Best books to understand the psychology of religious types? Narcissistic personality disorder maybe.
Learn how complexes work.
>>17434974You mean like messiah complex? That's more like an altruist which is the opposite of narcissism.
No clue but my rec for understanding atheists would be 120 days in sodom by de sade
>>17434973Are you a narcissist?No?Sounds like something a narcissist would say.
>>17434974>The term messiah complex is not addressed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), as it is not a clinical term nor diagnosable disorder. However, the symptoms as a proposed disorder closely resemble those found in individuals with delusions of grandeur or with grandiose self-images that veer towards the delusional.
>>17434974>A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. The person is also highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct. Someone with a god complex may exhibit no regard for the conventions and demands of society, and may request special consideration or privileges.>God complex is not a clinical term nor diagnosable disorder and does not appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The recognized diagnostic name for the behaviors associated with a god complex is narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). A god complex may also be associated with mania or a superiority complex.
>>17434979>Despite outward signs of grandiosity, many people with NPD struggle with symptoms of intense shame, worthlessness, low self-compassion, and self-loathing. Their view of themselves is extremely malleable and dependent on others' opinions of them. They are also hypersensitive to criticism and possess an intense need for admiration. People with NPD gain self-worth and meaning through this admiration. Individuals with NPD are often motivated to achieve their goals, status, improvement, and perfectionism, and to ignore relationships or avoid situations due to fears of incompetence, failure, worthlessness, inferiority, shame, humiliation, and losing control.>People with NPD will try to gain social status and approval in an attempt to avoid and combat these feelings, often by exaggerating their skills, accomplishments, and degree of intimacy with people they consider high-status. Alongside this, they may have difficulty accepting help, vengeful fantasies, and a sense of entitlement, and they may feign humility. A sense of personal superiority may lead them to monopolize conversations, look down on others or become impatient and disdainful when other persons talk about themselves. Drastic shifts in levels of self-esteem can result in a significantly decreased ability to regulate emotions.
>>17434974>complexSounds like something a jew came up with.
>>17434973Psychology I just a religion for atheists, ironically enough both Christianity (Jesus, Paul, etc) and Psychology (Freud & Jung) were invented by the Jews
>>17434973Shit thread
>>17434982Defense mechanism and deflection.
>>17434973>Narcissistic personality disorder maybe.Lel that's not a book
>>17434973>>17434982Read David Smail and Thomas Szasz.
>>17434982Look at how these christcucks always ramp up their antisemitic programming when they feel their control slipping. Pure narcissistic damage control - whenever their spiritual authority gets challenged, they immediately start seething about jewish threats to redirect their followers' attention. Most obvious psychological operation in history.The absolute state of their coping mechanism: Instead of facing legitimate criticism, they manufacture endless jewish conspiracy theories to keep their spiritual slaves paranoid and controlled. Can't let their NPCs start questioning the programming, so they channel all doubt and anxiety into hatred of jews. Peak theological abuse tactics.Pure weapons-grade irony watching them desperately attack judaism to maintain their religious narcissism. These spiritual parasites are so mentally fractured they'll literally demonize their own theological roots to keep control over their followers. Imagine being so pathologically desperate for power you have to convince your slaves to hate the very foundation of your religion.Most stable christian power dynamic - literally programming their followers to despise jewish influence while being completely dominated by jewish religious tradition. Can't maintain authority without inducing paranoid schizophrenia about the same people they stole their entire belief system from. Perfect example of narcissistic projection on a cosmic scale.
>>17434985This shitty off topic AI slop thread is bad, sorry
>>17434973Religious types are psychologically immature and they don’t mature at all because they need to be spoon-fed (and ‘comforted’) at all times. The whole point of ‘religious’ people, is that they have no personal identity, so they need to have ‘someone else’ telling them, what to think, how to live, how to behave, what to wear, who to marry, etc.
Yawn, another atheist tranny demoralization AI slop thread.
>>17434973Science can't explain how people think and act.
>>17434982>n-no youthe christkek cries in pain as he strikes you
>>17435177mind = brokenyoul o s tbtw
>>17434973Jews have been trying to figure out how to classify sincere christian belief as a mental disease for a very long time. You won't ever get there, but feel free to keep trying, loser.
>>17434973Shit thread.