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Do rich and powerful people enjoy McDo in your country ?
Do ALL Americans eat that shit?
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I haven't eaten McDonalds in years. I'm more of a chickfila and in-n-out enjoyer.
yes. it’s literally our biggest brand, we have to. same with how UK politicians namedrop Nandos or something
>don jr and the donald already done
>rfk about to eat
>elon is a poser who didn't even touch his shit
Most airports suck for food choices.
of course theyre all white males
>Elon Musk
>Trump drinking Fanta
And people will still claim he's not Hitler
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why do our elites have to have such taste
its either hyper satanic blood libel marque de sade stuff or boring McDonald worship
where the other fun larps ?
i thought RFK Jr. was a health freak?
is this the lolita express?
da deep south fellows
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their supporters have korean girl friends for some reason
(* ´艸`)クスクス
I need a Protestant Korean woman.
moonies the CIA korean christian cult IS protestant ;)
Perfect, I'll join the CIA too.
congrats. you finaly lose your virginity to korean hoe ;)
Why does RFK Jr look so swarthy?
Man looks darker than some latinos.
I thought the Kennedy's were like 100% Irish ancestry
because he's outside a lot I guess, not sure if he had a real job before.
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brits dont think they are white doe. whats wrong with you
wasnt the guy on the right supposed to fight junk food?
Apparently "junk food" is worse than that in some countries.
is that the guy who thinks fluoride in your drinking water is a communist plot?
Why do always trump gets mcdonalds?
>jfk jr.
>fight junk food
He's not against fast food, he literally called it part of American culture less than a month ago. His issue is with certain ingredients, mainly seed oils.
its a worldwide enterprise which might be bigger than walmart which rule the USA :)
This is the real reason behind the Sino-American conflict
Need some inspiration because I'm about to stop by McDonalds on the way home. What are Trump and Musk eating there? Musk seem to enjoy a burger(?), 10 Chicken Nuggets and fries. Trump two burgers(?), maybe one fish burger as the package is blue. Also fries.
High blood pressure.
According to Kushner Trump's favorite meal is "Big Mac, Filet-o-Fish, fries and a vanilla shake" which does appear to be what he's having (minus the shake).
RFK and Musk's boxes look like Quarter Pounders.
Not really hypocritical to want to regulate unhealthy food and still indulge in it
One of the biggest meta studies on fluoride found it has a neurotoxic effect and very little other benefit
Thanks anon, I order the Trump meal
Every American you interact with has some degree of mental illness or disability, based on how much slop they have consumed

he is LITERALLY african guys!!!
It's because he's seething from the fact that he has to take a photo with that slop called food
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McDonald's fries are terrible. The chicken nuggets are way better
it's hilarious how much trump loves macdonalds
>The chicken nuggets are way better
>guts + skin + bones turned into slopa
At least the fries are made with potatoes.
RFK Junior is such a strange looking guy. He really looks like he dropped straight out of the 1960s or sometihng.
swarthy irish phenotype exist from pre anglo invasions
what a psycho
He doesnt want to touch that shit, look the trumps are done and mollusk has already been picking at the fries. Humiliation ritual, as they say.
I actually like McDonalds. It is so sterile and homogeneous that it goes around to becoming good.
Their fries are goated and I like whatever new chicken burger they have in rotation. The new one is pretty bad vs the last one
The thing is that Mcdo Europe is not like mcdo usa.
And even between European countries there are differences. Here, our mcdo need to follow French rules. It's based on French meat, French wheat etc
French big mac is 100 times more healthy than American big mac
>It's based on French meat, French wheat etc
Illegal under EU law
unironically it's good for his image, shows he isn't some health nut who only eats activated almonds, he's just a guy who wants to maintain the american lifestyle but just remove all the unnecessary poisons
guy on the right is like "wish I was at home eating real food"
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I would hit some mc donalds rn, but the burgers got so small and patties so thin, it's not even worth it.
Bernie Sanders was based. Sadly he doesn't have what it takes to wrangle the tard public but he was both genuine and actually intelligent

Democrat party dumpstered him
whats the general view of trump in france?
filet o fish is based
Krabby patty meal from Wendy’s is superior
Anyone went to both countries and can tell me if the burgers at Mci in USA testes different/better than in Germany?
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Even chicken nugget is full French here
Trump and RFK Jr are both pretty orange, to be fair.
In western-Europe a decade ago McDonalds sold Chicken Sensation. It was a long sandwich with long chicken burger and honey mustard sauce.

I really miss it. Those replacements never felt the same
That's because McDonald's sources their chicken from France, not because of rules & regulations
i don't know i don't talk to anyone
the experts are scared and angry it seems
Americans will become millionaires and still eat mcdonalds. Talk about brand loyalty.
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Please come in France and taste our beef and do a review here
What is this burger? Is it good? I do not recognize it

If I come to France to taste it you better hope it is good
who's the guy on the left?
who are the 3 on the right
I went once to McDonalds in Paris and if I recall correctly it tasted the exact same like in Germany. But I was already full after eating at La Brigade over the street.

Only McDonalds where I could a difference was in Austria. Their meat of the burgers is so damn good.
Nobody seems to care that RFK Jr has a CIA handler
That's the skin old white people get when they love to tan
It's a bit like the big mac except for the sauce, sauce for the royal deluxe is based on Old-fashioned mustard (moutarde À l'ancienne)
You may not like it but France and Germany = same country these days.
I went twice in Germany and food was indeed the same
Mcjewberg will go out of business and we’ll all be slim and hot
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quick and tastes good, simple as
>tastes good
it's actual unironic slop
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Neither are relatable. Walz everyman schtick is super fake.
>Look at me I'm just like you I watch baseball and clean my gutters !
Tim Walz, Kamala's VP
if i was a billionaire i would buy mcdonald chips and kfc chicken and put them together!
I thought billionaires were supposed to be smart?
Rhetorical question, I know the answer already, but you don't.
Society seems to value them highly
I don't. Haven't had it in 20 years.
Could you imagine if Elon was actually eligible to run for president?
He's already made some big claims, wrote a lot of books, and already challenged things like high fructose corn syrup, seed oils, added sugars, and so on. It's his entire platform. Don't euros say that McDonald's in the US uses worse ingredients but in Europe it's by their standards. No one would care about fast food if they stopped using processed ingredients. I've been enjoying the recent health wave in the US, more people going to gym, more health schizos watching what they eat. Hope something good comes out of it.
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thats exactly how i feel about the buttermilk crispy chicken sandwich. The replacemrnts for it just arent the same

you don't need to go to the gym or cut the xenophylo guacomole ultra processed massage oils
just stop shoving food in your mouth
Come home Pierre
Cutting back on added sugars makes food less addictive. Excessive use of oils causes excess fat in food which also makes it more addictive. Both of these things are rare in nature. On average a person in the US consumes twice the amount of sugar as someone in Europe.
must be why he doesn't look very appetized
Don Jr. joked about that by posting the photo with "Make America Healthy Again starts tomorrow"
Why would anyone think adding a random chemical to water supply was a good idea in the first place?
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tons do but the quality of food and employees dropped a lot and costs kept going up so lots stopped going

they still raise their kids on shit like chicken nuggets and french fries tho
You terminally online retard its called getting a lot of sun
My dad worked construction for like 30 years and everyone he worked with looks the same
Elon really is the most awkward dude alive
They're all gorillionaires and it's a private jet. They could be drinking good booze and and eating whatever kind of food they desire.
Trump doesn't just eat McDo for PR, he actually loves that slop.
Your dad is a nigger
Yes. And it's based.
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there's nothing more american than goyslop desu
>working for a living is being a nigger now
KYS soft-handed cuck boy
>being brown isnt brown
It’s better in Europe
>working for a living is being a nigger now
Always has been my friend
McDonald's has been around since the 40s but Americans obesity only skyrocketed since the 90s
Yeah it's great.
You lack good taste
No way you're Japanese. Not even Euros know that. You're absolutely correct, after the introduction of ultraprocessed foods along with excessive use of oils and processed sugars the US went from being under 10% obesity to now pushing 40% in under 30 years. Boomers are a complete failure for letting this happen.
Wasn't RFK saying he was gonna change the type of oil McDonalds uses or some shit
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We don't have McDonald's in puzzia anymore. You can't have a happy meal here no matter how rich you are.

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