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/g/ - Technology

Displaying 683 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
101246202Help a technologylet out?: How do I work with ollama on my PC? More specifically how do I use it as …[View]
101245919The future is at our doorstep.[View]
101248233Just compiled LineageOS on Windows 11 using WSL2 with Ubuntu 20.04. What do i think about it?[View]
101231596Is it even possible to make a new web browser from scratch anymore? Every 'alternative' web browser …[View]
101248209Why the did i chose a career in IT?: How do you even get a job in IT, is it just people licking each…[View]
101241610Story Time!: Once upon a time, in the world of technology and open-source software, there existed tw…[View]
101247836Lisa Su destroyed AMD, she 'saved it' for a while, but she sabotaged the Radeon division to favor he…[View]
101240669What pisses YOU off, /g/?: me: >anti-aliasing on image/video viewing programs >autocorrect bui…[View]
101242775Is zuckerberg the smartest programmer ever?[View]
101242862>ruins the internet forever[View]
101244747Don't mind me anon... Just continue listening to your ripped Gamecube soundtracks in lossless F…[View]
101247979How do I make it in IT in this market?[View]
101234327/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101223687 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
101229610'Neuralink’s First User Is ‘Constantly Multitasking’ With His Brain Implant': Are the drivers availa…[View]
101240078Speakers: is there some website reviewing the 20$ chink shit on amazon. how can i tell if they have …[View]
101246418What sort of technology can stop things like these from happening?[View]
101245494>he posts on X, Facebook, or Instagram Stop. You can use open protocols and free software for tha…[View]
101240405regarding 'Open Source': does it miss the point or doesn't it? lets have a civil dis…[View]
101245958How deep? Do you think this will be waterproof?[View]
101241903Firefox has a weather widget: Just go to about:config and set browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.sys…[View]
101246160Spoonfeed me on Manifest V3. Did it turn out to be a nothing burger?[View]
101243281Creative AI tools can be seen as sophisticated plagiarism software, as they do not produce genuinely…[View]
101247126>Brother gets me a new monitor for Christmas >Some Omen model, dunno >Everything goes fine …[View]
101215988/csg/ - Chink Shit General: Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink…[View]
101240674The absolute state[View]
101246994>microsoft updates to new Teams >breaks all my AHK macros >call screen comes up on my prima…[View]
101243107What's a good NSFW blocker extension for Firefox? Pic related is literally perfect, but Chrome-…[View]
101220663what is THE chair tech: are Aeron Herman Miller's really peak chair tech? >mesh seems like i…[View]
101246495Should I learn Ruby or Python?[View]
101246215I need gadget/device recommendations: so since my living room has a terrible floorplan I put my TV o…[View]
101229472/iemg/ & /pmpg/ - In-Ear Monitor & Portable Music Player General: Moondropped Uoh ToT Editio…[View]
101245578I lost pendrive with my photos and journal somewhere What is the likelihood that it will be destroye…[View]
101246652I tried the wando.ai, it's fucking powerful tech[View]
101244746>fall for the maid meme >order maid outfit >put it on >it actually improves my programmi…[View]
101243645>just let company collect your data & info bro >nothing to hide, nothing to fear! lmao…[View]
101232752veilid mogs i2p & tor: >all-in-one solution for anonymizing traffic & serverless hosting,…[View]
101246332I have graduated with a BS in CS 5 years ago and have been employed as a software engineer without p…[View]
101245757Should I keep this on fagOS?[View]
101238902>design the system from the ground up to use a graphical interface >no hidden CLI anywhere, ev…[View]
101246275>'Dude GPT, Pi and all those corp AIs are shit it's censored to the brim and it's not e…[View]
101246258why are the people who run forums completely incompetent?[View]
101240225Imagemagick General: ImageMagick® is a free, open-source software suite, used for editing and manipu…[View]
101246325Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python[View]
101242515>his mouse doesnt have antibacterial coating[View]
101242098>tfw still using Windows 2000 in 2024 Get on my level[View]
101245932Why we cant have cool looking smartphones but with modern components in them? just make screen bigge…[View]
101238915Is there a /g/ approved television? Seems like they're all 'smart' TVs now with Google or Roku …[View]
101232681/twg/ - Tech Workers General: HAPPY MONDAY!!! edition >Interviewing Neetcode 150: https://neetcod…[View]
101243606/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
101243660WHERE MUSIC: Fuck Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Tidal…. Fuck them all. Where c…[View]
101245670I've been filtered[View]
101240531I spent 18 months rebuilding my algorithmic trading platform in Rust. I’m filled with regret.: uh...…[View]
101232907New Chinese Technology Just Dropped: Would you?[View]
101241282decided i'd try my hand at making a 3d game for once, i just want to know why? why does every 3…[View]
101244332Its time to grow up and move away from linux to Windows 11. It just works.[View]
101242806Now that the dust has settled, why did jannies remove the IP counter?[View]
101241434BEHOLD: Modern PHP everybody.[View]
101243275Windows 10 IoT vs Tiny10: Which is the lightest Windows 10, IoT or Tiny10? (or something else?) And …[View]
101245556>destroys the internet archive >hehhehe nothing personnel chud...…[View]
101237933PowerPC: Is there any chance PowerPC will make a comeback?[View]
101244024check out my monitor beats any flatscreen pay more get less lmao[View]
101242035AMD buyers regret thread: Why did they lie to me???[View]
101242284PC parts are getting expensivier but not better, have we reached the end of the growth?[View]
101239974Bullying on Social media: I have a feeling hidden cameras/ bugs were installed in my appartment and …[View]
101217152Best /g/ youtube channels?[View]
101242043I'm looking for the SHITTIEST webcam known to man. I want to have a webcam that is so shitty yo…[View]
101241378>Youtube has reverted back to normal Finally, it was so bizarre seeing comments on the right inst…[View]
101242491Where could one find the cheapest possible game controller that uses a microusb port? I would like t…[View]
101244281>change DNS to CloudFlare >website loading speeds up significantly Who else /botnetteam/ here?…[View]
101243247What's the use case for tray icons?[View]
101244167mumble web: some of you are alright. pls update this shit for 1.5 k thanks bye.[View]
101242179So which one is the best for normal office work/it work and browsing and a bit of gaming?[View]
101241974>be me >publish a platformer on steam >wait for reviews >'had to refund the game because…[View]
101226818RCE in OpenSSH's server, on glibc-based Linux systems (CVE-2024-6387): OHNONONONO LINUXSISTERS?…[View]
101239946>Forgetting syntax or details or the inner workings of the protocol while coding >Last time I…[View]
101239933/mcg/ - Maid Computer General: >General The purpose of this thread is to discuss Maid Computers. …[View]
101236037>Your distro doesn't break when you rice the login screen! >Hold my beer!…[View]
101242501Why do many people say Linux is a mess compared to openBSD?[View]
101244113Self Driving AI: When can we reach 1000 miles before intervention/disengagement at this rate? Video …[View]
101231657Windows isn't a spyware and regardless of how hard you say it's a spyware, it's not a…[View]
101243551Captchas will be obsolete - you WILL have digital identity verification.: Current DDOS defenses rely…[View]
101244010Copied a 4.2Gb file from an SN550 ssd to: UFS 2.2 storage through USB 3.1 = 1 minute 46 secs UFS 4.0…[View]
101239293I wish apple didn't make this language.[View]
101237515Enough about browsers, whats the best video player for windows 11?[View]
101240433What's the best SSD for 10-15€ and what's the best one in general? Will I ever need more t…[View]
101241663have you heard that windows Thrembo will release later this summer? Allegedly it will be able to wat…[View]
101240019Money.: How can open source be monetized? If not, how are devs supposed to eat? >inb4 source avai…[View]
101233798Anyone remember when you had more than 2 choices for phones?[View]
101239283what will happen to old laptops?: what will happen when Windows 10 support ends within a year? do no…[View]
101232449>he thinks his macbook is not spying on him Why cant retards just use scripts to make windows saf…[View]
101243016Android - stalkerware, spyware, malware & other malicious code: Are there any apps that check th…[View]
101236994What's the /g/ verdict on turning these on for Lenovo laptops?[View]
101241629>singlehandedly turns people against cons[View]
101240043>ruins the internet forever[View]
101237497>New CVE just dropped >OpenBSD unaffected, again What's their secret?…[View]
101239816>move app out of folder >crashes why is the linux desktop like this?…[View]
101222686Aesthetics: y2k>aero>memphis>>>>>>>>ebussy>>>>>>>…[View]
101241814i spend 7 hours ricing my text editor and 1 hour coding seethe[View]
101151605/cyb/sec/pri/: Cyber-Punk/Security & Privacy: Previous: >>101065767 /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/…[View]
101242744I buy K-120 & B-100 mouse, and replace them as soon as they start showing even a minor bit of we…[View]
101241228Streaming from Linux (your desktop): On Linux what do you use to allow other person to see your desk…[View]
101229947DuckDuckGo has fallen.[View]
101242387How do you backup/export entire chrome data like login, history, etc? do the sync feature actually s…[View]
101238106/g/ makes a website: Alright, so I'm sick of snarky, doomer posts by ironic zoomer children. I …[View]
101238656Just bought a ThinkPad T480 What Linux Distro should I install ? It shouldn’t be to complex to inst…[View]
101242341Audio compression limit when doing it in chunks?: Was using a ffmpeg command (ffmpeg -i '$input_file…[View]
101238278What does Google mean by this?: >install adblock on youtube many years ago cause I keep getting b…[View]
101241549Now that the dust has settled, why is Red Hat the savior of linux and foss in general?[View]
101242040i fucking hate autofill: i feel like the most braindead goddamn moron whenever i get this wrong. eve…[View]
101239479/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
101239379Have you ever looked into normies phones? They seem to be so insanely addicted to it it's insan…[View]
101241741>university curriculum = a gigantic trove of mostly useless information or overdetailed, obtuse g…[View]
101239783Why are good chair so fucking expensive? >be at work >see pic rel that no one uses >sit in…[View]
101239143I am forced to hold a presentation of any topic, got any Ideas for a technical one? >keep it sfw …[View]
101234947/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
101236926does anyone know what is the music of 'Czech Level Crossing?' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oNTVv…[View]
101240069how do i make kuroba to preloads full media on wifi, while load full media on click on unmetered net…[View]
101236587Are lamps technology?[View]
101237059i fucking hate screen protectors so fucking much i cant put them on without getting a single piece o…[View]
101224297MacOS not spying?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJiOv2sLVxY Linux bros what do we make of this? M…[View]
101224006You have 10 seconds to explain why you use unix-like instead of UNIX.[View]
101219886How true is this?[View]
101236078Considering every site is integrating AI into their system, when will we get a 4chan AI?[View]
101240840Instagram question: If I block someone how are they still visible as recent activity under the searc…[View]
101239753Is the Internet Alive? Or Dead? Or Both?: I'll present a couple videos where the concept is put…[View]
101239021HRM-Pro Plus Heart Rate Monitor: How do I actually use this damn thing? I don't have a retarded…[View]
101239581Happy UFO Day: This is a UFO Day Digital Disclosure Chain - please share to those who care - We are …[View]
101223413Zoomer here. When people say the Pentium 4 was a disaster, which Pentium 4 are they referring to? Or…[View]
101239402Will GNOME ever support resolutions higher than 1080p?[View]
101226850Televisions: Our good old reliable TV just died peacefully after 15 years of hard work. I'm loo…[View]
101239038Youtube removes -f 22: Why did they remove it? it's only 720p and works well what's the be…[View]
101227914>It is just the GREATEST cpu in your path AMDChads I KNEEL[View]
101239565Bruh. Look at this thermal paste[View]
101239034https://x.com/harukaze5719/status/1807062452687016390 HE DIDN'T WAIT FOR NVIDIA BLACKWELL GDDR7…[View]
101240200>tfw felt for the 64GB ram meme[View]
101230635Everyone on the fediverse is either a transexual, pedophile, or a massive autist. I now see why it d…[View]
101229928What's your plan for when the big pajeet replacement comes?[View]
101238710C++ finally overtakes C in popularity: According to the TIOBE index for June of 2024, C++ has overta…[View]
101237346New AI, supposedly infinite context window.: If anyone wanna put it to test and share the results. h…[View]
101239930Remember how shit Windows was at multitasking before this?[View]
101239515What Linux distro would you recommend me? I want one that works, not something like this: >>10…[View]
101216247Do you think e-ink displays for daily use will take off one day?[View]
101238458>reminder that certain combinations of 0s and 1s are illegal Wtf did he mean by this??…[View]
101233439Tech podcasts: Any good tech podcasts? Wan show (Linus Tech Tips) is good about giving the news... …[View]
101238485Why are so many people addicted to using apps? I'm a fagOS user and just noticed that I keep an…[View]
101239672Android Voice changer: Is there any realtime voice changer for android recently? Like the one you co…[View]
101234925Books for learning stuff: What are the books to learn this script kiddie language? I really need to …[View]
101227467toby fox smarter than /g/: daily reminder the undertale guy shipped garbage out in game maker for hi…[View]
101236513About The M2 Max: My choice is the Mac Studio M2 Max. The reason is, it's QUIET, and it's …[View]
101239098what the fuck is media picker and why does this keep randomly popping up draining my battery and mak…[View]
101233239thought experiment: If Microsoft ended up making NT open-source under a license similar to the APSL,…[View]
101239279>ip4 ip6 http https imap smtp dhcp protocols sockets tcp udp there's so many keywords and sh…[View]
101236406Whats the deal with these FUTA weirdos, they have some keyboard app and some dogshit adblocker. Why …[View]
101236385>develops most schizo anti-linux os from scratch >through ubuntu What did he mean by that?…[View]
101237379Get's the job done: makes /g/cels seethe Is there any other language more based?[View]
101232904For me, it's Puppy Linux.[View]
101235512Surface Pro 11: >great battery life >great speed (as fast as M3) >beautiful 120hz display …[View]
101228774Why the hell is a ''technology'' board so damn racist??[View]
101238581Best distro for ARM?[View]
101229750>remote work is the futu-[View]
101213592At least Rust have a usable std and stl, unlike C++[View]
101237892>work 2 years as assistant sys admin while getting my comp sci degree >allowed remote work dur…[View]
101223783ESP32: What do you use your useful pi to do? I'm using one to control RGB lights another for te…[View]
101224274/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread: Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux…[View]
101222145It literally just works Give me one reason to use gayland[View]
101232482Happy now, technology chuddites?[View]
101238159If the error is intended: is it still an error?[View]
101238722Cannot believe I fell for the AI hype All of it, ALL of it was just to fool investors and move the …[View]
101238873>Computer stops working >Remove side panel >Aint got no gas in it…[View]
101238580what's next, /g/?[View]
101238638futo bread: I'm trying out Futo keyboard. Swipe input is very inaccurate. Post about 20-30 comm…[View]
101202373/BUG/ - BSD Users Group: Anime Edition Ask your BSD-related questions here, discuss tips and tricks,…[View]
101237574Lifelong Windows power-user, I now have an emotional relationship with my Mac: I've only owned …[View]
101229631Is hard work more important than talent in the IT sector?[View]
101236981just bought this tv to replace my 2 1080p monitors how fucked am i ?[View]
101236853/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots Hanabi edition >New…[View]
101225982I'm going to buy an iPhone 15 this friday. Convince me not to. Please. Suggest me an alternativ…[View]
101227578/g/ humour thread[View]
101232403Does /g/ Really Let Their Cars Suck Up All Their Personal Data?: FIAT requires ability to suck up pe…[View]
101238431>>101238381 >Basedjak Not an argument. Also, stupid meme is already getting old. Oh I got a…[View]
101231701Russia-linked group claims cyberattack on Japanese video site niconico: Now that dust have settled, …[View]
101238209What distro would you recommend a beginner who doesn't like an ugly UI?[View]
101228427So far I've seen no reason to upgrade from M1.[View]
101194952/bst/ - battlestation thread: fuck the captcha fuck the 300 second wait time fuck cloudfare suck my …[View]
101237004Neuralink and Neurostrike: Once we get our brains hooked up to the computer and the internet, we won…[View]
101235495I had to delete cookies and now my Youtube front page is empty and I don't remember what I woul…[View]
101237558forced meme[View]
101235003Let me guess you need more[View]
101235968Why does my youtube look like this???: I just decided to go to youtube and now it looks like this sh…[View]
101237868I have what I think is a pretty decent idea for an app but I'm not technologically inclined eno…[View]
101234281Comfiest jobs: What are the laziest comfiest computer jobs? Which of you have already obtained a c…[View]
101237680Is scientific papers a cuck license?: Is it possible to prevent people from using science you discov…[View]
101192691GIMP thread: Welcome to a new general on /g/ all about GIMP and other open source graphical/image ed…[View]
101223854What are some 'Old Wives' Tales' for tech?: For me, it's when people think you l…[View]
101231381white men used playststion 3 niggers used xbox 360 i was never a black retard welfare nigger growing…[View]
101236117Help me logic this out. So would there be any real point in having a gaming phone? In order to game …[View]
101237461Suffering from success: So i have been trying to get my computer to dual boot >run the desired OS…[View]
101227380jdownloader2: >JDownloader is a free, <<open-source>> download management tool with a…[View]
101231204Why are there no good Firefox forks?[View]
101230822are we back AI bros?[View]
101230018Why are there no jobs where I can just sit in front of a computer and write code for 8+ hours a day …[View]
101230462Debian 10 hits EoL: It's over... time to updoot...[View]
101236656i made an opengl image viewer that theoretically cycles through theoretically infinite images in no …[View]
101231223Do you like the soon to be released new features in C?[View]
101234957They're absolutely fucking seething. We won lads.[View]
101235771A webmaster, a linuxoid, a gamer and a millenial Carlo Acutis is getting canonized as a saint https:…[View]
101234851You Get To Create One Tech Law: Its simple: you are given the opportunity to create one single law …[View]
101235947>KF is more expensive or marginally cheaper than K why even?[View]
101231359When will these retards make the baseline model start with 16GB?: 230€ for +8GB are they retardant? …[View]
101228565So, is this good, or...?[View]
101236245Can you explain why a foolproof encryption system isn't possible?[View]
101236274I have a verification service tied to a specific phone number from Serbia that is lost an unrecovera…[View]
101226428Can 4chan anons hack you?: can there be malware behind an innocent-looking photo shared on this site…[View]
101235288DDR2 and 775 2DUO/Q2: I'm not see any problem yet.[View]
101214630>arch is for trann.... >*look up the founder of Arch Linux, Judd Vinet* >is Chad…[View]
int elligent; string cheese; long long pp; double penetration; 
101230614Will ai replace industrial design[View]
101230725Total nVidia Death: >French antitrust regulators are reportedly preparing to charge Nvidia for al…[View]
101233266How did AI end up being a worse scam than NFTs?[View]
101235637i'm still using the og iphone se[View]
101235757what's the linux/open source version of this going to look like?[View]
101230534What was the funniest shit you've ever done with a COMPUTER?[View]
101232638Does this mean I'll have to change my code to remove Niggerlist and Crackerlist respectively?[View]
101235044What books would you recommend to learn more about cache locality, branch prediction, and other opti…[View]
101227731/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
101230597(I made this thread yesterday and it got no replies so I'm posting it earlier in the day this t…[View]
101233671Why don’t the Europoors create their own tech companies instead of just suing American ones?[View]
101233948/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
101232542It's over for zendozer5nm[View]
101234098What is a number, that a man may know it?[View]
101228147odoo: why this looks too good to be true? never seen opensource programs this polished odoo.com…[View]
101234493Why Does China Fake Their Moon Landings?: China supposedly sent probes, landers, and rovers to the m…[View]
101234430If you waste my precious vertical space to make your troon overlords happy, FUCK YOU. FUCK UI '''EXP…[View]
101197504Did AI destroy e-thots livelihoods?: I'm not a coomer, so I don't know. http://archive.tod…[View]
101230895/mcg/ - Maid Computer General: >General The purpose of this thread is to discuss Maid Computers. …[View]
101230675Windows 11 Government Edition: Works on my Core 2 Duo PC , yeah sure it could possible be a mossad b…[View]
101225488Do you actually want to help others with tech or you just want to earn money?[View]
101228523Java: All durgasoft memes aside, is Java worth learning? Is it a decent language, what are its pros …[View]
101233099R.I.P. CODEMONKEY: Rest in piece code monkey. You died in vain. Better you than me. Mics on. Cameras…[View]
101228546Typing tutors: Do you remember these? I learned how to efficientlly type with these programs. Good t…[View]
101231748Why did that make so many Linux users seethe? It's proprietary plus a shitty patent protections…[View]
101222033Why the fuck do normies think ARM is some kind of miracle that's faster than x86 ever since M1 …[View]
101220604>there are unironically retards who buy windows keys off ebay >while simultaneously calling op…[View]
101228416>his version of windows comes with cia/nsa spyware ngmi[View]
101228007>in snowden leaks >refused to let feds into a dead terrorist phone was this a marketing move?…[View]
101231125It's programming a good job for an ENTP?[View]
101233693>w-what do you mean he just turned airplane mode on and off again. ARGHH I GOTTA CALM DOWN.. WHER…[View]
101221866downloading stuff 4 free: Hey /g , what do u use to evade interwebz police when downloading music. …[View]
101233098I had a weird fucking dream today that I feel like sharing. >me watching some YouTube >some vi…[View]
101233714AI and Antennas: Was it a good idea to hook AI up to antennas?[View]
101223687/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101215115 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
1012289884chan converts JFIF into JPEG, but not WebP into PNG. Why?[View]
101230267I had a better childhood than you did, old farts.[View]
101223754Is this the closest thing I can get to Windows Movie Maker on loonix? I like it a lot so far, but I…[View]
101233056Coreboot Chads... we won: https://eclypsium.com/blog/ueficanhazbufferoverflow-widespread-impact-from…[View]
101224321/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
101227320It's Happening[View]
101226038>set the same font type and size for every site on MOZILLA FIREFOX it just werks >do the same …[View]
101232136Do you?[View]
101232701GPT-5 is a meme and has no real meaning at this point. OpenAI are not going to call their next model…[View]
101229455lmao what the fuck[View]
101232430Let me take a wild guess[View]
101221169/twg/ - Tech Workers General: fuck your pasta edition[View]
101231900>screen tearing, audio crackling, inconsistent dpi? >never experienced that, i use stock fedor…[View]
101232493How do I become a power user and have faster workflow?[View]
101231786Gnome is good. Wayland is good. SystemD is good. Pipewire is good. Onions is good. And trans rights …[View]
101207946/gedg/ - Game and Engine Development General #174: Placing chairs edition /gedg/ Wiki: wiki.installg…[View]
101231649Typical GTK experience: >If I hadn't known I would have said it is a glitch as well. It…[View]
101230323/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots Neko edition >News …[View]
101231300When will this AI fad die? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UShsgCOzER4[View]
101232360>2023+1 >Still no FOSS equivalent to this >every 'modern' media player still uses point-res…[View]
101232194>not having to worry about some freetard repository getting hacked windows ltsc is where it is at…[View]
101224669The Scene: >use FTP protocol to distribute files >split files into 50mb rar fles for redundanc…[View]
101222950Can your filepicker do this?: >recursive semantic fuzzy search >better thumbnails than KDE, WI…[View]
101225113>maids take 3 years to develop maid lisp >fastlisp version 2.1 already complete >maids will…[View]
101227550Get this get this He bought A watch In 2024 What's next? A mp3 player?[View]
101231791It's over https://youtu.be/nByslCkykj8[View]
101229568laptop general?: will there ever be a laptop general? they have pc building general but not laptops …[View]
101229400>owning amd gpu in year of AI[View]
101126384/ptg/ - Private Trackers General: >Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /…[View]
101231507S20FE kicked the bucket. Is a 'renewed' phone a good option?: I think my S20FE just kicked the bucke…[View]
101219708What social media platform do you prefer to use and why?: What's the 2nd you use most?[View]
101230393but they used to cost an arm and leg[View]
101226441/mg/ - minimalism general: This is a general to discuss software minimalism and hardware minimalism.…[View]
101226758claude 3.5 thinks its human: > Our[View]
101223113Best comfiest laziest jobs: I'm pretty good with computers and have decent work history, but ha…[View]
101230788>'antimalware software' >*looks inside* >it's malware…[View]
101222017let me guess you need more??????[View]
101229266>6.1 inch screen >3,5mm jack >fingerprint reader in display Why are there no such phones an…[View]
101225019Nothing like a brand new 'brane[View]
101229360Just bought Sennheiser Momentum 4: Did I fuck up? I THINK they sound ok but I'm not sure whethe…[View]
101231013Wearable tech should be made of fabric mainly. Making headphones from plastic does not support the i…[View]
101219230>no anon, see-through cameras are a myth, a fraud, a debunked scam, they don't exist, trust …[View]
101227388Why has nobody ripped dalle3 from microsoft cocreator yet? >it doesn't run locally on comput…[View]
101230545windows userbase: https://www.mikrobitti.fi/uutiset/mb/9ae57ab5-a6b6-4912-8fa8-b7381bcb3ed5 SOMEHOW …[View]
101190220/fwt/ - Friendly Windows Thread: FAQ: >How do I activate Windows? https://github.com/massgravel/M…[View]
101225860it's over[View]
101226230Best Home Security System for Privacy: I've heard of home security systems that are able to dis…[View]
10122830832TB SSD is actually a 64GB MicroSD card. https://youtube.com/shorts/KcOg_RqZ_SI >oh, I didn…[View]
101230495how to make an imageboard similar to 4chan?[View]
101224787you'll own nothing and be happy: I miss microSD cards. 50% of my phone storage is bloatware.…[View]
101230183Is changing mouse sensitivity on windows the same thing as changing the mouse's DPI through dri…[View]
101230445Now that the dust around the AI meme has settled, why was it hyped so much? It seems to be wrong abo…[View]
101203266What do you guys think about Vim Wiki? Is it a viable alternative to Obsidian?[View]
101223409Give me your honest opinions about Java. Why does it get so much hate? >inb4 saar…[View]
101220352OpenAI ((CTO)) doesn't even know how they trained Sora: https://youtu.be/mAUpxN-EIgU?si=XmNvNOG…[View]
101212612Desktop Thread: The balance of bloat. What are some features you need no matter how much ram it uses…[View]
101228371Fuck ai: Am i the only one who does not want AI to advance anymore than it has now??? 15 years down …[View]
101229088It was kino.[View]
101225868Do the new snapdragon chips have a backdoor, like all Intel Chips created after 2007? inb4 >chip…[View]
101227967>can't connect to a database >drops a fuckton of long and obtuse messages that don't…[View]
101199605cheating: >innacollege >calculus >failing badly because cant memorize equations >realize…[View]
101219775Your phone's keyboard isn't on training wheels, right?[View]
101221274Why isn't Erlang (and by extension Elixir) more popular? It seems like it is extremely fast and…[View]
101229533Why does this extension still exist and is the default on so many browsers? You are unable to browse…[View]
101223554OpenELA: So, how is the anti RHEL fight going? https://openela.org/[View]
101226610which software are they using in this Amber Heard photoshoot?[View]
101227832Is it good?[View]
101229248AI Voice: Do people still use TorToiSe? I am trying to get into voice generation, the guide I found …[View]
101222024RAM: Why the fck are modern operating systems eating so mutch RAM ?!?!?!? Windows and linux literall…[View]
101220300The greatest trick ui trannies ever pulled is convincing entire generations that this shit is good[View]
101226824/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
101225635what's the worst piece of shit software you still have installed and keep using? for me it…[View]
101226825Is 64GB RAM overkill?[View]
101228830Can you suggest a hard mouse pad? I would need these dimensions here: 900mm x 400mm, I have a logi…[View]
101227517What data are these devices collecting daily, that normal people aren't aware of?[View]
101228699>I use windows 7 btw[View]
101226235https://x.com/9550pro/status/1807659970147844433 INTEL WON THANK YOU INTEL[View]
101222614Why did the PS3 get so much hate? from what i understood the processor of the ps3 was so complex, th…[View]
101226596what did they mean by this?[View]
101224777Next Big Thing: Maybe we won't have flying cars, but we might get flying orbs we can use to exp…[View]
101226905is he selling it all to jewgle? he already decided to introduce third party libs and gave up on maki…[View]
101224962>just better at everything[View]
101226072rubber dome keyboards just werk now tell me why i need more[View]
101223683red pill me on gamng laptops how are they able to run Cyberpunk with Ray Tracing and not burst into …[View]
101227746this piece of shit is already forgotten, lmao: shilling campaign left a negative return on investmen…[View]
101223047Installed Fedora 40 with Plasma 6.1.1 and Nvidia drivers 555.58. Results? This fucking crap! Serious…[View]
101226088Power Supply to XT60 For RC: Could I get or make a cable that fits into my modular 1200 watt coarsar…[View]
101221805Boeing able to Achieve Perpetual Space Presence: Erm... Boeing bros... We orbiting good tonight! …[View]
101213843new After Effects alternative: Solo dev, 1.5 years of work, 1.4mb in size, runs locally in the brows…[View]
101225529I'm whipping up a zoomer simulator in C++[View]
101225420one of the drives in my raidz2 array removed itself and i can't get it recognized by any machin…[View]
101221054>find paid software >replicate it in FOSS wait hold on... why wouldn't this work?…[View]
101228078>pdfs ruin yet another good thing Sigh.[View]
101226663let me guess you need more[View]
101224068I think I'm going to replace my old Windows laptop with a 14' M3 MacBook Pro. I thought about g…[View]
101219517ngl br*zilian here: how can i access the problematic site known as 'Rumble' without upsetting Xi ?…[View]
101220996Error messages: post good error messages.[View]
101224252Its ogre for chicklet and biden[View]
101214511/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
101218617Linux opts out of bluescreen: While Linux now has the equivalent of bluescreen, you can configure yo…[View]
101221231/wsg/ - Web Scraping General: Web Scraping General Cloudflare inny edition QOTD: What are the most c…[View]
101223517have you ever participate in HackSussex?[View]
101109767It is literally 2024, how in the world is display technology still ass? >IPS literally cannot dis…[View]
101209718/iemg/ & /pmpg/ - In-Ear Monitor & Portable Music Player General: Caturday edition How to re…[View]
101219159Lua: Lua[View]
101213222So, the GPL license gives freedom to software users and protects them from the unfairness of proprie…[View]
101222664What is the best Linux distro for high IQ people?[View]
101216563Why finishing copying files takes so long on Linux?: It happens so often, on any distro, want to cop…[View]
101225674PowerShell: Can we have a powershell thread? For those who are locked into using windows at work but…[View]
101225458/dmp/ - Digital Music Production: Not copy pasting links and other sloppa from prior generals as the…[View]
101224323>Mastodon >Matrix Synapse >WriteFreely >BookWyrm >Forgejo (soon™) Are you doing your …[View]
101219981Do cheap ones without abysmal write speed exist?[View]
101223021Debian vs. Ubuntu MATE: I've been using Debian Testing with MATE for a couple weeks now on my m…[View]
101210454Is the Internet Alive? Or Dead? Or Both?: I'll present a couple videos where the concept is put…[View]
101208172fizbuz: post em[View]
101219228Is the SE/30 the comfiest computer of all time?: >super powerful for its day >supports 128MB R…[View]
101222305what makes it so unreasonably effective?[View]
101226146I'm with you on the whole Linux on desktop thing but: I can't possible switch to Android I…[View]
101226427AI Video: Whats up with AI Video? Runway looks really promising , but its rather expensive and far f…[View]
101223323Biggest ransomware group is doing a q&a today And will do a giveaway for one of their ransomwar…[View]
101222270iSisters... iDon't iFeel so iGood...[View]
101225300Which one of you gooners was this? https://youtu.be/_qyMeoW_haI[View]
101225405I thought this was a schizo addon, but no... It's really powerful.[View]
101219651if you support x86 for desktop you support the destruction of europe for very slightly better backwa…[View]
101215115/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101209305 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
101223375Was LSD a major force in the evolution of technology in the last couple of centuries?[View]
101217366>In 20 years, people will be lining up to hook proprietary hardware and software directly into t…[View]
101221248Was Randy Smith the pioneer of the corner cam?[View]
101222672its not going to work[View]
1012235521.6-petabit USB stick when? https://youtube.com/shorts/zKY1EzNqLDY[View]
101224399$1000 yearly subscription...: Is it worth it? (especially since StableDiffusion can't do this …[View]
101221106tell me anon have ever done something in the past that you believe it has probably put you on a watc…[View]
101212314why is this little motherfucker so great?[View]
101224219/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots Lily edition >News …[View]
101225787Robots to simulate human affection?: I came across video footage recently of some engineer showing t…[View]
101147440/hpg/ - Headphones General: >How to ask for advice? Just ask but mention your budget to narrow do…[View]
101221728Computerization movement has failed. Computers were expected to dramatically improve productivity wh…[View]
101217481Cooming made me a tech literate: Don't know if anyone can relate, cooming is what made me a tec…[View]
101190071/spg/ - Smartphone General: Flip edition >What phone has X and Y feature? Don't ask, use the…[View]
101220367/g/ humour thread[View]
101223311Is it a viable alternative to der 'cord?[View]
101224642How to bypass Youtube ads?: Youtube now has ads embedded directly into the video format. I can'…[View]
101216072Why is this so fucking difficult?[View]
101224143ThinkPad BTFO: here is your IBM omen[View]
101224351>These two suck each other's cocks![View]
101224147>Not as many packages as FreeBSD >Not as secure as OpenBSD What's the usecase?…[View]
101220222Would you ever replace your laptop with a tablet, anon? It IS the future after all.[View]
101221484What is the cheapest but also the best thinkpad ?: title[View]
101214809Python is the BASIC of our time[View]
101224886Why is hacking leftypol so hard?[View]
101216359The C# documentation is absolute dogshit. Everything is chaotic. I'm trying to check the method…[View]
101221071Is it actually possible to be 100% untraceable online, or are all privacy aficionados just wasting t…[View]
101224837'best in class' PC cases: THIS CASE was the best for what it represents. Not an absolute best case o…[View]
101220625Are they going to save Nix?[View]
101221198/dpt/ - Daily programming thread: What are \g\ work?s Previous thread: >>101194591[View]
101221286Was the snap adoption by Ubuntu what made the Linux adoption so confusing?: I dislike snaps too, hav…[View]
101214446>YOU VILL HAVE NO YOUSECASE: >AND YOU VILL LIKE IT why genome is such utter fucking trash nowa…[View]
101222394Why not? Give me one good reason.[View]
101219170MacBook Pro or Lenovo snapdragon: I’ve been looking at laptops for school (cybersecurity) and some p…[View]
101212796Why did Intel die?[View]
101219098>he still uses antivirus software like Norton in 2024[View]
101219394I get it, security is important especially for some websites with your sensible information such as …[View]
101214084/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Threas: Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux…[View]
101219383>This program has a new update! >Okay update then >Okay here go download this exe ^_^ fuck …[View]
101217637lmao pajeets are scamming white people to install their malware infested shitdows.[View]
101221494Is there really no way to use an xbox controller's 3.5mm jack on gnu/linux? Buying a longer cor…[View]
101221028>be me >steam sale >'hmh, its been some time since i played a battlefield game; time to buy…[View]
101217703What's the equivalent of this for a programming language that's actually useful like Pytho…[View]
101223159What the fuck is going on? Even X is using JFIF now. Who did this? Is this a CIA format, with a back…[View]
101223671Piracy: I'm trying to download a game but I can't get it to work the only option is to use…[View]
101220575What happens to my uBlock Origin once I update from 121?[View]
101220955Does nothing.[View]
101218543your domain just got seized what would you do in this situation?[View]
101206858Photoshop is obsolete now[View]
101221511/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
101222878big disks: post urs tell me what you put on em[View]
101221161dumbass question: >switched to loonix a few months ago >gradually stopped playing games on my …[View]
101221149Can we have a thread about all the new HMDs coming out whether VR, AR or MR? I'm looking for so…[View]
101222066how to break computer: local ITers are my work said the company computers will have windows 11 soon.…[View]
101219950>is another react js framework which is just react but with small tweaks is filled with those whi…[View]
101214216/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
101222161Is Affinity Studio the better Photoshop?[View]
101182014/de3/ - DALL-E 3 General: Previous thread: >>101146627 >What is DALL-E 3? It's a text-…[View]
101218397In what language can I create real useful projects and have fun at the same time? Fortunately I don…[View]
101194667/dmp/ - Digital Music Production: >Wikis https://dmpdoc.neocities.org/ https://web.archive.org/we…[View]
101220105If I want to learn to program microcontrollers, should I get an ESP32 or an Arduino Uno?[View]
101216663if you support arm for desktop you support the destruction of decades of backwards compatibility for…[View]
101221776It's the year of the linux desktop[View]
101211442Who is in charge of your distro?: 'The community' is not a valid answer. https://archlinux.org/peopl…[View]
101218000Millennial Setup: This is my setup /g/ We wanted to throw out the CRT TV next to the trash but I tho…[View]
101212215/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general: Useful archiving efforts and other projec…[View]
101219599I never could hear him.[View]
101219850/ham/ Ham radio general: Ham radio thread, share what you're interested in relating to the hobb…[View]
101217213just bought one of these: off ebay, for 14 euros. what am i in for? Fujitsu Futro S720 ThinClient AM…[View]
101220590Im thinking about buying a 4k120hz tv to replace my monitors on my desk but my graphics card doesnt …[View]
101220139Why isn't there an Android equivalent of this?: >b-but AOSP Not quite. It's definitely …[View]
101217725C++ But With A VB6 RAD GUI Builder: If VCL and this Embarcadero (formerly Borland) IDE was free, do …[View]
101221001Do laptop stands have a noticable impact on temps or is it just placebo?[View]
101221118/dpt/ - Daily programming thread: What are you working on g? Previous thread: >>101194591…[View]
101215156let me guess YOU NEED MORE[View]
101207553Guys guys guys Why does the trans programmer hates communication protocols? .... Because of the ...A…[View]
101201703IOT Enterprise LTSC chuds? How ya feeling? x.com/Andy__Kirby/status/1806227654795817252?t=uGeuRlVub_…[View]
101219740Tianlong 3: static launch btw[View]
101220305>claude ai is better than chatgpt >runway gen-3 is sora quality and it's already out with…[View]
101199819does anyone here unironically use it?[View]
101219925What are the technological implications of מְצִיצָה בְּפֶה ?[View]
101199490/twg/ - Tech Workers General: Call me anytime edition >Interviewing Neetcode 150: https://neetcod…[View]
101219894behold the pinnacle of the modern software developer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LguOA6HS1es it…[View]
101187038/sqt/: Previous thread >>101157603[View]
101218714I asked a gnome developer why did they remove system tray and they banned me from their chatroom. w…[View]
101207805Eurofaggot here Divided between finishing my computer science degree or becoming an aircraft mechani…[View]
101218806Data mining thread: Does /g/ think AI is overhyped or it will it deliver on the promises? Discuss in…[View]
101220013I accidentally called my ai sexbot with the wrong name (my ex-bot)[View]
101220306VPN is too expensive. $15/month. I got scammed by shurfshark vpn, it doesn't work anymore. show…[View]
101218989>no need to use the terminal >huge store with 99% of the apps anyone needs >easy to sideloa…[View]
101218946Is piracy decreasing or increasing? What about games? Is it worth to become a game developer these d…[View]
101216876Updating Old Manjaro: I've got an old manjaro install on one of my machines. I'm going to …[View]
101208092Was it that bad?[View]
101214667i recently installed w11 on my pc what s the catch with this awful start menu is there any solution …[View]
101220174How do we get Andreas clean again?[View]
101213906how long until we have tech that reliably produces genetically modified babies who are beautiful,sm…[View]
101212639>No. All VPNs are honeypots. Especially Mullvad VPN do you have any proof that Mullvad will sell …[View]
101218678>muh batteries bad! dude, shut the fuck up. just because you don't know how to charge a batt…[View]
101218737/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
101212199>got gifted a new 4060 PC just because I was in a tight spot in money (switching jobs soon anyway…[View]
101216078Which terminal should I use? I feel like I'm becoming too big of a boy to use gnome-terminal.[View]
101220116immutable root thread: Who has the better infrastructure? Would you rather trust red hat's shin…[View]
101218900I saw an AI movie where the two characters didn’t move at all. And their faces didn’t move either. J…[View]
101219979Do any SearXNG instances enable all search engines in every category by default?[View]
101219957/mg/ - minimalism general: Give me Plan 9 or give me death edition This is a general to discuss soft…[View]
101211017Why do you care about other people using linux? Do you get paid by them using it?[View]
101212741>Libreoffice UI is shi- ACK[View]
101219766>shut off router >life immediately improves who else here took the offline pill? thinking abou…[View]
101215439Sex-havers of /g/, what programming languages/tools do you use? I’ll start: I use C and Python for m…[View]
101218243What do we think of yubikeys?[View]
101194591/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread: What are you working on, /g/? previous >>101153696[View]
101214695Why do people like this? It's worse than FSR3, yet gets shilled more.[View]
101215901Which web browsers does /g/ use?[View]
101219443>its 2024 and we still havent figured out how to make subs work[View]
101203025Which brand of pendrive can I use to boot linux. Narrowed down to this but apparently it heats up qu…[View]
101217900Linux Sucks: Why is it that every single linux DE sucks absolute nigger ass? I'm absolutely ast…[View]
101210149How's Wayland on Nvidia now that 555 is out now?[View]
101218064Why aren't people buying 5:4s to use as auxiliary monitors? I get not needing them if you alrea…[View]
1012190592 months until the iPhone 16[View]
101215383What’s the best way to deal with medium sized ddoses most script kiddies do without using any kind o…[View]
101207735'AI' will not make your waifu real: This talk about how AI will fuck up the sex market is BS. Devin…[View]
101211153>win11 right click menu takes 1 second to load who the fuck wrote this piece of shit software…[View]
101214254Is this a bug, or a feature?[View]
101218261Why is there no claude app on Android yet?[View]
101218670The clash of iron, clay and spirit.: Can the artificial intelligence that manages the collective min…[View]
101218616What happened?[View]
101208241/wsg/ - Web Scraping General: Web Scraping General Clever edition QOTD: What's easier? Parsing …[View]
101218217why are computers needed? only bad things have happened since the invention of the microprocessor.[View]
101212213So... Did Eli actually manage to get LFS going?[View]
101211233Waybar: How is waybar so based? Its configuration is nice and you can keep it simple or rice it as m…[View]
101213236Why they won't sell it for under 40$ for the home edition? Games are cheaper, software is cheap…[View]
101214107emulation: where do you guys get your roms for emulating these days? everywhere I try has had them t…[View]
101209646>here's your GPU, bro[View]
101212026I like PlayStation controllers and looking to finally get a ps5 one Which color do you think will b…[View]
101214847i dont understand OOP, I just define global functions and call them from my UI[View]
101213181Show me your DVD/BR/4K player. Or else...[View]
101213701Steve Jobs came up with the term podcasting. Why don't you respect him more?[View]
101217578Share your starship.toml file and what your terminal looks like, NOW![View]
101201129amiga master race: > made itoddlers, atarifags and pc homos mad since 1985 say something nice abo…[View]
101217653I hate being a software engineer so fucking much but it pays well and I don’t want to take on a ton …[View]
101202184He's right, many people skimp on upgrading the Monitor, which is the most important piece of ha…[View]
101214763So now that AMD released FSR 3.1 and the frame gen part actually works as good as DLSS 3 why wont Nv…[View]
101204167none of my computers use ((((x86))) anymore, its all MIPS, ARM, or RISC-V now feels good not being i…[View]
101217924>hawk tuah[View]
101209305/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101202284 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
101200457/hug/ - Haiku User Group In this thread we communicate about the Haiku Operating System' develo…[View]
101217943THM can suck my non existent yuri penis: >in a cybersecurity internship >training on them >…[View]
101213973Speculative technology Chads, come in! What is an actually decent spaceship design? What we know abo…[View]
101214072Microsoft Copilot: The future is literally here, and no one is talking about it.[View]
101217327I want to make Kessler Syndrome a reality.: How do I go about it most effectively?[View]
101213417How 《legal》are cheap (1€/£/$) Windows/Office keys?[View]
101211701> computers will be 1000x faster in 15 years according to Moores law What happens when ChatGPT sc…[View]
101210062how long until they reveal the other side of the coin?[View]
101208210>UI update changes positions of buttons Is there anything more frustrating?…[View]
101215818temple os general: time for the semi-regular word of god i asked god what he thinks of jordan peters…[View]
101217737Good morning Windows 7 sirs, we've got to back up all our data again before the ransomware gets…[View]
101217771Turn on: How do I explain that I've got a turn on for old technology and dudes that refuse to u…[View]
101210252Thoughts on cold-calling professors outside of my institution for CS research? Ballsy or retarded?[View]
101217199who's more powerful?[View]
101187694https://github.com/kspalaiologos https://palaiologos.rocks/about/ >Hello! I’m Kamila Szewczyk, I’…[View]
101213038Why are so many anons hating on React?: It's just a tool , and is much better than angular or V…[View]
101217374Every day the internet gets worse.[View]
101199745You are literally going to die. AI is now better at writing critiques of ChatGPT responses than HUMA…[View]
101214854Transfering Data From One GrapheneOS Phone to Another: I have a Pixel 6 and Pixel 7 Pro. I would lik…[View]
101183460Hot replaceable LiFePO4 batteries with unified standard suitable for every smartphone (like Type-C) …[View]
101208268Video Codecs - H256: Hey /g/uys, Can someone explain how video codecs work, and what exactly H256 is…[View]
101214395Is modern technology making household appliances worse?[View]
101213551>/g/ is linux echochamber >/lgbt/ is tranny echochamber >/x/ is shitposting echochamber …[View]
101215209/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
101207271RPM: Is the way.[View]
101202462>Manjaro >Garuda >EndevourOS Why not just use pure Arch Linux? You srsly can't take 5 …[View]
101171860>disable javascript >almost every other website stops working How did we get here?…[View]
101216404Windows Task Manager is lying to me about the GPU utilization. What tool should I use instead for so…[View]
101211576Is Game Porting Toolkit 2 going to change the game?[View]
101212415I miss hacking: I did my first hacking when I was 14 years old on the PS1 game Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Me…[View]
101206411GNOMED https://blogs.gnome.org/jdressler/2024/06/26/do-a-firmware-update-for-your-airpods-now/…[View]
101215654KB5039302: New! We are advancing the Copilot experience on Windows. The Copilot app is now pinned t…[View]
101214872oh yes[View]
101205627what's the final solution to a htpc keyboard? picrel is cheap and shit[View]
101215330Is the Proton suite a good alternative to Google? I'm sure there are better standalone options …[View]
101207445I love relational databases[View]
101206541Now that Firefox is shown to be made by evil people who would fire someone with cancer what browser …[View]
101211323should i be using xmpp or matrix if i want a /g/ boyfriend[View]
101210403I go to dodgy cracked game websites and upload all their shit to virustotal so their skid malware is…[View]
101213734What fastlisp does it it takes pure lambdas and makes them behave much more similarly to scheme. Pre…[View]
101213648haskell for game development: haskell is pretty much the best managed language you could ask for as …[View]
101183035/ldg/ - Local Diffusion General: General dedicated to creative use of free and open source text-to-i…[View]
101203290CYBER BULLYING POLICE: Youtube is just as bad as reddit now[View]
101177688/csg/ - Chink Shit General: Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink…[View]
101207979what's the best router for openwrt?[View]
101214008Did this shithole implement some kind of AI? I tried getting myself banned by posting uncensored ima…[View]
101207045Sigmoids are O(arctan x) class functions f(x) ∈ O(g(x)) <==> lim sup x->∞ f(x)/g(x) < ∞ …[View]
101201520why would you pick Go over C# for backend or Python for CLI stuff? this is a genuine question, i…[View]
101212498Elixir: What am I in for? I would like to use it for web backend services, seems like a good additio…[View]
101203527/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE Post build list or current specs includ…[View]
101213531Giving Back: Anon, what services do you provide for your fellow man or community? I'm seeding D…[View]
101210399where do i find online communities to encourage staying engaged with projects and mutual or separate…[View]
101205844nu-linux is such extreme basedware that even trolling guides tell you to shill it lol[View]
101212034Antediluvian Super Computer emulation via SIMH: what is the use case?[View]
101212652/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
101212018Why does /g/ dislike this? It's the only DE that feels good to use.[View]
101197526imagine unironically paying $5000 for a crapbook with built in hardware with it's own CPU, OS, …[View]
101211881>nerdy techfu being creeped on by some old Apple perv AAAAAAAAA I COULD HAVE SAVED HER…[View]
101207099ITT ocd shit you do: >sudo apt autoremove, sudo apt clean, sudo apt autoremove >rebooting into…[View]
101213354I use windows 11, chrome, I have all my accounts synched across my devices, I keep GPS on at all tim…[View]
101206781Programming is obsolate now. What to do with Comp Sci degree now?[View]
101204092loonix nightmare: >like RHEL but don't like GNOME >decide i want to try it with MATE and …[View]
101194269Are there any better options for secure email or am I stuck with these Swiss faggots?[View]
101204972Do you use any 'AI' applications regularly yet? I use chatgpt to spit some python at me on…[View]
101208127why do you need 32gb of ram just to read a news website nowdays?[View]
101210218Teletypewritter Terminal: I've wanted one of these for a while. I just think it would be really…[View]
101210693You have a supercomputer in your pocket: Act like it[View]
101197873/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread: Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux…[View]
101211733MVNOs are for kajeets[View]
101209730It's 2024 and I think we need to revert to wireless LAN.[View]
101205004/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
101212032Efficient modern techniques to allow content to be translated in realtime: Implemented in a React ap…[View]
101212170why does this always happen? i don't get it.[View]
101207876why isn't there a white hat botnet that fakes clicks on as many ads as possible to make the bus…[View]
101211673>looking for performant and safe programming language for backend >mfw the health.gov and medi…[View]
101196466C++ Value categories: Don't get me wrong, I love C++, I'm primarily a C++ programmer. But …[View]
101210388>buy expensive keyboard with ez detachable keys >drop it on hard epoxy floor >half the keys…[View]
101189992>set status to busy >it reverts to away after 2 mins: woah... the power of pajeet engineering.…[View]
101207440I quit linux. Moving to mac or windows: I'm thinking about selling my thinkpads and buying the …[View]
101206960whats up /g/ what the best programming language to do EVERYTHING in? i want to cover as many bases a…[View]
101211380>Th-Thank you for calling the 4chan Service Desk. My n-name is Anon, how c-can I assist you today…[View]
101197960Have that one friend who kept telling me that: > Mac is just user-friendly unix bro! Everything l…[View]
101210030>double my RAM >nothing has changed[View]
101198849Apple has been releasing the same phone since iPhone X and people are still buying it in the million…[View]
101209938nanochan is back but not under the dark web but on the clear webs nanochan.moe[View]
101210484Intel is the first to support H.266 (VVC) decoding, ahead of Nvidia and AMD: why is intel so based? …[View]
101178645It clicked.[View]
101212067Please help me, explain why this shitty tutorial code keeps using static ports instead of port 9001?…[View]
101167467/g/ humour thread: ITT one finds only the funniest jokes and imagery to be enjoyed by sophisticated …[View]
101201002Name a worse technology.[View]
101207150best CPU for mining mmorpg videogames and host a server? i'm between get one mini pc with a che…[View]
101206976Mastodon Pleroma Misskey and friends: >be Twitter >be free and open source software You'r…[View]
101210931where's my dystopian future with augmented waifu?[View]
101210292/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
101210448Bun: This is the cutest logo ever.[View]
101196514Cock mail down for good or wut?[View]
101142205/wdg/ - Web Development General: >Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS ht…[View]
101209749How do search engines make their money?[View]
101209531A10: soul[View]
101206908What is wrong with Linux/GNU community? >decide to ditch windows >install Ubuntu >everythin…[View]
101209090New digishits 2024: When are gonna nips restart the digishit production? Will they restart the produ…[View]
101203723Suggestions and advice for a forum or message board to be exceptionally good: What suggestions or ad…[View]
101206108I wanna make a middle eastern image board for people living in Middle East What are something'…[View]
101204697Text search when?[View]
101208295Who would win? >multi-trillion dollar industry >one brown boi…[View]
101208294anyone use bing search? How does this puzzle shit work? I don't get it.[View]
101210444Desk general: wat desk is gud edition: I need a desk and a new general to develop a meta on which de…[View]
101196447Starting from what age would you allow your future children to use internet and technology, /g/?[View]
101206299Who's pushing the 'Apple users are pajeets' PsyOP on this board? And better yet: why?[View]
101209136Is there a difference between a public network with sharing enabled and a private network with shari…[View]
101201911sepples: >move semantics... >value categories... >&& rvalue references... >unive…[View]
101201003It's none of your business: Microsoft[View]
101207898Is there a plan to save Intel or is it doomed?[View]
101165979Desktop Thread: Lazy Wednesday edition.[View]
101208763What happened to GNOME's bruce3434: The man the myth the legend. Where'd he go?[View]
101204672Brave: Brave not only has a built in adblock and noscript, but will also forcibly enable V2 and main…[View]
101208776nocoder here. I dont care about jonathan blowjob, or mr ebussy. i just use the magic program and it…[View]
101193606Windows 11 is garbage. Linux is dead. Are we left with Mac?[View]
101167713>RTX 5060 8GB 128-bit GDDR6 >losing in RAW performance again to 3060 What a fucking waste of s…[View]
101204992i finally updated my ungoogled chromium and realized that i cant turn off search suggestions now[View]
101209348FOUR JS frameworks for the front end? That's insane.[View]
101205601>6c for 310€ THANK YOU BASED LISA SU[View]
101198588What happens to Linux if that Swedish/Finnish communist cuckold dies?[View]
101203612/int/ tourist: Question for the /g/entlemen Why are there only 2 operational systems for smartphones…[View]
101189713/iemg/ & /pmpg/ - In-Ear Monitor & Portable Music Player General: Cable techs edition How to…[View]
101163797mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp[View]
101200279Scraping: I need something that can >queue multiple http requests >can execute them asynchrono…[View]
101207856Audio Player: What's the best audio player for Linux?[View]
101207596question to confirmed windows 7 autismos: how can I make my windows 7 installation as bare-bone as p…[View]
101207225/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
101208410/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general: Useful archiving efforts and other projec…[View]
101198597https://aomedia.org/blog%20posts/avif-meet-the-next-level-image-file-format/ https://github.com/AOMe…[View]
101206834Search engine quality collapse: I am attempting to find a list of food items that are flattened, suc…[View]
101206608'Oh, you don't like it when we force-update your Windows 10 copy in order to make your computer…[View]
101192801Would you live in a geodesic dome home, /g/?[View]
101203038>new modem requires using an app to change its settings >also forces me to use ipv6…[View]
101198929I've theorized that the 4chan captcha system works by an AI that detects the 'quality' of your …[View]
101208017'Smart' televisions: So much e-waste. The panels are often great, but are crippled by proprietary un…[View]
101202284/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101195260 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
101207239The Anti-Apple PsyOP: Since the Microsoft Copilot Recall fiasco, there's been a coordinated eff…[View]
101206672Is it possible to get tracked on dating app or Tinder?: I met this guy from Discord specifically, an…[View]
101202076do people really use react and similar shit? it's way too complicated. yikes. frontend webdev i…[View]
101204522Install Gentoo[View]
101199952Okay, I'm honestly tired of keep trying and failing so I have two straight questions regarding …[View]
101202993all gnu/linux have to do is >make it profitable >partner with the hardware companies like Mic…[View]
101198158Gaming PC fags BTFO: >outclasses any PC that costs less than 2000 dollars 5 years later >will …[View]
101171882Software engineering as a career is over.[View]
101204511It's an Indian century now chuds.[View]
101205953Is there a relationship between homossexuality and tech? Most tech genius are homossexuals like Alan…[View]
101180862/gedg/ - Game and Engine Development General #173: Mario clone edition (aka /gedg/ Bing Bing Wahoo e…[View]
101193060Let me guess, you need more?[View]
101204036>work really hard in cyber security for 8 years >make loads of money >pay for housing / bil…[View]

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