17495777 | When Has This Happened Before: Years ago I used to say that it was really fucking weird that 25 year… | [View] |
17491788 | What if Iran managed to retain its medieval empire into the modern era expanding like pic related? W… | [View] |
17491432 | Australian History: Howdy fellas, I'm a Seppo who is moving to Australia this month so I figure… | [View] |
17494790 | Peter III did nothing wrong | [View] |
17491326 | What if Lin Biao's conspirators went forwar with the original 571 plot and on august 15th 1971 … | [View] |
17493589 | Philosophically speaking is there any coming back from your wife fucking your greatest rival? I simp… | [View] |
17491900 | Europeans, particularly Germans, were so desperate for an “Aryan” identity based on Hindu texts beca… | [View] |
17490186 | >in the bible Jesus is called rabbi what the hell? was Jesus Jewish? | [View] |
17494658 | Jean-Paul Sartre was 5 feet tall and looked like pic related. He was also a lifelong card-carrying c… | [View] |
17493437 | >The Spanish Black Legend >The Belgian Congo >The Rape of Belgium >The Holocaust >The… | [View] |
17494352 | Nazibros.: Yes, Russia has been conquered multiple times throughout history. Some of the invasions i… | [View] |
17494356 | >In Leviticus 13:40-41 baldness is declared clean. >In 2 Kings 2:23-24 God sends bear to kill… | [View] |
17494400 | Did Romans invent or perfect anal bleaching?: 9 out of 11 historians get this wrong. | [View] |
17491630 | why does no one give a fuck about him? | [View] |
17494354 | Why are wars of conquest and empires now seen as bad or evil? For most of human history people were … | [View] |
17494149 | The most powerful phrase in history: >single-handedly dismantles the old legitimization of power,… | [View] |
17493297 | Complex wars: Give me wars that were complicated, with many different players. I am aware of these: … | [View] |
17494074 | The Semitic Lineage of Prophets, Messengers & Caliphs: Old or related threads: >>17492736 … | [View] |
17491476 | With the US economy still in the doldrums from the lingering effects of the 1837 depression, the Whi… | [View] |
17492103 | What if they just did what china did? Allow capitalism but keep all power in the party? Could it hav… | [View] |
17492840 | Were kunoichi an actual thing in Japan or are they just coomer fantasies? | [View] |
17491631 | Ww2 doesn’t make any sense: So the Germans conquered all of Europe effectively, and with their allie… | [View] |
17492933 | I know I'm late to the Nappy party but: Wow what an awful movie. Scott completely mischaracteri… | [View] |
17492896 | So what historical structures and architecture does Bangladesh have?: I'm talking centuries or … | [View] |
17493807 | The 12th century was the peak of the turkic race even the gunpowder empires weren’t as kino. >con… | [View] |
17492812 | Historically speaking why have Leftist parties and individuals tended to oppose nuclear energy despi… | [View] |
17494011 | Let's not foolf ourselves with cheap revisionism and contrarianism. The German army on WW2 real… | [View] |
17483954 | Why did Mussolini not share the same obsession with race as Hitler? | [View] |
17492550 | does anybody have the source for the fine tuning argument? i am into math and want to look at the st… | [View] |
17491985 | >comes to deliver the most important message in history >delivers it to a bunch of illiterate … | [View] |
17494050 | The Soviets would've done better if they just held elections in their zone of influence and coo… | [View] |
17491352 | Outside the Gospels there's no mention of Mary in the New Testament, nobody honors her, venerat… | [View] |
17493813 | How much about the mali empire that you see from the progressive types is actually true? Claims i fr… | [View] |
17492199 | Destroyed relics: Do you think that it would be a good idea for nations to restore their delipidated… | [View] |
17488873 | What was culture like in the Soviet Union ? | [View] |
17491644 | >life outside palace bad :( Jaw-dropping timeless wisdom. | [View] |
17493750 | that feel when no trench warfare: who else misses the times when you could just fight in the trenche… | [View] |
17492562 | How did a guy who was right about everything lose to a criminal huckster twice? | [View] |
17492249 | Cleo | [View] |
17493916 | 'True' Meaning Of Religious Stories And Myth: >Religious stories and myth touch upon deep psychol… | [View] |
17493644 | The Bible by common knowledge and the consequence of redditors: So I want to get that shit out of my… | [View] |
17493893 | The Norman tribes were some of the most viscious, ferocious and desensitized mercenaries in European… | [View] |
17492883 | is nuclear disarmament possible? was it ever possible? | [View] |
17492232 | What were some INDIA SUPERPOWER moments in history? | [View] |
17493120 | I was speaking to my Chinese friend recently and was shocked to learn that she considered Genghis Kh… | [View] |
17490174 | what will we call the middle ages when they stop being 'middle' | [View] |
17492864 | what did romeaboo historians in the 18th and 19th centuries think of gay roman emperors like trajan? | [View] |
17487905 | If Rabbinical Judaism recognised the Deuterocanon as canonical and not apocryphal overnight, would t… | [View] |
17493008 | What happened to the Chuds? | [View] |
17493170 | What is the purpose of an embodied afterlife?: What would be the point of doing anything in the afte… | [View] |
17490252 | I find it peculiar that Jesus states divorce is only justifiable concerning adultery, but doesn… | [View] |
17493513 | Dark Ages Europe - Idiocracy: If you have seen the film Idiocracy, it is pretty obvious that Spain a… | [View] |
17492998 | During the 1976 election cycle, presidential candidate Jimmy Carter preformed an interview with the … | [View] |
17492079 | why did they do it?: >ancap organization of free individuals >produce wealth for a millennium … | [View] |
17488760 | How did the average nomadic warrior make and maintain metal weapons, armor, and most importantly, ar… | [View] |
17492630 | How much historical ruins and artifacts did Christcucks destroy whether it be in Europe or in the Am… | [View] |
17485323 | HISTORICAL COPES AND MISCONCEPTIONS: What's some of the most egregious cases of historical cope… | [View] |
17489354 | Grug noticed something. When Grug hunt, Grug and other hunters do all the work, but tribe chief get … | [View] |
17493039 | What can we do to settle 100,000s of extreme chuddy Anglo whites and Europeans here now that it’s co… | [View] |
17493376 | >ByZaNtInEs aRe'Nt RoMaN | [View] |
17493347 | Why do Americans coddle their soldiers instead of toughening them up for the harsh realities of war?… | [View] |
17487688 | Which Arab countries have historically had the strongest Pan-Arab sentiment, and which ones still do… | [View] |
17491764 | Yellow River Bvlls >Old Asian slayers >Yellow River DragonBorn >Liao River conquerors >N… | [View] |
17493202 | You haven't completed the Reformation if your church doesn't look like this. | [View] |
17492916 | DUDE HASH LMAO: is hash not haram in Muslim culture? I'm sure it's banned in a lot of pla… | [View] |
17492878 | What are the best books that prove, beyond reasonable doubt that: >Germany started WW2 >Britai… | [View] |
17489936 | Why did Japan lose the war in the Pacific? | [View] |
17489543 | The Four Major Islamic Traditions – Shiites, Sunnis, Sufis, and Kharijites: >Introduction: Islam,… | [View] |
17492407 | Stede Bonnet: Was he a loser for abandoning his family or a chad for becoming a pirate? | [View] |
17488156 | >humans are made in God's image >humans are evil Uh... guys?… | [View] |
17492533 | >evicting a people from their ancestral land and ruining their millennia-old way of life because … | [View] |
17491502 | Historically and Humanistically speaking, why was the Perry Expedition allowed? Do nations have a ri… | [View] |
17493192 | Honorius: what the fuck was his problem why did he just neeted and did fuck all and then killed the … | [View] |
17492917 | When did the term Muslim become more common than Mohammaden? Reading historical quotes and passages … | [View] |
17492733 | Hello, based department ? | [View] |
17493071 | What would it have been like? | [View] |
17491152 | But how can we be certain in the authenticity of historical documents? How do we know if it's n… | [View] |
17491411 | After the Tianshun emperor was captured by the Mongols during an ill-fated campaign in 1449, his bro… | [View] |
17484296 | If God created the universe, then who created God? And who created the creator of God? | [View] |
17491155 | Ye Olde Adolf Hitler: What would Adolf Hitler have been like if he lived during the Middle Ages or R… | [View] |
17492160 | Been theenkin': Isn't it crazy how most people before modernity were given a minimum amoun… | [View] |
17491141 | Historical escapes: When Charles II returned to the throne, the 59 men who signed his fathers death … | [View] |
17492736 | The Semitic Lineage of Prophets, Messengers & Caliphs: >Introduction: This detailed chart ill… | [View] |
17492827 | >B-bakana! This whole time I was only attacking his after-image?! | [View] |
17485755 | Explain to me what you think god is. | [View] |
17492175 | I found this token buried in my backyard in Costa Rica. It is made of metal and looks somewhat old. … | [View] |
17492711 | More wives your grace? | [View] |
17493640 | How will the world look back on Gun-control?: Gun-control proliferated the world between the 19th an… | [View] |
17492182 | By time of Homer and Hesiod: There were still tribes of hubters-gatherers in Greece. Many persons ig… | [View] |
17490947 | lazaridis has spoken: southern arc sisters… our response | [View] |
17492716 | We need to bring back human sacrifice.: Too many useless eaters are going around, getting in the way… | [View] |
17492350 | Which had the best depiction of Christ? | [View] |
17489910 | Why did white people kill all the Buffalo in America? Did the buffalo insult their god? | [View] |
17492556 | Pacific Movement of the Eastern World: >The Pacific Movement of the Eastern World (PMEW) was a 19… | [View] |
17490014 | Cringe. This may have been the most unnecessary and autistic 'move' in all of human history. Soviet… | [View] |
17486822 | >I'll 'ave uno crowno of castiliano, a side of chips and a pint o' lager, poor fah… | [View] |
17492441 | >fight to preserve slavery >lose >ayo fuck this shit I’m going to Mexico >the KKK? Nah I… | [View] |
17490833 | Stoicism was invented by a literal depressed cuckold. His wife fucked gladiators while he camped lik… | [View] |
17492375 | Was carlos ii actually bad or just unfortunate? Also can someone post the greentext of him and anne | [View] |
17493300 | How did Christianity become so subverted? | [View] |
17490356 | What fascinates me so much about WW2 is the blend between old and new. On one hand, the world was pr… | [View] |
17492208 | What would the world look like had the yom kippur war and following oil embargo by the Shah and OAPE… | [View] |
17491573 | What would make a language universal?: A language, at its most basic level, is a method of communica… | [View] |
17491767 | Today in philosophy: Tyranny of Outcomes: Consequentialism (the idea that the “best outcome” determi… | [View] |
17492091 | How much of the late Roman Army was Made Up of hired auxiliary forces from the germanic tribes that … | [View] |
17491535 | ChatGPT Deep Research on the Holocaust: I used this new feature of ChatGPT pro. Basically it creates… | [View] |
17487204 | Why was Oppenheimer so upset about the bomb? Did he not know that it would be used to kill people? | [View] |
17485913 | Holocaust deniers are some of the most retarded motherfuckers, because no matter how much evidence y… | [View] |
17491865 | >Ancient Sparta was ruled by 2 kings who were supposed to keep each other in check, and they were… | [View] |
17491910 | What's the deal with Indian reservations? Is the USA basically an apartheid state or what? | [View] |
17490414 | The three paths of Scholastic thinking in a nutshell: Dominicans (Thomism), Jesuits (Suarism), Franc… | [View] |
17487347 | Reconstruction of the Loschbour Man, a WEHG. | [View] |
17490497 | Favourite Historical paintings: This is one of mine, the Angelus by Jean-François Millet | [View] |
17491670 | Why are Christians not obsessed and intoxicated with religion like Muslims?: Practicing Christians j… | [View] |
17491603 | 'America exported her industry': I've heard of this before. What does this phrase actually mean… | [View] |
17490763 | I don't get it.: How can a grown adult literally believe that a virgin gave birth to a magical … | [View] |
17490713 | Against the zombie universe argument for consciousness: Been on a consciousness kick recently, but s… | [View] |
17491179 | >if you are a good boy you will be rewarded in heaven while all the evil people are punished eter… | [View] |
17488281 | Did the Romans also throw their waste on the streets?: I know they had sanitary techniques such as r… | [View] |
17485398 | When did humans begin desiring an escape from the cycle of death and rebirth? To me, this is what 't… | [View] |
17489937 | >'map of the ancient world' >flevoland >zuiderzee >east anglia reclamations >flood-co… | [View] |
17491189 | Why did european naval capability far outclass the islamic world but not land warfare in the early 1… | [View] |
17489840 | How did the TVRKS knew? There's no way to deny this anymore with recent genetic evidence. TVRKS… | [View] |
17491925 | Nationalism: This shit is legitimately the most retarded cancer that ever gripped the human race, it… | [View] |
17490040 | Imagine a world, If the average Seretonin of the population increased with 4%. What would it look li… | [View] |
17491102 | How robust were Vikings in reality? Are modern day depictions of them as 6'4 super soldiers ina… | [View] |
17491047 | How common was it for women in the past to perform childbirth in the nude?: Were midwives also nude … | [View] |
17489643 | Why was it acceptable for for underage boys to swim completely naked in front of girls from their sc… | [View] |
17491021 | lmao | [View] |
17487820 | Post overlooked Main Villains of world history | [View] |
17490959 | Germanics are more Roman than C*lts. | [View] |
17491048 | >...[A] plain, downright, matter-of-fact fellow, with much less of poetry about him than rich pro… | [View] |
17489741 | Why did the Catholic Church go really hardline right in Vatican I, but then did a 180 and went left … | [View] |
17489026 | What is post-Dengist China's end game? | [View] |
17490055 | So what the fuck happened in Anatolia? Does anyone have any idea? The Gobekli Tepe people were liter… | [View] |
17490987 | What will be Richard Williamson's legacy? As a religious figure and occasional commentator on h… | [View] |
17486826 | This picture always makes me bust out laughing. | [View] |
17488973 | Why did Soviet war plans call for nuking Vienna? | [View] |
17490845 | Is homosexuality actually an aristocratic trait? | [View] |
17489671 | All of the top generals of the union army during the civil war were Ohio natives what do you think a… | [View] |
17487626 | Why did ebonics take over the vocabulary of nearly 3 generations of children and young people? | [View] |
17489183 | YAMNAYA / CWC: What made them so successful at spreading their language and culture/religion and gen… | [View] |
17490908 | >if you use chemical weapons we'll nuke you Wtf was his problem? | [View] |
17488607 | Can you guess...: what city is the video about, without looking it up? | [View] |
17490304 | Our ancestors never masturbated | [View] |
17489501 | Redpill me on Western Mercenaries. How effective were they? | [View] |
17490891 | Why do simpd call you defective if you dont have the Need to protect women? | [View] |
17490622 | What can you Conclude for these Results?: These are Extremaduran relatives. My Spanish side family c… | [View] |
17490417 | Hitler vs The Rich: How did Hitler successfully appeal to and gain support from the billionaire owne… | [View] |
17487810 | >If hitler won, we would all be speaking g-german! >*gulps* >*tugs on necktie* >*sweats … | [View] |
17490876 | Ancient Egypt was ancient to the Ancient Egyptians! | [View] |
17490858 | Was he the George Floyd of his generation? | [View] |
17490869 | His name was Peter | [View] |
17490762 | Why has no empire lasted for over 300 years? Does this mean we're next? | [View] |
17490819 | >When they know the when and the where but not the how and the why | [View] |
17490623 | You know Jesus was literally a human sacrifice, right? | [View] |
17489798 | Why were men so homosexual throughout history? | [View] |
17490286 | Was the Business Plot real? | [View] |
17488588 | Indian Legion of Nazi Germany in Europe, 1944 | [View] |
17489452 | Classical religion makes fuckall sense. Are Sol, Apollo, Helios and Hyperion one and the same? They … | [View] |
17489589 | The aging and ailing Andrew Jackson was preparing to retire as his second term came to a close, but … | [View] |
17490628 | when did the pax romana change from just the five good emperors to being from Augustus to marcus | [View] |
17488181 | When you're born ugly or 5'10 you are not 'born in the wrong body' you are just an ugly or shor… | [View] |
17490684 | The holocaust is judeo-bolshevist atrocity propaganda not different from the 40 beheaded babies isra… | [View] |
17490245 | The church ban on moneylending.: >noooo you can't just lend people money! why not? >becau… | [View] |
17490317 | What a generous man!: He gave Winston Churchill significant amounts of cash so that Churchill could … | [View] |
17490262 | American Supported Commies?: So is he right about America in the Cold War? | [View] |
17489382 | Today in philosophy: Omnimoment: Everything in the universe has a start and an end—it’s all finite. … | [View] |
17490595 | What are the most lust-provoking instances of rape of Chinese women? I need it for reasons. | [View] |
17475584 | >when you just want to kill Slavs, want to burn Europe to the ground if it made Germany 1% more p… | [View] |
17490045 | Do demons in abrahamic faiths have strict sexes, or does their status as disembodied spirits mean th… | [View] |
17483072 | Instead of: Instead of ganging up on Poland with Soviet Union, which also made Finland and Romania l… | [View] |
17490530 | I need help for work: I know this is probably a bad idea, but I need some help with getting 70 respo… | [View] |
17490493 | Why were slavs or eastern europeans sold as slaves so often?: Why were eastern europeans always bein… | [View] |
17490498 | If God really loved us, he would be okay with us not worshiping him, and he wouldn't allow us t… | [View] |
17486984 | I swear to God there was a vote within Cheklosovakia to split up after the Soviet Union fell, but no… | [View] |
17490458 | >Jews literally cut off the dick off the newborn baby and suck on his wounded penis >Muslims t… | [View] |
17490373 | If the holocaust didn't happen then what's so great about Hitler?: Without the Holocaust H… | [View] |
17489869 | >*proves the steppe hypothesis*: How are you taking the news? | [View] |
17490390 | >Read a casual book about a historical period >15th and 16th century >An irrelevant charact… | [View] |
17488367 | How come the eastern part of the world is so obsessed with three kingdoms period in history? Even SE… | [View] |
17479134 | What's most ethical? And why? | [View] |
17489702 | The father gill ufo sighting in 1959 New Guinea remains one of the most conclusive evidence for alie… | [View] |
17490103 | Hitler’s Murderous History: -Hitler plotted the night of the long knives and gave direct orders to e… | [View] |
17490614 | >Docile with the strong >Strong with the docile Why were Germanics as such throughout history… | [View] |
17491462 | eternal reminder that Marxism and any leftist ideology does not work and never will | [View] |
17490084 | So did the Irish just appropriate the Hallstatt BVLLs culture? | [View] |
17490289 | >Guys, what if the Nazis.. Stopped reading there. | [View] |
17487983 | Contemporary Philosophy: What went wrong? | [View] |
17487292 | God and Nicholas II: >Gives him a hemophiliac son >Makes him lose the throne >Allows him, h… | [View] |
17490135 | Is the Greek language a direct descendent of Yamnaya? >The Greek language has an important place … | [View] |
17489857 | Beaker Folk: >buckbroken by Celts >buckbroken by Romans >buckbroken by Saxons >buckbroke… | [View] |
17490240 | Chickamauga Creek: A war-wearied North celebrates; twin victories have been won in the East and the … | [View] |
17488337 | What’s the actual core of Judeo-Christianity? | [View] |
17489440 | >There were multiple Byzantine emperors that were literally lynched by a mob because they were do… | [View] |
17483973 | Say No To Determinism: (1/?) The irony of thought experiments that attempt to ground Determinist bel… | [View] |
17490121 | Thoughts on the Unitarian Church of Translyvania? I am a Socinian Protestant Christian and I want to… | [View] |
17490086 | Tecumseh: What is the best biography of Tecumseh? Looking for something that isn't just an ABC,… | [View] |
17489123 | Christeo-Atheist here. Reminder that the Christeo-Atheism Religion (CAR) was founded by Bertrand Rus… | [View] |
17488498 | Rome History vs Medieval History: Roman History be like:After being defeated in the Battle of the Sm… | [View] |
17489968 | Why is stoicism so based? | [View] |
17489949 | ELCA... | [View] |
17487254 | We are either dealing with God under a covenant of grace or a covenant of works. If you're tryi… | [View] |
17483244 | The overwhelming view of the early Church is that baptism, penance, and certain kinds of devotional … | [View] |
17489716 | Why was the WW1 naval theatre so gay? Germany spent years building up their navy and hyping up this … | [View] |
17488921 | No, THIS is Central Europe:: Not Germany, Not Austria, Not Italy. Anything west of the Elbe and Saal… | [View] |
17488820 | Why this pattern was almost always proved true across history, historically speaking? | [View] |
17489159 | I love Lucifer. I am a Lucifer. | [View] |
17489850 | Any historical examples of ancient and medieval racial nationalism?: Nikephoros III was a Ghassanid … | [View] |
17488767 | aga khan: Who was this fag and why are leaf shitlib party elites so close to him? He seems to appear… | [View] |
17489825 | >Rejects Georgian particularism to pursue Soviet national interests only >Cooperates with KMT … | [View] |
17489827 | Why do Russian nordicists pretend Volga Tatars are white or 'whiter than Southern Europeans? Not onl… | [View] |
17489607 | SHGs were kinda rad, dudd.: SHGs were pretty interesting. They were basically a mixture of the two m… | [View] |
17489186 | how would you rank religions based solely on aura? not philosophically, but aesthetically which are … | [View] |
17489704 | Prottdogs and Thomists: I want you to convince me without falling in fallacies that God exercises hi… | [View] |
17489285 | The invention of zero has been a disaster for mankind | [View] |
17488406 | >Eyyy ese come to Jesús, hell is spicier than my mom's burritos. ¡Órale! Why are /his/tians … | [View] |
17488680 | >filibusters your overwhelmingly popular legislation in your path wat do?… | [View] |
17489513 | *mindbreaks whitoids* | [View] |
17486531 | Are tweets like this blasphemy or facts? | [View] |
17486611 | Did Mary sin against God by cheating on Joseph with God?: So Is Jesus Joseph's biological child… | [View] |
17487096 | In a future anarchistic society, and actual anarchism not minarchy, how will you decide where to bui… | [View] |
17489545 | Why do Euroaches simp for Tengrism? Tengrist Huns, Avars, Bulgars, Pechenegs, Cumans, and Mongols ra… | [View] |
17487656 | Indra: Let's fight today? but this time, with etymologies? basically linguists argue that 'indr… | [View] |
17484800 | Pike and shot formation vs Roman army: What if we put a Renaissance/Baroque period pike and shot arm… | [View] |
17488832 | >help me I'm being stabbed! And they are raping my sister, help!!! They are also stealing ev… | [View] |
17489262 | Why do peeps always wanna know why something exists and think religion should explain it, but never … | [View] |
17489225 | Why was british colonization of australia particularly heinous? The random shootings, sex slavery, t… | [View] |
17488480 | If slavery built successful countries, why is brazil a shithole? | [View] |
17489418 | Was this the phenotype of the Yamnaya? or what was the appearance of the proto Indo-Europeans? | [View] |
17488041 | Once, Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering about, happy with … | [View] |
17489425 | >The poor [Christian] fools have persuaded themselves above all that they are immortal and will l… | [View] |
17486863 | I’m going to post this every day until you remember it | [View] |
17488842 | 'If you've got crime, might as well be organized crime': I've seen this talked about here … | [View] |
17488857 | Brown bear distribution area: Brown bear distribution area. Correlates with Vralic and Cavcasian bvl… | [View] |
17489090 | These are a problem: >You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murd… | [View] |
17481253 | How the fuck did Napoleon lose?: >Be Napoleon Bonaparte >ruled as Emperor of France, Italy, an… | [View] |
17489270 | Can we really put any faith in chroniclers to tell us about their contemporary events? Look at how … | [View] |
17486753 | What if Wang Jingwei had been in charge of China instead of Chiang Kai-Shek?: He was believed to be … | [View] |
17489254 | What do we know about the Kaviri of Samothraki? | [View] |
17486204 | Why is the Buddha so powerful? | [View] |
17488837 | Is it true the Ethiopian Emperor Menelik II considered himself and Ethiopians to be caucasians? | [View] |
17488333 | Why were fraternities and secret societies so popular among American men in the 50s and 60s? How man… | [View] |
17488544 | Where would I go about studying the Greek Dark Ages, specifically religion from this period? Are the… | [View] |
17488859 | Religion can only be conceived as a sophisticated psychic mechanism that emerges from the need to mi… | [View] |
17489080 | What's the solution to this moral quandary? | [View] |
17487599 | Medieval snails: So why were medieval men so scared of snails? | [View] |
17489072 | Why did people back in the day have kids during the worst wars, plagues, and famines, but now anti-n… | [View] |
17485117 | They were right about everything. | [View] |
17489110 | How did women's honor work in ancient Rome?: That is, suppose a Gaul invades a Roman city and r… | [View] |
17486031 | The 1832 presidential election saw incumbent Andrew Jackson run for reelection. This election is imp… | [View] |
17488933 | Would communism have been better if it started a century earlier? | [View] |
17488977 | Historical figures that feel like anachronisms: Historical figures who feel like they're out of… | [View] |
17487839 | Why couldn't post-Soviet Russia modernize/maintain infrastructure? | [View] |
17486806 | The last bulwark of the east against judeo-christian globohomo neoliberal capitalist tyranny | [View] |
17486962 | Will the French ever chimp out again? | [View] |
17487630 | Did Edward II do anything wrong?: Or did people hate him for reasons that are not relevant? | [View] |
17485531 | British cuisine is not bad: Actually, all the hate against it is a XIX century construction. During … | [View] |
17487173 | How will meme culture be remembered in 1/2 centuries? | [View] |
17487581 | what was the argument that led to pic related | [View] |
17488826 | This is Central Europe: Not Poland, Not Hungary. Anything east of Wien, Brünn and Berlin is eastern… | [View] |
17487178 | >Study Islam >Learn that there have been multiple attempts to try and enforce a caste system w… | [View] |
17488655 | Redpill me on American Protestantism: So they support the modern state of Israel because they think … | [View] |
17488290 | What is capitalism? | [View] |
17488844 | >Pff, fucking chuds! Don't they realize Hitler wanted to kill Russians who are pure Europe-A… | [View] |
17488357 | &humanities: Why do so many group cope by using various variation of adhominems like the left as… | [View] |
17488821 | Is prison rape basically the secular version of hell? Is Tyrone the Devil? | [View] |
17486140 | funny things in life: The Norse did not use the term Aryan, while the Persians used it several occas… | [View] |
17488575 | 'White' South Africans: Why do wignats care so much about these mulattoes all of a sudden? What happ… | [View] |
17488443 | Tartessos: A bunch of Celts, or Iberians, or Celtiberians; with Greek and Lebanese aesthetic; mentio… | [View] |
17474543 | Jay Dyer: has he ever been beaten in a debate? why don't you convert to orthodoxy already?… | [View] |
17488110 | What is the name of this phenotype? | [View] |
17487396 | Why did Portugal join the entente in 1916 given that the UK was favorable to the Portuguese monarchy… | [View] |
17486534 | Fascism and nazism are not the same thing: Fascism and nazism are often used interchangeably in popu… | [View] |
17486644 | I just can't bring myself to believe that the world was created by an omnipotent being who will… | [View] |
17488645 | Question for chuds: If the holohoax is supposedly fake and gay, how come we don't have fake wri… | [View] |
17487762 | Heraldry thread: Do you posess a personal coat of arms? Is it a family one, or did you design it you… | [View] |
17488060 | Is it any wonder Rome fell when its people became racemixed mongrels with high genetic load? | [View] |
17480050 | They were literally the Roman Empire: It's not even funny how Roman they were. They weren'… | [View] |
17486942 | Mungo Man: Does anyone here know anything about the Mungo Man (LM3)? From reading the wiki it sounds… | [View] |
17487085 | LMAO!!!!!: humanistically speaking, why do certain caucasoid subgroups have such a distorted underst… | [View] |
17488378 | I really want to believe in it, but when I read it I can't help but feel like I'm reading … | [View] |
17487727 | So, let me get this straight. In 5th century, Hispania's population is 10 million. 250K vandals… | [View] |
17487543 | So, what is it? | [View] |
17488227 | Is there any evidence that the andean people and mesoamericans had contact? | [View] |
17487199 | Just how prominent were Jews in the trans-Atlantic slave trade? | [View] |
17486766 | why did boomers chimp out over Vietnam?: like i mean the Korean War killed over twice as many Americ… | [View] |
17488130 | Which version of the Bible to read?: I was brought up loosely Christian but haven't gone to chu… | [View] |
17487170 | /his/ torically speaking: is there bigger cuckoldry than using glass containers? >yaaas queeeen i… | [View] |
17485985 | God is not primarily loving. I think god is primarily righteous. Righteousness is more important tha… | [View] |
17488364 | >Mfw christianity is such a ridiclous and boring religion that churches needed a guy to literally… | [View] |
17487240 | >sloped forehead >no chin >receded hairline >prominent nose >skin around beady eyes T… | [View] |
17487026 | I am being seduced by darkness: Darkness is winning... | [View] |
17488300 | Does the average westerner know Shia Muslims reject Sunni Hadiths in favor of their own hadith colle… | [View] |
17488191 | Is God's creation perfect? | [View] |
17488255 | Massive LIONS once used to be common in britain. Why were they killed off, and would history be diff… | [View] |
17484024 | Why were the Romans such immense greekaboos? Did other Italics make fun of them for it?: Like imagin… | [View] |
17488158 | Christian Nationalism In The USA: If Evangelicals finally get what they want and America becomes a t… | [View] |
17480994 | What changed your opinions on certain topics after you learned the truth?: My takes on Indians befor… | [View] |
17487746 | so, what REALLY happened to the USS maine? | [View] |
17488229 | Did Hitler produce swastika shaped gummies in the Haribo gummy bear factories during his reign? | [View] |
17486883 | Is it true that Mao’s forces won the Chinese civil war because they adhered to their three rules and… | [View] |
17486967 | Y'know I know of nothing that happened between 1945-1950 Seems like there's a historical g… | [View] |
17488169 | Was this ever an effective weapon against commoners, or was it just a show to scare the plebs? | [View] |
17484984 | The sixth Ming emperor was zhu Qizhen, who had two disjointed reigns as the Zhengtong and Tianshun e… | [View] |
17485083 | Why in fuck do Western Liberals/liberal media dicksuck this psycho so much?: >Spent his teenage y… | [View] |
17488071 | Historically speaking, why are Koreans so fond of Jewish culture unlike their two antisemitic neighb… | [View] |
17488059 | Why did Genoa failed and Venice suceeded? | [View] |
17488034 | Why didn't this faggot put the catlickers in their place? Think about what a blessing a Protest… | [View] |
17488093 | Historically speaking, why did Americans stand by and let pic related and the like offshore their in… | [View] |
17487880 | *lip smack* | [View] |
17487604 | >Hallo everywahn, today ve ahr going to listen to somewahn mutch more informativ than me tahlk fo… | [View] |
17486907 | Did the spaniards ruin the americas or improve it.: 1. Native american societies were brutal bc of t… | [View] |
17487773 | Is Sharia law too utopian to fully exist? | [View] |
17486141 | What is it about Zizek that makes him so irresistible? | [View] |
17487934 | How are Egyptians sons of Ham when they speak an Afro-Asiatic/ Semitic language? | [View] |
17487763 | White pagans, who is your patron?: White pagans who have rejected the brown middle eastern jew and r… | [View] |
17487556 | This is the worst board on 4chan | [View] |
17487848 | Nigger sneed my anus | [View] |
17486934 | What is this phenotype | [View] |
17486042 | Christianity peaked with the Crusades, between 1099 and 1187 CE. The whole point of Christianity is … | [View] |
17487779 | Excellent book, Mr. Diamond, however I would like to point out one small detail.... | [View] |
17487753 | Why were warrior societies so consistently drawn to boyfucking? | [View] |
17484960 | I have never ever read contemporary liberal Germanic writers: All my thinking emanates from Classica… | [View] |
17487696 | why is the personification of spain here brown? | [View] |
17486515 | Was he just a feminist white knight? | [View] |
17487619 | Garbage. | [View] |
17484539 | Why was Axis Intelligence so subpar?: Every single German/Japanese code was broken quite easily with… | [View] |
17487560 | Englishmen are the protagonists of history: The Ulster Covenant was used as a template for the 'Nata… | [View] |
17486670 | Why do Catholics always have better arguments than Protestants? | [View] |
17478837 | What if Hitler just... never started World War II? | [View] |
17487143 | Why do we keep getting bullied for surrendering in WW2?: Isn't that what countries do when they… | [View] |