>be me>read bunch of Western propaganda about USSR anti-religion campaign in 1930 year>how terrible they destroy church which is giving masses hope and blah blah blahyou can assume none of them ever knew anything about ROC first hand and that it was always nothing but corrupt means of state control of masses and has no proper theology or anything but ooga booga rituals on top of clergy being heavily involved in child rapes and money laundering activity. shit deserved to be destroyed.
this but with catholicuckoldry, and replace the state with a bunch of dago wop mednigger shitalian eunuch pederast priests.
>>17429638I'm not from there but Russia seems like it produces Christopher Hitchens-tier atheists so even people who don't like communism are like "the Bolsheviks didn't go far enough" because the ROC is so awful. Take the pedo scandals of other churches but they're also like the mafia and they're glowies.
>>17430176I'm from there and I couldn't have worded it better myself. My aunt was driven insane by the church. She was a lawyer, and is currently a sexton who lives in my grandmother's house. They exploited her grief and brainwashed her after her son died, forcing her to sell off all of her property and donate it to them. This is the kind of behaviour you'd expect from a cult, but it was done by the official church. And now they're aggressively pushing people to enlist and go to war.The Bolsheviks didn't go far enough!
There was a time in the 90s when religious freedom flourished in Russia after state-imposed atheism was gone until Putin recreated the ROC as the Russian state's chained pitbull.
>>17429638>destroy the church>only to bring it back 20 years infested with the KGB spies What did the Soviets mean by that?
>>17430176>>17429638That's wrong though, ROC was beloved by people, most of it is communist propaganda
>>17431793Here are some historical Russian parables about the “beloved” ROC. A peasant cries—while the priest dances. A priest is like a louse—he sucks the blood of the people. For a priest and a thief, anything goes. For a priest and a thief, even a mountain of gold is not enough. A priest is someone who squeezes both the living and the dead. To associate with a priest is like sitting in nettles. Do not share bread and salt with a priest—just greet him and bid farewell. It’s not scary to get married, but frightening to approach a priest. Scales are not a priest's soul, they won't deceive. A wolf’s mouth and a priest's eyes—a bottomless pit. Jealous as a priest's eyes. The priest’s eyes are wider than his belly. You can hide in a priest’s pocket completely. A priest’s pockets are a bottomless barrel. From a priest’s sleeve, a man gets seven pairs of pants. A priest’s belly is sewn from seven sheepskins. The priest’s belly is lighter than fluff—he ate at a wedding and flew off to the memorial. I can fight off a father, but I cannot escape a priest’s conviction. The priest belongs to the ranks of those who fought over pancakes. A priest and a fool are seated in one corner. Just show a priest your finger—and he’ll find the sin in it. Few become priests for Jesus; more do it for a piece of bread. Hell stands on priests and deacons. Even though the church is close, it’s slippery to approach. Even with three priests, the path to the church is overgrown. Do not build seven churches; give birth and raise seven children.
>>17429638That's what orthodox churches are about though. The emperor holds it by the balls if autocephalous. If not he tries to make it autocephalous. If you conquer another orthodox state you take away the autocephaly.Want something else become a catholic or non-state sponsored protestant(so something like Swedish or Finnish Lutheran church is no go).
>>17430176I'm from Russia and there are very few militant atheists here. Most Russians are Orthodox Christians, although not all of them are churchgoers. I've not noticed any hatred towards Christianity.>>17430373Bыглядит, кaк вбpoc. B кaкoм гopoдe этo пpoизoшлo и кaкиe люди oтвeтcтвeнны зa тo, чтo cлyчилocь? Кaк зoвyт твoю тeтю и былa ли кaкaя-тo oглacкa нacчeт этoгo cлyчaя в CMИ?Aлco нe вce в PПЦ зa вoйнy.https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oбpaщeниe_cвящeннocлyжитeлeй_Pyccкoй_пpaвocлaвнoй_цepкви_c_пpизывoм_к_пpимиpeнию