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/tv/ - Television & Film

Displaying 2,959 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
204740770You did this, chuds.[View]
204741338Deeply homosexual.[View]
204743025lost the plot or long term plan to control public perception of what an 'indie film' is?[View]
204739219Literally the most positive portrayal of an Indian in the history of Western culture He's a rac…[View]
204743312The world is yours[View]
204743054Sauron, has only got one ball Gollum, has two but very small Sauronman, has something similar But po…[View]
204722697Andrew Garfeld brought up anti-capitalism multiple times in his criterion video. I'm gonna do m…[View]
204741265Is The Dictator /tv/ approved kino?[View]
204733242>Smile 2 How do you like it?[View]
204743166>super homophobic character turns out to be a fag[View]
204743020HOW DOES /TV/ STORE AND PRESERVE COPIES OF THEIR KINOS?: Keep in mind that you don't need to st…[View]
204734842Hans Zimmer: What's his best OST[View]
204742032>State your first name, last name and occupation Lizardman Lizardman and uh Lizardman…[View]
204743178>male character worships die hard or star wars[View]
204742206nobody watched it anyway[View]
204730561If it were me at that camp, things wouldn't have gone down like they did. I would have sucked A…[View]
204742469Ari Aster: so is this guy just a professional cuck? ive now seen 3 movies hes played a pivotal role …[View]
204743168>three unattractive women leading in an action movie was this film proto DEI?…[View]
204739777Damn, no wonder /tv/ likes LOST so much >Several “Lost” writers told Ryan that Cuse and Lindelof …[View]
204741700What recent /tv/ show is worth watching in 2024? Everything looks so fucking bad.[View]
204743002Which are the best and worst of the Emmanuelle films?[View]
204742493Best Final Girl and she’s still hot as fuck[View]
204742490VENOM THE LAST DANCE FIRST REACTIONS ARE IN!: Confirmed to be one of the best comic book movies EVER…[View]
204742233animation hasn't reached this level of kino again[View]
204742808>Sir there's no facebook connected to this guy >Well did you check under deleted accounts…[View]
204730368Bollywood films that are worth watching?[View]
204735371ZEV > XEV[View]
204737242https://youtu.be/40N4GjWzjkg How did they get away with this?[View]
204737144*enhances your kino*[View]
204741822>this is for real, for America[View]
204741987Captain Blackadder.[View]
204742716>oh fuck that's cruꜱty[View]
204739960>ITT: characters who are you[View]
204736436>dude what if we made american psycho but he has a loving family and cherishes his daughter…[View]
204739692why are apartments in sitcoms almost always so unrealistically sized?[View]
204741776Fuck you, I liked him and thought he was kind of good.[View]
204742255>Americans lose war >make movies where they go back and win the war Is this the ultimate cope?…[View]
204735274>Bigot >Racist >Misogynist Why does /tv/ like this guy again?…[View]
204741143I just found out they stopped doing the couch gags a few years ago: What the fuck is wrong with thes…[View]
204734239/hor/ - Horror General: Hounds from Hell edition Previous >>204723034[View]
204732566Cynthia Erivo should not be playing Elphaba.: I was raised a theatre kid. I've long left behind…[View]
204741971Why did they leave out this part?: >After suffering financial difficulties at his software compan…[View]
204741887how did they got high rating and praises for such a chicanery? its like watching a porn but only sho…[View]
204740115I really like this scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55CaD_j5FQs[View]
204741207>times up Hansen, you walked right into my trap. I'm running this show now…[View]
204738776DON'T HIT ME I'LL HIT ME I'M CRAZY![View]
204738409Hallmark movies are comfy: Alison Sweeney plays a baker who solves crimes in a small town.[View]
204741369>I'M KARL MALONE[View]
204742034what are some movies like The Wicker Man?[View]
204740616Shows or movies that only you have watched.[View]
204741097What’s your first impression of this chick?[View]
204741821Albert R. Broccoli presents: NO TIME TO DIE Directed by Terence Young, original director of James Bo…[View]
204741738Did Hitler really look like this?[View]
204737515I was expecting this to be terrible like all reboots of things I like, but it's actually really…[View]
204741273Tom Holland to Star in Christopher Nolan’s Latest Film: From lowly Spider-Man to a true A-lister.…[View]
204739234Actresses who are liked or desired by men under 40 years old for their acting, attractiveness, or be…[View]
204741636>Muh ‘it’s not a movie, it’s a guide’ Stfu boomers. It’s a shit movie.[View]
204738992For me, it's Tennant[View]
204739654/ftl3/ - Fishtank Live Pre-Season #421: Hmm Edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tentative d…[View]
204721703He won.[View]
204741498/tv/ is the only board I know that shitpost about actors without actually having seen the movies the…[View]
204741492>The most powerful Sith Lord ever >Managed to seize control of the entire galaxy >Beaten by…[View]
204737355Andrei Tarkovsky stream: Starting with Solaris Come tune in. Streaming the Lumiere scans which I thi…[View]
204739820What are your favorite horror movies from the 2020s you'd recommend to me? I saw pic related ea…[View]
204741256Thats a man[View]
204741296>Im killin' myself? The way you eat youre gonna have a heart attack by the time you're …[View]
204739085>$1.7 million budget >$41 million box office and counting…[View]
204736077Secret alien hybrids: ITT actors whom we suspect are secretly Pleiadian-Human hybrids. I’ll start wi…[View]
204738248Yo, the beyotch was like, 'What?' And I was like, 'Later on!'[View]
204741062>be me, loser neet >decide to start changing my ways and go out one August night >take a sh…[View]
204738938The best monster movie coming through[View]
204738511what the fuck happened in season 4 why would they make the show like that[View]
204740977Sixth Doctor | Doctor Who fan-series: Ever since I was very young and getting into Doctor Who, Colin…[View]
204740711>Were setting up surveillance at his house this week, sir. He has to have a job to afford his pla…[View]
204740219top gun red dawn the patriot independence day[View]
204736319what are the lewdest movies currently available on hulu/netflix/hbo etc[View]
204721933What kind of shenanigans does Luanne get into in 2024?[View]
204740840Gonna be staying in a cheap motel for six months, any motel kinos like The Florida Project?[View]
204739843You may not like it but this is peak feminism cinema[View]
204740743What the FUCK happened[View]
204739752Honestly a directors cut could save it[View]
204740703Thoughts on Aeon Flux? (Either movie or cartoon)[View]
204739013>tell me yarrr favorite pirate kino… or you’ll waltz the plank![View]
204723404ITS. OVER.: fischerfags can we ever recover from this?[View]
204706168this bitch is so goddamn fucking ugly and no one is allowed to say it i'm going insane it'…[View]
204740365>Watching B horror movies >Tons of nudity and sex scenes with actors who only have one or two…[View]
204737199Right-wing movies: Post em lads >Robocop >Dirty Harry >Gladiator >Fight Club >Full Me…[View]
204729096Why don't they make comedies like this anymore? Do zoomers only find tik toks funny nowadays?[View]
204740565One order of contextualized soft-core porn, please.[View]
204739612>People think this looks good >Anon can make better CGI on Hailuo AI…[View]
204737764>October 21 >I am forgotten[View]
204736087*stops making kino tv shows*[View]
204720560will it break even?[View]
204740134What's your favourite rain scene?[View]
204733992Who do you think is the most powerful X-files villain?[View]
204739695we're in the sauce now, kid[View]
204738811>pajeeta lead with Keira Knightley in supporting role >Keira ends up having the big career LEL…[View]
204739900>Because I drank the vodka.[View]
204729450For me, it's Pain[View]
204738467>Brendan, the line was “Hi, how are you?”[View]
204740203if the riddler started working out and trained in mma hed beat batman at everything he does[View]
204736456Annnnnnd... DROPPED[View]
204739772Ryan Murphy really thought he was a genius by revealing the show was a comatose dream 7 episodes in.[View]
204740102>Look man, you can't just go around murdering people.[View]
204738421i can barely feel anything with a condom on[View]
204739665The Wall always wins[View]
204735807Will it be kino?[View]
204740034Lord Janny...you giving me a 3 day ban for 'AGHHHHHHH' posting? We had a good thing here. We would c…[View]
204738400just watched this... what did i think of it?[View]
204738946Why are the movies so much worse than the TV series?[View]
204735675Watch Cat People (1982)[View]
204736156Anyone remember pic related? does it still hold up? I can remember watching it when it came out and …[View]
204739040Hopes for the upcoming Alan Wake TV series?[View]
204738555Is the mere existence of this show a testament to Reddit's influence on pop culture? Nothing th…[View]
204739743I'M ACTING!!!: What are some good webms of this style of acting? >webm related…[View]
204738735>chuds think this is comedy[View]
204738186I just shit my pants and pooped my pants and shit myself and pooped myself and pissed my pants and p…[View]
204738625any good flicks on Exposing Scammers?[View]
204739582I'll watch the first 3 movies posted itt tonight GO[View]
204734859>Two fighters against a Star Destroyer? How do you respond?[View]
204738652>I don’t think I will ever marry until she finds chad a week later, or let’s be real already star…[View]
204739387I was watching vlogs about South Korea and Japan on YouTube and I found this. Now even Amish people …[View]
204733162Why do normies love the bear so much?[View]
204739371Absolute cinema.[View]
204738508cmon now: Joker 2 wasnt that bad[View]
204738466ITT: Movies where the bad guys win.[View]
204737628>”I'd beach off with this Kenadian again in a heartbeat.“ Ever feel kinda bad for this guy?…[View]
204735894What the fuck was his problem?[View]
204725895why live?[View]
204733996The charges, officer?[View]
204738871Why'd she do it?[View]
204736198Sabrina McKay, from the 2011 movie 'The Change-Up'[View]
204738193Almost finished my rewatch of GoT. Why did Dany go nuts and burn down all of King's Landing aga…[View]
204735222Why the fuck did they kill her off?[View]
204737609>this kino dies >black sails gets 4 seasons i hate room temps so much its unreal…[View]
204730102What's the best film here?[View]
204736533>this made boomers shit and piss themselves in laughter[View]
204735143Pajeets really got the short end of the stick. Rowling hates them and nobody found this scene odd w…[View]
204733777Ratatouille: This is unironically one of my favorite animated films.[View]
204722469Florence Pugh's Irulan, yeh or ney?[View]
204737234Why are there NO movies about living in a nursing home? Seems like the perfect place for a horror fl…[View]
204737705All the stars are here! Sneed, Bane, CIA, The Penguin, Romulus, Joker 2[View]
204736163wait a minute, Romulus is fucking real??[View]
204731225Remember Book of Boba Fett? I almost forgot it exists and now Im kinda nostalgic for it[View]
204731430Gonna watch this. That is all. You can use this thread to talk about Dexter if you want.[View]
204734913So it's a certified classic now? All the normies are picking up on it. What did we think?[View]
204734210What the fuck was his problem?[View]
204738126Snoopy get ipad.[View]
204737498post some october/halloween kino pic related, the ultimate october kino[View]
204735648>the name's Putin... Vladimir Putin[View]
204737802ITT films that straight men will never understand[View]
204701305what the fuck[View]
204738084The midnight sun and the thaw. The episodes where the townspeople get crazy are so kino.[View]
204733895Characters you are slowly becoming[View]
204737989ITT: Sequels you're desperate for[View]
204737965Mickey 17: Will you watch? Would you fuck your clone?[View]
204737911Subservience: I have not had a movie make my penis fill with blood as much as this one.[View]
204737913Damn: Incredible last words for a soldier[View]
204736459/ftl3/ - Fishtank Live Pre-Season #420: Sector E Edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tentat…[View]
204736655Can any tech nerds explain this one to me?[View]
204737525The power: >world were all bitches get electric powers >suddenly they’re able to rule the worl…[View]
204735108wait so lydia wanted to fuck her dad??[View]
204737747American Horror Stories Backrooms: Does it suck?[View]
204737429>be FBI agent >walk into your hotel room >see this teenager in your bed What do?…[View]
204735989top 20: I got good taste 1. Apocalpyto 2. Goodfellas 3. Snatch 4. Reservoir Dogs 5. Amadeus - Wolf o…[View]
204737707What difficulty do you guys think Samantha Carter plays DOOM on? Does she pistol start?[View]
204737528ITT: Did it age well?[View]
204732816Blade Runner producer comes out as far left communist: Well, Blade Runner producer didn't like …[View]
204731658QUEBEC WOMEN ARE SEXY Watching Red Rooms under a recommendation of a /tv/ anon it better be good..[View]
204734026>Gee I hope nothing goes wrong on ny first day working at the walmart bakery department…[View]
204736711Team Babish or Team Gordon or Team Guga?[View]
204732360>2010 >Teenagers are Emo Werewolves Why did Millennials do this? https://www.youtube.com/watch…[View]
204729690>this made millennials piss and shit their pants from rolling on the floor laughing their asses o…[View]
204737241The Order: new chud kino trailer just dropped starring jude law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPZa…[View]
204724227>creator gets to make his 'original vision' >it's far inferior to what he made under rest…[View]
204732631for me it's The Substance[View]
204735373*Buckbreaks James*[View]
204736652Scooby Doo Meets Jigsaw[View]
204735021>you're cooked oz! cooked i tell ya! how do you respond without sounding mad?…[View]
204733539Oh my bones are aching Storm's coming up Ani[View]
204730870Who is the better penguin?[View]
204734465/FROMg/ - crush teleport edition: Victor get idad[View]
204735116The Remains of the Day: I highly recommend this[View]
204736809Shyamalan cooked here: Or as late Zs say he ate they tied it pretty decently desu[View]
204736903Movies for Men: > Ape sex > biker gangs > mafia > rednecks > cowboys > high stakes…[View]
204736443I dare you to explain his motives in the Jurassic World movies.[View]
204735501Dr. Pavel I'm CIA[View]
204734735>the dog saves the day[View]
204733151Law Abiding Citizen (2009): holy shit[View]
204725565Are you Team Oz or Team Sofia?[View]
204731998Why are hollywood storylines so mediocre/bad? Being a screenwriter on paper would mean you are among…[View]
204733584Urban horror: It’s like horror but urban. Urban means black.[View]
204727782Is Terrance Howard okay?[View]
204735315What the fuck was his problem?: Well?[View]
204733404What are your kino plans for Hallow’s ween?[View]
204734590Let's face it, this is the proper way to watch Psycho.[View]
204726693>meanwhile in the infinite /tv/ apartment block[View]
204736424Is alpha nerd the ultimate archetype for getting women?[View]
204736395Just watched The Joker[View]
204736078Marriage is a mistake. >be me have the same job keep for 8 years >promoting through the rank…[View]
204735001Why is everyone in this movie so unbelievably incompetent[View]
204735150Why would such a handsome man be so lonely? Can't replicants have relationships?[View]
204736028>supposed to be some giga IQ mastermind that can profile and find a serial killer by the case fil…[View]
204735703This shit looks so ass it’s crazy. They need to stop spamming ads for it[View]
204735403holy fucking epic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQetIIHYEnM[View]
204735954Bad day in Middle Earth: > Be me > Witch-king of Angmar > Soaring over Pellenor fields havi…[View]
204735946>my name lil T mane[View]
204733792recommend me more kino about regular guys getting involved with the crime world and doing wild stuff[View]
204733916Why didn't they cast someone Italian to play AJ?[View]
204729481Smile 2 - Sucked: 2 hours of Namoi Scott screaming at the Camera. Thats it, thats literally the enti…[View]
204724995why does this place produce so many good actors? is it because of their better developed theater tra…[View]
204733623>9/10 on IMDB >didn't realize who that was on the cover art I will say the contrast betwe…[View]
204735707>If Trump wins again I'm going to have to kill another wife... again…[View]
204735311This is jobs, then there is a real man's job civies don't understand. This show portrays i…[View]
204734616Why did he put up with House’s shit for so long?: House was a toxic friend who routinely exploited W…[View]
204734928This was worse than /tv/ said. Probably the worst performance in all of Star Wars. It's mostly …[View]
204733518>Is that what you want to be? You want to be a hero? You want to have your face painted on a mura…[View]
204734776It's time to admit the facts: Without Jesse's involvement and biting wit, he's litera…[View]
204730306What other actresses have still got it, /tv/?[View]
204735397This pink blob guy made British geezers absolutely shit and piss their pantaloons with laughter 30 y…[View]
204726920Do You Own a Smart Monitor/TV?[View]
204729900/bbuk/: Live stream time nearly.[View]
204733738/ftl3/ - Fishtank Live Pre-Season #419: Indian Summer Edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (t…[View]
204735390Veronica Hart had it.[View]
204734225characters wearing masks[View]
204735018>No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood. How do you respond without sounding mad?…[View]
204732830>$200,000 budget in 1974 >105 minutes of kino >40-minute long chase scene >93 actual car…[View]
204729471What's a line from a movie you use all the time? For me it's >Bitches, leave I say it …[View]
204735074Kinos with this aesthetic?[View]
204733978Power Rangers: Is /tv/ participating in the auctions?[View]
204733363>My Frens....you ban to no one[View]
204736875He's just like us[View]
204736130Get a skill.[View]
204727352Cast her (properly)[View]
204733823How did the Germans get American M47 Patton tanks?[View]
204734213Does /tv/ like Home? It's unironically pretty based.[View]
204731940*cures depression*[View]
204732968The filterer of millions: Perhaps billions[View]
204733941Rank em, /tv/ Also discuss the other Scooby-Doo movies. I'm partial to the Loch Ness Mosnter on…[View]
204734603They deserved it[View]
204734614What if I don't want to choose?[View]
204734723>...Obadiah, his servants. There shall, in that time, be rumors of things going astray, erm, and …[View]
204727091>marvel at your mothers fat ass you punk ass weather reporter. Come here and tell Jonah that, I…[View]
204734682So....are they gonna make another season like pic related for the new election?only good season in t…[View]
204733934Jack Benny: https://jackbenny.org/wp/ (Fans club) https://archive.org/details/OTRR_Jack_Benny_Single…[View]
204732595>Mr. Dink >Mr. Bone >Skeeter >Principal Buttsavage um......…[View]
204717821ITT: Banned books that would be great films[View]
204734258The movie that destroyed the incel movement: It nullified an incel icon in response to the merited c…[View]
204727058Why do time travel films and TV never take the orbit and movement of the Earth into account? When Ma…[View]
204731403The guy on the farthest right did a ton of crack and drank an entire bottle of champagne, then tried…[View]
204733891>kino has an unexpected friendship I WILL watch your film[View]
204729545Would you want to see a crossover versus movie between the two of them? Who do you think would win a…[View]
204734284Please deliver this message to Elon Musk.[View]
204732794>watch women react to this >they all want Deadpool and Wolverine to fuck…[View]
204732979Shalamar got a new girl, that bitch fine as a motherfucker.[View]
204723034/hor/ - Horror General: Invisible Men edition Previous >>204712336[View]
204731724Vampire movie from Nolan: Christopher Nolan’s next movie is rumored to be a period horror about vamp…[View]
204732519GUNN DEFENDS SNYDER FANS: Does this mean he is considering bringing back Snyderverse as an elseworld…[View]
204730875Why do redditors get confused and angry when you say 'who asked for this'[View]
204733046What are some 2020's core movies?[View]
204733660How did the big guy age so fast?: This is a 10 year difference Also what was his best role?[View]
204732725Who was this made for?[View]
204733636Now that the dust has settled, it's time to admit it was better than Joker.[View]
204725542What are some 2010's core movies?[View]
204729923Pam Beasley 2024[View]
204732016>0 threads Why? I thought this board would love it[View]
204732900joker 2 is a great movie, anyone who didn't like it is an NPC with no inner monologue[View]
204731527can ASMR be kino?[View]
204733570accidently came inside my dad's wife[View]
204731774Would this movie have worked with a male lead instead?: Personally, I don’t think it could. Women l…[View]
204731702Only cinephiles can find all 25[View]
204729084>medieval fantasy movie for kids >villain is called Lord Fuckwad It was a different time…[View]
204732870Having tv shows and movies be an event rather than watching it whenever you want was an interesting …[View]
204731351>Chrysippus died during the 143rd Olympiad (208–204 BC) at the age of 73.[2] He was watching a do…[View]
204733434Britney biopic when? It would be nice to see how she got MKultra'd.[View]
204733485you have the right to remain silent[View]
204733024>'that horror movie sucked' >Why? >'It wasn't scary' Is there a bigger sign of a low I…[View]
204733014>His rage is almost incandescent, artistic.[View]
204733335Most people dont know this: But during the fight with Mace Windu, Palpatine was originally supposed …[View]
204733333Vincent Price: https://www.thesoundofvincentprice.com/radio/ https://youtu.be/6_znqhYKGUY?feature=sh…[View]
204732842What did I think of this?[View]
204731606I always took Stand and Deliver as one of those insanely unrealistic feel good movies that embellish…[View]
204732531moments that made you walk out of the theater[View]
204732778A______ W__.[View]
204731174I didn't care for any episode not set in Springfield[View]
204731677fuck RLM, I'm tired of waiting them to review something I saw only to see another 'obscure movi…[View]
204733119Can I kiss you? Can I kiss you on the mouth?[View]
204728436I just discovered that 'sticky back plastic' is a brand neutral way to refer to Sellotape. All these…[View]
204729650So there’s these fellas right and they’re all posting on this website and that for like 20 years and…[View]
204731540Let's see if someone can find this movie for me. I've searched for it multiple times and I…[View]
204732988If you find this garbage entertaining your IQ caps out at 25[View]
204731925why don't you tak your television and film, and shove it up the crack of my ass[View]
204728396My thread about movie was deleted by jannies last night[View]
204732723What the fuck is this voice I was rolling a joint and dropped everything on the floor when this guy …[View]
204731783your product fucking sucks. and for those reason im out[View]
204728812>coming of age teen party movie >teenage characters parents scold them for going to parties, d…[View]
204728056Tom Holland to Lead Next Nolan Film[View]
204727562About to binge this. What am I in for?[View]
204729549A-Train did Hughie a favor[View]
204732168Actors who went full retard[View]
204732019lemme guess, you 'need' more?[View]
204729039Never forget what they took from you. https://youtu.be/jEcDeP8X6-s[View]
204710986I don't get it[View]
204730591Will Harley ever be based again?[View]
204717541>every kid in the neighborhood had a treehouse they could hang out in This was the biggest lie Ho…[View]
204729994/ftl3/ - Fishtank Live Pre-Season #418: CKrashed Out Edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (te…[View]
204732433kino in 900 seconds: Recommend me kino that's 900 seconds or less. Is Aqua Teen Hunger Force go…[View]
204731015Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: Scientists need to create a way to turn back time[View]
204730918Horror is a slop genre: CMV[View]
204730601Why does /tv/ hate Pattinson now?: /tv/ used to worship him.[View]
204732444I haven't been to a theater in over 5 years.: The last film I watched in theater was Joker. Eve…[View]
204732320>gets possessed by a deranged werewolf >performs oral sex on the first woman he meets…[View]
204731861The 2024 holy trinity of kino has been filled: NO MORE ROOM. i'm sorry to every other movie com…[View]
204726648What if Hollywood replaces Zendaya with Tyla for all her roles?[View]
204728134Best actor of the 21st century. Prove me wrong.[View]
204732403REVENGAAAA! MAAABABABABABAAAA!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9uZo236FRA[View]
204730125>nerds couldn’t handle joker 2 how are they going to react to this?[View]
204730314The scene that btfo nice guys forever[View]
204731866You knew Marcus Aurelius??[View]
204731844Eggers thinks he can top THIS?[View]
204731831is /tv/ actually filled with pedos or is it just a bit?its starting to get disturbing[View]
204731948>shoots at Henry at the end >misses every shot Is this subversion? He said he was a good shot.…[View]
204728518Are there any movies about biodiversity?[View]
204729819Sharpe, *sniff* I've got another assignment for you.[View]
204730297was he gay?[View]
204731755>Entire legacy destroyed by a Family Guy clip Brutal[View]
204731876>hawk ‘tua on that newman[View]
204729816GLADIATOR 2 FIRST REACTIONS: Gladiator 2 is the best movie of all time[View]
204731468You can't kill an idea: They took Joker from us, but did they expect Penguin to raise in his pl…[View]
204730460Groundhog thread: >the put your little hand in mine[View]
204723172>me as a kid >haha this character is so comically evil nobody acts like that >me as an adul…[View]
204727372>having ambition and a strong work ethic is... le bad?[View]
204731729>The soiled hobo trousers, size large.[View]
204725670I'm gay... and so is Stu[View]
204720032/From/ general: Breaking Boyd edition: Didnt see a from thread and was pretty sad.[View]
204730713how does she know?[View]
204731696Speak no Evil: I couldn't wait for the fucking Karen to get slaughtered, anyone else?[View]
204731228REMINDER if your favorite director isn't on this list you're a fucking pleb: 1. Charles Lu…[View]
204731650>I see dead people[View]
204730021savetheacolyte.com: These Save The Acolyte fans are almost as pathetic as the Restore The Snydervers…[View]
204730214>furio was surrounded by hot young strippers >instead lusted after a wrinkled hag…[View]
204731504She's gone away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXc2rPmawek[View]
204730380What fucking retard wrote this character?: >Anti imperialist American government >Sides with i…[View]
204727267I....don't really want anything.[View]
204731386I cannot live another day without air conditioning...[View]
204729621been laughing at this for 2 hours[View]
204731870Well HELLO beautiful: >And you are beautiful[View]
204732579Why is hollywood so mad about this little fun thing?[View]
204731111Yop Me Mama[View]
204730927Just Smile and Wave Boys, Smile and Wave[View]
204728893rank them[View]
204731293What do you think of A&E's Hoarders? I think I like to watch it because of the morbid curio…[View]
204730964How is Llwelyn Moss not a literally me character? >Owns his house >Cute, stupid GF with a Sout…[View]
204729495Comfy kino. /tv/ refuses to discuss this because it has a 100% white cast and hence there is nothing…[View]
204720585My favourite part of Zombie movies is the first 15 minutes when society is collapsing and newscaster…[View]
204721337Last dying gasp of rock's relevance[View]
204731195ITT: Kino from the 2000s that could not be made today >https://youtu.be/BF3ond6OWDA…[View]
204731187these are very comfy movies[View]
204731095Children's Horror: Just a thread dedicated to the spooky shows of childhood. Werewolf of Fever…[View]
204731092Neytiri canonically hates her mixed race children[View]
204729018How was this movie promoted to children?: The sequence where the man is lowered into the lava and hi…[View]
204729757>goosestepping cowardly backstabbers that flee and beg for mercy the moment shit goes south and t…[View]
204730953Nelk: Trump and Nelk linked up again - need it or keep it?[View]
204727771>“Occasionally one sees a film that uses the emotional resources of movies with such utter cynici…[View]
204729442Biopic when?: >be member of Nazi party >create famine amongst your own population by confisca…[View]
204728665Alien Romulus: Holy fucking shit this was deadass an incredible movie. Wow. This is a real return to…[View]
204725717What's the one thing missing from all the action movies these days, /tv/?[View]
204706131I was so fucking happy they brought our Engineer bro back, even if they made him a lanklet[View]
204730537Jojo Part 7: Is Netflix doing this? Is there any hope? How they handled Part 6 severely killed all J…[View]
204724903>I wouldn't leave. I would stay and listen, and that's what no one did.…[View]
204730509HEY JERRY! as of RIGHT NOW I'm re-opening the X-files.[View]
204729415So do we hate it or not? Didn't see a single thread about it.[View]
204729052>androgynous child eating demon that drinks the blood of others to stay alive >in the end betr…[View]
204730159Hallmark Mahogany....... is a thing Yet the guy is still white lmfao[View]
204730242kinos for this feel?[View]
204728596The movie that destroyed the incel movement: I loved how it shits on incels and misogynists. All inc…[View]
204718069Hollywood doesn't have bimbos anymore.[View]
204725664Ayo, defying whiteeeeeey[View]
204730108>Entire thing was made to sell a Chevy SUV Isn't it amazing the highest grossing film of la…[View]
204727937>I'm tireda dis >Gettin caught in the tangle of whateva the fuck…[View]
204727202MASH: Frankbros assemble Fuck Hawkeye that pinko traitor Fuck potter that incompetent geezer Fuck Ma…[View]
204729009>nog needs a brain upgrade before he can hold an office job What did Joss Whedon mean by this?…[View]
204725535i already know I'm going to hate this movie. These generic music biopics are just capeshit but …[View]
204716122He was wrong about everything[View]
204726357Why did he do it?[View]
204725096Was anyone else extremely disappointed by Nolan's creativity, or lack thereof, in this film? Af…[View]
204727697Is there a more insane drop in quality regarding horror movies than Hellraiser? After the first movi…[View]
204722689This has to be a fucking psyop[View]
204722365Superman will flop: Gunn says his Superman movie will blow people away. Yeah...away from the theater…[View]
204728520Kino tomorrow[View]
204726855>men really love these ugly women hollywood is done[View]
204728392>the character is supposed to show how live of crime and working with cartel will kill you >al…[View]
204725780What's next for her career?[View]
204729720Those execs be WOKE tho: Holy shit this bitch is the REASON the director of DC:AoR is a nog and it…[View]
204724977>Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter NOOOOOOOOOOOOO[View]
204729610>watch pic related docukin0 >it’s all top-level Nazis badmouthing Hitler, groveling to the All…[View]
204722614>If you're a Parrothead, try Jimmy Buffett's Key West Saloon. Located downstairs in the…[View]
204728905Cavill will be 007: Henry Cavill is now rumoured to be cast as James Bond. Too old at 41? Roger Moor…[View]
204720711did anyone else get tricked into thinking that dating in your late 20s/30s was easy because of these…[View]
204729396>kino cast >great design >awesome atmosphere Why was this forgotten?…[View]
204727597BvS: >Every time Batfleck is on screen it's pure kino >The Superman parts are kind of ass…[View]
204728177lol stop putting Short Round in movies. It was funny seeing him come back once but no one actually w…[View]
204725763>be small town man >6'4 >Dress humbly and act salt of the earth but have progressive s…[View]
204729417how do you think Jim Halpert feels right about now?[View]
204728173How many Emmys will he win for Oz Cobb?[View]
204716003'Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly e…[View]
204725723Who's our James Stewart? The lovable everyman.[View]
204728368>this made millennials piss and shit their pants from rolling on the floor laughing their asses o…[View]
204725970/bbuk/ Big Brother UK 21 - Day 14 NOMINATION NIGHT: And make it double! HOH: Ali and Dean Threads (a…[View]
204729236>Invade neutral country >lay a bunch of mines >surrender like a coward even though it was a…[View]
204727230All we have for you is a word.[View]
204729144The FUCK kinda ending shot is this? what were they thinking?[View]
204727601Films where one or two actors MOG the rest of the cast in terms of acting talent?: For example Romeo…[View]
204728822Alright... it's instinctive. But the instinct can be fought. We're human beings with the c…[View]
204728756Gannibros...why did he do it? How could he do it?[View]
204728268>OH N-[View]
204726269>an /x/ shitpost is being made into a full blown movie[View]
204715456/film/: Arthouse and classics. Real Asian cinema edition >/film/ charts https://mega.nz/folder/87…[View]
204727234was Tommy Lee Jones tricked into wearing this in US Marshalls or was he really into the role? It add…[View]
204728657Will it be any good?[View]
204726561You guys DO lift while watching TV, right?[View]
204727881What are some good sword and sorcery movies[View]
204724329>MEW as a cucked wife Ironic.[View]
204726215why do so many modern movies use day for the night? is it time constraints? the cameras they're…[View]
204728684That animal Blundetto, he doesn't even tip.[View]
204726985Bendy Movie: Ted Field and Maria Frisk will be directing it Seems like things are moving along smoo…[View]
204728593more like the tards, cause that's what you gotta be to like this piece of fuckin' dogshit[View]
204728043Now that the dust surrounding Romulus has settled, how would (You) rank the Alien movies? https://ti…[View]
204726570/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #370: Summy edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tentative d…[View]
204725452let me explain my Gooning process. I usually smoke some weed while watching the interviews at the be…[View]
204727717>'hello sir would you like to buy some melons': >guy stares at her melons 'uhh' >'ugh! Cree…[View]
204727649It was and still is pure kino.[View]
204727660This scene gave me goosebumps![View]
204728395'Fraid so[View]
204726206Are you hyped for Batman 2?[View]
204725503What the fuck would you do if he was after you? To where would you flee? Would you stand and fight?[View]
204723667Wait, they're really gonna walk all the way to Switzerland from Austria??[View]
204728230Upgrade from 1080p to 4K?: Does anyone have a proper kino station? Couch, tv screen, with HDR, Atmos…[View]
204726068I tried rewatching BB, but found it mostly cringe, I don't know what. It feels like there'…[View]
204727659>Another rejection email this morning Any movies that brightens up your day?…[View]
204727166We come to this place.[View]
204728238Look back: Is there anyway of watching Look back online? Idc if its pirated[View]
204727861Now that the dust has FINALLY settled....who was in the wrong here? Was this a valid strategy?[View]
204726141>Your parent's death was not your fault....it was your father's This is like blaming a …[View]
204726314I still don't understand why watching this made me emotional[View]
204728077Childhood is thinking that Kramer from Kramer vs Kramer is right and the other Kramer wrong. Adultho…[View]
204723673Netflix's THE ELECTRIC STATE trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gUDaPTPxwo >In an alt…[View]
204722276Nicolas Cage Urges Young Actors To Protect Themselves From AI: >“Film performance, to me, is very…[View]
204727795Fireman Pat[View]
204719402Could he save star wars from what disney has done to it if he returned?[View]
204727828Did he ever reveal what actually is the deal with airplane food?[View]
204724858they ran a train on her[View]
204727656> Watch good movie > Pretend, day dream and make up elaborate stories with me as the main char…[View]
204723874how do you cope with the fact that we will never have this again?[View]
204723913name a movie with a more off putting cast[View]
204727625Any kinos about an awkward first meeting?[View]
204724671When it comes to 3 month old Ja'Qaurius: Anon... You are NOT the father![View]
204722554KARATE KID: LEGENDS Poster & Synopsis: >Teenager Li Fong (Ben Wang) must earn the love of his…[View]
204726366>villain creates a monster >is immediately killed by it…[View]
204727585And you can't throw rocks from your house of glass[View]
204714920>cures racism in your path[View]
204721372would this same film be made today?: >rejects modernity and returns to her history, family and an…[View]
204716637Matrix brothers working on movie about trannies hunting and eating men: https://www.them.us/story/li…[View]
204723967>flips a coin to decide if he should kill the guy that killed his gf instead of just killing him …[View]
204727313>Nothing is over! Nothing! You can't just switch it off! lt wasn't my competition! You …[View]
204726369>gay character comes out of nowhere Very annoying trope.[View]
204726841His autistic obsession with Gary Cooper was cringe af. I'm sure Gary Cooper didn't throw t…[View]
204725993wtf was his problem?[View]
204724782Watching Twin peaks for first time: >no niggers, not even background characters AAAAAHHHHH, SO G…[View]
204709813There is a woman on facebook marketplace in my area who is selling art she made of famous actors and…[View]
204727192Good show. Shame it has been totally forgotten.[View]
204725880This movie is based as fuck It's set in the late Roman Empire, shows Romulus Agustulus as a bo…[View]
204726954Bond film with the best Bond Girl & Henchman?: For me it's A View To A Kill with Mayday, wh…[View]
204724925Post dope tv openings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6X2uEAbzJs While I did not continue the seri…[View]
204724001Leo bros its over[View]
204725359Shogun - 1980 version vs 2024 version: Well?[View]
204726757I don't get it[View]
204725066>first live action Pokémon film: >only made 450 million worldwide >no sequel…[View]
204726706I just had sex and Im about to eat NACHOS!![View]
204719395What horror kinos has /tv/ been watching for October?[View]
204722947emphatically mediocre, the hype last year was just Nolan fanboys and a big studio push for awards? r…[View]
204718554What the fuck was his problem?[View]
204725496Could this be adapted into a live action series accurately? >inb4 never going to happen That…[View]
204722632Movies sucking right now directly correlates with him and Whedon being in director's jail for t…[View]
204722871Looks like complete trash[View]
204724902Are feminist coomer movies the next Hollywood trend?[View]
204722399So is his character canonically still jewish?: If your soul is Wakovian, but it’s being housed insid…[View]
204713802Dredd 2012: This movie was great. Just dystopian action with a hottie sidekick. Imagine if demolitio…[View]
204722274ITT Love interests who deserved better and got written out for stupid reasons: pic rel is Patty from…[View]
204725978DUDE. COCAINE. LMAO.[View]
204722641Rita skeet skeeter[View]
204719249>female character has short hair any film professors here to explain the cinematic purpose of thi…[View]
204717554Ridley btfo[View]
204725078/tv/ WebM thread[View]
204723271*blocks your path*[View]
204725976This made boomers shit themselves with fear[View]
204718503>Gen X pissed their pants laughing at this[View]
204725785>oi oi lad you got a telly loicense? >we KNOW that you love the BBC you must pay for it >l…[View]
204718359> no more philosophical Kino What went wrong?[View]
204719244she was a very unique and kinda cute ruthless psycho in the first eps, it's sad how they turned…[View]
204724803What was his problem?[View]
204722406He's right, you know.[View]
204722613The Penguin: Yeah, its kino.[View]
204725979Transformers 1987 cartoon film >Lion >Stan Bush Transformers Bayverse >Linkin Park >Skil…[View]
204725497>2024... >I have forgotten...[View]
204727180new lord of the rings looking dope[View]
204723346FOOD ALRIGHT?[View]
204721555it do that sometimes[View]
204725876how did they miscast her that bad?: Kate Winslet is a good actress but they really tried to make her…[View]
204725695favorite japanese woman in your country[View]
204725808>on this board Megalopolis is kino[View]
204724961The incest timeline makes no sense[View]
204725592I edited every scene with Bane out of the movie aside the opening and it actually turns into a good …[View]
204722181My favourite Arnie movie. Bit weird that he kissed the underage girl though.[View]
204725313What's next for him?[View]
204724959What went wrong you say? Probably the same thing that happened with the equally successful '80s…[View]
204722955he just wants whats best for reeen[View]
204720612>WHAT THE FRACK[View]
204724779Remake: Is them remaking AP worse sacrilege than remaking LOTR? AP is a 10/10 movie (up there with f…[View]
204723109Mom and Dad Save the World: Have you heard about this? Have you seen this?[View]
204724626I know what you said about Anthony a few days ago. Not cool and I don’t appreciate it.[View]
204723167Out of My Mind 2024: LMAO RETARD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvVxyoQQzFs[View]
204725220This man was a kino machine, Zemeckisisters, wya?![View]
204724651do video stores still exist ?[View]
204724984Take a bump.[View]
204722869Todd Phillips treatment: what popular character will he rape next?[View]
204723358Henry Cavill: I just can't bring myself to like him. What's the appeal? He has never starr…[View]
204724956What is that one movie, probably released direct to TV movie where this kid named David drops his ac…[View]
204717980Isn’t it funny that as soon as he died we got all these shitty Lotr shows and vidyas? Reminder that …[View]
204723251/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #421: Valley edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tentative …[View]
204724934SHOOT ME UP, WITH A BIG ONE! What, if anything, did he mean by this?[View]
204711730Wow how underwhelming and boring[View]
204723282For me it's Henno[View]
204721003Will Rey’s new Jedi Order be made?[View]
204716927This was kino. Why no one told me that soviet animation was this good?[View]
204723013Hello friend/TV/s what's your favorite streaming service this week?[View]
204716503>the 4 main girls are white It really was a different time[View]
204712024The Office Australia review round-up: ‘Doomed’ and ‘toothless’: >4.3/10 on IMDB Aussiebros... Wha…[View]
204722615Where exactly did it turn to shit? I'm saying the end of season 2.[View]
204715028How did he not pass out from the shock?[View]
204723618Did your /tv/ have a v-chip? Or did your parents install parents controls on your tv as a kid?[View]
204723566oh no how horrifying[View]
204723859Why was Hank such a pussy all the time?[View]
204719585So this is life as an asian-american uh? Thats tough[View]
204724396What did they talk about for the rest of their dinner date?[View]
204718716Why did this mindbreak me so much?[View]
204716224ITT: Dead careers[View]
204721962Why did Kit Harrington fail as a leading man?[View]
204723972why did he do the things he did?[View]
204713477I really like the Terrifier movies[View]
204716757do you think Megan Fox would make for a great Lara Croft?[View]
204719378>uses magic sticky powder[View]
204722693>Exactly thirty years ago these three movies were in the theaters at the same time.…[View]
204724127>This is my wife’s boyfriend’s son’s janitorial account, originally.[View]
20472412150+ minutes for an episode of a tv show is too long, all tv should be 20 minutes, 30 at most.[View]
204716439When will lorelets apologize? Also, what are we most looking forward to in S3, Haladriel chads?[View]
204724090How do you go back to watching normal movies after seeing this? Nothing comes close to this level of…[View]
204720807>we need an addict/alcoholic[View]
204722927Who was in the wrong here?[View]
204723504What's your favorite comfort show?[View]
204723918>We have worked years to build our creh-di-bih-lity[View]
204723826>Little Lord Fauntleroy's tummy hurts because there's too much roast beef in it!…[View]
204719635>Soup isn't a meal How would you respond to this?[View]
204718696The only Kong moves worth watching besides the original were made by Toho: Change my mind.[View]
204723164Brave New World tv series: Is it like reading the book? thought it would be more dystopian, but it d…[View]
204723422Who's the definitive 90s prettyboy? >Leo DiCaprio >Johnny Depp >River Phoenix >Tom …[View]
204709765Was this Michael Keatons second best performance after Beetlejuice? One thing that stuck out to me i…[View]
204722044>Cross the room if you ever kissed a girl[View]
204714207Writers are getting dumber by the day: The Penguin: Sophia pumps a house full of natural gas, killin…[View]
204722898>millennials considered this an extremely shredded and muscular physique…[View]
204723657>Gobspeed Spider-Man oh very clever because he's a goblin seriously someone got paid to writ…[View]
204719336Oh, to have a summer job at McDonald's again...[View]
204722815I don't get It[View]
204723532The Killer remake: It's so good as if it's not directed by John Woo.[View]
204716110It Stinks.: >Zero plot >Zero character development >Zero reason for me to give a fuck about…[View]
204723384ITT: characters who carried the show or movie[View]
204721767Jurassic Park raptors: Now that the dust has settled....which movie had the best raptors? For me it…[View]
204723460>They don't want my son with their daughters and I don't want their sons with mine. Do…[View]
204719704Season 1 aged like milk, Season 2 aged like an Asian woman.: Such an intricate story with complex ch…[View]
204713482SAY IT![View]
204723199>It doesn't matter that the races were reversed for the crime that inspired the story. What …[View]
204723321Susan was such a sweetheart, George didn't deserve her![View]
204723103What the fuck was her problem?[View]
204722642Is this worth a watch ?[View]
204722678So what's his fucking tax policy then? They never say[View]
204723169Community: the movie is never happening isn't it[View]
204721346Is this the moment that defined an era of television?[View]
204722968Sci-fi that feels like this? Just the weight of the unimaginable vastness and coldness of space[View]
204723128>super busy[View]
204721560Unfair how?[View]
204722997i got tricked by /tv/ again, I was told this was a groundbreaking film and instead it was about a gu…[View]
204721959Are american high schools really like this ?[View]
204722970Objectively speaking was this the best western of all tine?[View]
204722911Karen's ziti?[View]
204722291>in the 1970s the evil villain's comically evil and ridiculous plan was to increase the valu…[View]
204721517Why is movie Optimus so brutal[View]
204722856Is Matt Reeves overrated or underrated? Why does /tv/ have the hots for Sofia Gigante?[View]
204721185Doom(little) and Thanos linked up. Need it or keep it?[View]
204722680Give me a plausible reason for the raptor to pause right in front of Muldoon: only to kill him as so…[View]
204722804Just imagine the /tv/ threads.[View]
204722823*mogs the past 25 years of the western animation industry in just 25 minutes*[View]
204722774Marvel is cooking in 2025[View]
204694297Do you still watch RedLetterMedia?: Why?[View]
204717909In the movie 'The Matrix' what actually was the Matrix?[View]
204722170>Reykjavik is an upcoming American historical political drama film written and directed by Michae…[View]
204708418This movie caused me to (involuntarily) scream 'KINO!!!!!' intermittently throughout its two hour ru…[View]
204722374>starts show by talking about gays and faggots what a whiplash back to the 80s, wooh…[View]
204712336/hor/ - Horror General: Tutti Fuckin' Fruity! edition Previous >>204705530[View]
204719021>movie has a female protagonist[View]
204719859I was watching Simpsons bible Stories (S10E18) can someone tell me what the message on the board say…[View]
204722280ITT: movies that get better when you realise the protagonists are the bad guys[View]
204723888Uzumaki: how mind fucked will I be after watching?[View]
204719616It's a shame movies aren't this good anymore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH9vX4FCuRA…[View]
204720578Don't Touch If You Ain't Prayed[View]
204721416>hey, rent's DBAA fee just went up 100 more a month. how would jesse respond, if you were j…[View]
204722393so Frasier was autistic, right? >over analyzes everything >cant be with women without ruining…[View]
204721661>Do you feel blame? Are you mad ? Do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch …[View]
204715879just watched 'no time to die'... this must be the worst shit I have seen in a long time holy fuck it…[View]
204720115>the perfect woman doesn't exis-[View]
204715797What am I in for?[View]
204720088That pool cue, I wonder if it was chalked?[View]
204721117Where do you think they were hoping the movie franchise would go had it been a success?[View]
204701591Are VHS tapes going to make a comback?: I hope not[View]
204717586>All my life I've lived by a code and the code is simple: honor the gods, love your woman an…[View]
204719169/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #420: Natural Born Theorists edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October …[View]
204720130There's a bell for black people but what sounds do we make for 'legacy character gets exploited…[View]
204720806Was this the first movie to show a 'humiliation ritual' with rape and harassment? Did boomers really…[View]
204714189itt prove you're an oldfag I remember when /tv/ used to unironically like Rick and Morty[View]
204720016How do we feel about RDJ's lengthy acting career?[View]
204721837>watch movie >famous vidya character’s much less famous face model shows up…[View]
204714820what was her problem?[View]
204719455Sensei Segal General -/ssg/: He is the living embodiment of Kino. Discuss everything related to this…[View]
204721203'Has /tv/ seen Emir Kusturica's masterpiece, 'Black Cat, White Cat,' about the life a…[View]
204719863boomers were really out here losing to slow zombies[View]
204721223>Need help starting your plane >Just let me find a paper clip…[View]
204718368Expanse: absolute kino[View]
204718269>Luca Guadagnino is making an 'American Psycho' remake for Lionsgate >https://deadline.com/202…[View]
204720915>personality uninstalled >new personality downloaded…[View]
204698517Why did Weyland make a black retarded android?[View]
204721148>Watching a kino >Character says something that makes you realize all the writers live in Cali…[View]
204719763Holy shit, what a retard.[View]
204720914I forgot, why did the Writers Strike happen? We had so mant comfy/funny shows during 2000s[View]
204721131>feel down >watch niccage kino >feel better…[View]
204721122>trying to sleep >down down down the road, down the bitches road…[View]
204718693Fuck john landis. This will never ever be forgiven. Absolutely no reason for these 3 to have suffere…[View]
204711503So what does Joaquin Phoenix think about all the backlash to the joker movie?[View]
204721010are we excited for the avatar anime (to be released in theatres)?[View]
204719068This made Boomers piss and shit themselves laughing. Why did past generations like dressing up like …[View]
204719151hard life: recommend some films in which the protagonist lives a hard life[View]
204718844is early S3 meant to be a constant cocktease with no plot development or am i missing something grea…[View]
204718250>Watch Jewish media production >Second character is ugly african male talking to beautiful whi…[View]
204720697Where are all the white Spidermen though? You know, the Peter Parkers?[View]
204720761How did they get away with this: >Bar Mitzva at age 13 >fast forward 3 years to rough graphic …[View]
204719110any more dystopian britbong kino like this?[View]
204720690They predicted it[View]
204718441I don't get it[View]
204720571> Red Ryder Carbine-action 200-shot Range Model Air Rifle[View]
204720556What's your favorite nuclear war kino? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quyaaszg6jc[View]
204720215Do you think Jango Fett had other children in far away galaxies? Bounty hunters must get tons of pus…[View]
204719484What are your favorite queer coded films[View]
204714645The reality classic Bachelor Finland returns in November with new episodes.: >This year, Joonas K…[View]
204719856>First two sequels are mediocre/shit >Franchise gets rebooted into 'MEMBER THE FIRST MOVIE' I…[View]
204719341What are some good catholikinos? No pr*testants allowed in this thrad[View]
204718779Firstly, I'd like to do what no other celebrity here tonight had has the class to do...Mr. Osca…[View]
204720062Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now[View]
204718414Smokers are jokers![View]
204717017Food Kinos: Any good shows or films about British cuisine?[View]
204719332after the role of a lifetime...[View]
204713103What did you actually think of this?: Would you say it accomplished what it set out to do?[View]
204718005>mfw I watch a kino that is highly technical like a film about finance or the stock market and I …[View]
204718063What would happen if Gizmo was fed after midnight? What would gremlin Gizmo look like?[View]
204719767Would watching old Coronet Instructional videos help improve my life or are they too dated? Will I …[View]
204701339Is there a reason Ella Balinska’s career died?: She’s tall, attractive and a decent actress. Her mot…[View]
204707708When was the last time you watched an anime?[View]
204709102One female in the last thing you watched suddenly has these implanted. How do things change?[View]
204714651This was one hell of a ride. What does /tv/ think about it?[View]
204714363Android 16 received bupkis in return for all his good deeds. The humans of Earth are indebted to him…[View]
204698624Just watched Alien romulus on a whim and quite liked it. Cailee Spaeny - now that is a real demure w…[View]
204719327>on this episode of Dog the bountyhunter[View]
204718304photos taken moments before disaster[View]
204711239Halloween: What film(s) are you going to watch for Halloween? It's only a bit over a week ago. …[View]
204717886It had its moments.[View]
204718284Exactly thirty years ago these three movies were in the theaters at the same time and they're a…[View]
204704165Lynch is a psycho: Why does everybody love him despite clearly being a fucking psychopath? His art a…[View]
204719316Who would you cast in the next season of True Detective?[View]
204668196/kdg/ - Korean Drama General: Kdrama General - Our Frog Edition Post your dramas for this weekend Pr…[View]
204712367/penguin/ general: what did you think of the last episode[View]
204719179Zoomer kino[View]
204717934What is this scene referencing? This is from the ‘Girl Drink Drunk’ sketch by Kids In The Hall. I’m …[View]
204719071Now that the dust has settled, was it rape?[View]
204717343The best MCU movie[View]
204716945aussie cinema: Righto cunts. our Australian brethren are either in bed or nearly there so lets shit …[View]
204718312What's the point of making a new adaptation of American Psycho when the 2000 film was a perfect…[View]
204703338Remember me kids? I did the soundtracks to all your favorite spooky films[View]
204717846>Look, without Derek Zoolander, male modeling wouldn't be what it is today.…[View]
204708595What, /tv/, shall The Future hold for Star of Stage and Screen, Hollywood “It Girl,” and Bristol Ros…[View]
204717685The Holy Trinity of Mob Kino[View]
204713749What did he mean by that?[View]
204718654kinos for this feel?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40nBKyvUf_E[View]
204693412ai generated horror kino when?[View]
204718633It was pop horror kino[View]
204718591>Reed looks like a cross between Walt Disney and the local butcher of a small Southern European t…[View]
204718569>movie about a trans pope >rated PG[View]
204714098You've been filtered bitch boy[View]
204717222I crwy everytime[View]
204718400Any other kinos where the main character gets raped?[View]
204717983Neytiri is...[View]
204718078PSYCHO 2 NOW! WITH SCARJO![View]
204718196ITT: Underrated movies that /tv/ rarely mentions[View]
204713126Smallville started the trend of raceswapping characters: >Lana Lang (who is a redhead in the comi…[View]
204718083Why did he leave Yeahmad[View]
204718164why'd they blunder its sequel potential? Missed opportunity for a joker Cu (cinematic universe)[View]
204715731In the film The Parent Trap (1998), Lindsay Lohan strips naked and skinny dips after losing a poker …[View]
204711553>bro these old piles of stone are like.... crazzzzyyyy >bro the Amazon forest is like...... hu…[View]
204714968So this character is pretty much confirmed to be The Capeshitter in his Earth Z-1 incarnation, right…[View]
204715927Honestly a top 10 horror kino of all time[View]
204717991doctor who: One ordinary evening, I tuned in to watch an episode of 'Doctor Who' called 'New Earth,'…[View]
204716304Why do even cowgirls get the blues? does the film ever explain why??[View]
204711757This stage light just landed on the street before me. This means I live in a simulated reality telev…[View]
204716803I miss him[View]
204716338>Hey anon you haven't touched your rice noodles with raw egg thrown in it >everything oka…[View]
204716764>“Could you have picked a worse night for this, you pompous ass? There is a home Yankee playoffs …[View]
204716509I realised i actually like watching generally boring/mid films like this just for the 00s/early10s n…[View]
204715214Was he a good or a bad guy?[View]
204716173This is what it's about >spending time with family and friends >eating adventurous food w…[View]
204713512/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #419: Took the ane edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tenta…[View]
204714307>“Octavian, have you penetrated anyone yet?'[View]
204716552/Anthony Bourdain General/: I miss Anthony Bourdain. Here's a gem to start us off https://strea…[View]
204715203It's mid[View]
204716226Why doesn't Netflix release any of its original shows on DVD?[View]
204701277/fromg/ From General: Dale in the wall Edition previous >>204697387[View]
204716288This nigger is going through a complex process that Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and of course Leo went th…[View]
204717382>saves more people than he killed >somehow considered a 'bad guy'…[View]
204716698Explain why ban evading isn't fully justified when mods deliberately leave off-topic threads up…[View]
204701453Would this work?[View]
204716434>start watching interesting kino >WAP by kardi B starts playing…[View]
204715993I am now extremely interested in your TV show/movie[View]
204717987>I drank the 24 cans of cheap domestic beer[View]
204716138>get a skill >lift weights >dont oversocialize >drink raw milk >debtmaxxx >get a m…[View]
204709882>The Boy Who Did The Needful[View]
204706865Smile 2, 6.5/10: This is actually a pretty cool movie. The production looked impressive and I was su…[View]
204716844Why was Hellboy in Star Wars?[View]
204716424>watching documentary >millennial emphasizes a civil rights infraction after being monotone th…[View]
204716322Peter Pan 2003: Did anyone find it weird the alternate universe version of her father was trying to …[View]
204716555I used to love this nigga: He was top of the food chain But then some streamer pussy ate his soul…[View]
204713994i dont watch the movies i post about[View]
204715644>Where is the crew? >We killed them and ate their livers I miss when kids movies had jokes lik…[View]
204716725You are a slave, Neo.[View]
204713602Does /tv/ like Letterboxd or is it too reddit for us?[View]
204715390In the ass?[View]
204715118>the best black characters from recent years are both dad jokes telling androids what did Hollywo…[View]
204714723Jigsaw decided enough IS enough and he will punish your favorite slasher >Freddy Kruger >Art t…[View]
204714304>Art target you and your family What do you do?[View]
204716088ITT: Times you acted like Maníaco Do Parque[View]
204714892there was a time, but for a moment: things were perfect[View]
204716300There would be no eulogies for Bob. No photographs of his body would be sold in sundries stores, no …[View]
204712766Why don't they ever just shoot him in the head?[View]
204715683Kino Kong: Just finished it, I finally understand why he's so beloved. More like this?[View]
204716117'What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.' 'Interlinked.' 'Did they te…[View]
204716017Does anyone else yell abuse at women in movies? I was watching Wrong Turn today and kept inadvertent…[View]
204715674>the single best horror movie to come out of the 2020's >8.3/10 on IMDB >is literally …[View]
204715356Haha what a weirdo amiright...?[View]
204714650If a lot of people loved each other, the wehrld would be a better place to live.[View]
204705565Reminder that The Matrix stole most of its content from '80s anime.[View]
204715312Sequel when?[View]
204714206>ooh the atmosphere >dark and eerie check >creepy children check >haunted house check …[View]
204714688This was considered the ideal male body in 1999[View]
204715809UK Cinemas Screening PEDO Polanski[View]
204713998Any schizoid movies?[View]
204715241Wait a minute. The based funny one was the Jew and the fat effeminate nerd was the WASP? /tv/'s…[View]
204715449How can he make the most awful schlock watchable?[View]
204706252I’m not speaking so good English but why her face so ugly[View]
204715665Why do you often hear that studios forced a director to use a happy, positive ending when he had a n…[View]
204709758>alright, we need someone to play a gruff and tough ultra macho character who's also unhinge…[View]
204715022Most fucked up controversial movies: Last 10 years only[View]
204708575probably one of the best docs i've ever seen[View]
204705142What are your hopes for the next season of Euphoria?[View]
204710266I love her in the original[View]
204697115/film/: Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Paris, Texas edition >/film/ ch…[View]
204714575/PTG/ Porn Thread General: Post your favourite scenes and actresses[View]
204710233Does he know something we don’t?[View]
204711963>Indian Harry Potter >he smells so bad that he kills Voldemort on the spot…[View]
204714801How and why does it happen when a movie with a robot as one of its lead, it just strikes heavy on ou…[View]
204710926/JRG/ - Joker Rape General #22: For all forms of Joker Rape Discussion Hello beautiful edition Rags …[View]
204703929Mental illness.[View]
204708705You have 10 seconds to post your favorite Geena Davis movie: HARD MODE: can’t say Beetlejuice.…[View]
204715279Hopes for the Harry Potter TV show?[View]
204711552>OH N-[View]
204714471Hatchet: Why are these movies so unpopular? They are short and the gore is better than terrifier…[View]
204706271what a shitty movie: i mean seriously, what the fuck was that ending? you think i want to sit throug…[View]
204711697Apologize: https://youtu.be/FBeccCU_pEE[View]
204706844You have $200mil for a Half-Life movie. What do?[View]
204711509is it really that bad?[View]
204715174saul would convince the court that he committed zero (0) crimes[View]
204715001Marty btfo[View]
204709293Just watched season 1 of True Detective for the first time, and it was kino, but it has made me desp…[View]
204715131Sometime in the 23rd century... the survivors of war, overpopulation and pollution are living in a g…[View]
204715101AY IM WADDLIN HERE[View]
204712615Who's fault was this? They should be ashamed of themselves. Just terrible.[View]
204714586>spend $2 billion usd to make a film >almost everyone sees it >have 0 cultural relevance in…[View]
204714012How the fuck do these films make so much money, be marketed as such a vast and unmissable cultural e…[View]
204713730This was kino. Why no one told me that soviet animation was this good?[View]
204714764What if Rorschach was raped in prison?[View]
204710161>barney confesses to trafficking a woman >it's treated as this heartfelt moment of atonem…[View]
204712191Why did episodic fantasy schlock like pic related or Hercules and Xena die out? Fantasy shit nowaday…[View]
204714859>watch Yellowstone >flashbacks to young versions of characters start happening >they have a…[View]
204706762/DCAU/ General: comfy DCAU thread[View]
204705659Murder in a Small Town: watch Murder in a Small Town NOW[View]
204713093>watching movie >sudden ass tracking scene on woman walking >literally can NOT stop thinkin…[View]
204713822HamillBros, it’s over……..[View]
204711261people shit on 300 for being right wing, but in dark knight harvey dent at the start of the movie pr…[View]
204713446*Blocks your path*[View]
204714665>A character gets hit in the balls >Ave Maria starts playing…[View]
204711243What are YOUR go to shows/movies before bed? Those ones you've seen 500 times and completely re…[View]
204711236>I had a wife, she was beautiful, like you. Oh my God, you are stunning. Hubba hubba *boner cleal…[View]
204713625Why has it failed so badly ?: Budget : $25–30 million Box office : $7,631,923.[View]
204714267How long are you supposed to stomach a film you are clearly not enjoying?[View]
204712226Are you performing your seasonal rewatch of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974)?[View]
204714008This has to be one of the most overrated movies of all time. The movie looks like dogshit filmed on …[View]
204691710MOVIES OF 2025: What will you be watching, /tv/? >Companion (January 10, 2025) Directed by Drew H…[View]
204712949>The Office US was just a ripoff of the Office UK! Actually, the US had it first, it was called W…[View]
204710697Cast him.[View]
204703289>suicidal nerd does everyone's homework for them while the violent thug and the jock who ass…[View]
204709585Alien 1979 Ripley didn't do shit all movie other than bitch and whine. How is she considered he…[View]
204709829nice board nigga[View]
204711644Iconic characters with short screen time. The Bride was only in the movie for 3 minutes[View]
204710455How do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
204712161“When Harry pushed open the tapestry to take their usual short cut up to Gryffindor Tower, however, …[View]
204714055>survivor gets bit by a slow zombie uh just lightly jog away?[View]
204710622Was there any reason besides plot for Jack not killing Walt in the desert after the shootout with Is…[View]
204706930Superman is going to flop...: >Peacemaker claims Superman has a poop fetish >James Gunn is ver…[View]
204713450ITT: Actors We Lost: But can never forget[View]
204710411Films with Albino Protagonists?: Or at least Albino characters?[View]
204712654>Do you remember the incident last year in this town when those white teenagers raped a black gir…[View]
204712272Does prison rape happen in real life as much as it does in this?[View]
204710173Now that the Joker has been raped and gaped into irrelevance, Hisoka remains the CHAD clown[View]
204708875>Late night shows aren't taping election night specials It's over.…[View]
204711613>modern simpsons gag >the family visits the grand canyon and on a glass observation deck, bart…[View]
204712552>PG movie contains kid cock[View]
204711141new florida stories comedy show about alleged real things that happened with the real person telling…[View]
204704257What happened to color in film?[View]
204705889Does this movie ever get good? Having trouble watching it. It's fucking awful. Coomer got ugly …[View]
204711143>Uh, we like, served and stuff, so you gotta show us respect, buttwipe, uh huh huh. >YEAH BUTT…[View]
204712141I don't get it[View]
204712663Arly Jover says that George R.R. Martin supervised In the Lost Lands, and that Paul W.S. Anderson wa…[View]
204709566Lord Farquaad is a good example of what short people are like[View]
204708880henceforth, you shall be known as Darth...[View]
204713074somehow, the xeno has returned[View]
204706907Detective Movie: Looking for a good detective/mystery movie to round off the weekend. Got any sugges…[View]
204699131it's over[View]
204709902>here’s your femcel, bro[View]
204709527What the fuck are the breen and what the fuck is their problem?[View]
204712876Name it[View]
204712365>get Afayr Go'eeng why was this orc never mentioned again?[View]
204712941I'm still pissed they killed off Doakes, that was one based nigger.[View]
204708912What role should Hilary Duff take on?[View]
204712478>loser character gets punished for standing up to his bully[View]
204703164>Yeah, those kids are neat or whatever... :/ >Oh, my shirt? Yeah I really like these shirts! A…[View]
204712764sex with marge[View]
204709901Felicity in Arrow: Thoughts?[View]
204710416>you watch, you dirty fucking N- Man, those WandaVision flashbacks in Agatha are crazy!…[View]
204711867>main characters life is actually over Any kinos for this?[View]
204710499>every shoe he's ever made is kino How does he do it?[View]
204712441>Watched AVP 2004 couple of weeks ago >Had a dream about the movie last night >The Predator…[View]
204711647What am I in for?[View]
204709502Le Wraith: >Mid-80s Charlie Sheen as an alien ghost driving a cybertruck and taking revenge on a …[View]
204702236This movie fucking sucks. >Crappy surface level Star Wars jokes >Bullshit Star Wars vs Star Tr…[View]
204708316Has there ever been a pro-plastic surgery film?[View]
204705530/hor/ Horror General: BRAINS edition Previous: >>204698556[View]
204704229Why the fuck did he speeded up knowing they were heading into an ice field?[View]
204711398>DO YOU FEEL GOD?[View]
204711586What makes men do this?[View]
204708713Can you really call yourself a TV head if you haven't watched all 591 episodes of LASSIE?[View]
204712101When will live action anime ever work?[View]
204700197Greatest TV villain: Don't even reply, you know it's true[View]
204707691Anyone watch Cyborg Soldier?: Rich Franklin is stiff, but Tiffani Thiessen and Bruce Greenwood are g…[View]
204710465DJ QUALLS(NOT DEAD, NOT RIP) NEW MOVIE!!!!!!: Carved.2024.1080p.WEB.H264-AccomplishedYak >Carved.…[View]
204704806ITT: Scenes where it's acceptable for men to cry.[View]
204709042How is Jimmy part of the Mafia if he has no Italian blood?[View]
204699626what is your opinion on cute/sexy/attractive villians? are you more inclined to agree with a villian…[View]
204711422Lincoln Lawyer: The smoothest slop on the air.[View]
204706708/Penguin/ general: Get in here kid[View]
204708217Childhood is thinking he married into it Adulthood is knowing he married into it[View]
204711607>when doesn't bring 20pc chicken nuggets: I'm... gonna.. FREAK[View]
204709834Hey, Al I just had sex with your mom[View]
204710135>So it's hopeless? >Of course it's not. It never was. Never been. You WILL be a girl…[View]
204711510am i misunderstanding or is the moral of this movie 'you shouldn't worry about youre baby being…[View]
204707246Marilu Henner was perfect[View]
204710951So she's just Rhea Ripley now?[View]
204708711Is marvel now just comedy serieses? I miss Wanda. And vision[View]
204710528Why do Asian-American actors, both male and female, look so different and ugly compared to native bo…[View]
204710754Top kek![View]
204708972Why did he do it?: Just to be clear, I'm not asking why Phillip Hoffman killed himself. That mu…[View]
204709800what are some good bro and sis kinos /tv/?[View]
204710633>room for one more, honey.[View]
204691924so 28 years later is real? i thought it was just shitposting[View]
204702558>is dating chad >dumps chad for rich guy >cheats on rich guy with spiderman >cheats on r…[View]
204710635>welcome to kinoplex[View]
204709658ftl fishtank live: S3 on the 27th. Scott is in Trishs chat right now[View]
204707947>pornhub, redtube, motherless... loud = kino[View]
204710966>I haven't fucked half of you half as hard as I should like, and I've fucked less than …[View]
204709815I can't fucking take it anymore[View]
204709083>Well it was part of our kid fucking initiative you see, anyway I hope you catch them true detect…[View]
204709617What did she mean by this?[View]
204710712'hey, hit that button on the way out, would you?' Does this exist or did I make it up? It's lik…[View]
204710685How the fuck were they stranded for years, it was a THREE HOUR TOUR?!?: They couldn’t have even been…[View]
204710666Hot Italian Peppers Thread: We discuss Cristiana Dell'Anna, Gomorrah's 'Patrizia' and her …[View]
204706951pretty sure kojima saw lea seydoux in the blue warmest colour than they casts her in death stranding…[View]
204709000Fuck you, I like it >b-b-but muh source material Who cares[View]
204709495Joker rape in Imax: how was it to watch Joker get raped in imax? was it like being there?[View]
204709236Are there any good or insightful film reviewers today or was Ebert the last one? Not that I agreed w…[View]
204708641Ridley Scott does it again.: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/gladiator-2-first-r…[View]
204710473What are you trying to say The Perfect Storm (2000)?[View]
204709867I think he deserved his punishment. Don't you?[View]
204710249How do you go from Face/Off to this? I'd really like to know. How do you go from perfect castin…[View]
204710154I miss movies that had THX[View]
20470102630 rock thread[View]
204696061/tv/ WebM thread[View]
204707561Episodes where you realized the writers had run out of good ideas for scripts.[View]
204710083I don't say shabbot shalom...[View]
204709360Do zoomers even have teen comedies anymore? What’s the gen z version of Superbad?[View]
204708227>avatar 1 is the highest grossing movie of all time >avatar 2 is the third highest grossing mo…[View]
204709141thought Hellboy 2 was bad, and then I watched this............[View]
204709641This board is embarrassing. Can't we stir things up a little with some kino?[View]
204709885>You know the Janny? That freaking nutjob that goes around just deleting threads for no pay? Well…[View]
204709835My boys are lookin to post[View]
204707470So you're telling nobody ever looked under the rug?[View]
204709756I haven't cringed so hard in years...: had to shut it off after 5 minutes before I died from cr…[View]
204702676>So it's true, then, what they're saying on the train?[View]
204705405The Substance (2024): Would you turn urself into a chad?[View]
204702001Alien Romulus to get a VHS release: The first major film since 2006 to get a major VHS release http…[View]
204709218What the fuck was his problem[View]
204709562A time to kill: >Do you remember the incident last year in this town when those white teenagers r…[View]
204709493what the fuck do women see in a character like this? >some pasty looking white boy with a bad ha…[View]
204704054It physically hurts to look at Courteney Cox in this movie. How could she bog herself so hard?[View]
204704298Which of these was the biggest waste?[View]
204706622>mmmmmboy are you GYATT![View]
204709386>Don't be stupid, be a smarty! Come and join the Nazi Party![View]
204709182There was an ad for joker 2 playing on the TV's in the shop I was getting my lunch and it shock…[View]
204709279The fact is, I haven't ever had relations. I am a virgin[View]
204705783DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN leaked trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnx8wnToQt0[View]
204707989Season 9 is still part of the classic era[View]
204708128Is this the worst trailer ever? (definitely the worst trailer of the year) https://www.youtube.com/w…[View]
204709115Voldemort wasn't a really three dimensional villain. After he's revealed he's pretty …[View]
204708578Why are popular good looking people so cruel? Carrie was a harmless sweet shy girl who didn’t bother…[View]
204709239>buy guns >so you can control more territory >so you can sell more drugs >so you can …[View]
204709223KINO POSTERS /GD has been dead for over a year: Working on my PSD skills and need some poster inspir…[View]
204709011Now that the dust has settled, who did it best?[View]
204706965Ernest goes to Splash Mountain[View]
204708667How did she do it[View]
204705972>censors fuck but not feck Is Ireland even a real country?[View]
204708228Was it kino?[View]
204707826If movies are so shit today, why don't you write your own screenplay? I'm serious. I'…[View]
204708943>DUDE >Can we uh, bring the brewskis?[View]
204706994Sheriff Norm: If Norm MacDonald were still with us, I think he could have had a real honest shot as …[View]
204708122I am still laughing at how bad this one was bros. It is almost Boyhood tier in my mind[View]
204708850I've never seen the Ernest films. What did I think of them?[View]
204705825shows fuckin good ay[View]
204708701Just one drink, just one beverage, a little pick me up, something for the thirst, just a little some…[View]
204707079The classic 'Golden Age' was season 2-10.... but what's the most obscure episode form this era?…[View]
204708674The cycle is complete: >person does something retarded while being black >everyone on earth mo…[View]
204698862youtubers that fell off hard: ill start with this idiot[View]
204704682World War Z is a weirdly pro-Zionist movie: I enjoyed the film but the Israel section is bizarre. No…[View]
204697311I was working on a flat tax proposal and I accidentally proved there is no god[View]
204706316Hellraiser 35mm stream: streaming a 35mm film reel of Hellraiser come tune in[View]
204702827Uhh babish bros? our response?[View]
204706927One of the only opening credits I watch every episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuZ6oitw9P8 Th…[View]
204704825>I-is that a woman in a latex catsuit?? >Oh mah gawd I'm terrified! This is what constitu…[View]
204704130I've just rewatched this. It's good. I think it's been unfairly maligned. It's m…[View]
204708261Need some suggestions beyond KYS: Here’s a list of everything I’ve seen in a theater so far this yea…[View]
204705698Reason or Emotion?[View]
204706557lol: lol[View]
204707745Unpopular Opinion: Christopher Nolan is Overrated as Hell: Alright, I know I'll get flamed for …[View]
204699152Is Weyland-Yutani retarded?: Seriously who looks at a planet that's all shitted up like THIS an…[View]
204703395Could be worse.[View]
204698746New humiliation ritual just dropped[View]
204707350>autismo sigma protagonist played perfectly >hilariously edgy corny narration >aesthetic an…[View]
204706279NOOOOOO! DON'T DRAG ME TO HELL!!!![View]
204704659Ripoff: >average aww-shucks American family witnesses world changing events >but it's le …[View]
204707857This was scarier than any horror movie I've seen[View]
204705243Definitive Frankenstein[View]
204700744Webm thread: The Substance spinoff edition[View]
204707730Solaris(2002) is a fantastic film, and I'm tired of pretending its not.[View]
204701155The Drew Carey Show: Was it good?[View]
204706398Holy shit Legolas is so cute, I want to kiss him on the lips.[View]
204706867Is Kstew up to the task?[View]
204707215>be a cowgirl >get the blues seriously?[View]
204705416/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #419: JC edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tentative date)…[View]
204707422ITT: Characters who will live long lives(lots of seasons) and will end with a happy ending[View]
204707281If you could make a Batman movie, without having to care about executives and audience desires, pure…[View]
204705820Crazy that a jap made the best work of european fantasy since tolkien.[View]
204703656Why was star wars always obsessed with desert planets?[View]
204705788Why was this in the movie?[View]
204705285Was he a chud?[View]
204702942>weekend isn't even over, yet *inhales* AHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA... never doubt Smilefag…[View]
204706618The holy trinity of 2024 kino has been filled full. NO ROOM LEFT.[View]
204704161>kino soundtrack comprised of timeless classical music >gorgeous cinematography >practical …[View]
204706685Find a flaw.[View]
204704724Was it better than 2007?[View]
204699759What the fuck is going on on this show?: First 4 episodes >Wow, what a nice wholesome show about …[View]
204702200New OFFICIAL Breaking Bad content: https://x.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1848027109773520913…[View]
204697335Why do Japanese shows always make us the bad guys? Every anime to reference the Iraq war has us mass…[View]
204705795Green ranger: if he sexy[View]
204702805Write a screenplay around this moment[View]
204692329Good moaning[View]
204704389They will continue to replace everything you love until the world you grew up in is unrecognizable. …[View]
204705671>go to cinema >purchases tickets to watch movie >watch movie >leave…[View]
204703057You are standing a few feet away from the powers leech kid in X-Men III. What can't you do anym…[View]
204706489The moment that change /tv/ forever[View]
204706477Somehow I knew Vinny was the hero of the story. Sadly he’d be rotting in jail for everything he does…[View]
204700702The Penguin Waiting Room: they don't make threads for honest men like us anymore...[View]
204705476> they are still doing hand drawn animation After Miyazaki and the other guy is gone it is over f…[View]
204701877>Peter, I saw what you been posting.[View]
204705133What’s your first impression of this chick?[View]
204706103>L Ron Hubbard was a BLACK MAN >His real name was L Ron HOYABEMBE…[View]
204705677ATTENTION Scifi boomers: Was this show any good? /tv/ talks a lot about Farscape and Lexx but rarely…[View]
204700637I'm hosting a Halloween movie night at home. Is The Lighthouse digestible for women?[View]
204705945>You're awful, Janny[View]
204704653Your majesty, you must die.[View]
204703539Why did movie palaces disappear? Imagine how kino movie experiences must have been in them.[View]
204705039PYAAYY HEEEM: pyaay day myaan heesss myonee.[View]
204705856thoughts on Georgie and mandy?: first episode came out a few days ago. I loved tbbt and young sheldo…[View]
204704589>kino.... >I need.... >... kino…[View]
204694158>bro check out this monolithic structure I just found >Uhhh it just looks like a bunch of rock…[View]
204704733What's going on here?[View]
204699963>men prefer natural What did Sydney Sweeny mean by this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Llh5abHL…[View]
204705342THIS IS KATANA[View]
204705169What would have been the best casting choice?: I think Cillian Murphy and Mads Mikkelson would'…[View]
204701356BLOODY 'ELL[View]
204705268Who wants to try next?![View]
204705511average Supaidaman introduction[View]
204702331KINO: Yup, it's kino[View]
204703624Who the hell watches this crap?[View]
204701719OH NO NO NO NO NO... how will we ever recover from this, filmchuds?[View]
204703950watch scary clown man on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM7EMiWsz-0[View]
204705376>A single woman gives into her desire for 'black goo' and is forced to deal with the horrific spa…[View]
204705358Looking good from behind, looking fine: HOLY SHIT! nice body ugly face sucks, man[View]
204704316I'm a huge fan of John Waters, why isn't he talked about more here?[View]
204695988Juno is a 2007 film about a teenage birthing person starring Elliot Page and Michael Cera. How does …[View]
204704490He wasn't even nutty, he was just fat.[View]
20470370230+ kino watcher thread: What are watching tonight?[View]
204701462>marries a woman with size 16, EEE man feet how gay do you have to be to do this?…[View]
204702575Just give what people want, Ridley![View]
204701535will laura/x-23 show up in future marvel films?[View]
204705189Why is Hollywood obsessed about USA getting attacked by terrorists? Theres a bunch of movies and tv …[View]
204703649Did you pre-order your collection of Ed Wood's hardcore porn films yet? >That will be $28+t…[View]
204702857Was it all just a big metaphor for gay sex?[View]
204704030What isn't The Mole People thought of as often as the rest of the Universal monster stuff?[View]
204697623How do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
204704782Here's your new Thanos, bros: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PObGJXohwaM[View]
204700380In all honesty, is or does Paris Has Fallen is good ? The new series. Actors are English, it's …[View]
204671313Why didn't the fucking bitch just tell them the plan?[View]
204682619What is his fucking problem?[View]
204695914Smile 2: thoughts about the ending?: Kinda conflicted about the ending. On one hand I'm happy t…[View]
204679337Star Trek Strange New Worlds Teaser: Strange New Worlds dropped a new teaser for Season 3 https://ww…[View]
204702879How come he don't want me man?[View]
204696608Behold: the funniest moment in TV history[View]
204703662Looking back on it, showing the most famous movie villain of all time as a naive, talented, kind-hea…[View]
204698556/hor/ Horror General: Troma Now edition Previous: >>204693569[View]
204704131Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker: Surely you faggots have seen the most Kino C-Movie horror movie of the 200…[View]
204688563How did James Bond become such a cultural phenom? The movies are mostly quite bad.[View]
204703589Matthew Broderick as Walter White: I think he would have lent more nuance to the role and given a be…[View]
204704555I look up reviews for the Whale and the first result is some fedora lord trauma dumping about how it…[View]
204702352I really miss this show Bros... I find myself going back and watching the series every year in Octob…[View]
204703111The Lighthouse (2019): a film about two guys jerking off together? wtf is this gooner shit?[View]
204704513>fast and furious television series[View]
204703752Was it kino?[View]
204704365It’s time for Hollywood and the media to apologize to our greatest living filmmaker.[View]
204703887>In the 1940s, 10 cents got you a 20 minute short and a classic film >Today, $25 gets you 20 m…[View]
204704038The first Thor movie (2011): You are now remembering how you felt watching this in theaters.[View]
204690701What the fuck is with this series? I ran out of horror movies to watch so I started digging into the…[View]
204704265>gets nominated for the first oscar >wins…[View]
204703248House: >they made a ytp in 1977 Beautiful.[View]
204702836Imagine this but during exam with bros[View]
204699447>here's your young gang who run a bar together, bro[View]
204704079Captain FALL: I was kind of liking this show till the last episode where she was all like how dare y…[View]
204701745What’s your first impression of this chick?[View]
204703528>blatantly stealing from Vince's fucking Better Call Saul cartel slop LMAO Not even 5 years …[View]
204703544New episode of The Penguin tonight featuring my wife[View]
204703131characters that ruined shows: I'll start[View]
204697071What the fuck was his problem?[View]
204703590Let's discuss this Chud vs Roastie kino[View]
204701229what the fuck did don eladio mean by this?[View]
204702282>Take your hat off: Genuinely unironically all memes aside how the FUCK do you even respond? http…[View]
204701369/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #418: NO FORMER FISH edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (ten…[View]
204703132Severance: Will they actually answer the mysteries or is it just another L O S T cause?[View]
204697939WB didn’t think so. Demanded a 50 million dollar budget cut or they wouldn’t release it in theaters.…[View]
204701423>there was a time when this was considered the most embarrassing star wars related thing to exist…[View]
204703823Does it make me a psychopath if I can empathise with Todd? The only mistake he made was being loyal …[View]
204703673Just watched the entire LOTR extended trilogy. What did I think of it?[View]
204703753free them[View]
204703722>zak sneezes OMG I SAW SATANp[View]
204699028>Our first item up for bid is........a 4CHAN PASS! >anon, please give us bid number 1.…[View]
204702997the better brother[View]
204703650Just found out that I have human papillomavirus: I need some movie recommendations to help cheer me …[View]
204701480When this nigga showed up you knew shit was about to hit the fan[View]
204697151Which teenage mermaid is your favorite?[View]
204702278>Only six movies made more than 500 million dollars this year To give you context 10 years ago th…[View]
204701771holy fuck this fucking sucks man. cliffhanger came out the same year by the way. fuck whoever recomm…[View]
204701925I'm an Anakin, and my name is person![View]
204700841>face it tiger you just hit the jackpot[View]
204702021Who should play him in the inevitable Silmarillion adaptation?[View]
204700606>Americans lose war >make movies where they go back and win Is this the ultimate cope?…[View]
204698219/bbuk/: Live stream / bird song time.[View]
204701657Who approved this?: AI movies literally made by anons punching in some prompts looks 1000x better th…[View]
204703246My favourite movies: I 've had the worst week in a while lads, im feeling suicidal tonight, so …[View]
204703209Burger King vs Mcdonalds: Cast the movie adaptation[View]
204702128>You suck! Literally the worst Spider-Man ever. I could be fucking my wife right now but I had to…[View]
204699773What Dragon Ball movies are worth watching? I've seen the movies and specials made after Buu so…[View]
204699494GET OUT![View]
204702891i'm tired of pretending he wasnt cool[View]
204696221>20th of October >doesn't even feel like September, let alone Halloween Season Where did …[View]
204702731SEVEN NUGGETS?!?!?!?!?[View]
204702602what are some good ol’ bollywood movies?[View]
204702914Good. Hope more movies don’t release this shit to get a stupid rating theaters don’t even enforce. H…[View]
204698437ITT: 10/10 banger intros: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGlUBOzpkjY[View]
204692893It could benefit from a less goofy remake[View]
204702559The holy trinity of 2024 kino has been filled full. NO ROOM LEFT.[View]
204689779Famous examples of humiliation rituals in Hollywood[View]
204702013Is 'weet ik' the most memorable line of dialogue in the MCU?[View]
204702633Behold, the greatest achievement in the universe! THE SINGULARITY ENGINE! The perfect marriage betwe…[View]
204702504>I just a little more time wwyd?[View]
2047026712024... I am forgotten[View]
204700119Why is there not a single kino on him? He built the state and army that made Alexander great[View]
204702517ITT movies that weren't really supposed to be comedies but are pretty funny anyway[View]
204702460Any good jobs of working shit part time jobs or being unemployed? I hate being in this situation but…[View]
204701560what went wrong[View]
204697224What does /tv/ think of Riddick (2013)?[View]
204702383Elizabethan kino: We all know about Shakespeare adaptations, but what about all the other Elizabetha…[View]
204702375What do you think they do at MacDonald's?: They don't drink milkshakes, I can assure you.…[View]
204689123Peaky blinder bros...Not like this[View]
204701120Who allowed this to happen?[View]
204693737Times where Hollywood made two of the same movie at roughly the same time.[View]
204699567>I made my family disappear[View]
204702035What went so right?[View]
204698037Why are the Japanese so unfunny when they attempt comedy in their shows and movies?[View]
204701948>We gotta approach this case Ike we're totally green. >...Green ears! Maybe they were st…[View]
204701718is Sexploitation a genre with kino?[View]
204700560Now that all the cool Gen X guys are pushing 60: Do you think they have to get colonoscopies? Explai…[View]
204702127>women would get laid with a biker guy they just met rather than follow a simple instruction that…[View]
204691291How did boomlennials react when they saw Yoda fight for the very first time?[View]
204698398*slams you into the wall* >'You are NOT a pirate.' :([View]
204700346>the only weapon I'll keep with me is an old revolver with one bullet so my son can shoot hi…[View]
204701970>Gets harassed by nigger roastie who threatens to steal his money once she's elected >Doe…[View]
204701942The great pleb filter[View]
204700674Great Gatsby: Is it just me or is it a sad tale of a man who never felt he measured up. Regardless h…[View]
204699798*The last good sitcom in your path*[View]
204700101remember when actors used to look like normal people?[View]
204701599Welcome to Robert's Kinoplex. We are currently running a Halloween marathon and today we are sh…[View]
204701646Yikes. Some women really do look better chubby.[View]
204698742Do you prefer your horror movies mostly seasonal with a touch of spookiness/whimsy or violent/grueso…[View]
204698791Reynald of Chatillon will be punished. I swear it. Withdraw or we will all die here.[View]
204698109Alien Romulus Question Big spoiler in OP and in text If the captured hibernating xenomorph from the …[View]
204698668Now that the dust has settled, was Ralph in the wrong when he beat her to death? The way I see it: …[View]
204700906Is this Glow UP?[View]
204698870Wait, so I WASN'T supposed to like this character?[View]
204697803which ganster in sopranos had the baddest bitch?[View]
2046995566.5/10 but worth watching[View]
204698328>/tv/ will defend this[View]
204701250Why did they become more sociopathic during the series? In the earlier seasons they were a little se…[View]
204701187No, srsly who the fuck wrote this dialogue, A 12 year old?[View]
204699514>Lord have mercy *GLUCK*[View]
2047007841 > 3 > 2 >> 4 > 5[View]
204697387/fromg/ From General: Fromville, Japan Edition[View]
204700373what would happen if you put it on your dick?[View]
204700298is it impossible to film?: https://youtu.be/0ZJqRQofg_I?si=P_lhPmkMeGl6vZ6L[View]
204701193What if they made a kino where in the far future there’s a super AI that has the ability to revive d…[View]
204699368This shit is so ass brehs[View]
204699002I haven't seen Emma Roberts in a while so I looked her up and found out she was arrest for dome…[View]
204698275Prick is a wonker[View]
204700759ITT: movies that just portray how life is within a certain place or lifestyle[View]
204700767Is dr house good?[View]
204699071Which 1998 insects movie is more kino?[View]
204700927I cried at this part[View]
204699238New 'Guin 'sode dropping in two hours[View]
204698833>successful business owner >city councilman >hard worker >vegan >loving husband >d…[View]
204698532What are your favorite TV shows and films that you've never seen a thread on here talking about…[View]
204700748This has everything from 80s B movies to arthouse heavyweight shit like Bela Tarr[View]
204698438>its an entire episode focused on a minor side character because the main cast is out on a vacati…[View]
204700705I just did a speedrun of Smile 2: Glad I didn't waste 2 hours watching that lol. Bad like the f…[View]
204699377aaight senpai de lam, which seasons of AHS should I watch?[View]
204695502A Time to Kill: >Them whitefolk are raping black girls and getting away with it as usual. I am gl…[View]
204690766Who is this character supposed to appeal to? And why does he talk so white if he grew up in the hood…[View]
204698982your thoughts?[View]
204700074>main character refuses to understand that the bush is what made girls in the 70s hotter and not …[View]
204692045What was your best cinema experience ever?[View]
204696248What has been her best work?[View]
204696552>wow you have shit taste in movies anon hahahaha How do you respond without sounding mad?…[View]
204700076Canonically are hobbitses Italians?: Honestly? It would explain all the eating and napping all day h…[View]
204698407Why do war movies always show the Nazi army as white German when it was actually a multiethnic horde…[View]
204696274Why cant the media portrait tech bros in a positive light?: It's always incel weirdo types they…[View]
204698524Severance: I’ve never wanted to be suffocated more. Holy shit she does something to me.[View]
204700174>3D animation cant be k...[View]
204685246Is it worth watching the Sopranos if I watched hundreds of clips and can recite key scenes? It seems…[View]
204695368Will Smiling Friends be remembered as the Seinfeld of the 20's?[View]
204700085>acts with her eyebrows Yeah that's not going to cause wrinkles and end her career…[View]
204693934Jim, it's been weeks.[View]
204699543Parker Posey[View]
204699631kinoest of all kinos: they don't make them like this anymore super comfy cgi is top notch, look…[View]
204699484I just found out that I've been subscribed to Peacock for at least a year without realizing it,…[View]
204698474>Villains get the punishment they deserve[View]
204699645Watch this KINO now[View]
204698033Why?: Just why did it needed another movie?[View]
204698256>This is where Wall Street gets arrested.[View]
204699504>You're coming with me, Anon.[View]
204695177>boomers thought this was hilarious[View]
204698949Do you think the one piece live-action will reach elbaf?[View]
204690951What happened to Ellen Page is proof that Satan is real.[View]
204699682This is a thread dedicated to cock shock and awe in television and film as well as other big dick ag…[View]
204700378its kino time[View]
204700840Which US President had the most impact on 20th century pop culture? We're only talking 20th cen…[View]
204695337Why don't we see more Central Asian characters in television and film?[View]
204700264MrBeast is the antichrist.[View]
204699495thoughts on elevated slow burn horror?[View]
204683760Is this a plot hole?: How did she know Jon Snow was a virgin? Was there a deleted scene where he tol…[View]
204697150/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #417: German propaganda poster edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October…[View]
204698859What’s the most unintentionally funny film?[View]
204691282Underwater > Alien: Romulus[View]
204698320why do we hate him again?[View]
204698390>this made boomers shit their pants[View]
204693161VHS NIGGERS WE ARE SO BACK!!![View]
204692477What was his problem?[View]
204699011What was her fucking problem?[View]
204694399Are there any films that depict what it was like to live in Eastern Europe after the fall of the USS…[View]
204693569/hor/ - Horror General: Sightless Skeletons edition Previous >>204688369[View]
204696601The first monolith grants the apes reason and logic. The monolith orbiting Jupiter shows the humans …[View]
204695105This has to be the only slasher villain I've ever seen that is genuinely annoying. His manneris…[View]
204695787BROS IS HE GOING TO BE OK?[View]
204698510>how to cure lesbianism[View]
204693759What is your favorite politically incorrect adventure film in an exotic land?[View]
204697509>ywn be an up and coming comedian in 70s New York Even an autist like Aykroyd was having a good t…[View]
204696220People hated him for being a laugh track but he was the best one to bounce off of Nick’s bits. It ha…[View]
204697984They don't make shows like this anymore[View]
204698631>WHERE'S THE BEEF hahahaha[View]
204697117>so when you really think about it, our current situations be like we finna expendable pawns in t…[View]
204696756>you watch it, you dirty FUCKING N- >restrain yourself Wanda, such spells have been forbidden …[View]
204698587What do you think is the best horror series in the last twenty years? How do you think that series s…[View]
204696044>black people are.. le aggressive[View]
204698499This Week's Movie Math: Grace Randolph's Industry Update https://youtu.be/8t4jgKxUCUo?si=…[View]
204686624X Rated X23 movie with hard core nudity and violence when?[View]
204698433HASTA LA VISTA , BABY!!![View]
204698410I watch kino on my telephone[View]
204696740Was it autism, or an act of bravery?[View]
204695230This was a 45 year old Guy in 1991: Britbongs pls explain[View]
204698068ITT: Tropes you hate: >homophobic character is secretly gay[View]
204678749What is this hairstyle called?[View]
204694972Could someone post the picture of that cat making this face please?[View]
204697897Is social media right and these doods are Palestinian coded?[View]
204698233Why did this is movie leave out the part of the interview where Nixon called Palestinians “whiny los…[View]
204697839Did millennials consider this hot[View]
204694436/bbuk/ Big Brother UK 21 - Day 13: We're living in a pose Daze world Previous threads: >…[View]
204695212I have boomer fatigue.....[View]
204696982Hunter Schafer is pure art in Cuckoo. Now that she's dipped her toes in horror, what's ne…[View]
204698066Fuck was his problem?[View]
204694633I enjoyed it and I'm sad they cancelled it.[View]
204696040>Men are weak and pathetic[View]
204696396>Can effortlessly break through the gigantic metal fences >Can't break a tiny door ???…[View]
204691982>Almost 20 years >Still hasn't been refuted…[View]
204696826ANY QUESTIONS?[View]
204698032I don't get it[View]
204692845Is Zendaya a good MJ?[View]
204695243Where is their Joker review?[View]
204696772Can we review our status here, /tv/? Lets's look at this thing from a standpoint of status. Wha…[View]
204693518I don't know if i like this, seems a bit contrived https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G84p7eCplkI…[View]
204695674>youre out, Norman *sips tea* how do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
204697419>we need someone to play a really mean Dad[View]
204696290I miss it, bros...[View]
204648003>modern horror >zero gratuitous nudity[View]
204697182>buy new tv >comes with a Filmmaker Mode >pissfilter all over >lighting is dark what am …[View]
204697699Who was in the wrong in this absolute kino?[View]
204697693What’s the most awkward situation shown in a movie[View]
204696518Would you watch a reality show about him and his family?[View]
204696604Is this considered good writing?[View]
204697567How important is location to successful kino?[View]
204697006>I don't wanna download Tinder again Ma, I've matched with enough bots, I've been …[View]
204697451Monkeybone (2001): This movie was about boners[View]
204696957IT'S MILLER TIME![View]
204692929Anguirus fucking shits: >YOU ARE SCUM ANGUIRUS, scum. I hate you so much. https://www.youtube.com…[View]
204697483Why didn't the Charmings catch on with audiences at the time ?[View]
204686125>leftists be like noooo these disgusting bugs dindunuffin ceasefire now!…[View]
204697208>koreans good >japanese bad[View]
204667594Why make her lips green though?[View]
204693948>oh n-[View]
204695065Are we still enjoying season 3?[View]
204697216>Hallo, vat vould you like to order, hmm? Ze menu is right here, ja![View]
204695383wicked poster: ever since 2014 it seems like the public and media opinion was always in favor of the…[View]
204690139From general Cursed by jankooey edition[View]
204692004Just watched Children of Men and V for Vendetta. What are some other comfy British dystopia kinos?[View]
204694253any other 2 hr commercials?[View]
204696983>id trade it all to suck on katt william's dick what did harvey mean by this?…[View]
204691166Watch British shows[View]
204693406>supposed to be a perfect infiltration bot that blends into society until it finds it's targ…[View]
204697093Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: What did you think of Tyra coming out of retirement to do a r…[View]
20469661614 going on 40 Terrible move[View]
204694817I haven't received my (you) this week I'll ddos the board[View]
204695283WHY IS HE IN TNG: TNG is great but this fag just fags up everything making the show nearly unwatchab…[View]
204695239how could he afford a house like this on a shoe salesman's salary?[View]
204689731What do you think of Gundam made by Westerners?[View]
204695545Someone has been seething for 20 years because of a harmless and funny 3-second scene and has decide…[View]
204695766What word comes to mind when you see this man?[View]
204694152I watched it recently, the story wasn't impressive, but it was really ahead of its time, you ca…[View]
204696926he should win the Oscar[View]
204695641What a simp.[View]
204696906Choose one.[View]
204695587>hello police, I'm driving a school bus and there's another school bus clearly not from…[View]
204695969Just rewatched They Shall Not Grow Old for the dozenth time. Are there any WW2 documentaries of this…[View]
204695489The twist is the Prince will be a clumsy dweeb with no rizz.[View]
204693279Woman of the hour: Man, Anna Kendrick sure knows how to direct.[View]
204695017VENOM: THE LAST DANCE leaks: >Venom dies and Eddie moves to New York City to start anew. >Mid-…[View]
204695878>black character starts speaking[View]
204680942/film/: Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Lee's 56th birthday edition …[View]
204694555Sweetpea: >here's that virgin couple who are completely sexually inexperienced and have neve…[View]
204696345Did they rewrite the character after Pat Healy came on board? Can't picture Don Harvey playing …[View]
204693264Cuckoo: Why did no one watch this movie. It's better than Longlegs[View]
204696467What is your favourite Swedish film?[View]
204696332>It follows a group of movie lovers who conspire to steal Quentin Tarantino’s original personal 3…[View]
204695767What went so right and then went so wrong?[View]
204696222Why didn't his career take off after Top Gun Maverick like the other guy?[View]
204694746Rachel McAdams in Talks to Star in Sam Raimi's Survival Horror SEND HELP: >Introverted secre…[View]
204696223Should’ve continued[View]
204695572Ridley Scott Has done it Again: Gladiator 2 is best film of 2024[View]
204694000Who will be watching the new Senna kino?[View]
204696010Disappointing as fuck. Boring musical for the most part and only like 5 minutes of horror/fantasy.[View]
204695968Cabaret Voltaire: Official song of /tv/. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4IAnSdtbNY >KINO KINO K…[View]
204695685Post violent action/thrillers with realistically feasible fight sequences and grizzly injuries[View]
204689140Neytiri is cute[View]
204695026>protagonist wants to make up for his wasted youth in his 30s how do they come up with this stuff…[View]
204695675is this the next slop flop?[View]
204675276Hayley Atwell playing an American lawyer in Conviction: A bit of a stretch?[View]
204682569Would he have suicided if he weren't a liberal epicurean dickhead?: We must find a higher purpo…[View]
204685861What's your favorite Cronenberg anon? Mine is picrel[View]
204687513That'd be $544.99[View]
204690837*is unfunny in your path*[View]
204695423ITT: Kino shoe shots[View]
204694321QUÉ ES EN LA CAJA?[View]
204694414>sir, the suspect has no job, no bank account, no credit card, no friends, no girlfriend, no driv…[View]
204695611This was actually pretty kino: So I was just screwing off today when I was supposed to be oncall (th…[View]
204692713The Stepfather: Kinography it is[View]
204693268Clean it up, Walter.[View]
204695553God bless you Donald Trump, I love you. From the very bottom of my heart. I'm crying now and ma…[View]
204694545whats the deal with that sneed fellow[View]
204695507>cop kino >alien kino >catholic kino >New York kino…[View]
204693020Post picture get a movie recommendation thread.[View]
204690451Horror Icons: Horror icons are so comfy. Halloween wouldn't be the same without them. >the u…[View]
204693669What happens on Middle Earth after Sauron is defeated?: Everybody just gets along then?[View]
204694765So we've officially reached the point where James Gunn is being paid to make the same thing ove…[View]
204691946/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #416: CK edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tentative date…[View]
204694903You guys keep trying to make me hate Jews but this Andrew Huberman guy is really cool[View]
204690942This just makes me want to be a prospector[View]
204694901Multiculturalism good.: Okay, spoiler alert. The plot of the movie is that the robot makes friends w…[View]
204694845Toxic Avenger: Where is it? When is it? What the fuck is going on?[View]
204694826What was the point of the incest?[View]
204694386In Time: this movie spoke to me as I am poor wanting to be rich. other fantasy movies like this poin…[View]
204694046>Hey /tv/, know how i know you're gay?[View]
204695145>You're headed for Heaven >The sweet old hereafter >And I've got one foot in the …[View]
204690680I've seen some people here complaining that this movie was about hollywood, its unrealistic bea…[View]
204694878Why did Ashton marry Mila while competing against her in 2011 movies? Did Diddy arrange for this?[View]
204690232THEORY: Spider-Man & Predictive Programming: >Mysterio >Black-Budget Technology >UAP Wh…[View]
204695015Cast him and the homeless man[View]
204687478Oh nooo a hot woman had sex with me and got pregnant. Not cool dude.[View]
204693530We could've saved her: But the Hollyweird execs completely mind broke her through degrading sex…[View]
204690437>drooled with Jack and Sawyer when I was a teenagirl girl >Rewatch Lost years later >Now th…[View]
204693488What's your 'Fuck it, I'm watching it' movie?[View]
204694787From: >get into this show >start to get interest >out of nowhere every single couple and re…[View]
204694726>the hero gets cucked by the villain[View]
204693542How did they get away with this?[View]
204694534Avatar was the highest grossing movie of all time for a reason. Because it's kino.[View]
204694705Green Arrow? No one's called me that in a long time. . .[View]
204692829Why not?[View]
204694320>Horror movie >Runtime: 120+ minutes[View]
204691565Is this peak UK TV?[View]
204694610kinos where the main character is a frivilous spender that has endless amounts of cash?[View]
204694601Remember Louis Partridge? Thoughts on his new show Disclaimer?[View]
204693555Out of My Mind 2024: Melody Brooks, a sixth grader with cerebral palsy, is incredibly intelligent wi…[View]
204691926So just watched this. I know /tv/ hated it but I liked it. The pathos of the main character really s…[View]
204691378>we need Zendaya but can't afford her[View]
204692654Why is it so underrated?[View]
204693999DAS WAR EIN BEFEHL[View]
204694538ITT: Hollywood murder mysteries[View]
204692344For me? It's Kirsten Dunst.[View]
204694507>it takes a tough man to make a tender forecast[View]
204687633Our king is turning 66.[View]
204694112You say Oz I say Cobb[View]
204694395Janny? You can have my appeal now, if you like. My appeal is this, nothing. Not even the captcha for…[View]
204692796Post your favorite actor: & anons make assumptions about you.[View]
204693064I've warmed up to jack quaid. At first i could not stand the nepo tard, but he won me over wit…[View]
204682305According to James Gunn the DCU will reference events that happened in the past DCEU. >There are…[View]
204694314Derailed 2005. Any more Cuckinos like this?[View]
204681550Why is modern CGI so shit? Especially capehero movies?[View]
204694242Horror movies are killing it at the box office this halloween season. Let’s release Nosferatu on Chr…[View]
204694266>mid 90s >Russia is portrayed as a genuine threat to the USA rather than the reality of it bei…[View]
204692946what's this lil dood's problem?[View]
204693364Louis C.K.: >only funny for white people[View]
204694134Are bluray collectors just coomers with extra steps?[View]
204694184Where's the goddamn horizon?![View]
204692918Will it be Kino?[View]
204687873Any redbarbros on /tv/? Surprised he isn't discussed here more.[View]
204690124This was surprisingly a fun watch: Right amount of camp and paced well and fun entertainment[View]
204693743realistic TV couples[View]
204693410why are kubrickian kinos so komfy?[View]
204693927literally no one cares[View]
204690738Richie Aprile[View]
204692265Do you like apples?[View]
204692723>a nazi paramilitary group gone rogue >a illuminatti-like cabal of power-hungry shield officia…[View]
204693878Niko, let's go bowling![View]
204693931Just saw this: The director is good but the story/script comes from minds that just can’t write wome…[View]
204692862I wonder at what point the cast of Frasier realized they were the first mainstream gay TV show[View]
204691396This might be the worst casting choice I've seen[View]
204691348What's the most desperate moment in Cinema, Where you felt all hope is lost?[View]
204691429Was he a shitty person?[View]
204693706Best Picture odds for 2025 Oscars[View]
204693709will there ever be a funnier, more successful troll of a person than him? (disregard him turning in…[View]
204678670>OH N-[View]
204693725Must-see foreign movies: Do you agree with Scorsese, anon?[View]
204693711Does anyone know where to find a magnet of: The Apprentice: I am currently conducting research for a…[View]
204693694https://youtu.be/NmxRQ__WXp0 is this an accurate portrayal of the penguin before i marathon s01e05?[View]
204691894Are movies with unsimulated sex scenes porn, and if not then what is porn?[View]
204693155>all my friends know the low rider What was this scene supposed to be communicating?…[View]
204693605From episode 5: what did you think? full spoiler thread[View]
204690855Is this what method acting means?[View]
204687262Was he inspired by A Bronx Tale?[View]
204693258>comes ashore >destroys your city >kills your family >does not elaborate how do I cope…[View]
204693610Recommendations: The quality of recommendations I get from irls are falling off a cliff as I watch m…[View]
204691207Any films like this?: For me, it's any Yorgos Lanthimos flick[View]
204692970I just watched Caligula: The Ultimate Cut. It was... pretty bad? I've never seen any other cut,…[View]
204685659>Just take a piece of your brain in 3 minutes LMAO[View]
204693490After MadameWeb/Doomsday should Jessica Drew appear in future Marvel movies? Who should play her?[View]
204690885Was it kino?[View]
204693451Kelly Rowan is really cute in this.[View]
204688566The boat that we are currently on is far too small so I suggest that you procure a larger vessel.[View]
204688369/hor/ - Horror General: SAW edition Previous: >>204682982[View]
204693141>THE OLD GUARD IS BROKEN![View]
204693337Demolition Man: >jumps from helicopter via bungee >screams name of the villain while jumping k…[View]
204686299>it's ok to make fun of the country and depict the entire nation as a bunch of idiots as lon…[View]
204686330It's kinda of generic but the ending is good. I rate it 6/10.[View]
204693179Why did they cucked him so fast?[View]
204690890>mah name a Jeffeh[View]
204689795What's a piece of futuristic /tv/ tech you'd actually use?[View]
204692072From Russia With Love: Spoiler for a 60 year old movie. Why does Tatiana shoot Klebb in the hotel ro…[View]
204689514rounders: >owe $15,000 to john malkovich was that really a lot of money back in the 90s?…[View]
204689163GOSLING'S NEW MOVIE: The Goose is loose once again. We have a new literally me on the way. This…[View]
204691389Recommend me a good thriller from 2000-2024: Only criteria is that you actually watched the recommen…[View]
204692456Like it or not, this is the most powerful character that has ever been created >Could Goku defeat…[View]
204691160Remember when supercuck got raped by russians?[View]
204692854Why are all his films literally about me?[View]
204691298Why does Cailee Spaeny get so much praise for her wooden acting?: Merced outplayed Spaeny and she wa…[View]
204692708>anon starts talking about the box office when you ask them why they think a movie is bad…[View]
204692132I mog you[View]
204691890The Queer, Challengers and Call Me By Your Name director is doing it.[View]
204692647How many of you think that super-gory movies are harmless entertainment? Show of hands, now.: >We…[View]
204689592Post scenes from childhood that ruined you[View]
204690871This arty teacher hoe was totally about to rape little Jesse, wasn't she? She needs to be locke…[View]
204691128ITT Talentless hacks[View]
204690229What a fucking retard holy shit worst mob boss in the history of the Cosa Nostra[View]
204692448>walking scene >getting ready scene >Soulful Strut starts playing How original…[View]
204691523>Well they call me the joker[View]
204692372The Movies were way better than the games.[View]
204692398What are some movies that tried to appeal to China and failed?[View]
204685917British kino[View]
204692113humiliation ritual[View]
204689393It's just antisemitic torture porn[View]
204692234At first...[View]
204690003I want an actual discussion on this movie, no memes. Its a difficult one to have an opinion on. I st…[View]
204692146Well that took a fucking turn: >First 4 episodes >Wow, what a nice wholesome show about some …[View]
204690927>bro the frikkin Gobleki Tepe has a boopin carving and the heckin shipwrecks have been ignorino…[View]
204683888Will there ever be another British TV series made with an all white cast?[View]
204691522Nobody talks about this Ghibli movie and it's better than 95% of the others[View]
204691630what if God hates you?: explains my shitty life haha[View]
204687602Favorite roles by distinguished award-winning Irish actor Brendan Gleeson?[View]
204691368finna rewatch Fight Club tonight[View]
204689078After being forced to watch it, I can safely say this is the only good episode this tranny show ever…[View]
204690340>screams a catchphrase five times and then falls down >this is considered the most iconic come…[View]
204690886>Mogs Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+ in your path[View]
204691400>I don't want to fuck you, a beautiful girl who's willing to date me, anymore. I want t…[View]
204691576What's next for Chloe Grace Moretz's career?[View]
204686708How old are the characters in Sweetpea supposed to be? The actors’ ages are all over the place (most…[View]
204691797Why did Andy always fall for Kingfish’s scams ?[View]
204689050If RDJ & Henry Cavill reboot MCU like James Gunn with DC who's playing her in Madame Web fi…[View]
204684614>“Wonka” filmmaker Paul King, who also helmed the first two “Paddington” features, is directing “…[View]
204691203>'Wow, you're a fucking retard, Conan.'[View]
204687871boba fett: >is a CLONE of his old man jango >somehow has a sister someone explain…[View]
204689949>Cross the room if you ever hold a girl's hand[View]
204690146>it's oil, what else? how do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
204691518Why haven't you went to capitol city to see 'Terrifier 3'?[View]
204687560What's your favorite A24 movie?[View]
204691333>No! Please! I'll suck your cock! All your cocks! why didn't phil accept the deal? was …[View]
204691480He wasn't a very good writer.[View]
204690276What I don't like about Terrifier is that the people behind those movies are trying to astrotur…[View]
204688840Alien: The Black Goo Awakens[View]
204689433Daily Terrifier 3 Success & Seethe Thread >biggest opening for a unrated horror movie of all …[View]
204691304maybe on planet retard[View]
204688977https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDTOQUvpw7I How can this actor whose career has consisted of attacki…[View]
204669369Post nuclear kino[View]
204688258Any kino with the feel this series has?[View]
204677038When/what film did the 'magic' die?[View]
204691157>TBS playing American Dad >Drop everything I'm doing and watch it all day, call in sick f…[View]
204691185Venom 3: is this a scene from the movie? does spider man get raped just like the Joker in Joker 2?…[View]
204686931Neytiri is...[View]
204687239They should have ended up together.[View]
204691134This is Captain Rhodes. He is your friend. He will keep you alive in a zombie apocalypse. >Thing…[View]
204689567>they were in purgatory the whole time[View]
204691063what did he mean by this?[View]
204690677>morrowind >in space[View]
204692253The 2016 election and it's consequences has been a disaster for the human race[View]
204689906This was an ad on American television in the 1990s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfLoaKSINp0[View]
204685856Why do you young folk whippersnappers dislike this movie so much? I thought that based on acting alo…[View]
204684204>lived the way he wanted >rejected wagecucking >had a book written about him and a movie ma…[View]
204685701LazyTown is: Unsurpassed Kiddie Kino.[View]
204690780Why did Gina Carano end-up so right-wing? She was making lots of movies with ultra-liberals! WTF?[View]
204690603>Don't think >Be nice to everyone >Manages to lead a beautiful fulfilling life Is th…[View]
204690093Why did he do it?[View]
204689627Has anyone ever made films that filter more people?[View]
204690123KINOPLEX STORIES: I pissed all over the bathroom stalls halfway through Indiana Jones 5 and when I c…[View]
204690709so was their beef real, or was it just hollywood gossip meant to generate drama and revenue? anyway …[View]
204690636>Harry and Hermione aren’t meant to be togeth-ACK![View]
204688357The season of kino is upon us, cold kino, first night below 50f and i have the windows open i love t…[View]
204689030Why bollywood like this?[View]
204687898>takes his sweet ass time to save harry[View]
204689132Which way, white man?[View]
204689599Did they really just reboot Forrest Gump?[View]
204688859You've always been the caretaker.[View]
204690503GET THAT SNITCH, GET THE STRAP: DON'T GIVE A FUCK, BRAA BRAA BRAA what do we think of attack th…[View]
204690148British gangster movies: Straight to DVD popcorn movies or do any decent ones exist?[View]
204687113And afterward, frogposters in tall hats and gold watch fobs will thump their chest and say 'what a g…[View]
204682857What was the point of Monica Bellucci's character 'Delores LaFerve' in the hit 2024 f…[View]
204691138the ultimate mall kino: >be juiced up meat head >wear a shirt that's too small for you so…[View]
204689825How to Get Into the Marvel Cinematic Universe: >100 hours of interconnected storytelling. Countle…[View]
204690367FUCK THE FRENCH[View]
204690321new american psycho: is the world ready for Zoomie Bateman?[View]
204686168/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #415: Rape and Kill Summer edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27t…[View]
204679600Literally why don’t people just pirate movies anymore. What is the advantage to paying money every m…[View]
204690221>Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has…[View]
204690210White devil, you pay for your mayhem.[View]
204690101Why are critics so retarded?[View]
204690052VHS IS BACK BABY[View]
204686759Does he shitpost here?[View]
204687445Wtf Hopkins in this movie was LITERALLY me[View]
204689984>he didn't actually say 'don't do that' wtf bros[View]
204689724Will Kojima become a Hollywood director?[View]
204683430Yes, you can be constantly surrounded by people, get invited to parties every weekend and fuck a dif…[View]
204685784Why didn't he just say there were 5 lights?[View]
204689860>$1.7 million budget >$35 million at the box office…[View]
204688268What did you think of Zendaya's star making turn in Dune Part 2 and Challengers?[View]
204682329Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991): zoomer here, unironically how does this look so good even now? o…[View]
204686276how much lead do i need to have in my brain to find this funny?[View]
204688129>They tell me you're a man with True Grit (2010)[View]
204689784He won.: We lost.[View]
204687179The prequels made it very clear that Anakin was the chosen who would destroy the Sith and in the ori…[View]
204686033Well I know what my wife's boyfriend's getting me for Christmas! https://x.com/DiscussingF…[View]
204688380>You are of the opinion that what you're inhaling and exhaling is a mixture of gases that su…[View]
204689237Is Fritz Lang the most legendary film director of all time? His movies are kino overload and he look…[View]
204687498The Penguin: HBO/MAX The Penguin show started off great but episodes 3 and 4 are concerning. Especia…[View]
204688535Why did no one listen to the scientists? What does this tell us about modern society?[View]
204689062|In early October 2007, Chapman gained negative public attention after a private phone conversation …[View]
204688295Would nukes really restart a dying star?[View]
204688518HOLY (literally) FUCKING KINO[View]
204683953She’s leaving in 2026[View]
204689445Shrek: It's literally the greatest movie ever created[View]
204687890Sydney Sweeney was in a movie with Amber Heard[View]
204687716Hellboy: Go watch Hellboy The Crooked Man. It's the 2nd best Hellboy movie and doesn't de…[View]
204689128The show is very comfy and fun, and I want to fuck the soul out of this hag. I want to flood her cun…[View]
204688358>this made millennials shit their pants[View]
204689250Was it kino ?[View]
204688869>sir, we need an ugly manlet with a bow for our super hero all-star team…[View]
204687889>filters everyone[View]
204687558Will you watch her movie?[View]
204687316>anime can't be kin-[View]
204689264>tfw watching movies and tv shows as escapism to distract me from my shit life isnt working anymo…[View]
204687631Left or Right?[View]
204688065The world is healing[View]
204689027Why are all super heroes American?: This doesn't seem very realistic.[View]
204686688Hella fucking epic! So retro![View]
204684259>You should so. Totally. Come.[View]
204683753From.S03E05.2160p.WEB.H265-SuccessfulCrab: >From.S03E05.2160p.WEB.H265-SuccessfulCrab >From.S0…[View]
204687843Based captain slow. Will Jez and Hammond follow suit?[View]
20468905920 years ago he completely changed the game. Nothing has been the same since. Nothing has had an imp…[View]
204686637>mfw hollywood is dying[View]
204689014FROM thread: This show is Kino, but are we sure the writers aren't making it up as they go alon…[View]
204668119No way in hell war is THIS bad[View]
204683399>If you're looking for quality shitposts coming out the Chans at a reasonable rate, I can ge…[View]
204688454What do you expect in the third season of Alice in Borderland? It's happening next year.[View]
204688759Why does it seem that modern movies (let's say last 15 years) just don't have the same lev…[View]
204686700I wish for a long running BatteTech series. Now we sit back and wait.[View]
204688758AI is going to usher /tv/ in to a golden age.: At some point, some based anon(s) with enough talent …[View]
204677412>Kino Reeves is in season 2 of hancock's documentary oh it is OVER for archeocucks now…[View]
204677931>alec baldwin is back Grim[View]
204688608truck drive got more hell than Gage - fight me: Why cum exactly the truck driver being ghosted into …[View]
204685518Did the glowies successfully memory hole this kino from the American zeitgeist?[View]
204685019Zoomer (born in 2000) here. What was watching cable/broadcast TV like?[View]
204688434ITT: self-taught by old school Europeans[View]
204686167Jurassic Park: Let's seattle this once and for all. Which movie was worse?[View]
204688410WAITING >to smash in their windows and kick in their doors WAITING >for the final solution to …[View]
204688407>cosiest intro[View]
204684483Does Dungeons and Dragons deserve a sequel? What should it be about?[View]
204678609Signs you are about to watch kino[View]
204685461>Mexican character is asked if he's a MexiCan or MexiCant[View]
204688202https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hqY3LcaGL8 Sensei has spoken.[View]
204687123>2024...I am forgotten[View]
204682982/hor/ - Horror General: Kino shot-on-video edition. Previous: >>204679542[View]
204688198About to watch this at the kinoplex. What am I in for?[View]
204682612This is YELLOWSTONE boy That means your slur sister can do whatever she wants, native Americans are …[View]
204685637New Poll!: VOTE FOR WHAT YOU ARE EXCITED FOR (minus superhero films) JAN ONWARDS! https://strawpoll.…[View]
204688204Decent cam rip of terrifier 3 is up on youtube ( will be taken down shortly most likely) watch if yo…[View]
204687037Uzumaki is finally over. Bravo Adult Swim.[View]
204688105SCREAM FORTRESS: Have you finished all of your contracts yet? I think all of the new maps this year …[View]
204688083fellow pirates of tv & film, is there a particular group that stands above the rest when it come…[View]
204679438ITT: Movies only you like.[View]
204684290one of us[View]
204685621'NUC-U-LAR'! IT'S PRONOUNCED, 'NUC-U-LAR.'[View]
204687863>Shoot the ceiling! Do it now![View]
204684349why haven't there been any decent neet kino even tho neetdom and antiwork sentiment is getting …[View]
204687849>all those moments will be lost in time, like piss in the skibidi toilet They couldnt come up wit…[View]
204686597Why anti heroes and villains are more fun than heroes?[View]
204686775Reminder that we could have had darth jar jar kino if Disney followed George's true vision http…[View]
204685927Raised by Wolves > Alien: Romulus[View]
204684568Should I replace my DTS-FGT rips with Tigole rips? They do have the commentary tracks but lose the D…[View]
204687211Brothers: Is it kino?[View]
204687328I am not crazy! I know he insulted those folx of color. I knew it was roicism! One after conative pr…[View]
204687653>I see you dress left How do you respond?[View]
204686838>be liberal in 90s/00s >create /tv/ >it gets very popular in the country >routinely self…[View]
204685704The one time she was actually funny she got bashed.[View]
204682816What's their best take?[View]
204686923Just asked a girl to YIFY and chill. She saw the message but never responded. Did I fuck up /tv/?[View]
204680425>Foreigners are watching American movies and wishing they lived in America…[View]
204686344What’s the wokest movie of all time[View]
204687344>The charges, officer?[View]
204687479Your honest thoughts on JLaw? Is she a good actress?[View]
204686093Kinoplex Stories: I once pissed all over a kinoplex toilet stall halfway through Indiana Jones 5 and…[View]
204687007Kill Bill: Volume 3 when?[View]
204687421You ever heard about the Scorpion and the Frog[View]
204683885what was /tv/'s reaction when this came out?[View]
204684643IT'S A DAMN COLD NIGHT[View]
204686071>Leave directing God Emperor of Dune…to me[View]
204662450Why isn't he more popular here? Unlike Gosling who's only pretending to be autistic, I…[View]
204687270>these guys are going to lose their massive gate to the enemy >they shall be known as gone doo…[View]
204684420>If you're a Parrothead, try Jimmy Buffett's Key West Saloon. Located downstairs in the…[View]
204679031And it tastes... Fuck y'all![View]
204687138Is this a good movie?[View]
204687149I tried to get into The Boys but the sight of this fuckers face was so intolerable that I couldn…[View]
204682602why cant hollywood make a good resident evil adaptation ? is so easy,is just another zombie movie[View]
204686208thank you to whoever it was that mentioned this yesterday, i liked it strange how it has flown under…[View]
204685179it's Sunday you know what that means[View]
204686658Why do war movies always show the Nazi army as white German when it was actually a multiethnic horde…[View]
204686774WHERE ARE YOU?[View]
204686320what's the verdict?[View]
204686772>Stranger than you dreamt it >Can you even dare to look or bear to think of me >This loaths…[View]
204675640> Top 50 imdb and considered one of the greatest movies of all time I somehow never watched it bu…[View]
204686756Transcendent Black Kino made in 1941.[View]
204686404You can tell she lowkey wanted some of Emma Stone's nachos in this movie[View]
204686718Watching this kino for the first time. Tell me what I thought of it so I know if I like it or not.[View]
204686453>all these feminist queen shecunt bad bitch empowered actresses having to degrade themselves and …[View]
204686541Anyone else looking forward to DUNC: Prophecy?[View]
204685712The Apprentice: What's your favorite scene in the apprentice? Mine is this one. >https://www…[View]
204685502Review bombing who is behind it?: Have you noticed that a lot of films that were rated well initiall…[View]
204685437Casca if she real[View]
204686431I fucking burst out laughing when I first saw this. What are they thinking?[View]
204686475Do you guys ever watch kino with your niece or sister?[View]
204683242LOOK DAD IM ACTING[View]
204686275>it's pronounced leviosa, not levi-o-SAR![View]
204683986>be imus >chage radio forever >get older >get less edgy, which you became famous for …[View]
204684975How about a story about a prepubescent boy wizard that wants to fuck everything in Hogwarts?[View]
204686321Shark Tale: Great movie[View]
204664344Why does Hollywood love girls with bug eyes?[View]
204684889just a heads up, a lot of redbox kiosks still work even though the company is bankrupt. and they nev…[View]
204675504Would you watch a movie centered on Chani?[View]
204686191BOTTOM: What am I in for?[View]
204686219>and of course, my co-host, Mike![View]
204680566Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)[View]
204681982We need more female french directors.[View]
204680136webm thread: webms of television and film[View]
204683524Why hasn't BattleTech been adapted to film or television? Could it work or is too big and spraw…[View]
204685964Was it kino?[View]
204681543Fine day, Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week[View]
204684344I wish whoever came up with this a very painful death. The original jersey shore was a masterpiece c…[View]
204682275ITT entire bane intro one word at a time: Dr[View]
204686446>supposedly won medal for bravery >immediately surrenders Wtf?…[View]
204684569She did nothing wrong.[View]
204686236>im fighting for dr@g shows and meth at home What’s the best sniper movie…[View]
204671271Wait, so I WASN'T supposed to like this character?[View]
204683679crazy movie theories that are actually true[View]
204685698This scene ruined an entire generation of white boys[View]
204685208Holy shit this movie was disturbing. I promise to NEVER make fun of walled women again.[View]
204681726>watch a pretentious arthouse film >watch two…[View]
204685285>'Oi, clean shirt! How do you get that shirt so clean?' How do you respond without sounding mad?…[View]
204682364Mmm POO POO POPCORN[View]
204685451Why do Americans always say that race doesn't matter and then bring it up all the time?[View]
204681907Was she also this annoying in the books?[View]
204685645Just beat the devil out of it[View]
204685283so why did they turn ricks wife african now?[View]
204685406What was Gilbert’s best performance in television or film?[View]
204682489Luc Besson's or Ingrid Bergman's Joana D'arc?[View]
204683640>film is made bu studio ghibli[View]
204676735Dogshit way: Whats the worst sequel youve seen of a movie you like[View]
204682904I forgot what was it that he had to do again?[View]
204684367Best girl in the inbetweeners: For me, it was Jane[View]
204685386>badass white male front and center of every promo material >75% of the show is about a nog wh…[View]
204677932>The Sopranos: Made In America >The Wire; -30- >Breaking Bad: Felina Which show had the bes…[View]
204682378>used to be one of the biggest up and coming directors of the 90s >Became a box office name in…[View]
204684816me rewatching house realizing that there's no tv show since it which was good[View]
204685018This show was comfy.[View]
204685233what are some movies that are both good as a movie and as a showcase for my new oled?[View]
204685052Did you like it?[View]
204682926Did anyone else really like Filth 2013? Of all the 'sigma', 'literally me' movies is this the most o…[View]
204684105At the end Kurt Russell says there's 3 left but we only hear 2 gunshots. Is the implication tha…[View]
204679292'Heebie Kikeberger.'[View]
204683024What went so...: ...incredibly RIGHT?[View]
204683435What happened to our girl?[View]
204684957Go take a Midol![View]
204683762>this made boomers lose their minds[View]
204682546I keep watching mafia kino and it makes me want to buy nice suits and start acting like a gangster[View]
204684618NO MERCY FOR COWARDS![View]
204683947>is called The Joker >doesn't tell any jokes >does magic tricks instead What a themati…[View]
204684342>movie displays excessive violence, death, gore - no problems lets slap pg-13 rating on it >mo…[View]
204684275Why did he have to do it?[View]
204679563PEAK PERFORMANCE: you may not like the way it looks, /tv/, but she is one of the most talented and v…[View]
204680911Happy Hallowe'entime /tv/. Can we get a thread of SCP tier shit? I'll start off with this …[View]
204683032Documentary /tv/: Just finished this kino, the greatest WW2 documentary. What do I watch now?[View]
204682821So this is it? This one of the best rated episodes in history? People are really starved for good tv…[View]
204684364Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?[View]
204679757/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #414: CK's hapa milk duds edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, Octobe…[View]
204683680Roswell Delirium: This movie was completed in 2023 and has now been pushed back to 2025 for release.…[View]
204683805He used to he ridiculously popular, what went wrong? Why don't zoomers care for him anymore?[View]
204684244Hello, yes, it's Rosenberg and Sons. Yes, yes, our new Irish Catholic star, Bill Mahavi- uh uh …[View]
204683757Cause I'm an Island Boy[View]
204673991Listen up. I know I'm human. And if you were all these things, then you'd just attack me r…[View]
204684094Watch Northern Exposure[View]
204683262Is there a God?[View]
204680719this is as high as you get in film quality.[View]
204678227It just works[View]
204679486what are liev schreiber's best films?[View]
204683057Rape is no laughing matter.[View]
204681806FAMILY EDITION: >why don't you try reddit from now on? You can get yourself mod priviledges …[View]
204682634You know what I am back at the Ranch? I'm a breeding bull.[View]
204677680ITT: shows that peaked at the beginning: saiyan saga is kino. frieza saga's good. everything af…[View]
204679771>that thing you loved? >let's ruin it…[View]
204677175Who are the villains of the story?[View]
204667812From: >mc from the last thing you watched is now in from town how will it go?…[View]
204678151ITT forgotten movies[View]
204674985He was right.[View]
204678379What was the moral of this scene?[View]
204682765holy shit... filmtards btfo...[View]
204679543Which image registers to you as more 'cinematic'?[View]
204682654>'Is that all you've got?'[View]
204683167A24 thread.[View]
204674613Fly me to the moon: Is this a departure for Scarlett?[View]
204681011let's all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes[View]
204683142Rank them.[View]
204677900i clapped when i remembered the thing[View]
204683100/hor/ - Horror General: Burn the witches edition previously on /hor/ >>204679542[View]
204681032explosion comparison: i will compare 3 scenes: Legendary Godzilla 2014, Shin Godzilla 2016, and Hulk…[View]
204679542/hor/ - Horror General: Head Like a FUCKING Pumpkin edition Previous >>204673230[View]
204678410Parker Posey[View]
204682620Wow he's literally not me[View]
204682827How does a director go from making kind of bland competent Oscar bait movies to directing cats? Was…[View]
204680899how is this movie the only good depiction of ocd in a movie ever ?[View]
204682903Show me a more useful super power![View]
204680430Bongslag delivers yet again: Garfield episode is a good one Also, Amelia is prime bongslag, she…[View]
204677572I don't understand, how was he at the party and inside Bill Pullman's house at the same ti…[View]
204675749James Gunn confirmed they're writing a Teen Titans movie.[View]
204671332>Had the most kino and comfy interviews >Got metood and permanently cancelled It's a sha…[View]
204679642VOTE FOR BEST!: https://strawpoll.com/eJnvVDk64nv/[View]
204682061Oh no a hot woman had sex with me and got pregnant. Not cool dude.[View]
204681841Is it a kino? Is it worth to watch?[View]
204682540The Substance: 40 minutes in This is fucked up What the FUCK[View]
204677034gimmie a smile /tv/[View]
204682247which one had a better plot-twist?[View]
204681271what do we do with the rest of the superfluous men that don't want to be women? there's no…[View]
204680162I'll suck your cock for a 4chan pass[View]
204681963Cast her[View]
204671821He’s right, you know: https://ew.com/chris-pratt-criticizes-movie-stars-with-bad-attitudes-8731045…[View]
204682360>Andy Dick[View]
204680363you motherfucking WOP cocksucker[View]
204682249>'yes Drax, I've got a penis, and it's not half bad' >Drax scoffs and glances down I…[View]
204681213Was Anora literally the only American film released in 2024 of any artistic or intellectual merit wh…[View]
204681195In what way did he lose? >Hot young bombshell girlfriend >Rich >Famous Sure he's f…[View]
204677004Smile 2: >Joel bros, where did we go wrong? >Also, when is the OST releasing?…[View]
204682175>show is called The Tudors >never actually tudors anybody in anything…[View]
204680988Just finished last episode of season 2.....wow...just two words: pure kino.[View]
204680799Zoomers don’t know about this kino[View]
204679982Adam Sandler’s daughter’s netflix movie: Anyone see “You Are So Not Invited To My Bat Mitzvah”? Thou…[View]
204681269>A space time GPS[View]
204681885Wait, this film doesn't take place in New Hampshire?: Why is it named after the New Hampshire s…[View]
204680887England must have been absolutely miserable in the 1980s if this was allowed on television[View]
204674075THE JUICE IS LOOSE[View]
204680050What are the best college/high school kinos[View]
204681710>'2024 was a good year for movies'[View]
204680152What was the weirdest movie you've ever seen?[View]
204681869PROTECT BRIE!: we MUST encourage the smile of Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers, /tv/, and also pls be PAT…[View]
204680176I miss him, bros.[View]
204681694the Hunter has become the Hunted[View]
204681702>He was gay, Eazy E?[View]
204681379hey guys i want to make a horror movie where the villain is the most irredeemable monster ever where…[View]
204677237Boomers thought these two were as funny as Key and Peele...: lol at boomers thread?[View]
204673087MY EMPIRE OF DIRT[View]
204681590>I'M ACTING![View]
204681584>Ornella? I barely knew her![View]
204676556Final verdict on watching shows and films on 2x speed especially through the boring parts?[View]
204671888A daily reminder that 'so bad it's good' culture popularized by things like RLM, Sam Hyde, and …[View]
204680293Why didn’t Light just fucking shoot him[View]
204673703Roman Polanski's Macbeth stream: coming up next, high encode scan stream below come join us for…[View]
204681348is this worth watching? has anyone seen this?[View]
204679846Mighty Boosh: What's the best mighty boosh bit? I like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v…[View]
204672420/fromg/ - From General: New episode in 2 hours. Answers will be questioned like never before.[View]
204680669well /tv/?[View]
204671875just saw this episode of Soprano with the daughter in this swimsuit , season 4, I am literally to co…[View]
204680769all he had to do was just tell a good joke tho[View]
204681033'They can't make live action Thundercats': >'It would have to be CGI and it would look terri…[View]
204680249Here’s your new seven of nine bro[View]
204679491essential femcel kinos?[View]
204679736Horror is an inherently evil genre for brain dead sociopaths who enjoy watching people suffer. The r…[View]
204680578Best television show of each decade: 1950s: Jack benny program 1960s: The Beverly Hillbillies 1970…[View]
204666316anyone watched this beyond the first three stories?[View]
204681056HE FUCKED UP: HE FUCKED UP >15 minute captcha >FVCK3D…[View]
204680891>Pippin >Constantly eating apples >Apples have pips in them Remind me why LOTR is good agai…[View]
204677717This was a solid flick. Very entertaining, good vampire action. Nice that it got into some of the mo…[View]
204658382/tv/ approved anime[View]
204680963What were they thinking?[View]
204679000This Movie The Terminal(2004) got me mad: Bro this movie is triggering my incel rage, are you joking…[View]
204672037>oh I'm funny? >funny how? How do you respond without getting whacked?…[View]
204673855It makes me irrationally angry when the biker gang shows up in this. Like the protagonists spend the…[View]
204661533When was the moment South Park started falling off?[View]
204680172I love serial killer movies This was an interesting underlooked one, never imagined Owen Wilson as a…[View]
204671987Movies only you remember: Soldier 1998[View]
204679480Doctor Pavel refused your offer in favor of mine[View]
204680633What is the best Christmas movie ever?[View]
204672662A Love Letter to Horror Cinema of the 20th Century[View]
204678585Was it really necessary to rape Jules?[View]
204676756>I'm a perfect all-American bitch >With perfect all-American tits what did she mean by th…[View]
204679505>a tree with a beard >his name? Treebeard Bravo…[View]
204658763>medical, dental, a pension AND 401k?? >aaaahhhh this is a NIGHTMARE…[View]
204678739It's high time we had a biopic on the memetic saga of Pepe Grenouille and Wojak Feels >start…[View]
204660761/film/: Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Friedkin edition >/film/ charts…[View]
204680088>The charges, officer?[View]
204679123Why not make Stellan the main character? He's a much better actor, and has a more interesting s…[View]
204670951HALT MUTANT[View]
204679007I'm not the Zodiac And if I was I certainly wouldn't tell you chuds[View]
204678211you're breathtaking[View]
204680244Once Upon a Time in Hollywood thread[View]
20467860580% of the time i dont have any comprehension of what i just watched its mostly 'oh that looked cool…[View]
204679967>k dramas >anime >hong kong cinema When did you realize that Asians are just naturally bett…[View]
204666711Murders aside, is he a good role model? Looking for a new literally me character after Arthur Fleck …[View]
204680153>Yo lets check out possible serial killer house who just wanted to kill us few minutes ago if the…[View]
204680079just watched all the SAW movies, need more hoffman kino ASAP, might watch the dungeons and dragons m…[View]
204680033ITT: Times you acted like Mafia Mamma[View]
204679640Dubs determines the director and cast of the next Magnificent Seven movie.[View]
204632666Is Hitman really that hard to adapt?[View]
204679011>Here lies anon…he uhh…. really liked movies i guess[View]
204679038Bond ITT: >favorite bond song >favorite bond film For your eyes only You only live twice…[View]
204674512Daniella Monet is back: who's watching the new Hallmark movie starring Daniella Monet?[View]
204675791>that cappuccino was supposed to be made with skim milk, not whole[View]
204673839Are you going to see the Rey movie if they actually go through with it?[View]
204679735>janny sends you this what do?[View]
204677966guys i think maybe david zaslav is a retard[View]
204679305>This is a 39 year old in 1989[View]
204668255Svengoolie Thread! (BOO-Nanza Double Feature): >What the heck is Svengoolie? Svengoolie is one of…[View]
204679692*Blocks your path*[View]
204674946What are you watching today, boys? For me, it's Con Air[View]
204677045>kino about a group of kids growing up going on adventures >hyper-chondriac kid can’t go 3 sec…[View]
204678948Why did she cook all that stuff? Whats with those dreams?[View]
204673230/hor/ - Horror General: Merry Christmas edition Prev: >>204669862[View]
204678805windows 9[View]
204669746Zootopia 2: Two Billion Dollars[View]
204678112Movies carried hard by one performance: Even Anthony Hopkins couldn't do a better job than Brun…[View]
204679384>refused to have sex with Marie Antoinette for 7 years What the FUCK was his problem?…[View]
204679194>You don't understand, every shitty movie made before 2010 is UNDERRATED SOVLFUL KINO…[View]
204674315Damn, this movie is going to be good. Finallt a win for DC.[View]
204676820Holy shit. 90's Disney was something else[View]
204677148Why hasn't this been topped yet? It's been 13 years.[View]
204668134This dude is the biggest asshole in the franchise, why do so many people think he has some sort of m…[View]
204679059The Superman curse refers to a series of supposedly related misfortunes that have plagued creative p…[View]
204678274beautiful woman[View]
204678999Is Reddit having a meltdown?[View]
204678432Although I've been monkeypaw'd, my suggestion to increase the timer for new IPs(for mobile…[View]
204677479How do I into stoic catonian mode?[View]
204678256Is there a more hateable seasonal villain?: I'm currently watching S6, on episode 1 right now. …[View]
204678991what are the best movie scenes about jorking it[View]
204675870Answer me these two questions, if you will: 1. What was the title of the last movie you watched? 2. …[View]
204678828>0 oscars[View]
204678945>Bro that cute girl at the bar is smiling at you What do?[View]
204677795Realistically, where can the Scream franchise go without the 2 recent leads?[View]
204674252What am I in for fellas?[View]
204676299The actor didn't have to memorize any lines[View]
204677022What are some comfy Halloween horror/monster flicks i could watch this month? Something with the sam…[View]
204678863What are some films about adoption?[View]
204676914What musical actually deserves a movie adapation?[View]
204677564Why is Michael Jackson popular in Japan?[View]
204675262Americans have literally never seen this before in their lives[View]
204673464What's a Sopranos quote that you almost say everday?[View]
204676658ATTENTION! Do not be alarmed but reports suggest a lone adult male has violated our Kinoplex's …[View]
204678673Is there anything that can be considered 'junkfood show' than the boys? I was thinking about Prison …[View]
204675572Tulsa.King.S02E06.1080p.WEB.H264-SuccessfulCrab: >Tulsa.King.S02E06.1080p.WEB.H264-SuccessfulCrab…[View]
204678612Well that was a movie[View]
204678572The Jew Media: The jew media tricked me into developing a mommy dom fetish. Is the jew media as perf…[View]
204677866>Ok, *if* I decide to do this, I'll need an unlimited supply of Xena tapes and Hotpockets.…[View]
204671940never seen before this how is it?[View]
204665164what went wrong? the costume was kino and NatPo got buff[View]
204656923is loneliness that damaging?[View]
204671161Why did he do it?[View]
204672346Any fanbase worse than horror thots?[View]
204678109My disappointment in this movie is unfathomable. I know Mel Brooks has it in him to make a funny mov…[View]
204677244OH N-[View]
204678120I have been thinking about this a lot recently, but I can't seem to figure out why horror movie…[View]
204677584Anyone remember Roswell ?[View]
204676507Please tell me this isn't true. I'm begging you[View]
204676707We need you to say the n-word[View]
204670768>We would wake up early on Saturday just to eat cereal and watch five hours of cartoons. “Saturda…[View]
204674472/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #413: The Waped edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tentativ…[View]
204676461Why do they even try?: Asian men will never be considered serious male acting leads. They can only b…[View]
204677505What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world?[View]
204677876>Let's get one thing straight: peacocks don't fly! Realistically, how do you respond wi…[View]
204677845A Far Off Place: I remembered watching this a long time ago. No one talks about it anymore for some …[View]
204676778the substance: i know im late but i finally marathoned this. what did i think about it ?[View]
204669418Batemanbros...: I'm scared.[View]
204666120It wasn't that bad. Why do people shit on this like it was completely unwatchable?[View]
204676754everything about this movie is kino. Even the poster. is it the best Sherlock Holmes film?[View]
204677130For this job I will need an....Old Guy.[View]
204673183Does anything even happen in this movie?[View]
204676550The fuck was this[View]
204677021Will Hollywood make another live action pokemon movie after the lore leak controversy?[View]
204672392>Cats [x]bombs >West Side Story [x]bombs >Joker 2 [x]bombs They're shitting their pant…[View]
204663462Cheers/Frasier: How does Frasier go from hanging out in a lower middle class Boston bar, drinking be…[View]
204671949I've now caught up on the Ghostbusters franchise again, and it seems to me that many of the pro…[View]
204676030Who the hell is buying this crap?[View]
204676917this Tegan and Sara doc on hulu was pretty good for an october release, that first girl gets her ide…[View]
204677297Halloween Harem[View]
204677289Pose for me /tv/ got that ass - FAT Slim thicc no tummy Yall on one lmao[View]
204677257Is the anime worth a watch if just finished the game or is it the same story again dragged out more?…[View]
204676720Having instant access to almost every single piece of film or video ever made has ruined the medium.[View]
204677100The apprentice: I don't get it, its a great movie. It just made Trump look like the american dr…[View]
204677084Remember Louis Partridge? Thoughts on his new show Disclaimer?[View]
204673143>Listen, Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people call love is just a chemical reaction …[View]
204676358Stripper scenes: Closer (2004) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQAd2VY8mvE[View]
204676497But really though[View]
204676928It's high time we had a biopic on the memetic saga of Pepe Grenouille and Wojak Feels >start…[View]
204669283>You can sleep and no one will ever know. >Um, I don't think we're being paid to sle…[View]
204676847Do you think God lives in Heaven because He, too, lives in fear of what He's created here on Ea…[View]
204675856I love Svengoolie but these fuckers' segments are an instant skip.[View]
204675128/trek/: The Official Satan's Robot Fan Club[View]
204674448Oh you do? Well I think you're a BIGBOY![View]
204674124>it's quiet >...too quiet[View]
204676617alien: man i really like the original alien movie, it has great cinematography[View]
204676576Flicks teevee will never understand[View]
204675795kinoes like this?: ?[View]
204673700for mua? it's legends de la fall[View]
204676529I DON’T H𝘈VE 𝘈 BOY DICK[View]
204676382If there's ever any impulse in Hollywood to 'remake' The Lord Of The Rings, it shouldn't b…[View]
204676433you guys wanna fight?[View]
204674673Dear black guys, please embrace this style. It looks cool.[View]
204676440This is one of the creators of From.[View]
204669865who is excited for Wicked?[View]
204674391Saturday Night Live /SNL/ Season 50: Episode 3: Michael Keaton and Billie Eilish[View]
204675925kino rekwest: Crazy shit to watch while zonked out of my gourd?[View]
204676293LMAO, Zack Snyder became a blog editor about superheroes killing and fucking. How fucking low.[View]
204676162An FYI for those of you that want to see a cut of these movies that's one longer film (as it sh…[View]
204667221>bioweapon LE GOOD what did star trek mean by this?[View]
204675687what do you call something that's simultaneously slop and kino?[View]
204676168Thoughts on the Riddick movies?[View]
204676108Personally, I love the films of James Gunn[View]
204674754Movies with this feel?: I liked war dogs pain & gain Dope Preferably miami and LA[View]
204662573People pissed and shat themselves on how good this movie allegedly was[View]
204675780Oof, Madone[View]
204674426Execute order 66.[View]
204673135ITT:Boomerslop Any guy with a fast mind will fall asleep to this only slow people enjoy this one[View]
204670442Why didn't you save her?[View]
204675335Gary Cooper: Gary Cooper[View]
204659699ITT: Actors you'd like to see more of[View]
204670195Get netflix[View]
204672520Testament (1983) is an incredibly sad, powerful picture. I don't think I've ever seen it d…[View]
204668152Watching movies with strong men is gay.[View]
204671928Showed my friend the Texas Chainsaw Massacre for Halloween season and she got so scared she literall…[View]
204669519When did Rick & Morty become unwatchable for you? Which episode was the last straw?[View]
204674741Rob Zombie's Halloween is better than the original. The acting is better, the kills are more br…[View]
204675423THAT'S BAD NEWS, MAN[View]
204672954Movies you will never ever watch[View]
204674901Kino conspiracy thread: The Shining https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWHdIpeb-eU Once Upon a Time in …[View]
204675370Does /tv/ appreciate cockfighting?[View]
204673515I like the Terrifier girl.[View]
204671202https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr_vl62JblQ I don't get it.[View]
204672665Reccomend me more Die Hard clones[View]
204644525Has anyone been sexier than Catherine Zeta Jones in the late 90s?[View]
204674007Is 2024 the year of the hag?[View]
204674733Sick in the head: >I like to think I'm in the know - and I'm pretty sure I am more in t…[View]
204668317Lmao are people from the American South this STUPID?[View]
204675232Why are you wearing my bathrobe?: Oh, i'm sorry... but somebody pissed all over mine last night…[View]
204672061This is the fucking stupidest movie I have ever watched.[View]
204674546>...I have Bulletball.[View]
204671708Reminder that if you don't watch her movie and applaud it then you're racist and should be…[View]
204666516>Youre telling me my chemist brother in law who came into a shitload of money all of a sudden and…[View]
204673774Blatant fucking ripoff[View]
204662029Best movie reactions?[View]
204673729Can you think of any instances of a movie's portrayal of the future actually influencing the fu…[View]
204670937And what of Good Solonius?[View]
204671538A musical adaptation of “The Warriors” is currently in development: Will it be kino?[View]
204674444Mike is so embarrassing now[View]
204672415Has anyone checked on Michael Cera lately? I hope he's okay.[View]
204673134Have you. Searched, the southern regions. Of Arrakis?[View]
2046746384:30 Movie was a better Stranger Things[View]
204673818Was it real or schizo ?[View]
204673133(He did the mash) He did the monster mash[View]
204673771>Villain finally captures the hero >Instead of killing him right away he tells him his plans a…[View]
204674325Can Dave Bautista's career as a leading man be saved by Paul Wife Guy Anderson? (Paul W.G. Ande…[View]
204674282what is zachary levi thinking?[View]
204673080>and capitalism![View]
204674225>it was all a coma dream lol[View]
204668512How do you let internet opinions affect your opinion on kino?: I’m pretty sure there’s loads of movi…[View]
204659680Unsurpassed: This still and always will be peak Batman.[View]
204673379what happened to Terry: He is like the main character in first two episodes(jason bateman director),…[View]
204656757>this made millennials piss their pants laughing their asses off[View]
204670757The departed thread[View]
204673852Madonna's only credit in an animation work, and it's a Luc Besson movie.[View]
204671048This movie doesn't deserve the hate[View]
204670046>Boomers used to hold great, week-long orgies to this skit.[View]
204667518Who was worse? Abused cunt? or Spoiled cunt?[View]
204666028Liev Schreiber: Is he a good dude? or is he evil?[View]
204672479What are some kino Soviet films? I watched Stalker and found it extremely difficult to get through I…[View]
204673593>Choices have consequences. If you try to rob a violent mobster and your friend involved gets kil…[View]
204672110Will you watch Smile 2 for Naomi Scott?[View]
204662114Why aren't more shows set in the South?[View]
204673306what's the best aspect ratio for kino to be filmed in[View]
204652454>summer 1999 >watching TPM in theaters >utterly horrified >keep thinking 'what the fuck …[View]
204673260Why is everything dragged out and boring these days. I'm halfway through the first episode of e…[View]
204661872kino hair thread[View]
204667851Why don't we have any good Cyberpunk movies ? and why is the genre so under represented?[View]
2046558659-1-1: >S8EP04 'No Place like Home' We give black kids spine fractures with this one…[View]
204669862/hor/ - Horror General: Clean Plate Club edition Previous >>204665523[View]
204672201Why doesn't anyone ever discuss this utter kinography?[View]
204665686I love this shrieking 43-year-old harpy so much it’s unreal bros[View]
204662572DEY TUK MAH SUN[View]
204671815Anime ruined Japanese acting.[View]
204670758Dads favorite actor is Andy Samberg[View]
204668315why is actress Cara Delevingne not in more films[View]
204672964>Oh let me tell you folks I get no respect, NO RESPECT. I buy a 4chan pass figure I spend enough …[View]
204658216Gladiator 2 is All Time Masterpiece - EARLY REACTIONS: Ridley Scott has done it again[View]
204667938It wasn’t that bad if you see what Phillips was trying to do: His premise with Joker 2 he was going …[View]
204671413this was shit. Stanwyck is a hag.[View]
204656379>so basically *lies* >big archeology *smirks* >Gobekli Tepe *slow motion walks up steps* Wh…[View]
204672531Goodnight, YTV[View]
204670935/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #412: Happy New Year edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (ten…[View]
204669483Zillennial kino[View]
204670622What went wrong with the Halo TV show?[View]
204672508Just found out we lose on average 85.000 neurons every day: Movies for this feel?[View]
204672475What are /tv/'s thoughts on Wicked actress Cynthia Erivo?[View]
204672446>the charges, officer?[View]
204672288How did nerd/geek culture take over hollywood?: How is the average blockbuster movie some superhero …[View]
204671678You know, now that i think about it, The Book of Boba Fett and The Penguin in theory were the same s…[View]
204667178>what no dick does to a bitch The whole killer thing distracts from how depressing of a femcel si…[View]
204671915>Yoooouung giiirrll, get out my mind! >My thoughts for you are waaay out of line! >You…[View]
204672191Any kinos with a similar feel?[View]
204669584Welcome to Robert's Kinoplex. We are currently running a Halloween marathon and today we are sh…[View]
204658314>fades into obscurity why?[View]
204668480So what was the moral of THE SUBSTANCE?[View]
204670287>im just gonna watch a random episode >open folder >scroll a bit >episode 17 seems like …[View]
204670585Reminder that Milla Jovovich is still acting: The 48 year old action phenom is about to begin shooti…[View]
204672056Is there any guide out there with all the rachel nip episodes?[View]
204666032Ayo where the wizard welfare at[View]
204671998Fast and the Furious: Why did the black and brown audiences love this movie series so much? It'…[View]
204670709wtf? why are the scores so out of sync?[View]
204671964My god this movie is utter garbage. They chose to make it a prequel and have the main character be a…[View]
204669185What the fuck was his problem?[View]
204671925Why did they deadname her the whole movie?[View]
204671600Can we at least admit that RoP's Sauron is based?[View]
204670071>ok I'll do this last job but I have one rule: NO KILLING![View]
204658480Anime can't make science fiction better than Hollyw-[View]
204662517Greta Gerwig trying to exit Netflix's 'The Chronicles of Narnia': https://www.worldofreel.com/b…[View]
204668782Get a skill. Lift weights. Don't oversocialize. Drink raw milk. Find a mentor. Treat time as Go…[View]
204669324Mr Prime Minister, I’m HRH[View]
204663517ITT: movies that generally filter normies[View]
204669031>YOU PLAY A GOOD GAME ANON how do you respond?[View]
204670032Joker 2 Plot Could Have Been A Lay Up: The plot could have been that the Joker persona inspires insa…[View]
204669119Velma. Always Velma.[View]
204671641i just rewatched the first epiode of this show and its kino. we legitimately dont get kino like this…[View]
204671087> mogs every comedic relief character in star wars[View]
204670201ITT: Japanese Kino[View]
204670183>LOOK OUT, FAGGOT![View]
204671327>There are no pacts between princes and common mercenaries. Now, archers, turn this man into a pi…[View]
204667942Why is the Vietnam war so kino?[View]
204664903what's the scariest film you've ever seen?[View]
204665788First Look At 'Suits' Spinoff SUITS: L.A.: >Ted Black (Stephen Amell) is a former federal prosecu…[View]
204671256>A billion people >Zero Kino's[View]
204671138Nightcrawler: I just finished Nightcrawler. I feel like this Nightcrawler is a pretty good represent…[View]
204659912What happened to him? I watched some of his stand up from 70's/80's and he was a crazy, wi…[View]
204671177You're a BMOC, big man on campus[View]
204671146>it's oil, what else? how do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
204669966Was it kino?[View]
204663277>ABSOLUTE >SICKO >SH-T…[View]
204670176>mfw watching kino and a character slips on a banana peel[View]
204671036Should cinema adopt the Elizabethan theatrical practice of casting lithe males in the roles of femal…[View]
204670879>open movie synopsis >a group of >close synopsis…[View]
204671001>razzle them, dazzle them, razzle dazzle them[View]
204670999All the cute girls you had a crush on have hit the wall. Soon, you will too. Post your teenage actre…[View]
204670327Keaton’s Howard Hugh’s recluse Bruce Wayne is the superior version. Playboy Wayne is a blatant rip o…[View]
204668034why did the family at the end have a dog? shouldn't they have eaten the dog at that point? what…[View]
204670753You riked Band of Brothers, now get ready for 'Beijing'[View]
204662123>Can you steel-man the case for people who like the scent of stinky, unwashed feet?…[View]
204669402James Cameron's Avatar if it was good[View]
204668006>group of scientists has been working for months on a seemingly impossible problem >written on…[View]
204664866She hasn't been in a movie since Amsterdam. Is her acting career over?[View]
204670675He said how could their be poison, you know a poison gas, I don't know much about the holocaust…[View]
204667477why did they take harry in again?[View]
204670617what are your thoughts on the use of AI in the production of Movies, good or bad[View]
204670364>prestige television show >villain of the season dies in the last episode of the season >al…[View]
204667987What filesize should a 4k movie rip be for the best quality possible? 1200 MB?[View]
204670296What are some films about unlikeable low iq smug sassy bitches?[View]
204665138lets yeooooooooooh[View]
204660958Extra Most Basedest Kino??: Don't see alot of praise or attention from this movie but it is QUA…[View]
204664426I love how addams family are all goblins, freaks, vampires, mutants and... a mexican.[View]
204667473HOLY KINO[View]
204667158Bitchs build like my school bully[View]
204670208the debate that tore /tv/ apart...[View]
204667895this movie hits so close to home[View]
204670131Marvel Movies: Will demand for superhero movies continue to grow? Is this just a temporary phase/tre…[View]
204662703/bbuk/: Five hour live stream / bird song time.[View]
204668729STIFFEN THE WOOBATS!!! ALAIN?! You want to do WHAT with my wife?! You wanna help SERENA catch ALL th…[View]
204669960IMDB tags that signal kino: nude modeling nudity teenage girl nude model nude photo shoot coming of …[View]
204669854What is Japanese television like?[View]
204670712Where did it all go wrong?[View]
204664501i still dont understand how the xenomorphs can grow from the worm to fullsize in such a short time[View]
204669843The movie was better and I'm tired of pretending that it's not[View]
204669693So it is not a reboot?[View]
204665523/hor/: Silver Shamrock merchandise edition[View]
204669806>heavenly choir starts[View]
204669722fourteen elevens[View]
204669740Been seeing Anthony Start in a lot of mobile game ads lately[View]
204665340Does anyone else miss politically and socio-politically focused documentaries like Bowling for Colum…[View]
204669697>I'm not retarded, I'm resmarted![View]
204669638what are some movies that really suck dick?[View]
204667586Why did they stop making Ninja movies?[View]
204668707Why would Xenomorphs kill humans? There's no benefit for them. None of the movies show them eat…[View]
204669529Was he right about the ancient Greeks? Did he do anything wrong or were his sons just little bitches…[View]
204666562Anybody going to see this? What's the state of the New York acting scene now?[View]
204666814thats it I'm gonna say it: BEETLEJUICE...[View]
204664956“Yellowstone” Spinoff THE MADISON: Expectations? Plot >Wealthy matriarch Stacy Clyburn and her fa…[View]
204667633daily reminder that Loaded Weapon 1 is kino from start to finish[View]
204665166Is this worth a watch?: or is it 'muh strong brown womenz'[View]
204669260>I wish for a long running TV series about the second age of middle earth…[View]
204666956>Movie is about teens in the 90s >They aren't calling each other gay and retarded…[View]
204667691Black android: >he's retarded, slow and weak When they are white, they are smarter than a su…[View]
204667276Only dropped 49% its second weekend when most horror movies drop 55-60%.[View]
204667029Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads: 35mm open matte print scan is the only /tv/-approved way to wat…[View]
204666810Thats GOTTA hurt[View]
204669174hit girl? more like wet girl[View]
204667585/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #411: NEW LEAK edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tentative…[View]
204668543dont know about yall but i think im seeing a pattern here[View]
204669078>The Witness has spoken[View]
204667990Anyone else notice they digitally removed her braces in later releases?[View]
204668616me attempting to lift my craft against the gravitational void of thirdies[View]
204668653For me? It's White Men Can't Jump[View]
204668745Which was your favourite Samantha Carter haircut?[View]
204667538>However, especially in schizophrenia, the physical appearance of patients might be of clinical i…[View]
204668627Can a recast save Barbie 2?[View]
204663741It's nearly Halloween: Vat is ze best Vampire Kino?! Hardmode: Only films with REAL vampires (n…[View]
204667469Which one of these is the coolest of the kino musicians?[View]
204664568Realistically, what do you do in this situation?[View]
204667420Why is it in movies and television that Jews are portrayed as heterosexuals when 99% of Jews are gay…[View]
204663051who is your favorite boomer actress?[View]
204668487>Look what the capacitor dragged in >Ah, Starscream. How good it is to be reunited with such …[View]
204666746How cringe is it to meet this washed up faggot? (Comic con) Asking for a friend[View]
204667406Did any of you guys ever watch the Galidor TV show? was it kino?[View]
204668122>If you're a Parrothead, try Jimmy Buffett's Key West Saloon. Located downstairs in the…[View]
204661307Best times when an Actor totally played against his usual type. For example Fonda playing a villain …[View]
204666437bad will hunting: >worthless weepy deadbeat faggot stole my line How did this become an iconic qu…[View]
204666741We should still definitely do this if we had the capability[View]
204667839>Abe Simpson sold his home to help Homer buy a house of his own for his family >Abe moved in w…[View]
204668117why isn't there more rotokino[View]
204668099Would a modern Turtles movie with traditional costumes and animatronics work? The first two films do…[View]
204667476Was it REALLY a jungle out there?[View]
204666423Well, /tv/?[View]
204667207>main character has chills >they're multiplyin…[View]
204667509>What makes a man, Mr. Lebowski?[View]
204667749It was all a dream[View]
204667789saul goodman is the best tv character of the past 15 years[View]
204667709Unfortunately the sequel was mid and copied the first film scene by scene in the ending[View]
204665983I think the joker rape was tastefully done[View]
204667643Is this even worth pirating or is it just brie larson attacking me with her roastie meat flaps until…[View]
204657703Did hollywood give justice to the cyberpunk genre? Most of it so shit that I only good ones that I r…[View]
204663980Y'all hyped for the return of Arcane?[View]
204660219>Sauron-man, it's you! You're Sauron's man?![View]
204667489>its another Zak gets possessed and tries to murder the rest of crew episode I'M STARTING TO…[View]
204648891What will Rain do in the sequel?[View]
204664412Batman Forever in black and white is the best one[View]
204655610why wasn't it guarded[View]
204667281>movie has David Bowie or any other musician in it stay in your lane, kid…[View]
204665939What is this retarded shit? >>204660757[View]
204657871Cast him.[View]
204666187The Emperor (2012): If the Japanese Emperor, Hirohito have the supreme executive powers over his reb…[View]
204662735>The power of high budget CGI in 2024[View]
204665450name a greater horror trilogy[View]
204667163Ok so i licked my finger then put it in my ear and i still can't figure out what is extremely p…[View]
204667181When Aggie Cromwell is giving her daughter Gwen a hard time about forsaking magic, she converts a bo…[View]
204666835This is the apex of horror for zoomers?: REALLY? That's it?[View]
204666239>black character has lines[View]
204666188>Friend is a huge resident evil fan. >ask him for what significant reason it's called res…[View]
204666838How the fuck did he lose?: >Be Napoleon >ruled as Emperor of France, Italy, & Spain for 10…[View]
204665936Why doesn't DC just say 'fuck it' and adapt this kino in a two part-movie? (First film the firs…[View]
204664500More like this: Low-budget and violent[View]
204664752>Psst kid, wanna hear about Göbekli Tepe?[View]
204666524the Nosferatu merch dropped[View]
204667096Rank the first 10 animation movies by DreamWorks from best to weakest[View]
204657714>TO ME, MY /tv/-MEN[View]
204667373How did he lose?: >Be Adolf Hitler >Luckiest retarded general of all participants. >all of …[View]
204667020Why the fuck are they making a Section 31 movie? Bastards... Is nothing sacred anymore!?[View]
204665113What's your favourite planet of the apes movie?[View]
204665625i like to smile[View]
204665636Edge of Sleep: marathoning this right now, it's alright, markiplier is a shitty actor though…[View]
204665489Daily America’s Next Top Mode thread: Was Anchal really “so beautiful it’s scary”?[View]
204665563Teen Titans, the tv show that is /tv/ related: what's the actual non-meme casting for live acti…[View]
204661508They're making Bateman gay, aren't they?[View]
204666003I like spoopy movies!!! What is your favorite spoopy movie???[View]
204665299Is this how 4chuds die? very ANTICLIMACTIC[View]
204666698The Man Of Law. The AntiHispanic The AngloMan Any Good Dutch Movies?[View]
204666663He's right you know[View]
204665761This middle aged woman playing a high school student lmao[View]
204666545How do you feel about nosey neighbors?[View]
204666276Lizzie from Yhe Walking Dead grew up...[View]
204660318KINO: KINO[View]
204666267/tv/ never told me this was kino[View]
204666610You can't fix her bro[View]
204666277PBS: What shows comes to mind?[View]
204657477the quality of films has sunk so low that this is the kind of film that gets high praise these days[View]
204664130Too many options: I'm comfortable finding torrents and youtube at times But suddenly I have acc…[View]
204666399>We have a real sick puppy on our hands, Chief. >This guy has mutilated the genitals of dozens…[View]
204664025Smile 2: Better Body Horror Than The Substance?: Smile 2 is better than The Substance but how do the…[View]
204665270Here's your new Suicide Squad show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdahDEpqPA8[View]
204660414Lee: 20 Min. into film and already two scenes with Kate tits[View]
204663225Do you say Hausu or House?[View]
204665949Have you watched Chicken Shop Date hosted by Amelia Dimoldenberg?[View]
204666122>For your consideration[View]
204663380Movies in which the world: {spoiler] actually ends[View]
204666051what was the closest we got to a faithful adaptation of a noble high elf aryan type character in cim…[View]
204665327Open matte is so much better wtf so comfy and you see so much detail. How come they don't relea…[View]
204665514This happened to my buddy Eric[View]
204656199I'm a zoomer (born in 2000). What was going to video stores like?[View]
204666035>And miss Gilligan?[View]
204663472/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #410: Full reset edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tentati…[View]
204664436Name one thing he did wrong.[View]
204665988What is the worst /tv/ show?[View]
204665972I fucked chuck[View]
204665723Should I go to a movie theatre tomorrow to watch 'Terrifier 3'? I've heard there will be altern…[View]
204665063*enters /tv/*[View]
204665856Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: Is Anchal really “so scary it’s beautiful”?[View]
204665842I didn't be knowing this, but apparently there is a lot of Fucking hate on Christine McConnell.…[View]
204655627Virginia Madsen: What are her best roles and performances[View]
204663708What the F*CK?!?[View]
204664646>Childhood is wanting to be an elf cuz they’re cool and pretty >Adulthood is realizing dwarves…[View]
204665618So what did we think of it?[View]
204665666How do people with hobbies actually watch all of those crime and rescue slop shows that get put on p…[View]
204664616>SARAH'S RESEARCH[View]
204662661El Bano?[View]
204662086>german female Olympic athlete implied to be a man What is this referencing…[View]
204665467Joker: >film shows that any revolutionary larper, /pol/schizo, 'anarchist', or simply a…[View]
204665249>why you being the raped joker dude?[View]
204662462Kill this abomination[View]
204665543this is not video games[View]
204663997>They are the Nazgul.. neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of the Ring, …[View]
204664617When's the last time a movie had an epic song tie-in? Disney movies don't count[View]
204663083[Sad News] It's official: Joker 2 is one of the biggest bombs of all time[View]
204663141LIFE IF BRIAN: i remember this movie being pretty bad when i watched it as a young teenager. do you …[View]
204662606Fuck you, chud.: A century of humiliation rituals for you.[View]
204664423Alien Romolus: is he Kos or, as some say, Kosm?[View]
204628855so the smile monster infects tens of thousands of people and the world has to end, right? 9/10 horro…[View]
204654897/hor/ – Horror General: Bri'ish Zombies edition prev: >>204648192[View]
204651091Modern Lara Croft is boring as fuck. Modern Tomb Raider has had all the cultural impact of a fart in…[View]
204663056Last Samurai: Based. The game would be infinitely better if you just dropped Assassin's Creed a…[View]
204659641quite good, this one.[View]
204665045How do they have 20k Patreon subscribers: These guys don’t review shit anymore[View]
204662890Seeing as Harley Quinn movies bomb spectacularly, would DC have better luck with Punchline instead?[View]
204637561Actresses and their stunt doubles[View]
204664644he did it on purpose didn't he[View]
204665146>Interior decorator xD Do people unironically find this filler Abbott & Costello sketch episo…[View]
204664155NYC kino: in the mood to watch something that captures the big city feel, give me some recs[View]
204664336Jesus Christ, boyo, I can't believe the British did that to the poor Irish![View]
204663707A Futile and Stupid Gesture: This was good.[View]
204662499red sonja: any new info on this?[View]
204653160Humans and aliens, wrapped in 2,500,000 tons of spinning metal, all alone in the night. The year is …[View]
204660525>What'll it be Sir? >Hair of the dog that bit me >... bottom shelf vodka mixed with ko…[View]
204659372ITT: actors you wouldn't mess with[View]
204663351Cast him in the inevitable live action movie Hard mode: no Idris Elba[View]
204650480Did they... y'know?[View]
204660533Apparently they made it all the way to Season 14?: How were the later seasons? Is it worth watching?…[View]
204662441Doctor who/Torchwood - Children of Earth - Moral Dilemma: Would sacrificing 10% of the world's …[View]
204661484Chef Ramsay comes to you home to try your cooking How would you 'wow' him?[View]
204664189>Have you learned to trust me, agent Strahm?[View]
204661584remember me?: you guys used to talk about me everyday.....now you dont even remember my name[View]
204663896The fuck? Aside from bad acting from some of the cast, this movie is pure horror kino. Why are criti…[View]
204660119This movie is fucking amazing. Rena Owen and Temuera Morrison both give outstanding performances. Th…[View]
204659877He was retarded to leave the island. He had everything fresh air, sunny beaches, infinite free food,…[View]
204664434Did he actually kill himself and make it look like a crazy accident as a kind of stunt?[View]
204660485New York City: Films about, or wherein the city is a character.[View]
204664614>Leave God Emperor of Dune (live action movie) …to me[View]
204663340Why are always Rave Party attenders the target for massacres in zombie movies?[View]
204654059*reloads arms* *grows a beard* *creates a breast pocket*[View]
204661311You know what? You're a fucking joke. No wonder the Avengers didn't take you or the X-Men,…[View]
204659640A toast! To television & film![View]
204661690what did (You) think[View]
204655739'When did you watch Euphoria? With who?'[View]
204663359Extremely nice movie. I really liked it.[View]
204658836Why doesn't Anya TayTay-Joy do any roles featuring her native Bri-ish accent? Seems like a big …[View]
204664294Realistically, what would you do in this situation?[View]
204663215I've been watching the earlier South Park Halloween episodes today. No politics, no branching s…[View]
204659130WHO'S SPEAKING[View]
204657292I remember when teevee was screetching before the cast was announced how atleast one of the 4 would …[View]
204664201daily reminder: Nicolas 'Cage' Coppola is an Academy Awards recipient[View]
204664143Parker Posey[View]
204663142>spend one day in bayou >'AHHHHHHH I'M GOING INSANE' Do non swamp havers really?…[View]
204661223>there are no good Polish sci fi comedies …. Damn[View]
204663217Are there any movies you like that women just don't get?[View]
204662869'Blue Thunder' Inspiring Christopher Nolan’s Next Movie: >Nolan and his team have been in touch w…[View]
204660757'Neo...this is Loco!': WTF? I thought his name was Tank. Why did they change his name to Loco in the…[View]
204657771Baseball girl is an actress. Doctor lady is the legitimate best Conan girl.[View]
204661886Have you ever made fanart of a movie or TV show?[View]
204663883this show would be better if it wasn't about kids[View]
204662989Hey kid, you work for me now[View]
204658526Why don't we ever see what Robert's looking at? We never see his perspective.[View]
204661480Are there any other backpacker kinos like The Beach?[View]
204663307>main threat can be neutralized by jogging at a leisurely pace[View]
204653558Streaming Service Bubble: When will it pop?[View]
204663050How much of a media nerd are you?[View]
204661794>Major, it's funny that you pointed out how I gesture number three with my fingers. Consider…[View]
204652016You will never have a fremen girlfriend[View]
204659116This made zoomers shit and piss themselves in awe[View]
204661948my normie mum likes the joker movies[View]
204663509our boys getting revengd porned[View]
204659003These are the millineals bringing you the house of the dragon show[View]
204663446Ive never read so many retarded takes. Tarantino is shallow filmmaker and it turns out that his view…[View]
204652111Is this worth watching? The pacific sucked by every metric compared to band of brothers and I'm…[View]
204663434While the film focuses heavily on Lincoln’s efforts to pass the 13th Amendment, in reality, Lincoln …[View]
204663295Face/Off is LITERALLY the perfect movie[View]
204661522What was his problem?[View]
204655157Oh no Joker 2 bros...: Even Bill Maher joked on the New Rules segment last night and thinks that a n…[View]
204660347THIS MOVIE WILL NEVER BE MADE >Christian pirate hobo does the impossible—surviving cat 5 hurrica…[View]
204662455Pulling a sickie midday TV kino[View]
204662268None of you seem to understand...I'm not posting in this thread with you...YOU'RE REPLYING…[View]
204662603>Mrs. Van Houten, I'm Bart's mother. We met in the emergency room when the boys drank p…[View]
204657396Are you looking forward to Blade Runner 2099, starring Hunter Schafer and Michelle Yeoh?[View]
204660853Midnight express: Did they really need to include a gay sex scene in this movie? Crazy how even in t…[View]
204662964Lead them to paradise: name a more kino scene in film in 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiJ7U6…[View]
204661367I don't get it[View]
204660461>watching this kino >listening to political satire >not one thing has changed…[View]
204662358Godzilla pops out: Haha, that was cute.[View]
204662571ITT: /tv/ 'villains' who genuinely did nothing wrong[View]
204662852Anyone here ever written a script? What is it about? Have you tried to get it made?[View]
204661032/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #409: The Shed edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tentativ…[View]
204661646>I used to stack fucks likes you five feet high in Korea... use ya for sandbags.…[View]
204661674Posting cringe on my board again Private Chud? Your weekend pass is REVOKED.[View]
204659943>executive producer: George Lucas[View]
204662518American Psycho LEAK The new AP movie is called American Psycho - Into the Psychoverse and it goes …[View]
204660595I’ve been reading books of old The legends and the myths Achilles and his gold Hercules and his gift…[View]
204662401>Lit podracing joke, bro. 'That's a good trick', lmao >I know where you live…[View]
204653552When and why did British panel shows stop being funny?[View]
204662422Why didn’t they just wait a few minutes for all the Germans to surrender and collaborate?[View]
204661649How do the Irish make such kino when they're so stupid[View]
204662370>ÅH, FRANKE. HALLO, FRANKE[View]
204653075rape in children's show[View]
204662256Why do war movies always show the Nazi army as white German when it was actually a multiethnic horde…[View]
204661141>blacklisted in Hollywood >became an IT wagecuck…[View]
204661762What's your favorite episode? Mine's pic related[View]
204662129Shut Everything Down[View]
204662081this is subconsciously about Trump, and we all know it. based.[View]
204659692I don't care! Who you are, boy!!! I don't give a damn who you are!!![View]
204659683Say, where does a young prostitute get started in this town?[View]
204659706>plot and setting is the most pulpy, generic retard scifi slop imaginable, like it was written by…[View]
204660169how does this feel?[View]
204658553What are the most poorly cast romantic partners in a movie? >Valerian and the City of a Thousand …[View]
204657663How does this actor have a career while looking like that fish with a human face?[View]
204659652Watching this right now: Good cold open but I didn’t realize until this moment how much I hated drew…[View]
204638529Was this situation avoidable?[View]
204661372>NOW, FUCK OFF! based[View]
204661726There should be more movies about Nixon[View]
204661576We are so back[View]
204659870It takes an entire year to make ONE episode of Rick and Morty.[View]
204655112wtf is this thing?[View]
204660709Just saw 'Saving Private Ryan', 'Hacksaw Ridge' and 'Fury' in a row, a…[View]
204661479You're laughing: The Joker got graped and unalived and you're laughing.[View]
204661281>Superman about to fly for the first time >Van Halen starts playing >Superman looks over to…[View]
204661316Star Wars Skeleton Crew: Jude Law Goonies Kino. Early reviews are saying it's Andor quality. St…[View]
204660218Gondor Begs for a ceasefire![View]
204660910this is the best depiction of Israelis captured on film, EVER![View]
204659555>characters suddenly start singing >*spam +5s till kino resumes*…[View]
204659958What’s his best film ?[View]
204660041>Bring. The bottle. Back. Was this when Breaking Bad jumped the shark?[View]
204661239The biggest conspiracy theory about the X-Files is the fact that we don't know if the leads fuc…[View]
204655224What am I in for?[View]
204659613The truth: Modern 'Star Wars' is not made for you. You are no longer the target audience. It's …[View]
204660980WTF is Sony doing?: Weird horrific vaginal imagery on the thumbnail with the tagline 'romantic'.…[View]
204657675How did Tommy Goodfellas know the room was evil? He said “Oh no” when he saw it. Is it like a cursed…[View]
204655487>12 days till Halloween >No one cares anymore…[View]
204658186I am Barash.[View]
204660961snoozefest: nothing ever happens[View]
204661030I miss these lil niggas[View]
204658090Gosling in PROJECT HAIL MARY: We have a first look at Ryan Gosling in the movie about Andy Weir writ…[View]
204660898>Butcher got cucked >Joker was raped and killed >American Psycho remake announced Batemanbr…[View]
204657133/fromg/ episodio cinco de la segunda temporada!!!: Gettinhier you sunnavbitches. The wait is almost …[View]
204660849His career is over, isn't it? This isn't the type of shit you're not supposed to joke…[View]
204658472Why did the writers hate him so much?[View]
204659694>Wine tasting space travel island survival teen comedy >'When are we?' >'More like WHERE ar…[View]
204660865is there more to this series than gore?: I don't hate these movies, they're kind of fun, e…[View]
204657866WEREWOLVES (2024): Uhhhhh... Kino department? You need to see this... https://youtu.be/iAAUDfGSdqs?s…[View]
204660155Do you sense racism in this part of my American History X review? In the scene with the mother'…[View]
204660790There is no way this shit company is profitable. Imagine the server cost to continuously platform th…[View]
204660357What am I in for?[View]
204659711Still, the best Star Wars fight[View]
204660145While I will always love Goldeneye, the Bond franchise should have ended after Licence to Kill[View]
204660491>perfectly cast Sienna Guillory as Jill in Apocalypse >bring her back at the end of Afterlife …[View]
204660729it was among the virgins. it was real incel shit[View]
204658674uh, thoughts...?[View]
204660551Is there a name for this genre? Transhumanist wolf girl?[View]
204660617>nazi themed army has trans folk Based historically accurate Disney[View]
204657732The Penguin is what Gotham should have been.[View]
204659409The buck has been broken.[View]
204657551>nerd does work in the background for the chad who gets credit Is this a realistic depiction of a…[View]
204655864Looking for film and tv on dark history: Stuff that includes lots of blood, poison, incest and gener…[View]
204660514Effy Stonem belonged to the streets.[View]
204659340The ClA used to make movies about SS sergeant mountaineers to dab on the Chinx, now they only make g…[View]
204660473>The Vampire Diaries >it's not about a vampire that's writing a diary…[View]
204660110Why am I suddenly seeing a number of articles in shitty hype sites calling the electric state 'one o…[View]
204660065>villain listens to classical music[View]
204659317What was he thinking at this moment?[View]
204645931/film/: Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Silent edition >/film/ charts h…[View]
204655117Vincent Price: What's his best kino?[View]
204658063name one thing wrong with this?[View]
204658102>Oh honey I didn't mean it like that >I meant gay as in stupid and bad Funniest sketch of…[View]
204657960>a love letter to cinema[View]
204654401Soopernatural: Just finished watching season 5 which apparently is the end of the original storyline…[View]
204655617scariest scenes ever according to sub-boomers: some a1-bot or dumb proto-boomer posted this chart an…[View]
204660083>This mithril cloak was the only known one that would not fade with age and would provide everlas…[View]
204660026That's it! That's the guy from Big! Tom Hanks...heh...everything he says is a stitch.[View]
204659990Do you luh black people?[View]
204657632Shakespeare films: I've been watching them lately. Anyone else seen some?[View]
204659918Bongistan ...fuck yeah.[View]
204658902>watch award winning European film >there's a lingering 7 minute shot of a wall…[View]
204656735I've been to a doctor today and he prescribed me some pills for my blood pressure. Should I be …[View]
204657803Their silence is deafening[View]
204659593I wanted to make a short documentary video, like the kind you see on YouTube. I wrote a script, but …[View]
204657576/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #408: test edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (tentative dat…[View]
204657269I wonder how it is like having a woman and watching kinos with her...[View]
204659657It's a fucking nickname[View]
204659419Other movies with this old soviet aesthetic?[View]
204659090celebs with special needs kids[View]
204658416Post the worst movie youve ever watched. Do not elaborate.[View]
204656349anyone realize that none of the recent films released has any staying power?[View]
204658943Now that the dust has finally settled, was this shameless recruitment propaganda for the Navy or not…[View]
204650852The Substance (2024): Getting old... LE SUCKS??[View]
204658014Sydney Sweeney as Christy Martin: My God, she looks gross.[View]
204659320>DON'T WANT NO QUEEF? >YOU DON'T WANT NO QUEEF? What was his problem?…[View]
204656422The Fantastic Four: First Steps: First look at the Thing on set.[View]
204658707Karen Allen: What’s her best?[View]
204653804What are some of the worst documentaries?[View]
204657883I've now watched all of the ape movies and you know what? I liked most of them and some of them…[View]
204657006Whats the /tv/ equivalent?[View]
204657924She aged so gracefully[View]
204658354They should bring this system here or bring robot9k to watch over the board I know it'll kill t…[View]
204658834every movie ever made had thousands of auditions, major actresses we all know and love love stood in…[View]
204659210WELL HELLO DERE , ANDY[View]
204658952Holy shit this was kino as fuck. Definitely my favorite of the 4 films. Great way to end the charact…[View]
204657495you will now apologize to witch mommy Agatha. Not good enough boy, now pull out your cock for Agatha…[View]
204656198Anyone else thinks hollywood execs are deliberately hiring ugly black women to foment the racism and…[View]
204654412Why didn't they go with this design?[View]
204658589polar express: was is it autism?[View]
204653535>hits on women half his age >only empowered to do this as their boss >leaves a trail of spa…[View]
204657192>2024 >Still defending George[View]
204653397From: Is it going to get better? I started watching season 2 and it just doesn't make any sense…[View]
204658005The Crucible: Why did John Proctor reject the lust of a young horny Winona Ryder. That was the only …[View]
204658387I like to... Party with my peeps Cruise 'n creep Playin' three card monte on these crazy s…[View]
204658577will it be kino?[View]
204657421Who did it better?[View]
204656870Boyz n The Hood: >You see boys, this used to be a thriving, white neighbourhood until all the whi…[View]
204623417What is next for Carol?[View]
204657318>watching a comedy show >it's a 'serious' episode…[View]
204658481I would literally kill my entire family for the privilege of living like this.[View]
204656270According to Hollywood Reporter theres's a scene where Glen give Jenna a head to toes saliva ba…[View]
204658424What’s with all the hand wringing over this movie? Is it really that racist? I’ve read it is the mos…[View]
204655953What was the white boy pumping?[View]
204657961Eh Steve![View]
204657792>movie is supposed to be bad >it’s actually kino…[View]
204654963Trailer Park Boys: Holy fuck, the original run of this show was so good. Post the best moments. http…[View]
204655861This is pretty good.: i havent seen this since 28 years or so and am currently really watching it fo…[View]
204656490>you know what this character destined to be a criminal hard-baller should have? a pointless inap…[View]
204657731Amber Heard in The Ward(2010)[View]
204654239I miss Bayformers[View]
204658264>I'm not the Joker, and even if I was I wouldn't tell you.[View]
204657982peak comfy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUimmzvS9uw[View]
204657800Was attack of the show actually good or was it just coom bait? I used to watch it every week at nigh…[View]
204656543>the charges, officer?[View]
204658041Who _was_ the better man? Martin Luther King or Stalin?[View]
204657688>00s cop movie >No friendster, No Myspace, No ICQ, No Messenger, No Vine. This guy's a gh…[View]
204658071>bella ramsey mod for TLOU Anyone looking forward to TLOU Season 2?[View]
204648461Was this panty shot essential to the movie?[View]
204657398Shin Godzilla: What was this?[View]
204657799>gives your tax money to space Israel[View]
204656934BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER Director Reveals Original Storyline: >'It was absolutely nothing l…[View]
204657693he would beat the shit out of 90% of the characters in a realistic scenario, that fatty would never …[View]
204650810half a billion in the box office on an 80 million budget go woke get rich[View]
204654134I like watching movies[View]
204657486Rest in peace, Liam[View]
204656867>season 2 This is worse than the wire's season 2 wtf[View]
204656364What would you do in this situation?[View]
204657667>you know, Baskin Roberts poster predicted all of this[View]
204653394>hahaha good one. So anyway.....[View]
204656586Is it impossible to film? https://youtu.be/0ZJqRQofg_I?si=BAV8JIpWiqBVTQT-[View]
204656081How the fuck did this movie get made?[View]
204657333Can you think of a plot for an Elders Scrolls movie that isn't one of the games?[View]
204657579Name a more SOULFUL movie than Alita: Battle Angel: You literally fucking can't. https://www.yo…[View]
204657684>Scholar Pei Vulu, i am Podocheong >They were trying to grab your prize. (smiles) They work fo…[View]
204657666What was his fucking problem?[View]
204655797>JigC Weiner?[View]
204655917hdr/madvr: do you have to flick this on whenever you watch hdr movies or does madvr/mpc handle it au…[View]
204657592>gives you a backhanded compliment and calls you names[View]
204650354Rescuing him should not be a problem in a world with SpaceX[View]
204656761What's the 'Pressure' of movies[View]
204657489Not REALLY television & film but I know you will forgive me. Why do youtards babble in the begin…[View]
204655666>dooms the human race to extinction for blue alien hair sex here’s your protagonist bro…[View]
204657358>do you know how the Uruk Dyke were made >they were once men…[View]
204655650>*stares with utter disdain at a severely mentally disabled child that he's made upset by in…[View]
204655488Why do they call him The Penguin?[View]
204656487Emmy. Now.[View]
204651072>literally beaten by a dog yet i'm supposed to find Sauron an intimidating villain...yeah, t…[View]
204657216Roll charts general: Got any? I got a few.[View]
204655854what does /tv/ think of indiana jones?[View]
204657287>characters all stammer and stutter and have random unrelated conversations in the middle of seri…[View]
204657059>Mister Damon, won't you stay with our failing movie studio? >Sorry but impulse going to …[View]
204655976Whatever happened to these biker guys in Breaking Bad? Yes I know Jesse got high and thought they we…[View]
204657268Now that there is ANOTHER movie just made about Roy Cohn, the secretly homosexual jewish lawyer who …[View]
204657231>Hey, thought you said this was today's...all this stuff happened yesterday…[View]
204654466Twin Peaks: Just marathoned first three episodes, and while it's nice, holy fuck, the sheriff n…[View]
204657058>when you are about to experience 12 hours of absolute KINO[View]
204653012How do you go from this...[View]
204654372>You mean to tell me...the bomb we made...was used to kill le heckin wholesome Jap-erinos? OH MY …[View]
204656442>This is considered a comically grreat life in the 2020's[View]
204654040>has 84 years of happy marriage with grandkids beside her >loyal husband that married her in a…[View]
204656843What am I in for?[View]
204629961>I’m 36 years old, I don’t need this crap. What’s the joke I don’t get it…[View]
204656688Why have Marvelfags bandwagoned this as the nadir of the franchise? It's just bland with a sill…[View]
204656853Tonight i'm gonna watch Alien Romulus HD finally after a long wait I liked Prometheus and Coven…[View]
204656184Did /tv/ ever manage to defeat her?[View]
204653042Say what you want about MJ, you have to admit he had some KINO aura[View]
204654885Have you ever seen a television ad so good it actually made you want to buy the product? Why do all …[View]
204655018Now that the dust has settled... who'd win?[View]
204656808America is so kino[View]
204656825*damages white people's reputation irreparably* in your path[View]
204653912>it's a robot gf kino[View]
204653440Which one should you watch first?[View]
204655074What show or film represents the 2000s the best?[View]
204656737How about a procedural show about a guy who's a lawyer, doctor and engineer?[View]
204655269would you like to have Bamuel by your side in your deathbed earthrockin?[View]
204643044Stardust Crusaders is /tv/core[View]
204655005Top tier sci-fi mommies[View]
204654679What's next for Gal Gadot?: After Snow White with Rachel Zegler.[View]
204656237What's the oddest take you heard on /tv/?[View]
204655900this woman made boomers lose their fucking minds[View]
204656635What's the deal with Americans taking TV shows, then creating a much worse version of it?[View]
204655532Comfy Simpsons Thread: Comfy Simpsons Threat[View]
204652255The first two Harry Potter movies are so SOVLFVL and comfy. Imagine if Columbus made all of them.[View]
204656151UH, DAD, THAT'S HIS CROTCH.[View]
204654901Urban Fantasy: How would you make a high budget dresden files tv show?[View]
204653308'I literally set aside some time, twice a day, where I sit down on my bathroom floor, alone, with th…[View]
204656513What are your thoughts on the television show 'The Boys'?[View]
204655563Ok but why the make up?[View]
204656254Renly is a...what?[View]
204652647Carsenioooooooooo HALL[View]
204655899shogun: holy kino. this show is good. its mostly talking but i glue to every word. also: one of the …[View]
204655570>Muh computer cheated on me[View]
204654046I don't get it. What was Tarantino's intention when writing, storyboarding, shooting and e…[View]
204656267House: Could they have done more with 13 as a character?[View]
204651135/ftl3/-fishtank live preseason #407: lethal weapon 5 edition /FTL/ News • Season 3, October 27th (te…[View]
204654212DON'T. FALL ASLEEP.[View]
204652471I am about to watch this movie for the first time[View]
204656247>Oh, say a word, say a word for Jimmy Brown HOLY KINO. Why was the sequel so fucking shit…[View]
204656241>permanently ruined men's reputation uh menpologists how do we respond to this?…[View]
204655443>KILL YOURSELF[View]
204656202Let us backwards long jump through the endless stairs[View]
204656201WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?![View]
204654419The '90s Without Tarantino: What do you think the decade looks like without his influence? Who …[View]
204651750>greatest set design for a scifi movies in 20 years >full blown love letter to the original ae…[View]
204653544hm? bye!: what did he mean by this? the fuck was this skit even about?[View]
204654751>My son is a goth faggot?! Jesus christ, Raimi[View]
204656088Kim: Wexler[View]
204654954Have you watched this Kino yet?[View]
204656076>animated movie ends with a serious classical music concert[View]
204653771>incel character publicly humiliated and cucked by school chad >loved by female audience expla…[View]
204655639>literally 200 seasons of this shit >only 1.5 good ones (Asylum and Red Tide) help me understa…[View]
204652534>Major, it's amusing that you pointed out how I show the number three with my fingers. Consi…[View]
204656013What was this assholes problem?[View]
204655286>Liam Payne, Phil Donahue and Pete Rose were going to finish the documentary about powerful inter…[View]
204647218why australia[View]
204654977does /tv/ know how to raise a gifted child?[View]
204655380>be one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century >no blockbuster kino about your life why …[View]
204655913What does /tv/ think of belgian Tony Soprano?[View]
204653297Actors who's career you predict will be dead within 7 years. I'll start with picrel, no me…[View]
204651824So, of the three Sid is the only one that is not extinct. Makes you wonder[View]
204655683>people unironically watch this slop and think yup that sounds reasonable…[View]
204654971>we need someone to play a vaguely eastern european chara- >he's already on set, sir…[View]
204655701CÚCK (2019): This movie was ahead of its time. It has a more grounded portrayal of incelism and the …[View]
204655080>protag has a secret past[View]
204655626It's the sandwich of love, one below and one above In the sandwich of love, crustin' and g…[View]
204655376I am not crazy! I know he insulted those folx of color. I knew it was roicism! One after conative pr…[View]
204655340>Confound it, i can't think a name for the elvish master smith. I must come up with somethin…[View]
204654759Feeling really tired and dejected.: Recommend me some movies that will re-energize me.[View]
204655264>whisper quiet talking scenes >L O U D action Is there a fix for this yet? Some kind of audio …[View]
204650556It's leviosa, not leviosa![View]
204655412Before we get this thread started... does anyone want to get out?[View]
204655428>mogs all other That Guys[View]
204655285I’m glad I ignored every /tv: thread about beetlejuice beetlejuice and instead got beer drunk with m…[View]
204654707>Gets diddled in broom closet by his uncle >Creates elaborate fantasy world as a coping mechan…[View]
204654984Is it kino?[View]
204654807Was Gabriel a guy angel or a girl angel?[View]
204655226Casketking00 Off the Bed Tour video reupload. https://youtu.be/hX9_8NVfuUg?si=F_d7IWBNfH1swwH-[View]
204650624It could be the next Jurassic Park.[View]
204655214Here's why Dexter Season 5 Sucks ass: Imagine having finished the first 4 seasons of Dexter for…[View]
204649663What’s the greatest nude scene in film or tv?[View]
204654990>Saturday mornings will never be the same[View]
204633532Comfy DB Thread[View]
204655068>I’m drownin, Tommy[View]
204653795GOB didn't deserve this[View]
204654879How did he get away with it?[View]
204655053/tv/ WebM thread[View]
204655007This mosasaur could have jumped out like this at any given moment when the park was still open and r…[View]
204640734i can't tell if i'm just cynical and have trouble enjoying movies nowadays or if this was …[View]
204650564The Cremator (1969): >Karel Kopfrkingl slowly devolves from an odd but relatively well-meaning cr…[View]
204654914I hate when fathers and sons fight: Oh wait…these two are supposed to be brothers…what the fuck…[View]
204653364Why did George do it?[View]
204654854Who should play Andrew Jackson in the inevitable biopic?[View]
204651949What went so fucking right?[View]
204654793I don't know Crockett it's like just the fuckin regularness of life is too fuckin hard for…[View]
204648192/hor/ - Horror General: Stooge edition Previous >>204639973[View]
204643587BEN? ERIC?[View]
204654494Fat Man and Little Boy (1989): Why are Nolantrannies on youtube comments ridiculing this kino?…[View]
204653776>It’s a May December relationship. >On Wednesday, Timothee Chalamet, 28, was seen sharing a sm…[View]
204650688Tom Hardly[View]
204623679ITT: Undisputed masterpieces: only 10/10s allowed >10 in acting >10 in cinematography >10 i…[View]
204652417why aren't you watching The Mentalist right now?[View]
204653554>thousands of single mother television and films >not ONE kino about single fathers What is t…[View]
204648327N is for n-: Norm, don’t say it!!![View]
204652095Fuck you I liked it[View]
204654633>netflix adaptation of non western book >main character is race/gender swapped to a white woma…[View]
204652068>Ladies, if this hill doesn't kill us, it'll surely break our hearts.…[View]
204654143why /tv/ hate this absolute kino?[View]
204652757BCS is 'prestige TV' which is to say that it's television for people who (1) will absolutely le…[View]
204653177Venecek nebo rakvicku???[View]
204654564Why was he so scared of being questioned by the cops as he left? He already interacted with them dur…[View]
204654279The best show of all time[View]
204654563Citizens of the civilized galaxy, on this day we mark a transition. For a thousand years, the Republ…[View]
204650187It Follows: I don't get it[View]
204653085Brothers (2024): >Monkey rape Is this really what passes for comedy in 2024?…[View]
204654450Absolutely kino ![View]
204653223what other examples are there of actors having on and off-screen romances? >Tom Cruise and Nicol…[View]
204654191Suzume: >human man gets turned into a chair by some nippon cat god >girl stands and sits on h…[View]
204653546>11 flops in a year Why aren't you racist Chuds watching their movies?…[View]
204654395What are some movies that really capture how hard life with OCD can get?[View]
204653446Here's your Boba Fett fight scene[View]
204653089You wouldn't stick your dick in a sociopathic crazy bitch right /tv/?[View]
204629528/JRG/ - Joker RapeApe General #21: For all forms of Joker Rape Discussion Links: Thread themes https…[View]
204654352>go woke, go br-ACK[View]
204653486Who was in the wrong here?[View]
204648606New phenotype just dropped[View]
204650785Tom is such an wholesome lad, bros...: >Tom Holland wants Miles Morales to be in the MCU - “I’d l…[View]
204654123Lol what a retard[View]
204651985Who will bring balance to the SW franchise?[View]
204652733Sophia Falcone: Do you think the arkham guards raped her or do they save that sort of thing for home…[View]
204653712Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have to stay on my toes.[View]
204650754Did they fuck?[View]
204653073/tv/-related 'controversies' in your country: >Brazil releases dumb comedy movie about a kid beco…[View]
204653930>When people talk about the Holocaust, they talk about the tragedy and horror of 6 million Jewish…[View]
204652985Now that the dust has settled, what was going on here?[View]
204648128Spilt my seed again for this pink eared whore: What's your favorite Bob's Burgers episode?…[View]
204653607>When Harry pushed open the tapestry to take their usual short cut up to Gryffindor Tower, howeve…[View]
204651846Jesus H. Christ I just remmebered what a colossally missed opportunity this was, holy shit. Maybe th…[View]
204644780Two-Face: Why hasn’t any theatrical film been able to portray this character better than a cartoon f…[View]
204653087Return to Silent Hill was delayed to improve its visual effects and is coming in 2025. (Someone aske…[View]
204652218I like Luca guadagnino but this feels like shooting yourself in the foot. There’s no way you can imp…[View]
204652288DIRTY CRACKHEAD NIGGER EDITION: Get the fuck in here faggots! It's a Con Air thread[View]
204650286I’d rather Harry end up with Ginny than with a snitch[View]
204653612It's tragic what happened to Karen[View]
204653210Don't mind me, just posting the best horror movie of the decade, is all[View]
204636667Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance: >Dogshit animation >Diversity off the charts >Girlboss prota…[View]
204653233>be a disloyal piece of shit >this is presented as le moral dilemma Do bugmen really?…[View]
204653525Bond, comfy Bond thread[View]
204653477Comfy shows to watch?[View]
204653470>Thayin't the way the woyld woyks.[View]
204650063wtf was the point of this character[View]
204652326Stopped watching it midway S5 (?): What do you think about further episodes?[View]
204627302In 2030 90% of hollywood movies will be AI generated[View]
204652284>May thy knife chip and shatter[View]
204651986Never forget what they took from you: I'm OWED teen lesbians[View]
204653325is there a better example of jewish violent murder fantasy? also, quentin tarantino is a faggot and…[View]
204652363finally, perfection[View]
204651807This scene was so dark and profound but beautiful at the end https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqfDcrg…[View]
204653150Movies that start off good but instantly fall flat[View]
204652827IT’S COCK GOBBLIN TIME![View]
204653109Was burning Hayden Christensen alive really necessary to just film this scene?[View]
204648795Futurama ended here. > b-but I liked the new epis... Yes because you are a retard…[View]
204650650Post your favorite actor (or actress): & anons make assumptions about your personality.[View]
204653076Tell me. Whats an anon want with bein' a janny?[View]
204653063Was it one of the rare moments in filmaking where the villain actually GETS the happy ending? I…[View]
204652730What the f*ck?!?[View]
204652960Fact. /tv/ rules this website[View]
204651157You’re going to need a boat that is much greater in size than the boat that we are currently on.[View]
204652231>the only good capeshit in last decade >it's mid How did this happened?…[View]
204652094I mean, what am I, FUCKING NODDY?[View]
204652961>you will not be saved /tv/ >dreary slop and non-kino is all that awaits us now >pray for d…[View]
204648139Is 2024 one of the worst years for cinema in history? Literally the only decent movie of the entire …[View]
204648578Marcus Chong: Why was he blacklisted?[View]
204646960Been five years since Season 3 of Daredevil: is it the best season of superhero television?[View]
204651010What are some TV show remakes which ended up better than the original?[View]
204645989Just imagine being a Germanic gladiator and breaking the defeated Nubian buck after a single combat …[View]
204652814she could have been a big star[View]
204641920Anthony Mackie stars in A Quiet Place: Altitude Edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt0V2rpEouE…[View]
204650839Smile 2: God, I miss the IMDB forums. That aside, why is no one talking about this movie here? Fucki…[View]
204652029Any new comfy tv shows?[View]
204649720Why doesn't /tv/ like Deadpool?[View]
204652036But was it rape?[View]
204652483Who will play her in his biopic?[View]
204651015fuck you, i liked it[View]
204638266Are you happy now, /tv/?: Yes, it was a pretty disappointing sequel and the rape scene was laughable…[View]
204651680So like...: Why didn't they just walk on the glass part on the support beams in squid game???? …[View]
204642062Disney >yeah if you uh have hatred in your heart your lightsaber bleeds red Lucas >Luke slaugh…[View]
204650872daniel day lewis is just punished henry cavil. gg.[View]
204652563I would like to watch some movie with historical setting, preferably early modern period or early in…[View]
204651433>You think you can rape the Joker and walk away?[View]
204651211American Psycho: Director: 'Boss, the chuds are using Christian Bale memes again. It’s getting out o…[View]
204651074KINO will be back[View]
204649142How did such a milquetoast and inoffensive comedy special manage to generate such a tidal wave of li…[View]
204652128Looks like dubs are back on the menu boys.[View]
204645112>people think an entire movie of Channing Tatum speaking unintelligible gibberish would be too mu…[View]
204652317>movie tries to make you think the humans are the bad guys Total bug death…[View]
204648032Can love really bloom in a man's ass?[View]
204650390>Riders on the storm[View]
204648560General /tv/ WebM thread[View]
204649554Is it kino?[View]
204649958/tv/ humor thread[View]
204650318How would you improve her character?[View]
204646583>yeah terrifier 3 (2024) is my favorite horror movie[View]
204649999>40 year old man desperately searches for a friend after his fiancee's friends get the ick o…[View]
204652046I’m Alright[View]
204650448Why isn't Terence Mcdonagh, of Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, a member of the /tv/, …[View]
204650178>I literally get to fuck the pharaoh and get my ever want and need fulfilled daily >Imma still…[View]
204635336>3 episodes in >easter island, south america and peru had same civilization >because they a…[View]
204646024What does /tv/ think about WWE and Vince McMahon in general?[View]
204651739Which way, white man?[View]
204649624What am i in for? Watched the credits so far and has not grabbed my attention not sure if will conti…[View]
204650372The name of FROMVILLE High School: Frombots, I'm trying to decipher the actual name of this sch…[View]
204643815be honest... this movie tossed your shit and you self-inserted into the crip-dude.[View]
204651553For me it's him: He lives in a society that I told you about[View]
204642034Daily Terrifier 3 Success & Seethe Thread >biggest opening for a unrated horror movie of all …[View]
204651718Tonight.... you....[View]
204651556Top 5 movies 1) Conan The Barbarian 2) Predator 3) Total Recall 4) Terminator 2 5) Last Action Hero[View]
204651527Game of Thrones: What would have happened if Ramsay Bolton had won the Battle of the Bastards?…[View]
204649757>you come and go, you come and go[View]
204648597ITT: post a movie only you have seen.[View]
204650334>Great job kid, don't get penis-y! Why did he say this? Was Han Solo a pervert?…[View]
204650454I remember the backlash Cats got in 2019 and decided not to waste my time watching it. But I got aro…[View]
204644501>ALMOST HEAVEN, WEST VIRGINIA >>>/wsg/5711182[View]
204651518Hey guys uhmmm this creepy clown just showed up at my doorstep wanting candy? Ew. Was he autistic? I…[View]
204638566Give me a rundown on Westerns. I've watched the Dollar trilogy but I don't know where to g…[View]
204651474what a fun sequence. great concept for a fun thing in a movie, a jet on the ground, all out of place…[View]
204648093Why does he have porn addiction when he has a wife?[View]
204649797I have yet to see a single film from the year 2024. What are /tv/'s top recommendations?[View]
204650404any other movies with this vibe?[View]
204649504>this party's over what did he mean by this?[View]
204643749Why did they make him so zesty?[View]
204646155>*crosses arms*[View]
204646680why didn't he ever give himself a cameo, which Scorsese liked to do and so many others like tha…[View]
204646235Katey Sagal appreciation thread[View]
204649219June 29th. I gotta learn a skill now, too much gooning has ruined my mind & body. Too much abuse…[View]
204643870The Substance: whaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck did I just watch[View]
204650905>AAAAAAH I'M AFRAID OF MY OWN DEFLECTOR SHIELD AAAAAAAAAAAHH No wonder this guy got his ass …[View]
204645203Florence Pugh, terrific actress or just eye candy?[View]
204645742What movies will he make this year?[View]
204650723Kino is saved[View]
204648641Were the David Spade movies without Chris Farley any good?[View]
204650420Just watched The Batman (2022): What did I think of it?[View]
204650367Broke up with my 70 year old girlfriend. Any flicks for this feel? Yes, I have major mommy issues.[View]
204650577He was a boy She was a girl Can I make it ANYMORE obvious?[View]
204649356>Can we get your dad's keys? >We could steal em, but he lost them two days ago. >If on…[View]
204640291Actors who play the same role[View]
204645007I didnt watch this as it was airing but what did people here think of it? I just finished it https:…[View]
204650530ITT unreleased kinos[View]
204650075How complicated is cooking meth? I never accepted the premise that Gus needed Walt. He had recorded …[View]
204650453Uh… what?[View]
204650470Criminally Underrated TV Shows: >Halt And Catch Fire Is there anything else like this for a tech …[View]
204648096Just marathoned the first 20 minutes of this. It's a cool premise, but the dialogue is more tha…[View]
204645504Who was in the wrong here Travis or Betsy?[View]
204642861Will the screaming era see a renaissance for American studios?[View]
204650422What would an American version of Monkey Dust look like? Or even just MD 20 years later in the UK ag…[View]
204650180I wanna play race car[View]
204644619Happy Endings: What were your favorite bits?[View]
204646838Me and the lads[View]
204648291>tfw no shelley duvall gf ;_;[View]
204649617Do we really need to get a new movie about the Holocaust on a yearly basis? I don't think that …[View]
204645187>Film written and directed by two jews >Character named 'Jesus' is a pederast…[View]

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