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So according to the historians here, the original Jews were really white Israelites. Jesus, who was white with blonde hair, said he came only for the lost sheep of Israel (the white Greeks). Paul said salvation came first to the Jews (whites) and then to the Greeks (lost whites) and mentions no other races. And this is why whites are called Saxons, because they are the sons of Isaac, Saac's sons. And Christianity is really about hating brown people (curse of Ham), which go to Hell, and saving whites so they can go to paradise.

Is this true?
Nah dawg The original Jews was black af and Jesus was a black man who came for the blacks but edom(white crackas) you see converted and slowly replaced the real black Jews. And Paul was a Edomite who spread Christianity to the Greek and Roman homos.

Then Muhammad also a black Arab rebelled against the Yakubite order restored Islam of Moses and taught black monotheism. But then the Edomite Arabs replaced them and co-opted Islam.

So then in America the Nation of Islam was founded to teach black Islam again
Christianity is whitewashed judaism.
Ah, I see now.
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Depends. If the Jews want their white golems to wage war on their enemies, then he is white. When those whites conquer the Jew's enemies, he can return back to being originally a brown jew and institute universalism.
No, Jews were brown, Greeks were brown, Jesus was brown
Christianity was invented by a group of jews who were pissed at the local rabbi hierarchy.
Jesus told me to love my enemy but I hate my enemy, and that's natural and healthy. Jesus told me to turn the other cheek but I think that's retarded, I would rather cave the skull in of whoever slapped me. How do christfags respond?
Has this been confirmed?
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The original Jews were really Jewish Israelites. Jesus, who was Jewish with brown hair, said he came only for the lost sheep of Israel (the Jews). Paul said salvation came first to the Jews (Jews) and then to the Greeks (brainwashed goycattle). Whites are called Saxons from Ashkenaz, the son of Gomer (no relation to Ashkenazi Jews), and from princess Scota. And Christianity is really about hating white people (curse of Ham > Canaan > Canaanites > Edomites > Europeans (Edom had red hair)), which go to Hell, and saving Jews so they can go to paradise.
Wait, Jesus was brown and called whites dogs?
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The only part you got wrong was Ham being not white, he was also white like all the sons of Noah were. Jesus came for all the people, which is all the descendants of Noah, which is all the white people.
Noah's Ark really happened?
Yes, Atlantis existed in the Atlantic (Azores), and from there the remnant was saved to reconstitute civilization after the great flood at the end of the last ice age wiped out everything withing several hundreds of feet of sea level (which is where more than 90% of people lived).
General rule of thumb: if you "go to hell" for eating a Bacon Cheeseburger, you should be culled en masse.
>God gives the most autistic specifics on morality such as you must dig a hole outside of camp to shit in and widows under 40 should not receive charity
>being white is apparently the single most important detail in all of creation
>doesn't mention it a single time
Getting real sick of this guy.
It wasn't necessary to specify that people are white because back then non whites weren't considered people. They didn't also specifically specify that people doesn't refer to gorillas, yet here you are not including gorillas.
Jesus called them dogs to make the distinction apparent.
>1 Thessalonians 2:14-15
>the Jews (white people), who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all mankind

What did Paul mean by this?
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That jews who think they can steal the crown of heaven from the tree which God planted in the garden are contrary to the Son and the desire of the Father to unite all of his people into one body, obviously.
If christcucks can believe in talking snakes, magic boats and jews flying around on magic clouds, sure, why not believe Jesus was white. They don't care about objective truth.
Yet here you are getting butt-hurt over jebus the christ not being a shit-skin.
Ethno nationalists stealing the identity of a foreign people who they also consider to be their sworn nemesis will never not be peak schizo.
Jews were always just a branch of the tree.
>The jews

You mean the whites
Jesus was nailed to the cross to give that identity to all his people, that is the point, that the jews were wrong about it from the beginning.
>all of noah's children were white (non-whites were probably among the animals on the ark i guess)
>the white israelites were isolationist racists in roman times (the romans were white too roflmao)
>the bad jews are white btw
This is just embarassing
Even Christian Universalists don't jump through as many mental hoops reading the Bible as Christian Identitarians on 4chan do
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May a million curses fall on Satan and on everyone who loves him. I hope you were among the ones who loved the Great and Holy One before he passed his judgement. Because the word he speaks is law and final is his sentence.
The ancient Middle East was populated by Caucasians and they looked like Spaniards or Italians and over time Bedouin incursions and Arabs miscgenating with black slave women created the modern brown 60 IQ durka durka Middle Easterner. The idea that Jesus was a 5'2" brown man is just modern Jews' fantasies.
It isn't that whites are jews, like you incorrectly asserted. It is that jews are a subset of whites, and that whites are the people of God for whose salvation from extermination the Son was necessary.
literally too schizo even for the historically low level of this board atm
Jesus was called a Jew in the Bible. Is he white or not?
Are you unclear on the definition of a subset?
So Jesus is not pure-white
That is not what subset means. Go pretend to be retarded with someone else.
>For it is impossible that He, to whom was imparted some divine quality beyond other beings, should not differ from others; whereas this person did not differ in any respect from another, but was, as they report, little, and ill-favoured, and ignoble.
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Jacob was named "Israel" by the priests of ON in order to signify his family being adopted into the faith of Osiris, and his son Joseph married Potiphers daughter Asenath. This is why the Egyptians know his son as Zaphenath Paaneah.
This could hypothetically be some written variant of "Sophos Neith" aka "Lover of Neith" to mirror his wives name meaning "Osiris' Neith". "Paaneah" means "Fathered through Enoch" being a simple sign of heredity through Enoch whom was Jacobs/his tribes own name for Thoth.
This city was named after Oannes, a druid that visited Egypt to pay homage to Osiris and the cityname is pronounced "IUNU" and should be written JWNW. This is the predecessor of "Heliopolis" btw.
The term "Iudaim" means originally "The people of IUNU/Followers of ON" and was NOT a racial ethnonym, but a title referring to the married union between Jacobs Luwian tribe and Potiphers people of the city of ON with which Joseph married into,- and from which the doubletribe of Ephraim and Manasseh comes from. They WERE allotted twice the claim because they descended both from Jacob and Potiphers daughter.
A "Jew" in the original usecase and form of the term is older than "Israel" because it referred to everyone who followed Oannes.
Johannes, the name, derives directly from this druids name, probably being an earlier form of "Eòghann" which is why the later form "Jehova" often also gets confused with "Jove" because it sounds similar.
Eóghann is the irish version of the same greek word "Eugenes" meaning "noble born" in greek or "Born of the Yew tree" in Gaelic.
The biblical canon is a compilation of different PIE peoples and priests of the eastern med and how they wound up allying with eachother and some natives over time, before Jesus eventually focused back onto Europe because his father was an anthropologist, explorer and historian by the name Juba II.
Everybody hates the truth, because the truth of it is that it belongs to nobody.
"Salvation is of the Jews" means quite literally that "Baptizement comes from Oannes".
Modern "jews" are mostly the people of Cohen/Petra that Moses and Aaron married with while hiding from egypt, as they use the name to signify belonging but do not perform the beliefs of the man whose name it comes from.
Your quote makes no mention of him being brown, because he wasn't. Read the thread, brownoid.
The opposite actually, he and his disciples are pretty explicitly declared not to be jews during the crucifixion story. Did you not understand why the "Galilea of the Gentiles" cannot produce a prophet?
To mock you with the truth, Pontius Pilate had Jesus titled King of the Jews before his crucifixion.
Jews = bad
People who are similar to me = good
It’s that simple
>the Roman soldiers said it while taking the piss so it must be true

You a dumb egg
We ask God to forgive us as we forgive our transgressors. We're all pieces of shit, and we should judge ourselves before judging others. Christ loves us despite all our faults, so if we are to be like Him, we should love others despite their faults. Emulating Christ is how we follow in his path to eternal life. If you want eternal life, you must love your enemy. If you allow hatred to fester in your heart, then you will surely die.
>If you want eternal life, you must love your enemy.

No. Never going to happen. I choose death then.
Loving your enemy doesn't mean you won't be justified to smash the heads of your enemies' children on the rocks in the name of the Lord, Christ. Detractors twist what love entails to try and put a rein over the limits of God.
KYS retard, unironically
No, fuck you Christcuck. Go turn the other cheek somewhere else. You are the enemy of the human race.
I fucking wish.

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