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/int/ - International

Displaying 2,791 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
199272477Does this happen in your cunt?[View]
199274476What have the past 15 years of your life been like in your country? Are you optimistic about your fu…[View]
199277282I read on a travel guide that Ann Arbor, Michigan has apparently the best quality of life in any cit…[View]
199276738imagine having a daughters[View]
199277239>the bag euroxisters…[View]
199263989From Russian imageboard двaч, thoughts on their rules in your country?[View]
199270851Sweden is still one of the best countries in the world and only third worlders outside of Nordics di…[View]
199274883I wanted to apologize for all the bad stuff my country did in the past. I hope one day you can forgi…[View]
199277019How often do you drive your car in your car in your country? Do you enjoy driving in your country?[View]
199273856How can we stop the might of Türkiye?[View]
199277109/csg/ Cono Sur General: Edición anime para que te anime hilo previo >>199218991[View]
199276353I wish I was born a Romanian[View]
199276458Italians need to save me (from myself).[View]
199263827>Stay; stayed >Pay; paid[View]
199272723/cum/ CANADA USA MEXICO: Aryan Ocasio Cortez edition[View]
199276552Spaniard man of Gypsie ancestry becomes a Far Right (anti mass immigration) politician >Leftists …[View]
199272504Anglos who learn foreign languages are admirable: You're based for trying to break the shackles…[View]
199275856He's literally me[View]
199273154Say his name: in your cunt, internationally speaking[View]
199276469Did you know Vancouver has locally known famous tranny schizo that is infamous for harassing people …[View]
199270562do you have frontyards in your cunt?[View]
199272694>watch Austria - Turkey game >turkish players look white and European >turkish fans in the…[View]
199276329Shartnited Shartes of Shartmerica[View]
199247381/med/ + friends: Murcia edition Feetfag paradise subedition Drank too much alcohol: >>19921142…[View]
199267650Reading about how dark-skinned Latinos are treated by the light-skins in their own countries. Did sl…[View]
199272956I don’t give a fuck about Hamas or its retarded first-world commie simps. TMD.: in your country?…[View]
199276376>tfw tornado siren is going off: Does this happen in your country?[View]
199264189>be brit >do everything different than europe because you're spceial snowflakes >accid…[View]
199247821/tr/: habbening istiyom aBe[View]
199276344BASED or Cringe?[View]
199273885i saw these stickers today in a craft store. /int/, how does this make you feel? do you dislike the …[View]
199253723/bharat/: AASI edition[View]
199276017Is it a good idea to get a cat?[View]
199273968Why are rednecks like this?[View]
199256777/esp/ - Hilo español: Edición reinona.[View]
199276175Spain is Healing[View]
199276309How many american posters in this board are unironically fat irl?[View]
199274684What is the hair/eye/skin combination of your family and where are you from? Mom: pale, blue eyes, …[View]
199276339>fpv drone compilation 1 hour >bottle of teqila reposado >AC at comfy 18c >phonk playlis…[View]
199267022Why there is so many swarthy British? When i was a kid i always thought all of them as blonde or lig…[View]
199273541Total Italian Love[View]
199271404/polska/: edycja mojej żony, Nagatoro[View]
199276011Sus: SEX[View]
199261112What do you think about Polish-French mixed girls?[View]
199275725I am not attracted to white women. Many of them have block heads and very thin lips. However I think…[View]
199275058Do Pajeets ruin social clubs in your country?: >be me >anon who takes salsa dancing classes wi…[View]
199263639What went wrong?: It's all so tiresome[View]
199274495China, Texas.[View]
199274298/brit/: Female prison guards edition[View]
199274671Does this happen in your country?[View]
199275862I have greek/shitalian (sicilian) heritage, my wife is native american (mongoloid) and we had our fi…[View]
199275314This is the only way, isn't it?[View]
199271498>favela, brazil >:( >favela, korea :O[View]
199275292the whole world has to learn the euro (latin) alphabet, because we still rule this fucking planet[View]
199271990What’s the best country to live in if you don’t find women under 30 attractive?[View]
199275848Musluimix people carry around chocolaty treats in their bum in case someone asks a question about hj…[View]
199270658>Big sister peeped in through the keyhole while I was changing >Keeps leaving her underwear in…[View]
199273532why do americans love cardboard houses so much?[View]
199266952Why is it that /int/ is so racist yet so anti-racist at the same time?[View]
199271241/jahy/ am Abend, morgen /deutsch/[View]
199274227prussian flag[View]
199268200You still use AC motor fan?[View]
199274006Who was your country’s greatest chud? For the US, it was Dr. William Luther Pierce. He even had the…[View]
199265024Which of these will become a third world country first?[View]
199273212Latinas need to lose weight[View]
199274745What are northern European beach resorts like in the summer? What kind of wild beach parties happen …[View]
199269701When will they finally be respected, liked and admired?[View]
199268671Voila, I have perfected the country food tier list.[View]
199273614>abandon all culture he who enters[View]
199274121West Britain with tax haven characteristics[View]
199275101My bad blud I was trippin[View]
199273648my maid used to clean my ass until i was 8yrs old, does this happen in you're cunt?[View]
199272114How come Mexican women are so weeab?[View]
199274283How is cryptocurrency viewed in your country?[View]
199275020Life is coming to an end for early zoomers: We're starting to turn 30 in less than 3 years…[View]
199271097Jack Harlow[View]
199274057Do you make god angry by eating piggy iyc[View]
199272830Every night I play the Stokowski renditions of Bach and imagine myself serving tea at the Schloss Ch…[View]
199273343Has he visited your country?[View]
199267121How do we steal USA's golds?[View]
199266849The reputation of brazilian women is completely fuckin ruined[View]
199270824What’s the worst international fate and why?: Being born -Syrian -Afghan -Somali -Yemeni -Indian -Ve…[View]
199272026all I want is a gorgeous italian girlfriend, is this asking too much???[View]
199273005I don't know a word of German, but I know exactly what he's saying[View]
199270263Does your country have a strong military?: Strongest military in the world: US Strongest military in…[View]
199272488/brit/: Doggerland edition[View]
199274181Can someone explain to an India lorelet what the 2024 election results will mean for India? Is there…[View]
199269145Athens: How did Athens become hands down the UGLIEST capital city in all of Europe? It's quite …[View]
199270208Are they Med?[View]
199272960You WILL marry a Turkish woman and you WILL like it[View]
199269589/incelwalk/: On an incelbikeride right now, it's a bit rainy.[View]
199270219Euro 2024 - Which team is whiter?: England or Turkey?[View]
199266483What do Western Europeans think of the emerging mixed race population in their countries?[View]
199273795I'm an ESL, and so can you[View]
199272682One 'freedom', please.[View]
199273520>the honking has started Are people based or cringe in your country?[View]
199259444Do you have KFC in your country?: We don't have it here unfortunately. I want to try it.[View]
199272806Attention Germany: Artum, Turkey won against Austria just 30 seconds ago. Turkey supporters will put…[View]
199272322About ESLs: he's right, it makes sense[View]
199269256we are due for another pandemic[View]
199273318you lied to me: Turks are white. Watched them play footy and they are literally one of the whitest t…[View]
199272946>You wake up in Rochester, New York (USA)[View]
199269951America sucks: yay or nay[View]
199258100/fr/ - le fil il paraît: Édition marchepied. Flemmards : >>199239071[View]
199272771Sexiest town name in each state.[View]
199272631Why aren’t you learning the second most spoken language in your country[View]
199270693/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - /이스르/: מהדורת כלב[View]
199243499kurva anyátok[View]
199270530Why Bahia?[View]
199272862I find 4chan jeets really funny for some reason IRL jeets need to get the fuck away from me though I…[View]
199267178>ate fast food again do you eat healthy in your country?[View]
199272689Who is more powerful and relevant between : - Brazil and United Kingdom - Mexico and United Kingdom[View]
199271137Nobody: Literally no one: Polish person: Nice to meet you, Я кyб[View]
199272317A ella le gusta la gasolina Dame mas gasolina Como le encanta la gasolina Dame mas gasolina[View]
199271001How do you explain this ?: Best restaurant in New York city : Le Bernardin, French. Best restaurant …[View]
199259337Why does Japan hate tourists so much?: >17 million tourists in Thailand so far this year >ever…[View]
199269851>one shot at life >I'm not an askhenazi jew how do i cope? i'd hate to have a mutila…[View]
199264081/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico: NAFTA edition. Previous: >>199246746[View]
199271587/int/ - /int/rusive thoughts[View]
199267426I thought Canadians like fags? Wtf happened?[View]
199268425Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily lif…[View]
199268918it's 00:13 here goodnight, lovely people :3[View]
199271680as someone with a jewish background who worships white people is it safe to come to your country[View]
199270139>'ya I'm a sick cunt'[View]
199271773>could call itself Rome and everyone would accept it >would be 1000x more respected if did th…[View]
199270601Russia has personally gifted you the entirety of Kaliningrad. What do you do with it?[View]
199271979Spaniard or Indian, call it![View]
199269823/brit/: 2 pizzas edish[View]
199272259>There's nothing in my dreams >Just some ugly memories >Kiss me like the ocean breeze …[View]
199272257Average WASP new englander trust fund baby[View]
199262145My cat is my friend[View]
199271133>Bosnia and Herzegovina >Trinidad and Tobago >Antigua and Barbuda >Saint Kitts and Nevis…[View]
199270247this Austrian guy looks like the ideal Aryan[View]
199272084Do you get gamer dent in your cunt?[View]
199259767thoughts on South Koreans?[View]
199270862what kind of greenery is popular in your country ?[View]
199270079Turk bros how could you betray the Ummah like this?[View]
199269427With all the firsties moving to poor countries with the rise of virtual work for cheaper cost of liv…[View]
199269935face of /int/[View]
199271019What are they doing to alleviate the cost of living crisis for the young adults in their 20s-30s?[View]
199268224/polska/: edycja dupci[View]
199269476best culture[View]
199270222How do we deal with death boxes iyc[View]
199267252you have 15 seconds to post 5 German cities and 5 Polish cities[View]
199267508/deutsch/: Wir feuern sie heute an![View]
199265811Sverigetråden - Ensamma upplagan[View]
199266394Do women most often get BOGGED or BLACKED in your country?[View]
199230553/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - /이스르/: מהדורת מפגש ישר בחיפה[View]
199269330What are the top 5 best and top 5 worst cities in your country?: Best 1. Lake Havasu City 2. Key Wes…[View]
199267415should i lie about my nationality people think im nice and cool but when i say im from Algeria they…[View]
199254262/ME/ /شرخ اوسق/ /FCAP/ /Fertile Crescent + Arabian Peninsula/: طبعة نشرتك سبام رجاء إعادة الكتب…[View]
199264382Would you date a asian girl whose background roots are from the countryside?[View]
199265239what did he mean by this[View]
199264816/sauna/: Käsienkuivainpainos[View]
199269343>Latino music >It's always about love and love making >Japanese music >It's al…[View]
199264329I just learned that Japan banned the hot anime sport clothes. Its sad that the feminists got to one …[View]
199268674What's the diff between last reply and bump order, internationally speaking?[View]
199269469I am Greek[View]
199269062Why do euros live better while making less: you know the poorest european lives better than 85 perce…[View]
199249194I had to sell my favorite cow to buy laptop for uni work[View]
199267177IShowSpeed streamed today in Poland. Watch this stream and look how we treat him here. Look at those…[View]
199266763What happens in your country when you don't tip?[View]
199266443The ghettofication of America is real. White zoomers act and talk like hoodrats and it annoys the fu…[View]
199270223The Indian man's rizz is unstoppable[View]
199269485what are you better than america at[View]
199256967/norgetråden/: stor hjort utgaven forrige: >>199237048 >>199237048[View]
199269788>creates your country[View]
199269272If Dutch was the lingua franca we'd all be making fun of English for being goofy Dutch[View]
199268962Polish beach[View]
199269375do you dip your mcnuggets in anime in your country?[View]
199266368>saw a fucking mouse in my kitchen Time to spend the rest of my evening chasing a mouse. Didn…[View]
199252097/bra/ - Fio Brasileiro[View]
199255556What went wrong with Ukraine? Especially in 90s[View]
199268393You wake up in Finnish forest[View]
199269415What are they?[View]
199267226You know what the Midwest is[View]
199267983>germans dub english language films and television shows instead of watching them with subtitles …[View]
19926736798% of men out there would reject this brown woman . . .[View]
19924931560k pop town in Romania uses EU funds without stealing them thank you western european countries[View]
199266578Ishowspeed was in Poland today[View]
199268319Russia and the west are one[View]
199267772/brit/: swan pedalo edishhhhhhhhhhhhh[View]
199267735Italian phenotype[View]
199262821I don't get it.[View]
199267477would you die for japan in your country or japan[View]
199267721>takes over the entire passenger seat space How do you respond?[View]
199267313Typical TikTok in America[View]
199268859Post the most iconic cultural trope of your country: >bullfighter (male) and sevillana (female)…[View]
199269105This is what Hector looked like[View]
199249330/ro/ – Firul Nostru: Ediția zilei judecății. Precedent: >>199212304[View]
199268170What is their ethnic makeup? French are Gallo-Romance-Germaic mix, what are Rumanians?[View]
199268781Should i learn korean or japanese first?[View]
199261913What do you love about Europe? For me it's the diversity. With a short drive I could be in Germ…[View]
199268538my only dream in life is to move to america[View]
199268762/gal/ - Fío galego: Edición colleita propia.[View]
19926352190% of posters from here live in detached houses in suburbs They fantasize about western europe but …[View]
199266684me on the right[View]
199268326How come reddit is whiter than 4chan?[View]
199266408If I had been born 20 years later in my country, everything would have been fine[View]
199268440Learn to debate to convince women to have sex with you[View]
199260017/int/ernational, what is your opinion of this great country?[View]
199264899>13° >Europoors can't turn on heater because it's 'summer'…[View]
199260276Do you like hockey in your country?[View]
199266231Scientists from university in Poland, UK and US collaborated to reconstruct the face of a Polish man…[View]
199268314Why do Japs lie and say Sushi is theirs?(It’s Chinese)[View]
199268193I just watched The Northman. Did white people actually practice human sacrifice like this?[View]
199263676brown and black bros how do you feel about whites?[View]
199262022Will Germany save video games?[View]
199259014What Is Your Country's Stance on AI?[View]
199262648Do you love Afganistan?[View]
199260402Which countries are the best at preserving architecture, and which are the worst? I vote for Italy a…[View]
199265342Little brown romanians can NOT stop killing people in my vagina[View]
199267427I have this gorgeous italian coworker I have a crush on, but she looks at me the same way as Melloni…[View]
199251718Chinese women love thread[View]
199261069/polska/: edycja reimu[View]
199265943WMMENAF couples are le Faustian because at any given moment you risk getting honour killed and stone…[View]
199263441is this normal behaviour for aussie males?[View]
199267116white dogs in 1700[View]
199265601/brit/: Milton Keynes edition.[View]
199266158The three titans of video games[View]
199267476How do Americans here feel about this?: I know the Greens are like a second home for most of you.…[View]
199265925I saw a Norwegian actress on Apple TV + with literally 0 tits, like cup A imo. It was disturbing. To…[View]
199263505/vigne/ zum Feierabend, nachts vielleicht wieder /deutsch/[View]
199264966Dinner. I think I won't post. I am bored, and none of you can really relate, none of you are li…[View]
199266240United Statians BTFO >muh GDP >muh stock market >muh salaries >muh lower taxes doesn…[View]
199264344Do you know about Łódź?[View]
199259429Why are we so superior these days?[View]
199266809Do men age well in your country?[View]
199266840Why are they so sexual?[View]
199266631>europe cant innov-ACK...[View]
199265058Is it over for him, Frenchbros? Why did he do it? I fear for the future of my Macron folder, he was …[View]
199253851International Buildings: Post cool buildings from your country. Pic related is St Pancras train stat…[View]
199266160We have to save them. https://youtu.be/C4gRzdIyVxw?si=YAI3Hp-_c2cRJ8SG[View]
199266704>'kaj jest karminadel'[View]
199261823are chuds gaining support in your country?[View]
199254519/Nederdraad/ #FreeDries: balletje trap editie[View]
199263500Islam is the middle civilization: I just realized the common neighbour of every major civilization/c…[View]
199266276Saudi has fallen[View]
199265113Do you feel like you've been born in the wrong country? I do[View]
199262953Should the US just give puerto rico independence at this point? America was supposed to colonize the…[View]
199266327Why are Australians like this?[View]
199262740In USA it's illegal to walk because only poor people walk and poor people deserve to be arreste…[View]
199256520Is it normal for someone to only get their driver's license at the age of 27 in your cuntry, …[View]
199264249>I gave you a G-spot in your anus. You're not supposed to use it even if it feels really rea…[View]
199264967Goodbye for all eternity.: https://voca.ro/16I8L4cREE4k[View]
199266036half the year is gone. what have you accomplished?[View]
199263653>see a post about Greece, Armenia, Kurdistan, or Assyria anywhere online >comment section is …[View]
199266024Are WMVF couples common in your country?[View]
199266110What if we all held hands and sang for world peace[View]
199265380do u look like your mom or dad in your country?[View]
199264948>in latin america parents buy their sons whores if they can't get a girlfriend Holy shit lat…[View]
199263397Japan, white women's favorite destination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgXkHckOVaY[View]
199265519What recreational drugs are popular in your country?[View]
199263301Why didn't they let Paraguay have a beach? But rude, innit? Imagine being surrounded by other c…[View]
199263543/brit/: 'ze edish[View]
199258465Whay # type of heroin is this?[View]
199265588What will happen if walking Kyoto's Gion with a black paint?[View]
199262026Sverigetråden - lidande gymcel upplagan[View]
199262930>man is made to suffer for his sins What the fuck did penguins do to god to suffer?…[View]
199263005Uruguayans look like THAT?[View]
199262358I do look like a greek Do i?[View]
199265390Why do americans hate multi-generational households for getting ahead? Like right now people are pa…[View]
199263839Are you proud to be part of GenZ in your country?[View]
199258516I thought Protestantism is winning in its home country.[View]
199246869do men take roids in your country? its very common here[View]
199264391Reminder that we are the true heirs of SPQR[View]
199260524Do girls 'work & travel' to get fucked by foreign men after they finish high school in your coun…[View]
199254194I have been commisioned to make the first Albanian doujin: Does this happen in your country?[View]
199262823Latino family dynamics are interesting.[View]
199262178The world would be a paradise, if Jews never fled to America and if whites picked the cotton themsel…[View]
199263167Does your country have South American immigrants?[View]
199260443people really wonder why American kids don’t play outside anymore: >third places cost money >n…[View]
199261010Western animation is so fucking back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJf4gc2t3dM[View]
199259988This is a 5/10 in Houston, TX[View]
199264984Is it normal to only learn how to walk at the age of 27? My whole life I've been driving around…[View]
199262569Care to explain why American and British companies allow this ? Why it's mandatory to have quot…[View]
199264088I can't learn to drive a car in my country: Can you drive a car in your country? I've been…[View]
199263698Happi happi happi[View]
199262939Do you want a japanese-brazilian gf??[View]
199262544I Just wanted to Tell you, Jesus loves you.[View]
199258338/sauna/: Silityspainos[View]
199262999>Hey Anon, want to come over to my house and eat dinner? >'Great, see you at six.' >'Hi Ano…[View]
199259701Why do korean men fuck up so hard, you literally have one of the hottest races of women… Do better:[View]
199261910>yeah I chopped that baby to bits and worship a pagan god of death and only eat food that looks l…[View]
199264110I want to move to Edinburgh, Scotland thoughts?[View]
199262987European '''borders''' look as if 5yo girls drew them on the ground playing hopscotsch and Europeans…[View]
199263542Why is the belief in mythical little people so common in Iceland[View]
199262692Tell me about the indian caste system:: It is really that bad?[View]
199257979What happens here? Are they like a weird mix between japanese and russian cultures/languages?[View]
199263367Maria Koszutska: This is specific for poland/polish posters. What are the opinions on Maria Koszutsk…[View]
199263669What card games do people play in your country?[View]
199262186Do english speakers really teach their kids the letter S, even though it is quite literally pronounc…[View]
199246746/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico: The /cum/ palace edish[View]
199261888Do they really not understand the concept of per capita? I learned this when i was 10 years old[View]
199262643>country with the biggest arab diaspora >has no problem whatsoever with terrorism >arabs tu…[View]
199263041is it true Latinobros and Brazilians if so i will[View]
199263532Today I found out that the burgers occupied Okinawa as a colony until the 1970s[View]
199263303When a white pisking murican start to talk shit: 'GO BACK TO EUROPE, YOU SHITTY INVADER. GO BACK TO …[View]
199261610/brit/: /brit/ edition[View]
199262138Average shrine in Brazil.[View]
199261639What is your excuse for not watching the new Monte-Cristo film ? Rated 4,5, currently the best movie…[View]
199259081what music do you like from other countries? (excluding America and UK) ive been recently listening …[View]
199258716/deutsch/: Deutschland Ausgabe[View]
199257394>Couples taking up all the seats in a park during my /incelwalk/ I cant take this anymore…[View]
199263038These are the Belgian Arrows. Say something nice about them.[View]
199262255How are you preparing for the Chinese millennium?[View]
199263204what's up, skip?[View]
199261587Natural borders of my country[View]
199261271Why are they the villains of Dune?[View]
199261433/int/, your pizza has arrived[View]
199261968Middle eastern women can actually do porn. Since no one is allowed to watch there they can't be…[View]
199259695>'God bless rain is finally coming to my coun- ACK!'[View]
199262238what do they even do? they literally just exist without purpose except for tourism. like, what’s the…[View]
199256359This is what Ukraine's borders should look like.[View]
199261925>Japan, my dream, is finally affordable because the yen is historically at its lowest >Might n…[View]
199260878For me? It's Croatia[View]
199260827white women thread[View]
199262577The CCP just made a resolution that mandates social media companies to censor 'speeches to incite Ch…[View]
199255844why do white people smell bad?[View]
199257585How can I get a norwegian gf as an spanish guy?[View]
199257584im using duolingo, idk if im gonna try out the paid version or not, i feel like its trying to trick …[View]
199260688This is actually true across all of East Asia lmao. They're not men, their women are begging to…[View]
199261766Holy shit: What the fuck[View]
199262175>Russia is not a superpow- Apologize.[View]
199262158>undisputed best girl >red herring WHY?[View]
199261653Slovenia:: The other germans[View]
199262117Crazy that this happened 4000 years ago with the Aryan invasion then repeated itself perfectly just …[View]
199260073Imagine being American in the 1840s and your town get raided by psycho spear chuckers.[View]
199258639Sverigetråden - mongolidcphexupplagan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3FwjoKv_wo[View]
199260576Just ordered these two online: what am I in for Indogs?[View]
199259738Since Elon's Xitter officially stole the thunder off 4chan's main board what does it mean …[View]
199261926If Russia has very high rates of HIV, how do your average russian get laid there?[View]
199261965best culture[View]
199261477where do i go[View]
199259364what norwood are you? for me, its 1.5[View]
199259639What do Tunisian women do in Europe? There are 2 million living there[View]
199259811Why do italians do this hand gesture?[View]
199256616WTF Japanbros?! I thought you were honorable samurai![View]
199261054>national hero is literally called 'Messy' (lol!) >current leader is called Milei just like Mi…[View]
199261685/emi/ - emigration general: What do I have to think about, when moving to Greece? I pay money for a …[View]
199259393>What?! Women don't have to have sex with African immigrants non consensually? >RUN THEM …[View]
199258321Look away, look away, Dixie I don't want them to see What they're doing to my Dixie God bl…[View]
199260550my autistic little brother has been playing serbian war music in his room all morning[View]
199261617Wtf? I like India now!: >The incident took place at Begrajpur Medical College in Mansoorpur. Muja…[View]
199260056/brit/: coming home edish[View]
199260107>my religion? >hellenized buddhism[View]
199254685Spaincucks really gave up this gigastrategic region for no reason at all[View]
199253498American Schools: Why are American schools often clumped together in one area instead of being more …[View]
199261500SRS Do foreigners try to take over your country?: Trolling is allowed as long as it’s funny No matt…[View]
199260927My insta reels are full of men from my country marrying foreign women, even the 4/10 in this cunt ha…[View]
199261401Every Irishman is born with two things: A sense of humor, and a sense of justice[View]
199258297There are plenty of virgin 20+ yo girls in Caucasus and North Africa ready for marriage Why dont /in…[View]
199260711The sun shines for Uruguay.[View]
199259874Why did Boomers never learn that 'more' isn't always better?[View]
199253147/polska/: edycja sakury kasugano ze street fightera[View]
199261036ITT: /int/ernational jokes thread: - During Euro 2024, the English football team paid a visit to a G…[View]
199248138This is Kanna Hashimoto. She is considered the most beautiful woman in Japan and one of the most bea…[View]
199256695Millions must pay[View]
199258301Northern europe: nuclear family units Southern europe: extended family unit Middle east: extended fa…[View]
199260507>country is a micro island >can only have half of it Is Cyprus the most cucked country on the …[View]
199260860For you next vacation, consider North Macedonia (ex-FYROM), the pearl of the balkans[View]
199259248I'm 24 yo and only have $20,000. Can I get a job and a house in Brazil?[View]
199259023/holecountryfeels/: What aspects of first world countries are you envious of? I just got into using …[View]
199259359damn, Slovenians look like this?[View]
199252534Screw these people[View]
199260201How many lines of code have you written today in your country?[View]
199257556Why are they so cartoonishly evil?[View]
199260274Is it true that gaijin can't distinguish between JAV and reality?[View]
199256425Has your country had gay leaders before?[View]
199257446Ytpeepo dont season dey hairlines?[View]
199259409I'm sexually attracted to mid/plain chubby girls. Beautiful and fit women do nothing for me. D…[View]
199260281I want to date western girl and don't consider Russian girls attractive. How ironic[View]
199260407>Wake up because of the thunderstorm >Check the forecast >Rain all day >all week >m…[View]
199259162Two continents, one dream[View]
199259040>they will never fight among themselves again in the history of mankind because they realized the…[View]
199259424Did you know, up until 1965, the right to become a US citizen was only reserved for europeans and af…[View]
199257742>the year is 2090 >North Europe is now an Islamic caliphate after the Eurarab spring >each …[View]
199259319This is who you are speaking when replying to a japanese flag[View]
199255533/brit/: queen edition[View]
199247000Why do firstoids pretend to be poor and suffering despite living in rich advanced economies where de…[View]
199218991/csg/ cono sur general: Edición levantensen que hay que laburar[View]
199257817/brit/: glis glis edish[View]
199259895The four pillars of /int/[View]
199255305/ukraïna/: Eдицiя Boлoдимиpa Cocюpи Пoпepeднiй: >>199214341[View]
199258972>buy an AI sex bot in the future >it still picks chad…[View]
199257700Are you a Newsom Nigga in your country?[View]
199259789Why is there so much gay sex between these two countries?[View]
199255857how are you supporting ukraine[View]
199259518Lunch. Didn't have time to post it, cuz we had training. So. I am going through her posts on sp…[View]
199252882koreans looks like this?[View]
199232054>'So what do you do for work, Anon?' >'I work for a company that imports foreign foods. I spen…[View]
199253334Every bad thing that has happened in this area was caused by choosing unachievable Utopian Confucian…[View]
199258126What the fuck is a BDS: I don't speak that much english[View]
199259471are you scared of death ? im not im clean guy i never did anything to hurt anybody i pray daily to…[View]
199256595Why are they like this?[View]
199258915Low.birthrate is gift from god. Last 4 decades we had too many population cramped such a i tiny land…[View]
199258952Xi bros… another once in w century disaster has occured…[View]
199252059>bloody war going on >couple of kilometres west ppl are playing the eurocup Lmao Crazy world…[View]
199259386Hey hey non-Haredi israelis. How do you cope with Haredis rioting and callig israeli army the enemy …[View]
199238187Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily lif…[View]
199257866Norway... I kneel...[View]
199258552>I understand you're saying you will 'kill' me, but as a language model, I don't have a…[View]
199257241Wh*te ''''pypo'''' aint be seasoning dey waters[View]
199257414why do you hate hijab? I only fucked women with their hijab on. hijab and glasses made women even cu…[View]
199259139nsfw board?[View]
199257472>thirdie infrastructure[View]
199259168Yes, I must confess. I love Hungarian pussy.[View]
199245510/ita/ - il filo: edizione boomer[View]
199258436Alerte: For the first time in history, Japan will make a creation about France, not England this tim…[View]
199259158Interesting island. Not owned by USA. How did it came that Columbia owns. If it's nice for tou…[View]
199258148How literally do Hindus take their religion? If I go out, I can find people who think Adam and Eve a…[View]
199256129I want it back: Any other countries relate to dat feel?[View]
199257187Just name TEN (10) countries in this continent without googling. Tip: You can't[View]
199258609I used to think Spain was the best country in the world but now I've realized Portugal is bette…[View]
199258114everything bad in my country is because of the government but people are perfectly fine if only ther…[View]
199257943twitter is copying our style, soon there will be nothing distinguishing us from them[View]
199253979>Brazilanon shits up Catalog with depression threads I'll give you something to cry about!…[View]
199258175Have seen atleast 15 videos with titles like these pop up in the last few months What the FUCK is go…[View]
199253421Elon Musk or Wang Chuanfu, /int/? Tesla or BYD?[View]
199256582How much of your failure do you attribute to your genetics, in your country[View]
199258617The chinese century is farting[View]
199257843The president of Costa Rica fired the head of the Ministry of Culture and the Commissioner for Socia…[View]
199258659NTT Docomo commercializes the world's first flying base station 'HAPS' providing 5G networks in…[View]
199255864/deutsch/: So Lener jetzt[View]
199258593God damn I love Romanian ISPs >dirt cheap >fast as fuck >give you top of the line routers f…[View]
199258229Name a more famous Irish American[View]
199258476>PO can't hold power by itself and is relient on smaller coaltiants who are currently impodi…[View]
199245022What comes to mind when you think of Vietnam?: supposedly only 5% of tourists ever return back to vi…[View]
199258212Now class. We'll be going to Meh-hi-ho for our yearly field-trip. And while we're in Meh-h…[View]
199253605SEETHING PAKIS[View]
199258240Argentines came to Argentina on boats, but those boats sailed down the Paraná River![View]
199249911/sauna/: Mugin synttäripainos[View]
199258094Do you like Japanese snacks in your country?[View]
199257966Is this what Italy is like?[View]
199256814Do you use chopsticks in your country?[View]
199245862Indian TV show about Alexander the Great. All actors are Indian.[View]
199253284Germany didn't deserve this. France, Russia, Poland, Belgium, and Denmark need to clear their c…[View]
199258020o jak perdole kurwa[View]
199252297god doesn't exist: your imaginary friend isn't real, get over it and even if he was real h…[View]
199256188Our chink billionaire is currently richer than any chink billionaires in China. Happens in your coun…[View]
199257894Wakanda if real[View]
199254729>But i was told that europe is walkable and nobody has to drive: >Isokyrö has the most cars in…[View]
199255722How do we address the German and British/English tourist invasion of Spain? https://www.youtube.com/…[View]
199257829/brit/: troublemeat edition[View]
199253871Do you like fast foods in your country?[View]
199255671What exactly is the national identity of this place?[View]
199257215New whiteness map just dropped[View]
199256739New sightseeing spots in hk...[View]
199256289Serbia has anime news presenters Need it or keep it?[View]
199255859Incel moment alert Incel moment alert Incel moment alert Incel moment alert I was just in REMA1000 f…[View]
199254372This image should be pinned at the top of this board.[View]
199257434its exactly the same people who rule russia and europe europeans just say 'we will give more money'[View]
199256827Let's see what the Indians are up to in the west[View]
199256570Treacherous revisionists[View]
199255265Now that I think about it, it's really odd how she's not naked like most statues[View]
1992548037-11 to make its US food business more akin to their Japanese branch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?…[View]
199246541What ethnicity is this called?[View]
199250792Can you grow it in your cunt? >Poland No, it's forbidden.[View]
199254306If your country was a ship from Star Trek: What would it be?[View]
199254452I got up at 07:15 this morning and I haven't done anything meaningful with my day yet.[View]
199254663going for an incelwalk in my country[View]
199251702Does this happens in your country?: I'm an useless NEET in my country.[View]
199255406Race mixing is evil.[View]
199254316Thoughts on Egyptian men?[View]
199254445This is very accurate[View]
199255480What happens here?[View]
199256704Thank you USSR![View]
199237048/norgetråden/: Norsk-slovensk vennskapsutgave Izd. norveško-slovenskega prijateljstva Forrige: >…[View]
199256597>Get arrested for walking at the side of the road without a car. >Get arrested for standing at…[View]
199256641Question for Buddhist bros: Did jews deserve the Holocaust According to karma[View]
199239071/fr/ - le francofil: Edition Les Grand Tetons Ancien: >>199225074[View]
199253076>But the free 4chan blocks China, we can only watch but not post. China is watching /int/, what …[View]
199256599Cityfolk ain't right. The hustle and bustle makes them go insane and turns them gaypolar.[View]
199253047I was playing with my cousin yesterday. It was pretty fun[View]
199256507good morning maam[View]
199249716I deserve inceldom because I'm a terrible person: Things I did to deserve my fate: >slapped …[View]
199248043What makes Georgians different from Armenians[View]
199255417I drank a glass of almond milk and I feel calm[View]
199255912Do niggas have spanish forefathers in your cunt tree: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ctmW8aWk6B8&…[View]
199252993Question to fellow butthurt belters?: Once America destroys the Moskals, what we will base on our id…[View]
199256103A few years ago I got kicked off the bus for sniffing a woman's hair[View]
199253557Why yes i'm from a third world country what gave it away[View]
199252734Internationally speaking I'm meaningless. I'll never make the world a better place.[View]
199254299Why are whites so weird?: My mom is anglo and my dad is italian. And honestly I've never fit in…[View]
199253935Do you like Russia?[View]
199256106Her ancestor :)[View]
199254936Best country in the world[View]
199255230I am afraid of restaurants in Europe. Even if I have money, restaurants in Europe are uncomfortable.…[View]
199255861i grow tired of these games. i have ways of making you cooperate. i'll ask one more time, show …[View]
199251795Live your myth in Poormany[View]
199253957I would like to thank the gubiment and Europäische Union for another ~ 150 000 000 millions of euro …[View]
199253682/brit/: Songs From The Big Chair edition[View]
199252772/deutsch/: Ausgabe vom Strandurlaub[View]
199254555Toscana: What happenes here?[View]
199253319Most of the old stone buildings date back only to the 17th to 19th centuries?[View]
199255461>the invisible hand of the free market[View]
199254706do people in your country embrace ai slop?[View]
199255405>haven't gooned to BBC porn all day Happens in your country? How do you cope with not being …[View]
199255350my newest purchase[View]
199255343The western world has fallen.: Because they have abandoned their faith. The teachings of Jesus are t…[View]
199245309>Most popular Anime couple in 2023 is White Male / Asian Woman What did the Japanese mean by thi…[View]
199254887Being a Turk means being a nomad: I only feel comfortable being a diasporoid when travelling because…[View]
199253886Tell me EVERYTHING you know about Northern Ireland.[View]
199254878Hello. We are all gonna make it[View]
199252759>This board sucks >Yeah really >There's like, no boobs and stuff >Yeah mmmhhhmmm, B…[View]
199249975why do foreigner say anime is white?: it is clear anime character is japanese[View]
199254010In one week their futures will be decided. Will they reclaim their former glory? Will it be bright?[View]
199249790I am a cutie patootie[View]
199253375Baba yetu, yetu uliye Mbinguni yetu, yetu, amina Baba yetu, yetu, uliye Jina lako litukuzwe Baba yet…[View]
199254114Bought a double bigmac today and couldn't eat it because its too big and scatters around. Why e…[View]
199254544How do we fix New Orleans[View]
199253976Should I get this for my Finnish friend?: I heard they like knives.[View]
199253756Do mentally stable women still exist in your country?[View]
199253856what is faroese culture[View]
199252149>try to be nice to indians on the internet >theyre never anything but mean back…[View]
199229027/Nederdraad/ #FreeDries: Vive la France!-édition.[View]
199248533HOLY FUCK: I was today years old when I found out the word 'bad' literally means 'tra…[View]
199252161How did you grow out of your chud phase in your country?[View]
199250097I moved out to Langley recently With a plain and simple dream Wanna infiltrate some third-world plac…[View]
199254089is that true in other countries?[View]
199252832May I present to you the Polish delicacy: Pasta With Strawberries And Cottage Cheese. Uma delicia![View]
199254252Do you have a country about sex havers in your country? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSEqnzYwolk…[View]
199242750I will come to Japan, and I will be loud on your trains.[View]
199250181Why are Unitedstatians so gullible and vulnerable to pyramid schemes and cults?[View]
199252044'average norwegian family' happens in your cunt ?[View]
199250337SAY :clap: IT :clap: LOUDER :clap: FOR :clap: THE :clap: PEOPLE :clap: IN :clap: THE :clap: BACK[View]
199253983I caught this Brazilian trying to break into my house[View]
199253850>A doutrina cristã de que o homem é mau por natureza é mais elevada do que a doutrina oposta de q…[View]
199253876Fuck you[View]
199245243The fun thing about ESL’s is they have no idea about trope phrases so you can literally say the most…[View]
199253776America used to be great[View]
199252719do you have curling parents in your country?[View]
199253903In this thread we are all muslims https://vocaroo.com/1omBL1vGp82v[View]
199253690People keep thinking that I'm ethnically Russian anytime they guess my ethnicity for some reaso…[View]
199219173/balk/: Ideal wife: Busty, blonde, blue eyed, pale, soft skin, long haired, racially pure, teen, vir…[View]
199250082Are women traditional in your country?[View]
199253795El Chavo del ocho Tin Tin[View]
199253596>It's DA JOOZ: >casually ignores chinese moral subversion app…[View]
199251833No matter how developed and rich we are, westerners will always think of Slavs as 'inferior'.[View]
199250290/brit/: stamens and stigmas edition[View]
199252247Enough about Russia Ukraine shit We need to talk about the invasion of France to take rightful Breto…[View]
199251505Portugal: https://eyeballtank.itch.io/project-nortubel/devlog/758202/1jul2024-nortubel-part-5brinkae…[View]
199253518everybody is angry in my country[View]
199250763Spaghetti and ice cream?[View]
199253569do you do this, after getting green card and crossing the border?[View]
199253447i like your country[View]
199253248829 years of happiness that ended in 1795. Never forget[View]
199253363I've heard of zoomers are incapable at using PC, Is it true in your country?[View]
199251707>'If attacked by a bear, do not attempt to run away - bears can easily outrun you. Instead, go li…[View]
199250702Good Morning European Boys~[View]
199253307Asian hair texture is too much, is it unbearable?: I ran my finger through an east asian woman hair.…[View]
199247767/esp/ - Hilo Español: Edición p@ja[View]
199253300Where should a bloke from down under go if he wants to move to the EU/The Americas? I have a neurosc…[View]
199253162Why are the French like this?[View]
199251410Woah!!! They have skyscrapers and stuff?! Are you ready for the Polish century?[View]
199253251me (catholic) just cummed inside a muslim girl. i practically baptized her with my cum.[View]
199252835this is it, the final year of America before societal collapse. Now we're going to find out wha…[View]
199253219Just learnt about the Bangladesh genocide. Wtf is wrong with Pakis?[View]
199249542>Irreparably damages reputation of your country[View]
199252188Gonna change my resume english skill's level from intermediate back to beginner.[View]
199241471/polska/: edycja jebac kurwy podedycja debowego mocnego[View]
199252565Which Country Is He From?[View]
199247598how do I cure my german obsession. I fantasize about german guys constantly and I want to stop.[View]
199216659DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #3483: DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese…[View]
199251368I rot in this gray, depressing, polluted concrete prison instead of being marveled by the vastness a…[View]
199247749does you pro-tax or pro-evasion team? how hard to avoid tax paying in your country?[View]
199253041Anyway so I checked the Y-DNA haplogroup of your ethnicity based off this dick pic you put on the ca…[View]
199245998How did Koreans win so hard?[View]
199250693muslim bros: poo in loo[View]
199245781why can't they just admit that americans are better than them[View]
199246295do you have nuclear power in your country?[View]
199250486>syrian rapes some 5 year old in turkey >they are rioting and burning everything This is why e…[View]
199251571'China can access 4chan': 'We ALL get information about the free world from 4chan.'[View]
199246855>52-year old man decides to build some home-made bombs >zero reason for doing it nor any exper…[View]
199251909Why do you live like this in your country?[View]
199246748Lost money with my large stack of Jollibee stock today. Jollibee has just bought the 3rd largest cof…[View]
199251905The streets are full of cute girls in revealing clothes and none of them are having sex with me. Doe…[View]
199252527Just found out Belgium is majority Dutch-speaking and French-speakers are only 40%[View]
199252437Do you smoke in your country? I smoke pack a day. It is ruining my finances. I wish to stop.[View]
199248500>I suffer in Russia[View]
199252704How do brown people manage to wear tight black clothes like t shirts and shirts when it’s +30C and m…[View]
199252568>Tick-borne encephalitis Only scandis, baltics and russians suffer.[View]
199238299What comes to mind when you think of Japan?[View]
199247746This is Russia's upcoming supercarrier: What should they name it?[View]
199251356we wont invade finland whats the point its a shithole country[View]
199249622Do Leaders in Your Country Get Away With Everything?: In Canada, yes. We can run a donation scheme, …[View]
199250705How do you deal with having a sister in your country?[View]
199249895/deutsch/: Einfach E38 - Ausgabe[View]
199251944>Sweden is a great country uhh forget that I'm drunk that's just our culture…[View]
199244094What comes to mind when you think of South Korea?[View]
199250139Why do people from Bumfuck Nowhere, Nebraska pretend they are first world? Fuck you. You will never …[View]
199250406Do you play games for babies in your country? https://files.catbox.moe/fvdexf.mp4[View]
199248679What country do people have sex in public the most in[View]
199206955/Bharat/: modi chan edition~[View]
199250518>wake up in a room with a big red button in the middle >it says replace all the women in the w…[View]
199246776European cinema b like:: >NOOOOOOOO!! You can't just kidnap me and perform your surgeries on…[View]
199249668You wouldnt last a second in my country[View]
199251842Why do thirdies eat stinky food?: have you noticed that in your country?[View]
199246010>make a conscious, private decision to pay for a particular antivirus software with my own money …[View]
199251649I keep having dreams about my school years, what does it mean??[View]
199251008Russia is about to invade: What units do i build?[View]
199248048How do Argentinians cope with the fact that their president if a big fan of the person who took thei…[View]
199247249Reminder that if you post soyjak, especially Cobson, you are mentally ill[View]
199249207This makes haters seethe and it's happening everywhere here Financed from the city budget btw.…[View]
199248055I used to be a cute twink but now my receding hairline is starting to get visible. Happens iyc?[View]
199250998Do men in your country prefer left or right?[View]
199249785Jomon+Yayoi is false!: New archeological evidence suggests that Japanese are actually made of three …[View]
199250620Hear me out Elden Ring but the DLC is in the base game replacing repeated/lackluster content[View]
199241580Sverigetråden: Magiupplagan[View]
199250397>polish women are trad-........ APOLOGIZE[View]
199249376How Ottoman are they?[View]
199251209Bros should I just stay in Europe?: I'm currently in EVROPA on my newly acquired Czech citizens…[View]
199247034>Muslims have no soul and cultu-ACK...[View]
199251205Pajeetas Look Like THIS???[View]
199249974Pls support one man Polish dev teams working on huge projects[View]
199243750What year did White-America hit the point of no return?[View]
199250033>latinas don't love whiteboy-......... APOLOGIZE[View]
199250722>wolfgang mozart Lmaoo what kind of name is that[View]
199247591What are the top 5 best and top 5 worst cities in your country?: America Best 1. Lake Havasu City 2.…[View]
199250871Do women work hard in your country?[View]
199250882I bought peaches and two of them were gone off...[View]
199250635> >No one mentioned India in Reels >Even interviewer didn't asked or included it >T…[View]
199248190Why can't they just do a battle royale? Why do they have to drag in innocent Germanic people in…[View]
199248116Japan is actually fucking collapsing this time: All of us were convinced that China would collapse f…[View]
199248221/brit/: average briton edition[View]
199249210In ur cunt, Do people believe in the idea that a person's face determine their future?[View]
199246570Hollywood is finished.[View]
199247773Good morning lads. I wish I had the opportunity to drink a cup of coffee rn[View]
199248249Post the name of the disease you have: Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder[View]
199250001Say his name[View]
199245928are they the worst posters on the board now? literally everything i see with their flag is just the…[View]
199248919Languagepill: the only language anyone needs to know is English. All the other ones are memes that w…[View]
199245088The most kino phase in American history is about to commence. Consider yourself lucky for being here…[View]
199243498Live your myth in Southeast Asia[View]
199249943this is Eastern Türkiye: I love it[View]
199247571>make all girls ignore him >mqke him get addicted to BBC porn…[View]
199245853the most controversial pairing[View]
199248949You buy Korean bento lunch box. Opened. See this. Whot do?[View]
199243038Do you eat bugs in your cunt?: Japan, yes[View]
199249808Good morning saars Are you feeling sexy today?[View]
199233705/sauna/: Sillä aikaa saunassa -painos[View]
199249678what phenotype is this ?[View]
199247652leaf media be like: >canadian athlete wins gold at olympics! comes out that he's been doping…[View]
19924673430 years ago russians were saying Kazakhstan would turn into Africa without le smart russians who br…[View]
199246713/deutsch/: Aufstehausgabe[View]
199246889My name is Reginald Jerome Howard. What’s your name in your country?[View]
199247271Why aren’t you learning the second and third most spoken languages in your country[View]
199248340Most of the time I don't know when use TO or FOR, WOULD and COULD, and ON and IN and just use i…[View]
1992462141/3 of the summer has passed already[View]
199248611do people eat morel in your country?[View]
199248965Ever felt like you don't fit in with your surroundings?[View]
199246607The Italian/German Visajeet is driving me nuts[View]
199248912Telling people you've been with 5+ women in the Philippines will have people praise you as a pl…[View]
199246065Argentinean peso keeps going down, is it time for us chilebros to go buy our groceries there?[View]
199247001Brits seem whiny[View]
199247858The average black American father and son in the year 2050[View]
199247430all blue eyed goras deserve sanskari brown girls[View]
199246650I’m tired of Ohio: I want to escape How can I escape and to where? San Diego, the PNW, Hawaii, Franc…[View]
199248651what are women like in your country?[View]
199245730How do they cope with their shitty rainy/overcast weather?[View]
199245684Re- prefix: Does the prefix 're-' in Romance languages differ from the one in English? For instance…[View]
199247521SIMPLE AS[View]
199244852Breakfast. In her eyes, I am a loser. In this world, I am a loser. In my eyes, I am a loser. In real…[View]
199246493/brit/: um edish[View]
199248159are wolfgirls real in your country[View]
199245779Recently I've been seeing girls on social media using the phrase 'My Roman Empire is...' What t…[View]
199247018indogbros... i thought china is an ally?[View]
199246444This is a very standard Polish monastery from 16XX (so PLC times) found in greater Poland, lesser Po…[View]
199244766/bra/ - fio brasileiro: Edição posterior Anterior: >>199241359[View]
199246683Does this happen in your country?[View]
199245472broootal hai bhai sab broootal hai. ab toh over ho gaya. 7 mahine se jobless hu. UX me job dhoond r…[View]
199247066Indian bros...we are winning[View]
199244605Name an ethnic group with more drive and better work ethic.[View]
199246535How will they fare when we are gone? Do you worry about the fate of newworlders in your country?[View]
199235297Thought on white angels in your country?[View]
199242951How are americans preparing for the Newsomming?[View]
199247695I Just wanted to tell you, that Jesus loves you.[View]
199245261I’m stuck with Christcucks: Do stupid people in your country believe in this shit? I vandalized many…[View]
199246880>status quo >conquer pales together >remove provincial levy and police >exile that faggo…[View]
199247406Why do people make fun of me for believing in Sasquatch? I’ve seen them on four separate occasions.[View]
199246951Why is Europe so left wing?: Bernie Sanders would be considered a far right extremist in Europe...…[View]
199245385There is an Tibetan Buddhist colony in Europe called Kalmykia Europe is so multicultural.[View]
199247453>tfw no Mulatto daughter[View]
199247424do you have asian gangs in your cunt? >yes but now asians have gone hipster now, https://www.you…[View]
199237323/leaf/ – Late Afternoon/Early Evening Edition: >Be Canada’s birthday >Ctrl F “/leaf/” >0/0 …[View]
199243536If you use any of these phrases, you're a braindead worthless nigger: >blud >let him cook…[View]
199245065>'Oh, Tyrone, I'm sorry for shining the light so directly into your face. I'm sure you…[View]
199242100did your country steal its culture from another country in your country?aq[View]
199245210how did you get to this point in life in your country?[View]
199243528has anyone else noticed western european zoomers speak english with an american accent? whats up wit…[View]
199245794Young men in the us are worse off: studies by the wef shows that Young Americans are the most lonely…[View]
199242352I made a discord account a year ago and it's the biggest mistake of my life, it as the same cli…[View]
199246942What section of Twitch do your countrymen use to stream TV shows?[View]
199242574Say something nice about Mexico, /int/![View]
199246250I go to Decathlon to use the weights and dip bars and pull up bar for free. I never buy anything. Do…[View]
199241925I got my Norwegian girlfriend pregnant and she wants to keep it. What do I do, bros?[View]
199243343>tfw can't get into reggaeton I need more common interests than spicy food and sex to attrac…[View]
199246838is chile tsundere sister of argentina[View]
199246218>15 years old anime girls in school uniforms who casually carry 14mm sniper rifle can easily beat…[View]
199246486The Rampart scandal was a police corruption scandal which unfolded in Los Angeles, California, Unite…[View]
199246623Elon Musk or Wang Chuanfu, /int/? Tesla or BYD?[View]
199243492/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: What are 10,000 lives of all potential to you?[View]
199243591Which of the places in white is the best escape option from the US?[View]
199245526What does the women really want? It's not the same that the men want.[View]
199237055/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/: Brezenausgabe[View]
199245454>incest and polygamy are both prosecuted crimes in the us How does this meme country even exist? …[View]
199243197Is friendship between women and males possible in your country?[View]
199244623I exclusively listen to English indie rock bands from between 1980-2010.[View]
199244078Does your country have a strong military?: Strongest military in the world: US Strongest military in…[View]
199244682>final exam scores in California uni math class are bimodally distributed >for you normies, t…[View]
199243776/brit/: effay edish[View]
199246087>WE SUFFER BECAUSE... BECAUSE IT IS LE COLD AND LE DARK I hope this entire region and all it…[View]
199246484Does your country have programs to repopulate rural areas?: The beautiful Tuscan region of Italy wil…[View]
199244989Just realized something: If Shintoism would have reached Europe before Christianity European culture…[View]
199238624Tell us about your internet journey.: I started with iFunny, Bodybuilding.com forum and Kik messenge…[View]
199242606This is a 10/10 in the Balkans[View]
199243559What is wrong with these 'people'?[View]
199244413Brown and black women hate white boys. You ugly nerds will never get one lmao.[View]
199240765Now that America is a dictatorship can I be a refugee in your country?[View]
199246054Baiting and Beating the shit out of Pedos is a new trend in the USA: There was a Russian guy who did…[View]
199245444Default Person: What is your default person? When you see this image, how do you imagine them? >G…[View]
199235495Any South Korea bros here?: What sites can I go to to look at failed plastic surgery results? Mainly…[View]
199246023How the fuck are you supposed to survive here? You work for 40+ hours a week plus unpaid overtime an…[View]
199244884will you be forever alone in your country? how is it viewed societally? IN KOREA, they will be stone…[View]
199241760did he get raped by immigrants or why is he so mad at us?[View]
199242591Did you know Mohammed wore cum rags?[View]
199245292I drink Coke first thing in the morning. It's too good[View]
199244706What's stopping your family member whose somewhere in a room from eating a small piece food and…[View]
199245669>you're cunt >are you going to die? >US >yes…[View]
199245821I'm brazilian and someone just called me 'ESL'[View]
199245942>10.2cm Grim[View]
199242607Yeah recommend me popular music in Europe, but let's skip Northern Europe, the UK, Germany, and…[View]
199245929Why are Belgians like this with French pipo ?[View]
199245908In Europe people commonly die from eating kebab[View]
199245188The chin of your average white man who likes brown or black women[View]
199245645Noticing more SEA women making youtube channels attacking western women: International related subje…[View]
199244909/mcg/ - MEDITERRANEAN CLIMATE GENERAL: Only mediterranean climate chads can post ITT[View]
199245535Would you commit fraud to get ahead in your cunt or is it a thirdie thing? t. considering it[View]
199244085earthsissies... our copes?[View]
199245499God bless rain is finally coming to my coun- ACK![View]
199245369Race mixing is evil.[View]
199231751/icy/ Insomniacs of Central Yurop and FRENS: Enjoy.[View]
199242734I didnt get a single (you) from a firstie today, Im not feeling well bros[View]
199245525>japan first world >britain and all of europe except switzerland and norway third world countr…[View]
199244870While pakis roam and causes havoc in London, let's see what the Indians are up to.[View]
199244851How can we help these poor, suffering, starving thirdois? They can't even afford clothes[View]
199245434Would I look like a local in your country[View]
199244865Why in the fuck is every poster from this country a visa jeet? Why?[View]
199245415What is your initial thought upon seeing this flag?[View]
199244739Why did America stop looking like this?: America in the 90's/early 2000's seemed pretty co…[View]
199243091/mena/ - /مصحة أمراض عقلية/ - /شأشأ/: >22 June 1932 - 25 October 2001. To Persia, with love, to m…[View]
199244896Tomorrow for the 1/8 it's fucking Roumanie vs Hollandnether and fucking Austria vs Turkey Worst…[View]
199244572Why don't Americans drive on the left side of the road[View]
199245386thanks /int/[View]
199243358Is transphobia common in your country?[View]
199245006this is what a nation must look like; a large family[View]
199244277How are your 2024 language learning goals coming along?[View]
199243196Do you think she is cute in your country? She is a girl who attended university with me, I never dar…[View]
199242282>this is how indians get treated even on normie social media like youtube…[View]
199240082New Catholic Saint soon[View]
199243940do women ever give you this look?[View]
199244599i have mysterious mediterannean soul[View]
199242003This is the most popular influence in my country.[View]
199243583Brown Pipo be crazy[View]
199241590Eisbein or Haxe, Germanbros thoughts?[View]
199244752Jagshemash Saars![View]
199244589How do I get a brazilian gf?[View]
199209774/ex-yu/: Bolje da se nisam ni probudio izdanje[View]
199242958Turks are going extinct.[View]
199244733Holy cow, Toivo![View]
199240832>most of the world was civilised by brownies with small dicks how can BBC and BWC cope?…[View]
199243932Which country has the most girls that look like this?[View]
199244574Why do so many Australians like racist fox lady so much? I know like 8 or 9 Aussies who like averi a…[View]
199244256To be German is to value efficiency over style. To be French is to value style over efficiency. To b…[View]
199242766>Autism demons start compelling me to learn Dutch >Quickly put on meditation music, take deep …[View]
199244415>be american >eat burger >get shot we really do…[View]
199241927Did you know?: Japan is further north, south, east, and west than Korea![View]
199244308Brazilian gf: expectations[View]
199243743I need to isolate myself. People always reject me, always betray me, my tolerance for normal faggotr…[View]
199236488The world I grew up in doesn't exist anymore.: The world I once knew no longer exists. I recent…[View]
199244421Do you acknowledge Khalistan's right to exist?[View]
199231750/dixie/ + /icy/: Czechxas edition[View]
199244112Dutch guys with their great grandfather be like[View]
199241359/bra/ - Fio Brasileiro: Edição chocolate ao leite. Ultimo: >>199235042[View]
199244366>“Sweden has the highest proportion of incels in the world, The FOI found that between 4.6–7.3% o…[View]
199236956Maharashtra is the São Paulo of India[View]
199243704How do you say its over in your country?[View]
199241664You can have it. I dont need it[View]
199239367What happens if you post this on social media in your country?: >Germany >You'll get swat…[View]
199241515>there's no such thing as a perfect count--ACK![View]
199243896Someone needs to finance actual islamist parties in european politics Think about it quietly, it wou…[View]
199244233Y’all not on the team, blud! :crying laughing emoji: :crying laughing emoji: Who let blud cook with …[View]
199244000People are racist?[View]
199242906My obsession with mapcharts continues: This time its cuisines. I didn't run into anything I hat…[View]
199242269Pichai Sundararajan : PDG of Google Satya Nadella : PDG of Microsoft Jensen Huang : PDG of Nvidia Wh…[View]
199240747Fast food workers in California make more than medical doctors in most countries: How do you cope in…[View]
199243903South Korea:Japan = Japan:Thailand: > South Koreans are western sized the same as Spanish and Fre…[View]
199244040>July 1st 2024[View]
199242960Did you know that Scotland uses litres to measure bottles of milk and not pints?[View]
199241486/brit/: lovely asian women edition[View]
199242609Visual representation of the relationship between America and Japan since 1945[View]
199243665hAhAhAhAhAhAhAhA: hAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhA…[View]
199241262What makes them so pro-Russian?[View]
199238978/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: Canada Day edition Prev >>199229464[View]
199237669Can you get rid of these fucking steam porn ads? Isn't this supposed to be a sfw board?[View]
199241803the girl's got a point, I've never dated anyone my the region my parents came from, girls …[View]
199242698Simple as.[View]
199243207Our grandparents willfully destroyed this country so Henry Ford could sell more cars, and that is wh…[View]
199239406>I hate Chin- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKSuKk053Xs WOAH! This is so ceremoniasl and so sin…[View]
199238469You will never have this, internationally speaking: Also, I immediately become friends with any /int…[View]
199243200rank Ted Mosby's top 3 gfs and guess their nationalities[View]
199241837What are you doing with your life in your country[View]
199241552I feel so much love and respect for anyone who can speak German, and I don't know why[View]
199237756A poor Chad lives a better life than a wealthy incel. Marx was wrong. Capital does not mean anything…[View]
199242861Do you want to fins love in New York?[View]
199238929'i'm here for it' these new zoomer phrases are retarded[View]
199242785>you walk into the sporting goods section of Walmart in America[View]
199240917>Anon, are my eyes hazel, gold, honey, chestnut, caramel, amber, tawny, cinnamon or chocolate…[View]
199242784can any spaniards tell me what is this[View]
199241761we're the good guys[View]
199242491>Never colonized >Except for that one time they were colonized…[View]
199242697Society is still morally in 1950, and we're basically reaching a 2030 technology world. At some…[View]
199242083danish guy[View]
199242345why u have no chin in your country?[View]
199241636/feels/ general: What are your troubles anons? Let it all out today[View]
199242309I fucking hate countryside 'people' and their descendants. Uncivilized, uncultured swine.[View]
199241833how are you guys holding up over there[View]
199241142Germans of /int/, what's your favorite nationality of non-yuropeon immigrants?[View]
199185621/asean/: renang edisi[View]
199241808Do you truly believe Richard got four hundred sausages?[View]
199240692Why do Brits engage in third-world behavior?[View]
199242326guess the map[View]
199228640How do you guys feel about seeing hot girls living in poverty?[View]
199242354you won't know this pain[View]
199239521Happens in your country, or just america?[View]
199233808New Chinese Invention Just Dropped: Thoughts?[View]
199239604>People still use pop songs as ringtones in my country Happen in your country?…[View]
199221664Question for japs: What exactly is gravure How is it viewed in society[View]
199238029Damn china is gonna have the first lunar base: America can’t even land probes on the moon while chin…[View]
199233526Europoors really go >i have been to 28 countries And 21 of them are just the size of a Walmart[View]
199241495Why did they turn their back on their slavic brothers? >catholics >use the latin alphabet >…[View]
199237878where do jewish baddies usually spend thier time? there are none here[View]
199241692Zero contributions to art or science.[View]
199241174Countries by equity risk premium. If your cunt isn't 4.11% (implied ERP for the S&P500), yo…[View]
199240310How do you tell the difference between Germans and Austrians(the better Germans)?[View]
199241956Does your country penalize theives?[View]
199238963If these numbers are correct then South Korea is already dead. Completely, utterly dead. It's i…[View]
199240788Why is Europe so dependent on Chinese Resources[View]
199241131too many hackers in Belorussia and Bulgaria why you fuckin arrange your web window sized and you ge…[View]
199234164Why are Turks so chuddy to Arabs?[View]
199241810Today marks the 30th anniversary of Brazil's currency(the real). Thoughts?[View]
199241564My country was better during the Cold War. So was yours.[View]
199241330yesterday's shit is today's gold - dutch proverb[View]
199237216could he pass as a local in your cunt[View]
199239146This is Finnish concentration camp It is where we put the Russian to work but then we losed in the …[View]
199239278/brit/: tarq rorke on a mad one edish[View]
199236495Sverigetråden - Hexboxupplagan: Coolt album som anon gjorde: ynzumk Vi behöver dock ett trevligt alb…[View]
199238876Why are Turkish people racist to Arabs? They look the same.[View]
199241449Why do some Somalis look brown while others look black? Which one are they?[View]
199240386Bros, I'm scared. Will the Ralphamale survive the destruction of Mexico?[View]
199241399Live your myth in America[View]
199233302>thanks for coming over man, just wait upstairs while me and my family have dinner Why are they l…[View]
199240721>Defeat Japan in WWII >Occupation infects every single white troop with terminal yellow fever …[View]
199238658/polska/: edycja nitki poświęconej zapomnianym, starym słowiańskim bogom https://youtu.be/OxRJUY9RTj…[View]
199240703/wmaf/: Anyone else here in a wmaf relationship? It's the happiest I've ever been in my li…[View]
199240647Has your country ever been humiliated?[View]
199239523Harrastin juuri seksiä ensimmäisen mustan naiseni kanssa. Tämä maa on hämmästyttävä.[View]
199240469Shes married ..[View]
1992390353 days…: how will you celebrate in your country?[View]
199238981Which of these countries will be the last ethnostate to go multicultural?: Ethnostate is 80% or more…[View]
199238581>Germans still using fax machines: What is all this about being the most efficient and modern cou…[View]
199235042/bra/ - Fio Brasileiro: Edição 40g ou 6 pés de maconha. Ultimo: pruned.[View]
199238648Why do Americans go through lengths to claim they’re not white? In picrel’s video, there was a guy w…[View]
199240847ITT: /int/ in 1984[View]
199241025>Europe >All levels of a sport use the same rules >USA >Professional, NCAA, High School …[View]
199240243Do Brazilians look like this?[View]
199239540It's Canada Day, so you have to be nice to us today.[View]
199234569Even the worst anti-Semites cannot resist a real Jewish sweet-and-sour, which, along with stuffed pi…[View]
199238499<pax europe any day now[View]
199240459This place has some really cunty women[View]
199238277Ugliest accents in the English speaking world.[View]
199237500Do Russians miss it?[View]
199236313What causes this on hags?[View]
199240565Surely Israel will listen now[View]
199238677Why'd they do it?[View]
199239697Kinda slowly losing any will to live: Truly as you gain new levels in this world you are giving up a…[View]
199236834Do Hindu people in your cunt know: Their religion is not real? I had two Hindu friends growing up an…[View]
199235574I noticed that a lot of them are very brown, are white Serbians racist to them or do they consider t…[View]
199240570Me on the right[View]
199236255What country[View]
199225906/شأشأ/ /mena/ /مصحة أمراض عقلية/: mi ancestros[View]
199240137Have they ever had an actual recession?[View]
199231490What are your thoughts and feelings regarding this great country?[View]
199237898There are actually autistic niggas out there unironically wasting time and effort learning obscure o…[View]
199239409Society is collapsing[View]
199230518/ita/ - Il Filo: edizione requiem per thirteen Il tacchino cacciauomini è stato ucciso da una trappo…[View]
199221923/esp/ - Hilo español: Edicion del cacanarioñol escozido.[View]
199239159You'll never have an American gf: How bad does it hurt?[View]
199240027There are Europeans moving to my small town and taking all the jobs.[View]
199238969>ugly unemployed men in their 30s having anal with literal high school 16-18 yo girls just becaus…[View]
199240072I don't think I'm into Asian girls anymore: I ran my finger through an east asian's h…[View]
199240142KUMARI GODDESS QUESTION: Possible future disorders, complexes or mental problems for a Kumari goddes…[View]
199239244What are the Best places to find women with this body type?[View]
199239185Why are Russians like that?[View]
199237590If you're not part of this you're not real eu and you shouldn't have a veto right[View]
199239924Everyone say thank you to Indonesia[View]
199239466I don't like it when you make fun of Slavs or call all of us Eastern Europeans.[View]
199229843How do we make German the lingua franca? I'm tired of being irrelevant.[View]
199239771They love esch others[View]
199234901Do you wish Mexiko kept more Aztec aesthetics?[View]
199238737Why are the Japanese like this?[View]
199235701Why don’t the Europoors create their own tech companies instead of just suing American ones?[View]
199234598What went wrong?: I understand they were the most powerful country in the world for around 200 years…[View]
199237542/brit/: Rump Parliament edish[View]
199238036Americans will come up with any excuse to not walk or be healthy Why are they like this?[View]
199238642>indian men are ugl--ACK!!![View]
199239120is hating boomers based or cringe in your country?[View]
199238352The struggle...[View]
199238749All we hear is Radio ga ga Radio goo goo[View]
199236140Let's Go To Japan!: /int/ trip to Japan this winter, yes?[View]
199238134You don't suffer in your country[View]
199237870Northern European question: Why are North Europeans especially dutchman so arrogant and negative tow…[View]
199229464/cum/ Canada USA! Mexico general: Cum Hair is life edition[View]
199238962>canonizing a dead millenial[View]
199235588best country for this life?[View]
199223445I like the idea of east asians seeing christianity as scary. it is fun to imagine them being confuse…[View]
199237162Question for Spain bros: Was your grandfather a Tolkien[View]
199238663What did Japan mean by this?[View]
199233070how do I find someone to pound my bussy in my cunt without using an app? I don’t want to become a wh…[View]
199236953Thirdie countries are blessed in that they don't have single mothers, that's the one way f…[View]
199238172Why the fuck should I bother learning to drive a stick shift?[View]
199227671>meet white girls >they're all either single moms or total leftist retards. Or both >n…[View]
199230686/incelwalk/ #2: Going for a second incelwalk today. Are you incelwalking IYC? prev: >>>1992…[View]
199237495Is skating seen as a childish hobby iyc?[View]
199235446I wonder what it's like being polish[View]
199233875This causes racists to piss and shit themselves in irrational anger[View]
199238251>Portugal is bl-ACK[View]
199238337American men see no problem living like this[View]
199238443/eu/ - European Union: Today's Topic: How are you preparing for Pax Europa?[View]
199235557Spaniards are buck broken: How do we fix them?[View]
199232224How are your career, hobbies, social life and sex life going in your country[View]
199234044What kind of woman works in the adult industry in Japan? Why did their parents allow that?[View]
199236336Post snacks from your country[View]
199235117>argue with people on /tv/ and /v/ >they accuse me of being a dumb zoomer >argue with peopl…[View]
199238124Which cunt should I move to if I like cold temperature, rain, a comfy atmosphere, safety and friendl…[View]
199231717It's available at Costco now Ajinomoto Gyoza - Cook, Flip, Enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?…[View]
199233410/polska/: edycja https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQIeWgodFas[View]
199235232Do turks realise that they owe everything to syrians?: their culture is completely syrian Half of th…[View]
199235738Do you love lithuania?[View]
199231962Do you like Manhattan?[View]
199235118ITT: The best ruler your country never had[View]
199238017Um monkebros?[View]
1992356213 millions views just because Macron shakes hands with an English boy[View]
199232915Do you get shamed in your country, for trying to get ahead? This dude is getting eviscerated.[View]
199225741What's the dating scene like in your country, /int/?[View]
199237826Do girls in your country love anal? >Flag >Do i need to say?…[View]
199237755White men of /int/, what have you done today to secure a brown goddess to bear your children?[View]
199235146Allah speaks to me in my dreams. Does your god speak to you in your dreams (in your country)?[View]
199211428/med/+frens: Beyond the Ice Wall edition Drank the Round Earth kool aid: >>199171499[View]
199237155How are cyclists treated in your country? >USA We treat them like how we treated blacks 60 years …[View]
199237560we did it, reddit[View]
199231733Sverigetråden - scoutupplagan[View]
199237668What are some Jews that inspire you?[View]
199237384Do you have conscription in your country[View]
199236069I liked this girl in college. I never tried to talk to him, because I knew he was going to reject me…[View]
199232434I only have €6000 to my name[View]
199235005Who are the people you don't talk about? We don't talk about Sami, Gypsy, or Jew.[View]
199236082What are your real life social skills like in your country?[View]
199235754/brit/: Pasta bake edition[View]
199236866It's snowing in my country. it feels good.[View]
199237140https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_sVGyJLs9w its up[View]
199212304/ro/ - Firul Nostru: Ediția: Asfințitului Pre: >>199176002[View]
199225074/fr/ - le fil de fer de la francophonie: Edition de la Resistance Ancien : >>>199204219 …[View]
199137916/rus/: B Hapo-Фoминcкe +30 Boт бы yпoтpeбить миcтep Cидop и тpoллить вceх в интepнeтe[View]
199234236Are we the „enemy“ country of them or rather the UK? Some would say maybe soain but they are irrelev…[View]
199216131Faces of /int/: Summer is a curse - edition[View]
199237020Why do they pretended England is bad and hard to live in when it's just yet another tutorial mo…[View]
199237187Why are Asian Americans not fo shizzle my nizzle?[View]
199237166do you play playstation in your cunt? Btw anybody got the infographic where r/blacked is similar to …[View]
199236453how the hell are dolphins mammals and not fish[View]
199233497So this is what Russians see when they visit western Europe?! Kino[View]
199229842Why is sweden so bad at making pizza?[View]
199233039I love Hungary![View]
199233374/katz/ ehemals /deutsch/: katz[View]
199234765what cause this phenomenon[View]
199234802What’s your opinion on Black Americans? What have your experiences with them been like?[View]
199233036I love Finland![View]
199236561Are American houses really made out of paper?[View]
199231716Sverigetråden - Hexupplagan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF8UAQs5eDg[View]
199231310Why do all these American Midwestern cities always look like the physical embodiment of clinical dep…[View]
199211148/tr/: Güno[View]
199235493How do I get a staunchly nationalistic, fluently Chinese, Uyghur gf? Do you think they're aware…[View]
199225037/norgetråden/: Lystring på krøderen-utgave. Forrige: >>199204556 https://www.youtube.com/watch…[View]
199233870Reminder that brown and black women hate white boys[View]
199234059>Fake nuke in North Korea >Fake nuke in b*larus Oh god... I hate this pathetic shithole so fu…[View]
199234006America is back[View]
199236005Heterosexuality has been fundamentally ruined worldwide (in all countries) The incel to trans pipeli…[View]
199232214>go to /adv/ >first thread i open is a girl losing interest in her bf because he started being…[View]
199232030everyone in europe started using iPhone just a couple of years ago. i hate americanization so much[View]
199206470kurva anyátok[View]
199232656How do you cope with aging in your country?[View]
199233281/brit/: improve our society edish[View]
199235581The west has fallen. First she fucks mans best friend. Then mans offspring. Why are western women l…[View]
199228122Is argentina a good place to move now?[View]
199234032WTF is wrong with Koreans?[View]
199234377What happens here?[View]
199235052>be china >start buying massive amounts of cicadas from vietnam out of NOWHERE >people see …[View]
199227665Here's your Turkish gf bro[View]
199229390US military base lol: checking in google Maps, I see they have replicated a mini US, all those resid…[View]
199233145europe doesn't have forest fires[View]
199231986What country in Europe is the most americanised?[View]
199229887What would change your life in your country?[View]
199234190You wake up in Searcy...[View]
199217109/bra/ - Fio Brasileiro: Edição não vemos a hora de passar mais um dias com nossos amigos Uch*da, Gio…[View]
199234803Realistically how easy would it be to buy a slave nowadays? I assume Asia would be the place for tha…[View]
199233289I’m owed sex on humanitarian grounds[View]
199234247>At this time, we have selected other candidates for this position.[View]
199235094Ching Chong Song: >Way out in old San Fran There is a Chinaman Who's known for miles around,…[View]
199214341/ukraïna/: Eдицiя Цeнтpaльнoaмepикaнcькoї фeдepaцiї Пoпepeднiй: >>199175452[View]
199234844I HATE NIGG[View]
199233831What do you know about jomons?[View]
199234657Canada Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYJqMUJFY1g You love Canada[View]
1992261731)Your cunt 2)Would you take a sip from this isolated pool of milky-blue water untouched by humans f…[View]
199231047Do you also have dreams where you kiss your crush in your country?[View]
199233822>new worlder flexing on the size of their state or country idgi I genuinely don't get it Am …[View]
199233573I used a photo of my youth to add a woman's discord to /soc/. We talked for almost a month and…[View]
199230299Next Monday I will begin my compulsory military service. Have you ever been conscripted in your coun…[View]
199228214Meanwhile, in the Land of the Free: >'Today, Novo Nordisk charges Americans with type 2 diabetes …[View]
199234526Continents are bullshit and i cannot believe that non-europeans just went along with it Like they un…[View]
199229084Are u religious in ur cunt?[View]
199215092Are spaniards really browner then georgians?[View]
199233152These are the only US trillion+ economies that are ethnostates: South Korea Japan Taiwan Spain Italy…[View]
199230182which type of male are you IYC ?[View]
199232696Dutchbros, duuk geeben ein probleeme. You ain't never beating the ugliest language allegations[View]
199229778Where are your ancestors from, Anon?[View]
199219627What will happen to the algiGODS now the chuds won in France?[View]
199234287Does your language have different accents in your country?[View]
199233625Remember when Americamutts want you to think Taiwan is a rich country?[View]
199231841Most rich thirdies grew up with white teachers: The vast majority of highest-tier private education …[View]
199232758What's your Brazilian name? Everyone should have one in case they ever need to travel to Brazil…[View]
199232998We should send them back to Germany. They shouldn't be welcome here anymore.[View]
199223211>red light district This is a completely foreign concept to Swedes (and to Norwegians, Finns, and…[View]
199233464What's your answer in your country?[View]
199232110How many countries have you been to (aside from your home country) and your age? >UK and France …[View]
199233767why so many young women are obsessed with this shithole? I've been to and it is literally a mix…[View]
199194047/v4/ and frens: monday is coming edition previous: >>199168825[View]
199233714Are you a citychad, a suburbancuck or a ruralchud in your country?[View]
199232864Serbs have more in common with Bulgarians than they do with Croats.[View]
199233118do you like indian cuisine?[View]
199233353Why do ‘manians look like pajeets?[View]
199233466>This is Sparta! Last techno remix[View]
199229046SAARLAND: What happens here?[View]
199226537/sauna/: tyttispainos[View]
199233136>make great and insightful post that answers the question perfectly >the thread dies immediat…[View]
199229800America is Collapsing: Boeing is charged, and they will now have to make better planes.[View]
199227351/polska/ + /nip/ + /sauna/: edycja peja rucha geja -painos hyva paska skurwysynu https://www.youtube…[View]
199232657Helsinki has fallen[View]
199230798I am currently in an abandoned 1960's airbase near my hometown Where are you posting from?[View]
199232675Swedes are the best looking men on Earth, it's not even up for debate They should start importi…[View]
199231195Have you been enjoying Summer in your country? I have been enjoying the above ground pool I installe…[View]
199232020Is there hope in your country? There must be hope somewhere[View]
199232283>Aunt trying to turn me onto Asian girls for some reason >Doesn't like the fact that my G…[View]
199230398/brit/: Argentina wojak edition[View]
199233236Are doctors nice in your country or rude and dismissive?[View]
199227389My best friend growing up was an immigrant. He was from Denmark.[View]
199232941Which African country will you get a wife from when the West eventually collapsed and you have to fl…[View]
199232259What do they do on these islands, particularly in black circle?[View]
199229955/deutsch/ Duisburgbewunderungsausgabe[View]
199230628these uzbek plov videos are entertaining[View]
199232153What country has the biggest chud diaspora?[View]
199228544In what country are blonde women desired the most?[View]
199228646Interesting fact: This is my city, I live here.[View]
199223832>we already know the winner of the election >we still have to wait four months Do you have fas…[View]
199231629'Pure' nations suffer from inbreeding and genetic diseases. Mutt nations are healthy and strong. Rac…[View]
199227807is it true that westoids do incel walks unironically? my wfh coworkers in uk and ireland do their wa…[View]
199232056Middle easterners don't have ice cream. It's too hot in the desert. No middle eastern flag…[View]
199228185How are Poles so talented at making vidya? Manor lords proved a single pole can outdo a AAA studio a…[View]
199232346Nice view from the radar hill today[View]
199230545>But Poles, Turks, Jews and Georgians are not real Europeans Silence Chud. Europe ends where the …[View]
199218376Is it over in your country?[View]
199231201What ethnicity is this?[View]
199231933Why are turks so obsessed with this?[View]
199232075Medical tourism to the Netherlands: I want to get euthanasia in the Netherlands >wahhh it gets be…[View]
199229733Does this happen iyc: Too sad, just stumbled across a photo of me from three years ago. Handsome, yo…[View]
199228327lmao this castle ain't even 150 years old[View]
199218434What exactly do you dislike about Islam?[View]
199231569Is cousin marriage considered inbreeding in your country?[View]
199231848>everyone in extended family getting old >i don't even have a career started Does this ha…[View]
199231075why do white american christians devious this much?: >NOOOOO ITS JEWS moshi moshi he was not jew.…[View]
199221100>buy a bag of Japanese crackers >every one is individually wrapped in plastic Why do they do t…[View]
199174576/dixie/ © Southern US and friends ™ - Original and correct thread do nut steel!!!!!!!!!![View]
199231713O shit Here comes dat boi!!![View]
199220682do you live in your country? that means, do you work, have money, have car, travel abroad etc ? me -…[View]
199230958One of the most influential persons of this era,alongside Elon Musk and Andrew Tate.[View]
199229832[Good News] The Helsinki Zoo Pallas's cats, also known as the manul, have had two kittens. They…[View]
199228842Sverigetråden - Fulpajupplagan[View]
199230972>watch European TV >blacks literally everywhere I thought it was the americans who were obsess…[View]
199219925How do you say 'I will never have a girlfriend :(' in your language here we say 'Niekada neturėsiu d…[View]
199198249If you ever wondered why Meds and Latinx have dysfunctional, unhealthily close relationships with th…[View]
199233366It was nice to have known you, RIP[View]
199226682Does anyone want to be international midnight buddies with me? I feel like my life could use some in…[View]
199227359>A US preacher repeatedly imposed himself on a reclusive Stone Age tribe in a bid to convert them…[View]
199228624Its sad that Americans don’t travel as much as euros: Thats mostly because they are stupid and have …[View]
199230807I'm a grower, I swear....[View]
199231427do swedish spiders look like this?[View]
199227525leading the stats in almoat every possible crime in Europe makes me respect them so much, be afraid …[View]
199229689>kansas >arkansas What's up with that? Should the addition of 2 simple letters be enough …[View]
199230536hate people hate government[View]
199230697Why are french women such chuds?[View]
199231225If you need a car to get groceries, go to restaurants etc in your area, then you are a slave to your…[View]
199224811Did flourish since covid or did you degenerate and wither away in ur cunt?[View]
199199825/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /اسر/ - /ИЗP/ - /እስራ/ - /イスラ/ & חברים: מהדורת חסר אהבה[View]
199230729A total, industrial genocide of Russians would be a gross violation of numerous international human …[View]
199216071Unfortunately, you are missing the meaning of life, if you haven't eaten this[View]
199227628The Revolutionary War was not justified[View]
199229555>Going to sleep huh? >Here's a montage of your failures and embarrassements with women…[View]
199230935Which country has considerably tighter girls?[View]
199230068Why do indogs do this?[View]
199228896/sino/: 癫火之王米德拉[View]
199222226Post heavy machines from your country[View]
199230600Hungarian women are sadistic in their sex making. They will abuse you and rape you. They are only co…[View]
199229008My HDI obsession continues: Here's another map. Do you think your quality of life accurately re…[View]
199226577There will be air cunnilingus world championships in Finland this week.[View]
199229269How life in Cairo?[View]
199226661Una vela...[View]
199228193Any Scandianons work for the government? What's it like? Is it comfy?[View]
199229042What's your favourite family guy character in your country?[View]
199230595Get asylum in germany: How would I pass as a third worlder? Websites are saying imminent death penal…[View]
199228258Do people know of Nana Mouskouri in your country? She's a highly prolific Greek singer who…[View]
199228024/brit/: LOVELY FUCKING CANS edish[View]
199227764Why do arabs be looking kinda jeety tho?[View]
199228034What happens here?[View]
199226071Where you moving after TND?[View]
199226578Do Europeans still listen to Trance and electronic music?[View]
199183252/lang/ - language learning general: Syllable-information density edition >Which dead language are…[View]
199217553/ita/ - il filo: edizione eroica[View]
199225026do northerners really think they are more attractive then meds?[View]
199227083/deutsch/ NRW-Ausgabe[View]
199227236She learned arabic just to do tour guides in belarus for guys from the gulf whats her end goal?[View]
199228735My homeland... Evropa... Is being invaded by the barbarian hordes...[View]
199226042>When britain forced thousands of american sailors into the royal navy, the americans wrote about…[View]
199228828Why do Pakistani people meatride Turks so much? Kinda weird I didn't even know they share commo…[View]
199224857What do south Americans think of your country?[View]
199225985No other country in Europe right now comes close to Poland. They have everything. From good underrat…[View]
199221402>his country doesn't have a cat in his national coat of arms lmaoing@your life…[View]
199225575Remember that time Finland elected an actual prostitute to be their president?[View]
199229320>italians when you say something slightly positive about their country[View]
199224582I'm going to visit Birmingham for a weekin 2026, becuz there is Euro Athletics Championship. An…[View]
199224092statistically speaking, at least one woman from your country has sucked an American penis how does t…[View]
199224289They’re white.[View]
199229126Long Live Cowgirls[View]
199228562Do women do that hawk tuah in your country?[View]
199219214Is Rome southern or northern Italy?[View]
199218541Do men step up in your country?[View]
199210904/cum/ Canada USA Mexico: Canada Day Edition Prev>>199207254[View]
199228800Say NO to drugs[View]
199208647/nederdraad/: maandagmorgen editie[View]
199228146There is a strange phenomenon in some cultures, where people will make professionally produced and n…[View]
199228769OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!!!: Thoughts on American police vs Euro police?[View]
199223249Iranians should return to Zoroastrianism: Apparently Kurds have been converting https://m.youtube.c…[View]
199225748Sverigetråden - Hexupplagan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03_9rc_d2Rk[View]
199228499Is your country Afrophilic?[View]
199220893The Monroe Doctrine and its consequences have been a disaster for the latinx race[View]
199228305Internationally speaking, what exactly causes the slavix woman of russian origin to behave like this…[View]
199228198In the mid-1980s, Nigerian military dictator Muhammadu Buhari declared that a lack of public etiquet…[View]
199226352>mfw I like Russian language and culture but Russians think I'm eбyчий пшeк пaляк нaхyй…[View]
199222844Mom said she won’t buy me maple syrup anymore because it’s too expensive. Happens in your country?[View]
199228071I realized Korea is uncivilized count: after this matter[View]
199225623/BRIT/: OLIVE OIL EDISH[View]
199225870Why do men smell worse than women?[View]
199222482>founded by turks >named after a turkish tribe >subject to countless turkish migrations …[View]
199227112Countries where it's literally impossible to diet and lose weight: - France - USA[View]
199227526INDIA AND AFRICA WON, PIGSKINS: 'The median age of white women is 46 years old. How do you expect th…[View]
199227647Imagine the smell[View]
199227842Come home white man.[View]
199220625Would you like to visit Poland (in your country)?[View]
199224827why is everyone so mean to England?: ITT we say something nice about England[View]
199226782>pass by a group of highschoolers on summer break just hanging out outside and having fun knowing…[View]
199224001The sun shines for Uruguay.[View]
199224885>Polish culture The only things they can point to are German in origin[View]
199224072How do countries like Greece not understand the desperate need to breed like niggers when their coun…[View]
199225750How do greeks find out about suffering? Is it foreign films or do they teach it in school or somethi…[View]
199213079Do schools in Morocco really still look like this? (Fez)[View]
199226530Does this happen in your county[View]
199218318Are you happy yn iour country?: Me: Yes. Just remembered that I ain't no Unitedstatian.[View]
199219754/polska/: edycja knurów[View]
199226644Dinner. The thing is, even if she now writes me that she loves me and can't live without me, it…[View]
199225679Found during my job search in the EU in electrical/mechanical/automation engineering that dutch Belg…[View]
199226696This is actually a good question Why is it not called European Americans but its called African Amer…[View]
199214221Why don't you marry a nice, intelligent Natasha from Russia?[View]
199226990why do other Europeans copy France so much?[View]
199222572Is he the most famous Indian alive?: Do other jeets look up to him?[View]
199222706You have 15 seconds to justify why I shouldn't nuke your county.[View]
199227012Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser, Unsern guten Kaiser Franz! Lange lebe Franz, der Kaiser, In des Glüc…[View]
199225845>stop butting into our country america Meanwhile everyone is butting into our country politics, w…[View]
199180941/mena/ /شأشأ/ /سكيزوفرينيا/: طبعة جوني ساكرموني[View]
199222498>Welcome to Pechora. Is good thing you came here in summer)) in winter it can get very depressing…[View]
199226159>most cunts have dozens of private power/electricity company wtf.[View]
199226797You wake up in Bangkok: For just one night.[View]
199223621>destroys your local housing market Does this happen in your cunt?[View]
199226491I just want to wish my Canadian brothers a happy Canada day.[View]
199225987How long have you been in this site in your country?[View]
199226372Space Tunisians kidnap you into their mother ship and sit you down on a control panel for a death ra…[View]
199223413/deutsch/: Ich hatte schon seit 185 Tagen keinen Sex[View]
199226252The duality of the Brazilian[View]
199219802/sauna/: Ärsyttävät laatat -painos[View]
199210503What makes asian girls so desirable[View]
199220252Absolute Alcohol Annihilation[View]
199226241When I was a kid I thought there only 3 languages exist in the world, Japanese, English and Chinese.…[View]
199226210My condolences: I wanted to read Three Elegies but have been busy lately[View]
199221725I wish I was an American[View]
199223640If America freer than your cunt?[View]
199225772I've would BTFO japan if I spoke japanese. But I can't.[View]
199226072You can't suffer in the Caucasus[View]
199224687/norgetråden/: Kreftsvulstigpride-utgave. Forrige: >>199204556[View]
199225186What sports are popular in your designated country of origin?: Doesn't have to mean a particula…[View]
199223442What sports do you play in your country? Are you any good?[View]
199225920Brazil sisters... what the FUCK is happening to the mothers of Brazil?: >be me >watch video ab…[View]
199225903Happy Canada day!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JstZIsrGlP8[View]
199222705Just imagine how many Chinese whores flocking to Japan >Chinese at-home prostitution. It's g…[View]
199225811>white men ruled the world for 500 years >tfw born a white man right after this golden age exp…[View]
199219468Sverigetråden - femcelupplagan[View]
199225747Yeah! And you don't stop! Twenty-shot Glock with the cop-killers, fill 'em to the top Yeah…[View]
199224562Chud kinda cute...[View]
199220972>does nothing >wins[View]
199223862What dogs does your country police officer use for their k9 units?[View]
199224330I'm a ladderpilled climbcel in my country.[View]
199223806Thirdies meme game is growing stronker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZnIUdYM8Uw[View]
199223072/brit/: ULEZ edition[View]
199220990In pakistan, you can just accuse someone of blasphemy and entire crowds will literally lynch the per…[View]
199225136>'Lone wolf'[View]
199225384᠏ ᠏[View]
199220678the absolute state of europoors[View]
199225323it's 20:58 here goodnight, lovely people :3[View]
199216996What did they mean by this[View]
199223683Thoughts about Florida in your cunt?[View]
199221130/incelwalk/: going for an early incelwalk today, i have a route planned out and it will be around 6-…[View]
199225204Why are Americans obese and not so smart?[View]
199213435>French people voted for an Italian thread for Italian-French friendship, we love the french cult…[View]
199224728Here’s your kawaii Asian gf, bro: enjoy.[View]
199224458janny please ban every polish poster who says good things about poland they are all payed governmen…[View]
199223357Burgers keep doing films about nazis 80 years later: Not even napoleon[View]
199224145What's going on here?[View]
199224842Do your country presidents have daughters?[View]
199223160people think we can't eat cheese but we can. only straight milk gives us trouble[View]
199221396>a bunch of huts surrounded by a 5m tall wall >praised as the most imposing structure in Afric…[View]
199224771>as a divide and conquer mechanic timmies refer to their natives as red skins instead of browns l…[View]
199221315Fun coincidences and associations.: Chinese 'Wow, U.S. has beautiful nature! We call it Meiguo, whic…[View]
199219775Are you also a depraved freak who will deeply fall in love with anyone who gives you a modicum of at…[View]
199221351Google translator finally got Portuguese (Portugal) now. I'm extremely satisfied.[View]
199212199>tfw almost crashed because I was staring at a girl with short shorts has summer officially star…[View]
199223468i’ve found out porn of a pajeet fucking asian femboys in my country.[View]
199222519Been gone for awhile. Are Brazilian posters the new Aussies?[View]
199204219/fr/ - le francofil: Edition l'extrême-droite Ancien: >>199199018[View]
199221792Do people in your country have any prejudice against Poles: In Germany, there is the prejudice that …[View]
199204556/norgetråden/: Glad utgave Forrige: >>199195693 >>199195693 >>199195693[View]
199223027Does this happen in your country?[View]
199224245/eu/ - European Union: Today's Topic: What's the most European thing you've done toda…[View]
199224258Friends went to America last week. I regret not joining them so hard it's unreal. I could'…[View]
199224302My father advices me to buy second car for flexing purpose. Does this happen in your country?[View]
199224074my face got a 7.2/10 (average) on /soc/ and /fa/, so i does can get some white pussy ?[View]
199220932What's your favorite Fennoswede invention?[View]
199224034PSA: There is a good chance a Croat flag is secretly a filthy Slovenian[View]
199219350/éire/: Eagrán god is denying me a gf[View]
199223890I realized the best way to unite all men of the world inspire of race, creed, nationality and whatev…[View]
1992172502024 is the year of the Indonesian gf[View]
199221373do you consider other countries to be your “brothers” from “another mother” in your country?[View]
199218652/deutsch/: Schwule, Kinderficker und schwule Kinderficker Ausgabe[View]
199223122I’m not swiping right on any more fat bitch profiles. They don’t deserve the confidence boost[View]
199219275I wish I was VMERICAN so badly...[View]
199220460Voi vittu[View]
199221926>best culture >best cuisine >best landscape >best beaches >best language >best his…[View]
199222952all of them are spanish speaking catholics now and thats a good thing imagine we were divided into t…[View]
199216485White women are Goddesses worthy of worship. You have to spend at least 20% of your income on OnlyF…[View]
199220749I just found out about a British youtube channel were a bycicle guy camps dangerous car crossings wh…[View]
199223282In modern America it's considered free speech if you stomp the American flag with your boots bu…[View]
199222980/city/: Only city slickers can post in this thread Capitals preferred but largest city if capital is…[View]
199218707>best culture >best cuisine >best landscape >best beaches >best language >best his…[View]
199217400Happens in Your Country?[View]
199222020english roses. your thoughts?[View]
199221683I will never be loved I'm going to go to war[View]
199219881Amazing Japan: Beautiful women Coolest guys Economy Science Sports Martial arts Technology Creativit…[View]
199221038I'm from Kazakhstan[View]
199222452I wanna drink beer but I'm on an alcohol fast.[View]
199221113/brit/: Wimbledon edition[View]
199215877How pale is /int/ ?[View]
199221075Is this true?[View]
199216946What do you think of Ukrainian women taking advantage of the war and making money and living abroad[View]
199220352Happy Canada day, everyone[View]
199222600ITT: Post video game characters that are literally you in your country[View]
199219220Mad how England in German and Dutch basically means Angel land. If that isn’t proof England is Heave…[View]
199220815have you ever cheated/been cheated on in your country?[View]
199218241From today's march on London[View]
199219702what are we thinking, bulgariabros?: axios, yay or nay?[View]
199222099You're a country How hard is it to be gay in your country?[View]
199220491which way, bharat man?[View]
199220635>this is the immigrant Americans fear[View]
199216696The changing face of America: In 1970, 9m Hispanics lived in the US. In 2020, they were 65m. If they…[View]
199219295Can this Indian dalit politician pass as local in your country?[View]
199222057Brahmin sirs look like THIS?[View]
199220931What did they mean by this[View]
199217144>be saved by works >have no work ethic What the fuck is their problem?…[View]
199214330Religion is bullshit, and you know it anon. Why do you still believe it?: It's okay if you…[View]
199216640This is why MENAs invented Islam: Their women are voracious otherwise[View]
199220497There is at least one woman in our poster... I just saw her in /soc/... How is this possible[View]
199221732I love the United Kingdom: I love tea time and scones I love Norf FC I love mash and peas and shephe…[View]
199220369Do you have hair in your cunt?[View]
199220342You're in the tavern and this knight slaps your gf's ass. What do?[View]
199216248I Just wanted to remind you, that Jesus loves you.[View]
199220438What are some silly stereotypes you were told when you were a child I was told Germans have no sense…[View]
199221263What are the main benefits of importing Indians into your country?[View]
199221355Hvssar descendants[View]
199216437The best TV show ever is from the USA. How does this make yuropoors feel?[View]
199217016>NO NO THE ENERGY CRISIS >YOU WILL !!!!!FREEZE!!!!! >GERMANY IS !!!!!!<<<<<D…[View]
199220201Would you rather have an African or Brazilian or Mexican or Indian or Asian, or Arab or European or …[View]
199219298/brit/: les edishhhhhhhhhhhhh[View]
199221081love your parents, you'll never know when will they leave this world[View]
199219623Not all women are whores.[View]
199220353What are zoos like in your cunt?[View]
199220480Wait English doesn't have a name for specific fingers? Cause in Polish that would be 'środkowy'…[View]
199217476How come they're not killing each other anymore? Have they matured?[View]
199218148>uleashes aids army on you because you're le gay and must be punished by rape can any russia…[View]
199204525Turkey is being invaded.[View]
199220277What is being an ugly man like in your country?[View]
199219291I coined the term 'analicious'[View]
199209223Do you hear the voices of insects in your cunt?: Japan, YES[View]
199208990Breakfast. I don't know. The opportunity was gone long ago. Now nothing makes sense if I didn…[View]
199220272Dude, what the fuck? Why are you fucking here, man, you're so old! Where's your wife? Go …[View]
199220461me when a trans woman of color is speaking[View]
199216803i need to stop my fetishization of white women. help me with this. i only masturbate to white women.…[View]
199220212What's the Latam alternative to 4chan ? I'm looking for a Spanish-speaking imageboard, wou…[View]
199216364Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily lif…[View]
199216716weebs thread 日本オタクスレッド Japanese: This Thread is for weebs and Japanese Let's talk at least in J…[View]
199220395does your cunt have functional monarchy inside your country? yes we do despite being 'republic'[View]
199219908India's federal burden.[View]
199211131Nafris are a failed loser race, propped up by Western handouts, entirely without purpose. The second…[View]
199217157ANONYMOUS MESSAGE BOARDS: What kinds of anonymous message boards are available in your country?…[View]
199216398Brazil What The FUCK?: In Brazil, apparently there's this thing called 'rodizio', where one day…[View]
199215768Based White man, I stand with him until I personally see the DMs, I would stand with him even if it …[View]
199219962>Popes as late as 18th century claim descent from Julio-Claudian dynasty Holy fuck do catholics r…[View]
199217755Do you consider your cunt first-world? (yes)[View]
199192437Share your favorite boy math.[View]
199219858today's featured wikipedia article is a leaf[View]
199217323Post pics of your city[View]
199214480How do you say 'Poland..home..' in your language? Here it's 'Polska..dom..'[View]
199217448I am Brazilian and I live in Brazil.[View]
199212737/sauna/: Sen täytyy olla kuun ensimmäinen! Uusi mainostaulupäivä! -painos[View]
199206612/polska/ + /mex/: edycja spania anońsko tuhułkowego[View]
199215747is it true Norwegians live life on supereasy mode?[View]
199217537We Indian Chad and Stacy saar![View]
199219068France is healing[View]
1992173551. Your country 2. Are you the prodigal son of your family?[View]
199213819sverigetråden sanning eller konka upplagan[View]
199219431It's Canada Day so you have to be nice to us. Post your favourite Canadians.[View]
199213531France wtf: Are you trying to kill those swimmers?[View]
199219336Wtf taiwanchuds how dare you be so disrespectful to our white queens[View]
199214731/brit/: eepy edish[View]
199212954Here’s my breakfast, it’s not much but it’s enough to keep me fed for a few hours[View]
199214724/brit/: rabbit rabbit[View]
199180489/balk/: There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.[View]
199213911Why is Japanese so amazing?[View]
199215147How are dogs treated iyc?[View]
199218733Why are canadians like this? Not only is no one destroying their pipelines, they even have natural r…[View]
199215955I wish my country was healing at the rate of Kazakhstan[View]
199215461Enough Polandposting for today >.<[View]
199218228I'm starting to understand why would you answer 'bear' to that question about the woods...[View]
199218427Which American deaths made you cry?[View]
199214831>Japanese, the language of the most insular and high-context big culture on earth, with countless…[View]
199218489The founding peoples of Jianada[View]
199218345Brazil should be a MONO ethnostate, other people don't belong there, they're just like tha…[View]
199216743Why do you exist in your country[View]
199217814/csg/ - cono sur general + friends[View]
199217752How difficult is it to get a codemonkey job in Poland straight out of college?: I’m half Polish but …[View]
199216503How is the people of your cunt anticipating this future brave nation?[View]
199217439What's like living in the hood, gringobros?[View]
199217058Shouldn't we get gibs from australia for this?[View]
199214825/deutsch/: Es ist Sommer und ich will Sex[View]
199214591fine country[View]
199218106>Race: white And 4chuds told me I will never be white[View]
199217774Who are you guys like voting for[View]
199213731Inside job?[View]
199217296I wish I was a part of an herrefolk like jews or chinese, instead of being an irrelevant european[View]
199217914Brown and stinky iyc?[View]
199217761i LOVE Israel!!!!!![View]
199216810We, as a capitalist society, should find a way to force NEETs to get a job. Like in obligatory servi…[View]
199216898Total Thai Triump[View]
199204676/mex/ - hilo mexicano: hilo bob esponja[View]
199209730/ita/ - il filo: edizione scottata[View]
199204814/bra/ - Fio Brasileiro: Edição chocolate. Ultima: sumiu.[View]
199214039Filipinas are going to save Japan from low birth rates[View]
199216603Does 'bastard' have a much stronger negative connotation in India? Back at uni one of my flatmates w…[View]
199217056Why is discrimination targetting white people okay?[View]
199217287do you have a bidet at home in your cunt-ree[View]
199217246What do you guys think when you see this drink. Do you think you would like it Is cucumber, sparklin…[View]
199215620I couldn't stand insufferable poolaks, dropped out of their uni, went back to my home country a…[View]
199215198east-asian women are ethically superior[View]
199217118Grilled sushi and meat... People line up every day for 'Re-imported Gourmet'! https://www.youtube.co…[View]
199205320Sverigetråden - litesötttwinkbajsiansiktetupplagan[View]
199217002Yfw Italy is kicked out and you have to go back to the old North-South banter[View]
199210378A american asks you this question. What's your answer?[View]
199211420Americans be like: breakfeast is served[View]
199213548I'm sorry for being polish poland is a shithole country because polish people are dumb and we …[View]
199214448ESL's who didn't grow up learning english: How long did you wait until you started speakin…[View]
199216517This is Sochi, Russian Federation. Why is it similar to Balkan cities? Do people there notice a dif…[View]
199215614DO AMERICANS REALLYT!?: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1806735904435822594/pu/vid/avc1/576x102…[View]
199202396This is my perception of civilization: I would only take my family to visit the countries in blue. W…[View]
199212049>mortified ESLs think this means 'really scared' lol[View]
199213836MORMONS AND AMISH: Is your country going to get taken over by racist White religious extremist? Mine…[View]
199216415When will you finally grow up in your country[View]
199208958Why do they think they’re superior?[View]
199216340https://www.youtube.com/shorts/J9BAaSjXHug: >be shitalian >see foreigner do anything slightly …[View]
199216492The main reason I wanna move to Texas is because I want to be able to kill niggers and spics with im…[View]
199212708Breakfast: Hello int Having breakfast. Working from home today[View]
199208970> YOU WILL HATE INDIA No.[View]
199215254Today I tried wearing shoes at home because I'm gonna do a deep cleaning anyway. It is WEIRD. H…[View]
199216197Where do East Slavs go when they want to go to the mountains? Alps in Western Europe, Caucasus or s…[View]
199216163wog at work cracked the shits when I called him a wog today[View]
199214679Im 56 years old and Im very healthy and look young. My net worth is over 300 million$ and I have my …[View]
199210661/GUMO/ nie wieder /deutsch/: GUMO[View]
199214277do they really?[View]
199214712english language needs to find a new word to replace Cock so that our capital city's name won…[View]
199215801QUICK you need to tell me the political systems and the names of the leaders of all the countries en…[View]
199213879spanish comments on this[View]
199216291it's over[View]
199216277The Japan of Europe[View]
199209867Belgium is full with low masculine, effeminate men that look like this, and it disgusts me.[View]
199212425opinions about west slavs (best slavs)?[View]
199212663How’s self improvement going in your country[View]
199216100Are you incel with hate or incel with love?[View]
1992095331,5 liter of red wine (2 bottles) at 11,5% for less than 4 euros. You mad my gs ?[View]
199216124Why do you live like this in your country?[View]
199214415/intsmg/ - International Stock Market General: Astor edition >Educational sites: https://www.inve…[View]
199212606In Finland 40% of women believe every retarded woke statement like 'if white people make more money …[View]
199211142Breakfast. Monday is not such a difficult day when you work the night shift[View]
199214757internationally culturally speaking on american culture, how much would you tip™ this individual?[View]
199211800France is healing, right wing is rising[View]
199215605When I see this flag I automatically think of Japaneses and Korean girls in bikinis, instead of the …[View]
199214435why is poland still so poor and undeveloped despite being showered with eu gibs for the last 20 year…[View]
199215991What phenotype is this[View]
199214681Do they use a lot of spice in your country's traditional cuisine ? >Flag Yeah, they put copi…[View]
199214493This is Russia's next aircraft carrier: Say something nice about it[View]
199215677Soyland, West Yorkshire, England.[View]
199215522>freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences >you can't just yell fire …[View]
199215653Get me out of this shithole please[View]
199214260what is the indian community in Egypt like?[View]
199215306I want to have a Jewish gf so I can hug her and tell her she's safe from all the anti-semites[View]
199215774Illinois doesn't belong here. Just feels off compared to the surrounding states. Trump should m…[View]
199208104>BRICS expands massively this year to include Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the UAE >Still does n…[View]
199212952firsties genuinely debate about things like >racism >copyrights and piracy bad >women and …[View]
199214752New Murals Popping Up Around Canada: What did the artist mean by this?[View]
199215666Ahh, now THIS is REAL white boy summer.[View]
199211421How do you count with your fingers in your country?[View]
199211618Number of Christian churches in each province of China[View]
199213177Anyone else wish they could've been a cute white twink[View]
199205191/csg/ - cono sur general + friends[View]
199215507I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe[View]
199207068Do women retire earlier in your country?[View]
199214337Is it oveur?[View]
199212714Good Morning European Boys~[View]
199214575what would you do if this kind of Korean zoomer danced in front of you[View]
199212553New map just dropped[View]
199211487I hate these shits like you wouldn't believe[View]
199214726Polacks that pretend they're different from Russians are so deluded. If you played any multipla…[View]
199213541What happens here?[View]
199213832Poland was overtaken in GDP per capita (nominal) by Hungary and Uruguay Poland is lost[View]
199212239ive said that I'm a capitalist at my uni and that I think that there shouldn't be a hammer…[View]
199214918You've never even been to Portugal[View]
199212342Why Japan is amazing in any respects?[View]
199214883Russhits flooding this place under VPNs for weeks now will be the last nail in the coffin for this h…[View]
199214912What does /int/ sound like?: >Go to vocaroo.com >Record yourself saying 'you will never be a w…[View]
199212099Thoughts on Krishna[View]
199213047>i-is that a portion of my subjects expressing a desire to self-govern and declaring independence…[View]
199214615Why are the Japs so fond of Gender-Bender?[View]
199210166This countries each consist of a single majority ethnic group and a small percentage of various mino…[View]
199213922Why are Iranian diasporoids like this?[View]
199211841/brit/: British Roses edition[View]
199208531Why do Brits hate public transportation?[View]
199214551im australian[View]
199213439Are they nafris?[View]
199205073Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily lif…[View]
199214178Here's what's gonna happen, firsties: You're going to ban immigration from all countr…[View]
199211956Good Morning European Boys~[View]
199208512you wake up in New York City in 1941[View]
199211654Does nothing really rhyme with 'orange'?[View]
199213183I keep forgetting to blink[View]
199213254Do you worship white girls in your country?[View]
199211059/김치/: vietnamese mail order bride edition[View]
199212044Wait is this right? This can't be right... can it?[View]
199212372Summer. It is the happiest of seasons in my country.[View]
199211246Do you like boys?[View]
199211882How does goyslop for children looks like in your country?[View]
199213137What's a hot take in your country?: I am talking about really unpopular opinions, I'll sta…[View]
199209490Have you ever gotten in trouble with human resources in your job in your country?[View]
199209040This is an average day in Japan: Happens in your cunt?[View]
199213888Me on the right[View]
199213736who's fault? https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1807455355762507776/pu/vid/avc1/720x1118/XE6o…[View]
199209990Cathbros, please visit Indonesia in the near future[View]
199210548The idea that in your country...[View]
199209536>escort I visited is living rent free on my mind >can't sleep because of it and my pp kee…[View]
199204332>talk with left wing Euros in University >they all brag about 'European Values' and how Europ…[View]
199211326uhhh, are you ok malaybros? you look weird reccently[View]
199208762Non c'è nemmeno uno film italiano che non è terribile? Finora ho trovato solo 'Caro Diaro' di …[View]
199212013>known for coffee >also sells burgers, fries, pizza, donuts and more Are they the ultimate fas…[View]
199212171ive said that I'm atheist at my uni and that I think that there shouldn't be a cross hangi…[View]
199207653Why do Meds think being lazy is a flex? :/[View]
199207167Why are australian women prettier than british women in general despite of having same genetics?[View]
199211636Who are some famous singers from your country?[View]
199203718Do you have religious classes in your country?[View]
199208675W*men are ideological fascists by nature.[View]
199209215/brit/: bowie edish[View]
199210675Will you take up japan’s offer?[View]
199211529Yes, white women need melanin receptors in their vaginas. DON'T QUESTION ME![View]
199213644Why is the Imperial Poland era so memoryholed amongst the European zeitgeist?[View]
199211397Do you shill for countries you have never visied /int/? Why?[View]
199209574Is there any real effective difference between living in a Buddhist and a Christian country? The lif…[View]
199213647Is your country loving of peace?[View]
199211206why can't they accept that they are eastern europeans[View]
199213207Eastern Europe was more interesting when the wall was up ngl.[View]
199211945if you read it, melanin fades away in your country.[View]
199211620So it happened again: Algerians in France try to hit on a cute transgirl then get transphobic when s…[View]
199204254DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #3482: DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese…[View]
199213377Do you like Manhattan?[View]
199213340My crazy uncle almost nearly beat the mailman to death again because he delivered his newspaper a li…[View]
199209437>'Islam and colonizers destroyed native culture!' >native culture before Islam and colonizatio…[View]
199212383Have you ever lived in an actual 5-story Khruschevka? I have briefly in the late 90s.[View]
199205173The Asian community will defend this[View]
199209721Post comfy street view pics[View]
199211257is there any other more powerfull culture in the world as the Mexican culture? https://www.youtube.c…[View]
199209996What do we do about the Jeet question?[View]
199210524>boyno hijja, no poydo manejar los sábados why do jews speak like this?…[View]
199205271Polandball thread: Post polandballs[View]
199211727'cuando el cuernudo esta ordenando pizza y el no te pregunta que quieres en ella'[View]
199209131Are Mexican-American women goated? I just got back from LA and they're quite attractive on aver…[View]
199209887Did you know that Malaysia has BEARS?![View]
199212385Anyone else who loves the Hawaii look?[View]
199204810What really goes on here?[View]
199209167Change is happening: But is it good or bad? We'll find out soon.[View]
199209795In your country, am I still a cuck if I have an mmf threesome with my girlfriend where the other guy…[View]
199210650Do you love Afganistan?[View]
199212055Do you have pride parades in your country?[View]
199210976We gonna get nukes soon and than we can just build stuff like we like to and live in peace. Will be …[View]
199211185What should we do with the statue?[View]
199212862this is allowed in communist country, let that sink it[View]
199208849It's Canada Day today. Do you love Canada?[View]
199209413>Promising, ambitious child >Jaded, tired, useless adult that just goes about their day-today …[View]
199212810>be me >living in Madrid surrounded by greasy Latinx asses >still virgin (i'm 29) appa…[View]
199211255I will sneak into a sperm bank and replace all the Aryan gigachad's semen samples with my own s…[View]
199168302/balt/ + /ausnz/[View]
199212484>'countries with free education for foreigners' >you should have 10.000-20.000 euro on your ba…[View]
199206898Albania's redemption has begun: >Converted to Islam because they were too scared to resist t…[View]
199197921/sauna/: laivanupotuspainos[View]
199205647>Bolivians and Venezuelans are invading my country... or something Why are they like this?…[View]
199206462>Keränen family has 18 children of his own. There are over 100 grandchildren, and the next genera…[View]
199211827South Korea surpassed Japan: It's over[View]
199209516I don't want to live here. I don't want to be a doulos for ungrateful people who don'…[View]
199211767is rap music popular iyc?[View]
199211586I love American sovl...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVAfrY2-VrM[View]
199210603Latin America is ungovernable[View]
199202558white women thread[View]
199209839Americans should be able to choose whether they want the US flag or their state flag. Additionally, …[View]
199209805I’m not a big fan of tremendously large breasts in my country[View]
199205578Why does extreme sadism exist in men but not in women? E.g male serial killers, who have a sexual mo…[View]
199188071Ethnonationalism is exhausting: Imagine having to revise a whole history with new concepts for a fak…[View]
199208864Is there a vegan culture in your country?[View]
199211171Do Slavic girls often pull each other's hair and fight during their school days? I happened to …[View]
199210871Are Brahmins truly that genetically superior Do I need to let my gf get bred by a Brahmin bull[View]
199209285check this out[View]
199211242Me on the right[View]
199209588>favorite pornstar this month is finnish[View]
199210708Humiliation architecture. It is designed to constantly intimidate and belittle you untill you break …[View]
199210455I studied in a Jesuit school: They kinda chill, not gonna lie[View]
199203171/mex/: edición yo me veo y digo esto[View]
199208487>a mexican comes and slaps your brazilian gf's ass wyd?[View]
199195114/icy/ Insomniacs of Central Yurop and FRENS: Enjoy.[View]
199207254/cum/ Canada USA Mexico: e tu, brutus? -edition prev >>199203228[View]
199208898Yeah I support a multipolar world. This one would be ideal.[View]
199210422Just found out about the united kingdom[View]
199210312good morning italy[View]
199207889Just got back from my incel walk. Did you have one today?[View]
199209865The best way to tell a 1st, 2nd and 3rd worlder apart? Give them a microwave dinner. 1st worlder wil…[View]
199210767I live in chaos, my city łódź is pure chaos because it mixes basically ruins with new and renovated[View]
199210711I saw other Chinese in /soc/. It's so disturbing[View]
199210482What the fuck is wrong with my dog.: >Be my Dog. >Night. >I see him walking all around the …[View]
199210560What phenotype is this?[View]
199207707Indian movie about Alexander the Great, where everyone is played by Indians.[View]
199209340The Steppes and the Balkans intrigue me. Is it because of communism?[View]
199210253There is graffiti of thousands of christians who have visited the holy sepulchre all over it's …[View]
199194878/klarer/ vormals /deutsch/: Abendessen[View]
199209288which country has the most beautiful trans women?[View]
199197354do you actually want to marry and have kids in your country? explain your reasoning[View]
199208662What's the purpose of this board outside of racebait and porn threads[View]
199209692Who are they fucking if all the young Russian men either fled Russia or are in the trenches?[View]
199208536Do the men of any race/country find these attractive whatsoever? As a representative of araps and Be…[View]
199208813Honestly, Ebonics and Spanish don’t sound THAT bad, especially when compared to far worse Arabic, In…[View]
199210197Do people play fighting games in your country?[View]
199208877JAFFA KRI KRI JAFFA[View]
199203720I just deleted my X account[View]
199206961Its funny how I am better than most of the men in my country: >traveled to 5 countries Most Ameri…[View]
199203027Did you know that white boys were seething so hard at Asian men taking their women that they had to …[View]
199206258>'friends' ghost me again after I express my desire to hangout with them Happens in your country …[View]
199208106Inceldom is a modern disease: I've literally never met an old man who died a virgin (or didn…[View]
199209773Has your country had charismatic demagogues who are controversial to this day?[View]
199209332Why did pax americana only lasted some 70 years?[View]
199202201Why do Americans hate America? Everyone notices that Americans have a massive hate boner for America…[View]
199208219did you know turkish niggas think that a young boy was wandering and found a female wolf, had sex wi…[View]
199208552You wake up in Houthi controlled Yemen[View]
199202013Used cars in brazil are booming. People usually buy cars from the 90/00s because it is so expensive …[View]
199205694Im from the gen Z, and i have never understood why do Boomers receive so much hate from the younger …[View]
199206245my parents and I moved into our current house in 2001 and we were the 4th owners at least. It was bu…[View]
199209553what is a miracle baby[View]
199205058I'm a spaniard visiting south america. Before coming here I really wanted some kind of politica…[View]
199209754Now it's bedtime for thirdoids. Gotta make sure they a good night sleep so they have energy to …[View]
199202140Is this paradise? No, it's Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania[View]
199199127do you trust the women of your country? why/why not?[View]
199209294>want to listen to a song >it's sung by a commie >family members tell me to turn it of…[View]
199207807>come visit dad >he wants me to sit in the hot ass sun for several hours and help him build an…[View]
199209249hands off nord boy: the íslendingars belong to American Men.[View]
199202909Envision a culture with no taxation in any form whatsoever. Could it actually work on any scale larg…[View]
199205487Why aren't you streaming in your country? It's easy money[View]
199202736Why do people insist on running AC constantly in your country?: I tried to turn off my AC but my roo…[View]
199207698it's nuts when white people have spanish names I think our state propaganda actively do diversi…[View]
199208439I made a sandwich today. It was a cheese and spinach sandwich with pesto and a lot of butter. This i…[View]
199205499>pajeets think that muslims created the term pajeet so they created the cope term 'mujeet' in res…[View]
199203868does anyone here want to learn icelandic?[View]
199206953what happened in japan[View]
199208771Assimilation is overrated and often harmful: A lot of Canadians on 4chan have turned extremely anti-…[View]
199207877do you have chudettes in your country? have you met one?[View]
199207287>American Women have been brainwashed into thinking nursing their own newborn child is a chore to…[View]
199204662Are you still enjoying life in your country[View]
199207879Muslimxisters, is this true??[View]
199207851People in the UK, in the US, fuckin' Canada, Sweden. They pay their taxes and some remote pilot…[View]
199207823>Chinese centur-AAAACK!!![View]
199204086Why does this happen?[View]
199203385How common is flag clothing in your country[View]
199206295Do you have friends and community in your country? Why / Why not?[View]
199207194/brit/: David Icke was right edition[View]
199206948I spent four days in a homeless shelter. People there are all druggers, smokers, criminals, thieves …[View]
199198409What’s your biggest ick in your country?: >When she adds too much filter on her pics…[View]
199201908I wish they were still around[View]
199206881Canada will be full of pic related (half filipinas) in a decade or so stay jelly, /int/ernational co…[View]
199207227Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the 'motto' of the US, and the American Dream is getti…[View]
199202696America is meant for the descendants of British, Irish and German Protestants only. Everyone else HA…[View]
199203530They really should have turned this shithole into an agrarian rump state after WW2[View]
199209855In the last 25 years Islam has increased by 4 times from 4% to 18%. What will Russia look like when …[View]
199208140From today's march in São Paulo (yes a country with 50k murders a year is protesting because a …[View]
199208122my neetbux is here >wtf i thought binnish neetbux is way more than that!! electric, water, insura…[View]
199204352Thoughts On Women?[View]
199205430>Koreans: 'Learn Korean history!' >Okay >Purchase a Korean article that was referenced in a…[View]
199208671If you don’t live in a walkable city in the year 2024, what are you even doing with your life in you…[View]
199207579'Baltic people have a servant mentality': Baltbros????? What's our response[View]
199208589> med pipo need cope with christo fascism ideologirs because they are too brown to adopt nordicis…[View]
199208477i can't migrate[View]
199208578Is it /cominghome/ in your cunt? >flag >no…[View]
199207487Canada's next Prime Minister[View]
199193530/ex-yu/: Кoмфи Пacyљкoвo издaњe[View]
199204709>Swiss enchiladas >are actually mexican does your country have foods named after another count…[View]
199207182How do you call these guys?: We have them everywhere here, we call them 'bem te vi' ('I saw you well…[View]
199208346Are zoomers beta in your cunt?[View]
199205258Could transitioning have saved her?[View]
199208271what class signifiers do you have in your country? >flag blundstones and arcteryx mean you'r…[View]
199200931From today's march in Berlin[View]
199208236Why is it so hard for me to learn a romace or germanic language[View]
199201507am i a rare flag?[View]
199208035>bad boys in france winning parliament >bad boys in germany winning elections erm eurobros …[View]
199207178What do they think of each other? Are they similar?[View]
199200789As a Hispanic male living in the west, it really could have been worse. I could have been an Indian …[View]
199207411are you successful?: How is success measured in your country?[View]
199206515Has there ever been a greater olympics ceremony/event ? Felt like China is still king when it comes …[View]
199208045What do houses look like in your cunt? I'll start[View]
199208233islam is a complete the daily quest ass religion[View]
199206815I'm the biggest retard on this board[View]
1992081902024 Countries Comparison: Only countries with: 1. 30+ million population 2. $1+ trillion GDP 3. Les…[View]
199204692Which are you rooting for? Statehood or independence?[View]
199205406Do women like this exist in your country? How do men find them so the women can save them?[View]
199208010just got my $400 L.L. Bean percale sheets and I haven't left bed all day, they're so comfy…[View]
199206526What do you call this genre of woman?[View]
199204156Why is china so bad at launching missiles?[View]
199204504/brit/: Feast ice cream edition[View]
199207180/fit/ kicked me out so I’m posting here - is it ok to drink 5 protein shakes a day?[View]
199204167What are this phenotype and bodytype called? Which countries have it?[View]
199207123The least schizophrenic American[View]
199207218the chadwalking[View]
199203228/cum/ Canada USA Mexico: Real edition Prev>>199196011[View]
199203537Sharty saving gem[View]
199206102Whitebros...: https://x.com/realitywithriss/status/1807181587986907461?t=9AbnjsH3tTZwK2mZQ-yzNA&…[View]
199205517>dad asked me if I wanted to go to something on the 4th of july >said he already bought ticket…[View]
199206235Happens in your country?[View]
199195861/ita/ - il filo: edizione catalettica[View]
199205912Festival de Paratins: Come watch brazilian culture live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFsO5g0-1NA…[View]
199204232Another year wasted. Another year with no girlfriend in sight. How are you coping in your country[View]
199205839>barcades >axe throwing rooms >escape rooms >rage rooms >recreational activities WITH…[View]
199206562Codeine be too spicy for wypipo lmao![View]
199205509>tfw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was aired 20 years ago[View]
199205025>real jobs like mining, forestry and oil and gas >most people have a dacha >can beat up wif…[View]
199205344>2020 was 14 years ago[View]
199205935*Manages to do what ytie and chinx couldn't and make a socialist country that isn't an aut…[View]
199203012/cum/ Canada USA Mexico: Yakub edition[View]
199206242theres some eastern euro probably ukranian woman ranting really fucking loud into the streets in my …[View]
199204915Why do they love socialism?[View]
199205988How do you like your eggs?[View]
199199146Are you stupid in your country?[View]
199202455/polska/: edycja ocieranka[View]
199200665What are the downsides of living in the Nordic Region? The Nordic Region consists of Denmark, Norway…[View]
199205891You wake up in Russia.[View]
199205342>The Anglo-Saxons is the reason I live in squalor, not my poor work ethic and IQ of 80 or however…[View]
199203957Amish and Mormons...: Is your country going to get taken over by racist White religious extremist be…[View]
199205476am yisrael chai……….. in your country?[View]
199203856Americans be like 'can you believe the crazy propaganda they had under communism?' and the…[View]
199205134which is better, the new world or the old world? why?[View]
199204339>imagine being a student in China and memorizing the period table characters Phew…[View]
199205626Was feminism actually a trick to lower the birth rate or is that a meme? It seems like no one is hap…[View]
199205402>Germans have the audacity to call ANYONE mutts wtf is up with this team? Everyone looks like a m…[View]
199205627this country has the best culture from my research[View]
199202863Did you know: the secret to pretending to be a native american is to just be italian[View]
199205606why are they so good at making music?[View]
199203610What do you usually do during your free time off from work and school in your country?[View]
199205414If you are white please go to Nepal and fuck their women and spend a lot of money (their economy hea…[View]
199202878Recently I was rereading the books and I've noticed a part where Jaime says to Lancel that 'lio…[View]
199200935Sverigetråden - Sommarupplagan: Gamla: >>199197447 >>199197447 >>199197447 Trådtem…[View]
199205244You could legally own black people as your personal property in the USA as late as 1863. You could a…[View]
199202263/brit/: tesc'stra edish[View]
199202950Why are faggot boomers so worried about White millenials having kids beyond their means: But are com…[View]
199205156suffering map just dropped[View]
199181551/csg/ - cono sur general + friends[View]
199206675Could your country defeat the Indian air force?[View]
199206390ummah sisters..... they are force feminising us this is literally a genocide[View]
199204788Sanction israel Ban Israel from UN Ban all Israeli citizens entry into your country Sell weapons to …[View]
199203682What do you think about spanish traditions?[View]
199203008The world would be like this if only ______________________________________________[View]
199205079what happens if developed countries stop taking in cheap foreign labor[View]
199204828Thoughts on the first chief of office for interpol in your country?[View]
199205046>Thailand has never been a colony Incorrect. Thailand was a Portuguese colony with many influence…[View]
199202243IT'S OVER for china https://youtu.be/N8sXEYMw3pA[View]
199203864how many nationalities have you ever met and talked to irl? >picrel, 33 >not flag, t. indian…[View]
199193864This place is neat and I don't care what any of you say – weather's perfect, it's not…[View]
199204224Go outside in your country[View]
199203885Alhamdulilah the caliph has blessed you with his presence[View]
199204441What are your honest thoughts on Australian cities? Are Australian suburbs soulful?[View]
199189346Brown goddess Rosalia left her mutt Puerto Rican bad boy boyfriend, for a dorky white guy with blond…[View]
199202388wtf y'all told me America was Israel greatest ally[View]
199203662there was a girl in my school who was up in school building once she want to kill her self by jumpin…[View]
199204707As the sun rises in the east, the Ameristud wakes up. His massive king sized bed gives him a perfect…[View]
199200068American cities are healing[View]
199204524They are the closest thing to Gods on this planet[View]
199204461Is it true France once had so many mena immigrants arrive all at once shias and sunnis began killing…[View]
199193961/bra/ - fio brasileiro: Edição gayzista Anterior: >>199173100[View]
199203160US: Blacks Canada: First Nations/Inuits Australia: Aboriginals New Zealand: Maoris British Isles: Ir…[View]
199204123Shits going down in America[View]
199202807did humanity ever had like a peace era no wars[View]
199204168what reverse image search tools you use in your country? google absolutely sucks.[View]
199202231I actually quite like polish people tbqhwy[View]
199202707nofap day 4: Holy shit it's so fucking hard[View]
199201754If I gave you potatoes, what will you make with them in your country?[View]
199204027The 51st state[View]
199202427What causes Russians to behave like this?[View]
199204012I think I'm attracted to women in my country, but how can I be sure it's not just a milf f…[View]
199203363What are the pros and cons of suburbs?[View]
199202322Pretty evil I'd say[View]
199201333Who's your ASMR girl?: Country? Who's your ASMR girl? USA Divinity ASMR[View]
199198772I'm thinking of moving to Greece and starting my life over. I would forge a family history to t…[View]
199199366Is this the key to peace in East Asia?: > japanese twink gets confronted by a bunch of toughguys …[View]
199188761Canadian Independence: Tomorrow, Canadians from around the world will celebrate their independence f…[View]
199200081/brit/: Laura K edition[View]
199195693/norgetråden/: HHOSPV-utgaven Forrige: >>199177101 >>199177101 >>199177101[View]
199197062Thats the third time ive had testicular torsion this month, I cant go on living like this... in your…[View]
199192504how do you pronounce ongezellig in your country? https://vocaroo.com/[View]
199197424In Brazil, you get cancelled for drinking milk. Does drinking milk in your country warrant such puni…[View]
199200271I'm addicted to ΜΦΝラΤΕR.[View]
199145196I just deleted all my 4chan folders. Can you help me to get back my /int/ related folder? :([View]
199199545Do 'youtubers' die suddenly from unknown causes in your country?[View]
199200387Wow, can't wait to spend another day in /bra/ with my friends Uch*da, Gio, F*rm* and the other …[View]
199199018/fr/ - le francofil: Edition Jeb! Ancien: >>199194231[View]
199202345what happens here?[View]
199203133You've never even been to Denmark[View]
199203279Do Protestant people have empathy?[View]
199169180kurva anyátok[View]
199203360why do asians drink pee and poo?[View]
199203273Two, three, four Eins, zwei, drei Na, es is nix dabei Na, wenn ich euch erzähl' die G'schi…[View]
199195102Have you ever tried van life in your country? Have you ever thought about it? I really want to try i…[View]
1991992361/3 of summer is over: and still no gf to give me daily hugs and worship my BPC on her knees. Happen…[View]
199202813why are chuds against this?[View]
199202006I get banned every two-three days because jammies are trannies[View]
199202815>benis takeaway Lol give it back[View]
199202744we are alive: Its crazy when you stop and think about it Damn[View]
199203088Blessed by the eternal sky Born of the steppe Everywhere in blue-skied Mongolia His name resounds in…[View]
199202706Stop brother wars Ukraine and Russia Palestine and Israel Taiwan and China NK and SK[View]
199202417What country has the ugliest women, and why is it America?[View]
199202844From 'God of the Witches' by Margaret Murray >The name of the great Pagan deity varied according …[View]
199202561Europeans can LITERALLY pay a hot gypsy girl $20 and have sex, yet they claim to suffer.[View]
199199224Are Italians considered hicks by Northwestern Euros?: I mean they literally bake in the sun in their…[View]
199196011/cum/ - canada usa messsssico[View]
199198678I am Czech. *croaks*[View]
199202317>be me >call in sick 4 days ago >suddenly everyone leaves me alone cause I am sick >no r…[View]
199197779Faces of /int/[View]
199175452/ukraïna/: Eдицiя Aктy пpoгoлoшeння Укpaїнcькoї Дepжaви Пoпepeднiй: >>199135059[View]
199201475Europe is going to get more trucks of peace[View]
199202446What American phone looked like before they bought Nokia[View]
199171499/med/: Menhir edition Thread theme : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj_d8If_3Zo Fell over : >…[View]
199191912How do you meet people iyc ?[View]
199202421Bodies of /int/[View]
199202086If you had to choose between born in Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Afghanistan, India, North Korea, Liberi…[View]
199189384Why the fuck wasn't I born here I will do anything to move to Turkey and to become a Turk. I wi…[View]
199202364VGH. The Ohio River Valley. The peak of human civilization.[View]
199200280I wish I was white[View]
199201739We native English speakers will never know the joy of being able to communicate in more than one lan…[View]
199202273They sell gas by the liter, speak Spanish, and live like thirdies We need to kick these niggas out f…[View]
199202029How many years do people in your country think she has?[View]
199201946Is it fucking hot in your cunt? Poland, yes, 33 degrees in day. Inshalllah rain will come.[View]
199198718Will you commit suicide with sodium nitrite in your country?[View]
199202032>Britain claims to be a socialist country. >Too poor to pay for socialism. Free market, capit…[View]
199197992/polska/: edycja pojmania groźnego hakera anonymousa https://minilauta.org/src/1718407144193.webm…[View]
199199810Going to South Korea for skin treatments for a year?: I heard they have next level skincare treatmen…[View]
199199044Most soulful part of America[View]
199192202Is it over in your country?[View]
199193716What is the worst English accent in the world...? All anglo countries count, which place takes the c…[View]
199201982Parisian niggas look at Elsass and be like: >They French as FUCK!! Pure Gaulo-Romance ancestry.…[View]
199200536Fact: Italians act like they are so strong and tough: But you mock them like the proto-Mexicans they…[View]
199201937chile is long[View]
199200683> almost 30 > still dreaming about jr high school crush…[View]
199201796I pledge myself... to EVROPA...[View]
199201777>July 2, 2024 Friendly International reminder to all cunts that July 2 is the middlemost day of t…[View]
199199928Show me a typical sandwich from your country. In Poland we do sourdough, open sandwich, cold cuts of…[View]
199201760today I had a breakfast burgie a lunch time burgie and I am making smol burgies whats is called slid…[View]
199200047How did the immigrants to America go from europeans with a PhD in Physics and Math to low achieving …[View]
199197922Did you know Japan has 4 seasons?[View]
199197849/incelwalk/: Going for an incelwalk. Do you incelwalk IYC?[View]
199200082I just played it and I'm going through chapter 5, it's fun and immersive for the game…[View]
199201603Shut the fuck up.[View]
199201237What are your excuses for not having relocated to a better city yet in your country? I recently move…[View]
199201585ugly ass spongebob SQUAREpants looking ass border[View]
199196768Why do people think of Asians as universally anti-gun? Thailand and Phillipines have very strong gun…[View]
199198440Swedish soyjak thread[View]
199201232The Job Market in America is so shit I have to be a camwhore: I am paid to flirt with married men an…[View]
199201362How do men go to another country and openly date the native women? I would be so self-conscious if I…[View]
199200046Is it French or German?[View]
199196350>Russians' penises have become longer - study. >Over two years, the average size of the d…[View]
199195998how do you tolerate the heat in your country?[View]
199121463DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #3481: DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese…[View]
199201255That means its more than New York: Or any city in the US[View]
199201119Why do white people? Why do Europeans? This is literally a European meal.[View]
199195883-40C Arctic life: How the hell do people (especially Russians and eskimos) live in months of of weat…[View]
199197734Do you have any 'striking' physical features? Traits that makes you stand out in a group[View]
199200700Why mixed race people are good at everything these days[View]
199199815how good is mcdonald's in your country[View]
199197447Sverigetråden - västfinska upplagan[View]
199200284how did you spend the last day of June, the halfway point of 2024 in your cunt?[View]
199196100>defeats all of Yugoslavia in ten days despite being outnumbered Are Slovenians the fiercest warr…[View]
199199302What do people do for fun in your country?[View]
199199542europeans consider 23c hot[View]
199199271>'Germ'ans >Doesn't spread everywhere like germs >'In'dians >Spreads everywhere out…[View]
199197170Tell me something about it i don’t know[View]
199199901nealry black out durnk aghainn happens in our country[View]
199200864>'6 cheese beef bowls please'.[View]
199199752Did you know?: Despite being considered a shithole by western standards Bulgaria is still richer tha…[View]
199200513Today was 90th birthday of my grandma. There was a party, most (5) of her siblings visited. Do peopl…[View]
199200635Right now there is thirdie waking up, picking a ripe banana for breakfast and heads out to dance all…[View]
199195541/eu/ - European Union: Today's Topic: If you were King of the EU, what would be your first roya…[View]
199198758Time for another partition, boys: Poland is getting arrogant[View]
199200621500 BC: Imagine living on the coast of Aegean writing philosophy with your bros and inventing the wo…[View]
199199529They're now in Poland[View]
199197225Define 'white people' and 'white race'. European and white is just a geographica…[View]
199200044It baffles me that Americans literally have dedicated mouse holes in their house. This some Tom and …[View]
199196922how the hell did people shave back then[View]
199198598is it true britbros?[View]
199194785What happens in New Orleans?[View]
199199041>browses /int/ >can't even name this country lmao…[View]
199198584New Canadian Artwork Spotted: Who could this Canadian Banksy be?[View]
199173105/esp/ - Hilo español: Edición Airbag.[View]
199198736How do you feel about your job in your country? Do you have a good work life balance and fulfilling …[View]
199196140/brit/: The real thread.[View]
199199962Belgium roadtrip: Hi /int/, we are currently at a camping site near Bouillon. Any recommendations wh…[View]
199199873Mods, if you don't ban the Dutch racebaiter I will kill him. His blood will be on your hands.[View]
199197900>Visit america >Accidentally eat their goyslop wrong >Get lynch mobbed…[View]
199199228this year I am visiting slovkia and the czech republic: I am so excited to leave this fucking dumb f…[View]
199196156>last but one Penultimate >greetings Salutations >underground Subterranean…[View]
199194254Americans aren't too fat. Europeans are too skinny.[View]
199196547SOS: Request international assistance!!!! I posted some shouldn't have been sent pic in a thre…[View]
199192930How do we unite the United States?[View]
199199685We so-a cultured: We eata da pasta and bread! We sippa wine in dee hot sun! Look at de old a buildin…[View]
199192961Brittie Sisters... What the fuck is this cruel savagery? Domestic abuse is for thirdies without a re…[View]
199170136/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - /이스르/: מהדורת ראשון[View]
199199476International words for ass/anus/arse Perse Pylly Peppu Takamus[View]
199199286Le french are le ugly[View]
199189906What is dating like in your country?[View]
199190667Have you encouraget finnaboos in your country? Flag i see them on tinder sometimes[View]
199199355Hilo latino - edición doblaje latino: Porqué este cabrón está en cada doblaje? Cada vez que veo una…[View]
199195780saudi arabia: is it actually as wealthy/first world as the data suggests, or is it not so different …[View]
199196098Is it just me or is Genoa fugly?[View]
199195513Kerala: Why are people from Kerala such cucks? I've noticed they always defend firsties and act…[View]
199198985strawberry and rhubarb cake[View]
199198737Could an autist travel by himself?[View]
199195495paternity tests are illegal in france[View]
199197678>You need 10 years of experience to get a senior position that pays a whopping £40,000 a year …[View]
199195571Mechanical engineering or Computer Science?[View]
199199119What is it with americans worshipping blacks? Why did whites bring Africans to the Americas, kill 90…[View]
199195849Why Are Britishers Like This?[View]
199198508This, so much this.[View]
199189220you wake up in europe[View]
199198974The truth about the black pill: Most of the black pill propaganda is filmed in Miami. All the girls …[View]
199197720In the US, total randos can get tens of thousands of social media followers just by having blue or g…[View]
1991897221. Your country 2. Do you have an AI(sian) gf yet?[View]
199198677Is it neetbux day tomorrow in your country?[View]
199195554what are your favorite youtube travel channels[View]
199198010How different are Black Americans and African immigrants? What are their differences in terms of cul…[View]
199180017/mex/ - Hilo Mexicano: hilo kpop[View]
199198471I want to develop the skill of having the earnestness and confidence when telling the truth but whil…[View]
199198594turkey is best central asian country[View]
199171305/bharat/: world champs edition goodbye kohli saahab, thank you for your service[View]
199196509In Spain it's nearly impossible to buy bottled water on Sundays unless you go to the neighborho…[View]
199194934Spaniards, Greeks and Russians defended the borders of Europe for thousands of years, only to now be…[View]
199197592Why do you hate us so? Is it because of our freedoms?[View]
199194903Tomorow it will be made illegal to deny the Holocaust so i will make one final thread where i procla…[View]
199197462How terminally online and addicted to technology are you in your country?[View]
199173857/tr/: gel la[View]
199197835Living by the ocean SUCKS: Never let anyone trick you into moving in right by the ocean, you will ne…[View]
199194231/fr/ - le francofil: Edition Résultats préliminaires Ancien: >>199189769[View]
199190961Old Worlders: Is there an American city named after the one you currently live in?[View]
199198061Does your country have internationally famous youtubers?[View]
199192552/polska/: edycja czarnych majtusi ToT[View]
199190277/sauna/: Sitten syssymmällä -painos[View]
199197755How do I stop overthinking stuff, being perfectionists and having too much expectations. In your cun…[View]
199193213Why are turkish people so obsessed with walking around these?[View]
199196590>There are only 3 developed countries on this planet without the majority of the population havin…[View]
199194451Sverigetråden: Bäjbiupplagan[View]
199191694ITT: /int/ in 100 BCE[View]
199192822Are Slovaks just Hungarians in denial?[View]
199195626/brip/: Songs From The Big Chair edition[View]
199190984Question for Basques and Catalans: I'm tired of them calling up panchitos What are some names t…[View]
199194455Does your cunt have highly competitive entrance exams?: Yes in my cunt, be it college entrances and …[View]
199191607What the HELL is wrong with Jews?[View]
199196338British ppl are so funny[View]
199195538I'm going to sleep soon in my country. When are you going to sleep?[View]
199193645what is uzbek culture[View]
199196943Imagine a world without Sweden: Every song here was made by a Swede: >Hit me baby one more time …[View]
199191695All the single furries! All the single furries! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zQpSR22a9dY[View]
199193548we hebben een serieus mistakee[View]
199195737how good is panera in your cunt?[View]
199196759I have been reading Wilfred Thesiger's Arabian Sands. There was mention of the tomb of a female…[View]
199195240what's going on in the UK[View]
199195671What is wrong with spanish people?? Why are they so cruel?[View]
199196198If you had to spend the next 365 days of your life in one of the following cities, which would you c…[View]
199196534>mfw I see British or American tourists[View]
199194132white bros... not like this[View]
199194705it's 23:56 here goodnight, lovely people :3[View]
199178921What happens here?[View]
199194930When I was 18 I thought I was going to be a musician or a painter. Now I'm a purchaser responsi…[View]
199194593pov: you are white in toronto[View]
199195601Do you appreciate English cuisine in your country[View]
199195434Does your country have gay enclaves/neighbourhoods? What are they like? Have you visited?[View]
199195903Does your country have secret societies?[View]
199195775Share flags you like. I'll start.[View]
199195822Swiss engineering Two bridges collapsed today[View]
199195712Why isn't this contained in one country[View]
199183914/ita/ - il filo: edizione golf[View]
199192566Indians are everywhere: United States 4,506,300 Canada 1,858,755 United Kingdom 1,825,000 South Afri…[View]
199194497I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe[View]
199195537Landing in Japan... Apple Vision Pro brings the age of spatial computing https://www.youtube.com/wat…[View]
199178507/cum/ Canada USA Mexico: /brit/ edition Prev>>199177919[View]
199193140/brit/: Trust the plan edition[View]
199191931Do you have herpes in your country?[View]
199187017Say something nice about Suriname. Please.[View]
199190074>take boner fruit >make alcohol with it has science gone too far?…[View]
199188751Spain is healing[View]
199186492>The Chinese century is com-[View]
199195238can somebody babysit my beloved baby boy tonight?[View]
199193975There should be a bachelor tax on all men just like China wants to introduce. Incels needs to pay mo…[View]
199188965Do men censor their tummies in your country?[View]
199193340Tell me about your last dream in your country.[View]
199192300What are your thoughts on your country's nature?[View]
199192621name 10 chinese ciities[View]
199191893If you were indian, which caste would you identify as? I think I'd identify as Kshatriya.[View]
199189290I really like the way white women look, but their heads have some really deep problems. How to fix i…[View]
199190889You wake up in the Republic of Yemen[View]
199193282Another American bag successfully dumped on Mexico[View]
199189635Sverigetråden - Sommarupplagan: Gamla: >>199184580 >>199184580 >>199184580 Trådtem…[View]
199190935What does the average 5/10 girl look like in your country?[View]
199177101/norgetråden/: Fare for spredning av HIV-utgaven Forrige: >>199150310 >>199150310[View]
199193667I need English rose in my life[View]
199193704What does that mean she/her or he/him in anglo social media accounts ? Sometimes you see this when I…[View]
199192936A literal fucking soy boy that was buying a Nintendo Switch made me wait in line way longer than usu…[View]
199192876You didn't do shit You didn't earn shit It was a gift by stalin You fucking lost immediate…[View]
199194122China's poor population is increasing. They are stuck in poverty https://www.youtube.com/watch?…[View]
199187757Me when some destitute subhuman struggling to make ends meet calls me poor[View]
199189296korea bros..: when do you even start families with so much examceling? how much do your civil servan…[View]
199188371is your country very religious?[View]
199168825/V4/ + frens: Kurva anyátok edition. previous: >>199137267[View]
199193964do Australian people actually have to worry about deadly spiders and snakes and fish every time they…[View]
199190559In my country you get a giant wooden key on your 21st birthday, why? Who the fuck knows[View]
199189667sverigetråden DMCA upplagan[View]
199173100/bra/ - Fio brasileiro: Inclusao social da democracia, estado democrático de direito para pessxs hum…[View]
199178251There's a reason we're called Yuropoors[View]
199192208Your opinion about orange counties?[View]
1991880451. your country 2. cofe time? >flag >cofe time.…[View]
199190990only oldlegends remember deleted to catch a predator episode justpassingthrough[View]
199190776Taiwan was a SEA poc nation, brutally colonized by han chinese[View]
199191391all these cute girls on the catalogue make me sad and horny i wish i had a girlfriend :([View]
199067544/skandi/: Olsenbanden-udgaven forrige: >>198979488[View]
199193551K Sighting: I'm not sure if K-Car finally made it over here, or if some mildly-boyish Finn/Eest…[View]
199189769/fr/ - le Francofil: Édition des Vooters. Ancien : >>199182999[View]
199190551my grandpa who built his house on his own in 1950s surpassed everything subsaharan africans ever man…[View]
199192740Do you know some travel hacks to travel for cheap?[View]
199193119Shhhh: The Dutch poster is asleep. Don't wake xer up[View]
199193174Can you get plastic surgery in your country?: Sweden, technically you can, but most plastic surgeons…[View]
199188049What goes on here?[View]
199193481Finngolian Bros has your country seen a surge of poojeet immigrants from Saar land?[View]
199186337Why do Indians depict themselves with White skin?[View]
199193464>Day 195 of the very special 24 hour operation to protect global shipping lanes by 'the most powe…[View]
199192150State Mandated Gfs: Do you have them in ur cunt?[View]
199191706The American mind cannot comprehend such SOVL.[View]
199160291/ex-yu/: slovensko-makedonsko izdanje[View]
199193393Mouth watering picture in India[View]
199184429Why do these niggas hate us so much?[View]
199191555Are Mexican-American women goated?[View]
199193324Do you date women when they visit your country?[View]
199187892State your country and if you are ok with the %[View]
199186837Average Canadian couple[View]
199191532Is it true that spa town culture doesn't exist anywhere outside Europe? I heard that many natio…[View]
199191914What color should your country be on the map I think mexico should be red or bleached green like tur…[View]
199193148/brit/: /brit/ edition[View]
199192977In your experience, what are the most effective ways to bridge cultural divides?[View]
199190711/brit/: Kane edition[View]
199185345What was the biggest event in your country that you participated in?[View]
199193071>*police siren* >MOST FÜLEDDEL KERÁZOD, TESTVÉREM >*robbery noises* >79.17 >*Kis Grof…[View]
199191750Marriage of convenience: Do you think I could find an American who wants to come to the EU so we can…[View]
199189575gopniks and chavs are the same fucking people so are assis what does your country call them[View]
199191327I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe[View]
199192757Why are Jewish people so rude[View]
199191918>ik ook gib tikkie foor holocuastenridden[View]
199187187Poland is healing[View]
199192067On all levels except physically i am american, in spirit God willing europe and america will become …[View]
199184506>*introduces thirdies to african american culture*t[View]
199188801/polska/: edycja ściągania bluzeczki hihihi dalej mała ściągaj majty[View]
199189732what is your opinion on americans in your country?[View]
199176002/ro/ - Firul Nostru: Ediția: 'Uite leul' Vechi: >>199138583[View]
199192196What would the average visitor on /int/ do if gifted the powers of the man of steel?[View]
199190110I am eating a juicy steak right now. It's delicious, nutritious, and very good.[View]
199189496Post something from another country that makes you react like this.[View]
199190834hidden gem countries on your opinion[View]
199192088Does your country have creatures?[View]
199191758Why don't coastalpipo build railway?[View]
199191924>Educated in Cambridge, at the age of 20 he returned to his native country, where he began to pra…[View]
199190997take me in your arms and love me[View]
199190715can somebody babysit my beloved baby boy tonite? I am going out with the girls to get some martinis[View]
199191733do they really?[View]
199188170It only took a few decades for Islam to succeed in doing what Christianity has been trying to do sin…[View]
199189205yards of int[View]
199188262Where are your ancestors from, Anon?[View]
199191262POV: You're Brazilian and were just left alone with your cousin.[View]
199191418Why can't english people say 'naughty' correctly?[View]
199185435Portugal-amigos, respondam por favor: O meu primo tem um amigo de 17 anos que está a acabar a escola…[View]
199186022*ruins the US forever*[View]
199187360If a Korean and a Japanese nigga become friends: What language do they speak in with each other…[View]
199190710Say his name[View]
199192492Do the youth in your cunt love graffiti a lot?[View]
199186958Say his name[View]
199190055islam is a daily quest religion[View]
199173231Flemish nationalists want to seperate from Belgium and use pic related as their flag. Would you supp…[View]
199189859Why are you white people so triggered by us visa jeets? Yes I am a fucking Punjabi Indian visa jeet …[View]
199190881You can't not be a normie if you grew up in a household with both parents and especially if the…[View]
199187821what county do your countrymen get mistaken for abroad?[View]
199190647So, do you have any hobbies or interests in your country? Other than scrolling through imageboards.[View]
199190303it's over. Millions will have to invade to europe[View]
199188289/brit/: DRUNK edish[View]
199190148>be colonised by westerners >they bring civilisation, technology and rule of law >chimp out…[View]
199190326Is it appropriate for a young Polish woman to dress like this?[View]
199190219/sauna/: leipäpainos[View]
199189255Do you have latam representation in your cunt tree[View]
199189960Fuck this faggot planet[View]
199190451how expensive is it to buy a house in ireland?[View]
199189806It's always refreshing to see this kind of reels. Korean people also don't care about him …[View]
199190360America in one pic[View]
199190264Why are American fathers so creepy with their daughters?[View]
199187885Here's that spicy Brazilian gf bro.[View]
199183916Is it July in your cunt?[View]
199188686What would a 4chan with only red countries look like[View]
199182336/sauna/: Homopainos[View]
199189028>visit United States >60% of people look grotesque >fat, walking skeletons, painted hair, f…[View]
199186398We're everywhere, for your convenience[View]
199184215Leave niggers alone swedoids[View]
199186839Christianity is a Mazdean religion: The magi were the first Christians > inb4 what about the old …[View]
199186759Is palm oil flavored with some cocoa and hazelnut paste popular in your country?[View]
199188842By 2030, Game Science will make an AAA game set in China during the warlord period. Players will mak…[View]
199189399Name a more K I N O interracial pairing than a libertarian white dude with an Asian wife[View]
199169606If you fuck our women, we win.: We are spreading our mitochondrial DNA, heh losers[View]
199189918ITT: Subtle signs of white people[View]
199189895Sometimes I envy thirdies their simple-minded approach to life and the way they solve their problems…[View]
199185131Is you're country a pepe county or an apu country?[View]
199176739Are there any other examples of a colonized country surpassing the ruling country?: Are there any ot…[View]
199189569We have already surpassed blacks two decades ago yet american media's nigger obsession makes yo…[View]
199186142Slav comes from the Swedish word slav which means slave They are called this because Eastern Europe …[View]
199189550how do I get a cartel gf ?[View]
199184580sverigetråden pseudoclassic[View]
199188216Brazil is hell on Earth[View]
199189286What are they dying for exactly??[View]
199188222Wearing a gold cross necklace is very common among French Christians. I have seldom seen an American…[View]
199187811>The punishment for the act of rape in Czech Republic is now being lowered from 2-10 years of pri…[View]
199188496do you believe in ghosts and angels and shit in your country?[View]
199189390What would a 4chan with only blue countries look like[View]
199183337post the most scenic drives in your country[View]
199189419>WE STILL BELIEVE[View]
199189377Can this indian dalit man pass as local in your country??[View]
199189310Why anime has so many cumbersome pauses where you cant do but feel cringe. Is that a japanese custom…[View]
199182999/fr/ - le francofil: Édition du devoir civique A voté : >>199174059[View]
199184454/deutsch/: Kaffeezeit Ausgabe[View]
199189097סה אקאבו[View]
199188209What did the ancient greeks mean by this[View]
199186871Making dinner: Hello int Today I'm making pasta with mushrooms[View]
199185933Have you ever shoot a gun?: in your country?[View]
199180263>I need muh ugly oversized truck for heavy duty wor-ACK[View]
199185246This, so much this.[View]
199188354Are Moroccan girls spicy[View]
199188837My life in America is a nightmare. I live in what is supposed to be the tech hub of Southern Califor…[View]
199160550/Nederdraad/ #FreeDries: nachteditie[View]
199188737Dinner. She haven't been online for 4 hours almost. Weird. Probably enjoying her Sunday like a …[View]
199187494>American: heh you Euros use 'kilometre' instead of mile, that's funny >Yuro: Y…[View]
199188687I deserve sex imc[View]
199183771/polska/: edycja ajcyde[View]
199188617/int/ Americans wish they could shoot us.[View]
199185410japan did this to us[View]
199188765I'm thinking of moving to Greece and starting my life over. I would forge a family history to t…[View]
199188707Mong Flip masterrace: How would Mongolia and the Philippines be able to win a war and conquer all of…[View]
199186498ashkanzi male mizrahi woman couples are very common in israel are they common in you're country…[View]
199184715Hibike! Euphonium: Today, a 10 years journey came to an end. What did I think of it?[View]
199183627How tf do they have more Turkish dna than bosniaks? Also what is some good Serbian dishes to make at…[View]
199188446Say something nice about Brazil RIGHT FUCKING NOW![View]
199187981curse you white devil![View]
199185511Why are israeli women so good looking ?[View]
199187379Why isn't Brazil a superpower? They are a huge country with many natural resources.[View]
199187128Why do so many young British men have this hairstyle?[View]
199186182I drank half of my 700ml vodka last night, is it safe to drink the rest tonight?[View]
199188401I can't stop drinking this refreshing delicacy produced by Coke®. Why are Americans so good at …[View]
199183695>From двaч /int/ board Do Russians really? Is this why Sasha has to attention whore here nonstop…[View]
199186725god and the sun has blessed us: we cant stop winning (anulo mufa)[View]
199180593Do they like being called Balkan?[View]
199184079This shop is by the road on the countryside with no one working there or taking the money, they trus…[View]
199187627European breakfast: Is it true that cumming in your sisters coffee is a common prank for eurolads…[View]
199186698the united states is a little fart[View]
199186004/brit/: The new drug edition[View]
199165377Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド: This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily lif…[View]
199178154What the hell does 'loomed over' mean?[View]
199185141Does this happen in your cunt?[View]
199184992>white people think this is the funniest thing ever Why are they like this?…[View]
199179023sverigetråden dumpenausgabe[View]
199183775/int/ music thread: Post music from your cunt https://youtu.be/eRR6y4k0HDg?si=Ie_FxdbgkEPvsAPZ…[View]
199187151Internet's anti-Indian memes have made Indians the population with the highest amount of self-h…[View]
199179330>this is a 10/10 lunch in USA[View]
199187239I just found two autistic girls in my country in a week. One disappeared after 2 days, I want to bel…[View]
199187546Can you still drink in your /cunt/ I can't drink now without getting a 2-3 day hangover.[View]
199184560This was in Oakland California in my cunt back in the 1970s.[View]
199185875>the catch >no starbucks and brickwall bars…[View]
199185961greetings int I have drawn the world map from memory.[View]
199185922Japan and Korea are the same: The more I learn about these “two” cultures, the more I realize that i…[View]
199183889Only a tall blonde Scandi girl would make me happy. My uncle is married with one in Norway and if he…[View]
199187282Biden bro…(sob): https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1806498948326309888/pu/vid/avc1/720x406/WRcgSa…[View]
199186848Why was Isengard pronounced aisengard but Isildur was pronounced isildur and not aisaildur? Why is …[View]
199185134Reminder Germany was going to build this: They called it... Landkreuzer.[View]
199186963Recent Japanese culture favored by Korean zoomer (Not for japanmaxxer. It's just basic) > YO…[View]
199187172Europeans carry toilet paper everywhere with them because public toilets don' have any[View]
199186159Do they really know people who are called larry or bob?[View]
199185394I suffer in this nature-less country. Imagine not being able to enjoy a walk through a gorgeous bre…[View]
199182671Would I pass as a local in your cunt?[View]
199184920Why does Canada have so many black people in sports but zero browns ? Blacks are 4% of Canada's…[View]
199186476Is your country a BBC country or a BWC country[View]
199183947How do you even distinguish their women[View]
199184663Language sounding thread: Everything below B sounds bad.[View]
199185061Do you wear male makeup in your country? France: yes, of course. If Trump (who embodies ideal mascul…[View]
199186615My favorite flag is the old Nepalese flag. The new one doesn't have the faces on the sun and mo…[View]
199183034Korea and Japan are increasingly becoming one country in terms of culture: https://youtu.be/BqsAVkqq…[View]
199185174I don’t eat pork (it’s disgusting) but i still eat bottom feeders like shrimp, lobster, crab, crayfi…[View]
199181807Airport security: I get questioned at the airport every time I travel. Every goddamn time. >where…[View]
199186522what's the problem with scandinavia?[View]
199186247Pls lemme in[View]
199183360Could this indian man pass as local in your country?[View]
199185016Does this apply in your country?[View]
199183791What do you know about Korean War? >'We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned …[View]
199170635What do you consider to be a 'long drive' in your cuntry?: I'd say anything more than 3 hours i…[View]
199186199Does your cunt love America?[View]
199186087>Another Sunday night, another incelride And what are your plans in your plans in your countries …[View]
199181039Lunch. Can't tell if I feel anything at all. Just checked, she's currently online. I don…[View]
199183866Is there anything more kino than a mountain city on the ocean[View]
199182100Holyland Towers, an average residential building in Israel. Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmer…[View]
199183507/brit.: MUM HE POSTED IT AGAIN edish[View]
199188477Will Ukraine be rebuilt after the war and integrated with western economies, or will it remain a rui…[View]
199182384Chinese women love thread[View]
199183984Romanes eunt domus[View]
199185091What happens here?[View]
199185585Flipbros why are Tagalogs such a degenerate consumerist got mutts, I thought they were the ideal eth…[View]
199180734Which version of jesus christ do you believe in?[View]
199175868Japanese government matchmaking. for men: >26-34 >don't look like an otaku >be at leas…[View]
199177608How is your country going to cope with the consequences of peak oil?[View]
199139800/asean/: edisi hex maniac![View]
199185440could she pass as a local in your country?[View]
199185540> With this kinda pic > Mostly self hater in every south korea shithole Does this happen in ur…[View]
199183292Why are French people so rude?[View]
199175433I turned 25 last week and I'm still a kisscel hugcel handholdcel virgincel. It's over for …[View]
199180187>a Brazilian is speaking[View]
199185073I will never be a light novel writer in japan.[View]
199182824Are chuds good video game developers in your country?[View]
199185371Alerte: Turkey use vehicle registration plate as Europe.[View]
199184874I just spent €850 on a mattress today (in my country) does this happen in your country?[View]
199170274Do you believe in the Norwegian dream?[View]
199183481Why is it that the browner a Latinx is the more racist and pro white they are?[View]
199170762What's the correct answer?[View]
199182548It's over[View]
199182304Would I pass as a local in your cunt?[View]
199182078Do you also fantasize about dating older woman in your cunt?[View]
199185087Barthelona, Independent Catalunya[View]
199185105flanders flag[View]
199181721/INCEL/ GENERAL: no toxic virgin incels, just normal incel bros and femcels are allowed to post here…[View]
199184029whitoid firstie niggas do be paying 70$ for a video game in they countries[View]
199185050are you increasingly only sharing your ideas with chatbots in your country? It's hard to find p…[View]
199180368Swedish salary statistics (2023 official figures): I converted them to USD per month, for your conve…[View]
199183475Obviously, the Japanese and English titles are completely different. The title 'China' was obviously…[View]
199183093>you get a loving wife, a house and beautiful kids >It's in north Korea Taking the deal?…[View]
199184219I cooka da peetsa[View]
199178026In the past few months, sudanese refugees have been flooding egypt. Most of them are fleeing the civ…[View]
199183589Goodbye for all eternity.: https://voca.ro/1bzrwdYTKyW4[View]
199180365Are you a Newsom Nigga in your country?[View]
199181174/deutsch/: Erwachte Ausgabe[View]
199181986How did white people manage to fool everybody into thinking Jesus was a white man?[View]
199183317Is USA a terrorist country?[View]
199178267Why did Persians and Indians have so little contact throughout history?[View]
199181037How would your parents react if you bring to home an Italian gf?[View]
199179290is there a state border that separates two civilizations more different from each other than these?[View]
199180364It's over now I'm a kpop fan and in love with this Vietnamese girl I don't care if ne…[View]
199184236can they pas-s as loc/als in your cou_ntry?[View]
199183393Does your country have services where you can order a 16 year old babysitter to clean your hikikomor…[View]
199182545Did you know that China hasn't won a single war in 200 years?[View]
199184387Thousands of American families every year will travel for thousands km just to take a selfie with a …[View]
199180318what do westernised filipina girls like?[View]
199180101Will Hindi even be used in the next 10 years?[View]
199180510romanians are whi-[View]
199184073Fiji: What's your opinion on Fiji?[View]
199184167Why they love Black pipo?[View]
199184025Dutch breakfast. The worst rated breakfast in the world.[View]
199184121why is canadian healthcare so shit? they have to wait years for a surgery unless they go to a priva…[View]
199184051What level of Islam are you on[View]
199183739What's the national drink of your country?: for us I would say it's Tim Horton's doub…[View]
199171790/ITA/ - IL FILO: Edizione: da solo in città[View]
199183660>the strongest anti-Latino immigration voices in America are Latinos What is the root cause of th…[View]
199182372I fart on Finland. daily reminder[View]
199183531Hogy nezhet ki valaki ennyire elbaszottan?[View]
199183809>be active in the collective (work/etc) >sometime joke, sometime asking other people 'how it…[View]
199177775>slavs are good fighte-ARGHHH[View]
199183798Playboy japan :0 Playboy mother russia :][View]
199183655gay countries be like >oh no, you boiled pasta 30 sec too long, it's not al dente anymore Po…[View]
199181772Now the dust has settled: why do Asian love wearing face mask?[View]
199177076/polska/ + /mena/: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvMTNyqMBOg edycja totalnej śmierci Teraz Usłyszy…[View]
199183632do people watch Fresh&Fit or Whatever-podcast in your country and pay atleast 35$ a month for it…[View]
199178835Africa? Invited to the grilla.[View]
199181128Why has black male masculinity historically been sexualized and mythologized? One of the most common…[View]
199183389Poland being next Germany in yet another statistic They will take over Europe when Germany is too ol…[View]
199183080How Chuddy Will They Become?[View]
199182911sir i am brahmin from high caste good good family best genes pleej gives japnese gril for sex origin…[View]
199181605/brit/: matjaz kek edishhhhhhhh[View]
199183415Would I pass as a local in your cunt?[View]
199182650The Castilian desolation...: Imagine carrying a heavy 15th century armor under a 40° sunny landscape…[View]
199170736Has an entire continent ever committed suicide?[View]
199181019How do they celebrate new years in belgrade[View]
199182301Bardin Goreksson: Bardin Goreksson[View]
199180095I don’t like this, less Koreans less K-pop this is bad for humanity[View]
199182503I'm so tired today in my country. Are you tired?[View]
199182506where are you going this summer?[View]
199180621Does globohomo fear your country?: Pic related is why globohomo fears Poland. It should fear You too…[View]
199182928Goofy lookin nigga looks like a GEEK[View]
199181648>be me >Romanian >blue collar >see my boss talk with 4 Brown asian dudes >boss doesn…[View]
199182906latinxisters were made to protect us wypipo. thank you latinxisters. do you have a group or country…[View]
199181839>too poor to have any economic influence and strength >too weak to play off China and the US …[View]
199178683What's his name in your cunt? In German he's called Henrik Henschmann[View]
199179757Welcome to Stockholm during summer[View]
199180166Imagine Japan if yayoi never civilized them[View]
199176910Polska calls me....[View]
199178981Fixed the world for you[View]
199176491>white American cuisine[View]
199164496Can we take a moment to appreciate how Russia is spreading Indo-European culture across Asia? Just l…[View]
199182476Mercedes-Benz - Mesa Volkswagen - Volkar, Kolksvaagen BMW - Bemm, Bemar Lada - Žigull Peugeot - Pesu…[View]
199182004Do you want to find love in Africa in your country?[View]
199180926Does this happen in your country?[View]
199166944>missed out on teen love[View]
199180649Why do sex havers want to be incels now? Why do they say things like 'I had sex 10 years ago but i…[View]
199181247this is the national symbol of France[View]
199177269A sign of great wealth in finland[View]
199181574sirs they are mocking us !!!![View]
199181940the more distant we're from a foreign culture, the more likely we are to romanticize it[View]
199175079/sauna/: Ihanne lapsiluku -painos[View]
199181320Visitors stopped by the town's museum: Quite unusual sight, it's usually very empty. Do yo…[View]
199181165OK, first of all it's macaroni cheese and NOT 'mac & cheese'. Secondly, it was in…[View]
199180852>One shot at a life >I didn't born as European chad Life is too kind of brutal…[View]
199176647It's almost Canada Day: How will your country celebrate Canada Day in your country?[View]
199178617How popular are doner kebabs in Germany[View]
199179644could you provide an example of this so called 'german humour'?[View]
199174059/fr/ - Le Francofil: Edition chat bizarre Ancien : >>199148045[View]
199178816Would you support your national team if it looked like this?[View]
199177665Do you want a japanese wife in your country?[View]
199181754I didn't win the Powerball[View]
199175771China REFUSED to Share Dark Side Moon Samples With USA: >BANGKOK (AP) — China’s space officials s…[View]
199170850Why are Muslim elites such cucks?[View]
199177128So you want to become a father in your country?[View]
199178956did incels fall for andrew tate's scams in your country?[View]
199179625/brit/: London Underground edition[View]
199181099It's a lot easier to samefag as an American.[View]
199181489>There's plenty of fish in the sea, says the fishfucker[View]
199180089Recently Polish pasport became even stronger: Our president Duda went to China and forced them to al…[View]
199181377Why do latinas put so much makeup like muslims do[View]
199176322I regularly see so many discussion in the threads about us. Who are we? Finno-Ugrics, Slavs, Baltics…[View]
199179492/dixie/ + friends: vgh edition[View]
199181127poland is the japan of europe[View]
199180253>go see gp because my foot hurts >'go see the foot doctor' >charges me a million shekels so…[View]
199180632Europeans will never know this joy[View]
199180543I'd rather take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three[View]
199180620So, do you have any hobbies in your country? Do you draw, make music, write?[View]
199171539How did they fall off so hard? 100 years ago they ruled a quarter of the world and now they are star…[View]
199180457Was it the first crusade ever?: 2.06 MB PNG >Monobrow violent multicultural MENA empire invades t…[View]
199178975You can only choose one...[View]
199149873/balk/: >>199131434[View]
199180424I regret not marrying my ex-gf. Does this happen in your country?[View]
199178785>it’s ok for women to molest little boys because at least they get to have sex…[View]
199180470Boyko borisov edition >>199149873[View]
19918029912,000 years ago these people had domesticated dogs, stone tools, boats and cave paintings... What t…[View]
199178823>As someone who[View]
199178807I am 43. AMA[View]
199177806Wops are dumping their penne lisce on us Have some respect pls[View]
199177374>be developed >get flooded with immigrants >be balkan shithole >no immigrants but shitho…[View]
199179792Why is he like this?[View]
199179865made my mom sad today: >visit family >watching tv with my mom >'you know, a young lieutenan…[View]
199179755>Wow anon your hobby is so interesting, tell me more about it What would you tell her anon?…[View]
199171106Are anime girls the ultimate humiliation ritual?: Are anime girls the ultimate humiliation ritual? I…[View]
199177290do you have tattoo in your county.[View]
199175159I wish i was indian[View]
199177194Communism: :| Communism - Japan: :O https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=60Oihz09eBo&pp=ygUPV2UgYXJlIG…[View]
199175394Did This Really Happen in Japan?[View]
199177824/brit/: Cans edish?[View]
199179591>AROOOOOOOROOROO *vomits* Does your country also have majestic wildlife?…[View]
199174833Why are Swedes like this?[View]
199179529I look like and say this[View]
199174914>Finland 5.5M population >Israel 9.5 population constantly have thread here >Ukraine 40M po…[View]
199174035Which scenario is more likely in the long term future? >Lisbon to Vladivostok Europe vs. Ummah …[View]
199175631Tunisians are enacting TND and you are laughing[View]
199171231>cunt >What does this image make you think or feel?…[View]
199175274International Truths: Your life will improve immeasurably if you stop masturbating[View]
199174408>we are going to witness the emergence of infinite green energy solarpunk utopia we're gonna…[View]
199176760>italians literally pay people to move to their pictoresque villages[View]
199176131I found official whiteness map from circa 1910: Purple= ultra-white Pink = white or honorary white D…[View]
199178803Why do white people smell like a wet dog?[View]
199179038Sverigetråden - Storkalifenupplagan[View]
199173415Sverigetråden - Den förbjudna planetens upplaga[View]
199174306the british indian army of ww1 what happened? how did these guys transition into pajeets and google …[View]
199177909American civil war: Why did mutts randomly start slaughtering each other in one of the bloodiest war…[View]
199171998Why did Swedes let a Jew make a movie defiling their culture like this? Now people think Midsommar i…[View]
199175691>national epic of Scotland >directed by an Englishman and based on a script by a guy named 'Ir…[View]
199178109Why do Americans and their media have to look like this? In this show two women at one point start t…[View]
199178748How are you spending your Sunday afternoon?[View]
199178704Do females expect you to lick their butthole in your country?[View]
199173082Is their replacement irreversible at this point? How do we save England?[View]
199172034America is healing....[View]
199179624/brit/: let's save britain edition[View]
199178619Does this happen in your country?[View]
199177788New whiteness map just dropped[View]
199178083Offshore oil rigs: Do you have this in your cunt?[View]
199176392what have you eaten today in your country? ive had a cup of yogurt with peach, strawberries, and blu…[View]
199173893Americans having the AUDACITY to shittalk any other nation's cuisine when their own national di…[View]
199178444Is this seen as a fat bottom in your country?: Let's see how different countries and cultures a…[View]
199176004Architecture is garbage in every country now except Poland Wonder why[View]
199176637Do they really hate eachother or is it just internet larp?[View]
199178237>Italian Neo-Nazis[View]
199174276If 10% of Indian men racemixes with European women its over White civilization will disappear[View]
199177961>10hrs of work a day[View]
199175484Are the Euros on this board actually retarded or do you people just pretend to annoy Americans?[View]
199175420>the world is shit because 3 retards couldn't solve a family dispute in a civilized way and …[View]
199176279I don't know where to ask this: My cousin has a 17 year old friend who is finishing high school…[View]
199176126DONALD DUCK AND ITALIANS: Why come Italians love Donald Duck so much?[View]
199172889/cum/ Canada USA Mexico: Poutine edition prev>>199168774[View]
199174163The Great Debate[View]
199178019POV: you are a Irish peasant. Year 900 AD[View]
199166929>Country >What do you normally do in your weekends?…[View]
199167814Why are Germans so fucking lazy and Greeks so fucking hardworking?[View]
1991719521) Your cunt 2) Do you trust this man? Flag Yes. He looks trustworthy.[View]
199176165Why is Germany so fucking cool? I love Germany[View]
199169098What are some urban legends from your country? Pic is a ghost train the Silverpilen[View]
199177581Did you know that Japanese youtube has thousands of 'China is Collapsing' videos and they regularly …[View]
199177786Did Your Country Fall For The Wind Energy Meme?: Did your country fall for 'le green energy' meme?…[View]
199175947/brit/: blank webm edition[View]
199176408We know that Chad has both, but what's more important in your country? Height or face? Who hav…[View]
199177599>the collective selfname (endonym) of georgians translates as 'windpipo' How do your pipo call th…[View]
199165794Brazilian working class female[View]
199174448So I'm here now /int/: Wtf do I do?[View]
199175306>gives you a small penis >gives women melanin receptors in their vagina…[View]
199174311the air is too spicy whitebros[View]
199169500Indians carrying a Chinese POW to be exchanged at the North Korean border following the armistice on…[View]
199164717The Muttland Experience: What is it like living in the USA as a young adult? Everyone i speak to fro…[View]
199174407The most trending thing in great Britain now is the video of a british cop getting nailed by an inma…[View]
199175784I suffer in Brazil: - Dollar at 5.59 - Pantanal on fire - Exploding debt - Drunkard in charge - Supr…[View]
199174080Do jews really think they descend from anciet semite tribes?[View]
199175251International Riddle Thread: A German has been murdered. Four suspects are taken in for questioning:…[View]
199171744/polska/: edycja dinozaury[View]
199174776Water turtles are now part of the local fauna and flora because people have been releasing them into…[View]
199176934A mouse had nibbled on my jiofibre thus rendering my connection to international world at helm[View]
199176026You've just received this in the mail: What did you do exactly? Was it even justified on their…[View]
199150310/Norgetråden/: Hovmod-utgaven Forrige: >>199119414[View]
199173969Pov: You are a balearic waitress[View]
199171861Why are Australian so obsessed with it?[View]
199176164Bros i want to have gf What should i do Is eating pussy good or bad[View]
199173482singapore ? more like singapoopooo[View]
199174904i have 5 fans pointing in my direction and im still dying[View]
199174597G R E A S E R S: Did your country ever have greasers? Or any other type of youth gang?[View]
199175938Are you ready for the Polish millennium?[View]
199175315Is it really the best state to live in?[View]
199174296>In the 1800 election things got so heated, virginia republicans threatened secession if thomas j…[View]
199174289USA? Poland? Germany? Its Canary Wharf, London[View]
199173538I'm fucking freezing, this winter is too harsh. Send help please.[View]
199169925Do you agree with this?[View]
199173703Scummiest journo in your cunt?[View]
199173819/brit/: go on then edition[View]
199172116/deutsch/: GuMo-Ausgabe[View]
199173719Black nationalists have a point tho[View]
199171945>Irkutsk... >Siberia...[View]
199175970If Ukrainian national identity didn't historically exist until two years ago, now it does.[View]
199175958Indians are the cultural gods of Canada: The Canadian establishment actively prioritizes their lives…[View]
199167129/mex/ - Hilo Mexicano: hilo gf[View]
199175189What's this phenotype?[View]
199175756In your country, am I still a cuck if I have an mmf threesome with my girlfriend where the other guy…[View]
199174573could this lad pass as a local in your country?[View]
199172956Its very common for Muslim girls to have Hindu bull boyfriends here as they treat them better than M…[View]
199172624>Bitches pussy when the indian/asian boy speaks[View]
199174478Is there a trans genocide ongoing in your country?[View]
199172115Why come them European ass niggas ain't got no National Park n' shit cuh?[View]
199170811Japanese McDonald's fight: A fight between a customer and staff at a McDonald's is going v…[View]
199172747Daily reminder Romania and Israel are international partners.[View]
199172945> mexico isnt north ameri-aaaack!! Lmao sudacas on suicide watch[View]
199174329Terrible shitholes that should be nuked for the greater good of humanity. TOTAL JEETCHINK DEATH[View]
199175061What do people think of this Greek dish in your country?[View]
199160397/sauna/: Autokeinupainos[View]
199174436what's wrong with Hell Korea (TM)[View]
199172412Despite the food inflation and other inflation stuff, the daily supply of calories per person in Tur…[View]
199173942were not indian saar[View]
199174485>According to National Socialist ideology, might makes right >Black and Hispanics are beating …[View]
199169845>That one bowie song when its been a long day at work Your country?[View]
199174388My best friend in kindergarten was a guy called Philippe a charcoal black kid who only could speak f…[View]
199171463are some nationalites more beautiful than others, or is beauty universal?[View]
199174047life as a native born american is hell: at least in Europe the high tier jobs are mostly filled with…[View]
199164825Honest thoughts about Saint Petersburg, Russia?[View]
199174292This is the average straight couple in today's America. Thoughts?[View]
199174367How many people in your country would fail his test? He tells people to remember three things, but l…[View]
199170384Wildlife department confirmed the finding of a dead tiger at a river in Kelantan recently. RIP[View]
199173654Okay okay, why don't all the dalits legally change their names to Brah-meme last names? That wa…[View]
199172890Edinburgh is the most beautiful city on Earth.[View]
199166071Do you know any girls with tattoos in your country?: what are they like?[View]
199174219Are chinese people dishonest in your cuntry?[View]
199172405Turkish art is kitsch. They like stuff like golden chairs with many ornaments. Their artistic taste …[View]
199172703Stumbeled your toe? gf left you? car broke down? you can put the blame on me https://youtu.be/AuU4VY…[View]
199174179I want this but in Turkey[View]
199154023/csg/ cono sur general: edición nenita asesina[View]
199173711Norway: Currently on a visit in norway, any arcades you guys recommend in Oslo or Bergen?[View]
199172758/int/ Just saw this building and took a picture of it, apparently it's a Masonic Lodge, the fuc…[View]
199173815Stop being so anoying!![View]
199172323India ????[View]
199173000Japan has a garbage problem saar, very very smelly saar! Please redeem![View]
199173680Independant Basuria[View]
199173270Come here now babe[View]
199171512Greece is the most mixed Balkan country[View]
199171874/brit/: question time edishhhhhhhh[View]
199170430>South 'Africa' cricket team >not a single african…[View]
199172095/شأشأ/ /mena/ /مصحة أمراض عقلية/: أنا و الباكيستاني اللي مرة داير فيها مغربي مرة تونسي مرة وجدي…[View]
199171901/eu/ - European Union: What does being European mean to you?[View]
199172910Name one indians are good at except multiplying. It's hilarious that somehow the most numerous…[View]
199170928S E A T T L E: New vs Old. Which do you think looks better? Here's OLD.[View]
199173133How would the average person in your cunt react if they saw this in your house?[View]
199172621Wtf is wrong with t*rks(anatolians)?[View]
199148045/fr/ le Francofil: Édition monstergirl femdom >>199126146 >>199126146 >>199126146…[View]
199172766Just ate one big bag of doritos, one entire pizza and 2liters of coke plus some skittles Does this h…[View]
199173434Dutch are the most cucked nation on this earth: >leader of far right shot dead on the street by a…[View]
199173014'Anglo' American Vs pure blooded Anglo[View]
199171167The two men that boys in Korea idolize[View]
199116288/lang/ - Language learning general: Serbian trans girl edition >Which meme language are you learn…[View]
199172883/cum/ - China Uzbekistan Mongolia: Previous: >>199168774[View]
199173035I am falling I am fading I am drowning Help me to breathe I am hurting I have lost it all I am los…[View]
199172997Why is any criticism considered anti-Arab racism?[View]
199172927Omg usa is a little little fart[View]
199170311We're shopping for new fighter jets: We've narrowed it down to these two, which should we …[View]
199171441What do Germans work for? This is the balcony view of the poorest Greek man alive.[View]
199168774/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: American soldiers stationed in Greece[View]
199172657Indian bros of given chance what would u tell your Aryan ancestors to do ?[View]
199169916>The CIA is the reason I have a daily caloric intake of 6,000 all in the form of coca-cola, takis…[View]
199172316weird racist pole larped as an australian sexpat to be racist to me?: i was minding my own business …[View]
199171415But hey, I'm not Indian. ;^)[View]
199170295I legit feel bad for indian (and pakistani) women. Everything I read about India makes it seem like …[View]
199172635हमको हमीं से चुरा लो दिल में कहीं तुम छुपा लो हमको हमीं से चुरा लो दिल में कहीं तुम छुपा लो हम अकेले…[View]
199169292Do you love Korea?[View]
199171978What happens in there?[View]
199168116Where Visajeets so hell-bent on making Canadian cities look like the Indian slums they escaped from …[View]
199171464Tomboys in your country?[View]
199172055Can animals understand your mood? yesterday I was depressed and a cat purred me, and while I was sit…[View]
199167992/bra/ - Fio Brasileiro: edição british rose anterior: >>199159989[View]
199171339the average traditional white christian mindset.: are white people still living in middle ages?…[View]
199170064Notice something?: The more meat you eat the more you’re prone to anus cancer and other diseases. Bt…[View]
199170076Thoughts on the South Korean 4B movement?[View]
199172363How do you deal with Asian scammers? I show them gay porn D: They're mostly from India and Paki…[View]
199157871What is your honest opinion on Finland?[View]
199172389Question: What do they call the strongest man in Istanbul? Answer: Turkules.[View]
199169137This is what Jesus looked like.[View]
199172369Why are wypipox so obsessed with BBC?[View]
199172333whyt pipo seasoned they niggas[View]
1991718711. Your country 2. Have you ever done gay stuff with a really gorgeous twink boy in the backseat of…[View]
199161499>*poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke…[View]
199172192Americans pay $10 for an artificial 'meal' full of poison third worlders pay ¢50 for a healthy full …[View]
199172261Allergy to pork in Europe[View]
199171568It's the west's fault thah all of these are not real and the nations who want to achieve t…[View]
199168231/Dixie/ Southern US and friends: Sweet tea edition[View]
199166808i recently discover this 4chan website and seeing you all being racist to indians and saying we smel…[View]
199167836Tell me about Laos. I'm talking to a chick online from Laos. I don't know anything about t…[View]
199172154Who is your countrys Wierd Al Yankovich aka funny rapper? In my cunt its this guy[View]
199170348Breakfast. They'll give us AKMs today, but without bullets ofcourse. Looks like the training re…[View]
199171527'ew 'oss[View]
199169443indian immigration has been a disaster for canadian men[View]
199171535what are hoodlums like in your country?[View]
199154703>Low population density >Single houses >Clean air >Clean cold water >Forests >Moun…[View]
199163596Sverigetråden - Fuckyouninjaupplagan[View]
199169039>his country doesn't have menthol cigarettes >his country has a +100% tax on cigarettes …[View]
199169260/brit/: British sitcoms edition[View]
199171833Do you use tailor-made underwears in your country?: Sergio Cabral was governor of Rio de Janeiro, se…[View]
199171748why are nations/ethnicities who hate each other so obsessed about fucking it's each others wome…[View]
199171392>ayyy vato, i don't play with them Jews ese, nah foo, no mames, on María, nah homes, they be…[View]
199166131Why don't you /int/cels just man-up and date the single moms in your cunt?[View]
199171322I’m so fucking paranoid about STDs that I’d rather just masturbate to pictures of women than have se…[View]
199166745Birds are already singing[View]
199167519My country has accepted the light of Islam, but Japan is still stuck in the age of ignorance (jahili…[View]
199171534Is the competion for women fierce in your country?[View]
199171220Why does the CIA keep the Mexican man down?[View]
199171356History will be locked in a stalemate as long as blue does not collapse. When the global north colla…[View]
199131878/bharat/: feminism edition[View]
199171250Why are they like this?[View]
199170989>europoid and thirdie ameriboos who have a very basic knolwedge of soccer can come to america fre…[View]
199162283/deutsch/: Nachtschicht abgesagt und es bleibt /deutsch/[View]
199163011The bonnie and clyde of humanity[View]
199171306Is your country obsessed with Assassin Creed ?: In Japan people watch every news and every post scra…[View]
199171406Brazil...I KNEEL[View]
199171009Dua Lipa thread[View]
199171388Japan is OVER Turkey with erdoganomics will surpass them in a few years but weebchuds here will stil…[View]
199161893/polska/: edycja idealnego bmi[View]
199167320Yo bitch ass /int/ niggas, it's time for yet another /int/ernational GF thread. >How/where d…[View]
199165636CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW > wakes you up CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW[View]
199171199Riddle me this.: If you don't speak a language until you're fluent in it how do you ever b…[View]
199169444/bharat/: indiachan edition[View]
199168297Its dumb how people in America let abuse happen: Like the police can witness domestic violence but w…[View]
199170089Our national anthem was composed by a wmaf. I'm kind of disappointed.[View]
199169503In chile most people are white[View]
199170975Things We Are Thankful To America For: Post 'em.[View]
199170223>can't bite into it from the front because of the shape >try to hold it slightly sideways…[View]
199171078why are moroccans like this? does this happen in your country?[View]
199167564They're filming a Spanish Big Bang Theory version in Madrid[View]
199169641Asking western europeans, anyone else cringe when someone from an european shithole goes 'us europea…[View]
199171080How do foreigners look better than a large percentage of americans despite earning less money than a…[View]
199171027Do accidental circumcisions happen in your country?[View]
199170951What's been your experiences with North African girls in your country?[View]
199168792/korea/: Tfw when you're from the country of Hyundai/Kia, and the people(esp foids) require the…[View]
199170176do Cossacks still dress like this irl?[View]
199168186How is she rated in Norway?: Only in sheer terms of looks[View]
199167841schizo: Over[View]
199170401Travel Thread: Where did you visit Anons? >inb4 doxing thread Nope >inb4 where's the blan…[View]
199170436>New Zealand is mentioned >Its makes our national news and is heard on the radio for the next …[View]
199169719india rules the world[View]
199170498What's the traditional dress in your country?: do people still wear them?[View]
199161030ameriBVLLS sandwiching the little yurosissy in the middle, circa 2024'[View]
199169651are you really fucking old in your cunt[View]
199170791Sweden's international treasure[View]
199149223rate languages by their sound: https://tiermaker.com/create/language-learning-tier-list-16006566…[View]
199166525do you have an army in your cunt (cuntree (country)) ?[View]
199170590Okay, here's Gary Oldman.: But where's Gary Youngman?[View]
199158480The American entrepreneurial spirit is unmatched. Thirdies could never.[View]
199170457How good is the healthcare in your cunts? Here everyone is entitled to free healthcare, even foreign…[View]
199168631Dont go to/sp/, its a racist forum[View]
199155675In my opinion, Asian people will never find happiness in America. We are treated like second class c…[View]
199167099anyone else wish they had Japanese konbinis in their countries?[View]
199164250What is about these two countries that makes them naturally not like each other?[View]
199168883se acabo[View]
199170376>germany if it was an american state part 2 since no one believe me the first time proof: >bee…[View]
199167545/mena/-/شأشأ/: نادي منتصف الليل 3[View]
199167927LOL true tho[View]
199167630In the state of Arkansas there's a river said to house a mythical large monster fish which is d…[View]
199169993Thoughts on Thai girls in your country?[View]
199168262Are your criminals an absolute laughing stock in your country?[View]
199168203Give me sex now, /int/!!1[View]
199163102Hello sirs, where can I find girls that are like the top right? Thank you[View]
199168676Why do Asian people lust after mid white girl like this?[View]
199168905I feel a strong kinship with this region.[View]
199169774A god from your culture comes to Earth and gives you a time altering people eraser. It has a single …[View]
199169996/www/ - white women worship[View]
199168525What do people wear to the beach in your country? Is it normal for women to be topless?[View]
199169700The anglv man marches on[View]
199160181Seriously. Are there any full blooded Filipinos left? Let’s say 30 years from now when zoomers becom…[View]
199169415/wmaf/: White men have the duty and obligation to date/marry Asia women. They're trapped in an …[View]
199168475Is this considered wide hips in your country?: I'm 168cm, 70kg I can bench press 135lb and dead…[View]
199169927That ukrop anon was right. I've legit lost any healthy sense of reality and should be in a psyc…[View]
199169747I am an American who has never met a gypsy in my life... Are they really that bad?[View]
199169769>Blasting loud reggaeton at 4:00am in Bayamon, Puerto Rico[View]
199169631why does fucking a slavic woman feel like fucking an asian woman[View]
199166079Subnational HDI (2015): Kinda puts the world into perspective, don't you think?[View]
199169243The Great Debate[View]
199168584I heard this was the sex board, if so, can I have sex now?[View]
199166280I want to be american: Americans get smart asian immigrants European get dumb nigger immigrants it…[View]
199169502Thank you USA for 2007-2010 era R&B. It was the times with a lot of fun and joy. https://www.you…[View]
199169474Hard Pics: Post pics that go hard[View]
199169237Do you have Greenpeace in your cunt?[View]
199169213>25 >no wife >no house >not rich >no sports car >no millions >no yatch with hot…[View]
199165662/brit/: chebs edish[View]
199150467/ita/ - il filo: edizione Italia del decimo secolo[View]
199166193>This kills the European civilization[View]
199169246If your cunt can't produce drones, it's a 4th world hellhole. Anyone getting mad at this t…[View]
199164629Why does Brazil have so many gay men and shemales? What is their secret?[View]
199167746Random attacks, stabbings and mental breakdowns in China are escalating[View]
199168023Inventions of the white race >The entirety of modern civilization Inventions of the med race >…[View]
199168853Xaxaxaxaxaxaxa dumb phseks have no toilets))))))))))))))))))))[View]
199166729why r u guys so obsessed with ugly east asian girls when you have Aryan™ goddesses with blonde hair …[View]
199167572>our next Prime Minister unironically has a Latina wife (Venezuelan) Is your country becoming Lat…[View]
199167275Good night fren[View]
199168639i think i need to get out of my country in order to have sex but i don't have money and i'…[View]
199168419Found out today that I had a brain trauma 2 months ago It's literally over I am stupid forever …[View]
199156325/icy/ Insomniacs of Central Yurop and FRENS: Enjoy.[View]
199166883Well /int/? What's your excuse for not having kids and letting your people die?[View]
199165809Filipino-leaf girls when timmy's poor[View]
199168588do you watch anime in your country ?[View]
199166658Turkey is being invaded.[View]
199165386>Firsty I suffer, this place is a shithole >Thirdy My nation is great, just you all wait and s…[View]
199164451/cum/ - Canada US Mexico: Forecast edition Prev >>199157163[View]
199157422*Breathes in* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA[View]
199168452What phenotype is this supposed to be?[View]
199167736currently watching a k-drama about three poor sisters and their misadventures all three are cute how…[View]
199157519What do you listen to right now in your country?[View]
199167331>Asian man after spending 13 hours at work/cram school They're really easy to control aren…[View]
199165525What are generation gaps like in your country?[View]
199164151Do companies post fake jobs in your country?[View]
199167977>Oh my god, anon, I need to see you dance! Show me a dance from your country!! Your next move?…[View]
199167510how would you save the west in your country?[View]
199159989/bra/ - fio brasileiro: Edição Baitante Anterior: >>199132540[View]
199167793America don't have beache-[View]
199160643what do you know and what do you think about them?[View]
199165030Brazil working class dinner[View]
199167701Have you ever suffer this in you are a country or maybe state[View]
199166016>latinas hate white bois[View]
199155017idk guys These gypsy women might not be so bad after all[View]
199167620Wypipo be like >this weather is too spicy[View]
199166165Do you agree with pic related? What are the homeless like in your country?[View]
199167494I'm trying to sleep in the walmart parking lot but it's too humid in my cunt. can barely b…[View]
199164830Mr. Beast just built 100 homes in Argentina lmao. Why is everyone in Argentina indio?[View]
199164368why'd you name it that[View]
199167627Love this nigga like you wouldn't believe I wish he were our president, I admire him greatly an…[View]
199164266/brit/: Songs From The Big Chair edition[View]
199163133Life would be better if I was black[View]
199166793Do you pay the poor people tax in your country? >yes[View]
199166888>want to learn a second language >all the languages I am interested in are insanely difficult …[View]
199166839How do germs feel about historically losing out to Anglos? >similar languages >similar culture…[View]
199166994Uh oh.[View]
199166980I don't give a fuck[View]
199161257What conspiracy theories do countrymen believe in your countrey?[View]
199164603> the Persians called him father > the Babylonians called him liberator > the Jews called …[View]
199167227What does /int/ think about Esperanto (the international language)?[View]
199165188Do western whites hate East Asian men??: Do western whites (canada, america, australia, UK) hate Eas…[View]
199167153Leave Bharat alone (or else)[View]
199165604/brit/: Bald & Bankrupt edition[View]
199133114/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - /이스르/: מהדורת שבת[View]
199159452This is how Indians surround their most important monument? German tier[View]
199164410No matter what you do, no matter how aloof you act, no matter if your wife is ‘trad’ and religious, …[View]
199165850happens in your cunt tree?[View]
199166925>s-sucking up to the americans will not wor- Oh nonono! Lmao say that again? We won, like always…[View]
199166115Talk about america[View]
199161822Do grown men wear backpacks in you're country?[View]
199166890>Another tinder date >Another 2-3 hours trying to carry a convo >Another date realizing I h…[View]
199160526I'm an EFL (English as fourth language). Before I learned English I learned Norwegian, Danish, …[View]
199166901/Bharat/-Lungi Hero Edition[View]
199159254Why is Greek such a beautiful language? Every great word you hear in every day life seems to be a lo…[View]
199166576I hate living in a wet green place: I dream of steeping outside into an oven of barren hot rocks.…[View]
199166215Just saw a balding zoomer today Happens in ur country?[View]
199157796Are Homes Affordable in Your Country?[View]
199164562>Your country >did you have penis inspection day Sweden. No. But we did have ball inspection…[View]
199163636What vibes does this man's movements give you?[View]
199162869/brit/: What I eat in a day edition[View]
199166223PIC UNRELATED!: 15 past 2 in the morning. ~25°C inside with all the windows open Commie block in sou…[View]
199166701What do I do to look like this?[View]
199163331Brazilian working class snack.[View]
199166343Czechia need to stop producing so much porn. Nobody wants it. They either need to accept Jesus or re…[View]
199166665Reminder you would have no blockbusters without the hard dedicated work of Indians. So lets us famil…[View]
199162423How do i get a gf in ur country i really want a gf :([View]
199166593Is your country a idioarcy?: America was the first idioarcy[View]
199163490just spotted a Hijabi and brownie couple having SEX in the jungle, I hate this country where people …[View]
199135059/ukraïna/: Eдицiя Кoнaнa-Pyйнiвникa Пoпepeднiй: >>199102277[View]
199165549In 50 years the only white people left in North America will be Kentuckians and West Virginians and …[View]
199160620What does he say in your country?[View]
199162810Why are jews like this?: >find cool channel about esoteric stuff and medieval magic >its a jew…[View]
199162501Do women with these proportions exist in your country? Argentina No[View]
199165804Do people do this in your country?[View]
199160436>Exploding the myth that there was a forced Jewish exile in the first century at the hands of the…[View]
199165613are there beggars in your country?[View]
199164486Looking back i find it interesting how not even 2 years ago i didn't even have a foot fetish. H…[View]
199164687How often does it happen in your country?[View]
199156156>even my 13 year old nephew who was this weird annoying kid just a second ago, has a girlfriend …[View]
199162277What is there to do in America?[View]
199162647Does Germanic brotherhood actually exist? It always seemed to me that they all live separately and d…[View]
199165614/brit/: Saw keane at the Hammerstein Ballroom in 2005 edition https://youtu.be/rMt4XvwwTag?si=xNUB8…[View]
199164048What Country likes Dragon Ball Z more?[View]
199165536>Carp? >That's trash fish >inhales McDonald's…[View]
199161609Am a dyel in your country?[View]
199163674How come literally no one misses the British Empire?[View]
199164242Do you love Finland?[View]
199164889What happens here?[View]

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