So if absolutism is the ideology of the now marginalized former aristocracy, liberalism is the ideology of the bourgeoisie (HOLY SHIT I SPELLED IT RIGHT!), socialism is the ideology of the proletariat, and fascism is the ideology of the petite-bourgeoisie... what is the ideology of the clergy? Do they even have one of their own?
>>17433671Fundamentalism, see Iran being rulled by Ayatollah.
>>17433671Is molesting ten year old boys an ideology?
>>17433678Renaissance humanism
>>17433686French post-modernism
>>17433671Theocracy you twit it's literally in the name
>>17433671If you're gonna include subcategories with the bourgeoisie and petit bourgeois. Then what is the ideology of the lumpenproletariat?
>>17433671Religious totalitarianism, everything else is just PR. Only Islam is honest about it.