Crt thread
>>103243809Theres alot of CRT shilling so im wondering whats actually wrong with CRT other than being huge boxes that probably cost alot to manufacture?If it really had no flaws, someone would have made a 4k 144hz 16:9 CRT monitor for richfags to buy
>>103243928There was a 1080i 16:9 CRT in 1990>only $17000
I found a trinitroon recently for basically free, I'm still trying to get an eizo,nec and ibm crt. It's quite tiresome dealing with retarded sellers though. For whatever reason it's almost always some half breed beaner trying to sell their literal e waste pulls for $500+ usd. I've been learning some basic electronic repair but I'm still a ways away from any crt repair. It's typically the capacitors that go first right? Aside from some models like the fw900 were the fly back tends to fail from what I read.
>>103243809I still have a small 14inch trinitron
Right your Sakura. Can't you see she is upset?