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/his/ - History & Humanities

Displaying 459 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
16893333age of napoleon: >over a hundred pretty chill, low energy episodes >starts talking about trann…[View]
16891106Were any of the leading fascists in Italy and Nazis in Germany actually of Jewish heritage? I have s…[View]
16889639Why did Dick II marry a 6-year-old instead of bethroding her?[View]
16890922It is always like this: >iberians do something >italians do it x1000 better Being Iberian is …[View]
16890740Yakub's story is a rabbit hole: It appears that the Nation of Islam copied Yakub's backsto…[View]
16891367>President Truman shakes hands with Washington Senators players on their home opener, April 18, 1…[View]
16892809This is what all humans looked 100.000 years ago: Blacks are mixed with unknown human type, 21% gene…[View]
16889982The disappearance of Thracians and Illyrians: I am aware that some say Albanians might be the last s…[View]
16873855What causes this? Was it violent video games in the 90s like this say?[View]
16889934What do we know about Celtic mythology?: Be it Gaulish, Brythonic, Welsh, or Gaelic. What makes it d…[View]
16892792>Pre-emptively destroys the problem of evil a thousand years before man degenerated to the point …[View]
16891447Why do centre-rightists dislike Adolf Hitler when he was the most effective anti-communist of the 20…[View]
16893116South African History: South Africa has one of the most fascinating histories of all countries: >…[View]
16889678Eternal Glory to Comrade Marshal Stalin: >Mogs, rips apart, and brutally annihilates your 'm…[View]
16893035>Medieval and Renaissance Christian and Muslim courts used to have astrologers and alchemists wor…[View]
16891966was alexander the great a macedonian or a greek[View]
16892894Yeah my brother in Christ it is perfectly normal and godly to devote yourself to saints and create s…[View]
16891616Feminism: Why did men create feminism? and why is feminism seen as a question of female culpability,…[View]
16892676Is this true?[View]
16892536>Marius = Envy >Sulla = Wrath >Pompey = Pride >Crassus = Greed >Caesar = Lust Which R…[View]
16892921>Good things happen to good people. >Bad things happen to bad people. >Except when they don…[View]
16892889The State is prior to property: P: Conquest, not labour is prior to property. (The common law of pro…[View]
16891733>reincarnation is fake and g–ACK! Science resembles ancient theories of reincarnation and the lac…[View]
16890083How the fuck was Crowley able to draw a stereotypical alien caricature if the Roswell incident would…[View]
16892789Why didn't the Mexican military follow up on its victory at the Alamo by rapidly crushing the r…[View]
16891614What are the implications of the functionally illiterate not understanding that 'church' is an exact…[View]
16892757Muhammad is the Antichrist 666: Allah is a pagan moon god of war, Muslims shall turn to Christ and w…[View]
16892787Hey Russia you are allowed to attack the Germanics but not the Latins. Don’t attack the Latins the s…[View]
16889154Has he officially lost it?[View]
16892747Religion is like a bathroom. Everybody is shit but those of sound mind still desire to clean up. The…[View]
16891294why is the book of eunuch not considered biblical canon?[View]
16888064>you must not associate ANYTHING with Allah Isn't the inevitable conclusion of this statemen…[View]
16891796my friends great grandmother (born 1909) gave this handwritten signature to him about a month before…[View]
16889021How good of a leader was Mussolini compared to ancient Roman emperors? I'd say he was Claudius-…[View]
16885906If you're a Christian you can't be racist: Racism is entirely unchristian. That's why…[View]
16892571Was Brutus retarded?[View]
16892196>Refuses to go to treaty negotiations with the British >Throws a bitch-fit when the Treaty doe…[View]
16892073Bangladesh: Tell me about the history of Bangladesh and recommend some exceptional sources you know.…[View]
16890129Who was the most based Roman emperor?[View]
16892020All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God[View]
16892490Führer Friday[View]
16889367Enemies of Chinese civilization: What would the Chinese version of this look like?[View]
16892325Atheist: If this is your god's creation, a giant radiation filled void with useless balls of di…[View]
16883543How did evangelical Christians take such powerful control of the Republican Party given their pretty…[View]
16890879Is it true Catholicism is far closer to Protestantism than Orthodoxy?: That doesn't seem right …[View]
16891295Gaius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla[View]
16891428Meet Joe Clark, the Bone Breaker. At an age when most guys are interested in cars, music, parties, a…[View]
16890242>16th century: Protestant reform against the pope >17th century: English revolution against mo…[View]
16891121Historically speaking: Why are southern Spaniards so much more aryan than terroni[View]
16890558>study Prussia >become a massive flaming homosexual Why does it keep happening?…[View]
16892101How possible is this.: >Slavs stay in northern Europe >Germans move to France >Turks move t…[View]
16892188Historically, how much political power and influence in the overall state of society have groups of …[View]
16891028What will the Eurasian/Russian high culture look like?: What will its defining cultural motifs be? W…[View]
16891941guess this child's name[View]
16892029Greatest man ever[View]
16890054Why do white people esp. from Europe get mad at the fact that Arabs are just Islamized Europeans?[View]
16892138If you stared an Ophanim dead on it would just look like a fiery butthole with eyes.[View]
16892043can someone explain me what happend in the chechan war[View]
16892063>destroys marxist historiography of fascism How did he do it and how do Marxists cope about it?…[View]
16892115while the other leaders of the USSR were not giving freedom to their people this guy called mikhail …[View]
16892060when did Poles start to insist their language and Russian were totally different despite being quite…[View]
16888599Opinion on quranist?[View]
16891130Why did people 6000 years ago wear golden penis sheaths?[View]
16890683WHY ARE THERE NO MORE WOLVES IN JAPAN? ARRRRRGH!!!!!: I love Japan, but my biggest gripe is how they…[View]
16892178Why is this fraud remembered as a good president? Like even from an objective historical point, he g…[View]
16891949'Why Worry?' Cartoon from PH Free Press Newspaper, Aug. 22, 1931.: This is a cartoon from PH Free Pr…[View]
16889674>Popular discontent had increased by early 1611, and many Russians sought to end the Polish occup…[View]
168915523 keys to mysticism: >Semiotics This is an awareness of what makes things iconic, why symbols are…[View]
16891414What happens to a Jew, who converted to Christianity, that somehow makes them antisemitic? >Saint…[View]
16891850Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on Costin Alamarius 'Selective Breeding and th…[View]
16889767Who accomplished more / was the Greater figure? Who would have accomplished more had neither met an …[View]
16888283Hitler was an ugly bastard connoisseur.[View]
16890714Historically speaking, why do Filipinos eat this shit?: Why aren't they disgusted by it?[View]
16890515Intravenous fertilization commodifies childbirth, putting a literal price on life. Such is the glory…[View]
16886905>we need to destroy our government every 20 years What the fuck was his problem?…[View]
16891706What are some historical lies everyone agrees are true to please the commons?[View]
16891691Is happiness a skill, a grace, or some combination? What has it been viewed as historically?[View]
16884883Western Art: I've been enjoying Poynter.[View]
16891432The only message of the crucifixion is that you can overcome the cross.[View]
16891659Is there any force more historically powerful than religion?[View]
16891620>if you threaten people with violence they do what you say Wow, this Mao guy must have been some …[View]
16889852Early Church on Mary: Objectively as possible, what would most early Christians from the first coupl…[View]
16891383When someone does wrong against us but is remorseful over their actions and repents, we should forgi…[View]
16882475I'm in the mood for some entertainment. What are the most funny, hilarious, interesting or fasc…[View]
16890276Why didn't the Soviets try to get rid of Ceausescu for his blatant refusal to toe the line from…[View]
16891515About the american term 'white history' and Indigenous europeans: I will say it clearly, Americans u…[View]
16891300is it actually true soul music is actually completely and 100% Anglo and it is how Anglo-Saxon farme…[View]
16889778Was he ever actually that great a historian?[View]
16887137>about 20 000 german soldiers died in Stalingrad each week before Uranus (fighting for the city h…[View]
16891312>The wicked Emperor Constantine after forcing innocent baptists to pray for their recently depart…[View]
16890660aLeXaNdEr CoNqUeReD tHe kNoWn wOrLd: Why do people say this when the Greeks knew India existed but i…[View]
16890965>Look up any conflict in Africa >Belligerents: >People's Liberation Force for the Free…[View]
16888980What made the Mediterranean so Kino?: Every century and millennium is filled with phenomenal civiliz…[View]
16891363Uhhh, so... Doesn't the prophesies in book of Daniel show us that the Bible is divinely inspire…[View]
16891304Just check my map: Couldn’t find the USSR. What happened?![View]
16890631In early August, Lee sent Joseph Kershaw's infantry plus a cavalry division to Culpeper to watc…[View]
16891189How do I cope with this? I used to be a white nationalist, but then I learned about how Turks were a…[View]
16886635Should northern Indians with Indo-Aryan heritage be considered white adjacent? They are distant cous…[View]
16891206People joke that emos aren't around anymore because you can't expect a subculture based ar…[View]
16887257Ok but what’s actually wrong with fascism? >promotes patriotism and national unity >rejects de…[View]
16891116Why shouldn't premillennialists who fail predictions be capitally punished by the state?: Subje…[View]
16890720What is the exact method with which to determine when women defying gender roles is godly based trad…[View]
16891161Why is Germanic Christianity so goofy?: Latin Christianity may be pompous but not goofy[View]
16889895Women warriors (not memes): The story of the female dragoon is complicated because of the different …[View]
16887167The man that saved Christendom at its worse moment: The cunning and fervor of St. Dominic, the spiri…[View]
16891108It is Muslims not Jews/Christians who are living like Biblical figures now: It is Muslims who are up…[View]
16891120>əgər şahi-mərdanam, türki dilim var mənim >if i am the shah of men, i have a turkish tongue…[View]
16889196Ethnography thread. New genetic study on Russians dropped. The samples are from St. Petersburg, Oren…[View]
16886546Why did Americans become familiar with Hispanics but British saw Pakis and Jamaicans as alien?: In A…[View]
16880458How come that Kazakhs are 10% Indian? When did jeets mixed with central asians?[View]
16887433/pol/ 'users' are yet to have explained how they are Roman statues of brown and black people.[View]
16889774What did Catholics meant by this: What is this Pagan Poppery? The Senate and the People of Rome are …[View]
16890919Theonomy (Christian Reconstructionism): Theonomy/Christian reconstructionism is a Christian movement…[View]
16887889Why all Spanish priests are bald?: German, French and Italian ones have head hair, why are Spanish s…[View]
16890969>pray in Arabic language >greet in Arabic language >kneel facing an Arabic city, 5 times a …[View]
16889987What’s the appeal of Catholicism to people who go into politics?[View]
16879550You hate him because he speaks the truth. Out of the mouths of babes. he embarrasses prideful old he…[View]
16890153finding out that sicilians once spoke siculo-arabic is pretty hilarious. i can just picture it sound…[View]
16887568>let's make a law that people will have to follow for eternity even though we have no idea w…[View]
16889007Alans, Vandals, and Suebi: What did they look like? How much did they integrate into the Hispanic an…[View]
16890756love: do you think eternal love between 2 beings existing at the highest level of existence is possi…[View]
16889485Why were these evil chinks compensated for being interned after they rioted and sent intel to imperi…[View]
16890833>man goes on a murder-rape spree >waaah God isn’t real because!!!…[View]
16890794How French went from:: Being considered the most brutish among Romans during Antiquity... >“Almos…[View]
16888329>mogged by cuba KWAB[View]
16888649whats this phenotype[View]
16883977Why did Muhammad have to fuck a little kid?[View]
16890763>attempts to invade the Dominican Republic >all of their soldiers get captured and tortured t…[View]
16890627How did England become civilized?[View]
16890666reddit has ranked all english monarchs from Alfred the Great to Elizabeth II thoughts?[View]
16890632Why was this shit allowed? How was Clinton's presidency not maligned for it?[View]
16889763Hello, /his/! I've been reading through The Once and Future King recently, and it's pretty…[View]
16889388Nicole: What, in your opinion, makes a person good? What actions do you think they should take to ma…[View]
16890549Happening: Thomas Lockley, the liar behind the Yasuke scandal, has fled Japan after his former emplo…[View]
16890563When did affection between men stay being seen as gay in the west?[View]
16879652Why pink people resemble Neanderthals more than east asians if east asians have more neanderthal dna…[View]
16887719>Gets invaded by the Brits >Chimps out >Gets invaded by Germans >Chimps out >Gets inv…[View]
16890343Islam is the second Judaism[View]
16889071Do you think an army of filibusters is viable nowadays? What are some examples on history of private…[View]
16890508Historically speaking did the lack of alcohol to purify drinking water have any effect on the develo…[View]
16885307Buddhist sciptures/fundamental literature: I have been looking into Buddhism for a year now, on and …[View]
16890465it wasn't as cool as I thought: I did the math with chatgpt and the spanish inquisition execute…[View]
16890232How would one go about becoming a mercenary in the early modern era? How did recruitment work?[View]
16887050Should christian MENAs be considered Meds? Actually some European groups like south Italians and Gr…[View]
16889737In Catholic medieval Europe, everything from the structure of the social order to the way you farmed…[View]
16888729>'The rapes by Moroccan mercenaries will continue until morale improves'…[View]
16887145Who coined the rebuttal 'country X is not truly communist / is not doing Marxism the right way'? If …[View]
16889782>God can break the laws of physics >God can't break the laws of mathematics Why? What m…[View]
16890206Do you think they could have gotten along had they been in power at the same time? Or would the ideo…[View]
16890221Maritme history, Indian edition: The first sternpost rudder? 'In eastern India during the first mill…[View]
16890074How much Guanche DNA Canarians truly have?: They often are really brown and really distinct looking …[View]
16889958Who's the worst president in the history of the US?[View]
16885251In memoriam. Doggers assemble.[View]
16887959Jesus was not a historical figure[View]
16888052Did coin clipping hurt banks or was just an attempt to hurt banks but failed since banks can create …[View]
16889739Nazibros...: I thought we was the chad nordvpn gamers How do we explain this, it's getting ridi…[View]
16889420/his/ - History & Humanities caused me to start listening to Christian radio sermons on my morni…[View]
16887865Herbert Mullin murdered 13 people in California during 1972-73 in a fit of drug-induced mental illne…[View]
16886730How do you feel about Sikhism? It's kinda cool how they encourage all adherents to be armed wit…[View]
16889255Hispania is the last bulwark of Romaness: >only latins at keeping roman rural architecture >o…[View]
16890045Do you think they could have gotten along?[View]
16889067joseph stalin killed 7 million people in the USSR but why he was nominated for nobel peace prize?[View]
16890001>Dude look at how fucking WRETCHED I am. Aren't we all just so DEPRAVED? We're all just…[View]
16889324Can we get a final consensus to the “southern strategy”?: Did the dixiecrats actually switch to the …[View]
16888032Another alternate history map because why not[View]
16889184If whiteness is the beauty standard in India and has been since at least the aryan invasion, why are…[View]
16888922>sign WW1 armistice >force the soldiers to keep fighting for 6 hours so the war can officially…[View]
16889860Meet Zane Floyd. It was one bad day while shopping for groceries that resulted in the death of four …[View]
16889148What exactly makes fascism uniquely 'evil'?: If you remove all the racial stuff added by the Nazis, …[View]
16887632Was Servet execution right?: It felt like a taliban trial[View]
16889709how are white people coping with the fact that their gay little meme continent was conquered by peop…[View]
16886734Are you on team Nord or team Med when it comes to armor?[View]
16889252The islamic claim that aisha's age was normal for the time is contradicted by the Visigothic Co…[View]
16888600Western Imperialism: Why did the Spanish empire have a 130-year head start (1492-1620) on the Britis…[View]
16887949Is atheism just the result of sin and pride?[View]
16888337imagine how different history would be if the Church didn't settle on this malarkey as doctrine…[View]
16888726What is your historical and practical analysis of this statement? Well, there are always women who a…[View]
16874756/his/ humour thread[View]
16887917Why didn't many other countries have a magna Carta moment?: Why didn't Russia or Iraq or t…[View]
16889528Recent Assassins Creed Japan controversy made me think about how many hacks there are in history fie…[View]
16888976Considering a historical context, draft-dodgers before say 1964 were in the wrong since they were co…[View]
16889130name me some balkan stereotypes[View]
16889066>sees a guy perform straight up sorcery >betrays him Was Judas retarded? Even on the off chanc…[View]
16889418representations of conquistadors: Nice Indigenous Guatemalan masks depicting Spanish conquistadores.…[View]
16888800>20 million new jobs >budget surplus of $230 billion >socially liberal/fiscally conservativ…[View]
16886752Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. Which one is more based?[View]
16888700If Abrahamic religion le bad then why is feudalism (and by extension higher tier holdings) locked be…[View]
16886607Why are Spajeetos so unaccomplished?[View]
16877866The Infant Damnation Discourse is insane. Imagine being so committed to defending your theology you…[View]
16888200Did science replace philosophy?[View]
16882272Modern Right philosophy is literal garbage: Why does right wing philosophy, spend so much time attac…[View]
16889177>Pompey, the Muscle Established military hero >Crassus, the Money Wealthy bank roller with al…[View]
16888389What magical properties were contained within Jesus’s blood? Could he have cut himself and bled on p…[View]
16887140If you gave a guy in the middle ages a cellphone could they figure out how to become god emperor bef…[View]
16888871>Being born in a chicken coop doesn’t make you a chicken >Being born in Africa from Caucasian …[View]
16889161Why does karma depend on ignorance?[View]
16889133The concept of Nirvana as an unchanging, permanent state free from suffering contradicts core Buddhi…[View]
16886903Suffering is bad, change my mind.: Wondering if there's anyone here crazy enough to believe tha…[View]
16889085you are thinking that the guy in pic is a normal general but in the bosinan war he did a genocide of…[View]
16886583Westbros, is this true?[View]
16887490Discussion of spirituality, superhuman beings, truthness of faith is NOT history & humanities. P…[View]
16888977Who killed Goliath? Elhanan or David?[View]
16887940>tribalism bad but nationalism is good![View]
16888993Why people from patriarchal societies are so much smarter than people from matriarchal societies? Wh…[View]
16889043which yugoslav country do you like?[View]
16883427what is the cause of the humiliation fetish in christianism?[View]
16887281Buddhism vs Christianity thread[View]
16888959the historical figure of the balkans in 1914[View]
16888832Who are the greatest rhetoricians I've never heard of?[View]
16886936An argument for the existence of God from ابن سينا (Avicenna) called برهان الصديقين (The two truths)…[View]
16888940Will women lose the right to vote in the medium to long-term future in the West?[View]
16887697Abortion is murder and evil. Debate me. You will lose. 1. zygotes/embryos/fetuses are innocent huma…[View]
16888446/His/toricity of the Trojan War: The question of the /his/toricity of the Trojan war is a compelling…[View]
16887205Why are religious people so violent and mean[View]
16888897If a rabbit or any other animal walks in front of the person who is praying, it does not interrupt t…[View]
16886352White women who revert to Islam all hate Shias: That's why these women change their name to Ais…[View]
16887557this nigga was WAY ahead of his time and seriously misunderstood. what is most unbiased and detailed…[View]
16887476What drives people to recognize themselves as Noahides?[View]
16887662Zionists be like:: Turns out my 4000 year old book of fables says that your house is actually mine n…[View]
16887254Can someone make a soijak/chudjak version of this?[View]
16886754How To Prevent The American Civil War: Constitutionally recognizing regional autonomy via the creati…[View]
16888472Anglicanism: What is the best Christian tradition and why is it Anglicanism? Does anything else even…[View]
16888006I hate the relligion spam janny[View]
16888479Why did Clinton-style neoliberalism triumph over the other factions? What was so appealing about it …[View]
16882178Indo-European 'invasion' of Greece and southeast: it makes more sense that the IE languages spread w…[View]
16886844How come school history books never talk about how the Tlaxcaltecas willingly allied with the Spanis…[View]
16887957Give me /qa/ or give me death![View]
16880460Matthew 27:46 >About three o'clock, Jesus shouted, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which means…[View]
16888409Someday humanity will see the rise of gen sigma[View]
16886286Why does the negro so closely resemble homo erectus? Why is the negro considered to be the same spec…[View]
16888314We're not supposed to worship Jesus[View]
16886924>DESTROYS YOUR RELIGION: Sorry I just won't believe in this Yeshu you preach of Uhh... I kno…[View]
16887303>Catherine the Gr-[View]
16883167What was their actual plan for China if they won? Would it be enough to curb China's potential …[View]
16888355What are some general patterns and trends that have been observed in history?[View]
16885197Why exactly were the “Aryans” considered “superior?” There’re literally a minority and every civiliz…[View]
16888299Why IS it so hard to simply sit quietly in a room?[View]
16888175muhh civilization: tell me something interesting about my civilization, /hispol/[View]
16888253Былa Дepжaвнaя Pocciя; Былa вeликaя cтpaнa Cъ нapoдoмъ, мoщнымъ, кaкъ cтихiя, Heпoбѣдимымъ, кaкъ вoл…[View]
16886817Do you think the USSR could have been saved if neither the georgian psycho nor the schizo jew got in…[View]
16885032Pennsylvania has not carried out an execution in the 21st century but was once a very active user of…[View]
16887331What is the most west eurasian country? My guess is Iceland, no foreigners, far from anywhere outsid…[View]
16887165Why does everyone hate jesuits? What did they do wrong?[View]
16886564Deism is the most rational and enlightened position.[View]
16883416Alexander the 'Great': Would he be considered great today or literally Hitler? >Literally pulver…[View]
16886420If communism or democracy or liberalism or some other form of ism is the inevitable end of history w…[View]
16886701Which do you prefer?: Western dragons or Eastern dragons?[View]
16886288How did presidents effectively campaign in the USA prior to mass media? Seems like even holding big …[View]
16886452Alternative history: Each color is not one single country but basically potentially contains its own…[View]
16886945So you're telling me the two most influential founding fathers and first presidents of the US j…[View]
16887933bzz: calm luh picture of topsy the elephant getting electrocuted to death in 1903[View]
16887894If jesus was circumcised does that mean he also had his dick sucked by the mohel? So someone sucked …[View]
16886559Was there ever a worse saboteur of the Arab cause?: >Downright sabotages the war effort during th…[View]
16887569All Muslims believe Muhammad was the greatest man to ever live.: This is drummed into the head of ev…[View]
16887735Eastern Romance: Why did Latin in the east survive only in modern day Romania? What's up with a…[View]
16887545Information about the Benin, Igbo, and yoruba: I find these people fascinating theyre like if Gauls …[View]
16887807What led to the decrease in donut hole sizes?[View]
16886717Turkpedo gay fantasy: It's fucking hilarious seeing Balkan rapebabies argue over who was the bi…[View]
16886941UN Peacekeeping: Thoughts on this subject ? Seemed to be a big thing between Suez and Kosovo[View]
16881223Who are God's people?: God's people can not be saved if they are not identified, so the ev…[View]
16885302>This was a difficult task; Himmler's attempts to cajole Forster to see matters his way met …[View]
16887722is it reasonable to expect an all knowing deity to put scientific foreknowledge in his holy writ or …[View]
16887715Yazoo land fraud: What does /his/ know about the Yazoo land scandal, the origin of States' Righ…[View]
16887198Is this a white man?: Ruben Aguilar. Half Canarian Spanish, half central French Is he white?[View]
16884888>Popular discontent had increased by early 1611, and many Russians sought to end the Polish occup…[View]
16886461>Et tu, my wife's son?[View]
16887097Is Christianity just a OS update?: And the Jews/Pagans are just older os users who refuse to update,…[View]
16881329is it turtles all the way down? why are we repeating the same tired arguments of generations past wi…[View]
16885219What is war and murder's place in history, does it have a place for today? I feel like any murd…[View]
16883880Book recommended to me by a Muslim: This book was recommended to me by a Muslim at work who told me …[View]
16885819Why took so long to invent the bicycle? You can't convince me the technology wasn't there …[View]
16887263What's this board's opinion on Origen of Alexandria?[View]
16887400Why is it that in large scale human civilization's cultures an society's that only roughly…[View]
16886994Deal with it.[View]
16887579the crisis of legimacy in the history field is as bad as the science field.: How can the history fie…[View]
16887224The Japanese ranked the Chinese as more formidable and dangerous than the Americans during WW2. Why …[View]
16882135TIKHistory just dropped this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnwC8WxKMMc >2 and a half hour vide…[View]
16883501>very rugged and mountainous terrain >mediocre arable land >almost no immigration Yet it st…[View]
16887367How do Augustinians cope?: The man which got closest since Nero and Mohammad at fullfilling Christen…[View]
16886554Why do south Europeans hate Germans if they are half meds?: >Most present-day Germans can be mode…[View]
16886947>1860 convention is held in Chicago >'Rivers have the consistency of pea soup and smell like …[View]
16886548What are historical and sociological reasons for USA and Russia to become pro surrogate countries? W…[View]
16884652Why do some people have a need to 'defend' and show how population X is superior to population Y? I …[View]
16877441New map of the German tribes.[View]
16887308>Good evening. I would say my 'fellow' Americans, but most of you are not my fellows at…[View]
16887229Was he based or cringe?[View]
16884218What do you guys think about circumscion and the history of it from pre abrahamic, to modern times? …[View]
16887054Due to the development of constitutional law and conventions regarding what issues are allowed to be…[View]
16882638The Hanseatic League: Hey, /his/ I'm interested in the Hanseatic League as of late. I've b…[View]
16883774When did you stop being a cringe Reddit fedora atheist and find religion?[View]
16883739Why are the English hated for their exploits and conquests but the Arabs are embraced?: If we look a…[View]
16887178How come leaders who mobilized against the Soviet threat were seen as national heroes and patriots b…[View]
16885329Are pagan gods actually Djinn?[View]
1688695090% of relligion threads are either about metaphysics or arguing which relligion is true. Those topi…[View]
16886149The world would be better if every atheist killed themselves. They're just a bunch of golem for…[View]
16883462Books defending The Christ Myth Theory[View]
16887128Montreal was a key spot for a religious cult from 1908 that attracted wealthy donors to support a su…[View]
16886821>mogs literally every other thinker I'm not even including his wager and thoughts on god.…[View]
16882167Which European colonial power was the least unethical? Which was the most unethical?[View]
16880748Why couldn't Spain with its Conquistadores, guns, cannons, and horses, get as far into the cont…[View]
16887069life=consciousness=logos=soul=mind=existence If you know you know. Willfully Ignorant faggots will d…[View]
16887016There is not such thing as a society, no such thing as a state, no such thing as an economy. When y…[View]
16886146Historically speaking Blue = Based Yellow = Mid Red = Cringe[View]
16883213How do we kill him?: His tyranny must end.[View]
16886574The charismatic renewal movement alone is proof catholicism is not real, what a joke![View]
16886916why was he so pissy about ancient christian sects practicing free love ?[View]
16882874Historically speaking if the french are 'meds' and 'latins' and 'related to iberians' why did 16th c…[View]
16884152If conquistadors successfully conquered Japan, would they genocide the pagan Japanese and subsequent…[View]
16885972>be christianity >claim to be the Truth since inception >claim all other religions are fals…[View]
16884833City of Chicago v. Morales (1999) saw the Supreme Court overturn a Chicago ordinance which prohibite…[View]
16885580could Germany win against the commies if they weren't bombed to oblivion by the Allies and with…[View]
16886147>emerges out of nowhere >births into the world the light of civilisation, passes the torch to …[View]
16881921What is 'Eastern European': Basically, I'm trying to find out who I am and where do I belong. I…[View]
16886703If morality is so self evident. Why are there like 500 different moralities? If morality is so innat…[View]
16886736How true is this?: Did Spanish colonizers treat natives better than the British, or is it just confi…[View]
16886072Europe's Empire is a disaster for European culture: An inevitable outcome of separate competing…[View]
16886573This sub in a nutshell: >'Christianity is jewish return to our native traditions of paganism, ido…[View]
16886246Why was the Ottoman Empire the only Muslim state that came even close to competing with European sta…[View]
16881560Why did The Good Boi Gaydolf Shitler break the Munich agreement and invade Czech land?[View]
16883318I’m going to post this every day until you remember it[View]
16881119Jesus is Satan the Devil, he lied (Trinity), died (Forsaken), went to Hell.[View]
16882296Let's settle this. Who you got, /his/?[View]
16886541Why is the United States effectively the only nation to properly adopt his ideas surrounding crimina…[View]
16886469Are there genetic differences between northern europeans and Southern Europeans?[View]
16884693super volcano eruption sisters, we're winning! when was that last time Yellowstone had a geyser…[View]
16886462Cato the Gaycuck: Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis was a closeted homosexual who dreamed of anal sex wi…[View]
16883793This humble map proves that Christianity is neither necessary nor sufficient for building a proper, …[View]
16883094Were the aksumites fully west eurasian or mulattos like modern ethiopians?[View]
16885237Your mission; to time travel and assassinate Karl Marx to prevent the invention of communism. You ha…[View]
16884597If you had a tiny clone of Hitler would you torture him?[View]
16882711Poverty is a fact of life. It is precisely this imbalance that fuels economic and spiritual growth. …[View]
16879291Imagine how much global suffering could have been spared if tsar Nicholas II managed Russia competen…[View]
16883264Books Reccs: recommending this book to anyone that is interested in the subject matter (history of w…[View]
16886303Humanities thread Now that science has proven that all except ultimate alphas are deformed sickly mu…[View]
16883009Interesting, this particular biblical Law: Exodus 22:2 >[2](2-4) He must pay for what he stole. I…[View]
16886263Undiscovered simple cruelties: > simple cruelties: murder, rape, theft, assault, lying, starvatio…[View]
16884160Socialism is the most grotesque excuse of political ideology ever: Its not just that it pretends to …[View]
16885498Why did the USA allow slavery to continue for prisoners? Isn’t this a big loophole? >find someone…[View]
16882262Why were ancient greeks inferior to ancient romans when it came to architecture engineering?[View]
16886178Are Bosnians even real? What is it specifically that makes them real or not real?[View]
16886118>noooo you can't meme on france they only lost ww2 they have an amazing military record What…[View]
16881764The life of an atheist must be really depressing: >be atheist >believe that we're all ju…[View]
16883711Why are there so many bhuddist threads here all of a sudden?[View]
16884118Do we like Ike?[View]
16883319british fail[View]
16885877Why did Sralin retreat to his dacha when Nazi Germany attacked? And why he didn’t get overthrown whe…[View]
16884269Pre-battle duels: Why did duels become a significant tradition during the 6th and 7th centuries? Dur…[View]
16885892>And then, somehow Jesus returned.[View]
16885883Shia fulfil all of these, so why do you expect us to include them as Muslims?: It's like Muslim…[View]
16861920>France's greatest ruler is an Italian man[View]
16882876Jean Paul Marat DNA is out: He was half Spanish-Sardinian half Swiss French[View]
16885860Historical events where the absolute cancer nature of white women decided the course of history? Not…[View]
16885560His vision of God seems as taken from a Lovecraft story[View]
16885848Why was the America First organisation of 1940-41 so damn subverted and full of spies and foreign in…[View]
16883050INCEL FATE: The tale of when the state mandated gf commune actually existed >The conventional vi…[View]
16885404I find it funny that they framed a palestinian of all people[View]
16883497Seal of oblivion.[View]
16882963This faggot is lucky I wasn't around back then.[View]
16883970When will they find MY HEROS tomb?[View]
16879098>A collection of Jewish lawyers arguing petty semantics that nobody gives a shit about 90% of the…[View]
16881436Why have no new great religions appeared in the modern era?[View]
16885188>Most powerful nation loses to a bunch of cavemen How did this happen?[View]
16885044The Head of a Dead Cat and Other Zen Buddhist Lessons: Sozan, a Chinese Zen master, was asked by a s…[View]
16885161What was the average wage of an Ottoman janissary?[View]
16885187Content about the Roman Empire: Hey I’m really into the Roman Empire lately, I wanted to ask if you …[View]
16884241This is what East Romans look like.[View]
16880652Historically speaking why shouldn't the jewish treatment of the Canaanites (genocide) be extrap…[View]
16881619Books about British Hong Kong?: I made a thread about 10 months ago asking you guys for book suggest…[View]
16884012Give me one of these houses, a crucifix on an altar, a chimney, an axe and a Bible and I'm draw…[View]
16883651Caste transgression in real-life (India\tantra): Is there in recent\contemporary history, or recorde…[View]
16873138How the fuck was something this blatantly false allowed to happen? How did it take two years for som…[View]
16884692>Water, 35 liters >carbon, 20 kilograms >ammonia, 4 liters >lime, 1.5 kilograms >pho…[View]
16883539Why didn't he become a prophet of a new religion like Muhammed did?[View]
16880742The murders of four black men by a white mob in rural Georgia in 1946 were a late period lynching th…[View]
16881663>It is generally conventional wisdom that the party controlling the White House will lose seats i…[View]
16883641Gary Evans led a ring of antique and jewel thieves around Albany, New York in the 1980s-90s and also…[View]
16872923Why does buddhism piss the believers of other religons so much? I get that it's disrespecting t…[View]
16884359I used to think this guy was really fucking old and basically the beginning of history, but he'…[View]
16885816Why Chase Oliver Needs 4chan's Support for 2024: It's time we shake things up in the 2024 …[View]
16884586Is there a comprehensive reading list for every single US president? Like a good leftwing and rightw…[View]
16879442how did they manage?! >muh persia vs rome wars retard? you do know muslims were about to get wipe…[View]
16884546> We wuz samoorays ‘n shiiiet[View]
16884943Ignorance of God/Sin: If a man lived in complete, total isolation. No civilization, no exposure to r…[View]
16881657What is fascism?: I have struggled with this question a lot, particularly because many of the things…[View]
16884801Buddhism and War: I want to know more about the historical relationship between Buddhism and war, I …[View]
16883369What do you think was going through Imelda Marcos' head when as had to stand beside LBJ?[View]
16883115Life could be dream... tudututududu[View]
16884668What the fuck happened to european art exactly?: I don't consider myself a 'manga' fan, it…[View]
16883510Throughout most of human history, people didn't see technology advance at all during their life…[View]
16883758>Morgenstern stated in 1937 at the request of the main archive of the Nazi Party in Munich that A…[View]
16884651Is the quest for lebensraum the ultimate goal of every society? It seems like in history every civil…[View]
16884434What would be the future of religion in Europe in the timeline where Nazi Germany won WW2?[View]
16884679riddle me this: If God didn't mean for males to have gay sex under any circumstance, why did he…[View]
16882089Are lay Buddhist values enough to lead a good life? >Don't kill >Don't steal >Don…[View]
16884704Who reproduced the most in history?: Historically speaking, what kind of people got the chance to re…[View]
16884413Carey v. Population Services International (1977) saw the Supreme Court strike down a New York law p…[View]
16882222Have there historically been any places where obesity was penalized? And should we do it today?[View]
16884143what awaited alexander: >1 million men army >more wealth than the persian empire and greek cit…[View]
16882639Nietzsche: So according to Nietzsche’s worldview, if you see a grown man beating the shit out of a l…[View]
16884610Did Gravetians/Epigravetians/EHGs invent pants??? Is wearing pants as a man of color cultural approp…[View]
16884020Germanic Christianity vs Latin Christianity: Why are both so different[View]
16867674Defending the Aztec empire vs Spain: You're kidnapped by aliens and taught the Nahua language. …[View]
16884329I understand trying to nail down what the minimum building blocks of existence are, that makes sense…[View]
16882526What are the differences in control between a protectorate, mandate and a colony?[View]
16882499Is the Nen system compatible with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama?[View]
16884436When did you realize that the whole doctrine of >after you die you get judged and if you were a b…[View]
16883220How did ancient people do math before Arbic numbers: So Pythagoras and all these ancient people doin…[View]
16884074So as it has been proven with perfect brain scans that the microchips make possible, all but ultimat…[View]
16883800still unrefuted[View]
16884121What was Neolithic art about?[View]
16882826Isn't this dramatic failure of a state within world history a valid argument against multicultu…[View]
16884352Who was in the wrong here?[View]
16884197Morality is objective (We get morality from the Word of God): So stop saying might makes right. It w…[View]
16883647What have the French ever done for us?: Aside from the camera, medicine, art, pasteurization, music,…[View]
168836301991 Soviet coup: Why did the 1991 Soviet coup fail? They were sloppy and then they just kinda gave …[View]
16884178Was there any way the Conservatives could have won the 1997 election and stopped Blairism from destr…[View]
16883609Why do Puerto Ricans and Dominicans always identify with black culture and not Spanish culture? If t…[View]
16883818Christians be honest: Would you suck Jesus if he asked?[View]
16883297>never invade Russia in the winter lmao xd Didn't Germany do it in ww1 and succeed?…[View]
16882940>Low intelligence is correlated with higher number of offspring What effect will this have on soc…[View]
16881429Creating Christianity a weapon of Ancient Rome (full book): https://www.docdroid.net/x4eTsyN/ebinpub…[View]
16883724Why did God choose the Jews to be the main characters of the bible?[View]
16880720Where did the myth of the British committing genocide against the Irish originate?[View]
16883990Have you ever jerked off while reading history?[View]
16882324Why is the sword a symbol where the spear is not if the later was more profusely and precisely used?[View]
16883438increased ethnic diversity correlates with a decline in civil participation.[View]
16882433Is Asham-al-Spaget the same angelic manifestation as the one mentioned in the Hadiths?[View]
16882523St. Atilla of Alexandria, 7, 6-8 'First shalt thou Take out the Holy Pin then Shalt thou count to th…[View]
16883899How accurate is this assessment?[View]
16879008A lot of Christians say that they love Muhammad: Like this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dj4j6…[View]
16883058Does idealism prove life after death? Are we material ascending into the ideal or ideal descending i…[View]
16883011French Canadians: If French Canadians are OG pre-revolutionary french and they are nordic Franks and…[View]
16880473Was this necessary?[View]
16879084Irish Civil War = Stupidest War: Can anyone explain the logic of being pro-treaty in Ireland? Like t…[View]
16883239Why do religious people here claim that you need religion to live a happy or meaningful life, when a…[View]
16883447What were Turkeys plans for what to do in the event the Axis won WW2? I remember reading Franco had …[View]
16882434Why did Italy's economy stagnate for 20 years under Fascism?[View]
16883096Why did Nordbugs live like filthy Pajeets?[View]
16879276All morality is decided by whoever has the power and capital. That's why slavery was considered…[View]
16881182Who are the Hadza and Sandawe?: I've soon some claim them to be khoisans that mixed with nafris…[View]
16880225>*BTFOs commie, wehraboo and libtard WW2 narratives with actually modern state-of-the-art researc…[View]
16883322Throughout most of our world's 'civilized' history, China has been the most powerful civilizati…[View]
16878243Why didn't the Germans plan to knock Russia out of the war first? What was behind the decision …[View]
16882127Fighting spearthrowers with firearms isn't a big accomplishment. Spain and Portugal couldn…[View]
16881616History & Humanities: >actually thread about History >Maybe a few replies >Bad faith …[View]
16879498What is Socialism, What is Fascism?: All of the resources I've read up and watched are confusin…[View]
16882059The Ustasha did absolutely nothing wrong and the Serbs had it coming for oppressing the Croats, Slov…[View]
16879417When humanity achieves interstellar travel, do you think we will preserve within species diversity o…[View]
16882140were the visigoths the good guys?: i think the visigoth code proves it[View]
16883073Frenchbug goblinito hijra pygmies: And their kangs[View]
16882074What if English developed much more like German?: I took mostly German morphology and grammar, mixed…[View]
16882286Why are Aryan Russians like this?: >A Russian is only impressed by action, for he is feminine and…[View]
16877954>There are 250 million new indians since 2023 I hope that the english speaking countries be prepa…[View]
16881594Humans are literally top predators of this planet. Just because you're a pussy living in a wor…[View]
16881578You're the ruler of a nascent Slavic state in the year 900 AD, and you have decided that pagani…[View]
16864758I hate Christians so much. Is it so hard to understand that Jews are behind the conversion of Europe…[View]
16881473The name 'Bangalore' is derived from its original name in the Kannada language, 'Bengaluru.' Accordi…[View]

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