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/an/ - Animals & Nature

Displaying 47 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
4823785'It's not the dog, it's the owner!' Give that same owner a gerbil and let's see if it…[View]
4845839I can't deal with being a human anymore. Being a human sucks. I wish i was another animal.[View]
4845947Animal guilt/confession thread: Have you ever intentionally or unintentionally harmed an animal that…[View]
4845492Husky: Take a Cookie :)[View]
4839982>tfw you help an animal[View]
4843689>dog breaks tooth while chewing big stick >is ok days later >dog gets hit by a car and is l…[View]
4846041Tardigrade thread: They look pretty angry[View]
4845163he could've chosen any other molecule or even element to built his contingency. but no, he chos…[View]
4835105Can we get a thread going for our crab bros?[View]
4845092Did these big fuckers have feathers?[View]
4845113monkeys are gay https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37429903/[View]
4840942On my way to page 10[View]
4841877>mfw I lobotomize the wrong snake that was in a locked cage because the other ones were “illegal”…[View]
4845238brown recluse: Cute little mushroom I found growing in my garden, no idea what it is.[View]
4844478Bob Bakker was the worst thing to ever happen to paleontology. >Though not responsible for its se…[View]
4843671... why is he so sexy.... ?[View]
4845002he roll[View]
4838442>A Spanish tourist was horrifically crushed to death in front of his screaming fiancee by an angr…[View]
4845498Is it true that all the pet stores in this country are run by the yakuza? I read that they breed cat…[View]
4845024Why did he do it?[View]
4834407Did anyone else think fish were the coolest shit ever as a kid because of Feeding Frenzy?[View]
4842627Jumping spiders: oOwOo[View]
4843290IT'S 4 IN THE MORNING WAKE UP!: I hate these motherfuckers like you wouldn't believe…[View]
4843085>you can't let a cat go outside!!! ever!!! >it's cruel to let cats explore the envir…[View]
4844411Based catbros[View]
4845056>annoys the fuck out of you >bites the shit out of you >wasp/hornet like aggression >all…[View]
4840828>tfw live in a nolizard biome. It's so fucking unfair bros. My scaly bros... forever out of…[View]
4840372/dog/ general: Husky* website edition (*cats and other pointy eared animals may apply for honorary h…[View]
4844934I recently read something about how cats are much easier to care for and more hygienic than dogs and…[View]
4844821Orange cat behavior xD[View]
4844290RIP: >A polar bear died in its enclosure at the Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo on Friday. >Aroun…[View]
4844623>camels have the runner build and pretty minimal guts to carry when moving, they have big fangs i…[View]
4840035cats thread: Everyone post images of cats here! I love cats so i would love to see what felines you …[View]
4844639There’s one of these within six feet of you right now.[View]
4844070Pet Dental Insurance: Is it possible to create an insurance that is just for pet dental care? If so,…[View]
4844051does anyone know wat this is found it in my kitchen[View]
4844257You can't see him because of the shit camera on my laptop, but from my window I can see the cor…[View]
4831067/plant/ - Rose Edition: Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers,…[View]
4843772ITT: We post clear and obvious redflags that someone is an awful dog owner. I'll start. >All…[View]
4844280>I care more about Drosera than the origin of all the species in the world. What is so special ab…[View]
4844593Id like to traverse thru Antarctica for several months for spiritual experience. What would being in…[View]
4844561hey an, these fuckers have been eating my plant all summer long and i couldnt catch em until i notic…[View]
4841386I accidently saw some 'wing clipping' videos of pet birds I thought this was some professional proce…[View]
4844077Why is it I can watch a horrible video of something bad happening to a human and still get all the w…[View]

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