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/his/ - History & Humanities

Displaying 554 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
16812682Working on a video game in which WW2 went far more longer and darker than it did in our timeline wit…[View]
16813212Surveillance societies are open societies because there would be a problem if you only observed a pr…[View]
16813190Stupid agriculturists, playing around with plants. You think you can make the animals multiply? Pff.…[View]
16811415Why was northern european tribal law so advanced? Weren't they cultural backwaters before Chris…[View]
16813009thoughts about the protocols: Recently I decided to have a look at this book so I went to read its w…[View]
16811786What's the origin of this martyr culture in the Levant? Christians were obsessed with martyrdom…[View]
16813077Do you acknowledge a historical or intellectual Enlightenment? You have to choose, as they say[View]
16805625The Chinese are right, europeans just make up shit in order to pretend they were significant, just l…[View]
16812365Aristotle, Einstein, Isaac Newton and Alan Turing would have been considered mentally ill. Yet these…[View]
16812527I thought Britannica can be trusted, but they are also spreading propaganda. Are there reliable sour…[View]
16810282What the fuck happened to TIK?: >These people felt empathy for the downtrodden in their early liv…[View]
16812508Has the popular perception of ancient romans and greeks been successfully altered by the globalist f…[View]
16812276>be England, 1755 >thought 'trained' troops were better than anything the colonists or Indians…[View]
16812630Islam is a Matriarchal Religion[View]
16812424can you believe people were lobotomized by decades of Democrat propaganda into thinking this dude wa…[View]
16812854>BTFO the Catholic Church >BTFO European monarchies >BTFO European imperialism in America …[View]
16812915lc 17,1-4 >if you stir the pot i would be happy to hang you myself (protect the children!) >fo…[View]
16810793did he really have dementia in office or is it memes?[View]
16812817ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA WAS VEDIC: Did the ancient fertile crescent practice Hinduism? >Sabians of Ha…[View]
16811844>Van - Urartians >The rest - proto-Armenians Right?…[View]
16811595What's so difficult about picking cotton? Seems boring but not that bad. What did the slaves fi…[View]
16801175What if Germany during WWII...: ...didn't sign Ribbentrop-Molotov and attacked France first? …[View]
16812606Russian conquest of Asia: America gets lots of shit for fucking up the natives and stealing their la…[View]
16812449Why did he do that? I'm getting more & more convinced he was a Jewish Stooge.[View]
16812580Did republicans have any plans to prevent a possible flood of africans coming to the US, when they p…[View]
16812618Has it always been the case that powerful and subversive religious groups find ways to insert themse…[View]
16812687/his/ YLYL[View]
16811673What prophets does Islam have that Christianity hasn’t and vice versa. Also, do Protestants have 1 …[View]
16812579Slavs weren't the only victims of Nazi chimp out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massac…[View]
16811803Wtf, is this true?: Why has this history been hidden?[View]
16812172What is it about island nations that makes them so... invadey?[View]
16810183Rohingya People: Other than being muslim, why are they hated?[View]
16811845Thoughts on the history of north east africa?: very understudied imo[View]
16811926When the Goddess created the world, She gave the gift of free will to life. Those who rejected Her n…[View]
16812450historically speaking, when did people in the west (mostly Americans) start to label every relations…[View]
16811239>ask my entire family what year America gained it’s independence >they all answer “1776” >t…[View]
16812460Will exchange Jews for ham shanks and whole wheels of cheese. Praise Jesus.[View]
16809662What is your favorite poem? Mine is Aeneid.[View]
16812369I know he was deposed in a coup because he planned to build 1000 nuclear power plants, I just need t…[View]
16786630did boomers really rape women so casually back in the day?[View]
16812400Is this historically accurate?[View]
16809141So, it's very clear that he didn't need to resign from office, he could have won his case.[View]
16809954Is there a specific term/explanation for this? Cause I have observed this phenomenon in both real li…[View]
16809307President Johnson signs the Immigration Reform Act on October 2, 1965.[View]
16811486Is Russia/Soviets using ethnic minorities (asians, Muslims, etc.) as canon fodder for the meat grind…[View]
16811781What did God and His Angels mean by this? >During the trial proceedings, Joan is not recorded as …[View]
16808483When did the Palestinian cause change from the destruction of Israel to Palestinian independence?[View]
16812311Germany was the Thanos of history: >iron man - USSR >captain marvel - France >thor - fat st…[View]
16812043You are to become the caretaker for either the five most expensive paintings ever sold, or the treas…[View]
16812123Help pls: Judging by my profile, what historical civilization would i fit in?[View]
16812290G25: So it is literally a coordinate map, much like those PCA graphs from 2008, just with 25 dimensi…[View]
16812110Tell me about this guy: This guy got 7% of the vote in the 1980 US Presidential Election but nobody …[View]
16812197is the Pontid race a product of Polish-like Slavs mixing with Crimean Tatars and Romanians or did Sl…[View]
16812112What happened to the Byzantine nobility after the fall of Constantinople?[View]
16805903how did Hitler fuck up this badly[View]
16811994With objective morality, you can justify incest-rape-murdering an aborted fetus should God say it’s …[View]
16810618Sephardic Jews and the Spanish surnames that end with -ez Did Jews really change their surname to me…[View]
16812122doesn't divine command theory automatically make you a pedophile? the bible has some wacky stuf…[View]
16810623Reminder the only reason the war on drugs is failing is because we haven't been hard enough. Dr…[View]
16811134What if, to avert civil war, or maybe as the end result of a civil war around the constitution in th…[View]
16811511Beast of Gévaudan: >literal cryptid terrorizes 18th century France to the point the central gov n…[View]
16805162>'Polish way to socialism' >'Nationalism Communism' >'Baʽathism' >'Socialism with Chines…[View]
16811976Why the lynchers of Leo Frank were never punished, despite the fact that their identities were widel…[View]
16811758Is using a VPN a lie?[View]
16811954thoughts on Michael Eric Dyson?[View]
16810268Did the proto Indo Europeans have dogs?[View]
16811893Were Nazi German attitudes and atrocities towards the native population in Eastern Europe, such as B…[View]
16811903>My opinion on an ideology/religion/philosophy is not driven by study of its teachings, beliefs, …[View]
16810414Athens: How did Athens become hands down the UGLIEST capital city in all of Europe? It's quite …[View]
16811659Barbarossa is the most interesting thing that ever happened on this planet and it's not even cl…[View]
16810961Is there any truth to the phrase 'Blacks built america'? Have African Americans created or destroyed…[View]
16809136heaven is christianity >Eternal life in God's presence >Peace. Freedom from sin, sufferin…[View]
16811807why would NATO bomb such a lovable county?: do they just want to destroy Slavs or what?[View]
16810794You literally cannot justify the idea of eternal damnation and suffering, especially when all of the…[View]
16811732Proof of American war crimes in these countries?: One of the statements made by truthers (and affirm…[View]
16812576Politics in the Pacific Northwest: This region is home to a lot of white nationalists and other righ…[View]
16811582>get assassinated while fighting a civil war >proceeds to get worshipped by millions and many …[View]
16811318Why is it so controversial in right wing politics to say that christianity played a major role in th…[View]
16811518/his/ memes thread: we wuz souperians edition.[View]
16811353>Actually, democracy is retarded because you're all retarded Thank you Plato, very insightfu…[View]
16808452Were Kulaks really evil?[View]
16808515I saw an Islamist that reads Nietzsche , Marx , enlightenment authors and seems to read lot of stuff…[View]
16810029The Age of Enlightenment was the birth of the modern world. The Enlightenment philosophers fought fo…[View]
16811470What makes pentecostals not merely heretics but straight up more related to eastern religions than A…[View]
16810420For me it's cossacks.: >remember the redpilled song about their chief Stenka Razin, who pref…[View]
16811568Objective beauty: Is how often someone chooses beauty over ugliness a good measure to judge their wo…[View]
16810926Was Hannibal a cannibal? Or did he like Danimals?[View]
16810880If churches are on the decline, have they considered replacing boring old guys with attractive women…[View]
16808813Catholicism is basically founded upon repeatedly calling God a liar. >God promised to preserve hi…[View]
16807418All religions reflect what the believer in question would most prefer to be the truth about life, un…[View]
16811341This is what the 4th crusade destroyed: Le sad[View]
16810818What would you guys wish never happened in history that would've made our lives easier.[View]
16808761If God stopped tower of Babel, why didn't he stop space program?[View]
16811263The parable of the vineyard: Is just what happens daily in this life. The Iraqi child who saw his fa…[View]
16806740There's no place for racism in Christianity: Christians were against racist Nazi scum, hiding t…[View]
16809809What was it like to be a white mercenary fighting in post-colonial African conflicts?[View]
16810859Why were there no serious Confederate attempts to relieve Vicksburg? Isn't the protection of a…[View]
16806387Why aren't Europeans identifying themselves as 'white' like Americans? When someone has lighter…[View]
16811278Opinion: the only acceptable defense for colonialism is 'it makes my dick hard'.[View]
16811211This is pure ANE phenotype, untainted by mongoloids, Anatolian and Iranian sandniggers and caucasian…[View]
16809390Canada Day: Happy Canada day bros >favourite historical episode? >favourite prime minister? …[View]
16809682Why did they win at everything of all history and are the best[View]
16808096>hey dad look, what do you see? >>looks like a coca-cola ad, with a nice family enjoying a …[View]
16810664Bolsheviggers strike again: >Russians finally manage to suspend the tsar from throne and abolish …[View]
16811123I promise this image is relevant mods. And please don't be retards about this too. I need to as…[View]
16810277It really is like that though.[View]
16809544So Ridley Scott turned Caracalla into a twink? The emperor known for being a thick, army-obsessed me…[View]
16808923why isn't jesus called Immanuel. The angel literally told jospeh to call him that. Also, why is…[View]
16810907>'Mao Zedong! Why did you kill all those innocent people and sparrows?' >'The East has farren…[View]
16810306Do Black people truly believe that Yasuke is Japan's greatest hero and that the Japanese are hi…[View]
16808777Communion wafers: Is this only part of Jesus body? Like the human bit only, or a chunk. Is it god? O…[View]
16810904Do you feel the spark of God within you? And I mean actually, apart from Church or the Bible, but in…[View]
16809746BraddockChads: What would the US look like today if he hadn't been ambushed by a bunch of fucki…[View]
16811060>Camera gets invented >Criteria for sainthood suddenly gets much easier…[View]
16808542Why can't anyone agree on the definition of monotheism?[View]
16810415One other group seeking sanctuary in the cities, but found little solace there. African-Americans we…[View]
16810607Without the Most High you are nobody. Any of the greatest above you can break you. But none of them …[View]
16810953Was Edward I of England based or cringe??[View]
16810939>be England, 1755 >thought 'trained' troops were better than anything the colonists or Indian…[View]
16807232to end the debate once and for all: Did the ancient Greeks experience genetic overlap over time? if …[View]
16808385The Renaissance and Enlightenment Periods are overrated. The Middle Ages were more fascinating than …[View]
16810773African architecture thread[View]
16809926What was life like for the average American in the 80s?[View]
16809958>saaaaaar the eef were whites saaaaar[View]
16808581Whoa it turns out sodomy wasn't the sin but opposition to sodomy. Who would've thought.[View]
16810280Abrahamism was originally about the common unity and purpose of all of life. In the year 2,000 it’s …[View]
16807448what would russia look like if every single slav there suddenly disappeared and got replaced by germ…[View]
16808996Why isn't ancient Greece's historic legacy completely sullied by their human sacrifices?[View]
16810761KUMARI GODDES MENTAL HEALTH: Possible future disorders, complexes or mental problems for a Kumari go…[View]
16810690The 1942 photo of Naomi Parker Fraley that inspired the Rosie the Riveter 'We can do it!' poster.[View]
16810570Who all here studies/ teaches history and why would you put yourself through it? Asking for a friend…[View]
16809283What if Dominicans, Jesuits and Franciscans succeded at creating an equalitarian theocratic Native A…[View]
16809816How much does genociding the upper strata of a population affect the long-term genetic potential of …[View]
16809372I just realized that everything we learned in school is a lie. Have you ever stopped to think about …[View]
16810080What was the deal with the hats? Were they really used as calenders? Was that this guy's only j…[View]
16810295Just think /his/bros...: If the Brits had just given him the military respect he deserved as a Briti…[View]
16807429Robert Charles Browne murdered two teenagers in Colorado in the late 1980s-early 1990s but claimed t…[View]
16809994All German soldiers and volunteer retreat back to mainland Germany/Austria and switch to the the def…[View]
16810705kek what a bitch: >launches a sneak attack >gets BTFO >WAAH WAAH THE AMERICANS ARE VICTIMIZ…[View]
16809983I'm sick of people cherry picking parts of the Bible that support their arguments and ignoring …[View]
16809328Have Marxists ever refuted this?[View]
16807250Is the philosopher Michael Huemer right about reincarnation? Specifically his claim that after death…[View]
16810584Taking Christianity seriously: I can't make myself be a Christian because I feel like taking it…[View]
16809236This is what a Historian looks like.[View]
16808497Which of Hitler's schemes was your favorite?[View]
16809703Is 'Free Will' supported by the Bible?[View]
16808918The average East Asian diet makes you weak: Hear me out. I'm not mocking east Asians. By which …[View]
16810331Was Christian Rosenkreuz more based than Hermes Trismegistus?[View]
16809768Without faith in God and a Biblical objective morailty, how would society fill the void?[View]
16810393The Eastern Front was bussin' frfr ong no cap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m19r4ZCcHq8 https…[View]
16810202Does justification by faith really unite all Protestants? Some of them don't even consider thos…[View]
16810503>le based kebab remover: meanwhile serbs throughout history[View]
16810479Books on the Thirty Years War: Does anybody have a recommendation for a book that gives a broad outl…[View]
16809173Christina Riggs became the first female executed by Arkansas in the modern era for the asphyxiation …[View]
16810351Was Ernst Rohm truly the world's first openly gay politician anywhere? It's hard to imagin…[View]
16808577'Christianity is for everyone!': Then why does every christian have a name like marcus or christopho…[View]
16807761>Being a peasant/serf is bad... because it is, ok? I don't understand this mentality Not ev…[View]
16810360Why do Jews and Christians conflate Gnosticism or dualism with paganism. It doesn't make sense,…[View]
16804940>One (1) mention of Hell being never-ending torment in Matthew. >Even in this context the word…[View]
16810304Hey guys, I need to find the link to pic related, I have the link to the page but not to the documen…[View]
16809506So hermeticism is basically a giant meme right? >The corpus hermetica was written after the Chris…[View]
16810252not terrible for a babby's first history series but he was too soft on the Jews and wasted too …[View]
16808913Modern west Sicilians are about 35% levantine and 15% greek, while east Sicilians are 20% levantine …[View]
16804851How is the workers in the vineyard parable not contradictory?: You can suffer all your life and stop…[View]
16808855Why not divide world history like this: 1. Prehistory: before ~3500 BC This is basically the period …[View]
16810037What does it mean to “believe the Bible”?[View]
16810110There were 4 rites in Catholic Church: > Roman rite > Hispanic rite > Celtic rite > Gall…[View]
16808726Why do people believe the great pyramid was a tomb? The 'evidence' is completely lacking and when yo…[View]
16807174Historical photos thread: Anything goes. I'm posting a few neat ones I found on Wikimedia Commo…[View]
16809484Are there moral facts or is it all just opinions?[View]
16809166why did moo hate dogs so much?[View]
16808700British grand strategy has been fundamentally wrong for centuries: A united Europe,wheter Napoleon…[View]
16807777This is what the Christians spamming this board actually believe: >christian identity >not eve…[View]
16809168Thaddeus Stevens was actually based and not a nigger worshipping soiboy after all >Stevens lent h…[View]
16803861What kind of history do these guys have?[View]
16809684BBC: >Bell Beaker Culture Why would the Jewish God do this?[View]
16808089Who is their Robert the Bruce? Their William Wallace? What is their Bannockburn?[View]
16806522Why Communism Fails: Communism fails because it's literally based on antisemitic conspiracy the…[View]
16806592Historically, why does it seem so different from other '''midwestern''' states? It feels nothing lik…[View]
16809747Sometimes you just KNOW[View]
16807897Was the reichstag fire an inside job by the Nazis or an actual communist terror attack? It’s very di…[View]
16809088Why didn’t God tell her she was companions with a dude who gay raped and killed HUNDREDS of boys? Un…[View]
16808791Is Tawhid coherent?[View]
16809429What are the best and worst boards in 4chan history?[View]
16809342What are your favorite examples of the Strategy of Tension during the Cold War? For me, it's th…[View]
16806082Why are 4chan christian delusional to the core: Whenever I see Christians in real life they're …[View]
16804815Historical 'jaks: Post 'jaks from history >China, 1951…[View]
16806871Why do Christians think YHWH previously being a god in a pantheon of Jewish gods, and there being a …[View]
16809384Those who reject Christ will not enter the Kingdom. Those who live in sin whom are unrepentant will …[View]
16809110>Mussolini attempted to reconcile the divisive racial discourse which had developed within the na…[View]
16806954So was this shit man made or not?[View]
16800205CHRISTIANITY = LOVE: Why's it so hard for you Christian folks here to understand this? I go to …[View]
16810045Why do Reactionaries and and Progressives piss and shit themselves over how in liberal first world n…[View]
16810210>Fascism >Liberalism >Communism So why can't people come up with a universal agreed …[View]
16807873How was this picture interpreted by domestic and foreign politicians at the time?: Was the bowing to…[View]
16809367Judging by my face, what historical civilization would i fit in?[View]
16808464Did the US oil embargo justify the attack on Pearl Harbor?[View]
16804846Why Protestants and Muslims hate Mary so much?: She is the mother of God, they should respect her mo…[View]
16801192>anti-slavery humanitarians who promoted equality under Church, protected natives from colonial a…[View]
16806353Why are people so scared to admit that God has as many evil qualities as good qualities that they fo…[View]
16807658Was plato Armenoid?[View]
16808191>if you don't believe the foundation of reality is a mind, you are EVIL! What's up with…[View]
16807839>Average Ashkenazi IQ: 112 >American Jew birth rate: 1.4 >Average Parsi IQ: 117 >Parsi b…[View]
16808968N wrecked r1a-z93: the latins were on the verge of establishing a second roman enpire but were too h…[View]
16809395We see history too much in black and white: It's always >barbarians are nothing but brutal s…[View]
16809364Ancient Israel's role in history.: Ancient Israel's primary purpose in history was to act …[View]
16805346There is no evidence God exists therefore I do not believe in God. Its really that simple. >But b…[View]
16809233Judging by MY profile, what historical civilization would i fit in?[View]
16806634What's your opinion on historical role of Brazil? Is it destined to be a superpower in the futu…[View]
16808020The more I read about political philosophers it becomes very apparent that most of them don't a…[View]
16809258>historical nords: created the closest thing to ancapistan in medieval iceland >modern nordici…[View]
16806169Are the Swiss white?[View]
16808336Countries that don't have forced hijab laws are still full of women wearing it voluntarily: …[View]
16805165Why do some Christians believe in Darwinian evolution?: Muslim here. Some of the Christians i talk t…[View]
16806227What evolutionary step caused East Asians to act like a hivemind and be prone to authoritarian leade…[View]
16809183Is this really normal in Christianity? https://www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?stor…[View]
16806292Were Irish & Sicilians really treated like 'Negroes'?: To be honest I've always believed th…[View]
16804223*ruins Europe*[View]
16808936Historically, why does it seem so different from other '''Southern''' states? It feels nothing like …[View]
16809122did the great vowel shift really happen? can someone prove it didn't happen?[View]
16808466thoughts on this thing?: my friend said he wanted to learn about history and bought it. written by a…[View]
16808107the antagonists of history[View]
16805223Why did Harry Truman desegregate the U.S. military?[View]
16808660What percentage of ancient art is lost forever?[View]
16808533There's a scientific explanation for chud ugliness. This is why Shitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Gor…[View]
16808703Judging by my profile, what historical civilization would i fit in?[View]
16806683Historically speaking, have any nations literally run out of funds? No, I don't mean going brok…[View]
16806798So let me get this straight: The Muslims btfo’d both largest empire at the same time in a couple of …[View]
16808935When you think about it, this guy spawned an entire generation of radical fedoras.[View]
16808878Why are women so beautiful and lovely bros? What's the evolutionary reason for this?[View]
16805562Which race had the best starting advantage and why?[View]
16808382Besides churches being built to face the fising sun what elements of archaic sun worship has survive…[View]
16804251I’m going to post this every day until you remember it[View]
16808569What if the afterlife was a perpetually repeating Eastern Front?[View]
16808543Where would you say history begins? 13,475,000,000 BC? 4,500,000,000 BC? 3,300,000 BC? 10,000 BC? 65…[View]
16806862Did he really debunk race?[View]
16808744How important are AEWC planes? What are currently the best 3 models?[View]
16808629My sister just dumped a guy because he wanted her to get Catechized and I am the smuggest man today[View]
16808638So Stalin has 143 IQ?[View]
16808661Liberal sophists preach moral relativism and moral facts at the same time depending on whichever one…[View]
16804709Why does tribal affiliation still hold so much weight in Africa despite them also having formed nati…[View]
16808521Prophets Compared: What prophets does Islam have that Christianity hasn’t and vice versa. Also, do …[View]
16806735I don't understand: >Jewish people use communism as a means of restructuring the social and …[View]
16808549Did Nixon lose the 1960 election because of electoral irregularities? Just looking up some of the al…[View]
16807999Why are they seen as inferior? For a long time they were a politically/culturally/etc advanced hub i…[View]
16808491He ended up being smarter than Hitler and Mussolini: People often laugh at him, but it's true. …[View]
16807809The king of Assyria brought people from Babylon, Kuthah, Avva, Hamath and Sepharvaim and settled the…[View]
16808245Is history really just driven by seething resentment[View]
16806789Ancient Greece didn't invent philosophy; rather, it was a gift from the extraterrestrial civili…[View]
16808246>American >Talks in a faux British accent His research and the subject matter he covers are al…[View]
16808278How exactly do Hegelian dialectics and Platonic forms relate to real world economic and societal org…[View]
16802062Whitebros... How do we recover from this?[View]
16808182Even if you hate the modern world why would someone without blue blood defend a system where they pa…[View]
16807978Can someone explain the trinity to me ? Why worship Jesus when you can worship the god that Jesus ge…[View]
16807423i miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe[View]
16806686Has anyone read Lundy Bancroft's book on abusive men?: I think it's related to humanities …[View]
16808180World War Blues: okay so how much stuff would need to be done to change USA for the better, and I me…[View]
16807939How to deal with a morality as Deist? It troubles me deeply. I don't know what is right or wron…[View]
16806738What are the moral implications of transhumanism’s efforts to create a “posthuman?” Isn’t such a pro…[View]
16805580Wait, isn't eating unethical since it's not 'universal'? Do Kanturds just starve to death?[View]
16806911Science History: What intrinsically made people in Christendom abandon Science?[View]
16808130The parable of the vineyard: happen in this life. The Iraqi child who saw his family be gunned down …[View]
16805653Baby, wake up. New civilization dropped in Central Asia. https://arkeonews.net/archaeologists-uneart…[View]
16808081Race in Ancient China: Is chinese racism a recent thing? How did the ancient chinese see race? They …[View]
16805661I need help The thread may seem extremely silly, but how do you organize all the content you acquir…[View]
16807940Why it is impossible to have a serious conversation with people who read and study here? Reddit isn…[View]
16807882Why are rulers often foreign?: Why are rulers of nations often foreign to the nations they rule? Nap…[View]
16807720Why does a so-called Christian want to knowingly kill off the natives of an island by spreading dise…[View]
16807542>british started the industrial revolution >americans started the computing revolution which r…[View]
16802867Is it better to receive Christ on the tongue or by hand?[View]
16805335>live an ascetic life devoid of any kind of material distractions to achieve theosis >constant…[View]
16807664Jesus is Satan the Devil and the Holy Trinity proves it. Satan tried being equal to God with this no…[View]
16807871>if you don't elect liberal (left wing or right wing liberal, libertarians all that crap) yo…[View]
16807864Has there been any other historical times where too many young men being single, sexless and without…[View]
16805569What does religion get better than science?: We always talk about how science strives to improve hum…[View]
16804901Hesychasm is heretical and is ultimately rooted in the Messalian heresy.[View]
16807669I'm not happy with this existence. It is a prison.[View]
16806383He's lucky I wasn't around back then: If he tried that pedantic shit with me I would knock…[View]
16806761Gods... I hate Gauls[View]
16807388I love Christianity. The foundations. But, I think it's in total not correct. Do you think ther…[View]
16801263Name a more successful conquest in history than that of the Arabs.[View]
16807487Why don't people talk about Jesus' grandpa?[View]
16807562USA created Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Emirates: >Where are the tens of thousands of volunteeers (li…[View]
16807406Hammer of The Scots[View]
16802441>bad guy’s name is Hitler >his sidekick’s name is Himmler >his friend’s name is Goebbels …[View]
16805946What do you like/dislike about Paganism?: Either the old paganism or the modern neolarpagan movement…[View]
16805703Genuine question about pedophilia and incest: Look anons, I have this question that, no matter how c…[View]
16807100Cromwellian Calvinists: “America and Britain, and Canada and Australia and New Zealand are all Cromw…[View]
16806986If there is a God, He must be evil. Partly. I've yet to see anyone come up with a good argument…[View]
16805402Le Irish monks saved le civilization during le dark ages[View]
16806516Have you ever witnessed a historical miracle? How did it make you feel about life and existence?[View]
16803441What is the historical explanation for this.[View]
16803166>For the entire history of humanity, humans have gazed up to the stars. They waved myths around t…[View]
16804811Thoughts on holy mother ganges?[View]
16804500Did the PIE just settle down in Europe after conquering it and become the Celts, Germanic tribes, Sc…[View]
168074694 years before Idi Amin expelled asians from his country, Swami told a devotee that it would happen.…[View]
16806419What happens when we run out of history?[View]
16807256Outside the debacle in Wilmington, North Carolina, the 1898 midterm elections mostly went smoothly a…[View]
16806202How accurate is this image?[View]
16807223Today every single western politician seems like a controlled puppet. Has this always been the case …[View]
16800762Pitched battles involving several thousand, modern rifles & artillery vs. melee & matchlock:…[View]
16804730Why did the Russians get BTFO so hard in WW1?[View]
16802396Why do Black Christian families not mind when their sons convert to Islam?: There doesn't seem …[View]
16804711Why are the protestantoids so disgusting? >be Titus Oates >be a protestant priest >lie to …[View]
16804563Did Proto-Germanics leave behind so little admixture in Germany because light features are unattract…[View]
16807172Name a more based event in history.[View]
16805127Artificial Wombs: The holy grail of the abortion debate. What happens when cheap, safe, and effectiv…[View]
16807167Historical ancient aliens?: With the rise of reported sightings since roswell, and now with the uap …[View]
16807072Why are American houses so poorly made?[View]
16807127>read about the Fall of Singapore >It's literally just due to pajeets being retarded…[View]
16807124War is the continuation of politics by other means[View]
16807017Why did American propaganda posters during WWII consistently mock Hitler, Goering, and Gobbels, who …[View]
16805913There's no such thing as a 'pure' European: >Now scientists are delivering new answers to th…[View]
16805535What if England never colonized America?: Title says it all. England is too weak/irrelevant/distract…[View]
16806719>passes down their tradition of worshiping their european colonists to their grandchildren What c…[View]
16804034how will china recover from this? have their already maxxed out at a brazil tier HDI/income was burn…[View]
16806694I was reading an article about dune and the Author mentioned how westerners can't conceptualize…[View]
16806981The christian girl >virgin or at least low body count >dresses like a woman >ready for you …[View]
16806909Japan was the good guys we never should have provoked them, they were bulwark against communism. wha…[View]
16806126What protestant denominations believe Catholics go to hell? Wich ones don't?[View]
16806856Hey guys, I know what you're all thinking: 'God is just a myth, a fairy tale made up by stupid …[View]
16806533I hate market fundamentalists, economic as a new age religion was a mistake[View]
16806806Southern (((hospitality))): >Virginia's capitol, 1776 >Lower Manhattan, 1719 Why were So…[View]
16806422Historical Epic Fails?[View]
16806616I am a gnostic who: Believes Christianity is a valid form of salvation Buddhism as well Paganism and…[View]
16805391>the american civil war was fought because the north wanted black cock and the south kept hoardin…[View]
16806186Roman class divisions baffle me. In the city of Rome for much of its existence 90ish percent of the…[View]
16806489I want to have a Christian fellowship thread without orthodogs. I want to have a thread where all ch…[View]
16806321What was the reaction of American Jews and Christians to Hitler BEFORE the Holocaust was known?: I…[View]
16804557Aboriginal Spanish tribe of New Zealand: >Born in 1811 in the town of Valverde del Majano, he was…[View]
16806625Why do Anglos blame the Jews for what they did to themselves?[View]
16805918Would Adolf agree with the UN two state plan for resettling Polish Jews in the Holy Land?: Would Ado…[View]
16805416George Dewey had been a bit of an undersized hellion in his youth, testing himself against nature by…[View]
16800634Did western economists in the 70s ever consider that outsourcing our entire manufacturing base to Ch…[View]
16806611Human female breasts provide milk to nurture newborns and infants. There is nothing inherently sexua…[View]
16804609Yemeni Jews look like the Original Arabs: They have the highest Southwest Asian component, so the lo…[View]
16806493Anyone knows the name of a latin chronicle/poem that centers around the exploits of a gothic hero(I …[View]
16806188Protestant insulting Mary[View]
16805943What is the most accurate map of the world?[View]
16805766Is Haiti so poor because of Unitedstatian suppression of Socialist militias: Haiti is a land untouch…[View]
16806497What exactly is the great commission?[View]
16806084Is all anti-catholicism just unjustified hate propaganda or have catholics brought the hate on thems…[View]
16805842Here's your genuine artifact, bro[View]
16805824>became popular in the USA in the late 1800s/early 1900s >makes fun of minority groups in the …[View]
16806076How would the world look like if the German Empire was allowed to make its European Union? How would…[View]
16805555>https://youtu.be/i0vl0vAyeoo >Muhammad ﷺ and the Jews of Arabia judo-christian sisters! how d…[View]
16806039/pol/: obsessed with women. They will lie and say they're obsessed with Jews but they are actua…[View]
16804873Is it true that the trinity isn't that hard to understand? I thought the church thought of it a…[View]
16806037All the religions are true.[View]
16805309How many times do you need to sin in order to go to Catholic Hell? How many good works do you need …[View]
16805356https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ananias_and_Sapphira >The pope kills people who lie about how muc…[View]
16806090which haplogroup makes the best husband for your daughter? don’t want her getting axe murdered by so…[View]
16806121Is it better to be a hypocrite OR a nihilist?[View]
16804570>Then the German gendarmes killed the pregnant Wiktoria and her husband so that the villagers wou…[View]
16806022>in 1854 Jew August Belmont conspired to use pressure from the Rothschilds to force the Spanish t…[View]
16806033How much worth of jewelry is buried in the average modern cemetery? Would wealthier graves like Maus…[View]
16805181What are your favorite examples of the Strategy of Tension during the Cold War? For me, it's th…[View]
16805337Why isn't this guy more well known?[View]
16805709So this is the free trade that the Global North got rich off...: Total looting of poor God fearing n…[View]
16805966Does justification by faith really unite all Protestants? Some of them don't even consider thos…[View]
16804794How come the Allies succeeded in assassinating him but never so much as touched another similarly hi…[View]
16805724Question for Roman Catholics: Why not just make it official at this point and split off from Christi…[View]
16805406Why can christians eat pork and shellfish? I don't get it.[View]
16804349The only moral conquests are those that improve the conditions of the colonized lands and its people…[View]
16805863>The 1800 was got so heated, virginia republicans threatened secession if thomas jefferson lost t…[View]
16801044Burma campaign (1941-1945): I believe it deserves so much more recognition than it gets. It perfectl…[View]
16805819>Deaconess boomer is adding politics into the corporate prayer again.[View]
16804818Why is Medieval history so interesting and fascinating compared to all other periods in history?[View]
16804922Well? Which is it?[View]
16804858Female pubic hair is the only thing that protects countries from wokism. When the fashion for pubic …[View]
16805660How did people communicate with each other: Just imagine you’re some random tribe person 2000 years …[View]
16805528>https://youtu.be/h_LNJ9DNJ9o now the dust has settled and we all can see how pussians are nothin…[View]
16804737According to Hungarians. This is where Romanians came from. And they only arrived in modern day Roma…[View]
16803916>polish deluge >thirty years war >cromwell conquest of ireland >entire regions losing ov…[View]
16804736Why is thr Catholic Church secretive about exorcisms?: >Yes, we have dealt with many exorcisms de…[View]
16802983>that's right little timmy, you go take on the Red Army with your panzerfaust while I scurry…[View]
16798342>there's more evidence of the Trojan War and the events of the Illiad than the book of Exodu…[View]
16803154>NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! You abort babies to make them automatically go to heaven at the cost of 1 perso…[View]
16805334Was it autism?[View]
16804105>For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass fro…[View]
16804284Which region was most kino during the dark ages?[View]
16803042North Korea did not properly declare war according to international law when they invaded South Kore…[View]
16804702Why did pre-Constantine Christianity look so much like Catholicism? My church lied to me.[View]
16804957God is perfect so he doesn't need believers.[View]
16798223>Yasuke first arrived in Japan in the service of Jesuit Alessandro Valignano Why did white people…[View]
16803278How did they manage to convince most of the World that their War God was the only existing God?[View]
16805191Historically speaking, what cause this: Why North Africans are so desesperated for being accepted by…[View]
16805125This kills the atheist.[View]
16805156The idea that Jews were expelled from the Levant is retarded. The Romans never did this with anyone …[View]
16801087Why do so many Anglos look like they are mixed the Middle East or Central asia?: The biggest differe…[View]
16801282Thoughts on metaphysics?[View]
16803379Couldn't he have made his point without killing a bunch of literal whos?[View]
16803689comfy hypatia thread I know the IQ of this board has gone done considerably since the pol invasion, …[View]
16804828>Amen, I say to you, among those born of women there has been none greater than John the Baptist;…[View]
16804913How much of ancient briton y-dna do modern British carry?[View]
16802627Anyone hate how commies think that poor people are gonna ever change the world and will unite under …[View]
16804581Did Victorians actually follow all those etiquette rules they had?: Your typical Victorian etiquette…[View]
16804582Where would Jesus sit in terms of modern politics?: According to studies in the US, most think Jesus…[View]
16803933If people from uncontacted tribes go directly to Heaven then why do Christians preach to them?[View]
16804650Gingers converting to Islam?: Why exactly is it that most White converts to Islam are gingers, speci…[View]
16804864/xpg/ - Catholicism General #1: I want and ought to do penance so let's make this into a prayer…[View]
16804461>he still thinks the Nazis lost the war[View]
16804646Was Lebensraum necessary for Germany to achieve self sufficiency in food?: Reading on this. One of t…[View]
16804259After Rome overcame Greece and absorbed it into it's sphere of influence many scholars and hist…[View]
16804086Was he an ally of Napoleon? Or did he simply used the Napoleonic Wars as an opportune moment to atta…[View]
16804341>8th, September 1921 >Dear Mr. Edmund Hodgson Smart >I would like my presidential portrait …[View]
16799946Uh... Jeffersonsisters...: How come NY had 3-story brick buildings in 1719 while Virginia's Ral…[View]
16803703Was Jesus the greatest person of all time?[View]
16804210What causes Indians to be like this, historically speaking?[View]
16804910Why has the pulitzer prize been obsessed with african-americans since 2019? https://www.pulitzer.org…[View]
16800002>Read history >Realize the Federalists were the bad guys and Hamilton really was a crypto-mona…[View]
16803867Why did the Great War happen? And how were countries pressured into joining?[View]
16804550God is perfect so He doesn’t need to prove Himself to non-believers.[View]
16804180Which type of Norse pagans are more common? Hippies or Nazis?[View]
16804862Who can enter heaven?[View]
16804673This is what Germany could have looked like if they weren't such cucks in 1989.[View]
16804861Did the Jew civilize people people, Historically speaking?: They created their current religion, tha…[View]
16804785What happened to the men who killed Jesus? https://youtube.com/shorts/YweqT5PCi0g[View]
16804049If Hitler died of a heart attack some time after 1933 but before WW2, would a different Nazi leader …[View]
16804820What makes you sure you’re not an automaton?[View]
16804840Who actually 'won' Italy's years of lead? Because it kind of seems like both sides lo…[View]
16804402Why have no billionaires tried to create an independent city state in the ocean on some oil rig or s…[View]
16803248You guys told me Christianity was based and for white people.[View]
16801247Was Mithraism a real religion: Is it true that the Roman cult of Mithras came from the Pontic kingdo…[View]
16804617Is conquering another nation for the reason of converting them to the faith you believe in in order …[View]
16804788How many japanese did Yasuke killed?[View]
16804693You wake up and you are now Benito Mussolini in 1923, as Duce, fascist leader of the Kingdom of Ital…[View]
16795729After you die you will not experience anything. Everyone knows this instinctively.[View]
16802821ethics(?): is denying a certain section of population the ability, opportunity & chance to breed…[View]
16802092Does Buck Breaking have any basis in history? I find it hard to believe that Southern slave owners w…[View]
16804668>Steppe migrations are responsible for the spreading of Indo-European languages. We know this fro…[View]
16804759Is the surge of NEETs helping to create similar conditions like that of Sodom? > I’m a neet but m…[View]
16804303Are there any objective arguments against positivist hedonism? Objective meaning no religious or mor…[View]
16804752This was the maximum plans for the new Italian empire in WW2 This is fucking embarrassing. They didn…[View]
16800414Historical waifus: >'After the Bath' by Otto Sarony, 1901. >Sarony and the model (a Viennese …[View]
16804743Swami knew what was about to happen in Uganda, and he warned others to leave the country. https://yo…[View]
16803765Does Europe have 'more' history than the rest of the world?: Western European countries have tons of…[View]
16801810What was the point of all the fake Gospels floating around in the first 3 centuries of Christianity?…[View]
16804616How much faith do you have in our accounts of ancient history? There seems to be these contradictory…[View]
16800538Gentrification: Why do liberals consider gentrification to be like the next worst thing after the Ho…[View]
16800220The 'Rigvedians': ok, the Aryan invasion/migration happened But why don't we have much evidence…[View]
16804565Find a flaw[View]
16802936Hand to hand combat between Soviet Elite vs. Waffen SS at The Battle of Prokhorovka.[View]
16803854I'm starting to think Christianity is a scam designs to transform people into non-actors who wi…[View]
16803720What killed Christianity?[View]
16803578North Sentinel Island: I want to gather a group of mercenaries and take over this island and foment …[View]
16803018Moral of WW2: being mean to other people is bad and could lead to genocide, so try not to be like Hi…[View]
16801612Has there ever been a city with a positive birthrate? Or do they all exclusively have negative birth…[View]
16800446Once you start looking into Dinosaurs: You begin to realise the evidence surrounding the topic of pa…[View]
16804092Are we returning to the old world order?: I read we are returning to how the world was like pre-20th…[View]
16800806Christianity is a hard life that will get you nowhere fast in life. Never lie? Confess every lie you…[View]
16795483never existed btw: sources forged centuries later, nothing before 100 AD made up by church fathers a…[View]
16804141What's the greatest genocide in history? Pro-tip: it isn't the Holocaust.[View]
16801642The great debate[View]
16804404What was the first civilisation to come up with the idea of reincarnation? Did they ever bother to e…[View]
16801734>The prevailing views of the world are only the prevailing views because that's what the peo…[View]
16792675Why do Westerners lie?: Westerners love to claim other people's cultural legacies. They overemp…[View]
16802319Christians worship Satan the Son of God but why? God is Satan?[View]
16802633Does anyone else find everything before 1066 boring and stupid?[View]
16804315When did kings stop marrying 9-year-olds?: And I realize Richard didn't deflower her until she …[View]
16801633Alexander the Great was a mediocre strategist. Plato is overrated as a philosopher. Socrates was a …[View]
16804069Why did Hitler do it?[View]
16804262Greece is the most mixed Balkan country[View]
16803368Was King Cnute really the Light Yagami of 11th century Europe? Also a thread for funny ahistorical t…[View]
16802498About when was the region of shirvan persianized? What ethnic groups lived in the region before pers…[View]
16803230Why did Americans perform so well in Korea?[View]
16804222Kara boga[View]
16803818Argentina History: What's the QRD on Rosas? Why is he still making people in Argentina seethe o…[View]
16803174This FAT IDIOT eats rice with SILVER CHOPSTICKS while (You) starve in the fields[View]
16804177This is William Playfair William Playfair was a Scottish engineer and political economist, who serve…[View]
16801826*saves America*[View]
16801559Panbabylonism: Is it accurate?[View]
16802953Communist troops begging for mercy from ROK soldiers during the Korean War[View]
16804074I can't find any real source for these quotes. I know they're popular quotes by Nathan Rot…[View]
16804041When you realize that we're in this timeline due to Whites reaction to Civil Rights everything …[View]
16803571So how much has my government, aka the USAmerican Government, and the presidents done in controversi…[View]
16803086Which historical person has the greatest chance to be a vampire, besides Dracula of course?[View]
16803941'Judeo Christian', how does this word make sense politically speaking. I am looking at Wiki page and…[View]
16802336I had a dream where he was brought back to life and start leading witch hunts against pro Russia chu…[View]
16801736>The pop star tells GQ magazine that at age 11 she prayed for a more voluptuous figure. 'I lay on…[View]
16803167What was the phenotype of ancient Egyptian Marge?[View]
16802222What has led to the aging of politicians in the modern era? For better or for worse? Should an age l…[View]
16803693If the Spenglerian cycles are supposed to be deterministic, how come the holes can just be overlooke…[View]
16803073Why did he stop being a chud?[View]
16801889Continuation of the Nirvana discussion: >>16799895 >The notion of 'self' must entirely be d…[View]
16804064Warszawianka: Warszawianka, so exactly what allows it to be the best communist song ever created? ht…[View]
16802590>Ethio-adal war >Ethiopian on brink of getting btfo >Portuguese comes save the day >1948…[View]
16800716Thoughts on the rise of suicide machines? Moral, or immoral? >The Sarco pod (also known as Pegaso…[View]
16803685Dorothea Puente, the Death House Landlady, murdered eight elderly residents of a boarding house she …[View]
16803970He's Right, You Know[View]
16797438If dragons were real, how would medieval military technology adapt to face them?[View]
16803972This is the cosmopolitan youth in my country. They promote 100% of the agenda of George Soros, Bill …[View]
16803956Why do dumbfuck redditor sóys and 4channers say dumb shit like 'China isn't communist' 'china i…[View]
16803688>helps conquer half the world[View]
16799033John Crutchley, 'The Vampire Rapist', possibly murdered 30 women in 1970s-80s Virginia, although he …[View]
16799855>Meds vs Nords For me, it's Ancient Egypt, historically separate from both of those civiliza…[View]
16803389'For you is your religion and for me is mine': -Surah Al Kafirun (Qur'an 109:6) Now please tell…[View]
16803784The bitter truth: All good things that happen are God's will. All evil things that happen are a…[View]
16801761Shia Islam and Roman Catholicsm: What are the historic reasons behind the strange similarities betwe…[View]
16802455why the heck should i purposely cultivate my compassion for the suffering of others? wouldnt that in…[View]
16803342I do not think that God exits. Why is that upsetting to so many people? Seems like it should be no b…[View]
16801364Can America ever return to the 1950s?[View]
16803243Chaos democracy is post-order, post-cosmos. Destroying the old is proposed not to build something ne…[View]
16800316What would Charlemagne think of modern Europe?[View]
16803643Best books on Lee Kwuan Yew?: Want to learn more about this absolute Chad.[View]
16801670Enlisted men didn't have access to the comforts of Tampa Bay Hotel and for most outdoor life wa…[View]
16803509As America was celebrating victory in the war with Spain, Robert Peary was setting off on his third …[View]
16802298What if instead of going back to heaven, Jesus just stayed on earth to lead us for 2,000 years?[View]
16802272Why does the New Testament make such a big deal about Joseph's descent from king David, when Jo…[View]
16803512The Spanish had a lot of hot shota sex while they conquered America?: Whit lol aztec or inca princes…[View]
16803502Imagine your son has a spelling bee contest in a few weeks and you are training him for it and testi…[View]
16803439Pro lgbt paganisim will save the white race: jews will seethe but its true[View]
16792690How were the vikings in terms of warriors? Were they good or just below average? I have had some peo…[View]
16802851How do Catholics reconcile their belief in the 'Perpetual Virginity of Mary' with the fact that Jesu…[View]
16801368What would have happened if the Spanish Empire won the wars of independence: How world history would…[View]
16801395What will fifth-wave feminism look like?[View]
16803196What is the point of history?: Provide me your hilariously silly, juvenile, and wandering answers, I…[View]
16803161HOL UP: Why isn't Cyrus the Great mentioned in the Shahnameh[View]
16803058Atheists, I'm not a theist myself, but how do you know this reality is actually the real thing …[View]
16802430Europe vs MENA: Why is it that greatest war epic stories always start with >an inbreed multiraci…[View]
16802188Choose Your Fighter[View]
16803079Aesthetics in culture: I've recently noticed something interesting, Friedrich the great called …[View]
16791455mesoamerican religions: Were mesoamerican cultures and religions genuinely the delusional derangemen…[View]
16799742did trickle down/supply side economics work or not? Literally everything I've read about Reagan…[View]
16802372Jews are important in the history of silly, foolish, incomplete, and wrong ideas. Why this should be…[View]
16802969Sleep: Hey, I'd like to research the topic of sleep, especially how it was viewed in ancient cu…[View]
16802912Why does God need to give people free will?[View]
16801565How come Krauts were all over Euopre EXCEPT the Netherlands?: It's just strange to me, is there…[View]
16800387what are some neat history related rabbit holes?[View]
16801724>be me >summer of 1918 >France, Allied front >didn't even want to go to war, proud …[View]
16802656What are some historical truth nukes people need to hear?[View]
16800951I just looked at my 23andMe tests, and it shows under French & German ancestry the following: …[View]
16801804Why don’t the humanities ever address the gap between male and female suicide rates? It seems like s…[View]
16799664Why aren't /his/ christians meek?[View]
16802379There is nothing we can do against whatever is causing this reality to be Nothing No way to stop it,…[View]
16800889Is confessing your sins to another human being the only way to have peace with God? https://strawpol…[View]
16800996Why didn’t ancient civilizations invent basic tools such as the telephone, water heaters, aeroplanes…[View]
16802471>Holocaust didn't happen, its all lies, ridiculous also >OMG STALIN ZEDONG KILLED 999 GOR…[View]
16802482How did such borders made it beyond draft stage?[View]
168012661 single family ruined the entire world, possibly irreversibly and forever. Imagine being a monarch …[View]
16800502Reading pre-coloumbian american history and comparing it to african history, you see how tribal peop…[View]
16802170Is this true?[View]
16798847So why exactly are Chinese and Norse lore so close? Three sacred beings, three heavens? Is it just t…[View]
16801359Hang on. How do they know what date the etchings into the stone were made?[View]
16801454How did Western, Central, Eastern, and Northern Europeans come to be predominantly light brown haire…[View]
16801311>controlled most of East Africa at one point >barely left a mark on the region other than birt…[View]
16802198What did soldiers fight for throughout history?[View]
16798281Why Was The 1950s Such A Great Time for America?: Why does everyone always reference the 1950s whene…[View]
16801336Was their assasination justified?[View]

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