALWAYS DONE THOSE SPEECHES AT …[View]
200742788/ftl/ spooky forest #138: >>200739478 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/…[View]
200737362competence porn: Any more competence porn movies that are actually worth watching. I though this one…[View]
200742256Good evening, Anon. Coming to see Furiosa? Or should I say Fury Roadsa? Haha. Popcorn's on the …[View]
200739257Get this negro off the throne[View]
200743619>WE USED TO BE ON TV YOU KNOW![View]
200742565‘CHRISSY WAKE UP’ bros…. Not like this.[View]
200743471How did she cut off her own arm?[View]
200743899So, what exactly was supposed to be so bad about these? I think it tells the story of the rise of Da…[View]
200740822Last week, Japanese scientists explaced... placed explosive detonators at the bottom of Lake Loch Ne…[View]
200739181ITT: Peak writing[View]
200739806Name 1 (one) horror film actually horrifying, protip: you can't[View]
200739424>2004 >you put on MTV What kino is playing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DksSPZTZES0…[View]
200743032fuck you i liked it[View]
200734332what was the exact moment /tv/ turned on always sunny?[View]
200743077When is he announcing his next movie?[View]
200737052Attention /tv/: Sophia Lillis desperately needs your help to save her career. Post your best suggest…[View]
200738024Why do non-Chuds go into fits of spasmodic rage when you point out blatantly anti white casting choi…[View]
200740419Gladiator II: New images. Are you excited?[View]
200743578There's a chill in the air: There's not many in tonight[View]
200743297What was his fuckin problem?[View]
200742648what am I in for?[View]
200742642Any movies with this aesthetic?[View]
200741136This will be the biggest R rated film of all-time and there's nothing /tv/ can do to stop it.[View]
200727472Dream Projects & Wishlist!: You are given a 'unlimited' budget for your dream films & series…[View]
200741080comfy leftovers thread[View]
200723566This is probably one of the best movies ever made.[View]
200741912Pilot the EVA, Phil... You're the only one who can[View]
200742914Men men men men Manly men men men[View]
200742891best ep in months[View]
200742490name a better actor turned director, I’ll wait..[View]
200738689This was funnier than every thing Monty Python did together[View]
200740971/got/hotd/: muh saltwife edition previous >>200738187[View]
200721577>the most iconic movie depiction of a tornado to this date was accomplished by making a 30 foot p…[View]
200742239>watching 2024 kino >I'm good yeah I'm feeling alright >baby I'ma have the …[View]
200741673Horror Film that truly scared you: Horror Film that truly scared you? To this day, The Fly has been …[View]
200738830>It's the smell. What was he getting at here?[View]
200740687the only watchable zombie film[View]
200738047'DUDE VIBES, LMAO'[View]
200736856Boomers made the best movies[View]
200741250>2026 >still no biopic about this man's and dream why is that other than white slavers tr…[View]
200741252Somehow… monke returned[View]
200742088I always think about this dude and laugh[View]
200741842>Men don't hit the wal...: It's OVER[View]
200734625Masterful plebfilter. Utter kino. Pure cinematpgraphique. Cinema la Grande... A work of Brechtian co…[View]
200741508The Saint (1962-1968): Now why they don't make wholesome entertainment like this anymore? I fee…[View]
200737666Call of Cthulhu as the Ninth Gate: CoC follows a character where he witnesses nothing supernatural. …[View]
200737008'Villains' who did nothing wrong.[View]
200741396How important is the music soundtrack OST to a quality of a film?[View]
200713165>The idea of the movies is to provide the most inexpensive and accessible entertainment in the wo…[View]
200732250Disney Star Wars: Why do they keep casually throwing in bullshit that breaks the entire setting? The…[View]
200738359Looking for Classic Animation Kinos: >Watching through old Disney films pre-renaissance >A lot…[View]
200741749This dream is made for BBC[View]
200740500>2025 >no biopic yet why is that? why they hate ganja and bob?…[View]
200736797Name a better erotic thriller: Oops, you can't.[View]
200707146Is Starlight mewing?[View]
200736402>owns a successful business >plenty of friends >highly knowledgeable >spends all day enj…[View]
200738536Is going to the cinema dead now?[View]
200737726Think, Karl, think! It couldn't happen![View]
200741510>lets just make fun of the POC actor we fired based on false charges Bravo Ryan Reynolds, really …[View]
200741178>Prep the bull?! Ah, gee, I don't know, it seems like a whole to-do. Can't I just read …[View]
200741410>2024 >I am forgotten[View]
200740670how is that funny?[View]
200739706Does he have another movie in him?[View]
200739090This was so close to being the best Disney movie: >Darkest tone from a Disney movie at the time …[View]
200740868>he just wanted to see Montana[View]
200740816now the dust has finally settled was it even a good film?[View]
200737994>It's good! >It's boring but it's still good! >You just want lightsabers and…[View]
200740155fixed it: just have his eyes constantly be in the shadows youre welcome, you hollywood faggot HACKS …[View]
200739478/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #137: Hello edition >Bloodgames Season 1 starts Jun…[View]
200740833How did house of the dragon get so bad in such a short time[View]
200738187/got/hotd: THE RATCATHERS AEGON edition previous: >>200736168[View]
200731786How come the west isn't into mecha?[View]
200739237Build a modest movie collection: I realize that I don't have an assortment of films on HD disc,…[View]
200739083The Pacific: What's the consensus?[View]
200740791What’s your dream cast for a reboot/remake of “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids”?[View]
200742410>game lets you make a big tiddy brown tomboy (with freckles) Team Ninja games let you do it, so d…[View]
200739904is this what Bobby Hill is going to look like in the new season?[View]
200740170Why did the action genre turn to complete shit?[View]
200736825Bug Kino: What is the definitive/best 'giant bug' movie?[View]
200721260left-wingers loved this show until they realized it was making fun of them LMAO[View]
200739568>Wow, Frank Herbert's Dune! >It's not Dune anymore. It's ᑐᑌᑎᑕ. >ᑐᑌᑎᑕᑎᑕᑕIᑎⵔ? …[View]
200723350Is A Teacher her best work?[View]
200733342Why cant newer movies be as fun as this one ?[View]
200737861Holy Fucking KINO[View]
200740194Was he vindicated?[View]
200737435Any other fun movies like this?[View]
200729709What's the S stand for?[View]
200739211I would have slapped this faggot in the face and it would have been handled then and there[View]
200724811>he doesn't pay for the kino he actually likes and wants to see more of What kinos do you ac…[View]
200708562/kdg/ - Korean Drama General: kdrama general park so dam cute edition prev >>200638119[View]
200715200What are examples of movies that were literal career killers?[View]
200739800Does he have another one in him?[View]
200734768Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly em…[View]
200739636So was he chinese or japanese[View]
200732557Post books you want to see adapted to cinema[View]
200737676Logistically, how did he do it?[View]
200734190A dark soul is a phenomenon of a person slowly but meticulously destroying themselves, both physical…[View]
200739457Daily reminder that picrel happened right after she walked around all day wearing those white boots …[View]
200739569I just want the internet to be good again. I JUST want the fucking glowwies and the robots, and the…[View]
200738288No /tv/, a character not doing the “logical” thing during a highly stressful situation is not a plot…[View]
200738797which kinos have you watched recently?[View]
200738948Can someone tell me why this board is so obsessed with Star Wars? It's just boring shit for chi…[View]
200738652Who should play him in the biopic?[View]
200739395Literally fucking how?[View]
200738178Shelley Duvall: I think she was a good actress[View]
200739321He is so cute when he is suffering.[View]
200738463Daring synthesis[View]
200737792She catches my eyes in Dune 2. What are her other big roles in movie/television?[View]
200739188Who wanted this[View]
200737566Still the best true crime documentary[View]
200734316'Help, help! Cedric Diggory has been killed! Yes, Cedric Diggory, my main rival as Hogwarts Champion…[View]
200735786Reylo was kino[View]
200731364is this the most iconic image in the history of cinema?[View]
200738961I want to fuck miss piggy[View]
200738878Is it kino?[View]
200738864>I'm eepy, boss[View]
200734256In a realistic scenario could Superman beat Goku in a fight? There are 3 scenarios where Superman co…[View]
200738580This dude deserves 9 Oscars. https://youtube.com/shorts/8a6fYgTzAVo He should have won as Malcolm X?…[View]
200736319What the fuck was his problem? I recall a post on here about how he's a manifestation of an anc…[View]
200737029I had to stop watching right here, it was just too ridiculous.[View]
200738412Looking for to Back to the Future 4, tv?[View]
200738493the boys: So the show has clearly jumped the sheep. I'm not sure it has any remaining entertain…[View]
200699974Why are men so stupid at interpreting media?[View]
200736329> presents irrefutable empirical evidence What do?[View]
200736168/got/hotd/: ALL MUST CHOOSE edition prev >>200734337[View]
200736069Rings of Power s2: New image of Adar and his Hill troll bodyguard - Damrod[View]
200736863What season did it turn to shit? or was it always shit? [View]
200736117You're not an asshole, Anon. You're just trying so hard to be.[View]
200734750Why do women like their tv shows? What's the appeal?[View]
200738075Rage twerk against the machine.[View]
200723118Name just one (1) thing you like about Disney Wars. For me, the redesign for the phase 3 dark troope…[View]
200737041Beast: Who is the best movie incel?[View]
200731913Hey, /tv/, what's for dinner?[View]
200731571Whatever happened to Gary Cooper?[View]
200737827Which /tv/ opinion makes you have this reaction?[View]
200737096Americans wear uniforms before they go to bed called 'pajamas'.[View]
200734555This is the best scream in Star Wars.[View]
200737718why do women love anachronism so much?[View]
200735673>Villain whose motive is mysterious and seem insane at times[View]
200735077>SAAR PLEASE NO >BLOOD BENCHOD I HACK U NOW Are jeets really that prominent in hacking? Why is…[View]
200737670any orthodox kinos?[View]
200735832PLANE ZERO[View]
200728648Why he is allowed to doing this?[View]
200717817where the fuck is the sequel, james cameron?[View]
200698559>middle of shooting a scene >co-star starts fondling your tits >it's not in the script…[View]
200725990Kino shootout scenes?: The shootout scene from Patriot's Day is extraordinarily done. Anyone re…[View]
200735206/ftl/: Fishtank live Jon in the house getting coffee. Greg pogoed around earlier[View]
200735544His smile and optimism:[View]
200737236Cleopatra lived closer to our time than to the time the Great Pyramids were built. Tyrannosaurus Rex…[View]
200736444Do you think we will ever get a Book of the New Sun adaptation? I such a thing even possible?[View]
200712845Is Captain Planet 'woke'?[View]
200736714What are some reason to watch Shazam 2?[View]
200734152I'm a strong, straight white conservative man, and this scene made me cry. The only other time …[View]
200734262itt depictions of the devil[View]
200711713Have you ever got that feeling of wanting something but not being able to have it?[View]
200734598Is there a bigger cope that movies where humans manage to beat an alien invasion?[View]
200736893Purple Crayon General: Are ready for the OSCAR SWEEP?[View]
200733329Why did he fall off so fast and why did his gimmick become so unpopular?[View]
200729476'This is the most humiliating moment of my life,': >Margot Robbie says she was 'dy…[View]
200735058why current media hates sex so much?[View]
200735969>I'LL DO ANYTHING! ANYTHING! >Anything?…[View]
200736626>It's hard to believe that the fear of offending can be stronger than the fear of pain, but …[View]
200736685will burt and irving innies end up together in severance season 2?[View]
200736149Was Admiral Cain right, or retarded?[View]
200736634Breaking Bad: >we will keep making bad decisions so that we can continue this series bravo vince…[View]
200736449They are still men ...[View]
200734433we need to go back[View]
200735202Oh my fucking GOD NOTHING EVER HAPPENS IN THIS SHOW[View]
200732193I need more of this body type and skin colour in media.[View]
200736094>destroys Rick and Morty >destroys Reddit >destroys nihilists and atheists Yup, it's k…[View]
200734800Bond. Best Bond.[View]
200735769what would his favorite movie be[View]
200722234In Fight Club there is a scene where they threaten the police chief to call off the investigation ov…[View]
200734337/got/hotd/: muh religious queen edition previous >>200731917[View]
200732521How the fuck is this movie so highly rated?: The dialogue is fucking atrocious, exposition on top of…[View]
200735923im watching utopia (2013)[View]
200731197I need a film that will make me feel something, /tv/[View]
200735912Look, you're Anonymous so don't take this the wrong way... in 20 threads if you're st…[View]
200735838>Peter Five Eight Yeah …I’m thinking Kevin Spacey IS BACK[View]
200735928The simpsons: Which season did this officially turned into shit? Im gonna start to watch it from sea…[View]
200735424>movie released in 1994 >mentions Charles whitman texas tower shooting which happened in 1996 …[View]
200727582Seeing Super 8 in theaters as a young zoomer was a transformative experience 2011 was 13 years ago …[View]
200727855would a sitcom work based around his life?[View]
200735819Movies no one has seen or heard of[View]
200735027Was it worth it?[View]
200735602Tarantino: >watching tarantino movie >feet scene comes Every time.…[View]
200735693Michael Bay looked at THIS and saw action movie leading man material.[View]
200734403Digital isn't cinema, it's video. It will never have a soul.[View]
200734137>One billy in three weekends Pixarsisters, we're so back![View]
200734525Why does he talk like that?[View]
200734113this was a real fever dream mixed with adhd[View]
200734354>'dude just watch Kite, it's just as good as Mezzo Forte minus the pedo stuff!' >literall…[View]
200726413Furiosa is the Firs Anti Globohomo Movie: The point of the movie is that we're in a hellscape m…[View]
200719002Special session for autistic children[View]
200734740Be honest; did you ever play these numbers?[View]
200708145I've yet to see a movie depict a realistic conversation. It's always an exchange of dialog…[View]
200733812ITT: interactions where rape would be the correct response[View]
200732862>Dox me nigga, track me nigga, imma behine nahn proxies cuh![View]
200733807New Hunter kino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuON7HH0UkQ[View]
200729219Pure, unadulterated, kino[View]
200735016That movie made me ugly cry and i'm here for it.[View]
200734240Scary docus: The phone call to the police was haunting >”911 - whats your…” >help! >”…emer…[View]
200734222Amazing obscure little art-piece.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoqnphLAEpg Though sharing a name…[View]
200726424Imagine the real life kino if a muslim sniper up on the stadium blew Dubya's dome off on live n…[View]
200732484>we need someone to try rape and kill Emily Blunt >he's already out the back burning loca…[View]
200734982Parker, hello? You're fired![View]
200727932>As a teenager, in 1986 and 1988, Walhberg took part in some racially motivated attacks.[12] In J…[View]
200734918Are there any movies made by the NSDAP (the Nazi party) about their rise to power in the 1920s other…[View]
200734875Hiro Meta thread: Don't delete my thread edition: Don't delete my thread, we're discu…[View]
200734782>the more virgin our eyes are >the more we have to say >the most detestable habit >in al…[View]
200732298Do you like Twi’leks?[View]
20072214918 years later, it's still underrated[View]
200734196The boys: This episode was the best episode they had this season. Is the boys back on track? its act…[View]
200734237It's Division 3[View]
200730974what hollywood needs is a movie about a whimsical little wizard[View]
200728496Please don't say bogfeel[View]
200732640I need that blockbuster movie feel?: Like I mean when you walked into cinema's and watched that…[View]
200731917/got/hotd/: Decisive Green victory Edition prev >>200730006[View]
200729325I loved Hakaider. Are there any other violent gory Tokusatsu shows or movies that are similar?[View]
200725197Stutter-core: Is there a word yet for the type of ironically 'realistic' dialogue where characters s…[View]
200726512>If you're nothing without the suit then you don't deserve to have it. Uhh...isn't…[View]
200727435kinos that flew under everyone's radar[View]
200733611>non stop shits on white people and Christianity When did you realize even the movies made in the…[View]
200733903why would zach hadel & michael cusack make fun of their dedicated fans like this? i just wanted …[View]
200733354wtf am i watching Only 5 minutes in and a gang of men pedos kidnap a little girl from an idyllic gre…[View]
200733485Best Unscripted Moments in Kino: This is my vote post your best[View]
200733860You will own NOTHING[View]
200727767I'm doing blow and watching harry potter[View]
200724566most movie plots wouldn't happen due to modern technology >they just doordash white castle…[View]
200724634This show is absolute poison for the soul. All the characters are narcissistic, crass, nihilistic, u…[View]
200733435How was a low budget fan film able to do what 7 movies and a TV show could not?[View]
200733096ATTENTION FELLOW REJECTS: I have crafted the perfect thesis for becoming an actor 1. At least 10 dif…[View]
200724126Why is this movie so polarizing on /tv/?[View]
200731361remind me why she left King's Landing. Right now the most logical thing to do for her is to ben…[View]
200730931Pride is over. It's time to celebrate Sloth.[View]
200716793You now remember how was near perfect Supernatural Seasons 1 - 5 were.[View]
200729267Why is it okay for Trey Parker (a christian) to mock Scientologists and their beliefs, when the bibl…[View]
200718328back again so soon, anon. alright, what can i get ya, chief?[View]
200732622Whats the most vile filthy movie thats let you see the dark side of society? Already seen serbian fi…[View]
200731870Groundhog Day: So how many times did he rape her?[View]
200730137What’s the best epicode just kidding they are all the fucking same, if you watch this drek you are …[View]
200733008>Nobody is paying attention to me >welp, time for me to faint That's the theme of this ch…[View]
200725959>disney used to make movies this badass >now they make movies about trannies and black women L…[View]
200731070/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #135: Bex needs more cam time, Jet. This is why we hat…[View]
200731800>Iput on Naruto music in the background and have extensive daydreams where I imagine myself as Na…[View]
200732829>What gives you the right? What's the difference between you and me? >I'm not Warren…[View]
200730118Lightning in a bottle: Yep[View]
200730310das rite[View]
200729271what the fuck was Bob thinking?[View]
200728342>Young man! Your gargantuan cone is making a mockery of our self serve policy.…[View]
200730632Movies only you have seen All start… The heavenly kid[View]
200732551imagine the smell[View]
200731265Freddy > Jason > Michael[View]
200732579Skibidi Biden.[View]
200731392Scenes /tv/ never recovered from: This caused irreparable harm and changed the board forever[View]
200731285Why was 2023 such a shit year?[View]
200726798>what if everyone is mentally chanllenged: the show wow great show guys the american tolkien did …[View]
200729965ITT: Comfort food[View]
200732413Ban Fishtank threads: Friendly reminder for the jannys >Content should pertain to television show…[View]
200731846Really uncanny[View]
200732082How does this man not understand jokes written for children?[View]
200723662What spell is this?[View]
200727456>decapitates child actors with a helicopter in order to get a better shot Nothing personnel Holly…[View]
200728890Victoria Justice will be starring in the new Suits series. Will her acting career takeoff in her 30s…[View]
200720423Tattoos: At what point did Tattoos stop becoming something for hard people with actual contrarian id…[View]
200731461He is living his best life, while /tv/ argues over nothing of substance moving pictures[View]
200719138This was the 9/11 of 4chan culture[View]
200728238The star of the last thing you watched has been replaced by Alexandra Daddario. How does it change?[View]
200730006/got/hotd/: Minuscule Edition prev >>200728307[View]
200730180im still mad about this[View]
200710294How the FUCK did Disney let this be made?[View]
200731448Mrs. Hacker was the best wife ever shown on television. How do you find a woman like her?[View]
200724777>I watched Jane die...[View]
200731406I still can't see any differences between 1080p and 4k.[View]
200730909>Are you wearing a wire?[View]
200731520This is absolute kino.[View]
200731389>minor character that you end up liking much more the the main guys on rewatch Walden was pretty …[View]
200731097Itt: favorite British comedies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75R1AW5YrZ4&themeRefresh=1…[View]
200727287This movie was completely underrated. Am I the only one who loves it?[View]
200726600SLIM CHARLES GETS REVENGE FOR KEVIN NASH: >Cheese: When it was my uncle, we raped my uncle. When …[View]
200730266Another night of watching just the Jane scenes of Breaking Bad.[View]
200730604Just marathoned the first episode. What did I think of it?[View]
200728319>watching a movie >hot girl shows up >immediately lose interest in plot >start fapping …[View]
200730140Majoras Mask in a Stop-motion animated film would absolutely heckin slay.[View]
200727793>the only good nu-wars film was a sloppy copy of Halo Reach[View]
200727257>download movie for me and gf to watch >we never get around to it or never in the mood >sit…[View]
200720090CHUDBROS...: Did we just lose?[View]
200730680It's almost that time of year again - what are some of your favorite Christmas movies, /tv/?[View]
200730653Thoughts on film censorship?[View]
200718183was the rat autistic?[View]
200727242History Channel slop[View]
200729793With AI video generation, will we be able to finally see how this scene plays out?[View]
200724954Be honest, we was kino.[View]
200728604Disney: >Disney+ subscription is going to be $139.99, nearly double its original $79.99 Star Wars…[View]
200722563Looks like mommy kino is back on the menu[View]
200728586>I apologize, sir, but with the release of Joker: Folie à Deux, upper management has asked us to …[View]
200729703>watch old movie >people wearing wool suits during hot summer days did they really?…[View]
200728096Will there ever be another culturally iconic show that captures the hearts of America like pic rel?[View]
200729528Rage twerk against the patriarchy[View]
200728307/got/hotd/ General: Alys Rivers edition Previous >>200726791[View]
200730067>Vampire drinking blood from woman on her period Smart. https://youtu.be/63Ht0vmVRCo…[View]
200723241If this movie came out today you guys would be calling it 'woke'.[View]
200726761I am not just going to sit here silently and pretend that this is not one of the most underrated and…[View]
200729154>Is a dork. The bad kind >Complete simp for a chick. Before he turned into super spider he was…[View]
200727490Any movies about Coma? Pic related was great.[View]
200727536>we will be closing in 5 minutes Well, which one is it going to be?[View]
200729288behold: the most overrated director of all time[View]
200725625the stranger things mutt is now a tranny. why did nobody told me that before?[View]
200720118>perfects the teen summer kino in youre path[View]
200725340George Lucas ozempic[View]
200728965What are the best movies about opera?: I am trying to broaden my horizons. What are the best opera k…[View]
200728252>We Laotian >le ocean? what ocean?[View]
200727915B A N D O[View]
200729230Judge breaks bad: the show[View]
200713048This movie was actually incredibly good. Even though it was very self indulgent[View]
200727088>Jews will tell you 'Never Forget' when they were one extra year of covid lockdowns away from kil…[View]
200708800>look at tv >a wild Debicki appears[View]
200725983/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #134: Blue Eye White Dragon Edition Bloodgames Season …[View]
200725662What did /tv/ think about picrel? I thought the main protagonist was a lot of fun. No often I see As…[View]
200727763>How do we write the smartest person in the world? >Uhhh I dunno lets fill her house with book…[View]
200729011bustin crust makes me feel good[View]
200727908>Anime can't be ki-[View]
200725969>2025 >still no biopic yet what goves?[View]
200728880how do you even come up with that yoga kill ?[View]
200725475Retro /tv/: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtK-yq-BQDU[View]
200728746This the part where we blowup[View]
200724461Master Incelius, it is time.[View]
200725493Hazbin hotel? More like trashbin hotel: >millies 'sister' is a tranny >everyone is gay and has…[View]
200716596What's your favorite Asian movie? Hard Mode: No Japan, China, or South Korea.[View]
200724028Introducing Anakin as a kid was a mistake[View]
200725787this shit literally killed boomers dead in their seat as they ran out of oxygen from laughing too ha…[View]
200715376*flops*: Like every other movie this summer. Let's face reality, cinema is dead.[View]
200722754>raised in a blue collar catholic family >joins gang as a youth >commits armed robbery …[View]
200725066Who's your PO: >That Prick Seymour Scagnetti[View]
200726791/got/hotd/ General: Sunfyre edition Previous >>200724825[View]
200716895What am I in for?[View]
200719388>old decrepit house makes a noise[View]
200727866I have a feeling this movie is going to be kino[View]
200721544>watch Madame Web now that is on streaming >Sydney literally shows no cleavage even once Can…[View]
200727941>35 years old >lives with her parents >unemployed >single >spends all her time readin…[View]
200726335>White supremacist prison gang full of criminals, racists & murderers >never even says ni…[View]
200726527I genuinely thought this was a meme. What the fuck?[View]
200727102>mfw Allen Dorfman appeared in two of Scorsese's films, both showing his death and his life …[View]
200727780Can Kai Schreiber surpass Ever Anderson?[View]
200717841For a Reddit show, it's not too bad[View]
200721272Holy kino[View]
200723001My name is Michael Westen I used to be a spy[View]
200725795ONE TIME[View]
200724336So how is this a commentary on fascism when a black man whips a white boi?[View]
200727107Legit the best korean show I've seen. All the other hong sister shows suck ass, boring as fuck.…[View]
200726147The 80s: What are the essential kinos I should watch from this decade?[View]
200727319Why don’t they remake The Love Boat but on this thing?[View]
200725810Would you watch my moviefiction? Thread: Thread is simple; pitch your long desired tv-show. 1st bit …[View]
200726845Were you squishy, or squashy!?[View]
200724442This is what the libtards think of an average republican[View]
200721427Sandler is the devil[View]
200720450House of the Dragon: A woman would sooner plunge the realm into chaos and dragonfire than admit she …[View]
200713045Kinos set in NYC?[View]
200711297I’m looking for new shows to binge watch, give me your recommendations[View]
200726806shitty boring overhyped movie[View]
200724543>2025 >still no biopic yet why is that?[View]
200725605/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #134: Trisha Militia Edition >Bloodgames Season 1 s…[View]
200716915*flirts with you and tells you everything is your mothers fault*[View]
200724825/got/hotd/ General: Nun edition Previous >>200722996[View]
200726487>i'm the Patriot (2018) Damn.[View]
200725654You're all a buncha fucken assholes. You know why? You don't got the guts to be what you w…[View]
200724645why does her face look like that?[View]
200726316The Black String: Was the cult real or fake? What was the movie meant as an allegory for, black tar …[View]
200726249any kinos about how cute the singer of blondie is in the MV for heart of glass? yes i'm aware …[View]
200723181can you recommend some real enjoyable movies? I'm trying to relax myself. It's been a diff…[View]
200724893Did max Cady get raped in prison?[View]
200717765Would Father riding the Serpent...: ...be stronger than Aemond riding Vhagar?[View]
200726121Moviebob is too, I kid you not, intelectual for YouTube, it's amazing how his new video is a so…[View]
200726098What are your favorite Hollywood rumors?[View]
200722744Why did he film all his movies in San Francisco, tv?[View]
200725502Was OxyContin really that badly abused in the 2000's?[View]
200725169>Being a cuck is... LE GOOD: The TV Show[View]
200725874>here's Jose Flanders[View]
200718701What was your favorite pools in the movie. I just rewatched it on tubi and I felt the final pool and…[View]
200723983If they make an Elden Ring movie, who should play the protagonist? George's cock has some sugge…[View]
200724042What a life: It’s gonna be a rough morning[View]
200693032What the.... Harley quin looks like THAT????[View]
200717576>Destroy a white country. Destroy two.[View]
200724194I posted the thread.[View]
200724962Anyone else find her but really cute this season? No wonder she dresses like a dyke when not on scre…[View]
200706038ITT worst recasts of all time[View]
200721929>GRRM talked about a Elden Ring show If it ends up being l*ve act**n instead of anime who would y…[View]
200719162What’s the verdict on Horizon: An American Saga Chapter 1? I actually enjoyed it despite being more …[View]
200725480This was Humiliation ritual against erin Moriarty[View]
200725471Why don't we see more Asian actors?[View]
200716775Cast it[View]
200724680How am I supposed to take this show seriously[View]
200722969Why is his sister black?[View]
200725252just watched the first episode of season 4 and is this a parody ? that was something a out of touch …[View]
200725263Can Mother be made into live-action kino?[View]
200720451A season in. How exactly is this scifi again?[View]
200723565Who is worse, the villain or the people that create the villain?[View]
200721146>Cut open Italians leak pasta sauce What did Coppola mean by this?[View]
200723635>And Roman Polanski lived happily ever after What did Tarantino mean by this?…[View]
200722996/got/hotd/ General: Monke Returns edition Previous >>200719357[View]
200721347Don’t cry for me, I’m already dead.[View]
200722641I'm a big cumbrain and I never found the appeal in xenomorphs, the predators though I would[View]
200721996Why didn't he just take finasteride[View]
200724528How do I become the pope's exorcist?[View]
200721216Overly hated movies: Yes, it's cheap melodrama, but some people treat it as the worst ever made…[View]
200716406Only ONE (1) of these movies deserved a billy and we all know which one that is.[View]
200723307Why was he dreaming about riding ponies, anon...?[View]
200720072Pixar won. Chuds lost.[View]
200724490Why fuck with perfection? Why doesn’t Universal make a Frankenstein movie using the iconic look? I k…[View]
200723603FILTERS THE CHUDS: why are they incapable of creating, understanding or discussing Art?[View]
200721814How’s his taste in horror movies?[View]
200724397It's Christmas in July debbiebros![View]
200718685So why did almost all the black people in Westeros disappear in the 200 years between House of the D…[View]
200715573What's the best thing to do in this situation?[View]
200721900Are you a super sad sack, tired of tight teens tearing it off?[View]
200722931/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #133: Cwimbing Twees Edition Bloodgames Season 1 start…[View]
200723193What am I in for?[View]
200719791Season 2: >10% interesting and fun to watch >90% long drawn out 'heartfelt' conversations abou…[View]
200721274This film just made back its' budget back in its' first week.: But tell me again how holly…[View]
200722544Better than twin peaks[View]
200719144her: you gotta be insane if you think we fuckin me:[View]
200717079times you acted like the mask[View]
200722594so this fat fuck not only copies LOTR but copies J.R.R. Tolkien’s initials? What a fucking hack and …[View]
200712407>saves Tim burtons career[View]
200723358Just watched They Live. What did I think of it?[View]
200723336Which pill do I take and why?[View]
200722108Damn, this movie has a lot to say about society.[View]
200717711marissa miller was great in ripd: would like to see her in more roles.[View]
200723387Step 1. Collect underpants.[View]
200717563why no movie adaptation? has all the ingriedients for a potential kino[View]
200723229>yells and cries at cops for being better than her >yells and cries at Dexter multiple times f…[View]
200712206Tolkien: Sauron is like Satan in his goal to dominate all life and though at one point considered re…[View]
200715236I never watched this show and I don't even know what's about[View]
200722203Latest episode was DARK SOULS KINO[View]
200719289Why are Euros so gay?: Do British men or Russian men really grab each other testicles or kiss each o…[View]
200711309>ITT: times you acted like Peter Five Eight[View]
200722187Dunk-man says Dunkaccino almost ruined his career: Why did he do it then, /tv/?[View]
200720221Tron Legacy: AI gf or alien gf?[View]
200722633Why was Jack so /fa/ in season 1[View]
200719357/got/hotd/: MONKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE edition[View]
200713726I liked it desu[View]
200720970Why didn't he just get out of bed?[View]
200720861BOATS General: What if the doctor chose the smaller weevil? Would the joke just have bombed? Did Jac…[View]
200722014so..this show is basically an “Italian” American soap opera and has very little to do with an actual…[View]
200711149I think this fella is a good actor. A shame that he only acts in slops.[View]
200722245You are my /tv/![View]
200719879what's some good 'me and her' kino[View]
200716794Have you ever seen an amateur film or short film on Youtube or the like, that was actually good?[View]
200721304Omg the press were like soldiers shooting everything[View]
200721715What was the shittiest car?[View]
200719659Does anyone go as hard as him? Haz was funny to watch but just because he was regarded.[View]
200721017What do you eat while you watch TV and movies?[View]
200712934How the H*CK does one watch the sequels?[View]
200719884What is this?: A thread for ANTS!?[View]
200715100>they never adapted the best Narnia book I'm still mad.[View]
200715886Goddamn she was perfect[View]
200721508Why didn't the fellowship fly balloons to Mordor then bungee jumped the ring into Mount Doom?[View]
200718319What exactly is going on here?: What did he mean by this? https://youtu.be/V44EenldJQs?si=j0Abuli6jF…[View]
200718538So no one told you that it's gonna be friends thread[View]
200720006The Great Debate: Sha'uri or Sha're?[View]
200718475Who are other actresses with resting bitch face? Do you think that inhibits them getting roles?[View]
200719534>Many Saints of Newark, whatever happened there.[View]
200721161>Oh, you wanted MORE of your favorite show 'The Sopranos?' >Here's a movie about a black …[View]
200721561we all hung out at a coffee shop called poopies up on the strip[View]
200721397>you have to watch 3 other movies to understand 1 movie >and it's actually worth it Lore …[View]
200715921>John wick....I haven't heard that name in years[View]
200720655UNSCHEDULED OFF-WORLD ACTIVATION: How do you respond without looking scared?[View]
200720092/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #132: Q Edition Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th a…[View]
200718740favorite foreign films: post your top 5-10 >the raid 2 >the wailing >brasileirinhas carnafu…[View]
200719355/got/hotd/ General: Aegon II edition Previous >>200716087[View]
200721041>cross dresser character is the best character on the show.[View]
200716498>the fat kid does a cannonball >people laying by the pool get soaked by a comically large spl…[View]
200715647Bake him away, toys.[View]
200720757She was so sweet and adorable, what the fuck was wrong with Earl?[View]
200720651Underrated gems[View]
200718042>granny starts raping[View]
200716966What are some long, slow, boring movies which are still kind of enthralling?[View]
200720652Nick Bate in Million Dollar Extreme: What could have been: If Nick Bate gets released from prison, i…[View]
200715455>Hurry up and kys anon! Today!!![View]
200720147The Smurfs had a completely normal fully functioning utopia until that hook nosed wizard Gargamel in…[View]
200706140This is barely a movie board anymore Kinda of Kindness tread How come Stone only let us see her hai…[View]
200719331>what have you slack jawed faggots been posting while I was eating dinner at my parent's hou…[View]
200719572Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?[View]
200710467Why do people rate Empire as the best movie? Once Hoth is done, nothing really happens for the rest …[View]
200719047Let. Her. Cook.[View]
200710145>frimmin' on a frim fram >frimmin on a frim >frimmin' on a frim fram…[View]
200718615>It’s kino[View]
200718569>This... is digital blackface >she says while wearing a weave >appropriating hairstyles fro…[View]
200715743The picnic scene is pure kino[View]
200712469>3 years, I promise[View]
200716570HEY THAT GUY DIDN'T PAY[View]
200717435>here's your molly millions, bro.[View]
200720020>Bro Coon That was kinda racist, George[View]
200719814Kinostation thread?[View]
20071993855:55: Take a screenshot of a movie at 55:55. Guess the movie.[View]
200719932'dang it'[View]
200717996>The Human Spider. >Heh, try naming yourself after a good Cronenberg movie. >Uh... The Huma…[View]
200719363>If you only knew the power of one. The power of two. The power of mannnnyyyyyyyy.…[View]
200713555This was a mistake. Part 3 was the perfect ending.[View]
200719620See, he just told you to shut the fuck up..and he told me, to go fuck myself.[View]
200714923*filters everyone[View]
200717689House of the Dragon: Where can I watch episode 3?[View]
200713067Well, I'm here because I was slightly concerned[View]
200709338Can we finally admit it was actually funny?[View]
200719309Could he play Joe Biden in a possible biopic?[View]
200718870How did Ms. Morello get away with it all?[View]
200710258Smiling Friends Hitpiece?: So this turned out to be fake, right?[View]
200717698As it turns out, women will, when faced with a the perfect dystopian regime BBEG, first and foremost…[View]
200714005>Lets make fun of autistic people: The Movie Isn't crazy how just a few years later suddenly…[View]
200715423>India literally made a TV series about Alexander the Great with jeets playing the greeks…[View]
200715012>when he plugs in the HDMI cable[View]
200712514City Of God: Just marathoned this. Holy shit fucking kino great movie that's all I wanted to sa…[View]
200716880If we are allowed to talk about AVGN on this board because he is a film maker then what about the Ir…[View]
200717912/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #131: TJaylor edition Bloodgames Season 1 starts June…[View]
200715453>'nolan' is a palindrome[View]
200718399Which killer do you think needs his or her own biopic?[View]
200717815The Soiys: Why do all the BTS photos from this god awful show have people giving the camera the fing…[View]
200718738Barber: Is this any good? It has CIA in it.[View]
200715082Is it worth watching? Any other Turkish series like this?[View]
200717277Post /tv/ characters drinking[View]
200716087/got/hotd/ General: The Dragoncock edition Previous >>200711217[View]
200715828I thought this was a bit too on the nose.[View]
200715565They were once men...[View]
200718244Is it possible to make a really short actor (below 6'1) intimidating? Usually short characters …[View]
200717667cena is a surprisingly capable comedic actor, which is a hard thing to be. batista is willing to sho…[View]
200718330Reminder the Thai mafia killed him.[View]
200718090Is it worth a watch? When does it get bad?[View]
200718095ITT: Post examples of Western isekai.[View]
200717455>has the perfect chance to ask god why he indulges in the suffering of men, his proudest creation…[View]
200715234Peter Pan? Never heard of him..[View]
200717405kino inbound bois https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V44EenldJQs[View]
200715967>kill a rich famous guy >oh I'll just bury him somewhere >kill a literal cop >oh uh…[View]
200718005We have gathered together the most beautiful women under 30 in the UK for this season of Love Island…[View]
200712495Go woke, go br-AAACKKK[View]
200717722ITT Kino Cars[View]
200707611Inside Out 2 becomes the fastest animated film to hit 1 billion milestone: >After 19 days of rele…[View]
2007177987 years ago.[View]
200714353inland empire for me. and you?[View]
200716894The exact second Star Wars went to dog crap.[View]
200714920So is Woody Allen actually a good filmmaker?[View]
200715988The Tick (2016): underrated show, tho not as good as the old one.[View]
200717530Are there any shows that if someone admits they watch you lose respect for them? Anytime someone tel…[View]
200699200Damm: Imagine being him but at 20[View]
200717675>Honey up Pooh, we have to honey.[View]
200714186If you want to be happy, living a King's life Never make a pretty woman your wife[View]
200715777they look like the same goddamned person[View]
200716126Father only phucks with REAL serpents...: None of these wannabe 'dragons' that are actually Wyverns.…[View]
200717426M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E. We play fair and we work hard and we're in harmony. M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-…[View]
200717264Are there any comedies taking place inside camps?[View]
200713619TIL that Americans have all you can eat butter fountains at their kinoplexes. They even have little …[View]
200715534Why isn't there a single mainstream Indian actor? Hollywood has plenty of White, Black, and eve…[View]
200716516I'm standing at the edge of tomorrow and the future looks bright for me: And it's all up t…[View]
200714691When watching any movie I think about all the effort that it probably took to make this. I could nev…[View]
200714651>James Bond if he was an incel monk Kino![View]
200716322AJ has never watched the sopranos[View]
200703729>Actresses who have to relying on nude/sex scenes to stay relevant.[View]
200717149He’s not wrong.[View]
200717115Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: Seriously, what the FUCK was her problem?[View]
200712960HotD: >90 minutes >House of Dragons episode 3 waiting room Get in here boys…[View]
200683808/hor/ – Horror General: Evil Scum edition prev: >>200666316[View]
200707359Oddly Alluring Movie MILFs: Can anyone identify her and the movie? Is she not attractive?[View]
200716665how the fuck did she survive 200 years?[View]
200716261You goddamn guineas really make me laugh[View]
200716599OUT OF THE FUCKIN' BLUE[View]
200715162I wish I could care about anything as much as he cares about capeshit.[View]
200716409Oh that's how they knew about Menus[View]
200716452I’m Danny Dyer. And this is da weal futbol fwaktories.[View]
200715855Just saw this. What did you think? Better than the first or what?[View]
200712038So now that the dust has settled, why did he redeem? Are there any sequels?[View]
200716372Holy Fucking KINO[View]
200715603/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #130: LOVE TANK Edition Bloodgames Season 1 starts Jun…[View]
200714291Imagine being woken by from cryosleep only to find yourself on a hostile planet where everything is …[View]
200716075/got/hotd/ General: Big boi edition. prev >>200711217[View]
200713955>Early 2000s family/teen comedy intro >I GET KNOCKED DOWN, BUT I GET UP AGAIN >YOU'RE …[View]
200701591You told me The Boys suck now but the webms I saw on /wsg/ last night were pretty kino. Explain your…[View]
200716002If you say Disney doesn't have SOVL anymore one more time, please delete your /tv/ account.[View]
200711217/got/hotd/ General: Hand of the King edition Previous >>200705804[View]
200710415What makes it so comfy?[View]
200715841>After previewing the episode, Mick Garris, the series creator and executive producer, requested …[View]
200709887Underrated movies[View]
200714148These movies? They Christian[View]
200715433Is this the stupidest television idea in history?: >dedicates entire week to shark documentaries …[View]
200711851What is the intended audience reaction for this movie?[View]
200715333>Zed PM[View]
200715416Did he died?[View]
200715610Honestly, still would[View]
200715261Hey look, Tom Cruise is a fudge packer![View]
200710365/who/ Doctor Who General: Didn't see a thread. Just watched this serial and it was fucking daft…[View]
200712221why does /tv/ pretend this film is bad? Its at least 8 out of 10[View]
200714419I just finished watching this. I think I'm tired of the 'superheroes who say fuck' genre. And a…[View]
200710235Are there any movies that actually depict dragons as actual scary fucking monsters that leave destru…[View]
200715520>Gets fired from his job because he likes beer This movie was too relatable for me.…[View]
200715074Their response is here[View]
200713154ITT: Post kino[View]
200715350what do you watch on repeat?[View]
200715317Kinds of Kindness: So is it kino or what? I'm a fan of Yorgos, but I have to admit Poor Things …[View]
200709300Why’d she do it, bros?[View]
200711435Nearly 20 years after the final episode, David Chase reveals Tony died in the finale: Killed by Benn…[View]
200713853what is the best Saw movie /tv/?[View]
200708415The George Lucas hate was an orchestrated harassment campaign to coerce one of the most powerful ind…[View]
200712329Does it hold up?[View]
200704815How do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
200715006*runs out of woods* AY RIG[View]
200714725What’s your excuse?[View]
200698210ITT: we discuss the storied television and film career of the underrated German actress Nastassja Ki…[View]
200709079>What has been her best work?[View]
200711757What character in film/TV embodies the Karen archetype? I think it is Skyler White from Breaking Bad…[View]
200714534>a George Miller joint[View]
200709116>born in US >doesn't speak spanish >is white what did jenna 'blanca' ortega mean by th…[View]
200712050This movie is the most bleakest blackpill I've ever seen: >ywn experience teenage love >y…[View]
200698367Evil (2019): It's kino.[View]
200711689Is method-acting based or cringe?[View]
200710730My favorite movie is Cherry 2000[View]
200714247insufferable cunt[View]
200714073Post primo mommy kino: aka great films starring older actresses[View]
200714570my favorite movies[View]
200688284It's now 2024 and we still don't have an update on James Wans Call of Cthulhu movie.[View]
200714507Shows only you watched[View]
200714168What happened to Playboy studios? They used to make 'normal' films, and not just erotica.[View]
200709724Futurama is a Temporal Iterated Fractal Philip J Fry: A Man Made of Time https://m.youtube.com/watch…[View]
200714438What historical fiction movie do you wish actually happened?[View]
200714315What is your favorite RE film?[View]
200699487After 2 Netflix hits in the last few years, can Victoria Justice still breakout as an acclaimed actr…[View]
200713439/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #129: what the fuck is happening Edition Bloodgames Se…[View]
200713066>ITT: Villains that did nothing wrong[View]
200710160Yeah, man I can fit that in. Be there in 20.[View]
200710368ITT: Movies that were considered laughably bad at the time of release but are nowadays widely regard…[View]
200699528Is she actually talented or just another pretty face?[View]
200713713One thing I've noticed about Western television, and by extension all Western media, is that it…[View]
200714136I don't care what /tv/ thinks, I'm finna binge this kino[View]
200713397Does he ever see himself in the mirror in the morning and think, 'that's literally me'?[View]
200713562>someone mentions a movie they love >oh yeah ive seen it its a great flick >they quote some…[View]
200709474This is a reminder to be careful on this Canada day. >A man who was killed in Maine on the Fourt…[View]
200713943walked out at this scene[View]
200698713Is it blowjob o'clock already, my lord?[View]
200708074Now that the studio is going bankrupt, will Netflix snatch the rights to make the Ur-Kino?[View]
200710497Kenny is streaming the show right now. pretty based https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qTrJvVAdJ4[View]
200706201>treated like trash for the entire movie >killed off in the epilogue What was George's p…[View]
200713433This was stupid.[View]
200708320I’m not impressed by gunfire sounds in television shows & feature films. They would sound so muc…[View]
200707577The face of a generation.[View]
200706753>Erm... excuse me I know you did NOT just call me what I think you called me. That's... REAL…[View]
200712189Harmony Korine EDGLRD: What do we think of Harmony Korine’s company EDGLRD?[View]
200709467People are very strange these days.[View]
200709621There literally hasn't been anything new to watch in WEEKS. Are hollywood pedos okay? Has anyon…[View]
200713610This/tv/ thread is over.[View]
200713284Was it funny? Was it good?[View]
200713174>Early 2000s movie >*BACK OFF, I'LL TAKE YOU ON* starts playing…[View]
200711909New Hyde kino: Yeah, I'm thinkin' he's back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc9pStHJ…[View]
200713205George r.R Martin is teasing Elden Ring Tv adaptation: >Live action Ranni https://www.thewrap.com…[View]
200712663This is still a top 5 comedy movie of all time[View]
200713326Honestly would[View]
200709719He didn't give a shit that Stannis died[View]
200711531holy kinography[View]
200712959>tomboy pure kino[View]
200709324>Anon, do you think I'm gay? How do you respond in this situation?…[View]
200713147So this is the age gap thing you guys were warning me about?[View]
200713041Dormammu, my nigga, get fucked too.[View]
200713097Why did her friends go to a different university then her and also wanted to keep it a secret at fir…[View]
200710540The Nice Guys (2016): It's like they literally copied my life. It's bizarre. Like they sto…[View]
200709541>The bad thing is actually good I fucking hate contrarians[View]
200696101Why, yes Jay, it is nice up here.[View]
200705881>bombing of German civilians and other white people is Le COOL and BASED my dude >this show i…[View]
200711560>You know what, John? I'll give you undignified: go fuck yourself. You and Phil and whoevah.…[View]
200709696>be me >expect some capeshit to be good >wait patiently till it drops on kinoplex >jeets…[View]
200709997>be NEET/wagecuck /tv/ buff >think about movies 24/7 >it's all you've ever wanted…[View]
200697064I'm not smart enough to understand the meaning of this film. Can someone spell it out for me?[View]
200710443Sheldon’s mom: >It’s already midnight sheldon! you have to go to bed Sheldon: >actually mother…[View]
200708840Sorcerer or The Wages of Fear?[View]
200712829Anon I need you to lose 200 pounds by the end of this thread[View]
200710972Fantastic 4 (2025): How bad is Marvel Studios gonna fuck it up?[View]
200710754She was hitting on him the whole time. For her he was one of the funniest comedy actor at the time a…[View]
200708510>movie has warring factions each with their own distinct ideals and beliefs that really make you …[View]
200707384We got too cocky Dunkbros...[View]
200711449Webms that don't need editing[View]
200710560How did it manage to stay relevant with zoomers whereas The Simpsons failed?[View]
200710750Classic Romantic Comedies: Just showed my fiance these classic romantic Kinos and she LOVED them, es…[View]
200711129The truth is meowt there[View]
200708947fairy tale fuckin town, that[View]
200712062>Lois, I'm confused. Is this a kik ending or a cif ending?[View]
200708053what the fuck is he doing[View]
200702704Pretentious cunts the TV show when does it get funny? also I want to punch Niles in his arrogant pre…[View]
200712030Elden Ring anime/movie/show might happen Cast it[View]
200709963>Go on, son, fuck me woife[View]
200710942/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #128: True Love Edition Bloodgames Season 1 starts Jun…[View]
200711897DUNK: What’s his name again?[View]
200704768Kate Mara should have been Yennefer in The Witcher. Is it too late to cast her as Mara Jade?[View]
200697817Parker Posey[View]
200709713Who was in the wrong here?[View]
200711220>mexican telenovela includes scenes where the characters are casually talking about how good a re…[View]
200693617I can't stop noticing her face everytime she is on screen. This may have ruined the show for me…[View]
200698708Why's there so little kino from'em?[View]
200705811If You had lots of funding, how would you go about it?: If YOU were entrusted with a large budget to…[View]
200699674Cate Blanchett, the wanker: Why did she do it?[View]
200708542Good LORD[View]
200708276Why did the Teen Choice Awards die?[View]
200711199Oh brother, this film STINKS.: Saw it in Australia Maxime le Mal hates Gru because he stole his song…[View]
200709595what the heck was his dealio anyway?[View]
200710452I'm sorry but no one is doing it like The Boys.[View]
200709319FILM GRAIN: Decided to see some of Snyder's old classics, and I realized that they have a ridic…[View]
200711157a pedophile showed me this. it was a spic portorican and it was his 2 year old niece. he dresses lik…[View]
200711124With every post there is a 1 in 10 chance of doubles. The only way you can fail is by not posting. I…[View]
200705804/got/hotd/ General: Otto Hightower edition Previous >>200700884[View]
200693644Furiosa: Just watched it This was surprisingly great but very pointless. Would have probably been be…[View]
200694277Even though Jon Stewart has returned to The Daily Show, Bill Maher has still managed to reassert him…[View]
200710825what are some movies that draw this reaction out of you? For me, it’s saving private Ryan.[View]
200708024>what is our serious police crime drama show missing? >oh I know, a quirky goth girl What wer…[View]
200710636I just remembered watching this a child like 30 years ago. https://youtu.be/eq7IzP7PvOU?si=p8bURNsQj…[View]
200704590I am the world's greatest assassin.[View]
200694958Can we at least admit Nu Wars improved on the X-wing?: You're being disingenuous if you can…[View]
200707791Pick one[View]
200707694>ITT: Hair kino[View]
200705134>What say we get to know eachother at my favorite watering hole Melons Mania? Tonight's grab…[View]
200709277James Bond: daltoncucks btfo[View]
200709342What was his plight?[View]
200705036I love this style, but I'm white. I don't think I can pull it off.[View]
200699701History of Power Rangers has no set schedule: >The videos are DONE >When they're DONE …[View]
200708843How does Anya look so cool in this movie while not looking remotely action-heroesque IRL?[View]
200708152>You were expecting someone else? Imagine if Gunn released a teaser trailer with new Superman jus…[View]
200706137>Released 20 years ago[View]
200709089/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #127: TJ seethers edition >Bloodgames Season 1 star…[View]
200703273Who's that girl? Who's that girl? It's-[View]
200706447Was this movie a big humiliation ritual?[View]
200707946This dog in The Mask was such a good boy[View]
200705402It's unironically over.[View]
200706017At 1:25 there's a record scratch. The fuck is this plebeian shit? Spielberg, really? >https:…[View]
200707333>we're the only one police in this toACK![View]
200706805Why did it flop? This was one of Disney's biggest and most expensive musical films, and audienc…[View]
200709186>you know, I always used to want to win the election have people like me, but I don't care a…[View]
200708901>Harley, but evil![View]
200708960the ultimate kino machine[View]
200703019How much do they ask to bust one ghost?[View]
200708983https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pxqN9sBGjk NYAAAAA GU UUUUUUUUUHVADA KEDAVRA! DEH! NYEEEEARRGHHGHH …[View]
200706899>Fat bartender >Named Barman Butterbar Bravo Tolkien…[View]
200707314It's Al, not Dunk.[View]
200707265Imagine all the zoomers, soillenials, and gen failures (x) recording this dude on their tiktoks and …[View]
200685254General /tv/ WebM thread[View]
200704478Besides the F&F series and Gone in 60 Seconds, what are the necessary car kinos? Pic semi-relate…[View]
200706625>bored >doesnt give a fuck about /tv/‘s discourse…[View]
200699357Watched all the Freddy films except Freddy vs Jason and Freddy's Dead What do you guy's th…[View]
200704231How can we save Anya's career after Furiosa?[View]
200708390>and then he pulled out a criterion 4k blu-ray steelbook[View]
200703022>When Emmanuelle Seigner was 23, she married Roman Polanski after a courtship that began before h…[View]
200708419What are some shows you like to watch before bed?[View]
200705765Borrowed this from a friend because she kept recommending it. Do you think it's a good movie?[View]
200706352Is it normal that I look, pay attention to and like how women characters dress in movies? I see it a…[View]
200708259What the fuck did Rachel Green mean by this?[View]
200706504Midnight Cowboy: What's your opinion on this movie? I never see it discussed here.[View]
200707323>guys the acolyte isn’t bad, how can you care about this when there are starving children in Afri…[View]
200638119/kdg/ - kdrama general: Umbrella milf edition. Prev thread: >>200566379[View]
200704221>Says you're cute but not the one. Still gives you her cookie. Do you eat it? DO YOU?…[View]
200708144most kino title sequence of all time[View]
200708220What doth life?: XRA anyone?[View]
200691895>is the greatest comedy show of all time based nips[View]
200706498Only incels side with Cal. He was a possessive asshole and Rose should be free to love whoever she w…[View]
200705291I raped Ted.[View]
200707363/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #126: Q won Edition >Bloodgames Season 1 starts Ju…[View]
200707754>In 2022, Snyder expressed interest in directing a science fiction film adaptation of the Adult S…[View]
200705964This movie is so bad, holy shit. Zero soul, just a quick cashgrab. Anyone else disappointed by it?[View]
200702846Who your favorite Brave Little Toaster character? For me it's Radio[View]
200707531>youtuber finally reviews the last episode or film of a once beloved franchise now turned to soul…[View]
200706900Passion General[View]
200705944Godzilla X Kong is one of my favorite movies of the year. Tons of action packed fun and finally just…[View]
200707279>Book adaptations Common >Vidya adaptations Common >Film remakes Common >Music vid…[View]
200700478Tried this with Kristen Bell to mixed results, but let’s try a bigger actress. What if the last movi…[View]
200703534>2024 >still no Sandy Hook kino why is that?…[View]
200707339It's the TNG episode where Keiko is 30 years younger[View]
200707223Certified loverboy Certified pedophile[View]
200705433>white characters get shit on by nigs and every position of command shown is a 40 something woman…[View]
200685729James Gunn's Superman Looks Like Shit: I'm ready for campy action scenes with 1970s music …[View]
200701538I'm quitting 4chan forever. So long /tv/, it's been real https://youtu.be/RgKAFK5djSk[View]
200706958>You feel like heaven to touch >I wanna hold you so much-hah ha hah!…[View]
200695719>watch European movie >they do weird things you would never seen in America…[View]
200707108What are the chances they got paid during season 3 production by a democratic party?: During season …[View]
200702387I will now watch your movie[View]
200685927Whatever happened to the raping blob?[View]
200705326I get what you’re doing…I just don’t want to do it.[View]
200705074Was he pressured into doing this or did he volunteer? I'm talking about Simu not the tranny.[View]
200698981are the predators Black coded? I mean they're basically tribal warriors with dreadlocks[View]
200706434Are we ever going to see a movie like this again?[View]
200705774>best and most interesting characters in the film >cool as fuck balaclava and welding goggles …[View]
200691306How are they soo good at playing a women?[View]
200705377Who was she talking about here?[View]
200706655>hold the door >hold the door >hold the door >hold the door >hold the door…[View]
200701773Boring piece of shit[View]
200700768>ACKSHUALLY, it was three strong independent black women that sent us to the moon, chuddie do the…[View]
200703967Was this really all in the game?[View]
200705959Good News Everyone: A new Kroft dropped and he says that A***n Romulus could have a strong connectio…[View]
200703162>has over 10 hours of content on iCarly How was his hard drive not been checked yet?…[View]
200701907Take the G out of Glover, and...: Good night, Sweet Prince.[View]
200705521What are some good political thrillers?[View]
200702915They took this from us.[View]
200705397It's a meme that men relate to depressed mentally ill characters, but what kind of characters d…[View]
200702145Is the military shown fighting them?: That's literally the only thing that will get my ass back…[View]
200705117This type of character is actually fucking boring.[View]
200705962Raped bitch[View]
200699068Haha You Clowns full-series ordered by Adult Swim: >Fifteen-minute episodes will follow three jac…[View]
200690203Anime can't be kin-[View]
200706009Any kinos where this happens?[View]
200702884Why do they keep calling this guy a kid all the time he looks 40 something.[View]
200705668>climbs for years without injuries >gets a whiff of pussy >immediately falls off a wall wha…[View]
200705907>September release date >still no trailer or promotional stills I’m getting nervous bros…[View]
200705697What's the last French movie you watched?[View]
200705143Most of the black pill propaganda is filmed in Miami. All the girls you see in those rage bait video…[View]
200705787He's the only reason why I even watch the show.[View]
200691422The New Norm Show: >'My pronouns are they, them, and me!' They... they made fun of pronouns... b-…[View]
200703435>this hairstyle was considered hideous in 1968[View]
200704809/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #125: TJ won (again) Edition >Bloodgames Season 1 s…[View]
200701762Is he right? Is the ending of two and a half man really the worst ending of all time?[View]
200702933I always wanted to do that[View]
200700884/got/hotd/: Short King Edition prev >>200697761[View]
200704367For me? it's probably fist of legend with jet li[View]
200699143Sir Rings of Power leaks. Sir please: Give me them lawd dem rangz plot points. Hope it will be bette…[View]
200705196What do we think?[View]
200703109Highlander reboot with Cavill coming in 2026: https://collider.com/highlander-reboot-filming-details…[View]
200703696Matthew 'Whether Driving Auto or Stick, I'll Murder a Mick' Broderick[View]
200703319>never casted a black man in a major role, ever What did he mean by this?…[View]
200705040I like Gumball.[View]
200702312Remember that weird king of the hill episode where Hank was obsessed with lolita fashion[View]
200703232What does /tv/ think of Kate Mara's career? Is /tv/ excited for The Dutchman? >The Dutchman …[View]
200704444So he could've easily gotten away with the money if he didn't go back to help the guy out …[View]
200704848so, was there a well or not?[View]
200704286>Your Highness, I beg you, please do not finger-bang that manatee![View]
200700258Is he /ourguy/?[View]
200704611Best non-woke series of this decade, sign of times to come?[View]
200700178What has been her best work?[View]
200696399what are the best films set during summer?[View]
200703302Did she get an overdose of botox or something? Or is she sick? She could barely move anything on her…[View]
200695014Will erotic thrillers make a comeback since many A listers are doing nude scenes again?[View]
200703859Any film with April Wine is fine.[View]
200704477Two tickets to Costner sloppa please, with the AARP discount.[View]
200692279>1 ticket to Horizon: An American Saga please >I would li5the extra racist edition please…[View]
200704475ITT: Times you acted like The Vourdalak. https://youtu.be/1NIXWgBkJNU[View]
200703375Elden Ring might be getting an anime/show/movie: https://www.ign.com/articles/hidetaka-miyazaki-open…[View]
200698976They should have dubbed over his girly puberty voice.[View]
200698565Why did he do it, bros?[View]
200704268>It's a 'Truman puts off looking for a job for another month because he somehow got another …[View]
200703449>Superman about to fly for the first time >Van Halen starts playing >Superman looks over to…[View]
200703596>turnip intensifies[View]
200702898>I sleep in a racing car, do you?[View]
20069747220 years ago the greatest capeshit movie of all time premiered.[View]
200700417Breakfast is ready, anon.[View]
200703975>Furiosa is a good mo-[View]
200701542Have you seen this?: This show is actually pretty good with pretty good writing. Even though the mai…[View]
200704209I have a glandular problem![View]
200702619>American sitcom >”uuugh is there nothing to eat in this house???? I’m starving I haven’t eate…[View]
200704155>'By the powers of naughtiness, I command this particular thread to be very, VERY...kino.'…[View]
200702881>30 minutes in >it's just people talking about A minor, compositions, conducting structur…[View]
200680604Truly they were the Last of Us[View]
200684256it fucking sucked I can't believe how hard /tv/ shilled this movie[View]
200703892I'm so fucking tired Why does every single written thing in every medium of this generation (s…[View]
200700443Is there anywhere I can watch this movie in decent quality? And no, I don't want to pay for it.[View]
200702941>writers accidentally make the villains more compelling than the protagonists Why do they keep do…[View]
200702921What did Coppola mean by this?[View]
200702489>536 Days until Avatar 3[View]
200697557Can you name one?[View]
200702862i can't think the name of this cartoon i watched it back on the internet[View]
200702677>What'd you just say?! >Maybe that arm of yours wouldn't be so sore if you weren…[View]
200697331>The movie expects you to find her death funny and that she deserved it But why? Actually it woul…[View]
200703455>GREAT ASS[View]
200703535>If the Ayatollah can't have it, no one can![View]
200702341/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #124: Sex with Creature edition >Bloodgames Season …[View]
200701880I was drunk when I fired the mining laser from Citadel Station.: I'm drunk right now.[View]
200703425Thoughts on Hana-bi and Kitano?[View]
200703385Why would a druish princess stunt double have a Hitler mustache?[View]
200700692What should I watch tonight as my mid-year kino?[View]
200702955Dark Universe's surprising come back brings questions about movies: Universal recently announce…[View]
200703027>le slow talking intelligent sophisticated villain[View]
200703063>Here's your new Superman cartoon bro[View]
200703036>Saar finally redeemed his Oscar >then dies right after cinema............…[View]
200701823IS THERE ANY BIGGER WASTE THAN THIS ?: Millions on millions spent on - special effects shitty plot. …[View]
200702925No diddling kids. We not diddle kids here[View]
200702880How will the writers cope with Trump becoming president again?[View]
200702860>Your words have no rizz[View]
200691983itt webms that you can hear[View]
200702595>his whole shtick is being a milk-drinking manbaby >has a secret freezer full of her breast m…[View]
200701409She deserved a better story[View]
200702415This is the first time Superman and Clark Kent actually look like two different people[View]
200702575>attend film school >people only talk about the most boring and sterile 'top films of all time…[View]
200699522>hey I really like the Shakespeare plays I’ve read and seen, I should look up some nice movie ada…[View]
200702625greatest film ever made[View]
200698469Reacher: What went wrong?[View]
200700138Honestly, for me it's Star Wars[View]
200702507Goodfellas: These two guys playing young Henry and Tommy were distracting. The movie would have been…[View]
200701555Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht: what a great film[View]
200694615What are you gonna do? Shoot me?[View]
200702459The Great Debate: 60 Minutes USA vs 60 Minutes Australia[View]
200693831>fucked her cousin for 10 years >fucked a raider the first day she met him i sleep >kissed …[View]
200700236The boys bros.... are we in trouble?[View]
200702279I don't remember 90% of the shows and movies that I've seen in my entire life, yes even my…[View]
200701150Why are modern movie trailers so bad?: I've seen a bunch of good movies this year, but the trai…[View]
200701305Football! England coming home!!![View]
200701008June 29th. I gotta get in shape now, too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on…[View]
200700923This was hilarious and if you disagree you are a stupid asshole.[View]
200645129/who/ - Doctor Who general: Oswald Danes edition[View]
200672983>when he has physical media collection[View]
200702018Phone Losers: Biopic when?[View]
200700919The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK of our generation![View]
200699339I'm leaving the band now[View]
200702149>reboot trailer >slim shady guess who's back back again starts playing…[View]
200701105Movies you fell asleep to and never finished[View]
200702049Just watched this boring piece of shit: Why is /tv/ always wrong You told me this was a 'classic' bu…[View]
200701746I don't get the hype.[View]
200697117Do you like the Harry Potter films?[View]
200692547>1.5/5.0 on Google. >3.4 on IMDB. >14% Audience Score on RT. What happened here? OOTL.…[View]
200701891Got that uranium-235![View]
200698541It was really necessary?[View]
200698900The Bogys: They gotta be intentionally doing this.[View]
200700590Is it possible to actually enjoy anything as an adult?[View]
200701834Is it really THAT difficult to just do this again? Why is no one capable of making kinludo anymore f…[View]
200701830it's actually pretty tasty[View]
200692685any REAL incel kino? none of this gay 'he's literally me' trash[View]
200701678Completely unbelievable[View]
200701723SSN2 when: I was tempted ngl[View]
200697943Francine from arthur: >only jewish anthropomorphic in the show >gorilla >poorest character …[View]
200701708Arise, chicken![View]
200701256r*ddit vs 4chan[View]
200697285ITT: Films that nail the Frutiger Aero aesthetic. Pic related.[View]
200699001Why let a filthy dwarf into their fellowship? I'd refuse to go anywhere with a goddamn midget[View]
200700175name (YOUR) top 10 favourite movies[View]
200701172HEAR ME ROAR[View]
200701564Do I like this movie?[View]
200701518Villains who did nothing wrong: Some naked meth head comes up to him, and tries to rob him. He right…[View]
200696699why did He do it?[View]
200701297Would you violate OSHA?[View]
200695591the bear: the bear came back without missing a beat. fucking kino.[View]
200688636Why is Hollywood still pushing the musclebound hunk phenotype? Neither men nor women want to see tha…[View]
200683542Shelley Cute-vall[View]
200701514This shit is literally just a live action shonen anime[View]
200701139I cannot live another day without air conditioning...[View]
200701270I think the whole Homelander discourse is one big miscommunication about relatability of a character…[View]
200700740Any other comfy kinos set around the ~14th century similar to this?[View]
200699795/ftl/ jimmy tits jimmy tits jimmy tits #123: >>200697214 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https…[View]
200701147Well THAT just happened[View]
200700434What was the advantage of Tony and Cap doing this over Tony just shooting them on his own?[View]
200700325why is this mofo always coughing if he is a robot?[View]
200698253Miami Vice 2006: Why did none of you tell me how kino this film is? I've watched through the or…[View]
200694984>SAAR PLEASE NO >I HACK U NOW Are jeets really that prominent in hacking? Is 99% of this show…[View]
200699109Casual nudity: What some good films with casual nudity?[View]
200698377It’s better than Band of Brothers[View]
200653755Youtube /tv/ slop: who is clicking on these?[View]
200698641the two young leads ruin this for me[View]
200697761/got/hotd/: You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of her name, K…[View]
200700117I guess it's about time for our William Tell routine.[View]
200668437Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Andrei Tarkovsky Waifu edition >/film/ …[View]
200700608Seriously what's the fuck was Ruby's problem?[View]
200695958Ahsoka Tano: What was the point of this character? and why did Disney turn her into an ugly old negr…[View]
200699739Your cat will never digivolve into this[View]
200696027will Quentin cast his wife in the 10th kino?[View]
200699013>40 minutes of nothing but exposition >Batman is in it for like 20 minutes >Bane is 5…[View]
200699786It's an Alfred hallucinates to end the Bale Batman saga because Bale Batman is dead.[View]
200700394>10 seasons >never heard of Shall I, bros?…[View]
200698730>'The sequels?', >'yes...throw them in too.'…[View]
200694366This review made wokecels piss and shit their pants with seethe for being called out about their cul…[View]
200699351Cobra Kai was good because it so obviously a labor of love made by real fans of the original movies …[View]
200699194Cast it’s film adaptation[View]
200696691What is his superpower?[View]
200692878i buy her as a pretty tough and competent female protag, not sure if it's the writing or if it…[View]
200696253These movies are both just bad. What do you see in them, what did I miss? Hereditary is overly self-…[View]
200700126Why is all of children's media so lame and gay nowadays?[View]
200699874Dead careers[View]
200699344Essential kinos starring this dude?[View]
200698180What made it so successful?[View]
200693904What are some of the best /tv/ crossovers?[View]
200698672what was his endgame? kill harry and then?[View]
200699998>Watching a quest for fire >The african tribe is basically the same as modern africans lol…[View]
200694652>it's a Kim Bauer episode[View]
200698814>James invented short form content >Mike invented long form content…[View]
200698170Film industry might still be Christian: Something bad always happens in movies, when sex is brought …[View]
200699871sequels that are better than originals: i am a non movie watcher. i have no taste. but, with that be…[View]
200698093Westworld: Why the second season didn't get hype of the first? They were pretty consistent for …[View]
200696899Nobody Knows 2004: Any more dysfunctional Jap kino? Already saw Monster quick tldr >based on a re…[View]
200699741What the hell was his problem?[View]
200698542How do I become as based as Kronk?[View]
200699137would you[View]
200699735Waking up like a champ: >that feel when you wake up with a hard boner made of steel YES SIR We’re…[View]
200699396>I can't even turn the mower on, Marty.[View]
200699086Was I the only person that watched this back in 2015 on SundanceTV? It was a really good show. The n…[View]
200685631Post kino practical effects, I'll start >much of Apollo 13 was filmed on the 'Vomit Comet', …[View]
200698780ok I'm going to say it: the bit from 5:45 through to the end of the video is the best comedy bi…[View]
200695961Titanic is a bad teen romance movie disguised as a historical epic[View]
200699448Finn DeTrolio, my arch nemesis...[View]
200696772What does /tv/ think of Legend (1985)?[View]
200695548What the fuck is wrong with him?[View]
200699205Severance: You guys here watch Severance yet? New to the TV board but I thought it was really good s…[View]
200699129Who did it better, Lynch or von Trier?[View]
200698344Israeli cinema any good?[View]
200698216HOLY FUCK: What the fuck did he mean by this?[View]
200697409My wife just gave birth to her son, but I broughted my Switch along. Had to snap a pic for /tv/[View]
200699067so it begins....[View]
200698470Hi, Mom! (1970): this movie was Taxi Driver before Taxi Driver[View]
200690775What would you do to bring the younger generation to theaters?[View]
200699026Anime ruined Japanese acting.[View]
200696331The reason why this movie is so scary because ALL OF THIS COULD HAPPEN IF DRUMPF GETS RE-ELECTED. yo…[View]
200697874Freaks and Geeks: College guy goes into highschool to get with a highschooler. What the fuck?[View]
200698834JADES-GS-z14-0: What happens there?[View]
200698926Paedo Jack: SHE'S ONLY 17 YEARS AND 11 MONTHS OLD YOU SICK FUCK[View]
200696112what do they eat[View]
200696462>this one scene single-handedly BTFO the Italian ego, and causes seethe to this day…[View]
200698709>Oh my Fauci did you just say you had heckin sexerino with a 16 (SIXTEEN!!!) year old girl?!?!?!?…[View]
200696700>AAAAAAHHHH! POACHERS!!![View]
200698680Peak American culture is the space samurai.[View]
200696158Full cgi movie with this quality when?: https://youtu.be/2bmsNa9GOR0?feature=shared[View]
200697933How did Serge do it?[View]
200697214/ftl/ lotta gay stuff #122: >>200693905 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.co…[View]
200697065Oh yeah. that happened.[View]
200697443anyone else watch this? could've been a 10/10 for me, but it drags and relies purely on the vis…[View]
200679026AJbros….. We WON![View]
200695542Titanic Cal: They made him too much of a cartoon villain. But I guess that if they made him even a b…[View]
200694601>ooh ooh oohh[View]
200695791What's the saddest film you've ever seen?[View]
200697781M*A*S*H: This show is absolute peak comfy and still funny as hell.[View]
200696008Dumb movie. Keanu's accent sucks too.[View]
200698065Scarlet Witch? More like Stupid Bitch[View]
200698293I like watching cams, they're comfy and nostalgic.[View]
200691034Casino Royale: >be a short, ugly, u charismatic and boring character actor who no one knows or ca…[View]
200698341>mysterious ex special forces character does ambiguous open palm throat punch…[View]
200698343Reminder that it was the x-files who exposed FEMA who has the power to suspend the constitution and …[View]
200697259>This is home. You'll never leave Africa. As a Saffer diasporoid this line genuinely got me…[View]
200693490re-evaluating the 'Literally me' genre: Elliott Gould in Altman's 'The Long Goodbye' >>…[View]
200697497You ruined this[View]
200698098The fanbase for penis head hocky pads man is 90% manufactured by bots.[View]
200696323I understand the criticism that it feels like a setup for Part 2, but even still, its a fucking amaz…[View]
200692589umm yes, I know it's a little late but is it possible to reserve a post on /tv/ for dubs or, tr…[View]
200695867Why didn’t Riley’s parents have the new emotions in the first movie? Seems like pretty lazy writing …[View]
200696848The only objectively correct ranking this year[View]
200686537Resident Evil: This shit was awesome. Are sequels worth watching? I heard they're very very bad…[View]
2006920802024 is half over, where the fuck is it? I demand my cringe kino. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15421…[View]
200691897What would you do[View]
200697464>new superman will flop, only Henry Cavill will bring mone-ACK![View]
200697626>Kills the local yuppies[View]
200695938The star of the last thing you watched is replaced by “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” era Kristen Bell. …[View]
200697353Wheres the sexual appeal in xenomorphs?[View]
200694929/got/hotd/: Greens edition Previous thread: >>200691729[View]
200696068All he wanted was to be with his waifu[View]
200695417Post favorite Jewish representation in cinema[View]
200696213Yellowjackets: I feel like a dog that caught it's own tail, all this time I was thinking when a…[View]
200654359Cat kinos: Cat is next to me, feet-on-his head position snoring loudly Got any kinos for cats?…[View]
200697322Roman Polanski: Separating the art from the artist, how does his filmography hold up today?[View]
200697406Jesus Christ, I'm not a Trumptard or an Amerimutt, but come on, at least have some creativity, …[View]
200695643I like this much more than the TV show, which I could never get into.[View]
200694616What are you doing here tonight? Explain it to me[View]
200693675for the first time in a long while i found a show (the bear) that seems worth watching to me. so i m…[View]
200697236What did he say here?: I can't understand his accent[View]
200696797Where is the metal gear movie?[View]
200697005A) She was a fucking whooah B) She hit me C) It was a fucking animal D) My kid is in the hospital …[View]
200697120Characters you became[View]
200697023Behold: The one webm that broke /tv/ and from which they've never recovered since.[View]
200694687IRON SKY: It's actually pretty good[View]
200690983Roundhouse kick this mother fucking faggot[View]
200696268What's your favorite episode of Transporter?[View]
200696733>filters (you)[View]
200694969What character in film/TV embodies the Karen archetype? I think it is Skyler White from Breaking Bad…[View]
200690051I wanted to watch this but apparently it's already become a new rick & morty with the same …[View]
200696724When will we finally get a theatrical adaptation of James Joyces letters to Nora Barnacle? Who will …[View]
200696713>sho, you came back to die with your city? >(Scribbled script note by Christopher Nolan): 'Bal…[View]
200696596What is the most insane twist in any movie?[View]
200683276yfw born too late to sail with the boys.[View]
200693287Don't listen to critics that says this is a bad movie. I avoided watching this like the plague …[View]
200696697The Halo show blows chunks Makee is cute thoughever[View]
200695262>Mom, Dad, just because Henry changed HIS name to Henrietta doesn't entitle him to join fema…[View]
200692920The worst Brad Pitt performance ever: so fake so overdone he should be ashamed of this one[View]
200688698The Shield: I had never seen this before. But this show was huge back in the day. So now that I…[View]
200696429koth: I started watching KOTH again, the first season is really something special. The animation is …[View]
200695970Star Wars Theory in his discussion of episode 5 >'His helmet looks to be Cortosis from Legends, w…[View]
200694443How did you react to that line?[View]
200694414What's your favorite game show?[View]
200690754T-1000 killed Johnny the Connor in the mall. https://imgur.com/gallery/robert-patrick-as-t-1000-t2-m…[View]
200696002Trailers: What are the best television & film trailers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6_Odb-B…[View]
200693385>its a truman hates his cunt wife who won't stop fucking arguing with him for no fucking rea…[View]
200694561When did people start pretending this was a bad scene?[View]
200690662>Actually, the only gangbang I'm interested in is the McGangbang at participating McDonalds …[View]
200694625>My favorite films of all time is Triumph des Willens! What type of person do you imagine?…[View]
200687729>Alright today we're gonna be exploiting another mentally handicapped person…[View]
200693905/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #121: Are you not entertained? Edition >Bloodgames …[View]
200695440What did I think of it?[View]
200689329>we still don't have an explanation for this[View]
200686742Still one of the best norse KINO after all those years[View]
200691653The Contestant (2023): The incredible true story of a man who lived for 15 months trapped inside a s…[View]
200695030If there's any producers lurking this board, come on make a film adaption of this books. you co…[View]
200695750That's right, cocksucker.: Go back to New Jersey.[View]
200691214You didn't think I'd risk losing the battle for Gotham's soul in a fistfight with you…[View]
200690699Kit Fisto[View]
200695658What actress should play Sabriel in the inevitable Old Kingdom adaptation?[View]
200694965Is the Fablemans worth watching? I know Lynch is supposed to be in it.[View]
200690407>When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in 'Friends' he only had $11 dollars to his na…[View]
200691530Tim Burton makes some kino and some slop[View]
200687636My friend keeps trying to get me to be obsessed with this show like he is. When I go to his place he…[View]
200695413Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?[View]
200694355Does anyone disagree that Keaton was the best Bruce Wayne/Batman?[View]
200694130Been watching 40 minutes so far and fucking nothing has happened Does it get better? I'm bored[View]
200689790>*bell rings once*[View]
200694795utter woke nonsense[View]
200688505Mystery Box: Imagine outing yourself as a hack. Literally going onto a 60min presentation by choice …[View]
200688946What are the best vampire kinos?[View]
200692205I Kneel: Holy Fucking Kino[View]
200689809>post your O-face[View]
200692126DREAM PROJECTS!: SHARE YOURS! > Expendables 5 directed by Mel Gibson. > Villain is the daughte…[View]
200693310Here's your Molly bro...: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU https://tvline.com/casting-news/neuromancer-cast-mo…[View]
200694972don't cry that it ended smile that it happened[View]
200691729/got/hotd/: Tully edition Prev >>200685983[View]
200694853Wtf was her problem?[View]
200694813>double-u double-u double-u dot dingleball dot com?[View]
200693293I kinda want just hug the guy. He's been through a lot.[View]
200693181Why did he jump into the lava?: And what's he doing now?[View]
200689179>tourism commercial disguised as white ethnostate propaganda Real clever, Thailand…[View]
200694682>These people are wogs! was the Major a chud?[View]
200694596what's the big deal? it's just some stupid video game.[View]
200694518why didn't he go to paris?[View]
2006926711992-2003. Yeah, gorrillion% ticket raise to movie theatre was fucking worth it. Can wait to pay 500…[View]
200694438woke up this morning got some gabagool[View]
200691494>no one does hardcoded subs for non-english parts anymore >have to turn them on and off. Or ju…[View]
200692550this is the most erotic horror movie I've ever seen[View]
200694404You shitty pigskin invader: why dont you go back to where your dirty starving ancestors came from, y…[View]
200687922>Lets ruin the show's perfectly fine ending by running back on all of my previous themes and…[View]
200693134Hibike! Euphonium: Today, a 10 years journey came to an end. What did I think of it?[View]
200694383Treasure these moments[View]
200694353>some times, I pull on it so hard, I rip the skin What did he mean by this?…[View]
200693629Heil Snoke!: https://youtube.com/watch?v=JtfDbQlqvXQ[View]
200689930>defeats you're 'difficult' obstacle course[View]
200694222I keep reading that the book is better, but how the hell could you make this plot decent? It's …[View]
200694209BP mentioned, Transocean mentioned, Schlumberger mentioned Halliburton, the ones that actually did t…[View]
200694176inland empire[View]
200692503This was comically obese in the 90s.[View]
200691536Dragged Across Concrete: >watch the director's last two movies which were amazing 70's …[View]
200691703The ultimate television pleb filter[View]
200691896ITT: We post Films and Shows only we remember[View]
200689504Why are anime watchers like this? Is there a new kid in the block?: I wanna know whats the current '…[View]
200691809>busts through the door >canned girl screaming and standing ovation I don't get it. What…[View]
200690866I'll build a ramp up to your ass. Drive a Lionel up in there[View]
200693677why did they leave out that Woodward worked at the Office of Naval Intelligence a few months before …[View]
200692099what are some femcel kinos?[View]
200692724what the fuck was his problem?[View]
200685449decided to rewatch the walking dead i don't think i can name a more unlikable character[View]
200692665What's the most quintessential movie? The most 'movie' movie?[View]
200693093A.) She was a whooah B.) She hit me[View]
200693068post your favorite mafiaslop[View]
200693459Childhood characters that made you a /hmofa/ chad: I'll start with an obvious one: Molly MacDon…[View]
200683438This really wasn't half bad, and not nearly as bad as the screeching here had led me to believe…[View]
200692189This is literally the only good A24 production[View]
200692753>watch older movie >in every one of them and i mean EVERY single one of them the female love i…[View]
200693188WEEEE GOT A WINNER[View]
200690750What a fucking boring movie, why does it have such good ratings? 2/5 max[View]
200693080Wow, Letterman was an asshole https://youtu.be/XLKMyw_SskE[View]
200677905Just marathonned this kino with a friend, what did we think of it?[View]
200693101Hey Jerry, I have a hair on my tongue[View]
200690483what are some essential /tv/ core kinos? pic related[View]
200692913>bad boys kicks in whats her name /tv/ ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q3dGZPguSM…[View]
200692261>Remake is better than the original Besides The Blob and The Fly, what movie remakes are actually…[View]
200692970It will flop at the box office and kill the Western for good. On the flip side though, the film is a…[View]
200688026i haven't seen an american idol thread in a while, let's discuss the GOAT contestant Grace…[View]
200692949Hehe, what a story, Mark[View]
200691777What does /tv/ think of Immaculate (2024) starring /ourgirl/ Sydney Sweeney?[View]
2006927103 days Acolyte bros[View]
200689206>boys have a penis, girls have a vagina[View]
200692529Could birds really kill a person, tv?[View]
200692076>Women of color don't belong in Star W-[View]
200692559indo-SCI-FI: 2898 AD[View]
200667953>Steve-O: No, Bill! Noooo! You can't light up that doobie! >Bill Maher: (laughs) >Bill…[View]
200692424This made Gen Xere cum their pants.[View]
200692495This never sat right with me. She’s supposed to say “I know when it’s over. Now.” Or at minimum “I k…[View]
200692178why was fury road so kino yet furiosa so shit?[View]
200667006From and Watchers(2024): just finished Watchers(2024) and it clearly has the same lore as From. so i…[View]
200691997>REPUBLICANS...........LE BAD!!!!! basically this show[View]
200691031>how it feels to chew 5 gum[View]
200688655Would it have worked if it was a two hour movie instead of a three and a half hour long miniseries? …[View]
200692186Snowpiercer (2014): Thoughts on this movie? Why is it so retarded?[View]
200692152My name is Donnie Smith and I have lots of love to give![View]
200686591/ftl/ PEEKABOO!!! #120: >>200683830 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/wa…[View]
200691931>chinks can't make kin-[View]
200689199- The Unit -: This show doesn't get any love. It's a W.Bush era CBS special forces show, b…[View]
200691638'Uncle, please sit': Was this when GoT jumped the shark?[View]
200691970It's back![View]
200688793>Sir, a second Pterodactyl has just hit the visitor center[View]
200688366why does Bob Eggers love the blue filter so much? all his films have it[View]
200689737How did he get so many women ?[View]
200691876Do you ever watch American films dubbed in another language?[View]
200691854>mfw i look up movies to torrent from the last 15 years[View]
200682566Best of 2024: Somebody's lying[View]
200690627Bob Saget: Why did they kill him?[View]
200691549>I'm the last earthrocker you guys will be sorry you left the movement…[View]
200690361Why did the chick flick YA adaptation genre died out? I thought those films were real moneymakers[View]
200691543>they were once men[View]
200688993Dune 3 coming in december 2026: >Here’s a report from Daniel Richtman that claims Denis Villeneuv…[View]
200691033Could someone explain the HUD scam in the sopranos? It went over my head[View]
200687920>>200687729 what is he doing now?[View]
200682981/sofcop/ Sofia Coppola General: Discuss Sofia Coppola's filmography in here[View]
200691507>they were too fast and unpredictable to be popped[View]
200689069What was it like watching this on MAX every week?[View]
200687875>HAWK TUAH[View]
200685863Admit it, you gasped[View]
200676439ITT: Actors who seriously deserve to be in more roles[View]
200689590they should remove plinkett reviews and donate all the money they earned from the views to starving …[View]
200687171Why are zoomers so eager to infantilize themselves?: Even their television, film, and media is infan…[View]
200691351>anffb uvtyn ipoh eoyjko >pkoihhj pijjouggfdtdsf Hnjbgfv lb hkkfggb…[View]
200690303/histv/ - movies and tv shows about history: Discuss any almost any era (set before the 90s) and typ…[View]
200677089When are we getting the Can't Corner the Dorner /k/ammando kino?[View]
200690221How important is nudity in film?[View]
200691276Probably the most beautiful girl in Jewllywood and still Mia Alves is 10 times better[View]
200690966Anyone else watching this crap? The cast seems decent.[View]
200677748Battle of Yavin: Naming the years BBY and ABY is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Yeah, it was a…[View]
200682089>ranger >support >wizard >rogue >archer >support >retard >tank >paladin t…[View]
200688798Brother 1997: so watched pic related and I gotta say what a fantastic films. Although the movie had …[View]
200685138>Have you learned to trust me agent Strahm?[View]
200690813Shitty pigskin: why dont you go back to where your dirty starving ancestors came from, you fucking i…[View]
200685983/got/hotd/: Gwayne the daring edition Prev >>200678367[View]
200690827I'VE GOT FAITH: You're not human if you don't sing along with this intro imo[View]
200688218I just got to watch the last three episodes.: It’s kino. Tightest writing Star Wars has had since Kn…[View]
200688881Succession People Doing the HP Series: Succession's Mark Mylod to Direct 'Harry Potter…[View]
200686739>hello boys, guess what, i turned myself into a pickle! Now we're the pickling friends! >…[View]
200689874Which /tv/ opinion makes you have this reaction?[View]
200690140SLIM CHARLES GETS REVENGE FOR KEVIN NASH: >Cheese: When it was my uncle, we raped my uncle. When …[View]
200690119>lgbt protagonist: >minority majority cast >subtle anti-trump social criticism >massive …[View]
200687118>established in Saw that Jigsaw kidnaps people who are disillusioned with life and puts them in n…[View]
200690588So, is it good? Can gay homos realte to it or is it for troons only[View]
200690128>'BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK'[View]
200690022>when the 'villian' was right all along[View]
200690644Is this the only iconic movie shot from the 2010s?[View]
200688857What did I just watch?[View]
200689171WELCOME: To Jurassic Park[View]
200687659Kojima's top picks for 2024 thus far. This made me realise it's been slim pickings for tv,…[View]
200690603Is Tinto Brass the goat?[View]
200665349Name a better joke from Arrested Development: Protip: you genuinely can’t[View]
200684601Why did Dr. Grant position himself in the front of Ellie and the kids?[View]
200667111Simple Shows: Should classics (TV shows or movies) be remade to be more simple to understand? Say Go…[View]
200689538This happened: https://youtube.com/watch?v=GCvb6TfBXFk[View]
200687318Was He Gay?[View]
200690034We will never get another season of Mindhunter, will we?[View]
200690413Wait, so we're supposed to believe that Furiosa as played by Charlize Theron was part Abo all a…[View]
200687348So when the fuck are we going to stop media companies walking over us by producing content that not …[View]
200685442Xena: How this show is full of sexiness/lust without showing any nudity and aimed for kids?[View]
200686999Was it autism?[View]
200674785what does /tv/ think of this show. ngl it’s good stuff to binge watch when bored but it makes me lau…[View]
200683944>me when season 1 is released >me when season 2 is released why does every show wait 2-3 years…[View]
200688939I'm so sick of cleaning up piss and poo. I thought my kinoplex career would be fun. Last night…[View]
200690160the last game showcasing Western heterosexuality and freedom: when they turned them into butterfaces…[View]
200688527Dune: Messiah[View]
200686967>y'all seriously gonna watch that? It's themes are so problematic and low key disrespec…[View]
200689447That guy is very intense.[View]
200684070>*flops on streaming as well* LMAO no one wants to see this shite[View]
200689908I'm all ears: WTF did I just watch Shit was fucked up cyberpunk I need a more non mental movie …[View]
200683216I watched three movies today >The Beach >The Crow >Devil What did you watch today?…[View]
200686451Which one did you pick, /tv/?[View]
200689714Hawk tuah me nigga[View]
200689838It was among the Italians, it was real greaseball shit[View]
200689725How would you rate this amateur short movie? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvXUc10KxdE The actors …[View]
200689395>*glass shatters*[View]
200684788Can a PSP 1001 access the 'booru?[View]
200689169What are some unspoilable movies[View]
200688992That's right, a girl wants to play football! How about that![View]
200687128>dog day afternoon >it's not about a bunch of dogs in the afternoon fuck off…[View]
200687962My girlfriend is making me watch this. I ain't even mad.[View]
200683819Why give such a role to Matt Smith?[View]
200681482Perfect Blue: Filming it as a cartoon was an unnecessary gimmick. Using real actors would have suffi…[View]
200689002>three time National Soapbox Derby Champion Ronnie Beck >Bart's hero according to one epi…[View]
200689070>You're dead Leonidas! Say wassup to Anna Nicole for me![View]
200688270They don’t make movies like this anymore[View]
200688044Florence Pugh has Hollywood by the balls[View]
200689104Why... why did they have to make Homers ass so hot??? And Peter's too. Like this was literally …[View]
200689011Quantum of Solace > Skyfall[View]
200688855Get out of the street you fucking bum![View]
200683691Ridley Scott: is it just me or does Ridley Scott suckass? it feels like I'm fucking tricked int…[View]
200688841absolute cinema[View]
200679945Eddie Murphy CANCELS David Spade Over RACIST Remark!: >Eddie Murphyrecalled being offended by a '…[View]
200673115Was This the Beginning of Boomers?!?: Was this film a warning sign of the impending boomer crisis th…[View]
200685483>Get a skill >Your time is Gold >When the taps are running, fill your cup >If you have a…[View]
200686307Can't believe there wasn't a thread already. Pic rel was pretty good and I'm looking …[View]
200688332This kino was literally the most kino kino ever to kino a kino kino How did Harmonie Corine do it?[View]
200680980Homelander is annoyed at you and wants you dead, what do you do?[View]
200679823Did the AVGN movie unironically kill his indie filmmaking career?[View]
200687089I don't want to be an adult anymore. I want to be a kid again Take. Me. Back.[View]
200663669Why did they race swap her?: First it was just the movie, but now they're straight up sticking …[View]
200688756In this new movie, Ryan Gosling is ... Brenton Tarrant. Directed by Michael Bay.[View]
200685155>Mr. Bean has a gf How the fuck did he manage that?[View]
200674067How will Disney show the scene where: >Draupadi fucks a dead sacrificed horse as part of a ritual…[View]
200687059Yes this happened[View]
200687853good 'me & her' kino?[View]
200684640If this isn’t in your top 5 then you’re not a real Bond fan.[View]
200684937>Apple original Next >Amazon original Sometimes >Netflix original Next >HBO original Yes…[View]
200684084Did it get new writers or something? Why is it so much worse this season?[View]
200687799Kek what a Badass[View]
200678882damn, he's been living more yeasr with prkanison than withot at this pint[View]
200685380Say my name: -[View]
200688396You told me there was a bar here.[View]
200688345Harakiri: I watched Harakiri last night. It was pure kino but I couldn't understand why the Ily…[View]
200688186So what was the milk lady?[View]
200685909Was he always an arrogant Shitlib or did he turn into one at a certain point in his life?[View]
200685906Okay, I apologize. It's good. Not the most well-organized movie plot ever but what it has is a …[View]
200686819Critics and user reviews love this show? apart from like 2 good episodes its fucking boring, Full of…[View]
200684241What the last good movie you watched?: Looking for some suggestions of some good movies you've …[View]
200678984What is your favorite George Clooney movie /tv/?[View]
200686401this was the most cringe worthiest film I have ever seen[View]
200686148Admit it. It was good[View]
200685129The south park of x[View]
200685557Any rom com with sublte suicide fuel to the viewer?[View]
200687145Actors who careers seem to flatline: What happened to Diane Guerrero's career? Why do some cut…[View]
200686552/FTL/ LATE NIGHT TAYLOR DLC - #120: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank(Streams) https://www.youtube.com…[View]
200687938>Cancel culture is a good thing! >Also right-wingers are the ones behind it! Unintentional lef…[View]
200685069So will he ever make a unique film again or will he really still be making Avatar slop on his deathb…[View]
200678319>Jewish director >Jewish writer >Main cast is all jewish >...Except the black guy >De…[View]
200687840AGGRO DR1FT: Easily the best film of the 2020s so far[View]
200687676Unintentionally funny moments in movies[View]
200687713What the fuck was his problem?[View]
200687033who is the greatest vampire in cinema?[View]
200687667>protecting your species is le........bad[View]
200687644HOTD: We want The Witcher audience[View]
200685887What am i in for ?[View]
200683105>Ganging up on a single opponent is ok >Killing someone 'unarmed' who can use telekinesis, lit…[View]
200686175ITT: Greatest dogs in TV and movie history. I'll start. Hachiko[View]
200687184You're awful, Anon.[View]
200682922This is ridiculous. Just fucking talk to each other.[View]
200687123Which /tv/ opinion makes you have this reaction?[View]
200676504>I could've been different. Could you, /tv/? Or is it cope?[View]
200684508Barclay? We made that one up.[View]
200682171What am i in for?[View]
200687018HOW CAN HE JOKE[View]
200683856>GAS GAS GAS[View]
200680416Baja Blast, por favor[View]
200677164Just marathon'd this. What did I think of these lesbians?[View]
200685664the most bizarre scene in the sopranos?: >random New York mobster, no particular history with Sil…[View]
200686784nickiiii :([View]
200686713>Trump 66% >Biden 34%[View]
200684389Anyone remember Muesproductions?: This is him now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_x1HF8WrTI…[View]
200686575>You had me at 'hello' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaEDUHBeNS8…[View]
200685146There's just something so corny about all white casts, i can't even take them seriously an…[View]
200684630Spiritually dead shitskincore[View]
200679305>/tv/ characters you want to become[View]
200685034>Don't touch that squirrel's nuts! HA HA HA THAT'S A REAL KNEE SLAPPER HA HA HA NO…[View]
200686067Star Wars fans eating good[View]
200686296indo-SCI-FI: 2898 AD[View]
200684709He's going over that cliff![View]
200682506>the entire first episode of season 3 is just a fucking 'clip show' of old scenes and new b roll …[View]
200685777Why did movie musicals decline in number during the 1970's? Especially long, big-budget studio …[View]
200685331I think it's long due to Fortnite get a movie. It's the most successful game of all time, …[View]
200681739Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly em…[View]

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