What exactly was the point of the war on drugs? Prohibition failed, all the anti-drug campaigns failed.etc
>>17431295>What exactly was the point of the war on drugs?Controlling the drug trade so as to not make Western law enforcement agencies look incompetent at best and complicated worst. The cartels in Mexico had become militarized and the Mexican government was effectively btfo in 2014. America had to wag its finger at organized crime as a show for their retarded voters. The actual policies undertaken during this time reflect on that (Operation Fast And Furious)
Moral panic by the same sort of prudes behind prohibition, but they learned from the mistakes of prohibition. Instead of going for a totally unworkable constitutional ban, they utilized entrenched bureaucracies and nascent federal law enforcement agencies to make free trade in the stuff virtually impossible. The goal wasn't really to stop the flow of drugs, just to make dealing in drugs criminal by nature, so that the government could monitor the drug trade in the name of law enforcement, and remove individual actors who stepped out of line. They would have loved to have had this level of power and control over alcohol as well, but sadly for them prohibition fucked it all up. They had one shot, and overreached, and blew it. They didn't have the sophistication then that they have now.
>>17431314>>17431310Drugs are more "free trade" then ever at this point though. Weed is legal in several states for example and will likely be legal federally soon
>>17431295https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1470475/Prohibition succeed by all objective measurements. Will you concede the point lolsperg?
>>17431429It failed anon. Americans drink more booze and smoke more weed than they ever have before>Will you concede the point lolsperg?I will concede that you would rather support big pharma handing out fent like candy you damn tool
>>17431295The point was to jail the blacks.
I feel like drugs could just be a convenient scapegoat. Prohibition was started by puritans and feminists that blamed alcohol for very broad societal issues, the 50s-60s war on drugs was started by McCarthy types that believed weed and LSD were some gateway to communist subversion, the 70s and 80s war on drugs targeted immigrants and minorities, and it effectively ended when they ran out of scapegoats and realized they needed to actually solve these issues at their core instead of going after drugs themselves which are more often a symptom and not a cause for societal issues.
>>17433235The war on drugs goes back to the 70s. Mass nigger incarceration only became a focal point in the 90s. Terminal Nigger Derangement Syndrome.
>>17433896>The war on drugs goes back to the 70sArguably it goes back to prohibiton in the 20s which was the first "war on drugs" but after prohibition ended they started going after other drugs like weed starting in the 30s (reefer madness et al)
>>17431295>Prohibition failedBrainlet take. Alcohol consumption had been out of control for much of the 1800s into the 1900s and under Prohibition fell to about 1/3 I believe of what it had been prior and while it went up some afterwards, it didn't return to anywhere close to pre-Prohibition until like 2020/2021.>but violenceViolent crime had been climbing prior to Prohibition and you can probably attrbute increases during it to the fucking Depression more than Prohibition.
>>17434500Violent crime in general yeah, but organized crime in particular boomed in part because of prohibition.
You know how in old timey photos and movies the police are guys in smart uniforms with a badge and a revolver, even when up again Al Capone or John Dillinger? And now they look like military stormtroopers decked out in armor carrying assault rifles and riding around in tanks? Have a think about how one turned into the other.
>>17431295>What exactly was the point of the war on drugs?To uphold a national standard of sobriety. It fell flat on its face with the number of recreational drugs that were and are still legal---caffeine, ethanol, nicotine, nitrous oxide, and numerous "research chemicals" that the law hasn't gotten to yet.>Prohibition failedHence why the War on Drugs should've been literal.>all the anti-drug campaigns failedSee point about the number of drugs that are still legal---and more on they way, seeing how the incoming head of Health and Human Services is a "former" addict who's fully in favor of psychedelics.
The 21st amendment was a mistake.