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It's kind of ironic that Jesus set out to reform Judaism back to a purer state, but accidentally created the worst idolatrous Jewish/Pagan offshoot the world has ever seen.
Cool! Enjoy burning in Hell, forever! :D
>Jesus set out to reform Judaism
No, he stated that reforming is like cleaning out the temple only to make room for more demons.

He completely abolished it and started from the foundation to build the church.
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He wasn't very wise, was he.
>He completely abolished it

Judaism still exists. He wasn't involved in the Romans destroying the Temple.
He abolished it with truth. Only idiots who don't comprehend Jesus' testimony are still enslaved in religion.
The Pagan Trinity isn't "the truth", it contradicts the Old Testament and everything Jesus would have believed in.
Which part of the trinity has your panties in a wad?

If you reject the gospel of salvation then you are denying the Holy Spirit. If you deny the Holy Spirit you can't be forgiven by God. Enjoy hell.
Reminds me of vax pushers, saying it's the only way out then wishing death upon others who rejected it.
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>brown jesus
listen up, faggot, I told you yesterday when you posted the same picture with the same thread that Jesus can't have been anything but white because otherwise he wouldn't have been able to be the king of his people. Genetic jews are white, not negros or mixed race abominations. That is just jew religion under the first covenant, racial purity was required to keep the deal with God.
jesus is brown, accept that.
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No you fucking troglodyte, there are four lights
we wuz jew, no fucking evidence show that your jesus is white. the most white he can be is north italia, but no hebrew so ugly when comparing with latin. So just hate that you worhship brownman white monkey.
You have had it explained to you why your bullshit is incorrect, now either suicide or actually... just suicide because that would be best for everyone.
suicide, you white monkey have small eyes, you don't explain anything. Subhuman white monkey. Stop stealing the fucking culture of them. Your lanuge you are using is from mena not nord ni**ger
Listen up monkey brain, it is explained clearly here >>17433281 so either learn to read or do as said already by killing yourself, the latter being the preferred solution for all your kind.
no it doesn't explain anything, you nigger don't show the fucking purity race in anything on bible, they don't talking about race in fucking bible.
Jesus didn't exist.
show me the fucking phrase like you are black kill black white power in bible. Kill yourself whit emonkey we wuzzer subhuman.
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The bible says brownoid mutts are banned from heaven, now kill yourself.
ha ha you don't show anything.
you are subhuman white monkey. Show me the fucking race. Like white power bro kill all mutt subhuman in the bible.
fucking white monkey want to steal the culture of mena people. Kill yourself subhuman white ni**er
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The bible says smashing the heads of baby brownoid mutts and negros is pleasing to God.
see don't show anything ni**er, kill yourself now. You lost.
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Did you fail to comprehend it monkey brain? As explained here >>17433281 Jews aren't negros or brown abomination mutts, and so their king could not have been because the covenant with God required they not be polluted as explained here >>17433423 and furthermore, that those not of God's people should be utterly destroyed because that pleases God as explained here >>17433431
explain what? your bible say your jew is white and other are brown mutt and need to be killed in those sentence? you are dumb low iq white ni**er?
How the fucking God say kill that shit mean white kill brown mutt? You dumb average tard white monkey?
The race of Jews is not negros or brown mutt abominations you inbred brown shit. Islam was specifically created for your kind so you could show devotion to the God who hates you, in the hopes that your perfect devotion might gain you some measure of mercy instead of the utter eradication you rightly deserve.
>The race of Jews is not negros or brown mutt abominations you inbred brown shit.
white ni**er proof? you lost the argument? Mena is mena people this is their culture, stop stealing their culture. Your culture is so ugly and primitive that's why you want steal their god and make them white. You white is true white ni**er.
Brown mutts are not indigenous to the med sea region you retarded monkey, they are the abominations created from race mixing that destroy everything they touch.
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It isn't exactly a secret that whites are the original inhabitants of the near east and north africa.
egypt and sumerian are both brown. You don't have your white civilizatiron. All you have is copy and steal from brown race.
>brown race
There is no such thing as a brown race, brown is abomination of mixed race with no distinct race. As explained here >>17433495 the original inhabitants of those lands were whites.
we wuz mena as fuck. Nigger. White is fucking nordic. Like Spain and Italia is not white and today is white in us. They are caucasion. And?Bible don't say anythign about white and brown mutt you white monkey nigger?
there is no sucthing as white race. Any one can be white if they are albino.
explain what, your whitest is nordic and they don't have any relevance with mena culture. Nothing. From fashion to language and religion. Stop we wuzzing.
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i win the argument.
no one think haaland is semitic race. No one.
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nah, he was right. I googled it too just to check
no he is not right becasue no one in the fucking bible say that jew is white and need to kill the fucking brownsubhuman.
Have you seen what is happening in Gaza? Yes, it says that and they are doing that.
ANEgroids Corean Ware spawns at it again. All Abrahamic religions were products of brownoids MENA ppl and Christianity is no exception. While We Wuzzing Appropriation runs in your blood we have to set records straight now and then.
cope more white ni**er.
fact. Even average tard who don't know shit about race can see the different phenotype between mena and nordoid.
depent on country. Usa don't think spain is white.
Silly, it has nothing to do with vax pushers. It's a spiritual idea that one day God will forgive all sins after you die. It's about preparing your soul for death and removing all fear, whether you would be burned at the stake, or hung on a cross. How does that have anything to do with vax pushing, lay off the drugs kid
Jesus was a hellenised Jew who wanted to introduce Neoplatonism into Judaism.
/thread. Jews lied goyim died
/pol/tranny meltdown
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Heli, the father of Joseph, the father of Jesus.
And the mother of Jesus, is the parthenon Mary, concieved immaculately.
Second Temple Judaism died with the destruction of the second temple. It's rotten corpse was reanimated by the Sanhedrin in the 5th century via Talmudic Judaism.
>back to a purer state
The purest state of Judaism is the monolatric Yahwism of the first temple period.
The 2nd temple's monotheism and everything that came after is Zoroastarianized mutt shit.
the old testament isn't the truth
It is the truth, people just don't know how to apply context anymore.

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