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/tv/ - Television & Film

Displaying 2,948 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
201773772Does hard work pay off?: I'm confident my work is good enough to be turned into a show (special…[View]
201775287What real world events and disasters would they have tried to prevent in a post-911 world?: And whic…[View]
201774773James Gunn is 'quirky band of misfits' scripts didnt exist[View]
201765355Crispin Glover's 'What Is It?' (2006): Has anyone seen or even heard of this? I thought I was p…[View]
201775251>In a Violent Nature 2 confirmed Are you hype for more walking in the woods kino…[View]
201774305/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #143: California roll edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch …[View]
201772367Is /tv/ Ready for 'Skibidi Kino’??[View]
201772820What do I think about liberal exceptionalism?[View]
201769729>'Imma do my own thing' >literally copies everything from Spider-Man including this scene itse…[View]
201774470If America during June-August 2020 was a movie:[View]
201767699>replaced reddit quips with chud humor >on track for a billion dollars what did society mean …[View]
201771648so, any of you taking finasteride? I've seen widely ranging opinions, what's your take?[View]
201772253It's kinda funny, come on...: It's pretty lame, but the points made are pretty well excecu…[View]
201774831>*Driving noise* Hey Bane, look, I'm on my way meeting with Dr. Pavel, as usual. And, you kn…[View]
201774020Alexander Hamilton was white![View]
201774388There's too much kino to watch, I can't keep track of it all. Recommend me something[View]
201767215>A new video of Francis Ford Coppola kissing and grabbing female extras on the set of ‘MEGALOPOLI…[View]
201774138Admit it. Your predictions were wrong. Be an adult.: >Deadpool made money >Inside Out 2 made m…[View]
201771086>investigated by the FBI for 12 years >no evidence of criminal conduct found >investigate a…[View]
201774113What happened to fantasy kino like this?[View]
201772557>My Führer, Steiner... >Yes, yes, what is it? >Chef it's...the restaurant you own. …[View]
201774447The Matrix was kino because it was a boat movie.[View]
201773346Yakuza: Like a Dragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZkC1sYxzZo Will it be kino?[View]
201772473Paprika is me. I am paprika.[View]
201754476what should he have done differently?[View]
201773544>There is only one Blade – and there's only going to be one Blade based…[View]
201772387I've watched all of the mainstream alien invasion movies. I need more. What are some lesser kno…[View]
201774013Megalopolis: >The sources claim that Coppola’s behavior was unprofessional. The filmmaker kept le…[View]
201774328What are some kinos that involve wholesome qt Southern girls?[View]
201772700technically speaking wouldn't there be an infinite number of TVAs lording over an infinite numb…[View]
201773340>DENTAL PLAN![View]
201760195Was Game of Thrones really that impressive? why is Gen Z so obsessed with wizards and fairies and s…[View]
201771465>gorillions of films about how alcohol and drug abuse are le bad >nearly zero movies about goo…[View]
201768005/who/ - Doctor Who General: THE WAR BETWEEN THE LAND AND THE SEA just announced officially. Stars Ka…[View]
201773805>on the way to the kinoplex >already bought tickets online >step in dogshit…[View]
201766716What an ungrateful shit: >MCU saves his career and lines his pockets with hundreds of millions …[View]
201773594I really liked The Sopranos, a show about a gangster who secretly has a heart of a gold. Any other s…[View]
201773110>Good evening, Anon. >And welcome back to the KinoPlex, it's so good to see you again, i…[View]
201772353He's a big guy[View]
201773371This wasn't very good[View]
201773941>lives the rest of her life havin two men as their underlings with 24/7 threesomes She won so fuc…[View]
201773873WEIRD THINGS[View]
201772893You don't actually pay money for shit like netflix, right?[View]
201770991Why did Star Trek love reusing actors so much?[View]
201771004Just rewatched all of the Austin Powers trilogy and haven't laughed once. The jokes didn't…[View]
201773795>No man has ever swum that far! >“I’m no man. I’m a Young Woman just watch and SEE” Powerful s…[View]
201772923>bread, burned >cheese cold and rock solid delicious, simple, rustic…[View]
201770694>$2,320,250,281 How did James Cameron manage to pull this off? The movie was supposed to underper…[View]
201773702>dude.... time is like hella cray cray Bravo pizza man, bravo[View]
201765005Hollywood box office has been saved[View]
201759328No new Real Time tonight because the show is on summer vacation. What have your thoughts been on how…[View]
201773574The Killing Game: I liked the mood of this kino. Any more similar to this?[View]
201773443>its a tony and carmela try to work things out episode[View]
201773462On a fresh re-watch and I can't help but wonder. Why did they make her such an insufferable bit…[View]
201773085Is Ed Wood the best biopic?[View]
201771842>really cute girl has a cuter younger doppleganger you sonofabitch, I'm in.…[View]
201772559THX 1138: I've heard that George Lucas fucked with this movie's special effects and stuff …[View]
201772354what are some travel kinos?[View]
201769851>mogs every other reaction crew[View]
201773293Best of Stern: LAY DOWN AND DIE NIGGER! https://youtu.be/wMS5WWsR3Bo?si=uPxJvCl-gwPWEP1H[View]
201770615Choose wisely, incels.[View]
201767726Li'l liquid courage, master /tv/[View]
201771934im going to make a fan edit called 'the sopranas' which is just a cut of all the domestic …[View]
201772287Are you excited for the new Blade Runner show?[View]
201772941Movies that ruined the careers of the actors/actresses: Guy went from slowly headlining movies, to b…[View]
201768509How did Q and The Prophets get along?[View]
201772237/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #142: Jimcord kino edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch the…[View]
201773120So this show (Snowpiercer) is basically incompetent libtard commie tranny non-whites on the 'back of…[View]
201773083DA: The Veilguard: She's hot[View]
201772091>mfw I remember they made a Blue Beetle movie[View]
201768981SAY THE LINE, /TV/.[View]
201767765Explain this character for me.[View]
201772317Where the hell are we?[View]
201771816Why did he do it? https://youtu.be/-XUN7L8i8Ck?si=yOy3wFcD51Oup0qM[View]
201772732If Trump wins, I’m moving to France.[View]
201769319What was the point of this joke?[View]
201771370>characters you're slowly becoming[View]
201772500>have you heard of that director Werner Herzog?[View]
201772647Would they have saved Trump's ear?: What would Ramsey have to say about it?[View]
201772477Acting blindness: I admit that I've never thought to myself 'Wow, that's some damn good ac…[View]
201770617Isn’t it a bit strange for them to be playing a woman, even though they do not identify as one?[View]
201767367/WHO Spinoff Edition: THE WAR BETWEEN THE LAND AND THE SEAis confirmed as a new five part Doctor Who…[View]
201772051And once the pain goes away, that's when the real battle starts. Depression. Boredom. You feel …[View]
201769459ITT: “that guy” actors[View]
201770010Invincible Season 4 Announced: https://x.com/InvincibleHQ/status/1816930657068802278[View]
201772182And you'll be saying zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-a...: I am trying to think of a scene in a mo…[View]
201770611Cucumbers left behind after Fifty shades darker premiere. There were no bitemarks.[View]
201772277How could she be saved?[View]
201772539IMO the lion did nothing wrong. Seyfried and Roy were arrogantly declaring they had tamed a creature…[View]
201760389Frenchman, drinks english tea are trek writers stupid?[View]
201767671ITT: Pleasantly Surprising Films: Kinos you didn't go into with very high expectations but left…[View]
201772292>times when you went Joker II: Folie À Deux mode >le me when i put the Bible in the fiction se…[View]
201772336Tales of the Gold Monkey: What's your favorite episode? Mine is the one with the giant Nazi pro…[View]
201767735THE CROW first clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFuT1BsZRiw[View]
201770556>movie is popular because both characters are 10/10 >lets remake it with 6/10 actors couldn…[View]
201766120ITT: summer kinos only[View]
201766089>the most consistent kino of the decade What is the monke secret?[View]
201771227This has got to be the best trailer of all time, no? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whldChqCsYk…[View]
201767587Are FBI agents really like this? Can I marry them?[View]
201772154How did this show take off with such an unlikeable set of characters?[View]
201764257>I love you[View]
201768686>mfw there is still no trailer[View]
201764568What happened with this girl? Shilled everywhere for a while then disappeared[View]
201772080It was pretty good, I guess.[View]
201772028Fuck Criterion for release this woke shit. And fuck woke.[View]
201771423This means you're about to witness something great … but not a billion dollars great anymore.[View]
201771717Do you think the Bachelor/ette could ever do a season where the contestants are disabled?[View]
201771977It takes all those Avengers to defeat ONE Thanos: >saves your dying film franchise…[View]
201771836why does chudd not get sex? its unfair he is such an educated fella on a political level in your cou…[View]
201771813Jah Rastafarai Bombaclat[View]
201771701>Reactions out of premier are good. Looks like kino is back on the menu.…[View]
201771472One of my favorite movies[View]
201765414You now remember The Shield[View]
201771748Netflix Readies Updated Tombstone: Wyatt Earp and The Cowboy War: >Doc Holliday is a black woman …[View]
201757053It's Friday, what movies are you watching? Got any watch parties going on? I'm getting rea…[View]
201771577Hail Mary[View]
201766451>dystopian future >is more comfy than reality…[View]
201768010What's her best path to an Oscar?: Maybe making more Neon kinos?[View]
201771088Another Brick in The Wall-E: >Start Pink Floyd - The Wall when the sideways firework reaches it…[View]
201768805Post the oldest kino you've seen: Only full length films count[View]
201771480I don't get it. Why did a bunch of niggers get so offended about this?[View]
201770850>Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill What did he mean by this?…[View]
201767115There is a gladiator show starring Ramsay Bolton and Anthony Hopkings, why is this the first time I …[View]
201764073>zombie film >they are not called zombies…[View]
201764714Does desdpool always want to suck and fuck anything that moves in the comics too? It's like eve…[View]
201771387Directors similar to Andrzej Żuławski?: Lynch and Cronenberg come to mind—themes of dark eroticism, …[View]
201770469/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #141: YEAH... NO edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch them …[View]
201770842Was this scene really necessary?[View]
201769516Holy fucking gay[View]
201765163look how they massacred my boy[View]
201771230Every major studio release is just this now.[View]
201740480Do you think she's bitter with how her career has gone?[View]
201767098>character flushes toilet >person in the shower screams…[View]
201769045>Time for a game of disappearing BANDS![View]
201770887ITS UP! Alien: Romulus Final Trailer film: Its geek out worthy ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuH…[View]
201765555Do you support cock fighting?[View]
201770818Was it kino?[View]
201770241Have you seen anything that was surprisingly good recently? I can't believe I'm going to s…[View]
201766615IT'S BEEN A LONG ROAD[View]
201769784Why do cartoons play vore for laughs? It's such a horrifying concept.[View]
201765258>Well I'm sorry to hear dat, cos nao, I will snatch every motherfucker birthday. I don'…[View]
201770348Cassandra Deadpool 3: I would. I wouldn’t normally but I would God damn I want her fingers inside …[View]
201769754this was my The Bear[View]
201770197Matt https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1ecsd7u/matt_damon_perfectly_explains_strea…[View]
201770600What movie in your opinion has the best car chase scene put on film?[View]
201767766Proper bo', ah tell thee![View]
201768574>'A Triumph!' >'[Actor] is a revelation!'…[View]
201768544>Kino can't be anim-[View]
201769174>Let me speak my piece..... No, you fat fuck. We are not going to let you speak your piece. You a…[View]
201770354I did NOT get it. Was she the cause of it? Because that’s what I’m leaning towards.[View]
201762585>One of the greatest actors of our time >Countless legendary movies and performances >Retir…[View]
201770256How would the Naruto fanbase have reacted if Sasuke didn’t pull the biggest asspulls imaginable to w…[View]
201747736>reddit the director: Literal man-children gravitate to his work[View]
201770214>Well I'm not fuckin' Jesus but he literally was Jesus[View]
201768815>the boys be like 'hoho ho superhero franchises are le bad! marvel is le bloated' then announce i…[View]
201770046Gen x humor on the right, millenial humor on the left[View]
201768378>comedy/slice of life movie has a wholesome BMWF couple[View]
201765972What in the Fuck happened.[View]
201767794Miss Me Yet?[View]
201766662>it is time, anon[View]
201769989>Hey lets go back to your place and watch a movie :) *whips out usb cord* I know just the kino…[View]
201767556Die slow[View]
201764366There's only been one Blade. there's only ever gonna be one Blade: ok reynolds, this part …[View]
201768990Flight [2012] What to expect?[View]
20176239660s band's music movies: is this the peak kino based on the works of a 60s rock band? (seek out…[View]
201768360he's incapable of making shit. look at the xmen movies after dofp. LMFAO![View]
201769475I cant stop buying movies[View]
201768693/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #140: Dave edition >/ftl/ News - New guest arriving SOON - It's C…[View]
201768003Nothing in western media will ever come close to the one-in-a-decade moments of this show. >Ymir…[View]
201765089how would you touch me?[View]
201769394>It's not a musical.[View]
201768619Bloodsport: Don't make us put 50, 000 Volts through you, /tv/.[View]
201769302Who would win in a fight? Debt Boy or Turklander?[View]
201767825This thing was shit: Not even worth the effort it takes to torrent a camrip[View]
201769272> You might not know this about me, Number One, but the 2024 Kharkiv offensive happens to be one …[View]
201765207>past a certain age, a man without a wife, two children, a house (freehold), his own business, tw…[View]
201767201Berserk: >We live in a world where we got a GoT adaptation, with a spin off, as well as an abysma…[View]
201767996>'Crap' in Incredibles 2 >Numerous curses in Puss in Boots 2 >'Ass' and 'crap' used in ATSV…[View]
201765001>Zoomers will never experience the golden age of martial arts epics What a shame…[View]
201769063Careful, Icarus[View]
201768474Insane how one film can totally change the cultural perception of an entire ethnic group[View]
201767550Say something about John Carpenter[View]
201768965A good thread, for a change.[View]
201768597It's Always Sunny: What was your most recent favorite episode? Hero or Hate Crime to me is one …[View]
201762936will you be watching the olympics when they are on your tv[View]
201762961>”Joe… JOE LISTEN to me, your comedy is fucking terrible. No one calls you out on it because they…[View]
201756334another trek episode where a geezer becomes a baby so tiresome[View]
201768163andor: FOR THE MINORITY ALLIANCE![View]
201762964I’m so fucking excited. I can’t fucking wait.[View]
201767105>infects everyone with the thing by using the same dirty ass knife[View]
201766620>LARRY DAVID! Uh oh. Looks like larry got himself into another awkward misunderstanding with wand…[View]
201766759The Odagiri effect: >The Odagiri effect is a television phenomenon in which a program attracts a …[View]
201761434Deadpool 3 - so there are 2 Daphne keens running around?: Logan took place in 2029. Deadpool takes p…[View]
201768390he's literally me. >that marijuana is for my goat, officer.[View]
201768028Are there anymore examples of an anime/manga adaptation that isn't cringe?[View]
201753983WTF were they thinking?[View]
201763044>troon out >ask the show's writers you're starring in to make your character troon o…[View]
201762400What are some of the good european teenage romance movies?: I saw a video of a couple on instagram a…[View]
201766776What was wrong with this kid?[View]
201762351>anime can't be ki...[View]
201766096Thank god they don't give kids the gun.[View]
201767646Why did she kill herself? I was told that this movie was about a femcel but she's the opposite …[View]
201767869Is he /ourguy/?[View]
201761247/got/hotd/: Gay kissing edition previous >>201757589[View]
201765607I’m making a team!: No boys allowed!![View]
201766750/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #139: No TTS Edition >/ftl/ News - New guest arriving SOON - It's…[View]
201767074Apologize to Nuh-Nero, Britannicus. You've hurt his feelings and you know how sensitive he is.[View]
201767296>i wanted to jack off >i compromised, i fucked a woman instead…[View]
201767255This movie was the beginning of the end for Hollywood.[View]
201767462>'They medicate the crap out of you,and you go back to zombieland forever' Movie with this feel ?…[View]
201766763I'll have to lay off the fucking booze because there won't fucking be any of it fucking le…[View]
201765986snapshot thread[View]
201764654is it the best food kino?[View]
201767343Hello, I have been professionalyl reviewing movies for over 40 years and this is the best one.[View]
201763769here's to feeling good all the time[View]
201766532Why does the most low brow humor come from the most high brow people?[View]
201766456why did they call him 'doctor' jones? was it canon that he was a surgeon in the past or something, l…[View]
201762214>Openly homosexual couple in the early 200s >Everyone loved them What happened to society that…[View]
201765415I found this in my Star Wars folder, saved from like seven years ago, and I have no idea what the or…[View]
201765210>...is that a laptop and an HDMI cable? >...…[View]
201750253>capital of california >almost never features in movies Why is that?…[View]
201766545>Meanwhile.. >On Spook Street[View]
201762725What makes Vegeta such a compelling character? I have never seen a live action character so beloved.[View]
201762299>Hmm, I'm tired of being a wholesome pop idol who is beloved and respected by thousands of a…[View]
201766907>ywl be a fat degenerate gambling alcoholic criminal psychologist in 90's manchester why li…[View]
201761277What did Wednesday mean by this?[View]
201766064>its pronounced aigoor[View]
201766609>good lord you know what this stew needs? >... >... >dumplings? >... >noodles…[View]
201766536Saar: Holy shit i just watched beekeeper and i cant stop laughing my ass off this plot line is insan…[View]
201761351>hottest character in the show >only in 8 episodes…[View]
201761956Why'd he do it bros?[View]
201763797Turn of the century blondes: It's the late 90s and you got to cast some actress for the role of…[View]
201758349Lol he's cooked: https://youtu.be/k5xf40KrK3I[View]
201766253Kino. Film adaption when?[View]
201762624In a way I'm glad capeshit because 'capeshit': Any attempt to infuse it with sincerity, myth an…[View]
201767885What will you buy with $1 billion?: I will buy a newspaper maybe the San Francisco Chronicle :)…[View]
201760897You think this movie is going to be trash but fun: But it's really just trash and not fun so do…[View]
201765473>It’s another live vicariously through a middle-aged deviant show[View]
201754923How ‘Skibidi Toilet’ became one of the most valuable franchises in Hollywood: >The YouTube series…[View]
201760673>Snarkier than any actor of his generation, Reynolds makes Deadpool & Wolverine his career bl…[View]
201764256Buttfucker?: Buttfucker![View]
201764212The Phantom Menace is one of the few films I would consider art[View]
201764578Did they ever figure out why this documentary didn’t stop bullying?: I remember when it came out and…[View]
201759122Asian actor: I'm going batshit insane. I knew this actor, Asian dude (Taiwanese, his father fle…[View]
201762529What is the key for?[View]
201762816How is she so funny, talented, and cute, bros?[View]
201760032>Returns 20 years after his last time in the movies at 62 years old >Singlehandily carries the…[View]
201762269was Albania really a formidable 'unfriendly' threat nation in 90s America?[View]
201765460Is it the greatest horror film of all time?[View]
201760411>Fantasy movie/series with massive world >It's mostly set in Heroshire…[View]
201765307>The Boys >The Boys: Diabolical >The Boys: Gen V >The Boys: Mexico >The Boys: Vought …[View]
201762659Frasier: Roz is such a hot slut. The best female sitcom character of all time[View]
201763890>watching pic rel >they keep mentioning these evil fascists called “Coke” >look them up …[View]
201764045>that episode where Laurel is a total bitch to Oliver for no reason >that episode where his si…[View]
201764937Humiliation Ritual[View]
201765234What a fucking cuck.[View]
201765146>Nominated 8 times for Best Actor >Didn’t win once >Died >Never got a sticky Any more ki…[View]
201760581What if you took his eyes whilst he's dormant, toss them out the window or something and then b…[View]
201761353/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #138: 'I Miss Him Bros' Edition >/ftl/ News - New guest arri…[View]
201740580*Mogs the MCU*: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsrMTVMD-Bo[View]
201765055Where Olive Trees Weep [2024] by Maurizio Benazzo and Zaya Benazzo: https://youtu.be/-VectWsWc1Q …[View]
201759266>chastises Gandalf for smoking weed >has a giant barrel of weed in his pantry fucking hypocrit…[View]
201763122does he know?[View]
201763132Was he the best version of the joker?[View]
201764831She’s leaving in 202[View]
201760694still by far best live action velma[View]
201739654Cavillrine! Reddit wins yet again. henry cavill makes a cameo as a version of wolverine that was mis…[View]
201764627It really is fan-service: the movie: just watched it. It's not as bad as /tv/ is saying it is, …[View]
201764691Was this supposed to be the same continuity as Kingsman? Was Samuel L. Jackson the same character? B…[View]
201764019Was it kino?[View]
201764621Are there any other actors diagnosed with autism?[View]
201761207Why are little girls so common in horror movies?[View]
201764566Paris Olympics opening ceremony: They should have just had one Asterix float down the river after an…[View]
201764558>Honey get the kids ready. I'm coming home.[View]
201764349This is David Lynch's best movie, whether you agree or not.[View]
201760858peak actress, no one can compete with her talent: she should be wonder woman one more time[View]
201763023>If there are no sith around, then why do jedi carry lightsabers? >why do they know how to fig…[View]
201761114When are we going to get a Yakub biopic?[View]
201764132this shit was real[View]
201759151ITT: Post non-western kinos[View]
201762091These are my 4 favorite movies What do I look like?[View]
201738276All fantasy movies are bad except for Excalibur, Conan the Barbarian, and the Lord of the Rings movi…[View]
201764148>Italians are full of pasta sauce Bravo Coppola, bravo.[View]
201763645What the fuck was his problem?[View]
201760103Where were the people calling it woke in 2008?[View]
201763894Who’s in charge here anon?[View]
201764116Peak tv. The bestest. You cannot top this. Don't even think about it. Everything that came afte…[View]
201763996Post movies that went over your head: I liked it but I have to admit I read a summary after watching…[View]
201762669What the fuck Johnny[View]
201763884What the FUCK was her problem?[View]
201762417Just got out of seeing this. There are two TVA (Wtf is TVA? Was never really explained) agents. One…[View]
201763690Part 18 of Twin Peaks The Return[View]
201764517>asmr waifu let's out the cutest accidental sneeze >hit with the crippling realization of…[View]
201763761This meme makes me seethe so hard every time I see it.[View]
201758770>no facebook, no instagram, no linkedin, nothing. He's a ghost.[View]
201763206what killed sex comedies? any recommendation for hidden gems even foreign if its good? there is just…[View]
201763565we need to go back[View]
201762977wtf /tv/, why are you flanking me?[View]
201761278why are Milennials obsessed with this trash? >0 plotline >retarded action scenes that make y…[View]
201762461what doth life?[View]
201760107>Enter /tv/ >check catalog >it's the same fucking threads of yesterday…[View]
201763704How easy was it to go out and kill pre CCTV? This guy went around raping and killing in a first worl…[View]
201762614what are your favorite action movies?[View]
201761763Why is everything so overtly gay now?[View]
201762549How do we feel about living in the age of the Irish Actor Renaissance? Cillian Murphy also just won …[View]
201756866>put some olive oil in >That stops the pasta from sticking together How did he fuck this up so…[View]
201758448>And then the magical, indestructible ghost army came and saved the day! Ruined the entire fuckin…[View]
201761236MATTINGLY!: Get rid of those sideburns![View]
201762211>Charlie wearing a cross necklace >characters praying to God whenever they're in danger …[View]
201761271Memberberries Movie: >Ooooh remember Blade? I ‘member that! You ‘member Elektra and CE was origin…[View]
201761133Pre battle sex with Laura[View]
201758294How does he feel about The Dominion?[View]
201753111NEW TARIQ KINO: What untold hip hop history will he reveal this time?[View]
201761448'Don't be a square' >draws a rectangle >Why are women like this?[View]
201761950Star Trek©: Starfleet Academy™: Say hi to your new instructor in this new and exciting chapter of th…[View]
201763040I’M A VERY SPOOKY GUY[View]
201763083>serial killer >only attracted to women with pale skin and dark hair Holy shit, he's lite…[View]
201743483Everyone could not stop talking about The Last Jedi and how much it blew chunks but it seems like pe…[View]
201756143> A kid's movie[View]
201761490Who was in the wrong here?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mO8rvfIXrE[View]
201761405>mogs everyone >gets zero pussy[View]
201760686/tv/ said Samurai Champloo was better than Bebop: So I watch it and it's not better and it has …[View]
201762702The hero walking alone on the streets is pure kino. What movies do you know with this theme? I know …[View]
201748465'>Hitler was not a human,he had to study humans in order to be one. -Historian and narrator of th…[View]
201759881Why didn't his low tech small primitive computer fry after downloading Voyager's data?[View]
201758429What's this expression trying to convey?[View]
201730027/hor/ – Horror General: Boxer’s Omen edition prev: >>201696082[View]
201760051Kevin Smith's first POST-weed movie. Is there a hope for a comeback?[View]
201759742Daaaaaaaamn Lisa turned out fiiiiiiine[View]
201761347/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #138: Dirty feet edition >/ftl/ News -It's Claire's birthday…[View]
201761781I drank the brain and nerve tonic: >I was cut from the softball team…[View]
201760820Do you guys have film friends? I have one but he’s kind of annoying now and just barely scratches ob…[View]
201755606Furiosa fills me with joy. Such remarkable kinography. Miller is a brilliant visual storyteller. You…[View]
201761613Rate his taste in kinos: >Everything everywhere all at once >Pan's labyrinth >School …[View]
201759381Looks like he really did uphold the grooming standards[View]
201762197>(((Greenblatt))) >Bandage covering the nasal bridge, indicating recovery from recent rhinopla…[View]
201761880>dude I'll just sentence a noble lord to execution based on the words of some peasant, with …[View]
201759907Why did boomers really love the concept of gay rapist bikers? There are so many B movies and shock f…[View]
201761591What were they going for here?[View]
201762040>This was considered comically obese in the 2010s[View]
201761743Why is she so good at playing women bros[View]
201758606/tgif/ - Thank Gnome It's Friday General: Every week until you no longer like it.[View]
201761886>dudddde what if le thing was gross lmaoo[View]
201760065What do you think she told the old woman at the end?[View]
201762023TRY THE DEW[View]
201761425Why did he do it?[View]
201730494/film/: Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Korean edition >/film/ charts h…[View]
201752164What are some more homokinos I am gay[View]
201760490>Get three coffees ready. Is this how people made friends in the old west?…[View]
201761769is he the most awesome anti-villain?[View]
201753710Why is Japanese media so preachy over nuclear weapons? In some battle shonen, there is a forbidden t…[View]
201751319Do A24 fans not know what humor is? Why does every critic — professional or amateur — seem to miss t…[View]
201757300Sam Waterston as Lincoln is absolute kinography[View]
201759656SupaCell: >top 3 most watched tv shows for 3 weeks >still hasn’t left the top 10 a month after…[View]
201759619i just marathoned season 3 and thought it was pretty shite[View]
201742430Do women really?[View]
201759255>nazis are the good guys and they genocide the planet for a happy ending How did they get away wi…[View]
201760390The Boys has one season left to put this song in their show. Will the writers be smart enough to mak…[View]
201761431Was he redpilled?[View]
201753030>Tommy Wiseau originally wanted there to be a plotline in which it is revealed that Johnny is a v…[View]
201761239Movie of the Year.[View]
201759395Why do you hate acclaimed actress Hunter Schafer?[View]
201760465Wow I kind of hated it It's funny and enjoyable enough as you're watching it but the secon…[View]
201761184most talented police cop performance ever[View]
201761235>you wasted your entire summer vacation laying in bed drinking and it's back to work on mond…[View]
201747531>steals Latinx roles in your path when will his day of reckoning be?[View]
201759965>a-anon, a killer clown didn't follow you in here...right? my cousin was found dead last wee…[View]
201760407Making Black baby momma main hero's love interest was dope decision y'all feel me?[View]
201760868Wesley Snipes and Ryan Reynolds embrace each other at comic con.: Absolutely kino. Films about heali…[View]
201761091>anime can't be ki-[View]
201756578>The 5 most watched shows of 2024 to this date Notice anything?[View]
201758938Moe green special.[View]
201758432Why did it fail compared to the Squid Games?[View]
201760783Where do we draw the line for /co/, /a/ and /v/ topics on /tv/?[View]
201757493Where do you get your news/movie reviews, /tv/?[View]
201760923>Watch K-Drama >Xtian references >One character goes to a church >More Xtian references …[View]
201734191Trainspotting: Was it kino lads? Any other Junkie kinos out there?[View]
201761024/tv/ webm general[View]
201760870Surprise motherfucker[View]
201760660They had zero chemistry.[View]
201760333>witnesses parent's violent death at a young age Why didn't Bambi end up completely fuc…[View]
201760886ITT we post imdb/tracker/info tags and anons guess the movie I'll start:[View]
201757589/got/hotd/: Cabbages edition prev >>201752018[View]
201759315>female character complains about not being able to get a date[View]
201756077This fucking sucks.[View]
201746985>Frequently rated as the best actress of all time She's overrated as hell…[View]
201753281I'm skipping the gay frenchie scenes, should I skip these twos scenes as well? My eyes are offe…[View]
201760701Thoughts on Kylie Cantrall’s body of work?[View]
201760699What are some movies about single white mothers?[View]
201760414>510 days until Avatar 3[View]
201753207Now that the dust has settled, which fanning sister do you like the most /tv/?[View]
201760632what are some good movies that are very gory,like slasher levels of gore,but is action,with levels o…[View]
201760439Dalton chads, we have the best Bond.[View]
201756895>People disliked this line by Batman Why?[View]
201760458Better than No Way Home, it felt like I finally got to see Hugh Jackman become Wolverine, not only i…[View]
201754724>it was actually good well fuck me sideways i did not expect that one how hard are they gonna dro…[View]
201760503True crime kino.: >ruins your future serial killer kino It's not fair bros, think about how …[View]
201757448The plotters seriously couldn't find one guy willing to get as close as possible and suicide bo…[View]
201755159What did this show do to the newer generation of females? What did it teach them?[View]
201760097>Korine, whose career started by chance when he was spotted by photographer Larry Clark while ska…[View]
201756522lady deadpool: so was it really blake or just dub didnt looked like it and is there sequel in works …[View]
201760277What's that you say? Your... body.... is... ready...? Well good! Enjoy friend! Don't forge…[View]
201752258little house on the prairie: Where are my Ingalls bros? Started rewatching this series 1. Aged like …[View]
201747581Movies (non-porn) that make you horny[View]
201752843What the FUCK was his problem? Makes no sense[View]
201755537Any recommendations for someone who loves this movie? Sad, surreal, depressive, lonely horror. Alre…[View]
201754038Is Romance a dead genre?[View]
201758570Why are we supposed to hate him again? Sol did NOTHING wrong[View]
201750349Could femcel kinos work with an attractive girl?[View]
201760175What will be next for YouTube comedian and DJ Cody Ko?[View]
201738892>Rich people are….LE BAD.[View]
201750094Hear me roar.[View]
201755522William Friedkin on Cruising (1980): >I shot 45 minutes of gay male pornography, that I knew woul…[View]
201759980What are the best long essay videos on YouTube? Like that Twin Peaks 4 hour video. I love that kind…[View]
201759626If they had kept the final scene with Saruman in the theatrical version of Return of the King, there…[View]
201750754How much are they going to milk him?[View]
201759889you guys remember when agent harris and homelander used to throw down in banshee?[View]
201758101/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #137: Tired edition >/ftl/ News -It's Claire's birthday -Jet…[View]
201755223The Day after Tomorrow (1999): Who was in the wrong here?[View]
201755250>childhood is hating jar jar and claiming he ruined star wars forever >adulthood is realizing …[View]
201759454Season one was so good, bros.[View]
201757779Reports from 2024 found a jaw-dropping drop in global fertility rates. By 2100, 97% of countries wil…[View]
201759428this made xoomers lose their minds[View]
201756338Shyamalan bros we are so back[View]
201759407For me, it's the TIE Interceptor[View]
201756336I'M WALKIN ERE[View]
201756666Koba did nothing wrong.[View]
201754216Safe edgy[View]
201741047She looks so fucking hot...[View]
201745937The ads take forever on this nigger website >inb4 pirate I’m not a thirdie…[View]
201759225> I dunno what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is. When…[View]
201753183DEW IT[View]
201756847>now is not the time for art Is he right?[View]
201759091So what's next for her? Will she get her own show or smth?[View]
201758381Beach Boys :D[View]
201754409Indians just have great taste.[View]
201758992Which actress would you cast as the Astro Duchess in Michael Bay's upcoming Skibidi Toilet movi…[View]
201758345He's just like me.[View]
201758948>'they can't make a Chris Chan movie' They just did.[View]
201758918Mad Men: A Term Coined in the late 1950s to describe the advertising executives of Madison Avenue...…[View]
201753250Why are all the good actors in Hollywood from the UK?[View]
201753854charlie kaufman: anything written by this nigga is bound to suck actual dick i hate him so much…[View]
201756977Hopefully it'll work[View]
201740939Is it kino bros?[View]
201748695Who was the funniest character in Seinfeld?[View]
201758607> *sniff*...I don't want to get electric fingies...[View]
201757141Seriously, what do they eat?: No farms anywhere[View]
201727094>undetectable spell which can kill anyone with 2 words >literally every magician can do it …[View]
201755873Why is /tv/ so bad at making memes?[View]
201758386ITT: Post kinos about the fall of the Antichrist.[View]
201758131ITT: times in which critics were wrong[View]
201755763What causes this? Happens randomly for some specific releases I download and the files aren't c…[View]
201757966>the movie is a love letter t-[View]
201758319Literally me except I just turned 30[View]
201758298Why did yoda start off as a crazy green frog dude then suddenly become the most powerful Jedi of all…[View]
201757943>I'm not a monster, i'm a mother[View]
201758273>/tv/ says it’s kino >it’s kino Times /tv/ was right…[View]
201757455is it propaganda slop or is it actually good?[View]
201753597Hey Pam, you look so delightfully fuckable today, haha *wink wink*[View]
201758200>tfw you're forced to watch god awful ads before the movie begins[View]
201756989Can Eggers match this?[View]
201758034>movie do go not now bad for be in doing so Star Wars Blade Runner Housewives 2 Fucking hate when…[View]
201738128>See this >What do?[View]
201757313>2016+8 >Still no Community movie what the fuck are they doing?…[View]
201749637Just watched the incel movie: Wow, he’s literally me[View]
201757767How did this make a billion+? Be honest.[View]
201752415Did nothing wrong, in fact the strike team didn't go far enough >b-b-but muh heckin constitu…[View]
201757596This shit spoiled the end of my childhood and I've been a bitter asshole ever since.[View]
201750003She has movies, but why isn't she picking up in cultural relevance? I still haven't heard …[View]
201757329>be me >walking in on my little brother watching the office (us) >'bro, what the fuck are y…[View]
201757009What am I in for? inb4 hurr durr beat up scene. I know.[View]
201753675Welcome to Jurassic Park, may I take your order?[View]
201752006Who the fuck asked for another Bob Dylan biopic? The only reason to watch this thing is /ourgirl/ El…[View]
201752018/got/hotd/: Kingmaeker Edition prev >>201734086[View]
201747088>the episode where Steve Urkel makes a serum to transform himself into Stefan Urquelle, ladies ma…[View]
201754402RULE 63 THE LAST AIR BENDER: If this was a real thing, who would be best girl?[View]
201756616I have a hair on my tongue. Can't get it off. You know how much I hate that? Of course you do. …[View]
201754432he's literally me[View]
201757369The Boys: Watch wif frens... Probably get banned for this, but oh well. (Things were better here bac…[View]
201751873was it a swing and a miss from otaking or did he make alien kino?[View]
201754225Me too tone, me too :([View]
201756936Bond, true Bond.[View]
201754388What does /tv/ think of this movie?[View]
201757121The Boys: Who's gonna portray Kamala Harris is the next season now that Neuman is dead? They di…[View]
201757099WMD GOT THAT WMD[View]
201756728cast them? https://youtube.com/shorts/ZOtJd5ZDIqU?si=NiN2YHmeZsmTLa4d[View]
201753282there needed to be more show.[View]
201756255>chef... the civilian said the steak was too salty...[View]
201754762>phones are more important than children What did Spielberg mean by this?…[View]
201754303/the bear/: is this the only primetime show to feature some of the most blandest and mediocre songs …[View]
201753738Horizon: now that the dust has settled, was it really an american saga?[View]
201737377>who is this moe deeb??[View]
201756459The Killing Game: Some anon posted this the other week. I liked the mood of this kino. Any more simi…[View]
201755798How do you get over the embarrassment of writing a screenplay?[View]
201754736Oh yaa wooo[View]
201753555/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #136: Dave is alive stop asking us to check up on him edition >/ftl/ N…[View]
201738385>You should so. Totally. Come.[View]
201756262Who is your favorite out of Fring's/Mike's enforcers?[View]
201754538> it's Kino[View]
201736397Chris Watts bros, we are getting new content. >Handwritten notes found in Chris Watts’ prison cel…[View]
201754566Why didn't the Trade Federation just do parliamentary tricks to get Naboo to stand down with th…[View]
201755120Ryan Reyolds: I thought you guys said Reynolds hates Wesley Snipes? I've been hearing for years…[View]
201754644best burger related kinos? Wendy's doesn't open for 2hr and I need something to download i…[View]
201753463I don't understand the ending. Don't get me wrong, I find the visuals quite hypnotic, but …[View]
201750849>character calls the teacher mom[View]
201754438New A24 horror kino on the menu: From the director of Russian movie Sputnik[View]
201754818>Movie has monkey[View]
201752484I don't get it[View]
201755181The experiment has failed: >start putting more and more meme scandi actors in prominent roles …[View]
201753622*ruins your kino*: Seriously, why force such an unnecessary character?[View]
201748777/bb/ Big Brother 26: HOH: Chelsie? POV: TBD NOMS: TBD Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn…[View]
201755730Piss on the Yankees Piss on the Indians: Piss on the Phillies Piss on the Phillies[View]
201755627>watch spooky kino in theaters >get really scared >pee my pants >kinda enjoy it Am I a C…[View]
201755565The 8 show: >I'm gonna castrate him Wait what? You were the one horny…[View]
201755379Are Movies A Dead Art?: Why watch Californian liberals larp as cops, wizards or mob bosses for 2 hou…[View]
201755511She's crazy like a fool...[View]
201753059They keep trying to tell racism is le bad, but the whole movie the ONLY good part is the racism[View]
201754246So you’re telling me. They went around and killed every single human but at no point did they encoun…[View]
201753673King Kong is a more interesting adaptation of Heart of Darkness than Apocalypse Now.[View]
201755358another day on /tv/[View]
201736235What is the best era for sexploitation films?[View]
201754490Why do men peak in their 30s?[View]
201754886Murraybros... the clown won[View]
201754590>the name is tariq nasheed. I'm a ghost hunter. Cast the horror kino…[View]
201753955ITT: cape kino with actual SOVL[View]
201755030Schizoid kinos?: For me its 964 Pinocchio. Anybody else got films that are utterly incomprehensible …[View]
201754568Squid is a real one.[View]
201754687One hit wonders: Fave actors or actresses who only made one film? Katie Jarvis was spotted by a dire…[View]
201754989At this height?[View]
201735965>you see, it's funny because he's short![View]
201754741Wait, is Pugsley supposed to be a weak pushover? I remember in the 70s cartoon that he was like Bart…[View]
201738482Deadpool 3 timeline makes no sense *SPOILER*: Logan takes place in 2029. Deadpool 3 takes place in …[View]
201751592Xena is literally the best drunk fall asleep show ever made[View]
201754821This Christmas... you will go insane! TOM CRUISE and introducing: person-of-color-person the cat IN …[View]
201754224say it.[View]
201743327Just finished Farscape for the first time bros what do I watch to fill the void this kino left in me…[View]
201753492Was it kino?[View]
201754434i didn't understand the colonoscopy joke[View]
201750521Do Americans really put a humiliation ritual hat on schoolchildren that misbehave like I see on TV ?[View]
201753347>The last man on Earth >Having the blast of his life >Some ugly roasty shows up in episode …[View]
201754074Why are superhero movies considered trash?[View]
201754264are there any movies where the main characters are having sex with everyone and everything? no porn…[View]
201754205What are some movies like the Long Goodbye or Night Moves or the Friends of Eddie Coyle? Pic unrelat…[View]
201751309>BRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPFFFffffppPff >'Professor please! There must be another way!' >'I…[View]
201752097Bugs Bunny cartoons were always political. These pictures are from the 1940s.[View]
201750425Julian Sands: Julian Sands spotted on train.[View]
201748501Would it have survived 2000s Comedy Central amongst the likes of Chappelle's Show, Drawn Togeth…[View]
201752592>athlete wife just left for the Paris Olympics >house loaded with snacks, tasty food and craft…[View]
201752776Joker with no makeup[View]
201752552It was kino, admit it[View]
201742887Why did south park stop being cool? When did it go downhill?[View]
201753797what is best in life, /tv/?: for me, it's when i need to exit the thread for some reason and wh…[View]
201752615Any kinos from the baggy clothes / Arsenio era?[View]
201753938Times you acted like Padre Pio[View]
201745144Mark Hamill and Annie Potts (1978)[View]
201753793Electra (2005): Good movie?[View]
201752295Years later, I still don't get the hype: >supposed to be a funny movie >mc has to shoot h…[View]
201751372what are some juno temple kinos?[View]
201738896>zoomers will never know how kino this was[View]
201736026>best fantasy fiction in decades >made by an autistic japanese woman How does this happen?…[View]
201753079Season 2 with Darth Plagueis[View]
201752845ITT: Critically acclaimed TV Shows you hate[View]
201746932>Welcome.. to Crustacean Camp[View]
201751730Unironically who was this pairing for[View]
201751017Somehow....Blade Trinity (2004) has returned.[View]
201744141did The Mouse listen?[View]
201747398He mogs the shit out of Robert De Niro, after seeing this i can't believe i ever though otherwi…[View]
201752246>This was considered out of Greg's 6'7' reach in Succession[View]
201749329>There's only been one Blade, only ever gonna be one Blade Kino Snipes. Fuck Disney.…[View]
201753436Anakin's actor is about the same age now as Vader was in RotJ, yet people still insist a 70 yea…[View]
201748930Imagine being as strong as Vegeta and still be a manlet.[View]
201753423What are some movies where the movie desperately tries to convince you that the love interest is bea…[View]
201751062Hailing frequencies open.[View]
201746553I've been rewatching TDK, lets be honest. Heath Ledger's performance kind of aged like mil…[View]
201753354she was a beautiful innocent creature[View]
201747703I hope Josh Whedon dies in a car crash[View]
201753268Este es un documental[View]
201750506Western filmmaking[View]
201749580We need more Marling kino desu. I love how emotional her works are.[View]
201747819Thank God for Elon Musk[View]
201753092a good actress or just hot?[View]
201725828velma: bros...[View]
201752812Blackcels are terrifying.[View]
201752924Will Hollywood outsource movies to Indian AI render farms in the future, the way Marvel does for its…[View]
201753150Fucking kino[View]
201724024How long until anons can create their own films with the help of AI?[View]
201752935Face it tiger, you hit the jackpot[View]
201752652We watching this now?[View]
201747567>Virgin school teacher? >I can fix that[View]
201752672Hello, Anon.: Whaaaaaaaat's happening?[View]
201752956Ive started watching regular television again, mainly infomercials. Its been kino[View]
201749947Which thriller is better?[View]
201748601>turn on Cobra Kai: I forgot how hard Amanda mogs. Holy shit.[View]
201749521I have not seen a single movie this year[View]
201744864>characters that we're suppose to see as bad but are actually in the right…[View]
201749280You think they'll learn their lesson after Halo's failure?[View]
201745174House M.D: >every episode follows the same formula >still one of the best primetime medical dr…[View]
201751390there ain't be nuffin in room 237, you hear? nuffin[View]
201752267As a RLM enthusiast I will probably have to kill myself (in Minecraft). 'Shelby Oaks' keeps climbin…[View]
201751767even the first season was complete trash. they cheaped out on everything. they cut out many signific…[View]
201752208>how do you think you'd do in a retard match with Sean Penn's character from I Am Sam? …[View]
201752072Boomer dads saw this and thought 'he's literally me'.[View]
201749356What's the coolest movie you've ever seen? Robots, dinosaurs, Kung Fu you name it.[View]
201750752/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #135: Birthday Edition >/ftl/ News -It's Claire's birthday -…[View]
201749776I have a lot of time on hand. Suggest me you top ten or so films.: They've got to be life-chang…[View]
201739401>DON'T PROVOKE THE BORG Why? What do they have to worry about? They're space time gods …[View]
201734086/got/hotd/: Summer Islanders edition prev >>201727011[View]
201751689Best film score?: My vote is for The Red Shoes. Fantasia is a close second, but that's because …[View]
201751416Six Feet Under: why was she in love with nate?[View]
201751837There was no Pomni goon sesh on Discord. I think you should go now.[View]
201750845How would've things turned out if Snape didn't give into his tard rage and actually got Li…[View]
201716551This was one of the most underwhelming and disappointing endings I've ever seen[View]
201739114So the real monster was...white people?[View]
201751713Green Arrow didn’t have to win this much[View]
201751703VOTE FOR BEST!: https://strawpoll.com/40Zm4q5Ywga[View]
201749079If you went to prison would you get down for your fuckin race?[View]
201727136Let's settle this. Which one was the age of kino?[View]
201707262/trek/: Captain, I have a Priority 1 signal from Starfleet: There's an abnormally high probabil…[View]
201751015>...I saw what you did, anon. I'm going to have to report this to Robert.…[View]
201742683What is your opinion of this character?[View]
201743659When I was in London, I saw a lot of pretty women so why do they put these monstrosities on tv? Are …[View]
201751052Blade: There's only one Blade. And there will only be one Blade.[View]
201738010Goth rogue or Punk scarlet witch[View]
201750135Does she have sex appeal?[View]
201746845This is the complete canon. Everything else is Fanfiction.[View]
201736353EAT THE RICH kinos: What is the best film in the EAT THE RICH genre and why is it the upcoming film …[View]
201745456Did any of you watch Game of Thrones with your sister?[View]
201748323>Muh Vietnam made me insane Holy fuck why are Americans so fucking obsessed with this trope? Jes…[View]
201751083Shit, piss, and semen all over the theaters of the capitol city[View]
201747905need sexo kino recs immediately[View]
201748972What’s his stand-up like?[View]
201750264What Television or Film should I watch to learn how to talk to women?[View]
201733326Did tom green really hump a dead moose?[View]
201750331What the fuck is his problem?[View]
201750670His Majesty Bibi the First, by the Grace of G-d, King of the USA and His other Realms and Territorie…[View]
201750275What the fuck was his problem?[View]
201748441The Breakfast Club: For 2 months I gotcha. I gotcha![View]
201743899Two will protect you. The rest will try to kill you. Who is your team?[View]
201742252Wish this type of thing was more popular.[View]
201749199Now that the dust has settled, is Jujutsu Kaisen a good spiritual successor to Hunter x Hunter?[View]
201746515https://apnews.com/article/kevin-costner-horizon-2-pulled-theaters-74c2714eaacc6fb84fe316e2c0984f9c …[View]
201747995Holy shit this is ultra kino[View]
201749998Now, an initial report shows that you had alcohol in your system at a level of 0.24. Now in the good…[View]
201747612Did Lilith go to Norm's funeral? Does she ever think about Cliff?[View]
201748954>SOMETHING IN THE MIST!: >Something in Stephen King's The Mist (2007) took John Lee! Shut…[View]
201749257Vincent Masuka? Oh, yes... this man is based.[View]
201748671/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #134: Hewhos jouwhney's Edition >/ftl/ News -Abi is still in the …[View]
201748305Sorry bros... they got me: Yeah, I'm all s0ided up from this, this was the best Wolverine we…[View]
201749350i finally got around to watching this piece of shit and every scene that was supposed to scare me ma…[View]
201744429I believe snl is bad on purpose: They purposefully make the show bad to appeal to teenagers. They wa…[View]
201747582Wow. Black people are amazing![View]
201743900Should white actors be allowed to play jewish characters?[View]
201748493Women Ruin Everything[View]
201748670Furry kangaroo make-up was ugly as fuck but the movie is really fun and underrated.[View]
201749331are we excited for the avatar anime do we even want it???[View]
201749207***WHERE TO WATCH PREDPOACHERS VIDEO?!***: Anyone have a link to the full video predpoachers did whe…[View]
201749284INSIDE OUT 2: >riley’s deepest darkest secret >large black figure emerges from the shadows …[View]
201749240Could Joyce actually go on a landline phone shopping spree in 1984? I know the lease-only scheme end…[View]
201749205Who’s side we on /tv/?[View]
201749167What are your favorite kaiju in television and film?[View]
201747619>the FF cast gets progressively uglier with each iteration >they're all the same age as t…[View]
201747600What the fuck is his problem?[View]
201748539is NYC traffic that bad?[View]
201747430NPCs live among us[View]
201748382lack of cash is a common theme in The Bear, it drives a lot of the drama, but why is Carm so much of…[View]
201725577This shit will be a movie.: Literal brain rot is being made into a fucking movie and tv series. Mich…[View]
201748840Movie is titled 'LONGLEGS' everyone just had normal human sized legs: I really hate it when movies d…[View]
201748346Why didn't you guys recommend me this jap kino? God I love sweaty space bounty hunter girls. Th…[View]
201726375Im trying to watch old snl sketches because someone said they were underrated but i cant sit through…[View]
201738708>We need a badass female latina marine for our Alien sequel Sir, best we can do is a Jewish woman…[View]
201728377Do women really bully each other over breast size?[View]
201745590Have you learned to trust me, agent Strahm?[View]
201748177I woke up after my usual session of 15 beers and a nice movie and sleep. I woke up and my bed was un…[View]
201742593Re-cast him.[View]
201738873This is the only correct way to adapt anime into a 'realistic' style and it won't be too long u…[View]
201748427Should I watch Batman TAS?[View]
201740078>french guy >is a faggot For such a 'woke' show they really love stereotyping people huh…[View]
201745475Does it still hold up after A WEEK?[View]
201746927You’re not watching TV for free, right?: you could be making thousands of dollars just for consuming…[View]
201723301>Reviews are basically: 'it's alright, 6-7/10' Not horrible but also not savior worthy. If t…[View]
201709799This team has potential, the chemistry felt pretty good.[View]
201747205>die hard >actually lives how did boomer audiences kept falling for this crap?…[View]
201741584We didn't know how good we had it[View]
201743931>hungryyy eyessss[View]
201747635>you were born white yet you did nothing with it[View]
201747082Which time should I see Deadpool tomorrow?[View]
201747255/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #133: Photographer Ben Edition >/ftl/ News -Abi is still in the shower…[View]
201743761>anime cant be ki-[View]
201742589I marathoned this show up to current episode in 2 weeks and now it's almost over :/[View]
201741066sequel fucking WHEN[View]
201746170Titty Titty Bang Bang[View]
201741031How does King of the Hill succeed for audiences on all political spectrums where other conservative …[View]
201743571>anime can't be ki-[View]
201726095People somehow bitch about this or that new disney TV show 'breaking' star wars lore when it was bro…[View]
201740902What do you guys think it will be Mark Hamill's next big hit? Haven't seen him in anything…[View]
201745346How did Klaud fix this with no hands? Was he smart?[View]
201745648Worthless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqT2uOa1-d0 This is in the most genuine sense a literal s…[View]
201742873Keanu <=> Jesus Christ: While shooting the movie 'The Lake House', he overheard the conversati…[View]
201747192Regular Show: Give us a (You) loser.[View]
201740171>to boldly go where NO ONE has gone before Wtf is this woke shit?? You guys told me TNG was based…[View]
201720673The Nolan Batman trilogy are the best superhero movies ever made.[View]
201744394Somehow watching this made rewatching Twin Peaks even better Despite the absurdism the characters a…[View]
201732501ITT: anons post images and other anons guess which actors they are portraying[View]
201742805>Stranger Things 5 isn't coming out until late 2025 Strangerbros...I can't wait that lo…[View]
201733058Around 8 am on February 8th, a mill employee used a gas detector to check for a flammable atmosphere…[View]
201747352If they've 'solved gravity', why do they still need a centrifuge?[View]
201738464/bb/ Big Brother 26: HOH: TBD POV: TBD NOMS: TBD Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn (Dee…[View]
201740069What was Mann thinking?: This literally looks as if it was shot on someone's backyard after the…[View]
201745970>its pronounced aigoor[View]
201741818A lot of third world entertainment tends to fail because of three things; first is that the govermen…[View]
201746807FALLOUT SHOW TAUGHT ME FACTS: >1. Global nuclear holocaust will break out in 2025. This is the de…[View]
201745929I AM A SURGEON[View]
201746666>muh wife bad[View]
201746968ITT: Forced Actors[View]
201743989>I-I think about you too much[View]
201745899/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #132: Boring Bitchtank Edition >/ftl/ News - QNANON IS IN THE TANK - I…[View]
201746163Martha Marcy May Marlene is a 2011 cult drama featuring a 22-year-old Elizabeth Olsen and a 17-year-…[View]
201746287Dude, wtf was that all about?[View]
201738980Now that the dust is settled, who was the real bad guy here?[View]
201746223Would you assfuck her while watching the kim and ray j video?[View]
201745715>saves hollywood with his unmatched multitalentedness[View]
201745531>2 years until the next season of the boys What the fuck is wrong with studios these days?…[View]
201742470>OUT... am I? What did he mean by this?[View]
201746330This was great, but there's so much going on that it could've been at least double the len…[View]
201745056Will Seth Rogen ever adapt a Crossed TV series?: He seems to be a fan of Garth Ennis, who also made …[View]
201744503Why hasn't he been in any movies lately?[View]
201742151Let's have an alt-comedy thread!: I want to talk to other people about this stuff, because it r…[View]
201736357Let's play a game of hack or not I post a director you decide if he's a hack or not To sta…[View]
201743929>Assistant TO the Regional Wizard[View]
201733235Rian Johnson killed star wars[View]
201682708/kdg/ Kdrama Korean Drama General: Mommy edition Previous thread: >>201585068 Post your mid-we…[View]
201744554/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #131: Everyone I know goes away in the end Edition >/ftl/ News - It…[View]
201743337am I the only one who confuses Rosie O'Donnell and Roseanne all the tiem?[View]
2017429272024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony tomorrow: Will it be kino? 2020 Tokyo was awful >The eye-cat…[View]
201744238The Virgin Simpsons predictions, the Chad Star Trek predictions[View]
201716031Are breaking bad fans rational?[View]
201709810You can swap her filmography with another Hollywood actress: who do you choose, /tv/? I say Maggie G…[View]
201745114This was a great final episode desu, anyone who didn't like it back in the day were complete bo…[View]
201740907childhood crushes[View]
201744492why would he be poor?[View]
201740465>Outwitted Bane and made him kill his brother >Had a parachute the entire time and most likely…[View]
201744740Imagine if Die Hard actually ended with this great film[View]
201741585>I just had sex >And it felt so good (felt so good) >A woman let me put my penis inside her…[View]
201734542wtf is the message of this film?[View]
201738325Gen Alpha is 14: What Television & Film do they watch?[View]
201739234post a comfy show BTAS[View]
201744553Movies with this feel[View]
201739367If (You) were on the Nostromo, how would (You) survive?[View]
201735298What is this show made for? Feminists? should i watch this?[View]
201731329what do we think about Emma Corrin, the star of 'Deadpool & Wolverine'[View]
201743724Wtf is this poster It doesn't even say shrek, it's just a 2 with ogre ears And why does Sh…[View]
201744356post your top 4 rate and hate[View]
201742770Vincent Price: https://youtu.be/6_znqhYKGUY?feature=shared[Embed] https://youtu.be/h3myG3XcpvI?featu…[View]
201740309Dunkirk: This is an ugly horrible movie that is filmed in such a bad style I hate it, whatever it…[View]
201743928So Dafne Keeno is actually in Deadpool & Wolverine? Now I have to go see a capepoop movie?[View]
201732973do you losers get out of the house for anything other than marvel faggotry?: discuss this movie rn…[View]
201744010>i saw a bug crawl on a razor or something THE LE HECKIN HORROR!!!!![View]
201728797Damn... X23 looks like THAT??[View]
201744039Would Floyd have made it?[View]
201736013>introduce time travel into your setting just to explain how some retard got his name >never b…[View]
201743222/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #130: MUSTARD IT UP >/ftl/ News - QNANON IS IN THE TANK - Ice Bucket C…[View]
201740844This may be it for the Harvester. RIP. https://www.tmz.com/2024/07/25/harvey-weinstein-hospitalized-…[View]
201743776What does the daily schedule of a busy actor like Tom Cruise look like?[View]
201743555>*points at you* >'You, guy with the Clint Eastwood shirt trying to hide in the third row here…[View]
201721943Spoil me the movie[View]
201743683Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: What was the most disgusting episode of Top Model?[View]
201741974Deadpool & Wolverine: Huh this one actually makes fun of both sides of the culture war[View]
201739121AINT NO LOVE IN OKLAHOMAAAA: This was fun and overall pro-America. Good to see it repelled fag Kermo…[View]
201743079Dude, satire![View]
201743468Anyone got that pic of tony sitting with his goomar in a bikini sitting on his lap?[View]
201743420>I'm going to identify him >*cuts off his finger*…[View]
201736955Can you name them all?[View]
201743227Tim Dillon in the new Joker movie???[View]
201742584itt best shows and movies about school[View]
201737617Station Eleven: actually pretty good[View]
201742960>'I AM NOT CRAZY! I am not crazy... I know he put his name in the Goblet of Fire! I know he bypas…[View]
201742179Peak American Television[View]
201736375Destroy a white country. Destroy 2.[View]
201740212This was really good. Are the other as good? Any other comparable films?[View]
201738953Wow just like me[View]
201740599Bill was such an epic fag. Also, she needs to be the Nancy Drew of this decade and quit doing other …[View]
201742856ADAM IS ALIVE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5DeJol_uIA[View]
201742830Thoughts on this movie? I thought it was bullshit.[View]
201740495God I hope they make her wear a little slutty skirt[View]
201741503This scene scares and confuses the zoomer.[View]
201740056>And your OTHER gun[View]
201740661>Movie takes place in the South >There's no Confederate flags >There's no guns ??…[View]
201741057Whats its tax policy?[View]
201742608Hey fellow patricians. This is my script that is in the process of being greenlit. https://wormhole…[View]
201742626Nah nah nah...you insulted him a little bit. You got a little out of order yourself.[View]
201742488TF ONE kino?: New Trailer really redeemed it for me, based on the last one I thought it was just goi…[View]
201736758Why does Hollywood hate midges now?[View]
201735900>this made millennials hoot and holler with laughter[View]
201736697Rebel Moon: So is this an attempt to ride on the Dune hype? Except instead of spice it's just r…[View]
201741873all the hotel stuff is confirmed 100% real and actually happening[View]
201731088Streamcucks, how do we respond without sounding mad?[View]
201742168They Boys Just Ended & HOTD only have 2 more episodes >was also watching Mayor of Kingstown t…[View]
201739490/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #129: QUIT IT Edition >/ftl/ News - QNANON IS IN THE TANK - Ice Bucket…[View]
201735470>dude wouldn't it be epic pwnage if we literally gay raped tom holland on screen…[View]
201737888The Glassworker (2024): Just found out about this, has anyone seen it? One Pakistani autist spent 10…[View]
201737276This show is horrible Darth Maul was humiliated and treated like a jobber Thrawn ruined Sabine creat…[View]
201740693Everymanhybrid: Was it kinoer than Marble Hornets?[View]
201741460Arthur and the Minimoys[View]
20173900380s cinema: >SW >Indiana >Robocop >Terminator >Rocky >Alien >Predator >Letha…[View]
201739306I can't stop listenin to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECYLHiXvrBQ[View]
201707902why is she shilled so hard here?[View]
201741444Other comfy throwbacks? >the dialog is clever but takes its time >characters are well develope…[View]
201734576Robert Eggers and Yorgos Lanthimos are the only directors currently making interesting and original …[View]
201740582ITT: Signs you're about to watch kino[View]
201735769>You are the lesser son of greater sires How do you respond witbout sounding mad?…[View]
201739855Better than The Sopranos. Shakespearean even[View]
201714326Favourite Power Ranger? For me it's Maya/Yellow Ranger from 'Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy'[View]
201737160>my le bomb... wasnt dropped on defenseless german women and children?[View]
201739923Is Will Smith the only black sigma actor?[View]
201735196Jesus Christ. How did I not realize this show is comedic gold the first time? I watched it so seriou…[View]
201734570RESERVOIR DOGS IS SHIT!!!FACT!!! Examining Reservoir Dogs I’ve come to the conclusion that the movie…[View]
201739493/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #129: The Darkness edition >/ftl/ News - QNANON IS IN THE TANK - Ice …[View]
201736068>Tony Stark! Nice to meet you. You might not know me, but give it 14 years and you'll swear …[View]
201735827It's kino time[View]
201725326here are the highest rated Simpsons episodes on IMDb: >#1 - S8.E23 - Homer's Enemy (the Fra…[View]
201739023Something about this guy never sat right with me[View]
201740173How about I give you the finger, and you give my blue pill?[View]
201740025Do they still make movies for fellas? I can’t think of any recent films that cater to the penis.[View]
201737639>I've seen threads you people wouldn't believe... >Single word goonbait threads, obv…[View]
201734057/got/hotd/: queen of love and beauty edition prev >>201727011[View]
201736916This PG-13 movie could've been better[View]
20173983060s music movies: is this the peak kino based on the works of a 60s rock band? inb4 Hard Days Night…[View]
201728409Real Time Vacation Summertime Blues: The late night comedy landscape feels so empty without him and …[View]
201735596Wtf was his problem?: Why didn’t he fucking do something?[View]
201736657Post the last 4 films you watched[View]
201739587Deadpool & Wolverine: This shit went so hard and the team had excellent chemistry. Anyone whose …[View]
201733284what year is this?[View]
201738801Do these spoof movies still get made? Or is that era dead and buried?[View]
201728038Pure kino, better than Drive.[View]
201739133I'm supposed to believe this guy is some kind of tech genius because he worked at an electronic…[View]
201734219Fight me![View]
201738317ITT: /tv/ characters who are literally you[View]
201731048would you endure 'pranks' from some idiot like this in the workplace? honestly, I don't think i…[View]
201739255South Park lost soul?: What do you think?[View]
201738180to feeling good[View]
201739227The 8 show: >all the plot about bathroom trash waste All this could be solved with an incinerator…[View]
201734565Why is it so hard to give us a simple bounty hunting show about a hunter who truly is a scumbag?[View]
201733304I'M A GOOFY GOOBER[View]
201738844How was it?[View]
201738890I don't get it.[View]
201720217>it's up hawkeye-sisters...there's still hope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqpWc9Rps…[View]
201738828>My child. >You have come to me, my son. >For who now is your father if it is not me? >W…[View]
201734954Would you a female Bane?[View]
201733895Longlegs: >Transphobia: the Movie[View]
201738778>AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Seriously though, why the fuck did George do this? Who was this shit for?…[View]
201738756kek. reminder that millennials grew up on TS, and will use it in their campaigns, it is a funny bit …[View]
201738341>attempt to murder someone Why didn't they go to prison over this?…[View]
201736263I'm late, what's the consensus?[View]
201737850/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #128: Abi is still in the shower edition >/ftl/ News - QNANON IS IN T…[View]
201738435Movies that mock the Cold War.[View]
201738545Go a big enough joint there Rick?[View]
201733362>im fighting for Nancy Pelosi's $250 million net worth[View]
201738531Willy Wonka: How the Hell does this guy have a job? He botched the one experiment he was supposed to…[View]
201734582>costs his dojo his best student because he doesn't want too listen too the person who actua…[View]
201696639>tfw no Kiera pirate waifu[View]
201736458Which actors would you like to see playing lovers on screen[View]
201729938KANEDA, WHAT DO YOU SEE?[View]
201734523Highest grossing animation of all time >Has overtaken Barbie >Thirteenth highest grossing mov…[View]
201736422>‘Obviously we have swimming stand-ins, swimming doubles, and I used them as much as I could to l…[View]
201731455What would you do in this situation?[View]
201716517Ranma 1/2: If we don't get a proper RanmaxAkane ending, I will fucking chimp out.[View]
201728746A bone chilling intellectual slow burn hidden camera prank show with no jumpscares.[View]
201730019I liked it: What did you people think?[View]
201733654> Bane ? (I will share the video I saw him pop up in)[View]
201737402>Never too late for a kind gesture, eh Charles?[View]
201737415Zero chemistry.[View]
201733142*Saves your show*[View]
201733199I want to make short films but: >I am introvert >can't find actors >little poor >…[View]
201734580Onscreen couples worth rooting for.[View]
201736539is this right?: so 4 wolverines (excluding cameos) have been featured in marvel movies >stewart t…[View]
201724918/bb/ Big Brother 26: HOH: Angela POV: Lisa NOMS: Matt, Kenney, Kimo Upgraded: Makensy (America'…[View]
201724564Hey Pam, i'm gonna fuck your ass tonight just saying[View]
201736831*Out-Acts Ralph Macchio In Your Path*[View]
201736038/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #127: Kino Edition >/ftl/ News - QNANON IS IN THE TANK - Ice Bucket Ch…[View]
201734982Yo guys do you remember x files? I started to rewatch it and its actually a very good series![View]
201729106>fiat money will do fine[View]
201736345You become aware of a deep state assassination plot and you need the coolest secret agents on /TV/ t…[View]
201735985Is Captain Marvel in Deadpool 3?[View]
201736180https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXMbPTGlAU0 It's over, globohomo reached Japan.[View]
201735071What's his best role[View]
201724803Movies that only you've seen[View]
201736113>empire strikes back releases in 1980 >vhs releases in fucking 1984 >tv airing in 1987 Boom…[View]
201736439It wasn't meant to be a documentary[View]
201734393Is she a good actress?: I think I like her acting[View]
201728960WE ARE GETTING A SEASON 2: YES!!!!! https://collider.com/the-acolyte-streaming-charts-records/…[View]
201730339BORDERLANDS release date August 9th: This movie was destined to flop hard, but now it's going t…[View]
201734701Why wasn't this variant in the new movie?[View]
201719973What the fuck was his problem?[View]
201731360she was a beautiful innocent creature[View]
201732492This is basically a loveletter to Millennials who grew up on Newgrounds and early internet. Do Zoom…[View]
201733246For me, it's Warship Janeway.[View]
201730350Is there a worse series finale than The League (specifically the final scene) >here's a vide…[View]
201730728>Man, I am NOT gay! I have relationships with women, and sex with men.[View]
201733184He never got his own movie.[View]
201735756>In the meantime, think about what kind of device has a telescopic sight mounted on it. >What?…[View]
201735826What are some sci-fi movies about highly intelligent characters who evade capture by traveling throu…[View]
201728479Now that the dust has settled, was it tape?[View]
201735648I used to hate the 'anti-capeshit' crowd, but I'm ready to admit that they were right. I was b…[View]
201733955Why didn’t Gandalf stop him ffs?[View]
201735532Who was the best girl in the xenaverse?[View]
201729213Movies About Making Money?: >$3,600 for 12 ingredients + equipment needed to manufacture >$3,0…[View]
201735102Disney Propaganda Machine:: Here's your Star Wars, bro!![View]
201724785Holy shit. That fucking ending. This is the second time in my life where I cried over a superhero fi…[View]
201735142Are the opening ceremonies a /tv/ thing?[View]
201733342A quiet place: Wow, what a shitty disappointing movie. How do you go from an alien invasion flick to…[View]
201735270Media that makes you question reality.[View]
201734944This film was... Far less clever and funny than I remember it being.[View]
201737035Films featuring interabled couples?[View]
201735048I've made this thread. In a second, you anons are going to go down there and decide 'based' or …[View]
201730913DEATH STRANDING Movie: How will (((Hollywood))) butcher and subvert the greatest anti-abortion alleg…[View]
201717514Is it gonna suck?[View]
201729799Critical Drinker says this movie isn't woke and isn't about the message. Does this represe…[View]
2017327921960s in film: discuss.[View]
201727692Cuatro Fantásticos![View]
201733300We just have one question before we join your club- do you think it's better to be born a crip …[View]
201734890Deadpool and Wolverine Reviews: So, is it good? https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/deadpool_and_wolver…[View]
201722693>She walked into my office like a tornado in high heels, leaving a trail of confusion and expensi…[View]
201733784>let out the poison[View]
201732612Is Eragon really bad?: The video for Keep Holding On makes it look great. https://youtube.com/watch?…[View]
201733233How do you feel that they will NEVER let a straight white man be masculine on film again?[View]
201730764how does one attain a scar performing cunnilingus?[View]
201734587what are his political views?[View]
201733636/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #126: Frostbite speedrun edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, wat…[View]
201732510>Da whissles go WOOOOO[View]
201727683Big Red por favor[View]
201734276'S'mofo butter layin' me to da' BONE![View]
201734102do people from the UK actually talk like this?[View]
201730785>I wonder if that guy ever wiped his ass with the wrong HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!…[View]
201733387What did your emotions think of the last movie you watched?[View]
201723081Oh wow she’s playing a bitchy brat again! What range! Why do people like this cunt?[View]
2017335506 ans plus tard: 6 ans plus tard[View]
201732296FEED PHIL[View]
201727011/got/hotd/: Faceoff Edition prev >>201722413[View]
201732982and what of good Green Dementus?[View]
201731656What went wrong?: Watching YouTube rewinds from 2012 and 2013 and they just feel like a parallel rea…[View]
201732672I forgot, who was Jean Grey's boyfriend again?[View]
201732520Dude I thought all those jap cartoons were for children and just trash but I just finished this and …[View]
201717856Blade Runner's dystopian nightmare prediction.[View]
201733320Was a sucker punch.[View]
201730674Book reader here: I can’t tell rather or not I like the show, can’t put my finger on it. but thank g…[View]
201731239Say something nice about a bad movie: I'll start. Pic related had a surprisingly good opening t…[View]
201733153I want to be a cinephile: Can I be considered a cinephile?[View]
201726736What fictional character do you identify most with?[View]
201730623But Black Dynamite: I sell druuuuugs in the community[View]
201730166>I can't act![View]
201732150>That'd be a good name for him, 'Judge Mental'[View]
201730513Post interesting looking actors[View]
201723773>I'll have a double cheeseburger, large order of fries, small root beer, and an apple pie. I…[View]
201729224>This was considered hot in the 80’s[View]
201713341Deadpool & Wolverine, Final review:: >Storywise: it sucks and it's 100% an excuse for a…[View]
201732062>4chan incel: the movie heed my word zoomies, stay away from this damned website or else you…[View]
201731916>Call her moonchild >Dancing in the shallows of a river >Lonely moonchild >Dreaming in t…[View]
201730600The first two 3DCG movies by DreamWorks are just brilliant.[View]
201724496wednesday: last episode just finished. a youtube video of the dancescene with goth music made me cur…[View]
201730120Cast it[View]
201731378What are some actors that managed to defy twink death?[View]
201731289/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #125: Clabi Edition >/ftl/ News It's so over >Season 2 ''episo…[View]
201729764The Mentaculus: Hey /tv/ I just re-watched Serious Man for the first time in 10 years and can someon…[View]
201730285What is he watching?[View]
201731968>but i thought... >you thought?![View]
201730830>its a House vexes Foreman episode[View]
201731714Where are the superpowers and jokes?[View]
201731849What am I in for?[View]
201731950He should have killed them all.[View]
201734110What is his problem?[View]
201729736doesn't make any sense: Any man would've chosen the feminine one[View]
201730846World War Z was good and deserves a sequel, actually[View]
201722474Three Kingdoms thread: >no three kingdoms thread Three Kingdoms thread. BAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…[View]
201730719THE TERMINAL 2004: Yeah right lol[View]
201731926Who is the most underrated actress? Winona Ryder gets no love despite the fact she's been in mo…[View]
201731227Did they character assassinate him?[View]
201731885>BALSHIE GARADA[View]
201731675Who was in the wrong , here?[View]
201731153Cassandra Nova: I can fix her.[View]
201728557The Ottifants - Germany's attempt at making their own animated sitcom like 'The Simpsons': Thes…[View]
201731808>its pronounced aigoor[View]
201731799I'M SPEAKING[View]
201730265>It's Starscream!! So what?[View]
201729515The original post-credit scenes got cut: as someone who watched the movie on Monday in a private scr…[View]
201730065What's the best movie of the year so far, /tv/?[View]
201728392>watching Terminator 2 >it predicted the 911 towers coming down wtf…[View]
201727296Would Tommenn have made a good King? (The Lannisters always repay their debts.)[View]
201731451Does 41 year old Kate Mara still have potential to become an award winning actress? >Her upcoming…[View]
201702000Let's fucking go! Fuck Disney.[View]
201730687it's fine. 6/10.: Just comfy fluff that makes you feel good. Better than The Dark Shite at lea…[View]
201727500Now that the dust has truly settled, what will happen to Starlight in the final season of The Boys?[View]
201722581Anyone going to see ALPHA COP this weekend? Looks kino.[View]
201731251So I says, naw you can keep the duck![View]
201730819Who else is too distractingly beautiful for the roles they play?[View]
201731197Kino alert[View]
201731148Every series could do with a magic wand to make the monster grow.[View]
201730349More movies like this?[View]
201730921Why were the vidya episodes always so bad.[View]
201693089>FAST FOOD IS LE BAD[View]
201730890Why are the Power Rangers working for Boba Fett?[View]
201730896What is your favorite film starring the greatest kung fu star of all time Jimmy Wang Yu?[View]
201728656What are some mediocre movies that could have been intensively improved with proper editing/cutting?[View]
201730838Biopic when.: >went hunting on public land >didn't know there was a cordoned off area for…[View]
201729675Was Vic an autist? I mean he only wears like two outfits and he always does shit that only makes sen…[View]
201730644>I got a ring in 'ere last night[View]
201728013Transformers One: New trailer just dropped, you fucking dipshits! Get in here! https://www.youtube.c…[View]
201730554Andy is a groomer!: April was LITERALLY 19 years old when they met and he ADMITTED he could be with …[View]
201707380Fascism is bad[View]
201730548Why were they so excited to see each other?[View]
201726206She loved it!: https://youtu.be/6FqDymX_TcY?feature=shared[View]
201722054When was the last time you did this, and what scene from what movie caused it?[View]
201726461Why didn't the Germans start shooting until the Allies boats opened up? From this angle it look…[View]
201728369>Sitting around, smoking marijuana, eating Cheetos and masturbating do not constitute 'plans.' wa…[View]
201730364If Terminally Online was a movie, I just watched it.[View]
201726751'I've got an idea regarding our movie villain, dwelled on it for some time now. W-... ahah....…[View]
201724823>I'M ACTING[View]
201730051Afternoon everybody.[View]
201730083Which series are good enought to be on your endless rewatch list when you get sick of all the new bu…[View]
201729323Is what Stallone's saying here true, /tv/bros?[View]
201724592Yabba dabba doo![View]
201729371Well, /tv/?[View]
201724062*makes no sense*[View]
201729120/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #124: Abi is at home fucking her latinochad bf edition >/ftl/ News: Ab…[View]
201703445I want to see big boobs on film but I don't want to watch a porno Anyone else know this feel?[View]
20172899660s capeshit[View]
201729873>GIMME BACK MY WIFE'S SON![View]
201728755How come we don't have any attractive, charismatic Latino actors anymore?[View]
201722632cast it[View]
201726259I'M GONNA SAY IT: Post-Endgame MCU has been fine aside from Secret Invasion, She-Hulk and The M…[View]
201729686>Gentlemen, great news; I've spoken with the General and we're very much still in the g…[View]
201729735Fuck you, you little bitch, you little foid.[View]
201724881What, the Joker isnt an incel anymore??? I cant watch this garbage, how am I going to relate with hi…[View]
201729525>And heeere come the pretzels[View]
201696082/hor/ – Horror General: Argento edition prev: >>201653498[View]
201728086>watched it but didn't read it you didn't experience it[View]
201726909oh yea... this happened..[View]
201728941>I'M ACTING[View]
201729255>don't mess with le heckin special friendship squaderino!!! who writes this shit…[View]
201729286How did The CW end up with the most consistent live-action superhero Multiverse?[View]
201729240I now have a nuclear weapon, i would go & start my own kingdom, why the fuck will I a bastard un…[View]
201728947ewoks are bears but smaller and more agile: look at the thickness of those arms and legs, it's …[View]
201722812Say it[View]
201727925Tokyo Vice: So I am watching ep 2 right now and I dunno. I don't really like it so far. Japanes…[View]
201722082What went so RIGHT?[View]
201728345why don't modern movies show the characters eating?[View]
201728938WITNESS ME.[View]
201728460What is the best movie about magic?[View]
201728179Pure Chuckino[View]
201728478Do you watch any /tv/ adjacent YouTubers? I like Dead Meat, he funny. :)[View]
201728657>Tonight, he Dances with Wolves™[View]
201727481are college rompcoms still popular these days?[View]
201727541GUNDAMBROS, WE WON https://youtu.be/w9-TRoEa0jk?si=eJadAcEhkWseWyta[View]
201723746>is that.... a serious standalone movie with a satisfying ending not tied into retarded multivers…[View]
201728355With Wesley Snipes returning as Blade, does this mean the reboot is confirmed dead?[View]
201728671>Your life is a terror >in a beautful world >janny, your special >so short-bus special …[View]
201727715her best role?[View]
201719229Tom Ford: >worth 2.2 billion >makes 2 kinos >refuses to make more…[View]
201726548why is wolverine depicted like this in the merch but in the movie he never looks like this?[View]
201720787this was honestly better than season 4[View]
201724037>I'm not Laurence Fishburne![View]
201728432>Get a skill[View]
201728014>no don't kill him that would be murder. let him loose so he can kill many more…[View]
201727564>skibidi toilet for boomers[View]
201724983Watch Call Me By Your Name.[View]
201724736Why was this hated so much?[View]
201726220>You can call me... Mannheim Steamroller in his defense, Stan Lee was pretty burnt out that day.…[View]
201728143>watch movie about a communist hippie family >their lifestyle is so appealing it actually hor…[View]
201727340/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #123: More Scott Edition >/ftl/ News: Abi is still gone, maybe forever…[View]
201728077Me kind of platoon.[View]
201649851/film/: Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Pedro Costa edition >/film/ cha…[View]
201714780What is the worst series of sequels ever?: >picrel[View]
201727092how can people watch a Marvel movie and be invested by this point? the story structure is always the…[View]
201727987Remember when Cartman would call people vas deferens? That was good.[View]
201726097What was the moral of the story?[View]
201727947I just can't get over how damn good this movie is. The acting, the pacing, the tension, the tra…[View]
201726565Unsettling short film kino: I found this a few years ago. Now I'm posting the shorts. I don…[View]
201725015Liev Schreiber: Do you think his son will also go into entertainment or acting just his daughter is?…[View]
201727747She killed millions...[View]
201727645We need more found footage horror kinos like pic related. Watching this back in 2011 was better than…[View]
201727726Thoughts on Hugo?: It was pretty kino, especially the mielies stuff[View]
201722800why did she never become a Hollywood star?[View]
201725400>THIS SUMMER...[View]
201727151M*A*S*H: The great debate.[View]
201722786Hi guys, I hope you're doing well. Life isn't always easy. You just have to keep trying.[View]
201725139ITT: characters you are rapidly becoming[View]
201727293Anime is not saving cine-[View]
201725750>make friends somehow >end up constantly having to watch insufferable 2000s slapstick comedy m…[View]
201722413/got/hotd/: The lad Edition prev >>201719697[View]
201725396I want them shilled and ready to see in two weeks! >But my lord there are too many to shill! We d…[View]
201727200>Wake up at 10:00am, two hours late for work at my private company worth millions. >Instead of…[View]
201727129Holocaust cinema: what are your favorite Holocaust films?[View]
201724563New lists![View]
201716161Have a negroni Kill yourself[View]
201727160>People think only mules can pull carts. Impatient people think that but patient people know bett…[View]
201725855Who has amassed the most autistic fanbase?[View]
201727003Family guy outed Kevin spacey as a gay pedo 20 years ago. Why did he continue to get away with it f…[View]
201725949Star Trek: Starships explore the universe but holodecks explore the mind where there are as many con…[View]
201722095>Cop movie >No nonsense black Captain[View]
201725747These are the only good TV shows >The Sopranos >Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul >The Shield …[View]
201725938Why is this happening so much?[View]
201725492>character gets stuck I love this trope[View]
201727053Why was gorilla in that poster ? (Not Shaq)[View]
201727051You're not the boss of me now You're not the boss of me now AND YOU'RE NOT SOOO BIII…[View]
201726591>I have a Sixth Sense ™. I see dead people[View]
201726912FUCK YOU FUCK. YOU.[View]
201724802>Anon, c'mon, you can't be back here buddy...heh heh, put the crablegs back where you f…[View]
201719885>Okay, fine, I admit it, I created the No Singles Policy scam. Happy now?…[View]
201722230>Be Mattel >Realize the Barbie brand is dying >Gen alphas girls are mostly on their tablets…[View]
201724796wtf is her problem about? seems forlorn.[View]
201726590Cast them[View]
201725806Why are there so many threads about the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie? Why do the people on this …[View]
201724994Rape a child Rape two[View]
201720264Oh this movie is gonna make 2 billy[View]
201723293/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #122: Scott Edition >/ftl/ News: Abi is still gone, maybe forever. Lea…[View]
201724659have you ever starred in a film or tv series, anon? what was it like?[View]
201726413Nell: What’s wrong with me? All it takes is an average looking girl who isn’t a complete bitch and I…[View]
201718423>pay some guy a ludicrous amount of money to make you disappear >expect that he'll help y…[View]
201715217>Literature is dead >Movies are dying >Television is dead >Gaming is dead >Music is d…[View]
201724642>You claim to be a player but I fucked your wife[View]
201725537rewatching early simpsons made me realise everything people complain about was there from the very s…[View]
201718593When you think about it there is no reason for her to conquer westeros other than pride, she's …[View]
201725471Movies only you have seen[View]
201725790Why are filmfags so obsessed with this cunt[View]
201726228It's official. Spongebob is one of us.[View]
201712919How important is /k/ autism for you in action movies? Can you suspend your disbelief whenever you se…[View]
201723262>mfw cat dies in a horror film[View]
201724973witch kino[View]
201714440Deadpool and Wolverine: Holy shit, is this the most brutal movie death of all time?[View]
201720048There will never be another Catwoman film and that's a good thing[View]
201725992You think if a cult leader tried, they'd be able to indoctrinate you to join their cult?[View]
201724634These guys are just having constant gay threesomes with each other, right?[View]
201721223>I'M ACTING!![View]
201724784Ryan Reynolds filmography: This shit is straight up embarassing[View]
201721768Excalibur 1981: Why is Merlin considered one of the good guys? He assisted in rape.[View]
2017168232026 movies in theaters[View]
201716590'The Batman Epic Crime Saga': Kek, what a retarded name.[View]
201723253she should have beat him[View]
201723974i get periodical hitching in mpc since upgrading my screen. anyone have the same issue and know of a…[View]
201711668>Wes Craven's New Nightmare is the best sequel because Freddy is actually SCARY instead of b…[View]
201716828Worth a watch?[View]
201723128The absolute state of Hollyweird. An no, it's not meme. What the fuck?![View]
2017226291990 - 1992 Television & Film: Post and discuss your favorite stuff from this period in time tri…[View]
201724494why did he pull the episode about the holocaust?[View]
201719283Do women and minorities like the 'woke' pandering in modern tv shows and movies?[View]
201723831This might be my favorite character[View]
201723119Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself.[View]
201724829Prostitution Whore![View]
201724827Why worry about something that isn't going to happen?[View]
201724708you literally cannot even imagine how much I want to fuck this bitch: I'm so desensitized to po…[View]
201722807but seriously why did they do it[View]
201724606it wasnt suppose to be a doccumental[View]
201724706Just saying Pam, you deserve to get raped on film. It's gonna sell bucks on the black market.[View]
201722275Who is the Shannyn Sossamon of present day television and film?[View]
201717988I'm agnostic but I enjoy films about faith (no particular religion). What are some good films y…[View]
201724640The sheriff is coming...: ....[View]
201721207One Ring - the sequel: Ok, why didn't the Lotr-movies get a sequel? Like, why couldn't Pet…[View]
201723311I'm drunk and about to have steak and egg breakfast. Give me some kino to watch.[View]
201715671Why did britbongs cum buckets over this degenerate?[View]
201720823Halloween Thread: Which movie is your favorite? Rank em. Best final girls. Hottest bitches. Best mas…[View]
201724109>it's a 'Walter White replaces the washing liquid in the car wash with acid so he can dissol…[View]
201714239The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: that was horrible, the worst mystery movie I've ever seen…[View]
201723691Thank God for Elon Musk[View]
201723292/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #122: Pile driving breeding sex with goth pussy edition >/ftl/ News: I…[View]
201724320aaaawwwWWWWW HERE IT GOES[View]
201720427so uh are they gonna make any more sequels or is the franchise done?: literally a decade and a half …[View]
201722616Freemason/Gnostic/Jewish propaganda.[View]
201717348i cant believe it took this fucking long to have him in the suit[View]
201701838/bb/ Big Brother 26: HOH: Angela POV: Lisa NOMS: Matt, Kenney, Kimo Upgraded: Makensy (America'…[View]
201711450It's just screaming for an adaptation[View]
201724088I'm not beaten yet, I still have armies in The Ukraine![View]
201723906Any non-french incestkinos?[View]
201708822Is this a 'Fuck you' to Gunn?[View]
201719832I don't think even Tom Cruise or Will Smith has a better lineup of badass roles. You can replac…[View]
201722040Post your favorite movie, TV show, and video game. Others guess your age. >Amadeus >Star Trek:…[View]
201713832When the FUCK is The Critic coming out?[View]
201718647Name an instance (outside of porn) where a woman has farted in a movie or TV show. I believe pic rel…[View]
201722459Holy guacamole... you can't even address this Tommy guy.[View]
201723555>eat an oreo while watching kinos >can't hear a god damn thing from the television and ne…[View]
201723548what was his problem?[View]
201716819Get in here Ayybros: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13666885/perfect-faces-golden-ratio-…[View]
201723451WAR IS HELL[View]
201723334What's he up to these days?[View]
201717119Who was this character supposed to appeal to?[View]
201716114Supernatural: Why people tend to ignore how good this series was? if was only the first 5 seasons ev…[View]
201720989What did they mean by this scene?[View]
201722666I hate white people[View]
201721693Why is modern Star Wars like this?[View]
201721144Star wars thread: share your favorite star wars moments!![View]
201721007>we're looking for the zoomer generation's arnold schwarzenegger, except browner, painf…[View]
201721791No negroni Not even two[View]
201722707Intertellar: Saw this going around. Basically, I think it's plausible similar to the Prestige …[View]
201720977/cobra kai/: CK General I've come to realize that outside of the struggle for Robbie, literally…[View]
201723018Crell Moset did nothing wrong: He was unironically the protagonist of this episode[View]
201717525Who was in the right?[View]
201715545>no doctor who thread have i came to late?[View]
201713601Slop, or Oatmeal? Decide.[View]
201722836HOW. IS. YOUR. CONE . TO-DAY. /T-V/?[View]
201711223How many times do you think?[View]
201677920How the fuck did they get away with it? they had to fucking know when they designed Chel.[View]
201720918BLADE SLAUGHTERS TOAD: Fucking hell, Wesley is still kino Don't even bother with Mahersala Ali.…[View]
201720453>I go to baskin robbins every night and treat myself to a lil’ treat[View]
201721039Deadpool & Wolverine: MCUbros... we're so back![View]
201722585>These fartknockers steal your chicks and you don't get to score How do you respond without …[View]
201721548why don't zoomer actresses have the same aura as boomer ones?[View]
201722375now this is pure kino, so of course it got cancelled. i hate modern audiences and their shitty borin…[View]
201719697/got/hotd/: Baby Vermax edition Prev >>201716441[View]
201722386who was in the wrong?[View]
201721639I forgot this movie as I was watching it.[View]
201721085>'The prequels ruined the image of jedi knights by making them essentially bodyguards to politici…[View]
201722357Show has >Strong women >Racially diverse cast >Gay subplots >The dork is a white guy as …[View]
201719862Wingardium LevioSARRR[View]
201712803Why did he do it?[View]
201720933Why do they keep shoving this bitch in my face. She's like the non-white femanon version of gle…[View]
201722169What are some peak millenial core films?[View]
201721067/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #121: Gamer fort edition >/ftl/ News: Abi is still gone, maybe forever…[View]
201716789itt: actors physiques that are completely natural[View]
201722022Well, this was shit. My pulse didn't go beyond 70 the whole time I watched it. Can't belie…[View]
201718503>getting mogged by the younger and more handsome version of you (who also has a better hairline) …[View]
201715867https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9iMAQrMK4c/?igsh=aHJ2NXdjaTVmdjM0 what is some more good indian kino…[View]
201721826>You have a nice set of balls, mistah bond. What did he mean by this?[View]
201720241Stranger Things[View]
201713846>from the twisted mind of Jordan Peele[View]
201720772don't have trinity tonight so i'm getting fucking drunk and not even lahey's stopping…[View]
201696507One of the best castings of all times[View]
201721792Funniest prank call since phones were invented https://youtu.be/EYRYJc8NaIw?si=qXQSLISR5A-DpgnE…[View]
201716710Why hasn't Hollywood recognized the acting talent of Darryl Furtado?[View]
201720809What movie characters teach you how to be confident?[View]
201713943Citizen Kane is subversive propaganda made by a shitlib interventionist masquerading as a filmmaker.…[View]
201720714Kill yourself nigga[View]
201721056Tell me where is moot, for I much desire to speak with him.[View]
201719426I just finished watching this. 4chan told me that boomers ruin everything, yet this was pure kino, w…[View]
201715741Nostalgia Critic has had a significant cultural impact[View]
201719162ah, the J.J. Abrahamic twist![View]
20171804428 weeks later: he did nothing wrong.[View]
201721141Is it wrong that I associate this scene more with Ghostpolitics and the infamous moment where Oddkas…[View]
201715806my problem with this casting is he looks too pretty to be a based road warrior. Mel was not pretty, …[View]
201709951>I mean, what can I say? I... just really like big dicks. Yeah. It's not just length. Everyb…[View]
201717301>movie about struggling starving artist in the 80s set in New York >was living in a $2.5 milli…[View]
201720529'I'm not a sociopath at all!'[View]
201715794>scifi movie >object floating through space >it's spinning slowly…[View]
2017177231st FF pic before shooting: >Bear Cousin and Stranger Things guy shaved because they're play…[View]
201719169titanic: did they really have to kill fabrizio like that?[View]
201720273>Scavenging in the drawers >Found a chocolate box Mommy was hiding No need to go out, it'…[View]
201689611what was the most retarded myth?[View]
201720612Was he gay? They played up the idea of him being at the very least a really weird sadist and then th…[View]
201719369I have one idea for a movie in which a monster terrorizes a small group of people, killing them grue…[View]
201719075Is this supposed to be funny?: The characters talk like fags and half the jokes are just 'le random'…[View]
201719422how did they get away with this?[View]
201718954who wase a beatter batman villian? joaker or blain?[View]
201719696Was it kino?[View]
201715694How did he do it ?[View]
201718672I would've been different[View]
201718102>Be literally invincible killing machine >Discovers Semantics >Dies…[View]
201715915Arguably the greatest joke ever told[View]
201718196Why is it like this?[View]
201717433>WITNESS MAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEE damn, now this the level of basedness I like but am surprised to see i…[View]
201717581When did he fall off as an actor and why did he choose to tarnish his career like that[View]
201713883This movie doesnt make any goddamn sense.[View]
201719177How long does it take to train an animal to act, dance and do things on command like in this gif? Is…[View]
201719483>90s tv show >latina character wears baggy pants Why was this design so popular?…[View]
201720133Doom Patrol thread: It is so much more soulfull and original than the boys yet nobody talks about W…[View]
201719061/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #120: Abi wasn't kicked. She walked out. We want her back! edition …[View]
201717894Joffrey: What was his problem?[View]
201718835Is Frankenstein the coolest looking monster?[View]
201714258Gandalf the White??: More like Gandalf the N WORD!!![View]
201719175she deserves more attention than Harley[View]
201717225Who is the best live-action Supergirl /tv/?[View]
201718490BBW Genocide: I’ve noticed a disturbing trend within the last 5 years of pleasantly plump actresses …[View]
201716224Google your ex once Google her again 3000 times[View]
201716441/got/hotd/: Diplomacy edition Prev >>201712757[View]
201718457Le heckin wholesome comedian[View]
201719640>forced drama that comes from characters hidden secrets/information from each other for no reason…[View]
201719592What should I watch (Dennis the Menace is the 1987 film).[View]
201716085STOP,POLICE !!!: Your move /tv/ ?[View]
20171097180s and 90s /tv/[View]
201719048Sershbros... not like this...[View]
201719266Give me screencaps of black and white movies and I will color them[View]
201716657>it's out of its matrix nobody move![View]
201718212Sexy Elf: Girls, I think I'm getting wet[View]
201715948> If Kennedy is not assassinated, the future will be apocalyptic What did King mean by this?…[View]
201716542Is the Death of Stalin /tv/approved?[View]
201717230Acolyte: >kills the mind-raping Witch who attacked him and the jedi >he is supposed to be the …[View]
201715328Gap status: minded[View]
201718773>introduces the Maharaja of Nevada >millennial audience suffocates to death from uncontrollabl…[View]
201715721This whole thing was a disaster[View]
201718582Is Frodo gay?[View]
201715248What must they think about these new young actresses coming up in Hollywood today?[View]
201714790Terrible actors thread[View]
201711591was it kino?[View]
201716307Hollywood peaked with Grace Kelly[View]
201718372I don't get it, is Hunt playing a whore in this movie, or is this just some weird Hollywood deg…[View]
201718343What are your thoughts on Blippi?[View]
201713930So true[View]
201717145Kino: The show: I was saying KINO in my head while is was watching this show.[View]
201717072/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #119: o7 edition >/ftl/ News: Gaming tournament today. The bitches are…[View]
201718009they were supposed to be the bad guys but now they don't seem that bad[View]
201717985why does a movie need 7 different endings?[View]
201717519Yes Jay, let's review NuStar Wars and completely ignore all the woke shit[View]
201717441>You see this gun? I'm gonna shoot you with it and then get off scot-free.…[View]
201703611Anything off the trolley dears?[View]
201717875Katniss,, I...[View]
201716078Commit suicide, enjoy the ride.[View]
201717075It's official: Grew up with Five Nights at Freddy's = Zoomer Growing up with Skibidi Toile…[View]
201712993So what IS the moment Walter White became Heisenberg?[View]
201715639I recently watched the second movie of Die Nibelungen (1924) and Ilya Muromets (1956), what other ep…[View]
201715615itt: characters that are literally you[View]
201707632>this is what a 38-year-old man looked like in 1999[View]
201701052We did it bros. /ourguy/ is back 100%[View]
201715675is it gay to have straight sex in the virtual world?[View]
201717051ITT: Things it took you 30 years to get[View]
201716523What’s the twist going to be?[View]
201714086>Villain scene has him eating food Why is this so common?[View]
201716406Wish they'd bring grey Hulk to MCU.[View]
201714100>Gooner: The Movie[View]
201715339>*sucks ass after the first season*[View]
201711801>tfw no District 12 gf[View]
201716595I didn't know /tv/ anons made their own movie[View]
201714776I am going to a midnight showing of pic related. I've seen the movie a few times, but never wi…[View]
201715268>white guy, black nerd and the 'girl' What happened to this kino trope?…[View]
201716887>Cuz ah dwank da vodka[View]
201714852Wtf why did I get turned on when I read this?[View]
201713771based or cringe?[View]
201715960Did he live a fulfilling, worthwhile life? I can't help but feel this movie is like a sentiment…[View]
201714438>here's your fantastic four, bro[View]
201716816What did Who Framed Roger Rabbit mean by this?[View]
201715450Life is good. There is 100 years of TV and movies I can watch. Lots of history there. Russia and Chi…[View]
201716483/GOT/HOTD/: >Aegon edition Prev >>201712757[View]
201713304Would you consider yourself a film critic?[View]
201716028>french guy >is a faggot For such a 'woke' show they really love stereotyping people huh…[View]
201713357>consuming content at x1 speed[View]
201716438*bites into poblano pepper*[View]
201716285Started watching this show now, it's weird how Christian it is[View]
201712757/got/hotd/: Dragonrider Edition prev >>201709120[View]
201715875Parker Posey[View]
201716403>Alejandro hasch prepared a delightful menu for usch. Schilli and schea basch, I believe. Schall …[View]
201712777>When's the last time you got your ass kicked? What do you do in this situation?…[View]
201713134>Ghost in the Shell is the best anime movie because it's actually WELL WRITTEN instead of pa…[View]
201714476Dude looked perfect as wolverine, better than Jackman[View]
201716145ITT: Post the moment you shut down TV.[View]
201709361Daily reminder Lauren London refused to kiss Jonah Hill so they had to use CGI.[View]
201715438I haven’t seen a good movie in years I haven’t heard a decent album since 2001 I haven’t eaten a goo…[View]
201716073>director's girlfriend is the lead role[View]
201715159Maybe they should have made a Mad Max movie about Mad Max[View]
201715388>IF YOU DARE TO CUM BEFORE ME I'LL FUCKING SKIN YOU ALIVE ANON! YES! Now I have bald chick f…[View]
201714003Shit movie but he was great: Better character than Immortan Joe.[View]
201714980which movie do you think was the first one where Hollywood began to lose it's superiority aroun…[View]
201715743I know some of you still watch VHS, but does anyone on /tv/ have a Betamax? Does anyone here still …[View]
201715547The walking dead: This is the dumbest zombie apocalypse story ever, like seriously how did the gover…[View]
201715673>movies makes fun of short Wolverine because he's short What the fuck was their problem? Ima…[View]
201715418I like his movies[View]
201713708Wow what a fucking dog[View]
201715095>enter a kinoplex in 2012 >OPPA GANGNAM STYLE starts playing…[View]
201715495>The ultimate women's empowerment fantasy is suffering no consequences for your actions, mak…[View]
201708266why you lied to me? this shit fucking sucks[View]
201712922Stephen Graham: is the best little dude[View]
201709695BLADE SLAUGHTERS TOAD: Fucking hell, Wesley is still kino Don't even bother with Mahersala Ali.…[View]
201713625I don't like his movies[View]
201714498I hate when actors phone in a performance because they think the movie is beneath them. You're …[View]
201700992Video Game Movies: Rate video game movies. What are some 'must watch' from the genre?…[View]
201712129Live TV kino: https://youtu.be/a8INEYLFWwc[View]
201712539/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #118: Kato the Goth Footslut for Plushies edition >/ftl/ News: THE B…[View]
201714773This will be iconic.[View]
201712663Who do you think is the biggest movie star in the world?[View]
201714272The Day after Tomorrow (199): Was she right?[View]
201711392>Mom found the homework folder[View]
201683479Can you even be depressed in Japan?[View]
201715040I love these two dancing niggas so much you wouldn't believe.[View]
201714145Why did popcorn became so Iconic for cinema? It’s the last thing i want to eat during movie.[View]
201711161What are some good film versions of plays? Ie, more or less direct/complete adaptations of plays, no…[View]
201711430Unironically Nolan’s most intimate and heartbreaking film. Best film made about faith since Stalker.[View]
201714721Streetwise: I don't get it, is this a real documentary or a feature film shot like a documentar…[View]
201714922What do you think the average IQ of 4chan is huh? Just observation and deduction, I see a propensity…[View]
201714793>thieves, I hate these guys[View]
201713668Am I wrong for hating when a minor line becomes a major plot point later on? For example, in The Dar…[View]
201714640> Caesar love humans more than apes! Who was in the wrong here?[View]
201705807>western comedy: Boobs, my vagina, politics/religion. >superior 10000000x folded japanese come…[View]
201711863what is the most sincere movie of all time?[View]
201714252boring movie, why did you say this was kino?[View]
201707625>Deadpool and Wolverine 2024 720p HDCAM-C1NEM4 New so quirky and so random kino is out Also brea…[View]
201690821would you?[View]
201712596Why are slavs so violent ?[View]
201711663CKG cobra Kai general: The hype is almost dead edition[View]
201706506Event Horizon is a masterpiece. I don't give a shit about your nitpicks. This is pure cinema fo…[View]
201690439Pamela Anderson was always overrated shit[View]
201707968what was his problem?[View]
201712912One Piece Buggy: *Carries season 2 again*[View]
201712457She didn't deserve it. also: >tfw no trailer trash gf[View]
201714414is this real? what about russia[View]
201706964Holy fucking shit, what a chad[View]
201714388I have to find Gaal Dornick..[View]
201712920>Empire is PEAK, and ROTJ and the Prequels are SHIT How do you respond without sounding mad?…[View]
201714334Emerging from the intricately labyrinthine serpentine psyche of Jordan Peele…[View]
201707149They only put these stupid fucking things in the movies to sell toys, right?[View]
201713900Sell me on Stargate.[View]
201712926me when succession intro[View]
201713072>I don't always spare expenses, but when I do, it's with the one IT guy in carge of my …[View]
201701607haha what a wacky situation! no way there could be someone that age and still a virgin in real life![View]
201714105Remember AJ Benza? He was a gossip columnist who acted like he was a mob guy or detective or somethi…[View]
201714099>'Right, before we start /tv/ i've got a little joke for you, you'll love this.' >'A…[View]
201714089Thursday: Today is Thursday[View]
201712325>best character dies halfway through the show[View]
201713506Longlegs: >Want to watch Longlegs >Read the interview with the director >He gives spoilers …[View]
201713563>t-they made bugs bunny GAY now! No. Bugs Bunny cartoons were always political. These are from t…[View]
201711620SEASON 26?????????: How is this show even still airing?[View]
201708769Cinema is a lesser artform than music: Sadly, cinema can never match the grandeur of music. This is …[View]
201695731Peace has cost you your strength! Victory has defeated you![View]
201708030why does she make magatards seethe so much ?[View]
201709093New Spartacus blood and sand kino?: Is this show good?? I loved Spartacus[View]
201713227What's the context here[View]
201703348>confirmed scrapped lmao[View]
201700680Why are Lesbians trendy and popular in cartoons, but not gay men?[View]
201713407the rock and stone cold steve austin of the food network[View]
201707305so a very wanted Walter drove a stolen car 2300 miles to Albuquerque? Bravo Vince[View]
201712287ITT: Lesser known actors and actresses of /tv/[View]
201712805Women Are Never 'Cool': There's a reason why women almost always look retarded in action scenes…[View]
201705138>Reddit: The Movie[View]
201701411Why do hollywood celebs feel insecure of him? Just because he is the most multi talented of them all…[View]
201710262what are the best Japanese films?[View]
201709609Joker: Folie À Deux: The Joker is cringe (the movie and character), but the sequel will be terrible …[View]
201712221You there, what is your gender?[View]
201713510there was a fourth Blade no one knows about[View]
201713166>90's sitcom audience when 2 characters kiss[View]
201687651Post a pic get a related film recc.[View]
201712308>a string of Poloponies[View]
201712693I hope her career takes off, now that she's had some success with the Bad Boys movies.[View]
201713136>$200 million opening weekend: We are so back Marvel bros[View]
201713330Don't put it in the trash. It's your lucky Quarter Pounder.[View]
201705597>Skibidi toilet movie is being made >Pic related will probably never be adapted to live action…[View]
201712933>Well I'm sorry to hear that, cos nao, I will snatch every motherfucker birthday. What was h…[View]
201709650Surely this is all for me? Me? M-me? I-im so fucking important. I'm so fucking important? Right…[View]
201711251Why is it so bad after season 2?[View]
201712137>20 years later >nobody has solved the mystery of who these two guys are Where did moot get th…[View]
201711747>He was gay, Gary Cooper?[View]
201712887>who's in charge? ME. hehe >WHAAAAAAAT SKYLER YOU GAVE MY MONEY TO MY BULL?!?!?!? NOOOOOO…[View]
201707950> what is your favorite Russian movie? > nobody even mentions Tarkovsky There you go, guys.…[View]
201709793what went so wrong with hollywood?[View]
201709882Bob's Burgers is comfy and I won't pretend it isn't for a second longer.[View]
201709940Why doesn’t he or really any of the other “heroes” in ever help mutants?[View]
201702017What the fuck is this shit?[View]
201709382Dude, smoking weed and underage drinking fucking rocks!![View]
201711833why did the rebels own a wampa?[View]
201694937Movies should be 90 minutes, no more, no less. Anything past the 90th minute is unnecessary shit and…[View]
201710011it's literally better than cgi than stuff coming out today: how is this possible?[View]
201709120/got/hotd/: Loyalty? Hardly knew 'er! Edition prev >>201695260[View]
201704210This 1:00 swordfight with some tirtiary character in barry Lydon is better then all the sword fights…[View]
201711848what's the movie/tv show equivalent?[View]
201709792TV, video games, social media and p0rn are the most potent psychological weapons ever conceived. You…[View]
201709538Remember when The Simpsons were based?[View]
201710374>mfw the writer of Pulp Fiction loves Konosuba[View]
201708508The force will be with you: Always.[View]
201712608>Millennial writing >all of its proponents are Gen Xers Kinos where the real villain works in …[View]
201706259I gotta ramble on to page 10[View]
201712558/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #118: Oliver Sleep Experiment edition >/ftl/ News Clabi manifestation …[View]
201709337>here's your handsome main lead bro[View]
201712422Richard J Little’s penis! Richard J Little’s penis! Richard J Little’s penis! Richard… J Little’s pe…[View]
201710505Is Brad Pitt underrated?: In my opinion he is one of the GOATs of acting but he is never really seen…[View]
201711484Jurassic Park but in Nazi Germany: Thoughts?[View]
201709431>a Shining sequel about psychic vampires was almost a great movie Crazy to think about. Too bad i…[View]
201709299>mfw customers enter my sandwich shop and order sandwiches[View]
201712215I skip the first 10 minutes of the film and every time character are talking. movies are dead becaus…[View]
201711374The Matrix | Weapons scene Question: Why didn't they just spawn some B2 bombers, Tanks, Nuclear…[View]
201708478itt: signs you’re about to watch something kino[View]
201711945Need a femcel gf so bad[View]
201683100Olivia Munn: Did people hate her simply for being openly aspirational? I remember when her sitcom go…[View]
201710719>IGN 7 It's LITERALLY OVER[View]
201711676What's the point of movie theatres in the age of streaming services?[View]
201709509We are so back[View]
201706359>a woman is better at a sport than all the men >a male dominated sport no less >/tv/ doesnt…[View]
201708603the fact Pat Morita didn't have an accent and knew shit all about karate makes him one of the g…[View]
201711359City of God: >has a cute favela gf and bangs the journalist MILF…[View]
201708015The Godfather: Who gave the best performance?[View]
201711152stupid sexy rat[View]
201681500BLADE vs AZAZEL and LADY DEATHSTRIKE: Pure fucking Kinography. Kick Mahersala Ali to the curb and g…[View]
201709936What's up with the pineapple haircut?[View]
201708783The Meteor Man (1993) | Official Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61iSBGGESxY[View]
201711577Stelio Stelio Kontos Stelio Stelio Kontos Stelio Stelio Kontos Stelio Stelio Kontos[View]
201708307I like to play a game where I try to explain the continuity of a character. For example, Goose wasn…[View]
201705558Jake mogs Patrick Swayze, now Jake mogs Harrison Ford (in the SAME year)... begs the question... is …[View]
201709717Zoe Saldana: What is her best kino?[View]
201705734Actors with the worst filmographies: I'll start[View]
201700280You're tearing me apart![View]
201711259cast him[View]
201709357>2500 plot twists later >BTW, glowniggers are good, bruh! >trust the corpos, the dangerous…[View]
201710781Dune: > bring 300,000 men to the hottest planet in the empire > dress them in thick, restricti…[View]
201707513So we all agree this is the mount rushmore of actors right?[View]
201709149Leading roles he turned down - Blade Runner / The Godfather / Apocalypse Now / The Silence of the La…[View]
201709832This guy knows what's up[View]
201710750Alfonso Cuaron ruined Harry Potter: This dirty hobo looking Mexican introduced teenage angst and gri…[View]
201708341>These wings are great, but I'm partial to crablegs myself...[View]
201707988The ending to this show was unsatisfying. That being said it was watchable, I did like Tommy's …[View]
201710459>the script has been leaked already Nice op-sec, hollyweird kikes >inb4 'go back' never, this …[View]
201700928What is her best role?[View]
201664065>it was actually good How'd they pull it off?[View]
201709525/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #117: Plump Haley aka my future wife edition >/ftl/ News Nobody care…[View]
201707102>ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Cast him[View]
201709398>Me when I post the n word online[View]
201706620webm thread for /tv/ and /film/ related webms from tv shows and films[View]
201706396He’s telling the truth. He was in the lab employee telephone book and there’s no reason for that to …[View]
201710199Why didn't Buster Scruggs or the man he replaced want to play the high two pair[View]
201707754What kind of smile is this[View]
201705926You literally can't name a single movie like this[View]
201709549Were female babysitters always as cute as they are in the movies? I never had one.[View]
201684051>Be me >Decide to rewatch Saw 2 >See Amanda >Mfw she's a goth chick >Mfw she…[View]
201699022I like to pretend I'm a crew man on Voyager and I have my own quarters with my PC loaded up wit…[View]
201692445Well, was it kino?[View]
201709846>Yeah, I even lost my cat kino[View]
201706246How do you filter out Indian movies on IMDB?: I'm looking for shit to watch but 2/3 titles is I…[View]
201709612Do I have to marathon all of this in one sitting?[View]
201707607i miss /bcs/...[View]
201708198Is this any good?[View]
201708643Now that the dust has settled: was this movie a kino?[View]
201709521Someone post this movie online already, it’s on Amazon![View]
201706841Cast the inevitable true crime documentary[View]
201707275Cozy Adventure Movies: Give me recommendations. I'm sad right now, and want to watch something.…[View]
201705526>Americans make fun of Indian movies while mass producing slops like Marvel and DC.To me, there i…[View]
201706499Before you chuds go see the new Deadpool movie, remember this is how Deadpool reacts to your kind.[View]
201705581Holy. lee. shit.[View]
201704778>contrives elaborate circumstances in his movies that allow him to say the n-word completely cons…[View]
201700851How often do you rewatch movies you've already seen? What is your most rewatched movie?[View]
201709024>What about Elizabeth, huh?[View]
201695260/got/hotd/ - Kingmaker edition: previous - >>201690605[View]
201709132sirs... kindly redeem the dedphul and wolfrin[View]
201706274So what made it kino?[View]
201701207UFoP: >United Federation of Planets >More like United Federation of Humans only club... amiri…[View]
201703748>Be me >start watching this >Episode 1 'Wipe the bad companys servers to erase all debts' H…[View]
201705718Extendedtibias: This wasn't as good as I was hoping it would be but the atmosphere, music and M…[View]
201707857is there never going to be another like Emma Watson? The closest I've seen is the girl from Str…[View]
201703286Cast it[View]
201707414>Can I have some D? “No.” >Can I have some D? “No.” >Can I have some D? “No.” >can’t you…[View]
201708035/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #116: Clabi edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch them for …[View]
201708268Robert Patrick Modell: You know what that's doing to your arteries. Terrible things, Frank, ter…[View]
201708346The Actor: Peter Bowles[View]
201700881>casts his blonde bombshell wife in everything based or cringe?[View]
201705776Was it self-defense?[View]
201705692Digislop.: I'm not interested in films unless they actually shoot it on film. Otherwise, to me,…[View]
201694093Cillian murphy: What's his fucking problem?[View]
201706483wait a minute... is this a Heart of Darkness adaptation? think about it[View]
201689770Signs you’re about to watch something terrible[View]
201708006Why would they make the same movie twice within the same decade?[View]
201695695Is he the most bankable latino actor?[View]
201707413>everybody is kungfu fighting >the kicks are fast as lightning…[View]
201706675So let me get this straight: This nigga was just a communist incel?[View]
201697601BUT SAAR....[View]
201700162Phil Collins Hill[View]
201707964do I want to watch this, and what do I think of it?[View]
201705839covid and the cost of living crisis completely killed pop culture everything is flopping because eve…[View]
201707279would you...you know...[View]
201698896>it's another 'people think cartoons are representations of real life' episode…[View]
201707207what in a film did the same to its own by the time actors took to be at the first[View]
201707663>She was here I'd probably be just as crazy now as I was then in about five minutes. >Ain…[View]
201686586Were the condoms necessary?[View]
201701977When did you realize this was actually one of the best Smiling Friends episodes?[View]
201707476who's idea was it to cast this little guy as Cable?[View]
201705479Just read comments from hundreds of retards online.: Why do so few people seem to not understand tha…[View]
201704045Rebel Ridge: Saulnier kino is coming soon >Terry Richmond (Pierre) enters the town of Shelby Spri…[View]
201704901>I’m legally blind >and I’ll be about 30 when I go completely blind…[View]
201704358>boyfriend takes pickles off his burger instead of demanding a new one >fuck a larger, more as…[View]
201694449James McAvoy torments an American family in Universal's SPEAK NO EVIL: https://www.youtube.com/…[View]
201706555wtf is Grant doing?[View]
201701865Disneysisters, we are so back.[View]
201703736This movie probably unironically saved my life. >I'm 5'11 and in 2022 I weighed close t…[View]
201691459What makes 70mm film better than 35mm? Isn't the whole point of film that you can scan it to be…[View]
201705009Well /tv/? What are we in for?[View]
201692048Say it[View]
201706315/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #114: ABICEPTION edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch them …[View]
201700991Fuck you slowburn horrors. We are SO FUCKING BACK[View]
201706827ahhh here's a little known fact for you good people, despite what some commie textbook might as…[View]
201703903Cast him for the inevitable documentary.[View]
201706840how can this series be real[View]
201704617why has he even there?: was it a humiliation rutial?[View]
201706717Frasier. home..........[View]
201706551>And that's when i saw it Timeteo... the college textbook... the girl wasn't 34, she wa…[View]
201702916No one's ever really gone[View]
201685143Babylon 5: Finished this off recently, looking to just talk about it with others who've seen it…[View]
201706510Send the word.[View]
201706477I’m not giving up and neither should y- *INSANE WITCH CACKLE*: Will SNL be doing a somber and seriou…[View]
201703740post characters who are on the list[View]
201691721Was it early 2000s kino?[View]
201705476So I distributed 5 GOLDEN TICKETS across the world: and it is just a coincidence that all five lucky…[View]
201702520What's his best picture? Which is your favorite, and why? Which is underrated and which is the …[View]
201696633>Fall 2007 >Waking up in your freshmen college dorm room and ditching class to play Halo 3 onl…[View]
201704711Simpsons Jokes/References You Don't Get: 'Bart no like, bad medicine' - why did he say it like …[View]
201702836There's no crying in baseball![View]
201696871>Hey, I know I'm responding to a violent domestic abuse situation, but my brothers single an…[View]
201701254The closest a good film can get to Kino but still not kino[View]
201705726Why Breaking Bad is Television's Magnum Opus (Video Essay)[View]
201692306Millenial 'memes': >shitty ms paint cartoon >wall of text >political seething >'I'…[View]
201700798>vibrate on silent every show, every film. why?[View]
201702338What was going through the keymaker's head at this point?[View]
201700351Fucking hell that was amazing what the fuck are the critics on about[View]
201702579what is some soviet kino besides Tarkovsky[View]
201704956/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #113: Enjoying the shitshow edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, …[View]
201693963>Please, if know ANYTHING about those little humans, ANYTHING at all, I'm playing on Akama s…[View]
201705400Not bad. Solid 7.5/10. Dancing wasn't as dirty as I imagined it would be. The abortion subplot …[View]
201705185Paul Sorvino has passed away. RIP[View]
201704561>2025 >still no Bravestarr live action adaptation…[View]
201695480Do I have good taste?[View]
201705117>puts on a redshirt >dies irl[View]
201686470Cast it[View]
201705050They should add some poor rednecks to the family to spice things up[View]
201702838what a terrible adaptation and a huge insult to Greg Sestero.[View]
201703259Is there a better new comedian than Silvia Saige? She’s very prolific too, she has made hundreds of …[View]
201696585Stopped watching right here[View]
201694213This show is so smart. I love how it deglamorizes the mafia by being boring. Yep, I'm sticking …[View]
201703311is 21 jump street the Tv Series any good?[View]
201701566https://wormhole.app/J0j7E#_nqTBbTyDGNk-oK5RruNvQ My movie has been picked up by Disney and will be …[View]
201703810What the fuck was the moral of this episode? >Hank feels bad because his friends out-fish him usi…[View]
201697134Does it bother you when an actor or actress clearly doesn't look the part?[View]
201703753I like Bee movie.[View]
201703859/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #112: Grim Hayleigh edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch th…[View]
201703202that kind of poser: https://youtu.be/Kro4r4BgGHw Go ahead as a person witnessed the strength of absu…[View]
201701055what was his fucking problem?[View]
201704067Have you ever seen a paypig IRL?[View]
201699481For me, its the utterly captivating screen presence of Nastassja Kinski.[View]
201692068Why didn't Chrissy kill Paulie right there in front of the whole laughing crowd when he made th…[View]
201702594>you know there’ll be jokes What did he mean by this?[View]
201696364Is the golden age of the actor over? Are younger actors poorer than they were 20 years ago?[View]
201686002I hated the CGI in the 2012 movies. Is the '22 show any better?[View]
201692673Post kino music videos[View]
201700789Is Real Time going off air for summer vacation right now the late night talk show version of a cliff…[View]
201699924Do you ever pretend you're a character on a television show and that everyone is your friend?[View]
201694076Just noticed how neatly season 1 dvd set for 24 has the graphics show what time it takes place[View]
201703503stop the friggin caer: I'm gonna need to hear your favorite trailer park boys thread or I'…[View]
201703552everyone here has fantasized about torturing someone they absolutely hated like what was shown in th…[View]
201695338>Season 1: 27 >Season 2: 28 >Season 3: 30 >Season 4: 32 the fuck? I always thought she…[View]
201703416house of the dragon tv show: the other day i thought deeply about how the dance resembles our modern…[View]
201689077>droids have existed for tens of thousands of years >decide to invade a planet during galactic…[View]
201703355Why is this guy with over 9000 piercings surprised that he bleeds?[View]
201703291I like this movie.[View]
201703276>you could afford a house this size and support a family picking up loose change in a parking lot…[View]
201702599/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #111: Goranian mating call edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, w…[View]
201699780I've been doing nothing but prompting Chat GPT gangstalking cartel blowbangs in the prose of Co…[View]
201703028Why do films and tv series try to depict autism as some sort of superpower? I have autism, it isn…[View]
201702251Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: Would you believe Cycle 3 is almost 20 years old?[View]
201678477I will now watch your movie.[View]
201702894unironically better than furiosa[View]
201695796What is the most realistic Werewolf movie?[View]
201702335>only had two kids, despite being a wealthy and powerful virile male >wife wasn't even h…[View]
201690902Tron: Legacy: They should have ended up together.[View]
201701919I'm sad he didn't play more villains. This movie was so kino as fuck. Elevated by Cruise.[View]
201702884Wtf was the point of this. I liked the weird camera direction though, only a good director could mak…[View]
201701855haha what a wacky situation! no way there could be someone that age and still a virgin in real life![View]
201700724That ending sucked balls, where was the kiss?[View]
201695920>Mafiosi net worth in 1950s: Several hundreds of Millions >Mafiosi net worth in early 2000…[View]
201702479This one's going to be kino[View]
201688955/tv/ webm general[View]
201666172>”Oh fuck Slytherin’s won the House Cup again! Ummm…uhh…uhh…700 points to Gryffindor for…uhh…for …[View]
201699871What do you think of the ending to Full Metal Jacket?[View]
201701410it's over[View]
201701318>A-list action star's last name is 1 letter away from containing the most revered slur ever …[View]
201701400/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #110: What could have been edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, w…[View]
201700383>I've got tears in my 'fro[View]
201701891This guy's chill I wanna be like him[View]
201699745No reservations: No reservations[View]
201698793Sopranos thread: Your board /qa/, whatever happened there...[View]
201695552>Anon, it's been awhile >Sorry life caught up with me >haha yeah >One ticket too Tw…[View]
201700231What kind of movies did Fat Boy watch?[View]
201701623Whats a good place to watch Animorphs?[View]
201700023what did I think of it[View]
201696441Mamma Mia!: What went so right?[View]
201701064ITT: post kino flash games[View]
201700560>show has more than 5 seasons[View]
201686355It should have been darker.[View]
201697585why did he look so much better in season 1[View]
201700079/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #109: Budget Charls edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch th…[View]
201700683What's the best Anthony Hopkins movie?[View]
201696777>all that time spent spamming b*skin r*berts on /tv/ back in the day.... >time...well spent...…[View]
201693878>You know something about /tv/?[View]
201697181>Well, well, well, what do we have here? Too cool for Halloween, anon? Or are you dressed up as a…[View]
201695859Frosty Chocolate Milkshakes: why did they always specify 'frosty'?[View]
201700530>some motherfucker are stil trying to iceskate uphill ok, that was kino. Fuck Mashala Hali, bring…[View]
201696918Now the dust has settled, we can all admit that Morbius wasn’t that bad, right?[View]
201700346CANCELLED: Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue[View]
201693874What makes it so enjoyable?[View]
201698775>directing his first feature film at 19 years old which is produced by a24 What's your excus…[View]
201693611/bb/ Big Brother 26: HOH: Angela POV: Lisa NOMS: Matt, Kenney, Kimo Upgraded: Makensy (America'…[View]
201697120I just finished the first season. Shockingly really good, and very risky. Is there any specific gold…[View]
201673032There's no recovering from this.[View]
201692131Jack Nicholson has not appeared in film since 2010.[View]
201699705Flintstones General: Yabba dabba doo[View]
201698734/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #108: saves your show edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch …[View]
201692117Films you may NOT discuss itt: An Idiot Saves the President Rich Boy Hero 4 Silent Hero Journey Boy …[View]
201697268Sonoya Mizuno: This bitch can't act, can't speak English, and plays a shitty boring litera…[View]
201695950What's up with there obsession with Macgyver? What's the joke supposed to be here? The sho…[View]
201689374I think the rebels are cooler than the empire. They won in the end after all.[View]
201697423>it just so happens that the year I finally get a qt gf and lose my virginity they make a joker s…[View]
201691159Blade Runner vs 2049: How do you justify this?[View]
201698975>'And now, a man who needs no introduction!' >introduces him…[View]
201697479Refn is provably autistic: One of his most notorious shenanigans is walking around set crying while …[View]
201698642>Manipulated by his future son to do his best friend's bidding >Mother gets cancer >Be…[View]
201698549What is a work which explores the duality of man?[View]
201689908Who was the best Big Bad? For me, it's Glory. Pic unrelated, this guy was meh. Mayor was anothe…[View]
201697525Was there ever a class action lawsuit filed on this?[View]
201696230the bear: this character is so cringe[View]
201698384Iron man is a shit character and him coming back would be retarded: Iron Man 1, he was fine. But by …[View]
201694558He can't hurt you anymore[View]
201697512He sounds so whispy now[View]
201694564>I switched SCE to Auxiliary[View]
201695425>makes a career out of going on tinder and humiliating men in front of a paid audience Kinda bas…[View]
201695735Supernatural: Did female writers ruined it?[View]
201698355Blood Meridian: Why don't we have a movie yet?[View]
201695395SHELBY OAKS REVIEWS ARE IN: PROS: >The lead actress' character seems like a nice person. CON…[View]
201697234Yes, No, maybe I don't know could you repeat the question?[View]
201690605/got/hotd/ - WHORES ON AN OPEN SEA, NED edition: previous - >>201683638[View]
201697530/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #107: SCUFFED vibes edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch th…[View]
201697348Will youtubers have biopics in the near future?[View]
201697886My friends and I have this game where we pick a celeb, and we guess if they either got tremendous am…[View]
201697840Have you viewed this kino before?[View]
201689996Actors you've been told you look like[View]
201696612Have you guys viewed this kino?[View]
201689195>incels and chuds think this is a cool hairstyle[View]
201674678Remember when the mainstream media tried to teach us that goth/punk girls meant trouble and we shoul…[View]
201696734How did Chet in the Weird Science tv series react to 9/11? Assuming the show takes place in the late…[View]
201692841Greta Gerwig is the Kamala Harris of the film industry.[View]
201696613>this motherfucker is 52 years old and looks like THIS how the fuck does he do it, and how can i …[View]
201691478characters you can fix (real)[View]
201695595Is it true about Chris Morris?[View]
201693509New The Adam Friedland Show PREMIUM podcast episode with special guest Jerimiah Watkins!!!: https://…[View]
201696699Which actress would you marry? For me, it's Ayo Edebiri[View]
201680903Timothée Chalamet is Bob Dylan in James Mangold's A COMPLETE UNKNOWN: https://www.youtube.com/w…[View]
201695993/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #107: WEEK 2 I AM FORGOTTEN edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, …[View]
201696736THANK YOU STAR WARS: The golden age of youtube Just connect this shit directly into my veins, i coul…[View]
201685651should we edit old movies to make them look better, more cinematic and modern?[View]
201696594Iceman, Jubilee and Angel confirmed for Marvel's X-MEN reboot: https://comicbookmovie.com/x_men…[View]
201693405what are some actually good 'zombie' Simpsons episodes? >hard mode: anything past season 12 >i…[View]
201696680AMC Theater Food Hacks: If I just took a red solo cup to the movies would anyone even notice or give…[View]
201696514Did they recast Dopinder?[View]
201693434Nothing more satisfying than seeing Walt slowly drive Skyler into the ground first half of S5.: Just…[View]
201694407Person of Interest: Why was this show so good? As a procedural it had no right. Root waifufags need …[View]
201696321Next multibillion dollar franchise[View]
201696302Kino moments from your childhood: I really liked the Tentomon line, kinda made me love bugs even to …[View]
201694500>Good evening, Anon. >And welcome back to the KinoPlex, it's so good to see you again, i…[View]
201695383Blake Lively torn between gentle chad and abusive chad in Sony's IT ENDS WITH US: https://www.y…[View]
201692458Any other Robin Williams kinos?[View]
201696179What are some Nietzschean kinos apart from Berserk and Conan?[View]
201696173>Әɘt tHɘ ɔɿɘɒm ƨɒυɔɘ.[View]
201694339I will NOT be watching your movie.[View]
201695927What are some good movies about ZOGbots?[View]
201695789Cooper Hoffman and David Jonsson to star in Francis Lawrence's THE LONG WALK movie adaptation: …[View]
201695877MOTHER AND SON KINO FILMS: what are some movies with mother and son bonding https://www.youtube.com/…[View]
201695324Is this a respectable top 5 of all time for a community to have?[View]
201693782Now that the dust has settled, was he cursed?[View]
201695811What are some movies/tv shows that revolve or are highly focused on women being 'corrupted'? Gratuit…[View]
201653498/hor/ – Horror General: Time Warp edition prev: >>201613917[View]
201688697>Check catalog >No Sopranos thread[View]
201691886whats your favorite line from this movie ?[View]
201692994Hello I'm Gay Actor Michael Douglas[View]
201692175Why is this the one western girls actually like?[View]
201692033Gina Carano case moving forward: Little Bob Iger is done.[View]
201695444Shaft meets Mission Impossible. Pure kino.[View]
201693102>revisionist westerns >spaghetti westerns >westerns made after 1970…[View]
201695187Wow, I never realised British accents in ancient Rome/Biblical movies made Amerimutts seethe so much[View]
201693320/tv/ webm: post it[View]
201695243Who are the metalheads of television and film?[View]
201694387/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #106: 1 week of nontent and counting edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' ar…[View]
201691082What made it so kino?[View]
201695041Ralph Fiennes must choose the new Pope in CONCLAVE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX9jasdi3ic >…[View]
201693790>refuses to say anything interesting he did in the mafia >just retells the muh gas tax scam st…[View]
201693019Extremely underrated kino One of the greatest examples of a filter ever[View]
201666921>man looks at a woman >cut to them having passionate sex…[View]
201694365Why did he do it: I was arguing with retards here who say he's in the movie, thinking there…[View]
201680541>The Acolyte is over >The Boys is over >Nothing to watch until Rings of Power next month…[View]
201695060Pitch a modern film adaptation of the novel, 'The Nigger of the 'Narcissus'.' Additional …[View]
201693290why dont movies show pooping and peeing everyone poops and pees[View]
201693243Do you prefer paler actresses in your kino?[View]
201689064Elliot Page: What's his best role?[View]
201692187Lesbian Sex: LESBIANS FUCKING in movies adds a layer of artistry to every film it appears. An exampl…[View]
201692246BRO ITS JUST A PRANK[View]
201694958I'm sorry, /tv/, this is made for grownups, so your not in the demographic[View]
201690995>if Theroule Hugh Farohd brought you to this... of what use was Theroule? I don't get it? Wa…[View]
201686089Pay Voice Actors.[View]
201694859So Hutt sex...is it worth dying for?[View]
201689139>HE MADE ME DO IT[View]
201694123>mogs his brothers in sheer talent[View]
201694785Ignorant of the lawl is not an asscuse[View]
201694755To honor Shrek 5, it is finally back! https://shrekchan.org[View]
201694685Why couldn't Charlie be happy?[View]
201693471why did they go and killed my girl?[View]
201694521HEY SLAPNUTS[View]
201687683Verdict is out. It's amazing! Time Bandits is on Apple TV+[View]
201684480Why's this fucker not as hated as George Lucas? >made one if not the most influential action…[View]
201685901Jenna Ortega, Barry Keoghan and The Weeknd made a 'Misery' remake nobody wants to distribute: >Th…[View]
201694083Disney once began talks to buy Warner Bros. Did you know that? If they did, Disney would own both Ma…[View]
201694226>what if you were stuck with a couple that was kind of awkward Wow what a great premise for a hor…[View]
201694373What films do you think had the most awkward behind the scenes?: I think it's War of the Button…[View]
201694350Was Jacob right or just a snake oil salesman?[View]
201694312>season 4 episode 1 of the sopranos >no world trade centers in the intro bros.... that must…[View]
201681760Is the movie theater experience still worth it nowadays? Why not just watch it at home?[View]
201687576I Heard He Faked His Death.: The ultimate work[View]
201690600>walk into the doctors office >Some skinny lanklet with a cane is talking shit to you in some…[View]
201692561>Guy accidentally pees all over the place because of sudden kaiju footsteps Hilarious…[View]
201694013Kinos for this feel?[View]
201685061Redpill me on The Crocodile Hunter. Why do Millennials worship him?[View]
201689407What should I watch next based on these recent shows I've enjoyed?[View]
201693936I think this could be as popular as Split.[View]
201686431>animation cant be kin-[View]
201690511Gamera making into Monsterverse: I know this might seem like a childish and retarded question, but a…[View]
201693125/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #105: This bitch didn't do anything edition >Season 2 ''episodes'…[View]
201693339Pitch some ideas for hypothetical movies in the 'MK ULTRA Core' genre about the negative side effect…[View]
201693090Why did they skip months?[View]
201693005Ever took a picture with someone famous?[View]
201693282The Witch: She held out until the very end, where she killed her mother with a knife. She was the st…[View]
201689648What should I watch if those are my favorite movies?[View]
201685893How were they able to get guns in Canada?[View]
201689024Kevin Feige says Wolverine's return proves that Tony Stark and Steve Rogers can return: That’s …[View]
201690652Based. Globekeks getting dabbed on.[View]
201692031>Vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred. >And for your date, sir? >2 Big Mac combo meals, a 20 …[View]
201693080serious queery: is skibidi toilet kino?[View]
201685608Steven Spielberg: What's /tv/ opinion on Steven Spielberg? I personally feel having a love/hate…[View]
201686606who the fuck finds this funny?[View]
201688393Would you say Gone Girl was a good movie until this scene? It just came off as a cheesy horror movie[View]
201687149TWISTERs: SNORE N O R E[View]
201690294LONG LEGS: I don't get why people are saying this movie has an anti-trans message.[View]
201690946anons job is to provide content and engagement to the website and jannies job is to remove it[View]
201683887I feel like I lived my entire life just so that I could see Everything Everywhere All At Once. This …[View]
201683315Who is the best Bond girl?[View]
201683097Inside Out 2 is now the highest grossing animated film of all time. You all told me Disney is dying.[View]
201692736What was his problem?[View]
201692514Kino incoming[View]
201686712JAPANESE News: Japanese Morning News https://youtu.be/dPOypsZP__I https://youtu.be/MjR5HXxLFQ8 What …[View]
201691253Civil War: I liked this movie[View]
201692021/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #104: where this nibba at edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, wa…[View]
201692539The future of movies is 4D: https://stability.ai/news/stable-video-4d[View]
201691591>Raw time[View]
201691662stranger things: /tv/ no longer cares[View]
201690688>At the Apple Biscuit Cafe, where the smiles are free, don’tcha know[View]
201686412Will He Be the Next Wolverine?[View]
201686662>best teenage drama even better than the skins (overrrated piece of garbage) >there won't…[View]
201692222Now, you can say what kind of martini. A gin martini. A vodka martini. Specify what you want in that…[View]
201666723/bb/ Big Brother 26: HOH: Angela POV: Lisa NOMS: Matt, Kenney, Kimo Upgraded: Makensy (America…[View]
201690569>let me tall ya a couple of three things >Forget Moot. >Forget the jannies who go over to c…[View]
201691929It's out: Final installment of 'Two American Families' has arrived after 34 years. https://www.…[View]
201691243*shitting noises*[View]
201691741Why was Obi-Wan trying to be covert about going to planet Little Saint James?[View]
201667011>Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostl…[View]
201690213Now that The New Norm is a massive shitpost success will based Elon start producing more kino shows …[View]
201689705I'm writing a screen-play similar to Titanic except its based on modern times about a cruise sh…[View]
201686426What the fuck was her problem?[View]
201688988>I’m cold and alone and I don’t have a hat[View]
201685823Are you serious, Matt Reeves?[View]
201688949I Dropped a Diss Track: on the people that buy my company’s merchandise and provide my paycheques so…[View]
201689144this is you niggas[View]
201691548>from the sick, dark and twisted mind of horror master Jordan Peele[View]
201685916He should have played Spike Spiegel instead of a Black guy or an Asian. His face is what a Jewish an…[View]
201690033One of these movies is kinography of the highest order: a nuanced character study of a great but con…[View]
201691347This movie feels like a bunch of Indian TikTok videos stitched together. It is very much aimed at th…[View]
201688552Cast him.[View]
201690722/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #103: COCKBUDDY edition >/ftl/ News Jimmy said Cleh is boring >Seas…[View]
201686301Whas this scene really necessary?[View]
201653203deadpool & wolverine spoiler ama: just saw the movie on a midnight premiere in europe. ama about…[View]
201691200What were they thinking?[View]
201688690just watched season 1 of the boys. it's pretty mid. how did this get famous?[View]
201686840This seems legit.[View]
201689944/ourgirl is playing The Maid will it be kino or bino?[View]
201690900>movie has cat >doesn't have a lot of cat =[…[View]
201688441Currently marathoning this, what do we think of it?[View]
201690746It's going to happen this time![View]
201665013How about a good old behind the scenes thread[View]
201690607What does /tv/ think of Mission Impossible series?[View]
201689028Foundation (last ep): What was Lee Grinner Pace thinking in this moment?[View]
201678915Things that can Kill the Monsters in A Quiet Place: 1/?[View]
201684594Were the 2000s really like this?[View]
201685585I just want to gently hug her[View]
201690386>I wish I was in 120 days of Sodom[View]
201685670need more 2000s action kino[View]
201683638/GOT/HOTD/: >Aegon thread Prev: >>201678853[View]
201687778Give me a whole show of this[View]
201684423Women take notice: men are even better at plastic surgery lol[View]
201688640Irish cinema: What's your favourite Irish kino /tv/?[View]
201689880>10/10 beautiful >stable job >easily gets a bf How is she even supposed to live?…[View]
201689250Stick a fork in Marvel because they are DONE[View]
201689862Am I the only one who preferred Dexter's Lab, Johnny Bravo, Powerpuff Girls, and Courage to thi…[View]
201689679Absolute granny kino.[View]
201689712What are some films that embody the Great Recession / first term Obama era?[View]
201684535Why hasn't there been made anything like this since? Or does it only work because of the turn o…[View]
201689615What happens to Japan kinos?: How do you go from making kinos about Samurais and The Inescapable Nat…[View]
201688758/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #102: Bex Edition >/ftl/ News Jimmy said Cleh is boring >Season 2 …[View]
201686251The Jedi 1000 years before prequels should have been an exclusive and mystical religion. Something l…[View]
201687830Fictional characters who could be president[View]
201689429>What has two thumbs and likes to bone your mom?[View]
201689473Are ya winning son?: Silent film thread btw[View]
201685416>‘Skibidi Toilet’ Film and TV Franchise in the Works From Michael Bay, Adam Goodman >As if it …[View]
201688480>NOOOO not my heckin' deerino!![View]
201689179FIRE ON THE BASE[View]
201684721Why do you hate this movie again?[View]
201686348Should I watch the entire show and then watch their review? I think going in the review without fore…[View]
201689062>needed to apologize for being raped[View]
201681365Why is this being made and not Dredd 2?[View]
201686370Name a better run. Protip: you can't[View]
201686121Apparently many women find this scene very sexy: Can anons and femanons of /tv/ explain? What's…[View]
201662566>'The Boys makes fun of both sides!' When?[View]
201686974I know longlegs sucked, but don't worry I goy uoi covered with a much better movie[View]
201685644>still has a perfect record vs jedi[View]
201687322>war is.... LE BAD[View]
201687977A once in a lifetime event.[View]
201686201ITT characters who are literally you[View]
201688658>mfw another crust thread hits the catalog[View]
201667537Mars Express: Marathonned this french animated kino yesterday, what did I think of it?[View]
201688366lots of birthdays today: >summer glau >cailee spaeny >rose byrne >jennifer lopez >ann…[View]
201685855>development studio is Chinese or funded by a Chinese publisher Should we be worried or am I just…[View]
201687217Dicks The Musical: I think this is one of the funniest comedies in recent years[View]
201687971Chudkino is back on the menu, boys![View]
201681766>sends /tv/ into a seethe shoot How do they manage it?[View]
201688336ITT characters that did nothing wrong[View]
201688259Commercials that defined a generation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LtjzQaFZ3k[View]
201684251Sharon tate: What went wrong?[View]
201686765What movie left you feeling in awe after you left the movie theater? For me, it was the Great Beauty…[View]
201685431when jack turned into the 50 feet woman at the end this was some dream right?[View]
201687645>My name is Maximus Decimus McDonalds, Commander of the Hardee's of the North, General of th…[View]
201687156>dude I’m so brave that I went against orders and surrendered Da fuc[View]
201686896/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #101: I KNOW SHE FAT edition Fishtank: Bitchtank is an extension of Seaso…[View]
201686023stranger things: will byers has gone missing[View]
201687667>Remember why the Sith are more powerful than the Jedi, Sidious: because we are not afraid to fee…[View]
201686998Ever see an actress who does a big movie then we never see them again? Who are they, and why did the…[View]
201687511>palistinian coded characters[View]
201684378Just finished watching the Dark Knight Rises and man the movie was a 8/10 right after this scene wha…[View]
201667861erm, so we are just to pretend this didn't happen?[View]
201687487Why did she stand on the trapdoor? Was she stupid?[View]
201687473Once upon a time in Brentwood: Cast it[View]
201686604We need to talk about the Japan grift: If this film was about a white american, say, Bryan Cranston,…[View]
201683465What makes skeltons' bones stay joined together when they don't have flesh anymore?[View]
201686337>FILTHY LITTLE FAGGOT!!![View]
201681952Why did it take Dunnhier like two whole seconds to register the gunshot to his back?[View]
201666254what the FUCK were they thinking[View]
201687057Yeah... that's Arnie. https://youtube.com/shorts/rZZk3W-9R_4 A lesson on proper effort.[View]
201681203>*sigh* I can't believe my sister's jedi scum. Who the fuck writes this shit? And who t…[View]
201685497Who was the true main character of pre-Endgame Marvel?[View]
201685477aside from Nicole Kidman's severe case of Bogdanoff jaw I thought this movie was pretty good, a…[View]
201686686I enjoyed the movie Coca Cola Kid staring Eric Roberts even if some of it didn't make sense[View]
201684942Jig 'Saw' Sawyer: The scariest thing about the Saw movies is that Jig didn't actually kill anyo…[View]
201685719Baywatch: You know it to be true[View]
201686548I watch Lucifer for she.[View]
201686081I’ll miss these niggas like you wouldn’t believe[View]
201686443Rick Glassman Appreciation thread: Sexiest JEW ever. Even Jesus gotta run.[View]
201686224Should I start here if I want to watch some Bollywood movies?[View]
201685310How do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
201685336ONE! NOTHING WRONG WITH ME! I though Inside Out 2 was saving Disney bros....[View]
201685794So how do you rate this movie? Rad, Bad...or just plain sad[View]
201684982>killing evil people in self defense is… LE BAD People just hated Aileen because she was ugly. Ka…[View]
201681882Thank God for Elon Musk. Thank him now.[View]
201685299i'm going to miss this lil'nigga[View]
201686140what are some movies I can enjoy with my asian gf[View]
201685976NOW PICK UP THE SOAP!![View]
201684829Nu.... trek???[View]
201685981>enjoy shameless as a highschooler >grow up and cringe everytime you see it when did you stop …[View]
201676616Why don't they make movies about dogs anymore?[View]
201684368Hey, guys. If you pause Tango & Cash at exactly 00:07:38 you can see some titties. Just thought …[View]
201683492>Is that a- a jpg of an indian man staring at me with a red filter on? I'M GOING INSAAAANEEE…[View]
201685654kinos with le french feel?[View]
201680617>I’m going to portray your race as a problematic monolithic entity but i’m vehemently anti-racist…[View]
201669696The sjws have infiltrated SpongeBob now[View]
201684102>Look! The moonlight shows us for what we really are! We are not among the livin', an' …[View]
201682997What made it so special compared to the other animated films that came out recently?[View]
201682914someone had been using my goyflix profile (that i only rarely use to watch anime and peaky blinders)…[View]
201684732/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #100: actual bitchtank cast edition Fishtank: Bitchtank is an extension o…[View]
201684032>intellectually outpaces GAY24[View]
201683055the greatest film trilogy ever made[View]
201685569Hello, my name is Doctor Shaun Murphy and I will be your sturgeon for today's operation[View]
201685479So you have a bunch of anons locked up...in ONE board All of em get hard All of em get horny So what…[View]
201682550Do you think any director could adapt any part of the Nasuverse into live action?[View]
201681110nineties generation: In the 90s, children's TV shows were designed to create a generation of si…[View]
201684706Kevin Feige says Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. could return as variants: https://comicbook.com/m…[View]
201685398Who wфs superior actor in this?[View]
201683354Did this flick actually happen? I don't remember a single thread or even webm about it[View]
201685108movies about the white man's burden?[View]
201683649>If he was going to get plastic surgery, he wouldn’t get THAT. Come on[View]
201685206Things will never be the same ever again will they? Saddest death since Robin Williams.[View]
201684593>no piercings >no tattoos >no funny hair color a different era, really…[View]
201680995Time Bandits: marathoning this right now, 10 minutes in, it's pretty funny so funnny so funny s…[View]
201678162How is this character supposed to be the good guy exactly when she acts like a cunt to everyone arou…[View]
201679140Since ecelebs are allowed on here now can someone reccomend me a good one to watch? I’m 29 and spend…[View]
201663746what movie genre hasn't been created already?[View]
201677413I can’t take this guy seriously in any movie other than Ferris buehlers day off[View]
201685114this is a fantastic film.[View]
201685100I watched The Truman Show with my mom earlier today and the ending made me cry.[View]
201680422>I'd like a plain omelette, no potatoes, tomatoes instead, a cup of coffee, and wheat toast.…[View]
201682893we need to go back[View]
201684585I don’t buy that Nicholson found Helen Hunt the least bit attractive.[View]
201684408I just watched this and I spent the entire show repeating the words 'This is degeneracy, this is jew…[View]
201671242I just don't like Korean films, they're miserable and depressing[View]
201684900>It was all a dream Bravo MCU[View]
201683239What's the verdict?[View]
201678853/got/hotd/: Targkino Edition prev >>201675308[View]
201669193>Japanese acting[View]
201683236Paris Olympics ceremony: Is /tv/ ready for the most kino event since the Eurovision?[View]
201684543*is the superior clavell novel that should have been adapted for television instead of Shitgun in yo…[View]
201679701Why does Eric Andre hate Chet Hanks so much after having him on his tv show?[View]
201684264Watch the RLM rev-ACK!!!![View]
201684373>What do you reckon the average IQ of this room is? I don't get it. They weren't in a …[View]
201683170alright, what do you guys want to eat? I'm buying and no anon, I'm not buying you a fuckin…[View]
201678230Why the FUCK do we need Mahersala Ali again???: >Ali age 50 >Snipes Age 61 Shit if you're…[View]
201682489holy kinography[View]
201668291The reviews are in: Deadpool and Wolverine is shit: Looks like even Ryan Reynolds can't save th…[View]
201684530>CUUURSE YOU WHALE[View]
201681555Does anyone else think Pastor Stephen Anderson looks like Jack from LOST?[View]
201682757Marvel's plan to reboot Kang: >Older Kang played by a new actor (Colman Domingo is said to b…[View]
201683663Will Harry Potter be the last franchise standing come the 2030s?[View]
201685343If this nigga wins, we'll he living in The Handmaid's Tale + 1984 + Fahrenheit 451.[View]
201683725So, the 300 from Sparta were actually the Americans and the Persians were all Muslims all around the…[View]
201682482What the fuck is wrong with these people?[View]
201679390>Put your fat cocks where I can see them! Now! Or I'll call your manager! Do you like the ne…[View]
201680568>You are the newly appointed ambassador of the planet Gurbleshlormph? >Ah yes, take a seat, we…[View]
201682940Shogun: >get convinced to watch this >first episode >literal cuck fetish scene AHAHAHAHAHAH…[View]
201684081Is Lily Brooks O'Briant the next big thing?[View]
201684178Here's your new cyclops, bro.[View]
201680565harry potter hbo: the weasley family will be black[View]
201684025This fucking whore spammed Deadpool 3 spoiler and ruined the fucking movie for me I hate her so much…[View]
201672680>No, Poe, you can’t do the common sense thing and save people that are dying >I need to make a…[View]
201682843ITT: Kids movies that touched on serious real world issues[View]
201684262>Hour BACK! Get it? No I don't[View]
201681772new walsh kino incoming right wing borat goofy ass[View]
201683776Better Call saul: >Gun is clearly aimed at gus >Doesn't shoot until he has both hands on …[View]
201684107I frost saw this movie when I was 9 and I found it very striking. I watched it again 10 years later …[View]
201649182Cinema is dead. Anime won.[View]
201683745>2024 >still no remake why is that?[View]
201683930Zero Day. A new Taiwanese tv series about China attacking Taiwan, thoughts?: https://x.com/mhar4/sta…[View]
201683948Most accurate blackpilled movie. Girls will always pick Chad over the ugly nice guy.[View]
201684121>give me tough love >leave me nothing when I come down >my kind of love >force me and ch…[View]
201683490Watch Longlegs[View]
201684075WELCOME: To Jurassic Park[View]
201684067>The greatest fight is still ahead of us, patriots[View]
201681819Why were Brits so evil?[View]
201676051>meanwhile.. >on Spook Street[View]
201683693what movie should i watch tonight?: anything goes, i will choose[View]
201683522Phillip Seymour Hoffman in Hunger Games: >you are our mockingjay >yes, our secret weapon to br…[View]
201683836*****ERS: THIRTYFIVE SECONDS IN[View]
201683677What are some Aspergers kinos?[View]
201682835/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #99: /ftl/ lurker edition Fishtank: Bitchtank is an extension of Season 2…[View]
201683691>/tv/ says something is bad >it’s actually good What’s her name?…[View]
201682339What's the best Scwarzenegger film?[View]
201681520What the fuck did I just watch? I got LYNCHED by a someone other than Lynch?[View]
201683608>comedy/slice of life movie has a wholesome BMWF couple[View]
201681948>makes shit lazy video game movie >still making money 30 years later Is that easy?…[View]
201683419THIS SUMMER: >from the twisted mind of Tim Burton™[View]
201681685Are the rumours true?[View]
201683082Twin Peaks: I'm still confused about Philip Jeffries. Jeffries admits he contacted Ray. But evi…[View]
201682212ENIW EHT YRT[View]
201679968American pie project x type movies: Is the genre making a comeback?[View]
201682012new drag kino dropped[View]
201681995Milli Vanilli biopic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bWdEm8iosc Kino is back on the menu.…[View]
201681153What’s his best film?[View]
201681007Mythica: A Quest For Kino[View]
201681633Did you ever go to a 4D theater? I did once and the only thing I remember is the room being colder t…[View]
201683064Why are casting directors afraid of LizD?[View]
201682897Call of Duty: Modern Warfare[View]
201674999Korean audience reactions to Deadpo and Wolverine: https://moviestory.cgv.co.kr/fanpage/mainView;jse…[View]
201681225Welcome to Robert's Kinoplex. Today we're showing 3 mystery films starting in a few min. E…[View]
201681942Why do you still watch television?[View]
201682850Biopic when.[View]
201681312>invade neutral country >lay a bunch of mines >surrender like a coward even though you ha…[View]
201643119Chef... table 7 has asked for another hamburger...[View]
201674809What did Michael Bay mean by this? https://variety.com/2024/film/news/skibidi-toilet-michael-bay-mov…[View]
201682674Ryan Reynolds: Can somebody please explain to me how this absolute hack fraud keeps getting 'work'? …[View]
201681676Why didn't Brundlefly just use the telepods again while holding a venus flytrap?[View]
201670087>I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He …[View]
201679272The ratings on letterboxd are very inflated these days. It seems as though basically everything that…[View]
201666790Can Elle Fanning act?: Not 'Elle a cute.' Not 'I want Elle to sit on my face and wrap her long pale …[View]
201682097Are sigma males real? How can I become one? Serious answers appreciated.[View]
201675330He's going full chud again: This can't be happening disneysisters[View]
201680938Still the best docukino about WW2 Stalingrad episode was just brutal[View]
201682423What did Black Widow whisper to Hawkeye at the end of The Avengers?[View]
201679724is Community worth rewatching?[View]
201674561>millennial girls liked Jack >Zoomettes like Cal What happened?…[View]
201678251>I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's lik…[View]
201679840i don't get it. what the message??[View]
201677910>ask for medieval kino >/tv/ recommends Vikings >'Le strong female viking that stops rapes'…[View]
201673810Post Auzzie Kino: 'Mate, you're not an Aussie if you've never had a bloody dimmie.'[View]
201673787Terrifier 3 new teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYMTzx2Qcmw[View]
201676659Is Hisoka actually a pedophile?[View]
201675441*draws faster than you*[View]
201680182Shows you enjoyed, but were doomed to forever live in the shadow of a more prominent show. For me it…[View]
201682120Movies vs Documentaries: Has the death of cinema fueling the rise of the documentary? Which do you w…[View]
201682163Was it really that bad?[View]
201679255Michael Madsen's sister.[View]
201682141Worst TV show you ever watched?: For me it was Jane The Virgin. The trailers alone made me dry heave…[View]
201679791What did Huge Jacked Man mean by that?[View]
201682126>NOSTALGIA BOMB!!![View]
201681907What is the biological explanation for women having an inferior sense of humor than men?[View]
201681963So is the audience for this show people that use Tumblr?[View]
201681950Norm Macdonald would've had a blast on this[View]
201680930>Surrenders your country to space zionist without a discussion >Fucks off and leaves to chase …[View]
201681193Does anyone else think Pastor Stephen Anderson looks like Jack from LOST?[View]
201668540Should Louis Theroux do another Porn documentary?[View]
201672331A Complete Unknown: It's up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcNNteP22gQ[View]
201681638How does /tv/ rank the Bonds?[View]
201680556cast it[View]
201676958what are some good films that are mainly set during the night?[View]
201669863its so frustrating that I love this show but I hate the crypto right wing bullshit zach shoehorns in…[View]
201681031Is there any show more violent than Tokyo Mew Mew?[View]
201681494imagine having your career peak with korn music video lol[View]
201679469New trailer for Hunter Schaffer kino: https://youtube.com/watch?v=sBoPoKL0EQY[View]
201681039So which show had better witches?[View]
201680601/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #98: Eternal Summer edition Fishtank: Bitchtank is an extension of Season…[View]
201679938>Oh shit! I must run from the VOLCANO[View]
201680316This was peak 007[View]
201681321JOKER 2 CONFIRMED KINO!!: :O[View]
201680677whos ready for the avatar anime?! i know i am! new batch of artwork will be sent shorty[View]
201681419>write an antag so powerful that he broke the 4th wall and cursed you to death before you could w…[View]
201680448One of these movies is kinography of the highest order: a nuanced character study of a great but con…[View]
201676608Veep: How is it so fucking good? I just started but does the quality dip at all? Seems pretty promis…[View]
201681185>'Well,' I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?…[View]
201680319ITT - how you watch movies: I live in a blanket tent with my dog and my gf but at least we have tv a…[View]
201676189>wear Chemical suits while cooking in the RV >We never see them clean up after a cook >They…[View]
201670212Holy kino[View]
201673987Is the biggest movie star right now[View]
201680760Have you guys made your Acting Reels yet? https://youtu.be/ZRagLAt4nKY https://youtu.be/lC3kepZ4uk0[View]
201679498what show was worse? star wars acolyte true detective season 4 those 2 shows are the worst shows i …[View]
201675654What a beautiful creature. Wish him luck, boys![View]
201675244>Movie has skateboard scene >SO HERE I AM starts playing…[View]
201680812THIS SUMMER[View]
201672033>female character has a hard time finding a job[View]
201676714It would've been more kino if he really was the killer all along.[View]
201680484Find a better comedy movie than the first Madagascar[View]
201677536'Ate spoon heads: Luv me rings Simple as[View]
201675000Holy shit is this dude charismatic. Only a few people could make schizo reptition be this magnetic. …[View]
201675215...: >its actually real[View]
201678093Well, Mr. Anon. Its seems like you are leading two lives.[View]
201680386>real eyes >realize >real lies…[View]
201679833Those about to die: Anyone else watch this? It got trash reviews but I thought it was pretty good.…[View]
201678563This was considered comically fat in 2011.[View]
201680216>costs midgets all their jobs in Hollywood >Toxic Avenger reboot deemed so bad that studio thi…[View]
201679011Sharon tate: Based. Their both based. Where my sharon tate and polanski fans at[View]
201680143>we need a fat jew to fill the role of the industry exec/talent manager in this film >sir, hes…[View]
201676268stuckmannbros... its over...[View]
201679614What is wrong with women?: >make a character whose entire point is to be 'le evil racist white ma…[View]
201676799finished gen v after finishing season 4 of the boys, did anyone else constantly cringe and hate ever…[View]
201679263Is this the best cop show?[View]
201644266What was the point of this movie?[View]
201673369cobra kai: dont find her attractive but she is a good actress. good for her and proof that i am not …[View]
201678354She's beautiful, but did not in one single good movie. I liked her role in Death Stranding. Wis…[View]
201678876>last week twisters >this week deadpool 3 >next week trap I'M REALLY FEELING IT…[View]
201672724Oh to be her cousin in the vault[View]
201679793i just learned what this man did...... i have no words,im sick to my stomach i will never ever watch…[View]
201679475Barb Wire: They dont make female MC's like they used to[View]
201678561>someone in a show is eating >you can hear a repulsive, extra loud and crystal clear juicy sma…[View]
201678697ngl this made me pop my nerd BONER[View]
201679698Where is his multiverse cameo? Does Disney hate him for doing that Punisher fan film or something?[View]
201679739Why doesn't he just make movies if he likes them so much?[View]
201677707What is Scorsese's best picture? And at what period did he lose his soul?[View]
201679522In the 90s, this was considered a basement dwelling loser with no prospect of getting laid.[View]
201679686>Somehow impregnate hot Catholic girl >Raise a son to the ripe old age of six >Decide it…[View]
201602176/tv/ cars[View]
201677195tomb invader: based or cringe? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq0bgtobWqI[View]
201677849>Tokyo kino >”hey I’m wok-in’ ova hear!”[View]
201678743BASED AS FUCK[View]
201678038what the fuck was his problem anyway?[View]
201679170>Ned leaving for King's Landing at the end of episode 1 is the last time all the Stark famil…[View]
201675111What's the point in escaping the Matrix?[View]
201678704thank god Arnie didn't terminate Axl[View]
201668569Was this the last live action Disney movie to have sex appeal?[View]
201678991What the fuck was his problem?[View]
201679197Howardchads, report in[View]
201675592/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #97: S T R A W B E R R Y F I E L D S FOREVER Edition >/ftl/ News Scott…[View]
201673720Watch Paris, Texas (1984)[View]
201674376L.A. Hex girls movie?: >I'd go see it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=attfhQWmVNA…[View]
201675308/got/hotd/: Fuck the king Edition prev >>201671775[View]
201641552I told you faggots it was going to be absolute kino.[View]
201678325was the 90s the goriest decade for movies?[View]
201675645Weet ik: Death Scenes in movies: 'Tell my wife *cough* that I love her. Death Scenes in real life: M…[View]
201678594About to marathon this, what am I in for?[View]
201669041Horizon: An American Saga #1 on VOD: now that the dust has settled, what did we think of it?[View]
201664624>Credits will do fine[View]
201678533Winds... winds... WINDS![View]
201670851Dr. Oppenheimer, I'm USAAF.[View]
201673984>dad takes me to see madagascar[View]
201656495haha aside, why hasn't their younger sister hooked them up already in some roles?[View]
201675395why does he look like a goblin?[View]
201678318>1999 was almost 30 years ago How the fuck[View]
201661028>I loved the cinematography! No you didn't. Explain aperture. Explain focal length. How many…[View]
201678182When I was a child, I saw my father watching this movie that impressed me a lot. What I remember is …[View]
201676145Well? Why was he on there?[View]
201676215actors you didn't know were jewish[View]
201678007>do you remember that time you were at the mall and your shoe kept coming untied and you had to s…[View]
201668728Movies with big ass fish[View]
201676007Here's your new Star Wars, bro. Now with 'realistic' lightsabers![View]
201675954Being a Zoomer is awesome because we got to grow up with generation-defining shows like The New Norm…[View]
201677334Jokes status?[View]
201677831What's next in the career of the beautiful and talented young actress Sabrina Carpenter? Can sh…[View]
201671118Behold your elite space nazi!: Le plastic armor man. How people lost their minds in 1977 with this l…[View]
201675747I'm still fucking pissed that they changed the entire concept of this from drunk history studen…[View]
201677519Get Out: >we are white supremacists, we want to transfer our minds into yours >but why do you …[View]
201667398Why cant we get accurate historical clothes, armor, and fighting in film and television? How would a…[View]
201677321Is horror the only genre where the antagonists are considered the MCs of their series?[View]
201677578>mfw someone disrespects a shieldmaiden in 9th century Ængleland[View]
201678185For me it's the McChicken[View]
201677508Post some streaming films/tv that went ignored among the slop but are kino[View]
201676263you are now remembering the ending to the The Mist film[View]
201661321General /tv/ WebM thread[View]
201673113Why has Hollywood lost its creativity while Japan, on the contrary, is full of it still?[View]
201668391Solo a Star Wars Story is a good movie: After the horror that is the acolyte I wanted to experience …[View]
201677359I'm a good guy...[View]
201677231OPTIMUSAURUS NO![View]
201673965I don't get why people hate the ArmT eppy so much. I think it rocks.[View]
201674886why the last season had to suck so much ass?[View]
201677145A ‘SKIBIDI TOILET’ movie and TV franchise is in the works from Michael Bay.[View]
201677055>shaddup bleck[View]
201676978WHO SAID SUGAR GAY[View]
201671463So It’s 100% Confirmed At This Point Homelander Graped Becca In A Completely Non Consensual Act?[View]
201676310How is this passable but slave leia isnt?[View]
201676728The Long Game: Watched this last night. It was wholesome and heart-warming and I even got a little t…[View]
201676750And so you're back from outer space/I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon y…[View]
201675557/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #96: SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCHES AND SAY GOOD MORNING TO CHAT edition >…[View]
201676658I'm still obsessed with Mandalorian S3 E3: I didn't like Mandalorian in General or most po…[View]
201673915*goes up to your svengoolie episode and slaps it on the ass*[View]
201674958If I can't relate to the characters, I won't watch your movie. Simple as.[View]
201674881https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k0narK3mYuU Roe Jogan thread[View]
201644534So all of this shit was for nothing? Realistically which roles will be available for him now?[View]
201676241The rest of ya'll know when I durn to yah[View]
201676019>he would rather have a broom shoved up his ass than wagecuck[View]
201676101Founded the lost k drma tital ?: There a video I seen of a k drama In YouTube shorts. Tital ' when s…[View]
201676167>Am I pronouncing this right Mr. Raw Ass Ghoul?[View]
201660165>can’t see >can’t swim >can’t fly >still brings humanity to its knees because…? These mo…[View]
201675692You ever take a shit that made you feel like you'd just slept for 12 hours?[View]
201675797SWEAR TO ME!: >SWEAR TO ME![View]
201673901Happy 50th anniversary to Death Wish[View]
201675183Humiliation ritual general: .[View]
201675804What are some movies or tv show episodes with ghost ships?[View]
201672946Imagine a spin off with these guys: It would be a dark comedy about the daily monotonous imperial bu…[View]
201673377It's not gay[View]
201671775/got/hotd/: Regards sent Edition prev >>201669555[View]
201675190>I've got an idea.. what if I released 1/3 of a movie What the fuck was he thinking. 3 hours…[View]
201667791Why was season 1 so good?[View]
201674841Best Cinema standoffs (you can include samurai insta-cuts too, its the same thing) Also, I defy you …[View]
201675413Why didn't he just find a new gf and move on with his life?[View]
201674536I don’t have to hide like you hohoho! What a dick[View]
201675493>This made Millennials fart and shart in excitement.[View]
201675102>Bro just let me make one more cut >This new version will be even better >Just one more cut…[View]
201673474Stop watching in color: This is not a joke. All media is better when viewed in black & white. If…[View]
201674729ART SISTERS WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK: https://youtu.be/lYMTzx2Qcmw?si=zG51prHf5VnoWRr2[View]
201672577Are there any unconventional romance movies WRITTEN BY WOMEN?[View]
201672521All together, now. I want to hear you guys in the back, say it loud. THANK YOU DAVE FILONI FOR SAVIN…[View]
201672403what did he mean by this?[View]
201673493mfw bob ross starts cooking up van dyke brown[View]
201670582>ONE GUY, NO CONTINUES?[View]
201675188In many ways, the work of a janitor is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those wh…[View]
201662767>bullied character’s boobs grow >suddenly everyone is much nicer to her…[View]
201670538>*robotic tts voice* >hey guys it's RetardRecaps back at it again >are you ready to ha…[View]
201677447Carnists will never be able to refute this documentary[View]
201675135glasses trope: >nerd character with glasses is pretty ugly >nerd character takes off glasses …[View]
201667333Did Gaspar Noe have a shit childhood? How come all of his films are to do with trauma of some sort?[View]
201670286Remember DUNE Part 2?[View]
201671965this will be remembered as the day when you almost raped captain Jack sparrow[View]
201674325TMany Dicks of Newark: Now that the dust is settled, why this move felt so unsatisfying? beside you …[View]
201673898Star Trek The Next Generation/The Orville: Some turbo fans actually built the groundwork for a perfe…[View]
201675192Is Matt Walsh the new Louis Theroux?[View]
201673537>Getting paid 100$ a week was considered a lot in the 60s Was it ?[View]
201659324Holy sloppa[View]
201673813What is the third password?[View]
201653437Why are critics turning on superhero movies? Deadpool and Wolverine is literally doing worse than Th…[View]
201674303What the F*CK was his problem?[View]
201669837Who was the best Moneypenny?[View]
201673075Nothing against David Spade whatsoever, but how was/is he so good at pulling hot chicks?[View]
201669113What are some other movies about young men hooking up with older women?[View]
201672656>Shave and a haircut[View]
201673082Aubrey Plaza: good actress or just eye candy? Also why is she getting typecast as a dyke?[View]
201669333I GOT CHILLS![View]
201671198what did we think of this, /tv/? was this never good? was it a gem? how did the moral dilemmas play …[View]
201671721do you like batman forever?[View]
201673273The California raisins Christmas special was peak holiday television.[View]
201670124post only the greatest friendships/bromances in television and film[View]
201672158>That's right cocksucker! Go back to Heinessen![View]
201673428Test: Just catched picrel in the theaters What did I think of it[View]
201672518Kinoplex... shit; I'm still only in the Kinoplex... Every time I think I'm gonna wake up b…[View]
201673558make you choice, white man[View]
201673769New Harmony Korine: Uh... kino?[View]
201627194lightsabers are red because of the bleeding of a blue/green/yellow/purple crystal[View]
201672347OH NO[View]
201673842I think it's funny that when I watched this on PBS all of the usual PBS program sponsors were m…[View]
201673097What order do I watch all the shows and shit? I didn't realize they weren't numbered like …[View]
201669088>Doesn't make any sense in your path Sorry bro, just a prank[View]
201667597All men are evil rapists and women never ever lie about being raped: The TV Show[View]
201673213>techno farts play in the background https://youtu.be/NCuBalItZA8?si=bCVjSakLqFfsNee2…[View]
201672895Peak soundtrack and aesthetic kino. They don't make'em like they used to.[View]
201585068/kdg/ Korean Drama General: Kdrama Jiwon Edition Previous: >>201573931[View]
201672405/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #96: Bystander effect edition (p.s. TRIXIE MOGS) >/ftl/ News >S…[View]
201673701>first movie niggered >movie 2 of what the first film was but instead be what it set out to no…[View]
201672438Are there any more super hero member berries?: The Flash gave us keaton's batman. Flashpoint (T…[View]
201673608what a great film[View]
201659550Never fails to make me laugh. How did they do it?[View]
201670213I tried this and it didn't work.: Those wop goombah terroni greaseball pieces of shit lied to m…[View]
201672377>your mother hannah....god rest her soul >what a woman...so loving....the best >i still rem…[View]
201672306How do we fix Hollywood?[View]
201668264HOTD is the epitome of directorial work[View]
201646571>Burns 180 million on a wish fulfillment therapy >Destroys the biggest IP in the world >Ge…[View]
201673371*Lays down the beat for your epic fight scene*: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW4OIHDsWsM…[View]
201673036>I'd like spam sausage spam spam bacon, no spam, tomato instead and a cup of spam…[View]
201671315such was the end of Will smiths winning streak and ultimately, career[View]
201672657What’s your first impression of this chick?[View]
201671640>It's the perfect texture for running.[View]
201671429So Disney really decided not to cast their own Wolverine going forward and we're just getting o…[View]
201654032What is next for Sadie after Stranger Things?[View]
201667072New Star Wars kino[View]
201671585I just saw the abomination that is season 7, there is literally only one enjoyable episode and its t…[View]
201672827what mental illness is this?[View]
201670374Zoomer here. I always thought of Marlon Brando as this great actor who played in classics like the G…[View]
201672330>genderswapped characters cant be kino-ACK[View]
201671702>that last scene in the castle >talking to the lady >”Now I am truly a man in a very high …[View]
201671846>be me >dreaming about Scarlett Johansson >drop down by her feet >start sucking is it ov…[View]
201648293Carnists refuse to watch this movie - they prefer to live in cognitive dissonance.[View]
201672868Matt Walsh thinks he's Borat now: https://youtu.be/c7PA_kshZh0?si=fOtLLnIW8vJ9OOP4[View]
201668711>does nothing wrong >is blonde and blue-eyed >must suffer the slings and arrows of outrageo…[View]
201660114The Brits are so goddamn quirky and funny, I like britshows. all like eh guv'nor, etc.[View]
201670657Why did Edgar Wright decide he didn't want to make a gazllion dollars a year anymore and instea…[View]
201661102So what the fuck were they anyway[View]
201671765What are your comfy blanky hot choccy mommy huggy wubby type movies? Personally I enjoy heist movies[View]
201668114Is any of it worth watching outside of the original trilogy?[View]
201672053Why did he do it.[View]
201671986Method Actors: Who are the best method actors? What are some of the films? I'll propose Barfly.…[View]
201670004What's the saddest movie?[View]
201671929They're not joining the right movies yet. Deadpoon and Wolverine? That's lame.[View]
201655536How many beavers are there exactly?[View]
201669555/got/hotd/: Dead people meeting in a Vale inn edition Previous: >>201667780[View]
201667124So they just took it upon themselves to ruin the scene without consulting ANYONE? Not even the show …[View]
201665184>whispers sweet nothings into your ear[View]
201671714B-BISAB BAL B-BAIB![View]
201671515>recommend Skinamarink to a friend >he says that looks gay and he's not watching it >t…[View]
201670477>South Park from 20 years ago is more socially topical and relevant satire than anything produced…[View]
201665636>Dooms all future generations of her people because she couldn't come up with a plan >Is …[View]
201670928“Momoa’s busy on another project sir…”: WAIT… I have an idea…[View]
201670939>It's a Ted episode[View]
201670228What did he see? What could be so terrible?[View]
201671127/s/hipka bros, how we feelin?[View]
201671204Now, I don't want to get off on a rant here, but I'm glad my single days are over. Sure I …[View]
201671537>if history has taught us anything, it's that you can kill anyone as long as you are not chu…[View]
201662320This and The Mandalorian pretty much made me realize that I actually greatly prefer the Star Wars un…[View]
201670472HE BETRAYED US[View]
201669259>Start off your new era of Star Wars by releasing 3 movies to establish the current canon >pro…[View]
201670438How can Western media even begin to compare?[View]
201670079Why nobody told me about this based Kristen Stewart/Dakota Fanning lesbian kino?[View]
201668562How many Rachelkinos have you watched? How many Rachelkinos do you plan on watching? How many Rachel…[View]
201668559village raid scenes: which movies and TV shows had the best scenes of villages getting raided and bu…[View]
201671208https://youtu.be/S6XjfLftXPk?si=PjSRaIEp5IlaTibq: >Rick and Morty is an incredible show, the writ…[View]
201667552>In the not so distant future... one man, must go 28 days... WITHOUT SEX…[View]
201668663When did the show end for you?[View]
201618171Why do nips refuse to adapt anything other than the Golden Age arc?[View]
201669843Reddit à deux: Why aren't we allowed to have nice things? Is it payback?[View]
201670299Fuck you, it was childhood kino. And I say this as a rabid Gerry Anderson fan. Stellar casting and f…[View]
201671040'Joe died a month ago!' 'I invited him here for soup...' Kino moment[View]
201671731ChudKino is back on the Menu: https://youtu.be/c7PA_kshZh0?si=jtPa2h7R21MC_h_[View]
201669482Just saw D&W and it's 'honey, we got endgame at home', not gonna spoil it but just wanted t…[View]
201670838OK: Go To Website[View]
2016598755/10: Was good but was extremely lacking in areas >no overarching plot >no message >didn’t …[View]
201661441How did clip shows become a thing or manage to stay around as long as they did? Were boomers really …[View]
201668346how many Hammond clones were there and what was their purpose? is any of this explained in the book?[View]
201670632Anime ruined Japanese acting.[View]
201669274https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YieefGRusWQ&t=1874s >A traditional knight is a guy in an armo…[View]
201670170they dont make them like they used to[View]
201667853what are some incredibly kino moments in bad/mediocre movies?[View]
201670186>apologizes to Star Wars Theory Good guy Mike. >calls out Chris Gore and his Star Wars funeral…[View]
201670425>leave Winds of Winter to me[View]
201659756>'Anon I cannot look at you.' >'That word is never appropriate, you need to leave.'…[View]
201669628DC kings get another incel kino Marvel sisters get Deadpool turned into Disneyslop[View]
201665621He ruined the lives of millions.[View]
201664897>Trapped >John Pelech >Andrew Ruse >Kurush >Derek >James Price >Frank Yang >…[View]
201669625Looking for a TV show or movie to watch: I want to watch something that has the following features: …[View]
201650230>le strong medieval woman the show[View]
201670187Viral short film BTFOs Marvel capeshit and manchildren who worship them: >Marvel/Disney rep goes …[View]
201668408/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #96: The Human moment edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch…[View]
201670059Sweet Home S3: Currently in Ep 2, holy moly the boredom. It gets any better?[View]
201670020>from the director of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Salem's Lot and Poltergeist >never mention…[View]
201669949How based is 1983 Studios?[View]
201666607I don't get it[View]
201666917just one question /tv/... are down with the sickness?[View]
201658020It's just fucking good. What's the current power levels? (haven't started s6)[View]
201664660Can it be saved?[View]
201667831>transforming into a pedo for a tv role Is this taking method acting too far?…[View]
201666333I Love You, Daddy: This movie got completely memoryholed[View]
201668957Sit in the dark and ponder how I'm fit to make the bottom fall through the floor And they all f…[View]
201669085>A crossover film between the Leprechaun and Candyman film series was in development following th…[View]
201669719Chuddies on /tv/ would piss and shit their pants if Terminator 2 came out today[View]
20166218870s/ 80s TV[View]
201669096The new season of The Witcher looks quite good. I don't understand what everyone is bitching ab…[View]
201669659Go on: Make me laugh.[View]
201668747>dude just watch the kino, just ignore all the interracial sex and nigger schlongs in it *you are…[View]
201667780/got/hotd/: Book accurate edition prev >>201661191[View]
201666340Fantasia didn't get stuckmannized[View]
201669545Hello super-fans[View]
201669439>mfw the kino has a twist ending[View]
201667182This show is absolute comfy kino comedy. Arthur is a brilliant character and holds the show together…[View]
201668194This movie tricked negros into believing Islam is the black man's religion lmao[View]
201667841We were meant to live for so much more Have we lost ourselves? Somewhere we live inside[View]
201665461Wow boomers really had it hard[View]
201667777Kinki’s first movie: If you look in the middle that’s Klaus Kinski. He has a background scene in thi…[View]
201661719Called it 10 minutes into the finale.[View]
201665612I have never seen Planet of the Apres. Is it goood?[View]
201668961romantic kino?[View]
201668940>be you >get up from shitposting on /tv/ to get a snack >see pic related >'Daddy, whycom…[View]
201666628Cast them[View]
201670560Are you ready for more griftkino?[View]
201661859>You Missed the Point by Idolizing Him what point did I miss exactly?[View]
201667158>Mister Humphries, I believe I asked you to stop fellating the customers' penises on the flo…[View]
201668441>the straight-talking conservative macho guy is actually…LE FAGGOT?!?![View]
201659225>I'm so ugly and gross teehee :) What a realistic believable character…[View]
201667424What kind of a madman would wear swim trunks over a suit?[View]
201659605Cleopatra: I'm finally watching this marathon kino. I'm exactly halfway, 2 hours, thru thi…[View]
201667950Why is it so fucking good?[View]
201660913Name an unfunnier person to get their own show[View]
201667096The Chekist (1992): Not my proudest wank https://youtu.be/76BbcrMl7vU?si=Xl6HoxEpMosNcTvK&t=604…[View]
201646003And you call them patented Skinner burgers, despite the fact that your name is Tamzarian[View]
201664879Love Lies Bleeding: why isn't there a thread about this movie every day?[View]
201661191/got/hotd/: Book Rhaenyra vs show Rhaenyra edition prev >>201655812[View]
201667350Cast him (in)[View]
201667482>best character of the show is the most hated one[View]
201654847>earned more than 2 billion dollars just 1.5 years ago >literally no one remembers it or cares…[View]
201660177why did the Harry Potter series become such a success?[View]
201667211Thoughts on Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous?[View]
201667206>Didn't that movie used to have a war in it?[View]
201667159MM actor vax: I guess not? He seems pretty healthy here.[View]
201666957>Making your way in the world today >Takes everything you've got…[View]
201655295ITS FUCKING UP: https://youtu.be/YieefGRusWQ?si=SvLrhxhe_Zk3r08W[View]
201666644>Chuds will pay Wtf no hype for the new season?[View]
201665795Basically me[View]
201666832This was a 30 year old guy back then. What went wrong?[View]
201664844Two wieners, Bill?! Two?! That's insane[View]
201664389This is an autistic person[View]
201662639Now that the fregh has settled, why did she do it?[View]
201666625What are some kinos about unexpected friendships? Something like David Spade's and Chris Farley…[View]
201663817/x/ or gnostic-core movies: looking for /x/-schizo or gnostic-core movies with themes about a false …[View]
201665560/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #95: Brother and Sister edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, wat…[View]
201666537Russell Crowe threw a phone at a guy for god's sake[View]
201666519>he didn't scope out the joint prior to the 'party' >he didn't have pretend conversa…[View]
201663871/CKND/: Miyagi do’s finest edition[View]
201665208Am I racist: New Matt kino just dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7PA_kshZh0[View]
201664992I dont get it[View]
201663873Star Trek: Why did they spend millions of dollars filming the Enterprise separation sequence from do…[View]
201663389ITT: times that a television or film character was literally you https://youtu.be/obBpHkWmRlE?featur…[View]
201659129David Milch wrote this character perfectly. He’s so damn insufferable.[View]
201654046Hey man… you know why someone put you in that box. Right? They put you there…. To die![View]
201659261What the fuck was his problem?[View]
201664546this is the girl[View]
201666102Post the most KINO lines in recent memory[View]
201656418Presidential Kino: With the election coming up, who is /tv/‘s favorite movie presidents?[View]
201664170worst sequels so great movies?, this one comes to mind[View]
201666236Will we ever get more kino like this?: >Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear …[View]
201665952>go to cinema by myself >got my snacks all situated >some young couple sits next to me…[View]
201661736>moe deeb? who is this guy? i mean cmon! what a bunch of baloney[View]
201665518Hello, that sounds like a PIG fainting![View]
201665289I was watching A.I. and thought the robot prostitute was pretty ingesting looking but I didn’t even …[View]
201664792its 1863, some guy shoots you of your horse with these. what now?[View]
201666037Movies and shows with this setting?: Should not be some extraterrestrial or animal shit I liked FROM…[View]
201661849ADR: Lines or scenes that stuck out to you for being very obviously or poorly ADR'd?[View]
201666117>movie is secretly one big ad for apple products No but what the fuck was up with the many gratui…[View]
201665598>ChatGPT, Rose?[View]
201656840Where do you start with noir kino?[View]
201660660>it's a Truman discovers online gambling and loses everything episode…[View]
201665079How real was this documentary?[View]
201666014Do you have any hope for this?: >In May 2023, Sydney Chandler was cast in the lead role >Sydne…[View]
201663981I just like this movie, a lot. I like putting it on and feeling like I'm part of it.[View]
201663869At the end of taxi driver. Why is betsy already in the taxi?: I noticed it's something no one s…[View]
201663784Was it luck or skill?[View]
201663510*confronts you with your own mortality*: Just imagine a Bible-Belt audience watching this. The exist…[View]
201658930Is there a funnier women in comedy?[View]
201656443Which movie is better?[View]
201647973>What do you think the average IQ of this board is?[View]
201665811What was his fucking problem?[View]
201665430Rustic Period is the best gookdrama ever and it will always be.[View]
201659757>Mr. Anderson, why are we filming my scenes first?[View]
201652190I never once understood why Zero Requiem is treated as this amazing ending. It's nowhere near a…[View]
201665120Hey 4chan incels, this is you.: >Who is even watching these capeshit products? The MCU should’ve …[View]
201657923Is this the best moment in the LotR trilogy?: It hits me every time.[View]
201645928/tv/ consensus on American Psycho: did the murders really happen or was it all in his head?[View]
201663403Deadpool and Wolverine: It was good but not great. AMA, I guess.[View]
201663247What was the point of Prometheus? Why did Ridley Scott think it was a smart idea to make a stand alo…[View]
201659055/bb/ Big Brother 26: HOH: Angela POV: Lisa NOMS: Matt, Kenney, Kimo Upgraded: Makensy (America'…[View]
201658237Why was he such a fucking asshole?[View]
201664068Why did Elaine become such a cunt?[View]
201664141>earns 3 billies in minecraft (2025) in your path How do you respond without sounding mad?…[View]
201665358Brokeback Mountain 2: Female edition: Would this be the only all female remake of a movie that could…[View]
201665193>be me >browsing /tv/ >see a kino mentioned that looks mildly interesting >immediately …[View]
201661744>mfw I've been mispronouncing Joaquin as 'joe-a-kin' for years and no one bothered to correc…[View]
201656789None of you seem to understand, I'm not posting in this thread with you. YOU'RE REPLYING I…[View]
201662450>6 years later >'wait, was she flirting with me?'…[View]
201660413Why did they remake that unfunny comedy sketch on Adult Swim from like eight years ago?[View]
201663654Do you think she's got one more nude scene in her?[View]
201664747CLOWNBROS: >From Darkness to Light, a documentary from directors Michael Lurie and Eric Friedler …[View]
201663687Elvis is the most incomprehensible movie of all time. It's actually just a bunch of Elvis conce…[View]
201661469>Those were some tough Jews[View]
201656976In the jungle you must wait until the dice read 5 or 8.[View]
201663392Horror: What’s yalls favorite scary movies? :)[View]
201662875What is this supposed to be? I was born in 2000, so I don't know.[View]
201658023How I dated lots of women before your mother[View]
201650508Realistically did Mrs. Teavee even have any options to punish her son at this point?[View]
201662707Who won?[View]
201663850Is he #nextup??[View]
201664046What would you do in this situation?[View]
201662104So what's a regular life?[View]
201663437/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #94: Consensual Rape edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch t…[View]
201663953No druk thread? Challenge accepted[View]
201660744NEXT TIME BABY E X T T I M E B A B Y[View]
201656421>watching space movie >science guy starts explaining worm holes by folding a piece of paper…[View]
201649130Is Jennifer Lawrance the actress?[View]
201660515Now that the dust has finally settled, what was their problem?[View]
201661463'So you did fuck her. How long have you been assdrunk, Hughie?'[View]
201662477why did they get progressively uglier[View]
201660747why did rian design it to look so seductive...?[View]
201662156>you and I are not so different, gladiator Jesus Christ ridley[View]
201662874I hate this annoying faggot like you wouldn’t believe[View]
201661232>appears in your horror film in order to situate the setting in the 90s…[View]
201659416Who is your favorite Bond girl /tv/?[View]
201658498I miss this genre of movie. It seems to be dead these days. I miss the irreverent dude-bro comedies,…[View]
201649936Times you acted like Frankenstein[View]
201661237My friend and I have a bet.: I have to give him one movie he's never seen before, and he has to…[View]
201657487LOUD NOISES![View]
201660284UNSCHEDULED OFFWORLD ACTIVATION: Stargate Atlantis was 20 years old.[View]
201663327to the people that are gonna watch Joker: Folie À Deux, just remember that Joaquin Phoenix is just a…[View]
201662845Finally BMAF kino[View]
201657655Movie recommendations for a 97 Zoomer: Oldfags, I need kino from before my time to watch. Some close…[View]
201659211Shocking fact mind blowing: The big boss who made The Boys is the same guys who made the God tier TV…[View]
201659767New Trap clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AZtbdFKmcU[View]
201661583I thought this movie was going to be a lot more deep and grim than It was. It's just a goofy ki…[View]
201613003Was Vic Mackey the most alpha pitbull manlet in TV history? What other short dude mogged like him?[View]
201661879public drunkeness in Thailand is punishable by 3 kicks to the scrotum and 5 squeezes of the dick.[View]
201658188why did the writers give them a terrible future?[View]
201662655post your best 90s tv tropes[View]
201661464Babylon 5: On episode 1 right now. Use to have this on in the background time to time as kid but nev…[View]
201654588>longlegs slop slurpers on suicide watch[View]
201661167>'We need someone to play an unlikable prick.' >'I know just the guy.'…[View]
201661226Inglorious bastards: I cant get over how terribly exaggerated his accent is. Im from Tennessee and n…[View]
201661489/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #93: Exodus 20:14 edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch them…[View]
201658617How to Ruin a Scene: Breaking Bad's adaptation[View]
201661968If Welcome to Pooh Corner is a preschool show, why is it never associated with Disney Channel's…[View]
201654440Post descriptions of movies you don't know the title of and other anons will try to help. I…[View]
201661508>Theodore : Do you talk to someone else while we're talking? >Samantha : Yes. >Theodor…[View]
201662080Wtf is her problem bros?[View]
201658808What's the best JLo movie?[View]
201656848Is it good? No biased Christians respond[View]
201662013what am i in for[View]
201660830For me, it's Sand Man[View]
201661446'XAVIER': 'XAVIER' > Xavier turns around “Elon Musk. I’ve been waiting for this day for a long ti…[View]
201648148Shia LaBeouf: The most talented actor of his generation. Our fucking guy. What are his essential kin…[View]
201661014What did they mean by this?[View]
201661258Who was the best Gilmore girl and why was it Emily?[View]
201661026was it kino?[View]
201659431Why didn't he just ice Jabba?[View]
201659973I can't believe this really happened[View]
201656323Was he based or a faggot[View]
201658889>He doesnt have kino vision[View]
201658748I truly don't understand.[View]
201645066How did Cardassian women feel about their men exclusively breeding and fucking Bajoran pussy during …[View]
201661043Now that the dust has settled who was genuinely in the wrong here?[View]
201651484>enrages /tv/ with jokes[View]
201661125How does anyone take this movie seriously, the 90s were such a silly time in America.[View]
201654785What made this show so memeable and endearing?[View]
201652880What would you do?: Movie is Sicario: Day of the Soldado[View]
201660831Beyond kino.[View]
201660752Why do people hate Michael Bay?[View]
201654860Is Harmony Korine the most washed-up auteur in contemporary cinema?[View]
201631816>Anime can’t be ki-[View]
201655812/got/hotd/: he bore the sword edition prev >>201646236 >>201646217[View]
201656242>2004 >George Lucas flips through a pile of Dark Horse Comics that an assistant left on his de…[View]
201659313>When a character doesn't explain something to another character that would be completely un…[View]
201660411>movie begins in the countryside and features a '90s f150[View]
201657892Chris Stuckmann's Top 4 is better than yours.[View]
201654476Were there any actual plans to make Sith out of him or it's just a legend made up by fans in de…[View]
201659451/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #92: S3 'Leaks' edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, watch them f…[View]
201639308For my money, I'd say Nastassja Kinski was one of the most talented actresses of her generation…[View]
201658195New Grifter kino just dropped.[View]
201657616Growing up in father Bruce's shadow wasn't always easy for Brandon Lee. As a child, Brando…[View]
201659413Why whenever I says these films are overated everyone wants to kill me?[View]
201659995There will never be a kino this good ever again...[View]
201655718>cool kaiju shows up and destroys new york >the real focus of the movie is some dumb simp gett…[View]
201659884is it his best work?[View]
201657383gosh darnit...[View]
201659878Colour Out of Space (2019): Was it lovecraftian kino?[View]
201656056was it autism?[View]
201658956perfect 10/10 character[View]
201659033Dude imagine being Kristen Stewart in this scene, that would be so gross[View]
201654235Late Night with the Devil: What the fuck was this? Was the acting supposed to be awful, or was there…[View]
201632925>you’re right Scoob, we’re dealing with one sick son of a bitch![View]
201656921Immortan Joe!!: He looked at me! He looked right at me!![View]
201658222Logan: wholesome movie[View]
201635574This was so bad lol[View]
201656107Is it true about Chris Morris?[View]
201659334How based is 1983 Studios![View]
201654179So is Marvel gonna pretend this movie never happened?[View]
201658667That sex robot got me all tricked up.[View]
201659192>the book of revelation tell us to watch for the seven signs of evil![View]
201656340Deadpool 3 rated lower than The Flash on metacritic: Deadpool bros…[View]
201659109there's absolutely nothing wrong with nepotism in Hollywood[View]
201655875Thanks for the kinos sweet prince[View]
201649693I liked it[View]
201658858Even 4chan isn't even talking about Joker 2.: I think it will underwhelm at the box office. It …[View]
201656085>inspired an entire generation to learn chess based?[View]
201619881Remember when he was funny?[View]
201656058This movie is way better than it has any right to be[View]
201655380>Production issues ranging from the sets being destroyed to the entire shoot having to be restruc…[View]
201658348What made HBO stop appealing to history fags?[View]
201653320This was the peak of machines vs men in cinema, right?[View]
201657254>From director Zack Synder[View]
201656297It's a damn fine film[View]
201658725I AM OUT OF CUM. MY JOKERESS . . .[View]
201657772R: 536 / I: 150▶ /ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #91: Reptilian Shapeshifter Abi edition >Season 2 ''e…[View]
201652679I can either go masturbate for three hours or marathon LOST. What should I do?[View]
201653800BOOK HER IN A SUPERHERO ROLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj5_drEdiKw[View]
201653614Pay your respects: >On February 20, 2012, Von Bargen shot himself in the temple in an apparent su…[View]
201649348What are your wishes for Barbie 2?[View]
201654084which one of you niggas watched she hulk ?[View]
201657427>it was a good movie, but the book was better[View]
201633686There Is No Afterlife[View]
201655407Fat comic with no self esteem and massive drug problem needs to make a comeback[View]
201657224So Say We All[View]
201658178Were the Undisputed movies popular in your country? they were very big here in MENA, had a lot of r…[View]
201631258Hulk (2003): I’ve never understood the hate for this movie. Does /tv/ like it?[View]
201655174This fucking sucks compared to the original.[View]
201643902Why is there a whole comedy film genre around smoking weed, but not about smoking crack?[View]
201620746Any Sperm Whale kinos?: >largest active hunter on the planet >can kill a human without even to…[View]
201657614How the fuck: It's literally just a bargain bin sequel nobody asked for and nobody wanted, how …[View]
201649456/bb/ Big Brother 26: HOH: Angela POV: Lisa NOMS: Matt, Kenney, Kimo Upgraded: Makensy (America'…[View]
201656939Finished movies - not released: Has this ever happened before? This is the only instance I can think…[View]
201654345Gee, I wonder if the villain will be the white man who is in all 8 episodes.[View]
201657890>G. Johnson George: Holds the Guinness Book of World Record for the most roles played by an actor…[View]
201652523>We got a rat in the crew >Is it the new guy? >Nah, he did 4 months in county…[View]
201651328Get the cream sauce.[View]
201656029Isabel Moner was just cast for the reboot of Species as Sil[View]
201655889This is some heavy Kramer lore[View]
201656119>Gets slapped by a giant BWC What did Eric Kripke mean by this?[View]
201654819I miss Don Cheadle, where has he been lately?[View]
201646236/got/hotd/: Welcome party Edition prev >>201642440[View]
201647219thiis man has done the most vile thing ever and people watch his movies,why ? i think his movies sho…[View]
201656158Why didn’t you tell me about Jeremiah Johnson[View]
201654977>How does it feel...to have everything?[View]
201656820What's the best depiction of Casey Jones? Pic might be related.[View]
201656607sometimes it feels like the episodes are out of order[View]
201656191/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #90: Goron's final form edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH,…[View]
201651351>My boyfriend is dead >I'll avenge him by killing his brother ???…[View]
201614829>what if Weird Al Yankovic was an obnoxious millennial[View]
201656706Looked like PS2 CG cutscene[View]
201648782What the fuck was his fucking problem?[View]
201656830what episode does this happen in?[View]
201654590>Your movie script... whateva happened there...[View]
201638219Leaks are out: >Begins with Deadpool digging up Wolverine's Adamantium skeleton and using it…[View]
201655119>Film takes place in Melbourne >White skinheads are attacking the VIETNAMESE >Sudanese and …[View]
201655190BECOME THE WINE[View]
201654508For me, its Chris Titus.[View]
201645747Why haven't they made a movie/series of the Russian royal family and the events leading to thei…[View]
201651512For me, It's Batman: The Movie (1966) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeyMfq6v190[View]
201656286Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: >What kind of woman are you? >How are you treating your…[View]
201655800When the machine breaks down, we break down.: Is he right?[View]
201654477What's the best alien kino Bonus points for scary movies[View]
201652080>anon I don't know why the sound is coming out of your laptop and not the tv Literally happe…[View]
201656122>*makes some of the best horror movies ever in the early 2000s and then never makes a horror movi…[View]
201654770I'm tired of Japanese isekai slop, I need more Chinese anime recommendation.[View]
201655546Why do modern movies and shows feel the need to increase audio volume when people eat and drink? It…[View]
201653234I want to find a decent resolution of the 'popular girl' poster in mallrats, pictured here…[View]
201645584What is essential kino classiccore?[View]
201655043this movie was so kino. when Travolta got the call that Rhys' gf's friend and the he just …[View]
201655567Why does Missing411 offend people?: It is an entertaining film.[View]
201654512What are the hardest falls actors and/or directors have experienced? >pic related was an uber Cha…[View]
201653751okay then, fine. I will now watch your sheepish deadshit capemovie. (for she).[View]
201655443>What if I made a movie where a baby gets decapitated? That will really shock people! >OK, wha…[View]
201654498/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #89: Oddbod gets to tap THAT? edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH…[View]
201655025Best movie of this year so far but /tv/ would never admit it just because it’s about gay women.[View]
201655366What are some kinos about the greatest man in history?[View]
201654987Terrence Howard is severely mentally ill and shouldn't be given a platform to spout his bullshi…[View]
201655193characters you want to see launched into the sun[View]
201650010who killed Laura Palmer?[View]
201655218I liked The Bear. Am I a pleb? Haven't watched the new season though[View]
201651832NEW MATT WALSH KINO: Trailer just dropped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7PA_kshZh0[View]
201628478Who has the better iconic horror franchise? Essentially which series dominates the modern horror con…[View]
201653042>I'll give you everything, you just can't leave your room[View]
201649711>movie is called 'Good Time' >characters have a very not good time…[View]
201649861Blankman (1994) turns 30 this year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM1I11qUM44[View]
201649944Now that the dust has settled: What is the ultimate consensus? Was she raped? Was Homelander raped? …[View]
201654666How do you guys watch stuff from your childhood all the time? Don't you get embarrassed?[View]
201651166Did anyone here like it? I couldn't finish it[View]
201651333Does a good villain really need a 'deep' motivation?[View]
201654741Were it worth the trouble?[View]
201650819The opening scene of Fathers Day (1997) lmao... well this DID NOT age well: https://www.youtube.com/…[View]
201654687What was he trying to convey with this expression?[View]
201653576https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWxn4mrNJxQ >go to comedy show >get utterly eviscerated for 6 …[View]
201652624How does Roland Emmerich do it? How did he get 140 million dollars for this turd?[View]
201654247Why is Hannibal Lector such a comfy character?[View]
201653967The black m night shamala One good movie then nothing but high brow trash[View]
201647543I finally get it now. The Eiffel Tower is supposed to look like his penis. For all these years I had…[View]
201654343Well, would you have the guts?[View]
201652892(you) did this[View]
201653460Armie bros we are so back https://youtu.be/rmAd4ONfbgU?si=zMaNlGAz-FJ4XomG[View]
2016485252003: We have to go back[View]
201647759>we were supposed to believe anna faris was a playboy playmate Couldn't they get someone mor…[View]
201636224People used to go crazy for celebrities. But no one gives a fuck now. What happened?[View]
201650209>Kale Brecht: what type of fucking name is that?[View]
201654240>it's a Kenny episode[View]
201650088Is this in the books?[View]
201649612OH MY GOD!!![View]
201648190>I don't have a last name[View]
201653862we're gonna take out carmine lupertazzi[View]
201650687Why did this fail to connect with audiences at the time ?[View]
201650322he had no choice[View]
201645423>DUDE the conversations and arguments are SOOOO realistic dude >is it.. funny? dude it’s REALI…[View]
201631483the amount of nostalgia I feel for 2000s blockbusters is soul-crushing[View]
201643340>Here's that smoking hot girl we were talking about[View]
201649543It's kino.[View]
201633190>Hi Wade[View]
201650932what is the furthest back you can go in old hollywood before the movies start to bore you? For me it…[View]
201653875She liked it. That's all that matters to me.[View]
201652853At the beginning of the 21st century, the Umbrella Corporation had become the largest commercial ent…[View]
201653295wahtvah happened to sex comedies?[View]
201650128>not allowed to show up in Disney ever again[View]
201652154I ate the bacon.[View]
201652118Was it a good sequel?[View]
201653484Monster (2023): I don't get it.[View]
201649890/CKG/ - COBRA KAI GENERAL: Oona is 18 Edition[View]
201652599Wait, Brian De Palma made a movie based on a Disney ride?[View]
201651777>Vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred >And for your date, sir? >A rack of ribs, extra saucy, …[View]
201643626Nancy in NoES is a gross mouthbreather. She looks like she has a massive bush, too.[View]
201646362This is the gayest shit I've ever seen[View]
201646172Legolas is a Mary Sue.[View]
201652539/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #88: CLEH'S MW2 SNIPING MONTAGE edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' ar…[View]
201653129wait did it come out? was it fine?[View]
201653351im about to finna go see this. don't fucking spoil anything!![View]
201641779What is your go to slop when consuming kino?[View]
201653245Heat 2: Breaking Hips[View]
201653164Really makes you thinj[View]
201653101What does /tv/ think of Dennis Potter's 'Betrayal' trilogy?[View]
201653088>They say a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, but I'd rather have my hand in the bu…[View]
201643568How would you rate this series? For me it's 10/10[View]
201650657holy fucking K I N O I N O[View]
201649174>post a character from a movie >post below decides what his/her horoscope would be…[View]
201652999who will gru be tonight?: that's the question.[View]
201651394Everyone likes their own brand don't they?[View]
201649371>shoot it agian[View]
201650865Can sex and senseless violence save rebel moon?[View]
201647155>#DeadpoolAndWolverine is poised to hit $160 million to $170 million in its domestic debut but co…[View]
201651883Wealthy gadabout, Chilton Gaines[View]
201650725My name is sneedland brown and I am proud to be, right back in my home town, with my new senpai-i-ly[View]
201648871Sorry but you audio video receiver amplifier doesn't have dolby atmos hdr10 4k dts:hd hdmi 2.1a…[View]
201651937>you will never watch a kino flick with the boys on xbox live again[View]
201651215Glen Powell is the heir to Tom Cruise: and Twisters proved it[View]
201648710They keep trying to allude to the fact that super powers are the equivalent to money but it just doe…[View]
201651473why won't he just smoke weed for his anxiety thing[View]
201649775The wrong Scott Brother died. Replying to the anon who posted about Public Enemies by Michael Mann, …[View]
201646967>BUST ON THROUGH >TO THE OTHER SIDE >circus monkey grinder music starts playing…[View]
201645772TOP GUN 3 releasing in 2026: https://www.worldofreel.com/blog/2024/7/22/top-gun-3-most-likely-shooti…[View]
201643972Astro Boy 2008: >top tier 2000s animation >recognizable celebrity voice actors >mostly accu…[View]
201637266I love the OT but I can’t pretend this sword fight wasn’t the lamest shit ever[View]
201650448He really did go GOLD.[View]
201645827Alright sweetie, you ready to get some new notebooks and protractors and slacks?[View]
201648497Marvel bros.....i don't feel so good.....[View]
201648549This movie proves that visual effects guys should direct more movies: Change my mind. https://www.yo…[View]
201651864People keep asking for them to be rebooted/recast into the MCU, but who could replace Evans and RDJ …[View]
201650731He looks so fucking stupid with his third eye. It also gives you the feeling of looking at an optica…[View]
201650575/ftl/ - The Cell/Bitchtank #87: BROTHEL KEEPER XAVIER edition >Season 2 ''episodes'' are TRASH, w…[View]
201648108What the fuck was his problem?[View]
201647668why hasnt there been a good movie about football?[View]
201613917/hor/ - Horror General: Terrifier 3 trailer on Wednesday edition Previously on /hor/: >>201572…[View]
201651384>horror movie >protag is either an autistic child or adult So tired of this trope…[View]
201651233>LEAVE SARUON TO MEEEEEEE !!![View]
201650944Is watching movies a hobby? When I was 16, I told a therapist I liked watching movies and shows in m…[View]
201649656>Marvel is b-ACK![View]
201648757Deadpool & wolverine reviews are up: Ok, how bad does this movie have to be to get worse reviews…[View]
201650989This was underwhelming Skar King is a cool villain for a Kong solo movie, which is what this honest…[View]
201647011/TNNG/: /The New Norm/ Post your favorite moments from the pilot, predictions for the future, most …[View]
201650596Mythica: A Quest For Kino[View]
201648582>watching tv with mom >sex scene comes on why do they do this…[View]
201650620Bazil: What the fuck was his problem?[View]
201635450Malcolm in the Middle was right all along.[View]
201646217/got/hotd/: the unworthy edition prev >>201642440[View]
201650471>Smartest person in the world is black and lives in Detroit They're literally also turning a…[View]
201649595Still the best super hero movie.[View]
201648405>Children? You get a dragon! >Female? You get a dragon! >Black? You get a dragon! >Honor…[View]
201648205What went wrong with Cartoon Network? Is it even possible to fix the channel?[View]
201646884This guy sucks so bad. What are they even thinking? Just bring Liebowitz back full time. The blonde …[View]
201650147WTF? Why is the FBI shilling the Bear now?[View]

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